the-mini-muse · 1 year
Cruel & Unusual: A Tale of Personal Growth
Penelope Featherington was officially over Colin Bridgerton. Deservedly so. She’d worked tirelessly over the last twelve months to move on from him. She’d listened to Lizzo on repeat, read every self-help book under the sun, been to therapy, and even changed the plot of her novel from a coming-of-age romance to a zombie thriller in a world devoid of men. In fact, she was seeing someone, not exclusively, but it was certainly heading in that direction. She’d done everything at her disposal to move on from her stupid, heart-wrenching, soul-destroying crush. Everything short of having a lobotomy. Which was why it was a tad concerning that she’d just shagged him.
Review (possible spoilers)
So I'll start off by saying that it's been months since I've been in this fandom/pairing. I'm so glad that it still continues to grow.
For a pairing where it suddenly felt saturated with hate for Colin and people not seeing Penelope as someone who had flaws this story was a breath of fresh air.
slowburn with 2 flawed people who made mistakes and continue to make mistakes but try to grow from them. I love a good Romance Comedy Polin but I also love stories like this one where two characters aren't perfect but do their best to find happiness despite the situation they're in.
This story is a good example of that saying that there's always two sides to a story.
It also reminds you as a reader that if you're unhappy with where your life is at now - only you have the power to change it.
I honestly felt like these two people were running - one running after the other and vice versa but it's never in the same speed and life can be like that sometimes.
Captivating. Spicy. (wonderful pacing and grammar). Definitely a must read.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - Bedding Mister Bridgerton
Title: Bedding Mister Bridgerton
Author: Stillpink
It begins with a locked door.
No, this was set in motion long before that. When Penelope locked him out of her heart.
Colin is determined to restore their friendship, but first, they have to navigate one night together. An intimate moment leads to more, until they find themselves in a place neither could have imagined.
Only One Bed Regency AU
I don't usually recommend unfinished stories but it's been a while that a story has pulled me from the very first chapter and of course it would be a polin story by Stillpink.
So we know that the entirety of the story will be well written, wonderful polin characterizations, and spicy.
I great appreciate the little things in the story that as a reader I feel like the cherry on top. For this story there's this innocuous line:
"He led her further down the hall, the flame of the candle casting shadows on the walls, the moon streaming in the window at the end of the hallway providing only a pale glow."
I greatly appreciate the imagery! It reinforced the setting - late night, hushed whispers in the corridor, like a late night intimate secret.  Just absolutely lovely writing.
If you haven't yet gotten to read it - run - don't walk to this story <3
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - so come give me a hug (if you're into getting rubbed)
Title: so come give me a hug (if you're into getting rubbed)
Author: DollyPop
The three times Colin and Penelope were just cuddling. You know, as friends. That's all. Really.
And the one time-
Well, you know.
So I know I answered an ask once before about Polin recs with smut in it. I just wanted to add this story to that.
Spice level out of 10 - I would say 100+
But like always I do love some plot in my spice and this delivers with the cuddles. You'll see. Another must read from this author. Get ready to fan yourself. I can't recommend this enough. Hits all the Polin feels for a slowburn spicy story. I do love oblivious Pen and Simp Colin stories.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - U Up?
Title: U Up?
Authors: DollyPop and Stillpink
Gentle Reader,
The most shocking news has reached this author’s ears. It would seem the ton’s most eligible gentleman and its confirmed wallflower have begun what they would claim to be “friendly correspondence”. However, these letters tell another, much more scandalous, tale.
AKA: The Regency Sexting AU that you were all waiting for.
--- Review
You guys know I don't usually recommend anything that's not done yet but this is a masterpiece! 10/10 hands down.
*very spicy
*very well written
*excellent imagery and word choice
*very spicy
Happy Reading!
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - What Came Before Colin Realized
Title: What Came Before Colin Realized
Author: sofiyathealmostwriter
"At any rate, I am not going to marry soon," Colin grumbled, sending his older brothers a glare. Then, with a slight rise in his voice for finality, he said just about the stupidest thing of his life. "And I am certainly not going to marry Penelope Featherington!" 
And so begins a lengthy love story... 7 years later. But what if we delve deeper into those 7 years? What if we get to watch Penelope and Colin change and mold as individuals and as a friendship throughout that time? What if Polin was the slow burn I so very crave, my Dear Reader? 
Read and find out.
I have been reading polin stories like nonstop for a couple weeks and this was my very last browser tab. I have to say I saved the best for last.
This story is just PERFECT.
It really showcases the slowburn of Polin. I love that it highlights the journey they both had to take or rather personal growth.
Also it has that scene - you know where Colin crashes the Featherington weekly reunion and my god it was glorious!
