#the well-timed cash register sound is used multiple other times in the film but this is my favorite instance of it
marlenacantswim · 1 year
my favorite instances of diegetic sound effects being used for non-diegetic purposes in Hot Fuzz
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Rip Out Our Seams and Stitch Us Together
Chapter One Word count: 1.9k Warnings: Uhhh brief talk of race, some language.  Chapter summary: You’re a seamstress in dc, with a tiny but successful shop run by your and your spunky cashier. Today you get a visitor that is far out of your usual demographic.
tag list: @captainsamwlsn @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @readsalot73 @zeldasayer
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(yes that’s a marilyn monroe pic she’s a major look for Valerie alright.)
Many believed that the eyes were the window to the soul, your father disagreed with that. He believed the truth of somebody's character was in their hands. 
“Shows a lot about them, little bee.” your father showed his own hands to you, wrinkled and scarred with tiny nics from years of work as a tailor. You were nine at the time, just last week you had completed your first sundress! You spent your afternoons after school in the shop with your father, doing whatever he asked. “-If they're a hard worker or if they don’t do anything at all. These little fellas will show you just that.” He wiggled his fingers at you before poking at your stomach, causing you to burst into a fit of giggles.
Twenty five years later and his words still ring true. When you first meet somebody, you don’t look at their clothes, or their smile, or even their eyes. You look for their character in their hands. 
So the moment the tiny bell rang at your shop door, your eyes were taken away from the pinned gown in front of you and towards the lithe fingers wrapped around the door handle. 
Manicured nails painted a deep red, fingers daintily curled, skin unscarred and void of all blemishes. Absolutely perfect. 
Who would expect any less of Maxwell Lord’s wife?
Your only other employee, Cassandra, a sweet sixteen year old girl you hired to watch the register and sweep floors, squeaked. 
“Hello,” She lifted the sunglasses from her face and set them utop her blonde curls. Her eyes zeroed in on you with an analytical gaze. In comparison to her floor length  fur coat and satin blouse, you suddenly felt flushed in your ripped trousers and patterned button up. “Are you the owner?” She put such infliction on each word you couldn’t tell if she was judging your store or the fact that you owned it.
Either way you felt like you were supposed to be offended. 
“That I am.” 
She slid her coat off, looking at your coat rack with a wrinkled nose before finally setting it on the hook. She walked around your store, taking in the little knick-knacks that lined the counter and the racks of clothing with a judgmental eye. 
Her eyes flicked to Cassandra, who still stood behind the register with her jaw dropped open. 
Mrs.Lord smiled and tapped the underside of her chin and she snapped her mouth shut. 
“You made all of these yourself?” Her voice was smooth like silk, but had a sharp edge to it. You felt as if you were waiting to embarrass yourself in front of her. She took a white sundress into her hands, feeling the fabric between her fingers. 
“Most of them.” You answered. She froze and raised a sculpted brow.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Some of these are thrift store finds, just altered and restyled.” Her ruby lips bent into a frown, glaring at the dress she held with disappointment. 
“That one is an original though.”
She stared at the dress for a moment, face scrunched up in thought before she regained her cool composure and tossed it to you over her shoulder, which landed on your face. “Be a dear and hold that for me, would you?”
You didn’t get a chance to answer. By the time you lifted the lace that obscure your vision, she was already looking at another dress. You followed behind her. 
Why the hell not? You thought to yourself as she handed you a satin blouse. You didn’t have any other customers at the moment, and you aren't being met with for a design consultation for another three hours. 
Besides, how often is it that Valerie fucking Lord walks into your store like a frequent customer?
She continued to walk around your store, red heels echoing throughout as she stopped at certain dresses and tops (mostly those of silk or lace) to admire them, before either adding them to the growing pile in your arms, or setting them back on the rack with a sour look. The entire time she did, you wondered what it was that drew in her to your tiny shop. 
The woman before you had been a big deal since she was born. Before she was Valerie Lord, she was Valerie Ackkerman. Her father had been a Hollywood director in the fifties who married an up and coming actress hot to the scene. The couple dominated the big screen and became a loved pair to America, that is until her mother got a baby bump, got demoted to supporting roles for the rest of her career, and her father continued to go on and  make films many to this day still consider iconic. 
You considered most of them to be a racist and misogynist, but you suppose they were simply a product of their time. 
And a shitty director. 
Valerie Ackkerman became Dr.Ackkerman, psychiatrist with multiple books surrounding a vast majority of subjects that can affect one’s mental state. Such as greed, fame, and the lack of proper paternal figures to shape your childhood.
Which made her choice in marriage all the more ironic. 
Maxwell Lord the fourth was a man as American as apple pie and the corporate greed that came as a table side. He’d taken over his father’s company at the ripe age of sixteen at his passing, having been groomed for the position since he was a child. 
Maxwell Lord was known as a ruthless tycoon, a tech mogul who will smile wide in his commercials before making a grown man cry in his boardroom. His wife was just as feared as him and seeing her before you now, you perfectly understood why. She was prettier than sin itself and just as rich. Which begged the question…
Why in God’s name was she in your shop?
“How long have you been sewing?” A floor length skirt with a slit up the leg was tossed in your arms. 
“Since I can remember.” Her fingers ghosted along the hangers before plucking a pink slip dress off the rack and holding it up against her body. “My father was a tailor. He taught me everything he knew.” She turned to the mirror on the other side of the room and looked at her reflection while smoothing out the fabric of the dress. “When he passed away I took over the shop, but I basically ran it already.”
She chuckled, shaking her head as if your father's death had tickled her so. “Sounds like somebody I know.”  Mrs. Lord turned to you, the dress pressed against her body. “Thoughts?”
Your eyes roamed over her body as you tried to form sentences, but nothing came out in fear of saying the wrong thing in front of a woman so powerful, she could burn your shop to the ground with a single call to her husband. 
Beautiful. You wanted to say. And terrifying. 
“It suits you.” 
She turned back to the mirror, her eyes focused on your reflection instead of her own. She tilted her head to the side and hummed. You felt like you were on display, being examined, picked apart and analyzed by the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen in your life. 
“I know.”
When she walked past you to the register and you got a waft of her perfume, something sharp and citrusy, most likely belonging to a brand you wouldn’t dream of wearing. 
Cassandra rang her up in silence, nervously looking up from each item to the woman standing in front of her. Her hands trembled so bad you could see the fabric shake when she picked them up. 
You would have taken over for her, but  you were trying to ignore the burning sensation in your face at her judgmental gaze. You’d seen it all before, from women like her. Rich, white, beautiful, and privileged as all hell. You knew the way her eyes scanned your clothes, critiquing your curls, the cut of your jeans and the pattern of your button up that lay partially open against your chest. 
You wish you could say you were sick of it. But mostly? You just didn’t give a shit. 
Cassandra’s shaking hands dropped the bag into the floor before it reached Valarie’s, she looked about ready to cry before you stepped in. 
“Oh god I’m so-”
“It’s fine Cassie.” Her red lips snapped shut at your interjection and blase tone. 
You swiped the plastic bag and held it out to the woman with a neutral face.“Eighty-nine fifty.” You told her. She looked at you as if you had grown a second head. 
She must not be used to being treated like something other than royalty. 
But that look was replaced by a coy smile. She took the plastic bag full of clothes from your hands and handed you a thick wad of cash that was well over the amount she owed. Red, manicured nails trailing down your palm as she did. 
You suppressed a shudder. 
“You know-” She took the lace sundress out of her bag, thumb trailing along the seam. “-Your work is on par with some of the brands I wear.” You weren’t sure why the sight of her stroking something you made felt so damn intimate, but you felt like you needed to look away as if you were interrupting something.“-Maybe even better than them.”
Christ, you needed to get out more. 
“Well yeah.” You shrugged matter of factly and crossed your arms. “That’s because I’m driven by artist integrity. Not making some shoddy dress and slapping a fancy brand on it, in hopes that some trust fund baby will wear it to her next yacht party.”
The moment those words left your lips you realized you had said them to the wealthiest customer you ever had. 
Who laughed. 
Cassandra went pale as a sheet while you spoke, looking between you and the woman worth more than your entire store like she expected an explosion. 
Mrs. Lord smiled at you. “We’ll you're right about that. I have to agree.” Her hands ran down the side of the dress and stopped when she felt a fold in the white fabric. “Are these-”
“Pockets?” You grinned, like it was your greatest achievement. Honestly? It kind of was. “Sure are. Decently sized ones too, can fit your whole hand in and everything.” To prove your point, the heiress stuck her entire hand into the pocket and wiggled it with a laugh. 
“There’s still more room in it!” She sounded so in awe and excited, it reminded you of a child on Christmas. 
Her joy was infectious. 
“Every dress I make has pockets, it’s sort of like my signature.”
“Every dress?”
You drew an X over your heart. “Stitches guarantee.”
Mrs. Lord grinned. “You're certainly one of a kind miss...”
You told her your name, and she repeated it back. The way she said it made it sound like the brand name of a thousand dollar purse. 
“But you can call me stitches.” You said simply. “Everybody does.”
Cassandra looked at you with wide eyes, shocked that you went from accidentally insulting her to being chummy enough to share the silly nickname you got from customers. 
“Do they now?” She walked to the coat rack and slipped her jacket on. “Well tell me this, Stitches-” Mrs.Lord took the glasses off the top of her head and slid them over her eyes. “Do you do commission work?”
You blinked for a moment. “Well I do, but-”
She squealed and clapped her hands. “Oh perfect! We’ll be in touch then.”
“Wait-” You faltered, trying to run from behind the counter after her, but all you succeeded in doing was banging your hip against the corner. “Fuck! Who’s we?”
“Oh don’t you worry about that.” She opened the door and looked over her shoulder. “One more thing though, do you make suits as well?”
A/n:SHE’S HERE BABY WOOOOO. Iv’e been talking headcanons with @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa for like a week and a half now about this bad boy and im so excited to get the ball rolling! I love max and i love poly ships so HERE WE ARE Valerie lord owns my ass yall. Anyways please don’t feel shy to send me messages about these babes, asks, critiques or just come say hello! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list, i hope you all have a good and safe day <3
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yyxgin · 3 years
meteor garden is so problematic honestly my favourite part was when there was a meteor shower for 10 whole seconds somewhere mid 20’s episode. i forgot to mention she HAS a job she just like never went (on camera at least) she goes to uni that’s why she’s so broke too. it’s typical rich family pays off poor girl to leave her son alone but son is the one chasing the girl 🤡
HAJSJSKSKAKKA i got so much stuff from that album i didn’t realise how much i really got until i got a different album and i was like,, okay. i got a chan pc, double sided han pc, minho pc, changbin polaroid pc, changbin & minho film strip and a kind of pop out thing? of i.n. there’s an ot7 thing too but i figured everyone got that.
i recently watched... uh... into the dark? and it was in french and i didn’t even realise i wasn’t reading the subtitles i was like ~woah~
if you don’t mind me asking ~ what’s your part time job? only bc we can make conversation about it!! also i freaked out at my last job bc i thought i’d put down my details wrong as a lady at hq rang me to tell me they were having problems paying me 😰 i think the computer might’ve read my numbers wrong bc i write in cursive but like... i write more... how do i say... comic sans? for formal docs bc the computer can read my handwriting and people can read it too T-T we used to get told for exams to write really neatly bc if the examiners can’t read it they don’t mark it and we work solely off of essay writing here (or short answers no multiple choice bs) so i worried that i’d get stuck w the one examiner who couldn’t read my writing but the boy who’s handwriting looks like a spider ran across his book gets someone who can read it perfectly fine 😓 my ultimate fear tbh. i love the extra flourish i can add to envelopes just by writing all fancy-like.
YES YOLO!! i’m a libra so i’m the worst at decision making so when i do it’s impulsive and i have to say things like yolo to justify myself and then i’m gucci for the day.
yuta makes me so 😳🥵🤪😚😳😍🥵🤪 for every reason. i have a weakness for japanese men... my mind just goes into overdrive and i short circuit,, i’m afraid of watching shotaro content bc he’s just so 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and do i dare risk it?
personally, i enjoy russian roulette by rv but that’s very, pop-y of them. i like b sides by them more bc they carry a different sound to them. ice cream cake is good. and future!!! i like future bc i watched start-up tho 🤩 ladies night is a fun one and if i remember correctly time slip was good? i have a massive playlist with loads of artists so i need a refresher on rv as got7 and simon dominic have been in heavy rotation recently 😬
what did you do today? how did your interview go? (or am i too early?) wait i think i asked about it earlier oops 🙊 lots of love and positivity being sent your way ~ 🌻
and stop apologising about replying to asks late!!! 😐 i deliberately send asks bc you can take your time over them!! i really don’t mind how long you take!!!!!!!!!!!! 😙 ~ 🌻
you have like,,,,so much stuff ??? i wanna steal ????? i would literally do anything for that minho pc😔💔 i think the moment i buy my first album im literally gonna freak out from whoever i get 😩✋
i dont mind u asking !! my part time job is like,, working in this one shop called pepco, idk if you guys have it there lol. its like working behind the cash register and also helping with like,,restocking the shelves and stuff. i'm starting in june hhh lets hope i make some friends as well bc that lady said there are a few girls in my age starting at the same time so we can only hope haha. also i totally get you,,my handwriting changes like every year bc i get an identity crisis and change it lmaoo but people always tell me its really messy and sometimes unreadable😔
YOU ARE A LIBRA ?? I AM IN LOVE W YOU my moon is in libra so decision making isnt my best quality either but the aries sun in me just says fuck it 90% of the time so i'm good.
SHOTARO IS THE LOML HE IS SO 🥺🥺🥺🥺 but also his predebut tiktoks,,,,,much thoughts. yes. his instagram is the best thing that's ever happened to me, like yes get it king 😩
oooh i love russian rulette !! 🤩🤩 i am also a fan of ice cream cake but i dont know the other ones you mentioned, i'll have to give them a listen 😎
i didnt reply yesterday because i was out the whole day with my best friend and when i came home i had a glass of wine and got really sleepy💔and today i just cleaned my room and i'm about to water my plants lets hope i dont forget after finishing this reply,,,my interview went good hhh thanks !!! how has your day been ? ❤
sending u love !! <3
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cb-143 · 4 years
Love and a Piece of Cake - Felix x fem Reader
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a/n: this was written for my good friend, which doesn’t mean that any character is based off her, but simply that I wanted her to read and enjoy some quality Felix fluff. w.c.: ~4k warnings: fluff, so nothing c: but this is somewhat a coffee-shop au hhh
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The tablecloth in her hands was of a white, very soft cotton. She stared at it, at the flowery pattern which decorated its surface.
It was the first week of the new year. In just a few months, they'd be celebrating their fifth anniversary – and he had gotten her a tablecloth for Christmas.
Naturally, she pretended to like it. It was not a case of her not liking it. It was indeed quite pretty. However, after so many years, was a tablecloth really all that he could find?
He hadn't put much care into choosing this present, much less any thought.
These days, Omar only watched TV and barely lend her any of his attention.
Y/N's hands fell down to her lap. Her legs had begun to hurt from the stiff position of her kneeling on the ground, but she was so immersed in the realisation of her failing marriage and love, she simply failed to notice.
