#their ways of confessing are so goofy.
Zevran and Morrigan are my favorite origins characters and they both get close to the warden with ulterior motives and then whoops they're in love for real. I have a type!
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 3 years
Also haha like what if I'm not actually in love at all even a little bit I just liked someone being nice to me and I'm too dumb to know the difference 🙃
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4giorno · 3 years
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only the first pic is from the new mv (everything moves too fast even this screenshot was a Challenge to take) the second pic i picked from promoshots to emphasize the blonde hair bc ofc i would but the outfit he wore in the mv was much more iconic than this one so shame :(. anyway so sorry none of yall can relate to this but i cant express strong enough how this guy shaped my middle school ages and why seeing this new mv as the first thing from him ive seen in years is such a shock bc of that hsjfkehwjdkkr
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When they get a tooth removed – Drugged AF HC’s
Note - Your genshin man just had to get his tooth removed. Drugged and out of his mind, he shows a side of him that you have never seen before.
I think I went a little too goofy in this part. No regrets though.
Characters - Venti, Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli, Albedo, Childe, Xiao, Itto, Thoma, Ayato, Gorou, Kazuha
Warnings- Drugged state, inappropriate language, fluff, slight smut
Part 2:  Albedo, Zhongli, Xiao (Not a human…shhh) x f!reader
Part 1 can be found here.
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How did a homunculus manage to get his tooth infected? Thanks to Albedo’s experiments on himself, a combination of a rare strain of microorganisms with his alchemy caused Albedo to get a toothache. Upon inspection, Alice had determined that the synthetic human actually managed to infect himself. She helped him with a concoction to numb the pain as he planned on removing it himself. He asked you to record all your observations once he consumed the numbing medication. The removal of the tooth was a success, but the effects of the numbing medication were…. Questionable.
“Albedo…? What are you looking for?” You look at your man who was turning his lab upside down in search of something.
“My … tails…” He mumbled.
“Your tails?” You raise an eyebrow. Sure, he wasn’t biologically human but you were pretty sure that he didn’t mention anything about him having tails.
He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I want them… so bad.”
“Bedo… you don’t have a tail…” You approach your boyfriend and place an arm on his shoulder.
“Not my tail.” He frowns. His expression mirrored that of Klee’s whenever she was forbidden to go fish blasting. “Pickled lizard tails!!”
“The what now…!?” You look at him like he is crazy. “You know what, never mind the what... but why do you need them?”
“Because.. they taste so good…” He sighed dreamily. You swore that you could see some drool slip out of the corners of his mouth.
“Ew.” You grimaced at the thought of eating it but you knew that Albedo had an eccentric taste when it came to food. I mean, the man likes eating giant spiders for god knows what reason. “I think I saw them near Sucrose’s belongings.” You rummage around Sucrose’s stuff and find a jar of shriveled lizard tails in a liquid.
“MINE!” Albedo snatches the jar from you and smirks impishly. “Although, since you’ve been so nice to me and I love you, I can share a few with you.”
“You love me?” Your eyes widen. This was the first time he had said that to you. He was a man of few words after all. Your heart felt all kinds of fuzzy. Before you could respond, Albedo opens the jar.
“Hm. Why are you surprised?” He pulls a tail out and offers one to you. “You want some?”
“Uh… no thanks. I am going to go check some stuff near the frost-bearing tree.” You grab a bag and rush out. You did not want to see him feast on it.
“Ohhhh…. Bring me some spiders if you find any!” You hear him behind you. You run away as fast as you could, still ruminating about his nonchalant confession. Once the effects of the medication fades, you were curious to see how he would respond. After all, he asked you to take notes of your observations., didn’t he?
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Thanks to his boss, Zhongli’s tooth was chipped in a weird manner. Hu Tao had accidentally smacked him in the face while exorcising a ghost. Because of the way it was chipped, the tooth had to be removed. Sure, it would grow back because Zhongli aka Morax aka The Geo Archon recovered very fast. But removing the tooth was not going to be an easy task which is why Madam Peng took over. Once the tooth was removed, the herbal tea given to him had numbing properties that made him act differently.
Your composed, knowledgeable, and dignified man was now crying on the floor of your shared space.
“Rex? What’s wrong?” You looked around to see if something was amiss. You see a broken teacup with tea spilled all over the floor. You bend down to pick the broken shards up.
“The tea… It’s gone…” You hear him sob.
“Darling, it’s alright. It’s just tea. We can make some more.” You try to reassure him. All this time, you had never seen him cry.
“It’s not just tea.” He looked at you like you had just stabbed him in the heart. “It is centuries of culture being passed down. The tea was a fine blend of fresh leaves from Pu-Erh with Qinxing flower essence. It was a cup full of healing and warmth. ”
Of course, even in his drugged state, he had to be a know it all. You try to stifle a smile. Once you pick all the shards up, you throw them away and mop the floor. Zhongli was still mourning the loss of his tea, although he had stopped crying.
You brew him some fresh tea as he is lost in thought, dozing in and out of consciousness. You were glad that he was getting some rest while the tea brewed. Quick brews were never his favorite. Once the tea is ready, you pour them into two cups and take it to him. The smell of the brew wakes him up.
“Tea?” He smiles radiantly as he rubs his eyes.
“Yes, tea.” You hand him the cup. “Please be careful with it, darling.”
He holds the cup with the utmost care, smelling the tea to savor it. “Oh sweet thing, what would I do with you?”
You assumed that he was talking to his tea and slowly take a sip from your cup. Before you could savor the tea, he plants a quick kiss on your lip.
“What was that for?” You swallow the remnants of your sip.
“As much as I love the tea that you make, I must admit… it tastes better when it is from your lips.”
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How does a Yaksha end up with a tooth being removed? The tooth enamel was degrading to a point where the tooth was getting infected. He blamed it on karmic retribution while you had a strong feeling that it had to do with all the snow that he was eating on your three-month mission in Dragonspine. Zhongli was more than kind enough to assist Xiao with his problem. Since no one knew how he would respond to pain, the removal happened away from the Inn and at Jueyun Karst. The process went smoothly thanks to Zhongli’s medicines. The medicine left Xiao woozy and he was a little more paranoid than usual. Deciding that using his powers to travel would be risky, the two of you take a walk back to the Inn.
As you walked through Liyue, Xiao kept you close. He held your hand tightly, keeping his eyes peeled for danger. Even at the slightest disturbances, he flinched and had his polearm drawn.
“Xiao, my love. Everything is fine. You are worrying too much.” You squeeze his fingers to reassure him. “And even if something did happen, you know I can take care of some demons.”
“It is not the demons… It is… it is..” He looks around to make sure no one is listening to you.
“It’s alright. There’s nothing here now. You can relax.” You smile.
“You don’t understand… He’s coming for us…” Xiao whispers.
“Who is?” You whisper back.
“The dumpling monster.” Xiao looked pale.
“The…. What now?” You were confused.
“Shh…” He places a finger on your lips. “He comes after those who hate dumplings.”
“So… let me get this straight. You’re saying, there’s a monster out there who is coming after people who do not like dumplings?” You say that slowly so that he realizes how ridiculous it sounds.
“Yes. I heard the cook in the Inn say that there’s a monster of a dumpling that turns even a dumpling-hating person to appreciate it. Tch. Disgusting.” You see him shake the disgust off him like a cat.
You laugh hysterically, confusing the poor man.
“Oh…. My… God…” You rub the tears from your eyes and catch your breath. “Xiao! That’s not what it means. It just means that the dumpling is so good that people enjoy it. There’s no monster.” You hug him as you continue to laugh.
“No monster… So … I don’t have to eat dumplings?” You feel him relax in your embrace.
You let go of him as you continue to laugh. “Of course not, you big dummy!” You see his face had turned into a shade of pink.
“Stupid humans and their phrases.” He crosses his arms.
“Hahaha… Dumpling monster.” You shake your head at him. He flicks his hand, summoning a gust of strong wind that pushes you into a small pond nearby.
“You’re annoying.” He grumbles. “We’re never talking about this again.”
“Meanie.” You stick your tongue out as you get out of the pond. You hold his hand again as the two of you continue to walk. “No matter what kind of monster it is, Xiao, I will protect you.”
He squeezes your hand gently as he mumbles. “Shut up.”
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lovelybarnes · 2 years
you- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader warnings: mutual pining, a littleeee angst about: request by the sweetest @lovelyrdjr , best friends to lovers
“bucky,” you sing as you enter your best friend’s room. he says your name back with a glance before looking back down at the book he’s reading—one of the ones you recommended—and drones distractedly. “guess what?”
he hums again, resisting the urge to look back up at you and the little butterfly clips pulling strands of your hair back. he recognizes them as the ones he gave you for your birthday last year. 
“bucky,” you whine when he doesn’t pay attention to you, poking his shoulder repeatedly. he holds back a smile, continuing to pretend to ignore you even though he hasn’t been able to concentrate on his book since the moment your perfume filled up the space of his room. you drag out his name again, climbing on his bed and dramatically draping yourself over him.
“yeah, sweetheart?” he responds, not taking his eyes off of his book but letting a hand fall on your shoulder, rubbing circles into your skin.
“i have news,” you inform, propping your chin on his chest.
“what’s your news?” he asks, sparing you a glance that he forces not to last long.
“well, you have to be paying attention to me to tell you.” you pout, tugging at his shirt.
“‘m paying attention.”
“no, you’re not.” you sigh exaggeratedly, dropping your cheek on his shirt. “and, as a punishment, you won’t get cake and sam will be my fiancé.”
that catches his attention, and bucky puts down his book, dog-earing the page he was on even though he doesn’t like doing it. you’re a horrible influence. “what?”
he feels you grin against his shirt, nuzzling your face deeper as you shrug innocently. “guess what opened today?”
“what do you mean sam is going to be your fiance?” bucky questions instead.
“the answer to my question will answer all of yours,” you reply cryptically, meeting his eye. you bounce lightly in petulance. “guess!”
bucky sighs. “the bakery?”
“close.” you grin, biting your lip.
“the… cake store?”
you nod excitedly. “and guess what they sell?”
bucky shrugs. “cakes?”
“yes, but what specific cakes?”
“this is a lot more than that question you said would give me answers, and i still don’t have any,” bucky complains.
“wedding cakes! and they give free samples to couples that are ‘to be wed,’” you quote the words with a goofy accent, beginning to tug his arm. “they look really good and i want something sweet and i already told the woman working there i was about to get married and would bring my fiancé back so we could try some cakes.”
bucky nods slowly, watching you bite on a nail at your confession. “are you asking me to marry you?”
you roll your eyes, pushing at his shoulder. “you know what i’m asking.”
“i think i’ll need a proposal for this,” bucky declares. “it is the custom.”
you glare at him for a moment before exhaling softly. “will you marry me?”
“that’s how you’re gonna propose?” bucky accuses, making you laugh as your head drops to his chest. shaking your head, you get off of him and drop to your knee.
“james bucket barnacles,” you begin dramatically, offering him your hand. “will you marry me and be my fiancé for an hour so i can eat cake?”
bucky pretends to think for a moment before bursting into a grin, pulling you to him. “yes, a million times yes!” he presses sloppy kisses to your face, making you laugh as you try to push him away.
“save that for the cake shop,” you recommend.
bucky is not proud of his triumph when people think you and him are dating. he’s never minded, and you’ve never said anything to him or to the strangers that compliment on your nonexistent relationship, shrugging it away with the fact that you will never see them again and find it useless to explain to them the nature of your relationship.
when he falls asleep with his head laying on your lap, your fingers combing through his hair, or when you smile at him in that soft way you only do to him, he catches himself believing that you don’t correct anyone for the same reason he doesn’t—not because it does not matter what unknown others think, but because you’re in love with him too.
when you ask him to pretend to be your fiancé, he revels in the fact that he won’t have to bite back his pride or hold back the ridiculous urge to thread his fingers through yours and wrap an arm around your waist. maybe he goes a little overboard, but he’ll insist it was for the role if you question it—which you don’t—and he’d kick himself if he didn’t take full advantage of the opportunity.
he’s buzzing from your touch already as you enter the shop, warmed further when you lean your head against his shoulder nonchalantly, sending you an amused look when the woman behind the register asks you if he’s “the bucky.”
he can’t help the pleasant feeling at the bottom of his stomach when you agree easily, squeezing his hand. “yeah, he’s my bucky—my fiancé.”
the woman coos at the both of you, commenting on how great you look together.
“it’s thanks to her,” bucky shrugs, genty bumping you with his shoulder. “i mean, look at how pretty she is.”
your skin heats enough for him to feel it through his shirt, making him grin and press a kiss to your forehead just because he can.
“oh, you two remind me of my husband and i,” the woman reveals earnestly. “we’ve been in love for forty-eight years. since the moment we met.”
“i know the feeling,” bucky murmurs, glancing at you to see your eyes already on him, caught on the startling honesty of his features until you snap yourself out of it, settling a smile on your lips.
“me too,” you agree quietly, toeing on the edge of too convincing.
“i’m so glad you were honest about this. do you know how many people pretend to be together to try cake?” the woman asks incredulously, shaking her head as she collects cake. bucky and you exchange a look. “so much so that i can tell if the couple is actually in love the minute they walk in here.”
“wow, that must be a frequent problem, then,” you mumble, biting your lip.
“yes,” the woman says. “but, luckily, no one can fake love once i’ve seen it enough.”
“some—some might…” you begin, her words getting the better of you, but she stares straight at you and wags her finger.
“oh no. not the real one. the one that’ll last. like yours.”
