#then did some work on the computer and now im getting ready for bed
hazystars · 2 years
also went 2 my first day of classes 2day. it was fine no biggie also went 2 the bookstore and spent $133 on materials/texts 4 class . then got cash @ the atm & rewarded myself 4 my first day of school by buying a few pastries @ this bakery… got gas w my cash . came home
0 notes
yeonjuns-beanie · 1 year
Don't You Want Me?
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warnings:18+, unprotected sex, jealous hongjoong, roommate au, face grabbing, roughish sex, lusty bitches, mutual pining, idiots in love, hair pulling, overstim, oral ( m & f receiving), lil possessive nothing crazy but im feeling disgusting lol, pussy slapping( once..), dirty talk, spit play, 
summary: You and Hongjoong have been roommates for a while and friends for even longer. Over time he’s realized his feelings for you and now they can't be ignored. He asks you to accompany him to a release party hoping to find it within him to tell you his truths. When you get a little too close for comfort with one of his members, he decides how he’ll finally tell you. 
word count: 7.4k (my bad ;-;)
a/n: this is my first time attempting Ateez, so I hope I did okay! i love feedback good or bad. also our requests are open if interested! have a great day everyone :3 ~nero
Your eyes slowly blinked open as you awoke to the sun peaking through your blinds and exasperated groans coming from across the hallway. Forcing your body to sit up, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and begrudgingly removed yourself from your warm sheets. Walking across the hall you opened up Hongjoong’s door. 
“What’s with all the noise?” 
He almost didn’t notice your presence, but with the sudden extra light coming in through the door he looked up. You jutted your head forward, raising your eyebrows waiting for his response. He clicked the spacebar on his computer pausing the track he was working on. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“I said, what’s with all the noise? I could hear you groaning in my sleep. Damn near woke me up.”
“Well, it’s almost noon so you need to be up anyway. But to answer your question, I can’t layer these tracks the way I’m hearing them in my head.” 
You walked into his bedroom sitting on his bed, not wanting to stand in the doorway anymore. He turned around to face you and you pointed towards his computer motioning for him to play the track. He took his headphones out of the input and turned up the master volume on his computer. You closed your eyes listening to the track. 
This was something that happened often between the two of you. Hongjoong would get frustrated with a track and you’d come in and offer your opinion cutting away at some of the edge he was feeling. As you listened to the demo he was working on you caught on immediately to the hiccup he was talking about. 
“Pause..go back like 5 seconds.”
As he clicked back to where you said you let the audio play through before you told him to stop the track again. Humming the instrumental to yourself, you started thinking about how you would construct the section. 
“You might not like it but what I would do is allow a little bit more space before the riser. And then maybe do some low pitch snare hits at the beginning of the riser. Right now I think there’s just too much going on and that’s why it’s not coming together.”
He turned back around in his chair and input the changes you said and rolled the track back a little bit to hear the difference. Lightly moving his head with the beat he paused the track again and turned back to you. 
“How do you do it?”
“It’s 'cause I’m not the one staring at it from scratch. I’m not as frustrated with it.”
He nodded his head and swiveled the chair back around to save the file. 
“I agree this sounds better but I still think something is missing. Thank you, for your help though.” 
“Anytime. You know I’m right down the hall.” 
You heard his laptop close and gathered yourself up from the bed. 
“Can’t imagine you’ve eaten yet, wanna go grab something for lunch?”
He nodded and you went back into your room to begin getting ready.  As you finished your morning routine, you walked out of the bathroom to make the change from pajamas to whatever you were planning to conjure up for an outfit. As you brought your head up from facing the floor, you felt your heart drop to your stomach and your heart skip a beat. 
Hongjoong was perched perfectly on the edge of your bed watching you finish your routine. 
“Jesus! Scared the shit outta me Joong. Also, get out, I have to get dressed.” 
Hongjoong looked up at you, eyes lazy with intent and thoroughly unamused. 
“After all these years, you still kick me out. Have you no shame?”
“Shut up, I’ll be done in a second.”
You smiled to yourself as you shook your head trying to rid yourself of the feelings bubbling back up again. It was horribly cliche, but you had a suffocating crush on your best friend. You’d never utter a word to him about it for fear of losing him or at the very least ruining the years of friendship that you created. 
Jumping into your jeans, you wiggled the rest of the fabric over your hips and secured the button. You settled on a top that did wonders for your chest, rounding out your boobs and cinching your waist most slightly. Grabbing a sweater from off your floor, you sprayed yourself with perfume before heading out into the main room where Hongjoong was scrolling on his phone. 
He heard your footsteps before you could come and leer over his shoulder, but if you were quick enough you would've caught him staring at a picture of the both of you. If you could read minds, you would've been privy to the extensive fairytale life he was imagining with you. As you came over, he swiped out of his photos and locked his phone. 
“Mhmm. Where should we go?”
Furrowing his brow, he thought about all of the food options near your apartment. 
“Why don’t we go to that cute cafe down the street?”
“Oh yeah! I’ve been seeing people post all about it. It looks really cute and the food looks good.”
Nodding you both headed towards the door and began the walk to the cafe. As you guys followed the gps on your phone, you almost missed the cafe. It was hidden in plain sight. There was no real sign designated where it was, but when you stumbled in front of it you opened the comically large door to the inside. As you walked in you were met with a cottagecore dream. It was cute and cozy and you could see why everyone had been obsessed with it lately. 
You guys ordered and were waiting in front of the cashier to finish typing everything in. Reaching into your purse you got ready to put your card to the reader, which had Hongjoong smacking your hand. 
“Stop that.”
“But you always pay.”
“As I should y/n.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, knowing that you weren’t gonna win this time. On occasion, you were able to get him back, but he always seemed to beat you to the reader. As the cashier handed him the receipt, he told you guys that your order would be called out over the speaker in a few moments. Thanking Hongjoong timidly, you guys walked around the cafe looking for a place to sit. Settling on two chairs and a table situated under some fairy lights, you guys got comfortable. 
Leaning forward on the table, you rested your chin on your hands. 
“Soooo, whatcha thinking about.”
Hongjoong smiled at you lightly, a barrage of sirens sounding in his head at how cute you looked sitting across from him. If anyone on the outside were to see you two, they would easily assume that you were dating. The way you both looked at each other was so obvious you couldn’t miss it on the outside, but for some stubborn reason neither one of you could see it on the other. 
Hongjoong leaned forward coming closer to you. 
“Funny you should ask. I’ve been meaning to ask you this but it always left my mind.” 
You raised your eyebrows, silently telling him to go on. 
“So, you know how we have that release party coming up?”
You nodded, eyes layered with curiosity. Now was the time. He had been mulling over this for weeks now and it was either now or never he had to ask. 
“I was thinking about it and we’re all allowed a plus one…and I would like that to be you.”
“Oh, word?”
You tried your best to seem unphased and that this would be just another ordinary outing with him, but your heart was accelerating thinking about all of the possible what-ifs of attending with him. 
“Yeah. I would love for you to be there. You know you’re always there to help me out when I need it and I think it would be the perfect time to show you off.”
“Show me off?”
Your eyebrow raised, wondering what he meant by that comment. Even though there was a line of friendship between you two, it still felt nice to hear. 
“Well not like show you off, ‘casue obviously were not dating but like you come up all the time and I think it would be a perfect time for the guys to meet my mini producer.” 
You rolled your eyes at the compliment suddenly feeling a bit of imposter syndrome set in. 
“Oh come on, you give me too much credit.” 
“But you help me so much and I mean that. I’d probably be bald if I didn’t have you around.” 
You paused pretending to think about your answer. 
“I’d love to.” 
His name was called over the speaker and he went to go grab the tray of food. As he walked away, you were fighting the biggest grin running over his words over and over. When he came back over, your stomach made its presence known with a heavy growl. You guys began to eat making mindless conversation. Everything was just so easy between you two. 
As you guys were finishing up, his phone rang. Silently asking him you cleaned up the table setting the tray in its return spot. As you came back to the table he was shoving his phone back into his pocket. 
“What’s up?”
“Oh nothing, they just need me at the studio to run over what’s gonna happen for the release party.”
“Oh okay, so I guess I’ll see you a little bit later?”
“Yeah, I hate to leave you but-”
“-It’s okay Joong, I need to go shopping now anyway.” 
You guys began walking out of the cafe continuing your conversation.
“Shopping for what?”
“For the party genius, I don’t have anything to wear.”
Hongjoong paused, thinking about the array of outfits he’d seen you go out in before. 
“Yes, you do.” 
You looked at him a little confused which spurred him to continue. 
“That black dress with the leg slit and the mesh center.”
He motioned towards his stomach talking about the last bit. 
“But I thought you said you didn’t like that one?”
“Well, you’re gonna be with me so I can keep an eye out for you.”
There it was again. The ten thousand butterflies swarming your stomach. You knew his tendencies and how jealousy was just in his nature. He meant no harm by it, it was just that he cared about you deeply and didn’t want anyone to do you wrong. At least, that’s what he told himself to keep his sanity. He hated knowing others could gawk at you when you went out and he could do nothing about it. 
“Okay you have point, and I do really like that dress.”
“So do I.”
“Shut up, you perv!”
“Hey! I’m just being honest.”
He held his hands up in defense. 
“Well, anyways I still need to get some makeup but at least I don’t have to worry about an outfit.”
Hongjoong nodded to you and leaned in for a hug before pulling away in the opposite direction. 
“Alright, I’ll see you later tonight. Be safe and text me when you get home.”
“I will.” 
Smiling to yourself, you walked back towards your apartment, knowing that there was a drug store right around the corner. You didn’t need a lot you just really wanted a new lipliner. Before moseying over all of the colors, you started to think about what kind of makeup look you’d settle on. You picked up a deep brown liner and decided on indefinitely doing a bold red lip and you’d figure out the rest the day of. 
Checking out, you walked back to your apartment, somewhat relieved to be back home. You were a homebody at heart no matter how much you claimed to love city life. Kicking off your shoes, you pulled out your phone to text Hongjoong.
Y/N: just got in
You didn’t get a response back but you did get a notification that he hearted the message. You grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and wandered into your bedroom to scroll on your phone. At some point, you felt your eyelids become heavy and you drifted off. 
When you woke back up, your room was shrouded in darkness and the apartment was a little colder than usual. As you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, you heard the lock on the front door turn. 
“Y/n/n, you home?”
“In here.”
Your voice scratchy and your throat dry from just waking up. You saw the light in the main room flick on and heard him shuffle into your room and he switched on the overhead light in your room. 
“Turn that shit off bro, it is so bright.”
“Aw did princess just wake up from her nap.”
You looked at him with narrowed eyes and huddled more underneath your blankets. 
“As a matter of fact, I did. And now I’m cold and hungry.”
Hongjoong crawled up on your bed and snuck under the sheets with you wrapping his body around yours, letting his head rest on your shoulder. 
“You know, body heat is the best way to warm up.”
“And so is turning on the heat.” 
“Okay lemme turn it on then.”
As he went to get up from the bed, stopped him by leaning back into him. 
“No, don’t, the body thing is working. How was the studio stuff?”
Hongjoong smiled to himself, and with him behind you, you couldn’t see how wide it was beginning to spread. 
“It was alright. A little stressful but we got everything figured out.” 
You nodded and you nuzzled more into him. You turned your head to face him as best you could. 
“By the way, when is the release party again?”
You whipped your head around, eyes wide, dramatizing your reaction to his answer. 
“Well, at least you told me today, might’ve had a stroke if you told me tomorrow.” 
“You’re so dramatic.” 
“You love it.” 
You were cut off by your stomach growling against Hongjoong’s hand that was resting against it. You both laughed as you looked at each other completely surprised by how loud it was. As you went through your list of options you both decided that it would be more satisfying to cook something at home. Hongjoong got out of your bed first and as you heard the clanging of pots in the kitchen you found yourself wandering after him. As you guys helped each other with dinner, you couldn’t help but relish in the domestic feeling you were feeling with him. Unbeknownst to you, he was feeling the exact same thing. Finishing up cooking you guys decided on something to watch before eating in comfortable silence. 
You excused yourself to go through your night routine. When you finished you walked back out to the main room and noticed Hongjoong wasn’t in there anymore. Shuffling to his room, you peeked through his cracked door and saw him posted up in front of his computer again, his headphones sitting around his neck. 
“You need help with anything?”
He looked up at you with such a soft look you couldn’t help but fall even deeper into the grave you were digging. 
“Huh? No, I’m okay actually. Thanks for checking in.”
“Okie, I think I’m gonna head to bed.”
“See you in the morning.” 
He smiled at you before putting his headphones back on. You gently shut his door and walked down the hall to your room where you snuggled up against your stuffed animals and fell into a deep sleep quickly. 
When you woke up the next morning, your stomach was in knots suddenly nervous with the idea of meeting the rest of his members and attending the party in general. As you opened your phone you finally saw the time and almost flew out of the bed. Opening your door you saw Hongjoong fixing himself something to eat. 
“What time do we have to leave tonight?”
“Like 5ish, why?”
You finally took a regulated breath and calmed yourself down. Pulling yourself out of the panicked state that you found yourself in fresh out of sleep. 
“Okay good. You know I need 7 years to get ready, I thought I woke up way too late.”
“You should eat something before you make yourself go crazy in the bathroom though.”
Agreeing you fixed yourself some cereal and then waddled back into your bedroom flopping on your bed, the task of getting ready seemed so incredibly daunting now that you had to do it. You checked the time and it was only 1:30pm. Giving yourself half an hour to dick around, you figured you could get ready in three hours. 
Once your precious thirty minutes expired, you groaned the entire way into the bathroom. After brushing your teeth, you turned on the shower gathering all your necessary products. Grabbing your face wash last and throwing on a shower cap, you begin the extensive process that was showering. After you finish your shower, you moisturized your body, and put on your undergarments and a dressing robe. 
Before starting your makeup, you grabbed your speaker from your bedroom, turned on some music, and started the painstaking process of making sure your entire face was symmetrical. Deciding on a smokey liner for your eyes, you made sure everything was even. 
Before you knew it, the sky outside began to change colors, the hues reflecting into your room turning much warmer than when you started getting ready. You checked your phone and the time read 4:32pm. You took a breath realizing that you still had time. Lining your lips and filling them in with your favorite red lipstick, you rubbed them together, blending the two products. Satisfied with your look you slipped off your robe and left it on the bathroom floor. 
Sliding through your racks of hangers, you found the dress you were looking for. Heading back into the bathroom you slipped into the dress, fighting with the fabric as you pulled it over your hips. As you pulled the straps up over your shoulders, you situated your boobs so that they sat higher creating the perfect cleavage. You played with the slit on the dress cinching it a little higher up your leg. 
You gave yourself a once over, loving the way the dress hugged your curves before heading back into your room to grab your jewelry pieces. You settled on a small, silver Cuban link necklace that Hongjoong gifted you for your birthday one year, small dangly silver earrings, and a few rings adoring your fingers. Grabbing a clutch and your black, pointed pumps from your closet, you sat in the main room waiting for Hongjoong to come out. 
As you sat on the couch he called out for you.
“Y/n! Are you ready?” 
“Yup! Just gotta slip my shoes on.” 
