#then in that last episode he could spill all the beans
seaweedraindraws · 8 months
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I kind of wish they met in the first episode
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thedensworld · 1 year
On Scene | Yoon Jeonghan
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Pairing: Detective!Jeonghan x Writer!reader (ft. Junior Detective!Soonyoung)
Genre: Action, Crime, Comedy, Angst, Romance
Synopsis: Yoon Jeonghan, once a dedicated police officer, finds himself embroiled in a web of corruption and is subsequently transferred to a unit that is shunned by his colleagues. Just when he thought his life couldn't get any more complicated, a murder case emerges, and it appears to be connected to his ex-girlfriend.
Author Note: this haven't been proofread, you might found typos and grammatical error. Reader is she.
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Since the manipulation incident that marred Jeonghan's record years ago, he found himself transferred to the last place any police officer wanted to be: Unit 10, specializing in domestic case. The reason was painfully clear – it was where they stashed away the 'undesirable' officers, far from any significant cases. It's like being exiled to the Island of Misfit Toys, only with less glitter and more restraining orders. Jeonghan couldn't quite label every missing pet he'd tracked down as a 'case'; it felt more like passing the hours than true investigative work.
Jeonghan couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. He'd gone from potential super-sleuth to the guy who mediates couple over who gets the sofa in a messy breakup. It was a far cry from chasing down notorious criminals, but hey, at least he was saving furniture from an untimely demise.
His colleagues in the 'real crime' units would swagger in, regaling the office with tales of high-speed chases and epic takedowns. Meanwhile, Jeonghan was learning the delicate art of diffusing family feuds with nothing but a clipboard and a well-timed dad joke.
There were days when he felt more like a referee in a dysfunctional game show than a police officer. He'd wade through tangled disputes over who left the toilet seat up and who finished the last of the cereal. It was like a twisted episode of "Law and Order: Household Edition."
Yet, amidst the chaos, Jeonghan discovered a strange kind of satisfaction. He was the unsung hero of household havoc, the Sherlock of sock-stealing roommates. He brought order to the chaos, one misplaced remote at a time.
So, while his colleagues chased after masked bandits and international spies, Jeonghan patrolled the treacherous terrain of domestic disputes, armed with a sense of humor and a hefty supply of marriage counseling brochures. And as he stood amidst the wreckage of yet another epic laundry detergent argument, he couldn't help but grin. After all, someone had to keep the peace in the war zone of weekend warriors and sibling rivalries.
No, in contrary, everyone. He didn't enjoy every second of it at all.
Well, karma finally caught up with Jeonghan, and it wasn't pulling any punches. After years of playing fast and loose with evidence and dabbling in a little graft on the side, it turned out his best buddy on the force was the one to spill the beans. Talk about a double whammy – not only did he get a serious case of red-faced embarrassment, but he lost a pal in the process.
And if that wasn't enough, the universe decided Jeonghan needed another dose of cosmic payback. His ex, the one and only former flame, broke up with him without so much as a hint of an explanation. Talk about adding insult to injury! Suddenly, he was single, friendless, and jobless faster than you could say "karma's a real stickler".
Jeonghan's muttered curses could probably be heard from Mars every time he recalled the trainwreck that had been the past three months. It was like a twisted sitcom, where the universe was the ruthless showrunner and he was the hapless protagonist, stumbling from one catastrophe to the next.
As Jeonghan sat at his desk, wallowing in regret for all the missteps he'd taken, his lone senior – the only other soul sharing this forsaken office – made a grand entrance. And who should trail in behind him but the one and only Soonyoung, his former junior from the 2nd unit of the Criminal and Violence division.
Jeonghan practically catapulted out of his chair, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the comrade he'd spent seven years alongside. "What brings you here?!" he blurted out, silently praying that his internal alarms were just a false alarm. Soonyoung was no slouch when it came to policing; having him end up in this backwater felt like casting Tom Hanks as the office janitor. It was a crime against justice itself.
Jeonghan couldn't help but feel like he was witnessing a talent show on a cruise ship, with both himself and Soonyoung reduced to performing card tricks for the tourists. It was a spectacle, but not in a good way. Placing Jeonghan here was already like using a Lamborghini as a glorified paperweight, but now, with Soonyoung in tow, it was like throwing in a Ferrari for kicks.
"I requested to be moved here, sunbae," Soonyoung chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eye.
Jeonghan's jaw nearly hit the floor. It was like watching a penguin declare it had always dreamed of being a flamingo. He blinked, momentarily lost for words. "You... requested this?" he managed to sputter out, disbelief dripping from every syllable.
Soonyoung grinned, his expression unapologetically cheeky. "Yep, I figured that i haven't learned enough from you." he quipped, casting a theatrical gaze around the modest office space.
Jeonghan couldn't decide if he should laugh or stage an intervention.
"Well, you've certainly right on that," Jeonghan finally replied, unable to suppress a chuckle.
As the three of them stood there, an odd trio in a sea of mediocrity, Jeonghan let out a nervous laugh. It was the kind that bubbles up when you're faced with the sheer lunacy of life The station might not know it yet, but it had just become the backdrop for the most unconventional buddy cop sitcom of the century.
"Did you find the corby that was assigned two days ago?" Yang Beomjae, a senior with nearly two decades of police service, inquired, extending a brochure featuring a forlorn-looking dog named Jennifer.
Jeonghan let out an exasperated sigh, momentarily closing his eyes, as if hoping to teleport himself out of this never-ending parade of missing pets. South Korea seemed to have developed a sudden epidemic of disappearing furry friends. It was as if he'd been drafted into some sort of secret 'Pet Detective Division' without his consent. He couldn't help but wonder if his badge was equipped with a hidden GPS tracker for runaway pets. This was beginning to feel like a full-time gig, and he was pretty sure he didn't sign up for this in the police academy.
He took the brochure from Beomjae with a resigned nod, already mentally preparing for another round of 'Where's Waldo: Pet Edition'. Jennifer the missing corby was just another puzzle piece in this bizarre pet-sized jigsaw. The poor dog probably thought it was auditioning for some canine version of 'Amazing Race'.
Jeonghan glanced around the office, half expecting to find a secret stash of 'Missing Pet Bingo' cards tucked away somewhere. He couldn't help but marvel at the sheer dedication of the pet-owning populace to misplace their furry companions. If only they put this much effort into remembering their anniversary dates.
With a wry grin, he set off on the latest leg of his unexpected pet-finding adventure. Jennifer, here he came – detective extraordinaire, now specializing in the clandestine world of runaway corbies.
"I'll come with you!" Said the very loyal junior of him, one and only Kim Soonyoung.
"It's a whole different ball game," Jeonghan remarked, steering the car towards the potential location of Jennifer. "No late-night stakeouts with a lot of suspect profiling and plenty of downtime for laughs. That's pretty much the drill in this unit." He regaled his three-month rollercoaster of an experience to the wide-eyed rookie, Soonyoung, who listened intently, though a hint of disappointment flickered in his eyes. Jeonghan secretly hoping to instill some regret in the younger officer for joining this supposedly undesirable unit.
After they parked, Jeonghan stepped out of the car, the block of apartments standing like a sentinel miles away from Jennifer's last known location. Memories of a similar case flashed in his mind - a friend of Jennifer's vanished, only to be found in this very vicinity, being fed by a benevolent fifty-something woman. As they strolled, the tranquility shattered by a sudden scream, and there she was: the familiar woman, who'd taken up the noble task of nourishing the neighborhood's furry inhabitants, now sprinting out of the building.
The sight struck Jeonghan, momentarily caught between amusement and concern. He glanced at Soonyoung, who seemed to be processing the scene with wide eyes and a barely contained grin. "Welcome to the wild ride, Soonyoung," he said, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Buckle up, it's never dull in this unit."
"Help! Help!" The woman's panicked cries reached Jeonghan and Soonyoung, sending a jolt of urgency through them. Jeonghan swiftly approached, pulling out his badge, a beacon of authority.
"Ma'am, I'm a police officer. Take a deep breath and tell us what happened," he reassured her, his voice steady.
The woman's words tumbled out in a rush, "My neighbor, I-I found her... blood... and..." Jeonghan didn't wait for the sentence to finish, already in motion. He gestured for Soonyoung to follow, their training kicking in.
"Soonyoung, call for assistance from the station," Jeonghan directed firmly, trusting in his partner's quick thinking. The urgency in the air was palpable, a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of their work.
Once Jeonghan had donned his gloves and protective shoe covers, he stepped onto the scene. His heart clenched in his chest as he beheld the gruesome sight: a familiar woman, bathed in her own blood, with several stab wounds marring her body. It was his former girlfriend's mother, your mother.
Time seemed to slow as a flood of memories and emotions washed over him. He pushed them aside, focusing on the task at hand. He couldn't afford to let personal ties cloud his judgment now. This was a crime scene, and he was a detective sworn to uphold justice.
"What's happened, sunbae?" Soonyoung stood beside him, scrutinizing the victim's condition. It was clear she had been murdered around eight hours ago. Jeonghan observed the other officers diligently executing their roles, gathering evidence while the forensics team prepared to process the victim. He took a deep breath before attempting to call you, fully anticipating that you might not answer. As expected, there was no response. He resorted to sending you a series of urgent texts, conveying that he had something crucial to discuss. Nearly half an hour passed before you finally returned his call.
"Hey, what's wrong? Something's happened?" Your voice carried a cheerful tone, blissfully unaware of the devastating news that awaited you.
"I need you to brace yourself for what I'm about to say, okay?" Jeonghan implored, his voice carrying the weight of the somber revelation he was about to deliver. After a heavy sigh, he mustered the strength to speak the words, "Your mom was found murdered just an hour ago. I'm here at the scene right now."
There was a palpable silence on the other end of the line, broken only by the sound of your slow exhale, as if you had been holding your breath since the moment he uttered those shocking words. The weight of the news hung heavy in the air, a painful truth that now bound both you and Jeonghan in shared sorrow.
"Where is she?" Your voice came out in a hushed, trembling whisper. Jeonghan gently relayed the location, the somber apartment building where your mother had made her home for several months.
"She's been processed by the forensics team, but we need you to discuss authorizing an autopsy," he explained, his own voice tinged with empathy and understanding.
"I'll be there," you replied, determination and grief tightly woven into your words.
As the call ended, Jeonghan took a moment to collect himself. He braced for the meeting that awaited him, knowing it would be the first time he'd see you in three long months. The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air, a mixture of grief, determination, and a shared resolve to seek justice for your mother.
Jeonghan hadn't laid eyes on you in what felt like an eternity. He'd been tip-toeing around the boundaries you'd set after the breakup, which he was convinced were more convoluted than a Rubik's Cube in a tornado. As you approached, your hair danced like rebellious spirits in the zephyr, adding an extra touch of magic to your already enchanting presence. Even in a moment like this, you were a vision. Jeonghan, for a second, had the wild urge to sweep you into a tight embrace, but alas, duty called, and he was stuck in the middle of work. Soonyoung's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of you. He knew you were Jeonghan's former girlfriend, but the whole situation had him more puzzled than a cat trying to understand calculus. He glanced at the victim data, then it clicked – you were the victim's daughter. He shot a glance at Jeonghan, a mix of encouragement and disbelief dancing in his eyes. It was like watching a soap opera, but with less dramatic background music. Jeonghan wrestled with a storm of emotions, a tornado of regret and longing whirling within him. If only he could find the right words to bridge this canyon of misunderstanding and boundaries. But alas, words seemed to have taken a vacation without sending a postcard.
The air was thick with tension as you finally stood face-to-face with him after three long months. Your first words cut through the heaviness, a desperate plea for answers, "Where's she?"
Jeonghan's gaze shifted to the forensic ambulance, a somber acknowledgment of the grim reality. "She's currently being processed," he began gently, his voice carrying the weight of the situation. "I'm afraid you can't see her right now. We need your consent for an autopsy. There are signs indicating potential violence."
You bristled at the notion, your principles steadfast in opposition. The thought of subjecting your mother's memory to such an invasive procedure was a bitter pill to swallow. In your heart, you longed to remember her in the light that was true to her essence, not tainted by the brutality of her passing.
Jeonghan, acutely aware of your emotional turmoil, presented a compelling argument. His words were carefully chosen, emphasizing the greater good that could come from uncovering the truth. He knew the delicate balance he walked, aware of your sensitivity and the fragility of your heart.
Your voice trembled with apprehension as you asked the question that weighed heavily on your mind, "It's gonna hurt, isn't it?"
Jeonghan felt the weight of the answer he needed to provide. How could he possibly encapsulate the complexity of the situation? Should he be brutally honest about the intensity of the process, or should he offer reassurance that your mother would feel no pain?
Just as the silence began to stretch, Soonyoung stepped in, offering a perspective that hadn't crossed Jeonghan's mind. "Rather than hurt, I think your mother would want the world to know the truth," he affirmed, his words striking a chord.
You, grateful for the support, implored for a moment to collect your thoughts. "Can you give me time to think about it? I promise it won't be long. But so much is happening and I can't think straight," you pleaded, directing most of your gaze towards Soonyoung, who seemed to radiate a comforting presence.
Soonyoung nodded, his eyes filled with empathy. "Take all the time you need, Y/n. I know this is an incredibly tough moment for you. Would you like to sit down? Maybe some water?" He gently guided you towards a nearby bench, leaving Jeonghan standing alone to process the whirlwind of events that had unfolded.
Jeonghan's voice held a weariness that spoke volumes. "I don't want to take this case, sunbae," he confessed, sinking into his seat, trying to make himself appear as inconspicuous as possible.
Beomjae let out a resigned sigh, clearly hoping for a spark of the old Jeonghan he used to know. "I thought you were missing your old self, that's why I accepted this case."
Frustration radiated from Jeonghan as he roughly tugged at his own hair. The situation before him was a tangled mess, a cruel reminder of the life he used to lead. He yearned for the days when he pursued real criminals, not navigating the intricacies of Jennifer and her companions. This case, though, was an entirely different beast. It was your mother who was the victim, and the thought of facing you, speaking to you, without stumbling over his own words and appearing foolish was a daunting prospect.
He knew he wasn't foolish, not by a long shot. It was the effect you had on him, the power you held to unravel his composure with just a glance. Jeonghan was acutely aware that your presence had the uncanny ability to turn him into someone he scarcely recognized, a vulnerability he wasn't accustomed to.
Jeonghan's conviction rang through the room, his resolve unwavering. "It's different. I don't want to do it!" he asserted, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and frustration.
Suddenly, Soonyoung sprang from his seat, a burst of eagerness propelling him forward. "I'll do it, sir. I'll work on it hard," he declared, eager to seize the opportunity.
Jeonghan's ire flared at Soonyoung's impulsive offer. "I thought you wanted to learn from me? If I'm not taking the case, then neither are you," he scolded, his words stern.
Soonyoung's shoulders slumped, a pout tugging at his lips. "It's just... I feel bad for Y/n. I understand you can't take it because she's your ex, so I'll do it on your behalf," he explained, his voice carrying a hint of remorse, which only fueled Jeonghan's irritation.
"It's not about that! I— i just don't feel up to handling such a heavy case right now. I'm still adjusting here. And besides— why is our unit being tasked with cases from Criminal and Violence? We're domestic division!" Jeonghan vented his frustration, his discontentment with the situation bubbling to the surface.
Beomjae interjected, his voice calm but authoritative, shedding light on the matter. "You haven't heard, have you?" he questioned, capturing their attention. "Her daughter is a suspect. They found her fingerprint on the weapon. Its status is domestic homicide."
Jeonghan and Soonyoung were left dumbfounded, their minds struggling to process the revelation. It felt as though the air had shifted, reality tilting on its axis. "The results came in hours ago," Beomjae added, handing them the report. Jeonghan's eyes scanned the words, his disbelief echoing in the repeated refrain of 'no way.' There was no conceivable reality in which you could be the suspect. It was inconceivable.
"Since we found the evidence and the suspect, i don't think it's a heavy case."
Jeonghan couldn't help but feel the tangled mess of emotions threatening to engulf him. It was a whirlwind of complications he never imagined he'd face. First, you'd walked away from him three months prior, leaving behind a void of unanswered questions. Now, here you were, seated before him, a suspect in your own mother's tragic demise.
He let out a sigh, the absurdity of the situation almost too much to bear. In some twisted, cosmic joke, fate had decided to bestow upon him this absurd cop sitcom scenario. The irony wasn't lost on him, and he wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all. But then, there you sat, an enigma he couldn't begin to unravel.
You were, without a doubt, one of the most unpredictable people he'd ever encountered. Your actions had always been a dance of spontaneity and caprice. Yet, the notion of you being connected to such a heinous act, especially involving your own mother, was beyond anything he could have fathomed. It was a curveball that left him reeling, struggling to find his footing amidst the chaos of emotions that swirled within him.
The atmosphere in the room was tense as Soonyoung settled beside Jeonghan, fingers poised over the keyboard, ready to transcribe every word that fell from your lips. Jeonghan, still grappling with the surreal nature of the situation, took a deep, weighted breath before beginning the interview.
"Kim Y/n, 34 years old, a writer, graduated in criminology," he recited, each word a heavy acknowledgment of the facts before him. He couldn't help but berate himself internally; your background in criminology only added a layer of plausibility to the notion that you might be involved in the tragic incident. It was as if the pieces were aligning in a way that painted a damning picture.
The room hung heavy with tension as Jeonghan began the interview, his words etching the grim reality into the atmosphere. His gaze bore into you, your silence speaking volumes, a stark contrast to the weight of the accusations.
"Park Haerim, your mother, was found dead on July 23rd in her apartment," he stated, the words landing heavily in the room. "We found a knife with her DNA on a pile of trash in front of your apartment, with your fingerprint. Do you have any word on that?"
The silence that followed was deafening, a pregnant pause that seemed to stretch on for eternity. The weight of the evidence was a damning testament to the gravity of the situation, hanging over the room like a storm cloud ready to unleash its fury. Jeonghan's gaze remained fixed on you, a silent plea for an explanation, a denial, anything to break the silence that threatened to suffocate them all.
Jeonghan's voice carried a weight of solemnity as he began the interview, the gravity of the situation palpable in the air. His gaze shifted to you, your silence a stark contrast to the weight of the accusations.
'Say something, Y/n. Say something,' he pleaded internally, his eyes silently urging you to break the silence. He knew that in the absence of a strong alibi or evidence of your innocence, the mounting evidence could easily paint you as the perpetrator. He couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of his stomach.
As the seconds stretched, Jeonghan silently prayed for you to find your voice, to refute the damning sentence that hung in the air. The room seemed to hold its breath, the weight of the truth and the potential consequences pressing down on everyone present.
Jeonghan's questions hung in the air, each word pregnant with expectation and dread. The room was stifling, the silence pressing in from all sides. Soonyoung could feel the weight of it, an oppressive force that seemed to squeeze the air from his lungs.
Your silence was deafening, a void that threatened to swallow them all. It weighed heavily on Jeonghan, his eyes fixed on you, imploring for a response. His voice grew more insistent, edged with a desperate hope that you would say something, anything to break the deadlock.
"Where were you when the incident happened?" he pressed, the question hanging like a pendulum. You took a deep breath, but still, no answer came.
Jeonghan shifted tactics, trying a different approach. "How many times did you stab Park Haerim?" he asked, his gaze unwavering. Your eyes met his, a look that held a thousand unspoken words.
Then, without warning, Jeonghan stood abruptly, a palpable frustration radiating from him. "Let's take a break," he muttered, his voice strained. He made his way to the exit, his steps heavy with the weight of the situation. The room seemed to exhale as he left, the tension dissipating, if only slightly. Soonyoung let out a silent breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, his gaze flickering briefly to you before returning to the floor. The room was heavy with uncertainty, each breath a struggle against the suffocating atmosphere.
The whispered admission halted Jeonghan in his tracks, his eyes locking onto you. "I was at home," you confessed, your voice barely louder than a breath.
"You were at home?" he echoed, seeking confirmation, and you nodded, a fragile glimmer of hope flickering in your eyes. "Writing," you added, your words a hesitant but crucial addition to the narrative.
Jeonghan's gaze shifted to Soonyoung, a silent directive to continue recording your testimony. He knew the weight of this moment, the pivotal importance of your alibi. "Do you have anything that can prove your alibi?" he inquired, his tone tempered with cautious optimism.
You nodded, a newfound determination in your expression. "I didn't leave the house for two days. I was calling my friend, Lee Chan, and he visited my house that night. I was with him until the morning." The details spilled from your lips, each word a lifeline in this maelstrom of uncertainty.
Jeonghan's mind raced with questions, a whirlwind of curiosity and concern. Each query was a piece of the puzzle, a glimpse into a part of your life that he hadn't been privy to.
1. Why did you call him?
2. Why did he stay in your house?
3. What was your relationship with Chan?
These questions danced on the tip of Jeonghan's tongue, eager to find their way into the conversation. But he knew now wasn't the time. The priority was to verify your alibi.
"Could we check your alibi?" he asked, his voice measured. You nodded in response, your determination unwavering. "You can check my apartment's CCTV, my writing history. I never left home," you explained, offering a straightforward account of your whereabouts.
A part of him yearned to immediately reassure you, to say, 'I believe in you,' based on the history you shared. He knew you intimately, understood the rhythms of your life. Yet, the weight of the case and the complexities that lay ahead left him hesitant.
He let out a sigh, the weight of his decision settling on his shoulders. Regret gnawed at him, a persistent thought that maybe he should've pursued Jennifer's case instead. The path ahead was uncertain, and he was acutely aware that every step he took would have far-reaching consequences.
"Okay, we're going to check on your alibi."
Jeonghan's jaw tightened in frustration as he watched the news, the headline a harsh indictment of you. "Popular Crime Writer Has Killed Her Own Mother." The words blared from the screen, painting a damning picture. He couldn't bear to hear any more, swiftly turning off the television. The label of 'suspect' felt like an unjust brand searing into his mind.
'Suspect! Still a suspect,' he repeated in his thoughts like a mantra, a silent plea for the truth to emerge.
Soonyoung approached him, report and phone in hand. He handed over the report detailing the activities captured by the apartment building's CCTV. Jeonghan's eyes scanned the pages, each frame a snapshot of your movements leading up to the incident. The images painted a picture of normalcy, of someone going about their daily routines.
Soonyoung pointed out the key moments, the times your door had been opened. Each entry was a piece of the puzzle, a glimpse into the timeline of events. Jeonghan meticulously examined the records, each entry a crucial piece of the puzzle. The timestamps and descriptions painted a vivid picture of your movements in the days leading up to the incident.
"Two days before the incident," he mused, studying the image of you carrying groceries. It was a mundane scene, but it held significance in establishing your routine.