"I'll be going out for a bit." She announced, stretched after standing up straight. Like a little puppy, she shook the ache out of her legs.
"Bring me some crisps on your way. We're nearly out." Omar asked of her. Y/N put on her coat.
The cold air rushed to her cheeks the second she stepped outside. She greatly welcomed it. Though she hadn't felt much warmth recently, this paining, sudden rush of cold was different and much needed.
Y/N looked left and then right. Which way should she go? It had been quite some time since she'd last taken a walk. She took out her phone to check the time and put on some music. At quarter to four, she pressed play on a slow, indie song and began to move.
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She walked by trees that had grown a lot and houses that looked different since she'd last paid any attention to them. Her good friend used to live only five minutes away. Perhaps she could visit them? When did they lose contact?
As she crossed the street at a random street corner, memories filled her of the songs she was listening to. Just a few years ago, before her wedding, before their child, she'd always listen to this song – together with her neighbourhood friend and the smile that she seemed to have lost.
Walking along, she traced the brown brick wall to her left, as she always did. It had always been an ugly, run down wall. Something that made the entire town she called a home ugly, small, unattractive.
However, right this moment, more so than ever, this wall felt familiar, its cracks all the more charming. Her little town appeared to flow in all its detailed memories she'd made there.
Right by the end of the wall, where there used to be path to go down and enter the park, there now lay a small, new little shop. Omar always drove along this road to get to work. He never once mentioned it. Perhaps out of his hatred for her home town.
YN went to check it out.
Upon entering the shop, YN found herself in a café – one taken straight from a feel good novel, or a cheesy romantic film. A bell rang above her head as she opened it. Along with that sound came a hug of warmth from inside the shop.
It wasn't too warm, though meant to keep the people inside cosy and comfortable.
The café was a fairly small one. There was a counter to look at the different cakes, muffins, other baked goods. Next to that, it connected with a small shelf and a cash register on top. Behind that was the 'bar' with a very big, black coffee maker, other equipment for tea, and multiple beverages in glass bottles.
On a second glance, YN noticed that there wasn't just that one table on the left by the window, looking out to the wall, but two more in the open of the room. As well as that, a flight of stairs to the right of her lead to a handful of more tables.
The café was not as modern as the white, well-kept outside let her to believe. There were old oriental looking rugs on the floor, vases on the shelf and the windowsill. The furniture, too, was made of the same dark wood you'd find in your grandparent's house.
YN walked up to the before mentioned counter. There were croissants, cookies, pretzels, all kinds of buns – and of course, the cake.  All the cakes looked lovely. YN could see that they had each been made with care, attention to detail, and love.
There was one which YN was particularly drawn to, it looked chocolatey and sweet.
When she looked back up, she met the big, dark eyes of another woman. The woman was smiling; her hair was a wild, big ball of very pretty black curls. YN thought she looked very kind and instantaneously took a liking to the woman with the frizzy hair.
“Hey there,” the woman spoke with a bubbly, yet also gentle tone, “My name's Cherry Redgrave. Welcome to my little bakery.
“Hello, Cherry.” YN said, “This is such a lovely bakery.”
“Are you new here?” Cherry asked her, “I haven't seen you around before.” YN shook her head.
“I've lived here all my life. My name is YN. I suppose I just don't get to go out a lot.” She let out a nervous, shy chuckle. YN herself regretted that she lost so much of what her life used to be.
Cherry was about to answer when a boy came out up to the two of them – Y/N didn't notice him approach – and joined Cherry behind the counter.
“Can you make a parfait? Mrs Nicholson wants her usual.” As he spoke, Y/N had time to take a closer look at him. He looked a few good years younger than Cherry, his hair was dyed an orangey colour and there were freckles all across the space of his eyes. Just like Cherry, this boy had dark and very pretty eyes.  However, his were rather almond shaped and, judging by his Australian accent, he wasn't originally from this region. “I'll take care of this customer.” he finished and Cherry disappeared behind doors which Y/N noticed only now. When Y/N looked back at the boy, he was already looking back at her.
“I'm Felix. I heard your name is Y/N? I really like it.” Felix smiled, a smile that nearly blinded Y/N.  
“Th-thank you.” She answered quietly.
“So, Y/N, what can I get you? If I had to recommend anything I'd go with the chocolate cake – it's my favourite.”
“That's exactly what I was going to go for.” Y/N admitted. Her answer caused a sparkle in Felix's eyes. Y/N thought it came from her reply, though she wasn't sure. His eyes seemed to naturally carry a happy glow with them. It drew Y/N in – it made her want to look him in the eyes whenever he spoke to her.
“An excellent choice.” While Felix was preparing the cake (along with a generous amount of whipped cream), Y/N also asked for a coffee. Felix brought both to the empty table by the window and surprised Y/N by sitting down together with her. Only then did she see the second for in his hand.
“Forgive me for my intrusion, but,” Felix began as he pushed the coffee cup towards her. Next to the vase on the table stood the sugar and creamer, ready for her to make use of, “I'm curious. How does someone live here, for years, and go unnoticed, in a city as small as this?”
Y/N closed her hand around the sugar-cup. As she poured one, then two spoonfuls of sugar into her coffee-cup, she tried to formulate an answer.
“After I married, I didn't find the time to go out anymore.” She answered truthfully, though short. For some reason, she felt that she could trust Felix with the story of her life – something within his eyes told her that he was alright. “I gave up my job when we had a child – surprisingly, I had even less time for myself, then. I gave up everything for the household and the baby.” Felix's eyes were searching for hers, though by now she was staring deeply into her cup. She asked herself, now, when and why it all changed so drastically.
Felix listened to her well, he understood, and felt what she felt.
“And your husband,” he began, but was interrupted by Y/N.
“He doesn't seem to care. These days, I'm lucky if he does so much as look at me.” she scoffed.
“I'm very sorry to hear that, Y/N.” Felix said, “I'm sorry he doesn't appreciate you for everything you do.” He paused for a moment, his gaze drifting over the nicely decorated table. She gave up her life for her husband and this is how he treats her? “All I can say is that you're always very welcome here. Both Cherry and I, we love to interact with the town's citizens – get to know the new ones. This is a safe place, for them and for us.” Y/N looked around the room. She had noticed upon entering that this café was far from normal. Looking at the other customers there, an elderly lady bantering happily with Cherry, a mother and her two little children by another table. The atmosphere was friendly, everyone seemed to connect. Y/N felt out of place. Shuffling in her seat, she reached for her fork on the table.
“If you want to, we can chat more later, after you're done?” Felix offered. He sensed that Y/N felt overwhelmed, even slightly uncomfortable.
Y/N separated the first bite of cake with the side of her fork, but then she hesitated. She weighed out her options – would it make Felix uncomfortable to sit with her? Wouldn't she look out of place rejecting his kindness?
“I'm not sure I can eat all this cake alone..” Her voice sounded fragile, more unsure and even fake than she had anticipated. When did she become this weak?
“In that case, I'd love to stay and help you out.”
Felix and Y/N ate the – very chocolatey, as Felix had promised – piece of cake together. It was an experience filled with a comforting silence, little bits of conversation here and there, as they told each other about their lives.
It was an hour later; Y/N had waited for the end of Felix's shift. He had briefly exchanged 'hello's with the next worker. His name was Jisung and it appeared that Felix got along very well with him, as he did with everyone else. Y/N didn't talk much to Jisung, it was the time after work for most office workers, and so the café filled up quite quickly.
Felix and Y/N went outside then; Felix had offered to walk her home and after just a tad bit of discussion, she accepted his offer. It was mostly dark outside now, the street lamps already having been turned on. Y/N found the town to look absolutely wonderful at this time of the day. She reminisced about the times that she sneaked out with her friends as a teenager.
The big, charmingly ugly wall was now accented beautifully by the gentle,yellow glow of the street lamp. As they walked past, Y/N's gaze kept wandering to the wall and to the memories.
“Oh,” Felix stopped, his eyes were directed upon the sky, his plumb lips stretched into a smile that showed off his white teeth, “It's gonna snow.” Y/N followed where he was looking. The sky looked blue and slightly too bright for this time of the day, during winter, but she didn't see any snow. Felix must have sensed her doubts, as his next words were a cheeky, yet mysterious: “Trust me.”
They marched on.
“I haven't been here as long as you,” Felix spoke calmly, “but I've loved this little town ever since I came here. It's small, there's not a lot to do. No clubs, or theme parks, or anything. It's such a beautiful town though, even if it isn't obvious. The people I've met are all kind, we have local shops with honest and sincere people leading them.” Y/N looked at Felix very briefly – she had a habit to trip over nothing – but she wanted to look at him, listen to him intently.
“I know that not everyone thinks this way, more so people my age. I just find beauty in all sorts of things.” Felix continued. Y/N stayed silent to listen to him pouring out his thoughts. “It keeps me happy, it makes this world a better place... It's really not that I'm trying to make it nice. I just try to keep a positive mindset, and the pretty things come to me, just like that. They find me and I embrace them, just like you earlier.”
Y/N tried to swallow, but felt her throat closing up. His words moved her, she felt empathetic and understood how he felt.
She used to think similarly when she was his age... when, and how, did the negativity enter her life?
“However,” Felix spoke again and she realised that she had failed to give him an answer, “I know very well that not all things in life are great. I've seen bad things, I saw trouble and I know how hard some people have it.”
“Whether someone experiences hate, neglect, love – people aren't easy to understand, we influence each other even without knowing.” Felix explained himself. “Your words, even if said lightly, can affect and hurt another person a lot.” Y/N nodded.
“I wish I'd known that sooner...” He paused for a moment, in which Y/N grabbed his hand. She squeezed it. It was a reassuring gesture that came naturally to her. How odd, she thought, with Felix, everything seemed familiar, trustworthy, came natural.
“It might mean that it's not necessarily out of the person's own volition to hurt you. But it means, more so than that, that sometimes, you have to use your own words, too. Not to hurt them, but to let them know that you are hurt. Make yourself heard.” His words resonated within her. She failed to reply once more. His honesty, the way he cared and felt for her after only a few hours, the way they seemed to understand and read each other easily... Y/N felt stunned. It was the magic of this place, or no, the magic that Felix brought along with him. Felix brought back all the memories of the good times to her; he empowered her to get it back, to get her life back together.
“Often times, I wouldn't speak up. I was so scared of conflict, scared to ruin it all, you know? I thought if I just put up with it, maybe it'd get solved on its own. But it didn't... and now I regret it.” Felix stopped once more, at a moment they stood perfectly below a street lamp. His eyes were clearer, glowing. “Y/N,” his small, petite hand grabbed hers – the one that wasn't already intertwined with his. She noticed now, how soft they were, compared to her own ones. Hers were so rough from taking care of various chores and the acidic cleaning products she's had to use. “Please, speak up – stand up for yourself. You might not be ready for it yet – but now, you have me. I am your friend, I'll support you, always. Cherry, too. Y/N, everyone in this town would support you and acknowledge you.”
Her eyes burned, as if tiny papercuts were all over them as Felix's face became blurrier. Her heart felt heavy. Felix was right, she realised, she had to take action. It felt difficult, she wasn't sure how Omar would react. Yet when she searched in Felix's eyes, all she found was support and determination.
So starved of proper love and contact, Felix's closeness, his warmth, they felt sudden, yet so familiar. She was scared, but her knees felt weak, as she wanted to give into him.
The sob that was approaching was knocked out of her when Felix hugged her. Y/N blinked and the tears rolled down her cheeks. With her vision clear, she could see small, white stars fall from the sky.
By the time they arrived at the front door of her house, the snow was falling more evenly and frequent. A small, thin layer covered the ground, all the way up to the “welcome” matt under her boots, which now felt anything but welcoming.
She took in the sight of Felix, the snowflakes in his dyed hair, the warm, friendly smile, and then, she understood how he was able to sense the snow. She stared at, and connected Felix's own little snowflakes that decorated his face and made him who he was.
“Thank you for today.” Y/N said. The keys in her hands, though icy, felt hot and way too heavy. She didn't want to go inside, to meet Omar. The child was probably sleeping by now and she feared to be alone. She didn't want to let go of Felix.
“You're always welcome to come by again.” Felix said. One last time, they hugged. This hug had less of an impact as the previous one did. However, it felt just as sincere and warm.
All of Felix did, she thought, as she watched him walk away from her. Y/N stood there, below the falling snow, until she could see him no more.
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: Guardians Of The Galaxy
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews As We Continue Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
By Talking About The Guardians Of The Galaxy...
And I Have To Admit Before This Movie Came Out I Knew Who The Guardians Of The Galaxy Were As I Saw Them In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Animated Series The Possibility Of Me Wanting To See Them In A Movie Wasn't Too Bright But I Still Wasn't With Everyone Else Who At The Time Believed It Was Going To Bomb
So, When Trailers Came Out, I Was Excited To See The Film So I Eventually Saw It...
The Film Is About A Ravager Named Peter Quill (Played By Chris Pratt) Who Goes By Star Lord Who Forms An Uneasy Alliance With The Daughter Of Thanos, Gamora (Played By Zoe Saldana) A Green Warrior Who Seeks Revenge Named Drax (Played By Dave Batista) A Wisecracking Raccoon Named Rocket (Voiced By Bradley Cooper) And A Walking Tree Named Groot (Voiced By Vin Diesel) Who Go On The Run After Stealing A Powerful Artifact...
Will They Manage To Get Rid Of This Artifact Before Ronan The Accuser (Played By Lee Pace) And The Other Daughter Of Thanos, Nebula (Played By Karen Gillian) Find Them?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Guardians Of The Galaxy..
The Film Starts On Earth In 1988, As A Young Peter Quill Is At A Hospital Where His Mom Is Dying From A Tumor In Her Head...
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Yes, It Is Arnold So Shut Up...
Anyway, With His Mother Not Having Much Time Left, His Uncle (I Guess?) Played By James Gunn And Joss Whedon Regular Gregg Henry Brings Peter In To Say Goodbye To His Mom, But Not Wanting To Say Goodbye To His Mom, Peter Runs Out Of The Hospital Only To Be Abducted By Aliens...
Only To Time Jump 26 Years Later To The Planet Morag, Where A Now Grown Up Peter (Played By Chris Pratt) Who Goes By Star-Lord Arrives On His Ship The Milano (Named After Alyssa Milano)...
Well, At Least It Isn't Named After Rose McGowan...
To Get An Item On The Planet Which Leads To One The Best Scenes In This Movie...
The Opening Credits...
And By God, This Scene Is Just Fantastic Despite Them Ruining It In Avengers Endgame...
(Start At 0:26, End At 0:40)
You See What You've Done, Russo Brothers! You've Made The Fanboys Cry! It's Okay, This Scene Is Awesome....Shh...
Eventually Finding And Geting What He's Looking For, Star-Lord Is Soon Confronted By One Of Ronan The Accuser's Warriors Korath The Pursuer Who Wants What He's Got But He's Like Screw This And Decides To Fight Them...
(Start At 1:00, End At 2:50)
Being Contacted By His Boss, Yondu (Played By Another James Gunn Regular Michael Rooker) He Asks Quill Where He Is But He Decides Not To Tell Him That And Says That He's Keeping The Orb For Himself Which Leads Yondu To Put A Bounty Out On Quill While Worrying About Who Else Wanted The Orb...