“oh,” you whisper softly, allowing yourself just one moment of believing her as your eyes meet bucky’s.
bucky doesn’t like to think about love.
he doesn’t like to talk about it—his love for you or, really, any of his love at all—since, by some means, love always goes back to you, leaving him in a panic because the platonic way he is supposed to love you is not so platonic at all, and he is left remembering that he has fallen in love with his best friend.
as terrified as he is of you finding out and putting your friendship at risk, he aches to tell you, to read the confessions that play in his mind when he’s around you out loud and simply attach them to a blank face instead of you, but you know him too well. as trained as he is, you’ve always seemed to be able to read his mind—and he yours—and you would figure out he was lying about his faceless girl, so he chooses to push it away and ignore it.
he leaves questions he has for himself unanswered through the fear that he’ll figure them out in a realization that he can’t hold it in anymore, that he has to risk the friendship because he can’t live as if he hasn’t completely fallen for you.
if you’ve noticed, you don’t bring it up, and he isn’t sure if he’s glad or upset about it since he can do the exact same thing to you.
he’s trying not to think about it now as pretends to concentrate on the show you’ve put on. it’s one of the comedies you love so much, and you’re completely immersed in the scene, pulling at his arm excitedly. one of the main characters is rushing to tell one of the others she’s in love with him as he does the same, and he can’t help but think, turning to you. his eyes drag over your features, his teeth digging into his lip when they catch on the happy twinkle in your eyes.
you turn to him, startled to find him looking back. “watch!” you insist. “this is the best part.”
you’re bouncing lightly as the episode goes on, one of your hands patting the bed until it finds his and holds it to your chest as if it was a comfort.
you squeeze it absentmindedly, thumb brushing against his palm.
your anticipation gets higher as the seconds pass, and then natasha is opening your door and calling your name, inviting you to game night.
friday pauses the episode when nat starts talking, and bucky is ready to angrily refuse natasha’s offer for making your features drop at the halt, glittery excitement washing away.
“sure,” you reply instead, lowering bucky’s hand to your lap and disappointedly moving to turn the television off when bucky stops you with a hand on your arm.
“why don’t we finish watching and then we go?”
you shake your head. “we can watch it later,” you reason. “i don’t want to keep anyone waiting.”
bucky isn’t happy about it, but agrees because you have. you drag him to the common room with you after brushing his hair away from his face with your fingers and straightening his shirt. as reluctant as he was at the prospect of leaving the comfort of your room—of the simplicity and comfort of you and him—the peck you give his nose when you’re satisfied with your work makes him a little dizzy and his reasons for not going a little blurry.
he sticks by your side for the entirety of the night, watching as your teammates get drunker while the sky bleeds black, the both of you remaining the more sober.
even after several of the bright drinks tony made, the knowing glint in natasha’s green eyes remains, her smirk growing as the night goes on until she sits next to you and throws an arm over your shoulders.
“let’s play a game,” she says to everyone, but her attention is on you. her words are eerily sober as she offers truth or dare, the others agreeing behind her. at the look she offers bucky, a pit grows in his stomach, suspecting she has a plan.
he doesn’t know how he did it, but he manages to avoid her for the entire game, until they’re a while in and the bottle’s neck points to him. a sinister grin curls natasha’s lips as she settles in, cocking her head at bucky. “alright barnes, dare—” she starts, choosing the order of her words obviously purposefully. he doesn’t miss the way her eyes flicker to you next to him, lips pursing. “or truth?”
he suspects she knows about the way he feels for you, and although it’s most probable that she won’t be as cruel as to force him to confess, he isn’t sure what else she could force him to do. spots of pink still splatter on his skin after the kiss you were dared to give your best friend; besides, he’d chosen dare far too many times when he was younger.
“truth.” he gulps.
“alright. i’ve noticed you’ve acted… differently lately,” nat begins. “nicer. although you barely come out here.”
“don’t hear the question, nat,” he points out, cocking a brow as she takes a sip of beer, avoiding your eyes.
“fine. i guess i’m just wondering if it’s due to an… interest,” she continues. “basically, are you interested in anyone, bucky?”
bucky swallows harshly, pressing his tongue against his cheek. his eyes tactfully flicker to you, unsurprised but startled to find you already looking back at him expectantly.
“uh,” he stammers, already knowing he’d answered the question by his actions. so he decides fuck it, they don’t know who it is and he’d rather just tell the truth. “yeah, i guess. i am—interested in someone.”
you blink, an indecipherable look going over your face for a second.
natasha, however, leans over with interest played on her features. “who?”
“‘think it’s only one question,” he mutters as a reminder, but then he hears your voice, intrigued.
“who is it?” you wonder. “is it the girl from the coffee shop? she’s so pretty.”
when he turns to you, he can’t tell you no, so he nods without thinking, “yeah, it’s her.”
something passes over your eyes; realization, he recognizes.
“my turn, right?” bucky asks, looking away from you with a blush and a clearing of his throat, but natasha shakes her head.
“actually, you’ve asked truth or dare the most out of everyone and wanda has one more question before she catches up to everyone,” she smiles. “so if it’s okay, i think she should turn.” she looks around innocently, the rest of the avengers unconcerned and shrugging sure, enjoying the show. wanda seems surprised at her words, but leans over to play anyway once everyone agrees.
she spins the bottle, and somehow—probably thanks to natasha’s fucking glare—it lands on you.
wanda claps keenly. “truth or dare, y/n?”
her face is inarguably more welcoming than natasha’s, and after kissing your best friend, giving total control over your social media to thor for the night, and making bruce blush after showing him the most… provocative photo on your phone, you pick truth. you realize it’s a mistake after catching natasha discreetly poke wanda’s arm.
“oh, uh, same question as bucky’s.”
you sigh through an awkward laugh, meeting bucky’s heavy stare. “yeah,” you admit, a strange pull curling your lips. bucky looks to his lap as he mourns in your truth. “this guy i met at that new antique store, it’s him. he’s really sweet.”
his heart would break at the words if he wasn’t paralyzed by the split-second confusion—the little time bucky’s subconscious leaves him in the dark while it ascertains something even bucky is unknown to until it isn’t.
you’re lying.
bucky’s neck snaps back up to look at you, not wanting to question you right now but later, when you’re alone. he suddenly can’t wait for this to be over.
he doesn’t have to wait long. natasha, for all her intrusions, recognizes when her plans have worked, and the game dissolves after a while, everyone dozing off of the couches or entertaining each other with their strange little antics.
it’s silent as you and bucky ride in the elevator, and then bucky has to get it out, the observation he can’t make sense of has been plaguing him for too long to make sense.
“you lied,” he blurts, meeting your wide eyes when your head snaps to him. your lips part in question, trying to seem nonchalant, but the speed at which you turned to look at him and the blur in your irises tells him you’re nervous. “in the game. about the guy, you lied.”
knowing well that if you try to lie you would probably get discovered again, you flounder. “you lied too!” you counteract instead. “when you sad it was the barista.”
bucky scans your face, and you realize what he’s doing too late. “it’s someone in the tower. someone who was there,” he realizes, his whole body pivoting to you.
covering your face in your hands, you complain, “stop doing that!”
the elevator doors open to an agent, making you lift your head from your hands, joining bucky when he tells them to wait for the next one, clicking to highest number on the tower as the doors close on the agent’s startled face.
you turn to him, “so what? you like someone in the tower too. that’s why you lied.”
“hypocrite,” bucky grumbles.
“it’s nat, isn’t it?” you press. “or wanda?”
“no,” bucky states, squinting at you. “it’s thor, right? either him or loki.”
“no. who is it, then? why won’t you tell me?”
“why won’t you tell me?”
“ah, yes, thank you for that comprehensive explanation,” bucky deadpans. you glare at him.
“it’s nat,” you repeat, squinting at him even though you know it isn’t. you’re sure of it because you can hear the honesty in his voice when he negated it and you can hear it again now, because you can see it so plainly on his face in that easy way only you can do. yet you insist because there is no one else it could be.
“no it’s not.”
“it is! it has to be nat!” you exclaim.
“why does it have to be nat?”
“because there’s no one else!”
“well there is because it’s not her!”
“no—no, it’s her. i’ve seen you with wanda, you don’t like how intrusive her powers are. i don’t think you’ve even met gamora or carol and you don’t remember maria,” you list, scrounging for all the reasons you’re ashamed of having prepared. “it’s natasha. who else is there?”
“you, you idiot! there’s you!” bucky cries, stepping closer to you to take hold of your shoulders, shaking you lightly to get his point across.
“me what?” you ask dumbly.
bucky’s frustration at you bubbles over, and he growls an insult at your stupidity before pulling you to him, holding you steady as he kisses you.
you’re shocked for a second before you respond, melting against your best friend, the arms that were limp at your side looping around his neck to keep you upright. his hands are tight around your waist, tugging you as close as he can get you.
the kiss is desperate, teeth bumping as he guides you to the wall of the elevator. you pull away for a second to catch your breath, running a thumb over his cheekbone, admiring the color of his eyes. “it’s you too,” you say.
“yeah, i figured,” bucky teases, making you laugh and roll your eyes before you kiss him again.
the elevator doors part to natasha and wanda standing outside, natasha’s features colored with satisfaction.
“told you,” she whispers to wanda.
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danger-noodle-uwu · 2 years
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖?
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Sebastian is rough and passionate. He wants his kiss to ignite your heart on fire, a flame that burns for him and only him yet he wishes you to know that his heart too is burning for you the same way. He seals it with a kiss, he marks you as his over and over again. His sweet darling with addicting taste as if it is from heavens, something that almost bring satisfaction to a demon. Almost.
Claude is sincere and gentle. His emotions are– well not a common occurrence or a sight so usual. Therefore, he pours his affection, love and tenderness all in kiss, to tell you how much he loves you and adores you. You are more beautiful than any other being in existence and that he is glad to call you mine. Though it often gives him ideas to have his way with his little spider and mark you as his forever.
Ciel is slow and sensual. Soft lips capture yours in a sensual kiss, slowly guiding you along while revealing a thousand secrets. This moment is everything for him. An escape from the ache and suffering for once and he is enough. Not weak or too emotionless or foul. He is enough. He cherishes every second of this moment and let's himself slowly drown in your warmth.
Alois is honest and impatient. Each kiss is different from the last, as one minute he feels like he's all whiny and cuddly but the next he wants you underneath him, or perhaps bowing before him like the royalty he is. However, something remains constant, his impatience when it comes to recieve your kisses and his unfiltered self. Maybe it's just the way you kiss him that strips him of all power and once, restore what had been lost.
Undertaker is genuine and vulnerable. His lips locked yours and suddenly, he feels like a teenager expressing and confessing his feelings. He is weak for you and just you, all due to the tenderness your lips show to his, melts him. It always makes the confession more sloppy than he'd have thought and he tries be more dominant, only for him to lose to you. So, he will lose to you again and again until there is nothing of him left.
Grell is suggestive and fierce. She is a believer of 'kisses are more than just plain old love, they're about a need for each-other.' Thus, she always tries to lead onto something more yet the more admirable is the fierceness her offers. The way she isn't afraid to shower you in love and attention not caring about anyone witnessing it. In fact, she wants the world to know that you are hers, beauty in its truest form now belongs to her side.
William is shy and adoring. Love is among those things, he really isn't an expert in because each time your lips cage his, he gets anxious. Where should his hands go?! Should he keep his eyes closed? Is he supposed to just stand still? He's supposed to kiss back.? oh sorry...but of course, there is adoration for you sealed in a kiss. It always him yearning for more but only does shyness kick in that moment!
Ronald is affectionate and goofy. There are kisses and then there are kisses. On busy days, softness dances on his lips and he guides you along gently with hesitancy of letting go. Yet comes days where all his attention can be devoted to you and his kisses would leave you panting. It oftens reminds you that he missed your kisses but also that he's teasing you. Despite the goofiness of the moment, it still means the world to him.
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gummie-s · 2 years
𖤐Eyes on Me.
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ORDER #7-- cucking, mirio's gf x tamaki, first time, clothed grinding, fingering (f!recieving), missionary, slight sub?tamaki to dom?tamaki, facial, cum play, bareback
WORD COUNT# -- 7.9k
HUNGRY FOR MORE? -- buffet entrance
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tamaki's eyes blew wide, his jaw dropping as his face was consumed with a beating warmth that could only mean humiliation.
"you want me to what?" he whispered hoarsely, voice cracking on the way past his lips.
"fuck my girlfriend."
tamaki immediately felt dizzy with nausea, did mirio know? did he know he liked your smile a little too much? or about how often he stared at his best friends' girlfriend, unable to control his eyes when you bent over, just hoping to get a good glance at the curve of your ass. or how he jerked off to the imagined image of your tits after you would press close to him during the day. it only happened when you gushed about mirio's workout routine, he'd spend the moments just praying to commit a good second of your breasts squished against his arm to memory.
you were so kind to him, you were always patient and so pretty when you cocked your head to the side when you gave him your attention. you didn't mind his mumbling or the way his eyes were always looking below your chin, you knew how his anxiety got to him. it was just so much easier to stare at your bra strap, or the peaks of your nipples, if he's lucky that day, instead of your eyes.
did mirio figure out that he had a stupid little crush on his girlfriend?
"you're messing with me." tamaki accused, his feet pivoting to turn around, hoping to scurry off to his room before he could be interrogated.
"no, no, no! wait, i'm not, i swear!" mirio had no malice in his eyes, instead a goofy grin was on his lips and for once there was a nervous tick to his blonde brow. his big warm hands clamped tight on tamaki's shoulders, rendering him motionless.
"why would you ask that of me, of all things!?" tamaki turned his head away, face flaming and knees weak, held up by mirio's iron grip. the mere idea of what mirio had proposed made his head spin faster, he was still sure it was a joke, but mirio wasn't a liar-- this was so confusing.
