#the. nt file system that is
meow-77 · 9 months
my awesome hot take ,ntfs isnt that bad
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artemisyates · 8 months
Okay, as someone who has so far only heard the first two episodes (and season trailer) of The Magnus Protocol, I'm going to try to write down my own little thoughts for the communal red string board. I don't actually think Jonah is linked to the computer voices, I think the third voice will be Annabelle Cane's, and the reason the voices weren't part of the computer system until about a year ago is because they're linked to the Archives Reality Tape Web™ attaching itself to the Protocol Reality, remember the voice of the Archivist was the important part and the tapes were just a way for the Spider to steer that voice where it wanted the Fears to go, they followed the Archivist's voice and the Archivist's voice being in Protocol means the Archives Reality Fears did find the Protocol world, and have just become part of the Fear there. So far so normal, the voices are from Archives, so are probably avatars the Archives Fears brought with them. This is where it gets a little weirder, I don't think they're actually linked to the computer any more than the rest of the Statements are, my theory is that the computer is picking them up as Something Spooky and compiling it with the rest, and the owners of these voices are still in a remote location unrelated to the Protocol PCs. But they're clearly reading Protocol Reality Statements so here's where I'm torn between two ideas. They as people are reading out these Statements to feed the Fears and the computer is adding their spooky voices to the file. Or, the voices themselves were what was considered Spooky and the computer added them, but as it was just a voice and not really any associated story or text the PC didn't actually know where to file them and because of this the voices just became incorporated into the system, floating in uncategorizable limbo. But our blorbos might not be trapped in a modified version of Windows NT 4.0, the businessfocused predecessor to 95.
Please feel free to add your own thoughts to this, I would love to hear them, I'm literally putting this on the internet so me and the three people who see this can laugh about it in a year's time.
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hezekiahwakely · 8 months
As anticipated, here are my extensive red string notes from the pilot:
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God knows how relevant any of this will turn out to be, but I'm nothing if not a collector of trivial information
Very long text beneath the cut:
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The Magnus Protocol Pilot 10/25/23
Characters (in order of appearance)
Alice Dyer -O.I.A.R. employee -Dated Sam in uni -Jokester -Training Sam -Gets along with Colin
Teddy Vaughn -Retiring from the O.I.A.R. after 4 (?) years -Going into insurance field
Colin Becher -O.I.A.R. IT Manager -Vegetarian 🥬 -On the hook of "his nibs" (boss, male) -Sensitive about FR3-d1 app development, communicates w/politicians, trying for 2 years -Only gets along w/Alice -Knows computers are listening -Jokes about being killed
Lena Kelley -O.I.A.R. Team/Department Manager -Authoritative, follows protocol -Doesn't think Gwen is qualified for management
Gwendolyn Bouchard -O.I.A.R. employee -Backlog of casework -Dislikes Lena, wants her job -Dedicated to detail -Accused of nepotism by Alice -Thinks current job is beneath her -"Not like most people." *static*
Samama Khalid (Sam) -New O.I.A.R. employee -Dated Alice in uni -Wanting to 'get back on his feet' -Familiar with TMI -Didn't know what the Incidents were before hire!!
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Pilot notes con. 10/25/23
Listening Tech - Turns on by itself 💡
Dated computers (O.I.A.R.)
"Manager's speakerphone" (Lena's)
CCTV (O.I.A.R. breakroom?)
Cell phone (Alice's)
*O.I.A.R. formed in 70s? Accor. to Alice*
*Response Department no longer exists*
Still in onboarding paperwork, "Response 121"
Sam ticked this box
Tech Specs
O.S. = Windows NT 4.0 (modified) -Extended support for this O.S. was ended Dec. 31, 2004 IRL -Runs on workstations connected by LAN -Similar GUI to 95; comes w/Internet Explorer
FR3-d1 -Custom research software circa mid-90s -Flags Incidents and creates a database -Can search private/protected sources (email) -Alice claims no one has understood its workings for 15 years -Written in German source code
*1 Year = Average Employee Stay*
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Pilot notes con. 10/25/23
Classification System
Used in FR3-d1's database
CATXRX -> From reference table (CAT = Category?) First four digits -> Main subject of Incident DPHW (?) Next eight digits -> Date of Incident Last eight digits -> Current date
Example: CAT2RC1157-12052022-13012024* -First one we hear they file. "1157" is the "DPHW" for "dolls, watching."
