#theme: fbi
candiehearts · 18 days
Living is the best revenge
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Paring: Spencer Reid X Saved F!Reader
Summary: There was one rule — don’t get involved romantically with the job. It would cause more damage than good, that was something Spencer truly believed. However, a certain damsel in distress might have shift his point of view.
Warnings: Contain themes of; Kidnapping, acts of violence. Brief mentions of; near death experiences.
Taglist: Just ask to be added to this taglist.
I felt another tear fall down my cheek, while the man in front of me traced the dull side of his knife down my face. A cruel smile dancing across his face. He ripped the cloth from my mouth – allowing me to speak, but even so I couldn’t with the tremble of my lips.
“Scream for me.” What kind of sick twisted game is this? I could feel myself wanting to be sick, but I kept my mouth close. Crying silently.
“I said scream!” His voice raised, and the anger in his eyes flashed like a fury of lightning, and he brought his knife to my thigh. Ripping the skin and sticking it deep. “Plea– Please!” I cried out, my eyes burning, but not as much as the sensation in my thigh, when he ripped the knife out.
My head hanged, and I watched as the pool of blood bled off my leg. “There we go.” The cruel smile was back, and his sickly calm voice replaced the one filled with rage.
“Now, time for the finally.” My throat felt raw as I tried to beg him to stop, but he didn’t care. He grabbed the gun from his waistband, and walked behind me.
I felt the ropes, that were rubbing my skin raw, loosen. Soon after he untied each foot from the legs of the chair. His rough hand grab my shoulder so tightly – and I couldn’t even focus on that pain before I was reminded of my leg.
I stumbled – trying to find my footing, but the pain was too much. “Stand up.” His voice commanded that anger from before slowly starting to return.
By now I started to feel dizzy, from the pain, blood loss, emotional trauma. Take your pick. “I said stand up!” From the corner of my eye I saw his fist with the gun raise, his hold on my arm tightening even more. Then before I could blink, he slammed the handle of the gun onto my head.
I started to fall, but he kept his tight hold on me, and started to pull me down a hallway and then I saw a light. For a moment I thought it was heaven – but I was removed from that dream by the pulling and pain.
“Pick up your feet.”
Slowly but surely I placed one foot in front of the other, walking up the steps. When we were off the steps, and a floor above – you would think this is a normal house, and this man didn’t have a basement where he liked to torture people.
“Out back let's go.” He pointed the way to the back door, pushing me. By the time I felt fresh air hit me, I also felt blood slowly start to fall down my face, from where he hit me before.
All around us were woods, nothing else. You couldn’t even hear the crickets, but maybe that was blocked out from the beating of my heart. Scared from what could possibly be my last moment alive.
I felt him push me roughly on the ground, and even though I felt the dirt burning my cuts – I was silently grateful for the pressure releasing from my leg.
The world around me blurred, and finally focused on him. Right in time to hear the click of his gun.
“Any last words?” I slowly looked away from the blurring gun, and used the last bit of energy I had to look this bastard in the face.
“Go to hell.”
My voice cut through the night, rough, raw, most of all tired. His cruel smile turned into an pure evil smirk – and the universe had really delivered. “Gladly.”
The shot rang out, then another, and another. My eyes screwed shut, waiting for the relief of death. However instead of his gun firing off, it dropped from his hands, before his body dropped as well.
I watched as he started to cough up blood, heaving it, but that’s not what I wanted for his last moments. I felt myself push, and craw to his body.
I saw his eyes focus on me, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “In your last moments, everyone, everyone, can see you for who you are. Even yourself.”
He coughed more blood out, and I saw him start to look away, but I wasn’t done. I felt my body move on instinct. I gripped his chin as hard as I could – making him see me.
I felt someone grab my shoulders, pulling me away from him. “It’s alright. It’s over.” I focused in on the man, and silently pleaded. “I want to walk out of here.”
“Okay, alright. Wrap your arms around me.” I did as told, and pulled myself up, while he picked me up. Once on my feet – I felt myself start to fall to the ground again.
Instead of pulling, pushing, or dragging, I felt his embrace stop me from falling. And even though I was practically dead weight – he kept me up right.
Black dots started to fade into my vision, and a happy thought drifted into my mind. I outlived him, even for a minute – I won.
“Hey, hey, listen to me – focus on the sound of my voice.”
I felt his hand cradle my face, he was warm, and his hands were soft. “The medics are here. I’ve got you, I’m here.”
“Let me die.” I choked out to him, pleading for my misery to end. However I didn’t get an answer, at least not one I heard before I felt myself being placed on a stretcher.
The last thing I saw before it all went black was the burly-ness of red, blue, and white lights.
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Spencer felt your blood dry on his hands, during the ride to the hospital. He had always made a point to not ride in the ambulance with a victim, let alone wait for an update at the hospital.
He should drive back home. He shouldn’t be here waiting outside your room, when he should sleep – before he has to work another case.
However this case has really struck him, he had seen so many innocent lives ruined at the hands of killer sadistic psychopaths, but the look of utter despair you had on your face before you blacked out struck him.
“Let me die.”
Your voice echoed in his head, a broken plea. And despite how much he didn’t want to admit it but when he saw you, you were so utterly beautiful. You had mascara falling down your face, along with blood coming from an open wound that no doubt gave you a concussion. Your bottom lip was busted – and you couldn’t even walk.
That didn’t matter though. Because he saw your strength, your resilience, and it pained him to hear at the very end, right when it was over, that you wanted to give up.
So maybe that’s why he’s here. Silently staring at the ground during the late hours of the night. Visiting was over – but he gave the lame excuse that he was FBI and needed to be with you the second you woke up so he could ask questions.
“Dr Reid.” He felt his head look over to the nurse, and she made a small tilt of her head, a gesture for him to come inside now.
His body felt heavy as he raised himself off the chair and walked into your room. You didn’t bother to turn your head to get a good look at him. Instead you just looked off to the side, your gaze unfocused because even though you were physically in the room, your mind was in that basement.
“Hello, I’m Dr Reid.” His voice felt tired, but that was nothing in comparison to yours. “When can I leave Doc?”
“I’m actually not that kind of doctor, a common mistake.” He cleared his throat before trying to put on a more professional voice. “I’m with the FBI behavioral analysis group. Can I ask a few questions?”
All you would have to do is say no, and he would immediately back off, but if you did he didn’t know if he could actually leave you alone.
“What do you want to know?” Your throat felt better, you were more hydrated, but it was still raw from all the screaming you did.
“Did you know the man who attacked you?” His face flashed into your mind, his cold eyes, and evil smile. “No. What’s his name?”
You finally turned your head to look at him, and instinct took over as he reached his hand out to slightly hold yours. “Elias Green. He tortured and killed three more women before you.”
“I survived. He’s dead and I’m not.” The room was quiet, and pure grief and anger took over your voice. “So why does it seem like he won? Why is he ruining me beyond the grave?”
“There’s not many people who know what you're going through.” You felt Spencer slightly trace one of your fingers. “But, the reason he’s haunting you, ruining you, is because you're just as dead as he is – and you need to find a reason to live. Not survive.”
Spencer knew what it was like, to be tortured – even when your torturer is dead. The only reason he was able to breathe again was simply because he had found it in him to stop surviving, and instead live.
After all, living is the best revenge.
“Are there any other questions you have for me?” You wanted this interview to end and yet, “No, I can leave if you like,” you didn’t want him to walk away.
With that simple command Spencer pulled a chair closer to the bed, and held your hand throughout the night, and silently slipped out early in the morning when your parents came to check up on you.
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Every night you felt Spencer’s presence. Everytime you wake up from a nightmare – he was there to comfort you. Then you were released from the hospital.
The first week out you didn’t see him, and to be fair you didn’t expect to. Despite how much you would love it. You never gave him your number, or even your address, email, the list continues.
He had no way of contacting you, and you didn’t expect him to. However it was taking everything in him not to use the number Garcia gave him.
Spencer was already working on another case. One that when he had finished he felt exhausted. Yet he could feel the piece of paper with your number on it, burning in his pocket. A constant reminder of you.
He shouldn’t get involved – it’s a bad idea. A mantra he repeated in his head. A loop, one that everytime he heard he resolved grew less and less.
Just how bad could it be?
Should he initiate contact? What if you wanted nothing to do with him? Surely you were trying to block out every aspect about what happened – him included. Right?
He walked into the flower shop, and he had decided on pink roses. They symbolized; admiration, gratitude, and budding romance.
“What’s the note you want on them? And where should I ship them honey?” His fingers felt for the paper in his pocket, and right under your number was your address. One he repeated, as he silently hoped that this chance he was taking wasn’t going to blow up in his face.
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A knock at the door pulled your attention away from the book you were reading, a record playing faintly in the background.
Placing the book onto the couch beside you, you made your way to the door. You made sure to look at the peep window before you felt yourself reaching for the gun you bought. You kept the gun by the door, and a taser by your bedside, and another in the kitchen.
You cracked the door, keeping your arm hidden from the man – the man who held a bunch of flowers.
“Special delivery.” You silently grabbed the flowers, muttering a small thank you before quickly closing the door. Making sure to double lock it.
You placed the gun down when you saw his van drive away, and then took the time to appreciate the flowers.