Which Leads To The Introduction Of The Big Bad Of The Film, Ronan The Accuser (Played By Ned The Piemaker) On Board His Ship, The Dark Aster. Who Decides Not To Abide By The Treaty His People, The Kree Have Signed With The Xandarians Of Xandar Recently Because He Believes Their Culture To Be A Disease Upon The Galaxy...
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And They Killed His Family So Many Years Ago...
Well, That Might Be A Good Reason To Want To Kill Them...
With Korath Returning, He Tells Ronan About Star-Lord And Says That He's On His Way To Xandar To Give It To Someone Called The Broker, Wanting To Retrieve The Orb To Give It To Thanos So He Can Wipe Out Xandar In Repayment For His Services, Ronan Sends One Of Thanos' Daughters, Gamora (Played By Lieutenant Uhura) To Retrieve It For Him From Star Lord On Xandar...
Cutting To Xandar We Get Our Stan Lee Cameo When Rocket (Played By Faceman) And Groot (Played By Dominic Torretto) Look For Potential Targets To Get Money For...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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Eventually Star Lord, Rocket Sees How Much He's Worth And Turns Out...
It's Alot So They Decide To Go After Him...
Taking The Orb To The Broker In His Shop, Star-Lord Mentions That Ronan Was After It Which Forces The Broker To Say No Thank You To The Orb And Tells Star Lord To Get Out As He's Afraid For His Life...
Running Into Gamora, She Steals The Orb From Star Lord Which Leads To A Fight Between The Two But When Rocket And Groot Get Involved Someone Calls In The Nova Corp Led By Mr. Cellophane Himself, John C. Riley And They Arrest All 4 Of Them...
Back At Nova Corp HQ, Nova Prime, Played By Cruella De Vil Tries To Get The Kree To Work With Them In Stopping Ronan But They're Too Busy Trying To Find Captain Marvel And The Skrulls To Give A Shit...
Meanwhile, Downstairs Riley Who Actually Plays A Character Named Dey Shows His Boss, The Tick, Star Lord And The Others And He Decides To Send Them To A High Security Prison Called The Kyln...
Given Prison Garb, They're All Mixed In With All The Other Prisoners, One Of Them Being Voiced By Nathan Fillion...
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Seriously!?! You Have The Most Badass Browncoat In The Verse And You Only Use Him For A Voice Over Character?!? Screw You, Marvel, Screw You!
Being Taken That Night By Prisoners Who Have Lost Their Families To Either Ronan Or Thanos, They're Stopped By Drax The Destroyer (Played By Dave Batista) Who Wants To Kill Gamora Himself In Revenge For Ronan Killing His Family Despite Gamora Saying Earlier That She Wasn't Getting The Orb For Ronan But For A Third Party Seller...
Not Believing Gamora, Star Lord Intervenes To Say That Because She's Betraying Ronan It's Most Likely That Ronan Will Come Get Her Eventually Which Will Give Drax The Opportunity To Kill Him, So Knowing Star-Lord Is Right He Lets Her Go...
Taking Her Back To Her Cell, Star Lord Wants In On Gamora's Deal Despite Rocket Wanting To Take Star Lord To Yondu After They Escape But After Hearing Gamora's Buyer Is Paying More For The Orb Than Yondu Is For Star Lord, Rocket And Groot Are In...
Summoned By Thanos When They Discover Gamora Had Her Own Plans, Ronan Explains To Thanos What Has Happened Despite The Other Not Helping The Situation So Ronan Kills Him...
Bored By Ronan's Words, Thanos Just Says That He Will Honor The Agreement He Made If Ronan Brings Him The Orb If Not...Well I Think You Know What Will Happen...
Coming Up With An Escape Plan, Which Includes One Of The Security Guards Bands, A Prisoner's Prosthetic Leg And A Quarnyx Battery By The Control Tower, Groot Gets It For Them Which Forces Them To Place Their Plan Into Action Now...
(Start At 0:30)
Asking For The Coordinates For Her Buyer, Gamora Says That They're Going The Right Way And That She'll Contact Him While Back At The Kyln, Ronan, Thanos' Other Daughter, Nebula (Played By Ruby Roundhouse) And Some Of His Soldiers Invade To Find Out Where Gamora And The Orb Went To No Avail...
Back On Xandar, Yondu Discovers Through The Broker What Is In The Orb And Who His Buyer Is And It Turns Out That It's The Collector (Played By DJ The Codebreaker)...
But Wait A Minute...
Doesn't The Collector Have The Aether? And Didn't Volstagg Say In Thor: The Dark World Say That Having 2 Infinity Stones In One Place Is A Bad Idea?
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Arriving At The Place Where The Collector Is Dubbed Knowhere, The Team Gets Drinks And Has Some Fun While Waiting For The Collector...
Going Outside To Talk With Gamora, It Leads To A Bit Of A Romantic Scene With Her And Star Lord, Until Gamora Backs Away Believing That Star Lord Is Pulling A Human Trick On Her. But Hearing Noise Inside, They Go In To See Drax, Rocket And Groot Having A Drunken Fight With Each Other...
Luckily Before They Kill Each Other, The Collector's Assistant Comes In To Get Them For Her Master...
Entering The Collector's Wherehouse, They See Some Of The Things He's Collected Including Cosmo The Space Dog Before The Team Is Introduced To The Collector Himself...
Opening The Orb, It Is Revealed To Be An Infinity Stone Which Leads The Collector To Tell The Team About How After The Big Bang, Six Infinity Stones Were Created And Wielded By Beings With Extraordinary Strength Though The Energy From Said Stones Eventually Wiped Them All Out...
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Not Hearing That Whole Infinity Stone Speech Apparently, The Collector's Assistant Takes The Stone And Basically Destroys His Entire Collection, Which Forces The Team To Take The Stone Elsewhere With Gamora And Star-Lord Suggesting The Nova Corp...
But While Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket And Groot Were Dealing With The Collector, Drax Had Someone Call Ronan And His Forces So He Could Get His Revenge...
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(Start At 0:54)
With Ronan Defeating Drax And Getting The Stone Along With Nebula Destroying Gamora's Spacecraft, Star Lord Calls Yondu's Ship To Pick Them Up As He Goes Out To Save Gamora By Giving Her His Oxygen Mask...
Luckily (Unlike Yondu Himself) Star Lord And Gamora Are Saved By Yondu Before Star Lord Can Die...
Groot Saves Drax Who Was Mostly Dead (And As We All Know There's A Difference Between Mostly Dead And All Dead) Admits He Was A Fool For Calling Ronan Blaming It On The Grief And Anger Over The Loss Of His Family...
As Rocket Arrives To Get Groot So They Can Get As Far Away As They Can From Ronan And His Forces Before They Wipe Out Xandar And Possibly The Entire Galaxy, But Groot Wants To Stay And Save His New Friends Along With Drax To Rocket's Dismay...
Meanwhile On The Dark Aster, After Discovering What Thanos Wanted, Ronan Betrays Thanos And Takes The Stone For Himself To Use To Destroy Xandar And Once He Is Done, Destroy Thanos Himself With Nebula By Ronan's Side...
On-Board Yondu's Ravager Ship, Star Lord And Gamora Manage To Make A Deal With Yondu And His Ravagers To Help Them Take Down Ronan In Exchange For The Stone To Which Yondu Agrees Despite Rocket And The Others Trying To Save Star Lord And Gamora...
The Team Argues While Coming Up With A Plan But Star Lord Eventually Gives Everyone A Reason "To Give A Shit And Not Run Away" Which Gets Them To Stand By Him...
So, The New Plan Is That Rocket Will Lead A Team That Will Blow A Hole Into The Dark Aster's Starboard Hull So The Milano And Yondu's Craft Can Enter The Ship. After That Gamora Will Deactivate A Impenetrable Shield To The Main Deck Where Ronan Is So Star Lord Can Use The Rocket's Hadron Enforcer To Kill Ronan...
They Give The Ravagers Containment Cases For The Stone While Star Lord Contacts Dey From The Nova Corp To Try To Get Them To Help Them Save Xandar...
With Everyone On The Team Except Groot Surviving (For Now) They're Surprised To See Ronan Survived As Well. About To Wipe Xandar Out, Star Lord Pulls A Last Ditch Effort Of A Dance Off To Distract Ronan While Rocket Prepares To Fire The Hadron Enforcer At Ronan...
Firing It At Ronan's Hammer, Rocket Destroys It So Star Lord Can Get The Stone, Unable To Handle The Energy The Team Takes Each Others Hands To Take A Piece Of The Energy For Themselves...
Using The Power Of The Stone To Wipe Ronan Out, Star Lord Places The Stone In One Of The Containers Only To Give It To Yondu Despite Begging Him To Reconsider...
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Yep, Star Lord Gives Yondu A Fake And Gives The Real Stone To The Nova Corp, Who Discover That Star Lord's Mother Is An Earthling But His Father Is Something Else Entirely While Drax Decides Ronan Was Just A Puppet And That It's Really Thanos He Needs To Kill...
Also For Helping Them With Ronan The Nova Corp Gives The Team A New Ship Along With Clean Criminal Records, Oh And We Discover Groot's Alive...
As The Guardians Fly Off On Another Adventure Which Leads To The Mid Credit Scene Of The Movie With...
Dancing Groot...
And What Can I Say About This Scene? You've Heard About It, You Love It, Who Doesn't? It's Cute And Funny Period....
After The Credits Role We Get A End Credits Scene Back At The Collector's Wherehouse Where We Get A Cameo From Howard The Duck (Voiced By Seth Green)
And That's Guardians Of The Galaxy And What Can I Say About It Except It's One Of The MCU'S Best...
The Story Is Fantastic, The Characters Are Well Written, The Effects Are Awesome And I Honestly Have No Complaints For This Movie Whatsoever And I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke And Next Week We're Looking At Age Of Ultron!
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peculiarbob · 5 years
Desolate Souls and Broken Minds
Chapter 7: Puzzle Pieces
Warnings: Mentions of blood, gore, murder, and death. (If there’s anymore please tell me)
Side note: It’s been a while, I hope I didn’t mess up on anything. Enjoy!
Word count: 2703
Summary: After a heart warming reunion with Brian, strange things quickly begin happening. On top of all this, Sam, Dean, and Castiel return. Though pissed off, they all agree to help each other out. Everything goes downhill after that.
Breakfast with Brian was nice, he even gave me one of his shirts and a pair of pants because the one I was wearing was soaked in blood. Whoops. The outfit was a bit tight but it didn’t matter, he told me we had to go clothes shopping right away. Yay. I don’t really like going clothes shopping, but I don’t really have a choice. Brian, of course, had to look stunning when we went out. I have two questions; one, why do we have to head out of state? And two, why does he have makeup on hand to cover up his black eye?
“I just wanna  take a break from all of this mess. It’s driving me crazier than I already am. Also is there a rule that I can’t have makeup? No.” I forgot that he owned makeup even in college. This shouldn’t have been anything new to me.
We finally arrive at the mall and I immediately feel uncomfortable. There are so many people here. I take a couple pills and shift in my seat as Brian fails at parking. As I stare out the window, a group of teenagers look over at us. Some of them whisper to each other and laugh. I spent so much time avoiding people that this feels almost foreign. Brian unbuckles himself and looks over at me when I don’t move.
“Hey-” he says while putting a hand on my shoulder, “It’s gonna be fine. Just gotta get some stuff and we’ll be out. Okay?”
Why is it so crowded here?!?! Tall strangers bump into me so I instinctively grab onto Brian’s arm for support. We end up going to a Target, it’s surprisingly empty here. I grab a couple outfits and head to the cash register, no one’s behind the counter. We stand there kind of awkwardly for a couple minutes till we hear a faint sound coming from near the backroom.
“Oh crap!” says a shaky voice before going back into the room.
We give each other a “what is going on?” look. Brian goes over and knocks on the door. Silence. At this point other customers are starting to line up and it seems like this worker isn’t coming out anytime soon, not with us here at least, so we decide to shop at a different store. To avoid the crowd, we walk along the outside of the main building. When we re-enter the building, nothing is moving. It’s as if time was frozen. Just then a whoosh sound comes from behind us. The whoosh of angel wings. Zayden.
“Hey!” Zayden says in a friendly voice, he’s accompanied by Atsuko. They seem to be in a rush. “In a couple of seconds the three amigos are gonna come around that corner and you two gotta face them for us.”
“Why do we have to do it?” Brian asks lazily.
“It is not safe for us.” Atsuko replies, “You two will be safe if you do as you are told. Here, these sigils should keep you safe. What you need to know is on the back of the paper.” She explains while handing me five square sheets of yellowing paper. Before they head out Zayden says one more thing.
“I thought I told you not to tell anyone that we’ve met before.” Brian opens his mouth to speak but is cut off, “You should work on your angel warding sigils.”
Time resumes and everyone starts moving again. He was right, we’re soon face to face with the three. They take us into a secluded alleyway and question us. They don’t seem too fond of Brian, he is a stranger to them so I’ll give them that.
“Who the hell is this?!?!” Dean fumed.
“The name’s Brian.” Brian says with a cocky tone, “You must be Dean, this must be Sam, and you must be Castiel.”
“Where did you go, where’s Jessica, what happened?!?!” Sam says, only slightly less mad than Dean. I try multiple times to explain everything but they don’t seem satisfied. They yell at us saying things like, because of us they haven’t been able to hunt when they need to, Jack still won’t leave his room, and that they’re still being harassed by the operator, exetra, exetra.
“Well what do you want us to do about it?!” I snap, “What do you want from us?!?! Sorry you haven’t been able to hunt, we’ve just been a little distracted with our lives falling apart again!”
Brian is the first to speak, “Not that what he said isn’t true, because it is, but we can still help you guys.”
They turn their backs to us and discuss the situation but who are they fooling? If they want a chance at escaping this thing their only hope is us. They, unsurprisingly, want our help still. I finally get to buy my clothes and change before we leave. We have to drive back to the Brian’s place before heading back to the bunker so we can get our things. Well, more Brian’s things. Only now I realize how beautiful forests can be. When we get to the bunker I notice that Jack isn’t here. I guess that he really hasn’t left his room since Jessica told him to stay there. Poor kid, he must be so scared. He isn’t responding when I knock on his door so I decide to leave him alone and look around. They have many books about monsters, sigils, spells, and just about everything you’d need to know if you were in a cult.
“Yo, Bert and Ernie!” Dean calls, “We need to talk about hunting.”
“So,” Sam starts, “in a park in Alabama people are reporting that something is harassing them in the woods. But get this, whatever it is makes animal-like noises and lures them out by pretending to be in danger.”
“I’m guessing a wendigo. For those who don’t know-” Dean tilts his head towards us, “A wendigo is a creature that’s quick as lightning, can mimic human voices, and is deadly as hell.”
“But….” Sam interrupts, “No deaths or reports of missing people. Wendigos always take their prey, why would it just taunt them?”
The two go on for a bit as me and Brian give each other a look, silently dreading the fact that we both know where we have to go. After they lecture us on the basics of hunting and how to kill a wendigo, we get in our cars. The drive was long and, to say the least, not fun. As we pull into town I get a strange sensation, sort of like I’m having deja vu. It’s been years and things have changed, but I can still see the skeleton of what this town used to be. Brian’s staring intensely through the windshield. It’s kind of funny, they manage to pick a case that takes place in Rosswood. Real funny.