"Chan's visit," he noted, his eyes tracing the time you spent with your friend. It was a confirmed alibi, a crucial point in your defense.
"And when you left after receiving information about your mother," he murmured, the gravity of the situation settling in his chest. That moment, that choice, was a turning point in the narrative.
Each entry was a window into your world, a chronicle of your actions. Jeonghan knew that within these records lay the truth, waiting to be uncovered. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, urging him to piece together the fragments of evidence and find the answers that could exonerate you.
Jeonghan absorbed Soonyoung's explanation, frustration simmering beneath the surface. The broken CCTV felt like a cruel twist of fate, a critical piece of evidence just out of reach.
"How about Chan's alibi?" Jeonghan queried, seeking reassurance in the face of the mounting doubts.
"He confirmed that they were together that night, so there's no way Y/n was coming to her mother's house," Soonyoung assured, presenting yet another piece of the puzzle. The weight of relief settled on Jeonghan's shoulders. It was a crucial confirmation, a solid alibi that could potentially shift the tide.
"Also, Y/n was last seen visiting her mother a week before the incident. That's the last time they seemed to see each other," Soonyoung added, his voice steady. Jeonghan absorbed this information, the timeline of events slowly coalescing in his mind.
The revelation about the CCTV being under maintenance on the night of the incident was a frustrating setback, but Jeonghan knew they had made progress. With Chan's alibi and the knowledge of your last visit, they were building a case that could potentially exonerate you.
Jeonghan's mind raced, formulating a plan of action. The truth was out there, waiting to be uncovered. He was determined to find it, to clear your name and bring justice to both you and your mother. However—
"Argh! My head is about to explode!"
Soonyoung jumped, startled by Jeonghan's sudden outburst. He quickly turned to his superior, concern etched across his face. "Sunbae, are you okay?" he asked, worry lacing his voice. The stress of the investigation seemed to be taking a toll on both of them, but seeing Jeonghan in such distress was particularly alarming.
Soonyoung furrowed his brows, concern deepening as he met Jeonghan's gaze. The whispered admission caught him off guard. Jeonghan was known for his unwavering determination and resilience, especially when it came to solving cases. Seeing him like this, openly expressing exhaustion, was a rare occurrence.
"Sunbae, maybe you should take a break," Soonyoung suggested gently, recognizing the toll this case was taking on his superior. The weight of the investigation, coupled with the emotional turmoil surrounding you, seemed to be wearing Jeonghan down. It was a stark reminder of the human cost of their work in law enforcement.
"You stay here, I'll go for a walk," Jeonghan stated, his tone tinged with an air of quiet determination.
True to his words, he set off on a walk. However, he couldn't fathom how his own legs had led him to the detention facility where you were being held as a suspect. It was midnight, the facility cloaked in shadows, with only a few weary officers manning their posts.
Seeing you there, sitting with a book in hand, was surreal. He couldn't believe his eyes. You appeared strangely composed, far from the image he'd conjured in his mind.
"I thought you'd be frightened or anxious, being held like this," he confessed, approaching you cautiously. Your gaze lifted from the book to meet his, a weak smile playing on your lips as you closed it.
"Done checking my alibi?" you inquired, getting straight to the point. He nodded slowly, finding his way to a seat near the entrance of the cage.
A heavy silence settled between you, the weight of the situation palpable. Then, finally, Jeonghan found his voice.
"I'm sorry for your mom," he murmured, the words heavy with sincerity and regret. They hung in the air, a feeble attempt to offer solace in the face of such a devastating loss.
"There's so much going on, and suddenly I'm a killer. I can't even process it," you confessed, a wry chuckle escaping your lips at the absurdity of the situation.
Jeonghan listened, his mind still processing the newfound information he had about your medicine consumption. Finally, he mustered the courage to ask, "Why do you take the medicine?"
You chuckled in response, acknowledging his discovery. "It helps regulate my sleep schedule," you explained casually. When he inquired about your sleep troubles, you nodded. "Not everyone can find rest as easily as you, Jeonghan," you noted with a gentle tone.
"It's not a remedy for a terrible illness, is it?" he probed, seeking to understand the reasons behind your medication.
You didn't directly respond. Instead, you opened your book and pointed to a sentence. "I've been reading this since I was brought here."
Jeonghan's eyes fell on the words, "Time is a gentle stream that gradually wears away the hardest stone." He looked to you, a silent question in his gaze.
You took a breath, the weight of your situation evident in your words. "I saw a news about me. People think I killed my mother when I have no idea how all of this happened. I want to tell, to scream, to announce that I'm not the killer. But would it make a difference? Would it be anything more than a waste of time?" you wondered aloud, your voice tinged with frustration and helplessness.
"So, you're just going to wait and let time unveil the truth?" Jeonghan sought clarification.
You nodded, your conviction clear. Jeonghan couldn't contain his concern. "You shouldn't do that! If you truly are not the killer, explain it to people! Clear up the misunderstanding. Your words hold so much power, sometimes more than you realize," he implored, his disagreement evident in his tone. The urgency in his voice mirrored the weight of the situation.
You chuckled at his words, a lightness in the sound that contrasted with the gravity of the situation. "Why are you getting angry?" you inquired, your eyes meeting his with genuine curiosity. Jeonghan found himself without an immediate answer. He couldn't quite pinpoint why his emotions were running so high. It was as if a whirlwind of concerns and fears had taken root within him.
As he grappled with his own emotions, he questioned himself, 'Why are you getting angry?' The inner dialogue mirrored the external one.
"It's just— you were on the brink of being sentenced. If you hadn't spoken up during the interrogation, you could have been handed a 15-year sentence!" he tried to explain, the weight of the near-miss still fresh in his mind.
"But I won't, right?" you responded, your voice calm but the implications chilling.
Your words sent a shiver down Jeonghan's spine. He rose from his seat, his gaze unwavering as he looked at you one more time. "Tomorrow, during the interrogation, I want to hear everything that is the truth from you," he stated with a determination that matched the gravity of the situation.
While being interrogated, you were not alone today. Your lawyer, Hong Joshua, had come to keep you company before your 48-hour detention came to an end. The interrogation had gone smoothly, at least as far as Jeonghan could tell. You answered all of his questions and vehemently denied any accusations of murdering your mother—something that brought a sense of relief to Jeonghan.
After asserting your innocence and claiming that the actual killer was still at large, you were finally released from your detention. As you, Joshua, and Jeonghan stepped out of the interrogation room, there was a palpable sense of lightness in the air. However, Jeonghan knew that his work was far from over. He immediately tasked Soonyoung with initiating a request for a thorough investigation into the case.
"Thank you so much for coming," Jeonghan expressed his gratitude to Joshua, a friend of both him and you, who had come at his request since you had initially declined legal representation.
"It's a pleasure," Joshua replied, his gaze shifting to you. "I'm truly sorry about your mother. Please don't hesitate to call me if you ever need assistance, alright?" he offered, his words carrying a warm sincerity. He then gently embraced you in a show of support.
"Thanks, Josh," you replied, mustering a weak smile. The weight of the situation was still very much present.
As Joshua stepped away, leaving you and Jeonghan alone, he turned to you with a sense of urgency. "I need your help," he implored, his eyes searching yours.
He explained his request before you could interject, acknowledging that while you were no longer an active member of the police force, he valued your insights immensely.
Before Jeonghan could delve further into his plea, the audible growl of your stomach served as a distraction. He looked at you with concern, his brow furrowing. "Don't tell me you haven't had a meal?" he asked, worry lacing his words.
You nodded hesitantly, admitting, "My last meal was two days ago." It explained the weariness and weight loss that was noticeable to him.
Without hesitation, Jeonghan guided you to his car and drove you to the nearest restaurant. As you waited for the food to arrive, he attempted to pick up the conversation from earlier, though he did most of the talking, noting how your words had left an impression on him.
"Your words linger in me," he confessed, his gaze locked onto yours. "You mentioned how your fingerprint could be anywhere, but you were at home," he recalled from your earlier discussion at the police station.
"If anyone knows your background well, being a former top profiler—ouch! Okay, okay, I'll stop," he protested playfully as you swatted his hand in mock reproach. "What I mean is, those who know you would never think you could be the killer," Jeonghan explained.
"But you were hesitant, weren't you?" you astutely pointed out, catching him off guard.
Jeonghan sighed, conceding, "I was... I admit, I did consider that you might be involved. Don't blame me! No one can predict what's going on in your head, Miss Writer."
"If only—if only you hadn't confessed to being at home and we hadn't checked your alibi, you might not be here, enjoying your meal so comfortably. Thank you," he said sincerely, first to you, and then to the waitress who brought your food.
As she left, he continued, "You might be in court right now, and I wouldn't have to work my ass off to find the real culprit. I was actually starting to enjoy my simple domestic cases."
Your puzzled look prompted you to ask, "What do you mean? Did you switch to the Domestic Division?" He nodded, indicating with his fingers that he had been in the unit you once ended up in before leaving to become a writer.
Suppressing a laugh, you responded, "Really? Since when? Is Beomjae sunbae-nim still there?" He confirmed your question with a nod.
"Next week will mark my fourth month," he added.
Returning to the matter at hand, Jeonghan sought your assistance once more. You shook your head, declining his offer. "Why?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"I'm done playing the role of a real detective, Jeonghan. And honestly, I don't think you need my help. You're doing an excellent job. Besides, Soonyoung is a capable partner, isn't he?" you explained, firm in your decision.
Jeonghan found himself taken aback by your choice of address, 'Jeonghan'. It had been years since you called him that—back in the rookie days of being an officer, nearly a decade ago. In private moments, it used to be 'babe' or 'love' between just the two of you. The shift didn't go unnoticed, and it stirred his curiosity about why you had decided to end things.
"But still, it's your mom's case," Jeonghan murmured, trying to find a way to understand your perspective.
You chuckled, a touch of irony in your laughter. "Don't you dare try to gain my empathy. I wasn't planning on authorizing an autopsy until my fingerprint turned up on the knife. I was just going to move on and live my life in peace."
Jeonghan scoffed, unable to resist a teasing remark. "You talk like you only live for months. Why choose a peaceful life when you can savor a taste of chaos?" he countered.
"Like mediating break-up couples about who gets to keep the house?" you playfully teased, earning a groan from Jeonghan. "Thank goodness we don't have to deal with that. There are already too many cases like that," he remarked, realizing the irony of his words a moment too late. He glanced at you, half-expecting a knowing look, but you simply continued to eat your food, unfazed by his slip of the tongue.
Sometimes, Jeonghan realized, he tended to talk too much.
"Babe?" Jeonghan's voice broke the morning stillness, sensing the absence of warmth beside him. He hurriedly made his way out of the bedroom, drawn by the sound emanating from the bathroom. As he pushed open the door, concern etched on his face, he found you hunched over, struggling through a bout of vomiting.
He stepped in, a comforting presence, offering a steadying hand on your back and gathering your hair away from your face. Despite his gentle efforts, you insisted, your voice a soft mumble, "It's gross."
"It's okay. Do you need anything? Can you make it to the couch? I'll assist you," Jeonghan offered, his worry palpable.
Once settled on the couch, he hurried to fetch water, gently tilting the glass to your lips. He studied you, his gaze filled with both concern and curiosity.
"Are you alright? Is something bothering you?" he inquired, his voice laced with worry. You simply shook your head.
"I think I must've eaten something off last night. My stomach's not too happy about it," you explained with a faint smile.
The next day, the same scenario unfolded. Morning and night, you found yourself battling waves of nausea. Jeonghan couldn't help but worry.
"Do you really think it's fine? Maybe we should consider going to the hospital," he suggested, concern etched in his features. You shook your head, assuring him that a hospital visit might not be necessary.
"I'm open to a check-up, though. It's been a while since we had one, hasn't it?" you proposed.
"I'm okay with that. But for now, get some rest. I'll come back tomorrow, alright?" Jeonghan said, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead and then your lips. With one last worried glance, he left for his night shift.
Jeonghan didn't return home for the next three days, only sending a message that he'd be back once he wrapped up his work. When he finally arrived, he found you peacefully asleep in bed. He took a quick shower before joining you, hoping to catch up on some much-needed rest.
However, his slumber was abruptly interrupted as you suddenly pulled away from his embrace and hurried to the bathroom, your body wracked with another bout of vomiting. Concerned, Jeonghan swiftly followed, taking care of you as best he could. He prepared a soothing mint tea, something you had mentioned you kept handy in case of further discomfort. Sitting beside you on the couch, he finally voiced the worry that had been gnawing at him.
"You've been going through this for nearly a week now. Do you really think you're okay?" he gently asked, his eyes filled with concern.
"It's just my stomach acting up lately. I think it might be my irregular eating habits," you explained, attempting to reassure him.
"No, love. I mean... is this normal? All of this... I mean... are you... are you pregnant?" Jeonghan finally mustered the courage to ask the question that had been on his mind for days.
You shook your head, meeting his gaze with a reassuring smile. "No, I'm not. I took a test, and it came back negative. I even went to the doctor yesterday," you assured him.
"Then what's wrong? Why have you been experiencing this?" he asked, concern etched on his face. You sighed softly, a hint of pain in your voice, "I think I might need to see a doctor. It's starting to hurt." You gently rubbed your stomach, and Jeonghan felt a pang of helplessness wash over him.
"Would you like me to accompany you tomorrow? I can take a day off," Jeonghan offered, his eyes filled with concern. As he expected, you shook your head, insisting on going alone. He nodded, respecting your wishes, though his worry for you lingered.
The memory of the night three months before the breakup was still vivid in Jeonghan's mind. The slow unraveling of the relationship, like a frayed thread that couldn't be mended. Jeonghan, consumed by his demanding job in preparation for a promotion, found himself growing distant, while you were engrossed in the revisions and release of your upcoming book. The gap widened, and in just three months, a nearly six-year relationship began to crumble under the weight of miscommunication and emotional disconnection, at least from Jeonghan's perspective.
After two weeks of being largely absent due to work, Jeonghan returned home, half-expecting not to find you in your usual spots around the house, absorbed in your own tasks. However, that night was different. He discovered you sitting on the couch, tears streaming down your face, body trembling. He'd seen you emotional before, but never like this – it was a raw, heart-wrenching display of sorrow and despair.
Approaching you cautiously, Jeonghan inquired softly, "Baby... What's wrong?" He wanted to offer comfort, but when you pulled away from his touch, he was taken aback. It was unlike you to avoid him.
"No, stop," you pleaded through tears.
Confused and hurt, Jeonghan couldn't understand. "Why? What happened? Am I doing something wrong?" He reached out for you again, determined to provide comfort.
"Don't... Stop it," you mumbled, struggling to evade his grasp.
"Tell me! What's wrong?!" Jeonghan's frustration boiled over.
"Let's break up," you whispered, the words shattering something deep within Jeonghan. He needed to be sure, to hear it again, worried that perhaps he'd misunderstood.
"Tell me a reason why you... suddenly, want to break up?"
"I fell out of love. I don't love you anymore."
"What? Out of the blue, after six years – out of the blue, you fell out of love? Tell me! Be honest with me? What's wrong?"
"I'm being honest?"
"It's not because you're pregnant, right? And you don't want to face me because my family is pretty conservative. Are you pregnant?"
"No! I'm not pregnant. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not pregnant!"
The weight of the moment hung heavily in the air, both of you grappling with the reality of what was unfolding.
"Tell me once again. Why?"
"I don't love you anymore. Let's break up."
Jeonghan finally caught a glimpse of the mysterious man, the suspect who had killed Park Haerim. He was seen discarding the knife in a trash bin near your apartment building. Frustratingly, the car's blackbox only captured the man's back before he vanished into areas not covered by the CCTV.
With this newfound evidence, Jeonghan was able to confirm that you were not the perpetrator behind Park Haerim's murder. The focus shifted towards apprehending this mysterious man, prompting a thorough search by Jeonghan's team.
In the ensuing days, Jeonghan was immersed in monitoring the CCTV footage from the day of the incident, hoping to uncover any additional leads. It was during this intense scrutiny that Soonyoung unexpectedly approached him.
"What is it?" Jeonghan inquired, his eyes fixed on Soonyoung who seemed visibly uneasy.
Soonyoung's fingers danced nervously, grappling with the weight of what he was about to reveal. "It's not directly related to the case," he began, causing Jeonghan's brows to knit in confusion. Yet, knowing Soonyoung's tendency to leave him astounded, he held his questions.
"I debated whether to keep this to myself, but I don't think I can," Soonyoung confessed, taking a seat across from Jeonghan and producing an envelope from his jacket.
The hospital logo on the envelope caught Jeonghan's eye, and his heart quickened. Your name adorned the front. Jeonghan's curiosity mingled with a growing sense of trepidation.
"I discovered this during our investigation at her house. I assume you haven't seen it," Soonyoung ventured.
Jeonghan studied Soonyoung's face, searching for any hint of what was to come. The seal on the envelope gave way to Jeonghan's careful touch, revealing the contents within. His eyes scanned the words, and the air seemed to still around him. Gastrointestinal cancerous tumor, grade II. The date on the report sent a jolt through him—it was issued a mere week before your breakup.
The room felt charged with a palpable mix of disbelief, concern, and an urgent need to understand. Jeonghan's gaze shifted from the report to Soonyoung, his emotions swirling within him. The weight of this revelation settled heavily on his shoulders, knowing that you had faced this diagnosis alone.
"Why didn't she tell me?" Jeonghan's voice wavered with a mixture of disbelief and worry. He couldn't fathom the pain you must have endured in silence.
"When I read that, it struck me that she probably didn't want you to know, considering... well, it's cancerous, right? And it can be life-threatening," Soonyoung explained, his voice laden with empathy.
Jeonghan's mind whirred, trying to process the weight of Soonyoung's words. "What are you trying to say?" he queried, a touch of urgency coloring his tone.
Soonyoung's voice took on a somber note. "This could be the underlying reason she felt so hopeless after her mother's tragic end," he murmured, the implications sinking into the room.
The revelation hit Jeonghan like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the shadows of the past few months. 'She was preparing for the worst... for herself.' The realization clenched at Jeonghan's chest, stealing his breath.
He shot up from his seat, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. This was why you had chosen to end things, sparing him from the pain of a potentially devastating future. It was a selfless act, but Jeonghan couldn't help but feel a profound ache in his heart.
In a flurry of emotions, Jeonghan dialed your number repeatedly, his concern growing with each unanswered call. Texts went unanswered, and a feeling of dread settled over him. He couldn't shake the urgency to see you.
As he approached your apartment building, he was still trying to reach you. Lost in his worry, he collided with someone in his haste, the phone slipping from his grip. "I'm sorry!" he exclaimed, his apology rushed before he hurried up the stairs to your floor.
Jeonghan pressed the doorbell insistently, knowing you could hear it. The loud chime had often been a point of contention for you. He called out your name, his voice filled with worry, but there was no response.
In a desperate bid, he hoped that the password was still the same - your anniversary date. Fumbling to enter it, the lock clicked open, and he hurried inside. The darkness greeted him, and he quickly located the light switch. As the room flooded with light, his heart sank at the sight before him.
There you were, lying weakly on the couch, a hand pressed to your stomach which was stained with blood. Jeonghan's eyes widened in horror, fear coursing through him.
"Y/n!" Jeonghan rushed to your side, his hands trembling as he assessed your wounded stomach. It was a stab wound, and the sight filled him with dread. You were still conscious, your voice a weak whisper.
"Hold on, please..." Jeonghan's voice trembled as he dialed the emergency number, urgently requesting immediate medical assistance.
"It's Chan.." Your whisper cut through the tense air, and Jeonghan's heart pounded in his chest. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"He wanted to kill me too.." You continued, your words coming out in strained breaths. Fatigue was starting to claim your consciousness.
"No, no, no! Stay with me, okay? Baby..." Jeonghan's voice cracked with emotion. He could feel your breaths growing heavier, and he pleaded with you to keep fighting, gently trying to coax your eyelids open.
"Baby! You can do it, okay! You're strong.. And you have to stay awake, alright? I'm right here with you." Tears streamed down Jeonghan's face, his voice desperate and filled with worry. Seeing you in this state was a pain he couldn't bear.
"It hurts.." You whispered, your voice strained with pain. Jeonghan nodded, his heart breaking for you. "I know, bear with me, okay? Take a deep breath, the medic is on their way. Please stay with me.."
Your trembling hand reached up to his cheek, brushing away the tears that fell. "I love you... I love you, Yoon Jeonghan.." The whispered confession sent a sharp pang through Jeonghan's heart. He held you tighter, feeling you grow weaker in his arms.
"I love you too, baby.. Please, stay with me." Jeonghan's voice trembled, a plea for you to hold on. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you.
As Jeonghan could hear the sound of ambulance and police sirens approaching, he scooped you up and carried you out of the house. He rushed down the stairs, desperate to get you treated as soon as possible.
"Help her, please. She's losing so much blood," he pleaded with the medic they encountered in the building.
Jeonghan met Soonyoung once they were outside the apartment complex. Soonyoung's eyes widened in shock when he saw Jeonghan covered in blood. "It's Lee Chan, he attempted to kill her. I saw him earlier on the stairs. He must still be around here. Find him!" Soonyoung swiftly directed the officers to search for Lee Chan.
Jeonghan accompanied you in the ambulance, his hand holding yours tightly as the medical team worked quickly to stabilize you.
"She has gastrointestinal tumor. There might be internal bleeding as well," Jeonghan informed the medic. As you received a blood transfusion, you began to regain consciousness. Your fingers moved slightly, and your eyelids fluttered open.
"Miss, I want you to blink your eyes if you can hear me," the medic instructed, but you didn't respond. Meanwhile, Jeonghan felt the grip of your hand tighten, and he heard you whisper his name.
"I'm here, baby. I'm always here," Jeonghan reassured you, gently rubbing your hair. Your eyes seemed heavy, but they focused on him. You mumbled something, though it was inaudible due to the respiratory device.
"Stay with me, okay," Jeonghan whispered in your ear, his grip on your hand never wavering.
"I love you," he heard you whisper, and Jeonghan nodded, his gaze locked on yours. "I know, babe. I always know. Stay with me, okay?"
You murmured more words, "be happy," before your eyes closed, and the pressure of your hand on Jeonghan's began to ease.
Jeonghan stood outside the sterile hospital unit, his clothes still bearing the haunting stains of your blood. The harsh fluorescent lights overhead seemed to flicker, casting an eerie glow on the sterile white walls. The passing footsteps and hushed conversations of hospital staff seemed distant, as if Jeonghan existed in a separate world altogether.