I cannot canNOT stress how much I loved and enjoyed reading this story.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - alone together 
title: alone together
author: itsjustabee
summary: Five times Colin and Penelope are unchaperoned and nobody seems to pay any mind, and the one time they are caught red-handed
oh gosh this was such a nice, sweet Polin story! A one shot that hit all the Polin feels <3 Like seriously! S3 fixit, oblivious Colin, a library scene, chaotic proposal, simp Colin, and I could go on and on and it's just lovely. If you adored this story like I did, please drop by the comments section and show the author some love <3
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - Tend My Garden
Title: Tend My Garden
Author: runimpossiblegirl
Summary: The forget-me-not on Penelope´s upper left arm had appeared when she was just sixteen.
review - spoilers
So anyone who seen my prompts and my other polin recs know that I am such a sucker for soulmate au's. This is such a good one!
The premise is that people would have flowers bloom on their arms or other parts of their body for family, important lovers, and dear friends but Penelope know's her flower for Colin is because he is her soulmate. He gets one too and thinks it's because they will be great friends due to her being only 16 at the time and he 21.
This story has just the right amount of angst in it and will have you hurting for Pen and screaming finally when Colin gets hit with a clue bus.
PS - Make sure you check out the authors other stories! They're amazing <3
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - Cardigan
Title: Cardigan
Author: itwasglorious
Summary: Penelope Featherington leads a quiet life. She goes to work, she takes care of her family and every Friday evening she meets her friends for dinner. 
That is, until, the Colin Bridgerton, famous Hollywood actor, opens the door to her best friend's apartment. 
Colin Bridgerton should be happy with the life he's leading. He's famous. He's newly single. He has everything money can buy. But something's missing.
---- Review (spoilers)
initial AO3 review: This was sooo good! I loved the banter, the slow burn, the scene transitions! this story has me staying up until 3am in the morning reading it because it's JUST.THAT.GOOD.
reread and more coherent review: This is an 83K beautiful modern polin AU. One of the very first Polin stories I've read and I so thoroughly enjoyed. This is from the same author of Invisible String, The 1, and Breakable Heaven - all of which really do deserve their own recommendation posts.
Long, wonderfully written, great plot, great characterization. Honestly after reading this story and again one of my first polin stories I fell even harder for this ship. I felt that the quality of stories for this pairing is up there because of stories like this one. Besides how can you not LOVE a movie star Colin Bridgerton?
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin- if i'm butter (then she's a hot knife)
Title: if i'm butter (then she's a hot knife)
Author: DollyPop
The 9 times Colin lies to himself and everyone else about how he feels, how he really feels, about Penelope
and the one time he finally tells the truth.
---- Review (Spoilers)
this is my review from AO3 because I just finished the story and this is my initial reaction:
I'm just..crying, laughing, and giddy, and just..this was such a ride and it was glorious! This story was just perfect and it captivated me and kept me hooked. I love your story telling style and I loved your use of words and sentence structure…there's so many lines in this entire story that I loved and this one - this specific line:
"Colin is the sun and she is in his orbit. She is always in his orbit. He is so painfully bright, so painfully beautiful, so painfully good: always offering a helping hand, always a kind word. And here he is, waiting for her, watching her, looking at her like she's made of stardust. She wants to bottle this moment up and drink it every day, sure it would taste of apples: sweet and crisp."
I just loved - utterly loved it. I will probably -most likely - reread the whole thing again because not only is it so good but I feel like it's one of those stories that I could enjoy the journey all over again. It's the type of story where I couldn't wait for the ending but I didn't want an ending if that made sense. Thank you so much for such a wonderful read.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin -Field of Dandelions
Title: Field of Dandelions
Author: Minanana
In a world where love is predetermined by the soul and not the heart, Colin finds himself yearning for a woman that is not his destined pair. But the taste of his soulmate on his lips is a constant reminder of who he belongs with, of who he is supposed to love. 
He is torn between the desire to be with the woman he loves, and the woman his soul has chosen for him.
(he's literally just too stupid to realize it's her)
  Inspired by the-mini-muses prompt on tumblr <3
Story Idea: Polin #33 - Soulmate AU Soulmate AU - soulmates occasionally tastes what the other is eating aka Colin tastes Pens tears.
(ao3) oh my goooooooddddd! This was perfect! It took my prompt and blew whatever hopes and expectations I had of it being written. Thank you so much for answering it. This was so sweet and angsty and lovely and I'm just smiling so big right now. I'm happy, satisfied, and my heart is full of warm fuzzies <3
(Tumblr) You guys, someone answered my soulmate au prompt and it was glorious!
Descriptive, so very well written, and it will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. I cannot CANNOT recommend this enough.
It hits all the Polin feels.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Polin Drabbles
So instead of reblogging the older drabbles - I went ahead and posted it all in one place --- AO3 (Ta Dahhh!)
