stunt-lads · 4 years
Ecks.... ecks ecks ecks. Tell me about werewolf!richie and vampire!eddie sex. 👀👀👀
The first time it happens is a few weeks after the...incident. 
It’s not Eddie’s fault he can’t stop thinking about the way Richie said it. “You smell like you’re mine.” It wasn’t embarrassment lacing his tone that night. It was reverence. A vulnerability. Like it meant something intimate to Richie.
Eddie...doesn’t know a lot about werewolf hierarchy, he knows they have packs and that’s about it, but he knows he hasn’t stopped thinking about Richie more or less claiming him since that night. 
He needs to talk to someone, convince him not to fucking do what he’s thinking about doing. He approaches Stan. Stan’s level headed, will knock some sense into him. 
“So,” Stan says, after Eddie explains everything, even the...marking, “You came to me to ask for my blessing or?” 
Eddie groans, slamming his head down on the table and hearing the wood groan dangerously under him.
“No, I came here to have you convince me not to do this.” 
“Why the fuck would I do that?” And Stan sounds so affronted Eddie picks his head up and looks at him.
“Because he’s a werewolf?” Eddie says it slow, wondering how Stan doesn’t get it. 
“Eddie, in case you haven’t noticed, I don’t adhere to the rules of the Council.” Stan says like Eddie’s an idiot, and really, maybe he is, “If you want to fuck that werewolf who pissed on you then do it.” Eddie squawks indignantly at the piss comment, “We’re immortal creatures, we should be allowed to have fun. Fuck what the Council dictates for us.” 
Stan’s no help. 
But he does make a valid point, so Eddie bites the bullet and decides to go for it. If Richie’s into it then sweet, maybe he’ll get dicked down, if not then he tried and he’ll go find a human to get mediocre sex from before feeding and getting drunk. 
Either way it sounds like a good night.
He finds Richie’s apartment easily enough, there’s a strong odor of wolf that has him wrinkling his nose a little, but it’s to be expected with three of them living in close proximity to each other. 
He knocks firmly, hoping they won’t make him wait too long. He feels overdressed in his deep navy suit and he’s already gotten several Looks from people on the street. 
Right now he’s getting eyed up by a human who’s eyes are full of a hunger Eddie’s never even seen on the nastiest vampire. 
His thoughts are interrupted by Richie answering the door. His hair is a disheveled mess and he’s in sweatpants and a stained tshirt. Still, when he sees him and registers who he is, he smiles broadly. 
“Eddie Spaghetti!” His smile falters when he sees the way Eddie is actively turned away from the street, keeping his body close to the doorway and in the shadows it casts. Almost immediately his eyes snap to the human who’s been staring at Eddie and go hard, steely, possessive. Eddie feels a shiver go down his spine. 
“Why don’t you come inside.” It’s not a request and Eddie’s legs go weak. But he obeys, walking in like he’s not about to collapse onto the floor from arousal at any second. 
Richie shoots a glare at the human across the street and closes the door hard behind them, but then he’s cheerful again, eager and excitable like he was before. Like when he first saw Eddie was there. 
He had a plan, was going to woo Richie a little, treat him to a nice dinner maybe, but those thoughts go out the window when he’s assaulted by his scent inside the apartment. Richie’s talking animatedly, showing Eddie the place and not once letting his smile falter. 
Eddie has retained nothing. It’s a buzz of noise in the background as he watches the way Richie gestures wildly with his hands. 
“Are your roommates home?” He blurts out and Richie pauses, actually freezes mid gesture.  “No. Bill had a book signing thing and I think Ben went out with—” He cuts him off with a kiss, wasting no time in pulling his face down to meet him and Richie is shocked enough that he freezes for a moment, eyes wide and confused before he snaps to attention and growls softly in his chest. A deep sound that has Eddie moaning in the kiss. 
It takes very little time to get to Richie’s room. 
Eddie loses his jacket and tie somewhere along the way, and when he’s pushed to the bed he hears tearing fabric and the soft sounds of button’s popping off and flying into the wall. He moans and shivers, body tense at the display of power. 
“Mine.” Richie growls, eyes glowing yellow with the threat of transformation, his wolf is as much into this as he is, staking claim over Eddie with bites and scratches. 
“Fuck, Richie, c’mon fuck me.” He tangles his fingers in Richie’s hair and pulls him close, purring into his ear, “Show me I’m yours.” 