They smelled amazing, but what took most interest was the note placed in it.
“Pink roses: Symbolic to budding romance and admiration.
703 - *** - 4074
— SR”
A smile graced your lips when you read the initials. SR. Spencer Reid.
Grabbing your phone you felt a slight flutter of excitement, yet nerves as you dialed the digits.
“Hello, DR. Spencer Reid.”
“Budding romance huh?” You felt your nerves vanish at the sound of his fumbling.
Spencer knew you would get the flowers today, but yet he had convinced himself you wouldn’t call.
He felt heat rise up his neck as he silently cursed himself for dropping his pen — causing ink to fly everywhere.
“Hi. Hi. I uhm.” He silently hit his head on the table as he thought of what to say. “Unfortunately uhm is all I got.”
You couldn’t help the light laughing leaving your lips as you decided to put an end to his misery.
“You know my address — how about I take you out to dinner? Call it my thank you for saving my life.”
Reid didn’t know what came over him, but he felt his inner Derek come out.
“Or we can call it a date.”
“It’s a date.”
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172 notes · View notes
skunkes · 3 months
nefew enjoyed his gift
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88 notes · View notes
s3 episode 16 thoughts
(giggling and kicking my feet) it’s mulder and scully time <3
and it was a GOOD episode!!! i was sad, but damn was i compelled! back to the very beginning of the episode to begin the note-taking journey, with a tiny recap of where we left off beneath the “keep reading” bar…
hehehehe i am excited!! i love to spend the evening with the ultimate duo. and we have so much to cover!
so many twists and turns to walk down! krycek is back! skinner is hurt! scully is sleuthing! mulder is in hong kong! we had best begin!
YAAAS we got another “previously on the x files” <- i loathed these at first for throwing me off my typical groove, but now that i know we only bust them out on special occasions (multiple part episodes) i look forward to them
ugh scully is so pretty. “you say that every time” and it’s true every time??? 
we get a recap: flash bang alien, inky eyes, skinner on a hunt for answers before being interrupted, scully’s dad’s friend johansen, the rat bastard 
timeskip to 1953. a man from johansen’s squad who is covered in burns is telling his story, and it is being recorded. he is being visited by those who claim to want to bring him to justice, but he says he won’t tell. 
so after johansen started a mutiny and locked the rest of the sailors in the sub, those trapped on the lower levels knocked the dude with the inky eyes on the head with a wrench. so he is knocked tf out. and liquid started pouring from his eyes (BLEAUGH) and into a drain. the survivor who has all the burns and who is recounting this calls the liquid “the enemy”
a guy that looks a lot like matty healy (but much cleaner) is asking him what he means by calling liquid “the enemy”. so the interviewee says that the thing went back to where it came from. 
GASP!!!!!! HE ADDRESSES THE MATTY HEALY LOOKING FELLOW AS “MR. MULDER”!!!!!! oh this is JUICY!!! and the camera pans over to another man putting in a cigarette!! GASP!!! WE KNOW WHO THAT IS!!!!
baby cig man says “you can trust all of us” (<- LIES, LYING, SAID BY A GUY WHO IS LYING)
(you can tell the actor playing baby cig man had just one line but he worked SO hard to get cig man's voice right... it made me giggle)
why does young mr mulder look kinda cute. aww. so little. almost wanna squish his cheeks.
they changed the intro again. smh! messing with my rhythm.
anyway, back to main plot. scully’s rolling up to the hospital to find skinner, where she is met by agent fuller and agent caleca, two names i do not think i have heard before. scully asks for hair and fiber from the crime scene and these two are like “we don’t have that yet” so she says “um get it?” (not really but basically) (and they claim it was some random guy that shot him… not buying it)
oh! skinner is being wheeled out! she’s off to go investigate. now if it were ME being rolled about with my shirt off after a gunshot wound and emergency surgery, i would not want people seeing that. but hey, she’s a doctor so maybe she’s chill like that. still! i’d be soooo embarrassed omg
SHE GRABS HIS HAND OMG!!!!! he opens his eyes a tiny tiny bit and tells her that he has seen the man who shot him before!!!
man, i thought just the hand grabbing was gonna be all tender, and it was! but getting a clue at who did it was a bonus too
back to the rat bastard and mulder. at least krycek seems aware that mulder can and will kick his ass and is deferential to him. 
scully is looking over skinner’s chart. OH! she asked for guards. and she wants them NOW. she does not CARE about your excuses. WOO!!! she says idgaf if you two agents stand out there YOURSELVES, get GUARDS ON him!!! YAAAAS!
back to krycek and mulder cam. mulder notices that they are being followed and tells him to speed up. at gunpoint! and this mystery vehicle runs them off the road!!!!!!
noooo, their faces are all smushed in. someone pulls rat bastard out and asks where the tape is, but the fellow who attacked him gets flash banged, because again, krycek has alien flash banging powers.
but poor mulder still has his bloody heady on the dash :( he sees some odd flashing 
scully gets called into the lab and this guy has some info on the dude that shot skinner. she says it will take too much time to run the hair sequence, but to do it anyway.
(also, i can’t tell if this is the same guy from the lab as before that clearly had a crush on her or if this is a different one but idk i guess it doesn’t really matter... he doesn’t seem like her type)
so the two men that krycek flash banged last night are now in treatment for radiation, and who is visiting them but cancer man!!! he is once again lighting up as they are dying. he bends down and moves a bandage, and sees the eyes of a patient meet his. but he says to HAVE THE BODIES DESTROYED OMFG HE DOES NOT GIVE A FUUUUCK THIS GUY IS EVIL!!!!
mulder at da hospital. bandage on his head. awwwwww :( it’s so sad and pathetic... he’s baby.
the police found him and he mentioned “we” so she says “who’s we” and he has to say KRYCEK… she is (very gently) confused
an excellent person to have by your bedside whilst recovering. 
she tells him that she is sorry for the bad news, but skinner has been shot as well. but the doctors seem to think he’ll be okay. and she has an idea on who it is that pulled the trigger!
GASP!!! she pulls out the scans on the hair. two of them, in fact. the first being from the man who shot skinner, and the second being from the man who shot melissa. and they’re a PERFECT MATCH!!!! CONSPIRACY!!! CONSPIRACY, I CRY!!!
(shrill violins, fade to black)
oh! it’s the united nations alien council. um i realize now i don’t know their actual name. but you know who i’m referring to, right? the guys. the gang. the squad. just a couple of dudes.
they’re discussing the site “WHERE THEY RECOVERED THE UFO” well! there you have it! word of god confirmation! it’s indeed a ufo that the french sailors came across in the last episode!
“it seems we have an information leak, gentlemen”, one of them announces, which makes me say, okaaaay ominous <3
and they say cig man has responded in a way no one could have predicted… omg was he behind the skinner thing…?
scully visiting skinner <3 asking how he is feeling <3 he doesn’t seem surprised about the news his shooter was the same as melissa’s, especially because those three men had warned him before about pursuing her case. he says she should be careful about saying that the case was shut down because people don’t want it to be caught but. it’s looking them right in the face.
OH! the man that shot him was one of the ones who attacked him a few months back on the stairwell! well i didn’t even catch this. some detail noticer i am. AND KRYCEK was the other one!!!! yes, and they stole the tape yes yes i’m recalling!
ohhh it’s serious. he tells her that she cannot afford anger, that if she’s angry she’ll make a mistake. “i’ll be okay”, she says (voice breaking) (<- said by a woman who is lying)
he says that if she can’t keep her head, it’s okay to step away… this feels very chekov’s gun… but she says that’s exactly what they want. OH! i love that she knows she can get to the bottom of this. i love that she believes in herself.
scully is furiously typing on her laptop. asking to devote full bureau resources to finding krycek. got her glasses on n everything. terribly beautiful whilst angry. she is saying he can explain everything that is going on, but i don’t think anyone is gonna listen to herrrr because the fbi does not give a fuck!!!
scully is now entering their office to see the giant yellow scuba suit. “it looked great on me in the store” says mulder, who needs to make a joke or people will die. perhaps he needs to make a joke even more when people really ARE dying.
so, why is it here? great question. it was covered in oil, the french guy was covered in oil, his wife was covered in oil, and it’s all diesel oil from world war two submarines. a new meaning to the term “oiled up”.
theory time with mulder: it’s a medium for an alien creature for body-jumping. he laughs when she laughs, aware of how ridiculous it sounds, but also aware of her thinly veiled fury; what else could he do? he does know how it sounds, he does know what she needs, but the truth. the truth.
so what does this thing living in the oil want with krycek? a great question. 
omg guy from the lone gunmen is ice skating! and so is another one. wow a team bonding mission <3 AND THE OTHER ONE!!! FROHIKE!!! 
is this something they do often... no, this must be a sleuthing mission.
frohike goes in a locker and opens something. GIVES IT TO MULDER!!! YAAAS THE TAPE!!! they say he should “call upon their services more often” YAAAS they want that sweet sweet agent time <3 
but noooo! the tape is gone!!!! mulder gets mad and throws the empty case. still, a reunion with his pals <3
cig man is watching tv. sipping some sort of liquor.