"you know i'm--" tamaki cleared his throat harshly, "i'm a--"
"i'm sorry, buddy, i know it's sudden! i shouldn't have blurted it out." tamaki's shoulders were given another squeeze as he was cut off from finishing his embarrassing confession mirio was more than aware of.
"can we take this to somewhere more private, please?" tamaki choked out.
mirio looked around the 3A dorm common area, which was fortunately empty. that didn't mean it would be empty forever though. mirio sucked air through his teeth, "ooh, good idea."
"i was just trying to make a sandwich . . ." tamaki muttered to himself as he was dragged off to his dorm room.
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"should i call her?" mirio wondered aloud, lounging on tamaki's floor.
tamaki sat with his legs crisscrossed on his bed, both of their notes spread out on his sheets. "hm? who?" he asked, not looking away from his paper, the back of his pen cushioned on his lips as he contemplated their homework.
"my girlfriend! who else?" mirio chuckled holding his phone above his face, thumbs tapping at the screen.
"oh, i thought you were talking about hado-san." tamaki muttered absentmindedly. something clicked in his head, he lifted the pen from his pursed lips and leaned over the edge of his bed to stare at his best friend "wait, why would you . . . call her." his voice cracked a little on 'her.'
mirio peeked around his phone, his expression unassuming. he didn't say anything and looked back to his screen, a blue glow enlightened his face.
"mirio, what would you be calling her about." tamaki's cheeks were starting to tingle with warmth.
"mirio!" tamaki hissed.
"about sex."
tamaki threw himself to the other side of the bed to cover his face and groan into his palms. "you don't mean . . . what we talked about a couple weeks ago, right?" tamaki shakily asked, squinting through the spread of his fingers, his face thoroughly boiled red.
"well, yeah!" mirio sat up off the floor, "i told you she's into it too, right? we all agreed, so, why not now? 's not like we're busy." mirio supported his elbows on tamaki's mattress, resting his cheek in his palm nonchalantly.
tamaki gestured to their homework. "um."
he picked up the notes from a recent lecture.
"we can do that later." mirio grinned with confidence.
"you're almost at the bottom of your class in this subject."
"later! i promise that i'll change that if you please, just . . ."
"fuck your girlfriend?" tamaki finished meekly.
tamaki was sure steam was gonna blow out of his ears if his face got any hotter. "fine. call her. but, um. just--" tamaki started picking up their homework, "i need some time to mentally prepare." as if the days of agonizing wasn't long enough.
"gotcha, buddy!"
mirio had pulled him aside a couple weeks ago to tell him about his fantasy of getting to watch his girlfriend get fucked by someone besides himself. tamaki hadn't believed him, confused beyond all reason as to why anyone would feel aroused watching their partner get it on and not join in themselves. tamaki had hesitantly asked if he meant a threesome but mirio shook his head, "i just wanna watch." he said. "i've tried fucking her and watching in the mirror but it's-- not what i want."
tamaki remembered the way his thighs flexed, and the way he crossed his legs as the image popped into his head, pretty little you under the sheer mass of mirio. your eyes watching your reflection as you got fucked.
tamaki swallowed, "ah."
"i trust you, tamaki. i couldn't ask anyone else," mirio had told him honestly. tamaki couldn't turn him down after getting mirio's puppy eyes, and it wasn't like he didn't secretly want to get with mirio's girl it just-- was weird. it would be just sex and nothing else, he was fine with that, he was gonna take what he could get.
"and hey, she thinks you're cute! we've already had a big talk about it, and she's totes on board if you are."
"she really said that?" tamaki had covered his mouth, his ears twitching.
"yep, you're a good looking guy, tamaki."
obviously tamaki had agreed to mirio's pleas, and now he was scrambling to get his room to look presentable. condoms, he didn't have any, he was a lame virgin, why would he have any? mirio stepped out to make the call and get you over, and when the door shut behind him, tamaki remembered mirio telling him you were on the pill. he was clean, and you and mirio were, since mirio told him that too. did that mean he'd get to cum inside? tamaki stumbled to his bathroom to have a quick anxiety attack.
he stared hard at his reflection, "this is crazy." he mumbled to himself. he didn't have time to take a shower so he just washed his hands and face, attentive when cleaning under his trimmed nails. his sheets were fresh, he had lube and . . . he had mirio as a guide.
"hey, she's on her way!" mirio cheerfully informed him, sounding way too excited.
"great." tamaki grit out.
"you remember everything i told you, yeah?"
"just relax, just go with it, this is supposed to be fun, okay?"
tamaki nodded stiffly.
mirio smiled encouragingly, his warm hand rubbing up and down tamaki's arm, "all you have to do is make each other feel good."
tamaki's cheeks glowed, and he nodded again, breathing out shakily, his nerves boiling under the surface. mirio's presence helped though, and he wanted to do his best to unwind before you got here. "i'm just nervous." tamaki admitted in a low mumble.
it was odd but tamaki was really glad he'd have mirio with him the whole time. he was lucky mirio was arranging this, even if it was for his own personal pleasure, there weren't any negatives for tamaki.
"yeah, who wouldn't be though? it's normal to be nervous! you'll be fine." mirio wrapped an arm around tamaki's hunched shoulders and sat them on bed, the mattress dipping under their weight.
"yeah . . ." tamaki sighed, his eyes fluttering as he stared down at the carpet. "i'm excited, too, though." he whispered shyly, his eyes nervously flitting to mirio in expectation of a jealous outburst.
he didn't receive one.
"i hope so!" mirio laughed. "my girl is hot!"
tamaki fidgeted with his fingers and mirio squeezed him into his side, "are you sure about this, mirio? this won't make it weird between us, right?" tamaki didn't look up at mirio again, his insides churning together. "she's your girlfriend, and i don't know, what if i overstep--?"
mirio interrupted him with a laugh, and he let go of tamaki to giggle into his hand and wave with his other, as if he could physically shoo tamaki's worries away.
tamaki frowned, "what?"
"trust me, you won't overstep." now that he was looking, tamaki noticed mirio had a light flush to his cheeks. "i'm already getting hard just thinking about this actually happening." he had the nerve to look a little bashful when he confessed.
"oh." tamaki's eyes immediately shot down to mirio's lap. he glanced away and scolded himself internally for looking so quickly.
"yeah." mirio said breezily and leaned back, supporting himself in his hands.
"sheesh. you really are a cuck." tamaki murmured quietly, his comment earned a loud laugh from mirio.
there was a soft knock on tamaki's door and the boys perked up.
tamaki swallowed hard and got up when he decided to answer it, mirio's expectant gaze boring into him. he walked silently to the door and twisted the knob. when he pulled the door open it revelead you on the other side, a little smile on your face and some comfortable clothes on. you had a small bag with you, tamaki had no idea what for.
"hey, amajiki-kun." you greeted him before he could open his mouth and you leaned in and hugged him.
that was new. his face felt like it was on fire from that alone. he rushed to meet you half way, his hands hesitantly holding your upper back and waist as he choked out a brief greeting of his own.
you weren't shy about strolling in, kicking off your dorm slippers and casually giving your boyfriend a sweet greeting, dipping down for a kiss with your hands placed on his strong shoulders. mirio stood up and tamaki pushed the door shut with his back, supporting himself against it as he watched the couple makeout. mirio looked huge with you up against him, his hands big on your hips and his torso wide and looming over your smaller frame.
tamaki had to try and act like his lower stomach wasn't full of butterflies just watching you kiss him. silently he let his dark eyes trail after your round ass in those yoga pants he knew you wore on friday movie nights. he really liked that pair.
you pulled away with a girlish giggle, looking over your shoulder towards tamaki. "are you going to get over here?" you asked softly.
tamaki jolted, shuffling over to you. "what's that?" he gestured to your bag, holding his hand out to take it like a good host.
you looked down at the bag in question and passed it over to him, "just some wipes and underwear stuff like that. i didn't want to come empty handed!"
"it's not like it's a potluck . . ." tamaki took it from you and gently set it on his bedside table, tensing when you and mirio laughed.
"you're funny, amajiki." you were up against him before tamaki could process it, your body flush with his sternum.
tamaki made a whimpery noise before he could catch it, "oh, um. i--i'm really not." he cleared his throat. your hands descended upon his waist, causing goosebumps along his skin and his sides to quiver, his trained muscles lighting up tightly.
his eyes were glued to your pretty face, unaware that mirio had backed away to sit in tamaki's desk chair nearby.
"sure you are." you smiled, and tamaki had to suppress another comment denying it when you started kissing at his collarbones, right where his shirt's neckline laid. tamaki fought the urge to squirm, and he gasped as your cold fingers guided his hands to your soft hips.
"you're very charming," you murmured the compliment sweetly as he tipped his head up, subconsciously asking for more of your kisses on his skin. "and very cute." he was officially speechless.
for once he didn't deflect the compliments, allowing your soft voice to wash over him.
just as his hands were beginning to grip you, you pulled away. "can we lay down, amajiki?" you rested your chin on his chest which was minutely shifting with his breaths.
"yeah." he agreed. as if he could say no to you.
tamaki let you lay first, watching you get comfortable and look up at him with an amused little smile on your plump lips. he stared at them, memorizing the color and wishing he could do the same with the taste.
"i meant, i wanted you to lay down with me." you laughed and it sounded angelic on his sensitive ears. stupidly, he watched you spread your legs and push your hoodie up your belly, exposing the bottom of the cups of your bra.
"oh, yeah, right." tamaki gingerly got down beside you, but you didn't seem to want that because your hands grabbed his shirt and pulled. your ankles pressed into his back, thoroughly dragging him to rest on top of you with his hips pressed to your own. tamaki worriedly glanced around for mirio, and he found his friend sitting in his chair with his palm rubbing at the front of his sweats, stroking his cock leisurely through the cotton.
tamaki squeaked and turned his attention back to you, in complete disbelief that this was actually his life.
"ah," tamaki's lashes fluttered, his face an embarrassing cranberry. tamaki toed his socks off and kicked them away from the bed before lowering himself down to rest more comfortably on his elbows.
"hi." he had no idea why he said that but he was glad he did when you giggled, arms looping around his neck.
"hiii, amajiki." you wrapped your pillowy thighs tighter around his middle, your hips swaying and grinding against his to an imaginary beat. your soft hand cupped his cheek and you coaxed him into a kiss, gently teaching him with your lips.
tamaki's eyes slid shut, he didn't exactly have experience kissing but he still did his best to copy you and enjoy it. his insides were tingling, twisting and full but in the best way. he knew that you knew he was a virgin, as embarrassing as it was, and he appreciated that you weren't rushing him. your lips worked slowly against his, sweetly with happy little hums passed between kisses. you just grew more addicting when he got to taste your mouth, the foreign activity of your tongue gliding with his felt so good, and he groaned softly as he started to gently rock with the sway of your hips. he had to remind himself to breathe through his nose and not suffocate, and he appreciated you little reminder to stimulate you in other ways too.
"touch me," you told him against his lips.
he distributed his weight between one elbow and his hips, his now free hand began to rub at your thigh that was clenching and unclenching around him. excitement was mounting and he could tell he was getting hard now, blood rushing south. he was surprised he hadn't been sporting an erection the entire time. he tried to pull his lower body away from yours to avoid you feeling it, just out of habit, but you just pulled him closer and grinded your clothed pussy against his hardening dick.
tamaki moaned into your mouth, his pelvis stuttering and his fingers digging into the fat of your thigh. he swore he could feel your cunt, even through his loose black sweats and your yoga pants.
"are you hard, amajiki?" you asked breathlessly, your lips puffy.
tamaki whimpered with a little nod, "uh-- yeah . . ." his eyes were stuck at half mast and he pushed his bangs out of his face to see you better. you took on the task yourself and threaded your fingers through his hair, combing the long dark cowlick tufts out of his face, making his nose wrinkle and his eyes squeeze shut. he enjoyed your fingers in his hair, the light scratch of your nails on his scalp was nice  and new to him.
"you're a natural kisser, huh?" you swiped your thumb along his cheek and he shook his head 'no.'
"i have no idea what i'm doing." he told you honestly.
"well, keep doing it because it's hot." you advised kindly.
you turned your head towards mirio, your face lighting up when you saw him with his hand down his pants. "should we use a condom, babe?" you asked him and tamaki was reminded that this was for mirio's fantasy. fortunately, it turned out tamaki shared the same one.
mirio had an expression that was way too pleased, his pale skin flushed pink and his styled hair messed up with golden locks sticking in the wrong places.
"mm, no. i wanna see his cum leak out of you." he said it so normally, as if it didn't sound like a porno line that could have come from tamaki's internet history. tamaki watched in awe as mirio pulled his cock out, his scarred hand continuing to languidly stroke the bright pink flesh. it would be weird to say that tamaki had already seen it before, but it was true. however this was the first time he'd seen it hard and dripping like it was now.
"okay, you heard him." you turned your face back to tamaki and he did the same, looking away from mirio's little masturbation corner.
"mhm." tamaki stared at you, wide eyed and totally lost. he had just gotten comfortable kissing, he wasn't sure if he could do this.
your hand slipped down to fiddle with the hem of his shirt, cautiously slipping your fingers underneath to touch his hip and then his lower stomach, making the muscles clench and his breath stutter. "ah, uh," tamaki's jaw hung open, his eyebrows knitting together as his head lolled to the side. his belly was full of butterflies, the gentle touch almost tickling him but not quite.
"i haven't even touched you yet." you murmured, "you want me to, right?" you asked genuinely, your hand continuing to rub his hip and trace through his light happy trail.
"y--yes. please." tamaki answered as soon as you were done asking your question.