Inside that unit, you had fought a battle against the odds. The surgeons worked tirelessly, navigating the complexities of your condition. The room hummed with the controlled chaos of a medical procedure, each member of the team a skilled conductor in a symphony of life-saving efforts.
For Jeonghan, those moments outside felt like an eternity. His mind raced with thoughts of what could have been. The fragility of life, the fine line between presence and absence, weighed heavily on him. He couldn't help but replay the events in his head, each moment etched vividly in his memory.
As he waited, every passing second seemed like a gift, a silent acknowledgment of hope and gratitude. He longed for the moment he could see you again, to hear your voice and feel your warmth. The stain on his clothes, a stark reminder of the reality he almost faced, served as a somber emblem of the fragility of life.
In the midst of that sterile, fluorescent-lit corridor, Jeonghan's heart beat in rhythm with the machines inside your unit. The passage of time was marked by the soft chime of the elevator and the muted footsteps of nurses. And through it all, he held on to the promise of seeing you again, a promise that hung in the air, tangible and intangible all at once.
Your surgery went well. You had lost a significant amount of blood, and there was internal bleeding, which made the operation challenging for the medical team. Jeonghan waited anxiously outside your hospital room, still in the same clothes. The memory of almost losing you just hours ago weighed heavily on his mind.
Beomjae, accompanied by two other officers, approached Jeonghan, offering to take over his watch. "I'll do it here. You go home and freshen up. I'll call you as soon as she wakes up," he insisted. But Jeonghan sat there in silence, unable to respond to his senior's suggestion.
Taking a seat beside him, Beomjae leaned back in the chair, reminiscing about the time when you both shared the same unit three years ago, before your resignation. "I didn't know you are her boyfriend. She used to talk about you a lot," Beomjae remarked, his words tinged with a sense of realization. "I remember she once rushed home after sleeping in the office for two days, saying her boyfriend would be back after a week. It all makes sense now."
Jeonghan turned to his senior, a question lingering in his eyes. "Did she ever say anything bad about me?" he quietly asked.
Beomjae considered for a moment. "Not really bad, just... complaints, maybe? She used to complain that you were hardly ever home. You live together, right? It happens in a lot of relationships these days, I've heard."
"But things are better now, right? You're not as tied up in this unit anymore," Beomjae continued, trying to offer some reassurance.
"We actually broke up before I got transferred," Jeonghan revealed, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.
A heavy silence hung in the air. Beomjae nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry," he murmured. "So that's why you were hesitant about taking on Park Haerim's case. It has been a shock for me, discovering she was the victim's daughter."
In that pregnant pause, Beomjae and Jeonghan sat in solemn understanding, the weight of the situation settling between them. Jeonghan's resolve was evident as he shook his head, his eyes filled with determination. "I don't think I could ever leave her," he declared, the strength in his voice resonating with unwavering commitment. It was a statement that held a depth of emotion beyond words, a testament to the depth of his feelings for you. The air seemed to hang heavy with the weight of the moment, as if fate itself were holding its breath. Jeonghan's unwavering dedication painted a poignant portrait of his love for you, a love that transcended the boundaries of time and circumstance.
Beomjae's voice was a mix of concern and sternness as he continued, "Look, I understand you care about her, but you'll be no good to her like this. You need to clear your head and come back strong. Trust me, she'll need you at your best."
He motioned toward the exit. "Go home, clean up, and get some rest. I'll keep an eye on things here. We'll update you as soon as she wakes up."
Jeonghan hesitated for a moment, torn between his desire to stay and the practicality of Beomjae's advice. Finally, with a sigh, he nodded and headed towards the door, grateful for Beomjae's support and understanding in such a trying time.
As Jeonghan entered his apartment, a sense of detachment washed over him. It was as if he was operating on autopilot, his body moving without conscious thought. The familiar surroundings of his home felt strangely foreign, each step a blur.
The scalding water of the shower offered a harsh contrast to the numbness that had settled over him. It was a jarring awakening, the heat searing his skin and bringing him back to the present moment. The burning sensation seemed fitting, a physical echo of the emotional turmoil he had just experienced.
His eyes clenched shut, blocking out the world, but the images of the night's events were etched into his memory. The sight of you, weak and bleeding, haunted him. Tears mingled with the water, a silent release of the pent-up emotions that threatened to overwhelm him.
Regret hung heavy in the steam-filled air, a bitter taste in his mouth. The decision he had made three months ago, to let you go, now felt like a gaping wound. He replayed the scene in his mind, wondering if he could have fought harder, if he could have been the support you needed. The thought of you facing cancer alone, out of a misguided attempt to spare him pain, clenched his heart.
A sob escaped his lips, the sound swallowed by the rush of water. The weight of his own emotions crashed over him, a tidal wave of confusion, grief, and love. In this vulnerable moment, he found himself connecting with the pain you must have felt when you made the decision to let him go. It was a harsh awakening to the depth of his feelings, a realization that he couldn't ignore.
As the water continued to pour, Jeonghan let himself feel it all. The grief, the regret, the love — they all swirled together, mingling with the steam and disappearing down the drain. It was a painful catharsis, but one he knew he needed to face. In the midst of this emotional storm, he made a silent promise to himself — he wouldn't let fear or regret dictate his actions any longer. If there was a chance to make things right, to be there for you, he would take it.
With newfound determination, Jeonghan turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. The air in his apartment felt charged with a different energy, a sense of purpose guiding his movements. He dried off and dressed, the weight on his heart now transformed into a steady resolve.
He glanced at his phone, willing it to ring with news of your condition. The minutes ticked by, each one a heartbeat in the quiet apartment. Jeonghan's thoughts were a whirlwind, but at the center of it all was a simple truth — he loved you, and he was ready to fight for you.
Jeonghan jolted from his quick slumber when his phone rang. He had been waiting for a call from Beomjae, anxious for an update about you. Instead, it was Soonyoung on the line, and he knew it must be something related to Lee Chan. Jeonghan picked up, his heart pounding.
"We've captured Chan, and we've found the knife that was used to attack her," Soonyoung's voice was steady, businesslike.
"We're going to run an interrogation. Do you want to do it, sunbae?" Soonyoung asked Jeonghan.
"I don't think I can do it, Soonyoung," Jeonghan mumbled, his voice heavy with conflicting emotions. "I might just... I might just kill him before I can even say anything." He continued, rubbing his face in frustration.
"Alright, sunbae. I'll handle it from here. Please send my regards to her," Soonyoung's voice was understanding, supportive. Jeonghan hummed in agreement and nodded, before ending the call and preparing to head to the hospital.
Beomjae was surprised to see Jeonghan's presence. "I told you I'll call you once she's awake," he said, rising from his seat as Jeonghan approached him.
"The culprit has been captured. I think Soonyoung needs you," Jeonghan explained, his voice tinged with urgency. Beomjae nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.
"He's informed us already. I was about to go once you were here. But, since you're here already, I'll go. These two will stand by here," Beomjae explained, gesturing to the two young officers.
Jeonghan watched Beomjae leave, his heart heavy with a mixture of relief and anxiety. He turned to the officers, gratitude in his eyes. They nodded in understanding, silently affirming their commitment to keeping watch over the room.
As Jeonghan entered your hospital room, he looked at you, still unconscious but fighting to recover. He took your hand in his, a silent promise echoing in his heart - he would be there for you, no matter what.
The soft hum of the hospital machinery provided a backdrop to the tense atmosphere in the room. Jeonghan's gaze lingered on your still form, his heart aching with a mixture of worry and determination. Every shallow rise and fall of your chest was a testament to your resilience, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.
He gently brushed a strand of hair from your face, his touch tender and filled with unspoken affection. The room seemed to close in around him, the weight of the situation settling heavily on his shoulders. He couldn't help but replay the events in his mind, each moment etched with vivid clarity.
The memory of finding you, pale and bleeding, was seared into his consciousness. It was a sight that had threatened to shatter his composure, to drown him in a sea of fear and helplessness. But now, seeing you here, fighting to recover, ignited a fierce determination within him.
As he stood by your bedside, his thoughts turned to the captured assailant, Lee Chan. The mere mention of his name sent a surge of anger coursing through Jeonghan's veins. The thought of facing him in an interrogation room was almost unbearable. He knew he needed to remain composed, to let the law take its course, but the depth of his emotions threatened to consume him.
As your eyelids fluttered open, the soft light filtering through the hospital room's curtains gently greeted your senses. Jeonghan's face, etched with a mixture of relief and worry, came into focus. His eyes sparkled with a renewed hope as he met your gaze.
"You're awake," he breathed, his voice tinged with emotion. He reached for your hand, holding it with a tender grip. "I was so worried."
You managed a weak smile, your voice a fragile whisper. "I'm here, thanks to you."
Before long, Jeonghan was on the phone, urgently dialing for a doctor. They arrived swiftly, their presence a reassuring blend of professionalism and compassion. After a thorough examination, they spoke with a gentle but firm tone, emphasizing the importance of rest and recovery.
"You've shown remarkable strength," the doctor remarked, offering you a small, encouraging smile. "But your body needs time to heal. Pushing too hard too soon could set back your progress."
Jeonghan nodded, his concern for you palpable. "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure they have the time they need."
The doctor's gaze shifted to Jeonghan, a silent acknowledgment of his commitment. "That's good to hear. Keep her stress levels low, ensure she gets plenty of rest, and we'll monitor her closely. We're here to support you both."
As they left the room, Jeonghan settled back by your side, his eyes never straying far from you. "I won't leave you, not for a moment," he vowed, his voice a steady anchor in the midst of uncertainty. "You're my priority, now and always."
In the ensuing days, the hospital room became a cocoon of recovery and gentle care. Jeonghan, a steadfast presence, ensured you were never alone. He read to you, brought you small tokens of comfort, and spoke words of encouragement. The outside world felt distant, as if it could never intrude upon this sanctuary of healing.
"Did you find Chan?" You asked him with a weak voice. Jeonghan nodded solemnly, his gaze steady. "We found him, he's under investigation. We'll make sure he gets what he deserves, so you don't have to worry," he reassured you, his fingers gently running through your hair.
As the weight of the truth settled in, you whispered, "I found out he killed my mom." Your voice carried a mix of intrigue and pain, and Jeonghan, though eager for answers, didn't want to press too hard.
"You can tell me later. Your health is the priority now. You heard what the doctor said, you shouldn't stress yourself," Jeonghan urged, his concern evident in his eyes.
You shook your head softly, determination in your gaze. "I want to tell you now."
"When you asked for help to investigate my mom's case, I already had my suspicions about him. I saw the bloodstain on his shirt that night. When I called him, he claimed he was at the gym, but I knew he wasn't. He's such a perfectionist; he always goes to the gym in the morning."
Jeonghan's brow furrowed in thought. "Why do you think he did that?" His voice was low, giving you the space to share.
You considered the question carefully before speaking. "I assume he was after my mom, since I inherited all my money to her." You paused, your eyes locking with Jeonghan's. "You know my mom," you added, alluding to her penchant for younger men.
Jeonghan's eyes softened with concern as he listened to your heartfelt words. Tears streamed down your face as you poured out your heart. "I thought I could trust him. He was the only person who knew that I only have months left," you confessed, your voice choked with emotion.
Jeonghan's heart ached for you, witnessing the pain etched across your face. He gently wrapped his arms around you, offering a comforting embrace. "I'm so sorry you had to go through this," he murmured, his voice filled with empathy.
As you leaned into him, finding solace in his presence, Jeonghan's mind raced with a mixture of anger towards Chan and a fierce determination to support you. He knew that trust was a fragile thing, and watching it shattered in this way cut deep.
"You deserve so much better than this," he whispered, his words a promise to stand by you, to be the rock you needed in this storm.
He reached out, gently cupping your face, his thumb brushing against your cheek. "Listen to me," he began, his voice steady and reassuring. "I understand that this is incredibly difficult for you, and I won't pretend to know exactly how you feel. But you are strong, and you've already shown incredible courage in facing this truth."
He paused, his gaze unwavering. "We're in this together, and I'll be here every step of the way. Your health is a priority, and we'll do everything we can to ensure you get the best care possible."
You looked into his eyes, grateful for his unwavering support. "I just... I don't want to be a burden to you," you admitted, your voice trembling with emotion. "I know that this situation is hard for both of us."
Jeonghan's grip on your face tightened ever so slightly, his eyes filled with determination. "You are not a burden, and you never will be. We face this together, and I'm not going anywhere. You're not alone in this, and we'll find a way through."
He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, his touch warm and reassuring. "We'll focus on positivity and strength. You're not defined by the circumstances, but by how you face them. And together, we can face anything that comes our way."
His words resonated deep within you, bringing a sense of comfort and resolve. With Jeonghan by your side, you felt a renewed sense of determination to navigate this difficult journey, knowing that his support would be your anchor through it all.
In that tender moment, as his lips met yours, the world seemed to stand still. His touch was gentle, yet it carried the weight of his emotions, a silent promise of unwavering support and love. The connection between you both was palpable, a language of its own that needed no words.
As he cupped your face, his touch was warm and reassuring. It was as if he was trying to convey all the comfort and solace he wished to offer you. In that intimate exchange, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, knowing that you were not alone in this journey.
The kiss was a balm to your wounded heart, a reminder that even in the face of pain and uncertainty, there was a love that would endure. It was a testament to the strength of your bond, a declaration that you would face this challenge together.
As you melted into the kiss, a profound sense of gratitude filled your heart. In Jeonghan's arms, you found a sanctuary, a place where you could be vulnerable and find strength. It was a moment that would forever be etched in your memory, a symbol of the unwavering love that would carry you through whatever lay ahead.
The tender moment seemed to stretch, suspended in time, until a voice suddenly cut through the stillness, saying, "Cut." It was the signal that the scene had been perfectly captured.
You and Jeonghan slowly parted, lingering for a moment as you exchanged a silent, knowing glance. There was a shared understanding of the significance of this scene, both in the story and in your own lives.
As the crew bustled around, wrapping up the shoot, you turned to Jeonghan, a soft smile on your lips. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude. He returned the smile, his eyes warm with affection. "No, thank you," he replied, his voice just as gentle. "You've been incredible."
As you bowed to every member of the crew on the location shoot, a sense of accomplishment and gratitude filled the air. The bucket of flowers they handed to you was a tangible symbol of the hard work and dedication you and Jeonghan had poured into preparing and shooting the movie.
The director approached both of you, his embrace filled with warmth and appreciation. "I couldn't be more thankful for this," he expressed sincerely.
"The honor is ours to be able to work with you," you replied, touched by his kind words.
Jeonghan nodded in agreement. "It's been such an amazing experience."
The director's eyes twinkled with pride as he looked at both of you. "Your chemistry is undeniable. You're not secretly dating each other, right?" he joked, prompting laughter from all three of you.
After the lighthearted moment, you and Jeonghan headed to your respective rooms to change before heading home. The weight of the past days' work was felt, but it was accompanied by a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. You were both ready for a well-deserved break after the intense and rewarding experience of bringing the story to life on screen. The memories created during this shoot would be cherished forever, a testament to the incredible journey you had shared with the cast and crew.
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Yoon Jeonghan: Y/n, do you have time this weekend?
Yoon Jeonghan: How about going to the camping site that you talked about that day?
Yoon Jeonghan: i'll prepare all the stuff and food!
Yoon Jeonghan: what do you think?
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missadangel · 1 month
Little Bird in a Cage (Javier Peña x Reader)
Part 5 : Fire on Fire -WARNING! +18-
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Gifs din-jarring - djo
---------------------------- All episodes here ------------------------
"Are you going somewhere?"
You were startled by your father's voice, oh why the hell he was at home at this hour?
It has been a long time since you meet Javi -except you ran into each other the other night- so it was almost impossible to get ready at home and get out of the house at night, so you wanted to sneak out early.
"Y/N? I asked you a question."
You immediately turned to him.
"Yeah dad, well tonight we're having a sleepover with the girls."
You bit your lip nervously, hoping your lie wouldn't come out.
“Okay those girls have a name?”
You cleared your throat.
“Caroline, Maria and her sister. We will be at Caroline’s home.”
Surprisingly, he looked like convinced.
"Hm, well luckily I caught you before you leave then, come with me."
He made a gesture with hand.
"But dad, I-"
"It won't take much of your time."
You followed him into the garden obligingly. Wondering what coming next.
One guy was sitting on al fresco chairs in the garden where you were hosting your guests usually.  
"Honey, you remember Felipe, don't you?"
"Yes," you said and shook hands with him.
He was your childhood friend, but he had been in another city for a long time. You wondered why he is here now.
“How are you Y/N?”
“Thanks, I’m good.”
"Felipe came back to Cali last week, so I invited him over. You know, he is the Attorney General in Santa Marta now, right? Well done."
Your father always doing that shit. He speaks on someone’s behalf all the time.
You hated it.
"Yeah? Congratulations," you said, pretending to be look like impressed.
“Y/N is a great painter, she had many exhibitions though. Also her senior year in college, having good marks in university.”
“Father lemme talk for myself please,” you were annoyed.
Well what the hell was that?
Your father, who normally didn't come to your exhibitions -because he is too busy- suddenly became your favorite fan.
“That is great,” Felipe said smiling at you. He was so shy and boring you wanted to run away.
Also, he couldn't take his eyes off you, suddenly you smelled something fishy, narrowed your eyes. The way your father praised you to him there, which wasn't something he did a lot, so he was definitely planning something.
When he left, your father spilled the beans. It pissed you off when he says he wants you to marry Felipe.
Why was he always like that? You were so tired of him pressuring you all the time. But you didn’t want to think this right now. You left your father and all the other negative things behind and ran out of the house.
Tonight is special.
You had to convince Javi that he was in love with you even he's stubborn enough to hide his feelings.
That's why you went to the hairdresser to be perfectly prepared.
Your wanted hairstylist to make your hair like a side part with cascading curls, which letting other shoulder open.
Then when it comes to the makeup, attractive eyes and red lips was the best choice.
“Oh my, Y/N!”
It was Caroline, you both were surprised.
Your make up was done when Caroline came near you, her eyes looking at you super curiously, her mouth was wide open.
“What are you doing here? Are you going to a wedding or you're going to be a model?”
“No, I,” you bit your lip, what could you say?
“Or a date???” she touched you with her elbow, laughing.
“I mean, yes,” you smiled back, embarrassed.
“Oh my god you never tell me anything, I thought I was your best friend? So that's why you rejected Hugo that night, why didn't you say so? And who was it? Is he from college? Do I know him?”
With every question she got more and more curious.
“Caroline, slow down, please, I'll tell you, but keep this between us, okay?”
You sat on the seats in the waiting room.
She was the only person you could tell, so it made sense to spill your guts to her. Better than a boring psychologist, I guess.
Once you took the kidnapping part out and – especially terrifying parts - and told her everything that had happened, you felt a sense of relief after that.
Unlike your father and the psychologist, Caroline didn't judge you, she even felt sorry for you. More than that, she supported you.
“Some men are like that, they can't open up or deny. But do you think tonight will be effective? I mean, some men never call even after they get what they want. You said he’s older than you so is he a nice guy? Are you sure he has feelings for you?”
“I'm sure,” you said, more like hoping.
“Then get dressed and blow his mind.”
You nodded with smile. You were angry with yourself for not telling Caroline at the first place.
You went into the dressing room to put on the sexiest dress you've ever worn. When you got out from cabinet slowly, looking stunning.
"Slutty,” said the woman who did your hair. Other women in the hair saloon also staring at you.
Caroline clapping her hands happily, “And God created woman.”
"Stop, please,” you blushed, covering your mouth with your hand. “It's not too much, is it?"
"Depends on what you want, honey, but it's more than enough to make any men get hard," she blinked then bursting out laughing.
"Good," you said as you looked at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't wait to see Javi's face when he notices you.
As she was looking at you from behind, Caroline's body suddenly shook and she has to sit down.
“Are you all right? What's wrong?”
“Well, I'm very tired today, I think I'll get my hair done later. Don't worry about me, don't be late for your appointment, please.”
“Are you sure? Do you need a ride?”
“No, I'll take a cab, please go and call me for the details later,” she smiled with a wink.
You were worried for her but she convinced you that she’s fine.
“Okay then, see you later, bye.”
“Bye Y/N. Good luck.”
You put on a long black velvet jacket over the dress and left. Your heart was pounding in excitement.
You weren't the only one who was getting ready diligently. Javi stayed in front of the mirror a little too long to be more attractive than usual. He fastened the belt of the dark jeans which he wore under his black shirt. After fixing his hair for the last time, he applied his perfume on his neck. He was all gussied up with his leather jacket too.
He was the one who first to arrived at the hotel, where you first met, that night. Almost all the women stared at him as he walked through the entrance. He went to the bar and ordered a drink. He looked around and then checked his watch. He had his elbow on the table, propping up his chin, waiting for you, and becoming impatient.
When he was having another drink when he realized the men next to him laughing each other and pointing at something. He even heard a whistle. Before Javi could turn his head, you put a hand on his shoulder and leaned towards him.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," your voice was soft as velvet.
Javi didn't know what to say for a moment because you left his jaw dropping. He quickly cleared his throat, "No, I just got here."
You liked the crack in his voice, you pushed your hair back with one hand so that he could see your shoulder and your necklace.
“If you're the one making me wait, it doesn't matter, baby, I'll wait forever,” he whispered in your ear, feeling his breathe on your face, mesmerizing.
“Hmm I am very eager, I’m not like you,” also whispered in his ear.
He smiled, and ordered a drink for you.
“You are a very beautiful young woman, May I ask your name?”
You sniggered. “I’m Y/N. And your name is? I think I have a guess.
"Come on, don't expect me to introduce myself as Juan."
"But back then you said that name.”
He rolled his eyes.
"Please, but at the time I was just making it up. Why don't you call me, Javi?" he blinked.
“Nice to meet you then.”
“Say it.”
“Say what?”
“My name, say it. I want you to say my name.” he was looking at you the most seductive way.
“Javi,” you said softly, your voice was like a lullaby to him.
He smiled and keep staring at you as he enjoy his drink. It was impossible for him to look somewhere else anyways.
But he suddenly realized he wasn't the only one.
Javi finished his drink and asked for another. He didn't like that all eyes were on you, especially the guys staring inappropriately.
"Don't you think it's a bit much," he glanced at your dress, almost angry.
You took a sip of your drink.
"Why are you so tense? Are you jealous?”
He rolled his eyes. ”Just saying.”
“Oh I see. And I am just asking.”
You locked your eyes on his.
"You're a very bad girl," he murmured.
When you looked into his eyes, you could see all his feelings as you both continued this ridiculous game.
"Hey honey, wanna join us?"
You both turned that way, and saw two men were laughing at each other, one of them quite drunk.
“How about you get out of here and come some other place with us?”
