#the worst kind of filthy trash honestly
littlecaesar · 2 years
Things HM the King would probably do: Post the below and tag himself as Tria's left hand
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indigos-stardust · 1 month
Violet and Blue Bruises: Bitterness (aka the lead up to their fight)
Part 1 / Part 2 /part 3/ part 4(click to open the links)
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Blue has issues. He knows that he does. He knew he could come off as a jerk. Blue is from the protective and defensive side of Link. The part who flared up his ego and rebutted against his dad to protect vulnerable insecurity filled storm inside. The part that decided if anyone was gonna mess with Zelda, that he'd be the one to deal with 'em. And the rage, the type you get when you try to explain and you try your best but everyone assumes the worst of you. *cough autistic cough*
Red was the one that stopped the worst of it though. Humbled him, really. Blue was stupid and brash and shoved everything in him telling him he had to go back and kept going. Until he got frozen anyways. He spent a long time like that, utterly helpless and realizing all his regrets in the magical ice. Red saved him, with his cheeky mischievous little grin. He'd protect that. Even if Red would occasionally joke that the incident was "what cooled him down" he figured that just made them even.
Then the temple happened. Where he and Red were alone, they were tricked by the darkness to believe that Green and Vio were dead. Where Red lost all hope. And Blue was the one to keep him going, even if it was just for themselves, because they were still alive. He very "lovingly" snapped Red into reality. Red might still have nightmares about Blue being swallowed alive.
So yeah, Blue, if there's one thing he's doing right, its protecting his family! Even if he kinda has to look like the angry stupid problematic bad unwanted one sometimes. And well, okay maybe he is still bad at expressing his emotions and definitely blows up sometimes-
(He doesn't hit anymore though... he hates that he ever did but its so hard to stop it he just can't he tries so hard and-)
But Red and Blue support each other. Blue keeps Red from letting his kindness hurt him (AKA being too kind with second chances and gullible, and taking every single bit of criticism and judgment of strangers to heart) while Red helps Blue learn nuance in conversations, how to express his feelings in a way that doesn't sounds accusatory, and even how to be a bit more vulnerable. It's good. They work well together.
Red's a teaser and and sweetheart and the strongest person Blue's ever known.
Green's great. Sure, he was kinda annoyed at him at first but you know what? Green actually is a lot better at leading them than Blue would've ever been. He's honestly glad, he'd take the quiet protector role over "leader of the rainbow circus" anyday. Sure the dudes actually come out to be a little weird- Okay, "passionate" he can use nice words! He challenges Blue! Descretely punches him to shut him up, (its their love language.) Makes the most heinous dad jokes and puns he'd ever heard. Their dad loves them. They knit together, its cool. They're cool.
But then there's the nerd. Vio.
He doesn't know what's up with that guy! "oH bUt YU UsEd To Be ThE sAmE pErsOn" Yeah no. That guy is a little freaky???
He always acts like he's SO PERFECT, just being sarcastic and reading and getting ON HIS NERVES ALL THE TIME?! His stupid sly comments always make his blood boil. He'd never admit how much they got under his skin. The smug bastard's "logic" didn't even make sense.
Vio did a bunch of stupid idiotic heart attacking including crap on their adventure and he's supposed to be the smart one?! He's terrible at any organization and cleanliness TOO. He just knows Vio does it on purpose to rile him up and get him mad too! He keeps poking and prodding and making all those stupid little digs all the time and when Blue blows up he's the one who gets in trouble every time! He acts so condescending afterwards too!
Then. The worst thing of all?His ROOM. It's Blue's actual worst nightmare. He can't even look, the glimpses of the ink puddle, the papers and trash, the mugs and mugs of filthy drying teas and thrown laundry wrinkling in the corner with shelves of dust and- uengh-
Everything about them clashes. Their logic, their perspectives. Their fighting styles even. Maybe even worse than his room though, is when Vio is Right. Vio is just-
He's warmed up to the weird little nerd. He sees how Vio's joked with the others and always had a soft spot to Red, letting Red's overwhelming presence be excused in his space. You cna't be that bad of a person if you have a soft spot for Red.
But still... he's so cold. And confusing. Sorta like the Ice. But then... Over time? During the rebuilding of Hyrule he became... colder and colder. More a douche. The sarcasm starts to cut deeper. Less and less warm. Unforgiving and solid. Pragmatic. Distant.
Vio starts snapping back at him. He starts snapping back harder. Joking rude banter becomes petty arguments and disagreements full of blame. Resentment, dripping down into a dam that threatens to break. Drip by drip. Those arguments never get resolved either, there is no flow and tide of in and out. Just more and more until the damn bursts.
Green tried to get them to "understand each other."
It went just about as well as the monster hunting mission that ended up with them stranded for nearly a week. They found them covered in mud and glaring daggers into the other. Sure, it hadn't necessarily escalated, but it only drove them further apart no matter how hard Green tried to push them together.
Blue doesn't know what Red sees in Vio. Red's so sensitive to fights, so he tries to keep as much as the bitterness away from him as possible.
Blue doesn't realize that Vio seems him in a very similar light. They encounter an issue, they try to solve it their ways, it backfires and it gets worse. That's their pathetic tango. And then at home its just petty spat over petty spat about chores and the others intelligence or abilities.
Then it escalates.
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zettasserda · 4 years
How the Mighty Fall (in love) - (1/2)
Poppy x MC
words: 1,662
rating: m (swearing)
a/n: alright so as i’ve said in the sneak peak, i’m not a writer and when i do write, it’s rarely so bear with me. i had this idea concept of a confrontation between poppy and mc that happens in the bathroom while mc is being already late to kingsley’s class and poppy wants to have some fun with her. 
i hope ya’ll enjoy
Sitting on the toilet and doing her thing, Bea looks around searching for any trace of vandalism. A graffiti here, a renaissance inspired dick drawing there and maybe even a letter plus another letter carved into the wooden bathroom stall - the ultimate modern symbol of love. All of the artistic things she had easily found in at her previous college and grown to love.
She zones back in as she hears someone enter the bathroom, stopping at the sink. Realizing she was done with her thing, she dresses back up and pushes the door open, exiting the stall.
And the person that stands in front of the mirror like on a fucking fashion show, is none other than the Bloody Mary herself. It makes Bea suppresses a shudder, as she approaches the sink.
"I wouldn't want to inhale radioactive particles emerging from your way, villager." Poppy states not even bothering to look at the other girl as she puts her fabulous cherry lip gloss on. Bea rolls her eyes at that, but moves to the next sink in the row. She does a small curtsy in Poppy's direction, which makes the blonde glance annoyingly at the girl's reflection in the mirror.
"Weren't those outlawed in the eighties for being totally lame? I mean, your whole look is so depressing. I may actually be dead right now." The Queen B points the tip of her lip gloss at the new girl's brown sneakers as she gestures at them.
Bea lets out a low hum of disappointment as she turns the faucet on and starts washing her hands, but doesn't ever bother to glance at the blonde.
Her lack of response brought a certain amount of impatience and displeasure on the shorter girl's face, as she taps her foot a few times disapprovingly against the bathroom floor. She checks herself out in the mirror as she starts speaking again.
"Everything about you screams pig mud. It's exhausting to look at you." Poppy pushes, continuing to delicately trace her lips using her favorite beauty weapon. Bea sighs as she finally gives in and pleases the girl with a remark and a question of her own.
"Do you ever get tired tearing other people down?" She prompts the blonde.
"No, not really." Poppy answers nonchalantly as she finally finishes putting her lip gloss on, not before letting out a small pop. There is a short-lived silence between them, until surprisingly Bea cuts the haunting but weirdly satisfying tension first.
"What, no oompa loompas in their Loubuttons following your spoiled ass around today?" Bea throws a curious glance over at the Queen B, wiping her hands with a paper towel nearby.
Poppy glares at the taller's girl reflection on the mirror, shoving the lip gloss in her handbag more hastily than intended. God, this woman infuriated her. Realizing that silence was her only answer, Bea continues pushing and the roles reverse, as they always do. She thrives on testing the other girl, knowing she is the only one who can put her back where she belongs. And it is beautiful and freeing - a great revelation in Bea's life.
"Are they finally aware of the fact that you sleep in a casket and live off the blood of villagers?
She smirks at the blonde after disposing the used paper towel in a trash can, never letting her gaze wander off of the other girl. Bea expects an answer - no, not an answer, more of a snarl, an animalistic growl. She certainly had a lot of training from all that yelling at the poor maids.
"Or maybe they're still chained up at the wall in your hidden dungeon." The new girl folds her arms over her chest as turns to fully face Poppy, lifting her left brow, "When do you take them out for a quick walk?"
This gets her attention, as Poppy turns almost too quickly around to finally lock eyes with Bea.
"Don't be jealous at the fact that I actually do have friends here. And your only known way of making them is snorkeling with Becky the cow in vicious, underhanded local gossip and rolling around in mud." She belts it out like a song and Bea lets herself chuckle at that, because how can she not at the bratty girl?
But the bratty girl doesn't plan on stopping there.
"Also that lame version of Janelle Monae girlfriend of yours is gonna drag your rep down like an anchor to the depths of Freaksville." Bea's sudden smug smile turned cold stare can cut Poppy's petite figure in half, as the blonde only snickers at that motion.
"I mean, how damaged does a girl have to be, to be into someone as annoying as you, Fetus Face." She snorts as she concludes her voiced thoughts.
This fucking girl, both of them think at the same time.
Bea continues staring at her as if she was analyzing a brilliant cut diamond, until she opens her mouth.
"Oh wow, pretty little liar isn't even aware of the fact that her minions don't see her as anything more than a self-proclaimed magnet for popularity and reputation based on levels of fear factor." Bea uncrosses her arms and starts waving her hands in the air as if she was demonstrating a rather unknown history fact to her class. Across from her, Poppy furrows her eyebrows down so hard luckily they don't combust on the girl's face right there.
"What the fuck are you babbling about, treasure trail? They're my friends, they listen to me, they care-" She tries to simultaneously stop Newbie from saying whatever next she had planned and anger-management her way through the girl's sarcastic tone and elaboration.
This time, Newbie doesn't plan on stopping herself.
"Do they really listen to you? Maybe your wallet more? Or maybe you offer some weird sexual fantasies equal to dark fetishes of a sloppy divorced businessman in exchange for a rank level up." She moves a step towards Poppy, who doesn't back down yet, even if she probably wants to vomit at the already close proximity between the two of them. Bea continues pushing, "Maybe the possibility of you throwing a hissy fit when it doesn't go your way which results in somehow expelling innocent students and your so called friends, lingers in their mind every time they look at you, Tinkerbitch."
Poppy seems distraugh as she looks at the brunette hesitantly.
Struck a nerve.
"You don't know what you're talking about, Lumps." She says finally through gritted teeth, after finishing stabbing Newbie with a stiletto in her mind.
Bea decides to do the ultimate move and get up all in the other girl's face as she moves yet another step forward. Now she is standing in front of her, the edges and tips of their clothes almost touching. Their faces inches away as they share the same breath, making Poppy's worst nightmare come true. And Bea's reveling in the feeling.
"Did I struck I nerve? Because make no mistake, Legally Blonde. Every time you open your bitchy mouth to shit on someone for no reason at all except your own dissatisfaction and low self-esteem, you take one step closer to everyone seeing that you are actually pathetic."
Bea doesn't smirk or smile this time after ending her sentence. She gazes down at the girl in front of her with a more sad kind of look. It's pity and Poppy can smell it, making her lower lip tremble in rage.
It takes all of mother nature's willpower and strength not the end the pig girl right in that moment, to take her by her disgusting lice infested curly brown hair and completely destroy her in the academy's meticulously clean bathroom. What a sad death that would be though. For the bathroom's tiles surface, not for the pigsty standing in front of her.
"First of all, your hideous sneakers are provoking me." She composes herself after snapping out of her thoughts, but doesn't back away, "Second, your mustache is thicker than Borat's", she throws a glance at the taller girl' lips and lingers a bit longer than intended before quickly looking up at Bea's eyes again, "so you might want to do something about that." She smiles proudly, thinking of how spot on that reference was on and Bea rolls her eyes at that.
"And third," the blonde continues, "you fucking rustic scarecrow, ship yourself back to Losertown or whatever sad country you came from. You don't know me and you don't know what you're talking about."
Bea doesn't say anything at that. Poppy celebrates her victory.
The taller girl stays mute as she just looks at her curiously for a bit, which unsettles Poppy as her stomach drops a little. Any kind. Then Bea does something that probably almost no one at Belvoire Academy dared to. She glances at the blonde strand of hair on Poppy's forehead that moved there while she was going all berserk with her speech. She casually grabs it between her fingers and softly tucks it behind the blonde's ear.
Poppy blushes uncontrollably at the action as they lock their gaze once again.
"Let me write you a reality check, Ritchy Bitch. Your two apostles? They don't give a fuck about you. Honestly, no one at this academy does." She ends it with a shrug and Poppy hisses, "You don't fucking know anything, you filthy skank." She almost spits at the brunette in front of her, boiling with frustration.
"Do you really think the foundation of a relationship is based on fear and disrespect? How fucking dense can you be?"
"I don't give a fuck about your free lessons on ho-" A hand covers her mouth suddenly which startles Poppy, but keeps her in her place as intended. Dark brown eyes appear even more closer than they were before, as Bea's face was inches apart from the blonde's own.
"I'm talking, shut up." Bea orders and Poppy complies.
—— —— —— —— ——
tagging people that wanted to be tagged and shamelessly tagging those who i think might enjoy this fic:
@uhh-the-green-thing @origmansello​ @ save-me-the-last-dance @ ognenniyvolk @ imdreamingof-you @ nias-missellarious @ uselesslesbianfr @ jkeiontheworks  @somewillwin @kamilahtrash @poppysminion @captain-hanadeleine @simpforpoppy @poppysmc
also happy queen b day!
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hpdabbles · 4 years
While it was interesting to see Naruto reveal Peter is an agnimus or whatever as well as a death eater.....
Let Naruto reunite with Remus!
There was a whirlwind of people rushing everywhere after Rat-man was tackled, mayhem as every single customer tried to press themselves as far away from the struggling male or get closer to watch.
The family of redheads was one of the few that pressed closer though the eldest were pushing the children back. The twins stretched their necks to get a better look over the mother who is so stressed her hair was actually getting fizzier by the second. 
He could sympathize with her. The Leaf ninja preferred not involving civilians when he could but sometimes they made it so hard to control the crowds. There will always be that one person who wanted to get closer not measuring the risks if they did. 
It’s a good thing Naruto had never been in charge of crowd control. He always left that to whatever unfortunate level-headed teammate he was partnered with. He didn’t give anyone a second glance watching the struggling men with a keen eye looking for any weakness. 