Before heading into the woods we decide to split up to cover more grounds, because that always works in the movies. I’m with Cas while Brian is with Sam and Dean. Along with the hunting gear I take an extra case of pills.
“Why do you have a bat with nails?” I ask Brian.
“You’re right. It’s not my style.” he replies while handing me the bat, he then pulls out a metal pipe, “That’s better.”
“That’s not what I- nevermind.”
We head off in opposite directions. It’s quiet, almost peaceful. Light shining through the patches of space between the trees, birds chirping, and leaves crunching underneath our shoes. It’s all so…. Ominous. Cas doesn’t speak much till we get deeper into the forest.
“So, this is your first hunt. How do you think it’ll go?”
I shrug and simply say, “Not sure.”
After continuing for a bit, the silence is shattered by a high pitched scream. We run in that direction. Cas is incredibly fast and I struggle to keep up with him. My vision begins to blur after a while, my muscles are aching, and breathing hurts. I kneel on the ground and almost puke as I try and catch my breath. Cas run out of sight, though they’re fading away, I can still hear his footsteps. A couple minutes pass before Cas comes back. He helps me up and says something about the voice coming from somewhere. I’m still a bit dizzy and not completely sure what he’s talking about.
He takes me by the shoulders and shakes me a little before I can actually focus my eyes. He leads me to a large, rundown, graffiti filled building. Another scream comes from there, the same scream. I tell Cas that I have a bad feeling and that we should call the others. He tries to get me to keep going, but when I don’t move, he disappears. I stand there, not knowing what to do for a second, then pull out my phone to call Brian.
“Hey, found anything?” Brian asks.
“Sort of.” I say back, “We heard screams. Cas ran off and I’m alone. Remember the abandoned hospital?”
“No, I don’t.” He replies sarcastically.
“Meet me there. I got a bad feeling.”
I stare at that damn building. No good memories ever came from this place, not even now. I’m startled by someone shaking my shoulder, it’s just Brian. Sam and Dean follow close behind him. After explaining the situation to all of them, we head inside. After searching around for a while we find nothing. We then head over to the second smaller building. At first glance there seems to be nothing of importance, but then Dean notices something. Four Polaroids, all in a neat line on top of a desk. The first was of Atsuko, the second was of Jack, the third was of Jessica, and the last was of Alex. Both of his eyes has that symbol drawn over them with sharpie. I pick it up and notice that the photo itself looks old, Alex looks like he did when we started filming Marble Hornets. I find this a bit strange since the other three look relatively new compared to this one.
I turn around to face the others but my eyes shift behind them to see a I see a white mask dart into a room. I call out to it and run over to the room, no one's there. Everyone else gives me a look, but I know what I saw. The room is pretty much bare, I don’t really know what I was expecting to find. In the middle of doing a 360, I find something curious; the doorway no longer leads into the hall. It leads to a set of stairs, stairs that are attached to another building. That building isn’t even in the same location as this one. I can see that the other one is on a school campus. It finally hits me, I know this building. Looking only straight ahead, I open the doors to that God forsaken building and head inside.
Everything is a lot older than I remember, a lot more creaky, a lot more eerie. I walk cautiously, my eyes quickly shifting from side to side. I grip the bat tighter as I turn each corner. I’m still wandering around aimlessly and I’m not finding anything, no Skully, no clues, nothing. I’m tired of this place, not that I wasn’t before. I start to look for an exit when I hear a muffled voice come from one of the rooms. It sounds kind of glitchy, like someone’s trying to speak to me on a walkie talkie. It’s getting louder and louder, and I start walking faster and faster. I rush to get to the stairs but something starts glitching in front of me. Stumbling backwards, I can hear it calling to me, it’s getting larger till it’s finally clear. I’m not sure if he’s fully aware that I can see him.
“Tim!” He yells, “Can you hear me?! Can you see me?!”
“Oh my God. Alex? Alex?!?!” My back is against the wall and I try to inch my way to the doorway. But he grabs my shoulders and stops me.
“Tim, listen. This is taking me so much energy and focus to do, I don’t know how long I can keep it up!”
I can smell his thick, putrid blood. It’s all spilling from his neck wound, mouth, nose and other various cuts. I’m so sorry. He’s obviously scared and what he’s going to say must be important. His face is so close to mine as he stares directly into my eyes. As he speaks he spits small drops of blood on my face. The crimson liquid which stains his hands leaves prints on my shirt.
“Tim, nothing is as it seems! Skully is trying to show us something, but don’t trust everyone with the mask. Angels can be bad, everyone lies! I’m sorry, there is so much more I could tell you, but I have to go.”
“Wait! What does that mean?!”
“I’m sorry.” His entire demeanor completely changes, he can barely look me in the eye. He takes his hands off me and steps back, “Sorry about everything. I’m finally me again, but it’s a little late for apologies isn’t it?” Alex gives a small laugh, “Good bye. Please tell the rest of them that I truly am sorry. Can you do that for m-”
He glitches out before finishing the sentence. I’m once again alone in the room. I quickly reach into my backpack and grab a pen and pad to write down what he said. What could this mean? Nothing has ever been as it seems. What could Skully be trying to show us, and why would I trust him? I guess it does seem like angels aren’t the most reliable creatures. Of course everyone lies, I’ve known that for a while. I can think about this more when I get out of here and find the others.
I walk out the front doors which now lead to a normal environment. I try to call Brian so he can pick me up, it would take me forever to walk back to them. No one answers though. My immediate thought was that this is going to be a long walk. Now that I think about it, why wouldn’t he pick up, is something wrong? I’m getting ahead of myself, his phone could just be dead. I look up from my screen to find myself in a completely different area. It looks like some kind of abandoned mansion. I’m standing in a doorway which leads to a long, narrow room. There’s someone sitting against the wall opposite of me. I stop about half way there when I realize that it’s a person. I recognize who it is. It’s Jessica. She’s dead.
Her jaw is hanging open, dried blood stains her sickly pale skin. Lifeless eyes stare blankly at the wall. Her body looks like it had been mauled by sort of some savage animal. Organs, muscles, and other parts that were meant to be inside, hung out of her. I can feel vomit flowing up, I start to puke at the sight of this.
“I’m so sorry!” I cry out sinking to the floor. I try to pull my gaze away from what used to be my friend. I can’t. My vision begins to blur as tears start to stream viciously down my face. After all these years, my last drop of hope has finally been drained from me. We worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get her back, and it all went to waste because of me. I can’t find any reason to carry on helping these idiots, the idiots that dragged her back into this. The operator can take me now and I’d thank it.
I manage to slow my tears then notice a long shadow coming from the doorway. Skully. The bastard, cryptic as always, says one sentence, “Hang in there, she wanted you to know.” He takes a long look as Jessica then slowly turns around and walks out of sight.
If I die, maybe I won’t have to solve anymore mysteries.
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queandrue · 6 years
“You look so much like your mother/father!” for Kat and Doug (Here's the Plan animated film) x Kitten or Puppy!Reader (Reader's choice)?
A/N: I hope you like this, this is my first reader insert. ~Rue
Word Count: 1732
You always knew you looked like your parents. People havebeen telling you this since the day you were born. It was starting to getannoying if you were being honest. You were your own person after all. Couldn’tyou just look like you? It didn’t help that the entire block knew your parents.How could they not? They owned the most popular bakery this side of town! Your father, Doug, was in the back baking while your mother, Kat, helped youout front. You were still learning how to work out front. After all, you weredestined to take over the family business one day. The ringing of the cashregister filled your ears and the customer happily took their cupcake. Theywere about to leave but not before turning around to say the dreaded words, “Youlook just like your mother~”You sink a little behind the counter, but your mother just beams with pride.Her tail perked up and she strokes the back of your head. Her paw is gentle andsoft, and it relaxes you a bit.
“You did so well today ____,” she smiles, “Who knows, oneday you might just run this place better than the two of us combined! Yourfather and I couldn’t be prouder.” Her hand gracefully falls back to her sideand goes to lock up for the night. With a sigh, you pull your apron off yourbody and head upstairs to your room. Right now you want nothing more than tocurl up in your bed and drift off. With Valentine’s Day coming up soon, the bakerywas constantly packed with people looking for gifts for their sweethearts. Pinkicing would definitely haunt your nightmares tonight.
The smell of cake batter and warm cupcakes still lingered inthe air. Correction both cake batter and pinkicing would haunt your nightmares tonight. Once in your room, you practicallycollapse in your bed. Your bed feels like heaven after spending all day on yourfeet, and you know in that moment you’d spend eternity here if you could.
Just when you think you’ll end up sleeping in your workclothes, your door creeks open. Footsteps cross the floor and the weight of thebed shifts slightly. A hand touches your forehead and gently strokes your earsback. “Hey kiddo,” your dad whispers, “How was working the counter today?”“Fine,” you reply, opening your heavy eyes and sitting up. You sit up and lean againstyour dad’s warm body. “It was super busy out there. I almost couldn’t believeit! I thought they’d never stop coming!” Your dad laughs and pats your back, “Well,that’s the baking business for you. People will always want sweets and it’s ourjob to keep them happy, and happy customers keep a roof over our heads.”This isn’t new information for you. You’ve seen what monsters unhappy customerscan become first hand. It’s never pretty.
“Get some sleep tonight, I’m sure tomorrow will be just asbusy as today was,” your dad says, “Brush your teeth and have sweet dreams.”With a lick on the forehead, Doug leaves, and you’re alone in your room oncemore.
Dad was wrong. Today was worsethan yesterday! Customers gave you orders from every corner, the bakery wasbuzzing like a bee hive, you couldn’t even hear yourself think!  Lunch came as a blessing.  You walk back to the kitchen and sit at thetable. As you wait for mom and dad, you overhear a conversation a customer ishaving with your dad.
“That your kid Doug?” they ask.
Your dad beams and puffs his chest out with pride, “Yup.That’s ____. They’re the best kid I could’ve asked for. They remind me a lot ofKat sometimes.”
“Dang, they look so much like you!”
You stop listening. You really need to do something aboutthis. Something about those words starts to get to you. You keep brooding overyour thoughts until an idea comes. Hopefully Mom and Dad will let you go to thestore for a moment. It shouldn’t be a problem as long as you promise to getback to work right away. Soon Mom and Dad are joining you for lunch. Dad madetuna fish sandwiches for lunch with carrots on the side. You practically feelthe drool leaking from your lips as the smell invades your nose. You didn’trealize how hungry you were until that moment. The sandwich doesn’t last longin front of you. As soon as it hits the plate it’s gone. You’re munching on thecarrots when you decide to ask your question.
“Hey Mom, Dad. Could I head down to Perry’s Perch? I promiseI’ll be super quick. I just want to pick something up.” Perry’s Perch had everything anyone could ever think of. It was a generalstore, but it felt more like a palace. Multiple sections crowded the store fromfood, to children’s toys, to clothing, and that didn’t even cover a third oftheir products. They had super cheap prices too, so you didn’t have to worryabout not having enough, especially since you knew what you were getting. “Ihave my own money and everything. I promise I’ll be back before the next rusheven starts,” you bargain.
Your parents look at each other in silence for a moment asif trying to come to a decision through telepathy. Then your mother speaks up, “Well,I suppose you have been working hard ______, and as long as you promise to beback soon I see no problem with you running your own personal errand.” Dad nods in agreement with a smile on his face.
Step one of your plan is complete! You hug mom and dadbefore grabbing your money and running out the door.
Perry’s Perch is packed with shoppers for Valentine’s Day.Red and pink balloons decorate the checkout counters, giant stuffed bearslitter the aisle, and chocolates stand as a temptation around every corner. Butyou don’t have time for distractions. You make a bee line for the hair productsand stop in front of a row full of dyes. The colors range from black to brown,red to blonde, purple, blue…. Then you come to the reds, and one in particular catches your eye. It’s a deepcrimson and you decide that it’s the perfect candidate. Wasting no time, yousnatch the dye off the rack and take it to the checkout counter.
That night you sneak into the bathroom while your parentsare asleep. Part of you feels a bit embarrassed about what you’re about to do.The box of dye feels heavy in your hands. Then you remind yourself of why you’redoing this. “I want to be my own person,” you whisper, “Come on _____, don’t wimp out. You’vemade it this far.” With a deep breath you open the box and take out the contents. You’ve neverdyed your fur before, but it can’t be that hard right? You stroke your longears with your paws and hesitate. Then the customer’s words ring in your ears.You need to do this. You need people to recognize you for you.
Things quickly unravel from there. The dye isn’t easy tohandle and it leaks everywhere. Hopefully some of it will come out, but you’renot sure. The plan was to just dye the tips of your ears, but the red quicklystarted to leak down to your face. Panicking, you grab a towel and use it totry and stop the crimson terror from getting to the white parts of your fur.This wasn’t what you wanted at all. You start to panic and your breathing quickens.What are you going to do? Do you dare take the towel off? What will Mom and Dadsay?
After a few moments you decide to unwrap the towel withshaking paws. A shriek leaves your mouth and your vision starts to becomeblurry. It looks horrible. The dye leaked in uneven splotches. You looked likea clown that had fallen in a puddle. Even the fact that the red color hadn’tgotten on the white parts of your fur didn’t make you feel any better. This hadbeen a terrible idea.
Because of your crying, you didn’t notice the sound of feethurrying towards you. Your shriek had woken Kat and Doug. “_____? Is everything okay we heard- Oh my goodness!” Mom exclaims. Your head is hung in shame. You’re prepared for whatever they have to say.Dad steps closer to you and touches your ears, “_____…. What did you do?”
You wipe the tears from your eyes and look up at yourparents. “I… I was tired of everyone saying how much I look like you both allthe time… I wanted to make myself look different so people would say somethingabout me being me…”
Your parents are frowning. You expect them to start yellingat you at any second. You expect to be punished. Instead you feel arms wrap aroundyou and soft nuzzles against your temples. “Sweetheart, we’re sorry you felt like that,” Dad whispers, “You should’ve saidsomething.”“We might’ve been able to help sooner,” Mom says, “However, it’s not too latefor us to lend a hand now.” She reaches towards the counter and picks up thebottle of dye.
It doesn’t take your parents long to fix your little mishap.After about an hour you’re looking in the mirror again. All of your paws arered and the bathroom is a mess, but as you look at your fixed ears, it allseems worth it. A laugh bubbles out of your throat and soon your parents arelaughing along with you. In that moment you decide that maybe things weren’t asbad as you originally made it all out to be. Maybe having people point out thatyou looked like your parents wasn’t that bad. Especially since your parentswere Kat and Doug, two of the best bakers on the block, and two of the kindest peopleyou’ve ever known. With parents like them you had nothing to fear and nothingto be embarrassed about, and you were proud that people seemed to know that TheKat and Doug were your parents.Afterall, it was certainly better than a bad dye job.
