#then Connie gossips about it or something
derek-draws-stuff · 3 months
Weird idea that I randomly thought up.
I feel like Connie’s reaction of the Boston massacre would be a little surprised but he’d be chill about it.
In Table History: French Onion Taxes, Connecticut casually gets a text from Mass about the massacre. He shows slight worry but it’s basically just casual mentioning.
Since I’m crazy I’m gonna take this as intentional, so I’m just gonna guess that Mass went to Connecticut first after the massacre was just like ‘hey Conn, help me create some propaganda about this’, and Connecticut was like ‘sure, why not’
Conclusion. One; they’re friends at least. And two; Connie’s chill about the Boston Massacre.
Thanks for listening to my random ass idea/headcanon thing :)
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celesteleoves · 11 months
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summary: eren only shows his dimples around you.
warnings: eren has dimples, fluff, mentions of spicey things (girls teasing girls ykyk), erens very stoic around people he’s not close with.
“can you imagine jean having dimples, mikasa? i mean that would boost his ego too much.” annie laughed as you all sat around armins house.
your friend group had decided to have one big hangout! currently, the girls were sitting in the basement catching up on gossip while the boys went out to get stuff for a barbecue later.
“he still looks insanely good annie, can YOU imagine your boyfriend having dimples?” mikasa retorted back as the rest of us girls laughed.
“at least he’s good in bed-”
“hey, y/n, you like guys with dimples right?” sasha questioned as she downed a can of root beer.
“who doesn’t? dimples are so cute!” you said as the girls agreed.
“historia loves me and my freckles, dimples ain’t got nothing on us.” ymir pulled historia to her chest who only giggled and nodded.
you smiled at the two, they were so cute it drove you nuts. but at the moment, you remembered something about your crush and a feature you noticed about him.
“wait, eren has dimples guys!” you said with a smile on your face like you’d just solve the biggest mystery on earth.
the girls narrowed their eyes at you and then turned their attention to mikasa, who was a bit confused as well.
“don’t look at me, i can’t remember ever noticing eren having dimples. you sure y/n?”
“i swear, just wait till he gets back and look closely! you can see them.”
“she’s so in love she’s imaging eren with her favourite features a guy can have.” historia mocked and you rolled your eyes.
“i swear by it.”
mikasa laughed at your words as the girls listened closely to this newfound information.
“sure you do, i’ve known eren my whole life and i dont ever really see any prominent dimples on his face.”
“mika, let’s also remember she’s heavily obsessed with him. of course she noticed these things.” sasha joined in on the teasing as you groaned.
“fine, maybe you guys are right about the dim-”
“right about what?” jean asked as he, armin, and connie walked into the room with drinks and snacks.
“it’s girl talk, jean.” armin said while putting stuff down on a near coffee table before taking a seat on the couch annie sat at.
“well let me in on it!” jean pestered mikasa as he also joined her on the couch also.
“sasha! of course you ate my favourite chips bro.” connie whined as he noticed the chip bag he brought was in her hands and was now devoured by Sasha’s uncontrollable need for food.
“shut up connie!”
“anyways, we were talking about how y/n says she believes eren has dimples.” historia brought the conversation back and now everyone was listening intently.
“that mean bastard? doubt he could have something as attractive as dimples on his cold, ugly face.” jean said as he emphasized the last few words in a mocking way while mikasa slapped his arm.
armin paused and thought about it before speaking. “actually, he might. i think i almost saw his dimples once but he turned away from me, so i couldn’t see them.”
“see!” you smiled in victory and stood up to grab a coke can but before you could, a hand swooped and grab it right out of your reach. the person raised it above their head.
“don’t mind me, i’m really in the mood for some coke.” the person you guys had been talking about for a while finally arrived, eren.
and god damn, he looked too good even though you saw him thirty minutes ago. somehow, he manages to just get more attractive in your eyes day by day.
“eren, i was gonna have that actually so hand it over.” you smiled and reached to grab it, the visible height difference between you two causing troubles.
your friends went silent as they watched you bicker with each other. they had all been rooting for you two to get together, for a while now. you had easily fallen for him, what you didn’t know as of right know is that he fell harder.
although, one thing that made the whole groups jaws drop was the prominent dimples that appeared through eren’s smile as he looked down at you, his green eyes seeming brighter as he teased you and laughed.
“no fucking way.” annie whispered and nudged armin who only stared at the two with a smile on his face.
“shit man, turns out he does have something as cool as dimples on his face.” jean sighed and leaned into mikasa’s shoulder who only let out a chuckle at that.
truth is, mikasa knew eren had dimples. but, she only saw them when eren was around you or when he talked about you with a smile on his face.
a/n: heyyy, so i’m back with the aot oneshots too! im in a aot brainrot bc of the trailer and how sad i am that aot is going to be ending soon :( anyways, hope you enjoyed!
please message me if u have any concerns, suggestions, or a specific aot or mha work in mind that you would like me to write!
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sonamytrash · 2 months
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Early spring
Tags: Fluff, pregnancy, Levi Ackerman, Levi × reader, fem reader.
The morning mist swirled lazily through the training fields, clinging to the dewy grass and the stables like a ghostly veil. The morning drills were going smoothly, with the cadets executing their maneuvers with precision and discipline.
The rumor mill had been working overtime, spinning tales of how you had both met, how you had fallen in love in the underground, and how you had both managed to keep the relationship a secret all these years. Some claimed you both eloped, others that you'd run away from home. Despite what may or may not be true, one thing was certain: Your relationship was a popular topic amongst gossiping teens and bored soldiers of the scouting headquarters.
As you walked by the training grounds greeting the cadets politely, the group exchanged knowing glances, Armin knew they were all thinking the same thing. It was obvious that you were pregnant, and it was even clearer that their captain was the father. The news had been spreading through the headquarters like wildfire, and even though they knew it was a private matter, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity about it.
Your pregnant belly, rounder and fuller by the day, strained against the fabric of your uniform, betraying the secret that you were trying to keep. But for your part you seemed to be taking it all in your stride, your cheeks flushed with embarrassment at all the attention but even still, a small smirk played at the corners of your lips now that the cat was out of the bag. And Levi, his expression was unreadable as usual. But there was a softness to his eyes when he looked at you that spoke volumes. It was clear that he was overjoyed at the news, even if he wasn't the sort to show it openly.
Sasha furrowed her brow. Based on her numerous siblings, she was no stranger to the topic of pregnancy and babies. "It's hard to say for sure," she paused thoughtfully. "but based on how she's been acting and how big her belly is getting, I'd guess she's at least four months along." Armin nodded in agreement, "Captain Levi has been even more protective and attentive towards y/n lately too."
Ymir spoke up, her voice tinged with amusement. "Well, boys and girls," she drawled, "I guess we all owe Ymir a drink for predicting this. I called it months ago that y/n would be knocked up by the end of the year."
There were a few snickers groans and chuckles around the group. Even though she was usually pretty outspoken, no one could deny that she was spot-on with this prediction.
As they continued to talk, the topic eventually turned to the future. Armin wondered how you and the Captain would balance your duties in the regiment with raising a child. Krista pointed out that the baby would probably be the cutest thing in the world once it was born. Mikasa agreed, adding that a baby was a wonderful thing. Even though there were still questions and concerns, there was an undercurrent of excitement and anticipation in the air.
Levi, always the picture of stoicism, suddenly appeared, snapping the group to attention. His eyes scanned the assembled group, his expression unreadable. When he finally spoke, his voice was steady and commanding. "Keep your eyes on the target, keep your minds sharp, and keep up with the training."
The group remained uncharacteristically silent. His piercing gaze continued to sweep across their faces, his expression unreadable as ever. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally spoke again. "Is there something that's distracting you?." They knew that he wouldn't address the elephant in the room unless he was asked. A hush fell over the group as Connie ventured the question. "... When's the baby due, captain?" There was a collective holding of breath while waiting for his answer. Fear behind their eyes at Connies stupid question that was bound to get them assigned the worst chores for the rest of the month. Levi didn't seem fazed by the question in the slightest, and his expression remained unreadable. "We're not entirely sure yet, but we're thinking early spring." Levi calmly replied, and if they weren't mistaken, a hint of affection was present in his voice. The cadets exchanged glances again, a mixture of joy, surprise, and relief.
He paused, then added, "But for now, focus on training, brats."
They quickly resumed their training. And through the remainder of the day, whispers continued to circulate about the impending arrival of yours and the Captains baby. Some speculated about the baby's gender, while others discussed the potential names they thought would suit.
Later that day, you knock softly on the captains office door, waiting for permission to enter. Once you do, Levi looks up from his desk, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips upon seeing you. "You handled that well, love," you tell him, your voice quiet but sincere.
"Well, we've certainly got everyone talking," he said, gesturing for you to come over. You smiled playfully, taking a seat on his lap. "Well," you pause. "It's one thing to keep our relationship a secret from everyone, but it's another thing entirely to try to keep a pregnancy under wraps for nine months." You chuckle. "But we gave it a shot. I think four months is pretty impressive." Levi chuckles softly, reaching out to take your hand in his. His thumb traced gentle circles on the back of your hand. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving your face, his other hand wrapping around your waist and resting gently on the bump beneath your uniform. "We'll have to try harder next time."
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djarinvibe · 5 months
Oblivion (Javier Peña x F!Reader)
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A/N: crawling out of hibernation to post a javi p fic before disappearing again. Enjoy!
Summary: After a one night stand with Javier, you come to learn you are pregnant. Angst ensues
Words: 6k
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI), public piv sex, oral (f!receiving), a lil angst, swears -- lmk if i missed anything <3
Italics = flashback // masterlist
The heat of Bogotá was starting to make you senile, even while sitting in the DEA office that’s loaded with fans to circulate the stale, hot air. The papers filled with valuable information you’ve been staring at were beginning to strain your eyes, the small lettering from the typewriter swirling across the page. 
You've been here for what felt like days, even though it's only been a handful of hours since you arrived this morning. The ashtray on your desk still emitted a thin line of smoke from the cigarette you had just snuffed out, and the coffee you brewed yourself a few hours ago had long gone cold from neglect.
Setting down the files in your grasp, your free hand rose up to your face, resting your head in your palm. Some days it felt like your job was impossible. No matter what you or your partners, Steve Murphy and Javier Peña did, Escobar always seemed to slink away just in the nick of time; even with the help of Carrillo and the search bloc.
It didn’t help that your mind was clouded by something else that happened just the night before. Something you never expected would happen since yours and Steve’s arrival to Colombia.
The two of you were both assigned to Escobar’s case and flew in together with Connie and their- now deceased- cat. However, you aren't from Miami like Steve is. You're actually from the west coast, Oregon to be exact. 
“Y’alright, Darlin’?” You heard Steve’s voice across the room, prompting you to lift your head. The blonde, lanky man stood leaning against the doorframe to your office with a steaming coffee and freshly lit cigarette in his grasp.
“Just… one of those days.” You murmured, giving the man a faux smile before sighing softly. 
“Are you going to tell Murphy?” Peña spoke after exhaling from a drag. He sat on the couch in his apartment, shirt off with his jeans still unbuttoned, staring down the bare skin of your back you had yet to clothe. 
You scoffed, shaking your head while pulling up your pants, “Absolutely not. This was a ‘one and done’ type of situation.” 
You slept with Javier on a whim; drunk, exhausted, and desperate to catch a quick release. Though after the two of you finished, it was a sobering experience to realize you had just fucked your coworker.
Since moving here and meeting him, you couldn’t deny that you’ve developed feelings over time; despite his reputation of sleeping around. Working long, late hours with him and Steve, you came to learn he isn’t as horrible as the gossips in the office seem to think he is. 
But even with that knowledge, you couldn’t let yourself get hurt. Not by him. Not when you have to face each other at work almost every day.
“It’s only noon.” Steve smirked, raising the mug in his grasp to take a sip of the coffee. 
“I had a long night.” You responded, eyes meeting your partners once again. You trusted Steve with your life. Being placed in dangerous, life threatening situations will make you feel that way about the people you experienced them with. But, you couldn't tell him that you and Javier slept together last night. 
Especially because Steve has been teasing the two of you about your evident chemistry for months now; both him and Connie whenever the four of you would get dinner or drinks. 
But you were firm on the idea that a relationship with him wasn’t going anywhere. Besides, as soon as Escobar was either jailed or dead, you'll most likely go your separate ways, returning to the home states you came from. And you couldn't let a relationship get in the way of your career.
You're still relatively young, having just turned thirty three months ago. You worked your ass off to be in the position you are now, a DEA agent, despite your field being mostly dominated by men. Misogynistic, dick-headed, men. 
And you certainly weren't going to let one of those men- Javier, to a lesser degree- get in your way. 
“I have to confess something,” You drunkenly slurred, looking at the woman seated on the couch next to you. Connie’s eyes widened as a mischievous, eager-for-gossip grin covered her face. 
The two of you had planned a girls night on one of your days off. Constantly working and being around testosterone all the time was frustrating, so any time spent with Connie was cherished. 
The two of you really became close on the flight from Miami to Colombia. Instead of flying out from Oregon, you first flew across the country and met Steve in Florida. After a few weeks preparing for your new assignment along with your new partner, you, Steve and Connie departed to Colombia.
“What?” She giggled, sipping the margarita in her grasp. 
“I slept with Peña, like two weeks ago.” You murmured, watching the woman's face twist into all sorts of emotions, mainly shocked.
“Really?” She finally found the words to speak.
“We got drunk and it just kind of happened,” You shrugged, taking a sip of your own drink. 
“Can I ask… How was it?” She giggled as she asked the question, a goofy grin crossing her face, cheeks heating up.
His rough hands grabbed at your ass as you rode him on the couch, skin slapping from how fast he was guiding you. You could feel every inch of his condom-covered cock fill you up, and only craved more as you feverishly rubbed your clit. 
Your eyes met his own amongst the pleasure, making your chest flutter from the intensity and passion. He was hungry for your body; the taste, the feel. It’s something he's been craving for months; watching you parade around in your tight skirts. Steve gave him shit about it constantly, clocking nearly immediately how much Javier took a liking to you, but he always brushed it off.
“God, cariño,” He groaned, watching your breasts bounce. You bit your lip as he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, switching positions so your back was now on the couch and he was standing. 
His cock plunged back into you immediately, causing you to call out his name, nails digging into his arms which had moved down as his hands grasped your hips. 
“Javi,” It was breathy and caused him to falter at how sexy his name sounded falling from your lips. He’s heard it a million times before, but not like this, not so needy and whiny.
It caused him to pick up his pace, watching your face twist with delight as he fucked you into the couch. Many women have been in this very spot, but you outstand them by far. Your pussy fit his throbbing cock like a glove, your breasts are the perfect shape and size for his hands and lips, your mouth did wonderful things as well. The blowjob you gave him before you fucked nearly made him bust like a damn teenager. 
“Oh, you're going to make me cum,” Your voice rasped out of your throat as your nails dug into his biceps. This would be the third time he's making you finish for the night, a personal record. You haven't had amazing partners in bed in the past. 
The familiar burn began to form in your lower belly, your nerves feeling as though they were electric. The man released his hand from your hip and moved it to your core, thumb quickly rubbing your clit in fast circles. 
“Cum for me, hermosa,” He grunted, feeling your pussy clench around his cock. The sensation caused his own orgasm to begin to rush up on him, prompting him to thrust faster. 
Your orgasm washed through your body as you moaned Javier’s name loudly, head tilted back into the couch cushions from the overwhelming sensation. You could feel the man's thrusts get sloppier until he too came, cock buried deep in your pussy with a groan, little whispers of praise leaving his lips.
“It was uh-” You paused, feeling your own face gaining heat at the memory, “Good. I'll tell you that.” 
“I'm so happy that this happened.” Connie gushed, leaning forwards in excitement, “Steve and I have had a bet going on for months. He owes me five bucks.” 
You shook your head and rolled your eyes, wanting her to relish in the excitement before you dropped the bombshell of reality onto the woman. As much as Connie and Steve- apparently- wanted this to happen, it just wasn't going to. You made that clear with Javier, now you'll have to do the same with them.
“Hey,” Javier’s low voice caught your attention, causing your stomach to drop. You’ve been avoiding him to the best of your abilities since that night seven weeks ago.
Not only because you slept together, but also because, just last night, you found out you were expecting. 
The light knock on your apartment door caused you to jump off of the couch and rush over, pulling open the entryway. Connie greeted you with a pitiful, yet encouraging grin. You could see the brown paper bag in her grasp as she slipped into your home, walking past you. 
“Do you really think it’s-” She began, walking until she stood in the living room while also handing you the bag. 
“Yes.” You cut her off, opening the paper bag to reveal two pregnancy tests. You felt your stomach churn at the sight and swallowed down the bile that threatened to come up.
“What did you tell Steve?” You asked, looking back up at the blonde before treading over to the bathroom. 
“He's not even home yet. Him and Javier had to go somewhere following a tip regarding Poison.” She shrugged her shoulders, sitting down on the couch. You chewed your lip, not only anxious for the result of the pregnancy tests, but now for your boys. You should be out there with them... but you're sick at home because of one.
You nodded even though she couldn't see and quietly stepped into the bathroom. It didn't take long for you to do what the instructions asked, anxious enough for the result. 
When you flipped the two tests over, revealing little pink pluses on each, bile immediately rose to your throat, causing you to rush over to the toilet and release the contents of your belly. 
Connie was quick to knock on the door before entering, rushing over to your figure and rubbing your back for comfort. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the tests, widening when she saw the evident positive on both, before looking back down at your sad figure. 
“Oh, honey,” She whispered softly as you raised your head, tears streaming down your cheeks hotly. She grabbed some toilet paper from nearby and gently patted them away, hand cupping your cheek.
“I just… didn't expect this.” You sniffled, shaking your head “We used protection, I-” You stopped and shook your head, a fresh set of tears streaming down your cheeks. 