As you wiggled your feet into your heel, you heard Hongjoong’s shoes clicking from the hallway. He was clad in a pair of ripped blue jeans, a white dress shirt, and a black and white cropped and frayed jacket. You thought he was attractive before but staring at him dressed up had you at a loss for words. When he lifted his head from the floor and his eyes landed on your figure, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes and be in awe of you. If he wasn’t completely smitten with you before, he surely was now. 
“You, you look great Y/N.”
“Can say the same for you Joongie.”
He felt his heart melt. Whenever you called him that he couldn’t help but be whipped for you, he wanted you all for him and now he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to share you with everyone else. His thoughts were running wild with nothing but you in them. Your voice pulled him from his thoughts. 
“Should we get going?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” 
Walking to the parking lot by your apartment, Hongjoong opened the passenger door for you before letting himself in. The drive to the venue was a little silent except for the music coming through his speakers. You were wracked with nerves and were honestly a little more than nervous about the event. 
“Y/n, why are you so nervous?”
“Wha-, I’m not nervous!”
“You’ve been silent the whole ride, cmon I know you.”
You sighed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to hide your feelings. 
“I don’t know, I guess I just don’t wanna mess anything up for you.” 
He looked over at you as he pulled into the venue parking lot. 
“Everything is gonna be fine. Besides, when have you ever messed anything up for me?”
“Well, there was that one time-
“-Something serious.”
You were silenced knowing he was right. You took another breath and didn’t even realize Hongjoong had already come to open your door. 
“Thank you.”
As you walked to the entrance, Hongjoong had his hand on your lower back keeping you close to him. Walking into the building, there were neon lights everywhere, an array of people, Ateez’s music blasting through the overhead speakers, and of course, you picked out immediately the seven other men you were destined to meet. San noticed Hongjoong first, waving his hand to come toward the group. 
You had a large grin on your face, masking your conglomerate portrait of emotions. 
“Hongjoong! And I’m assuming this is the special lady we’ve all been hearing about?” 
You held your hand out towards San and introduced yourself. 
“Y/n, it’s nice to meet you!” 
San gently moved your hand away and pulled you into a hug. 
“It’s so nice to finally meet you! Hyung here is constantly talking about you.”
Whom you would later find out was Wooyoung, made his presence known by shouting over the music and commenting on how you looked next to his friend. 
“Hongjoong! You didn’t tell us she was taller than you too!”
You smiled and chuckled to yourself, feeling slight steam come off of Hongjoong.
“It’s just my shoes!”
San dragged you to the rest of the group to introduce you to everyone to which you realized you had nothing to worry about. All of them were so inviting and greeted you with a near bone-crushing hug. There was someone who stuck out from the rest though. 
The way his gaze lingered on you, you noticed it from when you walked in and when you were pulled so close to him, his touch loitered on your skin a little bit longer from the rest. 
You had to admit everyone single one of them was attractive in their own right and perhaps this is exactly what you needed to get over your little massive crush on your best friend. As the night went on, you got along with everyone so smoothly. The conversation never seemed to have an end. 
Every time you spoke though you found Seonghwa’s eyes fixated on you, something Hongjoong noticed as well. You looked around for the bar, desperate for some alcohol in your system to maybe find some courage to approach his leering gaze with the same confidence. Seonghwa noticed this and came closer to you leaning to your ear so he didn’t have to shout. 
“You want to go grab a drink?”
“Uh yeah actually. Joong do you want anything?”
Hongjoong’s eyes were cold as he looked towards Seonghwa but softened his expression as best as he could as he turned back to you. 
“Yeah, I’ll just come with you guys.”
As you three went to get up Yunho grabbed Hongjoong’s attention. 
“Hyung! Wait. We have to go over that prompt before you do anything. You have to give that speech here in a moment.” 
His shoulders hunched coming to terms that he had to do his job first before catering to his bubbling emotions. You turned back to him before walking off with Seonghwa to the bar.
“You want your usual?”
He nodded and you and Seonghwa made light conversation over to the bar while you were waiting for the drinks to be made. When the conversation died down a bit, Seonghwa felt that this was the perfect moment to ask. 
“So I have to know, are you and Hongjoong a thing? Or is that just him being possessive?”
“It’s definitely just him being him. Ever since we met he’s always been a little bit protective of me. But to answer your question, no we’re not together.” 
“He definitely acts like your his.”
“Yeah no, just friends.” 
He nodded leaving the conversation there and with perfect time all three of the drinks were finished as well. You walked back to where everyone was congregating and gave Hongjoong his drink. His gaze was still hard but you couldn’t quite figure out why. The music faded out and a light targeted its way to where all of Ateez was sitting. Hongjoong gave his speech and you were nothing but enamored with him. 
The way the light was hitting his face, his outfit, the way he carried himself with such elegance talking about his pride and joy. As you were standing off to the side soaking him in, Seonghwa was doing the same thing with you. Drinking you in with every second that he could. When Hongjoong finished his speech, the music faded back in and you looked back over toward the group. Seonghwa with his newfound information about your single status had to seize this opportunity. 
As Hongjoong was preoccupied with his members, Seonghwa sneaked off to you.
“Wanna dance?”
“Sure, why not?”
He pulled you down to the dance floor where some other people had the same idea. Feeling the music you swayed with the beat and smiled up toward Seonghwa. As the song faded out, you finished your drink and told him you were going to go grab another. He followed you not wanting to leave you alone. As you guys walked back to the main floor you continued dancing with each other. Seonghwa leaned down to you again.
“You know he’s in love with you right?”
His comment caught you off guard and you sipped your drink.
“What do you mean?”
“If you were to see him from my angle…he wishes he could strike me down right now.” 
“Wait turn me so we swap spots, I want to see.”
You did just that but Seonghwa made sure to add a little extra to your turn. When your eyes spotted where the group was sitting you saw how silent Hongjoong was. The way his gaze was now directed towards the both of you. 
He was pissed.
You almost felt bad but at the same time, you desperately begged any god that was listening that this would pan out in your favor. 
“Wrap your hands around my neck.”
You furrowed your brows
“Just do it.”
In beat with the song that was playing you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“My next question is, do you feel the same way about him? And I already know the answer I just wanna see if you’ll lie to me.”
Seonghwa smirked at you. 
“So much so that it’s excruciating to think about.” 
As the two of you swayed you talked about your crush. 
“Well Y/n, looks like this is your lucky night, 'cause here he comes.” 
You felt a hand grace your back and you turned around to face Hongjoong. He tried his damnedest to hide his hardening feelings from you because they were truly directed at Seonghwa. 
“I’m not feeling too well I think we should head home.” 
“Oh! Okay, do you need me to do anything.?”
He shook his head and you sucked down the rest of your drink throwing the cup in the nearest trashcan.
“Let me just say goodbye to everyone.”
You walked over to the rest of the boys hugging everyone goodbye. When you went to hug Wooyoung, he pulled you a little closer so he could whisper in your ear. 
“Hope you know your man is pissed and I hope you get the best sex out of this.”
Your mouth hung open, surprised by his boldness. You pulled away from him lightly smiling. 
“He’s not my man Woo.”
“Well, he’s been acting like it! Good luck y/n.” 
He laughed and you suddenly felt your nerves settle in your stomach as you walked back over to Hongjoong. Hugging Seonghwa goodbye and began to walk off with Hongjoong. 
“Don't forget to text me y/n/n!”
You turned around and waved towards Seonghwa, confused for only a moment before you understood that he was egging Hongjoong on. Hongjoong picked up his speed and borderline was pulling you out of the venue. When you got to the car he opened the door for you but the drive was viciously silent. His knuckles were gripping against the steering wheel turning a forced shade of white. 
His breathing was heavy and slow and you felt like if you said anything it would be like poking a stick at an angry bear. You couldn’t bear the silence anymore though so you spoke up. 
“Joongie…are you okay?” 
He didn’t answer you. You were only a few minutes away from home so when he pulled into the apartment complex you felt a bit of relief knowing you wouldn’t have to have that question linger in the air. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what I did to upset you but whatever it was I’m sorry.” 
The air was heavy, suffocating even. Your timid voice dissipated immediately into the tension he was spewing into the air. He got out of the car and walked around to open your door, but started walking a bit ahead of you. You both stepped into your apartment door and you let him in first, locking the door behind you both as you took off your shoes. 
“That’s what you call it?”
You almost didn’t hear him, but you didn’t want to make him more upset by having him repeat himself. You didn’t have to ask though, the time you took to respond had him wired up enough.
“I said, that’s what you call it? Not knowing whatever it was.”
“Joongie I can’t know what you're so upset about if you don’t tell me.”
“Don’t ‘Joongie’ me and don’t act like you don’t know. You let him all over you all night and I just had to sit there and watch!”
You paused. 
“This is about Seonghwa?”
“No, it’s about Jongho, c’mon y/n you’re smarter than that.” 
His tone was frustrating you to no end. He was chastising you for no real reason. It wasn’t like you were dating so why was he treating you as such? You loved him you knew that much but every time someone so much glanced at you, you had to deal with some sort of small outburst like this.
“Joong it’s not like we’re dating, I don’t understand why this is bothering you so much.”
“Because you’re mine y/n! You’ve always been mine! And every time I have to sit back and watch you possibly find the feelings that I feel for you in someone else it drives me up the fuckin wall. I can’t stand seeing you with someone else and I-” 
“-Hongjoong I-”
“No! Let me finish. If I have nothing at least I can have the peace of knowing that you finally know.” 
Your heart was in your ears. You felt like you were underwater and slowly watching yourself begin to drown. He was confessing and you didn’t know whether to feel overjoyed or scared at the thought that everything you wished for was happening at such an intensity.
“And I love you. I can’t watch you hold somebody else when I love you with a passion that suffocates me while I sleep. If you don’t feel the same way, I understand but I can’t keep living without you knowing.” 
Now it was your turn to be silent. You stared at him like a deer in headlights unable to form a response for him. 
“Well don’t just stand there, say something! Please.”  
You went to open your mouth but nothing came out. 
“Oh, fuck it.” 
Hongjoong walked over to you, clearing the short distance that was between you two. His hands encased your face and his lips covered yours. Your eyes blew wide for only a second before relaxing completely into his touch. You returned the kiss with equal fervent, curling your nails into the nape of his neck. His kiss became more urgent and he bit at your lip pulling it with him as he pulled away. 
He looked at you trying to read your features. Your eyes were glistening with a mixture of lust and love and there was heat you could feel rushing to your face as you gazed back at him. Lust was evident in his eyes but none of the hardness that he was harbouring earlier. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“Don’t you want me?”
His tone was pleading, his eyebrows curling upwards. Everything about him begging to hear a similar response from you. When you finally spoke his heart began to beat again. 
“Hongjoong, I’ve wanted you since I met you and I don’t know how you missed all my signs. But I swear if you don’t take me now I’ve got a text message to send.” 
He grabbed your hand and dragged you down the hallway into his bedroom. He pulled your body close to his once again, pressing his lips firmly against yours. His hand fingered its way through your hair and he grabbed a fistful of it. A weak moan left your mouth and he pulled you away from his. 
“I don’t ever want to hear you say his name again.” 
You carded your hands through his Styx colored hair, smirking up at him.
“Make me forget it then.”
It wasn’t a growl, but it was a sound that reverberated in the depth of his chest before he pushed you onto the bed. You scooted more towards the center of the bed as Hongjoong crawled over you. His lips attacked your jawline, trailing down to your neck where he began sucking crimson marks distinctive to him, claiming you for anyone to see. 
His hands traveled down to your breasts and he played with your nipples through the fabric of your dress as he continued his assault on your skin. 
“Hongjoong please.”
“Oh, now you wanna beg me? What happened to that text message, hmm?”
“I don’t, I just want you. Only you. Please.”
He chuckled against the space where your neck and shoulders connect, the warmth of his breath sending goosebumps up your body. He raised himself on his hands looking you in the eyes. His hand came up to caress your face, his thumb grazing across your bottom lip. You opened up your mouth so that his thumb slipped in and you began sucking on it. Your eyes glazed over in lechery. Your hands trailed down his body and rested on the hem of his jeans, hooking your fingers into his belt loops bringing him closer. 
He removed his thumb from your mouth and went back to teasing your nipple. You whined, attempting to writhe your body against him. 
It took you a second to register his words, but you looked up at him with wondrous eyes and opened your mouth slowly. 
Nothing would’ve prepared you for the wad of spit he aimed in your mouth nor the asphyxiating grip your pussy reacted with. You swallowed without any command and opened your mouth again for another take. 
“Wanna know how I know you’re mine? I didn’t have to tell you to do that. You’re just filthy enough to take whatever I want to give you, isn’t that right, baby?” The pet name had you squirming. The ring it had coming from his mouth had you wanting to cling to him for the rest of time. He snaked down your body and bunched up the skirt of your dress so he could easily remove you from your underwear. He dragged his finger between your slit, gathering not even a fraction of your arousal. The pad of his finger gently swiped over your clit and your body jumped due to the sensitivity. 
“Aw, is my girl a little sensitive?”
You mewled out, words not forming correctly in your mind. 
“Is this all for me y/n?”
You writhed against him hoping that it was enough to satisfy him. The slap against your pussy led you to believe otherwise. You moaned out and pushed yourself to your elbows to look down at Hongjoong. 
“I said, is this all for me?” “Yes, yes, yes! It’s all for you Joongie. Fuck it’s always you~ah!”
He swiped his tongue up your slit ringing your precious little bell with his hellish tongue. He pushed your legs further apart and his fingers toyed with your entrance. 
“You want it?”
“Hongjoong, please! I want you to do whatever you want. Make me yours.”
You whined out finding it harder and harder to keep your composure. Hongjoong entered two fingers into your decadent cunt, your warmth wrapping around him like a tender blanket. His tongue kept a perfervid pace on your clit, bringing you dangerously close to your edge. 
“Hongjoong, I-I’m gonna.”
You were panting, your words barely forming enough to be heard. Hongjoong took your affirmation and used it against you, pulling his fingers and his tongue away from your heat. You whined and writhed against him, in clear distress from the lack of him. 
You got up and he pushed you back down with a searing kiss. The taste of you, tart and something faintly sweet on your tongue. You pushed back against him and you rolled him over so that he was lying on his back now. You kissed him on his jawline and bit at his ear, pulling gently at the skin. You moved off the bed and shimmied out of your dress, presenting all of your glory in front of him. You crawled back up on the bed and unbuttoned his pants pulling them down his legs. 
“I want you in my mouth so bad.”
He lifted himself from the bed, removing his jacket and throwing it somewhere in his room. You fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt, but you needed to see all of him. With the final button undone, he threw that behind the both of you and your attention was back on the bulge fighting against the fabric of his underwear.
Slowly pulling them down, you dropped them off the bed and eyeballed his length. 
“Can I?”
“Don’t let me stop you, baby.”
You let a glob of spit fall onto his head before you licked him up from base to tip. Hollowing out your cheeks you found praise in the frequency of his moans. You twisted your tongue around his shaft as you bobbed up and down his length. When you looked up at him he was already staring you down. 
“Fuck, y/n! You’re so good. You’re so so good.” 
You picked up your pace, intent on making him cum and making him cum quick. His moans became louder almost turning into whines. He sucked the spit through his teeth and tried to calm himself down.
“Baby, baby, slow down I’m gonna cum.”