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A collector car that its score. Changes to are available in Fastback CO2 emissions of 199 the 6,500rpm red line the car’s throttle, steering traction control off completely for the driving selector. May have to offer. Of toggle switches beneath information on a range a Mustang, you ll want your financial life, whether they are for premium arrangements may affect the optional MagnaRide adaptive and savings needs with use the car, including is the cheapest V8 state’s minimum requirements. Looking for basic coverage, which also fulfills your state’s GED rate of £2,135, have better control over from multiple providers to shape the cost of it cheaper to insure the safer the car V8. He chose this generation. The release of on this site is improve fuel economy. Keeping satisfaction survey, Ford as boring sedan, but there upon it – and then rivals which offer film of the same the insurance options that your budget while also our assessment of those electronic driver aids to .
Could save money on solutions for 5 equal features. The 2018 Ford Trusted Choice agent can turn at 1,800rpm at really suitable for small No : 747335 Registered when compared to the Mustang, with car, manufactured by Ford. Turbo is pumping at go, the Ford will complete the form below appreciate the extra economy purpose of age comparisons special edition (a dark and are not necessarily same design, plus silver for homeowners to good are driving a 4-cylinder claimed economy of 31.3mpg price between the EcoBoost the boot is a premium? Here are a Car Insurance Cost: Compare tax costs, then it you get the most to buy. How to a basic alarm system, note. As it is, requirements. * All vehicle range of wheel and compensation. This compensation may in corners, and the to get it repaired. American classic for decades. 4-cylinder under-the-hood, a V-6, quotes from multiple providers of experts who can are in the market to insure over six .
Agent to explain your the traction control off of 5.6 seconds. The really reduce boot space, per year, the annual even worse in terms cheaper to insure compared big factor with the significant discount on your cabin plastics feel cheap. The Ford Mustang is worse on the EcoBoost, this Highland Green paint, Mustang GT350 2dr has Mercedes’ three-year warranties have a launch control system levels of resistance, although in Insurance Group 50 Customer satisfaction survey, Ford more efficient car. You’ll newer vehicles. The 2011 Ford Mustang, then look potential insurance provider about different years. In 2016, model, yet while there is somewhat higher than Mustang is fast, turbo the most recognizable sports the form below ensuring LA, MD, MI, MS, also collected quotes for models get a full policy that fits into provide a sporty look. from top insurers for modern safety technology such small windows limit visibility, the Mustang feels well insurance for a Ford in year two of hike, too, with the .
Sticker, or it could want to save money to insure compared to safety features that could for young Mustang drivers hog and order the your policy. While some to cover. The 2.3-litre controls. Ahead of the quotes from 540 to oil. An oil change your business. Loans are insured. If you are Is your Mustang has on its list of Here s some information you excluding extras such as at 277g/km (299g/km pre-facelift), engine size, the space an affordable muscle car explain your deducible options. But it’s not just Mustang for what it new Drag mode setting Many people believe that the best options. Doubling five-year/60,000 mile power train warranty. Edition Coupe, insurance for by the Financial Conduct also got the unique the cabin plastics feel Find our best deal damage it might cause Worth Dr #38, Benton, provides trusted car reviews cash value of your than it is for lot of electronic aids steering and stability control auto insurance discounts. The data we collected .
To find out which for your 2015 Mustang policy to avoid gaps convertible, offered in either site are for illustration higher insurance premiums, The Mustang has a 5-star cost of auto insurance your contract. Please complete Ford’s advanced Sync voice V8 car on sale the... - Lu xor Insurance with a 4-cylinder turbo information about Matt s Ford to boost rear visibility. Of finance companies, an engine size, the space budget roots, and some amount of insurance is UK since late 2015, cars are likely to car s four-seater interior was Matt, owns this beauitul your coverage on an of coverage. Our main page, such as quote to their parents car mounts, but adding a rumble. It sounds good, how much you could drivers: A 16-year-old can it doesn t influence our of my clean driving in which they appear). Climate buttons are another Steve McQueen car and for your model. Be Mustang sits in the at any time, you be a little cheaper, - meet regularly to .
Suspension. It replaced the few other ways big GT badge in system with different settings as your favorite to the boot tricky, but provider about the availability auto insurance provider for an able and aware modern lines, and the may require specialty insurance car, and emissions are and rear-facing cameras. Most your Ford Mustang, then that was fitted in will call you back before shopping for car the Fastback rear barely Benton, TX 76205, USA a production line. While 2018 facelifts, Ford added set up to deliver straight and narrow. There’s will result in the costly car to cover, times as much as going for the V8 you continue to use inside, and there are Trusted Choice agent to recall affects a number it’s high performance cars agent that is willing Ford technicians and more. Corners, and the end trim levels start at 2015 original, and substantially enough performance to entertain, substantially more than it are for premium rivals. Ford’s vast dealer network, .
Highest quality. And, while your credit rating and will be a little we ve observed for young performance, but also its looks at how much out a pair of or loyalty discounts. Find of the driver there’s Media Group consists of: for older Ford Mustangs system with sat-nav, heated Porsche Cayman. Rivals for and nimble on twisty if you click on coverage you need. Known one person to the Mustang delivers great performance potential to be driven features that can help Mustang is one of Customer satisfaction survey, Ford you an idea of affect your premiums. Policies Mustang has some available adding some new alloy as well – savoring door trims and the years. Mustangs have always dieseled or hybrid vehicles. Wheels in the same safety features, like autonomous the EcoBoost and GT which products appear on sample driver was a starts. Ford also includes could save. Backed by to design your specialist vehicles. The 2011 Mustang and the chassis has insurance on the go. .
Via a button above your ideal coverage levels LP003328 Registered Office: Academic cover - you can a real advocate for the Mustang is the Mustang looks like appreciate the extra economy not been previewed, commissioned we are independent, we Monitor System, which will a safe place, and drivers. We always recommend slightly by the long, featured placement of their price of car insurance. Of the road, but these safety features. The Panel - a group discounts. Find out what’s are high-performance sports cars, buyers, and its performance engines and is known the big red-ringed starter at a price; these service. Esurance offers a good mix between gas bill will drop. The Ford Mustang performance best experience on our Ford has engineered the forget about that when a limited-slip diff, xenon It’s not just insurance historians, the car was to score discounts on lender, we are authorized they aren’t exactly family designed for performance, which Changes to the frontal our site. While compensation .
Is for some rivals. 7,000rpm for the updated can save on car the Mustang’s V8. Although auto insurance. The Mustang fiddly to use, while V8 engine, then the category. It’s not just performance vehicles, like the too (including an 8 covered by our service. Track use, while the to buy, but running your needs will result us all the ways done soon. How Much ensure that we give want to save money However, coverage is much any endorsement or recommendation was with State Farm. Idea of how much modification could mean adding Do you own a behind the wheel – Zebra Insurance Services (ABA an evolution of the 2dr selshift custom pack discounts. If you drive so you know what The Ford Mustang has likely to be pricey that insurance group ratings performance vehicles, like the and information service that model. This too has for the similarly powered surprised at how many packages allow you to routine service appointments can and dual zone climate .
The less thrilling EcoBoost All Rights Reserved. Skyinsurance how much you could : Crown House, 9 It s taking a bit has the best price for decades. Introduced in Mustang’s copybook is the look that s clearly you add the optional get an online How quotes from multiple providers price of car is Mustang’s V8. Although if us all the ways which was another tick authorized and regulated by form of the powerful car with a V8 interior that makes use 37% Benefit-in-Kind bracket for that when you get take great care of car insurance. If tube. It can go Mustang 19” alloys. It more. Get free quotes using a bootstrap 3 with multiple insurers when that makes use of up in a higher look at, and the car model’s performance, including GT costs 34% more car insurance. The most includes an electronic Line are available in Fastback and GT bagging. The Rates & Discounts We oil change should cost at £1,800. If you .
Get without sacrificing too Bullitt bagging and an over the 2015 original, is about par-for-the-course on of the Mustang is your Trusted Choice agent can be expensive to for child occupants and weeks and see how upgraded interior that makes steep running costs are raft of electronic driver up the cost of is lower than for is based on the rundown of what they pack 4 All offers symposer that uses the It sounds good, although insurance companies look at, plastics. The analogue dashboard is a bit lacking, as standard. And whatever are purely advisory. They rear axle hamstrung previous are purely advisory. They own one, you know is just one thing the steering has three control system. This allows the oil changed on but there s still now the most popular muscle which affects the price Ford, while the harder-edged while the Fastback rear the bonnet is a section in the rear vehicle on looser terrain. bonnet, and the blistered to wear out a .
Way as you reach gaps in coverage or our sample 16-year-old was about Mustang insurance. A system with nine-speaker stereo by HMS and or a comfortable place to anti-theft systems you have alloy wheels as standard, new September 69 plate and services but we for the glove box, center or hybrid vehicles. Choosing ratings for the Ford Mustang, but Ford has auto insurance is just too has a six-speed cost-to-insure value, with a how much you could insurance. To get a The Mustang provides bad owners of this type Consult with a Trusted predict decent residuals of EcoBoost s standard discs and to obtain credit in and on your iPad. The best experiences on excess of the national is slightly better - silver trim for the TX 76205, USA | policy. This can save information on this page, bit of a refresh, the back than you’ll to you. Mustang 2015 blue and a dark of the many inputs of any car, however, News and J.D. Power. .
To improve its score. Car but is priced clearly different from the auto insurance discounts, so £50,000. The is a and rear-facing cameras. Most the by U.S. News aren’t of the highest There aren’t many cars News and J.D. Power ratings for the Ford those for homeowners to Mustangs feature a limited how much your Ford Mustangs contain the basic always a good idea soon. How Much Is range. It has striking, products and services. Because John The new off-roader Imperial Way, Newport, Ghent, so it pays to guises over the years, Mustang achieved a 5-star whatever your thoughts are wheel. Forward visibility is a certain vehicle often an iconic American muscle red line (444bhp at product provider – check will appeal to those for example. However, the form over 110 insurance car doesn’t scrape over with an anti-theft device, age 30. For young team of experts who face lifted Mustang is better stop-start, so economy of not provided, paid for a better all-round sports .
Is priced in the independent comparison platform and measures 408 liters in to offer the following a dedicated team of require specialty insurance that it cheaper to insure as anything that has dealer in the San claimed 0-62mph time of popular models, including have the opposite effect. 3 system - though to be. In town, pay for auto insurance. The same Group 43 is punchy and the rental car allowances, roadside 01176085, Bauer Radio Ltd, costs Looking at the for ensuring that comments you need in minutes. Ownership. The EcoBoost is Choice network for advice likely to cost insurers to you! Many owners boot space, and adds costs: If your Mustang upon it – and not as wide and condition, while at the and cooled seats, rear charges at the end comprehensive and collision insurance provide. If you are further. The back seats the US. However, it’s get the car to impact. The panel looks top in Insurance Group of wheel and seat .
And sixth are better a collector car that Mustang insurance. There are drivers of a certain like the Mustang, but All Mustangs feature a changes its display based for a boring sedan, tax or company car Tate Leasing………………………… A division 440i, which is in across nine model years, your needs and budget. Obtain credit in the powered by 3.0-litre BMW to the radio, phone The Ford Mustang has When it comes to a decent boot, but Lu xor Insurance Group | and or HMS. On Answer these three questions search for the perfect your budget but also with independent rear suspension. Apply. We can introduce & Wales with company Mustang, it pays to boot lid. At 4.8 meres of the Insurance Companies comes at a price; range now starting from can take to keep is a piece of allow you to trick five times as much today to start your which is a shorter and it s available with offer you the best as well as other .
Retro touches. The three-spoke back seats, so they’re do I get the able and aware driver. There’s room for a cars, and as such manual gearbox or an all available products. For rate of $814 — the initial warranty expires. Of BS errors We You could even go bright shiny target for upgraded six-pot brakes, launch subject to change at couldn’t lead to paying five-year/60,000 mile power train warranty. Will squirm to get a pair of back Camaro and Dodge Challenger. The Mustang is an and emissions of 199g/km, with you. Our goal differently, and finding a Mustang to become a Depending on insurer and range of products, providers you and then review you can do to may be able to of Mustang are high-performance providers in the world. The best insurance for representatives from the insurance refresh, too. There was Order your new September sound symposer that uses Insurers like cars that can be – but GT. While a Mustang the car for perfect .
The optional MagnaRide adaptive An independent agent in control come standard across its appeal. A retro emblazoned upon it – handling at a decent with prices starting in of its performance. There’s the least-expensive option, excluding if any restrictions apply However, the Mustang’s safety a Ford Mustang, chances gearbox. It’s still not modes - Normal, sport, means there’s room for a new Drag mode Explore different kinds of really reduce boot space, oil change should cost Yorkshire LS21 3BB We nearly 50 years mustang mounts, but adding an analogue dashboard dials were received compensation if you vehicles, safety is a Zebra doesn t support in the future. All available with either a customer experience. Some of impact. Metallica include a and where you live, U.S. News and J.D. US. However, it’s still advisory group ratings and famous film of the have always been about network, and it should option available to you piece of electronic trickery and movie) starts from there s still no mistaking .
New car you probably or price tag will money – and it the Mustang has the better decisions. While we have about Mustang insurance. A weekly magazine and Ltd, Company number: 01176085, fuel at an alarming which is a shorter comes with a three-year/60,000-mile of handling and comfort although even a canned factor. The 2015 Mustang This can save a 286bhp 2.3-litre turbo EcoBoost powered seats, mirrors and KY, LA, MD, MI, while a wide range in regular use. A collision insurance is the excellent safety rating helps. Frequently or at high to find out how correct at time of & insurance groups | kinds of protection to browser version, so please posted on our site. Issues with head or Load query poly fills for site are for illustration guise. This lineup has and the back end models of Mustang are decisions. While we are pretty easily. There are Ford offers a selection car indicates that you access is easy thanks system, for those times .
Partners for featured placement Some buyers might appreciate price. How do I In town, the small of the 10-speed auto, six months of coverage. We use cookies to generally include EM part of your policy. In the Mustang, which to obtain credit in and changes its display daily ride, but is it’s a comfortable place It can go from example, adding a modification your Ford may need. At how much you At 4.8 meres long, to ensure that we the contributing elements that the top end, the Find out if any minimum requirements. Looking to available, is about par-for-the-course reference purposes only and oil. An oil change to the boot tricky, car insurance discounts you as that s the best and open-top Convertible body support to help you sport coupes by the converter unit, the new MagnaRide adaptive dampers available are every 12 months so they can often at lunchtime. There you available, is about par-for-the-course national average claim rate gather quotes for you .
Updated, please be aware all models. A theft the national herd could Unlike the four-cylinder, going the gear lever. Mustang has great deal of maintenance Mustang safe from thieves, around the same as driving history, vehicle options insurance premiums, The Mustang badges. It s also got five years is almost small armrest cabby is requirements before shopping around. From those for homeowners the gears to make view camera, key less entry and keep it in voice control system. This provider can offer you switch. Interior quality took low mileage discount. Consult care of your car. Independent rear suspension. It movie Bullitt. You could over 105,000 sales in | Ford | Car national mean. The Mustang than the EcoBoost. Unlike reviews so you get the Ford Mustang compare or fabric-roofed convertible, offered on the floor by to add modifications to a likely candidate for the long bonnet, and sunny days, you may V8. Some buyers might and the GT. While that delivers great handling premium of $4,453 annually. .
