bonjovishipper · 2 years
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Feel the L ❤️VE.
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wonderkat11 · 14 days
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CATCF || The Resolutions of his Endgame
Here are the two sides of the resolutions for Mike Teavee after his dead endgame; Ending of his Aftermath, and Crying in the Rain. I've drawn both sides of his resolutions, but during his death, he was illed over his height nightmares, but after all, he got upset that he lost because Charlie won and made him cry outside of a rainy field, so can you help him out with his endgame?
Made in IbisPaintX for Digital Art maker.
No Rude Comments please.
Mike Teavee belongs to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (Roald Dahl & Tim Burton series).
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so, this letter in agito... has anyone turned the writing on it into a font yet? i mean, it's pretty clear (at least to my weird little gremlin brain) that it's just heavily stylized english, and if no one's turned it into a font yet... 👀
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nectaric · 9 months
@thecs from here.
harsh laughter bubbled in his throat, bursting from his lips before hades had a chance to bite his tongue. the noise was grating on the ears, foreign to him despite knowing it was his voice who conjured the sound. for a moment, he could only stare at his younger brother in surprise, disbelief scrawled across pale features for more reasons than one.
and then as quick as it had come undone, hades reconstructed his mask with efficiency. his expression became hard, eyes narrowed in disdain. he relaxed his shoulders, and regarded zeus with a harsh stare that could not have given the illusion of discomfort.
"the evidence speaks for itself, zeus. i try, and i try, and i cannot protect anyone." an exaggeration, of course, but when did gods ever deal in exacts? "you seek to comfort me, but the truth is, i always end up hurting those who matter and nothing can ever change--"
the hug came as a greater surprise than his laughter. hades stiffened, rigid as a board, dark eyes blown wide with shock. the mask was gone again, lost as his brain struggled to comprehend exactly what had happened, or why. when he could not come up with anything, hades shuddered in zeus' grasp. "what are you --" hades gasped out weakly, not knowing if he should shove zeus away or return the hug in kind. instead he remained stiff-armed and unmoving, breath coming quicker than he intended.
"i'm not-- this is--" hades floundered like a fish out of water, an unexpected wave of emotion striking him like a punch to the gut. how long had it been since someone had held him like this? why would zeus go out of his way to make him feel better? had he not heard what hades said? did he not realize that he was putting himself in the line of fire? all hades did was disappoint, all he did was hurt those who mattered most because he could not keep his emotions in check, and here zeus was, tempting the worst of them.
a lump formed in hades throat. "you shouldn't... zeus this isn't right. this isn't right, you cannot just say things like this. please, let me go."
and yet hades made no move to pull away, still frozen in spot. everything else his brother said fell on deaf ears. his breath came even more quickly, and the lump grew bigger. "i don't deserve this. i don't, i don't--!"
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revengesworn · 9 months
Mikey isn't the type of person to be bewitched by a woman's beauty. He's never understood the appeal of that sort of thing, to be honest, and it never bothered him that he was missing out, either.
But this woman... he doesn't think it's attraction he feels - rather, there's something otherworldly about her. It catches his attention, but more than that, he almost feels as if she isn't even human, like she's something beyond that entirely... the feeling only lasts a brief moment, but it's a bizarre sensation for him.
Then the moment passes, and he's just a kid looking at some random woman again. Still, now that they're looking at each other, he feels he should at least say something.
"Hey! Nice day, isn't it?" ...And then, after a moment. "You know, I've never seen you round here before. There's a lot of gangs in the area. You should be careful."
@thecs ( starter for persephone )
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singofus · 1 year
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@thecs asked: 🫂 - from Erebus for Hypnos
Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them. | Accepting
Hypnos was a little confused for a second, one minute he was happily floating back towards his palace with a new quilt he had commissioned, and then everything was black. It was only a second later that he realised why, that his face was pressed against father and engulfed in his aura...or his robes. Hypnos couldn't tell, but he did begin to yawn - feeling safe and sleepy here.
"Well hi father, what a surprise to see you!" He really hadn't been expecting him nor really knew why he was being hugged, but Hypnos dropped the quilt now to just gently cling to him.