Rat-man is pinned against the floor, his stomach to the ground with his arms bound behind his back in some kind of invisible justu. Naruto had of course jump in to save him, managed to knock the two men back, and kicked the strange chakra filled sticks from their hands in a flying kick one right after the other. The moment he got the shortest Auror’s stick the justu around Ratman’s wrist and ankles shatter like glass. 
The filthy man is on his feet in seconds snatching one of the sticks from the floor as he does, reaching out and yanking Naruto into his chest. The dull end of the wood is pressed against the jugular of the Leaf ninja. The crowd watching gasps, staring in horror, and the air in the room swiftly becomes strained  
“No one move! I’ll curse him if anyone so much as thinks of getting closer!” Ratman yells. Naruto tilts his eyes upwards confuse about why he being held like a hostage. Does his parents' friend not recognize him, thus thinking he was an enemy?
Not that it wouldn’t be surprising. After all the last time he saw Naruto the boy had been a baby of one going on two years old.
“Rat-man? It’s me. Harry Potter, James’ and Lily’s son. You know me.” He starts but that only causes the man holding him to jolt the wood harder in his skin. These are not the actions of an alley, nor of someone who doesn’t recognize him. Because for a brief moment there was regret in those blue eyes that glance down to meet his new green gaze. Rat man knows and he is still taking him hostage.
It clicks in his head then and a rush of rage the kind reserved for the worst of scum, those lowered then trash.  “You’re a traitor. The one that led that man to our house that night. The reason Mom and Dad are dead”
He throws back an elbow, grinning at the gasp of pain it causes before Naruto is falling into a low crouch. Using one foot to balance himself he swifts out a leg, quick as a snake, knocking the man off his feet when the grip on him flatters due to the elbow winding the man as he hoped. In the same movement, he summons three clones, as the man is tumbling over. 
One clone uses the back of his hand to knock the stick away, then throws a punch to the unprotected face. Rat-man’s nose crunches under his knuckles breaking the bones with a satisfying holler of pain. The second clone grabs hold of the strange robes to rotate them in a desire direction and slams Rat-man through a table, breaking the wood with the force he puts behind it. 
While the man is scrambling to regain his balance the last clone leaps into the air to land the heel of his shoe on the man’s temple knocking him out completely after he was dazed from breaking the table.  It’s over before it truly began. 
“Wow,” the little redhead girl from the family that had Rat-man whispers into the stun silence of the room as Naruto glares at the fallen man. 
“Traitors are worse than scum” Naruto hisses outrage he spent so many years of his new life worried for this man. A man who took two precious people away from him. 
The screen is then over-run by Aurors who insist Naruto accompany them to someplace called Ministry of Magic where he is await for his guardians to collect him. Knowing the Duresly as he does that may time may never actually come to be. 
The minutes turn to hours, slower and duller than the last. The green eye youth has no idea what has become of Rat-man, of what will happen to him, and how they would contact his aunt and uncle but his patience is running rather thin.
The Leaf ninja has entertained himself by practicing some chakra control and sticking the various objects he found in the office. He has so far attached five quills to his face, a potted plant to his head, and a spin of a book to his forehead. Since his chakra was still alarming large for the body he now held, Naruto had also carefully walked up the walls, and sat cross-legged on the ceiling overlooking the room from right in the center. 
Time moves agonizing slow, with no sign of anyone come to update him since they brought him to the room to wait. 
He is debating breaking out of the room- they locked it with some kind of Justu he isn’t familiar with but they left his chakra alone. It could be because they were underestimating him but Naruto got the feeling they honestly forgot. 
The door opens as he thinking half in a meditational trance of gathering natural chakra. A man gasps.  “What in the world-”
Naruto’s eyes rip open and right there stand one of the men he’s been searching for. The objects that were pressed to his body fall as his attention to his control shatters. He allows himself to fall down as well headfirst with a cry of glee. The man watching lets out a gasp rushing forward to catch him. The green-eyed boy lands perfectly in the arms of his fellow jinchuuriki. He threw his arms around the weary shoulders of someone who had to live alone for years, squeezing without his might. 
Not anymore. Naruto would not allow him to be lonely. No matter what anyone said or did, the ninja swore he would stay by this man’s side. “’Emus!  I found you!”
“I don’t-Harry? You remember me?” The words are spoken in bewilderment as if though he could not imagine anyone being this please to see him.
“Of course I do!” The boy gushes pressing his face into the strong neck near him. There are a lot of new scares here, more than he can remember each tingling with faded but ever-present charka of a tail beast. Had his prisoner attempted to take the body by force to the point it injured ‘Emus in a way it could not heal? How awful. 
His poor ‘Emus.
“Mr.Lupin.” Someone says with slight disapproval. The tone makes the young man bristle protectively. Is this one of those people who don’t think Jinchuuriki has the right to behave like people? 
“Yes of course.” ‘Emus attempts to set him on his feet but the boy only clings to him tighter glaring over the shoulder of the fretting man to a woman in pink who watches with lips pressed tightly. “Harry please get down. We need to speak to you about Sirius Black-”
“I believe you used to call me Dog-man” A jagged and hoarse voice calls from behind the woman. The lady's face twists as if though she smelled something awful stepping away from a skeleton of a man in striped clothes and long unwashed hair. He looks haunted, broken in the same way he has seen Leaf comrades do when they rescue them from enemy lines. His eyes look weary, his body shifting in nervousness almost as if he isn’t sure how Naruto will react to him.
It only due to the sense of Dog that the number one leaf village’s knucklehead ninja recognize him. 
“Dog-man!” Naruto lets go of ‘Emus to run towards the man. He stops himself from initiating physical contact as that is the basic protocol for recovered comrades, waiting just out of arms reach for the other to control how Naruto can touch him. 
Dog-man’s eyes grow water. “Look at you. Just like James.”
Naruto smiles. “I have my mom’s eyes don’t I? Mean a part of me is pretty.”
Dog man looks startled for a second before he throws his head back and barks out a laugh as savage as his appearance. It’s lovely to see some life bloom on that sullen face which makes his signature grin-the real one- grow on Naruto’s face
A pointed clearing of a throat breaks the sound and the woman in pink steps forward. “While this is lovely and all we must not forget why we are here.”
“We are aware Miss. Umbridge” ‘Emus says his tone just a touch aware from being respectful. He walks over but strangely he keeps his distance from Dog-man who throws him a desperately longing look as the other man looks anywhere but him. 
“What’s going on?” Naruto asks meaning between the two males but the Umbridge must have misken his meaning since she gives him a sweetly fake smile that has his skin crawling with distaste.
“Mr. Potter, the ministry has come into newfound evidence that Mr. Black was falsely accused of being a Death Eater. Earlier today he has been released from his cell and is now pending compensation. He asked to speak to you but as you would know the ministry could not allow a man driven mad by Azkaban to be near such an important figure such as yourself alone and we are here to prepare a visiting schedule-”
“What’s Azkaban?” Naruto cuts her off. Her face tightens with rage about interrupted but ‘Emus answers before she can say anything.
“A prison for wizards. A very bad prison. A place that can make people go insane. No one ever comes out right from there” There is a dull hollowness that speaks of guilt in the jinvhuuriki’s voice. 
The boy nods looking up at Dog-man who seems as if though he hasn’t been feed properly in years, bathed, or even sleep correctly either. His whole face has gone pasty white, whatever cheer the laughter he had earlier has been chased away. “Why was he sent there?”
“We believed he was a Death Eater. A terrible war crime you see.” The woman says in a faux sweet tone like she was speaking to a child who asked why the sky was blue.  
“So you made a mistake, punished a man for a crime he didn’t commit, and now blame him for being a bit loony after sending him to a place you design to make people loony?” He no longer held Kurama in him but sometimes when Naruto got angry he could feel a shade of the fox’s dangerous aura filling the air around him. The three must have felt the same sense everyone tense. “You won’t let me near Dog-man for a stupid reason like that? Do I understand you correctly?”
“Mr. Potter you must understand. This is for your safety and the safety of the public.” Umbridge says through clenched teeth. She looks pale, trembling with wide eyes clutching the clipboard she brought with her to her chest. “Mr. Black will be allowed trips out of his house with a ministry champion, scheduled and organize -”
“You. Are not. Placing him under. House. Arrest.” Naruto growled grasping what she meant quickly. This was the same thing a ninja would tell a traveling merchant who was not allowed to leave their lands for whatever reason once stepping in the village.
 Sometimes it was to gain their merchandise exclusively for the village, others it was to hold them as hostages for traders or to steal their trade routes. This was a perfectly legal practice done since the Clan war.  Naruto always planned on changing that law when he became Hokage once upon a time. “If you do I will person rip you all apart.”
“Is that a threat?” She sneered only to cower at Naruto's ruthless grin.
“No, it’s a promise.” He allowed his killing intent to fill the air. Dog-man gasp while ‘Emus pulled out his want and the Umbridge fainted. Naruto made no move to catch her watching her hit the ground with a satisfied smile.
“H-Harry-what -how did you-?” Dog-man starts but Naruto breezes past him.
“I’ll be right back. I got to go yell at the person in charge to let them know how dumb that idea is. Don’t worry we will all live in the same house by the end of the day believe it!”
For Naruto wasn’t allow anyone to tell him he couldn’t. Not after so many years of searching. 
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sparklygoblin · 4 years
So I found this absolute banger in my YouTube recommendations, " as the world caves in" by Matt Maltese, and since this is my life for now, I thought it would be kinda cool to write some angsty Nuclear Apocalypse!Haikyu headcanons for the ships. So this time I present fresh, spicy, radioactive trash.
Imagine they're just in school, all of the boys are just going about their days when the notification hits, this life will mean nothing in about eight minutes.
Daichi and Suga
Daichi is the one who cries surprisingly. Panicked, hot tears as he looks frantically through the crowded halls, when they find each other, Suga merely gives him a watery smile, the acceptance in his eyes making Daichi sob harder. They go to the club room, because they know they won't have time to make it home, and there they lay, wrapped around each other, as Suga traces patterns on Daichi's back
Asahi and Noya
Noya's first thought is actually of Asahi, he's up and out of his seat before anyone else even thinks to move, he finds Asahi in the closet where they fought that one time, and he can honestly say he doesn't mind dying if it means he can catch Asahi's glass heart one last time. So he's shocked when Asahi catches his too, when the older boy reaches his warm hand up and wipes away Noya's tears instead of his own. He finds himself sobbing then, because he thinks he could've loved Asahi for a long time, if he'd ever been given the chance.
Tanaka and Ennoshita
Ennoshita bumps into Tanaka on his way to find a hiding place. It's not necessarily anything but kindness when Tanaka grabs his hand, and they silently agree to die together so they don't have to do it alone. They lay under some desks in the back of an abandoned classroom, and Tanaka talks about his child hood and Saeko, and Noya all while Ennoshita rubs circles on Tanaka's open palm. This isn't a bad way to die at all, Tanaka finds himself thinking when he finally grows quiet enough to really look at Ennoshita.
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi
They were in the same class when the notification sounded, and while everyone ran, they stayed seated. Kei thought vaguely of Akiteru, but he had the one person he really needed right in the same room. The feeling was clearly mutual, the two didn't say a word, they simply laced their fingers together and waited for the world to end like they did everything else, together. It was all very calm until Yamaguchi heard sniveling from next to him, and turned to see a distraught Kei. Kei wrapped his long arms and only managed to get two words out before the world imploded around them, "Gomen, Tadashi."
Kageyama and Hinata
Hinata is a mess, of epic proportions, and normally Kageyama would tell him to stop carrying on, but he can't, because Shoyou has every right to be a mess. He should be too. But he can't be, because he needs to keep it together, for Hinata. Hinata, who is currently screaming about Natsu and his mother, about how he can't get to them. This goes beyond volleyball, his wails shake Tobio to his core because they are filled with not just soul bending grief, but guilt and frustration, as well. Finally, out of a love he hadn't realized yet, he pulled his tiny giant into his lap and held him close to his chest while he shook. "R-Remember what I said, Shou? With me you are invincible. And you're with me, so everything will be okay." They both know he's lying, but it quiets Hinata down, and they cling to each other until the world ends, and even after that.
Yachi and Kiyoko
Yachi almost dies in the hallway, trampled by her panicked peers, when Kiyoko pulls her up, and they sit on the bench in the desolate gym, Yachi playing with Kiyoko's hair while Kiyoko swipes at Yachi's bloody nose. Yachi kisses her gently on the lips, because she has bigger things than rejection to fear in the last few minutes of her life. Kiyoko merely smiles and pulls the girl in again, and that's the best way to die, they're sure of it.
Kunimi and Kindaichi
Kindaichi has never seen Kunimi show any sort of emotion off the court, so he immediately forgets his own tears when he notices the seemingly apathetic boy sobbing in the desk next to him. Great, silent sobs escape Kunimi despite his best efforts and Kindaichi's stupid confused expression only seems to make it worse until he musters up all of his courage and decides not to die alone, and grabs Kunimi's hand. Kunimi then shocks both of them as he leans his head into Kindaichi's chest, after a moment, Kindaichi wraps his arms around Kunimi, and they think about all of the things that could've happened, if only this one massive thing had never happened.
Yahab and Kyoutani
Yahaba ran to the Aoba Johsai gym for some odd form of shelter originally, but nearly turned away the moment he saw Kyoutani punching the walls, enduring angry sobs. But the world was ending, and Yahaba was too afraid of other things to be afraid of Kyoutani, so he grabbed Kyoutani's wrist, and pulled his bloodied fist closer to his own mouth, and pressed a soft kiss to the Mad Dog's knuckles. They shared a meaningful look and then simply sat together, fingers interlocked, and tears flowing freely.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa
They're in the same class as well, Oikawa is talking with some of his admirers, but when the alarm sounds, all he sees then is Iwaizumi. That's how it was always going to be with them, in the end, they both only really saw each other. Then Oikawa thought of Takeru, dying with a bunch of strangers in a little classroom, and promptly threw up, all over his desk. The girls who hadn't already run were certainly on their way out now as Iwa pulled Oikawa into his arms. He let's out a watery chuckle as he wipes Oikawa's normally perfect face and says, "You know I would've married you someday, right? That I would've spent my life giving you my everything?" Oikawa cries then, and together they mourn the loss of the future they would've had and their story ends the way it started, with each other.
Kuroo and Kenma
Kuroo finds Kenma, wide eyed and shivering in a corner of the Nekoma hallway, he pulls his ingenious setter away from the crowd and outside onto steps they had sat on many times together. He tucks Kenma's hair behind his ear and freezes in shock when the small boy simply grabs Kuroo and pulls him into a melancholic kiss. " I just thought you should know." Tears are rolling down Kenma's cheeks now and Kuroo is sobbing because not only did Kenma just kiss him, but he'd never have time to do it nearly as much as he wanted to. Making the best of the worst, Kuroo leaned in again, he wouldn't let Kenma die feeling anything but loved.
