#then i fell asleep to youtube autoplay and when i woke up it was ''the church play cinematic universe'' by jenny nicholson
gameclam3 · 2 years
i think something happened to me
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dykeadelix · 2 months
around a year ago, i started noticing that every time i was sick and i fell asleep watching youtube, autoplay would always end up at the game grumps playthrough of atashinoriri. no matter where i started. i would always wake up some time during the video and then watch it to the end. this was just a funny little phenomenon in my life, so i kind of expected it every time i would get sick. i would go to sleep thinking "haha, can't wait to watch atashinoriri when i wake up." and there it was, without fail.
a few months ago, i rewatched the video just for fun, while in perfect health. i woke up sick the next day. i decided that this game (and therefore this video) must just bring sickness, and i started calling it the atashinoriri curse. as a joke. as a JOKE.
the joke became real. every time i watch this video, i end up sick within 24 hours.
my brother wanted to watch it yesterday, so i watched with him. i'm typing this right now in bed, sore throat, stuffy head, cuddling a tissue box.
what the fuck is going on?
my only explanation is that atashinoriri is a godless, cursed game.
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orionsstory · 20 days
girl from mars | cygnus (02)
yayyy chapter two is finished !! and it's like double the last chapter whoops. will be posted on ao3 (whenever the site is back up rip) ---
Dawn is awoken by the noise of something falling in the other room. She slowly blinked her eyes open, her vision coming into focus as she saw Amanda stumbling out of her room. She was wearing a black pencil skirt and a white button-up, and her red hair was put up in a low bun. She looked beautiful. "'Manda?" She groaned out, attempting to sit up but was stopped by Violet, who was lying on her chest.
"Good morning," Amanda hummed as she rummaged around the kitchen, "sorry, I'm in a rush. Fucking alarm didn't go off. I have some leftovers for you in the fridge, and don't go anywhere- I don't want you getting lost." She slid on a low pair of heels, came back over the couch, and leaned over to pet Violet.
"I'll be back in about 8 hours, okay? I left my phone number on the kitchen counter in case you need anything. Just call."
"Okay..." Dawn yawned, staring up at her with wonder.
Amanda smiled brightly, it reminded Dawn of the Sun. She lazily smiled back at her, barely registering the sound of the front door shutting and locking as she fell back asleep.
Dawn woke up a few hours later, and a glance towards the clock read 10:13 am. She groaned as she shifted on the couch, Violet meowing in protest.
"Sorry Vi..." She mumbled, scratching in between the cat's ears. Violet settled back down, her purrs seemed to vibrate through Dawn's entire being. It made her giggle. She lay there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling before her stomach rumbled, interrupting her and her thoughts.
She stood up, apologizing to Violet who was forced off of her spot. She stumbled into the bathroom, struggling to open the packaging her toothbrush was in. She cursed as she finally got through the plastic, accidentally cutting herself on a part of it. She was finally able to brush her teeth, grimacing at the taste of the toothpaste. Gross, maybe human stuff wasn't as good as she thought.
She made her way to the kitchen, Violet following on her heels. She rummaged through the fridge, trying to find the food Amanda had left for her. "Leftovers...leftovers...left...overs." She muttered as her eyes scanned the contents of the fridge. She didn't really understand what the word meant...but she figured it couldn't be too hard to figure out. She took out a container that looked like it contained some noodles, figuring this was probably a leftover she took it out.
She rummaged around for a fork, sitting down on the couch as she looked around. She knew Amanda had a tv, which meant she had to have something to turn it on with. She picked up a small black object on the side table, turning it over in her hand. She pressed a button at the top, and the TV flickered to life. Huh, remotes had gotten smaller compared to the ones she learned about in school. At least most of the buttons on it seemed to be the same.
"YouTube...Netflix...are these...channels?" She murmured, flicking through the carousel. She clicked on one, YouTube, and was brought to a page filled with several little videos. Dawn clicked on a random one, letting it play as she ate the cold noodles. Her attention was glued to the video, fascinated by it. The next few hours passed as she watched more and more videos, this was so much more interesting than her professors had described. Humans were so intriguing, she'd have to ask Amanda more about it when she got back.
The video playing ended, and the next one started autoplaying. It wasn't a video containing people talking like the last ones, but it was a song. It sounded so different from the human music that her professors had shown her, and in her opinion, this sounded a lot better. The artist's songs kept playing and Dawn found herself falling more and more in love with the music. It was so different from the music from her home planet, she found herself paying attention to every lyric and melody. The next few hours flew by without her even noticing.
"I'm home!" Amanda called out as she entered the room, slinging her bag off of her shoulder and dropping it beside the doorway. She paused, looking over towards Dawn. "Are...are you listening to Taylor Swift?"
Dawn looked back at her, shrugging her shoulders. She handed Amanda the remote as she leaned over the couch, the other girl scrolling through the recently played.
"Jesus, you've listened to like...a whole album." Amanda chuckled, "Did you like it?"
She enthusiastically nods, "You guys have such good music here, it's so different from our music back home. I've heard human music before but...nothing like this!"
Amanda took a seat next to her on the couch, "What kind of music? Do you remember any of the song names?"
Dawn thought for a moment, she remembered the song she had liked the most started with a B. "B...Blandy? No, that's not right...something with 'fine girl', that's all I remember."
"Brandy?" Amanda suggests, and Dawn snaps her fingers. "Brandy! That's it! I mean, don't get me wrong I liked it, but it was nothing like this."
Amanda chuckles, "That's probably because that song is like, 50 years old. Music has changed a lot since then. I'll have to show you some of my favorites sometime."
Dawn grinned, "Please! I'd love that."
Amanda softly smiled, stretching as she got up. "Okay, let me go change and then I'll cook us some dinner- did you find the food I left for you?"
"I did. It was such an interesting texture...also kind of cold."
"Sorry about that," she heard Amanda call from the other room, "usually people eat it hot, but I didn't have the time to teach you how to work the microwave."
Amanda reappeared from her room, dressed in a tank top and pair of sweatpants. "You're really pretty." Dawn couldn't stop herself from blurting it out, she felt slightly embarrassed until she saw the smile on Amanda's face.
"Thanks, Dawn. You're not too bad yourself." She laughed, making her way to the kitchen. Dawn jumped off the couch and followed behind her eagerly. "What to make...what to make..." Amanda muttered, looking up at her cabinets. Dawn mimicked her movements, carefully watching her.
"How do you feel about grilled cheese?"
"It's just two pieces of bread and some cheese in between...sometimes I put bacon on mine if I'm feeling fancy. Well, it's vegan bacon. I can get some regular bacon for you to try sometime."
Dawn nodded along, pretending to have some sort of idea of what those ingredients were.
"Grilled cheese...sounds good."
Dawn watched as Amanda pulled out all the ingredients, setting them aside on the counter. She motioned for Dawn to come closer.
"Do you wanna help?"
Dawn eagerly nodded, standing beside Amanda. Amanda instructed her to take out the bread and cheese while she cooked the bacon. Dawn carefully put the pieces of cheese on the bread while she watched Amanda cook. The bacon sizzled in the pan, Dawn hid behind Amanda as some of the oil hit her skin.
"Sorry about that, you've gotta be careful when frying stuff." Amanda apologized, turning off the stove as she slid the bacon onto a plate. She instructed Dawn to place the bacon onto the sandwiches while she cleaned the pan. Dawn took the utmost care in the work, making sure everything was equal and fair.