*Jan. 13, 2024 is the date of Sam's onboarding/training (after Teddy's going-away party)
*as listed in transcript; in-show, it's quoted as 22102023, or Oct. 22, 2023
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Pilot notes (con.) 10/25/23
FR3-d1's Voice to Text/Text to Speech
Voices (named by Alice, which Gwen dislikes):
Neil = Alex
Chester = Jonny
(those two most common)
Augustus = ?
Neil's Incident
Occurs in "Cyberspace" via the transcript
"I'm so sorry. I should have listened. I just couldn't face the thought of the rest of my life never hearing him again, I had to try." First lines 😢
Email from Harriet Winstead to Darla Winstead, May 12, 2022
Recitations *can* be paused by pressing "space"!
Chester's Incident
Also occurs in "Cyberspace"
Topic: Magnus Institute Ruins.
On forum, user RedCanary, begins April 10, 2022. Explored 4/19-20/22.
Third floor gone. No old papers.
Suspicious, occult (?) graffiti, stains (!)
Took box with strange symbols (same as ones on walls/floors)
4/30/22 Posted image of gore/eyes, possibly of themself. Banned + did not return.
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Pilot notes con. 10/25/23
Early release video Case #: CAT1RA1353-03102023-22102024(listed as 202"3" on Patreon)
Video was posted 10/22/23.
Listed as "Incident" on Patreon.
According to transcript, the O.I.A.R. offices are located in Royal Mint Court.
Johson (sic) Smirke Building
Main building.
5 storeys, Grade 2 listed.
Designed by James Johnson, but constructed between 1807-1812 by Robert Smirke after Johnson died. To be used for mint.
Entrance lodge also built by Smirke, in front of building.
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Pilot - Public Release -TMAGP#001
Sam's first incident number - today's date
CAT2RC1157-12052022-13012024 -> CAT2RC1157-12052022-09012024
Voice (first incident)
Neil -> *Norris*
Minor word/date changes in incidents.
Minor line read differences.
Descriptions of Incidents in new transcript:
Norris': CAT1RBC5257-12052022-09012024 Reanimation (Partial) -/- Regret [Email]
Chester's: CAT23RAB2155-10042022-09012024 Transformation (Eyes) -/- Trespass [chat log]
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granhairdo · 6 months
les misérables interactive!!!!
i unfortunately am unable to get the software to work at the moment!!! im currently running a virtual machine of windows 95 + various other fixes and it's still refusing to run properly. i gut and reassemble old pcs as an unhinged hobby, so i'll be trying to install it on any 16 bit or 32 bit nt systems i come across. for now, enjoy the whole leaflet (giving much information on what this thing even is!) and the educational study guide i found in the program files
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download the study guide here (it should open in most word processors)
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vikenticomeshome · 5 months
Cyberworld QBorgs (part 3) - Zeta Quest 3D
Here's another post about Cyberworld QBorgs. The QBorg "Zeta Quest 3D" was based on the cartoon "The Zeta Project" from the 2000s. Unfortunately, much of the content from this QBorg is currently lost. I believe I have assembled just about everything that could be retrieved from the Internet Archive. While it is possible to walk around in the known levels, it is currently not possible to interact with the characters or get much of the story. Maybe someday a former Cyberworld employee will come forward with assets.
Here's the page where they explain the premise and ask you to download the Cyberworld browser. I will transcribe the text.
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The Zeta Project Presents Zeta Quest 3D.
Become Zeta, and continue the search for Dr. Selig in this revolutionary 3D game.
If you have not already downloaded the Cyberworld browser you will need to do so, but trust us; it's worth it!
I like that we get a small screenshot of the game world which shows what the right-side panel is supposed to look like. Even after gathering all of the files that could be archived, much of the right-side panel is missing.
Since we're here, we may as well see the system requirements.
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The Cyberworld browser is for PC users only.
System Requirements: Windows 95 or 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 (or greater), Windows 200 Professional/Server
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 (or above); compatible with Netscape Communicator 4 (or above)
VGA with 256 colors or greater
Pentium 90 MHz (133 MHz recommended)
16 MB RAM (32 MB recommended)
I think I can handle that.