"okay, sit up, amajiki."
he did as told, separating your bodies. he watched with heavy breaths as you slipped out of your hoodie, your breasts coming into view. you had a sexy black bra on with a cute lacey trim arching around the curve of each cup. tamaki resisted palming at his dick, instead leaving his erection alone to tent his pants. it'd be too embarrassing . . . he glanced to you and then to mirio. he'd have to get naked.
"can you see how wet i am, amajiki?" you asked coyly. tamaki's eyes zeroed in on the nook between your legs, your little cunt so perfectly nestled between the soft fat of your thighs. he could see your yoga pants clinging to the wet lips, cutely hugging every fold. his cock twitched, and his precum was smearing along the inside of his boxers by now, his tip painfully sensitive and throbbing against the thin material just from looking at your pussy's shape through your clothes.
"do you not have-- have any panties on . . ?" tamaki's voice shook as it dropped an octave.
"why don't you find out?" you angled your hips up, encouraging him to touch.
tamaki swallowed audibly, his shaky fingers moving to hover over your cunt. he used the pads of his middle finger and ring finger to gently stroke your clothed slit. his other hand caressed your lower waist, exploring the junction of your thigh and hip. his nostrils flared when he didn't find any creases where your underwear should be laying. the crotch of your silky yoga pants was damp, leaving his fingers sticky and pressing more firmly at where you were leaking.
"take off her pants." mirio instructed, voice somehow even.
tamaki rushed to listen, curling his fingers into the waist line and pulling down, helping you remove the stretchy, skin tight material with wandering eyes. he was sweaty by the time he got to look at your bare cunny. the trimmed curls at your pubic bone, your pretty puffy lips looked so soft, and your little clit so stiff-- god, you were so soft everywhere and it was driving him crazy. his fingers retook their place, the callused tips gingerly slipping through the slick of your sex.
"looks pretty, huh?" mirio prompted, earning tamaki's small hum of agreement. "why don't you tell her?"
tamaki's ears twitched. "you're very pretty." he complimented you in a quiet tone, his lips parted in awe as he tapped his finger along your hole, fighting the temptation of slipping the digit inside without warning.
"what's pretty?" you asked.
"your pussy . . . it's cute." tamaki practically whispered.
tamaki felt a pulse against his fingers. you grinned, taking his wrist and guiding his fingers up, "spread me and rub in circles up near the top, okay?"
"okay." he agreed readily, desperate to be told what to do to avoid screwing up. he scooted closer and spread your pussy with his fingers making a 'v' and he took notice of how when he did that he got to see how pink your pussy was on the inside. then he used his thumb to lightly swirl circles into the bud at the top of your cunt. he didn't want to press too hard and possibly make you uncomfortable, you're so tender and sweet down here, he wasn't the type to brazenly start a new task without caution. he wanted to treat you kindly.
your body arched in reaction to his touch, the muscles in your legs flexing subtly under his attention. "that's good, amajiki . . . good, now-- um, you can press a little more . . . 'n you can change directions every once in a while." you advised with this way too perfect expression on your face, something tamaki was going to be thinking of for probably the rest of time.
"oh, alright." was it this easy? he just had to do what you said and keep up a good rhythm to get you squirming against his palm? "is this good?" he asked, just to make sure.
"yes! please don't stop, amajiki . . . just keep doin' that."
"i won't stop." he reassured you, heart aching at how cute you sounded, how was he this lucky? not as lucky as mirio for getting this all the time but damn this was good for him too, even if it'd just be this once.
playing with a pussy was louder than he thought it'd be, it made these small wet schlick sounds that made him surprisingly burn.
tamaki used the 'v' of his fingers to rub up and down along your slit, gently pinching and playing with your lips and rubbing your arousal into the hot flesh. he kept up the circling where you wanted him to and occasionally switched from clockwise to counterclockwise.
"put a finger-- inside, inside," you had a begging note to your now whiny voice, your pitch had picked up and up as he continued steadily with his hands, your body reacting beautifully to his simple touches.
tamaki swallowed loudly, rubbing his middle finger against your hole and gasping softly as it easily slipped inside your soft pussy. it was so hot inside, and he had to stifle a moan when he felt your cunt part for him, it was so easy to have you spread out on his finger in one swift press. tamaki pulled the digit out and pushed it back in. watching a piece of him disappear inside you was immediately addicting.
"more, c'mon, jiki." you encouraged him sweetly.
another finger was eased inside, and then quickly another once you started shifting your hips into his palm as he made a gentle come hither motion.
tamaki was close to panting watching your little cunt clench on his three digits, your slick coating and stringing between the gaps in his fingers.
"you . . . it doesn't hurt right?" he asked softly, eyeing your pinched up face.
a smile broke out across your lips, "no, it feels good." your lashes fluttered. "can you take off your pants for me?"
tamaki gave a single nod and carefully retrieved his fingers, staring at the thick layer of your arousal on his skin. you took him by his wrist and popped the offending appendages in your mouth, sucking your taste off of him. tamaki gave a little whine, his forehead wrinkling and his jaw muscles flexing. when you released him a glob of saliva stretched out into a string and connected your lips to his fingertips.
"there!" you told him and began to unclip your bra.
"thanks . . ." he would need to process that later. tamaki hooked his thumbs into his waist band and pulled his pants off, leaving him in his shirt and underwear, his erection stretching the fabric.
he watched your tits spill from your bra, but he didn't have time to stare mindlessly at them because you were trying to take his shirt off for him. tamaki lifted his arms and shut his eyes, ready to do whatever you wanted of him. so if that meant you wanted his shirt off then his shirt was coming off, even if it made his spine curl self consciously and draw his elbows close to his ribs.
"wow, you're pretty." you told him, fingers exploring his chest and shoulders, giving him goosebumps and a tremble in his breath.
"y--you too." tamaki returned in a hushed tone. he relaxed at the praise, his muscles loosening once more as he let himself enjoy your contact.
"touch her." mirio advised from the sidelines, and tamaki jumped to follow his words, his hands resting on your waist. feeling a little too eager he cupped your tits, testing their weight and feel in his palms. so soft. he'd never gotten to see actual breasts before, let alone touch them like he was now. his cock ached with how hard it was, all his blood leaving his head and heading to the throbbing place between his legs.
"can you get the lube from my bag for me, jiki?" you asked, your soft hands massaging his shoulders.
tamaki slipped down to hold your waist again, leaning over to root through your bag with one hand until he found the bottle.
you palmed his bulge, making him jolt as his stomach spiked with butterflies. "ah!" he squeaked, hand tightening around the bottle and his ears twitching to stand straight up like little red beacons. you hummed in amusement, laying yourself back down but keeping your finger anchored by his waistband, pulling him closer by his boxers. the thin fabric being pulled away allowed his dick to stand up against his belly, exposing the pearly dots of precum smearing down his length.
"it's so red, you poor thing." you sounded genuine, your quick fingers diving in to caress his cock, paying attention to the swollen red tip.
"ahhh . . that-- it's sensitive, please, be careful." he hissed, covering his mouth and his soft cries.
"don't worry, jiki, remember, i've handled a cock before." your eyes glanced over to your boyfriend briefly, a little coy smile rounding out your cheeks.
a girl was actually touching his dick. your hand wrapped around his length and your other hand pushed his underwear down his thighs, exposing him completely. now you were massaging his balls in your hand, drawing a low whine from his chest.
"lookit you, your cock's big."
tamaki couldn't help but glance at mirio and his monster dick sitting out in the open. tamaki wasn't sure if he could call himself big, but watching your fist struggle to close around him did send his pulse racing.
"i-- i dunno about big." he mumbled his honest thoughts while trying to keep his hips from rocking into you. his fists were clenched so tightly he was sure he had warped the bottle of lube with his grip.
you had your legs spread again, showing your dripping pussy for him to admire. you had him by his dick, rubbing the thick tip against your pussy lips and the delicate flesh was so gooey and so hot on his sensitive head he got chills. "i mean, look at how big you are up against my little cunt . . . the tip alone feels heavy on my clit, see?" a groan creaked out of tamaki at your words, his head lolling and his eyes fluttering shut briefly, his hips moving to grind his tip into your twitchy bud. your pussy really did look small in comparison, was he going to fit? of course he would if mirio could.
"tamaki, do you want a condom? i know me 'n mirio are fine with none, but i just wanna double check before we go further." you suddenly said semi-seriously. "i just want to be cautious of your comfort."
"yeah, i know what i said earlier may contradict that, but seriously do whatever, i'm just watching." mirio popped in to add, a smile audible in his voice.
tamaki's face was burning up like a sparkler in july, his eyes wide and glued to where his dick was centimeters from being inside your pulsing cunny. he cleared his throat, a little relieved that he was being seriously thought of during all this. he was also a whole lot embarrassed over the fact he had to admit he didn't want a condom. he wanted to feel all of you, be as close as possible and use this opportunity to the fullest.
"thank you . . but, uh, i'm good with--with um, no condom."  he gripped the sheets, shuffling closer to your body laid out before him.
"then lube up your dick, tamaki. she really wants it, see?" mirio spoke up, his breathing picking back up in tamaki's ears.
tamaki looked at his friend and then back to you, a nervous wobble to his lips. you nodded eagerly, grinning in a familiar sweet way.
"uh-huh . . ." tamaki mellowed his anxious hold on the bottle of lube and flipped the lid off. his hand shook scantly as he drizzled some onto his dick, sighing as you stroked his shaft for him, spreading the slick substance around.
your eyes were hooded and your body relaxed. "alright then, amajiki. 'm ready when you are."
"okay." he whispered, narrow eyes bouncing between your pussy and your encouraging face.
"i'm just gonna . . ." he slid his hips forward, closing the distance between your bodies. you kept yourself spread pretty for him, even as his hard cock gently breached you. the swollen head went first, and when your coaxing moan resonated the rest of him went next, the overwhelming pull driving him crazy. he couldn't help it, he was obsessed, watching his dick disappear inside your hot lips and snugly be massaged by your velvety pussy.
tamaki moaned pleasantly, his thighs quivering already and his body burning up like a lit wick. "'s, uahh . . . warm, you're so warm." he muttered like a blubbering idiot, his head dropping forward to plant his face in your shoulder.
your fingers wove through his hair, cradling the back of his head. "lemme know when you wanna move." you told him, your lavish thighs compressed around his hips.
"now, i wanna move now," tamaki said in an undertone, hopelessly desperate to continue.
"then move, jiki." you told him, "move your hips, you know how."
he made a bashful sound. sure, he's humped his bed before but he's never fucked. this wasn't going to be smooth, but you didn't seem to care, and mirio didn't either.
tamaki slowly rose from his hiding place, and as he stared down at you the solid reality that he had his cock buried inside the pussy of his best friends' girlfriend hit him. never in his wildest dreams or guilty fantasies would he think this was remotely possible. before he fell victim to the clutches of performance anxiety he reminded himself he didn't have time to be unsure. he had to use this chance to the fullest, and his body really was itching to fuck deeper-- so he moved.
he started out hesitantly, getting used to the new movements as the rock of his hips turned into more fluid thrusts, his dick getting wonderfully submerged in your hot insides. every entry made a wet sound, and when his thighs gently collided with your ass it made a muffled slap just like in the porn he watched by himself late at night when he couldn't stop thinking about you. that little erotic noise grew as he put more power into his movements.
you kept making perfect, adorable little moans with every press forward, your breathing labored with your pleased cries that kept bubbling up like sweet soda pop.
you were so fucking soft inside, he couldn't get over that. his fuzzy brain couldn't stop thinking about you. he grinded his teeth and kept a steady tunnel vision on the parting of your cunts lips unfurled on his cock. you were making his dick wet, your slick doing a much better job than any lube ever could, but he was pretty sure it was supposed to be the other way around.
"you like it, babe?"
the sudden voice had his head snapping up to find the source, and his eyes widened in shame as he realized he'd forgotten mirio was there. his skin was scarlet, unable to stop the rhythm he'd built just for some potential conversation between you and mirio he had no real interest in, he didn't want to stop.
you made a small whiney sound when tamaki couldn't help but hump your wet pussy harder. not after you were squeezing down on him so nicely after processing mirio's silly question.
"of course you like it," mirio groaned, "god, look at you." he kept babbling under his breath, his large fist moving faster on his cock as he watched tamaki plunge inside you.
you whined some more, head tossed to the side and neck bare beneath tamaki, your breasts bouncing on every harsh press of tamaki's hips. your eyes were wide and doe like, completely enraptured with watching your boyfriend touch himself to the sight of your body getting fucked.
"stop looking at me." mirio told you, not in a mean tone but a quick order he wholeheartedly expected you to follow. "i'm not the one fucking you."
tamaki inhaled a sharply when you suddenly looked him in the eye, your gaze piercing his heart. his fingers dug into the soft skin laying at your hips, and he groaned softly as he increased the strength behind his thrusts, determined to withhold your gorgeous stare. he couldn't take his eyes off of you even if he tried. your expressions were mesmerizing, and watching your body bounce and jolt with every one of his movements was an unexpected turn on.
the way your pussy was squelching on his dick, your gooey warmth drawing him deeper and deeper with every hip roll forward, it had his low confidence swelling.
it swelled and swelled until his throaty voice broke past his lips, "yeah, eyes on me."
he didn't want you to look at mirio anymore, you were his right now. your pussy was his to fuck.
a sharp, prickly feeling emerged inside him, one he knew he'd been suppressing ever since you and mirio got together. it felt too good to have you gushing on his cock in front of mirio, to have your voice suddenly call his name, not your boyfriends.
"tamaki!" not 'amajiki-san' but a sweet symphony of his name pouring from your arched throat.