(whenever i see someone drinking a beverage with ice in it on a tv show, i think of that one tiktok of a prop master explaining how they make prop ice and the many different kinds they can do. i think this looks like glass ice to me. shoutout to people who make videos about props; you make my heart very happy)
BRO... THE TAPE JUST APPEARS. KRYCEK HAS ENTERED????? but the guy who shot skinner is there too!!! and is holding krycek at gunpoint!!!!
cig man watches krycek's eyes go all inky (correction: OILY) and black. omg……
cancer man is rolling up 15 minutes late for the UN alien meeting. lmao it's funny in a way. he moved the ufo to a new location! he promises it will be absolutely inaccessible.
someone asks why he won’t bring it to nevada like the others. probs because even the normies know about nevada as the alien place. dweeb.
GASP! they want answers for what happened to skinner. cig man says for all he knows, it's just random. even though they have a drawing of the guy who did it, who is “one of his”, he’s denying it. AND THEY’RE ALL GROANING BECAUSE NO ONE BELIEVES HIM FOR A SECOND LMAOOOOOOO
(so funny to me that despite being on the super secret alien council, cig man still manages to be unprofessional and lie through his teeth to people who seem far more competent, even when secrecy effects the entire planet. something very funny about him lowkey sucking at his job)
so he needs to get the shooter out of the country NOW or else skinner can make an ID and no one can stop the arrest!
back to the agents trying to piece things together. the lone gunmen are babbling on about how to best find what was written on the case but mulder has the secret: rubbing a lil pencil over top LMAOOO. he finds a phone number!!
and who picks it up when he calls but… the un alien club!!!
it’s the well groomed man!!! mulder says krycek gave him the number. and he asks to meet with mulder. allegedly in central park? is this a trap...
so, the dude who did the shooting is named luis. the other agents are saying to scully they can’t look any further than they already have, but she says keep looking, she’s seen stranger. and the lab guy says “i believe she has” when she leaves lmaoooo GET UP. he's down bad fr. pathetic. get up.
i mean i am too but i'd like to think i'd have more dignity about it
mulder in da park. is he alone… are they gonna get him??? the well-groomed man meets him. they’re playing some mental chess with who can ask each other what. so he tells mulder there WAS a ufo at the bottom of the ocean that was shot down during ww2, and a salvage attempt had been made, but there were complications.
so it looks like they’re both looking for krycek. but the well groomed man leaves by saying “anyone can be gotten to”. very very ominous. and mulder calls scully and says check on skinner RIGHT NOW.
she gets down there and he’s NOT THERE??? apparently he was moved to a different hospital. WHO TOOK HIM?????
scully slaps her badge on the door of a ambulance on the side of the road and asks if he’s got a skinner in there. this dude says yeah and he must be freaked tf out, but she’s coming along for the ride now.
skinner wants to know what she’s doing here, and she says she just wanted him to be safe. she pulls her gun out and opens the door and WHO IS IT BUT LUIS!!! WHO FIRES AT SKINNER!
TRAFFIC GUNFIGHT CHASE!!! luis just got hit by a CAR!!! she got him!!!
and she’s SCREAMING at him. screaming like we have never heard before, are you the man that killed my sister??? he’s begging for his life.  he says he can tell her where krycek is…
the police roll up, telling her to put the gun down. and she sadly holds up her badge and explains that she’s basically the police but actually better so y’all are kinda late to the situation. they take him into custody. and she’s tearing up. i do not trust that he doesn’t have a poison tooth in there. 
she calls mulder, who is rummaging through his car, and tells him that he was right, someone was going to kill skinner. and it IS the man who shot her sister. and allegedly krycek is going to north dakota. mulder says please meet me in new york with two tickets to north dakota asap. 
what’s in north dakota, she asks? the salvaged ufo!!!
cut to north dakota cam. agents are rolling up, and how terribly i wish i could see what happened on the flight and ride up to there. how tense the silence was, how valiant the attempts at breaking it were. UGH. someone pls write the fic someday i’m already emotional.
she’s got a vest thing on and it’s cute. i get that we have bigger things at hand but i can still appreciate a vest moment!!
they go into a silo... but the door locks behind them!!! they go 8 stories down!! that is a lot!!!! 
now they’re opening a door to what looks like a nuclear waste thing. idk i don't know much about nukes. but it’s just a big empty silo. so they have to check 199 more. 
except they hear a thunk in the tunnels!!!
scully finds one of the (barely alive?) burn victims that had been flash banged by krycek just as mulder announces “he’s here”, and a large group of soldiers runs in
OH! they go to start running from the soldiers and he grabs her. it was so subtle but so sweet. i’m gonna gnaw at something. 
NOOO! they’re surrounded!!! and cancer man is coming up. she yells that they saw bodies in there and he says “you saw nothing” <- wow absolutely garbage fellow has sunken further than even before by adding gaslighting to his resume
so they’re getting taken into custody but cancer man is going deeper, and he tells the soldiers to take the bodies away. he goes down to the nuclear thingy, and lights up, which i feel would be a bad choice in a circumstance where things were actually nuclear, but okay. 
we see something very dark and oily? and hear people throwing up. OH! it’s krycek, with the black stuff pouring from his eyes and mouth. on top of a triangular looking ufo. the oil is pouring into a spiral thingy? and it gets sucked up. 
MULDER AT HIS DESK WITH HIS GLASSES ON!!!! AND A HEALING CUT ON HIS FOREHEAD!!! could a man be any more attractive? it’s debatable.
knock knock. who is it? it’s skinner!!!! limping, and not supposed to be back in the office for a few more weeks!
mulder gets up to shake his hand and help him across the room. a right gentleman, he can be. OHHH so this is why i have seen those bloopers of skinner with a cane LMAOOOO
he’s looking for scully though lmao. yeah not interested in YOU, mulder. 
mulder thanks him for getting shot because he stood up to the evil. he’s saying no, no, i wasn’t doing that, at all. i don’t know what you’re talking about. but not in a humble brag way, in a denying allegations sort of way. it's interesting. my brain is still stuck on this moment.
he says that he “mistakenly” believed he could bring melissa’s murder to justice. mulder says hey, what do you mean by that? so that is why skinner needs to go see her.
she's out and about, though. she’s bringing flowers to melissa’s grave NOOOOO :((((((( she doesn’t even say anything, she just sits there. 
UNTIL MULDER COMES AND BRINGS FLOWERS TOO??? and she has to brace herself to see him. 
he touches her shoulder gently before he sets them down. oh my GOSH
she tells him about how someone told her the dead speak to you from beyond the grave, and that is what a conscience is. he says that’s interesting, that he’s never thought of it that way. a man who sees her suffering and doesn't know what to say to make it better.
and she thought that finding the man who killed her would bring closure but it didn’t. 
he grabs her by the arm at this point, and says he needs to talk to her. tells her that they found luis dead. whoever was behind it all tried to cover it up. 
“i think the dead are speaking to us, mulder. demanding justice” <-stop. stop i’ll cry. you think i won’t cry? you think, for some reason, i won’t sob? i won’t collapse into a heap? you’d be incorrect. you’d be naive and mistaken. you’d be an utter fool, even in a world of fools.
(muffled screaming of me trying to keep it together)
but funny i should type that, because we also hear some muffled screaming on camera, that of krycek trapped in the ufo?? or in the room with it, deep in the nuclear silo?
episode ends with his screams.
so much has happened. and really one thing is on my mind: who is gonna hug scully? who is gonna tell her that the anger is okay, even if it’s futile? who is gonna hold the baddest woman alive close and listen? even if all she has to say is silence? 
i feel like i could write another thinkpiece here but i also feel like i need to let this one sit for a bit. 
scully holding skinner’s hand, scully waiting by mulder’s bedside, scully saving skinner’s life, scully screaming, so guttural, at the man that killed her sister. scully in glasses and scully in vests and scully in coats. furious and devastating and calculating and guilty. 
i have some major questions re: krycek and cancer man and why don’t they just deal with him already??? like for real. i know the answer is gonna be that someone from higher up would just replace him, but i do think it is funny how he goes about blatantly committing all those crimes and then clocks into work the next day like nothing happened. and no one can act like anything happened because they’ll tear the fbi down if they do. we all have a coworker like that, don’t we? that sucks terribly but you can’t do anything about it because the inside supports how terrible they suck? sigh. many such cases.
krycek, if i’m supposed to feel bad for you, i don’t. starve in that ufo and see if i give a damn. 
skinner denying any concept of heroism… i think he’s doing it to keep himself safe. like he said to scully, any sort of accusations are risky. i don’t think he wants anyone to get the idea that he is a hero, even if he is in reality. i also think he has a complex and a great fear of being PERCEIVED as a hero after the things he did during war, and who knows what else he did but hasn't spoken about. but interesting still that he would deny a gesture as simple as being thanked. 
there are many dots in my head. i would like to think they are connecting, but honestly i’ve got matty healy dupe mr. mulder on my mind still just because it was so funny. and then also scully angst. and a deep deep desire to get into that car on the drive from the airport to north dakota, to just listen in on whatever went down. maybe i’ll have to write it if no one else does! isn’t that terrible? when no one else will write the exact thing you want to read, so you have to do it?