Lev and Yaku
The giant Russian didn't mean to find Yaku, it just sort of happened, and then he went into protector mode (even though Yaku could take care of himself just fine, thank you very much) and picked Yaku right up, running through the people in the hallway with ease while Yaku screamed in his arms. Lev stops when they reach the Nekoma locker rooms, and the moment his feet touch the ground, Yaku is screaming at Lev as Lev slides down the lockers and onto the floor, tears rolling down his cheeks. Yaku is still yelling when Lev interrupts him with a sharp "I love you", that shuts the Libero right up. After a moment he simply mumbles " alright then" and proceeds to climb right into Lev's lap. They sit like that, Yaku's face hidden in Lev's neck and Lev's arms wrapped around Yaku's waist, right until the world ends. Yaku pauses at the last second to whisper something that sounded suspiciously like "I love you too" in Lev's ear.
Bokuto and Akaashi
Bokuto F R E A K S out, and Akaashi can't really explain it, but it's like he can feel Bokuto freaking out, like he can feel Bokuto needing him. He finds the Ace curled up in the corner of the boys bathroom, and pulls him into his arms, laying on the filthy floor with the broken boy he had come to love so much. Bokuto kisses him softly, and it tastes like salt because Bokuto isn't the only one crying. Akaashi draws soft circle patterns on Bokuto's arms while Bokuto runs his fingers through Akaashi's hair. They're calm now that they know they'll go together.
Ushijima and Tendo
Tendo fully expects to go alone, whether it was in eight minutes or eight years he just assumed he would endure whatever happened to him by himself. What he doesn't expect is Ushijima asking him oh so politely if he would grant him the honor of dying with him. Well with a stunning proposal like that, how could he do anything but pull Ushijima into his hiding place with him? They simply talk in hushed tones about silly things until the last few minutes when Tendo leans over and presses a gentle kiss to Ushijima's forehead. They hug then, and just like that, Tendo was happy, really happy, for the first-and last- time in his life.
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fangbites · 3 years
Who: Felix With: Tate ( @sxncerelyme​ ) Verse: Love on the Range Prompt: send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours... 10. Desperately.
Felix had fucked up.
The thing was, he’d slept around with the city slickers that stayed at Abuela’s Bed and Breakfast plenty of times. He’d been discrete, maybe not discrete enough but honestly, would she have preferred he reject them? Huh? All he was doin’ was making their stays a lil more enjoyable. He stuck by that. It wasn’t purely selfless, he wasn’t that much of a saint, but... it didn’t have to be somethin’ totally selfish either.
But god, if this last one hadn’t gotten under his skin.
It wasn’t just that Tate was the prettiest human being Felix had ever seen, including magazines and the grand silver screen itself. It was the way he looked at Felix with those big, soft brown eyes of his, like he could see through all his layers and pretense just as clear as day. It was the way he called him on his shit and met his challenging words head on and still touched Felix with an air of almost delicacy, an arm gentle around his shoulder, the soft way he’d nudge Felix’s chin up with his fingertips sometimes when they kissed despite the filthy mouths between them and the decided lack of shame all around. They way he treated him like something soft even though Felix had spent the first week just trying to display all his barbwired edges and keep the saccharine intimacy at bay. 
Tate saw him. Saw the best and the worst of him for what it was, and he chose to spend his time with him anyways. The way they behaved together, like a couple of rowdy, insatiable teens, you’d think they were all rough and passionate fire nonstop- and maybe sometimes they were- but Tate had this way of warming him from the inside out, this way of melting him without scorching and turning his brain all soft and mushy and stupid.
He’d never had this before. A- they weren’t even boyfriends- but a significant someone who could just fucking smile at him and turn his guts to warm syrup. A significant someone that had him craving hugs and forehead kisses more than sex. A significant someone where just the prospect of holding hands and taking naps together on a rainy afternoon was enough to have him tearing up with want.
So yeah. It was safe to say that Felix had fucked up. Like, really fucked up, in a big, irreversible way.
And now the month- long stay was at an end, and Tate was meant to be leaving. Tomorrow.
There was something sick in Felix’s stomach. Something that felt like both nausea and like a clawed fist had a vice grip around his throat. It hurt in a physical, tangible way. He’d been growing steadily colder this past week, dreading the end, dreading good- fucking- bye, and he knew Tate knew. Knew he was picking up on it, knew he was hurting, and Felix hated himself for it but what the fuck else was he supposed to do? 
The one and only time he’d visited the big city at fifteen it had left him so panicked and anxious that he’d hid in the McDonald’s bathroom crying and hyperventilating to the point where his fucked- up heart had just about gone into cardiac arrest and he’d had to be taken out on a stretcher. It was the worst, most embarrassing day of his life, and he’d never gone back. But Tate had a whole life there. Had a job, a home of his own, friends, fuck knew what all else. Felix didn’t even know all that much about him. Oh, they’d spent hours pillow- talking, hours just curled up trading facts and asking questions- but it felt like there was still this chasm of information that Felix didn’t know. That maybe he’d never know. And that hurt.
The point was, where the fuck did he get off even thinking about asking him to stay? Asking him to give all that up for this one hot fucking mess of a poor, anxious reclusive country boy with a grand total of one friend, maybe one and a half friends if you squinted really hard at Davis and not much more than a ramshackle little farmhouse to his name- it was unbelievably selfish.
So fucking selfish. And yet, Felix couldn’t stop thinking about it.
He’d told Tate he wasn’t going to come to the bonfire. Part of that was because he just didn’t want to fucking be a part of this sending away party. He didn’t want to say goodbye. Didn’t think he could. This was the part where he let him go, sent him off to a life that was far more than anything he would ever have here- but it was... it was hard. Far more difficult than he’d ever anticipated.
He hadn’t expected to fall in love with him.
There was a part of him that questioned whether he even knew what love was. It wasn’t selfish, right? There was some bible verse or another about that, but he’d always been terrible at paying attention in church, heathen that he was. It wasn’t selfish, and Felix was fucking selfish because he’d shown up at this shitty stupid sendaway bonfire.
And Tate... he looked rougher than Felix had anticipated. 
He didn’t want it to be because of him, because that would have been fucking shitty, but at the same time- maybe it meant something. Maybe it could mean the same thing that Felix looking like regurgitated trash meant. 
“I need to tell you something,” He said, quiet, not even really meeting Tate’s eyes as he grabbed the sleeve of the man’s hoodie and hauled him out of his seat by the bonfire and off into the shadows at the edge of the party. Maybe he should have asked, maybe he should have- but he hadn’t. And now all that was left to do was to slice himself open and spill his guts.
“Just- just let me get this out, alright? And then you can tell me to fuck off or slap me or whatever, I know I probably deserve it. I haven’t- I haven’t been fair to you this past week. I know that. I’ve been...” Felix swallowed hard, eyes glassing over as he finally forced them to meet Tate’s. “Selfish. And I’m going to be selfish for a little longer.”
It was the scariest thing he’d ever done.
“I’m in love with you. I know it’s only been a month and I know we don’t- objectively don’t know everything about each other but you know all the parts of me that matter. You know I’m a bitch when I get jealous and you know I get jealous real easy. And you know I have a shitty heart and can’t eat citrus and that the only thing I can cook is eggs and that I’m allergic to basically all sea food and you know that my hands and feet are always cold and you sleep with me anyway. And I know how you snore a little bit when you sleep and the way you smile widest when you don’t really mean it and that you can’t fucking grow anything more than like a stupid little bit of peachfuzz, and you’re so fucking proud of your stupid little peachfuzz beard, and I think that’s so adorable that it’s made me love your stupid peachfuzz just because you’re so proud of it- and you can’t handle losing at checkers you big baby, and you’re really good at drawing and you like drawing trees and you’re allergic to bananas. I know your favorite color and that you’re pretty shameless and you don’t like beating around the bush. And I- I’ve been beating around the bush basically this whole time and I- I wanted to let you go back to this big city life you had because you’re gorgeous and talented and the kind of pretty that belongs in a big city, seen and appreciated by everyone. And I know loving someone means wanting what’s best for them but I just really, really want you to stay here. Stay with me. Please. And we can keep finding out all this stupid shit about each other and I’ll make you eggs for breakfast and you can make me pancakes and we’ll nap on my couch while it’s raining. And we’ll be happy together, I know we will, because I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything and I think- I think you love me too. So please.” 
Felix was crying, the messy, awful kind of crying that he hated to do in front of anyone ever, but he didn’t let it stop him from slipping a hand up Tate’s shoulders to curl around the back of his neck while his other hand gripped at his hip, secure. He didn’t let it stop him from kissing him, either, rough and needy and just plain desperate. The movement of his lips was a plea, even if he was no longer speaking- and he didn’t stop with just the one kiss, either, didn’t try very hard to keep it chaste because this was it. Maybe he’d pull away and Tate would tell him he was sorry, but he just couldn’t. Maybe he’d break Felix’s heart. Break his own heart. Who knew?
He kissed Tate until his head was spinning, dizzy, until his lungs screamed for air and he was forced to pull away. He stood, panting for just a moment with his eyes still shut before he finally opened them, looking at this face he loved so much.
“Please don’t leave me,” He whispered, waiting with a heart filled with dread and hope in equal measure.
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
In My Calvins 💼
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Mondays suck. Mondays with your boyfriend suck less.
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Domestic!, Model! Taehyung, kind of? Sub! Taehyung, smut
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Taehyung frequently ruins my life so, I’m dragging you all into my misery. Love you!
Warnings: smut, language aka TAEHYUNG IS A DIRTY DIRTY BOY
The worst day of the week.
Honestly, like who even allowed Monday’s to happen? Who signed off on that shit? You didn’t want to fight…you just wanted to talk. Mondays had gotten increasingly worse over the last few months because, you had started your new job and, on Mondays…they wanted you to come in early.
On a fucking Monday.
The audacity.
Early as in, 5am.
5…in the fucking…morning…on a Monday.
This was the opposite of ideal.
The thing is, you loved your job. You really did. The 4 years of college, 5 months of job hunting and, 3 month interview process was totally worth it. You were in a place in life where you finally felt as though you were doing what you wanted to do.
Aside from your job, you also procured an amazing condo in the nicer part of town aka the part of town you only ventured into in your dreams. Big open windows lined the walls, giving you a breathtaking view of the skyline, modern appliances were nestled in your kitchen which was complete with marble countertops and a fancy trash compacter. The rest of the apartment had been co-decorated by you and your boyfriend Taehyung.
You had met Taehyung at an art gallery nearly three years ago and, the two of you bonded over your mutual love for cheap diner food and expensive artwork.  Falling in love had occurred much faster than you expected. Taehyung’s sense of humor and, desire to speak endlessly about the complexity of the world around him had won you over almost instantly and, the chemistry between the two of you was, according to your close friends, palpable in every sense of the word. Taehyung was a walking contradiction, one second, you were convinced he had discovered the secret to immortality and, was actually born in 1728 and the next second, you were begging him to wait until after dinner before indulging in the ice cream you had come with. The point is, he was everything all wrapped into one:  sensitive and strong, childlike and wise beyond his years, goofy and refined, all at the same time.
And, my god, was he gorgeous.
Like, so fucking gorgeous that it actually offended you sometimes.
So, it was no surprise to you when he was scouted one day while the two of you were out grocery shopping. The agent worked for quite a prestigious agency and, after some time, she had convinced Taehyung to submit a few headshots to her recruiter; headshots that the two of you took on your old DSLR in front of your windows during the golden hour. The mini photo shoot had ended with the two of you fucking in front of said windows for the better part of the night. At least, you lived on the 81st floor right?
Needless to say, the headshots were a success and, after a few magazine campaigns, Taehyung’s career had taken off. For the better part of last year, he was travelling constantly, so much so, that the two of you hardly say each other. You were, of course, very supportive of his career and, wanted nothing but the best for him. However, you missed each other like crazy. You spent nearly a year living together and, suddenly he was just gone all the time. Sometimes, you would go with him but, most of the time, your previous job/job hunting kept you tied down to the city. Earlier this year, Taehyung had decided enough was enough, modelling was something he loved, yes but, he couldn’t stand being away from you constantly. His agency understood and, now, only requires him to travel during a few of the major fashion weeks throughout the year. Taehyung still models in designer brand campaigns and, often times, brands will send their photographers into the city, specifically to work with your boyfriend.
You couldn’t blame them. He was a literal work of art.
Since his career shift, life had become pretty domestic between the two of you. Date nights, weekend trips, home cooked meals, stupid fights over whose turn it was to clean the bathroom; life really couldn’t have been any better.
However, today was still Monday. Mondays still suck and, this one sucked even more because, you had trouble sleeping the night before. Nine and half hours of work on two and a half hours of sleep was bad day that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy and, yet here you were, jittery and exhausted on the cab ride home. You had doubled up on the espresso this morning but, all it really did was make you feel anxious and sleepy at the same time.
You trudged through the front door of your condo, messenger bag across your body, empty coffee mug in hand, only to be greeted by silence. There was a bit of disappointment in your stomach as you had a feeling that your boyfriend might not have finished up his photoshoot. After the day you just had, you were really looking forward to his company. With a long drawn out sigh you placed your things on the countertop and, headed into your bedroom. It was there that you were greeted by the sight of your sleeping boyfriend.  Sandy blonde hair splayed out on the pillowcase as the duvet hung off of his hips, his bare back, broad and exposed to the rest of the room. The sight was heavenly and, you could literally feel your lids grow heavier at the thought of snuggling against his warm, tanned skin.
After shedding your work clothes, you pulled on a tank top and a pair of thin sleep shorts. The room was cooled by the powerful breeze of the standing fan but, you knew very well, that your radiator of a boyfriend, would have no problem keeping you warm. You pulled back the covers before slipping underneath them, shifting carefully in the direction of a sleeping Taehyung.  As your skin makes contact with his, you sigh out in relief, as if his presence alone was soothing you.
“Rough day?”
Your boyfriends ragged voice rumbling beside you, startles you and, he chuckles as you let out a squeak, face whipping towards him. Your greeted with Taehyung’s boxy smile, obscured slightly by the material of the pillow and, his cunning gaze, his disheveled blonde hair messily framing his face.
“I thought you were sleeping.” You whisper and, you weren’t sure why, something about Taehyung’s voice causing you to keep quiet.
“I was, until you came in.” He smirks, eyes full of fondness as he shuffles closer to you, bringing the blanket up from his hips and, over your shoulders.
You welcome his closeness, a frown on your face, your lips pouted slightly.
“I’m sorry I woke you, I was trying to be quiet.” You regret, wrapping your arm around his bare waist, securing yourself against him.
The motion causes Taehyung to smile, his nose nudging against yours before his soft lips lean to press against yours. The kiss is slightly more heated than you expect but, you reciprocate none the less, your hand squeezing lightly against his waist. He chuckles into your lips, wiggling lightly at your touch before deepening the kiss, his tongue brushing across your bottom lip, requesting entry.