"yeah," tamaki groaned, your name escaping his lips like a precious prayer.
"'m close, so close, t'maki, 'maki, i--" you suddenly groaned. your hand fumbled for his, shakily guiding him to press his palm against your lower belly, his thumb naturally resting against your clit. 
he picked up what you were wanting pretty quickly, his thumb swiping back and forth and circling the swollen bud as he continued to thrust. he was grateful he was good at multitasking.
your pussy spasmed around his cock, it was the best feeling in the world. tamaki watched starry eyed as his forbidden crush curled her toes and wrapped her warm thighs tight around his hips. forcing him deep inside your depths so you could clench, clench, and clench down on his length. tamaki's eyes fluttered and he was so, so close-
mirio suddenly stood from his chair and stalked over to you, ignoring tamaki's grinding into your quivering body. his best friend towered over the bed with his fist moving fast over his hard cock, jerking himself off over your euphoric expression. your eyes were barely open, yet your tongue lolled out automatically once you saw your boyfriend's bright red tip hovering over your chin. mirio groaned and spilled his load across your cheeks, a few strings landing on your taste buds before you quickly swallowed. tamaki watched with his jaw loose, his dick twitching inside your cunt.
the room was full of heavy breathing as the moment winded down. your body melted into the sheets as mirio pulled his pants back up and kissed your head, his thumbs tenderly wiping his spend from your skin. tamaki settled and sat on his knees, your legs resting over his thighs. tamaki pulled out and hissed softly, his erection heavily resting against your wet pussy instead of residing inside it's warmth.
you tilted your face away from mirio's gentle touches, "wait," you swallowed, "you-- you didn't cum."
tamaki froze up, his body catching fire all over again despite just cooling down. "oh, um. yeah, sorry . . ?" he nervously squeezed at the fat of your thighs before realizing what he was doing and letting go.
mirio turned to look at him next, a comically sad frown on his face, "oh, man, for real? i totally thought you did!"
tamaki was supremely embarrassed, his ears visibly drooping, "i just didn't . . . get there." he awkwardly stated, rubbing a hand over his face. this was horrible, he got to fuck the girl he's been guiltily lusting after, and he doesn't even cum? how lame could he be?
"well, where do you wanna cum, amajiki-kun?" you asked softly, your breathing still uneven with pretty little gasps woven into your words.
"um, what?"
"you think we'd just let you leave without cumming? i'm a better friend than that!"
tamaki blinked owlishly at the couple.
"do you wanna cum inside?" you pulled your thighs apart to expose your puffy lips to him.
"inside?" tamaki gulped.
"uh-huh, inside."
he had been dreaming of cumming deep inside your cunt for he doesn't know how long but he simply hesitated.
"where do you want it, hun?"
tamaki glanced at mirio before looking at the bedsheets "your face." tamaki muttered his answer softly.
laughter bursted out of mirio, and he clapped a hand on tamaki's bare shoulder blade, "ohh!" he giggled. tamaki flinched, his eyes blowing wide and his face running hot like a heatwave had passed over him alone.
mirio bent down to quietly snicker in his ear, "you liked that, huh?"
shyly, tamaki nodded and covered his mouth. "a little, yeah." he spoke into his palm.
"a little, he says!"
"mirio, chill out, babe." you sat up, an amused grin on your lips, obviously sharing mirio's thoughts on the matter. you two were really in sync.
mirio removed his hand from tamaki's shoulder, "alrighty!"
eventually the trio changed positions. mirio settled back into his chair to enjoy the last act while tamaki sat at the edge of the bed with you on the ground between his knees. tamaki's dick ached, his stomach flipping knowing he was the center of attention and he didn't mind it for once. this moment was all for him.
your face was so pretty, so perfect. he liked everything about it, from your eyes gazing up at him all sweet-like, the slopes of your brows making your face look oh so innocent. to your lips just barely kissing at his balls when you spoke, "do you want help?"
tamaki nodded silently. he could still see the remains of mirio's white streaks on your cheeks.
his cock was still slick, but drying, and he watched enamored as you spat on his shaft, dribbling your drool along the veins of his dick. you worked on spreading it with a loose curl of your little fingers around his girth, gently pumping him. each pump made his dick shift and gently tap his dark rosette tip across the high point of your cheekbone, triggering your to eye wink cutely at him as if preparing for a picture.
tamaki groaned softly, nothing more than a low exhale that carried a little too much voice. your hand felt so different than his own, softer and more gentle. the softness of a girl was irreplaceable.
you continued to jerk him off, casually licking at his shaft and spitting on him when you deemed it too 'dry', even though the pace of your hand made a deafening slick squelch that had his ears burnt red. tamaki couldn't help but start panting, getting all worked up again as you popped your mouth open just waiting for him to cum across your pink tongue. his belly was all fluttery and his fingers were knotted up in the sheets, unsure if he could touch you right now.
he was already so close earlier, and this new intimate view just had him rushing closer and closer to the edge.
"you want his cum all over your face, gorgeous?" mirio asked you, still in his chair. he was reclined back a little, his fingers running through his golden hair like he was trying to contain himself.
you made a small "uh-huh" sound, your mouth gaping wider and your eyes fluttering shut, lashes fanning over the apples of your cheeks elegantly. precum leaked from his swollen head, dripping down your knuckles in pearly beads.
tamaki was close, his groans morphing into bitten off inhales. he watched you swallow around nothing as drool strung from your bottom lip. he couldn't take it anymore and tipped his head back, his hand moving without him meaning for it to as he cupped the back of your head. you used your unoccupied hand to cup and massage his balls in return, making him flex his thighs.
"what're you looking away for? don't you wanna at least watch when you cum across my girls face?" mirio's voice made tamaki snap his head forward, his body burning as he nodded, yeah, yeah, he wanted to see it.
"sorry, yeah-- i'm, 'm just ahh . . .yeah, close." tamaki barely got the words out. because when you peeked an eye open your tongue extended out a bit more and your eyebrows were crinkling along your forehead and you just looked so cute he--
tamaki moaned softly, the build up in his abdomen coming loose as he finally got over the last couple leaps before he made it to heaven. he did his best to watch, his shoulders tensing up while his legs shuddered.
tamaki moaned softly, the build up in his abdomen coming loose as he finally got over the last couple leaps before he made it to heaven. he did his best to watch, his shoulders tensing up while his legs shuddered.
his cum came out thick and in long strings that shot far past your mouth. the first rope of white went over your head and landed on your lower back where it was arched between his legs, and then it got in your hair, next your forehead before his last dribbles invaded your mouth. 
you gasped. your eyelids twitched and your lashes curled upwards the tighter you squeezed them shut. tamaki let out a grand exhale, his body turning into mush, yet he resisted melting into the bed. instead he slumped forward and shakily cupped your face with his searing palms. he watched your lips pucker as you tasted him. you swallowed and tamaki was surprised, he had expected you to spit his flavor out at his feet in all honesty.
"you okay?" he asked you before looking over your head at mirio for guidance. tamaki tried to catch his breath, gulping and blinking quickly like he could will himself out of his orgasmic high faster. your breathing was slowing too, your chest rising and falling in a more relaxed fashion.
"relax, she's fine. aren't you, babe?" 
"mmyeah. is it near my eyes amajiki-kun?"
"uh, not too close, no." tamaki gently swiped his thumb around your eyes just in case. he also wiped away the spend on your forehead, grimacing when it got in your hair a little. your eyes fluttered open and a charming, tiny smile tilted up the corners of your perfect lips. tamaki memorized it as well as he could in that moment.
soon mirio was standing beside the pair, a silly grin taking up the majority of his face. "oooh, unintentional backshots. nice."
your turned your head out of tamaki's hold and made a noise of intrigue. "wow, i thought i imagined that feeling for a sec."
"i'm sorry, i wasn't trying to just-- just, i didn't mean to--"
"it's fine, it's not like this hasn't happened before. i'm just glad you came so hard, i was a little worried you wouldn't because you were nervous or something." you interrupted his anxious apologies, your hands gently settling on his spread thighs. "was it good, tamaki?"
tamaki's lashes fluttered and his breath hitched at the use of his first name. "yes."
"good. that's all that matters." you looked up at your boyfriend, "sorry, mirio, i know you said you wanted to see him cum inside, but maybe next time. this was a good first time, though, don't you think?"
mirio gave you a solid nod and squatted down to your level on the ground, "it's fine! you took the words out of my mouth earlier, all that matters is everyone had a good time." he kissed your cheek and pulled you into his big side. "you were so great, baby." immediately you preened at the praise.
tamaki was reeling, his head suddenly dizzy, "wait-- n-next--? what do you mean next time?"
mirio quirked a brow, and the couple between his legs shared a mischievous look, "you didn't think this would be a one time thing did you?"
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dimepdf · 2 years
Hi!! I love your work 🤭 Could you please do an Argyle x reader smut where Argyle is a virgin and a major simp lmaooo
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? summary. your boyfriend Argyle was the sweetest guy you'd ever met, but as his first girlfriend, you knew you'd have your hands full. author's note. i made a discord server that you should totally join and help me convert more stranger things fans into Argyle simps.
[ ❥ ] pairing. argyle x reader
[ ❥ ] word count. 2.5K
[ ❥ ] genre. 18+, fluff
[ ❥ ] warnings. mature language, black fem reader because i said so, reader with stretch marks, soft ari, first time, established relationship, grinding, tooth rotting fluff, slight dom reader, glow in the dark condom, the bright yellow pizza shirt, not proof read.
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Argyle was the perfect boyfriend for you. He knew how to make you laugh, and his laid-back personality instantly mellowed out every time you worried about something.
Your boyfriend is practically your voice of reason when deciding most things in your life as if you were a pretty confusing bitch.
Argyle knew you like the back of his hand, having fallen head over heels for you ever since your classmate Jonathan introduced you two. You and Jonathan had been asked by Joyce to pick up Will and Jane from the mall; neither you nor Jonathan had your vehicle, as Joyce was off buying something for dinner.
Jonathan made a quick phone call to someone over the phone as you watched a large delivery van pull into his driveway from his living room window.
Still recreating his shocked face as you swung open the door instead of Jonathan. Argyle was a stuttering mess when he first laid his eyes on you, a stuttering mess about how you looked so much like an angel floating down from heaven in slow motion.
You found out later in your relationship that the boy was just high out of his mind when he first saw you and thought he was being welcomed to heaven.
Your friendship started on a wonderful footing. Having always hung out as a trio, there would be times where you would catch Argyle staring a little longer than necessary or the many times he would offer to drive you home, claiming that it was on the way to his home, though you knew his house was in the other direction. 
You weren't bothered by his kind of desperate efforts to flirt with you. If anything, you welcomed it, having grown close to the goofy and cheerful man, soon finding yourself spending time with him without Jonathan.
It was natural for you to confess your feelings for each other, and you've been dating since then.
You would think that Argyle’s nervousness would die down the more you spent time with him, but it seemed like he had just fallen more in love with you as he was considered your boyfriend. You weren’t mad at his behavior. 
You had found his stutter and inability to make eye contact without smiling adorably peppering his face with kisses each time he would stumble over his words the moment your eyes met to be endearing.
But the longer you had grown to grow together, the more the thoughts in the back of your head started to get louder.
You were still, in fact, a teenage girl with needs. And those needs were becoming almost unbearable as you became not only emotionally but also sexually attracted to your boyfriend.
As you know, Argyle would never pressure you into doing anything, whether sex or not. Peer pressure just wasn’t his thing. Any time of pressure in general as well.
This was why it took a couple of months for you two to get comfortable enough with each other to move to the next stage. It wasn’t your choice as you wanted to jump his bone.
Seeking an opportunity to finally snuff that ache burning in your lower parts, but you wanted Argyle to be comfortable. Letting him set his own pace with things as you guys took a more "safe" process, by which safe means Argyle planning out the time and date he wanted to have sex with you. 
Though being extra prepared didn't stop the nervous pit swelling inside of him, his fingers shaking as he pulled you on top of his lap, pausing and pulling away every minute to reassure and ask you "is this okay?" covering his anxiousness with his questions though you knew him better than that.
Seeing his overly comforting personality inside, he was just one big anxious teddy bear, as you would reply every time as he went on by pecking his lips and smiling at him.
His rough moans were being swallowed down your throat, with every movement of your hips grinding against his colorful denim jeans. shredding his white and blue blazer to just his bright yellow pizza shirt. 
You could feel his fingers trembling against you as you arched closer against him, feeling the thumping pace of his heart at your touch as you grabbed his wrist and placed it on the high of your waist.
Argyle pulled away from your kiss, his eyes fluttering open as his mouth opened to speak, not being able to find his words as they closed only to open again.
"Ari, I don’t expect you to be some super sexy sex demon. I’ll tell you what I like and help only if you want to go any farther." Feeling suddenly vulnerable under your gaze as you sat on his lap.
Argyle shifted his hips up against yours, his body seemingly under a spell as his mind said one thing but his body wanted another. "I—I want to…it just, I don’t know, you just make me so nervous." 
Still, under the effect of your beauty, you were the first girl to even be in his bedroom other than his mother. 
Let alone being the first girl to ever sit on his lap and kiss him the same way he craved for you. "How about you set the pace then? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable."
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, drawing him closer as his eyes glinted almost like a puppy with a new toy, ducking your head closer to his ear, kissing his lobe before whispering, "Ari, touch me please."
You didn’t think you were the type to give orders during sex. Your usual fantasies just involved you getting railed to your heart's content by your celebrity crushes. Your lewd daydreaming usually involves your partner being in charge, but it was obvious that Argyle was going to need to be taught a lot of things with your simple guidance. 