You haven't exactly slept without anyone since Javier. Anytime you tried picking up someone at the bar after work, they just weren't the same. You couldn't even make it past a heated make out session before feeling the need to kick them out or leave.
“What's up?” You didn't dare look at him, your stomach still twisting. You kept your gaze at the manila file in your grasp, facing shelves full of boxes containing files.
“You alright?” He questioned, stepping further into the room, eyeing down your back. You swallowed, hearing his footsteps as they got closer to your figure. 
“I’m fine, why?” You furrowed your brow, finally raising your head and looking over your shoulder at the man. He could see the emotions you were so desperately trying to hide, making his own chest ache.
The truth is, the night you fucked had also been stuck on his mind. And the obvious avoidance you've shown has been messing with his head. He understood nothing more was to come from that night in his apartment, but he didn't expect you to be so cold; even at work. 
When he walks into a room, you leave it. And if you're sitting at your desks, you always make an excuse to go work in the conference room. Not just that, but you also won't even look at him half the time, and only address Steve when the three of you are standing together. 
“No reason.” Javier shook his head, “Murphy just wanted to know if you found the file?” He quickly changed the subject. 
“Oh, uh, yeah. I just found it,” You began, finding the confidence to turn around and meet his gaze, “Was just reading through to make sure it was the right one.” You noticed how close he’d stepped into the small room; nearly trapping you against the wall of files. It made your heart race and emotions run amuck. 
This is why you had been avoiding him.
Early pregnancy symptoms have been kicking your ass. And having Javier there to rub your back when you felt cramps, or hold your hair back when you were nauseous hanging over the toilet, was something you craved.
“We should get back to Steve then.” The man commented. You nodded, eyes averting from his face to his chest. The shirt he was wearing had been unbuttoned dangerously low, making your cheeks fill with heat. You no longer had to imagine what his bare chest looked like, as you've already gotten to see it. 
“Is there something on my shirt?” Javier's voice broke you from your memory, and you felt your face gain heat rapidly. 
“No.” You quickly stuttered out, shaking your head, and pushing past him to get out of the corner he had trapped you in.
By sixteen weeks, your pants wouldn't button anymore, and your bump was getting less easy to hide. You had to switch to baggier blouses and stretch pants. Luckily, having male work partners, they haven't noticed your changing body yet.
It came as a surprise because you've since quit smoking, drinking, and caffeinated coffee. 
Connie has been keeping your secret well. You begged her not to tell Steve until you were ready, to which she agreed. She understood you needed time to figure everything out. Being a single, pregnant woman is mostly frowned upon this day in age. Not that you care about that bullshit, but you don't particularly enjoy being the center of attention. 
You also need to figure out if and when you are going to tell Javier. Deep down, you know you should. And if you end up getting sent back to the states because everyone found out, then that's fine as well.
Your plan was to stay and help as much as you could, until near the end of your pregnancy. When it reaches that time, you'll take maternity leave combined with your vacation days, and fly back home. After your baby is born… you don't really know what you're going to do.
A knock on your apartment door caught your attention, and you stood up, brows furrowing. It was late, close to midnight. You had gotten off work a short amount of hours ago, but weren't expecting any visitors. 
You reached into your purse and pulled out your gun, making sure it was loaded before slowly treading to the front door. Looking through the peephole, your stomach dropped as to who stood in the hallway. 
Unarming your pistol, you placed it back onto your purse before returning over to the door and opening it. 
“Javier?” You had seen him at work earlier, but his sudden appearance at your apartment, blocks away from his own, was a shock. 
Despite trying your best to ignore him earlier in your pregnancy, you eventually learned to push your feelings about everything to the back burner and only talk shop. No personal life was discussed, only work.
“I need to talk to you.” He spoke, brown eyes boring into your own. You felt your stomach drop, nodding as you stepped aside and allowed him in. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as soon as he walked by you, heading towards the couch. 
“What's up?” You questioned, pulling your robe tighter around your body while watching him sit. You had gotten out of the shower only twenty minutes ago, and hadn't bothered to get clothed yet, save for a bra and underwear. 
“I need to ask you about the coordinates to Escobar's current hideout.” He spoke, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his front pocket.
“Oh, um, please don't smoke in here.” You commented, swallowing heavily. The man gave you a quizzical look, tucking the cigarettes back into his pocket. 
“Are you quitting or something?” He questioned.
“Something like that.” You spoke, sitting on the opposite end of the couch, “So, what questions do you have?” 
“Carillo and the Search Bloc are going to drop into Escobar’s tomorrow morning. I'm having my informant confirm the coordinates once more, you should have yours do the same.” Javier answered, looking you down. 
Seeing you there sitting in your robe, fresh out of the shower caused his heart to pick up and cock come to attention. Your cleavage had popped out, the robe slightly splitting open at the top when you sat down. He couldn't help but notice that your breasts seemed larger. Your legs were also deliciously exposed, and looked so soft. 
The man just wanted to feel your skin; squish the meat of your thighs, kiss the gorgeous crevice where your legs meet your torso.
“I’ll get a hold of them.” You nodded towards him, “You came all this way just for that?” You then questioned.
The man muttered something about tapped phone lines- which you suspected was a lie- before asking if you had any liquor.
 With a nod, you stood up and walked over to your kitchen, pulling a bottle of whiskey out the cabinet. You then poured him a glass before carrying both the freshly poured liquor and the bottle back over to the couch, placing them down in front of his figure.
Truthfully, you miss both drinking and smoking. But the health of your baby is more important than the poison you use to ease your mind. 
Sitting back down, you watched the man take a hefty gulp before refilling his glass. You bit your lip, playing with the hem of your robe as the two of you sat there in silence. You were unsure of what to say, wanting to avoid everything besides work. 
Your inner voice was suggesting otherwise, fighting for you to tell him the news. You know it isn't fair to keep it a secret, as he at least deserves to know that he’s going to be a father- Not that he has to stay and help raise the kid.
You have fully come to terms with the fact that you're going to be a single mom, raising the baby on your own.
“Javier…” You began, playing with your fingers. The man turned his gaze, searching your face, questioning as to what you're going to say. You took his silence as your signal to continue on, “Do you remember when we slept together four months ago?” 
“How could I forget,” The man spoke, a smug expression crossing his face as he took a sip of his drink. 
You rolled your eyes at his comment before taking a deep breath, “Uh, well. I-I think the condom broke.” 
The man's cheerful expression quickly dropped into a serious one as he set the glass harshly down onto the table, standing up, “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, I'm sure.” You frowned in return, standing up as well and untying the robe to expose the small bump of your belly. You watched the man's eyes drop to your mostly naked body. He first stopped at your breasts, admiring how enticing they looked tucked in your bra, before trailing down to your stomach. He could see the shadow the bump caused, sending his heart into his throat. 
“I found out at seven weeks. My period was late.” You broke the silence, retying your robe. “I admit I didn't know how to tell you- If I was even going to in the first place. But, I'm getting to a point where I can't hide it anymore. And…” You paused, swallowing, “You deserve to know.” 
Javier only stared you down, resting his hands on his hips, “And you haven't slept with other guys?” 
“No, I haven't slept with other men.” You felt hurt by his question even though it was reasonable. The two of you don't have a claim over the other, “I-I tried after our night together and… couldn't. I know that you're the father.” You brought your hand down to your bump. Your baby was still small, only being sixteen weeks along, but you have grown to love the thing with your whole heart. 
“Look, I-I need time to think about this.” Javier muttered, shaking his head. You felt your heart begin to race at his comment, even though you'd already prepared yourself for heartbreak.
The man doesn't want to be tied down, he proved that by walking out on his wedding with Lorraine all those years ago, and the various women he circulates through in a week. You should've expected his rejection.
“I don't expect you to be a part of this.” You quickly spoke, trying to reassure him- and yourself, “I fully am ready to do it on my own. I have been since I found out. I won't tell anyone it's yours.” 
He stared at you before nodding silently. This is certainly not what he expected when he came to your apartment this evening; he had different intentions. He missed you. He missed your body and the way you taste. The hookers and informants he's been fucking the last four months have been like dirt compared to you. 
But now knowing that you were carrying his kid? It all felt so overwhelming. 
“I-It’s probably best if you go…” You spoke so quietly, wrapping your robe tighter around your body, his silence beginning to make your heart race.
“Hermosa-” Javier began, but you saw him hesitate to speak. He only nodded and turned on his heel before stepping over to the door and leaving swiftly. 
The moment Javier left your apartment, you couldn't stop the tears from spilling down your cheeks. You felt overwhelmed, sliding down the back of your front door after he had shut it, hands covering your face.
You felt guilty for kicking him out, and even regret it a little. Even though he told you he needed time, he looked so upset when you told him to leave. And what was he going to say just before exiting? Why did he stop himself?
You cried on the floor for god knows how long before making your way to your land-line, which sat on the side table next to the couch. You needed a friend- Connie- who usually made you feel better about the situation you're in.
The phone dial rang two times before someone answered. When you blubbered a somber greeting, you immediately recognized that Steve had answered when he questioned if you were alright. 
“Steve,” You bit your lip, trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, “Can I speak to Connie?” 
“She’s asleep,” His southern accent spoke loudly through your receiver, “Are you sure you're fine?” 
you sighed heavily at his question, silent tears streaming down your face as you sat on the couch. You figured now would be the time to break the news. He’s become a close friend since meeting in Miami; both him and his wife. 
“Steve, I have something to tell you.” You began with a sniffle, “I-I’m pregnant…”
Your partner was silent for several moments before he finally spoke, “Jesus. Does Connie know?”
“Yes. She helped me find out, actually.” You wiped your eyes before taking a deep breath, trying to calm down your emotions. The distraction of Steve was helping, along with lifting a heavy weight off of your shoulder. But Javier still lingered on your mind; his displeased face haunting the back of your eyes every time you blinked. 
“Why didn't you tell me earlier? Does Peña know too?” Steve then questioned, causing your heart to wrench. A new lump formed and a fresh set of tears began to fill your eyes, spilling down your cheeks.
“Javier knows,” Your voice cracked as you spoke, “He’s the father.”
“Oh,” The blonde's deep voice came across quiet through the receiver of your telephone, “I’m so sorry.”
Bullets ricocheted across the surrounding brick walls, nearly hitting you as you quickly jumped behind a barrier. You could hear your partner yelling in Spanish from the rooftops, as he had taken a separate route, while you quickly hid from the gunfire. 
Streams of silent curses left your lips, brick dust and chunks flying throughout the air from bullets. You could feel your heart beating against your chest, adrenaline pumping hotly, as you held your pistol in hand.
The gunfire finally stopped a handful of seconds later, but it was soon followed by the sound of a car peeling away down the street, causing you to peek over the wall. La Quica and Poison were gone and the street was empty due to the gunfire. 
“Shit,” You cursed just as your partner approached the brick wall you hid behind. 
“What the fuck were you doing?” Javier’s angry voice caused you to roll your eyes, reholstering your pistol before facing him.
“What?” You furrowed your brow in anger.
“You could've gotten hurt. You're not even wearin’ a fuckin’ vest.” He continued on, gesturing to the blouse donning your top. You merely stood and listened as he ranted. He never used to be this protective over you. Not even after you slept together and before you found out about your pregnancy. 
“Why the fuck did you chase them?”
“We could've had them if you hadn't taken the roof!” You yelled back, arm raising as you harshly poked him in the chest. 
Javier Immediately clenched his jaw, eyes narrowing towards your figure. You know he wanted to snap back vile words in return, but kept his composure. He couldn't bring himself to, not when you're pregnant, especially with his kid. He already made you draw the short straw, he didn’t need to cut it even smaller.
“Get your ass into the jeep.” He spoke through grit teeth, choosing to abandon the argument all together. You scoffed, kindling his temper even further. He needs a cigarette as soon as the two of you get back to the office.
“Peña told me about Poison and La Quica.” Steve’s southern drawl caused you to lift your head from staring at some paperwork.
“Did he also tell you about how he was a dumbass-”
“You need to get your head out of your ass, agent.” The blonde man spoke deadpan, cutting off whatever you were about to spew. He didn’t care, all he knew was that Javier had smoked four cigarettes in the span of an hour after you had gotten back. He finally confronted the man as to why the two of you were acting so off after your outing.
“Javier was scared. Though he may not act like it, he’s terrified of losing you- and the baby.” The man whispered the last part, knowing you haven’t told the rest of the office yet, “He admitted it to me just before I came to confront you. ”
You felt your heart clench, quickly averting your gaze from Steve, “I-I didn’t realize.”
“Peña may not have been the best choice to… procreate with. But, you’ve gotta throw him a bone.” Your partner mumbled softly, catching your attention once again.
“I’ll talk to him.” You swallowed with a nod, standing up from your desk.
“I’m sorry.” You immediately spoke once Javier had settled back at his desk. The man spent hours doing some meaningless task in the file room; most likely just to avoid you. “I haven’t been taking your feelings into account. I just… assumed you didn’t care.”
“I figured that was what you wanted.” Javier simply answered, eyes meeting your own. He leaned in his desk chair, arm draping over the backrest. 
“No-” You quickly yelped, feeling your face gather heat, “I mean…Can we talk in the conference room?” You then whispered, suddenly so aware of your coworkers and how silent the office seemed. Nobody's eyes were on you and Peña, but you could tell they had purposely stilled their movements to hear better. 
The man only gave you a simple nod, gesturing for you to lead the way. 
Once the two of you had made it to the conference room, you quickly closed the door and blinds on the window-filled wall. The sensation of Javier's eyes on your back urged you to turn around. 
“First, I want to apologize for acting like such an ass out in the field. I'm used to only having to worry about myself, and I wasn't thinking about…” You trailed off, hand hovering over your belly, “I should've been vested. And followed you onto the roof.” You added, finally making eye contact with the man. 
He sat leaning against the conference table, arms folded which caused his biceps to bulge deliciously. You know if you weren't pregnant, he'd have a lit cigarette between his lips. 
“I want to apologize too. I shouldn’t have acted out. I-” He cut himself off, standing up straight now, “I care about you, and the kid.” He gestured to your belly, glancing down. You had the bump hidden quite well under a flowy blouse, but even just knowing it was there caused his heart to pick up speed.
Unable to stop the smile from growing across your cheeks, you dropped your head shyly. He had spoken such simple words, but they meant everything to you. Never did you expect for him to say he was sorry, as well as admit emotion. It almost made you hopeful- but you quickly had to shut down that feeling, not wanting to get disappointed or hurt. You know that nothing is going to come from this. Javier is nothing more than your baby’s father. He’s probably just apologizing to keep you happy.
You then cleared your throat and met his gaze once more, having properly discouraged yourself, “So, are we good?” 
“Yes.” He murmured.
You gave him one last nod before turning on your heel, approaching the door. Standing alone with him was beginning to feel overwhelming.
“Wait,” Javier interrupted your exit, grasping your bicep and pulling you back over to him. His other hand cupped your jaw in the process, pulling your gaze up to match his as his lips met your own with fervor.
Melting into the kiss, your arms grasped onto his shirt, pulling your chests taught. His arms snaked around your waist, lifting you up from your ass and quickling placing you onto the conference table just behind your bodies. Wrapping your legs around his figure, your hands moved up to the back of his neck, tangling your fingers into his hair.
“God,” Javier groaned against your lips, hands fishing under your blouse. Your body reacted delightfully to his touch, only yearning for more. 
“Missed you,” You mumbled. Javier unhooked your bra and pulled it away from your chest, quickly cupping your breasts as soon as they hung freely. He could feel how swollen and full they’d gotten, only causing his mouth to water.
Javier then growled, fingers twisting your nipple softly, “I need to fuck you,” 
His statement caused your pussy to throb, but you quickly pushed him away, “Not in the office.”
“Why not?” He frowned, head twisting in question as he stepped backwards towards the door, locking it, “Just need to be quiet.”
 Biting your lip, your morals fought a losing battle as the man began unbuttoning his top and slowly stepping towards your seated figure. He returned to the same position he was before, securing your legs around his waist once more. He then guided your arms up, taking off your blouse, allowing your bra to fall off in the process.
You heard him softly groan at the sight of your breasts before he leaned over, lips meeting the delicate skin of your nipple, sucking and biting tenderly. Tossing your head back in pleasure, you felt as the man began to grind his hips into your own, hard cock pressing up uncomfortably against his tight jeans.
Reaching down, you rubbed him through the denim, causing him to falter in his movements, “Christ, hermosa,”
Finding the hem of your pants, the man slipped his hand in past your underwear feeling the full bush of your pussy before his fingertips met your clit. Accidentally moaning at the sensation, Javier quickly put his hand up to your mouth, covering it gently. Your arousal only caused his cock to throb harder. 
Unzipping his jeans, he freed himself and gave his dick a few pumps, grumbling lowly, “Gonna fuck you,”  
“Please,” You pleaded against his other hand, which was still covering your mouth. 
Lifting your ass up off of the table momentarily, the man slid your pants and underwear down, exposing your pussy for him to enjoy. Mouth watering at the sight, he dropped to his knees, quickly dipping his tongue deep into your core. Biting your lip to repress the sounds of pleasure you wanted to spew, your lower belly grew hot with pleasure as Javier sucked your clit harshly and slid two fingers in.
“Oh- God, Javi-” You whimpered, one of your hands lifting from the table and tangling into his hair. You could hardly see him over your pregnant belly, making the reach a little difficult. The man hummed against your pussy, pleased with how well you were responding to him. Recalling the last time you had sex, your bodies naturally seemed to understand each other perfectly; and it seems it’s happening this time as well.
With his tongue working expertly against your clit, your pussy clenched around his fingers. He could feel that you were getting close to coming, and picked up his pace in combination with sucking your little bundle of nerves more harshly. 
