#Mallory trevelyan
a-gay-bloodmage · 2 months
Me, making my Dragon Age OCs in my mid to late teens: Hehe, all but one of them are in their twenties or above... They're so mature...
Me, now, aged 23 with a far more developed brain: Why the fuck are these CHILDREN in charge of SAVING THE WORLD?
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theblueharlequin · 1 year
Chapters: 2/10 Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies), James Bond (Movies), James Bond - All Media Types, GoldenEye (1995) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: M | Gareth Mallory/Alec Trevelyan, James Bond & Alec Trevelyan, M | Gareth Mallory & Q, Background James Bond/Q Characters: M | Gareth Mallory, Alec Trevelyan, James Bond, Q (James Bond), Eve Moneypenny Additional Tags: Never Repost My Work Anywhere, Linking is Fine Series: Part 7 of Blue's 007 Fest 2020 Fics Summary:
Alec Trevelyan, now a twice disavowed agent, comes back to an MI6 in complete disarray. Nothing is the same, and for the first time, he is completely thrown for a loop. Headquarters has changed, James is arse over tits for a skinny boffin, the same boffin is the new Quartermaster, and the new M is a suave gentleman that makes Alec nervous in ways he can't explain.
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theyhaveacavetroll · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies), James Bond (Brosnan Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alec Trevelyan & Gareth Mallory Characters: Alec Trevelyan, M | Gareth Mallory Additional Tags: trapped together, Cave-In, they're wearing their get-along shirt, Alternate Universe, Implied/Referenced Torture Series: Part 9 of Rescue Verse Summary:
"It's rotten work, especially to me, especially if it's you. I mean I'll do it, but Christ alive."
Gareth and Alec get stuck in a dark cellar together after an explosion causes a cave-in. By the time they get out they might just have to admit that they don't hate each other all that much.
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fic-ive-read · 2 years
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aching-arc-reactor · 2 months
Incorrect Quote Fun
Bond: walks into the kitchen, ignoring everyone Q: Hey, James, how was your day? Bond: picks up an onion and bites into it, staring at Q Hell. Bill Tanner, watching this unfold: whispers Who hurt you?
Mallory: Sometimes I like to call people by the wrong name to show them I don’t care about them. Bill Tanner: That’s brilliant. Mallory: Thank you, Jeff.
Q: It’s too early in the morning for this. sent at 11:57 AM
Q: They couldn't find their way out of a paper bag. Alec Trevelyan: That's not true! I found my way out of a paper bag yesterday!
R: Oh look who got laid last night. Q: That’s right chumps, missionary accomplished!
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elsewheregremlin · 6 months
April Fools!
It’s 4/1 and I managed to write a tiny fic for the fandom! Unbeta-ed and probably extremely messy, but I hope it can make a few people laugh.
When 00s prank each other on April first, they always choose the silliest and most harmless method. It was only practical, since any serious attempt at going after another double-oh usually leads to death and destruction.
Thus, harmless shenanigans. And only for those who weren’t on active missions, and no retaliation allowed until next year.
Last year, all of 007’s suits were replaced with hot pink monstrosities decorated with sequins. 001 and 005’s electronic devices belt out “Baby Shark” at the oddest intervals. 009’s car was covered top to bottom in Angry Birds stickers. 008’s shoes and socks were all missing the right leg. 004’s fridge was looted and filled with her least favorite flavor of ice cream.
This year, they decided to officially welcome Mallory into the fold, starting the day with replacing his stash of expensive alcohol with soda.
Q, formally left out of the fray because the pack of hyenas were rightfully terrified of him, snickered while M bemoaned why the nine of them couldn’t devote this kind of careful planing to missions.
“They spend a full year planning this kind of stuff, sir. Can’t do that on active missions.”
Hiding a grin behind his mug, Q idly switched between different monitoring devices, getting a sense of what was in store this time.