Our first borg is the intro. It is just a flash animation that discusses the premise in more detail. I will transcribe this as well.
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Begin Narration Bucky has intercepted a transmission from Dr. Selig, Zeta's creator, who is working on a new Infiltration Unit at a top secret lab deep in the mountains of New Mexico. By triangulating the Satellite signals carrying the transmission, Bucky has pinned down the location of the lab. This may be Zeta's best chance to find Dr. Selig.
Playing the role of Zeta, you must find Dr. Selig, and keep from being captured by security forces at the lab.
We are then dropped off in a forest, presumably near the lab that we need to inflitrate.
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If we move forward, we can find Ro, one of Zeta's allies in the show. She has a phone for us to take.
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She's also supposed to have some dialogue here, but that is lost.
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We can walk down the single path until we reach an ominous looking building. I believe this is the hidden science lab. However, we cannot just walk in there. Zeta is an infiltration robot on the show, and I think he has disguises in this game. However, with most of the buttons missing their images, I can't figure out how to put on the disguise. I'm guessing the correct disguise is "Lab Tech", which is the top right item.
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However, it looks like, if I was able to put on a disguise, I would move onto a borg called "guard" next. So, let's skip ahead.
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I think I can make out my character's face on the Wanted poster.
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Shhh.. the guard is sleeping.
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You can steal that tablet computer off his desk. I also found some power cells down the hall.
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The white void awaits at the end of the hall.
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It's supposed to lead to the "office" borg, but its broken. Let's skip ahead to that borg anyway.
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Someone painted an entire desk, chair, and computer on the wall, which is odd.
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We can find some office workers.
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I found this area in the office map, which looks out of place. It has a white void, but it didn't seem to take me anywhere.
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So, I tried another white void that looked more like it belonged.
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I think I put on a scientist disguise, though its hard to say when the disguise menu doesn't have labels. Anyway, that second white void took me to "IU 8 Lab A".
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I found a new friend. He is called weldbot. He doesn't speak, move, or do anything, so he may not be alive.
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And then, I found another white void with no real way to continue. There are no other maps (called borgs) known to exist.
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So, what did I think of that? I have never seen "The Zeta Project", so I can't speak for the accuracy or any creative liberties here. Unfortunately, so much of the game content is currently lost that it would be unfair for me to form much of an opinion on it. Here's hoping that we get another situation like when Eddie Ruminski came forward with the assets for those other Cyberworld QBorg games.
Anyway, I should probably watch the show at some point. I like the concept of a an assassin robot growing a conscience, rebelling against his agency, and trying to track down his original creator.
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murumokirby360 · 1 year
My NVMe Needs - Part 3: Installation and trial & error (w/ my paper dolls) [Recorded on Apr 21st, 2023]
So, here’s Part 3 of “My NVMe Needs“ (featuring my paper dolls). 😁 Actually, this is Part 1 of 2 videos that I've recorded, yesterday (April 21st, 2023).
And this part is the moment I've been waiting for, the installation & test using the two important upgrade items I need for my current PC. ⬆️🖥️😁 Plus, I'll share my overall thoughts, in Part 2 recorded video.
If you haven't seen my previous parts of the same topic, then I'll provide some links down below. ↓
• Part 1: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD (1TB) Review [Apr 7th, 2023]
• Part 2: Thermalright M.2 2280 Pro Review [Apr 11th, 2023]
So, without further ado, let's get started:
✋ HOLD IT! ✋
• Okay so before I discuss my experience, let's discuss my recording process. I have 17 recorded videos 🎦📲on my smartphone (the Honor 8C), one of which is from the VLC media player 🎦🖥️. However, squeezing 17 videos in one package wouldn't fit in my (Tumblr) post 😕, so I decided to slice it in half to make a minimum of 500 MB per video post 🪓, not to mention, the adjustments, speeding up the process, and adding subtitles. 🎦✏️🖥️ And thus, I made two videos. It took 7 hours to finish these videos between 7 PM to 2 AM (Apr 21st to 22nd). And man, I'm all relieved after editing. So much so, I want a take a break after this, but I can't because I want to end my ambitious topic sooner before celebrating my birthday, next month (May 6th). Regardless, at least I'm all done with editing, and all was left is to type in with my thoughts. And uhh, if you see me shirtless, then my apologies for that, I completely forgot to wear a shirt before recording. lol 😅 Plus, it's damn heat season in my country (The Philippines), so it's hard enough to sweat my glands while progressing (, both daylight & night), you know. 🥵☀️ Anyways, let's get over with...
