#the week of Thanksgiving I think?
seven-thewanderer · 1 year
Okay so since idk how much of today I'll be able to spend as a "final day before I'm gone for 2 whole months (and then return for just a week & disappear again" imma do some stuff I wanted to do later today
but instead early today
So firsty, since this is a very important part, I love all of you!!! Of course platonically, but I still love you all!! I feel like you guys have been there for me plenty while I was here, and all the friends I made I'm happy to have made them!! Sure, I lost some friends (kinda), and I'm sad about that, but I just hope those friends are having amazing times still!!! But still, to the friends I still have, and also to the followers (since I feel like I don't type it enough but it's still true:), I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!
And then the second thing (which isn't as important but I still wanna list it):
Since I'll be gone, if there's peeps who still wanna see my stuff, but there won't be an update to my blog since I'll be gone, here are some main tags that I use:
Random Post This tag is for when I just say stuff that's random, like this for example. So kinda little rambles from me, but they don't often have art with it
My Art This tag's more main than the Random Post tag (idk why I didn't do this one first), but it has all of my art, even from my first(?) ever post!! Though you could go all the way back, you don't really have to, as it has things like when I drew Sun & Moon as pokemon, my first ever drawings of my Sun & Moon Bug AU (which to me it did not look that good back then), my FNAF(SB) Parts & Service ocs (Known as Pax & Simon) who I never drew again (I will at some point trust me-), some old Sun & Moon designs, and even my old intro!! So it's kinda like a memory lane if you think about it, buuut it's a long lane so you don't have to XD
Random Reblog + Random Art Reblog These are my reblog tags!! One is mainly just for random reblogs, and the other is just for art reblogs, which can include drawings, paintings, music, and I'm pretty sure photography (i don't remember exactly what I reblogged but I'm pretty sure I reblogged photography at least once w/ the random art reblog tag). Again, these would be long scrolls, so you wouldn't have to go through all of em
Important Reblog + Important These tags are for important things, and things that either I find as helpful for others to know, things that I believe are important, things that aren't important but I've listed as important (which I think I've done that at least 3 times and I'm sorry), and things that others say are important so I just list em as important. That last one's the most common. Most of the time I'll tag things with both tags, but sometimes I tag things just with the important tag, and less commonly I'll reblog it with just the important reblog tag.
Now not as main tags:
Tag Game This one i don't know if I tag tag games as that oftenly, so if I do, then this tag'll lead to those I did tag as such.
Asks (+ Ask Game) This is for when I get asks (that's the asks tag), and also for when I see an ask game & hope to get asks for that (both the asks tag & ask game tag). However, I don't always get asks, or at least I don't get them as often as I see/assume others do, but there's 4 invisible ones in my inbox that I'm still sorry about not being able to see... (also I know I can just change what I said, but imma leave the last part & add that I actually have more asks than I thought I did, I just never looked at them all collectively before, so thanks to all of you that sent asks!! <3)
Sun & Moon AUs (+ that one SAMS AU) This tag is mainly for the Sun & Moon related AUs I have (one of which being a Sun and Moon Show AU if I'm not mistaken), but it includes ones like my Bug! AU (which was once just tagged as Bug AU), Slime! AU, Pastry! AU, Celestial Bard! AU, Lost! AU, Witch! AU, Celestial Inn! AU, Toyshop! AU, Celestial Tasks! AU (also called RPG! AU), Fortune Teller! AU, Unisatyr! AU, and specifically for the SAMS AU tag, Different! AU (which we do not talk about Different! AU cus I honestly forgot I even made it until just now XD)
Treats! AU This tag, which sadly didn't get too much stuff made for it, is a tag for a QSMP Au I randomly was doing, where everyone was a form of treat/snack. I wish I got more time on it, but for now there is a little bit of ideas sitting there for it
Clowns This tag should be avoided if you have a fear of clowns, but this is the tag for my clown ocs from a little circus I made up known as Bunzy's circus!! Of course Bunzy's the ring master, but there's more characters (who do not have names yet), who are a Clown Rat, a Clown Dog, a Clown Cat, a Clown Bear (who is a teddy bear), and a Clown Spider
My Ocs This tag is for ocs of mine. There's not really much to it, it's just my ocs.
