#their coloring is such an important thing with em when it comes to distinguishing their owners that i thot it as a matter of course
spotsupstuff · 1 year
RE: Overseer biology
IIRC, when you pick up an overseer eye after killing it (you monster) you can see wires trailing behind. The iris also blinks in the overseer's color. I also had trouble figuring out their biology but the wire could kinda work as a spine around which an overseer's body appears...
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WAS AWARE I JUST BLOCKED IT OUTTA ME HEAD i blame the headache that is their lightning-like nyooming around despite being made of solid material
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qlala · 3 years
Is it cheating to submit a fic request for the pride post you just made? I neeeed the whole thing (I'm on my laptop, but insert the big gay eyes emoji)
fjskdgjslg "big gay eyes emoji" you know what? just for you. just for you i have written this. i'll clean it up and upload to ao3 later but for now: have 2.7k of len dragging a sunburnt, tipsy, and glitter-covered barry back to his apartment, and happy pride!
Len wasn’t the type to begrudge anyone a good time, especially when the good time involved loud music, leather harnesses, and throwing water bottles at cops. Central City’s annual pride parade came as close as it got to challenging that attitude; families, fellow queers, and queens descended on the city waving more flags than the United Nations after a hurricane, all decked out in color combinations that Len hadn’t been able to keep straight since the ‘80s. 
The end result was the kind of crowds that could make a grown man feel claustrophobic in the middle of a city block, and that was without the visible haze of alcohol wafting off the whole event. 
But what the parade lacked in personal space, it made up for with one very important commodity: unattended wallets. 
The flock of sunburnt twinks in denim cut-offs made Len’s job almost too easy—a hand on a sweat-slicked lower back, a flash of blue eyes, and most of them wouldn’t have noticed their wallets going missing if Len had dangled their IDs in front of their faces afterwards. (While there were plenty of women dressed in just as little clothing whom Len certainly wouldn’t have minded getting within robbing distance of, he’d found queer women as a group to be less enthusiastic about uninvited touching and more enthusiastic about wallet chains, even when three sheets to the wind off of canned rosé.)   
He’d taught a dozen visiting suburbanites the importance of not keeping valuables in their back pockets by the time he spotted a familiar profile in the crowd. 
His usual red getup wasn’t much more modest than some of the outfits Len had already seen, but even knowing the shape of that body didn’t prepare Len for seeing Barry Allen stripped to the waist, bright-eyed and flushed and shimmering all over with a fine dusting of glitter. Len noted, on auto-pilot, that it didn’t seem like he’d put any of the glitter there himself; he was standing dangerously close to a drag queen throwing handfuls of the stuff on anyone who got within arm’s reach of her. It set the sun refracting off every dip and plane of muscle across Barry’s chest and stomach. Barry’s hair, already wild and dark at the roots with sweat, was full of it.   
Len’s feet were carrying him closer before he gave himself permission to move. Barry managed to drag Len into his orbit at the best of times; visibly tipsy and dripping sweat, Len would’ve had better luck resisting the turning of the earth. 
Up close, Len could take that Barry had lost his shirt somewhat recently; the slight touch of pink spanning his shoulders and chest had nothing on the serious flush across his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose. He had a spray of new freckles as well. They were barely distinguishable under the haze of glitter stuck to his skin, but Len noticed them at once, the change unmistakable on an otherwise unchanging face (not a scar to be seen, even after three years of running into burning buildings and jumping in front of bullets; Len was equal parts frustrated and relieved).   
It looked like someone had painted a few strokes of color across one of his cheeks at some point, but it was smudged to hell and back. The back of one of Barry’s hands was stained a tell-tale matching purple, and Len could only guess at what it had been at the start of the day. 
He stepped into Barry’s space as easily as he had the rest, taking care to keep Barry between him and the source of the glitter, and hesitated for the briefest moment with his hand above Barry’s spine. He’d never touched Barry like this, skin to skin; the gloves had never come off between them, metaphorically or literally. Kept things neat. 
Nothing about Barry was neat right now. He turned even before Len touched him, and the movement brought Len’s hand into contact with his side instead. It took everything in Len not to pull it back in a flinch, and he met Barry’s curious glance with a tightly-controlled smirk. 
He’d expected Barry to step back, maybe add a bit of blush to those already-pink cheeks. Instead, Barry’s eyes took a belated second to focus, and then he gave Len a face-splitting grin. 
That time, Len did have to pull backwards to avoid Barry dragging him in for a hug. To think he’d been concerned about a hand. 
Barry didn’t seem the least bit put out, smiling loose and easy like Len hadn’t iced him to the door of a bank vault the last time they’d seen each other. He hadn’t taken Barry for such a cheerful drunk—he seemed inclined toward melodrama on a good day—but Len would take it over any of the alternatives. 
“Barry. Fancy seeing you here. And so much of you, at that.” He let his gaze slide down his bare chest and stomach, pulse ticking up at the warm brown of his nipples and the sharp vee of his hipbones that invited his gaze further down. 
“You’re overdressed,” Barry disagreed. He wasn’t quite slurring, but there was a careful deliberation in his tone that told Len it was a near thing. He took a step closer and peered at Len, suspicion evident in those pale green eyes.   “And… sober.”
“I’m not here to score. Perks include keeping my shirt on.” 
For the briefest second, Barry looked almost disappointed. But it was gone in a blink, confusion taking over. He glanced down at himself, puzzled. Then his expression cleared, and he looked up with another easy-going smile.  “I got hot.” His gaze dropped again, to Len this time, and he licked his lips. “Aren’t you… you gotta be hot in all that.” 
Len was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and thin jacket, and it hadn’t hit eighty degrees all week. But he wasn’t in the mood to argue with drunk logic. And besides, another scan of the nearby revelers had made something unpleasant begin to scratch insistently at the inside of Len’s chest, and he tapped Barry under the chin with one knuckle to bring his attention back up. 
The contact startled both of them—Len’s control had slipped, something he could not afford to happen around Barry Allen—but Len recovered first. “Where’s the rest of your team of do-gooders?” 
“Lost ‘em.” Judging by the return of Barry’s crooked grin, it was an accomplishment, not a concern. “Cisco said the shot was too strong, but I didn’t wanna go. He’s the d…” He faltered, brows pulling together as he frowned. “S’the designed. Designinated, superhero, anyway. Shh!” 
He shot a pointer finger toward Len in a movement that Len clocked, alarmingly, as intending to be pressed to his lips, as if he were the one who’d been chatting about Vibe’s secret identity. Len had three years of dealing with the Flash to thank for being able to catch Barry’s wrist in time to stop him, and he glared at him for the attempt. 
But Barry only gave him a crinkle-eyed smile and twisted his hand in Len’s grip to clasp his wrist back. “S’so good to see you here. I didn’t think…” 
“Don’t tell me you had me pegged for straight.” 
Barry made a frankly insulting noise halfway between a scoff and a hiccup and tilted Len a condescending look. 
“Speedster, remember?” he asked, far too loudly, even for a crowd currently screaming along to a pop song that’d been bad enough the first time Len’d heard it in 2000. “I see it when you...” He let go of Len’s wrist to make a gesture with two fingers, parting them in a V and sweeping them up and down Len’s body, the muscles in his forearm shifting distractingly under Len’s hand. God, the kid had to be a hundred degrees. “When you check me out. In the suit.” 
Len smirked. “It’s cute you thought I was being subtle.” 
“You’re cute,” Barry muttered, childish and sulky, and Len took it for the compliment it wasn’t. 
“You had a point, Barry.” 
Barry still looked displeased with him, but his brow was furrowed again when he met his gaze. This close, it was impossible to ignore that Barry had an inch or so on him. “About what?” 
“You didn’t think…?” Len prompted him. 
Barry stared at him blankly, and Len rolled his eyes and let go of his wrist. 
“Get out of the sun, Barry,” he said. “Find a park bench. Wait for your little friends to come find you. Shouldn’t be hard—you’re as red as your suit.” 
Barry either ignored his last comment or didn’t hear it. “Iris is here somewhere,” he said, possibly to himself. “She’s…” He twirled his finger absently beside his head. “Curly, today. And… bikini.” 
Len strongly considered abandoning Barry to his sunburn to go find out for himself. But Barry was beginning to sway a bit, and a man closer to Len’s age than Barry’s was giving Barry’s toned back a speculative look from a few feet away, and Len gave in to the unsettled feeling gnawing at his ribcage. He refused to call it worry. It was annoyance—or, at the very least, the feeling was annoying him, which was close enough.   
“As much a sight for sore eyes as that would be,” he said, allowing a magnanimousness he didn’t feel to color his tone, “I doubt Miss West ran away from her group and got heatstroke. Unlike some people” 
Barry didn’t look the least bit chastened, lips curving up mischievously in a way that drew another couple interested looks. Len needed to get them both out of the crowd before he started breaking noses.
“Tell you what. Give Cisco a call, tell him you went home. My bike’s on Kingsbridge, away from the parade route.” 
Barry’s smirk sharpened. “Trying to get me out of here, Snart? I thought you weren’t here to score.” 
Len gave him a flat look, ignoring the decidedly interested way his body was reacting to Barry’s tone. 
“You can barely stand.” 
Barry’s eyes glittered at the challenge, and Len realized his mistake. 
He hadn’t even finished biting out the second syllable when the world spun out from under him, the noise and the heat and the press of the crowd swallowed up in a hair-raising charge of yellow lightning. Exactly two and a half seconds passed in a blur of movement, just long enough for Len to realize Barry was supporting the back of his head with one too-warm hand. Then the world came skidding to a stop around them. Barry’s momentum carried them both forward several feet even after their new surroundings materialized, and they very nearly went straight through a window again before Barry seemed to remember how to stop. 
Len considered pushing him out the window anyway for the stunt. True, he’d been itching to get another taste of that feeling, the ozone snap-drag of Barry’s power like a live wire under his hands, but he’d rather have waited until Barry could pass a breathalizer. 
He realized Barry still had an arm around him and shoved him off. It did nothing to dim Barry’s self-satisfied grin, and Len had to look away or risk giving into the interested once-over Barry was skimming over his body again. 
“Pretty sure the point of a designated driver is not doing that.” 
Barry followed him when he took a step back. Len made a calculated decision, decided the risk of touching Barry again was worth it, and pressed his fingers to the middle of Barry’s chest—right where the Flash insignia would be on his suit, his brain offered unhelpfully—and pushed him backwards, hard. 
Barry unbalanced and wheeled back a step. Then the backs of his knees hit the edge of the couch, and he toppled, satisfyingly, back onto the dark leather cushions. 
It was a nice couch. The whole apartment was nice, actually. Len could’ve drawn a perimeter of possible locations based on Barry’s speed and how long it had taken them to reach it if he hadn’t already known the address. 
“Sit,” he said. And then, with a smirk: “Stay.” 
Barry rolled his eyes. “Gonna have to ask nicer than that if you wanna boss me around in bed.”
The way he threw it out there, easy as anything, almost made Len miss a step as he turned away. He wasn’t going to lay a hand on Barry, not when he was drunk on sunlight and skin and whatever concoction Cisco had apparently cooked up for him. But hearing him say it, like they’d already gotten all of the messy parts out of the way—it set off warning bells in Len’s head, flashing past all the possible off-ramps he would’ve taken if Barry had ever tried to have the conversation in a more linear fashion. 
“You’re drunk,” Len said, which was a coward’s answer, and behind him, Barry made a vague noise of agreement. 
“Probably,” he acknowledged. “You could stick around ‘til I’m not.” 
Christ. Len didn’t trust himself to look at Barry again, not when he knew he’d find him sprawled out and shedding glitter all over what had looked like a very expensive couch. “Stay,” he repeated, and went off to find the kitchen. 
By the time he got back with two glasses of water, the problem had solved itself; Barry was out cold on the couch, his painting cheek pressed to the throw pillow he’d curled himself half-around. He was shivering faintly in the air conditioning, all cooled sweat and goosebumps, and Len resigned himself to the now-familiar impulse to help him that stirred in his chest. He put one of the glasses down on the table and, not trusting his hands, knocked his knee into one of Barry’s where it was bent close to the edge of the couch. 
Barry buried his face into the pillow with a noise of displeasure, and Len said his name again. 
“Last warning,” Len said. “Ten seconds, you find out if I put on steel-toed boots today.” 
Barry groaned, and if the sound hadn’t made Len’s pulse skip, the easy shift of muscles in Barry’s arm as he pushed himself up to sitting again would’ve done the trick. 
“Water,” Len said, unnecessarily, as he passed him the glass. 
Barry took it with the tips of his fingers, as if it were something personally offensive to him, and took a single, polite sip before putting it down beside the other with no small amount of distaste. Then he glanced between the glasses, and up at Len, a dirty spark already lighting behind his eyes again. 
“Don’t get your hopes up. They’re both for you.” 
Barry let out a breath with audible annoyance and dropped back against the couch cushions to glare at him. 
Len felt a modicum of sanity return to him. This, at least, was familiar ground: Barry, frustrated, asking for too much, too soon. True, it had always been about the hero business until now, but Len knew a pattern when he saw one. Give Barry an inch, and he always took a mile. 
Len gave Barry one last, appraising look. He looked ridiculous, all self-righteousness and bare skin. There was only one break in the otherwise even coat of glitter, there on Barry’s side: faint, but unmistakable, the outline of Len’s hand on his waist. The feeling in Len’s chest coalesced into something pleased and possessive. He met Barry’s glare with a slow curl of his lips, then gave him an inch.  
“Call me when you’re sober, Barry,” he said, letting his voice slip into the Cold drawl just to watch Barry’s eyes go dark. “And you can show me how well you sit up and beg.” 
He could see the impatience radiating off of Barry’s frame, the effort it was taking him to stay on the couch instead of closing the space between them. 
“Call your friends,” he reminded him. “Enough people got a look at your face today without the CCPD splashing it on every milk carton, too.”
In the elevator, Len reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the thin black wallet he’d liberated from Barry during their sprint across the city. Two and a half seconds: child’s play. A little extra incentive for Barry to track him down in the morning, not that Len thought he needed it. He flipped it open, noted the deer-in-the-headlights picture of Barry on his driver’s license with amusement, and then thumbed open the bill compartment. 
Len smirked. Barry wouldn’t miss a few dollars; he owed him for the dry-cleaning it was gonna take to get the glitter out of his jacket, anyway. 
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sgmwesters · 2 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › kate walsh. cis woman. she/her. . ╯ have you met addison montgomery yet ? this forty four year old virgo has been living in the seattle area for ??? years. she makes a living as a neonatal surgeon and obgyn, which is best suited for their pragmatic, analytical, impulsive, and emotional personality. truth hurts by lizzo is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 26, gmt, she/her, no triggers
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
full name: addison adrianne forbes montgomery.
nickname(s): too many too include, but will answer to ‘satan’.
age: forty four (44).
date of birth: 28 august 1977, virgo.
hometown: new haven, connecticut.
current location: seattle, washington.
ethnicity: caucasian.
nationality: american.
gender: cis female.
pronouns: she/her.
orientation: hahahahahaha.
religion: athiest.
political affiliation: let’s not talk about politics.
occupation: neonatal surgeon, obgyn, all around mega star. 
living arrangements: swanky house.
language(s) spoken: english, some spanish.
accent: none.
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
face claim: kate walsh.
hair color: we love a red head.
eye color: blue.
height: 5 ft 8.
weight: none of ur business.
build: slim.
tattoos: none.
piercings: ears, only once.
clothing style: sophisticated is the word that comes to mind.
usual expression: tries to be something warm but there’s definitely a resting bitch face.
distinguishing characteristics: she’s addison montgomery is that not enough?
physical ailments: none.
neurological conditions: none.
allergies: wasps and bees.
sleeping habits: fluctuates.
eating habits: you know what she eats quite well actually.
exercise habits: fluctuates.
emotional stability: is mark sloan nearby cos that does make a difference.
sociability: warm.
body temperature: cool.
addictions: none.
drug use: none.
alcohol use: wine is important. 
positive traits: pragmatic, analytical.
negative traits: impulsive, emotional.
fears: losing it all.
weather: enjoys the snow (skiing), but for day to day she likes it dry and warm.
colour: at the moment, olive green.
music: alexa, play a feel good tune volume seven.
movies: loves a romcom.
sport: no thanks x
beverage: wine.
food: a chocolate brownie as a treat.
animal: bunnies –– had one growing up.
it’s no surprise, that being born and raised in connecticut with a father who calls himself the captain and a mother called bizzy, that addison lived on the wealthy side of the town, alongside brother archer. 
growing up, addison would come to learn about her father’s indiscretions, and the affairs that he was having behind her mother’s back. for many years these influenced her opinion of him, causing tensions between the two. she would come to learn as an adult that it was actually her mother who had an affair first, one that went on for several years, and her father was just levelling the playing field. after all, they had to keep up appearances to the outside world, even if things weren’t working behind closed doors.
the girl who was once a band geek did exactly what was expected of her, as was the family tradition, and went to yale university. she left behind some of the tough times her family had been through, things she’d come to know, and focussed hard enough for her to go on to be accepted into colombia’s medical programme. 
colombia was where the pieces of addison’s life started to fall into place. she met derek shepherd, naomi and sam bennett, and mark sloan. she’d found her people, the ones she’d come to care the most about, at least over the course of the following years.
addison and derek were that couple. even in med school, everyone knew who they were and how well suited they were for one another. it was no surprise to anyone when derek proposed, and their wedding was everything you’d have expected to be.
they were the ones with the seemingly perfect life, the careers to match, and a lifestyle that most would be envious of. they were successful, driven, and didn’t want for anything. at least not the outside world. their marriage, in truth, hadn’t been perfect. 
by the time their marriage hit the ten year mark, cracks had well and truly started to develop. being drawn in by their work meant that there was seldom any time for one another, and when there was time, addison felt as though she wasn’t getting the same level of effort from her husband as she wanted to put into their marriage. this took it’s toll, and ultimately culminated in addison sleeping with mark sloan, their long time friend and derek’s best friend.
for a brief period, in the time where derek first moved to seattle, addison and mark began something more of a relationship, and not just the brief fling that derek had walked in on. during this time addison fell pregnant with mark’s baby, but did not go through with the pregnancy. she terminated, and instead answered richard webber’s call for her to go to seattle also.
derek and addison made an effort to try and work on their relationship, despite his clear feelings for meredith grey, but these efforts ultimately ended in failure –– especially given the addition of mark sloan to the seattle population.
despite her and derek’s divorce, addison felt settled within seattle. this was aided by sam and naomi opening a practice within the city, at which addison was able to work and support. it gave her a sense of normality and purpose, finding her footing within her life once again.
with naomi being a fertility specialist, and addison finally feeling as though she might be in a place to start a family of her own, she began looking into methods that she might be able to obtain this. however, addison found out that her egg count was incredibly though, and therefore highly unlikely that she would be able to have a child of her own.
addison struggled with this news for a while, particularly given her line of work, but is slowly coming to terms with it, thanks to the supportive network that she has around her.
n.b. –– i can’t try and weave timelines in any more i’m so confused time isn’t real she’s in seattle at the practice and kinda at the hospital ig but we all know and love her so here she is. 
W A N T E D    C O N N E C T I O N S / P L O T S
all of them because we ♥︎ addison adrianne forbes montgomery.
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smalltragedy · 4 years
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* ryan destiny, cis woman + she/her | you know kira blake, right? they’re twenty four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, ever? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to babooshka by kate bush like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole lazily stretched out in a ray of light, daisy shaped irises and daisy chain braids, performing an intricate dance to move the ocean's waves thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is october 31st, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( james, 22, est, they/them )
hllo ive hd kira in my head fr a bit bt i also know ntohing abt her! this is me winging it even though i hv no right to <3 this is my third character maybe whose birthday is in honor of ella n coincidentally 2/3 of them r in this rp. yea im messy smirks sexily.
mini playlist.
wuthering heights ;; kate bush / babooskha ;; kate bush / dreams ;; fleetwood mac / california dreamin’ ;; the mamas & the papas / lavender moon ;; haroula rose / time of the season ;; the zombies / after the storm ;; kali uchis / left hand free ;; alt-j / always forever ;; cults / wait a minute! ;; willow / your dog ;; soccer mommy.
full name: kira blake
nickname(s): keely.
birthday: october 31st, 1996.
zodiac: scorpio sun, cancer moon, aquarius ascending. 
mbti & temperament: esfp & catalyst / sanguine. 
label: the ebullient.
sexuality: bisexual.
born to two original hippies which hs pretty much set up who kira is fr the rest of her life <3 the type of ppl who didnt like the boundaries of marriage n held off frm it fr as long as possible until theyd hd a spur of the moment elopement involving a celebrity impersonator at fannie’s <3 yea theyre lesbians lets go <3
nvr rly took things srsly until kira ws like 5 yrs old n then they were like ah gee ah fuck we probably shld probably settle settle. n they job hopped n worked many odd jobs until they found their footing in careers they liked n one of them probably does like. blown glass art. n the other prob fixes old computers n other ~vintage~ mementos of the past fr ppl.
they make a decent living n they live in delpinius heights n they try a few times fr another kid bt it nvr rly works out (raises an eyebrow. adopted siblings anyone?) n fr the most part kira as a child spends her time running around town and tugging on the hem of other’s shirts to ask them small favors (mostly to play a game with her)
often left unsupervised as a kid, bt not in the way tht her parents dnt care (bc her parents love her a lot a lot a lot like she is their world) bt in the way tht they simply raised her the way they were raised. running amuck all day n coming home jst in time fr dinner, front porch light always on, cat always waiting faithfully on their stoop.
pretty evident frm a young age tht kira’s mind saw things differently, in a different light - the world an array of light n mystery n sound n taste n sometimes those collided n created new experiences. prob hs some form of synsthesia bt dnt ask me which one yet. she’s a painting prodigy with an excellent understanding of color theory.
always ws known as a kind of like. rambunctious kid. a well meaning class clown who cld nt keep her mouth shut fr the life of her. grew up constantly with a yellow card beneath her name in school bt ws always well liked by her teachers n classmates alike.
jst a very bright child who did well naturally bt always ws turned more towards art.
feel like her parents very noticeably turned a cheek when she started smoking weed w the cool older kids when she ws 13. the type of person who wnts 2 b liked so bad she’d jump over a hurdle fr it. hs jumped over many hurdles n many fences n many other obstacles to be liked bt does it without breaking a sweat.