Amanda then had Dawn cut off a small sliver of butter and put it into the frying pan, she then watched as Amanda carefully picked up one of the sandwiches with the spatula, sliding it into the pan. She pressed the sandwich down with the spatula, a hissing sound coming from the pan. Dawn backed away again.
"Don't worry! That's normal- promise." Amanda's smile comforted her, coaxing her to come forward again. She watched as Amanda flipped the sandwich, the side that was previously down was now a brown color, crispy. After another minute or so, she put the sandwich on a plate.
"Do you wanna try the other one?"
"Don't worry, I'll be here to help you."
With reassurance, she stepped forward. She copied the steps from before, slicing the butter before carefully sliding the sandwich into the pan.
"How do I know when to flip it?"
Amanda shrugged, "You kinda just have to keep lifting it up to make sure it's not burnt. As you do it more you'll get a better idea of how long it takes. Grilled cheese doesn't usually take too long."
Dawn nodded, paying careful attention to her words as she lifted the sandwich with the spatula, peeking under. She put it back down for another few seconds before checking again, flipping it over.
"Like that?"
Dawn flushed, a smile growing across her face. She almost forgot to take the sandwich off, but luckily she caught it just in time. She proudly showed it off to Amanda who clapped for her, praising Dawn. She almost didn't want it to stop, but alas, it did.
The two sat on the couch, Amanda clicking on the TV. "Did you wanna watch anything specific?"
Dawn shook her head, "I don't remember the name of anything I watched. We can just watch something you like."
Amanda hummed, clicking on some TV show that Dawn didn't know. She slowly bit into her sandwich, processing the taste. It felt a bit weird in her mouth but she liked it, the cheese felt kind of strange, but not in a bad way.
"Is it good? Do you like it?"
Dawn nodded, "It's so...weird. But not in a bad way, it's really good! It's all like...clingy."
Amanda chuckled, "That's cause the cheese is all melted, when some stuff gets all hot it'll cling onto the stuff it's between."
"Ohhh." Dawn nodded along, turning her attention back to whatever was playing on the television. "What are we watching?"
"The Bachelor. Basically, all these women are competing to marry this guy- it's such a shitty show but it's so good."
"Do they stay married?"
Amanda laughed, "No. Not most of the time, anyway. But it's fun for the drama. They have a version with guys competing for the girl as well."
"So...are they actors?"
"No, they're real people chosen for a show, they're not playing a character. It's called reality TV- shows like Survivor or Big Brother. We'll have to watch those too."
Dawn nodded along, just happy to spend more time with Amanda. She knew so much about this, Dawn found it impressive. She was patient with her, explaining the things she didn't understand or certain slang she didn't know.
"Oh! Before I forget, I have something for you." Amanda jumped up from the couch, rummaging through her bag. She pulled out a sleek device and handed it to Dawn. She turned it over in her hand, clicking it on.
"Isn't this a phone?"
It was thinner and sleeker than the chunky phones with cords she had learned about. It was fascinating to see the evolution of human technology.
"Yup! I got it from Sapphira, I figured you'd need one so you can contact me throughout the day. Plus, now that we can talk and now that you have GPS, you can start working on your ship!"
Dawn launched across the couch and enveloped her in a hug, grinning wildly.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! How does it work?"
Amanda spent the next hour teaching Dawn how her phone worked (it can scan her face, how neat!) and setting it up. Now she had Amanda's number and could bug her at any time, something she'd be sure to make use of. She got to set up her wallpapers- a pretty space theme, of course.
"So...I know I said we'd get you some clothes today, but it's late and I'm a bit too tired for that. But, I was thinking, maybe tomorrow we can go shopping instead? I mean, don't get me wrong I don't mind you wearing mine, but I thought it might be nice for you- to do like a human activity. Does that make sense?"
"Like...like at a mall and everything?"
Amanda nodded and Dawn lit up. "I've wanted to go to a mall so bad, please can we go?"
"Okay, okay, we'll leave around noon tomorrow. We can get lunch and then go shopping. We'll make a whole day out of it."
"Sounds fun," Dawn mumbled, having returned to munching on her sandwich.
The rest of the night flew by, as time often did with Amanda. They watched another episode of The Bachelor, Dawn watched with interest as Amanda yelled at a man on screen- for what, Dawn didn't know, but she found it amusing nonetheless. After that, Dawn helped Amanda do the dishes (where she found out a soap shared her name- it has ducks on it!), which Dawn found fun despite the fact that she ended up spraying most of the water on herself. In her defense, those hose things were hard to operate!
Amanda let her take a shower after that, giving Dawn the basic rundown. It was easy enough- it was different from the way they did things back home but they had talked about it in classes. It was strange to actually act it out, though. Dawn carefully dried her body and hair, the soft towel felt so comforting.
Now, she was lying on the couch, enveloped in her soft blankets. She smelled like Amanda now- she couldn't explain why, but it brought a sense of comfort to her. She had to fight not to fall asleep, but the sound of the shower was lulling her to sleep. She wanted to stay awake- to tell Amanda goodnight. But as Violet curled up onto her, she felt herself drifting off to sleep.
She woke up the next morning to the sound of Amanda talking to someone, muffled by the closed door. She slowly blinked her eyes open to clear her vision, scratching Violet between her ears. Violet purred, rubbing her head against Dawn's hand. "Mornin' Vi." She yawned, stretching her arms.
She gently sat up as Violet scurried off of her, running a hand through her messy hair. She heard Amanda thanking someone before the talking stopped and she emerged from her room. She was dressed casually in a purple tank top with a daisy and a black skirt, contrasted by her bright ginger hair resting on her shoulders.
"Oh! Morning Dawn, I was just about to wake you. I left you some clothes on my bed for you to wear out. I don't really know what your style is, so I hope they're good enough."
Anything Amanda picked out for her would be good enough, but she didn't tell her that. It was too embarrassing, she didn't want to come off as clingy. She scurried off into the bathroom after picking up the clothes and getting ready. She tapped the bracelet and morphed into her human form. She brushed out her black hair, opting to leave it down, and shredded her old clothes to put on the ones that Amanda gave her. It was a matching purple tank top and some shorts that she was pretty sure were denim.
She emerged from Amanda's room, "What do you think?"
Amanda gasped, her eyes lighting up. "You look so cute! And look, we match!"
Dawn blushed at that, nodding and giggling along with her.
"So, all ready to go?"
Dawn nodded and followed Amanda as they exited the apartment. She tried to follow closely behind Amanda as she led the two down the streets of the city, growing busier and busier as they got closer into the city. It began to be harder to keep up with her as the crowds increased and Dawn had to stand on her tiptoes to try and see the ginger.
Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed hers. She looked up, greeted by the ginger she was looking for. "Don't want you gettin' lost." She spoke, smiling brightly at her. Dawn was too flustered to speak, only gently nodding in response.
Amanda then led them underground, Dawn's eyes widening at the fluorescent lighting and grunge. She was even more shocked when she saw what looked like a train stationed farther down.
"Ever been on the subway before?" Amanda swiped her card through something, beckoning Dawn to go through. "No- I've heard of it though. Almost didn't think it was real." She called back as she went through the thing, patiently waiting at the end for Amanda.
"Buckle up, it's an...experience for sure."
They linked hands again, and Amanda led her to the crowded platform. She glanced around at the people, observing them. The chatter and noise of the subway was a bit overwhelming, she knew places could get busy but she didn't know it would feel like this. People pushed and bumped into her, it made her panic slightly, clinging onto Amanda's hand.
Amanda pulled her closer to her, "Rush hour. It'll be less crowded on our way back."