Sona/Sonas These tags are for my different Sonas, like Seven (the main Sona of this blog), Silly, Tabby (who currently has been listed as dead), Chromey, Swii, Phon, and that Pirahna Plant sona I never got the chance to draw again (they never got a tag specific to them but they're known as Berry). There's technically another Sona, but they never got a tag on this blog, as they're the sona for my side blog, which I'll bring up later
rant this is a tag I prefer to forget, but it is a tag, so I will not ignore it. This is for the chance that I rant about something, which I don't like to rant about stuff that happens for me. So this could be a tag to avoid if yall want (there's only like... 4 posts? But still)
💖/<3 These tags are hard to follow, but these are tags for when I heart something a lot. It's like a show of affection. The <3 tag was more of a backup when I couldn't put the sparkle heart emojis, but now they both coexist. There's mainly more than one, but sometimes there's just 1 (idk how to work this one, so I guess just try & slightly up the amount of hearts to find other tags? idk sorry...)
Extra tags:
I'm not gonna link these ones, but these are tags that I've drawn stuff for, but aren't really special tags of mine, and this includes tags like:
FNAF (Five Night's at Freddy's)
AAF (Andy's Apple Farm)
Fandroid/Fandroid the Musical Robot
TWOMP (The World of Mr Plant)
Gen Loss (Generation Loss)
SAMS (Sun and Moon Show)
Roblox T2D/Roblox T2D DCO (Roblox Try to Die/Roblox Try to Die DCO)
Cookie Run
Sussy Schoolgrounds
Pokemon (+ Fakemon)
Now some of these I only did once (TWOMP, Diep.Io, Rainworld, Undertale, Roblox T2D, and Fakemon), but some got at least 2 or more (Fandroid, Deltarune, Pokemon, and Sussy Schoolgrounds got just 2 I think)
But yeah, I think that gets the tags outta the way now
Now as an extra thing to bring up, I do have a side blog, which is specifically for a lil thing I made/am working on...
...and it's about a little furry(?) species I made called Floserds!!
Please don't just go & follow the blog because it's my side blog, I mainly just want that blog to be followed if it's because someone's actually interested in that species idea I made.
But as a summary, it's a species of flower (and herb) cows called Floserds (Flos is latin for Flower, if im not mistaken, and the -erds part is just the word herds without the h), and most of the info I've worked on/am working on is on that blog
That blog's also run by my fursona, Chamomile, who is a Floserd!!
But yeah that blog's known as @floserd-theflowercows, and you could technically follow it, but only if you're actually interested in the concept, not just due to association
But yeah I guess this might be it, and if I get the chance to say goodbye before I have to go, then I'll say goodbye, let you guys know that I love you (which I do) (platonically), and then either link back to this post, or just copy + paste the important stuff
But yeah in case this post is really my goodbye (for now), then I love you all, I'll miss you, and I'll (assumably) see you guys again in November!!!!!
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lilybug-02 · 10 months
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Bribed with Chocolate. The way it should be.
Part 22 || First || Previous || Next
--Full Series--
More to come as this is a two-parter. But you know how I am with schedules.
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I think this was an equally possible reaction from Chara.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
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lt. columbo, LAPD
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vhvrs · 9 months
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ricks ill probably redraw when i feel less like i was hit by a brick
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Xin doodlies
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chubbyreaderchan · 1 year
Crawfish boil with the Sinclair boys.
Lester pulls up to the house early one morning with all that's needed, it's one of those hot humid days though. Everyone is trying to beat the heat while helping Lester with dinner.
Lester is the best at cooking between the three brothers. Bo is good but not as good as Lester and I just think Vincent doesn't remember to eat but he knows how to make things. Basics.
You would be helping in any way they'd ask. Doesn't matter who you are involved with, crawfish boil has all the Sinclairs which includes you doing something. Lester also probably has some other meats that Bo would take over the grilling of because he likes to play with the fire a bit.