(edit: nw tht i think abt it hwevr i dnt think she does tht anymore i think while a bit of a mess atm she. likes herself. n doesnt rly want or need the approval of others anymore she jst does her own little thing. bt when she ws younger? she jst wnted 2 b friends w the entire world.)
nothing bad rly happened fr like. a good bit of her life. got into psychedelics at some point in high school n tht only heightened her artistic abilities. most of her high school art portfolio ws probably done while high bt <3 does it matter.
hd a high school sweetheart n they were pretty serious like. full on in love. a total believer of soulmates kira ws jst like. this is the one. there is nobody else i cn imagine my life with.
death tw
death tw
death tw.
death n grief tw // yea. sometime during their freshmen year of college. car incident. kira ws nvr the same though she’d like to pretend tht nothing’d ever happened. like theyd nvr existed. like she didnt plan out their entire lives together hiking thru hills n valleys n boating across various bodies of water n traveling together until they were old n wrinkly. end of death tw //
cld nt explain 2 u why kira hd bought a van n completely demolished it only to drain all of her savings remodeling it bt nw she lives in it by the beach. hd dreams of travelling the world bt cannot go long distances in a car without feeling sick. sees planes n feels envy. stopped painting fr a long time bt she’s started back up recently. took on surfing. told her parents tht it ws fine n tht she ws fine n theyre concerned bt shes always by the beach, her van rarely leaves. she’s trying her best bt its only been a few yrs n i think ppl cn sense tht shes jst nt the same cheerful girl as they once knew. end of grief tw //
anyways. tugs on my collar. tht’s kira! she lives on the beach n surfs everyday n is obsessed with daisies n is prob growing her own shrooms somewhere. 
personality & facts.
always been very emotional n a little dramatic. nt a drama queen bt is a little messy n does not hv like. many rational thoughts up in there. very cup full or cup empty.
regardless though she hs an. overall reputation fr jst being. enjoyable to be around. her her little moments bt shes also pretty like. laidback. in a way. KDSHFSDLKHGHFLKSD
prob bc she smokes a lot or is often <3 on a trip if u know wht i mean <3
god. got obsessed with the 60s n 70s aesthetic at some point n hs not gone back evr. big fan of psychedelic rock. is a prodigy painter bt her life dream outside of traveling ws always to own her own record label. hs nt happened yet, maybe will never happen? works at a record shop though n does hide the good vinyls tht she wants away frm the customers.
very cheerful n usually uplifting n she doesnt like to b negative around others bt smtms she cnt control it n smtms thinks tht ppl r out 2 get her jst out of. anxiety. hs long bouts where she’ll sit in a still sort of sadness n then shake out of it n hop back into conversation like nothing’s happened bt. its fine we’re fine kira is fine.
shes not gullible or naive bt wants to believe tht everybody hs a heart of gold even if its false. keeps giving ppl second chances bc she hs a savior complex n thinks she cn change ppl.
is very into zodiac n will judge u by ur chart. knows everybody in town’s natal chart. even newcomers. it’s a little scary hw quick she finds this information bt its very important to her.
kind of like. into spirituality bt i wont lie its very surface level n a little superficial. learning tarot cards bt cannot fr the life of her memorize the meanings so smtms she jst makes up things on the spot. hs so many crystals she will not stop buying them.
i think a part of her is desperately trying to cling onto tht like. think positive. self care. msg thts super prevalent online without addressing or actually helping any of her problems. it is her flaw </3
hates to admit when she needs help. wld rather do everything herself.
head is a little in the clouds n her parents r a little concerned fr her bc shes nt rly doing much rn bt like. she jst needs time i think. shes jst doing her little thing.
does not give up on ppl easily she absolutely hates dropping ppl frm her life even if she grows 2 resent them over time which is bad bc she is bad at hiding when she is upset at someone or when she doesnt like someone.
like shes jst passive aggressive abt it n does not properly communicate <3
bt this is rare i think ... negative feelings abt other ppl
self centered bt not selfish if tht makes sense. she will do things fr others without a problem n sometimes trips over herself 2 do it bt at the end of the day i think she cares abt herself the most.
hs only been in love once bt hs hd many infatuations n many like. admirations n very surface level feelings. her body is a temple n she loves 2 b worshipped.
prob does fkn. beach yoga. probably vegan bt also maybe breaks tht every once in a while. almost noncommittal its hard 2 distinguish between her being carefree, not taking care of herself, or jst hving commitment issues? flaky or not? who knows.
feels jst a bit too strongly bt tries to contain it. jst full of multitudes or smth. idk. icon <3
like. cares bt doesnt care. does thinks tht r purposely self destructive n then acts like shes like. cool girl monologue frm gone girl. bt does it while being like peace n luv on earth x
ok thts all i hv goodbye
wanted plots.
a pseudonym 2 fool ‘em... ;; jst hd this idea pop up bt i like the idea of kira going undercover 2 expose cheaters. whether she does this on her own accord or is personally requested by smbdy is up in the air. a plottable point. she h8s cheaters n is chaotic good she prob thinks shes the relationship vigilante testing the strengths of other’s relationships. once again she cld b. specifically going undercover fr smbdy 2 help them out. im sure she wldnt go 2 very. extensive srs measures like actually. sleeping w the assumed-cheaters bt once again. world is our oyster n i lov drama?
crystal visions ... ;; once again. shes super into crystals n astrology n she will base sm of her opinions of others on it. this is nt just abt her being judgmental of others bt also jst. catching her running around in the rain trying sooo hard 2 fkn. charge her crystals in the rainwater bc she forgot 2 charge them under the full moon the night b4. this is her giving wrong tarot readings. she hs no idea wht shes doing at any given time bt acts like she does know. acts like she knows the entire world. she gives crystals as gifts n will do ur natal chart for u bt will also pack her things n leave if ur a capricorn.
time of the season... ;; i dnt knw admittedly. this song’s abt being horny so perhaps? perhaps. kira isnt rly able to keep a grasp on long term relationships rn due to. factors in her life so she hops frm person 2 person often. smtms jst flings smtms its jst a relationship accidentally led on. shes noncommittal n a little flaky atm when she’s usually ride or die fr others. perhaps this is all in the name of some good fun! world? oyster. 
literally anything .dsfskhdkgs ;; god. shes so new i jst dnt know. childhood friends. current friends. friends shes hd frever. enemies n ex lovers n ppl shes constantly pushing away or scorned lovers or both or anything?? she pushed them out of the roller rink to make more room fr herself or maybe they did tht to her. perhaps theyre both constantly pursuing some sort of fkn. meaning in their lives tht they cnt quite grasp. mayb they go on an acid trip together. who knows. 
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dezierd · 3 years
✸ —— character study!
Full Name: desiree rodges
Reason for name: ela não sabe o porque que a mãe escolheu, não perguntou, mas sabe que o significado é desejo em francês.
Nickname(s) and how they got them: dezie ou desi e algumas vezes, rae.
Date of Birth:  18/03/2000 
Age: 21
Gender: mulher (cis)
Place of birth: nasceu nas Filipinas, mas tinha só dois anos quando ela e sua mãe se mudaram para os estados unidos.
Places lived since: morou em dois lugare, os dois primeiros anos morou no texas, mas a mulher não conseguiu emprego fixo nenhum e decidiu tentar nova york, aonde dezie mora o resto da vida.
Social Class: no momento? alta, mas a maior parte da vida foi classe baixa.
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: sua mãe biológica se chama bianca, nunca teve uma carreira ou emprego fixo. faleceu aos 35 anos / seu pai biológico ela nunca soube nada além do nome, que era  louis / suas mães adotivas são: riley (38 anos), que é jornalista e hannah (43) que é medica vetérinaria, especializada em repteis. 
Siblings: sim! a sua irmã mais nova, mae (hoje tem 6 anos) e hannah também teve um filho num antigo casamento, que tem 15 anos e se chama bryson.
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): eles são bem próximos.
Height: 1,55
Weight: 60kg
Build: ela magra, mas tem a cintura bem marcada e bastante coxa/bunda, principalmente por causa de exercícios.
Race: asiatica (filipina)
Face Shape: oval
Distinguishing Facial Features: sua boca ou seus olhos
Hair Color: preto
Usual Hair Style: ela usa ele muito preso em coque porque é mais fácil de lidar, mas também é super exagerada e ama se arrumar, principalmente de enrolar seu cabelo, faz isso bastante.
Eye Color: castanho/mel.
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks, scars): ela tem bastante cicatriz de espinha no seu rosto, mas faz tratamento para essas e esconde bastante com maquiagem, quase ninguém vê essas. fora isso, sua pele é bem bronzeada, ela pega cor bem fácil.
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): tem depressão e ansiedade diagnosticadas mas estão sobre controle, toma remédio desde que foi adotada e não tem mais crises, também faz acompanhamento psicologico. também tem diabetes tipo 1.
Health (usually sick? or very resilient? allergies?): ela não fica doente muito fácil não, é bem saudável (fora a diabetes), mas quando fica doente é bem pesado normalmente.
What do they consider their best feature?: a boca, mas gosta muito do formato do seu nariz também.
Worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?: a pior provavelmente é quando ela quebrou a perna, com 12 anos, jogando bola.
Ticklish: morder suas unhas quando está ansiosa, balançar os pés enquanto tá sentada, rir em momentos aonde tá nervosa 
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): ela tem uma esthetic meio ABG, então veste mais nisso?? meio street style e y2k misturado.
Typical style of shoes: normalmente nike ou alguma marca assim.
Glasses? Contacts?: não, nenhum.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: usa bastante acessórios no dia a dia, tem piercing em um dos mamilos, morre vontade de fazer tatuagem mas nunca fez.
What does their voice sound like?: a voz dela é muito soft e gostosa de ouvir, sério (ela tem canal no yt vai ver depois)
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): ela é bem timida, eu sei que não parece mas é, então fala meio baixinho, não é a pessoa mais articulada do mundo.
Accent?: não tem muito não
Left handed or right?: destra.
What does their writing look like?: uma bagunça sldkkk tudo que ela queria ter a letra bonita mas não tem não
Do they work out/exercise?: sim! cinco vezes por semana ela tá lá na academia.
Level of self esteem: não muito, na real? ela teve uma vida complicada, tenta ser confiante e tals mas a maior parte disso é pose.
Known Languages: inglês e espanhol.
Zodiac (sign and if they lend any credence to it): peixes, acha legal mas não acredita.
Gifts/talents: desenha muito bem. 
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: sua irmã, total seu ponto fraco
Happiest memory: quando recebeu a noticia que ela e mae iriam ser adotadas juntas.
Religious stance: nada
Political stance: esquerda
Pet peeves: não tem muito, além de pessoas muito de direita e gente que fala enquanto come.
Vices: café
Bad habits: seu horário de sono é péssimo, acho que é a pior parte. e ela tem mania de colocar os outros na frente da sua própria vontade. 
Superstitious: culpa elfos quando suas coisas somem (cresceu com a mãe falando isso e acabou pegando)
Sense of humor: ela é bem bobinha, acha tudo engraçado
How do they deal with stress? está aprendendo a lidar, é meio complicado pra ela, tinha costumo de deixar acumular, hoje em dia tenta não deixar mais isso acontecer
What do they do to get pumped up? ela ri muito, é bem fofo. não consegue se controlar bem.
What do they do when upset? normalmente vai dormir.
What about angry?  ela xinga mesmo daí sçdlmkk
How do they react to frustrations (get worked up, calm down and think through it logically, give up, etc)?: depende muito de quem tá em volta dela, mas de uma forma geral ela desiste bem fácil das coisas quando elas ficam complicadas demais, diz que não mas desiste sim.
Level of comfort with technology: bastante
Believe in the supernatural: não muito
Believe in an afterlife: não muito
Believe in happy endings: sim
How do they want to be remembered?: ela não tem certeza? espera que alguém boa e que fazia os outros rirem.
Good with their hands (if so, practical/crafting or fine arts)?: sim! mais para artes mesmo.
How fast do they learn new things? Better with book knowledge or hands on approach?: não muito rápido, ela é bem devagar na verdade e prefere estudar as coisas antes de fazer.
How do they feel about asking for help? já foi horrivel, mas hoje é bem mais confortável em pedir ajuda, mas acho que depende muito de situação pra situação.
Optimist or pessimist: acho que um pouco dos dois.
Extrovert or introvert: ambivertida, mas é bem timida.
Leader or follower: seguidora.
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: emoção
Cautious or daring: cautelosa
Spontaneous or planner: depende, mas mais pra alguém  que planeja.
Thinker or doer: thinker.
Organized or messy: bagunçada.
Worrier or carefree: preocupada.
Artistic?: sim
Mathematical?: simm
Current marital/relationship/sexual status: namorando, a pouquissimo tempo (dois meses). não tem certeza do relacionamento, ela meio que só não soube dizer não e aceito que estava em um agora. e ela gosta da menina, só sabe que não está mais apaixonada e sente que já tá velha demais pra namorar só por namorar.
Sexual orientation (is it something they question or a secret): bissexual, assumida.
Past relationships and sexual partners (if applicable): namorou quando era adolescente, um menino, durante uns 2 anos, mas era um relacionamento meio toxico.
What is their “type” in regards to looks in a partner? não tem muito, todos os seus exes qualquer coisa são um bem diferente do que outro. 
Primary reason for being broken up with: ela ter ciumes demais 
Primary reasons for breaking up with people: ela ter ciumes demais de novo
Views on sex (one night stands, promiscuity, etc): desde que seja consensual, ela não tem muito problema.
Age and story of first kiss (if any—if not, how does he/she want it to happen?): ela tinha doze anos, estava com a perna quebrada e bem triste e um menino que ela era afim estava passando o intervalo com ela e deu um selinho nela, foi bem fofo
Age and story of loss of virginity (if any—if not, how does he/she want it to happen, if at all?): foi quando quinze anos, não foi boa, foi com aquele primeiro namorado dela, durou 2 minutos e ela teve bastante dor.
Level of sexual experience: não é muito grande, na real. teve alguns ficantes sérios com quem transou além dos seus dois namoros, mas nada demais
Love or Lust: amor
Ever been in love?: não tem certeza, acha que não
Do they fall in love easily?: não
Do they take relationships seriously?: sim
Worst thing they’ve done to someone they loved? ela já disse algumas coisas horriveis para suas mãe adotivas em brigas.
Do they desire marriage and/or children in their future? simmm
Believe in true love or soul mates? sim, mas não acha que vai achar isso 
Thoughts on public displays of affection?: ela gosta, mas as vezes fica com vergonha 
How do they flirt: de jeito nenhuma, ela é péssima em flertar
How do they show affection/love to their partner?: acho que as maiores love language dela são: ato de serviço e passar tempo com a pessoa. 
Thoughts on cheating/cheaters? Have they ever cheated? nunca traiu, mas morre de medo de ser traida, ela é bem insegura nesse quesito
Idea of perfect date: provavelmente ir em um museu e depois ir pra um parque ver o por do sol e conversar
Social Habits (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): ela meio que tem um grupo fechado de amigos e é isso, por causa da sua timidez não se abre fácil para os outros, mais é simpática
How do they treat others (politely, rudely, keep at distance, etc)?: ela é bem simpática, mas quase nunca vai ser a primeira a falar com alguém
Do they trust people easily or tend to be wary?: ela demora pra confiar
How often do they see friends and family? Are they good at keeping in touch? If not, does this bother loved ones?: de sua família biológica, ninguém, mas mora ainda com as suas mães, então vê ela e os irmãos sempre. ela é muito grudada na irmã mais nova, mas ela e Bryson brigam bastante (adolescente né)
Person most dependent on: Rhys (seu melhor amigo)
Most comfortable around (person): sua família
Oldest friend: Rhys de novo
Worst enemy: não tem ninguém assim não? talvez o suposto pai da sua irmã mas não ve ele a um tempo.
Most important person in their life?: sua irmã
Who would they turn to if they needed help and why?: provavelmente seu melhor amigo
How does he/she think others perceive him/her?: ela acha que as pessoas devem pensar que ela é uma bobona burra por causa da timidez
How do others actually perceive him/her?: normalmente as pessoas acham que ela é doce, mas é mesmo vista como burra.
Argue or avoid conflict?: fugir sempre
Thoughts on large groups of people?: não gosta não
Have they ever lost anyone close to them? How did they handle it? sua mãe biológica, ela ficou muito mal, mas não teve tempo de lidar direito porque a mae só tinha 3 meses, ela foi pro modo automático de "preciso cuidar da situação" só viveu o luto mesmo quando estava no centro de adoção
How do they show affection?: act of service!
Do they act differently around strangers th friends? If so, how differently?: sim!! com estranhos é bem tímida e educada, com amigos ela é bem mais boba e loud, ela ri um monte e xinga um bom tanto também.
Would they ever consider adopting a child? Why or why not?: ela nunca pensou em ter filhos, mas agora tem mudado de opinião e não tem nada contra adoção também, mas nunca parou pra pensar super sério sobre isso.
Level of education: cursando faculdade no momento (arquitetura), está no 5 período.
Describe their work space: faz estágio, em uma empresa nova e estilo meio hippie, sabe? ela gosta de trabalhar lá, apesar de ser mais uma assistente do que qualquer outra coisa
If no job, where do finances come from? ela trabalha, mas boa parte do seu dinheiro vem das suas mães mesmo.
Past occupations: já teve muitos empregos, na real. trabalhou em quase tudo, desde os treze anos de idade.
Dream occupation: ter sua própria empresa de arquitetura
Passions: ama desenhar outras coisas também, mas principalmente pintar, só não tem coragem de viver disso.
Attitude towards current job: ela gosta bastante.
Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees: começou a trabalhar lá a pouco tempo, não é próxima de ninguém a não ser a sua namorada mas gosta de todo mundo.
Salary: 1,5K por mês
Spender or Saver? Why?: ela tem gastado um pouco mais ultimamente.
Which is more important - money or doing something they love?: dinheiro
Phobias: morre de medo de aranha e outros insetos assim
Dreams: ela não consegue sonhar muito longe, o objetivo dela no momento está em se formar então acho que esse seria o sonho.
Greatest fears: algo acontecer com sua família
Biggest regret: dos dias que ficou tentando cuidar da sua irmã sozinha e etc, acha que foi um erro enorme
Secret hobbies: não é segredo mas ela ama fazer sodokus
Police/Criminal/Legal record (Crimes committed? If so, were they caught? charged?): nada
What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life?: ela não quer mudar com certeza, mas tá pensando sobre sair da casa das suas mães, mas tá meio confusa com isso
What he/she most wants to change about his/her physical appearance?: ela já mudou, que foi colocar preenchimento nos lábios mas só isso mesmo
Hobbies: desenhar, pintar, sodoku e palavras cruzadas. 
Indoors or Outdoors?: indoorsy.
Favorite color: verde
Favorite smell: baunilha
Favorite and least favorite food: favorita: macarrão / odeia: cebolinha (é tempero mas mesmo assim)
Favorite movie: 10 coisas que eu odeio em você
Favorite holiday (and why): natal, pela comida e presentes
Coffee or tea?: café (mas com leite de amendoas)
Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: smooth
Favorite place to hang out: ama museus
Do they like music? What kind?: sim! ela ouve bastante R&B, pop antigos, alguns poucos cantores de pop atual e alguns poucos cantores de rap também, mas é meio que isso.
Favorite type of weather: ela gosta de dias que estão ensolarados, mas frio ao mesmo tempo.
Favorite form of entertainment: musica
How do they feel about traveling?: ela só viajou uma vez na vida, achou legal e quer fazer mais viagens, mas não é apaixonada por isso
What sort of gifts do they like? sentimentais. 
What trait do they find most admirable and why?: provavelmente confiança, ela não é muito então quando vê alguém que é fica super impressionada.
Thoughts on violence: ODEIA. se vê alguma coisa violenta fica bem malzona, até sendo na tv (com filmes e etc é ok, mas coisa de vida real não)
Is redemption possible (if so, are there limitations): ela acha que todo mundo pode mudar, mas que nem todo mundo merece segundas chances.
Does the end justify the means?: não
Can they be manipulative?: não, nenhum pouco. 