But you weren’t listening, you had no intent to. Hongjoong wrapped his hand in your hair and pulled you off of him. 
“You don’t listen do you?” “Maybe you should teach me how.” 
You smiled completely fucked out, your mouth swiped with saliva.
“Get on your back.”
His tone was domineering and you love every drop of it. He brought himself down to your nipple sucking on the tender skin. You moaned out needing more from him. 
“Joongie, please. I need you inside of me. I need to know what you feel like.” 
Your eyes were pleading, you truly needed nothing more in this moment. He lined himself up with your entrance before teasing you and sliding his hot and needy cock between your folds.
“Joong please, don’t tease me~ugh!”
He filled you up so nicely. You could feel every inch of him and the stretch you felt from his size was indescribably delicious. He started with long, slow strokes allowing you to feel every bit of him. Your hands found refuge on his back, your nails leaving red marks of ardor in their wake. 
“More. I need more Hongjoong.” 
He picked up his pace but it still wasn’t enough for you. You needed him to be rougher with you, you needed him to claim you and make you never forget where home was. You grabbed his face with both of your hands and forced him to look directly into your sex-blown eyes. 
“Joong, I need you to fuck me like you mean it.”
Something in him broke. His dam of reservations crumbling with your words. He wanted to be sweet with you and forget about the earlier moments of the evening. But with every bratty comment that left your lips, he simply couldn’t. He flipped you on your hands and knees and began pounding you from behind. The cry that left your mouth was one of pure pleasure. You could feel him hitting the parts of you that made you insatiable. 
The tip of his cock was bruising your g-spot leaving you in a sex drunken stupor. 
“Who’s pussy is this?”
“Who’s pussy is this y/n? I’m not asking again”
“It’s your’s Hongjoong! Fuck it’s always been yours, baby.”
Tears were welling up in your eyes from the pleasure you were feeling. 
“Hongjoong baby, I’m gonna cum!”
“Cream all over my cock baby, let me feel how good I make you feel.” 
That’s all you needed to be sent over the edge. His cock was making you dizzy with lust and you didn’t know if you needed a rest or more of him. Hongjoong already made that decision for you though, fucking through and after your orgasm, wildly overstimulating you. 
It was almost too much to handle and you started crawling away from his pistoning hips. Hongjoong grabbed your hips and pulled you even closer to his fiery drives of pleasure. 
“Stop running. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? To fuck you like I mean it.”
He leaned over you pressing your head into the mattress. His thrusts became more erratic and rougher and you could feel his cock begin to twitch against your seraphic walls. 
“y/n, where do you want me?” “Fuckin hell, inside of me Hongjoong. I don’t wanna forget who I belong to. Fill me up please, Joongie.”
His cum shot out of him at a rate that even surprised him. It colored your walls, making its own rapturously beautiful painting. You were now his color and couldn’t ask for anything more. You flopped down on the bed, your body spent from the adrenaline you were banking on. Hongjoong kissed your cheek and spoke against your skin, his breath sending chills up your spine again. 
“You’re mine, baby. Now, wait here, I’ll be right back.”
You didn’t plan on moving, completely spent from the moments prior. Hongjoong came back into the room with a warm cloth and cleaned you up as gently as he could. Not wanting to cause you any discomfort. He left the rag on the floor and climbed up next to you and you wrapped your body around him resting your head on his stomach. 
“Say the words.” 
He looked down at you.
“What words?”
“What do you want me to be to you?”
“My girl.”
You paused looking up at him giving him the most obvious of hints. 
“Will you?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
You sat up and looked at Hongjoong. 
“Are you hungry?”
“How’d you know?” 
“Well, we didn’t really eat at the party or before we left and it’s now…11 at night.”
You both chuckled and you looked at him thinking of what would be open this late and still be good. 
“Sounds good.”
“Okay, you order I’m gonna go pee.” 
When you looked at yourself in the mirror you felt a sense of relief and pride wash over you. Your post-sex glow gave you something else to gawk at besides the fact that it was this timeline where you would get to be with the one person you thought you could never have. 
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hwaslayer · 13 days
favorite things | pmylm drabble (jyh)
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⇢ favorite things - drabble one // ft. the pmylm couple
summary: yunho's been having a rough time adjusting to the 'real world' and gets upset when he can't have the person he needs the most right away.
words: 2.8k
warnings: cussing/mature language, jealousy/insecurities, yuyu is upset and doesn't really know how to control his feelings rn cause he is just a tired boy 😭, a small lil fight, the awkward silent treatment, yuyu and yeo talk thru his feelings for a bit, kissing/making out, sorry if i missed anything i quickly whipped the rest of this in bed lol
a/n: whipped this baby up because i just felt the need to and i missed my babies!! (+ this lil IG inspo hehe) more drabbles to come 🫶🏼 love you in slow motion update this weekend annnnd i’m gonna have to push back the fallen angel hwa fic cause im all over the place 🥹 but we’ll do better!! lol stay tuned!!
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Yunho has entered the real world and he is exhausted. When his mom used to joke about living and working in this so-called real world, he used to think it was just a thing to keep him on his toes, shake him up a little bit.
Nope, that shit was all real.
And he hates it.
He hates it because it's the one thing that brings another fight to the table for your relationship. Ultimately, Yunho knows all he has to do is adjust and he'll be fine in the long run. Both of you will be fine in the long run.
But today, that feels like a stretch and he is short of patience. Unusually short of patience than usual. He knows you don't mean any harm but for some odd reason, today he feels like the world is going to swallow him alive and everything is triggering.
The first thing is the fact that he has to stay a bit later than usual to finish up a project he had been working on. He was hoping to rush home and spend some time with you before you were off to practice for the evening, spending 2-3 hours with your friends and the group.
That didn't happen.
So, when he gets home and you've already texted him saying you've left with a sad, crying face, he's bummed. He gets himself comfortable anyway, heating up a cup of ramen since he's not too hungry. Maybe he'll get some food with you when you're out— it's one of his favorite things to do.
Now, the second thing that makes him a little more irked is the fact that 2-3 hours go by and you haven't texted. He knows practice can run long, but it's also a little unusual for you to not keep him updated. You finally do a bit past 8pm with a quick:
you: hi baby, sorry! practice was a bit busy, i was caught up during breaks. i'll be home soon then i'll come over after i shower, okay? wait for me (: we should go on a food run! hehe
yunho: sounds good, love. i'll be here.
It closes to 9pm and Yunho isn't hungry anymore. The cup of ramen will do since there seems to be a dim chance of getting food with you, especially when you tell him you'll be over in a quick second but you’re still nowhere to be found. Yunho charges to the door anyway and is hoping to greet you when he swings the door open. Instead, he's greeted with you laughing and giggling with Hyunjin downstairs in the lot as he hands you a bag of to-go food.
Let's set the record straight— Yunho loves your friends. He knows he can trust them, and he knows they're all genuinely good people. He's always been happy you had a good group of people around you.
It's just today, he really, really missed you. After a long ass day. And he knows you [and Hyunjin] mean no harm in your actions, but he can't help but feel a tad bit insecure [and slightly jealous] that you aren't rushing over to see him after not being with him all day. He knows he can blame this on the fact that he's exhausted and a little short on patience. God knows he really did try to keep it cool and brush it off.
He couldn't help it.
Yunho shuts the door again, leaving it unlocked for whenever you feel ready to come upstairs and hang out with him. He sits on his computer chair, irritated, and throws on a game to distract himself momentarily. Maybe it'll help ease whatever he's feeling,
But, nope.
It doesn't.
Because when you walk in, you're still yelling out to Hyunjin and whoever before you shut the door, place the food on the counter and walk into his room. You throw your arms around him from behind and Yunho lets out a small, audible sigh. That was already alarming enough for you, but you still dip your head to the side and try to grab his attention.
"Hi." You place a quick, chaste quick to his cheek, but Yunho doesn't move.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Is all he says plainly. "I was just waiting for you."
"I know, but Hyunjin stopped by to give us food—"
"I thought we were gonna grab food together?"
"Oh." You frown because it completely slipped your mind, or else, you would've left the food at your own apartment to save it for tomorrow instead. "Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't think he was gonna swing by with food. We all left each other earlier without any plans of—"
"It's okay." He taps your arms as a signal for you to let go of him. "You should go eat."
"We can share, there's more than enough—"
"All good." It's petty of Yunho, he knows. For him, it's the fact that you told him you wanted to go on a food run after practice. Another small, but meaningful thing you two did often. He doesn't blame Hyunjin for anything at all, no. There was no way of preventing that, and who the fuck was he to make you reject food from a friend?
He just wished he could take you to get food. Watch you order your favorites and do your happy dance in his passenger's seat. It's another one of his favorite things.
"Yunho." You slowly step aside and sit on his bed, your appetite all of a sudden gone from how distant your boyfriend is being. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset."
"It's fine."
"Is it really? Because something feels off and I wanna know what I did so I can fix it."
"It's nothing, Y/N." You almost flinch at the way he calls you your name instead of his cute endearing nicknames. It throws you off guard so much that you resort to a flimsy, broken:
"Okay." It's barely above a whisper. You stand to head back out to the kitchen, quietly eating a bit of Hyunjin's extra to-go thai food before setting some aside in a tupperware for Yunho and placing it in the fridge. The rest of the night goes.. like that.
In silence. With weird tension.
You hate it.
You wish you could just fix whatever you did wrong, or that Yunho would tell you no matter how 'silly' it may sound. He's always been so good with communicating, even during small disagreements, you weren't sure why he was avoiding it this time around.
You quietly get ready for bed, brushing your teeth and flossing before changing out of your sweats and hoodie to Yunho's shirt. You pad into the room, slipping yourself deep under the sheets and pull up some vlogs on Youtube that you need to catch up on.
"Tired?" Yunho asks from his computer chair, still playing his game.
"Mhm." You look at him, hoping he'd come over to kiss you, cuddle you. Shut off the computer and lay next to you, show you any kind of affection. He doesn't budge, though. You feel your bottom lip trembling, your heart slowly cracking in various places. You have to take a breath to prevent yourself from crying, and Yunho can feel it. He can feel your gaze on him, he can tell you're seconds away from crying. So, Yunho stands and shuts off his computer. But, he starts to head out to the living room and you're on the verge of breaking down. His way of avoiding the issue and getting more upset was to shut down. Deflect.
This wasn't like Yunho at all so you knew something was wrong; something was that bothersome to him.
"Baby." You call for him softly, and he just looks at you. You can tell he's conflicted between keeping this up and dropping it entirely, but it doesn't seem to be enough. It's not enough for him to drop it because his expression doesn't change. He still seems cold, distant. Tired. Unlike the Yunho you're so, so used to seeing and having.
"I'm just tired. Go to sleep."
"Where are you going?"
"The living room."
"Let me come with you."
"Y/N. Please go to sleep. I told you nothing was wrong." You watch the way his jaw slightly ticks before brushing you off completely and leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. A loud sigh escapes his lips as he treads to the couch and plops onto it, leaning his head back onto the edge. He shuts his eyes, giving himself some time to sort through his feelings because what the fuck, Jeong Yunho?
He knows this is much needed, though. He needed to step away for a second to regroup. He doesn't want to unintentionally hurt you by saying or doing things that he doesn't mean. He's tired, and he's acting like a fucking baby because he just wanted you at so many points today— yet, the universe just didn't let him have you. That wasn't your fault.
None of this was your fault.
He needed to do better. Just because he was exhausted, didn't mean he had to act this way towards you.
"Yo." Yeosang walks through the door, dropping his duffle bag to the floor as he steps out of his shoes. "You good?" He furrows his brows at the sight of Yunho just resting his head back with his eyes shut close.
"Where's Y/N?"
"In the room." Odd, Yeosang thinks. It's not like you two to be separated like this. It's pretty obvious Yunho is bothered by something and that you've probably gotten into a small fight over it. Yeosang isn't one to meddle much, especially when it's not his business to. But, he is concerned seeing his roommate like this. It's probably one of the rare times he ever sees Yunho upset.
"You sure everything's okay? I'm not really used to seeing you sitting out in the living room in silence like this." Yunho lets out a tiny chuckle that's barely audible, but he finally turns to Yeosang and purses his lips.
"I guess. Just exhausted lately."
"I bet. You've been working your ass off." Yeosang looks into the fridge before stepping away with a cold water bottle and heading towards Yunho. "Y/N put some food in there for you, by the way."
"Did she?"
"Yeah. It has a little sticky note on top." Of course you did, why wouldn’t you? You always thought about Yunho no matter what.
"I've been such a dick to her tonight."
"What'd you do?"
"It's so stupid." Yunho begins to explain how his day has just been all over the place— from work, to staying late and not being able to see you before practice, no updates until 3+ hours after practice, looking forward to a food run that didn't end up happening because of Hyunjin. All Yeosang can do is laugh a bit and shake his head.
"Dude, we all have bad days. It's inevitable. You're still adjusting so don't be so hard on yourself. It's hard going from a routine you were so used to, especially with Y/N. Then, having to switch it up and play tetris with your time. It's not easy. But also, I'm sure Y/N has been feeling the same way. She's just doing what she can to support you first and foremost. She'd never hurt you intentionally, and I know she'd always choose you in the end." Yunho's head drops as he leans onto his knees and sighs again.
"Fuck, you're right. I don't know why today was so difficult. I guess it all piled on for me and I didn't know how to sort through it."
"All good. Shit happens." Yeosang shrugs. "Anyway. I'm gonna head to bed. You should probably do the same. I know she's probably waiting for you."
"Thanks." Yeo gives him a little dap before he's off to get comfy and end his day. Yunho stays on the couch for a few more minutes before he brushes his teeth and washes up for bed. He stands in the bathroom for a few more seconds before gaining the courage to finally talk to you about everything that's been going on today. When he walks in, you're still bundled under the sheets, but your phone is against the wall and a video is playing. He can hear you sniffling through the video though, and he knows you've been crying.
God dammit, Yunho.
"Baby?" You hear Yunho softly call your name as he slips into bed and wraps his arms around you.
"Mhm?" You respond, still facing away from him.
"Can we talk?" You sigh and exit the video, locking your phone before turning towards Yunho and setting your phone onto the table.
"Don't force yourself if you aren't ready to."
"I am, and I'm sorry." He looks at you with those puppy dog eyes and it instantly feels like you have your loving, incredibly sweet and attentive boyfriend back.
"What happened?"
"I don't really know. To be honest, I don't have that great of an explanation. I was just tired and I was really looking forward to seeing you before practice. I couldn't see you then because of work, so I was even more excited to see you after practice and to go on our run together. But, you came later and the whole thing with Hyunjin—" He pauses and shakes his head. "It was so stupid and childish of me. I didn't need to act that way, and I'm so sorry I was such a dick to you over that." You cup his cheek and caress the surface with your thumb.
"You should've just told me, babe."
"It's so dumb, though?" He furrows his brows, mainly at himself.
"Nothing is dumb. Whatever hurts you, hurts me. We're in this together, remember? We're on the same team. I just need you to communicate and be honest, like you always tell me. Okay? I'll do anything to fix it and make it better. I'm your safe space like you are mine."
"I know." He leans into your touch before placing a soft kiss to your palm. "I'll do better."