Dawn nodded, her attention now pulled by a train pulling up to the platform. It made a huffing noise as the doors opened, Amanda tugging her inside. She quickly snagged seats for the two of them, letting Dawn take the side closest to the door. She watched as Amanda pulled something out of her bag, placing one in her ear.
"It's an earbud, we use it for music." She explained, handing the other one to Dawn. Dawn copied her movements, placing the device in her other ear. Amanda adjusted it slightly before pressing something on her phone. Suddenly, Dawn's ear was filled with music, her eyes widened a little in shock as Amanda softly chuckled.
The ride was nice, Dawn enjoyed looking out the window even though the scenery didn't change much- mostly dark tunnel interrupted by the occasional platform. They passed a few more stops before Amanda tugged her up, leaving the train at the next stop. They passed back up to the busy street and Amanda led her towards a large building, pushing open the door.
Dawn was in awe- the place was massive. Several floors were filled with bright lights and colors, and people flooded in and out of the various stores. It captivated her. She almost forgot she could move until Amanda gently tugged her along, saying something about getting a bite to eat. She got to ride on moving stairs (she almost got stuck at the top though, it was a close call) and be pulled further into the large building. Her eyes shone as Amanda led her to a giant opening, tables filling the middle of the room and restaurants lining the walls.
"Do you want to try anything in particular?"
Her brain zeroed back in on Amanda, trying to process what she said. She shook her head 'no', watching as Amanda stood there in thought.
"We can do the chicken place, I think you might like chicken."
"Sounds interesting..." She mumbled, her eyes still wide as she gazed over all the choices. She followed Amanda's lead, navigating through the crowd until they reached a restaurant. The place was bright red, and had a smell coming from it- she didn't know what exactly it was, but it smelled delicious. She silently watched as Amanda ordered for the both of them, only letting go of her hand when Amanda handed her a cup.
"It's for your drink- there's a drink station over there," Amanda explained, gesturing with her other hand as she got out her wallet.
Dawn made her way over, looking at all the choices. She didn't know what any of them were, but she did see a larger clear tube in the middle- for ice, perhaps? She was proven correct as ice tumbled (very loudly, may she say) into the cup. She then perused her choices, settling on 'root beer'. She gently pressed her cup against the little bar, smiling to herself as the drink filled up.
She pulled it away once the drink was filled, turning to Amanda who had just approached.
"I figured it out! Ice and everything!" She proudly beamed, showing the cup to Amanda.
"Wow, you're better at picking things up than some of the kids I used to babysit." She smiled, repeating the process for her own drink. She then collected tops, placing Dawns for her. She then led Dawn over to a nearby table to wait as Amanda left to go wait for their food. It took a few minutes, but eventually, Amanda returned and set down a box and a container in front of her.
"What's this?"
"Chicken nuggets and fries." She responded, sliding another thing towards her. "This is ranch, you can dip your nuggets in it."
She tried the food, her eyes lighting up. Amanda smiled as she dug into her own food, "So you like it?" Dawn excitedly nodded, feverishly grinning.
"How do you always seem to know what I'll like?"
"I just treat you like a toddler. We'll work on expanding your palette later."
Dawn nodded, pretending to understand what she was referencing. If she treated her like a toddler, did that mean she cared for her in a motherly sense? Maybe, but it seemed unlikely. Amanda didn't seem to have any motherly instincts, or really any strong survival instincts if she thought about it.
They finished eating and linked hands again as Amanda led her around the mall, down the seemingly never-ending corridors. Stores were crammed into every space possible, some filled with clothes, some filled with food, and some filled with novelty items- Dawn found them all fascinating, but none in particular caught her eye. They move up a floor, and the same thing- nothing in particular catches her interest. She goes into a few stores, but it all seems too...boring. She almost gives up hope on finding something she'll like.
That is until they hit the fourth floor.
"Whoa...what is that place?" She stops in place, staring up at the store in front of her.
"Hot Topic? Do you wanna go in?"
She nodded, still looking in wonder at the store. They stepped inside, the store was dark and edgy, music blaring from the speakers and clothes lined the walls. They had a mix of dark and muted clothes and bright ones- it was perfect. Dawn picked up a sweater, holding it in her hands and feeling the soft material.
"Do you want it?" Amanda piped up, leaning over her shoulder. Dawn nodded, still looking over it in awe. Amanda gestured to hand the sweater to her which Dawn complied with. She asked her what kind of fit she wanted, oversized or a proper fit, and helped her pick out the right size. They repeated this process, Dawn picking out things that interested her and Amanda helping her find the correct sizing. She ended up with a mixture of darker and more colorful clothes, some skirts, and a few pairs of tights.
It was an hour or so later when they exited the store, Amanda carrying a majority of their bags. They continued to walk around, stopping at a few more stores to pick up some shoes and other items for her. They ended up back in the food court two hours later, slumped at a table, and finally finished.
"So...how did you afford all this? If you don't mind me asking. I assume this stuff is expensive, right?" Dawn piped up, looking at Amanda.
"Oh, I didn't. Sapphira did- she said I could borrow her card and pay her back."
"Sapphira? The same one who gave me the phone?"
Amanda nodded, "Same one- she's a good friend, you'll probably meet her sometime soon. We hang out a lot."
"What does she do? I mean she must make a lot of money."
Amanda shrugged. "None of us really know. We know she's involved in a lot of stuff, but we don't know why. She's a bit mysterious."
Dawn simply nodded, stretching in her chair. Amanda was looking around the court when her eyes lit up, suddenly standing up. "Wait here- I want you to try something. I'll be right back!" She watched as Amanda disappeared into the crowd of people, sitting there a bit confused. She fiddled a bit with her phone, still trying to get used to it.
Soon enough Amanda came back, two brown drinks in her hand. She pushed one of them toward Dawn as she sat down opposite of her. "Try it, I think you'll like it!"
Dawn took the cup from her, gingerly taking a sip. It tasted...sweet. Very sweet, but very good.
"What is this?"
"Brown sugar milk tea with boba pearls." Amanda grinned, sipping her own drink. "It's good, right? Oh, chew the pearls by the way. Don't choke." She softly laughed, Dawn soon learned what she meant when one of the pearls came up the straw. It was such a strange texture...so chewy...it was odd, but she liked it.
"It's certainly interesting...we don't have anything like this on my planet."
"It's gotten pretty popular here recently, so I'm not surprised. I'm glad you like it though. Do you guys have malls on your planet?"
Dawn shook her head. "Not really. Most of our shopping is done...well, I guess the equivalent would be online for you all. We order things and it sort of just...materializes."
"Whoa...that sounds handy. Wish we had something like that."
She shrugged, "I don't know. I like the socialization of it all. On my planet, we don't really go out much. Public places often serve one purpose, you don't go there to hang out, you know? It's much more formal."
"So...how do you hang out with your friends?"
"Honestly it's not super common. It's mostly just communicating, you don't usually regularly see people unless it's a partner or your family. That's why Jay is my closest friend, they're my cousin. Maybe I'll invite them down here when I get things set up...I'm sure they'd love it here."
Amanda frowned. "That's kind of sad. I couldn't imagine not hanging out with my friends."
"Yeah, that's why I'm so intrigued by Earth and humans. I wondered what it was like and honestly...I agree with you. It's so much more fun to go out for things. I used to only go out to go to school."
"Well, I'll just have to bring you along with me. Show you all the fun stuff we've got here." Amanda smiled, causing her to smile that as well. "I'll hold you to that."