Do they think it’s okay to cry (if not, why)?: sim inclusive ela faz muito
When did they last cry and why?: provavelmente pensando sobre a situação com a namorada e tals, sente que se apressou demais e não sabe o que fazer/como falar.
Would they be able to kill (if so, under what circumstances)?: só em auto-defesa e olhe lá.
Who or what would they die for (or go to extremes for)?: sua irmã
How do they react to unwanted sexual advances?: ela fica bem sem graça e nervosa
How would they react to stranger being bullied/abused?: ela se mete no meio pra defender, sempre teve isso na personalidade dela, quer cuidar dos outros.
What about an animal?: mesma coisa só que é bem mais escandalosa sobre isso daí.
Easily forgive or hold grudges?: perdoa fácil
Forgive self or live with regret/guilt?: depende muito
Would they ever cheat someone? Under what circumstances? nunca traiu e não acha que seria capaz, é um dos seus maiores medos dentro de um relacionamento.
Do they respect the belief of others, even if it’s at odds with their own?: ela tenta, mas acha que nem sempre consegue.
Stand up for own beliefs or hide/avoid discussing them with people who have opposing views?: depende muito, da pessoa e da situação, se é um ambiente que ela se sente confortável ou algo que a atinge muito ela fala.
Thoughts on drugs and alcohol: ela bebe e fuma maconha socialmente, mas não é do tipo que está cansada e abre uma cerveja e tals, real faz mais em festas pra se soltar e maconha as vezes quando tá ansiosa porque a ajuda.
Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?: cigarro? não
Age when they first got drunk (what happened, consequences): tinha 15 anos, foi numa festa de aniversario. não aconteceu muita coisa, ela passou mal, dormiu e teve uma ressaca terrivel, mas nada demais.
What type of alcohol do they prefer: cerveja ou vodka mesmo.
Have they ever tried other drugs (which, what happened, consequences): não, nunca, ela é bem medrosa com outras coisas na real, só experimentou maconha porque foi como tratamento pra ansiedade e depois em uma social na faculdade pensou “por que não? já tomo o oleo” 
Do they have any addictions?: não.
Most important/defining event in life to date: assasinato da sua mãe.
Daily routine: acorda, toma café da manhã, se arruma pra facudade, tem suas aulas bonitinhas, vai para o estagio, busca sua irmã na creche, fica em casa até suas mães chegarem com ela e o irmão, vai pra academia, toma banho, fica em casa fazendo vários nada.
Sleeping habits (Night owl or early bird? Light or heavy sleeper? Fall asleep anywhere or need specific conditions?): acorda cedo, mas só por causa da faculdade mesmo e não porque quer. dorme bem leve, mas dorme em absolutamente qualquer lugar desde que esteja quieto.
Typical Saturday night: normalmente só fica em casa mesmo ldmckk
What is home like (messy, neat, sparse): arrumado! a nene é cuidadosa.
Type of car he/she drives (or wishes he/she drove):  Toyota RAV4 branco.
Pets?: If not, do they want any?: alguns! eles tem 3 ball-phytons: (ink, uma Axanthic Ball Python / medusa, uma Mystic Ball Python e noodle, uma corn snake) um camaleão (hulk), um aquário de peixes de água salgado e uma gata (paris) , ela também adotou DOIS porquinho da india recentemente que é mais dela (o resto são tipo, da familia) que se chamam bacon e maple.
Most prized possession: provavelmente as fotos dela com a mãe materna e etc, eram bem poucas.
What are you likely to find in their pockets? Purse/bag/backpack/wallet?: nada super inovador, na real? na sua bolsa normalmente leva seu ipad, fones de ouvido, caderno e seus lápis e etc, alguns batões perdidos e maquiagem pra retocar. mas meio que só isso?? na sua carteira tem seu cartão, dinheiro, uma camisinha e seus documentos.
Medicine cabinet? a insulina, duh. e remedio pra dor de cabeça pq ela tem muito.
Glove compartment? os documentos do carro, um paninho pra limpar esse quando chove e uma troca de roupa para se acontecer alguma coisa.
Nightstand?: não tem muita coisa, fica só seu celular e notebook e o ipad carregando, água ou alguma coisa que ela estava bebendo.
What makes them laugh?: quase tudo.
Any special holiday traditions?: não mas acha mto fofo sempre quis ter.
Can they hold their breath for a long time?: não muito 
Do they know how to swim? não
Can they cook (if so, how well and do they enjoy it)?: simm!! antes ela odiava, mas agora que não faz mais por obrigação ama.
Is there anything they always carry with them? If so, why?: não tem muito apego a coisa material assim não
If they wanted to hide something, where would they hide it?: provavelmente no sotão da casa pq ela morre de medo de ir lá e ninguém iria imaginar que ela foi.
Do they keep a journal?: não 
Are there any places that hold special meaning to them?: não muito, mas ela queria MUITO conhecer as filipinas por ter sido aonde ela nasceu e ela não lembrar nada, é o mais emocionamente conectada que ela é a algum lugar assim.
24 hours to live - name 3 things they would do: passar um tempo com sua família, pular de um avião (pq ela sempre quis mas tem medo) e comer muita açúcar já que não pode.
If they could choose, how would they want to die: tranquilamente!!! de idade também, tudo menos algo como a morte da sua mãe foi
What would they do if they received large sum of money?: ela já recebeu né caiu em família rica, mas meio que a única coisa que ela faz é comprar roupas de marca dkdkkk
What would they wish for if they found a genie?: se formar na faculdade e não ter mais  a enorme dor de cabeça que essa é dkxkkk
If they could have one super power, what would it be and why?: acho que tipo, super inteligencia, memoria fotografica, algo assim.
How do they deal with insects?: mal! ela chora e grita por ajuda
How would they react to death of loved one? ela já teve que reagir né, mas acha que foi uma situação fora do normal porque depois que estava segura chorou por 3 dias seguidos basicamente
If they were outnumbered in a fight, would they stand ground or run away?: correr
Granted opportunity to change one thing in their past - would they do it? If so what would they change?: conseguir um emprego melhor pra sua mãe, tanto quanto dinheiro quanto outra coisa.
If they could rescue one thing from a burning building, what would it be?: as fotos! ou seus porquinhos da índia
Would they be comfortable sharing a bed with a person they didn't know well?: ela ficaria bem tímida e provavelmente ia rir nervosa mas conseguiria dormir
First memory: o aniversario de 4 anos dela. lembra que era só ela e a mãe dela, mas que tinha um bolo que na sua memoria era gigante (nem era tão grande assim)
Favorite toy (when did they stop playing with it, do they still have it currently): uma barbie fada. ela queria muito uma, mas era cara e sua mãe disse que não podia comprar mas deu uma de natal pra ela.
Favorite game: pique-esconde.
Best friend as child: rhyes (eles se conheceram assim que ela se mudou pra ny)
Worst childhood memory: provavelmente o dia aonde ela quebrou a perna, ela ficou super assustada
How were they disciplined? sua mãe não passava muito tempo com ela, mas ela sempre fez de tudo para que dezie não fosse uma criança problema (e ela nunca foi).
Did that change as they got older?: não muito. mudou mais quando foi adotada, suas mães são bem mais firmes, mas agora ela é adulta né.
What did they want to be when they grew up?: professora.
Any non-family adults stick out in their mind? (Who were they, how did he/she know them? Why do they stick out)?: não dçlckkk 
Age of first date: quinze anos, com o menino que foi seu primeiro namorado mesmo.
View of authority? What affected that view? ela não tem muito problema com essa no dia a dia, mas tem problema quando abusam dela e acha que é uma transição natural as coisas, então não gosta muito não. odeia policia muito inclusive, tem até um pouco de medo.
What clique in high school were they associated with? os asiaticos mesmo sdlçpkkk
High school goals: terminar ele kkkkk
Did they enjoy high school: não muito, mas seu ultimo ano do ensino medio ela lembra com bastante carinho
Any extracurricular activities: woodworking, arte (desenho),
How well did they do in school?: medio? ela não era inteligente, se saia muito mal na materia de biologia e em inglês, mas era muito boa em outras. principalmente matematica. 
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zoinkshaggy · 3 years
Tumblr media
First name? “Sha– uh, Norville.”
Surname? “Rogers.”
Middle names? “Matthew.”
Nicknames? “Shaggy.”
Date of birth? “November 4th, 1995.”
Age? “Twenty five.”
Height? “6′0.”
Weight? “150-ish.”
Build? “Uh, long.”
Hair color? “Brown.”
Hair style? “I had dreads for awhile, but now I keep my hair short. Not short. Medium length, I guess.”
Eye color? “Also brown.”
Eye Shape? “Like, normal?”
Glasses or contact lenses? “Neither.”
Distinguishing facial features? “I’d say probably my smile.”
Which facial feature is most prominent? “Smile.”
Which bodily feature is most prominent? “My legs and arms, ‘cause they’re, like, twenty feet long.”
Other distinguishing features? “That’s it.”
Skin? “Oilier than I’d like.”
Hands? “Callused.”
Make up? “I don’t wear any.”
Scars? “Nothing important.”
Birthmarks? “Nah.”
Tattoos? “No! Needles? No thank you!”
Physical handicaps? “None.”
Type of clothes? “I really like sweaters. Sweaters will always be my favorite. They feel safe. It’s a little too hot for that here, though.”
How do you wear your clothes? “How they come.”
What are your feet like? “Kind of big, I guess. Two left feet, that’s what my mom said ‘cause I’m such a klutz. Uh, I should buy some more socks and shoes. Some of my socks have toe holes and my shoes are kind of coming apart.”
Race / Ethnicity? “I don’t have my birth parents around to ask, but I know I’m Spanish.” 
Mannerisms? “I have a habit of, like, playing with my necklace or hair or bracelet — my hands don’t always like being still.”
Are you in good health? “It’s alright, I think.”
Do you have any disabilities? “No.”
What words or phrases do you overuse? “Like. I use it, like, a lot.”
Do you have a catchphrase? “Zoinks.”
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? “I definitely think I’m more optimistic, but I have my moments.”
Are you introverted or extroverted? “Introverted.”
Do you ever put on airs? “I… don’t know what that means.”
What bad habits do you have? “Overeating, not eating healthy. Sleeping in too late. Chewing my nails, only sometimes.”
What makes you laugh out loud? “Usually myself.”
How do you display affection? “My idea of affection is kind of, just, hanging around someone. Hugs can be nice too.”
Mental handicaps? “My anxiety.”
How do you want to be seen by others? “A person they came come to and trust.”
How do you see themselves? “Better than I used to be.”
How are you seen by others? “Probably… nervous.”
Strongest character trait? “My loyalty.”
Weakest character trait? “Getting stuck in my head.”
How competitive are you? “Not at all.”
Do you make snap judgements or take time to consider? “Like, I take too much time to consider.”
How do you react to praise? “I don’t know what to say. I guess I get kind of flustered, you know?”
How do you react to criticism? “Just kind of shrug it off.”
What is your greatest fear? “Ghosts, spiders, heights, bees, guns... losing Scooby.”
What are your biggest secrets? “I don’t really keep secrets.”
What is your philosophy of life? “We’re all just here for a little while, so we should make it easier on each other.”
When was the last time you cried? “It’s been a few months, actually.”
What haunts you? “Zoinks. Hopefully not any ghosts.”
What are your political views? “I don’t pay enough attention to politics to have any views, really. I’ll vote for whoever Velma votes for. She knows what she’s talking about.”
What will you stand up for? “I will always stand up for my friends.”
Who do you quote? “Usually if I’m quoting someone, I don’t even know who I’m quoting.”
Are you indoorsy or outdoorsy? “Indoors. I like walking Scoob and everything, but, like, there’s too many bugs outside.”
What is your sinful little habit? “Putting mustard on ice cream.”
What sense do you most rely on? “Taste. But also hearing.”
How do you treat people better than you? “The same.”
How do you treat people worse than you? “The same.”
What quality do you most value in a friend? “Kindness.”
What do you consider an overrated virtue? “I wanna say courage. Biased opinion.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “I’d stop worrying about everything.”
What is your obsession? “Good food.”
What are your pet peeves? “When people are mean for no reason.”
What are your idiosyncrasies? “Gotta make sure I turn all the lights off before I leave.”
Is your family big or small? Who does it consist of? “I guess it’s kind of small. I have my dad, my mom and my sister, Maggie. I haven’t seen my real parents since I was a kid.”
What is your perception of family? “I don’t think family has anything to do with blood, it’s how people treat you.”
Do you have siblings? Older or younger? “Maggie, she’s younger.”
Describe your best friend. “I’ve known her since, well... it feels like forever, but it’s only been, like, a decade and a half. She’s the best person I know. She’s so smart and funny, and she’s beautiful. She has a beautiful soul and... just... everything about her is beautiful. She makes me feel safe, it doesn’t matter what’s going on or how much my mind is racing, if I know she’s there it just feels like everything’s gonna be okay.”
Ideal best friend? “I’ve already got ‘em all.”
Describe your other friends. “They’re great. They’re all unique in their own ways, you know? Freddy’s headstrong and he’s the coolest guy you’ll meet, Daph is such a warm energy and she’s a great conversationalist, Buzz is genuine and he’s loyal. I know everyone thinks so, but I really do have the best friends.”
Describe your acquaintances. “I guess that would be the people I work with. Like, they’re okay.”
Do you have any pets? “Yeah, I have Scoob, but he’s more like my brother or something at this point.”
Who are your natural allies? “Probably the Mystery Inc gang.”
Who are your surprising allies? “I guess it’s surprising I’d fit in with them, huh?”
What were you like as a baby? As a child? “I was happy. I can’t remember much from being that young, but I know I was traveling with my parents, I remember I felt like the world was so big and exciting. I felt so loved. I guess I kind of lost that feeling when I was adopted, suddenly the exciting stuff was just, like, scary. I was an anxious wreck as a child, that’s all, honestly.”
Did you grow up rich or poor? “The Rogers family is well off. I wouldn’t say rich, but, like, well off.”
Did you grow up nurtured or neglected? “I don’t wanna say they neglected me. I did feel that way a lot, but some of it was... me, I guess, myself worrying. Yeah.”
What is the most offensive thing you ever said? “I hope nothing.”
What is your greatest achievement? “Is it sad to say everything I’ve done in this last year? For awhile it felt like I was just getting by, but right now, I feel like I’m really living. I got a job, like, it’s not much but it’s a job, I’m doing better in school, I’ve got Velma now, really got her...”
What was your first kiss like? “It was with my favorite person. Kind of later than most people’s, I guess, but worth waiting for.”
What is the worst thing you did to someone you loved? “Come into my mom’s life, probably.”
What are your ambitions? “I’ve been thinking I might wanna go to culinary school.”
What advice would you give your younger self? “I would just tell him that nothing is wrong with him, it’s okay to go your own pace and, like, it’s all gonna be okay, little guy.”
What smells remind you of your childhood? “Corn dogs and pizza. Apple pie. Playground mulch. Hair spray and perfume. Dirt.”
What was your childhood ambition? “I just remember wanting to stop being so scared.”
What is your best childhood memory? “It’s so old it’s blurry, but I remember one of my birthdays, I guess it was my last before I was adopted. We were traveling, my parents were happy, I was happy. It was the last time everything felt okay for awhile.”
What is your worst childhood memory? “There’s a few. Most of them involved panic attacks alone in my bedroom.”
Did you have an imaginary childhood friend? “Not that I remember.”
When was the last time you were crushed with disappointment? “Sometime before I moved to Elias.”
What past act are you most ashamed of? “I’m ashamed that I let myself get separated from my parents, that I couldn’t figure out how to get in touch with them. Maybe shame isn’t the right word. I just wish I knew how my mom and dad were doing, my other mom and dad.”
What past act are you most proud of? “Taking whatever the first step was to stepping out of my shell.”
Has anyone ever saved their life? “I feel like Scooby Doo saved my life.”
Strongest childhood memory? “Another birthday. My first one with the Rogers family. I ended up crying in the bathroom. I was so confused and overwhelmed, I felt like the only person in the world. I just wanted to go home. I don’t think that feeling will ever leave me.”
Do you believe in love at first sight? “Yes.”
Are you in a relationship? “I’m with Velma.”
How do you behave in a relationship? “I don’t really know what I’m doing, I’m just trying to make her happy.”
When did you last have sex? “I-- uh... that’s personal.”
What sort of sex do you have? “Like, w-why are you asking that?”
Have you ever been in love? “I am right now.”
Have you ever had your heart broken? “Yeah, but it wasn’t in a relationship.”
How do you respond to a threat? “Run.”
Are you most likely to fight with your fists or your tongue? “Like, neither.”
What is your kryptonite? “All you can eat buffets.”
If you could only save one thing from your burning house, what would it be? “I assume Scooby and Velma don’t count, so I guess I’d probably grab my favorite shirt or something.”
How do you perceive strangers? “Scary.”
What do you love to hate? “I don’t hate anything... except maybe lima beans... and there is no love there, like, at all.”
What are your phobias? “There’s a lot of ‘em.”
What is your choice of weapon? “I’m more of a hider. If I had to use something, I’d probably grab whatever was blunt and close to me.”
What living person do you most despise? “I don’t despise anyone.”
Have you ever been bullied or teased? “Yeah.”
Where do you go when you’re angry? “I don’t get angry. When I’m sad, I just go home.”
Who are your enemies and why? “The bad guys the gang and I try to stop... because we’re trying to stop them...”
What is your current job? “Right now I flip burgers.”
What do you think about your current job? “It’s not too bad. It pays the bills for now. Maybe one day I can get a real cooking job.”
What are some of your past jobs? “This is my first job.”
What are your hobbies? “Just chilling, mostly. Smoking, eating.”
Educational background? “I’m in college.”
Intelligence level? “I’m not the smartest guy you’ll meet, but I’m trying.”
Do you have any specialist training? “No.”
Do you have a natural talent for something? “I don’t know if it’s a talent, but I have a lot of knowledge on the supernatural. Weeding out what’s real and what’s not, though, that’s the hard part.”
Do you play a sport? Are you any good? “No, I’ve never been good at sports... I hated gym class.”
What is their socioeconomic status? “I recycle, but I should do more.”
What is your favorite animal? “Dogs.”
Which animal do you dislike the most? “Anything that bites or stings.”
What place would you most like to visit? “I think Antarctica would be pretty cool. Ha, ba-dum-tss.”
What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? “I remember Topanga Canyon being so pretty...”
What is your favorite song? “Two Princes, Spin Doctors.”
Music, art, reading preferred? “Music.”
What is your favorite color? “Green.”
What is their password? “Scoobydoobydoo420 --- like, wait, why are you asking?”
Favorite food? “Like, that’s too hard!”
What is your favorite work of art? “Uh... Mona Lisa?”
Who is your favorite artist? “I don’t know artists that well.”
What is your favorite day of the week? “With my work schedule, it doesn’t really matter.”
What is in your fridge? “What isn’t in my fridge? Let’s see, right now I know there’s barbecue sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, honey mustard, honey, shredded cheddar cheese, American cheese slices, a wheel of Gouda, ketchup, ranch, spicy barbeque, sour cream, strawberry and grape jelly, apple jam, butter, margarine, milk, chocolate milk, Almond milk, strawberry syrup, cherries, a half eaten Philly Cheesesteak, ham, turkey, black forest ham, broccoli, Reeses cups, water bottles, apple juice, leftover brown rice, at least one eggplant, eggs, one slice of buffalo chicken pizza, cabbage, few different Lunchables, green peppers, one red pepper, mild salsa, medium salsa, a microwaveable Calzone, strawberries, raspberries, cream cheese, a bowl of chili and... actually, I think that’s it. Don’t get me started on the freezer.”
What is on your bedside table? “My phone and an old water bottle, probably.”
What is in your car? “I don’t have a car.”
What is in your bin? “Candy wrappers, empty Chinese takeout boxes, probably some junk mail.”
What is in your purse or wallet? “My ID, debit card, a little bit of cash, Scoob’s service dog certificate, a picture of Velma.”
What is in your pockets? “Scooby snacks.”
What is your most treasured possession? “I’m not attached to any specific items, really, just people.”
Who or what is your guardian angel? “I don’t know, I’d just like to think I have one.”
Do you believe in the afterlife? “I’m not sure. When I think about it, I get a little freaked out.”
What are your religious views? “Uh, I- I don’t know.”
What do you think heaven is? “I think it would be this safe place on the clouds where everyone you love is waiting.”
What do you think hell is? “Bad.”
Are you superstitious? “I guess, yeah.”
What would you like to be reincarnated as? “I guess being a dog would be pretty fun... anything like that. I don’t think I’d wanna be a human again. It’s too much.”
How would you like to die? “Not... painfully...”
What is your spirit animal? “A sloth.”
What is your zodiac sign? “Scorpio.”
What do you think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? “Breaking them down. Making them feel like they’re not important, they don’t matter, they have to change who they are to be loved.”
What is your view of ‘freedom’? “Having the chance to choose.”
When did you last lie? “Like, I don’t want to lie, but this guy at work asked me if I liked his new sunglasses, and I didn’t want to be rude and they were pretty expensive, so I said yeah, but... I really didn’t like them.”
What’s your view of lying? “I hate doing it, I don’t want to be lied to.”