“Your makeup looks pretty today…” He mumbles against your mouth, his hand slipping under the material of your tank top, fingers lightly tickling the skin there. “Is it ok if I fuck it up?”
His question throws you off and, you pull away from the kiss, brows rising as you giggle.
“What do you mean?”
He smirks, his eyes darkening as he sits up, positioning himself between your legs. It was then, that you notice the white Calvin Klein’s hugging his caramel colored hips. The definition in his stomach made your mouth water but, coupled with his choice in attire and his shaggy blonde hair that reached the nape of this neck, you felt like you could literally die.
It was moments like these that you wondered what in the world you did to get so lucky.
Taehyung shrugs, his big hands coming up to rest on your knees, “Your eyes tend to water when I eat your pussy…”
His words make your clit throb in your shorts and, you feel your throat growing dry as you try to calm yourself. You feel goosebumps collecting on the sides of your thighs and, on the back of your arms, Taehyung’s baritone voice sending you into a frenzy.
But you attempt to keep calm none the less…
“Who said anything about you eating my pussy?” You retort, brows rose in defiance. After all, he usually asks permission.
Taehyung chuckles and, his cocky because, he knows for a fact you would never pass up his mouth, especially because, he doesn’t give it to you nearly as often as he would like to.
“You had a rough day yeah? Don’t you think it would get a lot better with my tongue on your clit?”
Another throb occurs in your shorts then and, you can feel your entrance contracting as you grow more and more aroused.
“I had a rough day too babe and, I know for fact, the only thing that will improve my mood is if your cunt was in my face.”
Fuck, he was filthy.
“I-“ You weren’t one to be speechless but, your overwhelming arousal and, lingering exhaustion caused your brain to go foggy. All you could feel was desire.
Taehyung smirks again, his body lowering so his lips were kissing at your knees, his hands slowly spreading your legs, wet lips trailing over your heated skin all the while. His eyes lock onto yours, hunger in them as he starts kissing and sucking up your right leg.
“What’s gotten into you today…” You breathe out, eyes threatening to roll back as he sucks against a sensitive spot on your inner thigh.
The vibration of his voice causes your shorts to dampen and, you feel your heart quickening in anticipation.
“You’ve been working so hard Jagi…” He murmurs, nose trailing up the cuff of your shorts, a drunken smirk on his face. “I wanna make you feel better.”
He’s kissing at the junction of your thighs now, alternating between kissing your skin softly and pulling it between his teeth, the latter making it harder to keep quiet.
“Can I jagi?” The question is asked against your pussy now, your pajama shorts being the only thing separating you and his mouth. He flits his eyes to yours, the cocky smirk still prominent on his face. “Can I eat your sweet little cunt?”
You didn’t have it in you to bite back anymore. Normally, you would have made it harder for him, you would have resisted more but, today was different. Today you were spent and, you need him more than you could possibly articulate.
“Yeah…” The voice that passes your lips is small and, nearing a whimper, bracing yourself for what’s to come.
Taehyung’s brown eye flash victorious for a moment before he leans back and, hooks his fingers into the band of your shorts, ignoring the throbbing of his dick as he hears the desperation in your voice.
He lets out the breath he was holding as he takes in the sight of what’s between your legs. You’re swollen and wet and, he could hardly control himself as he begins dragging his tongue slowly up the length of your pussy, the tip of his tongue barely probing between your lips. The feeling sends a shiver up your spine and, you arch slightly towards his mouth.
“Your clit is throbbing…I can feel it…can I lick on it Jagi? Please?” Taehyungs accent is growing thicker as the taste of you hits his tongue. It’s taking everything in him not to bury his face between your legs.
“That’s what I like isn’t it?” You retort, smirking softly, trying to get a grip on yourself.
Taehyung’s brows go up in surprise as he looks up towards you, a teasing smirk on his face.
“I know what you fucking like you little shit…” He chuckles, biting your thigh in retaliation, causing a giggle to erupt from your throat. “I’m trying to be polite…isn’t that what good boys do mistress?”
The name he uses sends another pulse into your clit. The two of you had decided to spice things up recently, not out of necessity or anything but, just out of curiosity. You had dabbled in BDSM and, you were pleasantly surprised at how quickly Taehyung slipped into a submissive role. The most recent encounter occurred after he had been acting like an ass for most of the day and, you decided the best remedy was tying him up and fucking him until he couldn’t see straight anymore. It was very effective.
“You’re right…keeping showing me what a good boy you are then…” You suggest and, Taehyung feels another throb in his boxers at the return of his favorite nickname.
“Yes mam”
He dives in then, tongue pushing its way past the sticky lips of your pussy, quickly finding your swollen clit. He’s licking against it, nose buried against you, hands bracing against your thighs holding them open. The tension from your day coupled with Taehyung’s teasing were not going to allow you to last long, the sinking feeling already building up in your stomach.
Taehyung’s tongue licked on either side of your clit, lips pursing around it, sucking it into his mouth momentarily before, continuing to lick on it. The feeling made your toes tingle, it made you feel completely helpless. You couldn’t move, you just laid there, legs spread, pussy drenched, taking everything he was giving you.
“I’m a good boy aren’t I mistress? Eating your cunt after a long day…” Taehyung’s voice holds the same amount of arrogance but, its renewed slightly with desperation, his darkening eyes staring into yours.
You just nod eagerly, breath shortening with each motion of his lips against your pussy. You’re trying to catch your breath, fingers clutching against the duvet that lay underneath you. Taehyung moves down to lick at your entrance, tongue teasing at the wet skin, lush lips sucking against it lightly.
“You have no right jagi...” He groans against your cunt, hands on either side of your thighs, holding them open. “...no right to have a pussy this good.”
Teeth are gnawing at your lip, trying to refrain from screaming out, your heart throbbing in your chest. Your pussy tightening and contracting against your boyfriends talented mouth.
You feel his fingers then, long and nimble, circling your entrance, a devilish smile being shot your way from between your legs.
“Can I put my fingers in here mistress?” His voice is arrogant but, his eyes hold the slightest amount of adoration, secretly desperate to please you.
All you can do is nod as the goosebumps continue to collect all over your skin, the breeze from the standing fan not helping. Taehyung smirks, wasting no time as he tucks two of his fingers inside of you, pressing firmly against the mound of tissue that’s bound to drive you crazy.
Your breath is caught in your throat and, you feel the tension in your stomach increasing, your cunt tingling as Taehyung begins licking at your clit again. His fingers are steady as they rock inside of you, rubbing against your g-spot. You are normally one for stamina but, today is not the day. Taehyung groans against you as you tangle your fingers in his blonde mane, tugging harder as he sucks at your clit.
Its all too much, its overwhelming you, there's a deep, sickening, pleasure curling up inside of you and it’s about ready to snap.
“I’m gonna cum...” Your voice is barely above a whisper as euphoria washes over you, your back arching, your nipples hardening. All of the tension melting away as your boyfriend helps you through your orgasm. You feel more wetness that normal between your legs but, you can't find in you to care. It’s your turn to do the laundry anyhow.
Taehyung doesn't miss a beat, he slowly slides his fingers out, hunger in his eyes as he sucks them dry, dark eyes holding yours all the while. He smirks as places kisses all over your pussy, nibbling on your inner thighs, causing you to giggle.
“You came a lot...” He mumbles drunkenly, still smirking as he starts kissing his way up your body.
“You play dirty...” You retort, eyes fluttering as you feel his hardened dick rub against your sensitive pussy.
He chuckles, his still swimming with lust as he leans into your lips, “Is there any other way to play jagi?”
damn him, always wanting dessert before dinner.
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happymetalgirl · 5 years
Babymetal - Metal Galaxy
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The ongoing “controversy” surrounding Babymetal and the protests from so many metalheads about their very existence honestly doesn’t even deserve to be addressed, at least not in the context of what they bring to the metal biome. Rather, on a contextual/cultural basis, Babymetal reveals more about several unfortunately prevalent mindsets among the metal community than it does about the band themselves. More than any other band in metal right now, Babymetal gets so many disparate groups to agree on a common ground of shunning them from the realm of metal, many of them being the otherwise “reasonable” and “open” types. And look it’s okay to not like their music, I’ve only really gotten into a few songs of theirs up until this point, and I’m certainly not their biggest fan. There is definitely room for criticism for the band’s prototypical blending of Japanese pop and various styles of metal at a compositional level or even their part in contributing to the greater systemic mistreatment of young pop idol stars. But the ways that the band gets criticized more often highlight the very dogmatic kind of thinking within the metal community that so much of the music rails against (at least in aesthetic). But, again, the tantrum surrounding their existence is worse for metal than it is for them; the worst thing about Babymetal is not what they bring to the table, but the embarrassing reactions to it and them from so many in metal culture.
One of the most prevalent gripes about them and their gimmick is their industry-built origin, which many have reacted to the potential cash-grabbing motives behind defensively and skeptically. And I do get that position and not wanting to feel like something you love is being manipulated for a quick buck, and for all the public disdain directed at them, it’s certainly not stopped Babymetal from finding success, which one could suggest implies that they are simply an industry plant and not reliant on good artistic performance. so it’s not like they have even had real pressure to improve their craft. Yet Babymetal has been active for nearly a decade now, and in the five years since their debut album, the project has genuinely evolved and its creative masterminds have gotten a better handle on their sound in a way that shows a transparent dedication to artistic investment in this project from its workhorses and not just monetary investment from higher ups.
Plus, when it comes to cheap cash grabs in metal, the kind of projects I think of are not projects like Babymetal, but rather nostalgia-driven shit like Prophets of Rage, or clear ploys for mainstream radio/Spotify-playlist crossover like Bullet for My Valentine’s last album. Despite the red flag the pop elements of the group’s sound throws in the face of contrarian metalheads, Babymetal has continued to nurture and tighten the bond between the pop elements and the metal elements that make their signature sound, and upon hearing Metal Galaxy, I was honestly surprised at what a resounding testament it is to their progression and enduring dedication.
Like the albums before it, Metal Galaxy offers a wide array of impressively well-produced song types to make for a rather dynamic listen, with nothing really off limits. We get some more upbeat, fun, poppy songs, especially near the beginning of the album, like the power-synth-driven, Gaga-esque dance number, “Da Da Dance”, as well as the djent-juxtaposed pop bop of “Elevator Girl”, and the middle eastern melody of rhe clap-along “Shanti Shanti”. But we also get songs like “Oh! Majinai” with Sabaton’s Joakim Brodén, which come out of left field with a seemingly cocaine-fueled blend of synth-accordion-powered folk metal and J-pop that sounds like the kind of metallic drinking song a band like Alestorm or Korpiklaani would right. And then there’s the unmistakable technical swagger of Polyphia guitarists Tim Henson and Scott LePage over the tasty snaps and measured rhythm section of “Brand New Day” and the similarly balanced electronica and distorted guitar backbone of “↑↓←→BBAB”. The gimmick of the simple colliding of many genres is no longer novel for Babymetal, but they aren’t simply darting between poppy sections and heavy sections of songs for the eccentricity of it like they were on their debut album. The songs here are much more focused and their parts more cohesive as the various styles are far more complimentarily compositionally intertwined now, again, showing how this band is actually evolving and improving their craft.
What’s surprising furthermore (arguably) is the ramp up in energy the album takes at its tail end. The jolty synth-driven power metal pop of "Night Night Burn!" and the subsequent ceremonial choral intro of "In the Name of" open the album up to its heavier side, with the latter track layering downward-shifted and somewhat unclean vocals with punchy metallic guitar bursts and tinny Slipknot-trash-can percussion hits. But the band delivers some serious fucking bangers afterwards with the crushing industrial nu-metalcore bounce of “Pa Pa Ya!!” (reminiscent of the currently in-form Motionless in White), the filthy industrial djent-driven trap swagger of “BxMxC”, on which lead vocalist Sumetal provides an impressively speedy and characteristic rap-flavored vocal performance.
Alissa White-Gluz also makes a positive vocal contribution to the somewhat disjointed, but hardly offensive melodeath pop single, "Distortion" as well. The uplifting "Kagerou", meanwhile, feels positively Periphery-esque, with a vocal melody thay sounds like something Spencer Sotello would have soared (probably even higher) with on his band's most recent album this year. While also stratospherically soaring in the clean vocal department, the band go pretty straighforwardly heavy on the deliciously rumbly 8-string groove of the otherwise heavenly "Starlight", with the subsequent, less enthusiastic, string-laden "Shine" the only real weak link on the whole album. The songs I’ve gravitated toward on the previous two albums were the bangers like the melodic alternative metalcore jam, “Megitsune”, the mostly instrumental symphonic death metal grandeur of “Babymetal Death”, and the nu-metalcore bop, “Karate”. But these seriously heavy tracks on this album here manage to match the intensity of the band’s heaviest material while giving a sense that they could even do more, that this could be just the tip of the iceberg. The band sound so in tune and in form the crushing grooves and breakdowns flowing so naturally, I would honestly trust them to come through with a win if they announced a purely heavy album in this vein.
The unexpectedly truly inspirational, hair-raising power metal finale on the closing track, “Arkadia” (driven by Sumetal's beautiful vocal melody), which even more surprisingly doesn’t feature anyone from Dragonforce providing the dizzying axe attack, reaches new ethereally emotive heights I never expected from this band and concludes the album on its strongest, most resounding foot. I dare this band's many detractors to try to deny themselves from being moved by this song's emotional power.
It finally sounds like all the parts are beginning to come together on Metal Galaxy. It's definitely Babymetal's most accomplished and consistent effort yet, reliant not on standout singles to keep its head above water, but comfortably traversing the stormy seas of various styles and demonstrating its ease with the task at hand, making it look good the whole time. Like I said, I've never been any level of committed to fanning this band and I wasn't at all expecting to like this album nearly as much as I did, but this album sure makes it look attractive. While I'm sure it will do little to nothing to soften the hard hearts of metal's Pharisees, the band's excellence on this album and the increased difficulty it gives their detractors to scoff at them is the best retaliation to the constant sneering the band could have dished out. Even as a neutral, it's great hearing them succeed artistically and defy metal's religious "authorities" by simply perfecting their craft. Well done!
Dude, what the fuck? Why is this fuckin' Babymetal album good?/10
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voxin · 5 years
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Asteras, now standing in the entrance to his cave home, stopped mid stride as he spotted the small pixie boy shovelling gold into a sack. The pixie wore a filthy green jacket that loosely hung from what appeared to be a masculine frame. Tattered jeans adorned his legs and only the messy mop of brown hair was visible of his head as he jovially hummed a tune to himself. Asteras cleared his throat gently, the low rumbling echoing through his home. The pixie turned, horror and embarrassment spreading over his face. He had a rounded but pleasantly defined jawline, dark eyes, pale skin and surprisingly white teeth. A piercing protruded from the middle of his bottom lip and the septum piercing was visible to him even across the room due to the gemstones fixed in it. "Are you aware from whom you're stealing little pixie?" Asteras questioned sternly.