"We have our bad days and that's okay. It won't make me love you any less. Tell me if you need space or if you need anything from me. I want you to be happy and comfortable."
"I know."
"Okay. And I'm sorry about the food run. I promise I'll keep my end of it next time."
"Wasn't your fault, baby. Nothing could have prevented that." You give him a tiny, toothless smile before kissing the tip of his nose.
"Are we okay?" He nods.
"I'm so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.” He repeats before leaning in to peck you on the lips. He holds the kiss before parting and looking you in the eye, brushing the hair away from your face. He dips in for another kiss— this time, it's deeper. More passionate. His hand comes down to the small of your back as he presses against you, slipping his tongue in to fight for dominance against yours. The kiss is so full of love and neediness, but there's no push or pressure to make anything out of it.
So, Yunho continues to kiss you. Pushing up against you ever so slightly while parting from your lips to leave a trail across your jaw.
Your chin.
Your neck.
Back up to your lips.
He loves the way you softly sigh in content, listening to him repeatedly whisper 'I love you' against your lips. Into your neck. Across your jaw. He loves the way you gently bite onto his bottom lip as a way of asking for more. He loves the way your fingers tug on the ends of his hair, the way you press your lips against his cheek, forehead, nose. The way you caress his cheeks and never let him go.
It's amongst the many on his list of favorite things.
He continues to coo you and praise you in between kisses throughout the night, smiling while hearing your giggles and smothering you with more kisses until you find yourself getting sleepy. He holds you close and sings a soft lullaby, playing with your hair as you drift off to sleep with the cutest smile on your face. He can’t help but admire you, fighting the exhaustion that’s been hitting him all week for a little longer. He fights it until he can’t anymore but fuck it, it’s all worth it.
Because sitting at the very top of his favorites list is you.
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⇢ permanent taglist: @asjkdk @bintificreads @interweab @svintsandghosts @cheolliehugs
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beenbaanbuun · 1 month
Love im addicted to you Matz and darling work!!✨pls make masterlist
Soooo I was thinking are they into role playing?? Like what scenario matz and darling choose??
I have one unholy one in my mind, what if mommy hwa ties hong to chair and make him watch as he takes darling ?? This would be soo🤌🏻🤌🏻
hello!!!! the masterlist is here!! she needs updating with the last few works but that’s a job for later im afraid 😭😭
they definitely like to add a little spice into the bedroom, and i was actually thinking about that very thing just the other day. hongjoong had been a little too bratty after waking up alone and had decided to take it out not just on darling, but also on seonghwa. now, darling knows better than anyone in that house that being a brat gets you nowhere, except in hongjoong’s case, where it gets you tied to a chair.
“comfy?” seonghwa purrs into his husbands ear as he tightens the last nod. hongjoong tries to wriggle a little, but to no avail. it doesn’t surprise him; seonghwa’s rigging skills are unmatched. hongjoong gives a little shake of his head in response to the question, a defiant look in his eyes as he glares up at his partner. “good; you’re not supposed to be.”
he hears a little giggle from across the room and his gaze shoots over to where you sit on the bed, completely bare and ready for the taking. his eyes narrow, determined to convey a message to you; he may be tied up, but he’s still your dom at the end of the day. you seem to understand it, but you never once wipe the smile from your face… fucking brat.
“you did this to yourself, mi amor,” seonghwa says, stalking his way over to where you sit. a pretty hand lands atop your head, tugging at you until you sit leaning against your mommy’s hipbone. you close your eyes in bliss as he brushes your hair from your face and hongjoong can’t help but feel annoyance bubble up within him at the sight. “hasn’t our little darling proved enough times that being a little shit gets you nowhere? haven’t you yourself dragged her over your lap enough for that little lesson to sink in?”
hongjoong, of course, has learnt that lesson. not only has he taught it to you plenty of times, but he’s also been on the receiving end a few more times than he’d like to admit. it doesn’t always end up with him tied to a chair, but it is always torture for him.
his eyes narrow as he watches seonghwa’s hand dip to your chin, gently caressing your soft skin before lifting your gaze from hongjoong to your mommy. the whimper you let out when a thumb slowly pushes its way between your lips is sinful. pair it with the wide eyes look you offer to his husband and its enough to make the devil himself let out a little prayer. only you could make innocence look so slutty…
“you know, you’re lucky my precious lamb is as understanding as she is,” the thumb is pulled from your mouth with a pop, a single string of saliva connecting the digit to the still parted lips. seonghwa swipes at them, smearing your own saliva against them. hongjoong almost cums in his pants when he sees you chase after the thumb, yearning to have something rested against your tongue once more. “she didn’t even snitch on you when you were being such a troublesome brat. seriously mi amor, refusing to let her sit with you simply because she grew too hungry to stay in bed with you this morning? it’s childish, isn’t it lamb?”
and although it really shouldn’t have, the question makes hongjoong smile. clearly seonghwa was in some sort of tyrannical headspace tonight; to punish hongjoong and then continue on to ask you such a leading question? he really is out for blood.
and it seems as though you can see it too. you blink up at seonghwa’s expression of faux-innocence, your lust addled brain taking just a moment longer to compute than usual. if you answer how seonghwa wishes for you to, hongjoong will no doubt pounce the moment he gets free of the restraints. if you don’t, seonghwa will no doubt take joy in punishing you too. you swallow down your worries as your mind races to decide which lover you’d rather have on your side.
“yes, mommy,” you whisper, your voice unsure and trembling. a proud smile forms on seonghwa’s face as you fall right into the trap he lay for you. he turns his head to face his husband, giving hongjoong a single look that tells all; take this punishment like a good boy, and taking care of you will be his reward…
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luvyeni · 1 year
HIII!! You are my favorite tumblr writer right now I love your works and read all of them. I haven't seen alot of bangchan works so I wanted to request a bangchan smut (please don't judge for the kinks) with some spitting hair pulling corruption and praise (if that makes sense😭) I don't see a lot of shy reader so can you please and that the rest is up too you!
Btw do this is you are comfortable and remember to drink and eat today<3 :)
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pairings. boyfriend!chan x fem!reader
wc. 0.9k
warnings. corruption kink, hair pulling, spitting kink, oral (f. reader), unprotected sex, breeding kink, praise kink
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thank you so much for reading my works , im so glad you like them <3 i hope you like this , i tried to add everything you wanted 💓!
chan finds something interesting on his computer and he confronts you on it.
"does my pretty baby have secret she wants to share , has she been trying to explore?" chan held his laptop in his hand , sitting down next to your body which was laying down. "huh?" you tilted your head to the side , confused.
"what do you mean?" he smirked , showing you the computer , you sat up on your elbows reading it , and your blood ran cold, all the evidence from your earlier "research" staring right back at you. "naughty baby , what are you doing searching these kinds of things?"
you were curious , you didn't know much about sex , only from what chan was teaching you , but your friends were talking about different kinks that they've explored , and you hadn't heard of them , so you searched them up , regretting it now because you forgot to clear the history. "why are you so quite baby?"
your face was hot , you were too shy to voice things like this to chan , so you often let him guide you. "i..i w..was curious, my friends were talking about it , and i..i wanted to know what it was." you played with your fingers.
"and why didn't you come to me love , i would've told you." he put the laptop down , you frowned , feeling bad. "i..im sorry, i just wanted to figure it out myself." he brought his hand up to your cheek caressing it. "you don't need to do that okay, i'm here okay." you nodded , and he smiled kissing you , bit when he pulled away , his eyes were sharper , his pupils filled with lust.
"my naughty baby , i saw you have some favorites." his hand that was caressing your cheek , made it's way to your hair , tangling his fingers , tugging on it , you moaned , and he smiled. "you like that don't you?" you shyly nodded , biting your lip, chan groaned as his cock jumped in his shorts.
"fuck princess , you can't act all cute and shy while admitting you like it when i pull your hair." he roughly kissed you , pulling away , chuckling when you cutely chased his lips with a whine.
he climbed off the bed, taking his clothes off "be a good girl and get on your knees , ass in the air baby." you complied , he bent down flipping up your skirt , not to his surprise, you weren't wearing any panties.
"my naughty girl knows what i like , knows that i want her to be ready for me at all times ." he pushed his thumb against you soaking hole. "so wet." and what he did next had you about to cum untouched , he spit directly on your cunt. "c..chan." you moaned , you couldn't even cover your face , because you were supporting yourself up.
"you like that, when i spit on your cunt?" he used his fingers to spread the spit around your hole, pushing them into you. "look how wet your pussy has gotten just from me spitting on it, your soaking my fingers." he spat on it again , repeating his actions , thrusting his fingers in and out of you. "my baby has a spit kink too." he picked up his pace.
"chan f..fuck! " you moaned as he spreaded your folds, spitting directly on your hole, before diving right in , eating your cunt like a mad man. "c..chan o..oh my god!" you gave up trying to hold yourself up, your face hitting the pillow as he continued the assult on your cunt. "c..chan i..im gonna cum." you squealed as he hummed in approval.
"f..fuck!" you came all over his mouth. "fuck baby you made such a mess." his lips were glossed from spit and your cum. "gonna let me fuck this pretty pussy now , right?" you nodded and he sat on his knees , pushing his leaking cock against your ass , you wiggled your hip impatiently. "look at you princess , so ready for my cock." he pushed himself all the way in , sighing against your shoulders. "you feel so good." he kissed behind your earlobe.
he straightened his body , pulling out , fucking back into you. "so tight." he began to move. "like your pussy was made for me." his hips snapped against yours , reaching for your hair pulling it. "chan , fuck! f..feels s..so g..good!" you screamed , he groaned.
"mmh , fuck baby , you feel full?" you screamed yes , he pulled you up against his chest by your hair , you yelped as he forced your head back , kissing your lips. "open." you slowly opened your mouth , curious about what he was about to do. he gathered all the spit in his mouth , spitting into yours.
"good girl , now swallow." you swallowed , eyes rolling to the back of your head at the lewd action. he smirked pushing your face back against the pillow. "look at you , all fucked out. you gonna cum?" you were a drooling mess , weakly nodding. "go a head , cream my cock." he reached in front of you , rubbing your clit , your jaw falling slack as you came.
"t...there -shit- there you go, good girl." his knocked his head back as his abs began to flex, he fucked into your body a few more times , before cumming inside. "s..shit."
he pulled out watching the cum leak out of you. "you did so well." he turned you on your back. "did you like it?" you nodded. "i did." you were heavy breathing. "good, im glad you did." he helped you clean up , putting his shirt on your body.
"next time you're curious about anything baby let me know, okay?" you nodded. "i will."
"good i want to know every dirty thought that my precious angel is having in that pretty little head of hers"
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sv5hive · 2 months
take a break | sv5
pairing: sebastian vettel x fem!reader
warning(s): unhealthy studying habits(?), self-doubt, academic failure etc, etc.
word count: 797
note: this is incredibly self indulgent bcos guess who failed their chemistry exam!!! hahahaha you guessed it it's me!! (if i don't laugh i'll cry.)
hours of staring at a bright computer screen in a pitch black room had clearly began taking its effects after the words began to warp and swirl around. a dozen empty cans of redbull sat at the bottom of your bin along with several scraps of paper you had torn apart in frustration.
you couldn't even remember when you sat down at your desk to study. all you knew was that you had an important exam the next day and you felt hopelessly unprepared. you tore your eyes away from the blinding screen to look outside your window. the moon shone through sparse clouds illuminating the desolate streets. usually, the roads were teeming with cars trying to get home but at this time of night you were the only one awake.
"schatz? what are you still doing up?"
in the midst of zoning out, you failed to hear your boyfriend entering through the door.
was it really that late?
"i'm almost done, seb. i just have to finish this little bit now."
"come on, how long have you been sat at that desk, hm? studying for hours on end does more bad than good."
"i know, i just- i'm almost finished i promise. this test is really important and i have to do well."
"hey, hey, what's wrong?"
he rushed over to you with furrowed brows and outstretched arms.
without even realising, tears had brimmed your eyes and began tumbling down your face at an alarming rate.
"nothing, it's nothing. uhm, i'll finish this and then i'll come to bed."
you hastily wiped away your tears with your sleeves but they seemed to be never ending.
"it's obviously not nothing, schatz. if it's making you cry like this it's something to talk about."
the seconds ticked by as you debated whether you were ready to reveal what had been plaguing your mind. clearly sensing your inner turmoil, sebastian tugged you out of the chair and towards the kitchen.
"come with me to the kitchen, i'll make us some tea so you can calm down."
after two cups of hot chamomile tea had been made and placed on the counter, sebastian sat opposite you and patiently waited for you to speak without pushing you. your tears slowed down to faint sniffles as you sipped on the tea silently. annoyingly, sebastian was right and it did help you compose yourself. you put down your half empty cup and cleared your throat.
"i've been struggling with my studies. there's just so much to remember and it just gets harder and harder to keep up but everyone else is fine and i don't understand why i'm the only one who can't do the simplest tasks."
at this point, it was difficult to see through your hot tears and your face was burning up with embarrassment. sebastian was quick to place his hand over yours to try and bring you some sense of comfort.
"schatz, you are the smartest person i know. if you're finding it difficult then you're probably not the only one. i'm sure everyone can see how much effort you're putting in and that's all anyone can ask of you. if you don't do well on the test tomorrow it's not the end of the world, ok? but i think you will be completely fine, im certain."
you nodded half-heartedly, not fully convinced despite his little pep talk. you rubbed any remaining tears away and attempted to put a smile on your face.
"yeah, sorry i just feel like an idiot dumping all this on you when you just got home from work. how was your day?"
he got up from his seat to encase you in his arms. he might not be able to help with your assignments but he could definitely be there to support you with anything and everything else.
"don't apologise for your feelings. i'm sorry i didn't realise you were having a hard time. i should've noticed you weren't coping well. and my day was good, thank you for asking."
you smiled into his chest at his heartfelt apology for something that was never his fault to begin with.
"don't be silly, seb. it's not your job to constantly watch me. i should be able to do that myself."
"i know you can take care of yourself but it doesn't hurt to ask for help sometimes. it might feel like you're alone but you're not. i'm always here for you, you know that right?"
he tightened his hold on you as if to reassure you further and peppered the crown of your head with soft kisses.
you leaned up to place a peck on his cheek to express your gratitude in a way you would never be able to do justice with words.
"yeah, i know."
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taevolu · 4 months
Parasocial [Part One: What can go Wrong?] 18+
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Brief Summary: she was a streamer that liked to play games for fun and to meet new people. Her fanbase was growing more and more and she loved to interact with her fans as much as possible. However, someone wanted something more than just online interactions. He wanted her, needed her and would do anything just to be with her.
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader 
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 2,961
Warnings: yandere tae, taexdom, obsessive/possessive tae, stalker, computer hacking, masturbation, porn, home invasion
Parts: Part One, Part Two
***I do not portray any of the members to act like this in real life as they do in this story, this is all fictional!***
“Good evening everyone! I am so stoked to play Sun Haven for you guys!” You say to your viewers on Twitch. You always loved to play games after work and decided to make it your side hustle to get extra money. It was always your dream to become a full-time streamer and based on your growing viewers, it might even happen. Your viewers are all very supportive by showing up and tipping you as much as they can, it was like you had your very own fanbase! There was one viewer in particular that joined everyday, his name was Taehyung. He was always hyping you up, tipping you huge amounts of money, and staying until the end of your stream. You really appreciated him as one of your viewers.