When did you last make a promise? “Last week.”
Did you keep or break their last promise? “I keep my promises.”
What are their eating habits? “Whatever I want when I want it.”
Do you have any allergies? “Not that I know of, but I bet I’m allergic to bees, I feel like if I got stung I’d die, so I try to avoid them.”
Describe your home. “It’s just a small apartment. It feels like home when Velma’s there, though.”
Are you a minimalist or a clutter hoarder? “Can I be both? I’m trying to do better about clutter, it’s usually just clothes and trash, I don’t have many belongings.”
What do you do first thing on a weekday morning? “Kiss Velma on the head. Get ready for work. If I’m off, I’ll cuddle a little longer, then we’ll have breakfast.
What do you do on a Sunday afternoon? “Take my shoes off, sit on the couch and watch some TV.”
What do you do on a Friday night? “Whatever Velma wants to do.”
What is your soft drink of choice? “Dr. Pepper.”
What is your alcoholic drink of choice? “I don’t drink much. Mike’s Lemonade is enough for me, and it tastes good.”
What or who would you dress up as for Halloween? “I like dressing up as ghosts with Scoob. I think I was the Hamburglar last year. Maybe me, Scooby and and Velma can all do matching costumes this Halloween.”
Are you comfortable with technology? “I guess.”
If you could save one person, who would it be? “Velma.”
If you could call one person for help, who would it be? “Depends on the situation. Freddy, Daph or Velma.”
What is your greatest extravagance? “Food...”
What is your greatest regret? “I don’t think I have any.”
What is your perception of redemption? “Noticing that you need to do better, then striving to do it.”
What would you do if you won the lottery? “I’d pay off any bills my friends have. Put some funding into the Mystery Inc. I guess I’d save the rest.”
What is your favorite fairytale? “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.”
What fairytale do you hate? “Like, Little Red Riding Hood makes me feel... weird...”
Do you believe in happy endings? “Yes.”
What is your idea of perfect happiness? “Being comfortable in your own skin and surrounding yourself with people that are good for you.”
What would you ask a fortune teller? “I’d ask how my birth parents are doing.”
If you could travel through time, where would you go? “I’d go back and spend another day with them.”
What sport do you excel at? “None, no sports.”
What sport do you suck at? “All of them. Especially baseball.”
If you could have a superpower, what would you choose? “I’d like to be able to turn invisible. Not to spy on people. Just to hide when everything got too overwhelming.”
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storytelling-101 · 4 years
Character Development — Part D
So, following the General Information is the Physical Information about your character. As mentioned before, this category is pretty much the most important one to be fleshed out properly, because your character will very likely be introduced by their appearance the very first time they appear.
Physical Information
Height Rather self-explanatory. The height can be noted down in your preferred measurement unit like meters/centimeters/foot/inch/ ... or a fictional unit. You can put a conversion into a common measurement unit i.e. in brackets for comparison purpose.
Weight This is the same as with height. You can either choose a universal unit or use a made-up one.
Body Type/Shape Body type, in this case, refers to type such as the common female types apple/pear/hourglass figure. The shape depicts the level of fitness of the character. This can reach from lean/skinny over muscular to curvy/fat. If you want, you can also add if your character is ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph.
Species This comes in most useful if you write a fantasy story. The species would illustrate if someone is human/beast/demon/dark elf/ ... or anything you can think of.
Ethnicity Ethinicty is one of the most sensitive points in the character sheet, especially because it covers such a wide range of information. Determining someone as i.e. Banjarese/Hani/Komi/ ... gives a lot of information about a person’s ancestry, history, homeland, language and cultural heritage. However, be very careful when filling out this point, because it can happen very quickly that the character becomes an annoying avatar of a stereotypical representative of your chosen ethnicity.
Current Health A rather important but often overlooked point, I think. It gives you a lot of information to work with. Is your character currently ill? Where did they contract their illness? Is it likely to become an epidemic or pandemic? Or has your character a chronic illness? Is it lethal or just interfering with their life? You can also add the other extreme. Has your character outstanding health? Do they ever get sick? Do they have an unusual regenerative ability?
Hair Color Of course, here goes the color of your character’s hair. This can be a natural color like black/brown/blond if you aim for a more natural feel. But it can also be an unusual color like blue/pink/green/ ... if you want your story to feel a bit more like a fantasy story. Naturally, those can also be colors acquired through hair dyeing. You can simply put the original hair color i.e. in brackets.
Eye Color Like with the hair color, this can be common ones like brown/blue/green or exceptional colors like pink/red/yellow/ ... if you like. As with hair dyeing, unusual colors can also be acquired through colored contact lenses. Try not to give too many characters outstanding eye or hair colors because they will become the norm if used too much.
Skin Tone If you write an ordinary story, I would recommend to stick to skin tones that are present in our world. Strange and uncommon skin tones like blue/green/red/ ... won’t go too well with humanoid characters, so those colors should only be used for non-human characters.
Face Shape This is also a point that will look very random to most people. However, the face shape often tells a lot about a character. Those with round faces i.e. are often softer in personality and usually also have rounder body shapes. Moreover, for every face shape there are a variety of stereotypical traits that people think of immediately. So if you want your character to have some kind of specific impression on others, you can also utilize the face shape on top of body type. Of course, there can be exceptions to this rule.
Distinguishing Features Do they have any special birthmarks or tattoos that makes them easily recognizable in a group? Did they sustain any visible scars or some other kind of disfigurement? All this info goes here!
Facial Expressions Do they show their emotions on their face? If so, do they show everything or are there emotions the character hides no matter what?
Resting Face This could, of course, also fit into the facial expressions, but I think it is very meaningful to know if someone is constantly smiling/frowning/scared/angry/ ... even if they don’t feel the emotion at that specific moment. Because they could be easily misunderstood that way.
Smile Another point that would also fit into one of the two points above. However, like with the resting face, the type of smile says a lot about a person’s real thoughts or intentions. Do they smile often? And what type of smile do they show (gentle smile/smirk/sneer/...)?
Eye Contact Do they usually keep eye contact? If yes, does the character constantly keep eye contact? Or do their eyes shift/break from time to time?
Posture The posture can also tell a lot about a character’s background. Is it stiff or relaxed? Do they stand upright or slouched? An upright and slightly stiff posture could i.e. indicate that a person is from a noble family since they are often urged to keep such a posture all the time.
Gait Not many people know that, just like a fingerprint, the stride is unique for every person. So knowing if a character’s gait is confident/lazy/slow/fast/ ... can come in handy, especially for mystery stories.
Gestures Do they often use gestures? Are they using them compulsively? Or maybe they only use them when they are excited or agitated?
Distinguishing Tics and Mannerisms Like already mentioned before, this is another part of tics and mannerisms and a bit different from the one in the general information. While the ones in the general information cover more or less the mannerisms that hail from the mind, these are the ones that have a definite physical component. It includes habits like biting their lip during certain situations, rubbing their arm when they are nervous and anything along that line.
Accent The accent describes almost everything regarding the voice. What falls under this point is i.e. dialect, intonation and pronunciation.
Pitch Another component of the voice, but slightly different from the accent, is the pitch. This can also be a stand-alone identifier. The pitch can be described as i.e. melodious/gravelly/deep/smooth/...
Speech Impediments Although this could also be considered part of the accent, like the pitch it is something that can easily identify a character. This point could contain things like apraxia of speech, stuttering or dysarthria.
Preferred Curse Word This is just what it is. In my opinion, a curse word here and there livens up almost every story. It also tells a bit about a character’s upbringing. Tame and harmless curse words usually indicate a different upbringing than crude or vulgar curse words.
Style of Speech Rather self-explanatory. How does the character talk? Do they sound formal and stiff with complex grammatical structure and heavy use of subject-specific vocabulary? Do they use formal speech that would rather be used in written texts with a lot of figures of speech? Or does the character speak casually to others, regardless of who it is with easy sentences and commonly used words? Maybe they talk intimately with everyone, almost like a child, with very easy to follow sentences and slang words or abbreviations?
Tempo of Speech This too is quite self-explanatory. Does the character talk rapidly without pausing? Are they talking at a measured tempo? Or do they talk very slow as if choosing every word very carefully?
Distinguishing Speech Tics This point shares some similarities with speech impediments, but speech tics aren’t necessarily a speech disorder. What could also be included in this point are repetitive speech patterns that i.e. appear at the beginning or the end of almost every sentence. Like the catchphrase in the general information, Japanese media is a very good example. If watched/played in their original language, anime and games do often have characters that have a recurring pattern at the end of sentences. One good example comes from the game Final Fantasy IX, where the villainous characters Zorn and Thorn use the words ojaru and gojaru to finish their sentences in the Japanese version. The German version has a similar pattern with ..., sag ich and ..., zag ich.
Accessories Accessories cover anything that is carried around on a regular basis. This can be jewelry, hats, a cane or a pipe or anything else. Those things might also be important keepsakes from people the character cherishes.
Glasses Even though glasses could be counted as accessories as well, I listed them separately because aside from being a fashion item, glasses can also be a measure against a physical disability. Does the character wear glasses? Do they even need to wear them? And if they do, when do they have to wear them? Are they able to see without them?
Body Care This point tells a lot about a person’s upbringing, living environment and habits. It illustrates if a character cleans up regularly, washes their clothes and takes care of their body in general. I.e. a person who is on the run will very likely look disheveled, untidy, dirty and famished.
Preferred Outfit/Preferred Style The clothes a character likes to wear the most might also tell you a lot about the character’s personality. Though it will not always represent the exact same type as the personality, you can often estimate someone personality based on their clothing style. It can be a certain outfit they like to wear all the time or a specific style like grunge/casual/goth/sportswear/business casual/hip hop/streetwear/etc. which acts as a visible representation of the character’s personality.
As you can see, there is much more to comment on than with the general information points, so it might be obvious how important the physical information is. Next time we are going to cover the Mental Information.
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basilone · 4 years
29 and 35 please!
Thank you for sending ’em in!
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out? 
I try to move a little bit out of my comfort zone with fic now and again. I am sometimes worried about staying in the same cycle where my writing is concerned, where I’m just hamsterwheeling away in place without making any kind of actual progress in skill, and so I set myself fun little challenges every now and then! 💜
I did one fic that needed to have 500 words exact, no more and no less. It was a real challenge, because I often get really verbose and easily write more than 2k on a prompt alone. It forced me to think about how I used my words to impact the scene -- I had to strip some of the extra scene dressing out, ensure that it was an introspective scene without much in the way of dialogue, etc. I think that one taught me how to paint a miniature of a scene where it’s just one outtake of a moment that teaches you about someone’s character more than it does the plot.
Another time, I challenged myself to write chronologically without any scene break liberties in between. It turned into a fic that taught me a lot about how I move characters from place to place and how I often use scene transitions as a handwave when stuck. I’m not a chronological writer by nature and do a lot of skipping back and forth as I write, so it was really strange to set up a scene and have to walk it through all the way and go through the building process the same way the characters did!
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
My people are going to be howling over here like “no, Eva, not again” when I say this, but for me it is so important to have the characters I work with make sense in any setting and any universe and have them be recognizable as being those characters. I talk about character baselines/cornerstones a lot when I talk writing, because those are my way of ensuring that a character always remains coherent throughout the whole fic.
When it comes to canon characters, this is like stripping the varnish off and examining the archetypes/tropes that come into play for this character piece by piece. The coat of paint might change from fic to fic and from AU to AU, but the mechanism beneath it is the same. Like, Speirs may have vampire teeth in one of my universes and be chosen by the god of War in another.. but he’s still recognizable as Speirs to a reader, because I keep him tightly wrapped in that competent-but-kinda-spooky can-be-soft-but-will-kill-you-if-needed persona that we know from canon. I use a couple of canon scenes as ‘pins’ on the character board and draw up the lines between those pins for every fic individually. The pins are characterization moments that define who this person is and what matters to them, while the lines are the squiggly interchangeable details of characterization that can take on many different shapes and colors. 
When it comes to original characters, I try to establish the same. I don’t have canon scenes to work with as ‘pins’, so I have to create my own. I do this by essentially asking “why?” with every characterization I decide on. Why does one of my OCs tend to her grudges like little pets? Why does one of my OCs look up to this character, but dislike another? Why does this OC do what they do, feel what they feel, think what they think, act how they act? You’ll probably land with a couple of formative scenes that become the ‘pins’ in their backstory, and while the details (squiggly lines!) can change these ‘pins’ are the anchors upon which their characterization hinges and without which the OC will not have a strong enough voice to be distinguishable from other characters. 
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the-headbop-wraith · 4 years
3 _ 43 _ Rekindling
  As ever when all was well and right the garage was a cacophony of sounds, from hydraulics humming off the rotary lifts and power drills, to the squeal of impact wrenches. Each car port had one vehicle tended to, with a technician toiling away with the task of repairing or renovating an assigned vehicle. Outside, the carport had more automobiles parked up with numbers slipped onto dashboards.
 On the work floor, Uncle Lance was lending an extra pair of arms to the diagnostic work of a utility van, a lot more teched out than his usual forte of labor. However, a tech savvy guy was left to the task of breezing through the more specialized work of the Bluetooth incorporated hardware. This was not the issue it was brought in for, but double-checking the software was procedural. The undercarriage of the vehicle needed a total overhaul and realignment, a time-consuming task.
  Familiar barking rang through the garage.
“Gimmie a moment,” he grunted, to the operator in the passenger seat. He moved back from the open driver side of the van and cast his view across the open floor of the garage. There he was, a black and white streak trotting around supply carts, head held high like he carried an important purpose. In tow was Vivi, momentarily preoccupied by the phone in her hand, and some sort of satchel was draped over her shoulder.
 “A bit early, are yu?” he posed. Lance took the end of the rag pinned to his pro-wrestler belt and rubbed some of the grim off his fingers.
 “Work rooms locked,” Vivi replied. “Is he in today?”
 “Course.” Lance nodded toward the direction of his office. “Shouldn’t be too long, ‘e’s meetin’ with a ‘‘client’’.” He did air quotes.
 “Ooh,” Vivi groaned. They moved off the work field and relocated to the wall, beside where empty boxes from parts were stacked. “How do they keep finding him?”
 Uncle Lance shrugged. “People post them pics to ‘em nosey sites, and they git the info where’n he works. Ye’know, that societal medium thing.”
 “Social media?”
 Mystery yipped, frowning behind his spectacles. This was very tiresome, tedious, and tumdum.
 “Whatever ya call it. Nuisance, they are – dragging him off work.” Lance grumbled under his breath some phrase, which might’ve been a curse or a Curse. “Think they’re them first to come by, offerin’ this biggest, best deal. Arthur could git ah’lot done with them gadgets, but I understand his privacy is important.”
 Vivi set the satchel down on one of the boxes, and looked the way to the doors to Uncle Lance’s office. “It’s not so much the anonymity he wants, but the builds and designs… they’re not, how do I say? General public applicable.”
 “Applicable-micable,” Lance mumbled.
 “Even the housing for the collar to shoulder hookup is specialized.” Vivi leaned over and rubbed Mystery’s head. “Eventually, he might try for a patent, but the models… even the college is thirsting over the incorporation. Anyway, it’s his business.”
 Lance took a deep breath and sighed. “Yer right. Pisses me off still, need tu get a sign out there. Pisses me off, ‘ee’s too nice.”
 Vivi leaned up rummaged through the satchel, revealing bags with containers. She selected a small box and handed it over. “You seem more, um… gruff than usual. Everything okay?”
 Lance popped the lid and examined the small treat within. “We’re backlogged fer parts, work is comin’ through, and I got fancy suits in mah office tryin’ be clever. An’ I gotta get through the client list, before thay start callin’ me.” When Arthur strolled over, he raised up the little food box. An unspoken gesture fortifying break.
 “I can work some over time,” Arthur began. His arm was not attached. “An hour or something, just to get some of these vehicles prepped for the morning shift.” Lance whipped around to face him fully and squared up his shoulders.
 “Arthur. When five o’clock rolls around, the doors close and the shift winds down.” He waved the food box like a school teacher threatening their student with the ruler, and probably a firm algebra lesson. “No one, and no one ever built a better car while exhausted.”
 Arthur rolled his eyes, “But—”
 “I dun car with how enthused yu are, there’s a chasm in the ground to distinguish between work and recharge time. Your brains a battery, and batteries need recharge – or they get replaced. Aw’right?” Lance jabbed at Arthur’s chest, getting the point across the way Lance did when he was cross. “Down time is still werk, yu werk hard restin’. It’s important.”
 Arthur droned out, “Yus, Uncle Lance.”
 Vivi swooped in and threw an arm around Arthur’s shoulders. “And that’s why we’re gatherin’ at my place. Nothing but ‘no doing’ going on there. No cars, or parts, or pieces to tinker with.” Arthur nearly tumbled but Vivi kept him upright. “Complete bores-ville.”
 A thin smile tugged at Arthur’s cheeks. “Whatever you say.”
 Lance nodded, as if he won an argument – which he probably did. “Yu see to that.” He was about to move away, but leaned back toward the two. “Ah, and no work on the van, either.” Then, he took his leave.
 Arthur stuttered and quivered as his Uncle left. “But… the tools need to be reconditioned, or they might turn against it!” Vivi pulled him by the collar, hauling him off. On the way, she grabbed the satchel off the boxes.
 “You can still look at it. They did a fine job, you’ll never know it was crushed once they get the paint redone—”
 A distant roar bellowed out from the owner’s office, “WHAT?!”
 “Exaggeration!” Vivi hooted back. “C’mon Art, nourishment awaits!”
 Arthur hadn’t gotten his feet squared off or organized, he skipped on his heel as she dragged him across the work room. “Whoa, hold up! Vi! Mercy! Mercy!”
 The Mystery Skulls van sat at the back of Kingsman Mechanics, the location used primarily by delivery and staff parking. In the lead paced Mystery, with Vivi and the screaming Arthur trailing. Once Arthur spied the vehicle with its refurbished side, he magically regained his balance and began leading Vivi by her sweater. He had stars in his eyes, for once.
 “Oh wow, you can hardly tell it was crushed.” Arthur’s phone chimed, and when he stopped dragging the blue girl to fish the device from his vest pocket to check the screen. The message read:
 Arthur coughed and texted back.
 Beside the van, Vivi raised the hand holding the packages. “I dunno, it might be more seamless when we get the new paint done.” She posed beside the side, arms flung high. “I can’t wait to see the design.”
 Arthur cringed down, with a grin. He slipped the phone back into its pocket. “Yeah, can’t wait to show off the new colors. Hmm.” He looked aside.
 Off and away from the two, Mystery was sniffing around the parking lot. Once he gave the clear, he barked and rejoined his colleagues.
 “And look, we got windows in the back now.” Vivi escorted Arthur to the aforementioned updates, showing the windows. “Surprise!”
 Arthur gaped. “Oh, awesome. Now we can witness the angry mob chasing us out of town.”
 Vivi waved a finger. “Don’t forget, the creepy monsters we can’t deal with. Won’t that be fun?”
 “Ooh-dles.” The back doors swept open, and Arthur retreated back five steps.
 Lewis leaned out. “You guys are really loud.”
 Arthur shuffled over to the doors and examined the fitted panel. “One way?”
 “And reinforced,” Vivi chimed. She handed off the satchel to Lewis. “Is it okay?”
 Arthur shrugged. “I’m not opposed to it. Hey Lew.”
 Inside the van and along both walls laid long, flat boxes. The label read industrial shelving, and one was already opened. Metal bars and packing sheets littered the floor. On the end of one box, Lewis set out the food cartons from the package.
 “I’m gunna miss the cuvees,” Arthur mentioned. Vivi was busy wiping his hand off with a rag and some ninety-nine, even though he didn’t work on the floor since his meeting.
 “Yeah,” she hummed. “But we lost inventory, and stuff would get crammed in the back and forgotten. We never cleaned them.”
 He toed one of the boxes with his sneaker. “I’ll modify these, so nothing goes flying off while you’re driving.” Lewis had relocated to the front seat and snorted, a little flame curled off his shoulder. “Someone did bring in catering today. You didn’t have to come abduct me.”
 Vivi was already digging in, eating some chicken with sauce. “I wanted to show off the van. And we had to dump it off anyway, so you can load up supplies.” She pulled over the portable ice chest and popped the lid. “You gunna be able to do that on your own?”
 There was no sound, but Arthur did catch the faint movement of Lewis as he glanced over the bench seat. “Yeah, I’ll be good. I didn’t feel like wearing it today.” He leaned over and snagged a drink from the cooler, the ice was melting and the canister damp. “I was replacing a servo and Gally, bless his hamster instincts, decided to gnaw through the circuit board.”
 Vivi nearly choked. “He what?! Is he okay?” Mystery had curled up beside her, and raised his head, horrified. “He’s usually such a good helper.”
 “Yeah. I must’ve fucked up the current or something. He hates that.”
 Mystery rested his chin back onto his paws. Yeah, that sucks. Arthur made that mistake once before, and it turned Galahad into a round fluff.
 While they ate, Vivi pulled out a notepad and wrote out what equipment they could use tonight. Their meetup wasn’t directly off the work lane, there would be movies and not much else going on but ignoring the movies – or complaining how unrealistic the movies were. For the most part, she wanted to discuss more work centered stuff, and perhaps do something about the cluttered closet that held predominately junk stuff. She insisted on using the words ‘stuff’ and ‘things’ without remorse.