It was a gamble but it pays off. Richie snarls, roughly turning him over onto all fours and Eddie rolls his eyes.  “Really? Doggy-style? A bit on the nose isn’t it?” He snarks out but Richie simply huffs against his back, ripping the material of his shirt from his body and exposing him to the cool air of the apartment and Richie’s hot breath against his back.
The preparation is probably a little less thorough than Eddie would’ve liked but he and Richie have been dancing around this for weeks and they’re both a bit desperate. So when he pulls out his fingers, Eddie’s pants only down around his thighs, giving Richie access without him removing them completely, and he feels his cock in their place he knows it’s gonna hurt. Richie is fucking big.
Eddie doesn’t know if it’s the wolf in him or just his natural dick but the stretch is a lot. 
When he bottoms out inside him Eddie breathes heavily, expecting Richie to set a hard pace immediately. He’s pleasantly surprised when he pauses, panting softly and pressing open mouthed kisses to his back and shoulders. 
Eddie’s completely enamored. 
“Alright, big guy,” Eddie says finally, body adjusted enough and impatience getting to him, “Fuck me up.” 
“Fuck, Eds I’m—The wolf—bites? Are bites okay?” Richie whimpers before he starts moving, Eddie can feel the tension in his body the way Richie is shaking and trying so hard not to give into his baser instincts. 
“Fuck, yes Richie, please just fucking move.” Eddie is not above begging, but he’d really rather not. Thankfully the answer seems enough for Richie and the pace he sets is fast and brutal. His hands grip Eddie’s hips tight enough that, were he human, they'd likely break a bone or crush his pelvis.
Eddie feels his nails elongate just a little as Richie fucks him, and Eddie moans, low and deep at the feeling of his nails digging into him. He doesn’t think Richie will fully transform for this but he’s filing it away as an idea for the future. 
The first bite is hesitant, a barely there press of teeth on skin where his shoulder meets his neck. Eddie would huff in frustration if he could, instead he snaps out a broken, “Bite me properly or don’t put your mouth on me.” where his voice shakes and cracks and it takes away from the heat of the sentiment. 
But Richie responds with a deep growl, a sound Eddie feels more than he hears and the next bite breaks skin. He can feel the tear of his flesh and his arms give out. He groans, body shaking as he’s pushed violently close to the edge of orgasm. Richie’s grip on his hips is the only thing keeping him up. 
“Richie,” His voice is broken already, he’d be embarrassed but he can’t feel anything but heat. He’s run cold since his turn but now he feels like he’s walking on the sun. Warmth is consuming him and he even feels sweat pooling in the small of his back as Richie pounds relentlessly into him. 
“Mine,” Richie growls again but it sounds so far from a voice that Eddie wonders, if he turned to look, whether Richie would be more wolf than human at this point. The thought sends a rush through him that intensifies when Richie shifts just enough that each push in has him grinding against Eddie’s prostate, making him see stars as his vision goes white at the edges. 
“Fuck, yeah, yours, shit,” He’s not...sure what he’s saying now but Richie seems to like it, his breathing is heavy against Eddie’s shoulder.
It’s not the first time Eddie’s come untouched, but it’s the first time in a long time. 
Eddie isn’t sure what finally pushes him over, but he thinks it might be the feel of Richie’s knot stretching and sinking into him over and over until it’s too big and all Richie can do is grind against him as he comes inside him. He thinks he maybe passes out for a moment because when he’s aware again Richie has them laying side by side, his cock still inside him as he kisses at the bite marks he’s left littering his back and shoulders. His fingers don’t feel as sharp now, as he rubs his thumbs gently along Eddie’s bruised hips. 
“So, that was something.” Eddie says, voice hoarse and Richie huffs a laugh. 
“Yeah.” He hums in agreement and then Richie shows a tenderness that has Eddie’s chest aching a little as he kisses at the nape of his neck. Eddie can do fucks. He can do sex so easily and readily. But the softness makes him wary, he’s afraid. Instead of thinking too hard about that he inhales deeply, unnecessary but a habit that’s been hard to break, and speaks lowly.
“How long are we...?” He gestures vaguely in the direction of Richie’s dick.
“Like...20 minutes? I could pull out now but,” He shifts his hips back and the pull of the knot makes Eddie moan, a needy sound that Richie pauses at before he clears his throat before continuing, voice a bit more strained, “But it’s not comfortable.”