"I-I do... Unfortunately," came the meek reply, "Please don't kill me."
"And why shouldn't I end your life for daring to enter my home and attempting to steal from me, little pixie boy?" snapped the mountain dragon in human form.
"I have a name you know," came the response, "and you shouldn't kill me because, um, I'm cute?"
"Excuse me?" Asteras's voice cracked slightly.
"I-I'm cute?" fear crept into the pixie's voice.
"How dare you make that assumption of me! CUTE?! YOU THINK I WOULD FIND ONE SUCH AS YOURSELF CUTE?!" boomed Asteras, thundering voice echoing through the cave.
"I meant as in adorable! Why did you assume I meant attractive? Oh and since you didn't ask, my name is Dexaan."
"I... I..." Asteras flushed red briefly, embarrassment in his voice, "You may go if you leave the gold." Dexaan hurried to dash past him and was quickly grabbed but the jacket collar, "All of it pixie boy."
"Sorry," came the meekly laughed response as Dexaan produced a bar of gold from inside his jacket.
"Do you even have a home to go back to pixie?" the question more a sigh than genuine.
"Does the forest count as a home?"
"Alright, you'll be staying here then, seeing as you like gold so much. You'll be required to clean it."
"You'll let me live here?" shock tinged Dexaan's voice.
"Live? No. You'll be counted as part of the treasure horde so you'll have no say here."
"I-I would be treasure? But I'm just trash," came the pleased but shocked response.
Asteras flushed red again momentarily, "You would be treasure only so I could justify letting you stay to myself." Dexaan nodded with a doubting smile but said no more, he merely wandered over to the horde of treasure and sat among it with a smug grin as he placed a crown on his head. While Asteras hated to admit it to himself he did think this pixie boy was cute. Now, feeling like he had lost his intimidating edge, Asteras wandered to the only mirror he owned and peered at his face. Sitting beneath white hair, his red eyes shone with an evil light from his face, the pale skin of his face punctuated with scales in the centre of his forehead, along his cheekbones and his chin. Piercings, while hard to have done, dotted his face. A ring on the left side of his bottom lip, a bar in the right, his septum had a horseshoe shaped bar in it and his eyebrow held a curved bar through it. His jawline was sharp and angular. Finally, atop his head sat two dark green horns roughly the same length as his head. Asteras scowled in the mirror, disheartened by the fact that he still looked rather intimidating. Maybe his choice of clothing made this pixie so bold? Black skinny jeans hugged his legs well, with his sheer shirt and jacket with fur hemming that he wore purely for the aesthetic reasons as he couldn't feel the cold on the mountain. Okay, so he wasn't entirely sure what made this pixie boy have the nerve to steal from him. Turning around he saw Dexaan had adorned himself with numerous rings and jewelery of all kinds, admiring the look of it all upon his frame. Asteras took a moment to admire the pixie, for all the cuteness he hated that he saw. With a sigh he walked to the pixie and placing a hand on his shoulder asked, "So what do you eat? I hunt for my food and roast it with my breath but if you're staying here I suppose I have to provide you food so you won't run off with my gold."
"Well, I kind of eat anything I can get my hands on that kind of resembles food. So plants, bugs, meat... That kind of thing," Dexaan proudly asserted.
"Oh sweet, merciful mountain god me. That's honestly disgusting. I'll have to fix your diet. We're having meat tonight but I'll be sure to study what you pixies eat tomorrow when I go get the offerings from the townsfolk at the bottom of the mountain," Asteras exclaimed with a look of disgust, "You start a fire while I'm out hunting."
"Uh, why do I need to start a fire if you can breathe fire to cook things?"
"Because my fire breath comes from glands in my throat that produce gas and a spark in such a way that I can propel it from my mouth, essentially it's like I'm spitting on your food."
"Definitely no complaints from me," Dexaan winked as he held back a devilish grin. Asteras flushed red and stumbled for words but could find none, instead he gave up and quickly strode out of the cave in an awkward fashion. "So he does think I'm cute," echoed a voice as Asteras left the cave.
Taking a short flight over the forest helped to clear Asteras's head, maybe he was overreacting and this pixie just wasn't smart enough to know how dangerous he was. The sun setting over the horizon as he spun and dived lent a feeling of euphoria to the hunt, nothing made him feel as free as the wind on his face as he dove down, arms ready to snatch a deer from emerald green ocean below. It was a cool afternoon and he shouldn't have left his jacket on the entrance to the cave. Now if only he wasn't distracted by thoughts of the pixie for long enough to find one. The worst part was he was beginning to worry he had developed a soft spot for this pixie, Dexaan. He made a mental note to use his name more often and then quickly chastised himself. "Don't you dare show that kind of weakness Asteras," he grumbled to himself. Then, like a sudden jolt of lightning through his veins, he realised he had left Dexaan alone in the cave. His mind sharpened, worry and anger burning behind his eyes. The gold, he would steal the gold. Asteras spotted a deer and dove down rapidly, plummeting at top speed, branches whipping his face as he broke through the tree line and plucked the mammal from the forest with both elegance and bitter aggression. With a twirl he rose into the air, snapping the neck of the animal as he rose. Hurriedly he flew towards the top of the mountain fast enough to feel the air attempt to tear the scales from his face. As he got closer, smoke erupted from his nostrils and his eyes began to glow like the burning ember remains of a forest fire. He reached the plateau just outside the cave that was his home, landing silently so as to be sure to catch Dexaan if he was stealing the gold again. Asteras folded his wings flat against his back and replaced the jacket over top of them, fixed his face in a rather murderous look of disgust. He took silent steps, slowly but purposefully entering the cave. He rounded the narrow corner to the main room, the treasure room. A loud clatter echoed the vast cavern as Asteras stopped dead, shock over his face as a now asleep Dexaan gently rolled over I'm his sleep. Asteras felt his heart skip a beat as the the last remnants of anger died in his chest. The shock on his face turned to horror as he whispered, "Oh no, I've got a soft spot for him."
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jasperlion · 5 years
Tell me about Albein! I think i missed it!
Albein! My terrible child!
He’s basically an AU version of Alm who was raised in Rigel! He’s got his own little page here, but the short of it is that he’s… a bit of a jerk, despite his good intentions.
He’s much more a soldier than he is a prince, although he’s far more politically prepared, equipped and presented to inherit the throne than Alm ever was. He’s got his studies down, but he’s not as well-trained in the political climate as he could be simply because to Rudolf, eventually the current structure won’t matter — as it stands Rigel relies a lot on Duma’s approval for changes; should Albein crutch on this, he will flounder as everyone else will when the God is gone.
He’s always up for a good fight and while he’s a lot more well-spoken than Alm as well (which did not show well last night lfmao), when there’s trash-talk, that just goes out the window. And, well… trash-talking with Albein means you want to fight him, and it definitely means you better be ready to prove you talk as big as you fight (or, preferably, you fight bigger than you talk). He finds no fun in picking on those who are weaker, though, seeing it as his duty to protect them provided they’re not actively trying to do him a wrong turn. And, well, he’s not polite about this. At all. His concept of kindness is a little warped, and that includes how he handles treating others whom he sees as under his wing, often even talking down to them when it’s not really his intention. He’s just terribly frank in the worst possible way.
It’d honestly take a lot of work to get him to realize it’s bad and he’s making things worse, especially when to Albein the biggest proving grounds are the field of battle, so he really needs… a resound trouncing… Maybe several times.
He’s also not quick to forgive at all and his kindness is pretty selective. He doesn’t believe in extending his hands to those who have hurt him specifically and he finds it hard to meet people halfway too because of this. Combine this with his tendency to get scrappy if people anger him and, weeeeeeeeeeeeeell…
He’s nasty. And tends to look down on commoners like his fellow nobleborn (and raised) folk, although not as much ‘because they’re filthy’ as much as he firmly believes those of common blood are just weaker and it’s his duty, as a noble, to keep them safe.
He’s also pretty secretive about himself or anything personal beyond his identity (which he will proclaim loudly and proudly, although for him the ‘general’ part is cooler and more impressive than ‘crown prince’) because he’s gotta hide his brand. In fact, because a lot of it falls to ‘you have to hide you’re branded’, it’s pretty much a rarity to catch sight of any skin beyond his face, tbh.
Sidenote: they’re will be a sub verse for him soon where he’s twins with N’s (gaileon) Alm and brandless (that we talked about along w/ yumispelled and of-invisible-ties), but that’s for another day hahaha.
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x0401x · 6 years
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Mekakucity Talkers: Chapter 12
Chapter 12 has been uploaded!! Seto and Mary started cleaning up the hideout. Their objective was... Kano’s weak point!? Inside his room, there was a closed drawer. What lay inside of it was...!? Please make sure to check it out!!
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Mekakushi-dan Chatroom
Momo: Hello~
Seto: Hello-ssu.
Momo: Huh?! Seto-san, your reply was quick! Are you on a day off from your part-time job?
Seto: That’s right.
Momo: Then you can take it easy, yeah~? You always seem busy with work, after all.
Seto: Ditto Kisaragi-san. You work as an idol. It’s commendable.
Momo: No, no~. It doesn’t feel much like working. I attend school, and I have proper days off. Seto-san, aren’t you on your part-time job nearly every day? Please take it slow today, okay?
Seto: To tell the truth, I can’t take it slow.
Momo: Eh? Did something happen?
Seto: I’m about to clean up the hideout now.
Momo: Eeh!? Didn’t we all clean it up just a while ago?!
Seto: Yeah, everyone cooperated back then, so it was helpful.
Momo: I was appalled~. It was like those garbage houses that appear on TV.
Seto: It’s something you surprisingly don’t notice when you’re living there.
Momo: Is that really so~?
Seto: But the rainy season is almost here. It’ll be a disaster if we don’t clean up frequently.
Momo: Aah~, I see. If some new species of virus appeared and got you sick, it’d be terrible...
Seto: That’s right... A while ago, we only cleaned up the trash sitting outside, but this time, I’ll be keeping everything tidy and in order.
Momo: Don’t tell me you’re going to do the cleaning alone?
Seto: No, Mary will help too. We were actually all going to do it together, but it seems Kido and Kano had some business to do.
Momo: The hideout is pretty big, so it’ll be a hassle with just two people.
Seto: I thought about waiting for them to come home, but we’re going to clean at least the living room.
Momo: Please do your best! A-And, if you find anything interesting, please tell me!
Seto: I don’t know about interesting stuff, but we did find something nostalgic.
Momo: Eh? What was it?
Seto: A plushie that Kido used to own in the past.
Momo: Plushie...! Danchou-san had a plushie...! How cute...!
Seto: One of these days, Nee-chan brought it here from our house. It’s something she cherished ever since she was small.
Momo: Heeh~!
Seto: It seems Nee-chan didn’t want stuffed toys all that much since long ago, so the instant Mom and Dad found out that Kido liked those, they bought it to her with pleasure.
Momo: I also have dolls that I’ve been given in the past. Their dress-up clothes weren’t very much my type, so I sewed up fabrics together to make some. I’d also arrange their hairstyles. If Danchou-san likes that, I’ll show them to her next time~
Seto: I’m sure she’ll be glad. She normally won’t say that she’d want to see that kind of stuff.
Momo: Even though it’s okay for her to honestly say she likes it~
Seto: Kano is to blame because he teases her.
Mary: unnforgivible
Momo: Ah, Mary-chan. Eh, what’s wrong? What do you mean by “unforgivable”?
Seto: As always, you understand very well what Mary says.
Momo: It’s practice, practice! The rest is that thing called women’s intuition!
Mary: Kano, unforgivible. I’ll get revinge.
Momo: “Revenge”!? What happened, Mary-chan!?
Seto: She was teased by Kano again yesterday.
Momo: Kano-san did that!? Man~! He’s always bullying Mary-chan!
Seto: Kano is the way he is, so I think he was showing affection towards Mary. Though I can’t say decisively that he has no ill intentions.
Momo: Limits exist. Limits!
Mary: revenge
Momo: Yep! Let’s avenge you, Mary-chan!
Seto: No way... Nothing’s born out of revenge, except for more avengers...
Momo: No, she won’t go with the heavy kind, just give him a payback!
Mary: i’ll search for kano’s weak pointt
Momo: “Weak point”, huh~. Seto-san, do you know what Kano-san’s weak point is?
Seto: His weak point? Let’s see... He seems to feel pain when Kido hits him.
Momo: That’s valid for everyone! Speaking of which, even being hit by Danchou-san is because Kano-san does unnecessary things, right? They really do have to pay him back!
Seto: Hu~m... But a weak point...
Momo: This calls for that kind of thing, doesn’t it? Pretending you’re cleaning up, and then secretly getting into his room...
Seto: We can’t just enter someone’s room without permission.
Mary: revenge
Momo: See, see, Mary-chan is also saying it! I’m telling you it’s fine! It’s just rumaging around the shelves a little and sneaking a peek!
Seto: The part about rumaging around the shelves is already out of the line.
Mary: revenge
Seto: Aah, Mary has turned into a revenge demon... She went into Kano’s room in no time.
Momo: Hey, Seto-san, you go after her too!
Seto: Uugh...
Kido: What’s with you guys? Weren’t you cleaning up?
Momo: Ah! Danchou-san! We were looking for Kano-san’s weak point.
Kido: Good. By all means, do as you want.
Seto: You don’t have even the slightest intention of stopping them, huh...
Mary: I foud his seecret nrawer
Momo: “Secret drawer”!?
Seto: It’s a locked drawer.
Momo: Aah, that’s definitely the place where he keeps those kinds of books. He’s the worst.
Kido: Yeah, it’s definitely those kinds of books. Truly filthy.
Seto: S-Stop it, you two! For men, this sort of thing is really inevitable...
Kano: Hey~. Everyone, what’cha doing~?
Momo: Uwah, here’s the Ero-Demon.
Kido: Filthy Ero-Demon. You sure did manage to come out under the sunlight.
Kano: Eh, eh, what!? Hah!? What do you mean by “ero”!?
Seto: They’re talking about what’s inside the drawer in your room, Kano. The locked drawer.
Kano: Haaah!? Eh!? Did you open it!?
Seto: No, we didn’t.
Momo: We can tell that much without opening it. How very dirty of you. I’m disillusioned.
Kido: Never cross the threshold of our house again.
Kano: Wa-Wa-Wait a minute! That’s a misunderstanding!
Momo: Then what’s inside?
Kano: Well, that’s...
Momo: All right, this is a black fla~g.
Kido: Completely black. No room for arguments.
Seto: While we were at it, Mary found the key.
Seto: Kano... I’m sorry.
Kano: TRAITOR!!! Hey, there’s something really bad there!!