“Cum for me, cariño.” You heard Javier growl, just before you couldn’t take it anymore and felt your orgasm wash through your entire body.
The man wasted no time licking you clean before standing back up, quickly plunging his cock deep into heat. His hand covered your mouth once more, silencing the yelp of pleasure that was leaving your lips. Thrusting his hips, the man fucked you roughly on the conference table, causing it to shake with the movements. You could feel every inch as he did so, only adding to your pleasure.
Balancing your weight onto one hand, you moved the other down to your clit and rubbed feverishly, throwing your head back in pleasure. Clenching around the man's cock at the sensation, he groaned softly, faltering his thrusts slightly before continuing.
“Fuck you feel so fucking tight. If you weren’t already pregnant, I’d do it again.” He grumbled as one of his hands rested on your belly, helping move your body to the rhythm of his thrusts, “Your pussy feels that good.”
Your second orgasm caught you by surprise, the man's words luring you there quickly. Javier’s own orgasm followed closely behind, your cunt clenching around his cock, milking him thoroughly. His head tossed back in pleasure, continuing to thrust lazily until you both became too sensitive at the feeling.
“Fuck,” Javier cursed while tucking himself back into his jeans, still breathing heavily. His button-down remained open, deliciously showing off his gleaming, sweat covered chest. You paused at the sight, biting your lip, before slipping off the table and collecting yourself as well.
“We should get back to work,” You murmured, embarrassment slowly setting in, now realizing you just fucked Javier in a very inappropriate place. Anyone could’ve knocked on the door or windows; and what if it happened to be Steve or the Ambassador?
Instead of responding vocally, Javier only nodded, eyeing your frame up and down as he buttoned his shirt back up.
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spaceagebachelormann · 7 months
doing ur makeup with the ducks !
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✧ warnings: none!
✧ characters included: charlie conway, adam banks, lester averman, fulton reed, connie moreau, guy germaine, julie gaffney, ken wu, dean portman, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson
✧ additional info: can be read as romantic or platonic! readers gender isn’t explicitly specified but is supposed to be fem
✧ m.list — nav.
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ೃ༄ charlie conway
he’s. very interesting about it
he’ll mainly just sit and watch cause he doesn’t know what else to do but will ask questions
“omg what’s this” and it’s probably mascara
even though he’s a guy u would think he knows that
he’s not mean about it or anything, he actually asks a lot of questions because he’s genuinely interested
ೃ༄ adam banks
i have a hc he has an older sister so he actually knows what a lot of the bottles are
he’d let u test lipsticks on his arm <3
and if u wanted his honest opinion on how ur makeup looks he may or may not be able to give it 😭 but if he thinks it looks bad he’ll hesitate for like 5 mins before finally saying “you look a little crazy.. i’m sorry”
and he’d let u put some on him for funsies
ೃ༄ lester averman
he’d talk non stop the whole time u do ur makeup
it’s like 40% questions and 60% random nonsense
it’s entertaining though because he knows all the gossip and has fun facts that are actually terrifying
he’d wanna try to put makeup on u but u don’t let him cause he’ll fuck up 💕
and if u get up to go to the bathroom or just to get something u come back and bro looks like a clown
ೃ༄ fulton reed
despite the fact he’s very silly and chaotic and always has something to start yelling about he actually likes the peacefulness of when ur doing ur makeup
it’s like a little free period for him cause he can get hw done, sleep, just sit there and talk normally, etc
ofc cause he’s a Teenage Boy he’d probably make fun of u a little but he’s overall amazed by the process and how long a full face takes
and also would ask u to tell him whatever gossip yk and his responses are so funny
“so yk chelsea?—” “OHH THE ONE WHO GOT PREGNANT??? YEAHHH” “apparently the dad is j-“ “JAKE??? I FUCKING KNEW IT.”
ೃ༄ connie moreau
i feel like she’s one of those girls who only wears like mascara and lipgloss (not cause she’s a pick me but because she doesn’t know how to do anything else)
will ask u to do hers for her! and teach her how to do stuff like blush and eyeliner since she doesn’t know how but rlly wants to learn
and she also compliments ur makeup every 2 mins
“omgg u look gorgeous!” “connie babes i haven’t even put anything on yet” “and? <3”
ೃ༄ guy germaine
says things like “you look so pretty” or “that looks so cool? omg?” every 2 seconds
he genuinely thinks ur the greatest at doing makeup
and he also let’s u test lipsticks on his arm
i feel like he’d ask u to put eyeliner on him just cause he wants to see what it looks like on him <3
also his hands are probably really steady for some reason?? so if u have shaky hands hed help u put stuff on
ೃ༄ julie gaffney
100% curls ur lashes for u if ur also terrified of the lash curler
does hers with u even though she doesn’t rlly use concealer and foundation and skin stuff cause she washes her face every day <3
but she’d know how to use literally everything and is fucking amazing at it and can help u with whatever u want
would ask u to help her choose colours if she decides to have colourful eyeshadow
let’s u paint her nails <3
ೃ༄ ken wu
i’m ngl he probably just sits there and watches
probably uses the time to just talk about whatever
and if y’all have classes together he asks for help with hw 😭
“so what’s number 4 again??” “oh it’s 13 over 6” “ty!!”
he’d also start organizing ur makeup for funsies and brings u snacks and water if he gets bored
ೃ༄ dean portman
will look through literally all ur makeup for funsies
and also asks a shit ton of questions
would probably say “that’s so girly 😹🫵” as a joke but he’s actually rlly intrigued and likes watching u do it
hands u whatever u need but u probably have to explain it to him and he grabs it at the last second to be a bitch
“can u hand me the lash curler?” “the what” “that curvy thing that looks like a little science tool” “wtf r u talking about” “oh my god let me—“ “OHHH U MEAN THIS”
sometimes he actually has no idea wtf u mean though
ೃ༄ luis mendoza
knows what everything is cause as we all know this MAN WHORE has had like 400 gfs
would suggest different lip colours to do
will 100% rizz u up while ur putting on lip gloss or lipstick
“i like that colour, u should kiss me so we can both have it” “that wasn’t smooth at all”
he also makes jokes like the little comedian he is (compares random people to random shit)
ೃ༄ dwayne robertson
he’s like adam but more talkative
would try to guess what everything is used for and like very rarely gets it right
but when he does he gets so excited
he’d do ur hair while u do ur makeup so u don’t have to after
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chiriwritesstuff · 5 months
The Girl in IT - Chapter 5 - Pony - Sneak Peek!
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Oops??! What happens when our favorite technology-inept CEO accidentally posts a 🍆 pic to the wrong Slack channel...
Chapter 5 out this weekend!
Sneek Peek under the cut!
Connie leans in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper as you stroll into the office. Her hand cups her mouth as she shares the latest gossip with Jesse in Engineering.
"Have you heard? Apparently, Joel is getting cozy with someone in the company," she discloses, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Did you catch that Slack message? Wow, what a lucky girl—"
"Or lucky guy," Jesse interjects with a smirk. "'Baby' could be anyone."
Connie turns her attention to you, a playful grin on her face. "Hey Sugar, what's your take? I'm thinking Joel is packing an 8-incher—"
Your eyes widen, and you interrupt in a huff, trying to hide your embarrassment. "What are you even talking about?"
"The Slack message! The admin channel is blowing up!" Connie exclaims. "Don't tell me you missed it on your phone? I haven't seen this many replies since Tommy accidentally sent a dick pic last year. Didn't think Joel had it in him—"
Panic sets in as you pull out your phone, unlocking it to find hundreds of Slack notifications. Your eyes widen in shock. "OH MY GOD!"
#MCG ADMIN 50 members Joel Hi baby, someone's missing you today ;P 0003.png - image sent to Miller Construction Group Chat He's been waiting for your sweet pie, why don't you head on over here and warm him up... Baby? Playing coy with me now  Don't be shy... Tommy JOEL?   WRONG CHANNEL WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? Connie (Reception) OH. MR. MILLER YOU DOG YOU 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 Frank (Interior Design) Well.   Ain't that something. Huh. Wow. WOW. 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 Bill (Civil) FRANK! Eugene (Electrical) Well. Thats some fine 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 you have there! Sarah (HR) DAD?? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? THANK GOD ELLIE IS NOT ON THIS CHANNEL... Could you please do yourself a favor and delete that? I'm just going to keep messaging  Guys, please disregard Joel's messages. I would like to remind you that sending images of this nature is prohibited and NOT acceptable. Please do not use this channel for any inappropriate behavior. Oh my GOD. Tommy Sugar? can you please delete these messages? SUGAR? WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU GIRL?? Tess Shit. I sent her on-site. FUCK. Anyone have her key to her office? SARAH?
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creedslove · 1 year
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Dinner goes wrong when Murphy can't control his anger over Javi's association with Los Pepes and uses you as a way to offend him. Javier isn't pleased and ends up taking out on you
Warnings: incorrect narcos plot, angst, hurt, offense, asshole!steve murphy, asshole!javier peña, mentions of break up, insinuations of cheating, smut, oral sex (f!receiving)
A/N: Hi besties, I hope you will like this chapter. I don't know how I feel about it, I liked some parts and hated other parts, but I feel it was necessary to the story and well asshole!javi is back, so enjoy!!! 🥺
5k words
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Olivia chewed her food slowly, her content face as she savored the mashed potatoes and well-cooked veggies and very so often shot you and Javi adorable little smiles. She was an adorable child, eating her own food which you also prepared, while the adults enjoyed their Italian and the bottles of wine.
You had already finished one with Connie before the boys arrived, so you really knew you should stop yourself right there. You definitely didn't want to wake up vomiting all your way to work, you were definitely not ready to have Javier holding your hair back while you emptied your stomach in front of him. You knew he would do it without complaining, just as you would do it for him if he ever needed it, but you got really embarrassed at the thought of it. It wasn't a very sexy image. You were also in no mood to face any pregnancy jokes, because it seemed women were only designed to have one condition which implied growing a child in their womb, especially at your work environment where it was dominated mostly by men and their narrow points of view or women like Colleen who would love to overhear a juicy gossip and spread it through the country even if it had no proof of it being real.
And the third reason was because death would probably be sweeter than facing a hangover in the Colombian heat.
So when Murphy offered you another glass, you politely declined, helping yourself to another slice of lasagna, hoping you could filter the alcohol in your blood by putting something in your stomach.
He shot a glance and raised the bottle at Javi who also shook his head, which you thought was odd. Javier Peña never refused a chance to get intoxicated in alcohol.
You went back to focusing on Connie's story, though Javier's hand was restless on your thigh. That wasn't common of him either. Of course he had the habit of touching you, but he usually just rested his hand on your skin, however, you could feel how he squeezed your thigh softly, you didn't mind it at all, but you knew him enough to tell it wasn't normal. There was something bothering him, but not only him, Steve was also bothered, angry even, as he very often made snarky remarks towards your boyfriend. It wasn't unusual for the two agents to have conflicts concerning work, both of them were stubborn as a mule and if they didn't agree on something, things could get bad between them, but at the same time, they always managed to leave their work beefs at work, so whatever happened must've really angered Steve.
Javi took a deep breath, side glancing at you as you ate. He was hoping you would be satisfied enough so he could come up with any excuse to go home, at the same time he didn't want to rush you, it wasn't your fault he was a dumbass who only took bad decisions in life, well, not only bad ones, you were the living proof Javier could get some things right, but other than you, the rest was just a long shot.
When Steve mentioned something about work, Javi began to restlessly trace patterns on your skin. It was as if he had gotten into a nervous state, though you didn't get what exactly happened, it was like the two of them had an inside joke going on, one that was not funny at all.
You then remembered your interaction earlier that morning, when you put on his shirt and Javi had told you he was going to wear that during his meeting with Messina and you immediately relaxed at the same time you felt your cheeks and the tips of your ears heating up at the immediate memory that flooded you of what came after he had mentioned the shirt. The way he'd gripped your neck, touched you and filled you up with every inch of himself. It felt like you had been lost in paradise. Also, it became a fair assumption the discomfort between the two agents was their boss's doing. She must have been feral on them during their meeting and Murphy probably blamed it on Javier, or Javier blamed it on Murphy like they usually did.
The tension you felt dissolved completely and you actually enjoyed your boyfriend's little touches under the table, they weren't erotic, - Javier wouldn't do that. Yes, he was the kind of guy who would definitely finger you under the table in a crowded place, but no, he would never even consider doing that if there were any kids nearby. But the touches were intimate, affectionate. You bit your lips, pretending you were listening to every single sentence in that conversation, but in reality you were trying to distinguish what exactly Javier's finger was invisibly drawing on your skin, you could feel steady lines, following a rhythm order and you couldn't help but smile big when you finally broke the code.
That's what his fingers traced on your thigh.
It was so silly and childish, and yet a sweet reminder of your relationship. He marked you as his even unconsciously. You couldn't lie at all, it felt pretty good.
Olivia yawned big and felt her little eyes closing on their own as sleep became so intense she couldn't keep her little head from hanging low. Connie chuckled as she noticed her daughter being so sleepy and immediately got up, picking her up gently and disappearing into one of the rooms of the apartment.
Murphy took the opportunity his wife and daughter weren't in the room any longer and smirked as he raised yet another glass of wine towards you before killing it in one sip.
"So, Y/N… you and Javi are a thing, for real now, huh? Remember just how a few months ago he was a real dick to you? He treated you like absolute shit and even fucked a hooker that looked just like you, or so I heard…" he laughed softly "good thing you are a real sweet thing and you can overcome those ups and downs in your relationship, because trust me, sweetie, I'll really need this resilience"
Just as shock was everything that went through your body, anger was the only thing that ran through Javier's veins. You both could tell Steve was drunk from the amount of wine he'd had, but he should've known better than to bring shit up like that. It was none of his business, and still quite of a gray area for the two of you as you had pretty much ignored it and pretended it never happened, when in reality you just hoped everyone else would do the same. It had already been pretty humiliating and painful as it was and you definitely didn't need anyone, let alone Steve bringing that up.
Javier slammed his hands on the table, immediately getting up and pointing a finger at Steve's temporary madness. It was one thing if he was pissed off at him. If he wanted to punch Javier in the face he could even do it and Javi would definitely not give two shits about it, but teasing you and bringing you into that situation, that was too much for him.
"Shut the fuck up right now, Steve. Why are you even saying shit like that? I made a lot of mistakes but this is none of your fucking business, I don't talk about your personal life, so why are you doing this to us? To her?" He pointed at you, as you kept your head low, you felt so ashamed at that moment, still clueless to why such thing had been brought up like that, but Steve didn't care at all.
"Sorry Y/N, didn't mean to embarrass you, but I was also wondering if you know your wonderful boyfriend is being threatened by the head of the Los Pepes death squad? Do you know she has promised to end his career in the DEA by going to the american press?" He asked "can you believe that?"
You didn't say anything at the same time Javier's voice filled the room initiating an argument with Steve, hoping he would stop talking.
"Here's a great idea, Jav… instead of jeopardizing our entire mission, you could give in to your impulses and fuck Judy, maybe it will help us all… I'm sure Y/N wouldn't mind, deep down she knows she can't expect much from you… or maybe she would understand perfectly, I'm sure she would take this bullet for the team"
You didn't know why Steve was acting that way, why he was suddenly so angry, you could understand his frustration, of course but it didn't explain why he decided to use you as a target to hit Javier. He could have just talked about his posture as a cop, insist on argumenting how wrong associating with that squad was, but using personal elements to provoke Javier was too much.
"Why are you doing this Steve?" You finally raised your head and stared at him, your cheeks already wet with tears you couldn't control at the anger and shame of being treated that way by someone you thought was your friend.
You could have raised your voice, defended Javier, defended your relationship with him, but you felt so weak and small at that moment, as if you were just a stupid little girl who fell for the Romeo's cheap tricks. You knew you couldn't let Javier's past intrude your relationship, he had changed, he wasn't that jerk anymore, he was a good man, actually he had always been a good man but he didn't believe in himself. You believed in him and that made him believe as well, and that was why your relationship was working so perfectly, but no one, and especially no one you considered a friend had the right to bring those things up. It was mean, hurtful and you felt you couldn't stay there any longer. If Murphy had a problem with Javier, he should solve it with him, and not drag you into the eye of the storm.
You got up and grabbed your coat, walking to the door at the same time Connie returned from the room and watched the warzone her dining room became. She didn't understand why Javier was screaming at Steve at the same time her husband pointed at you and mumbled something she couldn't actually understand and you cried, but she knew it wasn't good.
She called your name, trying to make you stop, wanting to talk to you and ask you what was going on, but you turned your back to everyone and walked away, running downstairs and locking yourself up in your apartment.
Javier on the other hand was livid, he wanted nothing more than throw punches at Steve, he didn't understand where that attack came from, Javi knew he had all the right to be pissed at the Los Pepes association but that should have been handled in the office and not during a double dinner date, and not by attacking and teasing his girlfriend. Javi also knew it was the only way he would get a reaction from him. If Steve had said anything about Javier, he would have probably shrugged it off, but the moment he brought you into the deal then Javi got angry. To the point he didn't know any better and finally punched his friend, feeling Murphy's face under his fist and blood immediately soaking his pained knuckles. He didn't want things to go like that, but it was partially if not mostly Steve's fault for acting like a dick around them all.
Murphy immediately fought back, throwing a punch at Javi, who groaned and was ready to get back at the other man once more if it weren't for Connie screaming for them to stop. She was terrified, in all the years they'd been together, she'd never seen her husband act like that and especially not towards his partner.
She desperately asked them to stop, but Steve seemed to only had fallen back into his senses when Olivia also screamed in fear, so scared at the commotion happening in the living room and snapping her away from her sweet dreams.
Murphy finally stopped and looked at his wife's shocked face, then looked back at Peña, who was panting and wiping the sweat off his face.
