#then brunt showed up
milfleeta · 2 years
funniest recurring gag in ds9 has got to be the way they kill off a ferengi every time someone goes to the mirror universe
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heatherfield · 3 months
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Nancy Drew
Incorrect Quotes + Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story [x]  
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freekicks · 1 year
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johnny crowder: sick of raylan and boyd's shit since 1989
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jrueships · 1 year
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Why settle for just watching and loving your blorbos when you can become them?
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*sigh* getting real sick of “canonical” aspec rep being like. tweets by the author.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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People who Definitely Aren’t Lying or Planning or Plotting or Scheming 
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This screenshot made me laugh so damn hard I had to add it in here
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rogueyami · 1 year
Just watched Ferengi Love Songs and the fucking laugh I let out when Quark said to Brunt, "back in the closet where you belong" 😭
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impossible-rat-babies · 4 months
eyrie is like. these shoulders aren’t for using a bow. these shoulders are for giving teenagers piggy back rides
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anonymousmothman · 5 months
I had another weird dream surrounding star trek (this time with jackie chan and thundercat???)
So basically I won this thing (idk if it was a giveaway or something) to hang out with thundercat. We were walking around chicago and he kept talking about being a werewolf and that was weird cuz . You know... cat is in his name. But then he turned into a werewolf and tried to hunt me.
Then I went to this star trek convention but for some reason star trek was real? And I got to talk to worf and ezri they were really nice. Some other stuff happened but I legitimately remember none of it. I then was watching a jackie chan movie with the ferengi (basically all the guys from the magnificent ferengi episode) and suddenly got transported back in time to when rush hour got released. I was sitting in the audience just minding my buisness then Quark started to film the movie cuz yay piracy! But he was horrible at hiding his camera and everybody kept staring at him because they knew. His camera didn't have a zoom feature so Brunt gave him this can you were supposed to put in place of the lens and it'd act as a zoom for you. But then, of course, everyone was like 'wtf are they doing with a can' so Quark gave the empty one to me and I had to pretend like it was Tuna I was eating. I was really bad at it. Then, at the end of the movie, a cardassian was playing with his baby (throwing her up in the air and stuff) and a founder took it from him while he was doing that then dangled it over the side of the railing (idk the seats in the theatre were high) and said "a sacrifice to the founders..." but then everyone started booing them and throwing popcorn at them so they gave the baby back.
After that, I went to this weird renaissance fair mixed with comic con thing (still in the past atp). A dude dressed up as an ensign knocked down this stand of books and I helped him to pick it up. Then, I wanted to buy one, so I was looking through them and eliminating options and was gonna buy something on dinosaurs? Idk it was weird it looked like a dork diaries book though. But another one caught my eye and it had medieval paintings on the front despite the fact it was a book about mesopotamian chemistry. So I went to buy it, but I got tied up in (honestly I forgot what happened) so had to leave it for the time being. When I came back though, a lot of people were bidding and arguing over who should get it. The only way you could buy it was by messaging the shop owner on discord so I tried to text them but I kept misspelling 'shop' as 'Schofield' so none of the messages would go through (there was a bot that prevented you from sending a message unless it had the word shop). I don't think I was ever able to get it, or maybe I was, also sort of forgot this part....
Then it cut to my backyard where Picard was stuck in my garage. He kept asking to be let out but when I let him out there were two animals on leashes in there. One was Porthos so I let him off, but another was those klingon dogs.. I forgot what they're called. Picard kept telling me to let that one off it's leash and I said "but its your pet :(" and he said hed pay me 30 coins so I did it. Then I finally let Picard out of my garage and it cut yet again to another scene.
I was on ds9 laying down to go to bed when Damar and Keevan entered and Damar was like "you weren't at Quarks" and I said "I had a really long day today man..." so they layed down with me and we cuddled YAYYYY but then I woke up BOOOOO
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artfulacrostic · 1 year
martin: he's having a hard time :( ever since prentiss--
tim: he's not the only one who got messed up by that, martin--
martin: nooo of course you're fucked up too tim that's a given 💕
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thottybrucewayne · 1 year
I don't particularly care for those Harley comics based off of the animated series because I didn't like the animated series however, I do find it telling that yall don't have the same smoke for the writers of the animated series that you have for Tee Franklin.
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heatherfield · 1 year
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Brom and Matilda are going to investigate while [Baltus is] distracted.
Headless: A Sleepy Hollow Story, Episode 6 “The Distractions at Dinner” [x]
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unxpctedlygreat · 2 years
Modern AU where everyone lives and Lambert, Rodrigue and Matthias get Rufus out of his abusive relationship with Cornelia
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predskazanje · 3 months
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steampunkedparm · 6 months
had a lady at my jobs holiday party look me dead in the eye and say "oh! i didn't know set up had a third shift!" after i told her what department I worked in i beg your fuckin pardon
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