My Recorded & Edited Video (using Filmora 9): (pls watch) ↑ 🎦✏️🖥️
• Alright so, what you see here is I combine two techs in one digital memory sandwich before I connect it to my current PC. Yeah, I speed it up my thoughts because I've already add subtitles. So please, go watch my entire 8½ minute recording before you read my thoughts. Anyways, here are the photos I took before I proceed. ↓ [please see my 1st to 5th image(s)]
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• See? What I told ya! It's like PB&J Sandwich, right you two?! They get it... But, please don't eat it. lol
• However, once I install my custom NVMe my PC won't read, and thus I need to do manual & painstaking troubleshooting (1st Round). It took me minutes to fix without disassembling it before it functions. What a relief! Here are more pictures before I firing up my PC. ↓ [please see my 6th & 7th image(s)]
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• What a thing of beauty, isn't it? What I don't like is the plastic peg. It should it go with metal screws over this. (just saying)
• Next, I need to open "Computer Management" for setting up my NVMe stick from switching "GPT" (which stands for "GUID Partition Table") to format with "NTFS" (which stands for "NT file system and the New Technology File System"), and then I proceed to install Samsung's provided "Data Migration". I also downloaded the "Samsung Magician" software in a form of the RAR file. Which, I'll discuss in my final part.
• Once my NVMe is formatted & installing the data migration, the latter automatically opens (at a slow pace). Sorry, my physical drive is having a rough day, but don't, my HD will be retired once I've done migrating. Before I start migration take a look at their capacity differences. Their quite an opposite when it comes to storage spaces of 400GB (Seagate Barracuda 7200) & 1TB (Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus NVMe). So anyway, I start the migration process & wait for couple of hours. ↓ [please see my 8th image]
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• [9th image ↑] And while we're wait, my paper dolls seem to be hungry. Luckily, I have a single fun size M&Ms for my beloved paper dolls! Take it, you two & eat share. Yum-yum!
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10th & 11th Image(s): ↑
• Hours later, the migration is almost complete! Until the physical drive went to halt the process despite the red light indicator immediately stopping blinking. *Sigh* We're SO CLOSE to reaching 100% migrating files & OS to my first owned NVMe stick! So, I guess we're gonna try again on the second attempt.
But, will it succeed? I don't know, so please click here to proceed Part 2 of the video → [CLICK ME!].
○ No overall thoughts this time around! ○
Well, that’s all for now!
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @paektu, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @alexander1301
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os2warp · 2 years
on the new old pc, windows nt 3.51 is installed on a fat16 partition because if its installed on ntfs, the first time i start windows 2000 it will automaticly convert it to ntfs5, which is incompatible with nt3.51. the fat16 file system is the “big fat16″ used by windows nt, and is incompatible with dos/win9x. idk if windows 2000 changed something about that too or what, but nt3.51 couldn’t run chkdsk (complaints of a “non-windows nt disk”) and i was having Weird Problems installing certain programs. (lots of programs actually).
i remembered that nt3.51 fully supports hpfs, os/2′s file system. it can’t create new hpfs drives, but it can read from and even be installed on a preexisting one. so i booted up the os/2 floppies, reformatted the nt3.51 partition as hpfs then booted up the nt3.51 floppies and started reinstalling. i didn’t have to fully reinstall, just get to the first reboot stage where it sets up the disk, then i overwrote the new nt3.51 installation with the old one. everything works great now. nt3.51 is running from an hpfs partition and is no longer having Weird Problems, and there is no way at all for windows 2000 to meddle with things.
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monsterbasement · 2 years
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Web site: blackroute.org (not active) Origin: Category: Security Desktop environment: Window Maker Architecture: x86 Based on: Slackware Wikipedia: Media: Live CD The last version | Released: 1 | August 4, 2007
BlackRoute – a Slackware based Linux distribution for security and forensic analysis, created for x86 compatible architectures. What is so special about BlackRoute is the fact that it tries to create an Open Source Linux distribution for advanced users, security and network specialists and system administrators.