Bond was hiding out in Q’s office, giggling menacingly over a pot of unidentifiable goop. Q had no idea what or who it was for, but it couldn’t be very dignified judging by the color and consistency of the goop.
He raised an eyebrow when he spotted Trevelyan consorting with one of his own minions, and decided to listen in.
His thoughts crashed when he heard the words.
“—this can hold 007 long enough for the Quartermaster to get to him. Good enough for you, 006?”
“Darling, we shall have a spring wedding. I can’t wait to see Q’s face when he saw the present we got for him.”
With a kiss on the minions cheek, Trevelyan left Q-Branch with a package under his arm and a smirk on his face.
Q put down his mug to ponder this for a moment, and then decided there was no need for worrying.
After all, while the rules forbade them from aiming the pranks at Q, this was clearly a gift.
This might just be the best April Fool’s day he had.
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samanthahirr · 1 year
HR Complaints Against MI6 Staff Headcanons
The repeated complaints lodged in Q’s personnel file from various members of Q Branch all share a similar theme: harassment outside of work hours. While no malicious intentions have been ascribed to the quartermaster, his lack of respect for his staff’s work-life balance has resulted in Q texting and emailing his team hours after their shift ends—sometimes even in the middle of the night. HR has given the quartermaster a stern admonishment that he is not to contact his subordinates off-duty unless it is an emergency worthy of contacting Mallory first. In the year since this edict, the incidences of after-hours contact have dropped precipitously.
Gareth Mallory is always in a hurry, and finding parking in London has worse odds than roulette. In his first year as director of MI6, Mallory's corporate car was repeatedly ticketed, clamped, and even towed, for double-parking around London. The resulting expenses forced the head of Accounting to make an official note in Mallory’s personnel file: the director of MI6 must no longer have access to a corporate car…unless it also comes with a driver from the motor pool. 
James Bond’s file includes an official HR reprimand for flirting with a female visitor to the executive floor. A visitor who turned out to be the operations manager’s wife. Heh’em. While the lady was far from displeased with the attentions, the manager was very cross indeed, and he lodged a strongly worded complaint with HR about Bond’s harassment of women within the building. Bond felt awkward enough about the misunderstanding to cancel the date he’d made with the man's wife. Knowingly cuckolding someone who coordinates all of his real-time mission support seemed...unwise. 
Only last month, Alec Trevelyan got written up for flashing. His explanation for the event is that he’d been sparring with Bond…and then showering with Bond…and—as implied by the eyebrow waggle—having sex with Bond. And by the time he’d shaved and left the shower, his clothing was missing, along with every towel in the locker room. Even though Alec was ostensibly the victim of a prank, it was deemed unacceptable for him to walk naked through the halls of MI6, loudly demanding the return of his clothing, and showing his bits and bobs to all of the employees on the lower two floors of SIS.
When Bill Tanner was first brought on as M’s secretary, another member of staff accused him of repeatedly stealing her lunch from the fridge. Tanner was instructed by HR to stop the uncivil behavior forthwith. He tried explaining to the employee that he wasn’t the food thief, but the woman wouldn’t believe him. So Tanner took matters into his own hands and, on a day he knew she would be out on leave, he put his own meal in the refrigerator, laced with laxatives. The resulting mess proved the culprit to be the woman’s cubicle mate. Tanner warned the culprit to stop the food thefts or Tanner would expose them to HR, to their victim, and to M. The culprit transferred to a different branch on a separate floor after a few weeks. The complaint in Tanner’s HR file was never expunged, but he feels satisfied with his own self-vindication.
Eve Moneypenny’s first few weeks transitioning from the field to the executive floor as M’s secretary were…rocky. She’d spent the preceding five years on active field duty for various military and SIS divisions. Receiving passive aggressive response emails from the deputy director’s secretary Bethany—or more frequently, having her emails ignored by Bethany—got under her collar a bit. Moneypenny may have caught up to Bethany in the parking garage one evening and given her a piece of her mind. But it’s not like Moneypenny pulled a weapon or laid a hand on the woman! (She made sure all of her threats were only implied!) After the complaint, assignments were realigned so Moneypenny no longer works directly with Bethany; that dubious pleasure falls to Tanner. Despite the black mark in her personnel file, Moneypenny has to think things worked out in her favor. 