"See the shit you did, Javier? You can never do anything right!" He said angrily and paced the living room, "my daughter's crying now, scared because of your fucking scene!!! Not that you understand what that means, because you are never gonna have that, Javier. Never! You'll screw up just like you did with your job, I don't even know why you still try it!"
Javier immediately left the apartment and ran downstairs, the whole environment was suffocating him, but not as much as Steve's words. He knew people didn't take him seriously, not his friends, not his partners at work, not his hometown and not even his dad. And he never really cared about it, or the part of him that actually cared was long gone and buried. It was easier to handle things that way, Javier taught himself.
But lately he had learned to trust a little more in himself, because you had faith in him, you were the only good thing he had in life and he hated himself to be brutally reminded he didn't deserve you like that, he hated how you left the room crying, disappointment after disappointment. Of course to some extent blaming it on Steve was the logical attitude, but if it weren't for himself, there would be nothing Steve could have used against you. He had done all those things, he had humiliated you with a fucking prostitute, not only that, one that looked just like you, it was disgusting and low, and he honestly didn't know why or how you had forgiven him.
Even if the whole death squad drama didn't happen, you would still have to face shame for the rest of your life just because of the mere fact of being with him. It didn't matter where you went, if it was Colombia or Laredo, people would always point fingers at you, whispering and laughing at the fact you chose Javier Peña.
He wanted to disappear at that moment, it weighed so heavy in his chest, he felt so guilty and ashamed of himself.
At the same time he needed to see you, he wanted to avoid you. He hoped you weren't so upset, so broken at what happened, you were such a strong girl, but even he could tell Steve stroked a delicate point.
He stood in front of his apartment and opened the door, walking inside and calling your name, having no answer and swallowing hard, as he knew instantly you were back at your place. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed deeply, a bad feeling taking over him as his heart raced at the absence of you.
He turned around and went for your apartment instead, an anger filling his body, running through his veins. He knew he couldn't just aim his anger with Steve at you nor his self-hatred, but god, it made his blood boil not to find you there. All that talk about love, partnership and understanding just went to shit because of Steve's tantrum?
He didn't knock, instead he used his own key and burst the door open, making you jump off the couch startled. You sniffed as your eyes were red and puffy, being obvious you'd been crying for the past half an hour.
You looked at him, not liking how dark his expression was, he wasn't looking at you with soft, loving eyes, you could see the burning rage and you didn't know what else had happened, but you trusted he wasn't going to be childish and take it on you.
"What now?" He asked and folded his arms "is it because of Judy and her threats? Or is it still because of the hooker?" He asked annoyed and looked at you up and down. He was just so angry, at any other time, he would have wrapped his arms around your body, pulled you closer and made you forget all about what was hurting you, but at that moment, Javier's feelings were a turmoil and he couldn't control them.
You dried your tears and walked to him "why are you being so rude? It's not my fault" you said and stared at him, why Javier was snapping like that was beyond you.
Javier scoffed and shook his head "I'm not being rude, I just asked you a question, are you gonna cry about that too, Y/N? I thought all that talk about forgiving and believing I was a better man was real, but every single time something about my past comes up you're gonna cry like that?" He was visibly impatient at the same time he was willing to give everything in order to shut himself up before he could screw things up.
You frowned and shook your head "yeah, I meant all that when I said I believed you, and that I trusted you could be a better man, Javi… you are a good man" you said "but this is not the way of talking to me, it hurts Javi… I don't hold it against you, but it does hurt… it is something you did to hurt my feelings and you knew it… and now with Los Pepes… you are in danger, your career Javi… what if they try to kill you?" You blinked some more tears, but his expression was indecipherable.
He scoffed again and looked at you
"It doesn't make any sense, there's nothing any of us can do about it, cariño. I've always been a bad guy, too bad you couldn't see it, or you saw it and that was why you liked it so much"
Come on, Javier, don't say it.
He begged himself and bit his lower lip softly
"I don't think this will work, Y/N…"
You shook your head and took a step closer to Javier, he couldn't just regress to what he was before, no, you two had made such progress, you were so in love with each other, he couldn't just do what you thought he was about to.
"What are you talking about, Javi? It is working between us" you said as your breath accelerated and the blood in your ears almost made it hard for you to hear.
"It is working, but it's not gonna work in the long run Y/N"
"Are you breaking up with me?" Your voice cracked as you stared into his eyes.
No, never. He thought. He couldn't hold himself back now, he had made so much progress he was just so happy, he just wanted to fall on his knees and show you he was yours and only yours. But he didn't.
"Fuck this"
He said and turned around, walking out the door.
You didn't keep track of how long you were crying by yourself. You couldn't believe and wrap your head around what happened. Just as you had got Javi, you had made plans with him, you had envisioned and fantasized a life of happiness and love with him, moving into his ranch, living your life next to him, maybe getting married one day and even maybe bringing a baby into the picture, all of that, it seemed so real to you and just like that he walked away from you.
Anyone could see it coming, but you couldn't, because they didn't know Javi the way you did, they didn't love him the way you did and they didn't know he loved you the way you did. He was so affectionate, so in love, always in need of touching and feeling you next to himself, he couldn't just walk away from you. Yeah, what had happened was bad, but all the path you walked together couldn't be undone just by one simple occasion. Steve's words couldn't be that powerful, could they? Or Javi wouldn't just break your heart with that stupid excuse of keeping you safe or because he knew you deserved better. That grew old, you didn't buy anymore. One part of you didn't believe your Javi, your lovely handsome boyfriend would ever do that, but on the other hand that was exactly what it looked like. He had just walked away with no further explanation.
You felt so lost, so alone as if the ground had disappeared off your feet and you desperately needed to find a grip back to reality. The beautiful moment you lived with him couldn't be over just yet, you couldn't accept that was ever all you would get of him because the cold truth snapped you away from the fairytale you lived for the past two months.
Those two months of pure happiness and bliss, of affection and amazing sex couldn't be the only thing to your relationship with Javi, because you were certain those two months would ruin the rest of your life, you would never be able to be happy again.
You desperately felt the need of being close to him, even if he had just left you wanted to feel his warmth, his embrace, smell his cologne, you wanted to cup his cheeks and make sure he was real, he was still yours.
So you didn't think twice before walking into his apartment. It was where you were supposed to be sleeping, where you should be tangling yourself into his body in bed, naked, rapid breathing and rhythm moves bringing the two of you to the bliss you craved so much with your man. Everything about that place hurt when you stepped inside. It had become so cozy, your true home, more than your own apartment and yet, the desperate possibility of not having free access to it every single day just made your heart tighten in your chest.
You didn't know where Javi went, a teeny tiny little part of your brain tried haunting you, planting the jealousy and anxiety seed, reminding you of all the shady sketchy places he often went to to pick up women before getting with you, but you quickly dismissed it. You had hopes it wasn't nothing but a misunderstanding, and even if it weren't, you thought Javier was better than that. Chances were he just went out to some bar to get drunk and forget that night ever existed, and it was what you should do too. If he had the right to low-key break up with you and go get drunk, then you also had the right to forget.
With the exception you we're already tipsy from all the wine you had had earlier, before everything went to shit, and that you were in Colombia and that was definitely not a safe place for a woman to walk alone at night.
Also, the fact you weren't a DEA agent carrying a gun for protection weighed on it.
A gun.
A gut feeling told you to immediately look for Javi's badge and gun, if he had left them at home, it meant he left for a bar or somewhere else, though you really didn't want to even think of that hypothesis.
You shook your head and got off his bed, going to the safe place he kept them both and opened it, finding it completely empty.
Your mouth went completely dry.
He had taken his gun and that could only mean problem.
When Javier drove back home he wanted to punch and kick himself for being that stupid. He couldn't even begin to explain to himself all the things he did wrong. Was it jeopardizing a whole investigation by allowing a death squad to finish the enemies they had in common? Was it letting his temper get in the way of his friendship? Yeah, Steve was a douche and he deserved that punch, not only for himself but for embarrassing you like that. As Javi had thought over and over: Steve could have talked about anything about Javier, but not about you. Not when you were so good to them, not when you were his girlfriend and Steve's friend. It was mean, cruel even and also a cowardly move coming from him. But now, thinking clearer, Javier knew he could have handled things better, maybe he could have just left and let the soberness of morning light handle the situation better. It would've been wiser to do that.
But out of all the bad things Javier did that night, definitely his attempt of pushing you away was the cherry on top of the cake.
He didn't know what had got into him, the whole situation led him to an unbelievable anger, one he should have aimed at anyone but you, because you were the only good thing in his life, you were the one who made it all worth it, you were the one he loved and wanted to have a future with.
And yet, he acted like a real bastard. He purposely hurt you, he left you in the dark and now he was terrified you had taken things to the letter, he just didn't know what he was going to do if you walked out of his life. If you did it, he would deserve it, but he was sure he would die.
Javi parked and got out of the car, his head pounding at the adrenaline and the booze, the punch, the stress and the fear of being alone. He sighed, he shouldn't have done any of the things he did that night, especially not after he grabbed his gun and left, but he saw no other way out. Javier took a look at your apartment door, you were probably there, asleep or crying yourself to sleep, as everything was dark and silent, so he just entered his place, knowing it would be just as dark and empty as it was the first day he moved in.
And you were there.
You were there as if nothing had happened, as if you hadn't been treated like shit by Steve first and then by Javier himself. He just couldn't believe it.
"Y/N…" he whispered and walked to you, seeing your puffy eyes, the tears caused by him, still present. You were still wearing the same dress as earlier, and god, you looked gorgeous, he wished he had told you before. When you were still having dinner with your friends, when he had his hand on your thigh, tracing his own name on your skin.
You didn't move, as you watched him walk towards you, you didn't see the storm in his eyes anymore, but you didn't see the joy in them, they were empty, sad… red.. was Javier tearing up? No, you must've been seeing things, you had never seen Javi cry.
Suddenly, he felt a wave of disappointment in himself, he knew what that scene looked like, even if he still carried his badge and gun, anyone who'd met him before would've guess he had taken a quick trip to a brothel and he felt ashamed of that, of himself and the fact people would always either laugh at you or would pity you for it.
"You're probably thinking I went to a whorehouse or something… Y/N I-"
You cut him off, shaking your head and whispering no repeatedly. Even if, yes, for a split second your anxiety made you consider the hypothesis, but you dismissed it right away, others could think whatever they wanted of Javi, but you knew him. You trusted him.
"No, Javi… I think better of you, I think the world of you and I trust you you wouldn't do this to me"
And that broke Javi.
Because you were too kind, you were too good for him, you were everything he didn't deserve it.
You always assumed the best of him, and he could never find anyone better than you. He wasn't in a whorehouse, he was at a whore's house. He went over to Judy Mocada's and against any better judgment he pointed a gun at her head, how her sicarios didn't kill him on the act, he would never know, but she thought it was intriguing, amusing even. What made a DEA agent hold her at gunpoint in the middle of the night definitely caught her attention.
He had made her an offer, she agreed and he needed to wait for her at the Embassy the next day. A part of him knew it was easy, too easy, actually, but he didn't care at that moment. In fact, he felt he should've blown up her head when he had the chance to.
And then he just wanted to go home and pick up the pieces of what he'd shattered.
And there you were, being too kind to him, being too loving, too affectionate. It just showed him little of a person he really was.
And standing right next to you, Javi felt onto his knees. His head looking up at you, all the love and admiration back in those beautiful brown eyes, his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer.
"Soy un perro a tus pies"
Javier told you, his breathing was uneven as he waited for an answer that never came. You didn't have words to tell him, after all that happened in just one night you didn't know what to say. So instead, he decided to apologize to you in the best way he knew, the way he could speak beautifully without any words.
He sank his face into your core, lifting your dress up and quickly pulling your panties to the side. He lips didn't tease when they wrapped around your clit and sucked on it, feeling your characteristic warmth, your taste, and when your moans filled the room and your fingers ran through his hair, tugging and gripping at them, he thought that maybe and just maybe things would be alright again.
A/N: it was a hard chapter to write, but it felt necessary to the story, I didn't want to ruin Javi's character development but I also wanted to show that deep down he is still the same insecure handsome broken agent we came to love 🥺🥺🥺
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lxvxwritings · 1 year
Our girl
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Pairing: Eren x reader x Connie
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: Connie and Eren wanted you for a long time. 
Themes: threesome! with Eren and Connie, afab!reader, modern au, smut
Tw: threesome, degradation, name calling (slut, bitch, whore), praising, nipple play, choking, oral (f and m receiving), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, possessive Connie, face fucking, creampie, cum eating, finger sucking
You looked at your friends, on the sofa talking about something you were really not interested in. You were so lucky to have them as your friends, since you were now at Paradis University, far from home. It was tough for you, but in almost no time, you got to know them, Connie and Eren. They were not the only ones, Mikasa and Sasha were dear friends of yours also, and having girl friends in here was a relief for you, you really loved them. 
Mikasa and Sasha were in your degree and Eren and Connie were friends with the girls, so of course, you three got to know each other. 
“You seem lost.” 
“Ah, leave me alone, Connie.” 
Connie laughed at your words and he continued to talk with Eren. You were looking at them now, they were so beautiful and fun. You were not a fan of boys though, you had a hard time trying to understand them but with them, it was different. 
You three were at Connie’s house. Eren was there all the time, you went from time to time, not wanting to interfere in their time. Leaning against the table you were observing and trying to catch the conversation. 
“I don’t think Sasha’s really gay.”
You laughed under your breath, if only he knew the things you did, he would be surprised. 
“She knows something.” Eren said with a smile. 
“Come on, Connie, she’s the definition of bisexual.” 
“Ey, how do you know? She never told me anything!” Connie exclaimed, a little bit offended. 
“You’re a boy.”
“But I’m her best friend. Wait, did you do something?” 
Eren was laughing, probably Mikasa told him something. You looked at Eren with a smile on your face and then you looked at Connie who was frowning. 
You didn’t respond but he knew that answer to that. 
After that, the conversation was normal again. They were talking non stop, whoever said that boys don’t gossip, they were wrong. 
“And she told me that she never had an orgasm with a boy.” Connie said. 
Now, you were really interested in the conversation. “Sadly, that’s the most normal thing. I never had one, either.” 
“Yeah…” Eren exclaimed looking at the ceiling. “They always cum with me.” He said it very seriously and you had to raise an eyebrow. He saw you looking at him with that expression but he reassured you that it was true. 
Connie winked at you. “What Connie, have you fucked Jaeger?” you laughed. 
“I wouldn’t mind being with him in a threesome. I don’t think I would touch him, but who knows.” 
“Deal.” Eren joined.
And they both looked at you for a moment and then they continued talking with you like nothing happened. You had confusion in your face for some time and then you discarded the thought. They couldn’t imply what you thought, right? You were never the type to attract boys, or anyone. It was luck that you had fucked Sasha several times. 
Eren got up to grab something to eat and you decided to follow him, you wanted a drink. You were behind him and he was so wide. You’ve never thought about it but he was so hot. Maybe the conversation earlier opened your eyes, because he was so fine. And Connie was too. 
“You’re so cute.”
“What?” you never thought that these words were going to be directed at you. 
“Don’t act like you don’t get this every day.” said Eren with a little smile.
“Mmm, actually, never.” you said it like it was the most normal thing. At least for you it was. 
“Well, you are. And Connie thinks the same.”
You had to laugh because there is no way that both of them think that you’re attractive. 
“Come one, let’s go.” 
But Connie entered the kitchen, too. And now Eren was behind you, and you could feel all his muscles in your back. 
Eren and Connie looked at each other. Connie grabbed your chin delicately and lifted our head up so you were looking at him. “You’re adorable. Very beautiful.” He said with his breath hitting your face, you were in awe. Eren wrapped his arms in your waist and you looked up at him with your mouth a little bit agape. He smiled with his beautiful lips, and you couldn’t help but to blush. You relaxed and you rested your head on Eren’s chest. They understood everything. “Do you want to make us feel good, baby? Like you deserve?” You nodded your head yes, but they wanted to hear it from you. “Use your words.” 
“Yes, I want to.” you said softly, a little bit shy. Connie smiled at you, got closer and kissed you. His lips were warm against yours. Your eyes were opened in surprise, even though you knew what was going to happen. He moved his lips in tandem with yours. His right hand moved to your neck and he squeezed it a little. You whimpered and he smiled in the kiss, happy that you were into that. You could feel Eren’s erection in your back and you backed up against him to feel him even closer. Eren’s hand roamed your body slowly, wanting to feel every inch of you. His lips were in your neck leaving little pecks, forcing Connie to touch you somewhere else. 
“MMM” you moaned into the kiss and into Eren’s touch. You felt your pussy get wet in seconds, you buckled your hips towards Connie this time, and he was more than happy to feel how desperate you were becoming. 
“Our girl wants to be touched? Mmmh?” Your eyes were wide with desire and shyness, a combination that made them go crazy. “Let’s go to the bedroom, okay?” and then he pecked you in the lips. 
Once in the bedroom, Eren started to kiss your lips, hungrily. His plump lips were so soft against yours that you couldn’t stop moaning. His hands were cupping your face and your hands were roaming his toned chest. He bit your bottom lip and you pushed your tongue against his lips, he got the hint and started to make out with you. The kiss was heated and your pussy was needy, you needed to be touched. You rubbed your hips against his leg, he was much taller than you, so he pushed his leg so you could get friction. Connie started to take your clothes off, stopping the make out session. Eren’s hungry eyes were all over your body and his erection was starting to be painful. He grabbed his dick with his pants on and started to pleasure himself with your view. Connie got on one knee and started to take off your pants. He kissed your lower back while touching your ass and legs. He left your little thong on and he smiled, with his fuck boy grin. 
“You got me so hard, need you now.” Eren said while kissing you again with all he got. He pushed you against the bed and Connie, seated against the wall in bed, grabbed your hips to take you with him. You were in front of Connie, with your back against him and Eren was in front of you. You were between the two men, and you could swear that it was heaven. Connie’s clothes were long gone, and you could feel his dick on your lower back. He was hard as hell. 