BlackRoute 0.1 is based on Slackware Linux 11.0 to be more precise and it’s powered by the Linux kernel and WindowMaker window manager.
It contains a lot of applications for forensic analysis tasks, the largest exploits collection ever, such as: – Disk Management tools: di, diskWriggler, ddrescue, gparted, partimage, parted, testdisk – Emulators: DosBox, DOSEMU, QEMU, WINE, ZSNES – Frameworks: Metasploit Framework v3, Web Application Attack, Audit Framework – Password Crackers: Bob the Boucher, chntpw, John the Ripper, Hydra, ophcrack, samdump2, sipcrack, vnccrack – Rootkits: BackDoor_LKM, enyelkm_v1.1, mood-nt, mood-nt_2.3, phalanx-b6, StMichael_LKM-0.13 – Wireless tools: AirCrack-NG, NDIS wrapper, HostAP, hotspotter, madWiFi, XAMPP 1.6.3a
BlackRoute can also be used for system rescue tasks, distributed computing or as a simple workstation. It contains support for many file systems, such as: ext2, ext3, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs, jfs, vfat, ntfs, udf, aufs, squashfs, iso9660, and FUSE, that comes with a lot of implementations, like curlftpFS, EncFS, FosFAT, FUSEISO, HTTPFS, LoggedFS, mp3FS, NTFS-3G, SSHFS, UnionFS and WikipediaFS.
The live system is built using Slax Linux-Live scripts.
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fahrni · 12 days
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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Erik Pedersen • Deadline
James Earl Jones, the revered actor who voiced Star Wars villain Darth Vader, starred in Field of Dreams and many other films and Broadway shows and is an EGOT winner, died this morning at his home in Dutchess County, NY. He was 93.
My favorite James Earl Jones film is Field of Dreams. When he gave his speech about Baseball I teared up. He as a great actor and by all accounts a kind man.
Julio Merino
Over the years, I’ve repeatedly heard that Windows NT is a very advanced operating system and, being a Unix person myself, it has bothered me to not know why. I’ve been meaning to answer this question for years and I can do so now, which means I want to present you my findings.
A great analysis of Windows NT. I’ve been a fan of the OS since it shipped and even got a chance to work on the Windows NT Stress Testing team during the development of Windows NT 3.51. The last time I used Windows as my daily driver was in early 2014. It’s been a minute.
I own my career to Windows and my Visio mentors. All of those lovely people were exceedingly kind and taught me how to write Windows apps. It was a magical, golden, era of software development.
Anywho, NT is a great OS.
Lawrence Hodge • Jalopnik
Hoonigan Files For Bankruptcy With $1.2 Billion In Debt
This is a real shame. If you’ve never seen the Gymkhana series of videos you should they’re incredible. Ken Block was an amazing driver — yes, that Ken Block.
My favorite of all the Gymkhana videos is the first one I saw. It was GYMKHANA SEVEN, in LA.
Marta Biino • Semafor
The European Court of Justice took aim at both Apple and Google on Tuesday, ruling that the tech giants owe billions in taxes and fines in two key cases.
A lot of hot takes on this subject this week. When you get as big and powerful as Apple and Google you’re bound to attract the attention of regulators. Just ask Microsoft.
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Jillian Frankel • NBC News
Former President Donald Trump, who makes frequent false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen through rampant fraud, warned Saturday that he would attempt to imprison anyone who engages in “unscrupulous behavior” during the 2024 race results.
Unhinged, unfit, and mentally inept. A perfect combination for the Office of the President, right? 🤬
This dude can go straight to hell.
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Louie Mantia
How much is enough for Apple? When will they have enough money? It seems to me there’s nothing they can’t have or build with the money they’ve accumulated.
I think a lot of us Apple fans think this way, Louie. Unfortunately Apple is beholden to good old capitalists. They want their quarterly profits. That means brining home the bacon! 🐷
Apple will eventually have their downturn. It happened to Microsoft after they got too big for their own good, but they adapted and turned things around.
Apple is entering their “all regulatory agencies have an eye on us” phase. I suspect it’ll get worse before it gets better.
Andy Kalmowitz • Jalopnik
Abandoned Tesla Cybertruck Becomes Tourist Destination In Seattle
I mean most people should abandon their Cybertrucks. They’re $100,000 Space Karen stan garbage.