Javi got pissed, almost furious.
"Lady is with me, so the exit is that way," he gestured with his head.
The threatening tone in his voice was enough to make them leave. The other men at the bar also minded their own business after that.
That was so sexy.
"That's very kind of you, It was Juan right?" you smirked.
He hissed, “Please don’t ever say that fucking name.”
You touched his cheek, caressing slowly making him calmer.
It worked perfectly.
"Javi, you know we should just skip this part, get straight to the point, don’t you think?”
“Agreed,” he giggled, drinking his drink smiling. “Shall we spend the rest of the night in my apartment? It's not far from here. What do you think?”
His piercing gaze shone directly towards you.
“I'd love to,” you said, almost whispering.
You could feel your blood rushing through your veins and you were getting more and more impatient.
Javi opened the car door for you to get in. You could smell cigarettes and leather inside of his car. He kept looking at you during the ride, and you wished this ride would never end.
You realized that you missed this place, memories came back to you.
He opens car door for you.
“My lady,” he said and extending his hand.
You smiled as you taking his hand, “Mr. Peña.”
As you going up the stairs together he was still holding your hand.
Javi approached the door, took his key out of his pocket, opened the door and gestured for you to enter.
“Please come in.”
You smiled at him while walking inside. You remembered all the things that happened the last time you were here. Javi closed the door and took his jacket off, throwing a chair.
As soon as you looked at his bed your body started to feel hot.
With a super quick move Javi grabbed you by arm and made you turned to him and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulled you towards him. Before you even breathe with your mouth, he pressed his lips to yours and started kissing you roughly. His taste was like a drug, you needed him, trembling to have more. Your body was on fire. Your lips was boiling under his lips.
Fire on fire.
The heat was getting higher, spreading all over your body, especially in the very center of your womanhood. His hands were under your dress, rubbing your thighs, squeezing.
He picks you up and takes you to the bed while taking off your jacket and letting it fall to the floor, you breaking the kiss.
“You are very handy.”
"You haven't seen anything yet, baby," he said and kept kissing you.
You began unbuttoning the black shirt he was wearing, taking it off roughly and throwing it on the floor. He was moving you again as he all but ripped your dress off. You unbuckled his belt pulling it loose pulling his pants down to floor. He moved closer to you and started kissing your chest, while he undid your fancy bra tossing it to the side, pressing his now bare chest against your own it was like electricity and fire.
Having him against you, having him kiss you, having him touch you with his big hands and long fingers was a bliss, feeling like heaven.
As he began to rub your nipples, he started kissing one of them and licking it with his hot tongue, you moaning with pleasure.
“I want you Javi,” you whispered. “Can’t wait much longer.”
“You’re very eager.”
“I told you so,” giggling at him.
Then he pulls your panties down to your knees, nearly ripping them in the process, you also helped him to take off his underwear, you both are all naked now, together, discovering every inches of your bodies.
Then you moved a little away from him and went to the head of the bed. Javi crawled over to you, his eyes locked on yours, like a hunter approaching his prey.
You bit your lip in excitement but you resist opening your legs.
"Show me what you got, baby," he licked his lips then moving them from your knees down to your thighs.
You let him spread your legs with his hands, you were already getting impatient, and wet enough.
You tensed as his warm hand touched your womanhood, you startled involuntarily but you wanted him to do it more. As he pressed his finger deep inside you, you started to make cat-like sounds.
"Is this your first time?"
"What, no, of course not," you panted. "It's just, it's been a long time."
He smirked and grabbed you around the waist pulling you closer to him as he pushes his cock in, slowly.
"I haven't done it in a while either," he said, breathing heavily.
"Liar," you moaned, laughing. He grinned.
This time he started to pushing it deeper. You gasped at the feel of him inside of you, clenching the pillow you laid your head on. Both of your breathing became more rapid, when he pushed his cock almost completely then push back to go deeper. He repeated, and then repeated again. Soon he was combining his force with a faster pace. You moaning like meowing, eyes closed trying to feel him all the way, he was proud of himself for the feeling he caused. Smiling with confidence at the top of you, kissing you meanwhile, you wanted him to go deeper into your pussy, wrapping your legs around his hips pulling towards you, he liked that and gave what you desired.
You came twice for him but Javi hasn’t finish yet, this time he pulled you up to his lap by grabbing your hips, your legs begin shaking uncontrollably like you’re having a seizure and then you’re howling, your back aching so violently that Javi has to wrap his arms around your waist to keep you from falling off his lap. His fast, hard pace slowed down and he rode his orgasm out inside of you. He eased himself down, to lay on top of you, catching his breath, before sliding himself out of you and falling to lay next to you, both of you breathing heavily.
"Wow, that was fucking amazing," you said, panting.
“Indeed,” he sighed while kissing your neck. “You’re amazing, baby.”
You stayed for a while to savor the moment.
As you both breathing regularly, he got up and took a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and lit it quickly, then came back to bed. With his free hand he pulled you towards him and covered your body with the sheets then himself. You were resting your head on his chest, breathing in his smell mixed with cigarette smoke. While he moves his fingers through your hair and and then also his lips, you fell into a peaceful sleep.
---------------------------- All episodes here ------------------------
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mikuni14 · 7 months
Will Phee actually tell Jin the truth?
In the trailer of the next ep we see Phee and Jin walking hand in hand, they seem to be close together, so there are two options:
Phee told the truth and Jin somehow understood his motivations? and forgave him for 3 years of lying????
Phee lied
Phee not telling the truth to Jin seems to me the most logical move, above all, because of one thing: Jin is most afraid of Ghost Keng, which only appears to him, which is very interesting from the point of view of Phee and Tan Detective Agency , and Jin screams in the last episode in horror: it's all my fault! Which is VERY interesting for our little sherlocks.
Unfortunately, Phee may as well spill the beans to Jin because:
Phee has feelings for him, he also feels at least a little guilty
Phee wanted an explanation of what happened to Non, but certainly not to the level that Tan did. I also have the impression that Phee was already on the way to forgetting Non, or at least leaving that stage behind him, until Tan appeared, and after graduation, he did not pursue this "investigation" any further.
what happened to Por, Deng, was not in the plan and seriously scared him
Is it possible that Phee told Jin about everything and Jin forgave him and maybe even joined the operation? Technically no, it seems unrealistic to me. But there is such a possibility. I once read an interview with a cop who dealt with old crimes, 20-30 years ago, even older. And he said that when, thanks to modern technologies that were not available before, they manage to solve an old case and come to the murderers to arrest them, they are usually calm and very often say "I was waiting for you." And often they just talk about everything right away, as if they were living in guilt, under a huge burden, and suddenly felt relief that they could tell the truth. And repent.
I think what happened to Non weighs on this group, whether they realize it or not, and the older they get, the more what they did to Non dawns on them. This can be seen by how quickly they fell apart and how they immediately assumed that whatever was "hunting" them must be Non. Jin COULD see Phee's mission (who doesn't even have to mention Tan or even tell the whole truth) as an opportunity to "free" himself, to atone for his sins by helping him look for Non.
Under normal circumstances, Jin would be devastated, furious, hurt, pissed off. But these are not normal circumstances and Jin is responsible and guilty, maybe we still don't even know everything (why does Jin react so strongly to Keng?) and maybe he will finally realize what he probably already knows subconsciously: that something bad happened to Non. And maybe in this abnormal situation, Jin could forgive Phee and want to help him. Especially since it would explain Phee's behavior towards him, the fwb situationship, the rejection, which would certainly bring some kind of relief to Jin.
I'm very curious if Phee will lie or tell Jin the truth and if so, whether it will be a whole truth. Both options are likely and holding hands could mean anything 🤷‍♀️
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bonjas · 1 month
season 2 predictions:
I feel like I saw way more behind the scenes stuff that I never saw in the actual show, leading me to believe that either A. they already knew they would get a season 2 and filmed it at the same time or B. what was originally filmed was split up, hence why it feels so choppy. BUT probably neither of these things are true I'm just projecting 😩 cuz I still can't wrap my head around this season
I predict season 2 will bring us back to the original plot of Armando and Betty dating on the down-low and sneaking around behind everyone's back and that's how they reignite their relationship, and it's gonna end in another wedding for them.
there's sooooo much to talk about from the last two episodes but I'm too tired to really dive in, I can only think in bullet points lmao:
did I miss something? why did all of a sudden Hugo end the union/strike? that made no sense 😩
how did Mila and them even know about the papero and how to get there.....again did I miss something lol (edit: I forgot they're the original Ecomoda bodegas, but still they were acting like they knew exactly who he was, how lol)
the timeline was so fucked up. so you're telling me they ended the strike, Mila finds out that night about her mom and dads past, the next day Betty goes on the trip to cartagena and they're doing the fashion show at the same time? how did it get done so fast?! no one bothered to ask their president if they could do it, had the funds for it, bothered to ask her to come? HUH????? 💀 showing random shots of sewing and fabric doesn't do shit to show the passage of time 😭😭
the ADR by the beach sucked so bad it looked AI generated lmao. I'd rather have shitty ocean wave audio like in the original lol
Armando's lawyer continues to make no fucking sense as to why she even wants to be with him, it's a useless storyline with no context other than "of course she'd want to be with Armando Mendoza" and just serves as a "see, he's changed he's not hitting on other women" plot device
Betty's lawyer at least got to be cute and have actual interactions with her that help us make sense as to why she'd wanna make out with him 🤪 do yo thang girl
mila and nacho practically living together - huh?????? this novela is HORRIBLE at timelines, sense of time moving, days passing, literally without them saying that we would assume that was their second time sleeping together. bad bad bad.
mila going through the same betrayal as her mom - sorry I rolled my eyes at that one 😭 trying to wrap everything up in a bow having Mila discover the truth by somehow magically guessing his password, finding everything, spilling the beans during the meeting, all in one episode trying to have us connect to her heartbreak, girl we never fucking liked him lmao!!!!!!!! he was always ick as fuck u have horrible judgement 😭
glad her and Betty have essentially mended things but lmfao still have no idea why she was sent off for 5 years like that's not an insignificant time frame, 15 to 20ish is a HUGE stage of life and to have missed that??? like what?? but they depicted Mila so terribly I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop every time there was a "sweet" moment between them because they didn't give me any reason to think she was being genuine, I think that's a huge failing on their part cuz they never showed the love between them only Mila hating her, right to shopping and hanging out, there was a huge disconnect for me.
Mario you were fired, armando "rejected" your firing but what are you even doing here bro
Jeff and his relationship and their drama with Mila is so blah why is it even in this. Mila you suck for kissing him knowing he has a gf wtf? Also her hairstyle at the fashion show was giving Troll doll what did they do to you girl!!!
not letting Betty have a moment with her dad to actually talk about the diary is such a cop out, it could have been a beautiful moment in him confessing that he still failed her after trying so hard to protect her and she married the man that caused her the most pain and she couldve been like yeah it's pretty fucked up it's why I'm getting a divorce, after all that I feel like he still didn't accept us as his family~ or SOMETHING. crumbs, it's all I'm asking.
Ignacio being a sibling instead of a nephew is sooooooooo duuuuuuuumb lmfao literally serves no other purpose than to make people go GASP!!!! no purpose.
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Hehehe I'm gonna clown REAAAALLY hard here. I KNOOOOW it's nuts but listen. I'm gonna be contradicted in a week so I might as well treat myself, here.
What if............ the truth bomb was that Ted is in love with Rebecca?
HEAR ME OUT. Don't leave yet LOL
In the past two instances, the truth bombs were confessions! Spilling the beans about a secret that had been kept under wrap for a long while. @claudineint made me think... Ted leaving would not be a truth bomb so much as an announcement...
In Sleepless in Seattle, Annie fell in love with Sam long before Sam reciprocated. She even hired a private investigator to spy on him (which Ted also did for his ex, but this all comes down to his fear of Jake replacing him in Henry's life).
What if Ted had been pining for her for a while and never said anything because he didn't want to get too close for fear of rejection, of being left behind? Which is canonically HIS THING. He won't let her into his heart (Remember to let her into your heart), because he's afraid! What if he had been fighting it all this time? What if it was the reason they started drifting apart? And we just never knew? Because Rebecca never knew??
He went straight to her in the corridor in 3x04, prioritising her over his own team at half-time while they were losing as soon as he spotted her (he probably quickly regretted doing that LOL). He texted her in Amsterdam 15 times to spend time with her that night!! Looked at her when she walked on the bus with hearts in his eyes and again when she started singing. Once more when she claimed that she wanted to win for them this time. What if he fell for her a while ago but never faced the truth?
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Or the fact that when Rebecca mentioned two lovers, Ted's immediate response was to offer an outlandish, impossible theory as to who these men might be. John Stamos and Samuel L. Jackson. Better that than the alternative. In fact, the moment Rebecca started dating, her relationship with Ted shifted to something far more boss/employee.
These are some of the lyrics preceding his arrival in his office in the last episode that stood out to me:
Our hearts are breaking underneath all the applause This devastation is of our own making
And everybody falls (in love?) But some of us are born to fight, and fight, and fight some more
Same time, same place, next year And you may win this battle but you’ll never win the war
This could be interpreted as Ted trying very hard not to fall for her but failed. And it made him miserable. And when Rebecca comes to see him and very sweetly reminds him of their tradition but found nothing to say but wanted to come and visit him anyway, perhaps Ted realised he just had to say it, without any expectation. Because sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, often you just TIE (Red String of Fate anyone?) but you MUST keep playing. You must try and live. You must stop letting yesterday get in the way of today. His facial expression is very off before it cut to black. He knows very well Rebecca would be sad to see him leave. He doesn't look like he's bracing himself to deliver bad news but rather resigned to the fact that what follows might very well piss her off LOL
These are some of the lyrics of the song that follows:
If you're listening God Please don't make it hard to know If we should believe in the things that we see (Is this true? Do I truly love her?) Tell us, should we run away Should we try and stay Or would it be better just to let things be?
Living here, in this brand new world Might be a fantasy But it taught me to love So it's real, real to me
Rebecca does not see him as a potential partner. That could be what the entire psychic storyline is about. This would also explain why Dutch Guy happens to be Dutch Ted. She hasn't realised yet that what she finds sexy and endearing is RIGHT THERE. Until the reality of a potential future with a man she never considered suddenly punches her in the face, truth bomb style... a reality that is about to disappear…
What if Ted dropped that on her, we didn't see it, and next episode we cut straight to Rebecca knocking on Keeley's door, LOSING HER GODDAM MIND because Ted told her he was in love with her but also had to leave to be with Henry.... And she spends most of the episode just LOSING IT because she's not sure she loves him too but then it all clicks into place with thunder and lightning? HA.
EDIT: Let me direct you to Ted's speech in 3x05:
"Belief doesn't just happen 'cause you hang something up on a wall. All right? It comes from in here. You know? And up here. Down here. Only problem is, we all got so much junk floating through us, a lot of time we end up getting in our own way. You know, crap like envy or fear, shame. I don't wanna mess around with that shit anymore. Well, you know what I wanna mess around with? The belief that I matter, you know? Regardless of what I do or don't achieve. Or the belief that we all deserve to be loved, whether we've been hurt or maybe we've hurt somebody else. Or what about the belief of hope? Yeah? That's what I wanna mess with. Believing that things can get better. That I can get better. That we will get better."
This will keep me going until next episode. My gift to you.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Thought Post on Buddy Daddies Episode 8 - SPOILERS!
I loved the way they focused on how big and empty Rei's old family home was (as well as how there are cameras everywhere - watching Rei’s every move - that is how it must feel - like his father is still watching and controlling everything from afar).
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It’s all so cold and dark, especially in comparison to Rei’s home with Kazuki and Miri.
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Earlier, Miri asks about Rei having two homes, and I think it highlights how Rei is torn between the house he was born into and returns to out of duty that was basically instilled in him and the home that he has created together with Kazuki and Miri. It’s a similar, though slightly different, crossroads that Kazuki found himself at last episode (Ep. 7). Seeing how this episode ends though, this dilemma still isn’t fully resolved.
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I’ll put the rest under a Read More due to spoilers.
Going back to Rei’s phone conversation with Kazuki (and Miri) inside his family’s home. It almost felt like Rei didn't feel like he could actually talk to the two of them while he was there. Like he was compartmentalizing the two different parts of his life. But now the two are crossing over and into each other (not only with the phone call, but later in the episode too, when Rei is thinking about how all he used to do before was "kill, kill, kill"). 
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Kazuki likely experienced that before (with Yuzuko) so he knows how to navigate that, but Rei doesn't. Rei’s struggles with expressing himself and love related feelings, emotions, and situations, also doesn’t help him to navigate this.
I do think that Kazuki was aware of that aspect though. Obviously, he didn't want Miri to spill the beans to Rei about the surprise birthday party they were planning, but he knows what Rei's family is (or, at least, has an idea), so he likely wanted to continue to keep Miri away from that. 
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Her desire to talk to Rei and then her sleepily singing him Happy Birthday was super cute though. I also have to commend Kazuki on how well he was able to navigate and explain the more...complex aspects of Rei's family dynamics to Miri. It isn’t perfect, and if Rei was there, Rei would probably have been able to explain in even simpler terms (he tends to be able to do this well, explain things at a level Miri really understands). But that was a difficult discussion to try and figure out how to approach, so Kazuki did well.
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It was nice to see the two of them having a deeper conversation and bonding as well, since Miri's deeper conversations are usually more so with Rei than Kazuki.
The man that drives Rei to where the "traitor" is is Ryo Ogino. He was the one who was involved in Kazuki's wife's death and he is also the one who saw and picked up Miri in Episode 5. 
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The way they animate and depict his eyes is SO creepy, though that really makes his otherwise unassuming design really stand out. His way of viewing his job as an assassin is quite unnerving and kind of shows how he wasn't viewing his targets as actual people, but more so as "ideas" or "concepts."
Rei was brought up to be a "killing machine" so he didn't really view them as humans either, but he didn't really view them as not human either. It seems he saw his job more as a duty, something he just had to do, but now that he has Kazuki and Miri (who keep invading his work and life and thoughts in this episode) the more he realizes that he was kind of realizes this. His talk with Ryo really seems to perturb and disgust him too.
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The death he commits in this episode, offing the "traitor," the man who trained him basically, is different though. He knows he has to do it, but I feel like him choosing to keep this man's last words to himself and not share them with Ryo is a way of showing respect to who that man was to him, while also acknowledging his humanity. 
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I also feel that the man’s last words “I’m on my way,” really hit him too. Rei’s never stopped to hear or think about the last words of the people he has killed. Finally doing so has likely struck an emotional nerve in him as well. It’s a very personal and real humanization of a human being.
Moving onto the conversation that Rei and Kazuki have in the car. The thing that's so great about it, is how they waited to show us their meeting. You could feel and sense the closeness between the two of them before this.
They didn't have many super close bonding moments before this, but I don't think we really needed it, because they often showed us how close the two were through things like Kazuki and Rei being able to read each other like an open book. This just added more context to a foundation that was already built.
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We also see quite a bit of progress, since they both open up, share, and talk about each other in a very candid way. Revealing some things that they kept close to their chest before. Such as Rei’s thoughts on Kazuki when they first started working together. 
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Hearing Rei talk about the ways Kazuki was a bit burdensome to him in the past is quite interesting, because it highlights how their companionship, like any others, isn’t just a one way street and has ups and downs on both sides. 
It was also super sweet that Kazuki prepared all this junk food for Rei, since he knows that Rei really likes all that stuff. 
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Also, the way Rei noticed right away that Miri wasn’t in the car, then seemed to express worry at the thought of her being left home alone.
His shock at Kazuki telling him that Miri spent all day helping him make the food because she wanted to make him, Rei, happy:
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It was just all too precious!! T^T <3
This was such a good episode and the pacing and plotting of this series has been truly excellent. I'm anxious and nervous and excited for Episode 9 all at the same time! 
A part of me thinks that next week might be a breather episode (at least to some extent). We’ll get the Sports Day episode and it will seem all nice and calm, be lulled into a sense of wholesome cuteness and everything is going to be okay, but then we’ll get reminded of the bleak issue going on in the background.
After all, that is the balance that Kazuki and Rei are currently living with day-by-day with Miri. And, I feel, when Rei asked Kazuki if they could change:
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He maybe wasn’t talking about their personalities and habits alone, but also their lives and professions as well. After all, this episode really caused Rei to think deeply about a lot of things. I feel there are a few different directions they could go in, and I’m excited to see where it all goes (while also hoping for the best! T0T).
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skayafair · 4 months
Episode 6 Rewatch
Well the past impression didn't lie, ep 6 is pretty heart-wrenching.
The highlights:
Want to hug Crystal, Monty and Edwin one by one and altogether 😖
Crystal because of how desperate she sounded when saying "yes I'm nothing special so LEAVE ME ALONE" - I'm not sure if she meant it or not, but the will to admit anything, no matter how humiliating it is if it means relief, that her stalker would finally fuck off, - was enough to feel for her so much. Crystal is so cool and this was such a raw scene 😭
Also her safe place that will be with her i matter what, no matter any mistakes - you just CAN'T go wrong with it, it's THIS unconditional - and is at the same time has been within her all along still makes me tear up. I lack this - confidence, acceptance, just some inner grounds to stand on. Of course I create it by the power of will and mind, but gods I wish I could have smth like this. So that final understanding - it's been inside you all along - is what does it for me. I know this scene is supposed to show the power of Crystal's ancestry, that she always has her roots and they are good and strong, and this is very important. But I come from a different background and am not really attached to both my family lines, so to me this scene was about finding the inner grounds within oneself, self-acceptance and learning to be compassionate towards oneself unconditionally. No one will give it to you (in adult life there's no such thing as an unconditional love if the relationship is healthy), you have to do it yourself first and foremost. So it was very... therapeutic.
Akso I kinda envy Charles because he got to protect Crystal and kick that demon's ass. The scene was so well-built that I really wanted to do that myself. This doesn't happen often. You go Charles! <3
Now, Monty - because of what I was talking about in my previous rewatch post, mostly him coping with rejection (badly, which is normal for a teenager even if he's a magical one and especially when he's been a crow just a few days ago and all this feelings stuff is new), finding a new light when Edwin said he still cares a great deal, the quarrel (Edwin I know why you went into a defensive mode and don't judge you for that but I'm still JUDGING ON AVERAGE who's older between you two?!) and then just... spilling all the beans to Esther while KNOWING she won't take it well. Did he feel suicidal or something? 🥹
I also want to talk about this:
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But that's a topic for another post and not just about DBD.