Momo: Mary-chan, open it to your heart’s contentment!
Mary: Ii’ll open.
Kano: He-He-Hey, wai—wait, wait.
Seto: A book out.
Kano-san has logged out.
Kido: He fled, huh.
Momo: For him to panic so much... Isn’t it really his weak point? As we thought, isn’t it that kind of book!?
Seto: No, ah—. It’s an album.
Momo: “Album”? Kano-san’s?
Seto: Our family album.
Momo: Wha~t? Isn’t that nothing to be embarrassed of?
Kido: Frankly, he’s not honest at all.
Seto: I don’t think it’s Kido’s place to talk about others in that matter.
Kido: Shut up. I’m also going home now. Since it looks like the cleaning isn’t progressing.
Seto: We’ll be waiting.
Momo: I also gotta clean up after seeing this talk! That’s what I thought. I’m going to tidy up my room for a bit~
Seto: That’s great. Now, then...
Mary: On more.
Seto: Mary.
Mary: I foud one more.
Seto: Mary, stop it already.
Mary: A different book.
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fiftytwobadstories · 6 years
25 - The Missing Girl
Not even the moon was shining in the sky as the taxi pulled into the town that night. I could just make out the jagged outline of the rooftops in the dim glow of the streetlights. Not a single window was lit and it seemed as though everyone had long since gone to bed. Only the Inn showed any signs of life as its sign shined brightly in the night, and that was just where I was headed. After such a long train ride, the only thing that mattered to me at that moment was a warm bed. The job would come later.
The taxi dropped me off outside of the Inn and I paid my fare. It ended up being a more expensive ride than I was expecting, and driver told me that he had never driven out so far. In fact, he didn’t even know that there was a whole town out here and—to be fair—neither did I until just a few days ago. As I stepped out of the car, it felt as though I were entering a ghost town. There wasn’t another soul around to be seen in the dark of the night, but somehow I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched.
The door chimed as I stepped into the musty old Inn. The old woman behind the front desk perked her head up at the noise and flashed me a bright smile despite the late hour. She welcomed me by name and told me that they had prepared their best room just for me. Even though I had called ahead for a room, there was still something about the way she knew my name that sent a shiver up my spine. The warm welcome wasn’t something I was used to after living in the city all my life, but maybe there was some truth to those stereotypes I heard about small towns. I just had to loosen up a little.
Their best room was cramped and the sheets almost seemed hand-stitched. I dropped my bag down onto the carpet and out came a cloud of dust that would settle into my lungs throughout the duration of my stay. I went to switch on the lamp on the bedside table, only to find that the bulb was burnt out. It was becoming more and more apparent to me that this town didn’t see visitors all too often. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful for the Inn’s hospitality, but I had been expecting just a little bit more—especially from their best room. I suddenly didn’t feel so tired any more.
I wasn’t able to get much sleep that night. The stiff bed creaked with every movement I made and the dusty air weighed heavily on my chest. The hours crept by until the first glimmer of sunlight snuck in through the window. By the time I was finally able to get some rest, it wasn’t long before a knock came to my door telling me that it was time to get up. The Chief was already waiting for me downstairs. My body ached as I dragged myself out of bed and into my uniform. I was beginning to worry that I wouldn’t feel right again until I was back home again. And who knew when that would be.
The Chief was an older man whose brow seemed permanently furrowed. Before even saying good morning—or even introducing himself—he felt the need to tell me that he didn’t like city police interfering in their little town’s affairs. There was a lot that I could have said to him in that moment, and it was a wonder that I was able to keep my mouth shut after such an exhausting 24 hours, but I did my best to remain as polite as possible. Introduced myself and said that I was willing to help the investigation in anyway that I could. He only grunted and shook his head before making his way back out the door to the Inn.
I realized that the sooner that I got this case solved, the sooner that I could get myself home. I asked the Chief to take me to the missing girl’s home so that I could ask the mother a few questions. He didn’t seem too enthused and told me that I would only be distressing the poor woman, but I assured him that I would do everything in my power to find the young girl and make sure that she gets home safe. The Chief only rolled his eyes and I quickly realized that he wasn’t going to be much help in this investigation.
The girl’s mother was much more relieved to see me. She had moved to this town a few years ago with her daughter, but was still considered an outsider to many of the locals. Her daughter was her everything and she came here in the hopes of giving her a better life, but she had only been met with hostility. I guess that it was her idea to bring someone in from the city to investigate the disappearance of her daughter after the local police had done so little to find her. After meeting the Chief myself, I honestly couldn’t blame her.
It was nearly impossible for her to tell me about the day her daughter went missing without tears streaming down her cheeks. It had been just over a week since she had last seen her and she was beginning to lose hope. It had been a morning just like any other where her daughter had left home to walk to school, but she had never arrived. The school didn’t bothered to call when her daughter never showed up, so she didn’t even realize that she was missing until she didn’t come home that afternoon. Apparently there wasn’t a single person who had noticed that she was gone. I told her that I was going to help find her daughter if it was the last thing I did, and from the back of the room, I could hear the Chief scoff.
Over the next few days, I went all over town asking questions about the missing girl. I assumed that there must have been someone that had seen something strange that day, but on the odd chance that I could get someone to speak to me instead of simply slamming their door in my face, they would just tell me that they didn’t know what I was talking about. Even the Innkeeper, who had been so friendly when I had first arrived, was now avoiding my glances whenever I returned back to the Inn. I was starting to suspect that they were hiding something.
Then, one morning I awoke to a phone call from the Chef telling me that the Mother had called off the investigation and that it was time that I went back to the city. I couldn’t believe it—there was no way that she would give up on her daughter so easily. I went over to her house, but there was no answer at the door even though her car was in the driveway. Fearing the worst, I forced open the door and found the house had been completely trashed and that the Mother was nowhere to be seen.
I searched the house looking for some kind of clue of the mother’s whereabouts. Her purse and keys were still sitting on the kitchen counter and her breakfast was half-eaten. I had this terrible feeling in my stomach. It was as though she had disappeared out of thin air. There was something very wrong here. I heard the front door open and then the sound of heavy footsteps on the tile. That wasn’t her—there was no way—but if it wasn’t her, then who was it? I unclipped my gun on my belt and headed towards the door.
In the foyer stood the Chief. I let out a sigh of relief and was about to tell him about the missing Mother, when I felt a terrible pain in my shoulder and a ringing in my ears. I looked down to see blood running down my shirt. He had shot me. I told him not to shoot—that it was only me, but he pulled the trigger one more time and I dropped to the ground. For the first time, I saw a smile creep across the Chief’s face. I felt a wall of grey creep around me as my body went cold.
“Filthy outsider,” I heard him mutter.
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royal-writer · 6 years
Do we need more futurevision, hopes and dreams stories? Probs not but I’m gonna make em anyway hurrhurr
Gotta get my FIX somehow
Gowns sucked. Why did aristocrats insist on these damn things? They were so ineffective and stiff. Chest aching with a tightly strung corset, feet sore in narrow dainty little shoes. You could hardly dare to move your legs more than a shuffle or fear falling from the weight or heavens, show a slip of ankle.
Instead of feeling like a person, you felt like a display doll. Pretty and perfect.
Resisting the urge to breath their her mouth, Essätha nodded simply and politely to the chatty maiden and her escort speaking. Gods she wanted to nibble on the thick stain of lipstick on her mouth, or brush off the damn powder everywhere that made her want to sniffle.
The only satisfaction she got was knowing she wasn’t the only one uncomfortable. Rava seemed to be the only one truly enjoying the sport of showing off in fancy attire. Abernathy pulled off the look with sophistication, but was weary of his movements not to rip the suit dawning him; and Penimra was more arrogant than ever to show off his mannerisms and high-class status.
That left her, Adela, Cackle, and Sul in varying degrees of the most miserable guests at this high-court meeting.
Of course, she would insist upon being the most uncomfortable. At least the other’s weren’t hopping from foot to foot trying not to dance in place to relieve the pressure from aching lack of arch support.
Thank goodness everyone else was there to pay attention as the man gestured, waving them to follow to- somewhere- because she couldn’t pay him a lick of attention in this state. Hopefully taking them somewhere she could sit down. Or- well, maybe not. What if this stiff piece of shit ripped? Wasn’t she supposed to push it down in the back when she sat or something so the flowing bottom didn’t hike up? Christ, this was the worst-
A hand lightly pressed against her lower back. Essätha gave a sideways glance up to the dark eyes peering down at her.
Amon smirked. Briefly.
Ohhh dear. She swallowed, marching forward a few paces to where they had been ushered. The warmth of the guiding hand against her back driving her crazy.
She fell short from the rest; standing back and mostly out of sight as the clip of Amon’s heels came to an abrupt stop. Fingers massaged in to the fabric in slow circles.
Gods, she couldn’t even feel those rough fingers. Who decided having clothes like this was worth it when you couldn’t even appreciate a man’s touch, honestly. Such poor design. Terrible taste.
Clearing his throat, Amon leaned down close to her. The heat of his breath washed over her neck, sending goosebumps down her arms as she shivered.
“I’m going to tear that damn unflattering dress off you as soon as we’re out of here.”
Oh, gods. Her knees were shaking.
Teeth scraped her ear and she choked back a moan, swallowing as he whispered, “I bet I can make you beg just riding my knee. Pelor you smell so good-”
The hand against her lower back slipped down, cupping her ass.  Essätha jumped suddenly, letting out a startled cry of alarm that had heads turning back towards them.
Her face was searing red. Brighter than Sul’s scales as her legs wobbled, an ache between her legs and humiliating dampness between.
She dared a glance at Amon. Standing poised, completely stoic in complexion with arms behind his back.
That piece of shit.
“Everything alright, miss?” the gentleman escort inquired, his eyebrows furrowing.
“Yes- yes fine I uh- I’m sorry to interrupt I just need to use the restroom-”
“Ooh, by all means. Down the west wing, three doors down on the right side.”
“Right. Thank you-”
Stiffly, she pivoted to hurry as fast as the painfully pinching shoes would allow. A glance back as she made her way to the corner, and most everyone had put their attention back on the chatty couple.
Amon’s were on her, however. Smug and satisfied, before turning his eyes back on the two speakers.
“Filthy fuck,” she hissed to herself as she stomped down the corridor. Enjoying the rise out of getting her aroused and leaving her wanting. At an event she could do nothing about, of course! She couldn’t relieve herself here in this fancy shitdick estate.
Oooh but the very idea was there now. On the fancy beds of silk, on the table, leaning on the expensive sculptures, against the doors and in the bigass tub this place probably had and all over this expensive, luxurious house. Dirty, graphic, lewd images danced in her thoughts in a conga line. One after another, flashing before her mind’s eyes. All the position, all the moaning and groaning, Amon’s fingers digging into her hips and oh gods-
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” she whispered hoarsely, placing a palm to her forehead and smearing some of the powdery makeup.
Ah hell, how much longer did they have to put up with this shit before she could pin that snarky rich man into a bed and have her with him?
“Hey, Essätha, where’s the bathroom here again?”
Blankly, the yuan-ti stared over at the elven child.
“How should I know?” she asked. “I don’t live here.”
“But you… had to use the restroom earlier…” Rava trailed, frowning with confusion.
Whoops. She’d forgotten about her little fib to escape Amon. Coughing into the back of her hand softly, Essie shuffled quickly past Ravamora’s skeptical glance to catch up with the other’s.
Gods, maybe she should have tried swiping something when she’d taken off. At least that would have been a good, believable cover. Now she just looked like an idiot avoiding a question.
Stepping past Amon, she caught a quick flash of a grin come and go on his face as she passed.
Smug fuck. He was going to see just where that cockiness lead him.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
No way. There was no way.
That voice. She knew that voice. It fit the illusion before her perfectly. The manifestation of her imagination; eerie black eyes on a red face with bright blue hair spiked in tall tufts.
When she ran forward, it only took a second after for the tiefling to move too. They collided painfully; forehead smacking together and arms awkwardly clutching clothes.
“Oh by Shar’s love, Ess’, you’re okay!” Solace sobbed, clinging to her so tightly that her fingers hurt.
“Come here come here, let me look at you! Look at how tall you’ve gotten- look at you oh Shar, oh gosh, you made it you’re okay, you’re okay just look at you!”
Startled laughter bubbled up from Essie’s chest. She reached up, wiping at her tearful eyes as Solace held her away at arms length to inspect her.
“I didn’t know- I had no idea where you’d gone and what happened to you, I only hoped-”
The tiefling’s voice cracked. Her teeth snagged her lower lip as she blinked swiftly, tears collecting in her eyes.
“You look healthy,” she choked. “You look… you look wonderful.”
“And look at you!” Essie announced in heaving, sobbing gasps. “You’re fucking glowing!”
“I know! I got new clothes!”
“You always have new clothes,” Essätha laughed between ugly, chest-heaving sobs.
Hands came up, gently cupping Essie’s face. She blinked past her tears of relief, grinning as Solace pressed her forehead against her own.
“I’m so happy to see you, Ess’. I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you,” Essätha countered, holding her friend tightly.
They stood there, embracing each other tightly for a moment. So different but so much the same.
Essätha realized she was taller than Sol now. But where she had grown in height, Sol had grown where it counted, of course. A narrow waist, wide feminine curving hips, and much more bust. The lucky bitch.
She tugged herself back a bit, smiling eagerly down at her friend.
“Come here, I have some people to introduce you to,” she eagerly stated, looking behind her at the baffled faces staring her way.
Solace appeared briefly confused. She looked behind Essätha, her eyes suddenly lighting up.
“Oh… please!” she gasped. “Yes- please do!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Ooohhh Green Bean is just the most darling little baby in the whole wide world!” Solace cooed. “You adopted a kid Ess’, congratulations! I can’t believe you raised a child without having them meet their aunt. I’m crushed, really.”
“Oh shut up,” she snorted, rolling her eyes.
“At least she has better looks than her mom.”
Essie jabbed an elbow into the tiefling’s side, narrowing her eyes.
“You know I’m kidding, reptile.”
A drawn out ‘hmm’ escaped Essätha, unable to wipe the smile from her face as she watched Sol stroke the green serpent. Bobbing her head up and down, Green Bean followed the motion of Solace’s free hand as she wiggled in front of the serpent’s face.
Solace leaned back slowly then, cracking her back as she looked around the campsite. She pointed to each individual in turn, speaking softly to Essie as she did so:
“Abernathy, Ravamora, Penimra, Sulhad… Sulha… Sull? Whatever- Adela, Cackle, Ilamin, and Amon?”
“They seem like a lovely bunch,” she observed, watching the large group wander the camp in quiet discussion.
A soft smile formed on Essie’s mouth. She felt a squeeze in her heart as she nodded.
“They are.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she could make out Solace watching her. There was a critical stare upon her; hyper observant.