 There was likewise a separate list for movies they could stream or buy, or pirate.
 “You can put more down,” Arthur mentioned, as he tried to work through the veggies someone insisted he have. “Uncle’ll help me. He’ll be working late tonight.”
 “Lemme get this straight,” Lewis spoke, “he won’t let you work overtime, but he will.”
 “It’s his business. He can do whatever he wants,” Arthur retorted. “And people had better not start seeing your spooky shadow ‘round. We get enough problems with jackasses showing up trying to get copycrap over my spec designs, I don’t want Spectral Seekers showin’ up, harassing Uncle Lance for a crummy show.”
 Lewis leaned back over the bench seat. “I was bored, okay?”
 “Bored?!” Arthur spat. “Was that today, or when—”
 Mystery barked.
 “Art! It’ll be fine,” Vivi proclaimed. “That was one time, we figured it out. After this, we’re goin’ straight back to my place to set up. Cool?”
 Arthur made a face and deflated. He poked at his food and sipped his drink, but just a bit. He avoided raising his eyes or checking the front of the van. “Hmm. Yeah. We’ll just… the guys need to stay focused.”
 Lewis hunched down in his seat. “I wasn’t tryin’ to be a ‘presence’, it’s hard being all cooped up.”
 Arthur fixed his legs, readjusting them along with his hunched posture. “Sure. I get that.”
 Once everyone got settled, or stewing, Vivi relaxed and resumed poking at a salad. That wasn’t too bad, but she wondered if it was always like this, or when this all started. They were talking again, the progress was slow but any amount she appreciated. Then again, maybe it wasn’t them. Maybe it was… her.
 Before the break could be called a success, Vivi helped Arthur bring down one of the boxes packed with equipment and stowed it in the van. The spare bike was stashed in the van, and Lewis helped Vivi pull her eco-friendly, short distance transport out before he evaporated in a plume of flames. Likely, to attach himself to the flashlight stored in the side pocket of her backpack. She clicked on the light to confirm for Arthur, Lewis wasn’t hanging around.
 “Let me know if you’re running late or anything comes up,” she stated, while Arthur double checked that the van was secure and latched tight.
 “I’ll remember,” Arthur replied. They said farewells, and he returned to the garage of Kingsman Mechanics, with Mystery by his side.
 The remainder of Arthur’s shift whirred by in a steady momentum, cranking out the vehicles on his roaster. It was a little before closing when he scrawled out the end time of his last assignment, on the task chalkboard on the work floor wall. He might actually make it to Vivi’s before she began with the texting. It’d be fun to wait outside and just hang out, until the first one chimed off.
 Following one brief shower, Arthur got busy in his work room packing some fresh clothing for the next day. A separate bag sat reserved for parts, if he got around to the easier aspects to his arm and trying out the new cooling system – it was rather clunky and added weight – though, keeping the circuits at a controlled temperature kept rotors from overheating. A vent would be a nice benefit, but he needed a sealed compartment; a difficult feat in a multisegmented apparatus.
 While Arthur went around the work room browsing for items he needed, Mystery was satisfied with dozing on the couch. It was only when Arthur hauled out the travel cage for Galahad, that spurred interest from Mystery. Arthur went to the hamster terrarium and located his caramel colored companion in his nest.
 “Well get this stuff downstairs and get that flatcart,” Arthur explained.
 Mystery was already nosing the door to the room open. He glanced back at Arthur, ear twitching. You got that okay?
 “Lead the way.” He claimed the terrarium under his one arm and went with Mystery, to the ground floor.
 The lights around the corner blazed bright, but the sounds from the work floor approached subdued. By now it was well past five, and shutters barred out noises from the open road across from the carport. He hardly saw anyone as he went for a flat cart parked by supplies. Mystery hopped onto the panel and rode it, while Arthur guided it back to the corridor. Loading up his gear was a piece of cake, and he was making good time. He’d park the flatbed cart by the employee access and bring the van around, and leave the cart in parts for whoever needed it next.
 Only a last cluster of technicians remained in the garage, upon his departure. A few closing out some diagnostics or working with one of the trainees. Arthur exited through the back and locked the employee access. The last order of business was a quick text to Uncle, reminding him to lock the deadbolt.
 Score! No messages from Vivi, yet.
 It was almost a shock for Arthur when he arrived at the door to the apartment, and it opened to reveal Vivi. He shouldn’t really be surprised, why would someone not ‘living’ in her apartment answer the door. The fragrance of sugar and popcorn swept out.
 “Holy cakes, I was about to start texting,” she cheered. “Did Uncle Lance kick you out?”
 “Naw,” Arthur grinned. Mystery nudged the back of his legs. “Did you need any help setting up?” He and Vivi had to give space for Mystery, the dog shoved his way on through and went straight for the kitchen. “More important, do you ever feed him?”
 Vivi sighed. She was already gathering up Arthur’s bags. “He had a whole chicken today.”
 Arthur grabbed the terrarium and stood, the cage nestled under his arm. The Plexiglas box wasn’t heavy nor cumbersome, even so, he lingered at the threshold watching as Vivi retreated within. He glanced away and toed at the edge of the door jam. When he raised his gaze, Vivi was still there and quiet, a patient smile tugging the edge of her lips. She nodded toward the living room.
 His feet shuffled across the entry. Noises came from within, the sort you’d expect to curl forth from a kitchen. “A whole chicken? Wow. Isn’t that something.” The sounds didn’t pause or hush a bit, as he scooted through the corridor.
 Finally, he poked his head into the kitchen. “Are you doing spicey stuff?”
 As expected, Lewis was at the stove with a pot and spatula looking guilty. “No?”
 “I’m gunna start sneezing.”
 Lewis shrugged. “It’ll clear up your allergies.”
 “I don’t have allergies.”
 Vivi relocated to the living area to deposit Arthur’s gear, and swung back. She was dressed casually, not her typical skirt or sweater, but her clothing was certainly on the poofy side, and clearly comfy. “Are you gonna start arguing again?”
 “We’re not arguing,” Lewis defended, swinging the spatula.
 “This is a conversation,” Arthur affirmed. He went ahead and followed Vivi. He set Galahad’s terrarium under the end table in the corner of the room and popped the lid.
 “Whatever you call it, I’m not refereeing.”
 Lewis cackled. “Purge initiated.”
 Off center of Vivi’s living area, the other end table was situated with a television on top, with wires hooked from it to the laptop sitting on the floor. In the corridor to the bedroom, the closet door was open and some of the boxes within left on the floor. The door was pulled back fully, permitting Arthur to view some of the items left out of containment, wedged on the shelves within. He shuddered.
 A cacophony of popping erupted from within the kitchen, and Lewis swished around the large pot upon the burner. “Wanna get a movie going, and we can start looking through the stuff?” he proposed. “I did some homemade candy.”
 “Mmm!” Vivi hummed. “These gummies are really ugly, but they’re tasty.”
 “That’s what happens when you don’t use molds.” Lewis brought up a plate with wax paper, and little colorful globs topped. They were ugly as heck, Arthur noted. In a large bowl, Lewis poured out a whole kettle of corn from the pot he was using. The fluffy kernels were still glistening with melted sugar, steam shimmered across the lumpy peak.
 Likewise on the counter, there sat two fire extinguishers. Arthur supposed they could pack one or both in the van. He wondered if she bought both, or if one came with the apartment.
 “Arthur.” He shook his head and looked to Vivi. “Can you get a movie going? I gotta boot up my laptop.”
 The couch was already dressed with blankets and extra pillows. It kind of reminded him of the old times, like nothing changed. He took his seat beside the chair arm, near where he put Galahad’s travel cage. He took the ball of fluff from his little nest and set him up on the back of the couch. Mystery thundered onto the couch and gave the hamster a close look over.
 Opening credits ended for the introduction, and the movie began. Vivi planted herself beside Mystery, and Lewis was last to join with the bowl of popcorn and plate of gooies. Vivi took a handful of popcorn and started eating, along with one of those gooey treats from the plate now set on the back of the couch. Galahad was wheeling his way over, but Mystery lay his head in the way.
 “I was thinking,” she said, and swallowed. Lewis left the popcorn in her care and revisited the kitchen. “We’ll be off on another assignment, and doing whatever cases we want on the way. But we have all this stuff, and it’s kind of starting to pile up.”
 “Right,” Arthur muttered. “You could just dump it off on Duet.” He took the bowl she passed and tried the popcorn. It was good, salty and sweet. Lewis came back over and handed off some drinks to him and Vivi. “Uh, thanks.”
 “Don’t you think I tried?” Vivi licked her fingers and went to typing on the laptop. “We get duplicates and we got fake crap, some of it is legit. Yeah Lew?”
 He nodded. “Some of it gives me the heebie-jeebies. Don’t like that.”
 “I’ve been checking some blogs and people,” Vivi went on, tucking the unopened bottle beside her hip. “I have harmless crud, that’d make for good props for research. That stuff can go to whoever, but Duet doesn’t want duplicates or reproductions.”
 Arthur popped the cap to his beverage and took a sip. “I’ll leave that to you bunch then. I didn’t want much to do with it then, and not really much now.”
 “That’s cool,” Vivi assured, with a smile. “You had some heavy run-ins with some of this crap, and I don’t blame you.” She plopped the laptop onto Arthur’s lap and got off the couch.
 A timer went off, and Lewis made his way over to the kitchen. “Should be good to say farewell, though? Eh, Art?”
 “Yeah.” He reached over to the popcorn bowl and grabbed a kernel, which he delivered to the hamster sitting on Mystery’s head. “No goo junk,” he commanded. “We don’t want to give Mystery a haircut, ‘cuz of some gummy stuff.” Mystery delivered and expression of utter petrification.
 Then it hit Arthur, while Vivi was pulling out a plastic crate from within the closet. “Shit. I forgot the equipment.”
 “Que s’eso?”
 “The equipment.” Arthur took the plate of small, browned marshmallow meringues Lewis handed over. “Um, I was supposed to finalize it. Make sure I’ve got it all stabilized and tuned.” He and Lewis held a painfully long stare. “I wasn’t planning on testing that crap on you. Though, it’d certify if my handywork was thorough.”
 Vivi set the crate down on the floor and browsed through a few clay figures, among them bundled tissue paper and bubble wrap. “That’s fine, we’ll get to that another day.”
 Arthur sucked in some air beside his teeth. “Meh. It was my thing to do, while you guys did yours. Fuck.” He sat a moment, debating if there was something else he could do if he wasn’t preoccupied with his go to task. There was the tinkering work on his arm, but he recalled some of the tools for that was left in the boxes he meant to pack. Aside from eating, which he now was not in the mood for, he didn’t have much else to do but watch bad movies.
 “It’s not late, I can swing over and grab ‘em.”
 “Or you could just let it go, and have a weekend to relax,” Vivi indicated. She leaned on the couch beside his legs. “I wasn’t serious with getting a head start on this, so that stuff can wait. Right?”
 Lewis took the plate of gummies off the couch back, before Galahad could crawl into them. “Is this gunna be a bother for you all evening?”
 Arthur sighed. “Yeah. Threw off my groove and everything.” He pouted. “It won’t take any time at all. Zoom over and back. It’s not a lot to gather up either, I don’t wanna put it off though.”
 Vivi stood up. “Fine. I’m not like, your other boss or anything.” She tried the meringue thing. “Are these burnt?”
 “They fucking are,” Lewis rasped.
 “But they’re good anyway. I love burnt marshmallows.”
 “Not helping.” Lewis pointed down at Arthur. “I’m going with.”
 “Why?” both Arthur and Vivi exclaimed. Mystery woofed. Lewis looked from Vivi to Arthur.
 “To… help? Is there… a reason why I shouldn’t?”
 Vivi stuttered, “No – not… it’s up to Arthur.”
 All up to him. Yay. Arthur set the laptop aside and got off the couch. “Sure, fine, it’s cool. Let’s go so we can get back.” He went to the entry way, twirling intermittently through his strides to call, “Keep an eye on Gally, huh? I want him eating normal hamster things.” Lewis nearly ran into him on their way down the corridor.
 They were already headed out the door, when Vivi answered, “He’ll be good— Gally! Mystery! Not the gummies! No!”
 By all appearances, the garage was vacant of life and sat with impenetrable silence, scarcely an aura of habitation. Vehicles huddled abandoned, the tools cold and still at long last following a brutal and arduous workday. Upon one soldering table stood a partially drained Styrofoam cup, a stray draft teased a greasy rag hung over the handlebar of a flat cart. Light flickered over the listless machinery, in the deepest reaches of the shop strange shadows carved burrows into deserted spaces. Aside from those minute scraps of animation, nothing stirred within Kingsman Mechanics. However, appearances are deceitful.
 The small access doorway for shipments betrayed the established stillness. The knob twisted one way slowly, then the other gradually, a faint tick-tick twittered from the key chamber. Tick-tick… tick! The dead bolt swept sideways with genuine dedication, and the latch barked loose.
 A brief reprieve followed, insisting that nothing was amiss and all was complacent, ordinary, and drab. Then, the faithful metal panel eased an inch, enough to allow a swollen lump to squeeze through. The squishy bulb observed the blanket of unremarkable matter. Off from the doorway, the blocky stacks of supplies and barren pallets, a tarp and some other obscure items, industrial shelving and other blocky shapes.
 Through the doorway extended a small cylinder, and with a click the glaring slate of light glittered through the interior room, skewering the gloom and incriminating the present occupants. Hubcaps, a flatbed cart, opened boxes and packing materials strewn on the floor. Cold metal sleeping in the dark, oblivious boxes, and not a conscious soul in sight.
 The vague shape eased through the slither of doorway and let the panel whisper shut at their back. Once within fully, they doused the light and let their eyes adjust to the swollen murk. With practiced grace they moved from delivery, and inched onto the work floor. Some dull glow did enter through the front windows of Kingsman Mechanics, illuminating the barest of outlines upon workstations and patient vehicles. They moved through the garage meticulously, pausing only to listen and grasp their environment through hearing, and their intuition. It hadn’t failed them yet.
 Parts and easily mobile machinery were everywhere, some adding up into the thousands if packed carefully into the duffle bag slung over their arm. None of it had substantial value, only a temporary check to drop in the bucket. They followed the wall, clicking on the flashlight and capping the front to stifle the blast of light. There was no rush, if they couldn’t find it tonight, there was always next week. It would mean stake out and observe for changes, but a task amended without issue or too much delay. Better safe than sorry. Maybe the gear wasn’t here at all, and this was a waste of time. They wouldn’t know until a thorough search was launched. But all night lay ahead.
4 notes · View notes
thorne93 · 5 years
Inside the Criminal Mind (Part 2)
Prompt: You’re married to Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU, and are a distinguished doctor yourself on the team. You’re sent down to Miami, Florida for teaching and as a side request from the FBI, to investigate a string of missing persons. When you think you’ve figured out who the unsub is, your life becomes more complicated than you ever could’ve imagined.
Word Count: 
Warnings: (throughout the fic -->) death, blood, gore, killings, language, disturbing mental notions, mentions of rapes/murder/etc (You know, Dexter and Criminal Minds related business)
Notes: Thank you so much to @arrow-guy, @carryonmyswansong, and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo - without each of you, I couldn’t have finished, written, or properly navigated this story. Each of you helped me fish out details that were incredibly important to me. Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo... Aesthetic by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo
This is a crossover of Criminal Minds x Dexter. First time writing Dexter.
Also, the timeline is after Season 1 of Dexter, but during season 14-ish of Criminal minds into Season 15. Enjoy!!!
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“So, I got a job offer,” you started as you picked at your meatloaf.
“A job offer?” Spence questioned from across the table. “I had no idea you were even looking. What about the BAU? What about being together? You and I agreed this was the only way to ensure the other person is safe--”
You held up a hand to stop his onslaught. “I’m not leaving the BAU, and I wasn’t looking for a job. This just sort of fell into my lap.” 
“Is this what Emily wanted to talk about today?”
You nodded. “Yeah. It’s a teaching position.”
“Teaching? I never knew you were interested in that.”
You shook your head. “I’m not. Well. I wasn’t.” 
Spencer and you had been married for eight years. You fell in love quickly when you came to work for the BAU. When you met him, it was like stars shone for the first time in a dark sky for you. He was unlike any man you’d ever met, thankfully. He was kind, sweet, intelligent, and slightly awkward. Almost as if he was made for you. When the two of you met, it was a meeting of the minds. He saw you as his equal, and he was yours. You might not have the IQ of a genius, or read as quickly, but you deduced things faster than anyone else on the team. At first, you were worried he wouldn’t be impressed by you or see you as a peer, seeing as he’s a genius. But that fear quickly fell to the wayside when you realized you had quite a lot in common, especially books and chess. You two bonded over Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as the nerdier side of things such as Star Wars and Star Trek. 
Even though you were the greatest of friends, spending all your time together, it still surprised you when he asked you out to dinner. Apparently to everyone else on the team, it wasn’t a surprise, as Spence had confided his feelings long ago to them and they encouraged him to ask you out. 
After a year of dating, he asked you to marry him. There wasn’t one thing you didn’t love about this man. He was everything you could ever ask for in a husband and more. You two had shared your ups and downs. Dealing with his mother, him going to prison falsely, you working on a book, somewhat like Rossi. It’s all been a lot of strain for a marriage that was just beginning. But each day, you wake up looking at him with more love than before. 
“So what is it, exactly?”
“University of Miami. They’re opening a new course and want me to teach in the Spring.” 
“And you think you might want to do this?”
You shrugged slightly. “I think… I think I’d like a break from the BAU.”
He frowned at you, concern coloring his face. “Is this because of the trial?”
“Ten, Spence,” you reminded in a calm, sad voice. “Ten cases that we solved, that we arrested the bastard and for what? So some hotshot defense attorney could get them off? To paint them sympathetically? To put that seed of doubt in the jury’s head. These are ten people who have just… just walked! They’re out on the streets. I know we like to live in this world where once we capture the bad guy it’s over but the reality is these people aren’t serving time. Justice isn’t being done. After today I just… I need a break from it all. Maybe teaching some people will help remind me why I wanted to do this in the first place.” 
“We do this because even if they don’t get sentenced they’re off the streets and less people are in danger for the time they’re jailed.”
“And what about after they get off? Hmm? What then? They just learn to be craftier, sneaker, erase their trail? Do they go overseas to torment other countries? A few months isn’t good enough, Spence. Not any more. Alan Rochester is out, hell he could be hunting us down for all we know.”
He said nothing. He knew it was true. Both of you knew the dangers you lived in from the possibility of criminals getting out to hunt you or the others on the team down. 
“I know it’s scary. I know it’s tough but just… leaving the BAU to do this…” 
“I’m not leaving, Spence. It’ll be temporary. It’s a needed break.”
“But it’s a break from me, from us. I won’t see you for almost six months.”
“I know that. We can meet on spring break though and I can fly up at least once a month to come see you on the weekends… we can video chat…. I just really think I need this sort of mental break from catching bad guys that might end up being for nothing.” 
“Are you sure this is really what you want? If it is, I’ll support if. Or we could go away on vacation, perhaps?”
You shook your head. “I’m not sure a two week vacation would be long enough, and with our luck we’d be called back after three days.”
A look of powerlessness fell over his face as he slumped slightly in his chair. “I’m just going to miss you, that’s all. We’ve never been without each other. Even before we dated, we always stayed in the same hotel room and now… now you want to leave for five months to a different job in a different state.”
“It’s not like that, sweetie. I just need the break. You teach here. I’d like to give it a go and see if it’ll help me regain some sanity.” 
He bobbed his head, understanding. “I get it. Alright. If you think it’ll help, I’m all for it.”
“Thank you.” 
Over the course of the next month, Spencer helped you devise a school plan, a curriculum to which you could go by. You told him everything you wanted to cover, and a book you thought the students might enjoy. You tried to remember professors from college and the way they taught so that you could incorporate that into your lectures. This was daunting to say the least. 
On your last day at the office, everyone was in tears. 
“I can’t believe you’re leaving,” Garcia stated as she walked over to you as soon as you and Spence showed up. 
“It’s not forever,” you reminded with a slight laugh. “Nothing to cry over.” 
“What do you mean nothing to cry over? You’re going to be gone and Lord knows how well Reid here is going to take it.” 
You chuckled. “Spencer will be fine in my absence. So will you. All of you will.” 
“But you crack about half of our cases. Without you…”
“I’m still available for calls during certain parts of the day and all hours of the night. Emily knows this.” 
“Yeah but--”
“But nothing, Garcia. This is okay.” 
She peered at you unsure, but then she nodded, walking into the office with you and Spence. 
“Hey, you ready for this?” Tara asked as she stepped forward, putting her hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m pretty excited to be honest.” 
“That’s good. We’re going to miss you though.” 
“I know. I’ll miss all of you. I’ll be back over spring break and I’ll try to fly up on the weekends,” you informed Tara, Luke, and Matt. 
“You better, or we’ll come kidnap you,” Luke joked, slightly punching your arm, making you laugh. 
“Is that our new professor?” Rossi asked from behind you.
You grinned, blushing slightly before turning. 