(i’ve actually never written fic before so that would be a major commitment. but a one shot here or there sounds interesting)
anyway. lots on my mind. it was a good episode, but kept a lot of things unsolved. which is the point, i know, but they dangle the answers in front of you!! then snatch them away!! i wanted a tiny bit more of the tea. 
but i guess, on the other hand, we know what the tea is, don’t we? we know cancer man and the UN alien squad are hiding this, they’re aware that this alien creature can cause radiation, they’re aware of ufos and they’re covering them up. they might not be aware of the exact nature of the creature, but they ARE aware of it, and that it’s a weapon of mass destruction. what isn’t clear is how tf krycek got roped into this. but again i really dgaf about his loser ass. 
i’m plotting. i’m pinning things on boards and tying them together with string. and then making predictions from there.
(actually, think it’s cool we see a bunch of different kinds of aliens on this show. there were the poison blood clones, standard alien 👽 fellow, and now the oil creature. fun that we get multiple perspectives and takes on what could be. perhaps scarier than just plain old little 👽, but!!! interesting for worldbuilding purposes)
back to plotting….
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starryluminary · 3 months
Oh my FUCKING God Saw VI was so good. Oh my GOD that might of been the best Saw so far oooohhhhh my God
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
"I Wonder If You Think It's Safe Enough to Indulge Yourself"
(Fictober, Day 7)
Phoebe Green. Fire.
The irony of two such oppositional elements combined in one destructive person-- nurture feeding nature, green-eyed monsters indulged with red hot passions-- had not been lost on Mulder. Perhaps he wasn't red-green colorblind in the strictest sense-- nojo on the rojo, that was a good one-- but his senses had failed him just enough to miss the glaring red flags, the forest for the Green. All that blazed was not a glow. All that grew did not produce.
But in the right hands, all that burned could be rebuilt. All that poisoned could be cured.
It required a discerning eye to find the right partner; and, though decades late with burn scars and thorn marks, Mulder knew now how to differentiate his colors.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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bloodywickedlips · 20 days
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theendofmybody · 4 months
once again can't sleep because I'm thinking of all the ways the x files could have been a better show. alas
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bitchapalooza · 4 months
Being a writer is really hard and because of art block but because I’m pretty I’m on some list somewhere for the ideas I text my friend about
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josis-teacup · 1 year
150 pages into Babel by R. F. Kuang and it feels like nobody explained "show don't tell" to her
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dateamonster · 2 years
Based on your recent reference searches, what would the FBI assume about you?
LMAO all my recent reference searches rn are like. y2k puffer jacket. monster high gen 1 profile. space pattern. ita bag.
its funny bc ive searched some Stuff but all my searches for this last lil project have been so tame.
artist asks
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candiehearts · 25 days
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Spencer Reid -> M.List
If you have a request, please look at pin post.
Taglist: Just ask to be added.
I know what it's like to be afriad of your own mind.
Waking up in Vegas!
Happy birthday Spencer Reid! A night out in Vegas seems like the best way to celebrate, the drinks are flowing. The music is blaring, and he even dances with a pretty lady. Though maybe that’s when he starts to make terrible decisions. Decisions he has to deal with tomorrow, but maybe they weren’t so bad. After all deep down he doesn’t regret it.
Living is the best revenge
There was one rule — don’t get involved romantically with the job. It causes more damage than good, that was something Spencer truly believed. Yet, a certain damsel in distress might have shift his point of view.
Navigation — other works!
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dxringred · 2 years
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i don’t care how long it takes, as long as i’m with you, i’ve got a smile on my face
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aftgficrec · 3 months
Hellooooo, I can’t believe this is open!1!1!!1 First of all, I wanted to thank you all so much for all the work you do!
I wanted to ask for fics about the twinyards pretending to be each other. Mainly light funny ones if you find them but any will do. Thank you so much!!!
Hi there, anon! Most of the light funny ones can be found in our previous ask for this. -A
NB: in longer fics this could just be a quick switch, so read them with that in mind
previous recs:
the twins switch 1 here
‘the glow in our mouths’ and ‘The Morning AUs Chapter 52: The Parent Trap AU’ here
‘The one with Kevaaron’ here
‘Aftg Youtube AU’ here
‘Forming a Family; Forging a Future’ here
you may also like:
Neil mistakes Aaron for Andrew here
twinyard mistaken identity here
‘If I Knew You’ here
aaron minyard is a little bit cursed series by BlueJay26 [Rated G, 2 complete works, Updated June 2023, Locked]
Part 1: Jeremy Knox Solves the Transmutation Question: Baffles Centuries' Worth of Alchemists [1429 Words, Twinyards Appreciation Week 2022] [Merriam-Webster] metamorphosis| \ˌme-tə-ˈmȯr-fə-səs\ : a change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means // the metamorphosis of a perfectly nice teak table into gold (by your baby cousin who won't stop getting cursed) Or, Nicky endures the twins' shenanigans in every possible universe. **Written for Twinyards Appreciation Week, prompt - metamorphosis**
Part 2: AITA? No. Am I cursed? Very probably. [505 Words] I impersonated my twin brother to play a trick on his boyfriend. AITA?
AFTG Bingo 2k18: The Twinyard Card by exactly13percent [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2018] 
Chapter 2: Pretend College is difficult enough to navigate without Andrew playing games with Aaron's best friend.
Two of a Kind by gluupor [Rated T, 9957 Words, Complete, 2019]
When Aaron didn't get offered an exy scholarship while Andrew did, they came up with a plan. Andrew would play exy and Aaron would go to class. No one would ever know that they were actually two separate people. What could possibly go wrong?
After Aaron goes to Andrew’s Press conference by @iserenademefan [Tumblr, 2018]
Andrew and Aaron pretending to be eachother by @offbrandginger [Tumblr, 2017]
angstier twins switch:
‘Give Me Another Minute (to Lay Here in Your Echo)’ and ‘another turning point, a fork stuck in the road’ here
‘Unlucky Lies’ here 
‘aparecium’ here 
‘Brother’s Best-Friend’ here
‘white walls’ here
‘Deals With Devils’ here (updated)
Doctor, What Doctor by AceSirenSinger [Rated T, 4081 Words, Complete, 2023]
And then, unfortunately, Aaron has an idea. The idea itself is almost not worth having. It is deeply unethical. It is the opposite of ‘do no harm,’ and it is not even guaranteed to work. Aaron actually thinks that this idea might be worse for his license than performing illegal care on a probable criminal in a back alley in the dark. No, Aaron thinks, it is undeniably worse. “You’re a survivor,” Aaron repeats. “You should already be dead, but you’re not. You should pass out sometime in the next few minutes, but I’m guessing you won’t.” Aaron squares his shoulders, makes himself say the words. “If I give you an address, can you get there? •• An AU where Aaron is a doctor, Andrew is FBI, and Neil’s gone rogue against the mafia. Neil needs medical care, and it really should be Aaron performing it, right? Right??
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: major character injury, tw: blood, tw: violence, tw: needles
Your love is my drug by babyprincess675 [Rated G, 24524 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2024]
Andrew Minyard’s life has been painfully mediocre for years since high school, nothing but guilt keeping him alive up until his twin brother invites him to his Christmas themed wedding in Alaska, where everything changes. Or Andrew gets invited to Aaron’s wedding after years of no contact and things go wrong.
tw: anxiety disorder, tw: suicide attempt, tw: overdose, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: violence, tw: alcohol
in a manner of speaking by likearecord [Rated T, 6335 Words, Complete, 2021]
In Andrew's defense, blind dates are terrible and almost all of Kevin's friends are even worse. Nine times out of ten, calling in a favor to get Aaron to switch and tank it for him would be fine. Unfortunately, Andrew found number ten.
Crossfire by RoseGold_En [Rated M, 18396 Words, Complete, 2018]
The year is 2073. Andrew and Aaron Minyard are twins born into a world with a strict one-child policy due to overpopulation. They take on a singular identity as "Adam Minyard", with only one of them allowed outside at a time. Siblings who are discovered are separated from their families and put into an eternal cryosleep. One day, Andrew disappears. Aaron and Nicky have to find him while maintaining the twins' cover. It's up to Aaron to find out who sold them out and why a bureau agent named "Neil" knows his brother's real name.
tw: vomit, tw: alcohol, tw: violence, tw: gun violence, tw: death, tw: choking, tw: blood, tw: involuntary outing, tw: fire, tw: needles
Secret twin royalty au by @professionalfangirl24601 [Tumblr, 2021]
When queen Tilda gave birth to male identical twins, she knew it could be a threat to her country's future stability. In order to avoid the brothers fighting for the throne, she decided to give one of them up. He would be raised by a maid and then imprisoned with an iron mask constantly covering his face. 