Doctor Hall has over two dozen complaints against him in his personnel file, all from disgruntled double-0 agents immediately following their mandatory psychiatric interviews. Field agents don’t like being asked prying questions—no one does!—but Doctor Hall has a diagnostic protocol to follow; it isn’t his fault that they’re already so stressed when they report for their appointments! He fretted over the complaints for a month, until M dismissed them as irrelevant bellyaching. He now considers the complaints an indicator of the agents' psychological stability that they’re threatening him with professional repercussions instead of the guns and knives he knows they’re illegally concealing under their tailored suits and dresses. 
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
I think for the first time I'm faced with an Actually Difficult decision when it comes to who to leave in the Fade. Between Alessandra and Loghain it was a no-brainer; that was always the ending I had planned for Loghain. Between Sabine and Alistair it was Sabine because Sabine romanced Merrill if anyone can either find Hawke in the Fade or be compellingly obsessed with finding her in there it's Merrill. Between Cillian and Stroud it was always going to be Stroud because Cillian is truly too ride-or-die for Anders to leave him hanging that way. And between Emilia and Stroud it had to be Emilia because she's truly kind of a monster to the point that even milquetoast pro-Chantry Theodore Trevelyan was unsettled by her.
Between Mallory Hawke and romanced Alistair, it's actually kind of a tough call! On the one hand I've got Mal who did her absolute damnedest not to give a shit until the very end and then surprised everyone by defending the mages and for whom voluntary self-sacrifice would be a massive leap of character growth, and on the other hand I've got Alistair who is not King specifically because benevolent-but-still-kind-of-selfish Warden Jolene Cousland didn't feel like sharing him and for whom losing him would probably force some kind of character growth as well, though in her case it wouldn't be her choice.
Also worth factoring in is that Mal is in a polycule with Merrill and Isabela and while they'll be crushed, they'll have each other to get through it. Jo likewise will grieve Alistair hard but she'll survive it.
It's not even an easy choice from my Inquisitor's perspective because on the one hand Calla likes Varric. a lot. and isn't eager to feed his best friend to a demon. but on the other hand she's a dwarf and brutally pragmatic, and she gets that whatever shit the Grey Wardens have done, we probably still need them.
This game is like "Which one of your OCs do you want to hurt more?" and I'm here like "Is there any way I can hurt them both?" 🤔
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
I feel like brosnan bond is craig bond if he was better at hiding how fucked he was... mostly by virtue of the fact he. Kind Of Has No Friends... as I'm writing this it just hit me that, for all his loneliness, craig bond has.. friends! Found family even! M definitely cares about him, moneypenny, q definitely cared qbt him and even Mallory to like the barest extent, gives like somewhat of a shit.
Brosnan bond.. he and dench!m were like professional colleagues but god that bit in DAD was insane.. like. He was tortured for !! 14 Months!!! Jesus fucking christ. He was somewhat friends with Desmond Llewelyn's Q but I never got the feeling that John Cleese's Q ever particularly gave Q a shit about him.
He and moneypenny did feel like friends tho. And oh... Trevelyan... lowkey I thought brosnan bond was lowkey in love with him which is on par for him because he had like the worst relationships ever. Even they weren't, goldeneye definitely had the how could you betray me thing.
Sorry for ranting fjrrj I have many many thoughts abt brosnan bond, he's my babygirl. Also you are right he is SO pretty.
All of this! And it’s now just dawned on me that Felix was never in the Brosnan era films either. I cry.