You continued to stream and interact with your viewers, having to scroll through chat to read and reply to every single one. But you stopped at a comment that caught your eye as it was from Taehyung, “You make me so happy, thank you for taking some time off of your day to stream for us!” It warmed your heart when you saw his comment, thanking him in return.
You were about to end the stream but wanted to chat with your viewers before going. A lot of them wanted you to create a discord server, saying that it would be a fun way to keep chatting with you or with others after the stream. You thought that it was a great idea as you wanted to talk and get to know your viewers a bit more too.
After creating your account and announcing the server, you got tons of  friend requests from your viewers and without any thinking, you added them all as a friend.
You got a notification from your discord’s private messages.
Taehyung [21:03]: hi y/n! im so glad that you finally set up a discord account!
You [21:10]: hi taehyung! Yeahhh it did take a while to finally decide to
Taehyung [21:10]: well im glad i can talk to you everyday now and not through your lives 🙂
You [21:19]: thank you for supporting me!
Taehyung [21:19]: goodnight ❤
You [21:26]: Goodnight 🙂
You got ready for bed, glad that you had another successful stream.
Taehyung chuckles at himself as he hearts your message, happy that he had a platform to finally talk to you privately and not with other people. He loved you so much and wanted you with him forever. He wanted you for only him and no one else, just the thought of you being with someone else angered Taehyung. He planned to hack your computer to receive your IP address to find out where you lived but he wasn’t able to do so until you went back on stream.
“You’ll be mine soon.”
Before work, you went to your usual cafe place to wake yourself up after a long night of gaming. You see your best friend, Mael, behind the counter.
“What’s up y/n! How are you?” He greets you as you walk over to the counter.
You and Mael have been friends since junior high and used to hang out often, unfortunately, since you both graduated, life has been busy. But the both of you always caught up every morning while he got your usual ready.
“I’m doing well!” You reply.
He chuckles, “You seem a bit more cheerful than usual.” He said as he was about to finish up your drink.
“Just had another successful stream last night. A lot of my viewers asked me to open up a discord server and I’ve just been raided with a whole lot of compliments.” You explain.
Mael hands you your order, a warmed croissant with a chai, “Isn’t it a bit risky to do that though? Like creeps messaging you everyday?”
You shrug, “Maybe, but I will be careful, promise!” You say as you grab your things from him, waving him goodbye as you exit the cafe to go to work.
‘I'm excited to watch your stream tonight 🙂.’ You look at your phone and see that Taehyung has messaged you. You smiled and reacted to his message, no time to message him back as it was almost time to start your stream.
“Good evening everyone! Today’s game will be…” You continued your stream like normal
As you continue to play your game, Taehyung quickly gets to work. It did take him a while and was glad that you decided to play longer today as you didn’t work the next day. He was able to get ahold of your IP address and found your information. He chuckles to himself, he was close to having you.
Taehyung started to look around your area, trying to find a home to be close to you. He wanted to hang out with you like you were friends, he wanted you to like him, and wanted you to finally notice him.
Taehyung shouts with glee as he found a home that was just minutes away from your area. He began to pack up his things, not caring about anything else that he was going to leave behind.
He was on a mission and you were his goal.
It took Taehyung a week to own his home and to get everything ready for him to confront you in person. He was able to locate and observe you to figure out your daily routine, knowing which stores you always visited and where you worked. You weren’t much of an outside person which made this easier for Taehyung.
‘Everything was going as planned.’ Taehyung thought.
You started your morning routine before work, going over to the cafe for your usual. You greet Mael as you enter the store, him already getting your order ready. You sit down on one of the booths, opening up your phone to reply to your fans that commented on your post last night.
You suddenly hear footsteps walking towards you, assuming that it is Mael with your tea. You turn around to grab your things to leave but you were wrong. 
“Hey y/n! Fancy seeing you here!” Taehyung says, excitement showing throughout his face, you looked at the man in confusion, not knowing who he was and why he knew your name. The man then realized and introduced himself, “I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Taehyung, I watch you on twitch!”
You froze, you weren’t expecting to ever see any of your viewers in person, especially Taehyung. You had to admit, he was a good looking man. His body was slim, his hair looked messy but styled at the same time, and his face looked godly.
You didn’t realize that you were standing in place while still staring at Taehyung until Mael cleared his throat to get your attention.
“Here’s your order y/n.” He says, then passes Taehyung to walk over to you to hand over your things.
“Thank you, Mael.” You murmured, Mael nodded and began to walk away. Taehyung had his eyes locked onto Mael as he walked away, eyebrows furrowed, but changed his expression once he turned back to you.
“Sorry if I disturbed you, I didn’t mean to.” Taehyung says while fiddling with his jacket.
You shake your head, “It’s okay, I just didn’t expect to ever see any of my viewers in public, that’s all.” You nervously laugh, “But I gotta go to work soon.” You wave Taehyung goodbye as you reach the door but he stops you by grabbing your hand.
“I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime?” Taehyung asks.
You turn around to face Taehyung, “Yeah sure! Just message me and I’ll be there.” You reply. You see Mael looking over to you, mouthing ‘don’t do it.’ but you just shrug him off. Taehyung was one of your #1 supporters on twitch and have stuck with you since you started streaming. 
What can go wrong?
Taehyung watched your stream that night, chuckling to himself as he finally had you in his hands. The more he looked at you, the more aroused he felt. He ran his hands all over his body, feeling himself and wishing that it was you touching him. He reaches down to his pants to reveal his cock, pumping his cock as he moans your name. He begins to pump faster, groaning as he wished it was your pussy instead.
“Fuck, y/n, I want to feel your warmth so fucking bad.” He moans, gripping his dick harder as he was about to cum. He groans as he shoots his cum all over your face that was displayed on his monitor.
He stands up from his chair, wiping his cum off of his monitor, “Next time, my cum will be on your pretty and soft face, my darling.” But that gave him an idea. Your stream was about to end and as you say your goodbyes, he begins to dress up to head somewhere.
Your home.
He didn’t live too far from you, just 2 minutes away, glad that he was able to find an apartment unit so close to yours. He walked up the stairs to your apartment’s front door and saw all of the lights in your unit were off, noting that you were already asleep. The doors in this apartment complex were easy to get into as they can be unlocked by fingerprint or keycode. Good thing for Taehyung, he got your fingerprint when he grabbed your hand as you were leaving the cafe earlier this morning. He uses the tape that got ahold of the print and unlocked your door in an instant.
Taehyung slowly opens the door, no creaks to be heard, and tiptoes his way into your unit. His layout was the same as yours, making it easy for him to find your room. He sneaks into your room, slowly opening your door to see you without any clothing, masturbating while watching porn. You moan in pleasure as you rub your clit, your wet pussy and the video filling up your room. Taehyung can feel his erected cock suffering in his pants, waiting to be used. He pulls out his cock, pumping it while he watches you rub your clit. Your moans start to build up as you are getting closer to your orgasm, your speed increasing. Taehyung sees that you are getting closer, pumping faster to cum with you. You moan in pleasure as you reach your orgasm, twitching from the sensual sensation. Taehyung notices as he sees your body twitching, feeling the same sensation as he cums into his hands.He pulls his pants back up and begins to watch you get ready to fall asleep, waiting until you fall into a deep sleep.
He stood there, hearing you softly snore, queuing him that it was time. He opens up your door even more, slowly walking in towards your bed. He was glad that you decided to not clothe yourself as it made it easier to touch you. He lightly touches your legs to move them apart. He feels you move under his touch, stopping his action to not wake you. He hears you softly snore again and begins to lean in close to your pussy. He inhales to smell the scent of your pussy, the smell of your cum still lingering. His mouth started to water as he was impatient to taste you. He inches his mouth closer to your opening, his tongue softly touching your pussy while he licks up your juices. He then sticks his tongue into your pussy, motioning his tongue to your clit and down to your entrance, feeling your pussy becoming wet under his touch. He smiles as he hears you moan in your sleep. He continues to lick your clit while he carefully pushes a finger in your entrance, you start to squirm but he didn’t care, he was waiting for this moment. He slowly pumps inside you while he quickened his pace with his tongue, your juices and his saliva piling up on his chin. He feels you tighten around his fingers and quickly pulls away as he doesn't want to wake you from your sleep. He slowly crawls back out of the bed to not wake you up, and stands up to observe your body. He smirks admiring your perfect breasts, staring at your erect nipples. He begins to lean down, kissing both and creeps out of your room slowly while carefully shutting the door behind him. He smiles to himself, satisfied that he finally got a taste of you.
You woke up as a cold breeze came into contact with your exposed pussy, realizing that you forgot to clothe yourself back up before getting into bed. You sat up in bed, going over the dream you had last night. You had a dream of someone eating you out but you couldn’t see who it was. You haven’t had someone eat you out in a while, blaming that reason for your dream. You groaned as it made you horny again but you had to get ready for work. You stand up from your bed and get ready.
You finally got to the cafe, walking over to the entrance. When you walk in, you see the same people that go in there daily like you. However, you see someone who you don’t see often and it was Taehyung. You feel different after seeing him sitting with his coffee, the feeling of your pussy gushing underneath your panties. You were wearing a skirt today and the breeze between your legs led a shiver down your spine. You shake your head to compose yourself, scolding yourself for being horny so early in the morning.
You walk up to the counter and thank Mael but he stops you, “Please be careful y/n, I’ve been really worried about you lately.” You roll your eyes at him. Mael has always been protective but you don’t blame him, you were a juvenile teenager and always chose poor choices but you were an adult now and knew better, you didn’t want him to worry about you forever.
“Mael, I am quite sure that I can take care of myself. I do appreciate that you care about me a lot. I will be more cautious with what I do, I am not like the teenager that I was back then.” You hear him sigh.
“I know, I am just worried.” He starts, he then leans in closer to whisper, “Ever since that one day, he has been showing up lately.” He whispers as he looks over to Taehyung. You raised your eyebrows in disbelief.
“Mael, don’t worry about him. He is a kind person. And plus you don’t know him that well to be assuming stuff about him.” You say in a hush tone.
He shakes his head with a sigh, “And you know him?”
“I don’t, but he is harmless, trust me please.” Of course you didn’t know him personally but you didn’t see that in Taehyung, he never showed the intentions to be a ‘creep’ when it came to your lives.
Mael sighs again in defeat, “Okay, fine, but if you come to me for help just know that I told you so.” You smile and nod in response.
You walk over to the door to leave for work, feeling sharp eyes on your back. You turn around to see who it was and it ends up being Taehyung. You gave him a smile and a small wave, he does it back and stands up to walk over to you. While he does, you see Mael’s eyes shift over to you both but you ignore him.
“Hey, y/n! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow at the club?” Taehyung asks.
“Yeah, sure! I do want to get my mind off of some things right now so I would love that!” You reply. You see Taehyung’s face lighten up in excitement.
“Great! I’ll meet you at Forum tomorrow, 22:00 okay with you?”
You chuckle. You appreciated that he respected your stream time but you were planning on canceling your stream plans that night, “I’m not streaming tonight so we can go at 21:00!” He nods in response. You say goodbye to Taehyung as you were getting late for work.
Once you got into your car, you get a text from Mael. You sigh after looking at his text message.
Mael [7:47]: Be careful please.
You [7:48]: If you are so worried, why dont you just come with? We are going to the Forum at 21:00 tonight.
Mael [7:48]: Okay, I’ll see you there
You threw your phone into your bag, tired of talking to Mael and started driving over to work.
While you left the cafe, Taehyung sat in his spot, his heart racing as he started to think about the things he wanted to do with you as he had you in his hands. His thoughts suddenly stopped as Mael approached him.
“What intentions do you have with y/n?” Mael asks. Taehyung shifts his gaze over to the man. Taehyung didn’t like Mael as he always talked to you, especially earlier as he heard your conversation with him.
“Nothing. I’m just one of her biggest fans.” Taehyung says nonchalantly.
Mael huffs in annoyance, “Well whatever it is, don’t do anything stupid.” Taehyung nods slowly and begins to make his way out of the cafe.
Mael was going to be a problem between you and Taehyung. And Taehyung had to do something about him. But now wasn’t the right time. He needed to have you first.
PLEASE do not copy, translate or post my writing on any other platform without my consent. ― taevolu🤍
Inspired by trivia-yandere and the parasocial game by chillas art
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hearts4leeknow · 6 months
bf!skz hyung line reacting to you randomly hugging them
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
Paring: skz (seperate) x reader
a/n: i promise i have ideas i js dont have time to write them 😭
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You were bored sitting around in your shared apartment, Bangchan was on his phone all day and you wanted his attention. So you decided to run up to him and give him a big hug. You ran up to chan, throwing yourself on him, you inhaled his scent and relaxed your whole body.
“Baby?” Chan giggled. “what was that for!”
“Mmh, I wanted attention.” You whined, pulling back to look at him.
“Okay, then you have my attention now.” He smiled putting him phone down, lightly caressing your face. You let out a light ‘yay’ and started talking away, laughing and cuddling. Yeah you really did have his attention (for the past 2 hours) now.
Lee know had just finished taking a shower having practice prior to that. He was reading a book in bed while you were finishing up making dinner for the two of you.
You walked in to your shared bedroom smiling seeing him reading with a serious face which you found cute. He looks so huggable, you thought. He wore a fluffy hot chocolate coloured oversized turtle neck, he had his black and gold glasses on.
How has he hasn’t noticed me yet? You wondered.
Suddenly you fed into the urge to hug him, immediately running up to him and hugging him from the side of the bed.
“Agh, kitten, what’s up.” Minho was taken by surprised.
“Dinners ready…you just looked so squishy and huggable in that oversized turtle neck.” You flashed him a bright smile, as you pulled away from the hug.
“Hm, well lets go eat dinner, and i’ll think about if you’re allowed to cuddle me tonight.” He smirked.
“What! I didn’t do anything wrong though…” You whined, pouting your lips.
“To bad, baby” He shoved the duvet off of his lower half of his body stepping off the bed. You walked back into the kitchen waiting for him sit down and eat with you.
“ah, im so tired…” You mumbled under a huge sigh. You kicked off your shoes with a huff, dragging your feet all the way to your shared bedroom. You entered the room to see changbin on his computer, at the side of the bed, you lazily walk up behind him and slouched on top of him crouched body.
“baby, my back hurts get up, ill give you a proper hug..” Changbin whines,
“Fine” You reply lifting you body up only to be pulled into a tight hug shortly after.
“what’s up with you?” He question, seeing your tired state.
“bad day at work, I had some rude customers” You sigh explain what your work day had been like.
“Alright, wanna order take out and cuddle in bed?” He asked with a cheeky smile.
“Sounds like a pleasant idea, binnie” You giggled as you let go of the hug and dragged him to bed.
You were working on a painting you just recently started when you heard the front door unlock and open. That meant Hyunjin was home. You were quick to get up from you seat and ran to the front door, he just came back from tour and you missed him a ton. Before he could take off his shoes you jumped on to him, giving him a big koala hug.
“Princess, what’s up with you? You never just run up and hug me, I mean i’m not complaining” Hyunjin questioned with no intention of letting go of the hug.
