#then liveblog some ss
forcebookish · 10 months
top deepening his voice when talking to mew's moms... gun speaking higher when talking to cher's mom... i love these choices
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okay so fascinating interlude. delightful. the tap dancing. the banter. the implication that sholmes has been doing every other great deduction badly partly to have fun, partly to test/train naruhodo and partly due to autistic swag (got distracted by soap, for example). the fact that iris just invented a phone for plot reasons. the partnership. the Tap Dancing.
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oathofkaslana · 21 days
anyways got my drafts down to the 40's <3
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kyogre-blue · 11 months
SS is done.
The most standout part: I got the Rhea S rank. It was good. I support it, but I wish there was a gen version and also that it was available on VW. My general impression is that VW actually gives you more chances to ask after and worry for Rhea (plus Claude is a rather meh romance option), so it would be great if I could get with her there too.
In general, I wish VW and SS were just one route. Both have some nice small details, but given how similar they are, I feel like you'd get a better experience if they were just combined.
Checking my VW endgame notes, it seems VW gives you info dump about Agartha, which definitely feels missing in SS, and SS gives you a bit more detail about Byleth's deal from Rhea, which adds some nice details on the Rhea relationship front. Seriously, they should have just combined them.
(Hilariously, Catherine's endcard outright contradicts the paired Rhea one. They are incompatible, but I got both. Additionally, Ingrid's card seems to be written for Crimson Flower, since it mentions Galatea being "seized" and Ingrid needing to push strongly to be allowed to govern it, which comes across weirdly as a post-war in the Byleth-led United Kingdom, especially since the other Lions kids I recruited all got their lord positions without any apparent fuss.)
Overall, not much else to say about SS. Final take: SS and VW are really obviously the same route, but even though SS was supposedly written first, VW feels marginally better in its focus and I enjoyed it more. However, the Rhea stuff specifically is good, and I wish I could get it on VW. Yup.
Final save file time: 95:19. Minus the VW playthrough, it's 44:07, so a bit faster. Specifically post-route split, it's 20:16, so it seems like the part that I finished faster was actually just Academy phase, possibly because I just didn't care much for the BE kids.
Liveblogging notes:
Looking closely at the battle selection screen, it seems Shambhala is at the very eastern tip of the Empire. There's a bit of mountain that stretches down from the Throat across Airmid River, and it seems to be there.
Narration calls it a "sprawling underground city."
Thales was kind of a chump!
Ah, I just realized I forgot to check his X description blurbs. They probably weren't too interesting tho.
The Agarthans are super mad about living underground and not having "light." Thales also name drops Agartha in his battle line vs Seteth and in the cutscene afterwards. Aside from their ability description, I think this is probably the first time their proper name is mentioned. But we uh, don't seem to discuss this much?
Small scene with Nemesis's coffin is missing, I think. Well, obviously because he's not the final boss now. iirc the scene immediately after the month change, with everyone freaking out over Rhea is new instead. It's a little weird because iirc VW gives you more opportunities to express concern for her. Here, the Rhea focus feels a bit less supported.
Seteth didn't realize you already knew that Rhea is the Immaculate One (which you did, btw).
Seteth "long ago" lost the power to change form, but "it seems" Rhea has not. My dude, did you not know... He does confirm that he's also a child of the goddess, which Rhea keeps hidden in VW. Flayn is also counted as one of the children of the goddess, even though she's more like a grandchild. It's a general term for dragons.
Seteth and Flayn press Byleth about taking over as the leader of Fodlan in some capacity, now that Rhea's future is uncertain.
We find the Sword and Bow of Zoltan in Shambhala. I was wondering about whether these things existed, since Zoltan is a dude that got namedropped in a small quest item description a while back. I also have an Axe of Zoltan though I can't remember exactly where I picked it up. No spear?
Just noting that you use Arcane Crystals to repair magical weapons like the Bolt Axe, Mythril to repair sacred weapons like Cichol's Spear of Assal, and Umbral Steel for relics. Mythril is also used on forging the rusted weapons that require A+ professor rank. iirc they're legendary weapons from other games or something like that. Smithing Stones are for normal weapons of all rarities.