The subway was much more calm on the ride back, Dawn's head on Amanda's shoulder and the bags strewn between their legs. Amanda's music softly played through the earbuds, the sound almost lulling Dawn to sleep. The exhaust from the day began to hit her, and Amanda had to practically tug her along back to the apartment.
"Don't go limp on me now, we're almost back!" She laughed, Dawn groaning in reply. They eventually made it home, the last thing Dawn remembered was napping on the couch while Amanda made dinner in the kitchen.
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lunashifts · 6 months
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20. March 2024 - shifting journal 1 🌙
I always wanted to write about my journey but wanted to wait until something of note happened so here we are. It's nothing big but I want to document whenever I feel like I'm getting closer or I realized something.
So last night I woke up too early and still had almost 2 hours for sleeping so I decided to do a methode. I choose the "in between" methode by alunir om youtube because all the comments were really positive and I love alunir.
The methode was good and I'm definitely gonna try it again, I think I fell asleep too early because I think I'm supposed to wait until she says so and I also didn't wake up again when I was supposed to😅
but I did wake up when autoplay put another one of her videos as the next one. It was louder than the other so I woke up from that but I didn't open my eyes yet and I felt a little weird like I couldn't really feel my legs and didn't feel really there. The video was 3h loop of Dr questions so I just started answering them while also affirming that I'm in my dr bed. I tried to visualize my bedroom. I love visualization but I'm not that good at it yet. Anyway the biggest thing is that I faintly smelled vanilla which I scripted I would smell from a candle on my nightstand. I tried really hard to feel and hear other things.
At this point I'm not sure what was real or what I imagined because I could swear I felt I had a different pajamas on and like the sun was coming from the direction of my dr window not my cr window. But I couldn't hear anything except alunirs video. It's then I realized I never scripted anything I should hear when waking up. Which honestly is the biggest realization I took from this. Because I live in a big house and it's early morning of course I wouldn't hear anything. So I'm definitely gonna add something to my script for that.
So while I was visualizing I got a little impatient because I just wanted to feel I'm there, I knew my alarm was gonna go off soon and I didn't want it to ruin my attempt. (Spoiler: it did, even though I told myself it's my dr alarm😩) so I started to imagine what it would be like when I wake up. What I will do etc. I did that in a different attempt too and right when I was going downstairs to see my s/o my alarm went off before I could see them. Well this time it was the same thing! Even though I rushed through my morning routine this time.
So yea my alarm went off and even though I tried to visualize it being on my dr nightstand it didn't work and I opened my eyes to my cr room 😭
So yeah. I wouldn't count it as minishift because it wasn't solid enough for me to say it wasn't all imagined. But this helped me realize what I need to add to my script and I will definitely do the methode again. Thanks alunir for helping the shifting community 🌠
If you for some reason read all that then thank you 💖
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seeing anons tell you all this information about homestuck is surreal because my only experience with the situation was when i woke up from a fever dream of bad video games and comets and professor layton trying to solve the mystery of how such a bad video game could have been made to discover that youtube autoplay was trying to kill me. the video essays i fell asleep to had managed to get onto a complete summary of all of homestuck and i woke up to hear about???? adultery baby???? jade asking rose to act as a surrogate without telling rose's girlfriend??????? and i immediately closed the tab and felt horror at the fact that homestuck had SOMEHOW crept into my unconscious
oh i forgot about the whole surrogate baby thing yeah thats like epilogue or hs2 stuff its not in the original. so idk anything about it nor do i want to learn because anything i learn about it gives me psychic damage as we all just witnessed. im a grown ass adult currently shaking because a character i care about mightve been written in a way to become smth i despise gonna have a good one w my therapist today cant wait to explain Homestuck to her :)
btw i will not answer anymore homestuck asks, sorry to everyone trying to help, im fully aware that my reaction to this is not one that a stable person would have lmao but thats because i am not one hope that helps <3 im gonna prepare the preliminary polls now :)
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corhore · 1 year
If Yara Flor says “Aye Papi” in either animation or live action then she’ll replace Harley as the fourth pillar of Dc. I had this epiphany when I fell asleep with headphones on with YouTube autoplay on. Woke to an asmr and having that whispered into my ear, instantly woke me up
Feels like thats a good way to get people to really like her. Just have her act like a sultry latina.
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pantherpilz · 4 months
I fell asleep infront of my laptop while youtube was on and you know that thing when you have autoplay on? yeah I woke up to a video explaining how clothes are infused with energy
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halo--hall · 9 months
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fell asleep listening to some random vaporwave playlist last night & when i woke up my bf's laptop this morning this is what youtube autoplay had taken me to while i was slumbering
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skipchill · 1 year
The voices distracting while falling asleep is why i only listen to videos and people ive watched heaps of times before, and when i fall asleep to their voices it sorta numbs me to other sounds like talking thru walls and stuff. Sometimes i have to switch what im watching if the voices are too intense tho esp cold ones cus Max screams so much sometimes 😭
I also like falling asleep with autoplay on youtube and waking up to the most random shit.
One time i fell asleep and woke up with a scare because i grabbed myself in my sleep and an american psycho review had autoplayed. Thot that was funny
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
Just realized. Maybe now's a good time to get back into being a Kingdom Hearts fan. But like, this time, getting utterly obsessed with it. lol
I thought returning to Persona 5 would be what gets me out of my FE3H fixation. But it just hasn't happened yet (especially with everyone only talking about P5R and me preferring vanilla P5). But tonight I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO emotionally effected, while watching these Kingdom Hearts let's plays by LeighXP. Maybe it's time to become obsessed with Kingdom Hearts again. ^_~
Finally, I decided it's time to go watch LeighXP's playthrough highlight vids of Kingdom Hearts 3…even though I still haven't played KH3. For the longest time, I kept saying I'll only watch a little, so I wouldn't spoil myself for when I actually play the game myself. But a while ago, I fell asleep with YouTube autoplaying, and when I woke up, LeighXP's KH3 vid was near the end, and then I couldn't resist finishing it. And I watched Professor Thorgi's top boss battle list that also spoiled the final Xehanort fight. So I've been spoiled on KH3 already. The little bits of unknowns still left for me, shouldn't matter anymore. And I'm tired of putting off watching streamers I like, out of worries over spoilers, when I know I'm generally immune to spoilers. Just because my spoiler immunity has been waning in recent years, I let it get me paranoid. But this is stupid. I want to watch what I want.
Anyway, it's been so long and I still haven't played KH3, but I still want to know what's going on before KH4 gets more trailers or releases. During all this meantime, I've come to accept that people can be a fan of videogames, the way that most "sports fans" are fans of sports: they don't play themselves, they just watch other people play, and they keep up on all the industry news---AND THAT'S OKAY. I eventually found myself in that position, before I realized it. But I can still feel how much these stories mean to me, even when I just watch others play. So I can't deny it's still a valid form of fandom. And that's okay.
Still, I don't know what happened to my motivation to play KH3. I was so excited for KH3, for years and years. Then a few months before it finally had its actual release date, I suddenly dropped off KH. I still don't know what happened. (Maybe if I look through my Tumblr Archive, I could figure out what distracted me.) But it's strange that I never eventually regained my excitement for KH overall…even while I was buying every KH OC Nendoroid that released…even up until now. …But now…watching other people's playthroughs and reactions…I think I'm getting excited for KH again. ^_^
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bffsoobin · 4 years
Just One Day
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↳ being the extraordinary Choi Yeonjun’s ordinary ex girlfriend had begun to feel like nothing more than a fun fact the longer you two had been apart. He had gone to Korea to chase his dream, and you had all but forgotten about the way he made you feel. When Yeonjun calls and explains he’ll be back for a day, do you go for it?