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owletbears · 4 months
hi hello, I'm heather! ⸻ bg3 enthusiast. rizzard admirer. oc lore buff. (no, seriously, tell me about your ocs)
posting baldur's gate 3 • dragon age • tes tracking #usertogepies
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nimue hawklin • paladin • noble • ♡ gale [main tag ◦ ship tag ◦ inspo]
elith everwood • bard • entertainer • ♡ astarion [main tag ◦ ship tag ◦ inspo]
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*these tags & links are under construction*
world states the tower ◦ the star ♜ THE TOWER ⤵ perrin amell • arcane warrior / blood mage • ♡ zevran [main tag ◦ inspo]
mallory hawke • spirit healer / force mage • ♡ sebastian➞anders [main tag ◦ inspo]
danyla lavellan • necromancer • ♡ solas [main tag ◦ inspo]
★ THE STAR ⤵ eralen mahariel • ranger / bard • ♡ merril [main tag ◦ inspo]
maeve trevelyan • rift mage • ♡ blackwall [main tag ◦ inspo]
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a-gay-bloodmage · 22 days
I'm curious...
Fellow Dragon Age fans, did you ever come up with a nickname for Varric to call your Inquisitor / Custom Hawke? Seeing as the man seems to be incapable of calling most of his friends their actual names, I figure that he'd give the Inquisitor one, even if he doesn't in-game!
I'd love to see people reblogging and tagging / replying with their PCs' nicknames... and maybe why or how they got them! My own Inquisitors' nicknames are under the cut! It'd be a very long post, otherwise...
Mallory Trevelyan: Girly, a very literal nickname. Before coming out as a cross-dresser, there wasn't a moment where Mallory (or Mallie) wasn't in a full face of makeup. He was always worrying about getting his hair messed up or complaining about having to wear things like pants or unflattering, manly armor. Even when Varric learned that Mallory was actually a man, the nickname stuck around. It still applied, after all! Mallory doesn't mind the nickname, but he does find it hopelessly unoriginal.
Kiora Trevelyan: Pep, a clear joke of a nickname. Kiora, a somniari, struggles with narcolepsy caused by her strong connection to the Fade. Both Kiora and Varric think that calling the girl who nods off after half an hour of sitting down in a loud tavern very funny.
Aelon Lavellan: Twitch, an unfortunately literal nickname. Aelon hates it, and Varric can't help but be amused the way that Lavellan's nose and ears twitch every time Varric calls him by the nickname. Lavellan is a very anxious, slightly paranoid person, and he certainly fits the nickname.
Ashavise Lavellan: Cuddles, an affectionately ironic nickname. Ashavise is one of the least cuddly people he knows, clearly not very interested touching anyone in the world of the living for the majority of her time in the Inquisition. Even if it's a joke about her, Ashavise does think that the durgen'len's stupid nickname for her is kind of funny. Not that she'd tell him, of course.
Ademamar Cadash: Big Guy, an obviously ironic nickname. Ade is about an inch taller than Varric, but the two of them are obviously the shortest men in the Inquisition. Ade's constant flirting with the Iron Bull only makes Varric think the nickname is all the funnier. Ade likes it, and cites it to Bull when he's trying to convince the quinari to sleep with him.
Harta Cadash: Madame, a literal and relatively respectful nickname. While she and Varric are friends, he tends to be a little careful around a woman still very deeply tied to the Carta. Especially since she admitted, very cheerfully, to having met Varric before the Inquisition, her family having wanted to check up on one of the Merchant guild men involved with the mess in Kirkwall. Harta loves the nickname.
Ozol Adaar: Willow, an affectionately literal nickname. It took him a while to come up with something that wasn't too obvious. He finally settled on Willow, even if a tree joke was a bit basic. The combined factors of Ozol's towering height, strength, and his long silver dreadlocks made Willow a perfect nickname. Ozol thinks it's very nice. Far better than most of things he's called by bas.
Semiha Silva-Adaar: Bouncy, a soft and literal nickname. Semiha's personality is very go-getter and cheerful, and she tends to fidget by bouncing a little on her heels. Her twin puffs of silvery afro hair only add to the perpetual motion. She thinks it's a great nickname, and smiles every time Varric calls her it.