And, finally, Edwin. Save for his immature "you're still a crow" (again, completely understandable but I'm still judging) he's been coping like a king. Having a talk with Monty (also I guess it's a parallel with how he will feel in ep 7 after his confession to Charles 🥹), telling the Cat King off (MORE angry Edwin who doesn't hold back, pls, that was A SIGHT ❤️‍🔥 I generally like it A LOT how he's gradually unwinding as the series goes, letting out his emotions one by one - fear, anger, swearing - it's a very good and not that easy to learn thing), apologizing to Crystal (and their dynamic in general, pls I like it so much), and finally gathering his courage to talk to Charles and confess his feelings, not letting any of Charles' assumptions sway him from this decision. The last one is the most raw, I was just clenching my fists and tensing all over. I know how hard and terrifying it is to admit something to your partner, your best and closest friend, to the person you treasure the most in the world - something that may make you lose them. But also Edwin was absolutely right - once you recognize these feelings, it's nearly impossible to keep them in. I did so for months and they were eating me inside out, so I can't help admiring his courage. Yes this whole situation hits very close to home for me in more ways than one, why
Another highlight is Niko's reconciliation with Jenny. I really like the way it was handled because yes, Niko was wrong to meddle and she should learn to respect others' boundaries, no, Jenny wasn't obliged to have a talk with her. But Niko is a teenager who's not that great socially-wise (and autistic-coded), she's just learning how to navigate all this, and I understand her drive to help people, to do good very well. She made a mistake with a terrible aftermath and has to learn her lesson AND to take the responsibility. And Jenny CHOSE to give her this opportunity - probably because she recognized the situation as something similar that happened to her some time in the past, onky by the looks of it there was no one there for her, so she didn't want Niko to suffer the same. This plot line is beautiful no matter what side you look at it from. It's kind, and gods know we could all use as much kindness as possible now.
The forest elemental my dear <3
Also, what does PLV 4s mean?
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P.S. During this episode I started noticing Charles positively staring at Edwin. The whole Monty's entrance sequence on the roof? Charles didn't take his eyes off Edwin, it was A LONG stare. Like. Sorry bro there was nothing straight about it, and I'm not even crazy about the ship in the first place because I've been on either side of their povs and both aren't great. So I'd say I have as little bias as possible in this case and it was still NOTHING STRAIGHT. Bro. Your bi awakening is obviously waiting for you in s2 if it happens.
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highladyluck · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 8 Post-blog:
So I did not liveblog this episode since I had friends over to do a watch party, but here's everything I remembered that I wanted to talk about!
As far as I can tell, the two Seanchan sul'dam that got collared are not going to be found with the collar on them. (Not sure if Renna is dead or if Egwene chose to uncollar her, but either way she's not chained up in a basement with the collar on waiting to be discovered by her peers.) I was thinking at first that this had major implications for the rest of the Seanchan storyline. But really, it only has implications for Suroth, since in the books Suroth (and Alwhin, who is already her Voice in the show) sit on the information until Egeanin discovers it separately. Egeanin can still be the first Seanchan to know and do anything about it. I do think this lack of a dangling thread, Suroth's ship being blown up, and the way it's hard to get actors to come back seasons later make it more likely we've seen the last of Suroth. I would be happy to eat my words, though! Also, Egwene, Nyneave, and Elayne all know you can collar a sul'dam, and possibly Mat, Rand, and Perrin will soon as well if anyone remembers to communicate this information, so any one of them could spill the beans.
Major props to whoever hypothesized that Uno would be a Hero of the Horn; not sure if he's implied to be Gaidal Cain or not (possibly not? there was a blink-and-I-missed it moment of PDA between Birgitte and somebody but I am not sure if it was Uno or not).
I did not anticipate Mat making an ashandarai out of household objects and the dagger and I am EXTREMELY PROUD of him. Also proud of him for escaping traps! My boy is really coming into his own! I also really appreciate the classic blunder of doing the same thing to Mat again but worse- the Dark does not understand that my boy thrives when you do that. He solves his problems by escalating them in intensity or magnitude. You can only put him in a room with drugs once, if you put him in a room with drugs again he will use them in an unconventional manner to escape and also destroy his enemies.
Also props to whoever guessed that the Horn would trigger memories for Mat- I'm intrigued by where they are going with this. I hope it's not precluding the Aelfinn and Eelfinn, but given all the hanging foreshadowing, the makeshift ashandarai, and Lanfear yeeting Moiraine out of the waygate doorway, I don't really think they'd cut the Eelfinn. It's the Aelfinn that seem slightly less like a sure thing, and I'm going to be a little on edge until Mat gets the DotNM prophecy somehow. I don't think they'd cut the problematic fave; it's a juicy part, idk what Mat would even do if he weren't babysitting the Seanchan in the later plot, and they've been doing great with the 'you're wrong but I see where you're coming from' characters. But they've either cut or significantly changed the Moiraine/Thom relationship in the show, and the two relationships are kind of linked in my head for thematic reasons. I'm probably overthinking it though.
Dain looked like a boy band member who fell off the stage and got trampled in the mosh pit.
Loved that Egwene got to face off against Ishamael! Loved Egwene all the time forever actually. I was also entertained that Egwene had like one semester of Magic College and used it to school the Seanchan on linking mechanics. She's right that the sul'dam don't know how to link properly and are weak little babies when it comes to channeling, and she should say it.
Nyneave and Elayne were great, as usual- very impressed with Elayne, who is finally living all her Battle Queen fantasies and is being very brave about how much they suck, actually. Nyneave is in for some self-loathing next season though, I'm afraid. I love that Rand and Elayne still get to have a meet-cute when she's treating his wounds. :P
I was very happy for Tumblr User Moghedien that we got to see Forsaken Moghedien. She's offputting and very gay, just like I imagined!
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jq37 · 2 years
I'm really glad you've seen Starstruck, because it means you have the context for this. Every disastrous decision made this episode, were THOSE the stupidest things these people have ever done? I thought 'my farts smell awesome' was the lowest they could go, but look at that, they collectively found another layer beneath that. This has to be the biggest L the Intrepid Heroes ever took. Outside of a TPK, losing a Mcguffin is as rough as it gets. The RNG giveth and the RNG taketh away.
OK, now that I have that out of the way, holy hell that last episode took a full year off my lifespan I think. Murph saying that it was like Fabian's Bad Day on a loop was right. I've never watched an episode of a ttrpg and thought, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" so consistently. Even after watching the Adventuring Party I'm not 100% confident I understand what some of those moves were about. I am going to try and break down by thoughts on each interaction, roughly in order from least to most baffling to me.
*Red and the Beast*
If this was as crazy as things went, it would have been a pretty normal episode. I fully understand why Ylfa would want to talk to the Beast being a monstruous princess and all. And Emily's side-motivation of wanting to maybe get some potions that would help them travel without freezing to death made sense as well. Sure it was a little awkward, but in the way that all pre-teens are sort of awkward around people who they think are cool. She didn't spill any serious beans or burn any serious bridges. This one gets a pass from me. 
*Ger and Elody*
It probably feels like I'm ranking this pretty low. And I am if we're talking in pure terms of cause and effect. Because loudly and weirdly spilling the beans the way that he did was a TERRIBLE move tactically and DEF alerted the princesses to their plan. BUT I wasn't CONFUSED about why it happened. Ger had a thing to do that made sense--find out if his wife was in on the erase everything plan and fill her in if not/try to convince her to switch sides if so. He had a reason to get frustrated and do something stupid. This was, in my eyes, a good plan that went poorly because of bad dice rolls and Murph's commitment to character. So while it was VERY unfortunate, I'm not actually confused about why the desperate frog man who is known for being awkward was weird and awkward to his wife in a dire situation so it didn't really frustrate me in the same way that some of the other scenes did. We also got one of one only pieces of new information in this episode--that it doesn't seem like Elody is in on the plan (though with his trash Insight rolls, who even knows). I wish he'd taken Roz with him to back up his story right away (and give him advantage of dice rolls). I also wish he'd brought Roz with him so she wasn't able to do her own solo mission. Speaking of...
*Roz and Snow*
This is not a conversation that needed to happen tactically. I was like, why is this going on? Just because everyone is having a little chat doesn't mean you have to have a little chat too. I will admit that by the time I got here, I was feeling so much second hand cringe that I missed a bit of the conversation. But I do know that Roz told Snow that she told the entire group about their chat and that they were fine with it. WHY TELL HER THAT??? The plan was clearly told to Roz with the understanding that it was for her ears only. Why immediately be like, "So I talked it over with the squad..." You're showing your hand! You're telling Snow you're not really aligned with the Daughter's of the Crown. If you were going to talk to Snow, why not try to figure out what the actual plans are wrt the erase the world endgame? They really don't know anything about the specifics of the plan. Just some nebulous talk about spilling ink. Why is no one asking questions about this? How are they supposed to stop a plan they don't understand?  Anyway, I think this conversation didn't need to happen and while it wasn't as disastrous in effect as Ger's convo, his had a good reason for happening while I don't think this one did which is why it frustrated me more. 
*Pinnochio and Cindy*
OK so this one frustrated me a TON because it had so much potential for getting information and moving the story forward but that's not what happened at all! As a sidenote, I was surprised but excited when they showed up at the castle and the Snow Queen fight was already over offscreen because I was like, "Man! We're going to get so much good information next episode!" Haha, nope! This conversation started off really strong with Pinnochio saying that they're kinda step-sibs which I thought was a great opener and something I hadn't really considered. I thought he was going to maybe bring up how the stepmother's goal seems to be fucking with stories (in a similar way to what they want) and seeing how she reacts. Or maybe following the thread about how she ALSO feels like she doesn't have agency in her story because she's a puppet of a narrative without even a name. And I don't want to assume but seems like Brennan was giving him the opening to go there like when Cindy was talking about "her own story" and Pinnochio was like, "She doesn't have one" Cindy seemed willing to talk down that thread but it was dropped really quickly. And this whole conversation had such a dissonant vibe where it was like Cindy was in Crown of Candy and Pinnochio was in Fantasy High or even Starstruck in terms of seriousness. Which, from a comedy standpoint, was extremely funny but from a narrative standpoint was like, Pinnochio...I'm begging you...please...ask her one direct question. Lou said he was playing up Pinnochio's childishness because he's a child in a weird situation which, sure I guess. But man. It was a very funny scene but not very narratively fulfilling.
*Pib and Cindy and a Window*
Pib readying the horses? The most competent move of the session! Pib unilaterally deciding to try to push her into her book? Why???? Like, OK. I wouldn't have told her about the book if I was Pinnochio--at least not without consulting the group. BUT once the proverbial cat was out of the book, why not let her have it? It might give her some perspective she doesn't already have and you might be able to sway her into being an ally. I feel like Cindy and Snow while true believers in the plan, aren't beyond reason. They don't strike me as gung ho about the entire situation. They give me the energy of people who are exhausted and on their last resort. I honestly feel like there is a world where this is all salvageable if they'd let her have her book without going full hostile. Maybe it's not the most LIKELY option. But I think there was a chance. But nope. Initiative. Even if they'd gotten her in, what's the next move? You're in a palace full of her allies and none of you have rolled more than a ten all session! Were you going to hold her hostage and run? Like, bruh. If they wanted to leave, they should have just left! Why did they make a whole production about it? I swear, they stayed in the castle the exact worse length of time. Not long enough to get any info, but too long to leave gracefully. Anyway, I thought this was a wild decision to just make. 
*Princess Interlude*
This isn't a part of the breakdown. This is just something I wanted to talk about. We really don't know how much the princesses know about The Situation and that's a big piece of the puzzle for us to know how BAD of a plan this is with the info they have. Because one of the few things we learned this episode is that Cinderella is surprised that the Stepmother doesn't have her own book. If they think that each person has their own book and they can write themselves out of existence without it affecting anyone else then this is actually a suicide pact and not a murder-suicide pact which still isn't GREAT but it's not WORLD ENDING which is decidedly less selfish. I still think it's an insane thing to try without having a full understanding of their world but if you're only playing with your OWN lives, then that's your right. 
And wrt to the PCs, since they were spilling the beans left and right, why not be like, cool. Ink spilling. Great plan. Now what about the Auroratory?  Because their stories don't just exist in ink. They're oral tradition, baby. I'm sorry you don't like your lives but ink spilling isn't going to solve everything. 
Finally, I need to go back to past episodes where the princesses are lamenting to be sure, but I'm honestly not 100% sure what it is they're so distressed about. There is an element of fighting for free will but I'm not sure what it is they think they don't have control over. Because surely if they had no free will, they wouldn't be able to fight their stories at all, right? And if it's just that they're stuck with all their memories from all their lives, Witches do that all the time, right? Can they just not handle the Everything, Everywhere, All At Once lifestyle because they're not inherently magical and they're cracking under the pressure? From what I remember from the previous episode, it sounded like Cindy and Snow were distressed over the *existence* of dark versions of their story which is why they wanted to destroy everything completely. But also, isn't darkness just a thing you have to accept if you're going to have free will? And also, I don't know that it makes sense to destroy the entire world just because there are timelines where bad things happen (especially when the worst things don't even happen to them). Who awakened these princesses in the first place? Based on the introductions, we're led to believe it's Cindy and Snow who were the first ones, but now that we've met Rapunzel, I have my doubts. And speaking of her, back to the list.
*Tim and Raps*
Tim what were you THINKING?????????
God, where to begin. Ally said they weren't sure if Raps was in on it or not two APs in a row which is baffling to me because I thought Brennan telegraphed it pretty hard that Raps was both very clever and very fake. We first hear about her trying to deceive the Baba Yaga (one of the SCARIEST NPCs who even DEATH doesn't fuck with) and getting away with her tongue intact. Then, on a really high insight check, the party learns nothing about her, except that she's so shiny you can't really read her. Suspicious as hell. THEN, we learn that she has hair that's everywhere that can potentially be used to spy on people. And when she describes murdering the Snow Queen, she says it in the most politician-y, obfuscate-y, side-stepping culpability way possible. YEAH. I THINK SHE'S IN ON IT. I am floored that it wasn't obvious that she was full team nuke everything. The twist to me would be if she was secretly GOOD. I was wondering if the was the actual mastermind, I didn't even realize we were discussing whether she was IN ON IT.
But like, OK. That aside. Whether you are going in thinking she's good and misled or fully in on it, THIS WAS AN INSANE WAY TO HANDLE IT.
If she's GOOD and just awkward from how she was socialized you're being weird and aggro to her. 
If she'd BAD and being manipulative you're being super clumsy and antagonizing her. 
My heart SUNK when Brennan revealed that. Like, GOD I didn't think that could have gotten worse and then it did. 
And it's made worse because this is 100% a conversation that didn't need to happen. If I walked in and Raps was there, at most I would ask her about how her hair worked so we maybe knew for tactical reasons. That's not a crazy question to ask a person with magic hair that's everywhere so she wouldn't necessarily have a reason to be suspicious. And then guess what? I'm GONE. Just, based on second hand embarrassment and mechanical effect (LOSING THE BOOK), this is by far the worst conversation all episode and that's saying something.
(Also, RIP Mira who's going to wake up to a VERY different situation than when she went to sleep.)
The last thing I want to say about this episode is I kind wish that either Roz or Ger or both had died in their rescue plan. Not as a punishment mind you. While it was a tactically bad move, I think it's totally in character that Ger would have tried to go back for his wife and that one of his friends would have joined him. But we haven't had that many deaths this season and I feel like some more death exposition might give us more about what's going on. Because I feel like we only have a small piece of the puzzle, and there's not that many eps left to go. You know how in Stranger Things, the plot always ends up split between three groups and none of them actually know what's going on until they all communicate in the penultimate episode? That's how I feel right now except it's the PCs, The Princesses, The Faries, and the Librarians.
It's also potentially illuminating for Elody if the princesses are willing to kill Roz and Ger (I assume they'd bring back at least Roz). And if they were split up from the main party, that's an interesting place for them to be story-wise.  (Also, if they brought back Ger but were like Elody he's in the dungeon, don't talk to him he'll fill your head with lies. But she visits him anyway, just like when he was a frog at the pond...but I'm just writing mental fanfic now.) My point is there was potential there for us to get interesting info (and story beats) there which is why I was kind of rooting for it. This whole episode was a big bust with regard to moving towards any sort of goal and they really just made their situation severely worse to no real end. And now the princesses who want to end the world have the most powerful device in all of story. 
(Coda: Where is Scher with her "We're real enough" energy to talk the princesses out of their spiral? For the love of story, I am losing my mind here.)
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
Bark, Bite & Break Bones - Tyler Galpin x Van Helsing!reader | Part.5
Summary: Pillowtalk after sex comes with its lot of confession and unexpected tenderness. You tell Tyler a little more about your childhood, and you both come to the conclusion that you need to collaborate to get through the school year. A surprise night visit could lead to more problems. 
Warnings: angst, smut (characters are between 17 and 18), swearing, referred trauma, mention of arson, mention of blood 
A/N: There’s not a lot of action in this chapter, it’s a bit like a filler episode to get to the “second part” of the fic, in a matter of the plot. I hope you’ll like it anyway!
[Masterlist] [Prologue] [Part.1] [Part.2] [Part.3] [Part.4]
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It had been some time since you had found yourself with someone staying in your bed. And for some reason, this wasn’t completely unpleasant. Maybe because Tyler was surprisingly respectful of your boundaries, even with the mind-blowing sex you two just had. No idea how he sensed you required some time alone, but at the same time were scared enough to be on your own to ask him to stay. 
Rolling on your side you opened one of your bed table drawers, retrieving your cigarette packs and your lighter. The previous blissful warmth that had been envelopping you was gradually fading, the naked skin of your upper body now exposed to the air. Lighting a cigarette you slumped lazily against the bed head, Tyler carefully observing you from where he laid on his side. Maybe it was on purpose, but you took your time to take the first drag, deeply inhaling the smoke instead of speaking up. You could almost hear the dozen of questions in Tyler's head. He was the first to talk.
“What happened on the lake ?'' Exhaling the smoke for a long second, you tried to ignore the flashes of the previous events echoing in your head, ''Yoko and Bianca decided to take the matter in their own hands,” you mumbled flatly. “Some teams on the lake saw them, they panicked and ran away, nothing much to say.” 
Tyler’s eyes traveled on the side of your throat, noticing the scratch marks behind your ears and down your neck; he had been rough with you, but those marks weren’t his doing. It looked like someone had gripped on your neck with all their might, and not in a kinky way. Pieces of the puzzle slowly assembled in his mind: the marks, the mud and water on your clothes, the rasp in your voice when he had arrived in your room…the most dreadful scenario sketches itself in his mind. 
Sensing horrified anxiety emanating from him, you turned your head to him and offered a weak but sincere smile. 
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, “It’s not the first nor the last time it’ll happen.”
A hand reached for your forearm, caressing the skin gently, “Doesn’t make it any more right,” he whispered, and you didn’t push away his soothing touch. It was his way of being concerned after all.
“I brought that on myself,” you admitted in a hushed tone, “they want to get revenge and they won’t stop until they get it.”
“For what happened with Jeremiah and the Nightshades?” guessed Tyler. If you were surprised, it only lasted a second. Ajax must have spilled the beans about this whole affair, so you nodded in confirmation. 
“Attacking him shook the hierarchy of their order,” you explained, “Jeremiah’s family had funded them for decades, they almost disappeared when he left the school.”
Tyler’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Why does it matter? Isn’t this just a kind of student club?” You exhaled another string of smoke, almost finishing the cigarette, “It’s more than that for them. It’s an elite club, being part of it means building your adult social life. Being a former Nightshade has a certain weight among outcasts’ nobility, one of their most influential members’ sons being assaulted had consequences for everyone.”. Licking your lips, you tried to not think about what happened earlier too much; somehow it felt more traumatizing than what you did to Jeremiah. In fact, you hadn’t expected them to be this cruel.”The Nightshades had fallen in disgrace because of me,” you trailed on slowly, “if they make me disappear, they’ll get their honor and glory back, that’s why they’re so persistent at trying to harm me.” 
At the admittance, Tyler felt his heart squeeze in sorrow. This wasn’t fair. Yes you had assaulted one of their members, but keeping attacking you, trying to kill you for a lost glory was downright cruel. But with your closed face and lingering sadness in your eyes, he knew trying to convince you otherwise was useless. You were resigned to accept this, no word could make you change your mind – and it broke his heart a little. 
When you rolled on your side again to crush the cigarette on the ashtray on your bed table, his eyes found themselves attracted to your upper back. The red, turning purplish bruise in the middle of your back seemed fresh – it was where Yoko had crushed her knee to pin you on the ground. But more specifically, the dark pink scar in a kind of star shape at the center of your scapula, almost half the size of his hand, caught his eyes. Before he could stop himself, his fingers slowly reached for it, and a soft gasp escaped you when they grazed upon the irregular surface. The way you stiffened under his touch reminded him how you had hissed at it earlier, like it had triggered something. But his touch was much softer now, so you didn’t snap it away and much to his surprise, seemed to relax a little. Taking it as a sign it was okay, Tyler slowly traced the outlines of the scar, fingers gently dancing over the damaged skin. The contact on this sensitive patch of your skin, that you usually hide to everyone, sent a chill down your spine and you let out a faint ragged breath. 
“It’s an old scar,” you whispered, Tyler’s thumb caressing the area where the scarred skin met the soft one on the outlines of your ribs. 
The mattress beside you dipped slightly, and you felt his lips press a soft kiss on the top of the scar, light as a feather. “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to,” he reassured in a whisper. He was right of course; but deep down you felt like you owed that to him. Not because you had just fucked, but because he was willing to listen. It was definitely a first which made some of your repressed feelings crack up your shell a little. 
“I was seven,” you said in a hushed tone, “I was living with my grandparents at that time, in a small country town. I didn’t really know what being a Van Helsing meant yet, for me everyone was the same and I didn’t understand my grandparent’s hate for what they called monsters.”
The memory made you shiver; crawling closer to you, Tyler slid his arm around your hip and pressed another reassuring kiss between your neck and shoulder. The soothing gesture helped calm your nerves a little. 
“There were outcasts in the town, even if I didn’t know that at the time,” you continued in a rasping voice, a lump forming in your throat. “I went to bed one night like I always did, and fell asleep. My grandparents left the house during the night, I don’t know why but they did that often and nothing bad ever happened.”. Releasing a shaky breath, you tried to keep your composure despite the sting of tears gathering at the corner of your eyes. Good thing you weren’t facing Tyler, or else you wouldn’t have been able to open up like this. 
“It wasn’t the smell that woke me up first, the taste of ashes in my mouth did. Apparently I was a sound sleeper as a child,” you chuckled bitterly. “When I woke up in the middle of the night, my room was filled with smoke and flames. Someone had broken in to set the curtains on fire. I couldn’t escape.“
The muscles under your scars twitched, like a distant echo of the memory. 