On VW, this month was about Nemesis appearing and us going to fight him, but here on SS, that doesn't happen, so the explore dialogue is all about Seteth telling us that we should become the new Ruler of Fodlan and us taking the month to think about it. Everyone around the monastery comments on this, how we should think about it carefully, how they believe in us, how they're thinking about the future, etc. It's... hm. I think it's okay, but it really highlights how much Byleth has not been setup for this role At All.
They're a mercenary who became a teacher via nepotism and while we do things in the story that you could probably read as proof of Byleth's ability to lead, they don't really feel that way, especially since Seteth can end up spending half the war refusing what we suggest. Byleth is also just... not a real character. So them becoming the big deal leader is kinda... yeah.
Anyway, I accidentally ended the month early. But whatever.
Before you tell Rhea your "decision," she gives you exposition about how she made you and Sothis's crest stone is in you. She wanted to see Sothis again and thought she could regain everything she had lost.
Sitri was Rhea's 12th attempt. She "grew up" without Sothis's consciousness and fell in love with Jeralt. But when she gave birth, the child was not breathing and she herself was also "in grave danger." Sitri told Rhea to take the crest stone from her and put it into her baby. Otherwise, both would have died.
Byleth is suggested to be able to house Sothis's consciousness because they have both the crest stone and a body born from a parent with Rhea's blood.
Rhea is aware that Sothis gave you her power and disappeared, which means Rhea's dearest wish did not come true, but she's accepting of that. She basically entrusts Fodlan and the future to you.
And she just flips out in the middle of that.
"White Beasts" appear all over the monastery. They are from priests and knights that Rhea shared her blood and "stones" with. Tho given how JP plurals work, it's impossible to tell if Rhea is meant to have one crest stone or several. Demonic Beasts also run in??
Enemies are Frenzied Church Soldiers with minor crests of Seiros, Altered Golems, White Beasts (cardinal that has transformed and gone mad due to the rage of the Immaculate One) with Blest Crest Stone Shards (bestowed by a saint and wielded as a weapon), and the Immaculate One herself. She has a crest stone of Serios, can recover HP when near a White Beast and is described as having been driven to an uncontrollable anger due to the power of the goddess.
This battle was annoying because of the Classic setting. The whole business with Rhea having a private army of people whom she shared blood with is, hm. But I get the feeling this was done purely to explain her battle having the same mechanics as with Nemesis and the 10 Elites. It's... an interesting tidbit that these cardinals and such exist, but kinda weird that the crest of Seiros is actually this common, especially since they can ALL presumably pass it down to their kids, and I would expect Rhea had done this for more than just one generation.
(funny concept: after a thousand years of Rhea just sharing her blood all over, a good three quarters of Fodlan has some Seiros crest blood and it manifests pretty much at random in people all over.)
Anyway, final blow by Flayn.
OK, enough screwing around. tbh I do like Rhea, so there's some emotional resonance in everyone being very worried about her and having little voicelines about how they want to pay back the debts they owe to her, and her sadness and suffering and all that. It's not the worst.
She mistakes Byleth for Sothis when collapsing in the cathedral.
They did make a mistake: Rhea transforms in her dressing gown without the mantle or headpiece, but she changes back in full archbishop regalia.
The post-battle exposition exposition is kinda... ah yes, all nations in Fodlan are gone, but you see the Church is leading people toward a new... nation? How does this work. Sorry, but I don't see a religious government (??) as a good thing.
Rhea says she had a vision of flying free and speaking with Sothis while near death. She's happy she survived... so am I.
Rhea's wish was for peace, but she admits fault in propagating a false history and deceiving the faithful. And she did a bit of forbidden experimentation on the side, obvs. We forgive her tho.
I wish there was a gen way to save her, without the romance. It's such a good coda, honestly, without the marriage.
I wish Byleth was a more concrete character. Not necessarily a super detailed one, but with at least some grounding traits.
Still, Rhea romance scene is pretty good. WAY better than Flayn. Why can't I do this on VW..........