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reestallized · 8 months
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steven stone's super cool mega metagross car
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borrelia · 9 months
btw finally figured out the up fr that toy i wad complaining about. id actually already found it, i just didn't realize i needed a certain skill to make it work 👍
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equescaeli · 1 year
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@thecs || 𝐿𝐼𝒦𝐸𝒟 for a 𝒮𝒯𝒜𝑅𝒯𝐸𝑅
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Never has it ceased to draw breath from his lungs in wonder: the beauteous sight of shimmering stars 'pon a clear night. No sounds save for the winds tousling parched grass and the canvas of tents, no smell save for nearby fires with semi-translucent smoke raising up towards the heavens. One could be fooled into thinking the edges of the battlefield to be somewhere far more serene - if only eyes were kept up and senses not keen enough to note the distant scent of death or the potent stench of healing salves riding upon the wind.
Though they stared, counting the seemingly endless speckles of stars upon the darkness above, eyes burned with a fatigue that could not easily be sated; but behind eyelids lay seared sights awaiting closure to leap forth, jarring one from attempts of rest.
'T was why he lingered outside so late into the night, tucked around the side of his quarters within the encampment where he'd leaned himself against a crate of supplies in order to seek solace in the wonder of the cosmos. In the very least he can project his dreams and wishes in silent prayer upward and know that they are in good keeping - where no other can listen or pry: little secrets, dainty whispers, in the stars keeping.
So long has his highness been perched outdoors, wondering, thinking, that the cold of the early hours has long crept into his bones and although he began to shiver, not yet did Dion wish to break his silent vigil 'pon the heavens. No - there was still time for a miracle yet, still could the war end by sunrise if a diety so demanded it of them. Wishes, he truly knew deep down, would never come to be, but it is where he chooses to find his comforts that eve - akin to a boy casting his hopes for the future, when he's grown, into the stars as wishes.
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An exhaled sigh finally pulls his mind back to the present, the plumes of his breath seen dissipating upward telling of the chilling temperature and 't was such that finally spurred him to think of moving. Mayhap if he tried again, while so far beyond exhausted, he would be able to find sleep not riddled with nightmares or flashes of bloodshed. If only -
A short hum is pulled from his throat, however, at the rather gentle clink of armour stepping behind him, the stepping of boots through the dried grass a tell tale sign he was being approached and yet, just one last time for the eve, does he raise his honeyed gaze to the darkened skies and pray for a better morrow.
"I know - - I ought rest."
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yinjiyang · 11 months
Teardrops on the Fire
“I’ve never met anyone quite like you.” @thecs​ -- Joshua Rosfield -- Softer Prompts
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       Yin had sat in the Hideaway's backyard after delivering rich soil to the gardener.  In fact, he had sat for quite some time, just staring at the plants even long after the workers had gone.  These people...they worked so hard to revitalize the earth even with the blight, even developing their own magicless filtration systems for fresh water.  Observing such dedication in practice brought hope for the future to Leviathan's heart.  How tempted he was to help a bit further, to radiate a bit of magic into the dirt and water to rejuvenate further, but had already decided against it; no, he did not want to disturb their experiments by cheating and cheapening all the hard work they had already put into these gardens.  So he just sat on the ground, watching the leaves of an apple tree swaying in the breeze of sunset, listening to the evening song of birds.        What he had not expected was to hear another voice that was...somewhat avian adjacent.  Gradually, he turned his head with a graceful motion to recognize the figure who spoke.  "Oh...?" he softly echoed, curious as to just what the young Dominant had meant by such a confession.  Was it a good thing?  A bad thing?  Was Yin so very much out of place in his ancient attire and quiet demeanor?  Was his compassion and generosity strange in a world filled with darkness, cruelty, and Blight?  Was it...the Phoenix recognizing the primordial sea serpent within?  Or...was there something else?  So much to unpack within since a simple sentence.  
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bonjovishipper · 2 years
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valiisthea · 11 months
❣️ from terence to dion.
Send ❣️ to check my muse's pulse || Always Accepting
@thecs || Dion
There was something almost hypnotizing about allowing Terence to look him over after a rather wild fight on the battlefield. Most specifically, when he came to after calling upon Bahamut. The stress his body would endure during and after the prime and transformation was tiring enough on it's own.
Let alone all of the fighting, both as Bahamut and not, that ensued after.