His body reacted first upon your request as his hips thrust up for friction, making him practically shudder under you as his shark hands trailed under your shirt. His fingers felt like ice as they traced against your skin. It felt nice compared to your heated brown skin.
His fingers dragged along your stomach, almost like he was still starstruck that he was touching you, wanting to memorize every curve, dip, and stretch mark. 
His fingers groped at the plush skin taking note of how your thighs flinched as his fingers dragged against the bud of your nipples. Reaching to unclasp the bra from the back as it fell from your shoulder.
Argyles instantly leaned in to press his lips to your chest, leaving a trail of harsh kisses that unintentionally left marks that would bruise your dark skin later in the day.
You let him do his thing, craning your neck and arching closer to him. Allowing him full access to your body as his tongue swirled around his nipple, your body reacted fast as you flinched hard. 
You were so perfect in Argyle’s eyes. The more he kissed you, the more it was intoxicating the more he felt.
The way you curved just so in his touch, how your eyes fluttered shut with every sigh and moaned that slipped from your lips. How your curled hair looked in the light that peeked through his curtains and lit against your brown skin.
He just wanted to shout your name at the top of his lungs he concluded that you were just so fucking perfect in his eyes it was no surprise how much his boner strained against the denim of his suddenly tight jeans.
 It was no help that you were grinding against him, your thighs pressing against his as he tried to control how much his hips would buck with every swerve of your hips but it was all just starting to become so unbearable.
He needed you so badly his thoughts clouded with want as the noises you made grew louder he felt like his head was going to explode from just the cute little sounds you made.
 There was slight confidence in his touches, the way his hands trailed over your body was a task in mind though there was still a little tremble in his fingers that you admire about him, a reminder of the dork that you had fallen smitten for. 
The More his hands would wander the less confidence you had over the control you had over him, as you grew desperate for more of him.
“Ari please,” you whined. With your hand taking his wrist and trailing his hand down towards your underwear, you were becoming impatient, grinding your hips against his crotch rougher than you started. 
Argyle had a second of thinking before he realized what you wanted from him, he knew he was supposed to touch you down there he just didn't know how to stifle his moan grabbing the collar of his shirt as you leaned back against the mattress. 
His hands trembled as he helped you fully undress, his fingers sliding between your legs as his head ducked in the curve of your neck. 
His touch halting as it teased the heat of your entrance not sure how to progress any farther you took the silent interoperation and guided his hands towards your clit, spreading his fingers as you bent his index and middle finger inside of you, finding a comfortable pace to pump his fingers in and out of you with listening to his staggered breathing in your ear as he circled your clit with his thumb. 
As he had found his rhythm, leaning your head back against the mattress your mouth gaped open as you moaned clenching around his fingers.
Argyle littered kisses along your neck and collarbones wanting to worship your body as much as possible convinced that if he were dreaming that he was going to make the best of it. 
Wanting nothing more than to be naked next to you, Argyle managed with minor difficulty to get rid of his clothes. Opting to slip under the blankets, both a little self-conscious with your bare bodies suddenly exposed. 
His fingers curled inside of you on accident as your chest rose and moaned loudly.
Argyle's eyes widened as he was so turned on at the moment that it was becoming unbearable to want nothing but to milk those same sounds out of you. Curling and thrusting his fingers out of you as you squirmed under him.
 Wrapping your arms around his neck and drawing him down for a kiss, you were less merciful as you deepened the kiss regarded his need for air as you kissed him like it was your last.
“Wait…wait.” instantly pulling away, glancing up at Argyle as he leaned on the top of you, his breath harsh as he was practically gasping for air. 
An alarm ringing in your head, afraid that you had done something to make him uncomfortable, your eyes scanned over his entire body before looking back at him.
 Your worries washed away as your boyfriend leaned on the other end of the mattress where his pants sat on the floor and dug into his pockets pulling out a string of condoms.
You didn't question why he had so many or why they were glowing in the dark only laughing with each other as you rolled it onto him and ducked under the blankets the glow of the condom being very dim as you helped him thrust inside of you, coaxing a moan out of both of you
. “The more I listen to those sounds you make, the more I feel like I'm losing my mind man.” grunting as you felt his breath against your neck, his arms holding himself up placed on both sides of your head. 
You felt amazing, swearing that he was bound to melt from how warm you felt around him. The overwhelming need fluttered with every thrust as his chest lay against yours, convinced that your pussy could kill him, he would die a happy man. 
As much as you wanted him to do his thing, you craved more stimulation as his naive rhythm was just a tad bit too slow for your pace, budging your hand against his chest as you repositioned the two of you so you sat back on top of him, the blankets covering your shoulder. 
 “Every time I look at you I swear I fall more in love.” his confession breaking a smile from your lips as you like looking down at his flushed brown skin the way he looked up at you like you were a goddess making your knees weak.
 You both were so in love with each other. Your pace was less slow yet still gentle as Argyle's eyes would switch to watching your breast bounce to his hand that you trained to circle your clit, your hips rolling against him. 
The closer you rushed to your orgasm, the more you realized how much Argyle was holding back to finishing with you. An adorable look of pure concentration was written on his face as he focused on his fingers, pleasing you. Leaning in to slip your tongue into his mouth as you whimpered. 
Your hips twitched as the small little gesture seemed to throw Argyle over the edge as he whimpered against your mouth. Your orgasm tumbled right after his as your thigh clenched shut against his, your fingers clenched in his long brown hair. 
You slowly rolled off of him, letting him slip out of you, before curling up next to him. He was breathing heavily, obviously exhausted, as it was the only form of working out he had done since he had to do gym class. 
But he’d never felt more content than when your naked body curled up beside him. Wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you onto his chest, cuddling you close as he peppered kisses along with your head. “Legally, there's no way you should be allowed to make me this happy.” 
his comment muffled as his face was buried in the curls of your hair, his nose nuzzling closer to you. “Ari, you are such a simp.” You chuckle placing a kiss in the middle of his chest.
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[ ❥ ] taglist.  @loveshineslikethesky @willowwonka @sh3lov3dyou @spenglerslime @misaamaneswifey @eichenhouseproperty @anastasiasvv @wheremygorliesat @sacr3dm1lk @r0se1111 @trinkettray @tougly2care @the1andblue @begay-do-crimes @moonstarteaxx @vxid42 @eddiemunsonswife21 @eddiemunsonbby @lluvin @dwaynesluvr @slutforfics @missmaximoffsblog @clowncrawler @bored0-0 @mr-magic @teehopper @mi-yo-0 @meidix9 @stickysnail @spookybabey @1efleurr @kewlbeans-22 @dasespicyaghh @lollolgetrecked @femmefelis-blog @pinkladyy @sultrylies @sagethephantom @kyyellaxii @ghoullful @passivehippie
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spideyzgirl · 2 years
Can you make a similar one to “touch” please :) ?
↳ *taste* ༉‧₊˚✧
summary ↠ peter just wants a taste of you
pairing ↠ tom!peter x reader
warnings↠smut, cursing,hints at subby peter
wc ↠ 663
(A/N) thank you for your request lovely! i hope you enjoy it, i was a little burnt out writing this but i powered through it <\3
taglist | masterlist
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ever since peter felt you around his fingers all warm and wet, he could only imagine what it’d be like to have you on his tongue, what you’d taste like. the desire to know became too strong to fight, so he gave into his urges. and of course, once he asked you, it was an easy yes. who were you to deny him a good time?
the way his tongue glided over your slit to flick your mound repeatedly had you squirming, reaching down to desperately grip his hair in hopeless need to pull him closer to you.
“peter, i can’t- oh my god!” you didn’t even know what you were trying to say. you were so drunk off of the pleasure he was giving you, you couldn’t form proper sentences.
peter was the same, except didn’t really need to talk to let you know he was enjoying you. he worked you like a ravenous animal, and you were his meat.
you draped your leg over his shoulder and took it upon yourself to grind his face. peter gripped your thighs, moaning at the taste of you. your movements against his were sloppy, but you didn’t really care. you were going to get off by any means necessary.
“peter,” you breathed out. “stop for a second.”
peter immediately pulled his face from you, his lips glistening with his saliva and your juices. “are you okay?” concern laced through his voice.
“i’m fine,” you nodded, your voice was almost shot due to your squeals and moans. “can i try something? i’ve been thinking about it for a while.”
peter relaxed at the mention of you being okay, and he nodded his head, signaling for you to continue.
“i wanna fuck your face.”
peters eyes widened at your confession, and he never shook his head more eagerly in his life.
“really? okay, lay down baby.”
he was laying where you were now, ready for you to straddle his face. you stalked up his body, pepper kisses all over him as you went, before hovering over his mouth. you trailed your hand south, toying with your clit just to stir him up. “you ever had a girl ride your face before?”
he shook his head and licked his lips, not once taking his eyes off of your slow circular movements on your cunt. he whimpered, wanting nothing more than to take you in his mouth again. he was hungry for your taste, and he was growing impatient.
your fingers were soaked with your arousal, and peter couldn’t believe he was getting jealous of your hand. he acted quickly, ripping your hand away and pulled you down, driving his tongue through your folds again.
you gasped and your eyes fluttered shut. peter imagined the day you’d fuck his face, but nothing compared to the real thing. you looked oh so good on top of him, he couldn’t imagine you anywhere else in bed.
peter stared at you through hooded eyes as you began to please yourself on his face. peters large hands wrapped around each of your thighs, helping you drag yourself along his tongue. your movements became quicker, chasing the release you so desperately needed.
“pete, i’m- m’ gonna-” you cut yourself off with a shriek as the knot in your stomach came undone. your thighs clamped around his head as you came, and he held you down against his mouth not allowing you to leave him. he went lapping away at your dripping pussy, determined on catching every drop.
you stared down at him and brushed a few hairs from his forehead. he gave you a goofy grin as he released you, and you giggled as you moved to lay beside him. you rested your head in his chest while trying to calm down your breathing.
“did i do good?” he asked, wiping his chin and mouth dry.
“you always do good. so good for me.”
he smiled to himself and you kissed his forehead.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
taglist 🏷 {dm for removal}
@niallhoransupremacy @raajali3 @crazyknight @hqllandxx @popeheywardssecretgf @sukiinet @luvhann @tellmeonce @tiredofc0ffee @saliciaknows @eatasockortwo @timotheechalametswife
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kiyoors · 2 years
kuroo tetsuro x reader
wc: shy of 1k i wanna say :)
sort of a part two to this fic !
kuroo wakes up with a headache. one that’s so profound, he can’t find it in himself to open his eyes. from somewhere, bright sunshine penetrates through his eyelids even when he tries to squint it away; he figures he must have forgotten to close his blinds the night before, and now he’s facing the inconvenient consequences of his actions.
speaking about inconvenient consequences…
he comes to the obvious conclusion that he should not have gone out drinking last night, especially not as much as he did. but, alas, what else are your twenties for, right? definitely not for finding love, or, god forbid, actually falling in love, with your roommate nonetheless-
“you’re drooling.”
indeed, kuroo does feel the trail of dried up drool on the side of his mouth.
he feels the bed dip from where you take a seat next to his laying figure.
“and you smell like alcohol. you’re stinking up my sheets”
“sweetheart,” he starts, attempting to use that tone that makes your eyebrows scrunch up and your nose wrinkle cutely, “ i’d appreciate it if you could please speak a little more quietly-“
kuroo opens his eyes, sitting up all to quickly, and he struggles to fight a wave of nausea that almost overcomes him.
your sheets?
squinting, kuroo now sees that this is most definitely not his room.
his brain races to connect the scattered pieces of memories from last night: yaku singing karaoke, debating if he should call you to pick him up or uber instead, the cold tile of the bathtub against his back, you with his sweatshirt in hand, you kneeling before him-
kuroo groans. at both the last image and the situation he’s landed himself in.
he thinks you’re too kind (and that, maybe, he doesn’t deserve such kindness, or you) as he feels you place a gentle hand on his back. your thumb even rubbing soothingly.
he feels at a loss of words, but he can’t really let you know that.
“my head hurts.”
you snort, “wonder why”
he groans again, this time burying his face in his hands.
“here,” you give him a little nudge that rocks his world (both, in a good (you’re touching !him<3!) and bad (he’s terribly hungover and even the slightest movement makes him want to throw up) way). you take one of his hands and place an aspirin on him palm, your touch lingering.
he swallows the pill dry.
“wanna shower?”
kuroo blinks up at you, mouth hanging open like a dead fish.
oh, he realizes, not like that.
but you understand him all too well (and he thinks this might be why he’s so utterly and deeply enamored) and you mildly hit at his chest, “pig.”
you feel a chuckle rumble under your closed fist and a goofy (more like lovestruck) smile plays at his lips.
“y’know,” he starts, suddenly not so hungover, “i think i love you.”
and maybe a sober, fully sensible kuroo would not have confessed his love for you this way, but this is him, now, and he suddenly feels the urge of telling you, because he realizes that this what your twenties are for: to fall in love, and have your lover take care of you because you’ve drunk too much, and do the same in turn for them.
and he wants to do all of it with you.
he knows you realize this, too, but it’s scary, and he understands, because you’re both only in your twenties.
“are you still drunk?” you ask him, tentatively.
“only drunk in love with you,” he says, trying hard not to laugh but it’s fruitless, because you’re already snorting and laughing and shoving him back down to lie on your bed and he can’t help but laugh with you and pull you down with him.
“you’re so cringe.” you tell him, eyes saying something else,
i love you too
“you love it,” he says back.
interactions & reblogs are appreciated!! <3
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kunikinnie · 2 years
a/n: since "finding out Fukuzawa is their s/o's father" is a thing, I wanted to try a reverse one where Fukuzawa finds out first HAHA idk why these are so long lol
(accidentally) confessing to Fukuzawa they've fallen for his daughter/son
featuring: Dazai, Kunikida x GN!Reader
Dazai Osamu
It was around midnight when someone came knocking on his front door. As expected, it was you. Well, to be more specific it was Dazai who knocked and was carrying a very drunk and very passed out you.