“I tried to scream, you know,” you whispered faintly, afraid that talking any louder would make the sob in your voice audible, “but there was so much smoke, it burned my eyes and lungs. I- I don’t even know how long it took me to get out of my room. When I finally reached the ground floor, the flames were already everywhere. And when I finally managed to get to a window…the cellar it…”
“Shhh,” whispered Tyler against your trembling skin, trying to soothe you, “it’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here, you’re okay.” 
Out of reflex, one of your hands came to grip on the one of his own that was caressing your belly, grounding you as your mind was spiraling down under the traumatizing memory.
You swallowed hard, “The ceiling collapsed,” you muttered, throat tight with emotion. “The beams broke under the flames’ pressure and…and I didn’t see them crumbling down until it was too late.”. Despite your better judgment, a broken sob left your lips, “I think I passed out a little after the blow. Because when I opened my eyes again, I wasn’t standing anymore, I was trapped under the beams and I couldn’t feel anything from my left shoulder.”
A treacherous tear made its way on your cheek and you whipped it immediately. 
“I don’t know how I get out of the house,” you sobbed, “I think somehow I managed to free myself because of my narrow child body. Then I crawled outside by going through the kitchen backdoor. A neighbor found me at the border of the nearby wood, passed out, covered in ashes and a splinter of wood pierced through my shoulder.” 
Heavy silence filled the room; opening up about this took a lot from you, and as horrified he was by your story, Tyler didn’t dare to speak. Instead, he hugged you tighter from behind, offering his silent support. 
“The neighbor got me to the hospital, and my grandparents got me out the moment they showed up. Saying no one in this town was to be trusted and that we needed to go to another state because someone had recognized them.”. A bitter snort let your mouth at your grandparents’ mention, “They hunted the wrong werewolf in the nearby town, and once the pack found our house they were rooting for revenge. They found them trying to get rid of their arson material,” you sniffled loudly, “slayed them while I was trapped in that house.”
You reached for your scar, meeting Tyler’s fingers here and softly bumping into them as you massaged the top of your damaged skin. 
“I owe them that scar as much as I do to those werewolves,” you muttered bitterly, “I got it just because my last name’s Van Helsing. The wolves wanted to get rid of me, and the grandparents deemed that their mission was more important than helping me. I get the reminder everyday in the mirror.” 
You wanted to keep yourself composed, you truly did. But the weight of all this bitterness and sadness you had pushed down for years crashed into you, and you broke down into tears. 
“I was a kid,” you whimpered, “I was just a fucking kid, it was too soon to learn anything about family burdens!”
Unable to find the words to comfort you, Tyler could only tighten his hug, and held you close as you sobbed in his arms. And that was all you needed, really, so you cried quietly and let all the pain you had ignored flow in you. After a few minutes you calmed down, sniffing loudly and back still against Tyler’s chest. 
“If I could I’d disappear and leave the Van Helsing name behind me in the blink of an eye, truly I would,” you rasped weakly, “I’m so tired of all of this shit, with Nevermore, with my family and everything. But…I can’t let that happen again, not to anyone. That’s why I’m a hunter. I saw what outcasts and humans can do to each other…I can’t stay here and do nothing while some assholes are scarring and hurting generations of kids because of what they are and not thinking of the consequences of their actions. Does that…does that make sense?” you asked with a small voice, realizing how much you had opened up and suddenly feeling somewhat shy about it. 
But Tyler nodded quietly against your skin, pressing another kiss on your shoulder, “Yeah, it does. I get it, you’re realistic. About your family, about outcasts, about yourself.”
His words made you turn your head to him, eyes wide in surprise. Your blurry gaze met his brown orbs, who held more care than you could have ever imagined. Somehow he had managed to voice exactly how you felt; because he could relate so much about it. 
His face close enough with yours for your breaths to mix, Tyler carried on in a soft voice. “The only thing you want is to do your own thing while freeing yourself of your past, right? Even if you know you can’t change it.”
A heavy lump formed in your throat under the weight of emotions, but you still managed to give him a weak sincere smile, “You’re almost a better therapist than Dr.Fern,” you joked slightly. 
It put it a little more at ease and Tyler cracked a smile, “Or maybe I can just understand you, sweetheart.”
“You can?” you asked in a small voice, tainted with surprise. 
He nodded, leaning in to press a kiss on the corner of your mouth, “I feel that; somehow I can relate to what you feel. I don’t really want to change who I am, I can’t anyway. But I want to start over, and I know you do too.” 
Emotions started to build up in your throat again, and you pressed your lips against Tyler’s. As a way to say thank you, or maybe just because you craved to take every slightest form of affection right now. God knows when you’ll push it away in stubbornness again. You turned slightly to face Tyler, only breaking your kiss for a brief instant before diving on his lips again in a mix of passion and softness. Letting go of his lips you cradled his face, caressing his cheekbones with your thumbs, sinking in the gentle moment. You opened your mouth, trying to say something but the words were stuck in your throat; you weren’t even sure what to say, you weren’t really good at that kind of thing.
So instead you crawled a little higher on the bed, and sneaked your arms around Tyler’s neck, pulling him close to you. In this new position, Tyler’s head rested against your chest as you softly ran your fingers on his neck and his danced on the small of your back, caressing your skin. Both of you needed that physical contact. 
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, you spoke up. “Did you mean what you said at the last therapy session?”, you whispered softly. “About not caring about redeeming yourself, and only getting away from here and finding a place to be your own person?”
He nodded above your breasts, his breath tickling your skin. 
You pondered whether or not you should ask this, but the question burned in your mind, “Do you mean that? Not redeeming, I mean.”
Tyler angled his face up to look at you with furrowed brows, “Why?” 
Softly pushing away some curls on his forehead, you looked at him intensely, “I don’t know…I feel there’s more than that. There’s more than the cocky and sexy witty boy in you, tiger.”
This brought a grin on his face, “So you think I’m sexy, uh?” 
You laughed lightly and leaned to almost brush your lips against his teasingly, “I don’t have mind-blowing sex with everyone, pretty boy.”
His grin only grew wider at that, but it soon faltered as he thought about your question. 
Laying his head back against your chest, he sighed faintly, “It might sound silly but…a part of me wants to make up for what I did, that’s why I need to make this year at Nevermore work. I…I want to make at least this right, for my mom. She- I don’t think she’d like to see me as a blood-thirsted murderer for the rest of my life.”
Unable to stop yourself you let out a small snort, “Mommy’s boy much? Should’ve seen that one coming.”
The snarky comment obviously stung him, because he immediately shot up his head to glare at you, pushing you away and making you wince at the loss of his warm skin against yours, “And what about it? Can’t I just miss my mom or want to do things right for once without you being such a sarcastic bitch about it? What the fuck is your problem?”
Your face darkened in shame, and you averted your eyes; it was a low blow coming from you, and you knew you shouldn’t have said that. Tyler calmed down a little at your backing off instead of the witty comeback he expected. He shouldn’t have snapped at you like that either and started to feel guilty about it. 
“Hey,” he whispered in a softer tone while getting up slightly to crawl back to your height and laying on his back, “c’me here”. His arm opened in an invitation, and after a brief moment of hesitation you silently laid next to him, your head against his biceps. For a solid minute none of you uttered a word. 
“I’m sorry I snapped at you,” Tyler finally said, to which you only shrugged. 
“Don’t be. I had no right to be such a bitch about your family just because I don’t give two shits about mine.” You let out a long sigh. “I guess it’s just…weird to me to hear someone being willing to change who they are for someone else, you know?”
Tyler gave a pensive hum, “Would you stop hunting if someone asked you to?” 
Thinking about it for a moment before answering, you then said, “No. Definitely not, even if that someone is a creature I could never harm. Don’t get me wrong,” you then added to his raised eyebrows, “I love hunting, it gives me power.”
“How so?”
Rubbing the scar on your back mind-absently, you muttered, “It’s the only way I have the feeling that I can actually do something. And do what people expect me to do.” 
Tyler’s eyes widened at your words. He had always pictured you as the opposite of a people-pleaser, more prone to do your own thing no matter what. Guess there was more to that too. 
“My family has always been saying things like, not ‘you can do it’, but ‘you must do it’. And…I was just a random little girl with no special powers, what else was I supposed to do to exist in their eyes?”. You let out a tired sigh, “Even if I’m old enough to choose my own actions now, I don’t know if I ever want to stop being a hunter, even if I don’t slay any creature in blind rage like it had always been done. It’s how I am, how I exist…I’m not even sure if I’d know what to do instead.” 
“Would you,” Tyler started before clearing his throat awkwardly like he was hesitant, “would you be willing to try if…if someone was willing to help you figure it out?”
Turning your head to the side you met his gaze already set on you, burning with his question. None of you dared to address the one hidden behind it though. Would you run with me if I asked you to? It was here, just on the tip of his tongue; but it didn’t come out. Looking at him intensely, you tried to not get lost into his deep brown eyes or getting distracted by his lips. Because your walls of defense had been already lowered for too long, a sarcastic answer took over. 
“Asking me to marry you already, lover boy?” you grinned softly. “Didn’t know you had enjoyed the sex so much.”
He let out a dry chuckle, both flustered and amused by the suggestion, “I mean, we both want to go through this year and then leave all of this behind to start over. If we stick together, we could help each other with that, right?”
You thought about it for a second; he wasn’t wrong. Having each other’s back and making sure you both graduated was the key to both of your freedoms. And given what just happened – great sex and heart-to-heart pillow talk alike – well, it couldn’t go too bad, could it? 
“Okay,” you breathed softly, “yeah, sounds like a plan. Guess you’re really stuck with me now, partner.”
Tyler grinned, one of his hands brushing teasingly under your belly button, “Bet someone was really convincing earlier to make you agree, uh doll?”
You grinned and pressed yourself against him, almost laying on top of him, “Mmmh, that glorious ass of yours is definitely a nice added bonus, not gonna lie.” 
“Good to know you appreciate nice things,” he chuckled, “does that plan of yours include more of this ‘mind-blowing sex’? Asking for a friend.” 
The feeling of his digit slowly dipping between your folds made you shiver and you pressed a grining kiss against his lips, muffling a moan, “If you play your cards correctly, maybe it will, pretty boy.” 
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Turned out that Tyler definitely knew how to play his cards correctly. 
It didn’t take much time before the two of you jumped on each other again, mouths hungrily kissing and biting, hands groping, nails scratching on every inch of your skins every time the very thin barrier of self-control broke. You’d be surprised if you two had actually managed to stay discreet about it; the endless flirting wasn't different than before, except for the not so subtle eye-sex added to the bunch every now and then. One could have thought that all the tension would have died down after Tyler and you finally fucked, boy they couldn’t been more wrong. It wasn’t unusual for the two of you to disappear after dinner or between classes, and you found yourself more than once on your knees on a bathroom’s floor, bobbing your head up and down and swirling your tongue around Tyler’s cock as he gripped the back of your head and grunted in ragged breaths under the sweet ministrations of your mouth; or for him have you pressed flush against your mattress again, thrusting deep into your dripping pussy, relishing on the feeling of your walls squeezing him and the wanton moans like music in his ears. He’d pull one of your legs over his shoulder and you’d let out the most delicious cry as he’d reach the spot that made you see stars, not caring the slightest if anyone heard you. 
None of you had yet spoken up about where your relationship stood. Two weeks had already passed since the disastrous Poe cup, and the marks Yoko’s grip had left on your neck were gone, long replaced with more pleasurably-earned bite marks and scratches thanks to Tyler. Perhaps the aftermath of the Poe cup events didn’t leave much room to talk about it, or perhaps none of you decided to address the subject, seemingly always forgetting to mention it every time the question popped in your minds. 
The most accurate term was that you were…friends, probably. Sure, friends didn’t fuck each other’s brains out like you did, and weren’t supposed to throw that much snarky comments, but you weren’t exactly together either. You guessed maybe you were lovers? There wasn’t love with a big L, at least not really – you wouldn’t have opened up that much to Tyler if there wasn’t a little more than affection for him. So, more than friends, but not yet lovers?
Although right now you couldn’t care less about whatever label you could put on your relationship, not when Tyler was mercilessly pounding into you and groaning against your shoulder. Chest pressed against his room’s door, you stifled a heated whimper in hope no one passing by in the corridor would hear you. That only seemed to amuse Tyler even more and he nibbed the spot behind your ear playfully, teeth sinking in the soft skin like he knew would make your head turn. 
“What’s the matter sweetheart? Not much cocky now are we?” 
Gasping loudly at a sharper roll of his hips, your left hand blindly reached behind to grip the back of his thigh. The way your body was pinned between his and the door didn’t allow you to get much grounding, but Tyler’s violent thrusts were enough to keep you standing despite your wobbling knees. But no matter how delicious he felt pounding into you, you didn’t want to admit your defeat just yet. 
Letting go of his thigh, your hand went to reach his head and you tugged harshly on his roots, making him groan on your neck. 
“I think I’m just so full of your cock now, lover boy, isn’t that right?” 
The way your hips rolled back against him took Tyler by surprise, and he let out a long moan this time. The grin that pushed on your face between ragged breaths was pure ecstasy and delight to his reaction. As an immediate answer to your teasing Tyler gripped on your hips, no doubt leaving marks that would bruise later, and slammed harder through your dripping pussy. Clenching your walls around his length you couldn't help but throw a punched fist against the door. 
“A-ah fuck! Just right here right fuckin’ he– fUCK!”
The high-pitched cry that left your lips only made him more feral, thrusts becoming even harder until his balls slapped against your skin. You whimpered loudly and a sudden urge made you grab one of Tyler’s hands to press it against your throbbing clit. He chuckled hotly in your ear but didn’t complain about it when he started to finger you at an unforgiving pace. 
“Eager, doll? Want to cum all over my cock with that sweet pussy of yours?” 
A wanton moan escaped from your throat once again, and you drooled a little against the door. “Don’t stop, don’t– ahn! Tyler!” 
“That’s it,” he  growled, curling his fingers against just the right spot, “say my name sweetheart, go on.” 
So caught on in your animalistic and erotic atmosphere, none of you heard the muffled sound of footsteps in the corridor and coming closer to the room. And when the door opened unexpectedly – despite your body pressed flush against it – time froze for a second. Through the small gap of the door your glossy lusted gaze met the frozen – no, horrified – eyes of Tyler’s roommate. Speaking of him, Tyler hadn’t slowed down his pace and kept up with his savage thrusting and groans – and before you could stop yourself you moaned as he hit deep inside you. The sound made Ajax’s mind snap back into reality and his face turned into the brightest shade of red before he shut the door violently in ashamed mortification. You could almost feel sorry for the poor Gorgon if you weren't so busy having your pussy being absolutely ravaged by Tyler's cock. A rough slam threw all your concerns out of the window and you felt a familiar knot building up in your stomach.
"Ha—! Yes there, please Tyler harder, han—" 
The shameless beg wasn't anything like you but damn Tyler just felt so deep and so good. On wobbly knees you tried so hard to grasp on some more pressure to relieve yourself, your hips wildly bucking against his fingers or trying to push back closer to his groin. 
Entangled in your growing pleasure you didn't notice his other hand crawling under your shirt until his fingers pushed up your bra and pinched your nipple. A squeak escaped you, quickly turning into a moan as you pressed yourself even harder to the door, pushing closer into his large hand. 
Both of you were close now, and you couldn't form a single coherent thought in your mind. Tyler was everywhere, rubbing on your clit, circling your nipples, pounding into your cunt, and biting on your neck, his presence was overwhelming. His hungry grunts gradually turned into moans as he felt his balls tighten, so ready to release himself in you, filling you with his cum. The mere thought of it and the erotic vision of you trapped between him and the door, moaning shamelessly and wetting his cock and fingers made Tyler moan loudly and he came hard inside you. The feeling of him releasing his seed made you cry even more loudly and he slammed his cumming dick ruthlessly into you through his orgasm, determined to make you cum too. The mad pace he set on his fingers combined with the force of his girth hitting your right spot did the trick, and only a few seconds later you were rolling your head back on his shoulder, your mouth wide open in a silent moan caught in your throat. 
Tyler's thrusts became gradually sloppier, his fingers massaging your inner walls gently as you both rode through your orgasm. Chest rising up in ragged breathing you tried to regain composure, Tyler's arm securely sneaked around your middle to support you with your shaky legs. Angling your face up, you peppered his jaw with lazy open-mouthed kisses. 
“Where did that come from, lover boy?” you breathed out with a weak grin.
Breathing heavily, Tyler chuckled against your neck, “You didn’t see how fucking hot you look after fencing practice, doll. Plus I didn’t hear you complaining about that, uh?”
His hand lazily grabbed your throat to turn your face correctly to kiss you, and you hummed into the kiss. Oh no, you didn’t complain about it the slightest.
"I think we scared Ajax for the rest of his life," you chuckled, parting your lips from his. 
“Mmmmh, guess your moans gave him the impression we were making a porn in there.”
You slapped his shoulder playfully, but the needy whimper that escaped you when Tyler pulled himself out of you proved him right. Turning you around to face him with a surprising gentleness, he brought you close again into another kiss. 
“Don’t think Ajax will be back anytime soon,” he whispered between two bruising kisses,  “shower?” 
The stickiness of his cum mixed with your own dripping between your legs made you nod. “Lead the way, tiger.” 
The dark circles under Ajax’s eyes the next day were almost as funny as the mortified blush that crept on his face every time he looked at you. Maybe he should have tried to stone himself to forget what he had seen. 
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A few days later, you were just finishing brushing your teeth to go to bed when someone knocked on your door. Checking the hour you realized it was way past curfew and wondered who it could be. Opening your door you couldn’t help but feel a pang of deception when it didn’t show a familiar curly-haired scared boy, but instead the short silhouette of Wednesday. 
“Van Helsing,” she greeted flatly. 
“Addams. What are you doing here?” 
“I require your expertise about something.” 
Your eyebrow rose high, “At this hour?”
“I’m a nocturnal animal,” deadpanned Wednesday. She pushed past you, inviting herself in without asking, “I hope I won’t find any gross evidence of your coital activities in this room,” she noted while looking around your room, “I sadly lack acid to burn my own eyes. Tragic.”
You raised an eyebrow, quickly deducing what she was referring to and how she heard of that, “So Ajax was actually traumatized enough to confide in you? Strange.”
“He didn’t. He has a loud mouth and so does Enid, unfortunately,” she sneered, a chill of disgust coursing down her spine. 
Chuckling, you shut your door and went to lean against your desk, arm crossed. 
“Isn’t that strange that you came to me specifically,” you mused with a smirk, and she rolled her eyes. 
“I’m more inclined to seek advice from people who are actually skilled at killing,” she said casually, “I find them more enlightened than most humans on practical matters.”
That made you snort lightly. 
“Okay so,” you inquired, “what did you need my help for?”
“I require your expertise,” corrected the Addams sharply, “I do not need help.”
Shrugging at her comment you rolled your eyes, “Whatever you call it. Shoot.” 
“I came to understand you were quite versed in alchemy skills, is that true?” 
You raised a curious eyebrow at her. The training to become a monster hunter had a large part about how to make potions, elixirs, bombs and decoction to help for the hunts; so yeah, you aced the basic level classes at Nevermore, but you weren’t exactly the potion master either. 
“Sure,” you chimed carefully, “depends on how advanced we talk about alchemy. Why?”
“I assume you happen to know about the so-called truth serum?” 
You nodded. Although even the most talented of witches haven’t managed to turn their truth-telling spells into a potion, there was indeed a concoction that could do the trick at a smaller scale. A bunch of psychoactive drugs to make a subject more willing to provide the truth, really. Ethanol, scopolamine and some other substances mixed together couldn’t exactly guarantee a predictable enhancement of truth-telling, but it could at least work on weaker minds. 
“What of it?” you asked curiously. 
Looking closely at your old books collection – mostly volumes about monster hunting and bestiaries – Wednesday seemed completely unfazed by your current discussion, “As an expert, what do you think about adding some more substances into it?”
“Depends, what kind of substances?” you frowned.
Turning sharply in your direction, Wednesday explained, “From wolfsbane to silver dust, I’m yet to decide on which monster I’m gonna use it.” 
You scoffed, “So you want to make someone sing for you, what about throwing more substances to that shit? Making sure you’d outplay them?”
Giving you a deadpanning look, Wednesday didn’t seem amused by your joke, “I’m merely compensating for an unpleasantly weaker physique compared to literal monsters. I thought a hunter such as yourself would understand the strategy.”
“I am,” you confirmed, “actually it’s pretty clever. You have to make up for your short height after all. But to answer your question,” you continued, not taking much of the death glare she sent you, “I think it cannot hurt too bad if you’re dosing the substance wisely. If you’re adding something that can be deadly for a monster, be sure to not put too much or else you won’t have so much monster to interrogate left.”
Wednesday nodded and crossed the room to get to the door without another word. 
“Glad to be of help!” you called out as she closed the door. She didn’t even say why she had needed the information but after all, you guessed that she knew what she was doing. 
You got your answer a little less than a week later, when a teacher stormed into the library and asked you sharply to follow them to Weems’ office. They didn’t even answer you when you asked what it was about, surprised by the apparent rush that tore you away from your studying time. Tyler exchanged a surprised look with you, lifting up his nose from his homework. 
“D’you think I should come too?” he muttered when you gathered your notebooks in your bag under the teacher’s irritated gaze. 
Shaking your head you tried to reassure yourself, “Nah, it mustn’t be that important. I’ll text you okay?”
The quick walking pace of the teacher leading you to Weems’ office seemed to say otherwise. The fact that they accompanied you made you frown in the first place, because you definitely knew how to get to the Principal’s office by yourself. Something felt off. When you arrived and swung the door open, you were welcomed by the death glare of Principal Weems and Wednesday’s usual bored expression. Funny how none of you seemed to want to be here. 
“You wanted to see me, principal Weems?” you asked carefully. 
“Enough with the pleasantries, Miss Van Helsing,” she snapped harshly, her usual politeness completely gone, “I assume you know perfectly why you are here.” 
It wasn’t often you found yourself being completely clueless about a situation, but it was definitely the case here. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you glanced back and forth between the bored looking student and the fuming principal. 
“No but for real, what am I doing here?” you repeated, slightly frustrated by the whole situation. 
Weems glared at you, her lips pressing into a thin line, “Yoko Tanaka was admitted at the hospital last night for an intoxication due to contact with vampire-toxic substances. Does that ring any bell to you?” 
Glancing at Wednesday, you only met a roll of her eyes. What the fuck did she do? No matter how surprised you were, you couldn’t help but snort. 
“Ah! So Yoko finally got what she deserves, fucking good news. Have to thank karma for this one.” 