“You’re gonna knock ‘em dead, kid, I know it,” he assured as he walked up. “And we all pitched in to get you this,” he stated as he handed you a wrapped gift. 
A grin popped onto your face as you took it. “What is this?”
“Open it up and find out,” Rossi encouraged with a coy grin making you chuckle lightly. 
You tore into the paper, opening the box, to discover a clear glass apple inside with the words “To your first day of class, Professor Reid,” etched on it.
Tears sprang to your eyes as you laughed. “This is great. Really great. Thank you!”
Before you could get too cozy or caught up in goodbyes, Emily called you all in the conference room for a case. The team had to start a local case, and you helped out all day while you could, but then you had to get home to finish up packing, and get sleep for your early flight. 
You had packed three big suitcases full of the essentials, you would spend the first week down in Miami in a hotel, looking for an apartment in the meantime. Once you found an apartment, Spence agreed to send down the boxes of clothes that you had already put together. 
On your way out of the door though at the office, an agent stopped you, one you had seen a handful of times before. “Dr. Reid?” he addressed, looking at you. 
“Could you come with me?” 
You peered at Spence with a curious look before nodding. “Sure. Can my husband come?”
“I believe so.” He took off and you two began walking beside him. “Don’t worry, you aren’t in trouble. The director merely wants to see you before you leave for Florida.”
You nodded, keeping with his pace. He led you two to the director’s office, and opened the door for you, announcing your arrival. The two of you stepped over the threshold and the agent closed the door behind him, leaving only you, Spence, and the director.
“Ah, Dr. Reid, I’m so glad we caught you before you left,” she stated, smiling at you. 
“Is everything alright?” you questioned, slightly worried.
“Oh, of course, of course. I brought you in because I hear you will be working down in the University of Miami?” 
“Well, we have a case I’d like you to look at while you’re down there. Several, actually.” 
She lifted a box off the floor and put it on top of her desk, lifting the lid off of it, exposing a full box of files. 
“These are missing persons that have been going on for a few years.”
You picked up the top file and flipped through it. “Cold cases?”
“Yes, for the most part. Most of them have been in jail, prison, or suspected of illegal activity, never to be seen or heard from again.” 
“Not typical related crimes, such as a gang offing or…?”
“I want to believe that, but this is a high rate of missing people in these sort of circles compared to other cities in Florida.” 
“So why don’t you have the Florida division investigate?” you wondered, peering up at her. 
“We did. They didn’t have much of a lead or much to go on.” 
“What makes you think I will?” 
“You’re the brightest agent we have. You’ll be in the terrain. While you’re down there, we would appreciate it if you worked this case on the side. You have full range to question people. This is a real investigation, it’s not under the radar. Feel free to use whatever resources you need.”
“This… this is a lot to take on,” you commented. “I mean, by myself, that’s just... “
“I’m sure you can do it. If you need to consult your current team, feel free to do so.”
You slowly nodded. “Alright. Thank you. I’ll do my best.” 
She smiled a dazzling grin at you and shook your hand. “Thank you, thank you very much. Check back in by the end of the month, if you don’t mind.”
“I will.”
“Thanks. Have a safe trip.”
“Thank you, I’ll try.”
With that, you grabbed the box and left her office, your husband beside you. 
“So now you’re doing a case, several, all by yourself,” Spence noted. 
You let out a huff. “I guess so.” 
“This is going to be a lot. Teaching, grading, doing this case.”
You nodded. “I know, but I can handle it.” 
He grinned at you and kissed your forehead. “I know you can. I just… I’m just worried. This was supposed to be a break and now--”
“Spence, it’ll be fine. This sort of case won’t piss me off. There’s no one who is going to ‘get away’.” 
With a nod, you two exited the elevators and went home. 
Forever Tag:
Spencer Reid
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thebeauregardbros · 4 years
LFRP: Alus Beauregard | Crystal Server
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THE BASICS ––– –– –
Occupation: Free Paladin | Field Medic | Café Proprietor
Hobbies: Fashion | Tea Brewing | Pastry Creation | Jewelry Making | Reading Faerie Tales
Race: Miqo’te (Sunseeker Descent)
Sexuality/Romance: Asexual / Panromantic
Relationship Status: Single; never married
Languages: Eorzean | Common. Understands all languages; possesses The Echo.
Alignment: Neutral Good
PERSONAL ––– –– –
Alias: “Alice” (💢)
Residence: The Goblet, Ward 8 : Sultana’s Breath Apartments; Wing 1; Apartment #21
Place of Work: Café Nobilitea: Lavender Beds Ward 20, Lot #8 | Anywhere his Eorzean Grand Company sends him.
Birthplace: ??? (Grew up in Eorzea; particularly in the Thanalan area)
Fears: Slugs | Failing to keep his comrades safe | Failing to save his enemies from themselves
Height: “Tall for a miqo’te” (5′8″/173cm)
Build: Barrel-chested, muscular; untoned muscles | Long legs, wide shoulders, slender hips.
Age: Unknown; nameday 20 yrs ago. Approximately 23 summers old.
Gender: Male
Skin tone: Tan; Gold Undertone
Eye color: Heterochromia; Deep Fuschia (Right) | Golden Yellow (Left)
Hair color: Golden Blonde
Body Mods: Pierced ears.
Distinguishing Marks: [SPOILER] Large amounts of large-scale bruises and scars all over his body. They are almost always covered up with his clothing. There are no visible scars on his face, neck, or hands.
Common Accessories: Large amounts of gold jewelry; Excessive rings, bracelets, pocket watch chains, earrings, tiaras, circlets, crowns | Large amounts of fresh and/or fake flowers; On his lapel, coming out of his pockets, warn as a flower crown, tucked in his hair, tucked amongst the buttons on his outfits, etc.
Walk: Excellent posture; he carries his upper body with strength, while his legs nearly cross in his stride like an elegant female runway model.
Voice: His voice is often strong, clear, deep, and commanding, with the slightest hinge of huskiness. While off-guard, however, his voice cracks into a higher pitched and goofier voice. His quiet tones are very soft and sweet, like a warm fuzzy blanket wrapping you up in it on a cold winter’s night. (Voiceclaim/reference: Johnny Yong Bosch, particularly his roles as Vash from Trigun and Zero from Marvel vs. Capcom.)
Tics or Mannerisms: His speech consists of a shakepearian inspired word usage with a consistent disuse of contractions, similar to Urianger. | He tends to step-dance or become especially physically clumsy while nervous in social situations. | He will elegantly dodge all physical contact, even minor, unless he is comfortable enough with you to make the first contact.
Smell: Gardenia (Jasmine) / Cuttlebone dust
Posture: Constantly straight and erect; shoulders rolled back, chest out. Never looks truly relaxed, even while sitting. A model of good posture.
Disabilities: [SPOILER] Surface numbness on his scar tissue. Mild numbness in his left-hand fingertips.
Romantic Partner: (None.)
Parents: Gwenneg Beauregard (Adoptive) (Deceased)
Siblings: Arc Beauregard (Twin Brother) (Alive)
Children: (None.)
Extended Family: (Unknown.)
Pets: Various unnamed wild songbirds and a fledgling Dodo that followed him home. He keeps feeding them, so they keep coming back, but he does not claim ownership of any of them. | He has also developed a relationship with a wild white horse he’s named Marion who consistently comes to his call. | His military-issued chocobo is named Erminia.
Other: Alus considers everyone he meets to be a friend.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Addictive / In Between / Nonaddictive
RP HOOKS ––– –– –
Café Nobilitea: Alus is the proprietor of a western-style teahouse with a distinct theme for elegance, royalty, and other-worldliness - His café is bright, full of flowers, and always playing soft kind-hearted piano music; the type of place a person could become lost in whence they’ve become tired of the grueling and dark outer world; a real heaven and haven. He often spends his free time there and enjoys sitting with his customers to get to know them.
Grand Company Militia: Alus is a very active member with the Eorzean grand companies in fighting against the Garlean empire and any other threats to the peace there might be upon the world. It’s very possible your character might have teamed up with him at some point in active duty.
The Prince on a White Horse: Alus patrols random fields often in order to keep the peace. Your character or someone your character knows might have been saved by the mysterious ‘Prince on a white horse’ while being attacked by bandits or beastmen, who oft leaves without giving his name.
A Fellow Warrior Of Light: Alus has helped out the Scions of the Seventh Dawn on occasion due to his status as a Warrior of Light; one of many.
LOOKING FOR ––– –– –
Long-Term ANYTHING!: Friendships, rivalries, casual familiarities, romances, anything. Alus has lived a long life without any PC RP interactions, and I feel his writing suffers for it. I want someone who will be there for the long run and get to know him. I want stories to develop. I want Alus to grow because of other people.
Open-minded villains!: Alus has the patience of a saint and will befriend the nastiest of criminals no matter what. Alus will stop them from directly committing serious crimes he may be there to witness (murder, kidnapping, robbery, etc.), but will ultimately be very forgiving and calm when dealing with these topics. He wants to genuinely make a connection with people he doesn’t understand and strives his best to soften anybody’s heart, no matter how hard. His ultimate goal is to change their ways for the better through patience and understanding.
Platonic flirts!: Alus has a lot of love to give and happy to give it to nearly everyone and anyone. He throws around the words ‘I love you’ quite easily, and if he is especially crushing on someone, he will hold their hands and hug them openly despite his normal dislike of physical touch. He is most happy when he has a large circle of queerplatonic relationships, but will be absolutely exclusive to their ‘steady’ when he has made that romantic commitment.
Distant family members!: Alus knows very little of the Beauregards; his adoptive father and surnamesake did not speak of them much. Alus is fascinated with Elezen culture and considers himself one of them. He would be incredibly happy to find anyone with the same last name who would welcome him to his adopted ancestor’s information.
ADVENTURE!: Once in awhile, let’s RP somewhere other than a unmoving place. Let’s RP in a dungeon. Let’s RP while doing gold saucer chores. Let’s RP while talking to random minor NPCs. Let’s RP while doing something other than just sitting! It can help a lot with improvisation and keep the creative juices flowing.
ABOUT THE MUN ––– –– –
Who I am: Hey, my name’s Will. I’m a 24 y/o prep cook living in Alaska. My family’s straight-up wiccan, I got 3 black cats, I love super flashy ridiculous fashion, 1980s comedies, and my favorite game’s Bayonetta. I’m a queer Aquarius with mild ADHD. Buddhism and pacifism are super important to me. I love the McElroys?? and uh. I yell in caps a lot. i WILL make you a playlist of music if you ask for recommendations, don’t fuckin tempt me. I’m a casual goofus fuck. here’s my ‘me’ tag on my personal,
Server: Balmung, Crystal Data Center
Time Zone: Alaska (GMT-8)
Availability: 11AM-2AM (subject to change)
Writing Style: Rapidfire! 95WPM. I like to RP just like I type normally - as thoughts pop up, I type ‘em, just like if I was talking. I’m not a big fan of waiting for turns; I have an anxiety disorder and that particularly makes me extremely anxious! However, I am happy to do short paragraph RP with you if we’ve been RPing long enough. Huge paragraph RP is 100% OK on Discord!
Platforms: In-game(preferred) or Discord.
Restrictions ––– –– –
No Permadeath! I really do not want to RP with anyone who intends to eventually kill off their character, either. This is a legitimate trigger for me.
RP Fighting...? I’ve never done this before. I’m not a fan of physical injury so it’s unlikely I would want to, either. But if the situation really calls for it, I’m open to learning. I will not allow you to permanently disfigure or disable my character - temporary injury is alright, but please talk to me about it first.
Mature Themes...? This is okay for me. Swearing, murder, prostitution, drugs.. I’m an adult! I don’t mind these themes being mentioned or being used as a backdrop to a prompt. Alus isn’t a fan of these things though! So just keep that in mind.
Sexual Assault...? For the most part, NO. However, a forceful kiss? An inappropriate touching that stops as soon as my character says no? Maybe. Ask me beforehand and be clear about what you’re thinking, no surprises.
More Info ––– –– –
Click here for Alus’ RP blog and all the memes and asks I’ve written for him!
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@ffxiv-crystal-rp @crystalxivrp @mooglemeet​
39 notes · View notes
Intertwined - [Chapter One]
Kanene’s note:
What? I didn’t finished the fanfic Cats, Coffee, an Old Apartament and... Oh, yeah, the Apocalypse?
Well... It wouldn’t be a shame if I just...
Ya know...
Write another Long Fanfic for this AU?
Hahaha. What a crazy idea.
... Unless...
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* That is a fanfic directly connected with this chapter and therefore this AU, which will be called Until The End (maybe provisonally, I’m horrible with names xD).
* This characters do not belongs to me. They all belongs to the amazing Thomas Sanders in his series of Sanders Sides.
* Warning for Anxiety Attacks and Implied Past Abuse!
* Something around 1500 words. -w-)b.
* I didn’t proof read it yet, so I am sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any advice is very very welcome!
* Hug a Patton today. ^w^)/
* Remy is pretty sleep here, so this chapter can be a little crazy.
* Eu vou postar em português, é serio! Sdfgyhujikjuhykjh! Thankys for reading, my lollipops! Stay calm, take a time to yourself, remember to eat today, hug a hoodie (and a Patton! :D), drink water and sleep well! Byeioo!~
Chapter 01 - Am I the only one sleeping here?!
Patton woke up with an unbearable boisterous cacophony of something shattering in the middle of the night. The loud noise cut immediately all his barriers fogged by his sleep, getting into his dreams and without a second of hesitation brutally tearing him from the said. He literally woke up jumping from the comfort of his bed, wobbly legs trying to support him, heart in tachycardia and all the memories he would rather wish they were completely erased from his mind emerging again to the surface. Part of his blanket still covering him and quickly his fingers tightly squeezed it, his knuckles lightly painting themselves in pale due the strength applied in such act. His throat slightly relaxing as he recognized the fabric and softness, which surrounded him, completely different from the cold, metallic bars, were those memories were created. His eyes finally stopped running around in a desperate search for danger to focus in the fabric, the bed and, finally, the room where he was.
 His room.
 His bed. 
 He was good. He was back to his own room.
 A panicked thought took over his brain, as remembering the sound that pulled him from his sleep. 
 “They found me.”
Before he even noticed it his legs dazed and transported him to inside his closet, allowing the comforting and real touch of his clothes to embrace him as he moved and sat in the further, darkest corner of the place, the fabrics covering him up without suffocating and being the only tactile solace he had, the only thing he owned that pulled and locked his mind in the reality when the seas of faces and words passed as thunder and lighting before his pupils: The smiles which one day brought a warm feeling in his chest but now only delivered fervent tears in the corner of his eyes. Tears. Tears and shivers frosty, uncomfortable, and bad memories running, spilling, unrolling towards him and his eyes even if these were closed with all his might.
 Fast, too fast. Everything was too much fast.
 “You can be in our group. Together we are stronger.”
 Gasping breathing, fast. Too much. Fast. If it was so fast, why do he still feeling like he needed more air?
 “Sure! You will be a great importance!”
 Strange, quick heartbeats. Even quicker. That was dangerous. Too much dangerous. It felt like it would break everything around him, it seemed like it would cut his chest.
 “What did you saw?? You KNEW it was forbidden to get out of your room after this hour!!”
 “It’s alright, Pat. It’s just me, remember?”
 Speedy memories. Incomplete flashes. Voices, sounds, cold, betrayed, warm, no, fast. Spinning spinning spinning and weighting and absorbing and spinning and-
 And he opened his eyes. He saw just clothes. Nothing more. No one, anymore. Just him and his clothes.  
 “I told you that you would be essential, didn’t I? So why are you look at me like that? You wanted to help us, didn’t you?”
 “He is better quiet, anyway. Take him.”
 Patton focused in concentrate in his senses, the breathing still fragile as he shrinks further, hugging his legs and dancing his gaze through the vestments that surrounded him. He was fine. He managed to escape. Everything was fine. His tremble fingers squeezed the sleeve of a warm and soft sky-blue hoodie, holding tightly while his other hand rested on his chest, towards his beating heart. He was alive. He was here, alive.
 “T-t-this…” His tune was a weak whisper, as if he shared a secret, however this didn’t mattered. What mattered was that his voice was real. Sounded real. This hoodie was real, was good. Not one of them spun or weighted. It was good. “I-it was a birthd-day from my aunt. I-it was... a small pa-party in my… my yard. Sunny.”  He tried to remember the great feeling of the rays of Sun in his skin, pushing the other memories. “S-she knew m-my favorite co-color and-” His breathing mismatched one more time, stealing all his air and words. His grip tightened more, the man remembering to take deep sips of oxygen. Even if wobbly, it didn’t mattered. It has to be big, continuous sips. “S-she gave it to-to me. S-s-she taught me… se-sewing. I made a… a little heart. Towards my, my chest. Rainbow. A colored heart l-like a rain...bow…”
 He adjusted his sitting position just the enough amount to his arms, now tired since the adrenaline from the scare started to get out from his system and buzzing of his ears faded little by little, the memories just being a background sound. He yanked the hoodie from the hanger, reminding himself to keep his deep breaths, to wear it. The lavender aroma surrounded him completely, the comfy warm being very welcome as the one wearing glasses hugged himself again, his muscles relaxing at the same time when his index finger followed the perimeter from the small colored heart - a heart colored as a rainbow, his mind recalled, redirecting his focus. - resting on his chest, counting while outlined it again and again and again and a little more, until he felt his heartbeats stilled.
 Patton wiped some tears on his cheeks. It wasn’t the discreet vestment he owned, albeit it was soft and too much good to make him even consider in change it. He opened his closet’s door, immediately going to the wardrobe nearly and taking some supplies from the said, putting in his bag, which lazly laid next to his bed. 
 He would need to get out before That Thing arrived.
 He got some medicine, food and some things to pastime, since he would only be able to come back to his apartment after at least four days. Probably Them would disappear after They got tired and realized that there weren’t any human in the building.
 Patton recalled the sound and a shiver spread across his body, making him stop in the middle of his action. 
 Was there really no one else in the building?
 He bit his lower lip while crouched, going to the window’s apron and looking the most cautiously as possible from the same. There was something on the ground in midst of the street, a kind of misshapen object (or a group of it??) that was even more difficult to distinguish with the night darkness.
 It was, was… a wood pile? And right next to it...
 “NEIGHBOR??!” Patton almost shouted, quickly clapping his mouth with both hands, as if the resident who always walked in the hallways wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket and exhaled an aroma of coffee could hear him from the fifth floor. Patton never really talked to the man, but he always seemed someone strong and who definitely wouldn’t let himself be shaken by life. His smile was beautiful. Probably he was a good person. One day the cat lover saw him- Wait a hot minute, he was throwing flowers on the pile?
 The one wearing hoodie shook his head. He couldn’t lose himself in his thoughts right now. The sudden sound likelihood would attract The Things, therefore he would need to get out the quickest his legs and bouncing (He really wasn’t the last human in the city!) heart allowed him. Roger (That was his name, right?) was already aware of this and was in his way out and Patton didn’t wanted to get too much behind.
 Not that he would show himself to the other adult or something like that! A taste strangely bitter hit his tongue. Something in life shows you that, sometimes, is better for you to move forward, alone.
 He closed his eyes for some heartbeats, letting the new information weight in his brain.
 He carried his bag and locked his and the building's door, in case any other survivor looking for supplies or a place for night tried to get in without knowing it was a risk area. Just for further precaution Patton decided to write the day, month and current time right at the case, just to make sure that, when he came back, he (or anyone else. Maybe Roguer?) would be able to remember if enough time had passed for Them to disappear or not.
 He yawed, feeling a bit tired as his arms embraced himself in a hug to enjoy the maximum of his hoodie’s softness, his gaze wandering at the sky, from which began to emerge the first rays of sunshine. Something in his spirit warmed for knowing he wasn’t alone anymore, even if they don’t talk, that was a good sign, right?
 Yes… A ray of hope filled his heart and for a moment all the tiredness for his sudden wake up call was forgotten. A humming flied from his lips in back flips as he followed up the street. Maybe he could use the opportunity to refuel his supplies! Who know, perhaps he would even be able to find some seeds and fertilizer in his way?
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sgmwesters · 3 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › michael b jordan. cis male. he/him. . ╯ have you met benjamin morgan yet ? this thirty five year old sagittarius has been living in the seattle area for three days. he makes a living as an otolaryngology (ent) attending, which is best suited for their protective, empathetic, conflicted, and irrational personality. take me to church by hozier is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 25, gmt, she/her, no triggers
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
full name: benjamin joseph morgan.
nickname(s): ben, bj in college.
age: thirty four (34).
date of birth: 26 november 1985, sagittarius.
hometown: manhattan, new york.
current location: seattle, washington.
ethnicity: african-american..
nationality: american citizen.
gender: cis male.
pronouns: he/him.
orientation: ??? idek why i even include this at this point???
religion: atheist.
political affiliation: democrat.
occupation: otolaryngology (ent) attending.
living arrangements: lives alone.
language(s) spoken: english, german.
accent: none.