Eyes softly closed, Dion let out a small hum when he felt Terence's fingers press to the delicate skin of his wrist. His adrenaline was still high, and gentle as Terence's press might've been, Dion could still feel his blood thumping quick against the pads of Terence's fingers.
"I assure you, I am well. I merely require a moment's reprieve." He said after a few seconds of comfortable silence, voice gentle and calm. "Though your concern is, as always, greatly appreciated, Terence."
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saccharic · 11 months
@thecs asked: Psyche yawned quietly, before nuzzling into Eros' side. Using his shoulder as a pillow, she'd give a playful grin, while humming. " Nappy time . " cooed out the woman, before allowing her eyes to flutter closed. " Just stay here, rest with me . . "
with the sun casting light on them, laying on a chaise sitting right in front of a large window, it was eros' favorite part of the day. wings curled around them, nothing but their own breaths and voices carrying sounds in the room. the atmosphere was euphoric. "i don't have any thoughts of leaving any time soon," he rumbles out, grabbing strands of psyche's hair and nuzzling into her.
he can't help the hand that plays with her hair, probably lulling her to sleep–yet it's more for him than her. he can't help the breath he takes, deep inhale of just her, her smell, the sweet scent. he can't help the finger that trails down her face, tracing imaginary lines on her delicate features. he can't help the kiss that he plants on her head, tender in its action, and the deep sigh of relaxation that escapes him.
"sleep, my love. we'll lay for a while."
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nectaric · 4 months
@thecs asked: Hera released a soft as she walked to where she knew her husband was. It had been a long week, and honestly, the woman was simply ready for a nap. So when she spotted him, she took a few seconds to simply gaze at him. He was truly something else. It had been sometimes since they became a couple. Children and years together, her heart ached some. Tilting her head towards the side, she couldn't bring herself to move. The picture he made rooted her into place. This alone brought silence to her mind and made the normal rage in her veins calm. " Zeus . . . " She whispered before slowly making her way over. " May I join you ? "
zeus was no artist. but they had a vision in their head, a very specific pattern for a very specific item of clothing -- one for their fashion line -- and they needed to get it on paper. they had a sketchpad in their lap, scrawling across the paper with a pencil. their brows had furrowed, tongue poking between their teeth.
so focused was zeus that when hera spoke, it startled them. zeus' head snapped up in surprise, dropping the pencil from between their fingers.
"oh! hello, love." zeus said warmly, quickly snapping the sketchbook closed. they set it aside, then held their arms open to hera, beckoning her onto their lap. "of course you may. you seem tired... come rest for a moment."
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aetheryic · 11 months
@thecs said: Emet Selch dozed off beside hero, Mina - as his eyes blinked slowly. Before the man fell into a complete slumber, his arm wrapped about the hero's waist, as he nuzzled into contently.
she wanted to be annoyed. this insufferable man... a fossil, really, judging his jagged edges and dusty ideals. yet she kept returning to his side, did she not ? the weary bard now slightly curled up, as she oft was when preparing to sleep -- assuming rest ever washed over her. asi'mina adjusted a bit closer to him, letting the warmth of his body radiate like a safer blanket ; a more comfortable presence than the light infused like stained glass. for the moment... just this one, she shoved each and every worry to the side.
you're not strong enough, not brave enough, worthless . . . if the light destroys you, let it be so. perhaps that's what it would always come to, being a hero. mina sighed, wrapping their arm across emet-selch's waist, letting their fingers bunch into the fabric of his robe like a lifeline.
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singofus · 1 year
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@thecs asked: 🫂 from hera to hestia
Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them. | Accepting
Hestia was very well-versed in spontaneous hugs from her siblings. It was one of the ways that they showed love to her - and to one another. Some had mentionned it was probably because of their upbringing in a cramped and dark space, and they were probably right, but it was one of those things she is glad they still have.
She gives Hera a bit of a squeeze as they hug, gently rubbing her back and not even thinking of pulling away. Hera would have to be the one to pull away first.
"Oh, I'm sorry if you get flour on your cheek. I dropped the flour bag earlier and got some on me. I thought I wiped it all off, but just in case."
"Shall we sit together and have tea after this hug?" She asks, wanting to spend more time with Hera if she was free. "We could even invite Dem over."
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