Weems slammed her hand on her desk, not amused at all by your behavior, “This is a very serious matter, Miss Van Helsing! I’m fed up with your attitude, you’ve gotten too far by attacking another student!”
The sudden accusation made you growl and your face darken. “Wait, wait wait, hold the fuck up, I did not attack this bitch,” you snarled, pointing an accusatory finger at the Principal, “Yoko got what she fucking deserved but I have nothing to do with it, I’m not bloody stupid!” 
“Then why does your signature lie all over this?” roared Weems, her patience running short. She had spent all of her night at the hospital, alternating between the rushing reports of the doctors and the frantic calls from Yoko’s coven and the school board demanding answers. 
“What the fuck are you talking about,” you spat venomously, “why are you accusing me, uh? Because it would be so easy if you'd have me expelled again?” 
Flaring her nostrils, Weems tried to keep her composure. 
“Miss Tanaka was poisoned with extracts of refined silver dust,” she articulated, “strange how its composition is awfully similar to the bomb you used against Mr Kelswizck a few years ago.” 
“I don’t like your insinuations,” you growled, your hands gripped into tights fists. “You don’t have the slightest proof I did that to Yoko. And beside,” you added angrily nodding to the silent other student in the room, “why Wednesday’s here?” 
Weems sent a glare in the Addams’ direction. 
“Miss Addams seems to have a knack to find herself in the most ambiguous situations when it comes to crime scenes. She was the one found beside Miss Tanaka’s body.” 
“I had her tied up on the chair to avoid unwanted reactions during interrogation,” said Wednesday flatly, and you felt your jaw hit the floor. Not at Wednesday and her methods – you might actually hug her for that – but at Weems for the raging fury burning within you. 
“You mean you have someone who was found with her and who admits doing this and you’re accusing me? What the actual FUCK is wrong with you!” you screamed at the principal. 
This didn’t calm the Principal who roared even louder, “You had your every reason to hate Yoko Tanaka and we both know it! Who else could have found refined silver dust?”
“Every fucking student in the alchemy class!” you snapped, throwing your hands in the air in frustration, “god, do you even know what’s been teached in your own school?” 
This made Weems stop dead in the tracks of her next shouting, staring at you with a frown. It looked like you had made a point. As on cue, Wednesday spoke up. 
“I did in fact steal the silver dust in the alchemy lab. Now, if you two are done with your childish bickering, can we move on to the actual matter?”
The laid-back impertinence of her tone almost made you scoff and Weems’ face tainted in angry purple, until Wednesday got a filler and a recorder out of her backpack. 
“Yoko was a stalker and a bully,” she explained as Weems somehow reluctantly looked through the pieces of evidence – some print of texts, anonymous messages etc. “I started to receive those threatening messages at the end of last year and pursued my investigation here.” 
Weems’ lips were pressed into a thin line, “Those are serious allegations Miss Addams,” she said pointedly, “even if there’s some serious threats in there, I can’t caution such action on mere evidence.” 
“I got her to confess,” counter-attacked Wednesday with her usual bored tone. “Everything got recorded here.”
All your three pairs of eyes landed on the recorder on the desk. Weems didn’t seem able to say anything as her mind collected everything; you, on the other hand, made the connection with Wednesday’s strange visit in your room a few days earlier. But you sure kept that to yourself, there was no need to give more reason to suspect you. 
“I would very much prefer if this prowess could not be assigned to someone else’s credit,” noted Wednesday pointedly, “even if that failed murder is a disgrace to the Addams’ name. Shame I didn’t surdose it more.” 
Okay, if Enid and her broke up one day, you’d definitely try your chance with Wednesday Addams, that was a promise to yourself. 
For now you had more urgent matters and you turned back to Weems with a hard glare, despite the thrill of her upcoming apology. 
“I believe you have something to tell me then, Principal Weems?” you sneered, bitter irony dripping of your words. 
Licking her lips, Weems seemed hesitant to speak up. 
But then the door sprung open suddenly and all three of your heads snapped in that direction, only to see Tyler strolling unannounced in the office. 
“Mr Galpin what–”
“Y/N has nothing to do with all of this Principal Weems, you have to believe her,” he interrupted her, crossing the room in a few strides. Eyes wide, you looked at him in disbelief. You didn’t even hear the apologetic teacher on the other side of the door – surely he had tried to stop Tyler after he insisted on knowing what was going on. 
“Yoko had been found last night, right?” he carried on passionately, unaware of the bewildered looks around him. 
“Mister Galpin,” tried Weems patiently, “there’s no–”
“Y/N was with me the whole time,” he interrupted her again,  “we went to diner together, ask Ajax he’ll confirm it, and–”
“Tyler!” you called him gently but firmly, putting your hand on his arm to get his attention. He whipped his head around and met your more relaxed gaze. “It’s okay, she knows I don’t have anything to do with this. Right?” you added with a glare to the principal. 
Weems nodded slowly, very reluctantly, and cleared her throat. 
“I believe I owe you an apology, Miss Van Helsing. There may have been some misconceptions in the previous accusations.”
“No shit,” you spat. “I hope that you’ll take some serious sanctions at the bullies at Nevermore now; you’re already fucking late about it.” 
Weems sent a deadly glare in your direction, “Get out of my office, both of you.” 
It didn’t take you more to turn back and leave the room, Tyler on your side. On the way out, you gave a faint nod to Wednesday; both for not having mentioned to Weems that you somehow helped in that, and for what she had done to Yoko. Even if it was only to serve her personal interests, it sure did feel good. 
Once you were far enough from Weems’ office, you let out a long breath you had been holding up, nerves finally relaxing. The whole scene had just seemed unreal. And there was this awkward, concerned-filled silence between Tyler and you. After some time, you cleared your throat. 
“Thank you. Y’know, for coming to my defense. You didn’t have to do that.”
Of course what he had said was true; and it would have been revealed later anyway, when you would have insisted on proving your innocence (for once), and called in witnesses. But Tyler had shown up willingly, on his own, because you needed him. Not because you called, or because it was a last resort, but because you needed him. And honestly, it felt nice. 
Gently grabbing your shoulder, Tyler tugged you closer on his side so you could snuggle against him. You had never shown such a public display of affection before, but you didn’t object to it the slightest. 
“Anytime sweetheart,” he said while pressing a kiss on your forehead, “anytime.” 
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A/N: okay but the truth serum thing was an idea from a tv show I saw a long time ago and a 2 minutes wikipedia research, DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME, PEOPLE (yes even if your loved one/parent/sibling/cat ate the last cookie but denies it. Take their wallet and go buy another whole cookie pack. Especially if that’s the cat’s fault, take the feline’s wallet.)
Also on a more serious note, I decided to follow the fan theory that places Yoko as Wednesday’s stalker, because it fit well for plot reasons
Next part’s teaser? The Rave’n!
Thanks everyone for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part ♥ Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
i could see buck confide in tommy about his feelings for eddie sometime in the second half but just based on what tim says it sounds like tommy is not gonna be around for long. So honestly I think he'll be gone either in episode 7 or 8, giving Buck advise on the Eddie situation of it all.
Sure, that could happen! But I don't think that's going to be what happens right away in episode 4. I don't think Buck is going to realize his feelings just yet. I think he's gotta realize he's bi first, and I think that's going to involve him getting at least a teensy bit romantically involved with Tommy.
We know Tommy's staying until at least episode 6 so it's possible that by the end of episode 6, Buck COULD realize his romantic feelings for Eddie and confide in Tommy about them. I think by the end of the season (depending on when Buck figures it out) either he or Eddie will likely confide this information in SOMEONE. Tommy could be a good third party that isn't connected TOO intimately to the 118 and wouldn't spill the beans. Or it could be Maddie or Bobby (those are my top two contenders) or even Christopher (for Eddie).
At first, I thought at MOST we would get a feeling realization by one by the end of the season but now my brain has the zoomies and is thinking both will figure it out by the 75-80% mark of the season, and the last chapter of the season will involve them telling a third party that will then cement that buddie is for real going to happen in season 8.
Am I delulu? Probably. But I don't think that's TOO much of a reach, is it? (Don't tell me if it is I would like to remain living in delusion)
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moonsunpenguin · 7 months
Episode 9 Thoughts
It took me a while to actually sit down long enough to write this but I just really want to jut my thoughts down before ep10 supplies us with new information. 
Tan is New! 
We’re now finally introduced to Non’s older brother, but we were also shown just how their bond as siblings was not that good before Non disappeared, but it’s not because he doesn’t love him or anything like that. New love his brother and we were shown that when he tried to mend their relationship before he left for England and how sincere his promise to Non was that he’ll bring him the best snacks when he comes back. (This hits close to home because food has always been a love language for me)
My heart just broke for New this episode. He lost so much in such a short period of time. He lost his brother, he lost his scholarship (as he did not return to England), he lost hia parents, he lost his Dad’s trust in him in his last moments and he lost himself to be Tan.
The part where he was hallucinating Non and asking for forgiveness was just heart breaking. The way he said it, was just full of pain.
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And the snacks! He really did brought snacks as he promised. Just how devastating it must’ve felt to go home and find out your baby brother want missing and the police weren’t helping at all, they were even trying to close the case and labeling your brother as a runaway. 
Phee’s savior complex
I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but his character comes off as that one hero that would try and save everybody. When he said to Non that there’s no problem he can’t solve, I think that really showed how he is as a character. He’s upright, dependable and a believer of justice, a classic hero.
I won’t be surprised if he actually tries to save the rest of the people in the cabin once they get there. At this point I doubt he knew all of Tan’s plan. He probably just thought they’d drug them and then they’d spill the beans on what really happened to Non. 
Phee caring for Jin is not really that far off. I could see that happening. Him and Tan/New didn’t know yet what each of the boys did, they know the group collectively were jerks and bullies but what they did individually to Non, they probably don’t know everything yet. I’m curious to know how Phee would deal with the news if it’s revealed that Jin really did spread the video. 
I believe that Non is still alive. And I think that’s where Perth’s character will come to light. I think he has a big role to play in the show, he may even be the one helping Tan with the plan. 
I think Tan already anticipated that Phee might have feelings for Jin, so he didn’t tell him all of the plan. Like he intentionally left stuff out, when he said the drugs will not kill them, it really felt like he knew they’d get crazy enough to kill each other but they will not OD. 
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The smirk at the end feels a lot like Tan/New basking in the chaos. I don’t blame him. After all, the most dangerous person is the one with nothing to lose. 
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Overall, it’s really now gearing up for the climax. Almost every backstory has been told, except for White’s and what happened to Keng and Non that faithful day. It’s probably going to be messy. 
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ttwt episode 12
“Last time, on Total Takes, World Tour: Our surviving- I mean, remaining- teens ate, prayed, and loved in beautiful Rome, Italy! With an even number of players, the teams were divided in two- one half sent to a brutal, vein-popping, blood-spilling cooking challenge, and the others almost died in the arena. Tensions rose between Ass and Courtney, who’s promise to return to normal fell through the cracks faster than Team Friendship took the fall, leaving Mojo and Yaoi to share first class… much to everyone’s dismay, hah! With Mal and Albert coming to the same conclusion about the aforementioned, we’re just on the cusp of some class A drama! Will either of them spill the beans? Who will be mauled by man-eating lions this time? Find out right now, on Total Takes: World Tour!”
Without its usual two teams, economy class feels emptier than usual this morning. No one is really talking- with nothing to say about the game, there’s not much to say at all. None of the remaining players are here to chat, after all… except for one bubbly blond. 
“Good morning! Rise and shine, everyone!” Kelly beams, walking into the cabin with a large tray in their perfectly manicured hands. “I have a special treat for you!”
Max opens his eyes groggily, staring at them as if they’d come barreling through the room with a Mariachi band. “Please tell me it’s ear plugs,”
“Nope! Breakfast in bed,” Kelly says, gracefully dishing out plates from the metal tray. “Well… breakfast in bench.”
They laugh at their own joke, as sunny and high-spirited as ever. Bonnie rolls their eyes. 
KELLY: “The team could use a little cheer… after all, we’ll be together for a few more days at the least- why not make the best of it?”
Max sets the gruel-loaded plate aside and turns over in a vague attempt to fall back asleep. Bonnie notices him sulking, and quickly turns away, taking a bite of what looked like oatmeal to dissuade anyone from striking up a conversation. Max sulks further, and they sigh. 
“Fine. What’s wrong now?”
Bonnie grits their teeth- they were already going out of their way to be friendly, but they wouldn’t play cat and mouse with him. “Okay, good. I’ll just go back to my side of the cabin, then,”
They stand, ready to return to their seat without another word, and Max shoots up. “Wait!”
“There we go,” they sigh, sitting back down on the bench beside him. “What’s up?”
“I just… don’t feel right about this. When I could keep an eye on him, sure, but now? They’re off in first class, talking about who knows what, doing who knows what…” he trails off, shaking his head. “It’s not that I don’t trust her, I swear- he’s just shady. I know he’s up to something.”
Bonnie sighs, vaguely gesturing around. “Listen, I’ve told you a million times. Albert is just some guy. He’s a little eccentric, sure, but…”
They stop when they could tell Max wasn’t listening. He stares dead ahead, out the window, lost in his own thoughts. They stand, mumbling “Why do I even bother?” before returning to their original seating. 
Kelly scooches over to them. “You’re being a real team player, Bonnie. I’m so proud of you!”
Phillip licks his plate clean and sets it aside. “Yeah, you’re kind of like the team mom!”
Bonnie visibly cringes at this, standing and walking to the least occupied corner of the cabin. 
First class is positively buzzing this morning, but not in a good way. 
Julia rolls over in her seat, covering her ears as Mal’s phone goes off for the umpteenth time. The aforementioned brunette is happily dozing, sleeping away without a care in the world as another loud chime emanates from her pocket every other second. 
Finally, Michela snaps. “Can you just take it from her already?”
“No way. Last time I tried, she woke up and tried to bite my fingers off!” Julia snaps right back, whispering harshly. “If you wanna risk a pinky, be my guest!”
The two begin bickering back and forth, forcing Albert to sigh loudly and retreat to the confessional. 
ALBERT: “It’s essentially just what I thought- Michela is too caught up in the manure of human drama to make good decisions for the team. I suppose I’ll have to take the lead on this one. My first target? The goody two-shoes,”
“Guys, please stop fighting! Save your energy for the game!” Courtney chides, speaking down to the two like an exhausted substitute teacher. 
After a few moments of standing between them, Michela and Julia finally give in and sit in silence, exchanging glares with deep purple eyebags. Mal’s phone goes off again. Courtney smiles, and takes a seat next to Ass. 
They chuckle. “Way to go, Mama Bear,”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Courtney shrugs. “I just figured if us, of all people, can put our differences aside, then mediating other conflicts can’t be too hard. I may not be a leader, but I can scold.”
“I know,” Ass sighs, rolling their eyes. The two giggle between each other for a moment before Albert returns from the bathroom, glaring at the display. 
ALBERT: “I have my ammo. I could tear apart Team “Yaoi” any time I like. But I need to reveal the information in a way that seems inconspicuous. I can’t be too excited…”
He takes his usual seat next to Michela, across from Julia, and clicks his tongue. 
“What’re you looking at me like that for?” the blonde snaps, turning up from where she’d been picking her nails. 
“Nothing. I just…” he sighs dramatically. “Never mind… I just feel sorry for you.”
She turns red, and almost raises her voice to a shout before the intercom clicked and Chris’ voice covered her berating. 
“Gooooood morning, passengers! It’s a bright and sunny morning over the Atlantic ocean, and we are dropping in hot! LITERALLY! You all have about two minutes to grab a chute and jump head-first into the water before we throw you out ourselves. Good luck!”
There was a split second of nervous glances and tensions lifting before every teen jumped from their seats and ran to the cabinet where Chris had left a bundle of packs. 
“I hate that man,” Courtney growls, buckling the chute around them. 
Ass shrugs. “At least we’ll outlive his ancient ass,”
The two snicker. Albert glares before quickly turning to Julia with a sympathetic expression. 
“Here, let me help,”
“HEY!” she hisses as he pulls her in and snaps the parachute pack around her with a strange amount of expertise- or rather, confidence. Michela watched the interaction with a mystified expression. 
Once Albert returns to her side, she whispers. “What’s with the touchy-feely? We hate her, remember?”
He tsked again and shakes his head. “I’ll explain the whole thing later. For today, let’s take it easy on Julia,”
Michela stares at him, frozen in shock. Before she can comment on his sanity, Albert grabs her and drags her out of the plane, Team Yaoi following closely behind. 
The screams of the teens fade out as they release their chutes and land delicately on a floating platform in the middle of the sea. Chris stands on one end, in a red beanie and blue windbreaker, checking his nails. Once the teams are less disoriented, he clears his throat. 
“Welcome to the Atlantic Ocean! We’re somewhere about, say… days from any sign of land, so you better get comfortable,” he chuckles. “Today’s challenge is all about the great unknown- the ocean! Did you know that-”
“We’ve explored more of our own solar system than the ocean. Yes, we’ve heard that one a million times,” Max says, crossing his arms. Chris glares. 
“Alright, Smart Guy. Then I’m sure you’ll really enjoy being under that ocean, alone, for the next few hours, right? ANYWAY, as I was saying- today’s challenge is all about exploration. Each team will be cramming in this teeny tiny little submarine in order to find some of these!” Chris says, tossing each team a rolled up sheet of paper. Max catches theirs and unfurls it, squinting. “And before you say anything- that is, indeed, a treasure map! The first time to uncover the buried booty wins immunity, and first class privileges. Last team to the surface will sleep with the fishes. Hope no one here is afraid of sharks!” he gives the teams a big, toothy grin, as three small yellow submarines surface out of the inky depths. 
Michela swallows a lump in her throat. 
MICHELA: “I hate fish, I hate the ocean, and most of all- I hate being underwater. I am a proud landlubber, and no amount of gold and jewels is getting me into that thing!”
Team Yaoi bounds into their submarine first, closing the hatch tightly behind them. Team Friendship follows, having to half-drag, half-persuade Bonnie to enter an enclosed space with their teammates. 
Albert huffs as he studies them. “Looks like we won’t have much competition today, right? Michela?”
He turns to see her completely stiffened and sheet-white, as if she’d died and gone into rigor mortis. Albert raises an eyebrow. 
“No, no, no, no! You can do it by yourself, I’ll stay up here!” Michela shouts, clawing the docks as Albert drags her to the submarine hatch. 
He narrowly dodges a kick from her platform boots and huffs. “We… are… a team! We do this… together!”
“I can’t!”
“You WILL!”
ALBERT: “I know you’re probably wondering why I’ve suddenly decided to put so much effort into this nonsense. The answer is this: when you have no purpose in life, then you can get really rich and spend the rest of your days a hollowed-out shell of a human being… but in a yacht. Plus, this gives me something to do so I don’t have to focus on… all that,”
Michela cowers on the floor of the sub, curled into the fetal position. Albert mans the captain’s seat, flicking switches and tapping lights. 
“Seems set. Are you sure you’re not going to vomit? Passing out is okay, but we’re going to be stuck in here with a limited air supply, and I don’t want this place to smell,” he asks, looking at her from over his shoulder. 
She shudders. “I’ll… I’ll be okay… I didn’t eat this morning…”
A red light suddenly illuminates the dashboard and Chris’ voice sounds over a small speaker. “Testing, testing! This right here is your only communication with the outside world- use it wisely! You can also broadcast messages to your fellow teammates, like so- just press that button under the speaker whenever you want to talk, and your message will be sent out to all receiving parties. You have about three hours of oxygen. Good luck!”
Michela shakes, wrapping her arms around herself. Albert turns back to the dashboard and rolls his eyes. “Beginning descent,”
Julia squints ahead as their submarine swims through the depths, dodging schools of fish and volcanic mounds. 
Courtney stares at their faded-out paper. “The map seems to indicate the treasure is in some kind of cave system, just up ahead,”
“Oh, great. Even deeper!” Ass sighs, leaning against the back of the sub. A large shadow casts over them from the window behind them and they quickly turn, but there’s nothing there. 
“Stop being such a scaredy pants, the ocean is nothing to be afraid of!” Mal scoffs, pulling her phone out of her pocket. “I can give you a prayer if you need something to- wait- no- NOOO!”
“WHAT?!” Julia and Courtney ask in unison, whirling around. 
“I have no bars!”
JULIA: “Did she hit her head on something? That chick has been all over the place- one minute she’s a genius, next she’s back to being a lapdog. Unless she has early onset dementia… something is up,”
Despite having the same number of players as Team Yaoi, Team Friendship’s submarine seems much more crowded. Kelly and Phillip are hovering over Max, one on either side of his shoulder- the blonde is ooh-ing and ah-ing at the colorful fish out the main window, and Phillip is backseat driving by pointing out all the controls. 
“And that’s the water pressure gauge. It’s really helpful, because without it, we’d explode into a million pieces, and they’d never find our bodies. Because they'd be exploded into a million pieces,”
“Uh-huh,” Max says dryly, staring ahead. 
“I know a lot about World War Two submarines. I think I was destined for the battlefield,”
“Listen, this is all really fascinating, but this isn’t exactly rocket science. I’m sure I can handle it,” Max says, shooing the two of them away. “Bonnie, what does the map say?”
Bonnie hangs at the back of the group, sighing. 
BONNIE: “Sure, I’ve always been outcasted, and sure, people have never really liked me, but at least back then I didn’t feel this weird pressure to be nice and helpful all the time. It’s like… saying no is a bad thing to these people- but letting them walk all over me just makes me feel gross,”
“A few more meters and we should be at the mouth of the cave,” they say dryly. Kelly pats them on the back and praises their contribution to the team, which makes Bonnie cringe. 
Albert spits out a wad of gum and tears it in two, using the sticky substance to fasten the map to one side of the window. 
Michela is still cowering in the back, hands over her eyes to avoid looking out into the inky depths, which puts Albert on both piloting and navigational duty. 
“I’m sorry I can’t help more,” she quivers, blindly inching closer to the front. 
He sighs. “It’s fine. I won’t let us lose,”
And with that, he pushes the controls down and they begin their descent into the cave. 
“Roger, roger!” Kelly says into the speaker, their finger pressed flat against the red communication button. “How’s everyone doing tonight?”
“Kelly, that isn’t a toy,” Max says. They ignore him. 
After a moment, a response crackles back. “Hi, person from other team! We’re gonna getcha!” Mal squeaks. 
Courtney’s faint voice echoes in the background. “Mal, that isn’t a toy!”
The speaker dies again, and Kelly giggles. Max rolls his eyes. “How close are we?”