“So good for us. Let me eat your pussy, I need you to cum hard on my face, got it?” Eren’s voice was deep and urgent. You nodded because you didn’t trust your voice. His long fingers got hold of your thong, he took off the little cloth you had and kept them in his pocket. 
His face was closer now to your core, you were dripping in Connie’s bed and he was more than happy. Eren’s tongue licked your entrance, trying you out. He wanted to taste you. “Ah, Eren.” You bucked your hips against his face. “I barely touched you and you’re so sensitive already.” It wasn’t a question, it was a fact. “Mmmmm, please.” you whimpered, again.
“Use your words, or he won’t do shit.” Connie was so cruel with his words, but your pussy clenched. 
“She likes that, keep talking like this.”
“Is that what you want? To boss you around?” 
You moaned and Eren started to eat you out. “Yes, yes!” Answering the question and encouraging Eren to keep going. “Little slut. Our little slut, doing whatever we tell you to.” You turned your head around to watch Connie. Your mouth opened leaving high pitched moans and whimpers. “Play with your nipples, I wanna see it.” 
You looked at your front again, watchin Eren lick your clit like a kitten while a finger was circling your entrance. “F-fuck.” You were a mess already with all the stimulation. Your hands were massaging your boobs, you were so sensitive and couldn’t wait to touch yourself more. You started to caress your nipples, very superficially at first, circling them with the hem of your fingers. You wanted to feel more, so you pinched them slowly, feeling the sensation. You bit your lower lip, but a moan escaped your lips anyway.
Connie grabbed a hand against your throat, squeezing your sides. “AH! YES!” You arched your back, feeling Connie’s dick on your back and Eren’s tongue and fingers inside your pussy. “I’m cummin oh shit!” Eren’s tongue lapped at your juices like a starved man. He was rutting his hips against the bed like a bitch in heat. “Cum on my mouth, fuck, do it,” He sounded so desperate. Your orgasm hit you and your pussy started to clench on his tongue. His fingers were circling slowly while you were still bucking your hips to his face while playing with your hard nipples. 
“Fuck, what a whore.” Connie’s deep voice made you moan again. He laughed and bit your ear. His hand let go of your throat just to finger you. Your pussy making lewd noises because of how wet you were. Connie started to make hitting motions inside your pussy. You were so sensitive and that made you moan like never before. “Fuck, I wanna hear you moan like that again.” You sounded like a porn star. 
Eren got his dick out, while Connie was still fingering you and you gasped at the view. Big, very big dick, with a vein on his side. And it was long, too. Your mouth watered, you wanted to suck him off so bad. 
Connie took his fingers from you and put them in your mouth. “Lick them clean, bitch.” And you did what he ordered you too. “That’s it.” He said while watching you taking his fingers as if it was his dick, watching him directly in his eyes and moaning without looking away. 
“Fuck.” Eren said under his breath, watching you taking Connie’s fingers so well, thinking about fucking that slutty mouth of yours with his fat cock.
Connie positioned himself between your legs. You now could see his dick. It was so big and hard you were sure he was going to split you in two, and you were wishing for it. 
He gathered your juices to lubricate his dick, then he stroked it a few times before positioning himself in your entrance. Eren, on the other hand, went to your side and spat on his dick, stroking it while tapping his dick on your lips. You opened your mouth and he pushed himself inside of your warm mouth. 
“Oh shit!” Eren moaned at the sensation of your warmth engulfing him and you started to bob on his dick. Connie pushed himself inside your pussy. “Mmmph-” You continued bobbing your head while Connie was staying still, giving you time to adjust to his size. Eren’s hand went to your neck, choking you and feeling his dick down on your throat. 
“You’re sucking me so good, fuck, take more.” Eren pounded his dick at the same time as Connie, and you bucked your hips, wanting to feel Connie deeper. Your saliva was slipping out of your mouth and your pussy was making squelching noises. Your hand went to play with your hard and perky nipples while looking at Eren, and your orgasm was fast approaching. 
“Squeezing me so tight. Look at me while I’m railing you.” You looked away from Eren to look Connie right in his eyes while still sucking Eren’s cock like a pro. Connie felt your pussy clenching, but he decided that he wanted to fuck you in all fours. 
“On your hands and knees, now.” And you obliged, looking at Eren and waiting for him to fuck your mouth like that. 
Connie filled you up again and started to circle your clit with his fingers, helping you get to another orgasm. 
Eren positioned himself in front of you. He put his hand on your head, making you still so he could fuck your throat faster. Both men were going to cum. “Let me cum on your throat, fuck, fuck.” You nodded and in no time Eren was cumming deep down on you, his seed spilling outside of your mouth. After taking his dick out of your mouth you got your tongue out, showing that you swallowed it. He got down making out with you. 
“Let me cum in your pussy, bitch. Come on, ffffuck.” You nodded like your life depended on it while making out with Eren, and your orgasm washed you the same as Connie. You felt his cum deep in your pussy and his cock throbbing while spilling it. Eren let you go and you catched your breath again. Connie’s strong arms were gripping your hips hard. You knew you’ll have bruises tomorrow. Eren and Connie looked at each other with a smile on their face. 
Connie took his dick off you and you could feel his seed spilling out of your pussy. He put one finger inside, collecting the mix of cum. “Open.” He said to you and you took your tongue out, lapping your juices mixed with his cum. You looked at Eren with innocent eye’s while taking Connie’s finger in your mouth. He got a grin on his face, knowing that round two was going to be sooner than expected. 
Both of them laid on your side, both hugging you and catching their breath. 
“You’re ours now, only ours, got it?” Connie ordered. “Yes.” you said out of breath. You were going to be only theirs, you couldn’t object to that. “We’re going to make you feel good every fucking day.” 
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abbyslev · 1 year
A/N: quick hcs while i work on on spicy hcs ! I hope everyone enjoys :)
I feel like hange would have always liked you, they just now came to terms with it though
They would watch over you a bit more, and become more fiddly and nervous around you
Levi catches on so quick 
“Hey four-eyes, you like them or something?” 
Hange dies of embarrassment
You guys have always cuddled and  stuff but now that hange likes you their heart is doing backflips 
You guys have your daily dinner together and hange can't help but stare in awe at you <333
Hange got you small trinkets like little bowls and stuff, but now they get you flowers and heart shaped items hoping you would catch on :(
Levi lowk encouraged hange to make a move
Little did hange know that you would gossip to hanges cadets about crushing on them
Ugh Jean, Sasha and Connie plan to set you guys up
It worked! Hange overcame their fear and took you out on a date 
Hanges all like :D the whole time
Meant to be tbh 
You two became close super quickly
Sasha had a super hard time realizing what she felt when she was around you
Like Connie would touch her arm and she wouldn’t care but when you would even look at her she would melt
Connie caught on pretty quick and told Jean
TEASING the poor girl
Sasha would split her food in half just bc she loves you that much
She would laugh at everything you do 
Soooooo bad at hiding her crush
She blushes so easily
You like her back but she's oblivious to it
To help her sleep at night she would always ask to sleep in your bunk <333333
One day, you gave her half of your bread and she blurted out that she was deeply in love with you 
You kissed her bc she got all shy
Annies smart about herself so she knew it was a crush as soon as she met you
She hid it so well because yk how she is smfh
Annie always shares her food and makes sure you're okay 
She told you that you were her first best friend 
Lowkey warmed your heart and broke it bc you were in love w her 
Reiner could see how much annie was in love w you tho 
During all their meetings annie would be like “Just make sure they’re not around or involved” LIKE OK
Annie knew she would have to leave soon so she couldn't make a move or anything 
She would sneak out and take you to the walls just to watch the night sky and talk
Then on one day, she decided to do something for herself and not for everyone else
She kissed you and told you she loved you, even if it was wrong
You died of excitement bruh
After that Annie would hold your hand and do couple stuff w you in private which was fine w you
Annie loves you sm its insane 
If you think shes protective over Eren, wait till you see how she is about you
Babies you like crazy
She knows you can handle yourself but she's just so in love with you she can't help it 
Armins all like “I KNOW YOU'RE IN LOVE W THEM” 
Mikasa would die for you and she made that known
Ever since you two met she felt this weird pull towards you and she found out she was in love w you not to long after
During trainings mikasa would always set aside some time for you
When you joined the scouts she was quick to join too
She needed to make sure you were safe
Sleeps next to you but claims it's to help you (Spoiler alert: its for her)
One day Armin was like planning a whole date
He told you Mika asked to meet you at this grassy area
He told mika that you told her to meet her there
When you both got there Armin set up a whole picnic w food and shit like OKAYYYY
You we're both confused and flustered and mika just mumbled “Oh, Armin.” with a smile
The date went so well
Mika walked you back to your shared room and kissed you before you went inside like IUIUDBEIYHDIWUBPIU
Slept entangled like every night, but this time was different
Mika asked you out on the next date
Armins in the corner smiling btw
Wouldn't even try and hide it like shes just horny tbh
Like she's always been super flirty or wtv but you thought it was her just being herself around you
She's kinda worried about you in the battle field or wtv but shes kinda more focused on Eren smfh
Thinks you look so good in a uniform like the first time she saw you in one she was like “Oh hey sexy.”
One day she was just tired of hiding her feelings and she was like fuck it
Pulled you in someone's office and literally made out w you no warnings or anything
Was like “be mine” and you just nodded before shes at your face again
She cares a little more when your in danger now <3
Remember when that general broke her elbow
You helped help try and fix it
Thinks it's so hot when you shoot people like why are you so horny? Get help lena smfh
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budgiesunset · 1 year
Hey it’s me again. I want to ask If you could write a Adam x reader story again. It‘s Summer so the ducks had no ice rink for the training. So they go running in a park or going to the gym. This training is voluntary so they don’t must. And on this day Adam says that he can’t go to the training. The others are surprised because Adam never missed a training but he had a good reason that he doesn’t come. He want to meet his girlfriend in the park. Adam never tell his team that he had a girlfriend because y/n is afraid about meeting them. In the Park they are lean against a tree and their booth get touchy so they kiss each other. But than the ducks come and see the two…. for the rest you can freestyle
and sorry for my English I hope you understand what I mean
Best Wishes
Summer Secrets || Adam Banks x Reader
•Warning’s• Kissing, Fluff, comfort sort of, bad grammar and spelling. •Summary• Your Adams girlfriend and have been for the past year but the team doesn’t know so what happens when the team finds you and Adam cuddling in the park. •AN• This is set during the second movie when they are training in Minneapolis. Also sorry it’s short I’m also work on the first part of the ‘Sisters’ series. Isn’t writers block great.
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You were waiting for your boyfriend Adam at the park. You were sitting up against a tree with your eyes closed you knew it would take a while because he had hockey training but it didn’t bother you and you decided to come down early since it was a nice day.You and Adam had been dating for about a year and everything was great between you too but the thing is, Adams hockey team still didn’t know about you two. You had asked Adam to keep it a secret because you were scared of how they would react. These were Adams best friends and you were scared that they wouldn’t like you and then Adam would agree. Even though Adam had constantly assured you that they would love you and even if they didn’t he still would.
As you were sitting against the tree sun shining on your face you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders and a light kiss on the temple. You look to your left seeing your boyfriend sending him a small smile which he returned. He placed a small kiss on your hair as you leaned on his shoulder. “I thought you couldn’t come down until later” you said snuggling into his side as you wrap your arms around his middle.
“Training is optional so I decided to come down early and wait for you. Seems you had the same idea” he said tucking your head under his chin. You and Adam sat like this for about 5 minutes before the peaceful silence was interrupted by a group of kids and it wasn’t until they spoke that you realized who they where.
“Look Cake eater has a girl.” One said as the all skated over to you you looked up to see Adam giving you an apologetic look. “So Adam who’s the girl” another asked the others nodding and agreeing with the question. Adam looks at you as if silently asking if you were ready to tell them and you sent a small nod keeping you glaze down. You knew there was no point in lying they caught you cuddling they probably already assumed that you two were dating besides they would have found out eventually so there was no point in hiding anymore.
“This is Y/N, my girlfriend.” He slightly hesitated before saying the second part. They didn’t really seemed to fazed by it and you guessed that they knew something was going on with Adam because he never missed practice optional or not. After Adam introduced you to all of the team they decided they would sit down with you despite Charlie’s protest.
“So this is why you missed practice?” Charlie asked.
“Shut up, your Just jealous you don’t have a girlfriend” Adam retorted.
Additional head cannon for after you met the team:
>You Connie and Julie and basically best friends no excuses. >You three would do sleep overs where you gossip attempt to make food and burn like 90% of it because you’re to busy prank calling the boys. >The team invites you to go skating with them both summer and winter. >You go to the diner with them to celebrate their wins. >After Connie and Julie beg coach enough (maybe even Adam but he would deny if you ever asked) you are allowed to sit in the box area with the team. >They make you a special jersey with your name but Adams number ‘99’. > You go to the goodwill games with them. >All the boys are like your brothers. (Not including Adam of course) >They teach you how to play if you don’t already know and that’s the same for skating.
AN: @yahikosfriend I hope you love this writing piece your requests are always amazing. And sorry this took so long. Since it was quite short I decided to add a Head cannon for you.
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cowgurrrl · 2 months
How I Get Myself Killed
Pairing: Javier Peña x CIA!reader
Author’s note: god I hate writing endings
Summary: When it rains, it pours [2.7k]
Warnings: canon typical stuff, idk man it’s midnight and I’m tired if you’ve read this far, you get it
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Besides the Palace of Justice massacre and the burning of thousands of documents that would've helped to extradite Pablo Escobar to the United States throwing a wrench in things at the Agency, it's also given you a massive headache. You've been stuck in back-to-back meetings about communist activity all day and trying to talk Lou down from grabbing a machine gun and going off into the jungle himself. Noonan is still hesitant about letting you back into the field even though she's cleared you because of that kid Javi and Steve picked up, who is currently being interrogated by Colonel Carillo. On top of that, Southern Command has decided to pull the resources offered to the DEA and redirect them to fight against M-19 radicals. Javi is pissed, Steve is worried about Connie, and you're stuck at your desk, listening to wiretap information and making notes. It's a fucking nightmare.
You know Escobar made the connection with M-19, and you know if you had the clearance, you could have that information and witnesses ready to go by the end of the week. But the CIA wants to focus solely on the fact that the Palace of Justice was taken over by a communist group. To them, it means fuck all if Escobar had anything to do with it. A stint in a political office, hundreds if not thousands of sicarios at his disposal, millions of dollars, a kidnapped CIA agent, and an attempt at a government takeover, and still, the CIA won't consider Escobar a higher security threat than communists. You throw your headphones off, unable to listen to the staticky recordings anymore and bury your face in your hands.
It's been days now. You've spent practically every waking second in the office, and when you manage to make it home, you don't sleep. When you do, you're woken up by nightmares every few hours. The lack of sleep has made you jumpy and annoyed by every little request asked of you, especially if the person asking even utters the words M-19. You want this investigation to be over so you can move on. So you can get closer to Escobar. So you can sleep through the night for once.
"You alright there?" A sweet voice asks, and you pick up your head to see Colleen, Ambassador Noonan's secretary, standing there. She's always been nice to you, often sharing stories back and forth when she drops something at your desk or you catch each other near the coffee pot. With the right amount of pressure, she will spill her guts to you about the inner workings of the Embassy, which has worked out in your favor more than once. She's young, a little naive, and a horrible gossip, but you like her.
"Yeah. Sorry," you say, smoothing your shirt and smiling at her. "Things have been a little chaotic recently. I'm sure you know all about it."
"Oh, yeah. The Ambassador's been getting call after call every day since the siege. I think everyone's running around like a chicken with its head cut off," she leans in to whisper to you. "Well, everyone except DEA." You chuckle at that and hold your hand out for the file in her hand. She passes it over, but you're more interested in what she knows than Lou's scribbly handwriting.
"I mean, I'm sure you're right, but what makes you say that?”
"Besides the fact that they've been arguing with Colonel Wysession at every turn," she glances around. "Peña and Murphy have been off base at the same times on the same days this week. You know I don't like to gossip, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're out... getting intel." She raises her eyebrows at you to ensure you get her meaning, and you shake your head.
"I'm sure they're off on some wild goose chase just like the rest of us," you barely believe the words as they leave your mouth, but she seems convinced. "Thanks for the file, Colleen." She leaves an adorably mid-western "you betcha" thrown over her shoulder, and you're left alone with your clunky headphones.
Now that you're thinking about it, you can't remember the last time Javi or Steve passed you in the halls. Sure, the days have blended together, but normally, they make themselves known by appearing at your desk with some request or even just a cup of coffee. If it's not one of them, it's both. Noonan might've made them take a walk or even ordered them off base for arguing with Lou, but they would've told you before they left. Then again, they're agents just like you. You don't like people knowing every move you make, so you can have plausible deniability. Something pricks at the back of your skull, but your phone rings before you can let it develop. You answer the call with your last name and hear someone shuffling on the other line.
“¿Puedes venir aquí?” Javi asks in a hushed tone. Speak of the Devil. He sounds stressed, and you can feel the anxiety rolling off him through the phone. You look around to make sure nobody's paying attention to you and sigh, holding the phone closer to your ear.
"¿Ahora?" You ask, and he hums.
"Sí, ahora."
"Soy trabajando."
"Please," he says. “Sabes que no preguntaría si no fuera importante.” You take a deep breath and check the time on your watch. There are still a few more hours left in your work day, but you've clocked enough overtime this week that, realistically, nobody could argue with you for leaving a little early. You'd also love an explanation as to what he's been doing. If Colleen has noticed, the likelihood that somebody else has is high enough to make your palms sweat. And even if this is the kind of call you would expect from Javi, you know you can get it out of him one way or another.