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
face claim: michael b. jordan.
hair color: black.
eye color: brown.
height: 6 ft 1.
weight: 188lbs.
build: athletic.
tattoos: none.
piercings: none.
clothing style: scrubs, smart casual otherwise.
usual expression: fairly stern, but he’s a softy deeeeeeep down.
distinguishing characteristics: dimples.
physical ailments: torn rotator cuff in high school has left his shoulder somewhat fucked.
neurological conditions: none.
allergies: bee and wasp stings.
sleeping habits: fairly good sleep hygiene, sleeps well provided nothing is bothering him (maddie).
eating habits: usually fairly healthy, likes to look after himself.
exercise habits: as above, likes to look after himself.
emotional stability: sits happily at a seven, but has been known to dip in times of stress or emotional turmoil.
sociability: very sociable, likes to be around people.
body temperature: warm.
addictions: none.
drug use: none and is very against its use.
alcohol use: enjoys a drink, but doesn’t need it.
positive traits: protective, empathetic
negative traits: conflicted, irrational
fears: not being able to keep maddie safe and healthy.
weather: is indifferent about the weather.
colour: navy.
music: something with a heavy beat.
movies: the godfather.
sport: boxing.
beverage: fruit smoothie, bourbon.
food: hot dogs.
animal: anything small, soft, and fluffy.
benjamin was born as the only child to regina and david morgan, a museum curator and ceo respectively in manhattan.
benjamin was raised in close proximity to his cousin madeleine spencer, to the extent where benjamin considers maddie to be more like a sibling to him than a cousin. this came from both of their parents busy schedules and similar lifestyles which led him to be brought up in this manner.
benjamin would like to think that his parents were happily married, but it was only as he got older that he realised the family set up that he had grown up with as a child wasn’t the same as everyone else’s. nevertheless, he figured that it worked for them as it was, and he still considers himself to have had a good childhood.
spending as much time in the spencer household as he did, benjamin sparked a genuine interest in medicine, looking up to his uncle, madeleine’s father, as a role model and idol for his future career in medicine.
benjamin was athletic in school, actively taking part in boxing and baseball. he hoped from early on in high school that he would be able to get into a good school on a baseball scholarship so he wouldn’t need to focus as hard on his studies, but a torn rotator cuff in his sophomore year quickly killed that dream, and he came to the quick conclusion that he had to get his head in the books.
as much as he would hate to admit it, he knew that his parents pulled a few strings when it came to his offers for college, but the decision ultimately came down to him. during this time he had watched madeleine begin to spiral out of control, the concern for his cousin and arguably best friend only growing with each day that passed.
it was during this time that benjamin turned down the offer from harvard that his father had swindled for him, choosing instead to stay closer to the city in order to be nearby while madeleine got the help she had promised her parents she would get.
he was thankful for this decision as the realisation that she hadn’t been getting help came about following amelia shepherd’s overdose. while madeleine was in rehab, benjamin made a point of visiting her as much as he could, skipping classes if he needed to to make sure that she felt supported. she was basically his kid sister after all.
as madeleine got clean, benjamin took the mcats, scoring high enough to be accepted into john’s hopkins off his own back this time. as madeleine was seemingly doing well, benjamin decided to move that little bit further out, knowing he would be close enough if she needed him to return.
it was during this time that the two established their bi-weekly phone calls, no excuses allowed, his way of keeping an eye on her completely.
benjamin moved that little bit further for his residency to mayo, just as madeleine moved to switzerland for her masters. it made sense, he was happy for her and continued to adjust his schedule to make sure their phone calls went ahead as they needed to, suiting her schedule over his.he would often stay awake until the early hours of the morning just to speak to her.
his residency was fairly smooth sailing, despite a period of switching between services as he was indecisive about what specialty he was going to go into. he had always had his heart set on cardio like his uncle, but it only took one case with the ent attending to have him hooked.
as he came to the end of his fellowship, he debated the idea of having a second specialty (he’s a bit of a show off like that), but a nagging feeling inside of him told him something more important was coming.
his calls with madeleine weren’t like they used to be, years of regularity and consistency seemed to be falling apart, with nothing that he could do from where he was. he wanted to believe that this was part of the recovery, that she didn’t need him the way she used to, but he couldn’t be certain.
the night of amelia’s intervention, benjamin received a frantic phone call from madeleine and he knew then that things were not good. whether she was high or just drunk he couldn’t have been certain at first, it was only as she spoke about everybody leaving her the he snapped into action. she’d fallen off the wagon, and he’d be damned if he was going to stand by and let it happen.
benjamin packed a bag and hopped on the first plane to seattle, ready to hold an intervention of his own if he needs to. as far as he is concerned he’s here for maddie and nothing else.
2 0 2 1    U P D A T E S
turned thirty five cos that’s how birthdays work !!
after maddie decided to get clean, benjamin went with her to new york to ensure she fully embarked on her recovery. as much as seattle had only meant to have been a means to an end for benjamin, he found himself wanting to return.
he’s been keeping a low profile at the hospital, but is just kinda keeping things ticking over. he’s still ben. 
W A N T E D    C O N N E C T I O N S / P L O T S
i know i say they all deserve love but really ben deserves love
friends from med school/residency!!! 
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artnerd1123 · 5 years
Nettles’ Character Sheet
it’s been 500 years since i did one of these, but! undercut it goes~
Character Chart Character’s full name: Nettles Nimue Willoweep Reason or meaning of name: Nettles comes from the plant! Since nettles sting, I was originally planning on having her be a lot more prickly. She still is kinda pokey now, tbh. “Willoweep” is just “weeping willow” but smashed together. It’s for the Aesthetic™. Nimue refers to the “lady of the lake” in the legend of king arthur, and because I thought it sounded cool. important to note is that she made up her current name herself, for story reasons Character’s nickname: none (aiden calls her various pet names later), though some people might attempt to call her captain willow. it doesn’t end well.  Reason for nickname: she just doesn’t care for nicknames much, (Aiden’s the exception because they’re overly sappy/joke around a lot with each other later) and she used to be a pirate captain- but isn’t anymore  Birth date: March 28th Sexuality: queer  Gender/pronouns: genderfluid, she/her (occasionally they/them)
Physical appearance Age: 37 How old do they appear: probably around that. Maybe a smidge older. Weight: still have no clue how weight works! She’s got plenty of muscle mass tho :V Height: 5’11” Body build: thinner frame but with plenty of muscle. She’s strong as frick, and more like a steel rod than a stick. plenty buff :3 Shape of face: i still don’t know how to answer this question lsdkjfs, but she’s got a longer face w/ a sharpish chin  Eye color: pale green! Glasses or contacts: neither Skin tone: light brown (african american?) + seafarer’s tan on top of it  Distinguishing marks: she’s got so many scars. So many. The most notable ones being “ligature” marks on her right wrist, and a burn on her neck/left shoulder. Predominant features: her hair is p eyecatching for sure Hair color: emerald/leafy green Type of hair: curly coils  Hairstyle: currently has it in dreadlocks (they look a lil vinelike!), parted to the right  Voice: Jess Glynne - Thursday (but can also sound piratey) Overall attractiveness: strong ex-pirate plant lady,,, pretty in a rugged kind of way,,, ough,,,  Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: pirate, but make it shades of brown/green and a bit less flashy Favorite outfit: dark brown “vest” (actually a dress top she tore the skirt off of) with green accent around front laces, cream off-the-shoulder shirt w/ green accent trim and flowy sleeves, dark brown pants, tan boots w/ straps and gold buckles, large belt w/ gold buckle  Jewelry or accessories: black hoop earrings, an emerald leaf shaped cloak clasp, and a staff made of woven grass (which can turn into a sword)
Personality Good personality traits: generally levelheaded, unafraid to tell people things when needed, determined, patient, ‘do no harm but take no shiz’ mentality, not usually quick to judge, generally easygoing, v dedicated to those she considers family, thinks well under pressure, gives good advice (most of the time), can be p charismatic Bad personality traits: tends not to have much foresight, can come across as aloof, really bad about opening up, keeps too much to herself despite tryna get better abt it, can sometimes overlook traits in favor of just being allies/friends, a lil too willing to get into a fight sometimes, can be too headstrong, lies easily to get out of things Mood character is most often in: contemplative Sense of humor: very dark, likes to playfully tease those she cares about, loves really long jokes, can get a bit crass on occasion Character’s greatest joy in life: currently her forest (teaching journal comes close second some days) Character’s greatest fear: her past coming back to bite her Why? She’s not so much scared of people finding out who she used to be, more uneasy about people using it against her. She doesn’t want people to walk out of her life, but like, if they do, she wouldn’t blame em. She just doesn’t wanna get thrown under the bus for what she did back during pirate days, and accused of being something she isn’t (at least, not anymore.) What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Losing journal, tbh. She already lost everything- including family- once. She’s not willing to walk down that road again. Character is most at ease when: out among her plants, or chillin in a tavern Most ill at ease when: near the ocean in any capacity Enraged when: people threaten her loved ones/home/etc, people hurt others due to prejudice, people cause destruction in her forest Depressed or sad when: thinking of her old crew, ruminating in her memories for too long, near the ocean, an old tree dies Priorities: keeping the forest safe, producing enough lucrative plants/herbs so she has on hand pocket money, making sure journal’s alright/settling in/has the help he needs if she’s not around to give it Life philosophy: everyone gets their comeuppance eventually, but that doesn’t mean you sit back and wait. Go knock some sense into em if they need it. Take care of people worse off than you, too. A bit of help gets people a long way. If granted one wish, it would be: to have turned back in that storm instead of charging on. Why? Half her crew wouldn’t be dead. She could’ve actually retired instead of stepping down due to catastrophic failure. Her familiar would be alive. Y’know, normal reasons. Character’s soft spot: plants, gold, shiny things, kids Is this soft spot obvious to others? Plants, definitely. The other things you’ll notice if you’re around her long enough Greatest strength: making a decision and seeing it through Greatest vulnerability or weakness: absolutely hates/has a really hard time opening up to other people  Biggest regret: rushing headlong into a storm she had no hope of conquering Minor regret: not travelling inland more when she was a pirate (not a huge deal to her, but it woulda been nice) Biggest accomplishment: either successfully maintaining a ship/captain’s title for ten years, or nurturing her forest from a wildfire charred landscape into a thriving woodsy landscape. Minor accomplishment: finding out how to return gold (if she stole it on accident) without being too weird about it Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: she likely has a ton from her early pirating days. Learning to be a pirate wasn’t super easy all the time Why? She likes to think she’s a competent pirate now, don’t bring that stuff up, thank u v much Character’s darkest secret: dark magic has tempted her many, many times. It still does sometimes. And she almost gave in on a few of those occasions. Does anyone else know? No. they won’t, if she has anything to say about it.
Goals Drives and motivations: moving on aka shoving her past in a closet, being able to keep her forest/new loved ones safe, gold Immediate goals: keep up with her trade partners and her “cash gardens,” check the forest for abnormalities, make sure journ doesn’t need anything that day (and help if he do) Long term goals: keep the forest healthy, keep journal on the right track, continue expanding her budding network of plant trading, hopefully make some more actual progress with her issues How the character plans to accomplish these goals: keep up the “forest guardian” role, send letters to journ/visit him, meet more people, and learn to properly open up. And. y’know. Maybe steal some gold here n there as needed. How other characters will be affected: positively for her loved ones/partners! And maybe possibly probably negatively for those she doesn’t like. Perhaps.
Past Hometown: didn’t have a “town.” lived on ships/ports for her whole life till pirating Type of childhood: unstable, tbh. She was the kid of some merchant questors. Thus, she was always travelling around. Not much time to make/maintain friendships, bond with her parents, or do much besides help out. Any goofing off probably got her yelled at. Her headstrong nature meant she didn’t take kindly to that, so she ran away at 15. Pets: none First memory: the sound of waves. It’s something she’ll never forget, no matter what. Most important childhood memory: seeing pirates in the distance during a trade route! Scary, but she was also in awe of em Why: those pirates inspired her runaway swashbuckling plans when she was a teen! They also showed her an alternative to the dull merchant’s way of fulfilling questor urges. Childhood hero: probably some super well known pirate from a legend a book she smuggled onboard Dream job: anything that wasn’t being a merchant (turned into pirate tho) Education: really good at math, reading, keeping records, and reading the ocean. All thanks to her parents/seabound life! She taught herself plant magic rlly early on, and also learned a lot more things pirating (swordfighting, how to manage a crew, which quests are the most profitable, etc) Religion: Finances: parents took care of childhood finances. She was treasure/stolen loot funded until pirating crashed and burned in her late teen/early adult years~
Present Current location: forest outside Journal’s town. It spans many miles. Currently living with: herself :V Pets: none Religion: Occupation: forest guardian, plant merchant, magic mentor Finances: merchant life pays well enough when she needs it. And, like, she still goes and loots places from time to time. Just keep it quiet, m’kay?
Family Mother: Danielle Chamelea Teritip Relationship with her: though she was v busy, her mother always did her best to keep her daugher on track. She’s the one who pushed nettles really hard to learn, and to focus on becoming a better merchant than entertaining other fantasies. Their relationship wasn’t terrible, but nettles never felt her mom’s approval of her personal goals- just the future her mom wanted. Father: Albus Troise Teritip Relationship with him: he was also very busy, but always took the time to teach her little tricks and tips of the trade. He was also sorta pushy about her becoming a merchant. He never even seemed to notice her pulling away to other fantasies. Why would she? After all, your kid’s gotta carry on the family business. What else would she be doing? Siblings: Relationship with them: Spouse: Relationship with them: Children: Relationship with them: Other important family members: if found family counts, which it does, that’ll be journal! Later in the plot, it expands to fit aiden/roo/seraph/ruffy. In her past, her crew would all have been here
Favorites Color: green. Any shade. Surprising, i know Least favorite color: beige. Boring color, no thank u >:V Music: sea shanties!!! Also likes metal, some pop, and has a fondness for violin/flute music Food: a p p l e s. Also fond of any produce she can eat raw. And crabs. Lov the cronch. Literature: prefers oral stories to reading. But like, history is super interesting to her. Form of entertainment: oral storytelling, showing off (or watching someone show off) magic, stupid tavern karaoke Expressions: loves that devilish smirk of “oh no, they’re up to something bad, hold onto your valuables.” also enjoyable is that eyebrow raise of “did you really just do that? Really? That?” with a deadpan face. Peak expressions. Mode of transportation: swinging/parkouring around through the trees via plant magic and vines, like tarzan, except the vines yeet him instead of swinging sometimes Most prized possession: her staff. She’s had it for years, through good and bad, and it’s not going anywhere. May or may not also have a feather in her cloak clasp for… reasons.
Habits Hobbies: gardening, swordfighting, people and/or birdwatching, storytelling, being extra as all frick every so often so people don’t forget u can and will take them the frick out, applepicking Plays a musical instrument? nope! Plays a sport? Does swordfighting count? How they would spend a rainy day: either inside a town building, tavern, or little canopy of leaves in the forest. Depending on the setting, she’ll just have casual conversations or peoplewatch. Or, if she’s in the forest, she’ll entertain herself with vivid storytelling. Sometimes she’ll jus watch whatever crawled into her dry canopy with her. Or bug journal with excessive letters. Anything chill slkdfjs Spending habits: if she can grow/make/wash it herself, she’s not buying. Spends more gold on trips to town restaurants/taverns than anything else, but it’s chill. ‘S not like she has rent to pay :V Smokes: nope Drinks: rum, of course. What kinda pirate do u take her for??? Also wouldn’t mind whiskey. Drinks a lot less now than she used to. Other drugs: nope What do they do too much of? Being a local cryptid What do they do too little of? Opening up to other human beings instead of plants Extremely skilled at: reading a room, cutting to the chase, sword-and-regular-fighting, plant magic, teaching, stealing/pickpocketing, thinking on her feet Extremely unskilled at: planning ahead, knowing when she should really let things be instead of starting smth, letting her loved ones fight their own fights (she’ll try and step in at least once) Nervous tics: going silent, putting a hand over her mouth, staring really hard at nothing, holding her staff close, squeezing anything in hand (usually her staff end) Usual body posture: holds herself loosely but confidently. Has the air of someone who knows what’s going on, and is at ease wherever. Mannerisms: usually blunt, teases those she cares about (unless told not to), makes hand motions when explaining things, speaks in a more “normal” voice most of the time but can occasionally slip into a piratey accent when angry/upset, tends to unconsciously mimic the accents of those around her if she’s in a new setting, likes to sit back and watch until she judges herself to be “familiar” enough with what’s up Peculiarities: the smell of a lotta salt can sometimes upset her, she’s an extrovert but spends most of her time in the woods/outskirts of towns, she’s still very superstitious from her pirate days
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Tends to err on the side of pessimism nowadays Introvert or extrovert? Big extrovert! She’ll spend time just hanging around places people are if she feels too drained, and really loves spending time with those she cares about Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil with an air of caution about her Logical or emotional? Likes to think she’s more logic based, and acts it, but she’s very emotional driven when it comes down to it Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Very neat, actually! You wouldn’t know it unless u got her to live inside tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Prefers working or relaxing? Mix of both. Enough work so she’s not bored, but enough relaxing so she’s not stressed :V Confident or unsure of themself? Confident for the vast majority of the time. Animal lover? She’s definitely fond of em!!! :D
Self-perception How they feel about themself: eh, she’s alright. It fluctuates some days, but tends to rest firmly in the “I’m fine, and if I’m not, I’ll fix it for tomorrow” realm. If it does fluctuate, she either feels like a traitor/liar, or a cunning bada$$ One word the character would use to describe self: survivor One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “I’m Nettles, Nettles Willoweep. I’m a thirty seven year old sorceress who likes plants more than people. Well, that’s a lie. But it is easier to deal with foliage sometimes. I used to be a pirate a long time ago. Not so much nowadays, but that’s not to say I won’t bend a few rules in a pinch. I do what I need. After all, who’s gonna miss a few coins here and there? Certainly not the other families I slip em to. But uh, hey, don’t go spreading that around. I’ve got a reputation to upkeep.” “I guess I’m a bit of a benevolent local cryptid? Whatever that means. Journal tells me it’s a good thing, and I’ll believe him for now. I’m certainly doing what I can to take care of people who need it, and I’d give my right arm to help those I’m close to. Yeah, my blood runs a little hot sometimes, but that hasn’t changed my whole life. I just wanna see my plants and people prosper, and maybe get some gold on the side.” “... ah, right, hobbies. Gardening, forest guarding, fighting with swords, birdwatching… lots of stuff. As long as I’m not spending all my time slogging through old wounds, i’ll call it a good day.” What does the character consider their best personality trait? Her dedication What does the character consider their worst personality trait? How easily she brushes off concern What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? Not sure! She likes her body, and has no complaints abt it. Maybe her hair or how limber she still is :V What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ How does the character think others perceive them: she thinks the general public perceives her as shady but mostly benevolent. She thinks her loved ones perceive her as blunt, but caring. Both of these are fair analyses, by her thought. What would the character most like to change about themself: make it so she could forgive herself easier, and admit to others that she needs a hand
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: people are easily tricked and dumb. Individuals can be p nice tho. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? She’s one of those people where, in certain situations, you’re never gonna be sure if she’s being sarcastic/truthful or not. She does it more regularly than she would like, but less so with close friends Person character most hates: i could put some old rival of hers here. Unfortunately, ‘herself’ works better :( Best friend(s): she’s very good friends with several bartenders, but especially the one in journ’s town. She’s hit it off quite nicely with a nomad who passes through every couple weeks or so, too. Journal is also a “best friend,” but like, in a mentee/kid kind of way Love interest(s): aiden, later ;3 Person character goes to for advice: bartender bffs Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: journal journal journal journal jo- Person character feels shy or awkward around: nobody :V Person character openly admires: *insert several pirates/legendary sorcerers/questors/casual hard workers in towns here* Person character secretly admires: eh. Probably aiden for a bit. Wink wonk lskjdfs Most important person in character’s life before story starts: technically journ counts here? But if not, just herself. After story starts: journal for sure
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Potoroo Park: Life Finds a Way
@thecorteztwins  This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever written, and I’m so sorry.  Uh...consider this a No Powers AU, I guess.
               It was supposed to be a kind of paradise, both for the visitors and the park’s permanent residents.  Haven had envisioned an earthly Vaikuntha, filled with beautiful plants and flowers, a leafy canopy of trees, flowing steams – all artfully arranged to be both aesthetically pleasing to the human eye and a perfect habitat for the park’s main attraction.  It was meant to be a place of wonder and whimsy, for both children and adults to experience the beauty of the natural world, and a safe haven for creatures that the world had forgotten.  
               Of course, there had been nay-sayers from the beginning. Investors blind to Haven’s singular vision who had urged caution.  Was it really safe, putting that many of them together in one space?  Such a large number could be…overwhelming, even for the most tightly controlled park.  Even a few of her scientists had had misgivings.  These animals had such a strong effect on people, there could be unforeseen complications.  And it only took a few minor complications for the entire situation to spiral dangerously out of control.
               But Haven had pushed ahead.   She had her mission, and she had the money to make it happen, plus a couple of open-minded investors, so under her firm but polite direction, the park had gradually come into being.  She had taken every precaution.  There were electric fences, locking gates, jeeps that ran automatically along set tracks through the park, ensuring visitors did not come into direct contact with the animals that inhabited the jungle.  She’d hired the best people – or so she’d thought.  But it had only taken one major storm to wipe out the power, which meant that the fences were down, and the animals were….loose.