Writing seems a bit fun and I get to infuse my own sense of humor in it. I'm glad you guys have been liking them despite the multitude of grammatical errors that I'm sure it has lol.
Chapter 1 - Jaunty aka The one where Colin loves to introduce his wife Chapter 2 - Oblivious aka The one with the strawberries Chapter 3 - Decorum aka The one awkward moment no one will EVER talk about
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - Tempting Scandal
Title: Tempting Scandal
Author: Stillpink
Penelope is an innocent, but her experiences as Lady Whistledown teach her that she has much to learn about what happens between men and women behind closed doors. Fortunately, she has a friend willing to teach her all she wishes to know.
It all seems so simple...until Colin Bridgerton uncovers her plan. 
Friends with Benefits AU
Review - spoilers
So I've recommended this before in an ask for Polin Smut and I'm happy to say it's finished and my what a ride! Well written (check) wonderful plot (check check) slowburn (check check check) spicy (check x infinity) . I know most of us probably - most likely - read this already and I'm just posting this here mainly for newer polin shippers because man (fans self).
I've reread this prior to posting and this definitely was one I kept refreshing ao3 for updates. There's just so many plot points I love about this from the friends with benefits, Colins slow realization of his feelings, Eloise being such a good friend to Penelope, oh and that scene before the wedding. (awwwwwwww heart eyes). Another thing I like about this is even though there's a third party involved - they weren't really even a competition. Penelope has her heart set on Colin. She knew her heart belonged to him and she was just making the best of her situation.
So if you haven't read this yet - This. Is. A. Must. Read.
Happy spicy reading :)
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - Brushing Affections
Title: Brushing Affections
Author: 500daysofmarie
The 6 times Colin and Penelope brush their teeth together over the years 
+1 time someone else joins them 
(Delayed Polin Week Upload: Day 3 - Modern AU)
--- Review
I don't usually recommend one shots because I just love me some long stories but this one is just amazing.
There's this line that I love "he knew he would never tire of the simplicity of these moments spent in her presence. "
It's a 7k+ of words that could've been way more because there's a progression over the years but just taking these moments of something that's just between them - so mundane and filled it with snapshots to tell a story - it's so simple but it's so effective because it's written very well.
This was like my 3rd time reading it in the last several weeks. A very lovely read.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - happy snackcidents
Title: happy snackcidents
Author: DollyPop
Once upon a time, she didn’t think she’d ever even have a date night with Colin, let alone a weekly one. Yet, here she was, sitting across the table from him and determined to win the Shopping Challenge he'd issued. After all, there was the choice of movie on the line for the day after, and she would be damned if he made her sit through another of his horror flicks just so she’d scamper into his lap, the sneak. 
The rustle of plastic bags was a cacophonous symphony that she simply couldn’t wait to dig into. This time tomorrow, he would be watching 50 First Dates with her. “So,” she began, taking in his smug expression, “let’s see who knows the other best.”
Review - Uhmm I love everything by this author! This story does not disappoint - Short, fun, sweet, and that ending was hearts and rainbows. I love the chemistry between Pen and Colin - it's so well written and I'm such a sucker for those types of stories.
Sometimes you just want a happy Polin story after reading many - "how they ended up together aka how many face palms does it take for Colin to get a clue" stories.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin- The Sky is Blue
Title: The Sky is Blue
Author: jentothenuh
Summery: Of two things Penelope was certain, the sky is blue and Colin Bridgerton will never marry her. But when she tries to accept that and move on, Colin makes things difficult.
This is one of those stories where you just feel it in your heart.
"The sky is blue and Colin Bridgerton will never marry Penelope Featherington."
This story brought me to tears. For Pen to repeat this over and over like it's just a fact she needs to accept.
Oh and Colins reply to this...swooooon worthy.
Please drop by the comment section if you loved this story too. It only has 20 comments and it's such a lovely story.
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the-mini-muse · 2 years
Story Rec: Polin - A Height Difference
Title: A Height Difference
Author: waterbased
Eight personalities giving their take on a love story.
A romance told eight different ways.
Seven people talking about Polin and Benedict bringing up Cressida.
(spoilers) (this is a review I left in the comments)
This was so lovely! I am in awe. So many things I loved from the different POV and how you constructed it with each persons "voice" and mannerisms in mind and to weave it in such a way that it tells a story - one that even comes full circle- was such a delight to read.
Thank you so much for putting so much time and effort in making such a wonderful story that I was completely captivated by. PS Eloise' POV was THE best. I laughed and cried and laughed some more. Thank you!
The summary does not do this story justice. The author did such a wonderful job and I CANNOT stress enough how PERFECT Eloise' POV was. Wonderful story from a wonderful author.
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