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theblueharlequin · 1 year
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies), Supernatural, James Bond (Movies), James Bond - All Media Types, GoldenEye (1995) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Raoul Silva | Tiago Rodriguez/Sam Winchester, Eve Moneypenny/Sam Winchester, M | Gareth Mallory/Sam Winchester, James Bond/Sam Winchester, Alec Trevelyan/Sam Winchester, Q (James Bond)/Sam Winchester Characters: Sam Winchester, Raoul Silva | Tiago Rodriguez, Eve Moneypenny, M | Gareth Mallory, James Bond, Alec Trevelyan, Q (James Bond) Additional Tags: Never Repost My Work Anywhere, Linking is Fine, Crack, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Fanon Alec Trevelyan, Magic, 5+1 Things, 007 Fest 2020, Team Civilian, no beta we die like Bond girls Series: Part 29 of Adventures of the Sailing Ship Sam Winchester, Part 4 of Blue's 007 Fest 2020 Fics, Part 5 of Sam and Her Majesty's Secret Service Summary:
Alternate ways File Not Found could have gone. 5+1 fic, where someone else in the James Bond universe ended up being Sam’s soulmate.
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theyhaveacavetroll · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies), James Bond (Brosnan Movies), James Bond (Movies 1962-1989) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: M | Gareth Mallory/Raoul Silva | Tiago Rodriguez, James Bond/Alec Trevelyan Characters: M | Gareth Mallory, Raoul Silva | Tiago Rodriguez, James Bond, Alec Trevelyan Additional Tags: Aftermath of Torture, Fluff and Angst, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Not Canon Compliant, 007 Fest, Implied/Referenced Torture, Chronic Pain, Canon Disabled Character, more tags to come as i write more chapters, Headaches & Migraines, Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 8 of Rescue Verse Summary:
“Teach me what all of these do,” Gareth says one day. It’s nice, Tiago thinks, to have a partner who wants to know this about him. He’s never experienced this before - but then again, the last time he had a partner, he hadn’t needed any of the pill bottles now located in the cabinet.
Or: The Rescue crew navigate their new normal, hard as that can be after what they've been through.
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isssskra · 3 years
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Fuck it. New blog. Owning the fic on AO3 under TheIskra.
Unrepentant lover of Bond Mallory Trevelyan.
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thatsuittho · 3 years
tcom, an update: 9/15 and 10/15
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Chapter 9 - Q's agents
"Something's different about you two." He directed the question at Martin. "Did you recover a memory?"
James shifted, uncharacteristically uncertain. "We've come to an understanding."
Chapter 10 - Dominik Murphy, 006
James firmed his lip and didn't reply. "You're the best tracker in the agency," was all he let himself say. "You'll do as we're in a hurry."
Murphy sighed, probably hoping to get a reaction out of him. "Alright, alright. Who's your friend?" The full force of his blue eyes fixed on Martin and James fought the urge to step between them. "Name's Dominik Murphy. Pleased to meet you." Murphy extended a hand.
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samanthahirr · 1 year
Hosiery Habit Headcanons
Bond washes his socks by hand, every day. Every pair of socks, no matter where he is, whether at home or on a mission. He learned in the Navy that you can never have enough pairs of clean socks (he will never speak of that month-long assignment to the rain forests of Guatemala EVER), so he religiously washes his used socks each night before sleep and lays them out to dry before he packs them away in the morning.
Felix introduces Bond to his pair of lucky socks on their first joint mission. On a Sunday morning, when Bond dons thick wool socks for their hike through the Andes, Felix slides on his lucky socks and sends his thoughts heavenward for a much-needed victory. That night, when Bond points out that Felix’s lucky socks let them down—their mission having fallen apart spectacularly—Felix checks the score on his phone and scoffs that they made two interceptions in the final quarter and won by 7 points. Bond gives him a queer look. Maybe Bond doesn’t believe in sports rituals, but Felix will do whatever it takes to support his favorite team; even if he can’t attend in person, he’s not gonna let the Saints down.