➤ fluff, angst, smut, idol!yeonjun x ex girlfriend!reader
Word count: 5,313
Requested?: yes
Warnings: This includes (badly written) mature content! Please do not read between the illustrated borders if you’re under 18 or uncomfortable! Smut warnings include: unprotected sex (don’t do it!), some dirty talk, slight male masturbation. General warnings include:swearing, awkwardness, slight pining, self doubt, mentions of crying/heartbreak, Yeonjun is a sly little shit, Feelings, me not editing or proof reading, me not keeping a very good time line for the story (how long ago did they date? How long were they together? What era are txt in when this story takes place? I didn’t bother to specify so feel free to let your mind run wild)
It felt weird seeing the Snapchat memory pop up. A younger you smiled back through the screen, hair messy from the wind. Even weirder is the sight of a younger Choi Yeonjun, cheek pressed right against yours and a wide smile taking over his face. You hadn’t forgotten him, there was no way you could, but you had certainly forgotten this day. This date. The two of you had spent the day at an amusement park, skin turning red under the sun as you rode every attraction the park had to offer. As you clicked through the memory, you found a video you took of him dancing next to the picnic table the two of you ate overpriced fries and pizza on. The sound of your own laugh made you smile. You had really been so happy. So many happy memories with Yeonjun cropped up in your mind. All of the movie nights, walks along the lake, lunches and mini golf dates flooded you.
With the happy memories also came the hurt. The countdown to the day he had to leave for Korea, knowing nothing would ever be the same again. You had blocked out so many bad things, but one you could never forget was the night before he left. Since he was leaving so early in the morning, you had come to sleep over so you could be sure not to miss saying goodbye. As the night fell, you clutched onto his shirt and begged him not to forget you. It was pathetic how much you sniffled and sobbed into the thin fabric and pleaded with any entity listening to keep Yeonjun in your life. He had cried too, although you never noticed. The sound of your sobbing consumed his senses as the two of you laid down in his bed and he knew he could do nothing but hold you until you fell asleep. When the heaving and shaking stopped, he looked down on your swollen, tear streaked face and began shaking with his own silent sobs. He loved you. You loved him. But that love wasn’t enough to keep the two of you together in the way you wished. Yeonjun didn’t sleep that night. Instead, he watched you sleep and pretended everything was okay. Pretended he wasn’t leaving you behind minutes after sunrise. 
That night is one of your very worst memories. You threw your phone to the side, rubbing your hands over your face to reduce some of the weight laying on your shoulders. A hot shower was definitely in order to relieve some tension in your muscles.
Your worries washed down the drain with the scalding water. With a clearer mind you were able to push the sad memories of years past back to the dark corner of your mind where you left them originally. The rest of your day was normal, save for the fact that you felt as if the selfie of you and Yeonjun you had seen earlier was permanently tattooed behind your eyelids. At every spare moment you had you were thinking of him. The Yeonjun you had fallen in love with way before he had millions of other people following his every move. You had neglected to keep up with his actions many months ago when you decided that there was no point in mulling over a guy who would never come back to you.
And given the general lack of interest of kpop harbored by your family and friends; it wasn’t hard for you to reduce Yeonjun to nothing more than a boyfriend who had to move far away. Most of the people in your life now didn’t even know about the years old relationship, anyway. You had decided it was much better that way.
Your day was boring, to be totally honest. You had dedicated the day to cleaning, but your small apartment needed less attention than you originally thought. By 6:30pm, you had already made and eaten dinner and started yourself on a marathon of Hunger Games movies. Right in the middle of Katniss’ adventures in the 74th games; your phone began to vibrate against your thigh with a phone call. The number came up as unknown, and you didn’t recognize the area code as a local one so you let the call drop. Katniss was mourning the death of Rue when your phone vibrated again. This time you saw a voicemail from the mystery number. You were confused. A little bit annoyed at the intrusion, but mostly really confused. Usually scam callers didn’t leave messages, and everyone else that was important to your life was in your phone as a contact.
What the hell, you thought. Just listen to the voicemail and see who it's from, you can always delete the message and block the number later. Disregarding Katniss’ heavy breathing, you clicked on the notification and pressed your phone to your ear. There were a few seconds of silence and some shuffling that made you think it was an accidental butt dial to a very wrong number until a clear voice broke through.
“Hey, Y/N. I know this is super weird but-“ you dropped your phone out of your hand as if it had bitten you. You knew that voice. Yeonjun. What the fuck? With your phone left forgotten on the couch you nervously walked around your apartment. What did he want? How did he get your number? Why was he calling you?
After some self convincing and a cold glass of water, you decided you would get all your answers if you’d just finish listening to the damn voicemail. This time, you listened closer and in the silence of the beginning you could hear some faint Korean that made your blood run cold. This was for real. Yeonjun’s voice crackled through the phone again.
“I’m, uh, in the US right now. LA, actually. We just landed like an hour ago and I though of you- is that weird?” He cleared his throat, “I have a day off tomorrow and I was wondering if you’d want to meet up? If you don’t, it’s okay.” A heavy sigh and some more shouting of Korean in the back. “But if you do, we can meet at 10am at that breakfast place you like? I looked it up, the one between the library and the corner market we used to go to? Okay. That’s it. Um, bye.” Even after the end of the message you kept your phone pressed to your ear, in total disbelief of what you’d just heard.
Numbly, you unpaused the movie although none of the horrors of the Games stirred you like normal. The only thing you could focus on was whether or not you should go meet Yeonjun in the morning. What did you have to lose? Other than a little pride if he stood you up or something of the sort, you couldn’t think of much. You could easily catch an Uber there in the morning. But would it be weird? You knew the other members would be with him, but how much did they know? Your nerves made you queasy. The option of not going at all seemed more and more appealing with every passing moment.
You played the movie again, watching but not processing any of the presented images. You wanted to talk this out with someone, but no one really knew about your time with Yeonjun and the situation was way too far fetched to be boiled down to hypotheticals for a friend. Twenty minutes must have passed with you mulling every little detail over in your head. The movie had ended without your knowledge but it didn’t matter anyway. You were already in your bedroom, computer open to YouTube. Skimming your fingers over the keys, you gave the universe time to stop you. To make someone knock on your door, or your mom to call you, or for the power to go out; but nothing of the sort happened. You typed in “tomorrow x together” and shut your eyes as if it would change anything.
Pages of videos- both official and fan made beckoned you down a dangerous rabbit hole. One where you began to miss Yeonjun all over again. He had grown a lot since the last time you had seen him. He was taller, broader. HIs jaw was much more defined and he had taken to wearing jewelry all the time. Side effects of becoming an idol, you supposed. None of those details hurt more than the fact that his personality seemed unchanged. Amplified, yes; but he was still the same goofy, clingy and heartfelt boy you had fallen in love with years ago. You watched the way he interacted with the other members and you felt your heart swell with joy. Some small part of you was worried that pressure and fame would change him but you were amazed to see that was not the case.
Autoplay took it upon itself to load up the next video for you. You felt oddly warm at the idea of seeing even more content; this time through the lense of an adoring fan. A title flashed across the screen in a handwritten font: “Best of Choi Yeonjun”. Edited video clips of him singing, dancing and playing around with the other group members flashed before your eyes. You couldn’t help but lull yourself into a state of comfort upon seeing and hearing him so much. In the back of your mind, you knew you had already silently decided on meeting him tomorrow. You closed your laptop with a renewed excitement before you began to get ready for bed.