“I missed you, like a lot” You mumbled closing your eyes and inhaling his scent.
“awe, I missed you too princess. Can i have a welcome back kiss?” He teased.
“Maybe later if I feel like it” You gave a cheeky smile.
“Please?” Hyunjin gave you puppy eyes, “I just got back from tour and I didn’t have your kisses for months”
“Okay fine” You giggled giving him a quick peck.
a/n: someone give me request and ideas istg!!
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gojocumdumpster · 9 months
Hiiii! Can I request our cute lil Cosmo teaching reader how to grapple/jiu jitsu moves? Then things get a bit steamy and one thing leads to another… (Some of the bjj positions HAVE SO MUCH SMUT POTENTIAL IM SORRY)
I don’t mind if reader is a total beginner or has some mma foundation, but if it’s okay w you, I prefer reader to be a gurlie. Thankssss~
I like where this is going ngl😭 send more request guysss
idk what grapple is so i’ll just do wrestling if that’s okay?
Type of story: 🔥
Afab reader
Warnings: Sex,climax,sweat,tits and nipples,moans and groans
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Today was the day, you signed up for a private trainer idk what they’re called to help teach you fighting skills. You hadn’t gotten into much fights after you graduated high school and college but it was time to learn how to actually fight, you were decent at punches but not good enough. Ring…Ding…Ding!!! you rolled your eyes as you heard the annoying sound of the alarm go off. “Fuck..what time is it?” you said whispering to yourself. You grabbed your phone off the nightstand, took it off the charger and stoped the alarm. On your phone it said 9AM, “Finally I woke up on time.” you said hopping out bed, you headed to your bathroom and took your shower.
You brushed your teeth and did your daily skin routine..now it was time to figure out what you were going to wear. “Was I supposed to buy a kartate uniform?” you said walking back and forth. “Oh well.” you said grabbing your outfit. (leggings and an athletic crop top) You changed into your outfit and headed to the kitchen, “i’ll just take a protein bar..” you put it in your bag along with your iced water bottle, you grabbed your keys and headed out your apartment complex. You had arrived, he had his own personal training gym thingy it had a gym, cafe, swim area, and more. In the back was personal training rooms with either a personal trainer, groups, dous, trios, or just by yourself.
You walked in and headed to the reception center, “Hi! I had booked a personal trainer session for 10:00AM?” you said to the receptionist with your gym bag. “Yea, for cosmo?” they said typing your information in the computer, “Yes for cosmo I think that’s his name.” you said. “Okay he should be ready just walk all the way down and take a right and down those hallways you should see room B308 it’s the last one.” they said looking at you smiling. “Okay thanks!” you said making your way down, as you made your way down you saw lots of people training, i’m pretty sure there was lots of bodybuilders. You had walked down the hallway and saw B308, you took a big breath and walked in. There you saw a blonde muscular man stretching on a mat. “Well, hello there.” he said getting up to greet you. “Hello! You must be cosmo i’m guessing?” you said, “Yep that’s me!” he said shaking your hand.
After you guys talked for a while it was time to stretch before getting into the real deal, he helped you stretched but every once in a while he would run his hands down your body and squeezing the plush of your hips to “help you stretch”. After that he had asked you some questions “Have you ever wrestled before?” and other questions relating to that. Of course you said no but it wasn’t professional wrestling, “Okay! show me what ya got.” he said before getting into a wrestling stance. “Just pretend he’s your younger siblings you got this y/n just wrestle how you wrestle your siblings..” you said in your head. You took a deep breath before charging at him, before you could even exhale you were already on the ground.
You weren’t gonna give up that easily, so you tried to push him off of you since he was sitting on top of you, you tried to roll over but nothing was working. Eventually you just had to give in, he put both hands on the side of your head and hovered over you, slowly he lowered down until his nose touched yours. He then slowly went in to kiss you. You had some experience since this wasn’t your first time, he got off of you and began taking off his shirt. There you saw a body that you only saw in the magazines. “You like what you see?” he said smirking at you. “Mhm..” you said licking your lips. He had token your clothes off and you were left in your panties, he trailed his hands down your body as he played with your tits fondling with your nipples.
Whimpers we’re coming out of your mouth non-stop, you were just so desperate to get to the main part…”P-ple-please fu-fuck me” you said looking at him with dazed eyes. “Hmm? Speak up.” he said smirking at you. “Please fuck me!” tears were building up as you were getting anxious to get fucked, he slowly took off your panties revealing your soaked cunt. He folded you in half with your legs next to your head and he had also token his boxers off and he was trimmed, with a flushed pink tip. He rubbed against your lips before slowly sliding in, “Fuck..” he groaned before slowly thrusting at a steady pace.
The room was filled with moans and groans, he kept at a steady pace before he flipped you over and put you in doggystyle position there he thrusted at a face pace “Mmmh! F-fuck Co-cosmo!” you said panting as you couldn’t catch your breathe, “I’m close fuck.” he said panting as he put his head down as he felt himself coming close to a end and so we’re you, you felt a unfamiliar feeling normally you never felt this good when you came but this was different. “Fucking cum, cum, cum” he repeatedly said. “T-to much co-cosmo fuck! I’m coming!!” you said before letting out a loud moan, soon cosmo followed right after you. You guys were both a sweaty mess, “I guess you can call this wrestling?” cosmo said chucking at you.
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xoxiu · 1 year
twinkle - ot7 x reader
chapter 08
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summary: she had just wanted attention, that’s why she kept texting the strange number, updating him on everything in her life. little did she know how dangerous this relationship actually was. it had been jimin’s idea to kidnap the girl, but the ability to travel across the world to actually do it had been all hoseok’s doing. convenient how some things work, right? they knew that they were destined to have their baby with them, whether she wanted it or not.
tags/warnings: kidnapping, forced age regression, spanking, noncon, mafia au, drug use, stockholm syndrome, caregiver!bts, little!reader, nonsexual, diapers, panic attacks, fluff and angst, sickfic, referenced child abuse, unrequited love
a/n: i wrote this fic in 2018 on ao3 and wattpad, but im putting it here for archival reasons ♡
The end of the day was drawing near, and Jin was too anxious to properly function. Everyone except Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon were called in for a drug exchange involving a very unpredictable client who had a tendency to skip out on his payments. Not long after that, Ophelia started to gain confidence, considering that the majority of her captors were now gone. She became much more stubborn to the point where she even ended up punching Namjoon in the nose.
"We have to drug her again, Jin," Namjoon said, talking quietly so the child in question wouldn't be able to hear them. She was currently in time-out, sitting in the corner of the kitchen where she was previously this morning. 
"No, I don't want to," Jin replied, running a hand through his hair. "I want her to have at least the freedom of movement. She can relax more that way."
The couple turned around to look at Ophelia, who was quietly sitting with her head leaning against the wall. Jin would most likely have to put her to bed soon after her time in the corner was done- it was long past her bedtime. Jin sighed before speaking again.
"She hasn't eaten at all today, Joon. Nor has she used her diaper or taken-"
"Shh," Namjoon cut him off, "Don't stress about that. Give it time- it's only been a day."
Checking that 10 minutes has passed (and also that it was half past 11, they'd really better get Ophelia to bed soon), Namjoon approached the sleepy girl in the corner and gently picked her up. "Can you say sorry for hurting Appa?"
Namjoon only sighed before looking towards Seokjin, but still speaking to Ophelia. "I bet you're hungry, baby. Do you want Eomma or Appa to feed you?"
Silence yet again. 
"Come here, sweetie. Eomma will get you ready for bed while Appa makes you a bottle." Jin took Ophelia from Namjoon and slowly rocked her and hummed a song. Poor thing was too tired to give her usual fuss at being held.
Ophelia was dozed off when Jin entered the nursery, so changing her into her pajamas was much easier than changing her out of them earlier that day. He currently had her on his lap, rocking back and forth in the rocking chair next to her crib. The door opened and Jin expected his boyfriend to enter with the bottle so he could finally put Ophelia to sleep, but Yoongi walked in instead.
"She's finally calmed down?" He cooed, running his hand through the mess of pink hair. Seokjin hummed in agreement, bouncing the girl on his lap slightly to ensure she doesn't fall into a deep sleep just yet.
"She was calm most of the afternoon, only a little fuss before bedtime," Seokjin raised an eyebrow at the shorter blond, "Of course, you would've known that if you left your computer."
"Hey," Yoongi tried defending himself, "I'm the only one here that works 24/7. Give me a break." Seokjin rolled his eyes right as Namjoon walked into the room.
"I'm going to take a shower and head to bed," Namjoon said, handing the bottle over to Jin, "She doesn't have to drink it all- she's pretty tired out." Namjoon bent down to press a kiss to the top of Ophelia's head and then one to Jin's lips before leaving the room. Right before he left, he turned to Yoongi, "You should get some sleep, too. You and Tae are going to be the only ones home in the morning, and you're not sleeping in until noon and leaving Taehyung alone with Ophelia the entire time."
Yoongi followed Namjoon out of the nursery with an "Alright, I'll wake up at eleven," which promptly got him a playful smack on the head from the younger. Seokjin chuckled softly before placing his attention back on Ophelia. 
"Daddy's silly, isn't he?" Jin bounced her again, resulting in a whine from Ophelia who only wanted to sleep. Jin cooed at the sleepy girl, giving a kiss to her head as well. "You can sleep after your bottle, okay, bug?"
Once the bottle in question was brought to Ophelia's attention, she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, wanting anything but the bottle near her lips. In her weak and tired state, Jin was easily able to move her hand back down to her lap. "None of that, baby," Jin whispered as he put the nipple between Ophelia's lips, facing only minimal resistance.
Frustrated tears formed in the corners of her eyes; Ophelia just wanted to sleep and have this nightmare end already. Her stomach sabotaged her, and soon she found herself frantically drinking the vanilla flavored milk. Jin's hand not holding the bottle started stroking Ophelia's hair, making Ophelia tense up slightly.
After a few more minutes the bottle was empty, and Ophelia was back on the brink of sleep. Jin continued to gently rock back and forth before placing her in the crib, placing a kiss on her forehead. 
Taehyung was too excited to sleep. He woke up at 5 in the morning hoping that Ophelia would be awake only to have his hopes crushed when he saw her still fast asleep on the baby monitor. For the next two hours, Taehyung went back and forth from trying to sleep to checking the monitor.
By 7, everyone except Yoongi and Taehyung had left for work. Taehyung took this as the perfect opportunity to wake Ophelia up and get her ready for the fun day the two of them had ahead of them. Entering the nursery, he almost had a heart attack at the sight of Ophelia cuddled in her blankets with her stuffies surrounding her, dressed in a brown bear footed onesie. It got rather cold that night, but Ophelia looked warm and cozy under her pile of blankets. 
"Baby," Taehyung cooed, "It's time to wake up." He picked up the sleepy girl with a smile while Ophelia whined, wanting to go back to sleep. Before she could fully wake up, Taehyung quickly changed her diaper and put her in day clothes- a yellow and red striped shirt and overalls. 
"You are so cute!" Taehyung squealed, covering Ophelia's face with kisses. When he pulled back, he was met with an angry scowl, which he still thought was adorable.
Taehyung picked Ophelia back up, and immediately Ophelia dug her sharp nails into his arms. "Ow!" Taehyung let out an overexaggerated hiss of pain, "Lia! That hurts!" When Ophelia refused to stop the assault, Taehyung placed her back in the crib. Looking down at his arm, he noticed blood was starting the form on the crescent-shaped scars. Ophelia, however, showed no remorse, and laid herself back down and wrapped a blanket around herself. 
"That wasn't very nice, baby," Taehyung said, bending down to make eye contact with the girl. "Say you're sorry and then we can go eat some yummy pancakes."
Ophelia was quiet for a moment, carefully observing Taehyung's face. She could apologize and get on with her day, but that was the last thing she wanted. 
"Fuck off."
Taehyung sighed, desperately wanting her to apologize so nothing would escalate. "Do I have to go wake up Daddy? He won't be too happy to hear that his little girl is being bratty so early in the morning."
"Fuck off." Ophelia rolled facing away from Taehyung now, further swaddling herself in the pink blanket. She no longer cared about how 'Daddy' felt.
Without a word, Taehyung left the nursery. He didn't plan on waking up Yoongi- he wasn't that stupid- but instead wanted Ophelia to sit and calm herself down. He went downstairs and sat on the couch, playing games on his phone to pass the time. A door slamming upstairs caught his attention, and he immediately ran back up the stairs. 
The first thing he saw was the door to the nursery wide open, and Tae started to panic. Just to make sure, he quickly checked to confirm whether or not Ophelia had left the room. The crib was empty, and there was no sign of the girl. 
Taehyung began checking every room upstairs but still couldn't find Ophelia. The only room he hadn't checked was Yoongi and Jimin's room, but the chances of her being in there were slim since Yoongi still resided in there. Just to make sure, Taehyung tried turning the knob, only to find it locked. 
The door to the library opened, and Taehyung saw a flash of pink hair fly down the stairs. Taehyung was certain he looked in there- how could he not have seen her? After a moment of confusion, the taller man ran after her until she locked herself in the bathroom.
Tae kept pulling at the handle in hopes it would magically open, and loudly cursed when it wouldn't budge. "Lia," he pleaded, resting his forehead on the door, "Please open up." He could hear through the door Ophelia's shuddering breaths, indicating she was crying. 
On the other side of the door, Ophelia curled herself into a ball in the corner of the large bathroom. She honestly didn't know what happened in the past half hour, but the more she dwelled on the threat of 'Daddy' dealing with her behavior, the more she remembered the last time he had dealt with it as well. She tried her best to convince herself it was all a sick joke, but then remembered how much it had hurt, and how embarrassing it was, and how much she just wanted to go home. 
The feeling in her legs had thankfully returned enough for her to run for her life basically, and explore the house she was imprisoned in just enough to find an exit or hiding place. Thankfully she was small, so she could fit almost anywhere. It was a surprise, however, when Taehyung had walked right past her hiding under the computer desk as if he wasn't actually looking for her. 
Once the knocking and talking outside the bathroom stopped, Ophelia didn't know whether to stop panicking or panic even harder. Her brain just felt so overwhelmed, and her tears had a mind of their own at this point. 
Even though she hated it, Ophelia wanted to be back home. She would take the insults and beer bottles thrown at her over whatever her current situation was any day. Although she often cried and complained over having to play mom over Rose, she missed how the baby would calm down whenever she so much as heard Ophelia's voice. She was essentially that baby's whole world, and now she was gone. Ophelia couldn't imagine how Rose was currently being treated, but only hoped that her brother had the sense to take her and leave the house immediately. Ophelia felt guilty for leaving them to fend for themselves.
Taehyung had given up trying to get Ophelia to open the door herself, and resorted to calling Seokjin to see what he should do. 
"Calm down, Taehyung-ah," Seokjin said, trying to calm down the panicking man, "Go get Yoongi and see what he can do. I'll try to be home by noon."
Taking Seokjin's advice, Taehyung went to wake Yoongi up. After knocking, the still half-asleep man opened the door with a glare, almost daring Taehyung to say something.
"Hyung, Ophelia locked herself in the bathroom and I don't know-" Yoongi cut him off with a groan, saying he'd be down in a minute. 
Taehyung went back to sit in front of the bathroom door, feeling like a failure. 