Backliner Andrew by @palmettofoxden [Tumblr, 2017]
Part 1: Andrew takes Aaron's place  Part 2: Andrew takes Aaron’s place - follow-up ideas  Part 3: Backliner Andrew 3/? 
aaron is fat and buff too!!! hc by @palmett-hoes [Tumblr, 2020]
they're deals on deals on deals. meta by @thespineoftherighteous [Tumblr, 2023]
Minyards art by @lnmei
HAPPY TWINYARD DAY!!! art by @babaleza
Aaron and Andrew sand castle building art by @emry-stars-art
POV: You’re Riko and the Twinyards are burying your body. art by @/capt.christine on instagram
nerdy Minyards art by @/intradaya on instagram
Mindyards on defense art by @/kulartly on instagram
andrew & aaron sarcastic healing art by @oliviaillustrations
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cinephilesadeqi · 7 months
Movie Analysis and Review: "The Silence of the Lambs" (1991)
Introduction:Starring Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling, a determined FBI trainee on the trail of a heinous serial killer named “Buffalo Bill” (Ted Levine), “The Silence of the Lambs” delves into the unsettling depths of the human psyche. To capture this elusive predator, Starling seeks the counsel of the caged but brilliant Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), a psychiatrist with a taste for…
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cimmanonrowl · 3 months
Nothing in this world has ever baffled Aaron Hotchner more than your questionable taste in men. And after witnessing firsthand how shitty your boyfriend was, he made it his night’s mission to steal your mind from him and show you what you’ve been missing all along.
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Pairing: aaron hotchner x bau!reader
Theme: smut heaven
Contents: unprotected rough sex, age gap, dom!aaron, breeding, filming, powerplay: boss/employee relationship, implied cheating.
You were the most sensible member of the BAU as far as Aaron is concerned.
In almost 5 years of working together, he’s never had a problem with you or your work ethic. You’re intelligent and logical, and you never made any rash decision that put yourself or anyone on the team in danger, nor did you ever compromise a case for any reckless, unaccounted reason. Years passed and all the doubts he initially had about you melted into a puddle of respect and adoration. And since then, you never heard him or anyone else contradict your arguments.
In your defense, being the youngest in the FBI gave you the unabating urge to follow orders and protocols as they were, to always play by the book exactly the way you were taught in the Academy. Or maybe because Morgan was right when he teasingly profiled you as someone with people-pleasing tendencies— especially to Hotch and Rossi, given they are higher-ups and had the longest experience in the Bureau.
Nothing was wrong with that, of course. You’re good at what you’re doing. You’re productive; and a valuable member of the team. Slowly over the past years, you’ve gained everyone’s trust and respect. And you’ve been made aware that everyone always has your back…
Unless the topic is your relationships.
“There’s a new Korean barbecue place down the block, do you want to join us?” You stopped midway through arranging your weekly reports as Spencer leaned against your table.
Glancing around the bullpen, you noticed Penelope and Derek standing by Emily’s desk, watching you and Spencer subtly from a distance. You almost snorted when Emily and Penelope scampered to look away, while Derek only crossed his arms and raised one of his eyebrows— like he always does when he’s pissed.
You leaned towards Spencer, whispering. “They know, don’t they?”
“Garcia knows,” He whispered back promptly. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. I didn’t tell anyone.”
You stared at him suspiciously, eyes squinting a little. It’s just a joke. If there’s anyone in the team that you trust with your little secrets, that’s Spencer. But you’re curious if he knows how Penelope got wind of your secret date tonight. As far as you know, Spencer was the only person who knew about this.
“I don’t judge you...” He replied with a simple shrug. “You know, people who’ve grown attached to unhealthy relationships find it difficult to leave. Given your people-pleasing tendencies, I know you’re holding onto the chance of proving yourself to him. And you’re still waiting for him to realize your worth. It’s sad actually, now that I remember that.”
You gasped in offense and disbelief, making you slap your palm on his shoulder. While Spencer only grinned and chuckled at your reaction.
“Wait till you hear what Morgan has to say.”
You shivered at the thought. Derek has always been protective of you. Ever since you joined the team, he’s claimed that you’re his little sister. Not that it was a problem, of course, you absolutely love having an older brother. It’s just that… you don’t know how to act whenever he’s pissed because you never had a brother in the first place.
As you wandered your gaze to where your friends were standing, a worried frown lidded your expression. Derek hasn’t moved an inch and is pretty much still watching you, obviously seething in annoyance. On his side stood Emily and Penelope, both looking at you with guilty faces.
“He’s going to kill me,” you mumbled to yourself.
Spencer could only snort. “Yeah, right. I wonder why...”
You turned to him in resignation, heaving a deep sigh as you did so. You focused on arranging the folders on your desk before hitting him square on the chest with the documents.
“Enjoy the weekend, Dr. Reid,” You bid him goodnight before walking away.
“What about Korean barbecue?” He called out, raising both his arms in the middle of the office.
You whirled around to face them, still taking small steps backward.
“I’ve got a date!” You announced with a cheeky grin.
The door to Aaron’s office was left open as usual. From your desk earlier, you saw him working on some paperwork due for this week. There was a mountain of it on his table. And you saw him several times leaning on his chair and massaging his temple— not that you’re watching.
“Sir?” You knocked softly on the door surface to get his attention. He was focused on the document he was reading, his eyebrows tugged together in a scowl.
When he heard your voice, though, he glanced up and almost immediately caught your eyes.
“Hey…” He greeted shortly, smiling as he leaned on his swivel chair. “Come in.”
You mirrored his smile as you handed him the documents. “My reports, sir...”
He gave you a brief nod, thanking you promptly after accepting the pile of folders. You stood in front of him for a moment, taking in every bit of his features: his clean-cut hair, the dark circles under his eyes, the light stubble on his jaw— how can someone be that attractive while under stress? Good God.
“Everything okay?”
You blinked in confusion. “Sir?”
“You’re staring,” He pointed out, chuckling. “Are you visiting that Korean barbecue with Reid?”
Your eyes automatically darted to the glass window, seeing that everyone was still waiting for you at Emily’s table. Even JJ was there, listening to Morgan ranting in frustration.
“No, I have a date later…” You admitted shyly, feeling your cheeks heating up.
“Ah…” His eyebrows perked in surprise. “But I heard Garcia wanting you to come with them, do they know about this date?”
You pursed your lips before shaking your head… then nodding. 
“They didn’t know— well Reid knew— then Garcia— then now everyone else.”
Aaron nodded slowly, trying to understand your point. “And I assume you don’t want them to know?”
A deep sigh unknowingly escaped your lips.
As much as the team tries not to profile each other, it comes out instinctively. One time after discovering your ex-boyfriend was commenting publicly on other women’s bikini posts, you got so distracted that Emily had to pull you aside to make sure you were alright. Then another time when you came across the secret account he made to continue flirting with other women, you got questioned by Hotch for being so distracted.
They were so adamant in knowing what was bothering you. This is why you always try not to bring your personal issues to work.
“I’m going out with James...”
As soon as those words came out, Aaron looked stunned.
“Come again?”
“James…” You mumbled, your voice nearly cracking in embarrassment. “We’re seeing each other… again…”
It would’ve been better if the floor cracked open and swallowed you alive. The way Aaron was staring at you in disbelief was enough to shrink you in shame. You could even see the disappointment in his eyes, which is way worse than being judged in your opinion.
“The guy who dumped you after knowing you’re earning more than him and thinks women should quit their jobs after marriage?” He asked, scowling.
“Nope, that’s Benedict.”
Aaron heaved a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. The sight was so funny you almost laughed at his face.
“Is James the guy who comments on bikini pictures?”
“That’s Mark, sir…” You smiled awkwardly, scratching your ear. “He… he’s the one with the… video…”
“The one who cheated on you and filmed everything?” His scowl deepened even more. Is that even possible?
“Yes... sir... but he said he changed— okay— time to leave.”
You bolted out of his office. With how his eyes turned sharp as he heard your argument, you knew you just pushed his button.
Now it’s a funny memory, but Aaron Hotchner used to be your dream. Everyone in the BAU knew you spent your first year crushing hard on him. Until a random weekend bar hopping crushed your dream. Truth or Dare. When Morgan dared Aaron to make out with the young lady by the bar counter, you learned Aaron doesn’t like younger girls.
That made you step back. He’d obviously like career women; the mature ones, elegantly gorgeous, maybe with a good figure, curves in the right places, big boobs—
All men are the same. What do you expect, honestly? That’s what your ex-boyfriends like the most. Also their reason for cheating on you. You’re not their type, and you shouldn’t act too surprised because you knew that in the first place. Or that they have needs to fulfill. Apparently, you lack both.
“Hey, you okay?” The warmth of Aaron’s palm pulled you out of your reverie. You turned to him fast, blinking in confusion.
“Y-yes, sir. Were you saying something?”
He pursed his lips a little, nodding towards the view outside the car window.
“We’ve been here for five minutes.”
“Oh…” Heat crept on your cheeks after taking a peek, realizing you’ve already arrived in your apartment building. “Right. I’m sorry, sir. I was just thinking.”
“Of that dumbfuck asshole?”
You chuckled awkwardly, baffled by his sudden choice of words. He’s never the type who curses out of nowhere. “Sir?” 
“He made you wait for three fucking hours,” He retorted, his voice calm— dangerously so. “The one you call ‘boyfriend.’”
“He is my boyfriend…”
He stared at you, unamused. “After everything he did?”
At least you know everyone was right: Derek, Penelope, Emily… Aaron. Maybe you’re a hopeless case. For someone decently smart, you’re a complete idiot. You should’ve seen this coming; these men will never change. There’s no way a smart woman would allow this to happen again.
The worst part is that you couldn’t even call your friends to pick you up after getting ditched. You just missed the last train, you couldn’t book a cab, and they’re all hanging out in a Korean restaurant— except Aaron. Which led him to bring you home instead.