"I'm sorry I wasn't able to watch over Y/N better," he says apologetically to Fukuzawa. It was admirable how he tried to keep his tone formal as he would at work since the alcohol has definitely loosened him quite a bit.
He sighs as he lets the two of you in. "It's no problem. I apologize on their behalf for bringing them all the way here. It's always you who does this-"
"Oh it's nothing," Dazai says as he gently places you on your bed. "It's really nothing..."
Fukuzawa notices that his gaze lingers on your face. It contained a sort of gentle sadness he's not seen on Dazai's face before.
"I'm sorry, boss."
"What for?"
"I'm so sorry..." his voice trails off again but his eyes remained on you. Was he talking to you, to Fukuzawa, or to himself? If it were anyone else, your father would've suspected that that 'sorry' meant they'd done something to you. But the man in front of him was someone you trusted and someone Fukuzawa would learn to trust too
"Anyway, I should get going. It's getting late, no?"
He walks back to the door and bows his head, preparing to leave your humble abode. But after just one step outside the door he stops, turns around to face your father once more, and stares at him
His eyes were filled with a conviction to speak and a determination to understand. Has the alcohol wore off a bit?
"Is it wrong?"
"What is?"
"That I want to be the only one who does this for them." His words drip with strong but conflicting feelings. The intensity almost takes Fukuzawa aback. He's always had a suspicion but he never dwelt on the thought much
"It's... not entirely wrong," he says as he carefully chooses his words. "As long as there is no ill-intention, then I suppose it's understandable."
"I love Y/N," he says without missing a beat "and I promise it's nothing but the purest kind. Will you still allow me to do things like this for them?"
Fukuzawa smiles gently at him, admiring his honesty and bravery in confiding his true feelings. "Of course."
"Really?" His voice was hopeful yet careful. "Am I someone who you can trust them with even if I don't trust myself? What if I hurt them?"
"You're a good man, Dazai. There's nothing to worry about."
He's not sure if it's his drunken stupor or natural personality that switches Dazai's somber mood to a more cheerful one, but either way he tightly hugs Fukuzawa and cries onto his yukata
"Thanks so much, pops! I love you-"
"Know your limits." Your father gently pushes his head away and tries to pry him off. He's definitely a strange one, but if this is the man you love then he wouldn't mind being subjected to this from time to time
"Of course the final decision is Y/N's."
"Yes sir, got that sir."
A goofy smile is plastered on his face as he steps out the door (finally) and salutes goodbye.
"See you tomorrow, sir! Toodles to you and Y/N, sir!"
Kunikida Doppo
Fukuzawa called Kunikida to his office after yesterday's incident
He said harsh things to you (presumably out of stress) and it's his duty as the president of the Agency to iron out issues between his employees
"Is it difficult having Y/N under your wing?"
"No, sir"
"You've been quite distressed recently, and I'm not the only one who noticed that," he says with full concern. According to the others it was because of you but why exactly they did not mention. If he were to guess, it was related to the mission two weeks ago.
"You and I both know how troublesome they can get. But if it will ease your worries, then I can leave Y/N in someone else's care-"
"That's- That's not necessary." Kunikida's face grew more agitated, leaving his mentor all the more confused.
"Are you sure? I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind. You've known each other for so long so I'm sure they'd hate to cause you so much stress."
Kunikida's known the two of you for years now, specifically when he was still training under Fukuzawa. You've only joined the Agency a few months ago and your father decided it was best to have someone you were most comfortable with to guide you around. Clearly his judgement was incorrect.
"I'm sure, sir. I deeply apologize for my behavior. I-I have no excuses and I'll accept any punishment you deem necessary."
"You've already apologized to Y/N, so there's no need for such measures. But it's clear something's still bothering you.
"I..." Kunikida's planned more than a thousand ways of confessing his true thoughts to the man he respected the most, but this was not one of them. He couldn't say it. Not now, not like this-
Fukuzawa's patient gaze did nothing to soothe his nerves. If anything, it pressured him even more to come clean
"I have... feelings for Y/N" he says in a rush and his voice gradually gets weaker. It was still quite clear, however
Fukuzawa nods slightly. "I see." He takes a sip of his tea and relishes its flavor as his mind processes the revelation. It feels stupid of him to not have realized sooner (although he might have assumed Kunikida's actions toward you were nothing more than brotherly affection) but it all makes sense now.
His strange behavior started after you went on your first (although quite casual) date with an acquaintance of yours, and it only heightened after that mission where you took a bullet to save Kunikida's life. The frustration must have eaten him alive since then, especially if he'd been harboring feelings for you for so long. Poor guy.
Unfortunately Fukuzawa's musings, done in tense silence, leaves the man in front of him guessing his thoughts and becomes even more rattled. Of course it's natural if he's against this after how much he messed up.
"The current arrangement will be maintained, then. Is that alright with you?"
"Y-yes, of course! But is it really fine with you, President?"
"As long as you know what to do."
A small smile graces Fukuzawa's face as he sees the relief on his protégé's face. He's someone he trusted more than anyone else in the Agency and although Kunikida may be a little lost at times, his heart is always in the right place.
"But sort out yourself first before confronting them. Make sure this doesn't happen again."
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
SFW relationships headcanons ; B.Bradshaw
Requested?: No
Warnings: none
Words: 1441
note: this was so much fun to write. Thank you so much to everyone who sent in requests so far. I have a few more Rooster fics in the works + a few things for Bob too :)
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a- asking (Who's the first person to confess and how does it happen?)
Saying Bradley exudes confidence is the understatement of the century. This confidence crosses over into every part of his life, love life included. He will 100% approach you first.
B - Butterflies (How they act when they're nervous.)
Truly nervous Rooster is a rare sight. He just shuts down. His breathing gets very rapid or very shallow depending on the situation. You can also tell he's just not all there and present. Once he's in that headspace, it can take a lot to get him out of it.
c- cuddles (What is their favourite cuddling position? Do they like physical touch?)
He wasn't a fan of physical touch until it came to you. Turns out this boy LOVES to cuddle. When it to comes a position, he's not picky.
d- domesticity (Are they the type to settle down with you? Are they willing to help with chores? What is your daily routine with them?)
I know it's such a cliche military stereotype, but once he's sure you're "the one", he's ready to settle down immediately. As far as chores and standard husbandly duties, Bradley is husband of the year, every year, for the rest of time. There's nothing he won't do for you. Want him to do dishes? Already done. Need him to fix the back porch? He's on his way to Home Depot rn. Want to use him as a ladder to dust the ceiling fan? He's bending down for you to swing your leg over his shoulder. Husband of the century.
e- encouragement (Do they encourage you to achieve your goals? If so, how do they support you?)
He's extremely supportive, especially vocally. He could spend the rest of his life singing you praises. Ask anyone and they'll all say he virtually kissed the ground you walk on.
f- favourite thing(s) about you (What are their favourite personality traits/physical features about you?)
he loves your outlook on life. He tends to be kind of pessimistic, so he loves if you provide some kind of contrast to that. He also loves how supportive you are of his career and him overall. It's far from an easy job/lifestyle, even just as a spouse, so having someone in his corner means the world to him.
g- goofiness (Do they like to make you laugh? How often do they joke around with you?)
Since the moment he laid eyes on you, hes done everything I his power to make you smile. Most of all he want to make you flustered. He's completely shameless with it to. He'll say the most out of pocket things in front just about anyone. The only people he won't do that around are his superiors, because he's on his Best Boy™️ behavior.
h- honesty (Would they lie to you? How much do they share with you?)
Overall he's quite honest, especially once you get to know him/he starts to trust you. If your with him, he'd only lie to you if he truly felt that it'd protect you in some way + it wouldn't hurt you to not know the truth
i- i love you (how fast do they say the L-Word?)
Looking back, he knew he loved you pretty soon after you two got together. This terrified him. Despite his forwardness in every other part of your relationship, this would be where you’d have to take the lead. 
 j- jealousy (Are they the type of person to get jealous? If so, how do they react to being jealous?)
This man is jealous as the day is long, especially around his fellow servicemen (and women!). He knows how they can be and while he trusts you completely, he doesn't trust them around you.
Speaking of which, i may or may not be working on a jealous! Rooster fic veryyy similar to this ;)
k- kissing (Where do they like to kiss you? How frequently do they like to kiss?)
He'll kiss anywhere he can access. He is partial to shoulder + neck kisses though.
l- love language (What's their love language?)
Words of affirmation. He absolutely LIVES off praise in both his professional and private life.
m- marriage (Do they want to marry you eventually? Who proposes to who?)
Just like in letter D, I don't want to lean into the stereotype but this man is on bended knee the second the idea evens pops into your head. He'll never tell you this, but he's been ready since a month or two into your relationship. He idolizes his parents so, so much and this includes their marriage.
He 100% will propose with his mothers ring too.
n- nicknames (What do they call you? What do you call them?)
So. Many. Nicknames. They evolve as your relationship does. You honestly don't know if he even remembers your real name at this point.
If you two get married, he's going to give you a call sign because you're his wingman in life :))
o- openness (How much do they tell you about themselves? Do they reveal everything at once or gradually throughout the relationship?)
It takes him a little bit to really open up. Once he sees that you give him a safe, calm, and stable environment and/or show that you're in it for the long run, he'll open up more and more.
p- PDA (Are they affectionate in public or do they prefer to keep your kisses behind closed doors? Are they the type to brag about their SO?)
PDA with rooster is a dangerous game. His most polarizing (and hottest) traits converge here. Ego, confidence, shamelessness, and deep sense of  possession. PDA for him isn't really about affection, it's a complete power move.
q- quality time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He tends to like to do more simple things, especially if work had been hard recently. He'll bring you out to the Hard Deck or even just drive around in his gird for a few hours.  Other times he wants to do I see him getting bored pretty easily so I can imagine him wanting to try new things with you. I also see him as being pretty outdoorsy.  Hiking, camping, zip lining, salsa dancing, painting classes, the occasional fancy dinner, whatever. As long as you two are together he's having a good time.
r- romance (Are they the romantic type? If so, how do they express their feelings?)
Some people may not see it, but he's romantic in his own way.
s- security (How protective are they of you? If they are, how do they show this?)
Extremely protective, sometimes overbearingly so. Don't be afraid to tell him to chill out a bit. He will both kill and lay down his life for you. If it isn't obvious, his family is the one thing you DO NOT mess with.
t- turn-offs (What traits do they find unattractive?)
Lack of understanding, inability to be serious, passive aggressiveness, picking unnecessary arguments.
u- understanding (Are they good at sympathising with your problems? Do they listen to you when you need to rant?) He's pretty understanding overall. If you're really emotional + impulsive there might be some friction, but he's more than willing to work with you to smooth everything over.
v- value (What do they value most about your relationship?)
Trust and security. This boy has what could be considered the most stressful and risky job out there.
w- wild card (A random headcanon about your relationship)
As much as he loves his job, and as much as a part of him that it is, the thought of something happening to you while he's out there shakes him to his absolute core. He remembers what it was like when his mother was widowed and he will do everything in his power to keep that from happening again. As time goes on he developed nightmares involving this exact situation.
x- x-ray (How well are they able to read you?)
He believes it's his mission to know you front, back, and inside out. It's honestly a little scary how well he's able to read you. It's also not uncommon for him to pick up on things you haven't even picked up on yet about yourself.
y- yearning (How well do they cope when their SO isn't with them?)
It kind of depends. If he's off doing something that keeps his mind busy, he's pretty ok. If there's a lot of downtime or he's doing something especially dangerous (so like, his job) he struggles a bit more. He honestly finds it harder when YOU travel instead of him. In his mind, you're supposed to be the constant to his variable.
z- zappy (Are they fast-paced in a relationship? Or do they like to take things slow?)
Read D and M. He will go as fast as you let him.
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
ok but what about gojo + l “what will become of me once i’ve lost my novelty?” 🥺
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part of L’s RED (TV) EVENT!
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“Satoru,” your melodic voice draws him out of his own thoughts.
He assumes it’s not the first time you’ve called him, based off of your slightly agitated tone. Not willing to risk you repeating his name a third time, he finally begins to tune in to your words. 
“Are you even listening?” you nag him a little bit, hands on your hips while you stare at him from the kitchen sink. He thinks you look like a scolding parent, and it excites him for the future.
He chuckles, rubbing his temples while encouraging you to continue, “Sorry, sweets, what’d you say?”
You step away from the dish you were washing, turning the faucet off and making your way towards your lover. Your gentle steps cause the floorboards beneath you to slightly creak—if they hadn’t made such a god-awful noise, you don’t think he would have noticed you slowly crawling his way.
You throw the dishrag in hand over your shoulder, crossing your arms as you lean against the kitchen’s entryway, “You’re quiet, which terrifies me.”
He chuckles again at your confession. He hates worrying you, but he also loves the way that he can be honest with you. He feels like he’s caught between a rock and a hard place, so he puts the ball into your hands with a simple and vague response.
“Just thinking,” he mumbles, uncharacteristically. Of all the years you’ve known Satoru Gojo, he has never once mumbled. He loves the sound of his own voice far too much to do so. 
With the ball in your court, you push. You always do when it comes to his softer side; it’s one of the many things he appreciates about you.
“About anything in particular?” you egg him on further, praying for him to use you. Lean on you. 
“Yeah-” he begins, surprised by his own willingness. “Yeah,” he repeats, “About how silly it is that I’m the honored one, huh?”