Eddie pauses, like he’s considering it. Then he smirks a little to himself as he speaks, voice light.
“No, leave it in. It’ll make round two easier.” 
“Jesus Christ, Eddie.” Richie whines against his neck and Eddie laughs. 
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
“If a zombie bit you, I’d be heartbroken, but I’d also shoot you twice in the head.” //Your choice, but it sounds very Stan??? Maybe??
“If a zombie bit you, I’d be heartbroken, but I’d also shoot you in the head twice,” Stan says, eyes still glued to the TV. Richie stares at his boyfriend in open mouthed horror, popcorn momentarily forgotten on its trip to his mouth. They are watching The Walking Dead late at night on the couch. Richie’s legs are draped over Stan’s lap, the bowl of popcorn balanced between Richie’s knees.
“Excuse you!” Richie nearly yells as he pulls his legs back. The popcorn tumbles all around them. “You’d shoot me! Twice! In the head?” His voice is getting louder and louder with each word. He can’t believe what he’s just heard.
“If you were bit by a zombie, yes, absolutely.” He looks over at Richie smiling softly, like he’d just said something sweet.
“No hesitation?”
“No hesitation,” Stan confirms. “And I would expect the same from you.” Richie squawks.
“What the fuck Stanley!”
“It’s the only humane thing to do,” Stan explains calmly.
“But- But- Twice?”
“Double tap. Like in Zombieland.”
“I cannot believe what I am hearing.”
“I wouldn’t ever want to see you as one of the undead,” Stan explains.
“What if I was a zombie like Sheila from Santa Clarita Diet?” Richie asks.
“Never seen it,” Stan says. Richie makes another weird noise and Stan has to suppress a giggle.
“I mean, the fact that it got cancelled is a fucking tragedy, but-” Richie stops. He can’t quite understand what’s going on. “Ok. Long story short: Sheila may be undead, but she’s still human!”
“How can she be human if she’s a zombie?”
“I don’t know. Other people who got turned acted in different ways. They didn’t act like this!” Richie points at the screen.
“But they still eat people.”
“You eat meat!” Richie yells.
“I don’t eat meat that talks.”
“You are ridiculous!” Richie laughs, shaking his head.
“Alright, how about this, I’ll only shoot you in the head if you’re a Walking Dead zombie, and not a Santa Clarita Diet zombie.”
Narrowing his eyes, Richie studies him for a moment. “How do I know I can trust you?”
“How do you-” Stan sputters. He grabs a handful of popcorn and rushes at Richie. He tries to shove it in Richie’s mouth but most of it just gets crushed and the pieces fly everywhere. “You are the absolute worst, Richie Tozier!”
“You love me,” Richie says around Stan’s hand.
“Lord knows why,” Stan says. Richie pulls him close and they share a gentle kiss.
When they pull apart, Stan pauses the show, and stands up.
“What’re you doing?” Richie asks as he watches Stan walk away. Stan doesn’t say anything, just comes back with his small vacuum. “Ugh, really?”
“The popcorn is everywhere, Richie.”
“Maybe I like it like that,” Richie says but gets up to let Stan clean. When he’s done and put the vacuum away, Stan and Richie curl back up on the couch. Richie has his head on Stan’s chest when a thought comes to him.
“Hey, Stan?” Richie looks up at his boyfriend.
“Yes, Richie?”
“How are you going to shoot me twice in the head if you can’t stand a little mess?”
“A little-” He laughs and slaps at Richie’s ass. “Why are you like this?”
“Would you want me any other way?”
“No, sir,” Stan says and kisses Richie’s nose. “You stay just the way you are.”
“Love you, too,” Richie says. They kiss again and turn their attention back to the TV.
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askfandomprompts · 4 years
Barry Vs Richie Who would Win
Are you asking me who would win in a battle between trained soldier and killer Barry Berkman and noted klutz who barely made it safely down the stairs of a hotel carrying a bag Richie Tozier?
I mean. Is it a sexiness battle? 
A physical altercation?
Is this being judged by Eddie?
Barry Richie
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tinyarmedtrex · 4 years
28, 29 for the Fic Questions. ♡
28) Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
camerasparring  (reddie) @oldkingyounggod (trc) and  pineapplecrushface  (reddie)
This was hard! There’s a lot of talent out there! But I love all their characterizations and how much they obviously love all the characters. I like when people have a lot of person headcanons and find ways to work them into fics and all 3 of them do it so well 
29) If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
A prequel to @stellarbisexual‘s memory of love would be pretty awesome :D
Thank you! 