If you aren't familiar with a crawfish boil Lester will excitedly tell you everything he knows and even lets you help him with it. If you are from the north he's trying to "help a Yankee/(or where ever you are from) fit in the South". He doesn't mean anything by it. Just likes to tease you, like families do.
It's like a holiday marathon of cooking for all of you. If you had a recipe you wanted to share they'd encourage you. Vincent might hover around you. Helping in any way that you ask. If he's enamoured with you, he's watching you so closely like he's trying to memorize what you look like in such a normal setting.
Vincent's also a fan of decorating the desserts but he finds frosting is more fiddly than wax is. It's still beautiful but he's never happy with it.
If Bo is going to have you help set up a white picnic table so you can eat outside. He knows you're strong but he still won't let you lift the tables alone. He knows he could easily do it himself but he wants a turn spending time with you and especially if he's with you romantically. He ends up setting it up himself and just talks to you about some bullshit that's on his mind.
It all ends with Bo and Lester putting the food out the classic way. You would be shocked, all three of the Sinclairs can eat. A lot. Even Vincent. They are southern boys who all do hard labor all day, they burn so many calories and they love a good feast.
If you've never had them Bo'll teach you how to eat them. If you are allergic or grossed out of course I think they would make sure you ate and were somewhere far from the food while doing their best to make you feel a part of it.
They'd tell happy stories of their childhood, all of which were when they were far from their parents for the most part. They like your weird stories too and laugh when you do. If you've known them a while Vincent would have his mask off and his hair mostly up.
The night would end with Lester goating you into catching lightning bugs with him. Bo would be chain smoking and Vincent would be watching the antics of his family.
It's a night that makes you forget the horrors these boys can be. They just seem so normal and that's why you'd stay with them. The good times were extremely good.
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iscariotapologist · 10 months
yesterday my therapist suggested i become a nun or otherwise live in a religious community (again) after i was bitching about capitalism and i mentioned this to my friend (who sees the same therapist) and she was like "what really! i would never have put you and nun in the same sentence" darling if you only knew
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brown-little-robin · 10 months
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my library habits are kind of like *walks in* *gets called a diminutive of my given name by the head librarian* *wanders around* *chats with the head librarian about local community events* *wanders aimlessly* *picks up several random books bc the covers look pretty* *goes to check out* *gets into a 20 minute conversation by a junior librarian who constantly swaps mine and my sister's names* *walks out* *dnfs half the books I got* anyway here's this week's random selections I'm gonna try
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didderd · 10 months
Why you so cool?
And how?
Tell me your secrets.
*holds a rubber duck at Tacs head*
Tell me or he's goin quackin!
Better yet!
*holds the Tourette squads hostage with rubber ducks. They just lay on the ground, being non-threatening.*
IDK! erm..
be a silly lil guy
have anxiety
draw skeletons
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wayfinderships · 11 months
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Thanksgiving break come sooner please-
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staryarn · 2 months
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Forgot to post this here
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yourbleedingh3art · 10 months
Hi tumblr
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no one asked bUT imma go off (affectionate) anyways. ahem:
edse (practicum): portfolio is completed, did portfolio presentation this morning, blog is updated, have all the rubrics... DONE
347: major identity essay? done. final “essay”? done. just gotta go to class tomorrow so we can meet for the final exam time slot and we are going to. talk about books. no more assignments, yay!
395: edtpa? DONE. reflection? DONE. self-evaluation for edtpa? DONE. now, all i have to do is edit edtpa and then submit it for like Official grading and not class grading
405: presentation? made and presented. revision portfolio and reflection? DONE (finished it like fifteen minutes ago lol)
444: giant research paper? DONE. reflection? done. presentation? DONE. just gotta go to the final exam period thursday to watch the rest of the presentations, but no more work for meeeeeeee
and then finally... 305... the only final i actually have left...
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laughingtale · 1 year
Also going to be mostly absent for the next week or so due to 추석 related reasons 👍
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