“Look at you,” Sol chuckled softly. “You’re so… happy. You’re glowing!”
A dark hue of red entered Essie’s cheeks.
“Well- I mean- I’ve been traveling with them for a long time- you get used to them-”
“Mmmmhm,” Sol drawled, waving her hand. “So- tell me, what are they like?”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll get to know them with time,” Essie laughed breezily. “Sir Abernathy’s very kind and very nurturing. He’s pretty much tied with Sul over there in protecting the lot of us. Rava’s a brat I’ll be honest, but maybe I say that because in a few ways, she reminds me of me. Penimra is trash but he’s our trash- and he’s getting a lot better at not being such a judgmental cock.”
“Promising,” Solace observed, laughing softly.
“Heh- yeah. Ilamin’s a young sweetheart; you wouldn’t meet a more caring boy. Adela’s cool; she can swap between being a stick-in-the-mud like Abernathy to the most boisterous, adventurous person. She’s taken by the way- I see that look. So is Abernathy.”
“Cackle over there is loud,” she pointed out, wincing. “Very loud, at times. But she’s a trip. A lot of character. If you want a hug though, there’s no better with all that fluffy down feather.”
A deep sigh escaped her. Watching the bunch as they gave her some space for now with her friend, gathering firewood and preparing what they had on hand for dinner that evening.
Jerking her head, Solace indicated to the last, unmentioned individual of the group.
“What about moneybags over there?” she slyly stated. “Steal anything good off of him? Does he owe you guys a debt?”
Essätha cleared her throat roughly.
“No, I haven’t stolen anything off of Amon… Correction: anything I didn’t give back, anyway.”
“Whoa. You gave something back?”
She shrugged, trying to play it off. “He’s… had a lot of things to work through. I felt bad.”
Essie didn’t like the look Sol was giving her. Not one bit. But, gratefully, she turned her gaze back on to Amon with a smile.
“What- what is it?”
“Is he single?” she sang, eyeing the Briarton lord hungrily.
An ugly, foreign feeling fluttered in her stomach.
“No,” she said flatly.
“Oooooh I see how it is,” Solace purred. “Shakking up with moneybags over there, hmm? That’s why he’s here, ey? Can’t get enough of that tail~”
She rubbed her elbow against Essätha’s side teasingly.
Offering a strained, false laugh, she responded faintly, “His name’s Amon, Sol.”
That same, curious look appeared on the tiefling’s face.
“Right,” Sol cued softly. “Amon.”
Wheezing, Essätha tried to declaw Solace talon-like grip from her shoulder and side.
“It’s okay, Sol, that’s just Caesar.”
“That dog is huge!” she whined. “Does he bite?”
“I mean, obviously?” Essie laughed. “But you’re good, as long as you don’t force Amon to send him after you. Here, you can touch him. He’s friendly.”
Nervously, Solace reached out to boop the mastiff on the nose. He sniffed curiously, licked her finger, and proceeded to sneeze.
“Oh gross!”
A sharp, wheezing laughter escaped Essätha, gripping her sides as Solace hugged to her side with a pouty face. Tears streaming down her face as Caesar wagged his tail, head tilted with confusion as to what was going on.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
She caught Solace staring a lot after that.
That night, while everyone ate, she commented and laughed and told stories with the rest of them. Getting to know Essätha’s party of friends as they got to know a bit more about her.
But the later the hours got, she became quiet. Essie could almost see the clockwork moving in her head. It was the same way the next day, and the day after that. Still polite; answering questions, offering a helpful hand where she could or was asked. Asking her own questions, smiling.
But she seemed worryingly gone from her.
It left Essie feeling confused, and dreadfully sad.
Solace watched without comment or question, most of the time. She seemed most keen to watch when Essie’s orbit moved around Amon’s and his hers; following each other in circled paths unseen that always made their way back towards each other. Eyes leaving longing gazes against each other like the imprints of hands.
The staring made her nervous. However anxious she was though, she refused to bring it up.
Whatever was on Sol’s mind, it would come out with time.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“You’re leaving?”
The pain of the words struck a cord in her soul. All Essätha could do was stare, helpless, her heart aching.
“Don’t take it the wrong way, Essie,” she soothed, reaching out for her hands. “I love you plenty, kid. But you don’t need me, you know? I know you’re okay now. I know you’re still out there. I know I can find you again; all I have to do is search for the big superstar and her group of explorers out there, protecting the world.”
“But… why?” Essie asked hoarsely. “You can stay…”
The tiefling gave a shake of her head. “No, I can’t. We’re family, but they’re your family too.”
“Besides,” she went on, giving a bit of a sad smile. “I’m… no good for you like they are. You live a different life with them. They make you better. Having me around would complicate things in the end. It’s better if I’m just a visitor to the photos, not part of the album. You have your own life now; so different from the one we had when we were children. I can’t impeach on all of this. You’ve changed but maybe I… maybe I haven’t changed enough.”
“Sol, there’s no reason to go. They like you; you don’t have to-”
A finger touched her mouth gently, silencing her.
“It’s my choice,” she stated, firmer this time. “And I’m sticking with it.”
The hand dropped from her mouth as Sol sighed, smiling. “It’s not ‘goodbye’, Ess’. It’s ‘see you later’.”
“Feels like a goodbye,” she muttered.
“I know, reptile. I’m sorry.”
They stood there, awkward in the prolonged silence. The sound of crickets chirping and early morning dew on leaves, dropping to the ground, a louder echo in the silence than their breathing.
“What are you going to do, about that Amon fellow?”
“E… Excuse me?”
Solace looked up at her, a serious complexion now.
“Ess’, when have you ever bothered learning a lover’s name before?”
“That’s not-”
“How long has moneybags been traveling with all of you?”
“Well, since we started-”
“How long is this going to last?”
“Gods, Sssol, I don’t know!” Essie hissed, her face red. “It’s just good sex, okay!”
She regretted the words instantly. They burned in her throat; made her heart instantly throb with pain. It was an ugly, hurtful lie and even if he wasn’t around to hear it, the fact she’d even voiced it was damaging to her soul.
But that’s all it was. That’s all it was ever going to be.
There was a shape of pity in Solace’s face. She spoke softly then: “I’m sorry.”
Essätha stared at her silently. She didn’t have anything to respond with. Even if she did, she wasn’t sure she could voice it without her voice cracking.
“I better be on my way,” Sol cut in, glancing off to the side. “Wouldn’t want your family to think I’m kidnapping you.”
“You’re family too, Sol. You said so yourself.”
“I’ll find you again, don’t worry.”
The tiefling leaned in, giving her a peck on the cheek.
“Stay safe.”
“R-… Right,” Essie muttered. “You too, demon spawn”
Shouldering her bag, Solace gave a wink. She turned to take a few steps, sighing. Her eyes glanced over her shoulder.
“I’d watch out for that lord, Essie,” she said gently, a small smile. “I think he might be a criminal.”
“W-What?” Essätha babbled, confused.
Solace turned away, walking down the trail. Her voice carried as she sang out the next phrase:
“I think he might have stolen something very precious from you, dear.”
The next words were muffled, and Essie couldn’t make them out as Sol stated to herself while moving away, “I just hope he decides to offer a replacement just as grand for what he’s taken.” (If he didn’t, Sol mused venomously to herself, she could always find him and gut him for hurting Essie’s soft pure heart.)
The words rang in Essie’s skull, but even as she watched Sol’s figure grow smaller and smaller as she headed over the dips of the road, she couldn’t make any sense of them.
Tiefling bullshit riddles. What the fuck did that even mean?
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zoewrites · 7 years
Jealousy Part 1 (Joji x Reader)
Hey, I wrote this in like half an hour mostly on my phone so I hope it’s decent. Lemme know if I should continue :)
"Oh god, Frank, fuck me! Fuck me, Frank!" You watch as the girl in her underwear straddles him.
"Woah there, bitch. Calm down." He waves her off but she continues to latch onto him and kiss his neck. You normally aren't around during the day when Joji is filming. Most of the time you're at your waitressing job and at night he'd show you some of the clips he edited together. It was a little strange watching it happen in front of you, rather than on a screen.
This time he has a crew of his friends helping him film with their professional cameras and drones and you happen to have the day off. You're all on the roof of your apartment building shooting something ridiculous where this girl is Fake Frank's new sex crazed girlfriend. Since you couldn't really contribute to the filmmaking process, you spent your time picking up food for everyone and trying not to laugh or cringe at the weirdest scenes.
You'd all been at it for hours though and it was getting cold on the roof. You decide you’ve seen enough Filthy Frank for one day and quietly slip back downstairs to the apartment where you could chill until they were done working. To be honest with yourself, you were mostly done with seeing your boyfriend fake makeout with someone... even if they were just acting.
Eventually you begin to doze off until the door opens and Maya, the almost naked girl walks in.
"Oh hey, there you are." She waves to you and slips a tee shirt over her head.
"Yeah, I just got tired." You move over as she joins you on the couch. She nods and pulls a joint out of her purse.
"You mind?"
"No, go ahead." You hand her a lighter from your coffee table. She lights up and you can feel her eyes on you for a while as you turn your attention back to your phone.
"You're Joji's girlfriend, right?" She breaks the silence. "It's weird we haven't met until today. You’d think he’d mention you more."
What was that supposed to mean? You finally look up, “Mhm, it’s almost been a year now. How long have you known him?”
"Oh shit" She laughs, clearly very high already, "we go wayyy back."
“Like college?”
“I used to fuck his roommate.” Maya confirms, matter of factly.
“Oh.” You raise your eyebrows and she bursts out laughing again, falling against you. You shift uncomfortably beside her.
“A year though? Really?” She looks up at you and shakes her head, “Damn. I thought Joji would be forever sleeping around like he used to.”
You’d heard that before. Mostly from his friends when they wanted to give him a hard time and it never bothered you before. The way Maya said it though, it seemed like she was almost disappointed.
Your thoughts are interrupted by everyone barging through the front door. Loud, rowdy voices fill the apartment and Joji makes his way over to the two of you, still in his Frank sunglasses.
“Yoooo, lemme get some of that.” He leans in close to Maya and pulls the joint from her hand, taking a long hit. She takes it back, giggling and lets him sit down beside her playfully throwing her legs up over his lap, causing you to move further down the couch. You look away, suddenly irritated.
“You coming out with us tonight, babe?” Joji finally acknowledges you. Apparently he’d forgotten his promise of taking you to dinner after everyone left. You decided not to bring it up though, you knew he’d been stressed lately and going out with his friends would be good for him. You on the other hand only wanted to take a bath and go to bed.
“I don’t know, I’m not really feeling it tonight.” You smile when he leans over Maya and kisses your forehead.
“What’s wrong, are you sick?” He asks, concern written on his face. You can’t help but laugh and pull the glasses from his face.
“I can’t take you seriously in these.”
“Come on, baby. I know you like them.” He snatches them back and takes another hit from the joint, coughing hard and making you roll your eyes.
“I for one think they’re sexy.” Maya grins at him, making you roll your eyes yet again. Could this girl just leave already?
“Oh yeah?” He asks and she winks. You know they’re friends and are only playing around, but you’re pissed off now. Especially because she still doesn’t have pants on and and has her legs draped over Joji’s as they pass the joint back and forth. You get up and more to the bedroom without a word.
Apparently Joji follows, because he’s behind you a minute later, wrapping his arms around you.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” You lean your head back to kiss him and assure him that you’re fine.
“Honestly, I’m just tired and want to relax tonight. But you go and have fun.” He just looks at you with his stupid Fake Frank glasses on until you start laughing again.
“I hate those fucking glasses.” You mumble under your breath but it’s not quiet enough. He lifts you up and onto the bed, causing you to squeal underneath him.
“You love them.” He whispers back, tauntingly as he kisses down your throat. You wrap your legs around him, pulling him closer.
“Never.” You bring his face back up to yours and enjoy the feeling of his soft lips and stubble against you.
Too soon, he pulls away and finally takes the sunglasses off. “As much as I want to continue this, I promised everyone I’d get ready to go.”
You pout as he lifts himself off of you and moves to the closet to change. “Just wait till I’m back though.” He teases and you fall back against the bed once again, enjoying watching him unbutton his shirt.
“Can’t wait.” You smirk.
It’s midnight now. You’ve soaked using your favorite bath bomb, put on a face mask, binged Netflix, and downed half a bottle of wine. Now you were in bed, scrolling through Instagram. You watch stories from Joji’s friends of them at a bar and then a night club. It looked wild. It was loud and there were people and alcohol everywhere. Another night, it could’ve been fun but you were glad you’d stayed in.
You mindlessly tapped through the stories until one clip in particular caught your eye. Behind the guy filming was Joji and Maya dancing together. Grinding together. Your stomach dropped as you tapped on her profile to see what she’d posted. 90% of it was of her and your boyfriend.
There were clips of them getting wasted, the two of them laughing next to each other in an Uber, clips of them smoking outside, her learning on his shoulder in a booth at the club and then kissing his cheek. They both looked trashed out of their minds.
What the fuck? You locked your phone and tossed it to the other side of the bed. The television stayed on all night but you had no idea what you were watching. You were so in your head, thinking about what Joji and Maya were doing. Should you text him? Should you just go to sleep? There was no way you’d be getting any kind of rest tonight with your mind racing.
After hours of tossing and turning, you hear a key in the front door and soft footsteps making their way across the floor. You breath a sigh of relief until you hear a voice that isn’t Joji’s. It’s a whisper you can’t make out and then a shush and then a laugh. Your heart beats faster as you sit up and imagine the worst. It’s an intruder.
You let out a yelp as the door to your bedroom creaks open and a figure makes it’s way inside. You quickly turn on the bedside lamp and then immediately throw whatever you can grab, which happens to be a pillow, at the person.
“Hey, what the?” It’s Joji stumbling around.
“What the hell?!” You hiss.
“What was that for?” He tosses the pillow back onto the bed, looking annoyingly amused.
“You scared me, I thought you were an intruder.”
“And you were going to stop an intruder with… a pillow?”
“Oh, fuck off.” You lay back down now that your heart rate has slowed. “Why were you being so creepy and whispering to yourself out there?”
“What?” He looked lost for a second, obviously drunk, “Oh, no that was Maya. She’s gonna stay on the couch tonight.”
“Why?” You groan. Of course she was still here.
“She’s drunk.” He explains as he takes his pants off and joins you on the bed. The scent of alcohol on him is strong.
“So call her an Uber.”
“What’s your problem, (Y/N)?”
“Nothing.” You switch the light off and turn away from him, hoping sleep will come soon.
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That’s Highly Offensive: 2018 Golden Globes
Y’all know I only wear all black all the time, so I find the fact that Hollywood is "uniting" against whatever tonight by wearing all black to be kind of a stupid way to pussy foot around the issue, but who asked me? This should have been a night when the carpet looked the way I think it should at all times, but honestly, a lot of stuff looked makeshift and cheap to me. And WHAT was with all the skirts-over-pants nonsense?? I thought that was over. Also, forgive the overuse of the funeral garb schtick but what choice did I have?