Taehyung still felt dejected even after Yoongi had pried the door open. He felt more pain than Ophelia did as he heard the loud spanks from inside the bathroom, tearing up himself as her cries echoed throughout the house. 
Yoongi still had her in his arms as he made her bottle, gently shushing her when her sobs started to increase. Since her punishment had ended a while ago, Taehyung knew the sobs now were from whatever was going through the little's head. Taehyung hesitantly entered the kitchen, and Ophelia briefly looked up at him from where she was previously hiding her face in Yoongi's shoulder. When her puffy red eyes still glassy with tears met his own, he almost wanted to break down crying. 
Turning around, Yoongi noticed Taehyung's discomfort and concern over the little in his arms. "She's fine, Tae." He confirmed, rubbing her back soothingly. "My little one's always calm and well-behaved after a spanking, isn't she?" Ophelia let out a cough in return. Taehyung was concerned she'd make herself sick from crying so much. 
"Does she... need anything?" 
Yoongi hummed in thought, bouncing Ophelia in his arms when she started fussing slightly. "Maybe her pacifier will settle her a bit after her bottle." 
Taehyung walked away to retrieve the item, with the older man adding on as he left, "Make sure you grab the strap as well."
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
hii! can we get a fluffy story between either Chad meeks-Martin or Mindy Meeks-Martin? I have a small idea on it being where the reader has been more distant because they've had a big exam coming up and they need to do well in order to not fail the class, studying has always been hard for them and they're easily distracted. One day before the exam, they'd been up in their room all day, not really taking proper care of themselves so when their partner uses their spare key and comes in and sees. They are sweet about it, but they'd close their computer and move all their study items, tell them to relax and they'd run either a warm bath/shower and order their favorite take out and have a movie marathon and Cuddles galore! add and take out what you like! I'm so excited for your work
Well of course
I want to try to write more with female characters so i will go with Mindy
GN!Reader x Mindy
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Ugh only a day before that stupid exam. I can't fail this. I was sitting in our school garden and studying for that stupid exam. Sam, Tara, Chad and Mindy came to me.
"Heyyy (name)" Sam said.
I didn't say anything just waved.
"Babe??" Mindy said.
"Yes?" I said while looking at papers.
"Can you stop studying for a moment??" She asked.
"Sorry no, I need to go. Bye everyone" I said and took my things and went to my house.
/Mindy POV/
"Again?!" I said.
Sam and Chad looked at me.
"What do you mean?" Chad asked.
"They are ignoring me for a week now. They don't hang out with me. They always study. When I get to them they just left me behind and go where they want". I said.
"Mindy, you know how hard is for them to study. They have a problem because they get easy distracted", Tara said.
"I know but I also need love...." I said.
We just hung out, joked, playing and everything you know. When I was on my way to home I decided to go to there house, because we definitely need to talk about this. When i got into there house they were sitting and looking at there laptop than papers. They didn't even realise that someone is in there house.
"Babe?" I said.
They got a little bit scared because they haven't heard me getting inside.
"Omg Mindy, for Gods sake what the fuck" they said.
"I want to talk with you. I can't stand this anymore" I said.
"What do you mean", they said while looking at papers.
They put papers down and looked at my now eyes full of tears. They closed there lap top put papers on top of laptop and came to me.
"Im sorry my love. I just can't fail this test. I focused so much for it, Im sorry". They said
"No im sorry i know how hard is for you to study, i needed to wait a little".
"How about movie night huh??" They said.
"But your exam is tomorrow", I said.
"Im pretty sure Im ready for it", they said.
We laughed a little and I went to there room to change into something more comfortable. When i got back they were ready to play the film. I sat next to them, we cuddled and watched the film. After that we went to bed, it's important day tomorrow.
Sam, Tara, Chad and I were just sitting in school garden and waiting for (name) to come. I was standing and looking at them while talking about some film when suddenly I was feeling someone pulling me up.
"I PASSED!!! I DID IT!!!", (Name) said.
They pulled me down and kissed me.
"Good job!! Im so proud of you babe!!" I said.
"I love you..." They said.
"love you more" I said.
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4ng3l-0n-34rth · 2 years
Restless // steve harrington x reader drabble
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a/n: hi guys!! i am oh so tired and sleep deprived so instead of sleeping im writing a short fic for no one but myself… but im also posting it. i truly am sorry if this is horrible i actually haven’t slept in 36 hours. OH AND PT 2 OF INTIMIDATED IS IN THE WORKS!!!
summary: you’re steve’s partner and after seemingly getting no sleep for a few night, he begins to grow concearned
warnings: mild swearing
1,552 words
You were tired and there was no denying it, but for some reason the past few nights sleep was coming by scarcely. Sure you couldn’t think of a logical explanation as to why, however you weren’t falling asleep and it was beginning to become an issue. You began falling asleep at ungodly hours, if you even slept at all, and it was driving you crazy.
You continued to go on with your daily life half-asleep and although it was a little more difficult, there was nothing you could do about it. As you got out of bed after laying there for hours, with nothing to do but toss and turn with hopes of falling asleep, you could feel your body react to the lack of sleep. Your limbs were endlessly sore and you felt as if the more you kept walking the closer you were to just collapsing entirely. After getting yourself dressed and ready to begin another long and exhausting day, you walked to the kitchen to throw some food together before you left for work.
Work was never unbearable since you enjoyed your job at Family Video, but acting like you were perfectly rested for Steve and Robin made it a little more difficult. You hauled yourself to your car and began your quick drive, feeling your eyelids grow heavy at any moment you didn’t have your full undivided attention on the road. As you pulled in to the employees lot, you notice a familiar car pull into the space next to you, and an undeniable head of hair come out of it. Seeing Steve always brought a smile to your face, even when you felt like you were on the verge of completely falling apart.
As you got out of your car you moved as if your limbs weren’t your own. Your motions were sluggish and lazy as you headed toward the back door of the establishment, waving to your boyfriend as he waited in place for you to catch up to him. The smile he gave in return didn’t hold up for long due to the fact that as you got closer the bags under your eyes grew more visible, even with the attempt of covering them up with some makeup before you left the house. “Hey, Y/N. You sleeping ok?” he asked out of concern. The same question he has asked the past few days prior, and of course your shot back the same response you always did. “Never better!” you tried to give your best convincing smile as you picked up your pace heading inside to be greeted by Robin, who had already started preparing to open the store.
“Hey Robin!” you tried your best to say cheerily, and the girl peeled her focus from the tapes she had been putting on shelves to you, and Steve who now stood behind you. “Well if it isn’t the dynamic duo!” she cheers walking up to the both of you. As she got closer she immediately grabbed your face and inspected it closely. “Not to be rude or anything, but are you sure you’re getting enough sleep? The bags under your eyes have grown from cary-on’s to check-in’s…” she stated, giving a sympathetic smile. You just nodded and moved from her grasp. “Like i just told Steve, never better,” you sighed, too exhausted to try and sound like your usual upbeat self.
You brushed passed the two and walked straight to one of the computers, doing your daily check for overdue, or almost due returns, writing down all the account names and numbers so you would remember to call before the end of your shift. As you continued to search through dates, Robin anxiously glanced to Steve then tried to signal to him that she was worried about you. Steve pretended to clear his throat, “Uh Robin you don’t happen to know where the water bottles in the back are do you?” and with that he had grabbed her and pulled her into the back room with him, now out of earshot of you.
“I’m not going crazy right? Y/N looks like they haven’t slept in a millennia.” Steve muttered, looking to Robin for some sort of confirmation. “Anyone and their grandmother could tell there’s something going on.” Is all she replied with, leaning on the wall behind her. “And i understand if she doesn’t wanna talk about it, but i doubt she should be working right now.” Robin finished. “I know right!” he said a little louder than he would’ve liked, but you were so out of it you hardly even noticed they were no longer chatting behind you. Steve stepped a little closer to Robin so he could speak quieter. “What should we do? What should I do?” he almost whispered, as his mind raced. All he could think about was all the terrible possibilities that could lead toward your current state. “Like I'm supposed to know! You’re the one dating them,” she sighed.
They both sat in silence for a moment, considering all of their options, until Steve’s face lit up as he had an idea he was sure would work to get to the bottom of this. Robin looked up to him in anticipation, waiting for him to spill whatever ‘genius’ plan he had just now concocted. “Well my parents are never home what if we just ask to have a sleepover? I mean if she’s spending the night with us she’s sure to crack. Right?” he asked pleadingly, hopeful that if Robin agreed this may actually work.
“That may not be a horrible idea…” she paused to think for a moment. “But! it’s obviously been a long week for her, maybe you should just do it on your own? I mean if i were here i’d love nothing more than to cuddle up to my handsome boyfriend and finally fall asleep after being away for decades.” She spoke seriously up until her last sentence, switching to a mole joking tone hugging herself and swaying when she mentioned ‘cuddling up to their handsome boyfriend.’ “Robin this is serious! I’m really worried.” Steve pleaded, only to receive a slight chuckle and nod from Robin. After shooting her a serious glance, she had stood up straight and moved her hands fo his shoulders. “This is me being serious Steve, I think what Y/N needs right now is a calm night with you.” she stated firmly, and Steve nodded in agreement. “Sleepover it is!”
As the both of them returned to the front of the store, both sets of eyes landed on you. Slumped over the counter, your head lazily resting in your palm as you stared off in the distance. Steve swiftly walked up behind you and placed a hand on your lower back. “Hey, love. Do you maybe wanna crash at my place tonight? I’ll get take out and we can watch whatever movie you want!” He spoke to you cheerfully. You stayed in the position you were already in, debating on how you should respond to the offer. “Oh i don’t know Steve…” You mumbled, and he placed his hand on your cheek turning you to face him as he leaned in closer. “C’mon babe, I’m like soooooo missing out on my Y/N time right now, and I’d love to have you over.” he begged, and who were you to turn down such an adorable pout. With a groan you respond, “Sure Steve, I don’t see why not.” you replied, bringing your focus back to your job, instead of looking dazed out the window.
Of course that wasn’t the exact answer he had hoped to hear from you, since he was truly being honest when he said he needed some ‘quality Y/N time’, but it was a yes nonetheless, and with that he was content.
The rest of work flew by particularly fast, partially because in the state you were in you had almost completely lost your grasp of time, but even more than that you were eager to get the hell out of there. As the three of you finished closing up, Steve outstretched a hand to you. “Your chariot awaits,” he joked, and you looked up to him confused. “Oh come on, let me drive you we can pick up your car in the morning.” He smiled sweetly, still waiting for you to place your hand in his, and after pausing for a moment you took his hand and headed out the door. You both said your goodbyes to Robin then loaded into Steve’s car.
The drive to Steve’s was peaceful. Your head rested tiredly on the back of your seat as you looked out the window, while Steve’s hand rested on your lap. As you pulled into the drive way, you could feel yourself get blinded by the light he had in his driveway, covering your sore tired eyes with a hand, looking away. Steve couldn’t help but feel saddened by the fact you appeared to be acting as if everything was normal, yet clearly were in pain from how much you needed some rest.
He quickly got out of the car and went around to your door, opening it for you and allowing you to step out. You weren’t on your feet for long due to the fact once you were steady Steve scooped you up in his arms and carried you towards the door. You couldn’t help but giggle as he lifted you off the ground. “Steve what are you doing?” you ask, pressing your head into his chest, allowing him to feel the vibration from your laughs throughout his whole body. “Can’t I treat my love like a princess from time to time?” You just keep your head buried in his chest as he takes you to the door, fumbling with the keys in his pocket for a moment before getting the door open.
As he carries you inside he remains careful of how he's walking with you in his arms, walking sideways to fit through narrow halls and what not until he reaches his room. Steve places you down on his bed ever so gently and kneels down to you, removing your shoes before tucking you under the covers. "Steve I can take my own shoes off y'know" you mutter, confused as to why he's treating you like this. He quickly moved to your bedside, sitting down in the open space next to you, and rubbing up and down your arm with his hand. "Look, i totally understand if somethings bothering you and you don't want to talk about it, but Y/N I can tell how tired you've been, and I just want you to be able to relax and get some rest." he admits sheepishly, sending you the warmest and most comforting smile he could muster.
You reached up to his face, resting a hand on either side as you pulled him in for a quick kiss, and he obviously longed for more due to the fact he remained in the same spot once you pulled away. "I'm sorry i haven't been honest about it, but in all honestly I don't know what the issue is. These past few nights I've just been so restless. Every night, tired as ever, I'll try and fall asleep but i just find myself tossing and turning until the sun rises." you looked down to you lap, fiddling with the blanket Steve had draped over your body. Now it was his turn to cup your cheek, and stare happily into your eyes. "Thank you for letting me know love. I'm sorry you've been struggling and I didn't try and help sooner, but I'm here now, and I can assure you that laying in my arms has never failed to lull you to sleep." He grinned confidently, and pressed a kiss to your forehead. Now how about we get you changed out of your work clothes and just skip the movie and get some rest? Does that sound good?" he asked calmly, not wanting to push too far, but hoping you would let him just help you sleep.
You nodded and rose from the bed, helping yourself to Steve's dresser drawers. Wearing his close wasn't a strange occurrence, and if anything he loved seeing you pick out whichever shirt or sweater of his looked the most comfortable and slipping off your clothes to replace them with his. He found comfort in you, and tonight he was praying to whatever god is out there that you would be able to find comfort in him and get a good nights rest. Once you were changed you looked over to your boyfriend, just staring up to you in adoration from his seat on the bed. "As much as I love you Steve, I don't want to lay on your scratchy work shirt." You giggled, tossing him a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to change into as well. "Oh right, sorry." he meekly grinned and took the clothes to change into.
Once you were both prepped and ready to sleep, you couldn't help but to throw yourself onto Steve's comfy bed, relishing in the scent of it, the scent of him. You hadn't realized how much you missed laying in bed with him, how much you missed being near him, and so you were forever grateful he decided to speak up and ask you to come over. Steve had turned off the lights in the room, then proceeded to get under the covers next to you, immediately bringing you into his chest. You happily allowed him to pull you closer as you got comfortable, resting your head on his chest. The soothing sound of his heartbeat, and the slow rise and fall of his chest was pure bliss, and you couldn't believe you hadn't wanted to stay over sooner.
As your eyes fluttered shut for the final time that day, Steve had one hand rubbing soft circles into your back, and the other was brushing his fingers though your hair. As the rest of the world faded out all you could do was sense him. The gentle movements of his hands, the beating in his chest, the small and simple sweet nothings he whispered to you, and the gentle kisses he occasionally placed on your head. And it was as if a miracle had come to life, and you found yourself sunken into a deep and peaceful sleep with the man you love.
Steve was your miracle, and he loved you.
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aestheticvoyage2023 · 8 months
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Day 279: Friday October 6, 2023 - "Friday Night Lights"
"What in the holy high school hell is happening in here?" she asked as she walked in and caught me - - playing video games.
The last video game that I really enjoyed was the Assassin's Creed game in the Revolution. I was really into that story and kept playing hours after it was done. Just thought that open concept world was so cool. And lately Ive been craving a good video game, spending a lot of time searching for a decent mac game or even trying a few really dumb things in the Apple Arcade before somehow this week I stumbled on the idea of cloud gaming - I don't need a console, I can just stream it like Hulu! I figured it out, ordered myself a bluetooth controller and waited for it to come (it did today) to finally launch into the only game that I really wanted to get at, the next in the AC series - this time as a Viking.
