@thecarmillacurator replied to your post “This is probably going to sound crazy, but I think a lot about the...”
I still stick with the, 'It was one final manip,' school of thought. At a point where Catra was coming back clearly to *save* Adora, and SW wanted her one last ounce of control to make sure Adora sacrificed herself, saying "I'm proud of you," in that moment in that context, was her way of making sure both of them did want she wanted: Ensured Adora Died Her Heroic(tm) Death, an extension of the Greatness(tm) SW felt she was instilling/training up in Adora this whole time, just like with Micah. And they did. The two did exactly what she wanted. What she didn't count on was, as C.S. Lewis put it, the Deeper Magic... in this story, the Deeper Magic was their love.
Yeah and that’s a totally legit take tbh
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thecarmillacurator · 5 years
Mid-Week Carmilla Short-Fic Rec: A Generic Carmilla Story
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A Generic Carmilla Story by RunWithWolves (A03) / @ariabauer (Tumblr)
Pithy and a mix between a behind-the-scenes of writing fanfiction and a comedic satire. 4k words and worth a wide smile. 
Read it HERE.
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silaslibraryclub · 4 years
SLC Backspace Challenge #3
3rd is @thecarmillacurator herself:
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thecarmcurator · 5 years
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If you’re looking for the Carmilla fan fiction review and recommendation blog, try here: @thecarmillacurator​
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carmcurator-blog · 5 years
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If you’re looking for the Carmilla fan fiction review and recommendation blog, try here: @thecarmillacurator​
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carmillacurator · 5 years
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If you’re looking for the Carmilla fan fiction review and recommendation blog, try here: @thecarmillacurator
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@thecarmillacurator replied to your photo “This moment is so well done. Like, look at how huge Catra’s eyes go...”
The "You're welcome." How many of us hear that, once we're grown. Never an acknowledgement, much less an acceptance or apology. But we do sometimes get the "You're Welcome" as though you aren't appreciative or recognizing of the things you're given rather have given them up a million times just to have not had to have suffered the other.
YEP. Thanks for doing that one good thing that helps the child you neglected and abused for years and then turning it into a guilt trip. It’s not even uncommon. I think that’s part of why Shadow Weaver is so despised in most of the fandom. Her particular brand of evil is so familiar and personal, it cuts deep in a way that hurts way more than some random evil dictator can hurt you.
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Thanks so much to @thecarmillacurator for the super generous ko-fi donation. Rest assured, more Hail Mary is coming! ;D
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@thecarmillacurator replied to your photo “Oh hey, I passed another milestone! Seems SPOP’s getting a real influx...”
New one shot? OOOOoooooo oWo
Yes, if I ever get my shit together and finish it
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thecarmillacurator replied to your post “thank you for your always thoughtful replies to peoples questions, I...”
I'm not the anon, but also, you are by far my favorite Tumblr poster/meta-er and your wall is the largest reason I actually log in to my personal account to check Tumblr anymore
Thank you, friend :)
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thecarmillacurator replied to your post: thecarmillacurator replied to your post: H, T, U,...
how’s the neck pain from carrying around that ego? ;)
Ask anyone on Tumblr who I converse with on a regular basic and they will tell you I have terrible self-esteem and this is all just my author persona, whose calling card (much like her namesake) is being a witty asshole and showing affection by gently bullying people.
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(but don’t worry i’m fine, really)
Narrator: She was not fine.
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thecarmillacurator replied to your post: F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve...
"the angstiest part of Demons is written but not yet published." I'm afeard
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@thecarmillacurator replied to your post “As you know, I’ve been rereading Lifeblood. I hit a quote in chapter,...”
The long paragraph where Johanna is talking about her ex. And, more specifically (when taken in context of everything we know had happened to Johanna over the course of her life): “I guess that’s part of why I buried myself so deep, because no one was looking for her and it broke her heart. Better to put her out of her misery. But I never could kill her, and believe me, I tried very hard.” And you write plenty of other things aside from trauma just as well, too.
Ohhhh, yeah. Those lines hit very hard. Great thing about fiction is I get to talk about trauma without talking about myself lol. And, well, express feelings in general. And thank you, I appreciate that. :)
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thecarmillacurator · 5 years
What’s your Favorite Carmilla Hollstein Fake-Dating AU?
I’m trying to decide which of the several fake-dating Hollstein AU’s to review, and it’s hard! Reply, repost, send an ask, or message me with yours!
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thecarmillacurator replied to your post: H, T, U, V
" the two of us are basically gods among men in that fandom. " cocky much? lol
It’s not cocky if it’s true fam
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thecarmillacurator · 5 years
Carmilla Short-Fic Rec: Poultrygeist
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Poultrygeist by tophsmash (Ao3) / @toph-smash here on Tumblr.
Word length: 13k
I was going to be reviewing my final full-lengh Fake-Dating AU for today, but as my post yesterday said, I’ve been traveling. I came back Halloween night and usually I write reviews on Friday for Saturday’s posting, but yesterday was crazy busy in rl, so I’m posting this as a peace offering for missing the deadline. (It was a mid-week short I had queued for closer to Thanksgiving.) Enjoy!
Here’s a quick read that’s (theoretically) a fake relationship short, set around a Thanksgiving week for which Carm is required to go to her very lavish home to make an appearance before her mother. (Really, it’s not terribly Thanksgiving-y or Holiday-y, and it’s less a fake relationship as a ‘they intended to fake a relationship’ but achieved lift off early because, well, they’re totally soft for each other.)
Okay, okay, okay. So maybe despite the tags, in reality it’s a simple, super gay-forward friends/roommates-to-lovers. Whatever.
It’s easy-read fluff. Shut up and eat your pears.
Read it HERE
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