“What? You'd still defend him?”
After a few lingering moments of just staring at each other, you decided to offer him a small smile instead of answering. You thanked him for the ride, bid him a good night, and told him to spend his weekend resting. With a sweet yet polite smile, you stepped out of his car.
But Aaron got out before you could even walk away, following you inside the building.
“I swear, I’m fine. You should go home, Aaron,” you insisted, trying to keep your voice steady.
Aaron walked in, trailing behind you, his presence and smell immediately filling your small apartment. You closed the door behind him and turned to find him standing in the middle of your living room, his gaze sweeping over the space before settling back on you.
“I’ll rest when I know you’re okay,” He gave you a small, almost imperceptible smile. “Nice apartment.”
“Thanks…” You gave him a tight-lipped smile. “Can I get you...?”
Your words died in your throat as you found yourself staring into the concerned eyes of Aaron Hotchner. He stood there, hands tucked into his pockets, his expression stoic and something you couldn’t quite place.
“You know, I never understood your preference,” He began cautiously, his eyes directed at you. “You never made good decisions with guys, don’t you?”
“I know that, Aaron.”
“They’re all idiots. Does that turn you on?”
“W-what?” You squeaked, your heart racing as the words sank in.
“Does being treated like trash turns you on?”
A warm tear licked your cheek, and you quickly wiped it away, feeling embarrassed and hurt by his words. Aaron didn’t move an inch but the way his eyes traveled along your face melted his irritation a little. Silently, he reached out and pulled you into an embrace, his arms solid and warm around your figure.
“Fucking hell…” He mumbled against your hair. “I try so fucking hard to be good to you and you let those schoolboys make you cry?”
You buried your face in his chest. “You’re the one making me cry right now.”
“It’s because I’m right.”
“I don’t need your lecture, Aaron Hotchner.”
You pulled back slightly to look at him. Your gaze collided, and you saw something shift in his eyes. The worried frown was still there, but there was something else— something more intense, subtly primal.
“If you’re expecting an apology then you’re wrong.” The muscle on his jaw ticked before he leaned toward your ear. “You know I can treat you so much better. I’d never make you wait and let someone else take you home. I can spend the entire night proving that to you.”
Without thinking, you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if testing the waters and his reaction. But then you felt him respond, his hand moving to cup the back of your head, deepening the kiss.
You melted into him, the warmth of his body and the firmness of his touch causing intrinsic need to erupt at the pit of your stomach. The kiss grew messier, wetter, and uncoordinated. His hands found the crest of your breast, caressing you through your shirt with gentle yet possessive strokes. 
He broke the kiss, his breath ragged. “Do you want this?” he asked, his voice low and hoarse.
You nodded immediately, your own breath coming in short gasps. “I do, god, yes…”
You shivered at his touch, pressing your body closer to him. You found yourself unbuttoning your dress shirt, eagerly so, making Aaron smirk as his eyes followed your clumsy movements.
Once undone, you quickly threw your shirt on the ground. A satisfied glint flashed in Aaron’s eyes before he captured your lips again. This time, more urgent. You felt his arms snaking down your body.
“Should’ve known you’re a dirty slut...” A low chuckle rambled in his throat, his lips leaving soft kisses on your jaw. “Did you wear this red lingerie all day? Were you expecting that schoolboy to fuck you tonight, sweetheart?”
“Y-yes…” You moaned.
“Yes what, slut? You’re wearing this all day or that you wanted him to fuck you tonight?” He asked mockingly. “Tell me, baby, have you ever been fucked by a real man?”
“Aaron, please—” You let out a gasp, feeling your cunt getting wetter every second you spent untouched. “The left door– need you– please—”
“How greedy.”
Effortlessly, he perched you on his muscular arms, carrying you straight to the bedroom. All while you clung to him, your fingers tangling in his hair, your heart pounding with lust and anticipation.
He dropped you on the bed, his eyes dark with need. He took a moment to scan you, his gaze sweeping over your body with reverence.
“Take that pants off now. I want to see everything.”
The coldness of his voice sent tingles to your wet cunt. You quickly scrambled to your knees, your trembling hands stiffly finding their way to the button of your slacks. The thin fabric slid down your legs, exposing more of your body. You feel so exposed, all for his eyes.
“Fuck...” He breathed, palming his hard cock through his pants. “I always imagined how you’d look naked. You have no idea how much restraint it took me not to touch you every time we shared a room.”
A coil in your stomach tightened as he loosened his tie, carelessly tossing it on the ground. Now he’s left with his work shirt and pants, and the contrast of your nakedness alone excites you even more.
He stepped closer to the edge of the bed, his pointer finger tilting your chin upward. Just enough for you to meet his eyes.
“Didn’t you say you have a boyfriend, sweetheart?” His lips trailed from your lips to your cheek, slowly, teasingly down to your jaw.
You whimpered. “Hmm… yeah…”
“Care to remind me what that boy did to you?” He taunted, his voice menacingly low. 
The warmth of his big, calloused hands explored the softness of your bare skin. You moaned softly, feeling his thumb and pointer finger rubbing one of your nipples through the thin fabric of your bra.
“He-” You swallowed thickly, clamping your thighs shut. “H-he cheated on me…”
Aaron hummed mockingly, tutting. “And you still want him here right now?”
“No…” You said quickly, blinking dazedly at him. “Want you, Aaron.”
“Is that how you talk to your boss, sweetheart?” He leaned backward, withdrawing his hand from touching you, one of his thick eyebrows raised in question. “For a cheating slut, I’d say you’re quite demanding.”
“Y-you, sir. Want you, please... please, fuck me, sir.”
You ignored the wetness pooling in between your thighs. His eyes were dark and piercing as he took your nakedness in, while you stared back innocently. You reached for his pants, resting your palm on his clothed pelvis.
“I’m sorry, sir,” You said in a whisper, quietly unbuckling his belt as you did so. “I promise, I won’t tell anyone.”
“You better keep your promise, little girl.”
You gave him a sweet smile, Aaron’s chest rose and fell with every breath. His gaze was fixed on your fingers as they fumbled on his belt. The air hummed with anticipation, mirroring the pounding of your heart against your ribs.
As the belt slid free, Aaron’s hand gently cupped your cheek, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. Leaning in, he inserted two of his fingers into your mouth. And you suck diligently, wetting his fingers thoroughly, staring at him all while your hands blindly unzipped his pants. After a few tries, you finally tugged down his pants and underwear, making him hiss quietly.
“Yes, sweetheart?” He rasped, frowning at you in concern. “Do you want to stop?”
“Can we… can we film this?”
He glanced at the ceiling, chuckling in disbelief. You watched how his throat bobbed with every swallow, and you squeezed your thighs for some friction. God, you’re so wet.
“And who would you show that, baby?” He asked curiously, pumping his cock in slow motion as he waited for your answer. “Eyes up here, sweetheart. Do you want to show your boyfriend how much of slut you are for an older man’s cock? Is that what you want?”
“Y-yes, sir…”
And that’s how you found yourself on your knees, naked, with Aaron’s big cock deep in your throat, staring up at his phone. Aaron was sitting on the edge of the bed, filming everything.
“What a dirty slut, you like that?” He asked hoarsely, tugging you away from his cock. You gasped loudly, feeling Aaron’s precum and your saliva dripping at the corner of your mouth.
“Thank you, sir...” you smiled breathlessly, closing your eyes as he slapped his veiny cock on your cheek and lip, spreading the wetness across your face.
“Fuck, look at you. You’re so cockdrunk...” He mused, laughing to himself, making sure he was capturing everything on the video. “How does it feel to cheat with your boss, sweetheart?”
“G-good…” You gulped thickly. “Should’ve d-done this soon, sir…” You mumbled in a daze, opening your mouth to take him again but he firmly tapped your cheek to stop you from doing so.
“Lay down and open those pretty legs for me.”
The room smelled like sweat and sex, wrapping you both in the heat of the moment. Soft moans and whispers filled the air, bouncing at the four corners of the room.
You closed your eyes in embarrassment and lay quietly in the middle of the bed, following Aaron’s order. In your past relationships, nothing was ever like this. It was always quick, sometimes even one-sided. You’ve never felt confident with your body, and it’s not like you had too many experiences to learn and grow your confidence from.
“I said open your legs, slut. Are you dumb?” Aaron slapped your thigh using his free hand, the one not holding the phone. “Show me how wet that pussy is.”
You shut your legs even more, shaking your head lightly.
“Oh, sweetheart. Don’t tell me you’re shy...” He tutted, feining pity. “Open those legs right now or I’m leaving. Maybe you can call your little boyfriend to take care of you.”
You quickly shook your head, a whimper caught in your throat. You open your legs a little while your hands still covered your wet, glistening cunt. Aaron frowned at the sight, obviously displeased by your slow, unsure actions.
“Don’t test me, little girl.” 
With an impatient sigh, he separated your thighs using his vacant hand. A shiver ran down your spine as the cold air hit your wetness. You watched in silence as Aaron focused his phone on your dripping cunt, running the pad of his middle finger up your clit down to your wet slit.
“You’re so wet, sweetheart. Who’s this for, hm?” He taunted, waiting for your answer.