He feels your eyes harden on him, shocked by the unprecedented topic of conversation. “Sometimes I think that’s all there is to me.”
While Satoru was annoying and brash and proud, he was also human. It’s in moments like this one that you remember how fragile he truly is. He’d never expressed any ill-will towards his ability or status—usually using it to brag in a teasing manner. As he sits in front of you, the usually towering and abrasive man looks small. 
Noticing your perplexed expression, he goes back to what he knows best. He attempts to lighten the matter with humor.
He quips, “Ya know? Like, what will become of me once I’ve lost my novelty?”
It’s that comment that moves your feet from the kitchen and into his lap. You force your way between him and the table, determined to make yourself fit. You were always so determined, Satoru pines; it’s how you managed to worm your way under his skin, into his heart.
Now comfortable on his lap, you force him to look at you. You remove his glasses, gently placing them onto the table. You want to be able to see his eyes while you caress the curvature of his face.
You hold his jaw and speak with conviction, “You’ll still be mine, just like you are right now.” His gaze softens as you watch his pupils dilate. He’s never looked more vulnerable than he does in your arms, right now. “That’s not something that fades with time,” you conclude.
His goofy grin returns as he mocks your soft words, “Yeah? There’s no expiration date in the fine print of your loving-me-clause?”
“No. If there was one, it’d be up by now.”
He laughs. A real one. It uses his whole body as his head is thrown back, eyes closed with amusement. He loves when your quick like that. You love him, regardless of how quick he can be.
“Thank you, angel.”
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NOTE: anon, i need to personally thank you for requesting this. this specific lyric paired w satoru is INSANE...i want to cry just thinking about it. it fits him so well, i am so thankful u paired the two together. i hope you enjoy reading this just as much as i did writing it <3
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nottsangel · 2 years
Harry Potter as your boyfriend
pairing: Harry Potter x reader (gender neutral)
warning(s): none
masterlist // taglist
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early stages
so you’ve been friends with Hermione for a long time
you’ve known each other even before going to Hogwarts
so when the both of you came to Hogwarts, you’ve started to get to know Ron and Harry
you became a friend group of 4 and hung out every day
you slowly started to develop feelings for Harry but you didn't want it to get in the way of the friend group
so you decided to not act on them
Hermione saw straight through you
she told Ron and he didn't notice a thing lmao so clueless
Hermione told Ron to check with Harry, if he has any feelings for you
he kinda? confessed his feelings towards you
well, basically he just said you look pretty and smell nice wtf harry
which was enough for Ron to tell Hermione he is deeply in love with you
sooo that's when Ron and Hermione started to play cupid
they were good at it though
eventually, Ron got Harry to ask you on a date
he was so nervous but eventually gathered his courage
with a bit of stuttering, he asked you out it was so adorable pls
and instead of the relationship getting in between the friend group, it actually made everyone closer (:
the relationship
harry is actually so goofy
he makes a lot of jokes when you two are together
is such a fun person to be with
he is a really good listener
he loves to give you his sweaters
don’t try to give this man hints because he is so clueless
you have to be 100% clear with him, whatever it is, he will not get hints so frustrating but so cute
listen, if anyone disrespects you, it’s over for them
he will get so angry at anyone who insults you
also, he doesn’t get jealous often, but when he gets jealous…
he becomes so quiet in public but will show you you’re his when you two are alone iykyk
okay moving on, you will always get him out of trouble
you always look out for him and he loves you for that
he trusts you so much
stargazing while having deep conversations with snacks are his favourite kind of dates
he's not that comfortable with showing affection in public
he doesn't mind it when you initiate it though
however, in private he is so affectionate with you
he loves hugs
begs you for more hugs
you won't say no though because you just can’t resist him
kisses on your cheek
cuddling, lots of cuddling
he likes to be the little spoon
plays with your hand when he gets overwhelmed or anxious
he can be so stubborn
his stubbornness occasionally shows in arguments
it’s difficult for him to admit he’s wrong
sometimes this can get in between you guys
when it comes to that point, he makes sure both of you are alright though
he doesn’t want anything to get in between you
he will calm down at that moment and take a moment for you to calm down as well
he will make you a cup of tea
after that, he will hold you in his arms while you two talk about the problem you are dealing with calmly
during arguments where you end up crying, he will freeze and feel so guilty
he will dry your tears with tissues while apologizing constantly
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thank you for reading!
join the taglist
tags: @okchijt
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lunaekalenda · 2 years
j, l, w for jjk boys (or if only taking singular character questions then nanami) please😇
suree thanks for requesting!!
nanami, gojo, megumi, yuuji, geto, toge,
J -> Jealousy: Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Nanami -> doesn't get really really jealous, but maybe a little. he would be extra touchy with you, hands on your lower back and hands tangled just to make sure you're not gonna leave him. just in case.
Gojo -> not jealous, but a drama king. loves to make drama, even if he isn't even a bit jealous. just stopping in the middle of the shop and saying "You got lost on their eyes, you don't look at me like that anymore." while you buy him a coffee and talk with the dependant is probably one of the things he's most proud of.
Megumi -> gets a little jealous, but won't admit it. he'll just relax and convince himself it was nothing, and he'll just keep going as if nothing happened. boy auto-convenciment power skills are high.
Yuuji -> gets a little jealous and gets extra clingy. he just wants attention, and your attention. he'll ask for kisses, hugs, holding hands and taking pics. you know exactly the moment he gets jealous just of how his hand searches yours, quietly but fast.
Geto -> why would he get jealous? he knows you're deeply in love with him as he is with you. also, adult geto lowkey thinks it's impossible to find someone to dump him for.
Toge -> he'll pout a little under his jacket neck, but fastly recover when you smile at him again, because he knows that smile appeara only for him.
L -> Love Confession: How would they confess to their s/o?
Nanami -> simply, directly and probably with a letter where you can mark your decision.
Gojo -> the loudest way he can. flowers, music, yelling at you on a train station or leaving you a note at work. he wants to mane sure you know his feelings are no joke if he was capable of doing all those things just to confess.
Megumi -> blushed and direct. he wants your answer as soon as possible to end his suffering. and his shyness.
Yuuji -> blushed, probably fast, probably mixing words and getting all nervous. the cutest.
Geto -> just a quick "i like you" when he accompanies you home after uni or work. leaving with hands on his pockets and a side smile, winking an eye at you.
Toge -> he'll just say "salmon", get shy and write it down on a paper with trembling letter and a cute blushed face drawn.
W -> Wild Card: Random fluff headcanon.
Nanami -> if you fall asleep on top of him, he won't move, and he doesn't care if he has to stay in the most incomfortable position for hours. he'll let you sleep and he'll keep caressing your hair until you wake up.
Gojo -> acts all goofy, but reminds you every single day how much you mean to him, on a serious way. text messages, calls, pillow talks or notes are his ways to remember you how much he loves you.
Megumi -> he was so nervous to kiss you for the first time that he has almost forgot how it was. luckily, you took him to the same place, same clothes and same hour, to recreate it, so he won't forget.
Yuuji -> talks a lot about things he likes and gets all shy when he realizes how much he has been talking. but when you tell him to continue, his eyes shine with pure joy as he keeps telling you all the things that he loves.
Geto -> admires you doing whatever you're doing, always with a soft smile on his lips as he thinks what did he do to deserve someone so good for him.
Toge -> he likes to prepare picnics and enjoy the good days outside with you, resting his head on your legs as your hands shyly trace his cheek tattoos.
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rainchyna · 2 years
it's the way i would sell my kidney if you write about dating 90s!hbk while being a macmahon. ma'am, please 🧎🏽‍♀️
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⌗ ˚ ͙◌˖ ࣪ . ִֶָ𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝐇𝐁𝐊 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟗𝟎𝘀˖ ࣪ . ִֶָ𓂅
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warnings! [fluff, language, smuttish, 90s-00s]
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— being a mcmahon meant that you were always in the spotlight and around a lot of celebrities, so you'd befriend them almost all the time.
— one of those people being the heart break kid, shawn michaels.
— you met shawn when he was training, you found him really entertaining even though he was really obnoxious. he asked you put his hair into a pretty bun, but instead you spent like forty minutes playing with his blonde hair because of soft it was. after that he'd come to you every day asking you to do his hair, with your chats getting longer and longer each time, and you've been great friends ever since.
— and that's when you realized that shawn was quite the fucking mess, and you were one of the things that kept him from going insane.
— you were the person who kept him from doing more stupid shit than he was already doing, listening to him vent whenever he needed, giving him advice, calling him out on his bullshit whenever it was needed, just being that genuinely good friend he needed.
— he’d always be hands on with you, hugs and kisses, would even throw you over his shoulder. random outings at two am, icecream for breakfast, blasting music in the locker rooms, sharing a lollipop, stealing your earrings. it was that friendship.
— he loved you so so much
— so much it put him in pain, you were his favourite person.
— he never really knew how to voice his feelings so he'd just get you gifts all the time. shoes, clothes, jewelry, perfumes, makeup (heavy on that red lipstick) and everything he'd think you'd like
— you on the other hand were completely infatuated with him, shawn would give you so much attention, so much of his time, so much of himself, and you noticed that he doesn't really do that to other people so it made you feel really special. he did have some problems with handling his jealousy, even though you were just friends, he didn't want any other man breathing near you, not even looking in your direction, but you some what found his jealousy attractive. he was also super protective of you, wouldn't let a fly come around you. he made you feel so safe, so loved which made you slowly begin to fall in love with him.
— you, him and hunter were inseparable and you were always put on storylines together, there were some rumors that you were fucking both of them but you never took those seriously. but everytime time shawn would hear them, the thought of you and his best friend being together would make his blood boil. you? with hunter? goofy. you? with him? now that's the talk.
— like why would anyone even think of you and trips together, you were his and no one else's.
— you were the prettiest, most kindhearted, selfless, angelic person he knew. one chance, just give him one chance and he'll treat you so well.
— oh?
— oh.
— and that's when shawn knew he fucked up, big time.
— the one person he didn't want to fall for, his boss' daughter no less, was now the love of his life.
— this was only further confirmed when you, him and hunter went out to this random party and on the way back you fell asleep against shawn in the back seat, you looked so gorgeous, so peaceful laying on his chest. “you‘re so beautiful” he'd whisper, “if only you were mine” but apparently the whisper was loud enough for hunter to hear. “vince is gonna fuckin kill you” “oh i know”
— the next day he showed up as if he didn't basically confess to being in love with you in the backseat of his friend's car, and you pulled up as if you didn't hear the whole thing, and god, were you in a good mood. the person whom you spent hiding away you feelings from for months at a time liked you back. stephanie was going to be so happy knowing that she doesn't have to hear about how much you want to be with him all the time now.
— you saw him enter his locker room and you followed him inside, deciding to pull the most bold shit you've ever thought about doing in your life. “oh, hey pretty girl-” and you didn't even think about it twice, you immediately kissed him. you pulled away from him giving him your prettiest smile. “whew, do you know for how long i been wanting to do that?” he'd say.
— “can i please be your boyfriend?” 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
— you obviously said yes, even though it was going to be hard to be together around the company, since, you know, v i n c e.
— the only people you told where stephanie and hunter because your sister and trips have been through the same thing of having to sneak around backstage.
— shawn now spoils you to 250%, doesn't care that you're rich either, if you just glance at a ring, the whole set is now yours. oh, you think that dress is pretty? here's five. you think that shade of eyeshadow is cute? here's the whole makeup line. seriously.
— matching dangly earrings (SHUT UP OMG)
— double dates w hunt n steph
— him being an asshole to everyone but you <3
— “do you wanna get food?” “it‘s three in the morning.. what even- no, honestly why not”
— says ‘i love you’ for the first time and doesn't stop saying it after.
— his jealousy problem got worse now that you were together and what sucked is that he couldn't act upon it because no one was supposed to know that you were dating so he'd end up picking up fights with other wrestlers for seemingly no reason, even though he just didn't want anyone near what's his.
— it was quite hard to sneak around backstage without raising any eyebrows, so you'd either hang out at his locker room all day or at your office. shawn had a bad habit of trying to woo you everywhere and anytime, having been caught making out - on the verge of fucking - by staff and random talent almost 9/10 times.
— he catches himself being in love with you all the time, staring at your lips while you're talking, looking at you with heart eyes, making his voice softer when talking to you, helping you with everything even if you don't need his help, being as gentle as possible, he treats you as if you're an actual porcelain doll.
— somewhere around the eight month mark of your relationship you decided to tell vince because at some point you got tired of having to be with shawn behind his back, and everyone‘s.
— and to say that he pissed, is an understatement.
— he was livid.
— his little princess? dating a talent? and shawn michaels no less? yeah, alright. he didn't talk to you for a whole week, and starting putting shawn in matches that he was set to lose.
— shawn didn't take this kindly either, he started getting way more reckless than he already was. he would sandbag any star he was with in the ring, botch moves on purpose and completey oversell everything (that one match w hulk hogan lol).
— at some point vince realized that regardless of how upset he was you with and shawn, there's nothing that he can do about you being in love with each other, plus he was getting tired of shawn‘s behaviour, so you ended talking it out.
— and ever since then he's been very public about your relationship. would mention that you're together every single chance he gets, has his hand around you everywhere you go, sitting down at a restaurant with friends? arm around your shoulder. on a walk? must hold your hand. just chilling around your house? back hugging you. he's making sure that everyone now knows that you're his, and he's just also really proud to be your boyfriend :(
— shawn thinks about proposing to you every other day.
— also has a fantasy about fucking you bent over vince‘s desk :o
— anyway 😍
— 10/10 boyfriend, highly recommended.
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