When you woke up there was still an hour before your alarm was even set to go off. Despite the early hour you were wide awake as if your nerves had been connected to a live wire pumping electricity through you. There was no grogginess in your eyes, and if it wasn’t for the jumble of nerves in your gut you could have believed you were going to have a perfect day. Your mind stalled at the reality of facing Yeonjun in just mere hours. You think you dreamed about him last night; in some weird, hazy fashion where you can’t remember much other than his presence. Vague details swarmed through your mind throughout the entire duration of your morning routine. Even though you had just showered the night before, you took another one to pass the extra time and take the opportunity to shave as well as you could in the dim light of your bathroom. You were oddly aware of just how quickly your heart was beating through the whole process. The drumming sound in your ears became second nature by the time you stood in front of your closet.
Suddenly, the extra hour your body had subconsciously given you became a blessing as you decided that you had absolutely nothing to wear. The outfit you had planned during your shower looked much worse in real life than you ever would have thought. It was almost as if the open drawers were mocking you, laughing about the fact that you were so nervous about meeting Yeonjun again that you couldn’t even pick out an outfit. You shuffled through all of your hangers multiple times, slipped different dresses and pairs of jeans on until you settled on something that you decided would be good enough- especially with the time of 9:10 am glaring back at you. With the consideration of morning traffic, you needed to be out of your apartment as soon as you possibly could. It was sort of embarrassing how sweaty your palms were as you locked up your apartment door and requested an Uber. Luckily your driver came so fast that you didn’t really have time to dwell on just what you were about to do. Even the ride there gave you no time to overthink, as your friendly driver made polite conversation that you felt bad for slacking on.
You stepped out onto the sidewalk after stalling for as long as you possibly could. The breakfast spot was surprisingly unpopulated compared to the rest of the stores, but just as quaint and adorable as you always remembered. Yeonjun used to live over this way so the two of you frequented the family owned restaurant so much that all of the servers knew your order. Your heart felt as if it was permanently stuck in your throat with the knowledge that Yeonjun was just steps away from you. A few bystanders eyed you suspiciously as you tried to work up the courage to enter the building. Fuck it, you thought. There was no way to avoid this any longer.
The hostess working the front stand seemed to notice your nervous disposition. “Can I help you? Just one?” Suddenly the back of your neck felt warm under her questioning.
“Uhm actually, I’m supposed to be meeting someone here.” The hostess nodded politely.
“Oh, can I ask your name? A man here said he was waiting for a girl to come meet him,” she shuffled a menu around on her podium.
“I’m Y/N,’ you supplied meekly. The hostess’ face lit up as she waved to you to follow her further into the restaurant. The layout was familiar even though the decor had evolved over the last few years. At a corner booth sat Yeonjun with his fluffy hair, intently examining the menu as you approached. The hostess announced your arrival and left in the blink of an eye.
“Yeonjun,” you whispered, totally caught off guard by the sight of him actually in front of you. He rushed out of the booth seat and immediately squished you into a tight hug.
“Oh my god,” he laughed, pulling back to examine you once again before you both sat down on the vinyl seats. “I don’t know what to say, I-” he rubbed his hands over his face, “I wasn’t sure you were going to come.” You just stared at him for a second, waiting for the cogs in your brain to start up again.
“I wasn’t sure I was going to come either. But I’m glad I did. I just saw old pictures of us from when we were dating.” It felt so foreign to hear that phrase coming out of your mouth that you almost flinched. Yeonjun’s face softened and he opened his mouth to speak just as your waiter sidled up to the table. He took your orders, and you couldn’t help but realize that you had both ordered your regulars from years ago. Yeonjun picked at his nailbeds for a second. There was so much to talk about that your mind could not settle on a single thing.
“I just wanted to say,” Yeonjun’s voice startled you, “that I’ve missed you a lot. I feel awful about the way we left it, and as soon as I heard we were coming back to the US I had to try and make time to meet you. Unfortunately I only have this one day off so I was hoping you would want to see me too,” he couldn’t contain the smile that grew on his face; the one that hadn’t changed since the last time you ever saw him.
“Of course I wanted to see you, Junnie,” the nickname was automatic and made him crinkle his eyes up happily, “I’ve missed you too.”
It was almost unbelievable how easy it was to fall back into conversation with him. The food was just as good as you always remembered, but it paled totally in comparison to the colorful stories the two of you traded. His were-of course- much more riveting and star studded than yours could ever hope to be. He told you tales of everything from his friends to his late nights practicing, to all of the places he had traveled since going into the company. All you had to offer were some stories of your adventures with family and friends but Yeonjun still listened with rapt attention. The flow of conversation was just as easy as you always remembered it to be. Even through mouthfuls of your breakfast you were having a better time with Yeonjun than you had with anyone else in months.
The waiter came to clear your plates during a natural lull in your conversation and suddenly the magical spell casted on the two of you seemed to lift. Yeonjun’s face was flushed red and you became extremely interested in your cuticles.
“I’ll pay for our food,” he reached for the check that had been placed face down on the table as you scoffed.
“No, I can pay for myself, it’s fine,” you held your hand out expectantly but he never handed over the receipt. Yeonjun’s eyes narrowed.
“No, absolutely not. I’m the one who asked you to meet me here out of the blue after not seeing you for years. And it’s just one day that I’m here. The very least I can do is pay for your meal, Y/N. Don’t you remember what it’s like to have a guy treating you?” He waved down the waiter and handed over the check along with a credit card.
“Well to be fair, I haven’t really had a guy ‘treat me’ in a while,” you grumbled at him, “but that’s an unfair way to guilt me into letting you buy my food.” You were pouting now, you knew. Yeonjun cooed at your change in behavior.
“Too bad. I want to be your complimentary boyfriend for the day. So I’m paying. And you get to pick the next place we go.” There was no way you could argue with him although the thought of him being your “boyfriend” again made your brain set off alarms.
“Okay, Junnie. Just remember you dug your own grave.”
Following breakfast, you drug him into your favorite boutique where the two of you had your own coming of age movie style try on in the dressing rooms. You hated to admit just how well Yeonjun had pulled off every single outfit he put on. Even the bright green button up and cheetah print bucket hat you had picked as a joke looked amazing on him. It was hard to miss the way he had bulked up, arms bulging against the fabric of the shirt as he twisted around in front of the mirror to admire himself. Mentally you slapped yourself. No drooling allowed, Y/N. This was no longer the Yeonjun who was your first love. This Yeonjun was famous and in the eyes of the public, living halfway across the world. There was no way he still thought about you the same way you thought of him.
He had noticed your lapse in behavior and chalked it up to him actually enjoying your prank outfits.
“Awe, it’s okay Y/N. We can go to Goodwill and you can find me something really awful to try on. I promise I’ll look hideous,” he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and guided you towards the cashier with a grin so he could buy the last two items you ever thought he would enjoy. You pushed through your slowly souring mood to dutifully follow Yeonjun to another small shop nearby. Your thoughts were beginning to wander farther and farther until you completely tuned his voice out of your head. A hand ruffling up your hair ended your daydreaming. You grabbed Yeonjun’s hand and yanked it away.
“Leave me alone,” your tone was flatter than you wanted him to hear. His face instantly crumpled in confusion before turning serious. You could tell he wanted to say something to you but the atmosphere of the store was just not right. Pop music was piped through the speakers and you could hear the faint hum of the workers talking to one another. Without another word, Yeonjun guided you out of the store and back out to the front of the store.
“I think we should talk in private. Would you feel comfortable if we went back to your apartment?” Your heart swelled at his consideration of your comfort.