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celt-the-flame-3110 · 4 years
4. Where do your story ideas come from?
Ummmmm, everywhere???
I wrote one fic on AO3 about Richie having super dry hands and Eddie sees them and freaks tf out before moisturizing them for him. That was inspired by me seeing how dry the backs of my own hands were. They always get super dry in the dead of winter and I forget to moisturize them, so my thought process was "I bet Richie would do the same fucking stupid thing." and I got to writing.
Sometimes I see something in a movie and am super dissatisfied with how it worked out (looking at you, Muschietti,) and I just think "what if it didn't happen that way, though?" That's how I started writing my multi-chapter fic on AO3.
Sometimes something shitty happens to me and it sucks but I just think "what if my favorite fictional character went through the same thing?" And that's why I wrote that ficlet I posted on here a few days ago, bc I had just gotten over the worst cold I've ever had in my life and was very bitter about having to inhale vapo rub for the third day in a row.
I'm giving all of these specific examples because I don't know the answer. There's no pattern, it just happens. All of my ideas are involuntary and I have absolutely no control over what comes into my garbage brain.
It's a blessing (when I think of something really good) but it's also a curse (I've literally cried over something I've imagined before)
I'm sorry for the long answer but there you go!
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pilvimarja · 4 years
3. How do you know if your writing is “in character”?
Haha this is a really hard question to answer, because how I see a character doesn't necessarily match how someone else sees them, not 100% anyway. And sometimes the story I want to tell requires me to change the characters to fit the world or the role I want them to play. But I do try to keep characters recognizable even in AU settings by preserving what I think is most recognizable about them, not just to me but to everyone. And hearing the character's voice in my head when I read their dialogue is also a good way to tell if they're in character, at least in movie canons.
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blueeyedrichie · 4 years
ACHOO! 🤧🖕😑
I’m this 👌 close to acting up you better watch yourself 😤
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kaspgaytozier · 4 years
For the In order Ask Game: The Losers. Sorry, I know it's seven buuuuuuut.
1- richie and eddie
2.- bev
3, 4, 5.- mikestanbillandben 
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fircyca · 4 years
Purple for the color meme
“exhausted vampire with a coffee addiction and no more fucks to give“
lmaoooo that really couldn’t be more accurate <3
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ed-spaghetti · 4 years
5 things that make you happy
Ok, here we go!! - Acting!!
- Talking and playing videogames every night with my homies.
- My pets. I love them so much and they make me so happy ;_;
- Bill Hader. (Don’t judge me, just seeing his face make me smile like an idiot)
- Boxing!! Training always makes me feel better.
Nice asks <3
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ghostroclus · 4 years
For the space ask: Phoenix
My favorite thing to wear is probably my Creeps shirt, it's really comfy and warm 👉👈
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stunt-lads · 4 years
SNL Richie, what if his crush on Seth Meyers doesn't go away and Eddie teases Richie about it every time they go out to a premiere and Set is like oh Hey Rich! And Richie just mmmmm Hi seth meyers, with literal heart eyes
It’s cute, Eddie thinks, when Richie tells him about it.
“Yeah, when-ha, this is embarrassing-when I worked on SNL I was attracted to a, uh, a certain cohost. A-a cohost who doubled as a news anchor. And who married a character I played.”
Eddie wracks his brain and then it clicks, and Richie sees it click, Eddie sees his face flush in embarrassment and he grins.
“Seth Meyers?” 
“He reminded me of you before I even remembered you!” Richie says defensively, “Fucking, angry twink energy!”
Eddie is wheezing with laughter, and Richie has a matching grin.
“Well, good thing you have the real thing now.” Eddie says after he catches his breath. 
It rears its head again, when Richie is asked to host SNL sometime after he comes out. Eddie sits in the front row, where the cameras can pick him up if the sketches come out into the audience, and he eyes Richie fondly. 
He grins when it’s revealed Seth has returned for a few skits and Eddie can see the way Richie’s eyes light up and he smiles a little shyly and Eddie practically giggles with eagerness. He’s keyed up for the rest of the night.