“Será mejor que hagas que esto valga la pena.” You don't even wait for him to respond before hanging up and standing from your desk. You gather your things quickly before anyone can see you leaving. What's a few hours spent playing hooky from work when dealing with cartels and coups, right?
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When you knock on Javi's door, you're half-expecting him to pull you into his apartment before you can even say a word and fuck you until you're both too spent to even think about the horrors of the day, let alone dwell on them. So, to say you're shocked when Steve opens the door and greets you is an understatement. "C'mon in," he drawls, opening the door wider for you to enter. You furrow your eyebrows but step over the threshold, searching for Javi, only a little frantic.
The walls, as usual, are decked in the stock art that comes with the apartment. When you asked him about it, he just shrugged and reminded you that you guys aren't supposed to be in Colombia for long. You get it. Why make something homey if it's not actually home? Still, you've put up pictures and decorations in your apartment to make the miles between you and your hometown seem smaller. As you make your way down the hallway, the main thing that tells you this is his apartment is the smell. It's a mix of tobacco, the leather of his couch, and the cologne he's prone to wearing when he knows he has to be in meetings and impress the higher-ups. One whiff of it, and you already feel your shoulders relaxing. At least until you find him.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me." It escapes your lips before you can stop it. Seeing a DEA agent talking to an M-19 revolutionary will do that to you. You recognize her from the photos pinned to the corkboard in the office. She doesn't look as big and scary now as she does next to other guerillas with long criminal records. Here, on Javi's couch, she looks terrified. "This is the informant you've been talking about?"
"She needs help," he says, almost pleading, and you huff. "And you know more about M-19 than we do."
"Yeah, I also know how much they want for her fucking head, Javi. I can't believe you've known where she was this whole time and didn't say anything. They could try you for treason for this."
"I told you she'd be pissed," Steve says, and you glare at him over your shoulder.
"I don't know why you're acting so smug. Your hands are just as dirty as his," you feel like their mother with your scolding, but you don't know what else to do. You take a deep breath and cross your arms over your chest as you try to tamp your temper down. "How long has she been here?"
"Couple days," Javi says, bowing his head a little like a kid in trouble, and you feel your patience thin.
"Days?" You say. "Have you not been in the meetings where they're discussing tearing the communa apart to find her? And you've just been keeping her here, not even ten minutes down the road?"
"This is probably the last place they'd look." Javi defends, and you scoff.
"Probably," you repeat, more annoyed at Javi's shitty idea of sheltering her than anything else. You pace for a minute or two, your mind swirling, before he stands and walks over to you, his hands coming to your shoulders in a familiar gesture. The muscles in your jaw unclench just enough, and you pause your panic when he looks at you in the way he knows makes you fold. You sigh and glance at Elisa. She looks scared. You're sure the gun on your hip does nothing to make her feel better.
"Just… trust me," Javi says softly. You look between him and Elisa one more time before, against your better judgment, sitting down at one of the bar stools in Javi's kitchen.
"Start at the beginning."
Steve settles against the wall next to you, too anxious to sit, while Javi paces and talks. He explains it all. Elisa meeting Connie at the clinic, her involvement with M-19 and Escobar, and how she ended up in Javi's apartment. Steve chimes in every so often with his own side and ideas for what to do now that you're all involved, but none of them are positive.
"I've got somebody in Cumaral who's sympathetic. She'd be willing to hide her until she can testify. We just need to get her there soon." Javi says finally. You're about to open your mouth to offer to drive before remembering the hit still out on you and the fact that you'll probably be stuck in meetings about this exact topic for the foreseeable future. It seems to connect for Steve at the same time because he sighs heavily and rubs his temple.
"I can drive her early in the mornin' and be back by tomorrow night. Noonan wants me to stay with Gaviria while you go to Cartagena anyway." Steve says, looking at Javi, and your brows knit together in confusion.
"You're going to Cartagena?"
"We have intel that Gacha's there. I'm going in... an observational capacity," he says, and you squint at him. You're about to call him on what he's actually going to do in Cartagena until you remember Elisa's presence. The likelihood that she'll repeat any of this to anybody is slim, but you're not willing to take any chances. You give Javi a we'll-talk-about-this-later look and turn back to Steve.
"Hide her in the backseat and take Connie with you. Make it look like a day trip out of the city. They'll be less likely to pull you over if you make it seem like a date or something."
"Woah, woah. Connie isn't a part of this."
"She became a part of this the second she handed over a ticking time bomb," you say. Steve looks like he wants to argue, but you beat him to it. "Or we can just sit on our asses and hope Lou doesn't bust down that door and hang us all out to dry." Steve grinds his teeth and shakes his head as he thinks, and you know you've got him right where you want him. Even if you didn't, you know there was no way in Hell Connie was gonna let him do this alone. Not when she's been so involved up to this point. He curses under his breath and scrubs a hand down his face.
"She better give the best fuckin' testimony anyone's ever heard," he says, and you nod. Once you iron out a few more logistics together, Steve goes upstairs to explain the plan to Connie, only a little pissy that he's the one having to execute it. The second he's out the door, Javi turns to Elisa and clears his throat.
"You mind givin' us a minute?" He asks and she stands from her place on the couch. You feel bad discussing plans about her without asking her opinion or what she wants to do, but you figure it's only fair. If she wants immunity, this is the price she has to pay.
"Thank you for this." She says, her voice small. You chew on the inside of your cheek and nod.
"Like he said, you better make this worth it," you say. With that, she walks down the hallway, into Javi's office, and closes the door to give you some privacy. It's quiet for a few seconds, the two of you reveling in the unexpected peace in the eye of the hurricane, and his knee bumps yours. It's his MO: intentional gestures small enough to get played off as accidental. It's his way of trying to get back on your good side. You rub your eyes and resist the urge to drop your head against his chest. "When were you gonna tell me you're going to get Gacha?"
"I'm just going to see if he's actually there."
"Is Carillo going with you?" You ask, and he gets quiet again. It's all the answer you need. "If Noonan is sending men with you, he's there, which means you're walking into a war zone."
"He has his kid with him. He might go peacefully," he says, obviously trying to placate you. You give him a look. "I'm on orders to bring him in alive if possible." You open your mouth to say something, but you're cut off by the sound of your sat phone ringing. You sigh in exasperation, grab the phone with one hand, and snake the other around Javi's neck, keeping him close. He doesn't look displeased with the sudden affection and almost keens into you when you run your nails through his hair and answer the call.
"Are you off base?" Carillo says in lieu of a greeting, and you roll your eyes. There's no way you've been gone for over an hour and a half, and they already need you back?
"Getting lunch. What's up?"
"Castillo's ready to sing. Figured you should be here when he does." He says. You hesitate. Not even a full week in custody, and the kid is talking? What the fuck did Carillo do to him? Do you even want to know?
"I'll be back in thirty. Go easy on him until then." The words are barely out of your mouth before you hang up. Javi tucks your hair behind your ears, pulling your attention enough to get you to look at him.
"Go. Steve and I'll keep you updated. If anything goes south, you'll be the first to know." He says. It's meant to be comforting, but the icy fear ribboning around your spine doesn't let up. You nod anyway.
"You come back in one piece, do you hear me?" You ask, poking him in the chest to make your point, and he grabs your hand.
"Loud and clear," he says, squeezing you. You stay like that for another few seconds, knowing this is the closest you'll get to be until this whole thing blows over, and savor the feeling of his warm hand in yours. Hopefully, it’s not the last time. Don't be a fucking hero, you think. You count to three and stand, letting him go and gathering your things in one swoop. He walks you out like a gentleman and kisses you like someone looking for salvation in all the wrong places.
On the drive back to the Embassy, you try to remember what you thought your life would look like when you joined the CIA. They warned you it’d be lonely and you’d have to make hard decisions in the best interest of democracy or whatever other bullshit they fed you in the Academy. You don’t think you were prepared for just how lonely and helpless it can make you feel. You should be helping Javi and Steve but instead you’re being called back to witness whatever horrors were done in the pursuit of information.
“Everyone has to sacrifice things in this line of work,” one of your instructors told you at your graduation ceremony. You thought you were prepared. When Colonel Carillo leads you down the dark hallways and to the bloody nineteen-year-old mumbling prayers under his breath, asking for forgiveness, you know there’s nothing in the world that could’ve prepared you for this. And nothing in the world could’ve prepared you for what more you were about to give up.
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethisplz2004 @buckyispunk @d1lf-loverrr @vee-bees-blog @moel-jiller @anoverwhelmingdin @casssiopeia @space-zaddy-din-djarin @rainy-darling @its-me-mila @mnn11ankamaaka (let me know if you don't wanna be tagged for this series!)
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softpascalito · 1 year
javier peña x f!dea!reader - we got your back - chapter 2
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Summary: You work as a new DEA agent alongside Peña and Murphy. A not-so-kind colleague reveals more about you than you would like. Also, who the hell is still in the office in the middle of the night?
Relationships: Javier Peña x FemReader
WC: ~2800
Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow burn, mention of canon-typical violence, no beta we die like Colonel Carrillo, family Issues, they arent specified but reader is implied to be from a dysfunctional family, Steve is here too, literal sleeping together, one bed trope if you squint, tac vest javi
AO3 LINK // PART 1 // PART 3 (on tumblr)
helllooo! i am really proud of this chapter and ofc i had to put tac vest javi in because i am a slut <3 comments are very welcome, have a great day!
spanish translations can be found at the end :)
Chapter 2
The rest of the day passes without any hiccups. You can only assume that either Javi or Steve have made good of their promise to make sure that Raquel doesn't bother you again. You can't say you regret it.
Throughout the afternoon, you find both men glancing over at you more frequently, evidently making sure you're okay. Noone mentions the events that took place in the same room mere hours before. Not that anyone other than Steve and Javi really cared. Office gossip existed just as it did anywhere else but so far, you had steered clear from it. The DEA section had more important things to do either way.
You watch the clock go by. You can't really see the sunset from the office. The windows aren't very large to begin with and the curtains are always required to be closed. Safety and all that. As a few wayward rays of the sunshine steal their way into the office, most of your coworkers start packing up. You don't.
When you had arrived in Bogotá after a long flight and a daunting drive to your apartment, you had stood in your new home in shock. The embassy had apartments of all sorts all over the city. It was helpful to use different comunas for safehouses. Most agents lived in the northern part of the city in fancy highrise buildings guarded by fences and security. Some, especially the ones that were doing a lot of undercover work, had apartments in slightly more dangerous places. As did you. It was a tiny bit closer to the embassy than the northern city apartments. The first few nights you had barely slept, scared that someone would break down your door. Judging by the way it hung off the hinges slightly, it wouldn't take a lot of effort. Then there were the gunshots. They weren't uncommon, really, but they still scared the shit out of you. You knew how to handle yourself in combat, you'd successfully completed the grueling weeks of DEA training after all, but gunshots during a raid with a bulletproof vest strapped to your chest were something different from gunshots during your dinner time at the small, wooden table with nothing but your pajamas on. Or worse, when you were sleeping. Or at least trying to. You don't even notice that Steve is leaving until you hear Javier call after him:” Give Connie my best.” He looks after his partner for a moment before his gaze wanders over to you. When your eyes meet, you quickly force yourself to look away. The files in front of you. You're not sure how long this one has been on your desk but you don't seem to be making any progress. Whenever the search bloc finds something that could be of importance, you are given 24 hours to look through it, make copies and find any potential clues. So that is what you're doing. The murky paper in your hands feels like it's going to suffocate you. But between this and another sleepless night at your apartment, you feel like the choice is an obvious one. Javier is still looking at you. You can feel his gaze on you as you try and continue reading the file. Has he noticed you've read the same page about four times? “You should go home too. Get some rest.” His voice rips you out of your thoughts and back into the present. You simply shake your head, muttering something about the time limit and not wanting to piss Carrillo off and to your surprise, Javi actually lets it go.
Or, you think he does. That is until half an hour later when he leans against your desk again. “Hermosa, I appreciate you doing this but you look like you're about to fall off that chair.” He raises his hand and when you follow his movement you can see his car keys dangling from it:” I'll drive you?” He offers and if you weren't so irritated by your lack of sleep and, well, everything else, you would almost think it's cute how much he cares.
You don't feel like arguing so you just stay quiet and focus your attention back onto your paperwork. He groans a little in annoyance but the two of you know each other well enough to know that neither wants to give in. You're just as stubborn as he is. “Look, how about I-”
You never actually learn what he thinks will get you to change your mind because he is cut off by his walkie springing into action. It's the second raid being conducted tonight and someone is asking if the DEA wants to send an agent. You're not sure why they even bother to ask. Javier will happily jump into action at a moment's notice, no matter the time. You watch him as he shoves his cigarette between his lips to unlock his desk drawer with two hands, pulling out his gun and a tac vest. “Be careful,” you say, too late. He is already hurrying down the hall. You're not sure how long he is gone when your head begins to droop, sleep slowly but surely taking over. With a frustrated huff, you get up from your chair, ignoring the creak it gives as you push it aside.
The jacket will do fine, you think, as you sit down against the nearest wall, wrapping it around yourself to give your body some sort of signal that it can relax. In the back of your mind, you remember that someone kept a blanket and pillow around, just in case, but you're not sure where it is and even if you did, you feel like your body might not want to get up again just now.
Sleeping in the office isn't allowed, technically, but you know that Javier and Steve have done it before. Likely, more than once. You set an alarm on your watch to make sure you'll be up before anyone starts to arrive in the morning. You hadn't expected him to come back. You should have known, really. ___________________________________________
Something had been off. None of them got nearly enough sleep as was, but today you had seemed like you were barely there. Javier wasn't sure if it had anything to do with what had happened earlier with Vázquez but either way, he didn't like the way you had looked. So, when he finally left the lab they had raided, he decided to drive back to the embassy instead of going home. Surely enough, there you are. Huddled into a corner in the dimly lit room, breathing steady with your eyes closed. He sighs as he takes in your form for a moment, already knowing you'll wake up to back pain from the way your body is twisted up against the concrete wall. Javier crouches down in front of you and for a moment, he considers not waking you at all, simply lifting you up and carrying your form into his car to get you home. He isn't sure if it's the concern of startling you or the anger he'd inevitably have to face if he did, but he lets it go, settling on giving you a gentle nudge instead. “Wake up, dormilona ,” He hums softly, his brown eyes focused on you as he gives you a moment to regain consciousness. You wake up the way you always do, slowly at first and then with a start. Your eyes fly open to stare at his form, taking in his gaze on you and the tac vest he's still wearing, and you blink a few times in confusion. When you don't say anything, Javi gives a small chuckle and gently grabs your jacket before standing and picking up his car keys once more. He rummages through his drawer for a moment before finding another cigarette and lighting it. When he turns back to you and sees you still slouched against the wall, his eyebrows involuntarily go up a bit.
He ponders for a moment before he opens his mouth:” Vamos, get up.Te llevo a casa.” It comes out as a mumble but in the empty office, it's still loud enough for you to hear. It's not as much of a question this time, more of a gentle command. You sigh, your shoulders dropping involuntary. You don't want to explain, don't want him to know, but you're too tired to put up a fight. His gaze is still lingering on you and you distantly wonder if this is the longest he has ever looked at you. “No quieres ir a casa.” He says gently, and again, it's more of a statement than a question. God, he sees through you so easily. “No.” You admit silently, finally averting your own gaze. Both of you stay quiet for a moment. Him waiting for an explanation and you trying to think of one. Again, you feel the need to close your eyes but you know better. Just get it over with. “It freaks me out a little bit. The empty apartment. And it's so far from the embassy, from everyone.” From you, you add in your mind. Not that you'd ever admit it out loud. Javi slowly crosses the space between you in a few long strides and crouches down next to you again. He takes a drag of his cigarette as he looks at you, waiting for you to go on. “The gunshots creep me out. And I-” You shake your head ever so slightly:” This is stupid,” you mutter under your breath:” I never really unpacked. I didn't want everything- the pictures of-” You can feel yourself getting choked up at the thought of your family pictures and simply bow your head a little. If Javier thinks your explanation is stupid, he doesn't say so. To your surprise, he doesn't say anything for a while. You're the one to break the silence:” Look, you can leave. I'll be fine.” He looks at you, cocking his head a little as he seems to consider something.
“No.” No? At that, your head whips around to find him standing up and pressing his cigarette into a nearby ashtray. His face doesnt convey any emotion, and you silently curse him for his poker face. “No?” You repeat, still a little dumbfounded. That gets a small chuckle out of him. “Me quedaré,” He says, as if that explains anything. When he looks down at you and sees the confusion evident in your features, his gaze softens a bit:” Vamos. Come on.” He stretches out a hand to pull you up, gives a quick glance towards the clock on the wall and then leads the way into a small office room that you know Murphy and him use for file storage. Indeed, there are several old file cabinets placed on both sides of the cramped room. The blinds are shut and when you follow his gaze, you notice a small couch that looks like it's been here since the Embassy was built. Maybe even before.
“I crash here sometimes. It's a hell lot more comfortable than a concrete wall, don't you think?” He teases softly but his tone immediately lets on that he isn't serious. At an inviting gesture from him, you sit down and immediately sink into the cushions a little, involuntarily giving a small sigh. It is a hell lot more comfortable. “Here,” he pulls a worn-down blanket from one of the drawers and along with your jacket, throws it over at you. To your surprise, you catch both before looking back at him as he starts to undo his tac vest. You want to say something. Something smart or at least funny. But your mind is still so tired so you just keep looking at him.
That is until he catches your gaze, his small signature grin creeping back onto his face:” Like what you see?” He asks as he throws the vest into the corner, left in one of his white short-sleeved shirts:” Or are you sleeping with your eyes open?” You roll your eyes ever so slightly and give a small huff:” Both .” You shoot back, trying to ignore the underlying message in both your words. When you glance over at him and see him sit down on the floor, you give him a look:” What are you doing?” “It's called being a gentleman, querida,” He replies, that small grin on his face again. Even if this wasn't Javi, or if he wasn't as attractive as he is with his stupid faithful eyes and small brown curls, you weren't going to let him kill his back by sleeping on the office floor.
