#tw: anxiety disorder
echo-echo31 · 2 years
ASK: Bing comforting reader after a panic attack. (apologies it was eaten by the ether)...
Warnings: panic attack, anxiety.
You're stomach curls in on itself, acid seeming to eat at your insides. You're not sure if you're going to throw up but you know you won't be able to move from this spot if you do. This is safe.
Bing had found you whilst you were sitting on the floor of your room, head between knees, desperately trying to control your breathing as that same toxic panic ripped through your body and mind like a possession.
He'd been calm, gentle. You're not even sure what he said exactly, only that his presence was grounding enough to allow you to slowly re-gain some attachment to the present moment. It always felt like he pulled you out of the water, saving you from drowning.
Now, you're on the sofa, completely enveloped in warm android arms; the slow hum of his cooling systems a soothing anchor back to the present.
You don't even really know what happened. Only that something must have triggered you, leading to a panic attack that now leaves you feeling drained.
Bing strokes a hand up your arm, chin resting slightly on your head, making some kind of rumbling soothing sound. You breathe out a stuttered breath.
"I'm here, babe. You don't have to think about anything else but being here,"
You close your eyes, ready to nap whilst someone else stands guard against the world.
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heyytalia · 1 year
Had an awful day yesterday. My mental health is still recovering. If I’m only here intermittently the next few days, that’s why.
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maarlena · 30 days
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Idk if thats a bpd or a me thing
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imnotfeelinlucky · 10 days
"its good that youre so self aware about your issues!"
thanks i was deprived of help when i desperately needed it and was made fun of because of my issues which made me question what was wrong with me so i ended up dissecting every part of me
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snake-habitat1 · 3 months
i don’t want to be here .
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agonisingpain · 1 year
I want to be touched but I avoid it as much as I can
I want to be heard but I don't speak
I want to be seen but I hide myself and make me invisible
I want true connection and intimacy with someone but I keep myself as distant as possible
I want love but I don't think I deserve it
It's difficult to live like this.
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selectivechaos · 1 year
do not laugh at people for uncommon phobias
your phobias are not embarrassing. people can have phobias of absolutely anything, and they can be really precise and something that other people would think is strange to be scared of. your fears are valid feelings. you shouldn't have to be ashamed, but many people do not know about phobias beyond the common ones.
if it's something you don't understand because you've never seen it before, don't laugh at it.
they're not "being silly",
they can't "just get over it"
they need actual help, rather than unprofessional exposure therapy
they're experiencing real real fear
people with common phobias get sympathy; people with uncommon phobias get ridiculed at the worst possible moment: when they're in a state of fear.
so i repeat: don't laugh at them. 🌹🌹
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fragmented-artist · 2 months
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sad-tired-andlonely · 3 months
Why do I care so much for people who wouldn’t even cared if I died? I’m over here grieving and they’re living their best life acting like I don’t even exist.
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Over the last few years, I’ve found plenty of relatable content on this platform regarding topics such as mental health struggles, depression, sadness, and the general weariness of life. This led me to wonder – what is Tumblr users' predominant attitude towards life?
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bakubunny · 2 months
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kiri is the one who’s never bothered by your food anxiety. he can read the look on your face every time it rears its ugly head, sensing how badly you wish you could avoid thinking about it altogether. he lets you be honest when you wish you could undo all the work you’ve done to get healthy. he holds your hand under the table when you’re out with family or friends. kiri is the one who lets you be picky, has never said a single word of criticism. he’s so supportive that it’s overwhelming some days, but he backs off when you really need it. he’s the one who will hold you if you’d let him, the one whose shoulder you can cry into on the rare days that it’s too much. he won’t look at you differently or dismiss your feelings. no, he stays with you in it. he loves on you. and he reminds you that someday, it’s gonna be okay.
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cherriblossumsblog · 1 year
"It wasn't supposed to be like this," I whisper to the stars. "Everyone said that it would get better if I stayed. It wasn't supposed to keep hurting like this." The stars said nothing. I was, as always, alone.
- Things I Might Say in My Last Letter to You
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fairiencarnate · 11 months
Why did no one tell me that the "chemical imbalance" theory has largely been disproven, that serotonin and dopamine can't cause mental illness on their own? Why have all mental health professionals been pushing this idea as fact? I've always thought the whole BPD diagnosis was bogus, just modern day hysteria slapped onto (mostly) women with complex-PTSD. Almost an official gaslight, like "your trauma wasn't traumatic enough to warrant the PTSD label so we're going to act like your brain is malfunctioning". So I'm not surprised to find all this out.
Can we finally begin a trauma-informed approach toward mainstream mental health shit? Especially mood disorders? Let's not rule chemicals and hormones out entirely, but let's acknowledge that trauma and genes have far stronger ties to mental health.
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snake-habitat1 · 19 days
i think all of my problems would be solved if i killed myself 😁 !
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agonisingpain · 11 months
It's not only about thoughts in my head, my whole body aches when I feel the urge to self harm.
It is truly an addiction.
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lastsecondsquirrel · 1 month
I genuinely do not know how to engage with the world. I'm isolating or I'm over-engaging. I'm fawning over whoever I'm with or I'm angry with them. I just tried to like talk to people and it went wrong like immediately? And they were faceless internet people like what is WRONG with me I have just never really been a real Person
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