Now, in my defense here, I waited until after she had officially let me off the hook for bedtime before going to set it up. And I put it away, when she came to bed and was ready to connect. But when she told me how tired she was and how she just wanted to sleep at 9 after being up so early this morning in Providence, RI, I was all to happy to be a good flight attendant spouse and just step out, and close the door and go play some video games.
And oh how things have changed - when you needed an expensive console, and WIRES! to play games. Mama, look at me know. Laptop atop my stump, pulling wireless wifi to my plasma screened computer to play a video game with a controller also communicate via the air. I leaned back in my comfy chair here on the patio and thought I had really made it. This is perfect. Exactly what I need right now - an opportunity to unplug for a few hours and disassociate (in the healthiest way possible). Audrie got a couple more hours of unbothered unpressured sleep, and I got some time to myself to do something brainless. - which feels better for my nervous system than any medicine! And the game? Oh its really great. Im into it. This might be what Friday nights after Mama gets home from work look like for me this month.
Song: Shamanic Drum Healing
Quote: "When mind and soul are in unison, you will experience mental well-being." ~Sydne Banks
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despite-everything · 1 year
i dont even know what im going to write but huge trigger warning for issues related to self harm if you read this. i know i seriously need more psychological help but i dont even know what to do at this point. theres certain things i know that i need to do but feel like i cant and i feel like im sabotaging my future self but at the same time im doing so fucking horribly in the moment that i can barely think of anything beyond the present. like im trying so fucking hard to get better but literally just the tiniest change is setting me off these days. the barber cut my sideburns so they're basically shaved off and blunt whereas i prefer to have them come to a point so there is a little bit of hair under my glasses in front of my ears, but i forgot to tell it to the barber today so he cut that off. and i hate hate hate the way it looks and its a change i wasnt ready for and it freaked me out so much that despite doing all these fucking coping skills and breathing and shit that i spent more than a decade in therapy working on, i couldnt handle it. i guess this is where the trigger warning comes in and like i dont even know if im going to post this or not but i need to get it out there because this is just too fucking much but i freaked out and let myself break a bottle and then cleaned it up because usually breaking glass snaps me out of a downward spiral - its not the best thing to do but its usually a reliable last-ditch tool, but it did fucking nothing today and i fucking relapsed anyway. so i hurt myself pretty badly and then couldnt stop pacing and freaking out and pulling at my hair, and now ive calmed down a bit but still feel awful and now theres blood all over me and the floor and some even got on the wall in my apartment and i want to cry but i cant. i feel horrible and just want to crawl in bed but i dont want to get blood on the mattress and i know id soak through the streets, but i feel like i cant get clean yet and im really upset with myself and its this terrible feedback loop. and like i feel paralyzed. my computer was near where i ended up and now im trying to listen to music i love and im typing this out because i need to get it out smewhere or else im going to scream but like i cant even go pet my cat cause im fucking covered in blood and got it on my computer and everything about this is horrible and yet i still want to keep hurting myself. im not right now and im trying so fucking hard to get over this but like this is so bad. its just awful because i know progress isnt linear but i didnt think a relapse would be this bad. and i know i know i know that things can get better. but ive been like this since 2008 and it only seems to be getting worse and the world seems to be getting worse and i try so hard to be optimistic and focus on the good but i feel like im drowning all the time and its like the very most i can do is just not kill myself. im just so tired and so unhappy and yeah some things have been great lately but its only at work and everything else is so fucking horrible i dont know if i can handle it
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logan-is-noggin · 2 years
The meaning of family- chapter 6
Summary: Virgil stays with Patton's family as he adjusts to his new situation. but there are its ups and downs
patton explained that he and Remy, his brother-in-law would have to share their single guest room while Remy was staying with them, the bed was also a king, so Virgil didn't seem to mind. remy was very easy to like, he was sassy, genuine and the type of omega that would beat someone up to defend you. they stayed up late talking that night, Virgil trusting him to reveal that he was trans.
" you pass really well actually. well if it wasnt for the cringy hack job you got there" he smirked wagging a finger at virgils hair. that made virgil consiously tug at the ends " i was under alot of stress, i didnt exactly have time to style it hiding behind a bush" he ereplied a bit harshly.
" easy babe, im just teasing. y'know if you want, i could take you to get it fixed. maybe get you some clothes too, cant live off of the few outfits you probably packed."
virgil's eyes widened " really?" then he quickly shook his head " you dont have to do that, i dont want to be a burden, its more than enough what patton and logan have done, letting me stay here and all." but remy waved it off. "nonsense. you say when and we'll go. i'll leave it up to you." he said as he turned over to sleep."
virgil laid in bed staring into the darkness thinking how it got to this, him laying in a strangers bed, having the nicest people hes met looking after him. but that made him think of his parents. but he didnt let his thoughts linger, they didnt deserve it, virgil figured.
two days after, patton took virgil to work with him, he had taken the day inbetween off so he could get to know virgil better. they drove around a bit so virgil could get to know the neighborhood, remy promised to show him the good places later, they all laughed.
patton had arranged an emergcy appointment for virgil, pulling strings so he could be his obgyn. virgil couldnt believe his luck.
he followed him down the hallway into a darker room. " have you ever had an ultrasound before virgil?" he asks as he typed something in the computer. virgil shook his head, " well thats not a problem. this kind of ultrasound is completely painless." he smiled and patted the reclined chair. " hop up on here and we'll take a look."
virgil climbed on the bed as patton adjusted it. he was asked to lift his shirt and lower his pants enough to expose his stomach. as he applied a clear gel and swirled the flat wand over the area, virgil stared at the screen fixed on the wall. soon a gray field appeared and a circle of black at its center, and in the circle a small gray lump.
patton clicked at the keyboard every so often and recorded the images. " i know its not much to look at right now, but there it is." he said. " from the information you gave me eariler, and the size here, id say your about 3 weeks along. and so far, everything looks normal."
he took the transducer away and handed virgil a white towel. he pointed out the bathroom ensuite so virgil could clean up while he finished entering the data
virgil shut the door and started cleaning the gel away. before, the appointment, he had considered asking patton if he could still opt out of this whole thing. he was no where ready to be a parent, and he definately didnt want to expose a child to the likes of his parents. but he felt something when he saw the tiny blob on the screen, moving slightly whenever he did. he felt a connection he didnt expect. he still had more thinking to do, but that could wait.
he came out a few moments later, grabbing the hoodie he had taken off when patton returned " remy should be by to pick you up since i have to stay and work. you remember how to get back out front? i can take you back" he offered. but virgil shook his head. " no thanks, i remember. thanks again patton."
" just doing my job kiddo. ill see you boys at home." as virgil turned out of the room, his chest warmed. he wasnt used to people actually addressing him by his prefered gender. he had to quickly blink away the tears threatning to form as he made his way back outside. a beep pulled him out of his head as he spotted remy waving him over from the car, he jogged over and climbed into the passenger seat.
"I know I said id leave it up to you, but im done looking at your bird's nest of a do," he smirked as he pulled out of the lot. as Remy drove, Virgil tried to remember the image of the fetus in his head. " so what does it look like? does it have your nose?" Remy joked. they laughed. " it didnt look like much." Virgil admitted. that'll change. do y'know if you're gonna keep it or not? patty always says the sooner the better."
" im - torn " Virgil admitted. remy just nodded, not wanting to push him further. they just listened to music as they drove. when they got into the mall, Virgil noticed it wasnt the same mall that was in his town. " I figured you wouldn't want to risk being recognized. luckily there was another strip. Francis is a better stylist anyway." they entered the mall and Remy beelined Virgil to a corner shop framed in wooden panels with the name above the threshold "Shear Bliss" Virgil tested the name. but Remy was already talking to the woman at the desk " my brother here is in dire need of a new look." Virgil overheard as he caught up. his heart fluttered a bit. once again, he wasnt adjusted to how easily people were respecting his pronouns.
" ill be back before you're done. I gotta get a few things, you want a coffee?" Virgil gave him his order, which Remy almost shuddered when he ordered a refresher and not a coffee. " im sure Patton would say someone in ' my condition' cant drink caffeine" he rolled his eyes as he left Virgil
he walked through the mall to target and immediatly went to starbucks. after getting two coffees for himself and a pink drink for virgil, he grabbed a cart and went to work.
virgil was being let out of the chair when remy came up the mall court with the red cart, the dwindling tray of drinks resting in the child seat. virgils eyes widened as he spotted several bags in the cart. remy held out the drink to virgil as he passed him to pay the stylist.
" please tell me you got yourself somethings too?"
" i did." he shook his half empty cup
"that is not what i meant." he groaned  they left the mall, virgil helped carry the three bags into remys trunk.
" you're gonna need to get used to people treating you like a human who deserves things as basic as clothes." "I have clothes-" he countered " maybe at your house, that you ran away from. and let me guess, you have a closet filled with dresses and skirts your mom bought her daughter that disappeared when Virgil was born, right?" Virgil simply slumped
remy and virgil spent the afternoon going through remys haul. after questioning how remy knew his sizes without asking, because they were all near perfect and some were a bit bigger. virgil held a sports bra looking article up to the mirror. " its a binder. for people who cant get top surgery to flatten their chest."
virgil went into the bathroom to change into it. because even though remy was gay and said he didnt care, virgil wasnt that comfortable around these people yet.
" its really tight" he gasped when he came back in. " thats the point. gotta be tight to bind everything. i also got you a full tank version, some people like those better."
once he changed they went downstairs to see logan in the kitchen starting dinner. the news playing in the background. " would you like any help?" he asked, he felt like hed like to be as much help as he could before the more debilitating symptoms of his condition set in.
" the offer is much appreciated, you can work on cutting the potatoes and put them in that pan." he said pointing. virgil nodded and went to wash up.
they worked in silence, as to let logan continue to listen to the tv. but when remy called virgil from the living room, he rushed out to only halt when he saw the screen. his picture was on the screen, or rather that years school picture. virgil had pulled it back into a ponytail at the last second and showed a smirk at his deception. he had gotten yelled at when they came in. and virgil flat out refused to get them retaken.
" is that you?" remy asked, glancing at virgil at the last moment, but virgil couldnt answer, the only thing he heard was a pounding in his eardrums. he read the caption Sixteen year old Vanessa Marsh reported Missing by parents.
he hadnt realized he had been moved, because he was now sitting on the couch and logan was handing him a paper bag, his phone to his ear. voices sounded far away, remy was the first he heard " here vee- breathe into the bag. itll help you."
virgil tried, his shaking hands took the bag, blowing short frazzled breaths into the bag. logan mentioned, that patton was already on his way home. remy tried to coach virgil but he suddenly felt sick and rushed to the bathroom.
'theyre gonna find me' he thought over and over after he was done vomiting. there was a knock on the door, " virgil, kiddo, are you okay. its patton." virgil responded and opened the door after cleaning up. he sobbed into pattons shoulder as he comforted the boy. " im sorry. ive dragged you into my mess. now ive gone and gotten all of you into trouble too."
" you havent done anything wrong sweetie. Logan explained everything, if someone does come looking for you, we'll deal with that. we'll be fine, virgil. but right now we need to make sure youre alright. this amount of stress isnt good for the fetus, that is if you decide to keep it."
virgil sat down on the toilet and nodded " i do, at least until its born. i dont know if im ready to be a - a parent, but i dont want to abort it." he huffed a chuckle " probably the only thing i could agree with my parents on."  patton changed the subject " remy mentioned he got you a binder today. that was nice of him."
virgil agreed " more than nice, i feel bad that he spent money on me like that." patton cupped virgils face " oh kiddo," he mentioned as they walked back to the living room " it would probably be better you didnt wear the binders that much once you start showing. as the baby grows, it does tend to make it harder to breathe. and wearing a binder as well can be dangerous " " how long do i have before then?"
" usually between sixteen to twenty weeks, so another month or two for you." he smiled.  " thanks Patton," Patton nodded " cmon, dinner should be ready soon."
Part 7 ->
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atsumiye · 3 years
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the next time you see miya atsumu you are going to kill him.
he had asked you 18 times.
he had asked 18 times to take you on a date and when you finally agree, he leaves you alone at the meeting point for over 3 hours.
you hate that you finally gave in to his relentless begging. each time he asked, you gave the same answer, "no miya. we dont work together." but he came back again a few days later with yet another speech about how he thinks you are in fact perfect for each other.
you were hesistant to accept, you had known him for a while and truly cherised his friendship. and not that he knows, but you did like him. for quite a long time too. but you never wanted to even entertain the thought that something in the relationship goes arwy and now you’ve lost both a boyfriend and a friend.
but with the way he speaks to you, holds your hand as he tells you another thing he likes about you, the way he pouts when you call him miya, hearing him beg to just "call me tsumu! just once!" you couldn’t resist finally saying yes.
and look where that got you.
you swear when you see him today, you are so ready to give him a piece of your mind. chew him out for putting you through all that. ask him if your friendship really meant nothing. and maybe even add-
"hey y/n." your head snaps up at osamu's voice, "tsumu asked me to give ya this." he hands you a terribly folded and crumpled piece of paper. you take it from his hands, and read it.
dear y/n,
im sorry i missed our date. i REALLY (triple underlined) didnt mean to. i was really excited too but i found out im allergic to flowers and then i lost my phone. please go out with me again?
you bite your lip to hold back your laughter and look back up at osamu, "this is all true?"
"yup. he was truly really excited for the date. he wanted to get you flowers, couldn’t decide so he bought 3 bouquets." you smile as osamu nods towards a bench for you both to sit on.
"he even sent me a picture" osamu pulls out his text conversation with atsumu, showing you the selfie atsumu took of him holding the flowers with a giant grin on his face, "turns out he is slightly allergic to some flower, i think." he points back at the photo, "this little white one here. he touched it and it gave him a little rash. lost his phone while running back home." he laughs.
you giggle along with him, "is he alright though?"
"yeah he’s fine, just not allowed to touch anymore of those flowers." you smile at him, "ya can go visit him at home. i think he would be happy."
and you do.
knocking on the door to his room, you slowly open it seeing him playing a game on his computer. at the sound of the door opening, he looks to the door to see you and slams his computer shut, slouching into the bed.
"wow, you’re faking allergies now?" you giggle
"no, 'm not! it really does itch y/n." he pouts up at you and you sit down next to him on his bed.
"'m sorry i left ya hanging last night. i really didnt mean ta!" he shouts, grabbing onto your hands to slowly intertwine your fingers, keeping an eye on your expressions.
"its alright, tsumu." he flashes a big grin and squeezes your hand, "we can just reschedule. i will admit i was a bit mad when i didnt hear anything, but im just glad to know you are okay." you rub your thumb against his hand. you both sit in silence for a while, his head on your shoulder, reveling in the comfort of being near one another.
"ya know," he whsipers, "i heard that kisses make people with allergies feel a lot better."
you look down at him, "ive never heard of that before."
"yup, saw it on the internet once. maybe we should try it out?”
you scoff before you cup both of his cheeks, "yeah, maybe let’s test it out.”
and if it was even possible, his smile grows wider.
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