               Perhaps the problem had started with her chief engineer and programmer.  He unfortunately seemed to confirm every stereotype about computer programmers – anti-social, moody, difficult, always wanting to do things his own way.  He seemed unconcerned with personal hygiene, his dark hair always a tangled mess.  His mood shifted so quickly between manic energy and a sullen pout that Haven had wondered if he was entirely stable – but there was no denying he was brilliant. Despite a few unsavory incidents in his past, he was one of the best, and Haven wanted the best.  She also wanted to believe in people.  Sometimes that was a mistake.  
               “He’s been gone too long,” St. John broke into Haven’s thoughts, pointing his watch.  “I think we need to go out there.”  The Australian had joined the park’s security force along with Dominic Petros, a mercenary who hailed from Greece.  The two had a long history of working as a pair, and insisted on being together in every patrol, but they were good at their jobs, so Haven allowed it.
               “Forget the computer geek,” said Shinobi, sounding far too calm, although perhaps the cocktail in his hand helped with that. “What of my father?  Your most important investor is out in the park, with those creatures.  It’ll be quite the scandal if something happens to him.”  
               “He’ll be fine if they stay in the jeep.  Sharon and Fabian are with him, they’ll know what to do.”
               “Dunno if I’d trust either of them with common sense,” St. John muttered.  Haven pretended not to hear.  Sharon Smith was a bit…eccentric, but she was brave, athletic, capable, and knew the park like the back of her hand.  She’d been the one to track down and retrieve animals that managed to slip past the fences, even when their trackers malfunctioned.  Haven suspected that she was brilliant in her own unique way.  Fabian Cortez was a different case.  Loud, arrogant, and more than a bit sexist, with a resume that Haven was beginning to suspect had been heavily fabricated.  Still, he could be charming, and his penchant for drama made him an excellent tour guide.  She didn’t want anything bad to happen to either of them, or Sebastian Shaw.  
               “We need to get the power back on,” Dominic spoke up. Usually serving as the stoic counterpart to his chatty Australian partner, when Dominic had something to say it tended to be important.  “That’s the main thing.  Once we do that, we can take care of the rest.”
               “Including getting Daddy Moneybags back here safe and sound,” St. John put in.  The back-up generator for their compound had at least kept the lights on, but their comm and tracking systems were offline.    There was no way to locate and contact the group out with the jeep, including’s Haven’s biggest investor, who was no doubt changing his mind about the whole enterprise.  And the fences were down.  That thought keep skittering through Haven’s mind with nervous little feet. The fences were down.
               “I don’t think it’s a good idea to send any more people out there.  Maybe Max just needs more time to get the power back on.”
               “And in the meantime, all sorts of things could be happening to my beloved father,” Shinobi said, although, oddly, he sounded almost pleased by the prospect.  “I can’t say I’m terrible impressed by the operation you are running here, Ms. Dastoor.”
               “Trustin’ Max to do anything is a bad idea.  He’s a weird, twitchy bastard.  I wouldn’t rely on him to change a bloody light bulb.”  Dominic nodded in silent agreement.
               “St. John, please, you’re not helping.”  Haven rubbed her temples.  “Aloba is with him.  He’ll make sure everything gets taken care of.”  Haven trusted her brother – strong, loyal and always reliable – more than anyone. But she couldn’t help the unease creeping over her.  No matter how he had grown, he would always be her baby brother – and he was out there. With the animals.
               “I’m just sayin’,” St. John picked up the tranquilizer rifle that the security forces all carried and slung it over his shoulder.  “Sittin’ here’s not doing much good.  I know Aloba’s a good egg, but Max is a wild card, ain’t he?  I really think Dom and I should go out there.  Get the back-up power running, and then she’ll be right.”
               “Perhaps one of you should go to the generator and one to the jeep.  You know, where my father, a very rich and important man, is currently in danger,” Shinobi drawled, yawning.  “You can imagine how worried I am about my father.  Please be sure to tell him, after he returns to us safely, how worried I was.”  St. John just looked at him, bemused.
               “No splitting up,” Haven insisted.  “No one goes out into the park alone, that’s a rule.  One person alone could easily be….overwhelmed. Safety is our top priority around here.”  
               “Yes, that’s clearly working out quite well for you,” Shinobi quipped, taking another sip of his drink.  Where had he even gotten it?  The main restaurant and bar hadn’t been stocked yet.
               “Johnny and I go together,” Dominic said, putting one hand down on St. John’s shoulder possessively.  “We work as a pair.”  
               “All right,” Haven said finally.  Aloba would be furious with her for sending away the last of her staff, her only protection.  But surely this would all be sorted out, the sooner the better.  And she did not fear the creatures.  She was their protector.  She could handle this, for everyone’s sake, including the beautiful animals out there in the park.  “Dominic and St. John, go see what’s become of Max and my brother.  And get that power back on.”
               “Roger that, boss,” St. John gave her a cheerful salute, far too cocky for Haven’s liking.
               “Please be careful.  Don’t engage the animals.  With the fences down, they could be in much larger groups than usual.”  That was the biggest danger.  The fence system let them keep the park’s furry residents carefully segregated into packs small enough for visitors to handle.  
               “They’re Australian animals,” St. John shrugged, as if Haven’s concern was silly and hysterical.  “S’okay, we know how to handle ‘em Down Under.”
               “Do not engage.  Back away slowly if you encounter them.”
               “Yeah, yeah.”  The two mercenaries exited the compound, and Haven suddenly felt horribly alone.  Shinobi sidled up and slung and arm around her shoulders.
               “So….however shall we pass the time until they get the power back on?”  
                 Twenty minutes later, Haven’s prayers were answered, as the comm systems crackled to life.  Shinobi sulked at one of the control center desks, not having taken Haven’s suggestion that they meditate terribly well.  Somehow there was a fresh drink in his hand.  
               “Haven, do you copy?”  St. John’s voice came over the comm system, intercut with static.  The display in front of her lit up suddenly, with colored dots spread across the map.  Red for the animals, and larger white circles (labeled with names) for her staff.  
               “I hear you, St. John.  We’ve got the tracking screen up.  But I still can’t access the cameras.  And the fences are still offline.”
               “That’s weird.  It should have all come back.”
               “Any sign of Aloba?  Or Max?”  Haven’s eyes frantically scanned the map.  It was worse than she’d feared.  With the fences down, the animals had formed large packs, pools of red on the map so close together than the dots could no longer be distinguished.  She could see Sharon’s dot out by the large south pasture, some distance from the stalled jeep.  That was odd – but Fabian’s dot appeared to be approaching the compound.  Perhaps Sharon was dealing with some emergency with the animals, and Fabian was bringing their guest back in (Sebastian had refused the tracker with well-bred arrogance).  
               “Dom thought he saw something in the bushes just ahead, he’s checking it out now.”
               “Don’t split up!” Haven exclaimed, dread gnawing at her despite these positive developments.
               “It’s okay, he’s still within shouting distance.  Barely out of my sight,” St. John said.
               “I see your brother up ahead,” Dominic cut in.  “He’s just….sitting there.”
               “Aloba?”  Haven called out over the com system.  “Please respond.  Are you hurt?”  No response but a crackle of static.  Come to think of it, why hadn’t Sharon or Fabian checked in yet?  And where was Max?
               On the screen, Haven saw the dot that was her brother, just north of the generator building as Petros approached.  And she saw the cluster of red dots that surrounded him, with more approaching.    
               “Dominic, go back!  There’s a huge group massing to your north, all around Aloba.”
               “I see them!  I see…….” Dominic’s voice trailed off.      
               “Dom, don’t look at them!  Just shut your eyes and back on out of there, mate!”
               “Johnny…” Dominic’s voice had lost its hardened edge and sounded small…childlike.  As if years of rough living had melted away in an instant.  “They’re eating strawberries.  They’re holding them in their little paws, Johnny. So…dainty.  So cute….”
               “Damn it, Dom!  Just stay put, I’m coming to get you out of there.  Please, for the love of God, stop looking at them!”
               “I can’t, Johnny.  One of them’s cleaning its face now...like….like a proper little gentleman. I dunno what’s happening to me, Johnny. I think I’m losing my mind.”
               “St. John, don’t,” Haven ordered.  “We can’t afford to lose both of you.  Come back to the compound, we’ll regroup and come up with a new plan.” Even if it meant leaving her brother alone.  Her heart squeezed.
               “Screw that, lady, I’m not leavin’ my best mate out there with those things!”  On the monitor, she could see the dot tracking Allerdyce’s movements start towards the stationary dot that was Petros.
               “Hang on, Dom!”
               “St. John, please.  Don’t be a hero,” Haven begged.  His dot inched closer to Dominic’s, closer the hundreds of tiny red dots that surrounded him.  Closer to the horde.
               “It’s okay, I can handle it,” Allerdyce’s voice crackled back over the line.  “I grew up in their territory.  I’ve seen ‘em before.”
               “But not that many, not at once.  If you must do this, at least shield your eyes going in,” Haven said.  It wasn’t that she wanted to leave Petros or Aloba out in the jungle, overwhelmed. She could understand and even admire St. John’s desire to save his partner.  But she had to be practical.
               “I’m just coming up on them now.  Don’t worry, I can……’  Allerdyce’s voice trailed off as his dot converged with Petros’ and Aloba’s, in the middle of the red swarm.  
               There was a sound over the comm, like a strangled cry of delight.
               “St. John?  St. John, respond!”
               “Strewth….” Came an awed whisper.  “There’s so many.  Like a cute, furry little rave party.”
               “St. John, close your eyes and back away, that’s an order!” Haven pleaded, desperate to regain some sense of control over the situation.  
               “They’re grooming each other….like best friends….” Allerdyce’s dot, like Petros’, like Aloba’s, remained maddenly still.  Not retreating, as he should be.
               “Look Johnny, one’s come up my arm.  It’s….it’s sittin’ in my hand, Johnny….I think it likes me…” Dominic’s voice piped up.  
               “St. John, do not engage!  Don’t touch them!”
               “Sorry, boss lady, I can’t….can’t leave.  I just wanna sit here with them.”
               “We have to protect them,” Dominic insisted.  “We’ll live in the jungle and be their best friends.”
               “Fuckin’ aye,” Allerdyce agreed in a tender whisper.
               Haven buried her face in her hands, letting her long hair swing down like a curtain.  She just wanted to hide away from all of this.  How had it gone so wrong?
               “Well, this has been a hilarious disaster,” Shinobi said, sauntering up behind her to look at the screen.  “And here I was afraid this park would be boring.”
               “Shinobi, if you can’t say anything helpful, please –“ Haven was cut off as the static crackled again.  Another voice came through the comm, bubbling over with barely suppressed joy.
               “It’s all gone to pieces, hasn’t it?”  
               A low giggle answered her, and then the monitors suddenly came up, showing the camera feeds from all over the park.  Max stood directly under one camera, his grin brittle and far too wide.  He waved at her.
               “Max, what have you done?!”  Haven hesitated, feeling suddenly guilty.  Eccentric as he was, he was still her employee, and her responsibility. “Are you all right?  What’s happened?”
               “You thought you could contain it.  You thought you could control chaos, just like my brother.  But life is chaos.  Life, uh, finds a way.”
               “Max, please help me.  We need to get this situation under control, for everyone’s sake.”
               “I can’t let these magnificent creatures be locked up!  They must roam the island, wild and free!”  His voice dropped down dark and low.  “No more fences.  No more cages.”
               “Max, I love the animals just as much as you do!”  Even more, she wanted to protest.  Everything she’d done had been to protect and nurture the creatures that populated her island park.  “But there are people out there that need help.  Please get the fences back up for me.”
               “No fences!” Max yelled, featured contorted in sudden fury.  “Let nature take its course!”  That camera suddenly went dead, although the others stayed on.  Haven surveyed the other monitors, unconsciously twisting a piece of her hair around her finger, praying that she could see the others safe.
               On one monitor, she could see Aloba sitting cross-legged on the ground, his face turned up towards the rain, letting the storm wash over him as he had done so often as a child.  He held his jacket out over the earth, and Haven could see the small animals scampering in and out of the make-shift rain shelter.  Close by, Petros and Allerdyce were also sitting, leaning against each other with dazed grins as the animals ran up their backs and shoulders, nibbling on their hair.  Their rifles lay on the ground, ignored.  
               On another monitor, she saw Sharon running through the plain, hundreds of animals leaping along at her feet.  Haven felt a flash of alarm as Sharon dropped and rolled in the grass, but she was quickly on her feet again, jumping high into the air and running along.  Haven realized, seeing the wide grin on the woman’s face, that Sharon wasn’t running in fear.  She was frolicking, laughing with joy as the marsupials danced around her feet.  Haven also realized, far too late, that Sharon was completely naked.  
               “Oh this has turned into quite the show!”  Shinobi finally showed a spark of interest in their situation.  Haven ignored him, trying to stay calm, thinking through her options.  Fabian.  Fabian’s dot was headed towards the compound; he was coming back to help them.  Haven took back every unkind thought she’d ever had about the man.  Out of all her employees, Fabian alone had kept his head and stayed dependable in the crisis.
               “Um…what is that?”  Shinobi gestured at the tracking screen.  There was Fabian’s white dot….and there was a flood of red at his heels.  Haven grabbed the comm.
               “Fabian, do you copy?  Please come in!  They’re right behind you!  You need to get inside as quickly as possible!”
               “I do not fear these creatures.”  Fabian finally responded.  “I am not so narrow-minded as the rest of your staff.  They are my army, and I am their king!”  
               “Fabian, please, you’re talking nonsense.  The animals are affecting you.  Just get inside!”  
               “Together my servants and I shall re-make the world in my image!  A world that shall be safe for small, adorable furry creatures.  And I shall rule over all as the benevolent master.”
               “Fabian…”                    “Not to worry, my dear Haven.  You shall be my beautiful queen, and we will rule side by side!”
               “He’s almost to us,” Shinobi pointed to the monitor for camera just outside the compound.  She could see Fabian striding across the manicured lawn, the wind whipping at the jeep’s emergency blanket that he’d tied around his shoulders like a cape.  For some reason he’d taken his shirt off. And just behind him, she could see the horde.  A sea of fur, little paws, bright eyes and twitching noses.  Haven wanted to melt.  She bit the inside of her cheek, trying to come back to her senses.
               “My God….they’re beautiful.  They’re so…..cute…..”  Shinobi whispered, gazing at the monitor.  Haven threw a hand over his eyes and shoved him back.
               “I’m sorry, it’s for your own good.  It’s dangerous to look at this many at once.”  
               “Let go!”  Shinobi struggled, but Haven held him firmly, until another movement on the monitor distracted her.  Shinobi shoved her away and looked.
               Running out to confront Fabian like a well-dressed knight, Sebastian Shaw charged onto the camera’s view.  He seemed to be wearing some kind of furry vest, and Haven realized, seeing the writhing mass shift around his torso, that the marsupials were clinging to Sebastian’s shirt.  
               “What is the meaning of this?”  Fabian demanded.  There was no longer any need for the comms, as the two men were right outside the compound doors, bellowing at the top of their longs.
               “A fool like you doesn’t deserve this kind of power, Cortez!  I claim these creatures for the Hellfire club!” Sebastian tackled Fabian, and together they went down into the flowing river of fur.
               “This is the best day of my life,” Shinobi declared, grinning as Fabian punched his father in the jaw.  Sebastian just grinned and head-butted Fabian, and they both disappeared under the horde.  
               “How could it have come to this?”  Haven whispered, watching the adorable army surge up towards the doors.  The fences off, her people fallen.  Thank god there had been no children on the island.  Bringing children to the park before it was open to the public would have been the height of irresponsibility.  She realized that Shinobi had left her side, and was walking up towards the main doors.
               “Shinobi, what are you doing?”  He looked back at her, with a dazed smile similar to the ones Dominic and St. John had worn.
               “Don’t you want to let them in, Haven?”  Without waiting for an answer, he swung the doors open wide, and was immediately knocked down by the wave of moving bodies.  A solid mass of potoroos, hopping, scampering, leaping along, like joyful music.  Haven could hear Shinobi giggling with delight as the animals flowed up and over him, his drink finally abandoned.  Haven closed her eyes and sighed.  Perhaps Max had been right.  Nature could not be controlled.  She rose from her seat, stretched her arms wide, and went down to meet her children.
 Notes: In case it’s not clear, the potoroos are not harming people in any way.  Everyone is just overwhelmed by their cuteness.  
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argentdandelion · 6 years
How to Beat Undertale With Your Eyes Closed (or Nonfunctional)
(Note: I have no experience engineering video games for the blind. This is all hypothetical.)
In one of the patches for Undertale, Toby Fox modified the color of blue attacks so they would be easier to distinguish for color-blind people.
But what about...actual blind people?
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(Mock-up for the Flowey encounter in “Blind Undertale”)
When people say, “I could beat it with my eyes closed”, sometimes that's actually possible. Some games have sound design so sophisticated even blind people can beat them. This is true even for some games not made specifically for the blind, such as Super Mario 64 or The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
For the latter, a blind man named Terry Garrett didn't exactly need the game itself to be modified. He navigated based on sound cues, using stereo loudspeakers to know where they were coming from, and set up multiple save states to try again faster after failing (such as by falling).
Relative to Ocarina of Time or even the more comparable Pokémon Emerald, Undertale is rather quiet: it applies sound effects much less, and characters rarely have a walking noise. So some modification is necessary.
Narration and Dialogue
Technical Aspects
Terry Garrett's friends and family sat with him while playing Ocarina of Time and helped him by describing what objects looked like. Undertale's extensive narration makes this less necessary...if there's some way for the blind person to hear it.
The best solution, which even non-blind players would gush over, is making the game fully voice-acted. However, that would be very expensive and make game downloads take a long time. Fortunately, there's an alternative: screen readers.
Screen readers read text on a screen aloud using a synthetic voice (think Vocaloid). Screen readers are how blind people use the Internet, and so the solution would be easiest to use for the computer version of Undertale.
Undertale has lots of characters which should be distinguished from each other, and they speak at different rates at different points in the game. One solution is creating a program that co-opts a pre-existng screen reader (e.g., JAWS) to customize in-built voices to match different characters and adjust the speaking rate as needed.
Alternatively, a custom screen-reader/dialogue-producer could be added into the files of a “Blind Undertale” download, which doesn't depend on preexisting voices in the player's computer.
Gameplay Aspects
Once there’s a way of providing narration, the narration could describe the environment. At spots where there’s something interesting that can’t be conveyed through sound, such as something quiet in the distance, a “hmm?” sound could pop up, and the player could then press a button to hear a description. (Potentially, this would support NarraChara theory, since it would be voiced.)
Once the Papyrus hangout is completed, Papyrus and/or Undyne could help in giving details about an area or tips on how to navigate in it. (The Papyrus calls are occasionally helpful, after all.) Potentially, Papyrus could have extra dialogue with hints on navigation. His calls could even be separated into “Where to Go” (navigation tips) and “Interesting Things” (non-navigation/little environmental description value) categories in the menu.
Navigation by Sound
Environmental Cues
Terry Garrett finds retro two-dimensional games impossible to play, for they don’t have enough sound cues. Yet, in principle a retro two-dimensional game would be easier to adjust for blind people, as it’s simpler than a 3D world. In principle Undertale’s overworld (underworld?) would be especially easy to navigate, since the Underground follows a largely linear path up and to the right and has fairly few falling hazards a blind person would find hard to avoid.
When Terry Garrett needs orientation, he listens carefully for “sound landmarks” such as running water or footsteps shifting from grass to earth. Undertale could similarly have such sound landmarks, and, to make it even easier, an indication one is on the most direct path. (Note that the linear design of Snowdin Town naturally funnels players to the most important location: Papyrus’s house.)
Undertale, conveniently, already has noises that could be used for orientation: it just doesn’t use them much. For example, Sans makes a “crunching through snow” sound effects when he sneaks up on Frisk in Snowdin Forest. Recycling this sound effect would indicate one is in Snowdin, or at least in Snowdin forest or off the most direct path through the area. Using different sound effects for the most direct path versus going off the path would make this even easier, particularly if a similar effect for the most direct path is used in each area.
Proximity Sounds/Character Sounds
The game could provide a particular sound when there’s something to interact with nearby. Giving a sound for people versus objects would help distinguish the environment. Providing distinctive sounds when a specific, important character is nearby would help people when they need to go to a very specific spot and interact with someone to advance the plot. (e.g., talk to Toriel in her reading chair, talk to Papyrus in front of his house for his hangout)
Giving them all a distinct “hmm?” or “uh?” sound could work, as would playing their themes faintly or giving each a distinctive sound effect. (e.g., a bone-rattling noise for Papyrus)
Puzzles would be more difficult to do, particularly if they require good timing. (e.g., the Hotland steam vent puzzles) Some puzzles would be very difficult or impossible to do by environmental sound cues alone, and so require a slight software change or modification into something easier.
For example, some of the Hotland puzzles have arrows indicating where it sends Frisk, and the player waits until the arrow faces the desired direction before walking onto it. A software change could say, “The arrow is facing left. Jump? Yes / No” when walking on it.
But overworld navigation is just the easy part. The hardest parts are the battle system, which would require precise movements and excellent timing if unmodified, and potential custom hardware to achieve this end. These, depending on interest, shall be the topic of future posts.
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