Your toes curled in anticipation, mumbling. “Yours, sir…”
“Louder, slut. I’m trying to fucking record, remember?”
The world around you melted away as he pressed his middle finger inside your wet cunt. You felt feverish, growing even more desperate as he slowly moved his finger. Your breathing became ragged and heavy as you slowly felt the rhythm.
“Aaron… oh god…” You rasped breathlessly, both your hands reaching for his wrist as he added another finger. “That feels so g-good, sir…”
“Yeah?” He mocked, his teeth sank on his bottom lip as he watched his fingers assault your pussy through the screen of his phone. “Good girl, baby, look at you taking my fingers well.”
“I’m c-close, sir—” Your voice trembled with the intensity of your upcoming orgasm. “Sir, ple—”
“Come for me, sweetheart.”
That’s all it took for your resolution to crumble. Your orgasm racked through you with so much force, your back arching, your lips opened to a silent scream. You never came that hard before. And good God, what have you been missing all along? Aaron watched you with half-lidded eyes, his chest warm with lust and adoration.
“You’re gorgeous, baby.”
You hummed mindlessly, still coming down from your high.
“Need you now, Aaron... Please…” You croaked, throat dry. “Need your cock inside.”
“Say that to the camera, slut.”
You propped yourself a little, immediately facing the phone he was holding. “Need your big cock inside me, sir. Please, fuck me…”
The raw desperation in your voice made him smile. “Ride me then, sweetheart.”
You wasted no time and scrambled to your knees. Aaron deftly took his position and laid on his back. You licked your lips as you stared at his huge cock resting on his stomach. You just know that he’d be big… you just never thought you would see it firsthand. He’s thick and long, with veins decorating it.
Heat crept on your cheeks as you climbed on his lap and sat on his thick cock, grinding your wet pussy and moaning as you felt him pulsate beneath you. You focused your eyes on the camera that was still focused on you, your hands moving to your breasts as you continued grinding on him.
Aaron leaned forward a little and groped one of your tits, slapping it lightly with a breathy sigh.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”
Your blush deepened. “Condom, sir?”
“Up to you, sweetheart. I’m not active.”
“I’m on birth control…”
Smiling, you took his cock and ground the tip against your wet pussy, letting out a staggering breath as you sank in slow motion. The thickness of his big cock stretched you like never before. You’ve never taken something as big as this. You bit your lower lip as you felt the slight burn of the stretch, focusing on how Aaron’s chest rose in heavy breaths. 
“You’re so warm, baby…” Aaron moaned quietly. “Good girl. Fuck, you feel so good. Go on, sweetheart.”
It didn’t take long for your movement to become desperate. You started bouncing up and down with vigor, chasing both of your highs. Aaron’s big cock reached spots inside your body you never knew existed, his neatly trimmed pubes tickling your sensitive clit. Your moans grew louder and louder as he kept hitting the spongy spot inside you.
“Oh god, sir…” You moaned pathetically, bouncing on his cock in pure desperation. “Ruin me with your cock, Aaron… you feel so good.”
“You’re so tight and warm, sweetheart.” You frowned at him in confusion when he handed you his phone. “Continue filming while I fuck you.”
You accepted his phone and focused the camera on him. His rough hands found your hips. Without warning, he started pistoling his hips, ramming his big cock in and out of your trembling body. You felt the burn of every drag of his cock and you’re not even sure if you’re still capturing something on your video.
“I’m coming, baby…” He said breathlessly. “I’ll fill you with my cum, is that what you want?”
You helped him chase his orgasm by meeting his hard thrusts. “Yes, yes- sir, yes, fill me with your c-cum.”
“Can your boyfriend do this, sweetheart?”
“No, sir, no–” You shook your head frantically, tears stinging your eyes. “O-only you.”
“Damn right, slut. I’m the only one who can do this to you.”
You’re not sure of whatever response left your mouth. You’re a babbling, mindless mess. A cockslut who can only think of Aaron’s big dick ruining you in the nastiest way possible. You can feel your peak nearing, making you whimper in ferality.
“I’ll fill you over and over—” His thick fingers tightened around your waist, leaving red, angry marks on your wake. “Until that’s the only thing you can think about.”
A shrill scream escaped your lips on a particularly hard thrust, feeling Aaron’s big cock pulsate inside you. After a few seconds, warm ropes of cum filled your womb. You shuddered at the feeling, clamping your thighs as they trembled excruciatingly. You didn’t even notice that you already let go of Aaron’s phone, completely forgotten on the cushion.
“F-fuck… Aaron—” You moaned in relief, craning your neck to the ceiling. Flashing lights sparkled even on your closed eyes.
His wet lips trailed on your sweaty neck, his teeth sinking in, leaving fresh sets of marks. “I can be a better boyfriend than him, sweetheart. You know that, right?”
You hummed shakily but you didn’t say anything. The way you’ve gone nonverbal filled Aaron with so much pride.
His hands found your waist again, making you whine as his cock slid out of you. Effortless, he thew you back on the bed, now on all fours. The new position felt primal, and exposing. You quickly felt the tip of Aaron’s hard cock sliding in and out of your dripping cunt, fucking in the trail of cum leaking out of your used pussy.
“I can do this all night, sweetheart. You won’t even think about him.”
I’d love to interact with everybody! And I sure do appreciate any thoughts or reactions. Don’t forget to drink your water and keep slaying, babes!
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g0dlyunsub · 3 months
warm you.
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spencer finds you in a state of hypothermia while the both of you are on a case, and he quickly works to warm you up.
pairing :: spencer x fem bau!reader
warnings :: mentions of cryochambers and torture, hypothermia symptoms, weapons, gunshot wounds, partial nudity, scars, general cm themes
word count :: 2.8k
author’s note :: while this isn’t much different from my other sfw fics, i want to be safe and say that this is 18+!
accompanying song :: warm you by matty and mandaworld
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“we’re closest to the address. we’ll head there first.” 
“be careful,” you hear hotch’s voice through the speaker, crisp with a hint of concern.
out of the corner of your eye, you see spencer nod and cut the phone call. he instructs you to speed up, so you grip the steering wheel, press down on the accelerator as hard as you can, and turn on the sirens.
“take a left,” he tells you, and you swerve the car. you blurt out a warning as the wheels swivel, and spencer places a hand against the dashboard for support. before you can apologize, spencer points at the house at the far corner of the street.
“right here!” he calls out, and you quickly maneuver the car to come to a halt. you park the car in front of the driveway and unlock your seatbelt before stepping out of the vehicle with your hand positioned on your holster. 
the house is a lot bigger than you thought, four floors altogether. this is where the unsub was keeping a cryochamber to torture his victims?
“should we wait for backup?” spencer asks as his eyes roam the exterior of the massive building, and you stop to do the same. the both of you already know the answer. a girl’s life is on the line, and the unsub could claim her last breath at any second.
spencer nods at you as he knows what your silence entails. you offer a nod back, then move to retrieve your gun and motion towards the front door. you test the doorknob, and to your surprise, it’s unlocked.
with a heavy inhale to prepare yourself, you jerk open the door and shuffle in, spencer following right behind you.
“daniel miller, fbi!” the two of you simultaneously call out, and you silence your steps to hear for any indicators of the unsub’s presence.
after checking the living room and kitchen, you move to the staircase. you point downwards to let spencer know that you’re heading to the basement, and spencer returns a signal that he’ll move upstairs.
you descend with stealthy steps. halfway down the flight of stairs, the platform creaks beneath your shoe, several wood fibers snapping with a splitting crack. the hairs on your skin stand and your flashlight shakes as you try to steady yourself. berating yourself for being so careless, you continue to tread down the rest of the steps with extreme caution.
it’s completely dark in the basement and your flashlight doesn’t illuminate the room as brightly as you want it to. but when you shine it to your left, you see it – a large cryochamber. right as you try to turn around to check if anyone’s behind you, you hear it – the click of a gun, aimed against the back of your head.
“drop it.”
you stand frozen, paralyzed with the realization that the unsub is right behind you, his gun positioned less than an inch from your skull.
you can faintly hear spencer yell clear! from upstairs. maybe you could stall a bit, wait for spencer to register your unusual silence. but the perpetrator has other plans.
“i said, drop the gun.” his tone is controlled and demanding, and your palms start to collect sweat. feeling your gun start to slip in your clammy grip, you decide to give in.
“okay, daniel, i’m going to put my gun down. we can talk about this,” you offer as you kneel slowly to place the gun and flashlight on the concrete floor. you stand back up with raised arms, watching as the shadow of his gun follows your every movement.
daniel kicks your gun to the far corner of the room and orders you to open the door to the chamber. the barrel of his gun knocks into your scalp, eliciting a sharp hiss from you. 
“go inside.”
you swallow your own saliva, feeling the cold gust of air brush against your face and bare arms as you twist the lever to the door. today was decidedly a bad day to wear a tank top. it’s only when the rigid weapon hits your head once again that you take a step into the room. you bite your lip when you realize the girl who’s been kidnapped isn’t in the chamber. where is she? desperately, you turn around to meet the gun that's leveled right between your eyes.