Menachem Z. Rosensaft • Newsweek
Several NASCAR teams have come forward with accusations of coercion and threats during recent charter negotiations. This revelation has cast a shadow over the ongoing discussions, sparking controversy and raising serious concerns about the sport’s governance and financial stability.
The business side of NASCAR has become interesting. Teams have to re-up their charters every few years. That seems wrong to me. I’d love to see them change that system to a franchise system like the NFL. You buy it once and hopefully the value rises so if you sell it you can make a profit.
I fantasize about running NASCAR and all the changes I’d make. That would be the first change. Help the teams stay profitable.
23XI — pronounced “twenty-three eleven” — is one of the two teams who didn’t sign the agreement. Michael Jordon is a co-owner of that team.
Yahoo Sports
Tua Tagovailoa suffers another concussion from hard hit in 31-10 loss to Bills
Mr. Tagovailoa is very young and has a lot of football left in him, but if I were him, I’d retire. CTE is a real thing and it may result in a mush brain later in life.
Retire and enjoy your family.
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thefivealphabets · 4 months
Ivvi S6-NT
On this page, we have shared the Ivvi S6-NT Stock ROM Firmware (Flash File), which can be used to reinstall your mobile device’s operating system (OS). The stock ROM comes in a compressed file along with the flash tool, USB driver, and a how-to-install manual. Ivvi S6-NT Stock ROM Firmware (Flash File) The Stock ROM (firmware) can be used to reinstall the operating system (OS) on the mobile…
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Crackpot Theories: The Magnus Protocol edition Part 1: FR3-D1 and the voices within Section 1: Chester and Norris
Before we start I again will say this will have some spoilers for both Archives and Protocol so I say again if you haven't go read at least a synopsis of the 5th season of Archive and the first two episodes of Protocol if you don't have the time to watch both series.
So with that being said read on if you either don't fear spoilers or have already listen to everything.
Okay so before this theory begins we must make a few assumptions.
assumption the first: Protocol while not taking place in the Archives universe at least follows a similar timeline to Archives up until the institute burns in 1999 leading to a timeline divergence
assumption the second: everyone in archives exists somewhere in the protocol timeline though they may be different to their Archive timeline counter part. but there are a few exceptions to this that will be mentioned in another part of this particular theory
So with that lets get to the meat and potatoes of this theory, FR3-D1 and in particular the voices of Chester and Norris. Before you yes I will cover Augustus, just not in this section as Augustus... well its a whole other can of worms to deal with. it will possibly need it's own subsections.
Anyways so to give context to those who either haven't listened to protocol or just need a quick refresher FR3-D1 is a tailor made program made most likely in 1996~1997 for O.I.A.R which had started using Windows NT 4.0, which was released in the summer of 1996, as state by Alice while she was explaining the case filing system to Sam.
Sam starts his second case which ends up being what is known as a chatty case by Alice. For future reference I will call these Chatter cases. Chatter cases are what most of those currently working for the O.I.A.R believe to be a glitch cause by the age of the FR3-D1 program. Alice tells Sam of the three voices of FR3-D1. The first one is Norris the most common of the three. Next is Chester the more uncommon of the three. Then finally Augustus the rarest of the three. So far we have only heard Norris and Chester who are voice by Alexander J. Newall and Jonathan Sims respectfully. These two are the same two who voiced Martin blackwood and Jonathan Sims (or Jon) respectively in Archives. Now this may just be me looking for connections where there aren't any but i feel that these two using the exact voice as two past characters. These two, Alexander J. Newall and Jonathan Sims are the creators of both Archives and Protocol and the fact that they used the exact same voice they did for their characters in Archives is odd to say the least, while this could be a tongue and cheek reference for fans who listened to Archives there is just enough things that don't point to this not being a reference that things get muddled.
There is also the whole bit in the transcripts that comes before Chester and Norris speak it says Cyberspace.
But back to the theory, I believe that Chester and Norris are actually Martin and Jon or rather they are they Archives version of Martin and Jon as both Jon and Martin already exist in the Protocol universe if we assume this timeline closely follows the Archives timeline and we can't have people be replaced by their Archive counterparts (again with a few exceptions). So instead of not being brought along with The Eye, over to Protocol (something I will explain more in one of the subsections in the Augustus section) they were reincarnated into Chester and Norris two of three voices in the program (FR3-D1) that is under the control of The Eye though I think there is the influence of another fear entity (theory for another time).