“It's your couch.” You try gently, hoping he'll take you up on the offer. He glances up at you from where he is sitting, cocking an eyebrow:” Technically, it's George Bush's couch.” You can't help the small chuckle that escapes your lips as you shift a little to make room for him:” Get your ass over here, Javier.” The use of his full name seems to make him understand that you won't back down on this one and with a small sigh, he gets up again and crosses the space between you before sitting down next to you. “You okay with turning the light off?” He asks, his consideration taking you by surprise once more. You murmur a small agreement and feel him shift as he reaches over to turn off the small lamp placed on one of the file cabinets. A few orange rays from the streetlight are falling in through the blinds, just enough to make out his form beside you. You're not sure if you've ever seen him up this close and you allow yourself to study his features for a moment, the way his nose perfectly aligns with the small crease in his forehead, his breaths escaping through his slightly parted lips.
The couch is too small for you two to not touch but to your surprise, the warmth beside you is somewhat comforting. You're squished between the backrest and him and if you weren't so tired, maybe your brain would think further, more. But it doesn't. Nor do you. He has his arms crossed, no doubt thanks to a lack of other comfortable and, well, unassuming positions. You watch his form through the corner of your eye. You break the silence.
“How did she know?” You ask silently and you feel him tense ever so slightly beside you. Of course he instantly knows what you're talking about. “They have files on all of us. What we do here, what we did before DEA.” He gives a small shrug:” I'm assuming she saw yours in passing.” At that, a new fear creeps into your chest, one that seems a lot worse and scary than Vázquez could ever be. “Have you seen them?”
Even in the dark, you can see him turn his head slightly to look at you. He studies your face for a moment. You're not sure if he finds what he is looking for but after a moment of silence, he hums.
“No, I haven't.” “Okay.”
Your answer makes it clear you trust him. Javier wouldn't lie to you. Not on this, at least. He seems to follow your train of thought, his eyes never leaving yours. “Are you okay, cariño?” He asks silently. You instantly know he isn't talking about Vázquez or the files or even Colombia. He is talking about something without knowing what it actually is. It makes your heart ache a little. “Yeah.” You mumble back and you think you mean it. Right now? It doesn't seem so bad.
“You know you can always talk to me, right? I won't judge.” He isn't sure if you're ashamed of anything in your past, if that is the reason why you're so hesitant to talk about it. He just knows that something is there that gives your features a look he doesnt like on you. He wishes he could take it away.
“I know.” You simply say, again meaning your words. Before the silence between you can get too overwhelming, you add:” Lets get some sleep, yeah? Estoy cansada.”
“Yeah, me too.” He mumbles and he seems to hesitate for just a moment before he reaches out and wraps an arm around you, pulling you into him ever so gently. His movements are slow enough that you could stop him if you wanted to. You don't. If anything, you cuddle a bit closer to him, taking in the way his shirt feels on your skin, the way his arm seems to fit so perfectly around you. In return, you move the blanket a bit, readjusting it until it covers him and you. Again, both of you still.
He is the one to break the silence this time.
“ Vázquez can suck my dick.”
He thinks he can still hear you giggling as you're drifting off to sleep.
hermosa - beautiful
dormilona - sleepyhead
vamos - let's go
te llevo a casa - i am taking you home
no quieres ir a casa - you don't want to go home
me quedaré - i'm staying
querida - dear
cariño - honey (romantic nickname)
estoy cansada - i am tired
thank you for reading, subscribe on ao3 if you like and maybe leave a comment? <3
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imzsuzsis-blog · 2 months
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"I hate him, what the hell was wrong with him yesterday?" I looked angrily at Max and Cheko, who also learned about everything from the news. "Fuck me, I'm sorry that Oscar was such a bastard yesterday and gossiped about the whole thing." Max looked at me sadly and shook his head. Osc recognized him as a kind and cute boy, just as I am not such a dick. "This hurt me too when I read it, especially that it became a forced situation, if I were in your place I don't even know. I would have screamed and said, damn it, you're right." Sergio caressed my back the whole time, I knew he was the one to tell everyone the truth, just so he wouldn't be in the middle of it. "I understand... Anyway, thank you Sergio, you're in a good position." I leaned back, spread my legs and started shaking them. I could only swallow, I grabbed my water bottle to see if I was thirsty, but I didn't feel like billions of eyes were staring at me and just as many index fingers were pointing at me and just as many mouths were snickering at me, I was doing all this behind my back. "It won't work, I'm sorry, I have to hide this weekend!!!! Coming Out I can't take it!!!!!" I started sobbing, shouted and ran away from them.
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"You should apologize to your teammate, Oscar, because you were a mess yesterday, I was an asshole." I saw that Loki was very, very angry with me, I think he should have come out to Lando when he was a love mess in nineteen and twenty. He also started dating a model and also dated a sexy back dancer once, and he openly exchanged it. "Are you in the picture, what's your Lando doing at nineteen and twenty?" "Yes, many people said, but yes, he was a dick and he shouldn't have, especially when he found out when he wanted a threesome, but where Fedrik protested, where Connie protested, and when they found out, they both threw him away with such a short-haired English nobody. They won't start again." He sat down next to me and gave me a faint smile. "I know it happened in his twenties, I read that he was the one who did it"
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"Hello, I'm looking for you Lando, can't you see me? I'm Connie Joops. I haven't seen him since 2020” I scratched the back of my neck and sucked on my lips. "He can come back from the press conference now. Third, would you be Connie?” He nodded, the guy looks very sexy to us, but unfortunately engaged. "Yes, my friend Fedrick is also here. Lando will accidentally bring me and my partner together." I lowered my eyes and felt that there was something wrong, but I just wanted to chat with him, "Nothing, thanks for the information." We didn't tell him, but he was right behind him and almost to him... ,,Excuse me... Connie? You?" Yes, we are looking for you and Fedrick, it would be important. When will you be able to have tea with us?",, Now is also a good time. I guess I'll leave you guys alone or something." "No matter where you're thinking, we'd just tell you, look, they're engaged, thanks to you, we can even adopt a baby, just for your signature." I looked at him, those weren't his tears of joy, he was sobbing on my shoulder. "When will I get there? Yes, I am now pregnant with twins, but when will I be engaged? Now I have someone again for a while, but with that fucking bridegroom, I'm the unlucky one who will die alone among cats!!!!"
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I chatted with Charles over there, I yelled at him to see if you could see him wrong, but it's not Lando who's crying because he's pregnant, he's crying all the time for no reason. "You're not crying again for no reason, Charles, can you read lips?" "I don't know, you're so stupid, I just said that drunk at a party." "You're an idiot drunk monkey." "You've become a sane know-it-all bastard since you've been my teammate." "Lando!!!!" "And again?" I was caressing Lando's hair while I didn't even notice that Charles was pointing out that I'm an idiot again, so instead I'm dealing with my best friend in the world. "Yes, my two exes, with whom I dated at the end of 2019 and until the middle of 2020, are getting married!!!!!" There he was writhing and almost hysterical, and the newborn Leah came out of her again. ,,No problem and how are you again Leah? You promised you're done fucking with this forever Lando, you're not Leah Norris, you're Lando Norris.” "Leave me alone Carlos!!!!! I'm tired of everyone looking down on me because of my pregnancy and thinking that only girls can be pregnant, you know what, anyone can say anything." I held my face, I couldn't believe what he was saying, this is going to be the top of a scandal, now I'll try to form a good union with him. "What if..." "I say I can't do it, but if the nest piles up on me, I'll need the worms." "That way you don't need a little union!!!" I slapped him, he knows I'm right, he's just too stubborn to see it now.
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sonamytrash · 3 months
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Just friends, right?
Just a Levi × reader fluff, some of the gang catch a glimpse of Levis softer side.
Warnings: Suggestive themes, fem reader deacribed, semi public displays of affection, Christa is a fangirl, the aot characters ship levi x reader.
The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting an amber hue across the landscape as the scouts had the opportunity to have an evening of rest and relaxation following a day of training. Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Ymir, Reiner, and Christa were gathered on a hill overlooking the stables, watching as you tended to the horses. The gentle sway of your hips and rhythmic movement as you worked were almost hypnotic, drawing the group's gaze like moths to a flame. Their eyes followed your every movement, even as they engaged in idle conversation about their day's training. It was then that they noticed Levi approaching you from across the field, his stride purposeful and determined.
Ymir and Christa exchanged knowing glances as they all observed the exchange between you both.
"There they go again," Ymir snickers, nodding in the direction of the two figures. "I swear, it's like they can't keep their hands off each other."
"Hey, Ymir," Sasha began, trying to gauge her friends reaction. "You think Levi and y/n are...?"
"He's probably just going to ask her about her day," Armin ventured, trying not to encourage any gossip. But even as he spoke, a blush crept up onto his cheeks. "I mean, they're just friends, right?"
Jean raised his eyebrow at Armin. "When has the captain ever asked anyone about their day?."
Ymir smirked, her eyes fixed on you and Levi. "Oh, come on, Armin. You're supposed to be smart, you know better than that." She said, teasing the innocent blonde.
Christa cleared her throat, a fond smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "It's sweet, really," she mused. "But, they're definitely more than friends. She is the first person he goes to see after a mission."
"Probably to make up for lost time." Ymir replies with a sly smile. "If you know what I mean."
Armin's cheeks flushed redder as he glanced over at the two of you, Ymirs comment making his imagination run wild.
Eren, on the other hand, was still confused. "Wait, what do you mean, 'they're more than friends?" he asked, his brow furrowing. He turned to face Ymir as she continued to watch you both with interest.
"Oh, come on, Eren," Reiner teased. "You can't tell me you haven't noticed the way they look at each other. It's obvious they're more than just friends."
Jean couldn't help but sigh with a jealous frown, watching as you and Levi spoke. "Yeah, but what does she see in him?" he muttered under his breath. "She is such a beautiful, intelligent, and kind woman." He rests his head in his hand, "and he's such a grumpy, short, old man." He says with a pout playing on his lips.
As if on cue, you let out a girlish giggle in response to something Levi had said. The group collectively sucked in a breath, their eyes wide with surprise. "I guess she doesn't mind his grumpy old man act," Reiner remarked with a chuckle.
"You mean like, in love?" Connie cut in, his voice a mix of curiosity and disbelief. A little slow to the conversation.
"I think they are," Mikasa said quietly, a small blush painted accross her cheeks.
The group fell silent as they watched you both converse, your bodies comfortably close together. Suddenly, you lean in closer to Levi, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered something that made the usually stoic man blush.
The gesture was so intimate, so familiar, that it left the group speechless. Even from a distance, they could see Levi's cheeks flush red as his eyes meet yours. You seemed to revel in the effect you were having on him, teasing him with your eyes and the gentle brush of your fingers against his arm.
"Oh my god, Captain Levi is blushing." Christa squeeled her eyes wide with excitement, propping herself onto her knees. "Do you think they're going to kiss!? I mean, they're totally in love, and I just know they're going to kiss right now!" she gushed, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of pink.
"He's never like this," Reiner mused, studying Levi's face. "I mean, I've seen him angry, and I've seen him determined, but this... this is something else entirely." The others nodded in agreement, their attention fixed on you both as you conversed.
Ymir nudged Armin, her grin widening, "See? I told you."
As if to prove her point, Levi leaned in even closer, his hand moving up to rest on your hip, the gesture bold and possessive. The others couldn't help but hold their breath as they watched, transfixed by the scene unfolding before them. Sasha, her cheeks flushed a deep red, whispered, "I didn't know Levi had it in him." Reiner chuckled, "Neither did I."
Connie whistled lowly, impressed by the display of affection. "Who knew Levi was such a romantic?" He muttered under his breath. Eren snorted, his cheeks flushed pink. "Oh, come on. You don't think they're really...?" His voice trailed off, his gaze fixed on the couple before them. Ymir laughed, "Oh, they're definitely doing more than just talking," she assured him.
The group watched as Levi pulled back slightly, his hands moving up to cup your face. You leaned into his touch, your eyes fluttering shut as he brushed a stray hair behind your ear.
Christa covers her face, blushing furiously. "They're so cute together," she squeels, watching you both with a dreamy expression. "It's like they're the only two people in the world right now.".
Sasha glanced over at Ymir, a mischievous grin playing at the corners of her lips. "So, Ymir," she said, her voice low and teasing, "what do you think they're like in the bedroom?."
"I bet they go at it like a couple of alley cats every night behind closed doors." Ymir smirks.
When your lips finally met, the group let out a collective gasp, their eyes wide with wonder. As they watched Levis hand travel lower, cupping your behind before pulling you against him, causing you to let out a soft moan.
Armin stands up, blushing furiously. "I think that's enough for one evening!." He exclaims, waving his arms frantically to obscure the groups view. "But it's just getting good!" Sasha protests, trying to move him aside.
"I agree with Armin. If the captain finds out we were watching..." His face turns deathly pale. "He'll kill us."
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next-autopsy · 7 months
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A/N: Well, hi there! WTH TWENTY CHAPTERS! I can’t believe it!
Just want to thank everyone who has liked, rebloged, commented or just reads! I love and appreciate each and everyone of y'all x
Based on the actors portrayal/hbo show and written with no disrespect to the real life veterans. Also all images found on Pinterest.
TW: i dont think there are any... maybe swearing?
Tags: @malarkgirlypop, @panzershrike-pretz
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Made of Glass
Chapter twenty: Call Her Bluff
The entire event of the previous night played in her mind on a loop. She hadn’t slept much, instead choosing to lie awake in her bed reminiscing about the time spent stargazing with Joe. 
They had laid there on the scratchy blanket until after lights out, then the pair were forced to sneak back to Bernadette’s barracks without being caught. Plus Joe had to repeat the whole sneaking around schtick to get to his own barracks. 
Now that the idea of crushing on the Californian man had been brought to the forefront of her mind, it was all Birdie could think of.
At first she disagreed, Joe was mean to her: why would she like someone who calls her names? But then she remembered how fast her heart was beating when he told her she belonged. His comment had sat with her for weeks, echoing in her head constantly. Her own flesh and blood hadn’t believed in her and yet Joe did. Maybe a crush wasn’t that far fetched. 
“Well someone’s happy this morning!” Charlotte commented, watching Birdie as she skipped from one side of her cot to the other, tucking in the crisp white sheet as she went. 
“Yeah, considering you came back so late.” Lucy smirked, all the girls had an inkling as to why the Mississippi born lady was so chipper. They had bets on which guy had captured her attention, little did they know it was not the obvious choice: Joe Toye.
“Sorry, Mother. I’ll make sure to be home ‘fore curfew.” Bernadette played along, teasingly rolling her eyes towards the Fox company woman. 
“So…?” Blythe bounced on her bed, waiting to hear what tales the previous night held.
“So what?” She played dumb, continuing to flatten out her bedsheets and fluff her pillows. Even Connie, who didn’t typically approve of gossip had scooted closer, intrigued and curious. 
“Who’s the guy?” Charlotte burst, she couldn’t take much more of the coy bullshit, she just wanted to be privy to the latest discussion.
“Please tell us!” Blythe added, begging the southern woman to just rip the band aid off.  
“There’s no guy. Not like that by any means, fraternising is against the rules, ya know?” She wasn’t really sure how to explain a schoolgirl crush, especially one she wasn’t even sure was requited. 
“But if it wasn’t, you would’ve?” Lucy waggled her eyebrows at her suggestively. She understood the implication and of course her cheeks tinted pink, the thought got her bashful. Birdie had to reign in her thoughts before they ran wild. She didn’t know if Joe even thought of her like that, so there was no point in fantasizing about something that had no chance to come to fruition.
“…no…” Birdie mumbled the word, fidgeting with the hem of her ODs and biting her bottom lip to try to hide a smile. Despite her attempt at checking herself, the imagery of how soft Joe’s lips might feel on her own would not vacate her mind. 
“Never play poker, Bernadette Coldwell. You can’t bluff for shit.” Lucy laughed, shaking her head. 
Yet another failed practice manoeuvre led by Captain Sobel had Easy company in despair. The afternoon mood had plummeted meaning not much chit-chat at the lunch table. 
It was a Friday and Birdie still hadn’t worked up the courage to tell her friends about her upcoming birthday, it wasn’t really a good time, especially with this morning's loss.
Plus she and most of the company had their weekend passes taken away because Sobel was having a tough week. It was dejecting to say the least, so when several letters and a parcel arrived for her mid meal, she perked up. 
The package was from her family, as were most of the letters. Some came from highschool friends and neighbours, mentioning some video on TV that she had apparently appeared in, enticing young women to sign up and do their part for the country. 
“What is it? Your birthday?” George had joked, but as he thought about the statement he began to realise he had known Birdie for close to a year and was yet to celebrate her birthday. His face went serious, smile dropped, “Is it?” 
“Almost.” The southerner winked at her brown eyed friend while tucking away a letter she had finished reading. 
“What? Why didn’t you say anything? When is it? What day?” George spat out all at once, hardly leaving space to inhale. 
“Breathe Luz!” Birdie laughed.
“Not until you tell me when!” He puffed up his cheeks and scrunched his eyes closed, holding in his breath. His face coloured a light shade of pink that slowly got darker. 
“Don’t you dare say anything, Little Bird.” Guarnere grinned, holding a hand out to stop her girl from intervening. George held on for as long as he could but ended up bursting and spluttering within thirty seconds. 
“I almost died! You have to tell me now?” The radioman was leaning so far over the table he may as well have been on top of it. 
Liebgott had emptied his tray and was walking past Birdie’s table toward the dining hall door when he overheard George yelling at the girl and couldn’t help himself. 