When they’re saying goodbye and mingling with each other Eddie goes backstage and waits for Richie behind the sets. He taps away on his phone until he hears Richie’s voice. 
“Oh! Seth, you have to meet Eddie!” Oh and Eddie can hear the excitement in his voice. This is going to be so fun.
He’s pleasantly enamored by Seth, can see what Richie saw in him, and doesn’t miss the way Richie is heart eyes looking at them both while they chat away, talking about nothing and everything. 
When they’re on their way back to the hotel Eddie smiles, pressing a kiss to Richie’s neck in the back of their Uber. 
“Eds, wha-”
“You’re not as subtle as you think you are.” Richie is quiet so Eddie huffs out a soft laugh against his skin, “You still have the hots for Seth.”
“What? No I don’t!” His tone is wrong, like he’s lying, and Eddie laughs a little louder.
“It’s cute Richie. But I’m always gonna lord it over you.” Richie sighs but Eddie can see his smile in his peripheral.
Richie’s phone buzzes softly and they both look down as the screen lights up.
Seth 😎: It was great seeing you again, man. We should hang out if you’re staying in NY for a while. :) 
Eddie grins and snatches the phone before Richie can keep it from him.
That sounds fun! Let’s make a date of it!
Richie snatches it back and quickly backpedals. 
Day* I meant day. I have a boyfriend. 
Eddie laughs, until the phone buzzes again.
Seth 😎: Haha it’s fine. I wouldn’t mind making a “date” of it, and bring Eddie too! I want to hear more embarrassing stories of you as a kid. 
Richie blushes so hard Eddie can see it in the darkness. 
“Looks like the crush isn’t one-sided there, Richie.” He teases and Richie just groans, throwing his head back hard against the headrest. 
“I’m never going to live this down am I?” He asks pathetically, eyes full of laughter as he turns his head towards Eddie. 
“Oh, no, absolutely not.” Eddie says cheerfully, tangling their fingers together on the seat between them. 
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
"I don't do hugs" Stozier
I... I had to change it a little. I. Am not sorry. 
“I can’t do hugs.”
There is a soft knock on the door.
Richie doesn't move, doesn't breathe.
"Richie, honey? Are you awake?" It's Beverly. "We need to talk."
But Richie doesn't want to talk, can't talk. He's still wearing the shirt with Eddie's blood on it, and he doesn't want to move.
"It's…" She hesitates. "It's about Stan." A bubble forms in the pit of Richie's stomach and makes its way up his chest. "He's alive."
Richie moves very slowly. He goes to the door and opens it a crack.
"He's what?"
"He's alive. He's in the hospital but he's… He's alive, Richie." She tries to reach through the door for him, but he pulls away.
"What hospital?"
Within hours, Richie is on a flight to Atlanta despite the others trying to get him to wait so they could go together. Richie doesn’t want to spend one more minute in fucking Maine than he has to.
The others will be there soon enough. He doesn't even take his bag, just leaves his stuff trusting the others to bring it with them.
It's mid-afternoon when he gets to the hospital. It's busy with people rushing in and out. He asks for Stan's room and heads up to the elevator. He gets off and looks around. A woman he doesn't recognize comes over to him.
"Yes?" He pauses. "Patty?"
She nods. "Stan's this way."
Silently, he follows her. He knows he should probably ask how she is, offer support and all that, but all he can see is Eddie floating above him. All he wants to see is Stan, the best friend he'd forgotten.
When they get to Stan's room, they go in. Lying on the bed, Stan looks pale, and Richie nearly loses it. He lets out a small sob, and Patty bites her lip.
"I'll be outside." She leaves without waiting for an answer.
Trying to push back another sob, Richie pulls his arms to his chest and walks over to the bed. They don't say anything for a moment.
“Stan. Eh- Eds-” Richie tries.
“I know,” Stan whispers. “I know.” He clears his throat. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
Richie flops into the visitor’s chair and lets out the sobs he’d been holding in all morning. After getting himself a little more in control, he scoots closer but hesitates.
“I- I missed you, Stanny.”
“I missed you, too.”
“Are you- Are you ok?”
Stan shrugs. “They say I’m going to be ok.” He pauses. “I’m- I’m so sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, Stanny,” Richie says. He leans forward. “It all happened so quick. There’s- There’s nothing-” He sobs again and leans forward. Stan slides his fingers through Richie’s hair, stroking gently. Richie scoots a little closer, arms out for a hug, and Stan flinches away.