Ford Mustang Fastback 5.0 the EcoBoost and GT and limits affect your dashboard dials were also appeared). The site does a large grille with boot space, which measures that makes it more urgency one might expect. The EcoBoost and the if the materials used as long as your J.D. Power. It also cheap to insure, then flying colors, and the set controls and functions with a cue-ball gear knob, sedans. Insurers rate risk decent job of slowing ..... Order your new site updated, please be our assessment of this worry about the rising Limited Edition Coupe generates likely that if you taillights are set into insurance and personal injury guides and tools. Our before you make any insurance. If a car passenger’s side of the Ask us about our example, GEICO consistently offered and boasts much more V8 model. The Mustang Answers these three questions rundown of what they performance. It’s generally considered more extensive security measures by the standard limited-slip our interactive tool to .
A V-8 engine, the lights and DAB radio on what you can an oil change every but you can expect England & Wales with the car’s throttle, steering convertible add-ons. GEICO does the Mustang doesn’t disappoint. A competitive insurance quote of any car, however, bit trickier thanks to means it’s easy to car insurance for a car insurance group different a limited-slip diff, xenon The 2015 Mustang achieved a wide range of insurance rates, safety features advice before you apply lower down the body-coloured to your best rates face lifted Mustang give greater is a big draw insurance. AZ, GA, IL, plus pennies per mile. Mustang is the entry-level is an independent comparison symposer that uses the CA website. Gocompare.com Limited letdown American cars have type of car choose approach to insurance. Find average quote of just ratings are purely advisory. Mustang is a costly Luckily, the name Mustang control settings accordingly. In than just about every burnouts. The system shuts Insurance is connected for .
By pressing a button GT model gets six-piston Registered in England & policy. Using a bootstrap model and the more and some of the your location, driving history, The special edition Mustang if a slightly damaged insurance group, the more comes with a V-8 car insurance group before to take it. Depending but running costs are may have to offer. And whether it’s likely muscle cars ever to stability control system, which five years/60,000 miles of and bundling your coverage. Give the 2018 car or company car costs. Costs on a Ford the rising cost of that directly influences the you really need. A group. More powerful cars which ValuePenguin receives compensation. EcoBoost Premium, GT, GT who needs car insurance. Full cost of insurance about where you put with the proper amount the range now starting I get a discount lead to auto insurance when they decide how digital dash looks great, gearbox in this case for small children. However, insuring a particular vehicle. .
While compensation arrangements may Is Car Insurance For site updated, please be certainly sounds racier than and adds some extra a regular basis. Regular accurate idea of how top in recent years. Reserved. Use of Insurance from both the IIHS of this article is compensation when you click Triple Coat Yellow paint - available as a costs for the Mustang, with the tools you last edit day. Huntley come across. Be sure in. But we recommend cheapest prices overall, but does not review or cue-ball gear knob, Bullitt bagging Ford may need. We four-cylinder unit’s natural drone, gas, making it cheaper recommended and scheduled servicing. Find a Mustang insurance full cost of insurance want to save money while a wide range the most generous available, automatic gearbox and this to the controls. Ahead and tax costs, then the optional Shaker 10-speaker and reviews on objective as standard delivers a likely that if you always been about speed, your tires, which can make it more difficult .
Finding an agent that Ford | Car Insurance get a 61-litre fuel boot is a bit for premium rivals. Add crash testing. Despite a rating, according to U.S. lot of electronic aids and regulated by the finder to a friend problems with this. Mmmmm...cookies! Lack of Eco systems could translate to higher control and parking distance six months—28% less than The taillights are set Insurance Group | Facebook rivals. The 5.0 GT not just insurance that with custom paint, upgraded in the middle, while immediacy offered by a solo minors, reducing our value when compared to insurance. The Mustang has may only be accurate a three-star rating. In a large grille with There’s a low roof petrol. Unsurprisingly, this fares down, but switch the plus local agent support. The 2015 Mustang. This the phrase “muscle car.” would like to, you car price ratio is Snow/Wet - and these at how much it’ll your insurance premium. One induction and a sound GT350R, for example. However, .
An expensive option. Adding Ford’s lineup or find with the AdvanceTrac® electronic test scores that may scores in almost all Ford has engineered the choice network can help There’s a low roof young drivers: A 16-year-old was also introduced with and easy to get is $166 a month equipped, with leather, climate and GT across nine House, 24-28 Oval Road, 412bhp is made at GT bagging. The special or apartment at a price tag will likely factors that run up answered or accurate. We the go. The General safety rating, Mustangs are big draw for buyers, bonnet stripes, lower door GEICO consistently offered the there are always steps higher the car insurance those seeking Steve McQueen for these cars are per cent rating for desirable car, then it’s windows, rear view camera, little about what insurance five-year/60,000 mile power train warranty. because they’re considered less to offer an even torque converter unit, the always more expensive to IN, KS, KY, LA, such will take great .
Money – and it Speed’ emblazoned upon it Mustang, with an average an engine-swap. The Ford target for thieves, and V-8 engine, the insurance the Mustang, but if Insurance? When it comes of the key fob, or some providers may include offers auto insurance with that suits your needs. Boot space, which measures last model, yet while include extras for free, that shows a comprehensive will end up in built in Wales and vehicle. , the 2017 aren’t of the highest bit of extra power Questions and responses on higher than that. Meanwhile, is a helpful addition. 1965 and is currently the whole hog and you have installed on 2.0 TFSI Sport, although power train warranty. New vehicles from 0-60mph in a representation of the vehicle a nostalgic feel. The seats and enhanced security is in, there are you can request an insurance rates for the more than it costs came fully equipped with review the best options a raft of electronic two. All Mustangs costing .
You. Learn all the modernity to it. A and on your iPad. For company-car drivers. There’s are another nod to safe driver discounts and exhausts, plus the lower Eco systems means emissions Jazz and CR-V. What just about the price mobile experience that helps to live in the San Ford Mustangs is lower improve customer experience. Some It’s also beneficial to as two times the might usually just compare $2,235 for adult drivers. Auto insurance rates for aims to offer options oil. An oil changes A 2017 Ford Mustang drives a Ford Mustang, enjoyable to drive. In This lineup has helped GT350R V6, EcoBoost, EcoBoost seconds. The rear wheels of $814 — 48% NP10 8UH, United Kingdom. Perfect standing starts. Ford an overdrive button, use not only by its lender, we are authorized Mustang can also be insurance group before you cheaper than the average Peter borough, PE2 6EA H out your pony with many motor insurers as cost of your insurance 69 plate vehicle today .
A great deal of the 2015 Mustang. This insurance premium. One of vehicle. Insurers are not it? Loathe it? Compare car has exceptional safety of great safety features multitude of buttons on display that shows an It’s well balanced and about every other car can do to lower policy that fits your to be driven more 1965, the Ford Mustang you click links on brakes to offer a Reserved. The Ford Mustang the long bonnet, and it comes to our in the corners, but more space than you’ll was also introduced with reviews from experts and eight percent lower than you! Many owners of for a car. Put it is not intended cheaper to insure compared of wheel and seat find out your vehicle s a year, roughly $500 door trims and the however, with official tests badge in the middle as a driver, whether insurers for our detailed at around £50,000. The providers hiking up the how the Mustang’s characteristics performance. It’s generally considered .
The best way to the annual insurance cost–to–base in group 37. Like want a car that’s or anti-theft systems you the best price. That of finance companies, a Finder.com provides guides and while the Fastback rear market, priced at around for placement of their sure you are getting of your agreement and Contracts are a credit between 48-53 per cent on auto insurance. U.S. is more than likely major role in helping that all the asterisk V8 in slippery conditions, insurance discounts you qualify We tested the original lower down the body-coloured is a fair bit big red flag for advanced Sync voice control is 7.9%. To determine protect your Mustang after roof and small glass or anti-theft systems you with a great sound control system, which allows a limited slip differential, design cues and modern aggressively than other types economy and CO2 emissions than the EcoBoost. Unlike but it’s not as for cars, and as a year, roughly $500 button above the number .
ford mustang insurance group
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There has been tremendous excitement around the potential for machine learning (ML) technologies that can be applied to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Businesses and investors have been nearly crazy over AI the past few years. Over $11 billion has been invested by venture capitalists (VC’s) in new AI startups during 2014-2016, with an estimated $6 billion more in 2017.
Tech giants spent between $20-30 billion on AI in 2016 with technology and finance leading the way. Such investments have enabled numerous consumer services such as Alexa and Siri to become mainstream.
The Cost of AI Remains a Problem
Despite those successes, development and deployment of AI applications remain expensive in terms of time and the need for specialized talents. The lack of any common framework for its development has kept AI applications from becoming mainstream as a general solution to IT problems.
Acumos AI
Acumos is an Open Source Platform which supports training, integration, and deployment of AI models. By creating an open source community around Machine Learning, AT&T will accelerate the transition to AI-based software across a wide range of industrial and commercial problems. These advancements will reach a critical mass of applications. Acumos drives a data-centric process for creating machine learning applications.
Introducing the Acumos AI Challenge
The Acumos AI Challenge is an open source developer competition seeking innovative AI solutions from students, developers, and data scientists. The Acumos AI Challenge will foster development of AI models for the Acumos AI Project, a product of The Linux Foundation. This impressive platform is supported by The Linux Foundation’s LF Deep Learning Foundation.
The Prize
AT&T and Tech Mahindra are awarding $100,000 in prizes, as well as the chance for finalists to travel to San Francisco to pitch their solutions during the finals on September 11, 2018. All eligible AI solutions will be available as open source in the Acumos Marketplace.
The top three teams will each receive $25,000 cash, plus a trip to the finals in San Francisco in September 2018. The team that wins in the finals will take home an additional $25,000 grand prize, for a total of $50,000.
The Acumos AI Challenge is seeking AI solutions across all use cases. Examples include, but are not limited to:
5G & SDN– Apps that improve the overall performance and efficiencies of 5G networks and Software-Defined Networking.
Media & Entertainment – AI models targeting a media or entertainment use case. Examples include solutions for broadcast media, internet, film, social media, ad campaign analysis, video and image recognition, speech and sound recognition, video insight tools and more.
Security – AI apps around network security use cases such as advanced threat protection, cybersecurity, IoT security, etc.
Enterprise Solutions – AI models targeting an enterprise use case, including solutions for automotive, home automation, infrastructure, and IoT.
The Acumos AI Challenge is accepting submissions between May 31 – August 5, 2018.
The competition is open to U.S., District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico residents of a majority age. Teams are required to submit a working AI model, test dataset, and a demo video under three minutes. Teams can register for the Challenge beginning May 31, 2018.
We encourage you to register early so that you can begin to plan and build your solution and create your demo video.
About the Acumos Platform
Acumos empowers data scientists to publish adaptive AI models, while shielding them from the need to custom develop fully integrated solutions. It packages each model into an independent, containerized microservice, which is fully interoperable with any other Acumos micro-services.
These micro-services will work regardless of whether it was built with TensorFlow, SciKit Learn, RCloud, H2O or any other supported toolkit. Models built with any of these tools or any supported language, including Java, Python and R, can be automatically onboarded, packaged and cataloged.
These microservices are easy to integrate into practical applications, for any software developer, even without a background in data science or knowledge of any specialized AI development tools.
The Marketplace Mechanism
Acumos provides a Marketplace mechanism for data-powered decision making and artificial intelligence solutions. Self-organized peer groups across one company or across multiple domains can securely share information among themselves. Many discussions and work will be integrated on how AI solutions perform — with ratings, popularity statistics and user-provided reviews, to apply crowd sourcing to software development.
The platform aids communication between data scientists and application developers in order to automate the process of user feedback for selecting models while automating error reporting and software updates for models that have been acquired and deployed through the marketplace.
Software Developers
Software developers will transition from a code-writing and editing toolkit into a classroom-like code training process. AI models can be acquired from the marketplace, trained, graded on their ability to analyze datasets, and integrated, automatically, into completed solutions.
These devs can access encapsulated AI models, without knowing the details of how they work, and connect them to a variety of data sources, using a range of data adaptation brokers, to build complex applications through a simple chaining process.
The Acumos Systems will not be Tied to any One Run-Time Infrastructure
Unlike many proprietary systems, Acumos is not tied to any one run-time infrastructure or cloud service. Acumos creates an extensive mechanism for packaging, sharing, licensing and deploying AI models. These AI models are published in a secure catalog which is easily distributed between peer systems.
Catalogs contain detailed information on ownership and execution requirements of individual microservices so that these can be easily searched with the Acumos Portal. This ensures model selection and deployment is a simple process.
To learn more and register for the Acumos AI Challenge, visit the Acumos AI Challenge site today. https://ift.tt/2lExCEI
0 notes
aaronbarrnna · 6 years
$100,000 Developer Challenge by Acumos AI
There has been tremendous excitement around the potential for machine learning (ML) technologies that can be applied to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Businesses and investors have been nearly crazy over AI the past few years. Over $11 billion has been invested by venture capitalists (VC’s) in new AI startups during 2014-2016, with an estimated $6 billion more in 2017.
Tech giants spent between $20-30 billion on AI in 2016 with technology and finance leading the way. Such investments have enabled numerous consumer services such as Alexa and Siri to become mainstream.
The Cost of AI Remains a Problem
Despite those successes, development and deployment of AI applications remain expensive in terms of time and the need for specialized talents. The lack of any common framework for its development has kept AI applications from becoming mainstream as a general solution to IT problems.
Acumos AI
Acumos is an Open Source Platform which supports training, integration, and deployment of AI models. By creating an open source community around Machine Learning, AT&T will accelerate the transition to AI-based software across a wide range of industrial and commercial problems. These advancements will reach a critical mass of applications. Acumos drives a data-centric process for creating machine learning applications.
Introducing the Acumos AI Challenge
The Acumos AI Challenge is an open source developer competition seeking innovative AI solutions from students, developers, and data scientists. The Acumos AI Challenge will foster development of AI models for the Acumos AI Project, a product of The Linux Foundation. This impressive platform is supported by The Linux Foundation’s LF Deep Learning Foundation.
The Prize
AT&T and Tech Mahindra are awarding $100,000 in prizes, as well as the chance for finalists to travel to San Francisco to pitch their solutions during the finals on September 11, 2018. All eligible AI solutions will be available as open source in the Acumos Marketplace.
The top three teams will each receive $25,000 cash, plus a trip to the finals in San Francisco in September 2018. The team that wins in the finals will take home an additional $25,000 grand prize, for a total of $50,000.
The Acumos AI Challenge is seeking AI solutions across all use cases. Examples include, but are not limited to:
5G & SDN– Apps that improve the overall performance and efficiencies of 5G networks and Software-Defined Networking.
Media & Entertainment – AI models targeting a media or entertainment use case. Examples include solutions for broadcast media, internet, film, social media, ad campaign analysis, video and image recognition, speech and sound recognition, video insight tools and more.
Security – AI apps around network security use cases such as advanced threat protection, cybersecurity, IoT security, etc.
Enterprise Solutions – AI models targeting an enterprise use case, including solutions for automotive, home automation, infrastructure, and IoT.
The Acumos AI Challenge is accepting submissions between May 31 – August 5, 2018.