Wow. It's rare that the first look I see ends up being the worst dressed of the night, but Debra Messing has just taken the cake, eaten it, made another cake, eaten that, made another one, and took that too. I know it's cliché but MESSing says it all. #thefacesofmeth That emerald eyeshadow and those Elvira for Family Dollar false lashes!!  And WHAT is that dent in her forehead?? I’ll tell you what it is… bad Botox. Or Juvaderm. Or whatever expired baby bunny cartilage her dermo found in Karen Walker’s dumpster. Oh and also, she’s wearing the dress version of Liza’s putty kkk hood shoes and it’s  all HIGHLY offensive.
Kelly Clarkson- "From Justin to King Midas" if King Midas was a lizard...
Kristin Cavallari went as 1999 Oscars Angelina Jolie but with a ballerina's bun and I'm not ok with it.
I honestly have nothing bad to say about Tracee Ellis Ross’s outfit. The phrase ‘Charmin Noir’ comes to mind, but let’s not bc you know how much I love a turban/wrap!
Meryl Streep: You bore me to tears. I like your glasses.
It seems to be literally KILLING Giuliana Rancid that she can’t ask “Who are you wearing?” bc she is incapable of NOT pointing out the fact that she’s not asking that question to every person she's interviewed. And as always, she looks like the Queen from Antz but this year her skin is a particularly orange shade of Oscar Meyer all beef frank. She also has one of the most bulbous horse hair dino ponytails I’ve ever seen. She's like the anorexic version of Starla from Napoleon Dynamite. AND HER TAN LINES! I didn't know you got those from bottled self tanner...
Catherine Zeta Jones: I am still obsessed with CZJ even after recently rewatching Ocean’s Twelve for the first time since Cat and I fell asleep in the theater. Her face, her body, her dress, her earrings, her love for her thousand year old father in law… I am fully behind all of it!
Penelope Cruz: See above. #stunning
I don't know who this woman from Outlander is but I do know she better be on her way to audition at Tweetsie Railroad.
Connie Britton: NO.
Jessica Biel and J. Tim- don’t NO ONE CARE. I don’t know one person who watched ‘The Sinner’ (most people didn’t even know what I was talking about when I asked if they’d heard of it), so the fact that she is nominated is a testament to that Sexy Back money and nothing more. Just her talking about being a producer of the show is like… We get it…you’re the only one who would pay you to be an actress anymore. PS, your arms are fabulous.
Mandy Candy Moore: Olé!
Holy shit Diane Kruger looks amazing.
Unfortunately, Sarah Paulson is one of those I feel looks like she's in something cheap. Really cheap. Like she stole a leotard from the Xanadu Mourning collection and wrapped a table cloth around herself. And I can't say I love the choppiness of her bob.
Michele Williams- I’m still not over how ridiculous you looked on Dawson’s Creek, but your pixie has grown on me over the last few years but OHMYGOD what is that shelf in the back? Lloyd Christmas called…
Seth Myers looks like the singing sword and a foot had a baby and named it Cheremy.
Jamie Chung- First of all, why are you here? Secondly, you look like the winner of a ‘Grunge Bride’ themed stripper contest sponsored by Hefty in 2002. Those shoes….
Alexis Bledel- Let’s get this out of the way: I can’t stand you. You’re a mumbler with creepy Kewpie doll eyes and mouth. But as for what you’re wearing, GASP you’re not wearing solid black so you obviously don’t care about women!! But also, you must not care about yourself either because you look like one of Ariel’s sisters and Dionysus had a baby and it came out haunted.
Why is Dave Franco wearing so much rouge????
Alison Brie- Ok, you can channel Audrey Hepburn, I guess. Although her dress does resemble my senior prom dress from Cache. Oh wait- there’s a pants leg. You’re trash.
William H. Macy: Did Grubby die? That’s the only reason I can think of for Teddy Ruxpin to show up to the Golden Globes in all black…
Gal Gadot is clearly going to an audition for "A Chorus Line" after the Globes. Why else would she steal a maitre'd's jacket and cut it in half?
Saoirse Ronan looks perfect all around. I need all of it immediately, even though I’d look more like Bruce Villanche dressed in drag doing a David Bowie tribute than her svelte awesomeness…
Eva Longoria looks like a pregnant Sharpie.
It took me a solid 3 seconds & a glance at the caption to figure out I was looking at Halle Berry and not some mixed berry bag of Skittles from a prom themed episode of the CW’s Gossip Girl revival. And her bangs look gross and ridiculous. #whywontsheage??
I take it back: Reese Witherspoon looks like the pregnant Sharpie. Or maybe her daughter has decided to become a fashion designer and this was her first foray into an origami—inspired collection? #blacktobasics
Nicole Kidman (or Nicky Kickin it in the Moulin Rouge, as Jack McFarland calls her) looks flawless, as always. The one negative thing I will say is that I find flutter fly cap sleeves to be among the most offensive things in adult female fashion (mainly because the only humans that can pull them off are pre-teens, anorexics and Kate Moss (not that she’d ever wear them).
Viola Davis wins everything. Omg that hair and makeup and jewelry and dress. ⚰️⚰️⚰️
Did Zac-without-a-K Efron want people to mistake him for Milo Ventimiglia? Is that the reason for the mustache? Why is he even there? GASP! Are they already remaking High School Musical (because you know that’s in the works…) with him starring as Troy again?!? #prayerhands
Why exactly is Naomi Campbell at the Golden Globes, must less in a piece from the never-to-be-seen sketches Vivienne Westwood did for Guy Richie’s new pandering remake starring Madonna as Herlock Holmes?
Lily James- You are gorgeous perfection and I mean that because anyone that stars in a live action Disney remake is automatically on my shit list (I’m looking at you, Emmas Stone and Watson…) but what the actual hell are you wearing? You look like a Project Runway contestant’s submission on the theme “Maleficent’s entrance to the party.”
Octavia Spencer looks like the teacher who got to play Glinda’s role in a #metoo fundraising, high school production of Wicked after the lead was stricken with mono.
Greta Gerwig- I’m tempted to allow it, but only if you’re intentionally channeling Marchesa Luisa Casati.
Angelina Jolie- oh. my. god. I know I’m biased (as one of her long lost, adopted children she’s never acknowledged or heard of) but I cannot say one bad thing about this, especially since I’ve been in 100% Bombshell  Manual mode lately and anything with feathers or frills or femininity is giving me LIFE. #bestdressed
Elizabeth Moss: from Polly to Pollyana. Anyone that gets that is my lifelong friend and anyone that doesn’t please never talk to me again. But seriously honey, that waistline is not your friend.
Jessica Chastain- I think I love everything about this but am i crazy or does it make her look a little bulky? Tell me I’m crazy. I’m crazy. (Narrator: She was definitely crazy.)
omg Maggie Gyllenhaal is wearing the same Castle Greyskull, droopy-sleeve of wizard-vagine garment as Debra Messing! Is this a thing?? Gross. And those earrings are stupid too but I don’t know why.
Emilia Clarke is perfection (minus the bow but moving on) and I don’t even love GOT.
Geena Davis stole one of CZJ’S costumes from Chicago and i can’t say that I’m angry. I will say that I’m angry that the head designer at LOFT got hold of it and added a few of those filthy lace panels before she walked the red carpet, but since she still looks pretty flawless…I’LL ALLOW IT.
As always, Lena Headey looks like the drunk, badass aunt who was a groupie before falling into acting so I love her even more than when she gets drunk and sets people on fire on tv. The dress does look like something a goth would make to wear to a Renaissance fair, but who cares when she looks that cool in it?
I love Margot Robbie more than almost anyone in Hollywood today (even though she stole my life’s dream of playing Tonya Harding. Seriously, I’d started writing a short right before they announced that movie and I’m not even kidding), but I can’t say i know exactly what she was going for with this look… an Elsa-possessed mistletoe over her womb to subtly announce she’s expecting? A tribute to the portion of Fantasia where fairies ice skate to ‘Waltz of the Flowers’ as a nod to the ice goddess she plays in ‘I, Tonya?’ I’ve been staring at it for a few minutes now and can honestly say I have no clue.
Gwendolyn Christie- I have no idea what you are wearing but I do know that I am obsessed with your GOT character so you have my permission to do whatever you please.
Kerry Washington unfortunately looks like some anorexic basic at her junior prom. And those floral net booties are what a leprechaun wears to a funeral. wtf. Oh but her hair is on point.
Kate Hudson- Je refuse.
Chris Hemsworth can do no wrong even in a suit made from a brocade table cloth and VELVETEEN shoes so don’t even worry about it, honey.
Michelle Pfeiffer- omg i am heartbroken over how matronly you look!! As anyone who knows me knows, my mother could pass as your identical twin, so I take it kind of personally when you show up on the red carpet dressed as Marian the librarian’s widowed sister, Ovarian.
Zoe Kravtiz- Sweetie, it’s already been done and its name was Natalie Portman. A chunky, funky  emerald earring does make you look like Audrey Hepburn's edgy cousin though. Whatever- you still look gorgeous and I love you.
Kendall Jenner- There are so many things wrong with your look, much less your existence, but I’ll just sum it up with this: T. STRAPPED. POINTY. TOED. SHOES. Also, lay off the brow botox before you look like Debra Messing, or worse, Kylie Jenner. #gasp
Sarah Jessica Parker literally went as her character from Hocus Pocus attending a funeral.
Isabelle Huppert wins the night! Nope, spoke too soon. Her dress has those damned flutter sleeves on it too! What IS that? It’s trash, is what it is…
Roseanne Barr forgot to put a dress over her Spanx…
Ok, that's all I got. I barely watched any of the actual show bc I can't with most of those self important a-holes, so I can't comment on anything "exciting" or "interesting" that might have happened. Let me know if I missed anything highly offensive🥂
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hide-the-cutlery · 5 years
I had an interesting thought a little bit ago. I tried to write it out on my phone, but my eyes weren’t cooperating and I couldn’t focus them, and even if I could, my glasses are scratched to hell. (Too many times I’ve found them on a random place on the floor in my old, filthy apartment after my usual habit of blacking out. I don’t know how I’d find them, honestly. I am extremely nearsighted, and had to crawl on my hands and knees through the trash to locate them. I was used to it — It was all part of the routine.) Now the worst that happens is they fall off my bed, and I have a backup pair, just in case. Little things like that make me grateful for leaving drinking in the past.
The urge to write won’t subside, so I’ve found myself on my old laptop, in the middle of the dark night, in a dark room; the only light offered glaring harshly at me from the screen. Still, I’m drifting in and out, confused. I’m forgetting what I’m doing. Not in the sense of “shit, what did I come in this room for?”, but feeling like my mind is being wiped out over and over again. I I have to reread previous notes I jotted down just to stay connected with my thoughts, when they’re not being blocked off. It’s all failing me tonight, though, as my notes were completely incoherent, and my internal dialogue is too exhausted to help me know know where to go and that to do. My memory is failing me, too. “My thoughts go black.” I don’t really have to explain myself about this situation, do I? Just a waste of time and space, but oh, how I hate the dark, except for the cover it provides. The escape it provides. When my mind is right, the peace it provides. “No one can see me.” But right now, my mind is not well, and there is no peace.
I was at a meeting today, and the topic was, ofc, the Coronavirus. If/when I get healthy, I want to go back to school to get my Masters in Public Health with a concentration in epidemiology. Outbreaks, the cause, the threat, and most of all, the symptoms are kind of my thing. It might have been a fun and stimulating meeting, if I wasn’t in a room full of people who couldn’t tell their asses from their elbows and are obviously had all the sensationalized, worst-case-scenario, click-bait articles as their only sources for what’s really going on. Social media distorts everything it touches, and takes the gullible ones, holding them hostage with their implanted doomsday beliefs. People are always getting caught up with whatever the newest threat of an epidemic could be. Nothing new to see here, besides the exponential power of the media. Freak out, it tells us. It won’t be alright.
A gentleman was sharing about some real issues he was having, not “oh no, we’re not gonna make it ‘cause we’re out of toilet paper!” It was a nice little break from all this virus talk (I do live in a county where I know for certain three people have tested positive, so that’s unnerving and a little too close to home for me). So this guy is sharing, and after you’ve been going to these groups for so long, you start to see different faces with the same story or vice versa.
I know that it’s not uncommon for an individual who is overcome with feelings of despair, failure, illness, fatigue, loss, hopeless, loneliness, etc to implore some higher being or presence to “please don’t let me wake up in the morning” or “please take me in my sleep.” He shared an experience he had which was just that. Wanting to not wake up. Dreading waking up. These narratives are not easy to hear, and my sympathy and empathy go out to anyone feeling like that’s the only way they can end the pain they’re experiencing. I’ve personally been there a lot. Much more than I let on.
A peaceful passing in your bed can sound so tempting. But there’s no guarantee that those feelings won’t chase you down on the other side.
keep running.
Thankfully, this man was speaking about something that happened quite a while ago, but it doesn’t make it any easier to digest.
We hear stories (go to a few AA meetings or other support groups, and you’ll hear plenty of stories) of how those mistreated, broken bodies, tormented minds and unwell souls did wake up the next day — their requests to exit this reality seemingly denied. Even if the answer is “no”, oftentimes, waking up with the slow and steady thud of your pulse and your lungs filling with air can be all you need to embrace that you are, indeed, alive. Things happen the way they are supposed to. If you’re still residing on the Pale Blue Dot, then there’s a reason you’re here. I should take my own advice, because I tend to say “fuck it, who cares? I quit. None of this matters” far too often.
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But — we never have the opportunity to hear about those prayers that are answered in an affirmative manner, because if g-d says “yes”, they don’t wake up in the morning to tell the tale, just like they desired. It’s not something we’re privy to, since those desperate moments are between a (wo)man and their conceptualization of something superior and much more dangerous than us on Earth, capable of giving and taking life.
So I guess we just don’t know what’s really going on, and how many deaths (if any -- I’m agnostic so I don’t believe I or anyone else knows either way). We’re probably not supposed to know. How many people’s lives are ended because they asked their Higher Power to let them go peacefully, and their prayer was answered.
I could ask for death tonight, not wake up tomorrow, and no one would be the wiser as to why. Is that the true cause of people dying in their sleep — because they asked, begged, pleaded for it? I guess my question is are our wishes and prayers actually granted or denied (a “yes” OR a “no” is still a response), or, is everything in this world just one big coincidence? Are those who did wake up and changed their lives crediting someone/thing that doesn’t even exist (a placebo effect on faith, spirituality, and/or the thinking mind), or did they experience a loose version of divine intervention of sorts because their deity wasn’t ready for them quite yet?
If I prayed for death every night, inevitably it would come for me.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
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