Endings: Ashe takes over Gaspard as the new lord. Galatea was "seized" what the heck, though Ingrid did rule it. Felix still ended up Duke Fraldarius. Sylvain talked his way into peace with Sreng, good on him. Lindhart "escaped the Empire" but went missing. Dorothea fled with her troupe to a secret location. Petra went to Brigit. Caspar fell on a battlefield. Bernadetta because seriously ill and lived as a recluse. Ferdinand returned to his territory but went missing. Catherine became Guardian of Zanado, but why was she shaking up with MY wife in solitude? Because in the ending card with Byleth, Rhea is still archbishop and assists the leader of the new "United Kingdom of Fodlan." Shamir became Robin Hood. Alois became captain of the knights. Seteth became very tolerant lol
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scoups4lyfe · 23 days
Hey Scoups! Good to know that you're doing ok! Here to report that Gavv has already started! Haven't seen the episode yet (... although I haven't seen some Toku in a bit, Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail has me in their clutches lol. I really need to catch up and actually start Gotchard, I have seen and read only good things about it!)
Your battle against Saru bro a$$ is always gonna be legendary, oops somebody dropped some links!
(You after opening those links: https://shorturl.at/ojOos lmao)
So anyway, glad to talk to you and hope to see more of your posts and seeing another liveblog!
SS 🤡
Tumblr media
But more importantly, glad to talk to you too. I will liveblog again, maybe tonight even. But I feel like the moment I say that it’ll guarantee it doesn’t happen 🤡.
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
Mihai. Mihai my enstars professor mutual. What the heck is going on with ryuseitai
Ok so i read some liveblogs but i havent read comet show or submarine so a lot of references to those were lost on me (im waiting for them to come to engstars) and thus im not the best professor for this story.
But the tldr is that there's an agency in Okinawa (same place Submarine was held in during the ss arc), Crimson Production, that opposes ES's monopoly and that's where a bunch of ex ryuseitai kids have gone to (theyre called Antistars). Tetora goes to help these kids and the media publicizes it as him leaving Ryuseitai. Shinobu goes to find out the truth, talks to Tetora about the opposing ideologies, the next day the news state that he also left Ryuseitai. So the rest of the group go to Okinawa to see what's up. They trespass, Tetora and Chiaki have an argument and fight, but dont worry, Tetora is a spy on the inside of CrimPro and needed to make his loyalty to them believable. Chiaki opens up to Tetora about his time in the war (i realise as i type this how ridiculous this game sounds to an outsider...)
This was a distraction for Kanata and Midori to find and free Shinobu, and to find papers to destroy the company. They get caught. The 5 are reunited inside the agency and Tetora reveals he is a spy for ES but he does genuinely want to help the antistars kids who are mistreated by CrimPro for being former ES idols. So CrimPro are evil and need to be destroyed but im a bit confused at this part ngl. Something something yakuza something something they actually kill people so it's super dangerous (i think this part has a callback to Submarine that im not getting). They cant go to the local police cuz the organization has inflitrated it so the only option for Ryuseitai is to renounce ES and join CrimPro.
While making the announcement theyre actually sending ES secret messages, dangerous stuff if they get caught. Theyre gonna hold a live for CrimPro which is a distraction for ES to intervene, and while theyre preparing for that, Tetora has a self hating monologue about his own skills and merits. He's not being self sacrificial bc he's a hero but bc he doesnt mind putting his life in danger::::)
At the live they discuss about roles and who's the leader. Tetora cant become Chiaki, but he can be his own person with his own skills, and like this maybe he can even surpass Chiaki. They keep their colors but those expectations of having to fill in Chiaki's shoes are going away. So anyway, back to the live, Ryuseitai had secretly sent back to Eichi evidence to condemn CrimPro and now he's ready to bust them down (i dont know if Eichi is there personally with the police or if he's just in charge from above... i assume the latter?)
They tell themselves that they're not harming people but just destroying the environment where the evil had spread (Chiaki compares it to the war, but i think he's being idealistic...people Did get hurt in the war too. There's a cenotaph for the students who killed themselves afterall...) And uh. Then we get to the epilogue, that I haven't seen translated yet. I assume they're successful (imagine if we went through all of this only for someone to die lmao)
So. Ta daa. Thats it. Erm. I know this isnt new to enstars but i feel like things have felt more dangerous and high stakes, especially in the ss arc and 1.5 (negi just. Faked being shot by a hitman. That shit was traumatizing. This is set after that). I dont really know what other stories we could get of Ryuseitai set in our current year if im being honest. This felt like Climax yknow?