Moneypenny wears plain hose at MI6 (with the exception of her monthly, when she wears the pairs with extra tummy shaping), nude with no embellishments. Although there was one memorable holiday party when she purchased and wore a pair of full-fashioned stockings with the seam up the back that caused quite a kerfuffle. There were so many collisions and bruises amongst the staff attributed to her hosiery that HR had to request that she restrict their use to extracurricular occasions only.
Tanner makes a point of dressing appropriately and not drawing undue attention to himself. However, he has a sizable collection of novelty socks courtesy of his children’s gifts over the years, and he takes comfort in having a piece of his home life with him when at his stressful job.
Q is not a morning person and, as such, can’t be arsed to tell the difference between navy and black when getting dressed before dawn. He doesn’t give a shit whether his socks match his trousers; he has more important concerns on his mind, thank you very much. And outside of the office, he avoids socks altogether; barefoot in loafers or trainers is his preferred style.
MI6 Medical released an emergency advisory in 2019: No toe socks in the office! The infernal footwear became all the rage in 2018, and they did no harm so long as staff wore proper footwear to protect their feet in hazardous areas. But when a Q Branch technician reported to Medical limping badly, staff were appalled to find that he’d shoved his toe-socked foot into a colleague’s borrowed footwear to enter one of the more hazardous labs, and the toe-sock seams had cut off circulation to more than one toe over the course of three hours. Never again!
Alec learned early in life the importance of blending in and conforming to expectations. It earned him a reputation for being steady and dependable at the orphanage and later in the Navy. One of the easiest ways to conform was to mimic the styling of the most respected person around you. At school, it was the head boy. In the Navy, it was his commanding officer. And at MI6, it’s Bond, whose style is the fiddliest to imitate. (Those bespoke suits cost a bloody fortune!) Most obnoxious are Bond’s favorite silk-blend socks, which are nonabsorbent and require delicate washing. But Alec bides his time, keeps in line, wears the damn socks, and passes himself off as a loyal operative while he makes plans for his eventual defection….
Mallory dated a peer a couple decades back; a handsome fellow who cut a very fashionable figure. Mallory has some fond memories of their time together, as well as a keepsake set of platinum cuff links…and an unfortunate kink for sock garters. Mallory resolutely doesn’t own or wear any himself, but he’s aware that Bond and Trevelyan wear them on occasion. He does his best not to think about that when they’re seated across from him, their trouser hems riding up their ankles, eyeing how taut their socks are pulled, and wondering.
Madeleine has always hated the cold, and Altaussee is a bleak wasteland of tourists and ice. Her office, with its impractical exterior glass walls, is always two degrees lower than the interior rooms, and her usual hose doesn’t keep her ankles warm enough for a full day of listening to billionaires’ midlife crises. She’s taken to keeping a pair of double-layer cabin socks under her desk, and she kicks off her high heeled pumps and slides the cozy socks on overtop her hose every time she has an appointment in her blasted icebox of an office. 
The sweaters that Q’s cats wear are cozy. The sweaters are warm. The sweaters feel like safety and Q’s gentle fingers sliding them on. But once a year, there is more. There are hats. There are strange collars. And there are socks. The socks are the enemy. They are confinement. They are slipping imbalance. The socks slide on like punishment for imagined crimes. Q lifts his cats and places them on the cat tree. Q coos, “Don’t you look precious.” A shutter clicks, and his fingers are no longer in the way, no longer trying to stop the inevitable. The socks are prey. They must be destroyed. Long claws pierce them. Rend them. Teeth dig in, merciless, and shake them limp. Dead socks taste of cotton victory. “Sorry darlings,” Q laughs. Surely Q will learn from this. There will not be socks again. “Not for another year,” Q promises.
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