“listen, daniel, we can just talk about this. none of this is your fault, we-”
daniel growls at your forced attempt to reason with him, and hushes you by waving his weapon menacingly. you clamp your mouth shut, and daniel retreats with his gun still pointed at you. he slams the door shut before you can protest further.
there’s an overhead light in the chamber, and it’s lit with an eerie shade of nordic blue. the surrounding walls are all frozen, and the floor’s coated with a layer of ice fractals. you can see marks of blood tainting the sides, and it looks like one of the victims attempted to fight back with their knuckles. after taking a few staggering steps, you slip and fall to the ground, yelping when the painful impact reverberates through your kneecaps.
it’s too cold. you estimate the temperature to be below negative twenty based on estimates from the victim reports you read earlier. you faintly remember spencer stating that death under such conditions could occur in less than an hour. if only you could retrace back to the conversation and ask him how to maximize your chances of survival.
where’s spencer?
you start to shake uncontrollably as the panic settles in, your muscles convulsing and your vision spinning out of control. you loosen your bulletproof vest and brace your arms underneath to gather the last of your warmth. trying to breathe on your hands doesn’t help, since the freezing air instantly neutralizes the heat. 
shit. you need to warn spencer not to come down to the basement, or at least let him know that the girl’s not here.
you click the button on your mic numerous times, cursing when nothing works. there’s static running in the background, and you can’t isolate any sound nor tell if a response is coming through. letting out a frustrated groan, you take off the mic and hurl it to the floor. with chattering teeth, you rub your arms as fast as you can to generate friction before giving up and curling into a fetal position on the ground.
minutes pass, and your labored breaths come out with visible puffs of air while your hair feels hard to the touch, like a layer of gel is smothered all over it. your fingers are numb, your jaw remains clenched, and your eyes are sore from the intolerable cold. you’ve stopped shaking now, which could only mean bad news.
then, all of a sudden, you hear the sound of a gunshot. 
was that spencer? 
oh dear god, did he just get shot? 
you don’t have time to further process your thoughts, because the door’s lever starts to rattle and momentarily after, it swings open.
spencer stands right outside, mouth wide open when he sees your still body, your extremities frigid from the cold.
“medic, i need a medic!” you hear spencer yell into his mic as he rushes inside. he hoists you up with a bridal carry, one arm looping under your legs and the other gently supporting your back. as he walks out, you can see the unsub lying on the ground with a gunshot wound in his forehead. a sigh of relief can’t even exit your frosty lips.
spencer sets you down on the other side of the basement and rushes to turn the heaters on at the maximum setting.
“y/n, look at me.” with one hand almost blazing hot cupping your left cheek, spencer tilts your head to the side slightly.
you look at him with heavy-lidded eyes. after a second of assessing your condition, spencer stands and retrieves spare blankets from the worktable before kneeling beside you. he lifts your head so as to not strain your neck, and wraps a dry, warm blanket around it. 
you hear spencer curse under his breath.
“i-i need to take your clothes off.”
you’re convinced it’s brain freeze that’s making you process his words with a delay.
right. no wet clothes when you have hypothermia. 
you don’t respond. you want to tug at his arm to give him the green light, but even that feels like the most impossible task. you can’t move, you can’t feel, and you can’t even blink. 
but spencer doesn’t hesitate. he tears the top that’s stuck to your thawing skin, lumps the fabric to the side, and proceeds to hastily remove your socks. you hear him murmur a soft sorry as he unbuckles the belt around your waist and unzips your jeans. his fingers fumble clumsily as he pulls on the denim, but he keeps a hand on your waistband to prevent your undergarment from slipping. it’s this little gesture that gets you all worked up, butterflies stirring in your stomach.
he reaches to slide each leg out of your jeans, holding you delicately by your heels. you wonder what you look like from his perspective. maybe a lifeless figure blended with the color of the concrete floor, the only sign of life in your moist hair that’s tangled and plastered to your skin. you wonder if his eidetic memory is capturing every imperfection of your body, and if your scars look even more obvious with the melting flakes of ice coating your skin.
spencer doesn’t leave you exposed for more than a second, though, because he places a heated blanket over your body. his eyes don’t break away from your gaze when he removes his vest, and his fixed stare kindles a spark in your core that you wish never set alight. unfortunately for you, he also starts to unbutton his collared shirt. 
in any other setting, you would open your eyes wide and gawk at him if he pulled the same move, but right now, you couldn’t move a single muscle even if you wanted to. he wraps his collared shirt around your exposed feet peeking from under the blanket before turning to face you. it feels illegal to look at him like this, his upper body bare and towering over you. and while you can’t see much due to the dim lighting in the basement, you can feel your heartbeat quicken.
“i’m… i’m going to use skin-to-skin contact, okay? we’re going to try and increase your internal temperature by sharing body heat,” spencer explains, but not much of it goes through your head. like before, you don’t say a word.
spencer slowly lowers himself next to you and gently embraces your body with his arms. he grunts as your body transmits cold onto his skin, while you close your eyes, relishing his warmth that blossoms throughout your core and extremities. 
“i’m sorry i have to do this, but you can’t produce enough heat on your own,” spencer apologizes, but you wish he didn’t feel like he needed to. his voice fills your body up like it’s an empty vial, and you give in completely to his touch. like candle wax, you melt slowly.
spencer shifts to cover his and your body with another blanket, desperately trying to keep your body exposed to as many layers of heat as possible. he releases hot breaths on your neck and his teeth occasionally graze your sensitive skin, making your eyelashes flutter. periodically, he checks your breathing patterns and listens as the painful gasps make their way into your throat. that’s it, keep breathing, you hear him whisper. his fingers spread along your waist as he tries to widen his grip on you. his touch feels so intimate, it sends your brain into overdrive.
you continue to lie in his hold for another five minutes until the medics arrive. the last thing you see is spencer’s face, wisps of hair falling into his eyes. he seems to move in slow motion, and his mouth moves like he’s saying something to you, but everything whirls into darkness.
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you wake with an exhausted groan and look down to see you’re wearing a white gown. you’re on a hospital bed, hooked up to an iv line. as you survey your surroundings with your blurred vision, you stop. spencer. he’s standing at the foot of the bed, and he immediately drops his book with a thud when he sees that you’re responsive.
he rushes to your side, smiling weakly as he holds your hand gently. he has dark circles around his eyes and tousled hair furls around his ears. you feel guilty. did he get any sleep this entire time, or was he waiting for you to wake? how long were you even asleep for?
“are you feeling better?” he croaks out quietly with a slight crack in his voice.
“mm. i am.” you force yourself to sit up against your body’s will, and spencer tries to stop you. you insist with the shake of your head.
“it’s okay. i just wanted to say… thank you, spencer. i really owe you one.”
he blinks while his lips stretch into a thin smile.
“no, i-i actually, um, it was my fault. i shouldn’t have split up with you like that, especially when we didn’t have backup.”
you wet your lips and exhale quietly.
“i was the one who signaled that we split up, not you. none of this is your fault. seriously,” you respond firmly.
you give him a smile, which he returns. as his hand moves to rub a soothing massage along your fingers, you ask, “is the girl okay?”
spencer nods almost immediately.
“yeah. i found her on the third floor, and she told me that he was keeping her in the basement until we arrived.”
“i see,” you croon. spencer gets the hint that you’re tired, and he calmly lowers your hand.
“if it makes you feel any better, technically, we didn’t really… um… touch. at the macroscopic level, yes, but at the atomic level, the atoms of our skin aren’t free floating. they’re bound as part of a larger network, and so intermolecular forces keep our atoms from forming strong bonds-”
you let out a weak laugh.
he catches himself and quietly apologizes. “my point is, i’m sorry if anything i did made you uncomfortable.”
you reach for his hand and trace the veins that mark his skin.
“spence, are you kidding? you saved my life. if you hadn’t done that, i wouldn’t be talking to you right now. i’d be dead.”
“don’t say that,” spencer reproves you quietly.
“well, my point is i trust you with my entire life, spencer reid. i really do.”
spencer smiles and takes a deep breath, running his other hand through his hair as he looks at you with tired eyes.
“thank you. thank you for trusting me. i’ll … i should let you rest.” he slides his hand out of your grasp and moves to pick up the book from the floor, but you give his shirt a light tug.
“actually, spence–”
he turns around, curious eyes ready to listen to anything you have to ask.
“do you mind staying a bit longer?” you smile sheepishly.
spencer looks at you for a second, like it’s the last thing he’s expected you to say. but he immediately warms up with a wide grin. “sure, of course.”
you pat the space next to you on the bed as you shift to the edge. 
“come on, have a seat,” you say with an inviting tone.
“are you sure?” he confirms, a surprised expression painting his face. you nod, and he sinks into the bed, gently lifting your arm and lowering it onto his lap.
“you like the color red, right?” spencer asks out of the blue, and you furrow your brows.
“yeah, why do you ask?” you return curiously.
“i got you a new top. to make up for the… other one,” spencer coughs as he finishes his sentence. you giggle, burying your left cheek in the pillow as a blush creeps over your cheek.
“you didn’t have to, i really appreciate it,” you whisper, and you feel his fingers tighten around yours. spencer looks away shyly, but you can see him purse his lips to suppress a smile.
you repeat thank you's to him over and over again, each time feeling the weight of comfort pull on your eyelids and draw you closer to sleep.
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