Well, im looking forward to translations of this story cuz im not entirely clear on everything just with the livetweets. And looking forward to reading comet show and submarine when they come to the english server. Hope this was helpful^_^
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pearlaqua-eevee · 1 year
ok and the rest of ep 22 liveblog
Urahara always showing up like that. Shady neutral until the end I see
Renji too obviously lol
"You guys are pissed at Uryu Ishida too?" lmfao Bazz-B
"I can give you a hand to go a kill him!" honey thats their FRIEND lmao sit down
hi protective-over-Uryu Rukia and Renji yeesss
ok but I do like that everyone actually gets a reaction to Uryu's betrayal, kinda shuts up the "he wasnt significant" naysayers in the fandom--BITCH HES SIGNIFICANT TO HIS FRIENDS AND EXTENDED FAMILY
"What dont you like chickens" LMFAO Renji woke up ready to sass because between this and the fight against Mask....
aaa they did such a good job with the nostalgic parallels on this, ugh it makes me wanna go watch SS arc again back when the stakes were technically way lower but just because the core cast was ignorant lol
lol the dual Ichigo Orihime head tilt was cute
loved that shot of Ichigo, Orihime and Chad lookin badass and ready. Protect them!!!
"whats with that brat" people dont like to be misgendered, is whats up (no seriously they couldnt fine a single extra alt line for the reason that Gigi got pissed? We had to keep the phobia in? ok -_- )
sorry but as a writer, Yumichika suddenly being this observant and picking up on what the audience already knows just on observation, without any indication of how or why he's make the leap from "theyre bombs" to "they make whatever they touch explode"....its such a ooc-for-ic-knowledge moment to be able to have these two have a prayer of fighting back. So while the rest of the fandom is made about like 1 frame or not getting Bambi with her top unzipped, I'll be over here rolling my eyes at how this wasnt changed
I know people are probably mad about the pervert line too but because they actually did edit that line, it becomes directly about what Gigi said about being "excited" and yeah thats sick and twisted, hi, psychopath serial killer energy
"Um I wasnt asking why youre shining" LMFAO ROAST HIM GIGI
the fact that I know the fandoms been saying that scene was "hot"....and it actually is so much worse in the anime because of the voice acting....theres a reason that dialogue reads R rated, its meant to, and its meant to disgust you and theres a reason I stay away from like 95% of the fandom thats all im gonna fucking say on that
"you think im ordinary when you just said I was outstanding?" "dont take it personally, compared to me everyone is ordinary"
not me thinking about how Uryu might outwit the use of those reishi locking things
yeaaah like I know Gigi's powers are fucked up but really imagine fighting these people and realizing that not only can one of them create zombies they can control, but theyve done it to people you know and recognize. Again, no wonder the Quincy are viewed as abominations?!
"I came to see that four-eyed Quincy to make him pay for what he did to me" what, so he can absolutely destroy you again? (lol sorry, I LOVE Cirucci, shes one of my fav Arrancar but GIRL. He's gotten stronger since then, I don't think you wanna actually go for him again. Love the shoutout to that tho!?)
characters being able to be revived like this really takes tension out tho lol
so like....we're all in agreement that Mayuri is a "just like what you're fighting" type character, right? Like I get loving him for being twisted and honestly open and obvious about it (unlike other villain characters and in particular some of the Quincy)... like on the one hand as a PERSON, I'm like "love to hate this character, kinda badass in a sick way". but yeah like. He's just as bad as the Quincy and I think it puts a lot of his actions in this arc into perspective in a really interesting way
Gigi singsonging while healing Bambi is really disturbing and I love this character archetype a lot so its nice to see it done well. Shes MEANT to disturb you
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psyh 3x1 commentary ghosts
DH, Gayan Garcia Barmo, Roger Taylor, Chris Henze "me not funny", Ben Botten, I can't tell who's who. I think it's JRr & SF who are the garcia & taylor names. I didn't hear Kelly Kulchak introduce herself, but there is a woman's voice.
Corbin hair controversy tonight. I can't hear a thing.
Shawn as a teen. Who's going to play Shawn? JRr!