Just one slightly awkward Uber ride later, you were letting Yeonjun into your apartment. Suddenly you were worried about the fact that your bed wasn’t made and that you hadn’t dusted in way too long. Of course he didn’t notice, but as he sat down on your couch you couldn’t help but remember the pizza sauce stain on one of the cushions that you had hidden with a well placed throw pillow.
“C’mon, sit down. This is your home and you’re acting more awkward than I am,” he patted the cushion beside him but you chose to leave an intentional space between you, intimidated by the way he spread his legs out in front of him. “What happened?” His voice was soft and gentle, just the way you remember it from all your late nights and early mornings together.
You sighed. “It’s just weird. You being here, I mean. Before, I just saw you as a boy like the same way I was just a girl. Now I’m still just a girl but you’re,” you struggled for the words, “now you’re an it boy. But you still had my number in your phone. You still chose to use your day off to walk around with me! I guess I just don’t know why.” He was silent, watching you with slightly pouted lips and wide eyes.
“Oh,” your eyes crinkled in shock. Oh? That’s all he had to say? Before you had time to fume, he continued; “I thought it was pretty obvious. I still like you. A ton. Leaving you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. You’ve never been just a girl to me, Y/N. I chose to come see you on my day off because I couldn’t bare the thought of being in your city with free time and not at least trying to make you understand.” You could feel yourself shrinking under his intense gaze.
“Understand what?” you whispered. He leaned closer, eliminating the gap you had created between the two of you. Just inches from your face, you could clearly see the way his sparkling eyes shifted between your own eyes and your lips several times. You knew he was giving you an out. Time to back away and tell him no. But you didn’t want an out. His lips were chapped but just as full as you had always remembered them to be. The first kiss was short and sweet, just a little testing peck as the initial spark lit a larger, raging fire inside of you.
He wasted no time going in for a second kiss, this one much longer and slower and very reminiscent of what you used to share with him. It felt as if he was pulling all of the air from your lungs and replacing it with his own. You felt your dormant feelings leak from the inside out in such a rush that you had to push him away from you. Chest heaving, you laid your head against the solid muscle of his chest. Your eyes burned with unshed tears and all of the thoughts you desperately wanted to spill. Yeonjun stroked your hair and said nothing as you quietly collected yourself.
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“It’s been so long. How do you still make me want you so bad?” Yeonjun laughed in a tone that bordered on remorseful.
“Guess I’m magic,” his lips descended on yours again, this time much needier as his hands began to roam all over your body. He kept a strong grip on your hips before sliding a hand up the front of your shirt. You gasped at the feeling.
“Are you okay? I can stop if-“ you shook your head rapidly and wrapped your hand around his wrist to guide him farther up your shirt, resting over your bra.
“I’m fine, please touch me.” He pushed you down against your couch and pressed his weight between your spread legs. Every part of you was on edge, hyper aware of every single movement that Yeonjun made. Mouthing at your neck, using both hands to squeeze at your breasts, the subtle rock of his hips against your center. Jolts of pleasure wracked through you.
“You’re so beautiful. So much more perfect than I even remembered,” Yeonjun stripped your shirt over your head and traced his fingers down your sides. You shivered as he worked his hands behind your back to fumble with the clasp of your bra. You couldn’t help but snort at the scrunched up face of concentration that melted away his dominant facade.
“Need some help?” Trying to bite back your laughter only worked for so long before you turned into a giggly mess under him. He tipped his head back and let out a whine that made your stomach stir in arousal given your situation.
“Don’t laugh, it’s been a long time,” his voice was thicker, deeper than it had been for the rest of the day and only served as a reminder of the tell tale bulge pressed against your inner thigh. Unclasping your own bra was a breeze, but you allowed Yeonjun the pleasure of actually pulling it away from your body. Before you had time to cover yourself up, the boy above you was diving down to press kisses on each breast, paying special attention to your nipples until you were squirming uncontrollably under his weight. He got the message and made short work of your jeans and panties.
“Hold on,” he groaned at the sight of you while he struggled to get off of the couch and strip himself down as quick as possible. He had no shame, and the way you were laying gave you a perfect view of all of the exposed skin. His well built arms and torso flexed underneath his virtually flawless skin. He shucked off his jeans and boxers in one go before eagerly climbing back on top of you. You were at a loss for words at the sight of his body but luckily Yeonjun didn’t mind your silence. He used it to his advantage as he rubbed circles into the meat of your thighs teasingly.
“Jun,” your hips canted upwards and caught on the head of his cock, “please.” You stuck out your bottom lip in a pout and that seemed to break his resolve instantly.
“Okay, fuck. I can’t resist you anymore princess,” he grunted his understanding and weaved his fingers through yours on either side of your head. Slowly, he pushed into you. He bit back moans the whole time, occasionally rocking his hips against you to stimulate your clit as well as he could. Your back arched off of the couch; neck bent at an awkward angle although it was the least of your worries as Yeonjun’s cock was fully sheathed inside of you. Your body was in overdrive; impossibly warm and sensitive even at the smallest roll of his hips.
Instantly you were a needy mess and could only focus on the feeling of Yeonjun’s skin against yours. His name fell from your lips like a prayer as he pinned you down and began to thrust with the kind of intensity you weren’t expecting. Hard thrusts shifted your body underneath his and forced sounds you never heard yourself make from your throat. Yeonjun was just as loud, grunting and moaning at every snap of his hips.
With a slight shift of his weight, he was laying on top of you, totally encasing your body in his presence and burying his nose in the sensitive skin of your shoulder. The new angle forced him even deeper into you and a new wave of pleasure rolled through you. Your inner walls contracted around Yeonjun’s cock as a result and his hips stuttered at the feeling.
“Oh, do that again,” he commanded before biting into the soft skin behind your ear. You followed his orders easily and felt his cock twitch as a reward.
“Fuck, I’m close already, you’re so hot. You made me like this. Shit, princess. I missed you so much,” his thrusts became impossibly faster and deeper, bringing you just moments away from the feeling you were so desperately chasing.
“Jun,” your voice was high and needy, “I need more, I need more,” your words melted into incoherence but he still got the message and dislodged one of his hands from your shared grip to harshly rub at your clit. The touch was absolutely electric. Your eyes rolled back in your head and it only took a few more thrusts from Yeonjun before your vision turned white. You knew you were yelling and whining pathetically but you couldn’t get yourself to stop as he continued drilling into you to prolong your high and chase his own.
As soon as you began to calm down, Yeonjun pulled out. Although you felt painfully empty, your attention shifted immediately to the sight of him working a hand over his cock. He hadn’t given you the time to marvel at him earlier, so you took the opportunity to wonder at the perfect size and curve of his reddened cock, glistening with the sheen of your release. Yeonjun’s voice heightened the faster he moved his hand; swirling his thumb around the tip shakily before he finally released in hot spurts across your body. The sounds he made as he came all over your stomach and chest were nothing short of heavenly. Even through his ragged breaths he called out to you, chanting praise that made your stomach turn in more ways than one.
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Despite the messy state of your skin, Yeonjun pulled you upwards and insisted on wrapping you up in a hug. You felt a little disgusted at all the fluids involved but said nothing. The two of you hadn’t really hugged since the day he left. He placed a kiss on your forehead and there was no denying just how tender the action was, especially following the spontaneous sex the two of you had just finished.
“I wasn’t lying, you know. I do like you. I’ve never stopped liking you. I didn’t just say that to have sex with you, I hope you know that. I would say I even love you but…” his voice was raspy from overuse. You stared into his eyes, trying to read the odd mix of emotions swirling in his irises.
