#the winter pupper
bearfeathers · 1 year
i have to put bucky down a week from today and let me tell you that trying not to pussy out is so hard
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thedisablednaturalist · 6 months
Guys we need to fight climate change so more dogs get to have their first snow day
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pugsandfrenchbulldogs · 5 months
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daystilchristmas · 1 year
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There's 181 Days Til Christmas!
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sparkleondoom · 3 months
If requests are still on the table . Can i order a howard howie king pupper pretty please
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Howie has officially entered Husky Mode
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☕️ with 2012 raph?
After Chompy has to go back home, Raph mourns for a while, and then Mikey lovingly bullies him into considering something new. So he goes out looking at shelters, without really thinking he'll get anyone, and then he finds this dog. This skinny, frightened little dog covered in scars who's one step away from being put down. This dog who snaps and snarls and struggles to understand what's going on around her. A dog that people click their tongues about, going about how angry she is, how dangerous.
Raph sneaks the dog out of the shelter, leaving a note and some cash in the cage, and brings her home. The first few weeks are rough--the dog bites him, shits everywhere, tries to run away, barks at ungodly hours. But Raph just keeps at it, keeps talking to her gently and giving her the best food and making Donnie treat her for worms and getting all the fleas and ticks out of her fur. He puts on sunglasses and hoodie and a cloth mask (I feel like Covid protocols would be pretty helpful for the turtles once Donnie set something up to wear them without ears) and walks her as long as she needs, lets her sniff every damn things sight.
Nobody's ever seen him like this before. It's hard not to worry about him snapping and yelling, but he never raises his voice around the dog. He always touches her so gently, so carefully, even more careful than he is with his knitting needles.
Raph doesn't really know how to explain to them that it's easy to be gentle with the dog, because he understands her more than he's ever understood anyone in her life. He knows what it is to be angry, frightened, wrong, to bite because nothing else makes sense.
And maybe she starts to understand him, too, because slowly, surely, she begins to trust him. She wriggles into his bed at night, she eats his food, she goes along with potty training, she makes three whole days without trying to take his finger off. She howls joyously along with his music and gives him big kisses and starts biting him out of love, not fear.
He names her Hurricane, because she's unstoppable. And he wouldn't want her any other way.
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always-coffee · 4 months
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
I've returned with more pictures of my baby
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1000000000000000/10 for the amazing sleeping picture🥹🥹 thank you sm !! Also I absolutely love that you tuck ur baby in a blankie and my heart hurts in the best way possible bc it’s clear ur baby enjoys it 😭😭
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whywolfprincess · 1 year
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crispy-pupper-moved · 2 years
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Happy Holidays - bundle up with your partner this winter. Check out my ko-fi for more information on this commission!
>> ko-fi.com/crispypupper
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linnheidi · 2 years
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Tis boy got some magic healing snuggles
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bearfeathers · 1 year
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I had to say goodbye to Bucky on Thursday. It's been very hard. I don't really know what to do without him. I think everyone's relationship with their pets is special in a way that you can't ever fully explain to someone else. That's how I feel about Bucky. He was my best friend and my whole world for ten years. I've had dogs before him and I'll have dogs after him, but I'll never have another dog like him. If I had to post my favorite pictures of him, it would be all of them. But you can only pick so many so here are the ones I want to remember him by.
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invoke-parlay · 2 years
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pugsandfrenchbulldogs · 4 months
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otherearthsoutthere · 2 years
And since I can’t post 2 vids at once, here’s the rest of that story.
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herbalnature · 4 months
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A little pupper bundles up against the winter wonderland, padding down a snowy path illuminated by streetlights. The evening's gentle snowfall creates a peaceful scene for this cozy dog walk.
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