I also want to bring back the point about the transcript saying cyberspace as I believe if Jon and Martins souls are Chester and Norris then the bit about cyberspace is explained by Jon and martin speaking as Chester and Norris in cyberspace.
And that is where this section ends yes very cut and dry but then this section and future section are plausible at beast and only held up by strings at others.
There was some thing that was brought up in my last post on the fire at the institute (reference to this post) @gammija mentioned in the comments, also thank you friend for correcting me I was going off the transcript on which I didn't see the 1999 and I missed the ARG and while I'm into ARGs Protocol has one is too big for me to finish the monster that is a monster of a ARG but that's besides the point. Anyways @gammija had basically asked if the institute burned in 1999 then why did Chester, Norris and Augustus start reading off cases in 2021?
Now I don't have a good answer to that here is what I got. I think we have two options or a combination of the two. Option 1 is that we have time shenanigans and Chester (Jon), Norris (Martin) and Augustus (???) only arrived to protocol in the year 2021. second is that we have manipulation from The Web and Chester (Jon), Norris (Martin) and Augustus (???) have always been in FR3-D1 and as we have seen with what FR3-D1 has been doing it's very similar to the tape recorders (a theory for another time). Option three though assumes both are true but in stead of The Web silencing or activating the voices The Web places the three into FR3-D1 in 2021.
I was planning on getting all of these done before the next episode drops but I don't think I will. I have been writing this post on off for the last few days. when I planned this to be the shortest of the FR3-D1 theories. this is not what I expected
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alapan1es · 9 months
Download ISO Image File of Windows 11
Windows 11 is the newly released version of the Windows NT Operating System series by Microsoft Corporation. This operating system features new intuitive navigation, redesigned Start Menu, new Taskbar and among other changes. In such, Windows 11 contains the major changes in Windows shell and other OS operations and functionality. The official release date of Windows 11 is October 5, 2021 and…
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retto88 · 10 months
Tuxera NTFS is a commercial NTFS driver based on the popular open-source NT file system-ThreeG driver. On a Mac, this application also provides complete read and write compatibility with NT file system-formatted files. And you’ll be able to move papers with ease. This edition includes everything you need to easily format and service your HDD, such as checking and repairing it.
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ancientgigas · 11 months
Format File System Terbaik untuk Flash Drive / USB Drive Milikmu
Format File System Terbaik untuk Flash Drive / USB Drive – Setiap sistem operasi memiliki Format File System masing-masing. Windows menggunakan NTFS (NT File System). Linux menggunakan EXT2, EXT3, dan EXT4. Sedangan MacOS saat ini menggunakan format APFS. Hal ini akan merepotkan bila kita adalah pengguna yang menggunakan device dengan sistem operasi yang beda-beda. Hal ini sedang saya alami saat…
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wikiuntamed · 1 year
Five steps of Wikipedia for Thursday, 5th October 2023
Welcome, こんにちは, أهلا وسهلا, 你好 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "Chronology (video game)" to "A.out". 🪜👣
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Start page 👣🏁: Chronology (video game) "Chronology is a 2014 puzzle-platform game by Danish developer Bedtime Digital Media, where the player defies time by manipulating the past and the future, in order to fix the present. As the Old Inventor and his sidekick The Snail, player can take advantage of their special abilities - travel back..."
Step 1️⃣ 👣: Microsoft Windows "Microsoft Windows is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families developed and marketed by Microsoft. Each family caters to a certain sector of the computing industry. For example, Windows NT for consumers, Windows Server for servers, and Windows IoT for embedded systems...."
Step 2️⃣ 👣: .exe ".exe is a common filename extension denoting an executable file (the main execution point of a computer program) for Microsoft Windows, OS/2, and DOS. ..."
Step 3️⃣ 👣: CMD file (CP/M) "In CP/M-86, Concurrent CP/M-86, Personal CP/M-86, S5-DOS, DOS Plus, Concurrent DOS, FlexOS, Multiuser DOS, System Manager and REAL/32 as well as by SCP1700, CP/K and K8918-OS, CMD is the filename extension used by CP/M-style executable programs. It corresponds to COM in CP/M-80 and EXE in DOS. The..."