“It’s okay, Jun. I know you can’t...with work and everything,” you traced patterns on his bare chest, “I like you too. Even though we’ve found ourselves in a super weird spot here. And I’m happy we, ya know.” Your face was burning at the absurdity of being shy about it when a mere three minutes ago you were begging for him. “And I love that we’re cuddling and everything, and it’s a great moment for us, but I’m cold and sticky,” your nose scrunched involuntarily at the confession. Yeonjun couldn’t hold back the loud laugh that brought you back to every other moment you’d heard it before.
“Guess those things are my fault, huh?” Yeonjun teased, leaning down to place a light kiss onto your nose. You feigned upset but he didn’t buy it. Instead, he wiggled his way off of the couch. You tried your best not to stare at his towering form as you took the hand he held out to you.
“Shower?” He questioned, arching a perfectly groomed eyebrow at you as you stood to your full height. For a second you hesitated, knowing the fondness growing in your heart would only hurt you even more in just a few hours. But you had him for just one day. Why not make the most of it?
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inquisitoradaar · 3 years
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fell asleep with my head on my desk and when i woke up youtube autoplay had put on a video titled "The Tragic Voyage of Terror: The Lost Franklin Expedition"
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ukulelekatie · 4 years
i fell asleep on the couch with youtube autoplay enabled and when i woke up i was 11 minutes into a two-hour long video of a flying loaf of garlic bread. the internet really is full of endless possibilities huh
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bangingoutthetunes · 4 years
summer rain.
A 1.2k word fix in which you had a shitty day and Shinso tries to make you feel better<3
Initially wrote this for a friend, adapted it to republish it. All of my writing can be found under #katherinewritessometimes . I hope you enjoy.
A thunderstorm was the last thing you needed to happen today. Sure, rain was nice when it wasn’t this wet against your summer dress, when it wasn’t this inconvenient to make your way through, and when it wasn’t sloshing in your heels.
It felt like everything had gone to shit. The situation at home had been tense and going through a precipitous decline, you hadn’t slept well for the past couple of nights and NOW you realized you left your wallet at home when you were going out to buy groceries. Frustrated, and in need of comfort, you called up a good friend you always knew would be there.
“Hey, ___? Is everything alright?” Shinso’s voice was laced with concern; you were prone to texting him excitedly about something before calling him, so an abrupt call was foreign and not a good sign.
“Yeah, I just really need a place to stay. It’s gross outside and I was by your place so...I was wondering if I could wait out the storm there, if that’s okay with you.”
“Of course it’s alright, you know I love having you over. I’ll put some coffee to brew in the meantime.”
“Great, I’ll see you in five.” You hung up your phone, shoved it into your jacket pocket, and continued on route. The walk became a lot more bearable after hearing his voice, simultaneously gentle and gruff, and you realized then that maybe the rain wasn’t that bad.
Once, twice, three times you knocked on his door, wrist flicked quickly and your index finger tapping on it.You knew he was looking through the peephole because he could never be too sure, and the door creaked open shortly after. His right hand was bundled with a sweatshirt and sweatpants, most likely his own, and you couldn’t even get your hellos in before he placed them in your arms and told you to change. “You must be dripping wet. Get comfy. Meet me in the living room once you’re done, okay?” Your eyes shone over, a smile beginning to paint itself onto your face for the first time all day, and you nodded. He nodded towards the direction of the bathroom, and you silently thanked him before going in.
You unloaded his clothes onto the sink’s countertop and began to rid yourself of the dripping wet clothes. His hoodie was navy-colored and had a nike logo on the left pec. Putting it on and wiggling it over your head, you realized it smelled so much like him; the scent reminded you of fabric softener, vanilla, and black coffee. His black sweatpants had huge pockets on the side, but they must’ve been from years and years back because they weren’t horribly big on you, either. You barely had to roll the waistband to get them to sit on your waist. You hung your wet clothes to dry on his shower bat and placed your heels in the corner next to the tub. You walked out, and the sight in the living room was one for sore eyes.
Shinso was sitting on the couch on his phone and there was a mug of steaming hot coffee on the, well, coffee table. He wrinkled his nose at his phone in disgust, he probably saw some racist shit on the timeline, but looked up at you when he heard you walk into the room.
“Hey, I got you a blanket. It was probably really cold out there, so…” he motioned over to the sherpa, placed where you would be sitting.
You giggled. “Thank you, Hitsoshi. For all of this, really.”
“Of course, anything for you.” He unfolded the blanket from his lap and placed it on your back, like a cape, as you wiggled your way into its comfort. “Do you wanna talk about what’s been going on?”
You leaned into his shoulder and fluttered your eyes shut, a heavy sigh escaping your lips. “No, not really, I just kind of want to take my mind off of it all and feel better.” He contemplated this, lips pursed into a half-smile.  “Alright, c’mere.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer, until your hands rested on his thigh and you could feel his soft breathing.
“Would you like to watch some T.V.? We can put on some paranormal shit.” He had always been into the supernatural, and often times when you’d hang out with him you would get into fights trying to figure out the Buzzfeed Unsolved cases.
“Of course, take your pick,” you hummed into his shoulder, taking in his smell and presence. It felt so nice to be around someone that genuinely cared for you and knew you for who you really are and still decided to stay and be good to you.
He played with the remote to access the youtube app and finally settled on a video about Russian scientists that went missing during a hike. You were focusing on it very intently, trying to figure out for yourself what happened, but Shinso’s eyes couldn't stop drifting over to your figure. You were adorable and looked like a little Shinso cocoon wearing his clothes. The dark hues complemented your warm skin tone and brought out your pearly nails. Your hair was beginning to dry, so it was a bit frizzy, but it was beautifully half-curled and it looked so soft to the touch.
The rain outside gently pitter pattered on the windows, and the whirrr of the air conditioner buzzed. The TV was on loud enough, but you felt your mind beginning to drift from the comfort. Your mind wanted to stay present and enjoy the time there with Shinso, but your body was sleepy and wanted to nap. By the time the video finished and the autoplay button popped onto the screen, you were already fast asleep, curled up next to him like a baby koala clinging to its mother.
He smiled at the sight, eyebags crinkling. You looked so peaceful in his arms, on his chest. He placed a hand on your head and laced his fingers at your roots, beginning to make his way down your tresses in a gentle enough manner to not wake you up. I could stay like this all day, he thought to himself at the wonderful sight before him. When you still didn't stir after a couple of minutes, he leaned down to pepper kisses onto your forehead and pull you tighter into his chest. You mewled in your sleep at the contact, but even in slumber you seemed so much calmer and happier than when you came into his apartment. Neither one of us is gonna be watching T.V. now, so I guess I'll just turn it off. He clicked the power button on the remote in his right hand and was promptly greeted with the gentle sound of wind and storms.
He shifted his gaze over to the coffee table and saw the two mugs still warm. If you still felt cold after you woke up, the coffee would hopefully still be lukewarm. He would take any excuse he could get to spend time with you and stay close. He closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber, and in those moments he wouldn't trade where he was for the whole world. Pulling you into a tight hug and adjusting the blanket around the two of you, he silently thanked the Gods for this summer rain.
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wetslug · 5 years
fell asleep w youtube autoplay on and when i woke up its playing a video on how to make a bomb
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hell-ass · 5 years
last night i fell asleep on my couch watching my good friends the try guys and when i woke up youtube autoplay had taken me all the way to this weird british kids tv show with talking 3d numbers so i went back to bed and the rest of the night i had a bunch of dreams where i was hospitalized
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