“Tell you what?” He chimed in, curious to hear the girl speak. She smiled at him but before she could say anything, Luz butted in, “Birdie’s birthday is soon but she won't say when.”
“Well if you gave me a second…” She paused, giving her overactive buddy a look, “You’d know it's on Sunday.”
“What?! That's so soon! Give us some warning, lady! I don't even have a gift or-”
“Luz! Calm down.” Birdie couldn't help but giggle at his antics, “Your presence is gift enough.” It was cheesy but she meant it. She didn’t want gifts from anyone or special treatment. She missed home and her family and she knew any gifts she received would be tainted with the homesick feeling that grew in her chest day by day. 
“I’d get a refund if I were you.” Toye jested, he smirked at George, then flicked him a quick wink so the man knew he was kidding. 
“Hey!” George exclaimed, slightly offended by the comment. He began explaining to Toye and Guarnere how amazing he was and how truly blessed they were to know him. 
“Sunday, huh?” Lieb leaned closer to the almost birthday girl, lowering his voice so only the two could participate in this conversation.
“Hmm? Oh… yeah. Sunday.” She had been watching Luz go off on her two closest friends but her attention was pulled to him and now she couldn't tear it away. She noticed the deeper tone he used with her and how he wanted her undivided focus, Birdie had to force herself not to blush. 
“Ask me when my birthday is.” His voice was barely a whisper. Was he doing that on purpose? 
“When’s your birthday, Joe?” Birdie whispered back, looking up at him as he leaned on the table. She blinked her eyes waiting for his answer.
“Monday.” He shrugged like it was no big deal. They basically shared a birthday! A grin broke out on her face and she squealed, “No way! Really?!” This gained the awareness of the three men next to her.
“Uh… hey, what the hell is going on?” Toye said, astonished at the behaviour change between the two who typically only fought and called out names at each other.
“What?” Birdie tilted her head at him, pretending not to know why Toye had questioned them. She knew exactly why he was confused but she couldn’t say anything, lest she embarrass herself.
“You two are… talking?” Bill spoke, just as astounded as the man next to him. Bill and Toye were arguably Birdie’s closest friends and they had no idea her and Lieb were suddenly on good terms; it shook both men to their core. They thought Birdie hated that man but here they were chatting like old mates. 
“Yeah?” Lieb tilted his head too, feigning confusion. Toye noted the mimicked mannerism, he would surely be interrogating Birdie later. 
“Not yelling…” Bill was still in the dark, genuinely befuddled, “Or trying to kill each other?” 
George smiled and kept quiet for once, he knew exactly what was going on here, and he had good money on the pair hooking up before the end of the year. It looked like he would be winning said bet the way things were going.
“Didn’t you hate him last week?” Bill went on, trying to figure out what had transpired, “Yeah, the words you used were: Hate him with the fire of a thousand suns.”
“Poetic.” Liebgott nodded at the woman, his signature smirk plastered on his features. She was getting flustered and he loved it, watching her squirm. 
“Oh yeah, I remember that.” Penkala chimed in, overhearing the discussion from down the table, “Didn’t you ask Johnny to smother him in his sleep?” 
Liebgott’s eyebrows raised, he looked at the woman and awaited her answer. He knew it was all in good fun but he couldn’t give up the chance to tease her, in good nature this time.
“I decline to comment.” 
Since Easy didn’t have weekend passes, that Sunday was spent doing extra PT Sobel had assigned them. He didn’t hold back, really tiring them out with laps of the field and multiple combat sessions. They even had a designated hour of digging foxholes with their entrenching tool. 
What a birthday.
The women didn't have to have escorts every second of every day anymore, the rules had eased up, but Birdie felt better when someone stood guard while she showered and Johnny wouldn't let her anywhere near the showers by herself. So after the day of taxing physical activity, Johnny found Birdie and walked her to the women's bathroom.
On the way out, Birdie slumped over, exhausted and ready to pass out. She was yet to have dinner but honestly she could do without for tonight, she just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep. Besides, the mess hall was closing in five minutes, so it looked like she’d run out of time anyway. 
Johnny walked next to her in perfect step as the two made their way to Bernadette's sleeping quarters. When they would typically go left, Johnny stepped right. It confused Birdie, she had to stop walking and take stock of where they were. Was she so tired that she forgot her way to her own barracks? 
“One quick stop first.” Johnny explained, detecting her hesitance. She didn’t argue, just groaned and nodded, following the man without question.
“Here.” Martin gestured to the three wooden steps leading up to a building identical to her own barracks. If her mind wasn’t foggy she would have recognised it but her brain was declining to function properly so she just hopped up the steps silently.
Birdie watched Johnny reach out for the door handle and hold it open for her like a gentleman. From inside Birdie heard ‘shushes’ and then nothing. How very suspicious. Had she been at full thinking capacity she might have understood the situation more clearly. 
“Surprise!” A chorus of baritone voices called out to her. Birdie jumped, unexpecting the loud announcement. 
The faces of just about every Easy company man stuffed into the small barracks building registered and Bernadette broke out into a grin. She looked back at Johnny who was amused, standing with his arms crossed and mouthed to him “For me?” He nodded at the young girl and she all but threw herself in his direction. He flung his arms out just in time to catch her in a bone crushing hug. 
“Thank you.” The southerner whispered to him while wrapped in his arms. Someone cleared their throat from behind her and she turned to face them.
“Um… where’s my hug? I planned this whole thing.” George stated, matter of factly.
“You did?” She spoke with a high pitched voice, wobbling with emotion. George nodded, “Thank you!” The woman embraced him with little hesitation, sniffling into his shoulder. She was tired and missing home and this act of kindness had broken her, joyful tears welled up in her eyes. 
“Hey, are you crying?” Luz tried to pull away from her to see if she was sobbing but she refused to let go of him, holding on more tightly.
“Shut up and hug me, Luz.” He chuckled and put his arms back around her, squeezing slightly. 
A few of the men had wished her a happy birthday and left for their own barracks, leaving her closer friends to host a little soiree. A deck of cards was dealt out and Toye was determined to show Birdie how to play poker. She decided not to tell him she had learnt the gambling game from her older brothers and allowed him to ‘teach’ her the rules. 
Birdie purposefully lost the first few games, then begged Toye to let her play on her own. He was reluctant and when she suggested putting money on the game he outright refused. But she puppy dog eyed him and used the excuse of it being her birthday and he caved.  
Bernadette played against Toye, Guarnere, Bull, Liebgott and Perconte while Chuck Grant was designated dealer. Stakes were getting high, they were betting smokes and Hershey's bars and the pool was an enormous mountain of tobacco and chocolate. Toye, Bill and Perco were confident Birdie had bad cards or didn’t understand them so they kept upping the bet, Bull was just along for the ride, calling cause he had nothing better to do. 
When it came to Lieb’s turn to place a bet, he looked at his cards secretly, then to the cards in the middle. He took a second to watch the faces of the men and the one woman playing along with him, he was good at reading body language and something about the look Birdie gave him told him he should sit this one out. He raised his brow at her, a silent question. She tilted her head ever so slightly, her muted answer. He folded. 
Cards were shown and Bernadette had swindled nearly sixty cigarettes and eight bars of chocolate out of her friends. She laughed as she pulled her winnings towards her, “Thank you boys! I won't have to buy smokes for a week!” She gloated, enjoying the looks on the men's faces. Toye showed devastation, had that really just happened?
“You minx! Why didn’t you tell me you could play poker?” Toye gaped at her, seriously what the hell had happened just now? She only laughed, eyes twinkling. She unwrapped a Hershey's before answering him, “First rule of poker: Play your opponent, not the game.” Birdie winked, biting into her hard earned bar of cocoa.
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A/N: I think it's funny how the women have a bet on Birdie crushing on someone and its even funnier that Easy does too
~ next-autopsy ~
Chapter twenty and a half
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hauntedjohnny · 9 months
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connie taylor/julie crawford
wc: 2k summary: a dive into connie's history of kisses as a game of spin the bottle adds another one to the list
"Aren't we a bit old for spin the bottle?" Connie mumbled into the beer bottle, downing the drink at the thought.
Sonny chuckled under his breath, grabbing the now-empty bottle from her hand. "And you call me the stick-in-the-mud?"
Connie opened her mouth in retort, but Sonny cut it off with a teasing finger waggle. "You go sit your ass down. Imma get you another drink to drown your sorrows."
Connie's eyes followed his finger, now pointing at the crowd of intoxicated teens gathering around the stained shag rug that sat in the middle of the room. Her mouth closed into a thin lip to prevent an annoyed huff from escaping, arms crossed as she surveyed the faces of her potential suitors. Boys and girls alike hung off each other, eager to drunkenly kiss. Nerves began to knot in her stomach; yes, she had kissed people before, but never for a crowd of voyeurs.
It was only when Connie's worried eyes met Julie's that the knots loosened. Her grey eyes twinkled when Danny leant forward to whisper in her ear, never breaking eye contact, even when she pushed at his chest with a giggle. Now with her full attention on Connie, her tanned hand raised and ushered the redhead towards the group. She feigned consideration with a scrunched face before shaking her head. Unswayed, Julie's lower lip pushed against her top as she tilted her head, eyes filled with pleas. Connie always prided herself on her stubbornness, but tonight she lowered her head with a defeated sigh, a warmth blooming in her cheeks as she's reminded how easily she crumbles under Julie's gaze. Those damn puppy eyes.
Julie's eyes continued to burn into Connie's figure as she shuffled her way to the circle, feet dragging in reluctance as she scoped out a point of entry. She knelt between two girls she recognised from her biology lectures before a large shadow loomed over her to place a glass bottle in the centre of the group. Everyone perked up and quietened down as the shadow declared the beginning of the game. Connie stared as the bottle glimmered in the low light of the basement, turning into a blur as it chose its victim. Distracted by a loose thread on her trousers, the shrill cheers sounded so far away as she shrank into her memories.
As a child, most afternoons were spent at her neighbour's house while her parents finished up the day's work on their farm; homework at the dining table before they were allowed to run around until her parents called for dinner. George was in the same grade, so their parents thought they'd make good friends, sometimes poking at the potential for more. They were right—almost. She spent hours playing with George until their knees were slick with mud and their hair was tangled in knots, with George's older sister keeping watch from the porch as she flicked through a book. Connie never admitted it to anyone, but her favourite moments weren't with George at all but rather with his sister, Jane; she buzzed whenever she would help with a troublesome math problem or gossip with her as she waited for her parents. She had a smile that could light up a room and a voice that could melt the hearts of the wicked. Jane was everything Connie wanted to be. Jane was everything Connie wanted.
Subconsciously, she began spending more time at their house, coming over on weekends, staying over for dinner. More time with George meant more fleeting moments with Jane. Until, one night, Jane brought a boy over for dinner. An unfamiliar twist burrowed in Connie's chest as they shared a kiss before sitting down to eat. His mother lightly scolded George as he gagged at the display of affection before exposing his newfound feelings to the table. Something about a certain redhead making his heart feel funny. Connie was oblivious to the conversation unraveling in front of her, one hand indenting her cheek as the other pushed around the peas on her plate; she was scouring her brain as to why she didn't feel so good, but she couldn't find the reason. She wanted to go home.
The flickering light of the porch greeted her farewell as she left that night, giggles from the open window souring her already bad mood. George stood by the front door, admiring Connie as she picked up her bike from the floor and turned back to wave. Hearing the taunting voice of his mother in his head, he impulsively ran towards her and pushed his lips against hers. Connie stood frozen with confusion and embarrassment. Teeth clashed against her bottom lip as panic bubbled in her gut. She tried her best not to scrunch up her nose as she felt his warm breath on her nose. Without thought, her clenched hands moved to his chest to push him away. She refused to meet his eye as she got on her bike and pedalled away, leaving George in the glimmering glow of his porch. Her mind raced as she rubbed the sleeve of her shirt against her lips until they were raw. Her first kiss disappeared into the horizon behind her. She never went back.
Homosexuality was never a subject of conversation in her household—that is, until it became legalised in Illinois. She never understood why her mother spat in disgust at the news. It's not proper. Connie instinctually scoffed at the word. Proper. Connie, you can't wear trousers to church; it's not proper. Connie, you can't spend the evenings playing outside anymore; it's not proper. Connie, you can't get a job in science; it's not proper. Connie was never proper enough for her. The idea of being a housewife made her gag. The idea of being with a man made her gag. She thought her kiss with George was due to the childish 'cooties' mentality, but as she grew, her friends started to date and spoke in awe about how magical the feeling felt. She knew she wasn't like them. She wished she was—prayed every night until she was 14. A new couple moved in down the way at 14; that's when she knew this life was something she could obtain. It's when she knew she could be different. But, based on the town's reaction to difference, she knew that her life couldn't be found in Paris, Illinois.
Her second kiss confirmed her suspicions. Bradley, the boy who asked her to prom. She'd considered not going to prom until her mother harped on about it every mealtime. After numerous arguments, she bought the first dress she saw and said yes to the first guy who asked. One night of torture before her inevitable freedom. Standing in the doorway, feeling like a dress-up doll, she forced a smile on her face as Bradley's arm tentatively hovered above her waist. A flash from the camera blinded her as her mother cooed behind the camera. My pretty girl growing up to be a proper lady. The smile on Connie's face melted into a grimace at the word. Why don't you give us a kiss? A familiar panic bubbled in her gut. Connie's eyes flickered to Bradley's as she held her breath, the grimace never leaving her face. Bradley complied, giving a quick peck to the corner of her mouth as another flash of white captured the moment. The moment Connie decided she never wanted to kiss a boy again.
The thought of kissing some random college boy in a dingy basement caused her heart to drum against her chest. The thought of kissing some random college girl in a dingy basement made it drum harder. Would they laugh and jeer? Would they know? Connie wasn't ready to find out. She wiped her clammy hands against her trousers to try and soothe herself, eyes jumping from person to person as if someone were listening to her thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she watched the smoke dance around the light fixture above them. Unaware, a sea of eyes turned to stare at her tense form. A nudge to her shoulder brought her eyes to the bottle, staring down the barrel of the gun. The chosen victim.
Like a deer in headlights, Connie's eye caught Julie's; two energies with complementary polarities attracted to each other, bound by space and time to be brought together. Their magnetic field repelled the rest of the world, merely observers on the outside. Resistance was futile. Julie crawled through the circle towards her prey. Hypnotised by the way her beaded necklace swung back-and-forth, Connie began drowning in the sea of Julie, stormy eyes, now inches from her own.
She had felt the warmth of Julie's hand on her skin before—on her back when guided through a crowd, on her hand when passed a pencil, on her arm when Julie laughed so hard she needed to hold on to something. On her thigh, however, the hand felt heavy, burning a hole into the fabric of her trousers. Her other hand brushed a stray hair to reveal her face, gently cupping her chin. The gesture left a trail of sparks along her face, the warmth spreading across her cheeks. Julie's circling thumb gently soothed the burn, eyes flicking down to slightly chapped lips. Connie rolled her tongue over the cracks, insecurity stirring as the light reflected off Julie's glossed ones. Green met grey once again. A stand-off between friends.
For the first time, Connie's brain felt empty. The only thing she could think of was Julie—the smell of her coconut moisturiser, the feeling of her strong fingers running through her hair, the taste of her honey lip-gloss. Her brain couldn't catch up to the feeling. Julie clouded her mind, like the smoke swirling above, suffocating her until she dizzied. Connie gasped for a breath she didn't know she needed, grasping the brunette's cradling wrist to ground herself. Julie's warm breath against hers was a lifeline, the cogs in her brain springing into action as the air entered her lungs. She started kissing back. It was as natural as breathing. It felt proper.
Julie's hand laced deeper into Connie's hair, threads of red entangled between her fingers. She pulled the girl closer as their tongues brushed together, causing Connie to raise from her numbed ankles in ecstasy. Eyes flutter closed as a soft whimper gets swallowed by Julie, her mouth curling at the sound for her ears only. Before she could let out another sound, Julie pulled away, wiping Connie's lips with her thumb. All Connie could do was stare with a dumbfounded glaze in her eyes as their chests rose and fell in harmony. Julie lingers for a moment longer, memorising the sight of Connie's swollen lips complementing the blush on her cheeks. The sound of Julie's soft laugh causes a smile to creep onto Connie's face. A solemn oath between friends.
Noise from the crowd did nothing to lessen the feeling of pride in Connie's chest, embarrassment turning into a mere memory. Ginger strands fell in her face as she tried to hide her growing smile. Julie's eyes never left her as she returned to her place in the circle, only breaking contact when another person leant forward to continue the game. Connie peered up between her eyelashes to watch Julie retreat, the girl casually leaning back against Danny as if she hadn't just changed Connie's life. Everyone moved on without a second thought, cheering as the bottle chose its next victim. The weight on her shoulder lessened. Breathing felt easier. She may not have gotten the girl, but she got what she needed. Maybe she would be okay.
A sudden sensation of cool condensation on her arm ruined the moment, shocking her system as she jumped at the intrusion. Sonny had returned with her sorrow-drowning drink, but she no longer had any sorrows to drown.
"Did I miss anything?" Sonny inquires, raising a knowing eyebrow at Connie's warm cheeks and glazed eyes.
Connie simply shakes her head, grabbing the bottle to take a sip, the coolness calming her singing fingers. Sonny continued to analyse her as she refused to meet his eye, turning her head away from the inspection. Something glistening in the dim glow caught his eye.
"You have a lil something..." Sonny trailed off with a smirk, reaching to wipe the sticky substance from the corner of Connie's mouth.
Connie swiped at his hand, begrudgingly removing the remnants of the kiss herself. Her cool fingers lingered, electricity buzzing between the tips and her tingling lips. Sonny chuckled knowingly at the sight, resulting in a jab to the ribs.
"Shut it, Williams."
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