His stupid hair I love it. Judd from breakfast club.
Fun to write. & then Lassiter.
I wish they had captions.
Dang I wish we could have seen the other flashback. SS & BG as 18y/os with Shawn leaving aftergrad, Gus buying a motorcyle & going over the country & Gus going to college
I needed to have liveblogged this before
I love his room too.
If you're agonizing this over the off-season, then don't leave a cliff hanger!
His darn furby!
I'm GLAD they didn't pick it up right when his mom came back. His mom is already here again.
& I can't understand a thing in this commentary.
Four minutes in they fill in the blanks.
She's travelling & this really pays off in the finale & in lassie did a bad bad thing. I like this.
The dropping & breaking a phone stuff I love continuity between episodes
pinot bordeaux, now that I'm a wine person it's way funnier.
Oh right this is the gus boss episode!
This is something they have been talking about since episode TWO in like season one!
KK: I just looked over at Dulé & it looks like he hasn't seen it.
SF: You know when protesters go boneless to make it hard for cops to put them into paddy wagons?
Cinnamon festival!
*calls him henry*
"Every time we talk you're about to not go on a date"
Where did goose come from?
"Unless it was approaching in a threatening manner"
Lassie saying "no" to therapy I love him.
Surjik the man!
Shawn completely assimilated into the office immediately, eating someone else's lunch.
Who needs 48 000 dollars to live? I don't! I need 32, the other 16 generally goes to you! I claim you on my taxes shawn! *married*
Shawn making eyes at her after Gus put her lunch in the photocopy machine. "What does she do?" "everyone." She IS isn't she
The overhead shot & the fight & all this stuff it's just so good. *goes limp* & then Shawn stands back up as soon as Gus "gets injured" he DOES care
& then Gus hasn't fied his appearance yet. KK: I can't wait for him to get out of jail. DH: !? SF: I have an episode idea to bring him back KK: NOT IRL DULÉ
JRr during the reading: *crossing fingers*
they were supposed to have the fbi here
Polio dome XD
Fearless Guster
Beautiful house indeed. They're right about the establishing shots.
They're getting caught watching.
A solid 20 minutes deciding what the squeak is going to be.
Spend two seasons establishing Gus the other way that they can do this & it means something. "It's only because my real job is on the line."
Who leaves candles lit?
Tiny little dollop of a woman.
The dutch?
"I like it" *everyone bursts out laughing*
"I've been wanting to put the word Spatz into a scene since the first season."
"bust out some willy wonka"
"so you GET NOTHING!"
Kind of sad that Gus thinks Shawn is doin that, but it's true.
"We couldn't get this dog to be ferocious enough"
CH: The problem is that the dog is canadian & they're so dang nice (they thought the dog was going to bite chris macdonald)
My feet won't move!
"How are you winning?" It's just like that tumblr post, "a good grade in therapy, normal to want, & possible to achieve."
"I will need to see what you see, wear what you wear, drink what you drink" Shawn is going too far. These two guys completely driven by food.
*dropping his cocoa* *droppin the other cocoa* "that dog is kind of an a-hole"
I love the whispering. Cloudy chance of murder with the thomas pink
One take!
Ooh tuesday the 17th, yeah!
he's getting to him by playing his autism.
heartbreak ridge XD XD XD
"Lemongrass goglobo"
"If you understand anything she says" girl I'm deaf.
Clearly nothing just happened. "for a nice farmer's breakfast" two eggs, two sausages, two pancakes, & a slab of ham, all for 1.99
noooo henry! This was supposed to be with his mom!
He hasn't spoken to her in three years, in 1x01 he
"not a very sincere apology"
The call is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE The attic XD
a TWO MINUTE VERSION of gus climbing the stairs?
Speakerphone never getting quieter XD
I noticed that too! They forgot to film the "Gus?" before he hung up
"My air conditioner & heating guy disguise" *burning himself*
"there will be a shakespeare in the parking lot episode" WHEN?
He even visited alice bundy in prison, who was the one who messed with the lights in scary sherry with the sorority girls
"The towel is my life, the pool is third grade, & the high dive is my father" wtf "It's post-coital for him" girl what His shoes, I mean i do that too
"I could have stayed on that shot for forty seconds" and you should have
Homage to the princess bride
I wish we got to see the long version of the "lawn darts" line
Frankjim, great line.