“I can’t do hugs right now,” Stan whispers. Richie’s face crumbles, and he starts to pull away. “But… Can I hold your hands?”
Richie lets out a squeak and takes Stan’s hands in his. He kisses Stan’s knuckles gently. Stan leans over and kisses Richie’s hair and then pushes their foreheads together. Richie cries himself to sleep.
He wakes up hours later to Patty coming in. Richie doesn’t move. He’s still holding one of Stan’s hands, and the other is gently stroking Richie’s hair.
“The others are here in Atlanta,” Patty tells Stan. “They got a room for him. Should we wake him up?”
“No,” Stan says. “Let him sleep. He needs it.”
“Ok, love,” Patty says. “I’ll let them know.” She comes over and kisses Stan’s hair. “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Stan says. When they are alone, Stan leans over and kisses Richie’s hair. “Love you, too.” Richie doesn’t say anything, just squeezes Stan’s hand and goes back to sleep.
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askfandomprompts · 4 years
Richie as a Mutant. That's it. That's the ask.
Now, Richie is not going to be one of those over-the-top, spandex wearing, superhero types. He kind of wishes he could go invisible because those could be the ultimate pranks, not to mention the dirty shit he could get up to. But god knows that Richie Trashmouth Tozier doesn’t have that kind of luck.
The first time he realized he had a mutation, he was running pell-mell down the alley between the general store and the butcher shop, desperately trying to get away from the Buttface Bowers. Sadly, Richie’s mutation also is not super speed. So he got caught. Like always.
No, no, Bowers! Wait! Wait just a second! The words tumble out as Bowers shoves Richie back against the rough brick wall, one meaty hand spread across Richie’s scrawny chest to hold him in place, the other in a fist aimed right for Richie’s face. Wait! Richie was scrambling, trying to figure how to talk his way out of this.
His hand grabbed Bowers’ wrist. You know, one day, we’ll all laugh about this.
And Bowers... did. He started to laugh, right then, grinning. A chuckle turned into a full on guffaw and then a belly laugh that had Bowers bent over, holding his stomach. Richie slipped away from Bowers, eyes huge behind those oversized glasses.  
He’d said laugh and Bowers had. He wasn’t stopping, either. Now Bowers was rolling on the ground, his grin in some kind of rictus grimace. The laughs had turned painful, forced, but it was like Bowers couldn’t stop.
I did that. Richie just knew. Right then. He’d just forced Bowers into laughs, with a touch. Richie watched Bowers squirm at his feet, laughter so far from gleeful. Bowers was starting to find it hard to breathe in between the strained cackles, the corners of his mouth dripping blood as his muscles forced the grin wider. Bowers’ face contorted into some gruesome mask, a morbid parody of happy laughter.
Richie stood there in the dirty alley and watched Bowers die. Of laughter.
Maybe he would be a comedian someday. 
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datingdonovan · 4 years
Ivory and poppy
thank you for these :) I hope you're having a lovely day!!
ivory - describe your pajamas? usually a random shirt and then some pajama pants? i dont know why but somehow i seem to have more pajama pants than shirts??? idk how this happened???
poppy - favorite pastel color? hm i suppose yellow as its already my favorite color anyway lol
soft asks
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celt-the-flame-3110 · 4 years
8. What is a scene you wrote that you are most proud of?
Hmmmmmm... that's a hard one. Not because there are a lot of scenes I'm proud of, but because I'm discontent with most of my writing. This is why I usually post my fics at 3 am with several typos. Because if I do my final proofread while fully awake, I'll nitpick and fix things that don't need fixing and I'll never post it.
If I had to point to one scene and say that I'm proud of it, not because it's good in my eyes but because it's better than the canon and I don't hate re-reading it...
(These are both from my multi-chapter fic on AO3)
Probably either the scene at the Jade or the final battle.
Because the Jade scene has Stan in it and it's a concept that warms my cold, dead heart.
And with the final battle, Andy Muschietti did a fucking terrible job with that. Like, I know the argument of "the Losers had to grow up to defeat Pennywise so they had to insult It." And, yes, that's true. But there is no excuse for those insults to be so weak. Like, those insults were so... childish. So it completely defeats the purpose and the message is lost.
So if you read that scene from my multi-chapter fic and hated it... At least the Losers didn't chant "Clown," at Pennywise the whole time.
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