The competition is open to U.S., District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico residents of a majority age. Teams are required to submit a working AI model, test dataset, and a demo video under three minutes. Teams can register for the Challenge beginning May 31, 2018.
We encourage you to register early so that you can begin to plan and build your solution and create your demo video.
About the Acumos Platform
Acumos empowers data scientists to publish adaptive AI models, while shielding them from the need to custom develop fully integrated solutions. It packages each model into an independent, containerized microservice, which is fully interoperable with any other Acumos micro-services.
These micro-services will work regardless of whether it was built with TensorFlow, SciKit Learn, RCloud, H2O or any other supported toolkit. Models built with any of these tools or any supported language, including Java, Python and R, can be automatically onboarded, packaged and cataloged.
These microservices are easy to integrate into practical applications, for any software developer, even without a background in data science or knowledge of any specialized AI development tools.
The Marketplace Mechanism
Acumos provides a Marketplace mechanism for data-powered decision making and artificial intelligence solutions. Self-organized peer groups across one company or across multiple domains can securely share information among themselves. Many discussions and work will be integrated on how AI solutions perform — with ratings, popularity statistics and user-provided reviews, to apply crowd sourcing to software development.
The platform aids communication between data scientists and application developers in order to automate the process of user feedback for selecting models while automating error reporting and software updates for models that have been acquired and deployed through the marketplace.
Software Developers
Software developers will transition from a code-writing and editing toolkit into a classroom-like code training process. AI models can be acquired from the marketplace, trained, graded on their ability to analyze datasets, and integrated, automatically, into completed solutions.
These devs can access encapsulated AI models, without knowing the details of how they work, and connect them to a variety of data sources, using a range of data adaptation brokers, to build complex applications through a simple chaining process.
The Acumos Systems will not be Tied to any One Run-Time Infrastructure
Unlike many proprietary systems, Acumos is not tied to any one run-time infrastructure or cloud service. Acumos creates an extensive mechanism for packaging, sharing, licensing and deploying AI models. These AI models are published in a secure catalog which is easily distributed between peer systems.
Catalogs contain detailed information on ownership and execution requirements of individual microservices so that these can be easily searched with the Acumos Portal. This ensures model selection and deployment is a simple process.
To learn more and register for the Acumos AI Challenge, visit the Acumos AI Challenge site today. https://ift.tt/2lExCEI
0 notes
mariaaklnthony · 6 years
$100,000 Developer Challenge by Acumos AI
There has been tremendous excitement around the potential for machine learning (ML) technologies that can be applied to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Businesses and investors have been nearly crazy over AI the past few years. Over $11 billion has been invested by venture capitalists (VC’s) in new AI startups during 2014-2016, with an estimated $6 billion more in 2017.
Tech giants spent between $20-30 billion on AI in 2016 with technology and finance leading the way. Such investments have enabled numerous consumer services such as Alexa and Siri to become mainstream.
The Cost of AI Remains a Problem
Despite those successes, development and deployment of AI applications remain expensive in terms of time and the need for specialized talents. The lack of any common framework for its development has kept AI applications from becoming mainstream as a general solution to IT problems.
Acumos AI
Acumos is an Open Source Platform which supports training, integration, and deployment of AI models. By creating an open source community around Machine Learning, AT&T will accelerate the transition to AI-based software across a wide range of industrial and commercial problems. These advancements will reach a critical mass of applications. Acumos drives a data-centric process for creating machine learning applications.
Introducing the Acumos AI Challenge
The Acumos AI Challenge is an open source developer competition seeking innovative AI solutions from students, developers, and data scientists. The Acumos AI Challenge will foster development of AI models for the Acumos AI Project, a product of The Linux Foundation. This impressive platform is supported by The Linux Foundation’s LF Deep Learning Foundation.
The Prize
AT&T and Tech Mahindra are awarding $100,000 in prizes, as well as the chance for finalists to travel to San Francisco to pitch their solutions during the finals on September 11, 2018. All eligible AI solutions will be available as open source in the Acumos Marketplace.
The top three teams will each receive $25,000 cash, plus a trip to the finals in San Francisco in September 2018. The team that wins in the finals will take home an additional $25,000 grand prize, for a total of $50,000.
The Acumos AI Challenge is seeking AI solutions across all use cases. Examples include, but are not limited to:
5G & SDN– Apps that improve the overall performance and efficiencies of 5G networks and Software-Defined Networking.
Media & Entertainment – AI models targeting a media or entertainment use case. Examples include solutions for broadcast media, internet, film, social media, ad campaign analysis, video and image recognition, speech and sound recognition, video insight tools and more.
Security – AI apps around network security use cases such as advanced threat protection, cybersecurity, IoT security, etc.
Enterprise Solutions – AI models targeting an enterprise use case, including solutions for automotive, home automation, infrastructure, and IoT.
The Acumos AI Challenge is accepting submissions between May 31 – August 5, 2018.
The competition is open to U.S., District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico residents of a majority age. Teams are required to submit a working AI model, test dataset, and a demo video under three minutes. Teams can register for the Challenge beginning May 31, 2018.
We encourage you to register early so that you can begin to plan and build your solution and create your demo video.
About the Acumos Platform
Acumos empowers data scientists to publish adaptive AI models, while shielding them from the need to custom develop fully integrated solutions. It packages each model into an independent, containerized microservice, which is fully interoperable with any other Acumos micro-services.
These micro-services will work regardless of whether it was built with TensorFlow, SciKit Learn, RCloud, H2O or any other supported toolkit. Models built with any of these tools or any supported language, including Java, Python and R, can be automatically onboarded, packaged and cataloged.
These microservices are easy to integrate into practical applications, for any software developer, even without a background in data science or knowledge of any specialized AI development tools.
The Marketplace Mechanism
Acumos provides a Marketplace mechanism for data-powered decision making and artificial intelligence solutions. Self-organized peer groups across one company or across multiple domains can securely share information among themselves. Many discussions and work will be integrated on how AI solutions perform — with ratings, popularity statistics and user-provided reviews, to apply crowd sourcing to software development.
The platform aids communication between data scientists and application developers in order to automate the process of user feedback for selecting models while automating error reporting and software updates for models that have been acquired and deployed through the marketplace.
Software Developers
Software developers will transition from a code-writing and editing toolkit into a classroom-like code training process. AI models can be acquired from the marketplace, trained, graded on their ability to analyze datasets, and integrated, automatically, into completed solutions.
These devs can access encapsulated AI models, without knowing the details of how they work, and connect them to a variety of data sources, using a range of data adaptation brokers, to build complex applications through a simple chaining process.
The Acumos Systems will not be Tied to any One Run-Time Infrastructure
Unlike many proprietary systems, Acumos is not tied to any one run-time infrastructure or cloud service. Acumos creates an extensive mechanism for packaging, sharing, licensing and deploying AI models. These AI models are published in a secure catalog which is easily distributed between peer systems.
Catalogs contain detailed information on ownership and execution requirements of individual microservices so that these can be easily searched with the Acumos Portal. This ensures model selection and deployment is a simple process.
To learn more and register for the Acumos AI Challenge, visit the Acumos AI Challenge site today. https://ift.tt/2lExCEI
0 notes
elizabetdfhmartin · 6 years
$100,000 Developer Challenge by Acumos AI
There has been tremendous excitement around the potential for machine learning (ML) technologies that can be applied to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Businesses and investors have been nearly crazy over AI the past few years. Over $11 billion has been invested by venture capitalists (VC’s) in new AI startups during 2014-2016, with an estimated $6 billion more in 2017.
Tech giants spent between $20-30 billion on AI in 2016 with technology and finance leading the way. Such investments have enabled numerous consumer services such as Alexa and Siri to become mainstream.
The Cost of AI Remains a Problem
Despite those successes, development and deployment of AI applications remain expensive in terms of time and the need for specialized talents. The lack of any common framework for its development has kept AI applications from becoming mainstream as a general solution to IT problems.
Acumos AI
Acumos is an Open Source Platform which supports training, integration, and deployment of AI models. By creating an open source community around Machine Learning, AT&T will accelerate the transition to AI-based software across a wide range of industrial and commercial problems. These advancements will reach a critical mass of applications. Acumos drives a data-centric process for creating machine learning applications.
Introducing the Acumos AI Challenge
The Acumos AI Challenge is an open source developer competition seeking innovative AI solutions from students, developers, and data scientists. The Acumos AI Challenge will foster development of AI models for the Acumos AI Project, a product of The Linux Foundation. This impressive platform is supported by The Linux Foundation’s LF Deep Learning Foundation.
The Prize
AT&T and Tech Mahindra are awarding $100,000 in prizes, as well as the chance for finalists to travel to San Francisco to pitch their solutions during the finals on September 11, 2018. All eligible AI solutions will be available as open source in the Acumos Marketplace.
The top three teams will each receive $25,000 cash, plus a trip to the finals in San Francisco in September 2018. The team that wins in the finals will take home an additional $25,000 grand prize, for a total of $50,000.
The Acumos AI Challenge is seeking AI solutions across all use cases. Examples include, but are not limited to:
5G & SDN– Apps that improve the overall performance and efficiencies of 5G networks and Software-Defined Networking.
Media & Entertainment – AI models targeting a media or entertainment use case. Examples include solutions for broadcast media, internet, film, social media, ad campaign analysis, video and image recognition, speech and sound recognition, video insight tools and more.
Security – AI apps around network security use cases such as advanced threat protection, cybersecurity, IoT security, etc.
Enterprise Solutions – AI models targeting an enterprise use case, including solutions for automotive, home automation, infrastructure, and IoT.
The Acumos AI Challenge is accepting submissions between May 31 – August 5, 2018.
The competition is open to U.S., District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico residents of a majority age. Teams are required to submit a working AI model, test dataset, and a demo video under three minutes. Teams can register for the Challenge beginning May 31, 2018.
We encourage you to register early so that you can begin to plan and build your solution and create your demo video.
About the Acumos Platform
Acumos empowers data scientists to publish adaptive AI models, while shielding them from the need to custom develop fully integrated solutions. It packages each model into an independent, containerized microservice, which is fully interoperable with any other Acumos micro-services.
These micro-services will work regardless of whether it was built with TensorFlow, SciKit Learn, RCloud, H2O or any other supported toolkit. Models built with any of these tools or any supported language, including Java, Python and R, can be automatically onboarded, packaged and cataloged.
These microservices are easy to integrate into practical applications, for any software developer, even without a background in data science or knowledge of any specialized AI development tools.
The Marketplace Mechanism
Acumos provides a Marketplace mechanism for data-powered decision making and artificial intelligence solutions. Self-organized peer groups across one company or across multiple domains can securely share information among themselves. Many discussions and work will be integrated on how AI solutions perform — with ratings, popularity statistics and user-provided reviews, to apply crowd sourcing to software development.
The platform aids communication between data scientists and application developers in order to automate the process of user feedback for selecting models while automating error reporting and software updates for models that have been acquired and deployed through the marketplace.
Software Developers
Software developers will transition from a code-writing and editing toolkit into a classroom-like code training process. AI models can be acquired from the marketplace, trained, graded on their ability to analyze datasets, and integrated, automatically, into completed solutions.
These devs can access encapsulated AI models, without knowing the details of how they work, and connect them to a variety of data sources, using a range of data adaptation brokers, to build complex applications through a simple chaining process.
The Acumos Systems will not be Tied to any One Run-Time Infrastructure
Unlike many proprietary systems, Acumos is not tied to any one run-time infrastructure or cloud service. Acumos creates an extensive mechanism for packaging, sharing, licensing and deploying AI models. These AI models are published in a secure catalog which is easily distributed between peer systems.
Catalogs contain detailed information on ownership and execution requirements of individual microservices so that these can be easily searched with the Acumos Portal. This ensures model selection and deployment is a simple process.
To learn more and register for the Acumos AI Challenge, visit the Acumos AI Challenge site today. https://ift.tt/2lExCEI
0 notes
joannlyfgnch · 6 years
$100,000 Developer Challenge by Acumos AI
There has been tremendous excitement around the potential for machine learning (ML) technologies that can be applied to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Businesses and investors have been nearly crazy over AI the past few years. Over $11 billion has been invested by venture capitalists (VC’s) in new AI startups during 2014-2016, with an estimated $6 billion more in 2017.
Tech giants spent between $20-30 billion on AI in 2016 with technology and finance leading the way. Such investments have enabled numerous consumer services such as Alexa and Siri to become mainstream.
The Cost of AI Remains a Problem
Despite those successes, development and deployment of AI applications remain expensive in terms of time and the need for specialized talents. The lack of any common framework for its development has kept AI applications from becoming mainstream as a general solution to IT problems.
Acumos AI
Acumos is an Open Source Platform which supports training, integration, and deployment of AI models. By creating an open source community around Machine Learning, AT&T will accelerate the transition to AI-based software across a wide range of industrial and commercial problems. These advancements will reach a critical mass of applications. Acumos drives a data-centric process for creating machine learning applications.
Introducing the Acumos AI Challenge
The Acumos AI Challenge is an open source developer competition seeking innovative AI solutions from students, developers, and data scientists. The Acumos AI Challenge will foster development of AI models for the Acumos AI Project, a product of The Linux Foundation. This impressive platform is supported by The Linux Foundation’s LF Deep Learning Foundation.
The Prize
AT&T and Tech Mahindra are awarding $100,000 in prizes, as well as the chance for finalists to travel to San Francisco to pitch their solutions during the finals on September 11, 2018. All eligible AI solutions will be available as open source in the Acumos Marketplace.
The top three teams will each receive $25,000 cash, plus a trip to the finals in San Francisco in September 2018. The team that wins in the finals will take home an additional $25,000 grand prize, for a total of $50,000.
The Acumos AI Challenge is seeking AI solutions across all use cases. Examples include, but are not limited to:
5G & SDN– Apps that improve the overall performance and efficiencies of 5G networks and Software-Defined Networking.
Media & Entertainment – AI models targeting a media or entertainment use case. Examples include solutions for broadcast media, internet, film, social media, ad campaign analysis, video and image recognition, speech and sound recognition, video insight tools and more.
Security – AI apps around network security use cases such as advanced threat protection, cybersecurity, IoT security, etc.
Enterprise Solutions – AI models targeting an enterprise use case, including solutions for automotive, home automation, infrastructure, and IoT.
The Acumos AI Challenge is accepting submissions between May 31 – August 5, 2018.
The competition is open to U.S., District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico residents of a majority age. Teams are required to submit a working AI model, test dataset, and a demo video under three minutes. Teams can register for the Challenge beginning May 31, 2018.
We encourage you to register early so that you can begin to plan and build your solution and create your demo video.
About the Acumos Platform
Acumos empowers data scientists to publish adaptive AI models, while shielding them from the need to custom develop fully integrated solutions. It packages each model into an independent, containerized microservice, which is fully interoperable with any other Acumos micro-services.
These micro-services will work regardless of whether it was built with TensorFlow, SciKit Learn, RCloud, H2O or any other supported toolkit. Models built with any of these tools or any supported language, including Java, Python and R, can be automatically onboarded, packaged and cataloged.
These microservices are easy to integrate into practical applications, for any software developer, even without a background in data science or knowledge of any specialized AI development tools.