“Take a left at the next fork,” Bonnie says, staring at the map. Phillip inches over to them and peers over their shoulder, breathing loudly. They grimace. “Haven’t any of you heard of personal space?”
He leaps backwards. “Eek! Sorry! I’m just really good at reading old maps, especially for stolen treasure. In World War Two-”
Bonnie presses their hands over their ears and sulks. 
“We’re close- I can feel it!” Julia grins, leaning forward and pressing the controls onward, bringing their sub deeper into the cave. “No more sharing, no more other teams, no more fake pity- hello, victory!”
Courtney and Ass exchange glances, but don’t push. Mal, on the other hand, turns away from the phone she’d been holding to the roof, hoping for a signal. 
“Pity? Who pities the villain?” she asks. 
Julia sighs. “I resent that title, you know. And it’s not important,”
Mal leans over her shoulder, squinting at her. “I don’t pity you. Assney doesn’t pity you… Michela doesn’t, either…” a thought occurs to her suddenly, and she frowns. 
MAL: “So, Albert knows about the Assney kiss. Big whoop! He’ll never spill. He’s totally evil, I know- I’ve seen his confessions! But he’s also a big mopey baby, and he’s cautious around Michela. I’m leagues ahead of him,”
“We’re too far behind,” Albert says, checking the sonar on the control panel. His blip is comically behind the other two, with Team Yaoi in dead first. “If we can-”
Ksssssh. The speaker crackles to life again, and Chris’ ever-grating voice rings out through the depths. “Team Yaoi has entered the treasure chamber!”
“Shit!” Albert yells, looking around. If they lose- he’ll be forced to vote for Michela, something he didn’t want to risk. “Crap… I didn’t want to do this yet, but…”
He sighs and pushes the speaker button, putting on a cheery tone. “Good job, Team Yaoi. You guys really deserve the win. Or, should I say, Julia deserves the win,”
Back in the Yaoi Submarine, everyone turns to the blonde with raised eyebrows. Mal’s eyes are wide. Ass scoffs. “What’s he mean?”
“After all, it can’t have been easy… people going behind your back like that, forsaking the team for their own selfish wants,” he shook his head. “I’m just glad you won’t have to vote anyone off today.”
Ass and Courtney go pale as Julia leans over and presses on the button. “What are you talking about?”
Mal squeaks. “Wait-!”
“You really don’t know? Now… I just feel even sadder,” Albert’s voice said- his tone was depressed, but there was a twinge of glee in his words. “Ass and Courtney-”
“I SAW ALBERT AND MICHELA KISS!” Mal blurts out, shouting into the speaker. 
Everyone falls silent. The feedback from the other end disappears, indicating Team Mojo has backed out of the communication line. Ass and Courtney blink, both too stunned to speak, and Julia just looks sick. 
The crackling resumes, but it sounds much clearer than before. A new voice speaks. 
“You. Saw. What,” Max hisses. 
Mal leans in, nodding to no one as he teammates stare. “In the confessional! After the Los Angeles challenge!”
“What are you DOING?” Julia hisses, her eyes narrowing. “What’s your angle here?”
Mal hushes her. “I was waiting for the right time to say something… after I’d posted about it, of course… but I just couldn’t keep it in!”
The line goes dead again. 
Everyone in Team Friendship is pale. Even Kelly’s sunny disposition is clouded over, and Bonnie looks like they’re about to diffuse a bomb. “Max…”
But none look more mortified than Team Mojo themselves. Michela has been snapped out of her anxiety, and is now staring straight out the window in shock. Albert grits his teeth. 
ALBERT: “I can’t believe it. I’ve… been outplayed. It’s almost impressive,”
A faint ding sounds over the speaker, but Chris doesn’t have to urge anyone on before they burst into a musical number. 
Max scoffs. “Girlfriend kisser! I knew he was a jerk, and now you’ve gone and dissed her,”
“Sure, he had his moments, but we’re not gonna miss him now!”
Mal sings along over the intercom, a grin breaking across her face as her impulsive move rides out. “Girlfriend kisser!”
“You’re gonna get- what’s coming to you- if it’s the last thing, I ever do-oo-ooh!” Max continues. 
“That’s right!” Mal eggs him on. “That’s right!”
“That’s right!” the two sing in unison. 
Max clears his throat and goes on. “Let’s go a little back, you got McLean sacked- 
“Then he got out, you hack!” Mal continues. “And you set out for your attack!”
“All those times I knew you were bad news- I was right, it was true!”
Julia scoffs to herself. “Duh, it was so obvious!”
“Girlfriend kisser!” They sing in unison. 
“You are not her new mister- you’re a jobless, vegan, nasty blister!” he huffs, jobbing his finger at the speaker as if it’s a person. “Girlfriend kisser! You’re gonna get, what’s coming to you- if it’s the last thing, I ever do-oo-ooh!”
The communication cuts out and Team Yaoi stares at each other, flabbergasted while Mal grins maliciously. Ass and Courtney share a guilty look, but neither one of them says anything.
Mal turns back to the team with a wide grin. “Well? Let’s win this thing!”
Max slams on the submarine brake, holding them in place. He huffs and turns to the rest of the team. “Change of plans. We’re on a suicide mission- Team Mojo CAN. NOT. WIN!”
Bonnie grimaces. “I hate to be the last sane person on the team, but do you think that’s really-”
“YES, it’s necessary! Let’s move!”
Bonnie grumbles but concedes as he turns the sub around. Both Phillip and Kelly look to them nervously, the blond leaning in. “Um, shouldn’t you stop him?”
“Why should I do anything? I’m not your mom,”
“Yes, but I mean… you’re a voice of reason. Everyone listens to you!”
They grunt, and cross their arms. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t. Max- go get them!”
He nods back to Bonnie and speeds up, the goth smiling wickedly and watching as Kelly and Phillip watch, flabbergasted. 
“Bonnie, don’t you think that’s a little mean to-”
“No! You know what? I’m sick of playing nice! I need SPACE!” They shout, storming off to the back of the sub (which albeit, only took a few steps). “You can like me all you want, but I don’t owe you anything!”
Phillip and Kelly wince at their outburst. Max chuckles and presses on. 
MAX: “It’s about time they learned about the wonderful world of boundaries. Sometimes they remind me too much of a dog that wasn’t socialized enough as a puppy,”
Michela is still in shock as Albert presses on, speeding deeper into the cave system. His plan may have backfired, but there’s no stopping him now- except for Team Yaoi flying by in the opposite direction, treasure chest located firmly between the claws of the sub. 
“CRAP!” He shouts, quickly turning around. It’s a race to the surface now- and all inhibitions are gone. 
“Follow that sub!” Bonnie shouts, pointing dead ahead at Team Mojo. Max grimaces and speeds up, going as fast as he can. “Get them, Max!”
Just as they’re about to ram into the back of the yellow sub ahead of them, it breaches the surface- Team Friendship just behind. Chris’ voice crackles over the speaker, now clearer.
“Team Yaoi has won the challenge! Team Friendship, as the last ones to surface, you’ll be up for elimination. Ciao!”
And with that, his voice disappears. 
“For the last time, Mal is a liar,” Albert says, storming through economy with Max shortly behind. Michela is sitting on one of the benches, hunched forward as if about to be sick. She hasn't once said a word since they docked, and based on the pale and sickly complexion she's sporting, no one has pushed her.
“How should I know? Mal's the only one who’s treated me with any DECENCY!” he shouts. Albert grits his teeth. 
Bonnie, Phillip, and Kelly watch the display with tired eyes, none enjoying the back and forth that’d been consuming the cabin for hours. 
First class is much different. Courtney and Ass are attempting to sleep, though none have been very successful so far. Julia is huffing, pacing back and forth. 
She spoke aloud as she walked the length of the cabin. “Mal did something insanely impulsive, incredibly risky, and just smart enough to win- she’s keeping something from me,”
“So? She’s a pathological liar who likes watching people squirm. Tell me something new,” Courtney yawns, turning over in their seat. 
The blonde growls. “I’m not talking about her weird Chris McLean photocard Etsy or her AO3 account. I mean she’s hiding something big time, and it’s starting to irk me,”
Ass and Courtney looked between each other nervously. 
COURTNEY: “Could Mal have… no, no, she wouldn’t know. There’s no way! She probably just lied to get a kick out of it... right?,”
“Welcome one, welcome all- what a day!” Chris chuckles. Max glares at him so coldly it makes the host shiver. “...Alright. Kelly and Phillip, you’re safe. Max, you’re partially responsible for the team loss today… and Bonnie, you might be the only person he would’ve listened to, and you egged him on out of spite! Hah!”
The campers stare back blankly. He clears his throat. 
“But your team has voted, and decided that only one of you is expendable- and one of you is not,” Chris says, bouncing a bag of pretzels in his hand. “And that expendable person… Is…
…Bonnie. Sorry, dude, you’re out!”
They stand, breathing a quick sigh of relief. Bonnie graciously accepts the parachute from Chef and turns back to their team one last time. 
“I hope you all learned a valuable lesson today-”
“Don’t push someone to their limit?” Kelly smiles nervously. 
“Don’t kiss Max’s girlfriend?” Phillip says, earning himself a sharp glare. 
“NO! Well, I guess- I mean, never mind. The lesson is to leave loners alone. We’re not all secret saps, you know,” they say, pointing. “And Max… man, good luck.”
And with that, they jump. Chris wipes a crocodile tear from his eye and gives scattered applause. “Beautiful!”
Max stands and storms off. 
“Okay, I acted impulsively. So what? I panicked! What was I supposed to do, let that rat take my prize blackmail?” Mal scoffs, pacing back and forth. A few rats perched on the boxes surrounding her give a round disapproving squeaks. “Sorry. I just mean… Albert is a snake, that’s what he is. And I won’t let him win.”
“You’ve made the correct decision. A later blow to your team can cause far more damage than an early one. He is quite the fool,”
The words are spoken with a faint smile, half amused, half in agreement.
The air in the cargo hold is stale and stuffy, towers of crates and luggage rising above the two teens like a jungle of pleather and plywood. Rats scutter around Mal’s feet, scaling her clothes and scurrying past the cross-legged boy sitting adjacent to her. 
“I know. But there’s no way he’s coming back from this,” she grins wickedly, crossing her arms. “And if I can get Max on my side… Well, then that’s just easy-pickings until the finale!”
Frollo rolls his eyes at her glee, though not necessarily in judgment, wrapping a rosary around his hand. “What ever. If you think you can adequately punish those degenerates, then by all means,”
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littlenighttales · 1 year
If you’ve been here for a minute, you know the drill. Spoilers for chapter 4 of The Sounds of Nightmares, writing my thoughts as I listen to it for the first time (+ some extra edits in the parenthesis for extra thoughts on it after a few extra listens.)
Here we go. E4. Go. Go listen to this before reading this.
The Sounds of Nightmares
Two of a Kind
Yeah… so this one gets a bit philosophical at the beginning. Going on about duality and whatnot. Also have I mentioned how the main theme for this series absolutely slaps? Because it’s very good.
So Noone’s outside a reunion, but she can’t go in. It’s a bunch of happy kids outside playing and laughing. Otto gets Noone cake from it though (:
Apparently the room has a two way mirror, so they can look out but not in. Creepy. Otto spills the beans on the creepy disappearance. I’ll go ahead and mention I’m glad I don’t have to rewrite my happy ending story.
Obviously Noone starts freaking out about just straight up getting yeeted into what I’d dare compare to hell on Earth. She thought before they were just nightmares. But… nope.
Noone hates being alone, Otto reassures her a bit. He’s not seeming like a bad guy here lately. Just… having a bit of selfish-selfless motives. Doing sort of bad things for someone himself, but more for someone he knows. Does that make sense?
Wherever Noone was, there were happy kids! Carnival. LN3 teasers? But this is Little Nightmares, so I’m fully expecting the poop/fan collision within seconds.
The kids start talking more like teenagers, a bit weird. Suspecting we’ll see the “I don’t want to grow up” bit from Noone again. A kid named Rusty takes Noone for a ride- Ferris wheel. Also sky boats.
Rusty and his friends aren’t fans of being there. They’re basically slaves. Figures the bad news would come. Happy time lasted longer than expected.
Rebellion is planned. Noone gets assigned to lookout.
What the frick. Rusty sounding like he’s plotting his own death.
They stop talking about the “nightmare” to talk about going to the Nowhere. He opens up a little bit about CiCi. Noone figures out why Otto has been working with her like this. Finds out about his motives. She’s uncomfortable. But. He. Keeps. Pushing.
Noone mentions that the people of this world have distorted faces. Carnival guests a lot like the Maw guests. Definitely near or at the Carnival of LN3, I think
Magic show made Noone forget she’s a lookout. Mentions it’s like she’s under a spell. Ferryman is back?
Nope. It’s the carnival owner? He’s got no eyes. And a dummy made of a kid(?), maybe an adult? Noone says it looks like a smaller man. It sounds like it could be a Chuckie moment.
Noone tries so hard to warn the other kids.
And that dummy is definitely a possessed one. Dang, Chuckie moment.
Noone has a panic attack, some serious PTSD, sounds like ):
Someone hug the poor kid. Get that child a fluffy goat kid to hug!
Otto mentions the Ferryman by that name rather than Candleman. He’s all the more determined to go to the Nowhere. I know this is the same length as the other episodes, but it feels so much shorter!! Argh! It’s gonna be a long wait for next week! (Hey, future me here! Yeah, so I wrote this on the spot the day it was released, and yeah… still a long wait as of Saturday lol)
Good episode, but E3 is still the best so far imo.
We’ll probably see Noone get reverse-raptured (for lack of a better term) again next episode, maybe Otto finds his way to follow her.
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rosemariad · 10 months
Supernatural Season 12
only 3 more seasons after this...aw...
so mom's back grk mm the dead...okay...Mary's returned from '83 - boy is she in for a shock. her baby boy Dean is a grown man pushing 40 😱
wild how Dean recounted his parents' love story from their first meeting to their elopement! how did Dean get John to spill the beans on that I wonder...
Sam was taken by the bitch ass Men of Letters, and here lies the beginning of the misfortune that is the MoL arc, ugh! I'm going to like this as Much as I did Metatron 🙄
Sam's a fucking trooper, I know he was tortured by the devil personally but still, taking a blow torch to the foot...damn
Mary is naturally feeling out of place and Dean's just dancing around that like it's a problem to be solved on its own...oh Dean.
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Castiel reunites with Dean after Mary points a gun at the handsome angelic stranger in the bunker 😆
Dean's tender smile when Cas grabbed him🥺 the way Mary cocked her head when they hugged 🤣
Mary was down to hunt - interesting considering how hard she supposedly tried to avoid it. now the show insinuates she wasn't wholly retired????
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Sam & Mary hug when he returns to the bunker - is this technically their first real hug????? the last time would've been when Sam was a literal baby 🥺
But after 3 episodes, Mary just bails? really? the showrunners are giving her the Cas treatment - where she appears every so often. Why is she back then if she's not gonna stay with her sons? they're literally all she had left in the world. everyone else she would've known is long gone. they could've just brought back John (which I now they do in season 14 for 1 episode) to get John's reaction on how his sons have changed since 2006 when he died. they could've discussed Adam - that would've been fun 🤣🤣🤣
if they're gonna keep Mary around, the one whose death started the Brothers on their journey, keep her around! have the boys & their mom struggle to reconnect, get to know one another - let Mary see her sons as they are for better or worse and let them talk about it! let them talk about her and John and their parents' marriage, the good the bad and the family of if all. let them talk out their issues or try to Even if they fail! just cuz they talk doesn't mean they're able to solve and heal their trauma in 1 sitting. that shit takes time. it could take months, years. wasted opportunity.
back to Mary hunting, back in 1980 she saved a boy who grew up to be a hunter on his own, living his best life, being more Dean than Dean Winchester 🤣 until he was killed by his fellow hunter friend by accident (wow).
how dare Asa's mom bitch at Mary for Asa's grown ass man decisions? Please. nobody put a gun to his head! he made his choice and kept at it.
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Dean got snippy at his mom cuz she left his ass - Dean she's been dead for 30+ years. her resurrection was your wildest dream/hope, Amara knew that, that's why she brought her back and the 1st thing she do that you don't like and you bitch at her?! ask her to stay then! beg her to stay, say anything and everything you need to so she sticks around! tell her about your drinking, about bow you're almost 40 with no kids or a domestic partner! about how little you Sleep and all the things that haunt you! Give her a reason to be needed!
when Mary says I am your mother, but I am not just your mom - that's 💯 percent facts right there, sorry folks! people are more than just 1 thing, but on the other hand, your sons need you, Mary! ironically, if she remained at her sons side, she wouldn't have suffered the way she does later this season 🤕
it's sad how east the MoL got to her, wearing her down. she's haunted and fucked up from being dead so long. this is why dialogue is important! she seemed to be opening up to Castiel since hers an angel instead of her sons - so be it, talk to the angel man, bare your soul, anything other than making shady deals and getting into bed with those British motherfuckers (see what I did there 🤣😅)
Gavin (imma call him Crowley jr.) got iced, sucks for Crowley I guess. good for Gavin though, stepping up to do the right thing for his girl, bittersweet.
I love that Cas & Dean are in regular contact with each other! too bad we don't get more scenes of their conversations!!! cmon showrunners - don't fear the emotional man on man scenes between men who aren't family, embrace the potential gayness!!! explore it!!!!
Cas & Mandy the waitress - interesting - too bad he's only interested in Dean, at least not anymore - that may be April the reaper's fault!
"devastatingly handsome" - you not low Dean!!! this is how you choose to address your angel bestie?!?! okay 🤣
later after Cas narrowly avoids death (again, thanks Crowley!) the look of relief on Dean's face
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and awwww Cas said I love you! to Dean's whole family, how romantic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you not low Castiel!!!!
sadly now Dean truly believes that Castiel only loves him as a friend. This is why you don't call Castiel your brother Dean 🤦‍♀️😅🤣
The Alpha vamp died - so much for next season. considering his supposed age and power, shouldn't be impossibly fast? and Ramiel. you're telling me that he struggled fighting a couple of normal people when he pwned Crowley so easily when Crowley himself is a centuries old demon, aka king of hell, after beating Castiel an ancient celestial being?!?!??! but the very mortal Winchesters took him down...yeah sure okay 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dean Winchester gave Castiel a mixtape
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a mixtape? 😱😱😱 really?!?!?! that's one of THE romantic gestures to make in the 80s and 90s (before CDs came out) to declare your feelings for someone you wanted to be with, as more than a friend. that's not to say friends and family didn't but it was fairly recognized as a something to do for romance too! also it's a labor of love since you'd have to use the radio or get more cassettes to record & compile the music you wanted AND people like to record a personal message before the music starts in the tape they male. you can see it certain TV/movies like the Goldbergs as an example - Adam made such a thing for his school crush when he wanted to declare his feelings for her.
And it's not just that Dean made a mixtape for Cas - he specifically chose Led Zeppelin songs- the love language of his parents, the very union that led to Dean being born in the first place. And the little xx's - hmm wonder what those mean...
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and we just gloss over that?!?!? the showrunners - y'all are NOT slick! ya can't stop the Destiel bandwagon cuz after all this times in the year of our Lord 2023 peeps keep shipping it precisely for moments like these.
while we're on 12x19 - when Cas FINALLY returns to the bunker, Dean gives him hell like only a bitchy girlfriend can while Sam was like OMG glad you're back but Dean was PISSED cuz how DARE Cas not just show up & return his phone calls (what about prayers? 👀) Dean kept saying "we" but let's be honest he's talking about himself - u not slick Dean. And this is AFTER Cas tried returning the mixtape cuz he feels he is no longer worthy of Dean's gift given how much he pissed Dean off 🥺
When Sam suggests siphoning out the grace from the nephilim due to be born Dean runs to his precious angel only to discover Cas is gone (again!) just as soon as he appeared.
The betrayal. the deceit, the DRAMA!!! Dean, you didn't put the Colt in the safe?! Rookie mistake, bro.
He kept talking about Castiels feathered ass but then didn't actually fight him, just slams him against the wall, standing very close & maintaining intense eye contact - classic Supernatural 😉 🤣 😀
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I wonder what Kelly saw that makes her believe that her child is good because suicide isn't an easy choice but Kelly went through with her attempt out of fear of what her child was capable of given how many times everyone kept saying such things to her face. But it didn't matter cuz her child brought Kelly back from the dead anyway. That's terrifying TBH.
When Cas booked the brothers 🤣🤣🤣 did they really not see that coming? cmon Dean, he did that to Bobby when you first met.
***during Lucifer's mini arc this season I'm reminded of Misha's commentary on the acting advice he got from main devil actor Mark Pelligrino on portraying the infamous figure - he either wanted to kill/fuck the one he's talking to - it definitely seemed that way this season during Mark's scenes. ironic considering his previous work on Lost - anyone remember that show?
Thankfully the MoL are FINALLY dealt with after a rousing speech from Sam fucking Winchester who leads the charge to take those British tarts down, complete with exploding their makeshift headquarters! Dean meanwhile stayed behind to help his mom who's been completely brainwashed by the MoL - which is indicative of Dean's characters as a callback to season 1 - he just wanted his family together!
What Dean told his mom in her head is what he should've said from the very beginning- sure it would've hurt her feelings, possibly cause a mild heart attack but it needed to be said so Dean & Mary could heal as a family!
Thank God Ketch is as dead as the rest of the MoL he was such a creep!
Rowena got killed offscreen? Damn, that's cold. I know she's coming back though 😊
Kelly died 🥲
Crowley died - he was THAT determined to take the devil down. in the long run its not gonna work since Luci will be back eventually but there's something to be said about Crowley's arc considering this is the last we see of the cheeky little devil. I recall prior seasons where he seemed downtrodden in certain scenes, about the futility of his plays for power, his schemes going tits up often because of someone else. I think Mark Shepard said something about taking his character as far as he could or something like that.
Castiel died (again)
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Mary disappeared into that AU with the devil and he is Piiiiiiiiiiiissssed 😱
Given what Kelly gave birth to, all those diapers Cas got were a waste of money...
season highlights
not many TBH I didn't like this season much cuz of the wasted potential with Mary and the brothers and the lack of Castiel. and Crowley for that matter. the season had a good start and it finished in a way that was interesting BUT
12x10 - Dean and Castiel fighting was HILARIOUS. They seriously should've gotten a spinoff even if they only ever remained as innocent platonic friends. it would've been so funny.
and awww...Dean is Castiel's human weaknesss - YEAH NO SHIT HONEY!!!!!
Dean is apparently a natural at riding - mechanical bulls included - did he ride it to completion??? lemme stop 🤣 I mean for the duration of the bull ride for however long - he never fell off? if so, kudos to him and his hips 🤣🤣
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