Step 4️⃣ 👣: COM file "A COM file is a type of simple executable file. On the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX operating systems of the 1970s, .COM was used as a filename extension for text files containing commands to be issued to the operating system (similar to a batch file). With the introduction of Digital..."
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Image by IBM + Microsoft + Whoop whoop pull up
Step 5️⃣ 👣: A.out "a.out is a file format used in older versions of Unix-like computer operating systems for executables, object code, and, in later systems, shared libraries. This is an abbreviated form of "assembler output", the filename of the output of Ken Thompson's PDP-7 assembler. The term was subsequently..."
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aadiyogi123 · 1 year
The Legacy and Lasting Impact of Windows Server 2012
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In the world of enterprise-level computing, Microsoft has been a constant presence for decades, providing robust and reliable solutions for businesses of all sizes. One of their significant contributions to the server operating system landscape was Windows Server 2012, a platform that left an indelible mark on the industry. In this article, we'll delve into the legacy and lasting impact of Windows Server 2012.
Windows Server 2012: A Brief Overview
Windows Server 2012, often referred to as "Win2012," was released in September 2012 as the successor to Windows Server 2008 R2. It was a part of the Windows NT family of operating systems, sharing the same core architecture as its predecessor. However, it brought significant improvements and introduced innovative features that made it a popular choice for businesses worldwide.
1. Enhanced Virtualization Capabilities
One of the standout features of Windows Server 2012 was its remarkable enhancement in virtualization capabilities. It introduced Hyper-V 3.0, Microsoft's virtualization platform, which offered better scalability, more advanced management tools, and support for multi-tenancy. This allowed businesses to consolidate their servers, reduce hardware costs, and streamline IT operations.
2. Improved Security
Security has always been a paramount concern in the world of IT, and Windows Server 2012 addressed this concern with several important features. It included BitLocker drive encryption for safeguarding data at rest and introduced Dynamic Access Control, which provided fine-grained control over file access and permissions. Additionally, the introduction of the Security Configuration Wizard made it easier to configure and audit security settings.
3. Cloud Integration
As cloud computing gained traction, Windows Server 2012 embraced this trend by integrating seamlessly with Microsoft's cloud platform, Azure. This integration allowed businesses to build hybrid cloud solutions, enabling them to leverage the power of the cloud while maintaining control over their on-premises infrastructure.
4. Improved Remote Access
Windows Server 2012 introduced DirectAccess, a feature that simplified and improved remote access for users. It eliminated the need for traditional VPNs, providing a more seamless and secure connection experience for remote workers.
5. Scalability and Performance
Win2012 brought significant improvements in terms of scalability and performance. It supported up to 64 virtual processors and 1 terabyte of memory for virtual machines, ensuring that businesses could handle increasingly demanding workloads with ease.
The Lasting Impact
Although Windows Server 2012 has been succeeded by newer versions, its impact on the IT world continues to be felt to this day. Many businesses still rely on this robust operating system for their critical workloads, and its legacy is evident in the evolution of subsequent Windows Server editions. Here are some of the lasting impacts:
1. Influence on Subsequent Versions
The innovations introduced in Windows Server 2012 served as the foundation for subsequent iterations of the operating system. Features like improved virtualization, enhanced security, and cloud integration have become standard expectations for modern server platforms.
2. Paving the Way for Hybrid Cloud
The seamless integration of Windows Server 2012 with Azure set the stage for the rise of hybrid cloud solutions. Today, hybrid cloud deployments are a common strategy for organizations seeking the flexibility of the cloud while retaining control over their infrastructure.
3. Enhanced Security Practices
The focus on security in Windows Server 2012 has had a lasting impact on how organizations approach cybersecurity. The principles of least privilege and fine-grained access control introduced in Win2012 have become best practices in securing data and resources.
Windows Server 2012 may have reached its end of life in 2023, but its legacy endures in the world of enterprise computing. Its impact on virtualization, security, cloud integration, and remote access continues to shape how businesses design and manage their IT infrastructure. As we look back on the enduring influence of Windows Server 2012, we can appreciate the role it played in advancing the capabilities of server operating systems and setting the stage for the modern data center.
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