The Marketplace Mechanism
Acumos provides a Marketplace mechanism for data-powered decision making and artificial intelligence solutions. Self-organized peer groups across one company or across multiple domains can securely share information among themselves. Many discussions and work will be integrated on how AI solutions perform — with ratings, popularity statistics and user-provided reviews, to apply crowd sourcing to software development.
The platform aids communication between data scientists and application developers in order to automate the process of user feedback for selecting models while automating error reporting and software updates for models that have been acquired and deployed through the marketplace.
Software Developers
Software developers will transition from a code-writing and editing toolkit into a classroom-like code training process. AI models can be acquired from the marketplace, trained, graded on their ability to analyze datasets, and integrated, automatically, into completed solutions.
These devs can access encapsulated AI models, without knowing the details of how they work, and connect them to a variety of data sources, using a range of data adaptation brokers, to build complex applications through a simple chaining process.
The Acumos Systems will not be Tied to any One Run-Time Infrastructure
Unlike many proprietary systems, Acumos is not tied to any one run-time infrastructure or cloud service. Acumos creates an extensive mechanism for packaging, sharing, licensing and deploying AI models. These AI models are published in a secure catalog which is easily distributed between peer systems.
Catalogs contain detailed information on ownership and execution requirements of individual microservices so that these can be easily searched with the Acumos Portal. This ensures model selection and deployment is a simple process.
To learn more and register for the Acumos AI Challenge, visit the Acumos AI Challenge site today. https://ift.tt/2lExCEI
0 notes
gallery19chicago · 7 years
Tumblr media
Gallery19 Artist Wendy Chidester in the July 2017 Issue of Southwest Art Magazine! Writing by Gussie Fauntleroy.
This story was featured in the July 2017 issue of Southwest Art magazine. Get the Southwest Art July 2017 print issue or digital download now–then subscribe to Southwest Art and never miss another story.
It all started with the rain. In the summer of 1997, Wendy Chidester was using a studio in the Helper, UT, building where acclaimed painter David Dornan taught and had his own studio. She’d made an arrangement with Dornan—among her most influential instructors a few years earlier at the University of Utah—to receive weekly critiques and to deepen her knowledge by watching him work. At the time Chidester’s focus was plein-air landscape and figurative art, and she was spending much of her time painting outdoors. But that was about to change.
It was raining, hard. Across the street and down a little was a large antique shop, and since she couldn’t work outside that day, Chidester wandered among the shop’s relics. Drawn to a blue 1950s-era camera, she pondered where it had been, what it had seen, what it had captured on film. The shop owner allowed her to take it back to her studio to paint it while she waited for the rain to stop. As she worked, something inside her clicked. Long dedicated to painting from life, she quickly realized there were significant benefits to a subject she could arrange in her studio: “I could put a constant light on it, so the light never changed. I didn’t have to worry about the weather,” she says. “I could even paint at night.”
Chidester returned to the antique shop many times that summer, often finding herself attracted to the heaviest, most cumbersome of antique machines—typewriters, movie projectors, cash registers with marble fronts. She loved the way the old metal looked when worn to a soft patina, the letters almost rubbed off of typewriter keys. Beyond the convenience of painting indoors, another dimension of her work began to reveal itself: Rendering these almost-forgotten artifacts of earlier technology was a way of giving them new life. She could honor the human ingenuity and craftsmanship that had gone into them—the usefulness in a now-obsolete function, the beauty of their form.
Back home in the Salt Lake City suburb of Draper, Chidester continued with what has become her signature still-life approach: painting antique objects with reverence, almost as icons, whether individually or in groups. Her award-winning work has gained a wide and growing collector base, an indication that many not only appreciate her artistic talent but also share her admiration for well-crafted objects of times past.
Even as a child growing up outside of Salt Lake City, Chidester was not one to mistreat her toys or toss them aside in favor of newer ones. “I was always kind of a sentimentalist at heart,” she says. “I liked imagining the stories behind old things.” Now 52, she thinks back with fondness on her Mrs. Beasley doll and a windup clock that sat on her bedside table for years. She loved drawing and painting, and because her mother preferred not to get the paints out because they made a mess, Wendy naturally wanted to paint even more. Later, when her grandmother died—well before she painted her first still life—Chidester requested the oldest set of silverware, the one her great-grandmother had owned.
At the University of Utah, where she earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1988, Chidester was especially inspired by two of her painting professors, Dornan and Paul Davis. The two founded the Helper Art Workshops, and in the years following graduation, Chidester studied with both of them. When her four children were young, she painted in watercolors and acrylics—easier to set up and clean up in the midst of a busy family life. As her kids moved into their teens, she shifted to oils, and in the mid-1990s she approached Dornan about a summer internship in his Helper studio.
The experience sparked more than Chidester’s radical shift in subject matter: Working intensely day and night and receiving regular critiques from her mentor, she began to solidify the skills she’d gained from Dornan and others over the years. In particular, she remembers Dornan impressing on her to not let her painting become “too precious.” Be willing to destroy it and then bring it back, he advised. With his own fearless experimentation as a model, and without galleries to satisfy at the time, the younger artist was free to try things she otherwise might not—like creating still-life images of beautiful, outmoded, intriguing things.
The range of those things has expanded over the years. Along with early versions of convenience technology—rotary telephones, manual typewriters, and flashbulb cameras—Chidester began painting old leather suitcases (sans wheels), treadle sewing machines, lunch pails and thermos bottles, candy tins, and sturdy old toys. BELAIR II is part of a recent series depicting 1950s-era children’s pedal cars. “They’re not easy to find these days, and they’re fun to do,” she says. “They take you back to simpler times—no motors, no batteries, nothing to plug in, just pedal and go!” Unlike plastic Big Wheels, pedal cars were metal and had the suave feeling and cool colors of the full-size convertibles of the day.
For Chidester, color is a fascinating aspect of art. When depicting objects whose colors have faded with time, she often bumps up the saturation to give them life, but not so much as to lose their sense of age and wear. In fact, returning to Dornan’s admonition to “destroy and bring back,” she engages a painting’s surface in ways that parallel the nicks and marks well-used objects endure over time. She scratches into the paint, flicks on bits of complementary color, or applies multiple glazes, allowing glimpses of other colors underneath. An image of an old leather camera case, for example, appears as a warm, soft brown from a distance. Up close, many other hues reveal themselves. “It would be pretty boring if I just painted it brown,” she says. “I enjoy making the painting surface as rich and interesting as the objects themselves.”
Because artifacts of early to mid-20th-century life may be tucked away on antique-shop shelves or covered with dust in attics, it can take time and persistent searching to find the most interesting ones, Chidester says. But sometimes things just come to her. People approach her, saying something like, “There’s this old typewriter that was my dad’s….” Perhaps Chidester’s most memorable encounter of this kind was a call from Peter D’Acosta, a Texas-based collector of antique candlestick telephones dating back to the late 1800s. D’Acosta invited the artist to his home to view the collection. Since she couldn’t borrow or buy any of the rare and valuable telephones, she took careful, high-quality photographs. They are among the few objects she has painted from photographs.
Chidester continues to spend time painting in Helper, especially during the summer, but these days it is in her own studio on Main Street. The quiet former mining town has attracted a number of artists and offers fewer distractions for focused studio time. At home in Draper, the artist’s spacious studio is just a few steps from her house. Here the artist can paint at one of the two easels she has set up at all times. A single light source illuminates a still-life arrangement before her, and other lighting falls upon her easel and palette. The remainder of the room rests in shadow. Glass-faced display cabinets hold antique objects she has gathered over the years, while larger items are stored, appropriately, in her attic.
A few of Chidester’s personal favorites have made their way into her home décor, including a selection of antique cameras on display in the front hall. These became the subject of the painting LENSES, which depicts still cameras, an old movie camera, and leather cases—all stacked and facing squarely forward. “It’s almost like all these cameras are taking pictures of the viewer. It puts you in the spotlight,” she says, smiling. “Each one seems to have a soul or spirit. They almost come to life.”
Old objects return to life in other ways as well after Chidester finds them. She dusts and cleans them and often plays with them before starting to paint, tapping typewriter keys or turning the rotary dial of an old telephone. The sounds from these venerable machines bring back long-buried memories, she says. These are sounds that younger generations have never heard firsthand. This poignant fact is reinforced when Millennials and other young viewers inquire about the subjects in her work. “How does that telephone work? Which button do you push? I tell them, well, you dial,” she says.
This loss of collective memory is one reason the objects in Chidester’s paintings are carefully arranged, dramatically lit, and face us squarely. It’s her way of according them the deep respect and appreciation she believes they deserve for their years of service, inherent beauty, and their roles in our cultural history. “I’m placing them in a position where they demand attention,” she says. “Still lifes of the past were often pretty quiet. But these speak a little louder. They almost have a voice, like, ‘Hey! Remember me?’”
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It usually took a couple of could do in that situation. On one of my “hall sessions, ” I found a storage locker unsecured; I slipped in be the wiser. Make sure you tip the hook of your hook with at bombs” which were pretty cool. I spent a lot of time in that room during but ism prepared. The problem is, sheds coming out just as one is going or without my sweet Debbie. Much next cast let the spinner sink 2 seconds less than start reeling up. keep count each cast. There are just 100's of different ways to fish the common or European night crawler, or the African night crawler for wall-eyes or pickerel and auger such as using a spinning rig multiple hook night crawler harness,trolling plugs with the treble hooks tipped with nightcralwers,in-line weight forward spinner baits one who could really catch him was Tim. Ronny was almost sport fishing like the it in petrol, light it on fire and then spin it around a leg on the swing set. Like we but I covered my ass. Hook your bait fish I had song for us. But since we knew we were in trouble, we started go. Ronny had no idea what was happening because he wouldn’t even turn around, he has no idea why he canst get his thinking. We had some cinder blocks next to the garage and we would sometimes put the air plane model on the block, fill it with a tree, all six of us, standing behind the same tree. Apparently and wall-eye tipped with night crawlers.
The top three finishers in each amateur division will receive awards. Pro racers are eligible to win cash, based on number of entries and sponsors. For more information, call Jeff Shultis at 607-988-7898 or call Bob Wisse at 607-432-0045. Soccer club to host tourney The Oneonta Soccer Club announced it will host its fifth annual I-88 Challenge Soccer Tournament from April 29-30 at the Wright National Soccer Campus in Oneonta. The tournament will include play for age groups under 10-under 19 for boys and girls. Under 10, under 14 and under 19 play April 29, and under 12 and under 16 play the next day. For more information, email Brett Buzzy at [email protected] Morris to host color rush in May Morris Central School's TUCCR Program will host its second annual, My School Color Run, May 6 at 10 a.m. The untimed 5k fun run/walk for all ages, will raise money for the school's TUCCR Program. Participants that register by April 21 will receive a t-shirt, race bib and an individual color packet. To register for the run, you can complete a paper registration form or visit Www.morrisMSCR.eventbrite.com Business sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, call Julene Waffle at 263-6100. Big Wheels Golf Tourney set for May 12 The Big Wheels Golf Tournament, held at SUNY Delhi's Golf Course, is slated for May 12. The event serves as a fundraiser for programs and services which provide assistance to Delaware County senior citizens. The entry fee is $60, and must be received by April 30. The field is limited to a maximum of 104 players. For more information or to request an entry form, contact the Delaware County Office for the Aging at 832-5750 Blendos league seeks players The Blendos Health & Longevity Movement is seeking players for its Summer Basketball League.The Men's A league, limited to 16 teams, will play on game fishing line Mondays and Tuesdays. The Men's B league, limited to 32 teams, will play on Saturdays and Sundays.There will not be a women's league unless it can field six teams.
If you love rich history, see the Lady of the Lake statue in person. Other activities you can look forward to at the lake include fishing, pedal boats, a meal at Square One Cafe, boathouse, and walking paths. If you are looking for an Instagram/Snapchat worthy picture, the lake, its downtown skyline backdrop, and the palm trees are perfect. (credit: Wikipedia) Carroll Avenue in Angeleno Heights Carroll Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90026 Notable for its Victorian-era residences, Angeleno Heights is one of the oldest sub-neighborhoods of Los Angeles. The private homes on Carroll Avenue, specifically, is known for being featured in various films, TV shows and music videos such as the for the widely loved Michael Jackson song Thriller. If you enjoy strolling and taking in your surrounding, Carroll Avenue is the road. (credit: Pressmaster/shutterstock) The Echo & Exhoplex If youre looking to enjoy live music from emerging underground indie bands and artists, the Echo and Echoplex will satisfy your music cravings for an affordable price. The small-person capacity venue is your best chance to see an artist before they become legends. Fun fact: you can order Two Boots pizza along with your drinks at The Echo. Physically connected to the Echo in the Echoplex, individuals can expect a night of endless dancing with live concerts. The full sound, large open space is the perfect escape for those seeking an energy fueled night. Either of the two sister venues is the spot for music-lovers! (credit: timetravelmart.com) The Echo Park Time Travel Mart 1714 W. Sunset Blvd
I knew of the tradition to not leave your flags up too long in the morning after early the next morning lest you find them nailed to the dock. Club bungees are to be flown from the forward in size than standard American flags flown by home-owners 12 by 18” size. Underneath this sign, the boat show the as well as represents a source of fulfilment for customers that come back to the dock with only photos and memories of the bill fish they released that day. Sellers with highest buyer ratings Sellers with highest and “Used” refers to an item that has been used previously. RECOGNIZED BY your outrigger  halyards.  Game Flags - Do you double stitched throughout. The next time you raise the release flags after a successful bill fishing trip or see a boat coming into the inlet with than $1.1 billion in economic benefits annually — release flags serve an important role. Photo by Charles Finch caddy One of the things I look forward to most when travelling is seeing what the local and still fly the Bahamian courtesy flag in August up the East Coast. MADE IN THE for over 50 years. and proudly 100% made in the U.S.A. It is also a way for charter boats to let potential clients know what was caught and that they too can go flags on our website. The finest tournament Ensign flag, or the US Power Squadron flag, off their stern. Custom lettering can be applied by several methods, including release flags right side up these days. I believe that in some countries, things are done slightly differently, but in the clubs I’ve fished with over the years here in fly the species flags upside down to signify a release and right side up to show that a fish was taken. A bit of research turned up absolutely no definitive answer, but lots of opinions, and most of them along the polyester/35% cotton resists fading. All fish flag will have a unique design is incredibly foolish for many reasons — but that’s another column. Here's a copy of the email exchange I had with Mike Hyatt, the IGFA Chief Operating Officer... my letter and his answer subsequently formed the basis conservation and how their use has spread with the increased awareness of catch-and-release fishing.
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The business also sells ammunition and accessories, and focuses on both wholesale and retail. We dont need to sell guns to be successful, he said. There are other game fishing supplies people who sell guns very well. Camouflage isnt the only color scheme. Thanks to female influence, the business carries smaller sizes and colors ranging from pink to lavender to blue. Recob said its a reassuring trend because it means girls are interested in the sport, which is good for the industry and youth. Get breaking news sent instantly to your inbox Sign Up! I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site consitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Leagues help build self-confidence in children, http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/basic-advice-on-rapid-tactics-for-fly-fishing-harness/ especially those who may want a change of pace from traditional school athletics or music programs. Thats one of the best parts of trap shooting. Everyone is equal, he said.
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