Always with the hair
Oh no
"What happened between you two?" Girl weren't you there for the first twenty or so years of it? "Mom, we were both there"
They have been setting this up since the pilot. In that episode shawn responded to "why didn't you tell me you moved away" with "Sorry I was helping my mom through her divorce" On the pilot set discussion, they assumed it would be Henry in this convo not maddie. It means so much more here & I agree.
What is senior year? Is that gr12? I'm not USian
"It doesn't make any sense that your hair is brown" (he looks like he was blond as a kid tho imo)
You're right, there was no talking about it.
DH singing poorly is SO funny to me
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fighting-these-demons · 4 months
Bucch*g*ri liveblog ep1
Alright let's start Bucchigiri!
I'll Tag it .... " Magic Carpet Slide " for now. I may change it later.
Alright let's jump in!
I would LOVE to have gyoza for breakfast! 😢
My instincts are to call MC Yusuke-lite but from the 1 review I watched the only thing that stuck in my mind is that he's not much like Yusuke despite looking so similar. So I'll just call him MC until I have his name.
Oooooooooo haunted shrine! Better run boys! Also are they skipping class after drinking all night? And sleeping in the shrine? I wonder if these two will be important? They're certainly silly! 😂
I like the OP! I like how Kazuma-lite's trio have matching hair and eye colors! Depending on how things go I may root for them as an ot3. 💖
Blonde is certainly giving off sweet sunshine with a dark side vibes and Blue is giving irritated and short fuse tsun! Very Kurahi-esque!
Idk how I feel about the main female character's design. It's a bit much for me but I may love her idk. She's certainly precious.
If character design is anything to go by then I'll be rooting for Dark Blue Buzzcut. He's got The Vibes
The teacher/Principal/Business man has a Cat Ear Butler Friend?????????
Ok that's what I'm Invested In! 💖💖💖💖 I hope Neko-mimi Butler Guy is an adult chasing after Business/Teacher/Principal guy!
It could be funny if he's like a younger sibling trying to ruin his career via family shame though. 😂
Big Blue Man with intense beard is looking like my biggest crush actually but poor MC is terrified of him.
Oof MC needs an adult! 😨😱
Oh dang he looks completely different when his hair isn't curled and gelled. I like his curled and gelled hair better though I think.
I didn't see the two from earlier in the OP so I guess they're not in the show much.
Are they really having some Brick House 3rd year fight Kazuma-lite who is apparently a 1st year???
Kazuma-Lite is on the Minato Kai team.
This school looks like its crumbling apart? There's holes in the roof and windows? (Also there's a dome and spire roof?) Why are they allowing classes in a building that can't withstand weather?
There's a big ttity redhead in a tank top (that's gotta be against dress code) and wearing the boys uniform (based), a big guy with a purple perm, and a guy wearing a keffiyah AND a cross around his neck? Confusing.
I'm just guessing that no one in this series gives a single damn about dress code.
Kazuma-Lite is named Matakara.
Lmao MC is NOT impressed by this fighting BS. Damn why does the school look so dilapidated? That's a ton of graffiti.
The business man must be a teacher or principal.
There's garbage and toys in the high school hallway???
Clearly this man isn't paid enough and he seems like a wreck. Love him. (Hope he doesn't turn out to be a creep)
Oh hey it's just like Wind Breaker! 😂👍
Those two guys in the center seem like they've been held back for 9 years!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Oh dude that one guy with the cool undercut and ponytail though! 💖💖💖
LMAO hes the prettiest boy in class good for him! 😂
I saw 2 girls!
MC is Arajin
3 girls! (Yeah uniforms seem optional or the dress code just isn't enforced)
4 girls! There's the main female character.
Dang I can tell the other girls will be non-existant. 😭
Love that in his mind He would be taking Her name lmao. Wonder why?
Blondies skirt is cute!
Matakara's shirt has a built in tramp stamp in the shape of a heart God Bless! 🤣
Oof. The other team has SS initials and their logo looks like the Nazi SS lightningbolt. 😬😞 well. That's shitty.
That unintentionally turns this guy into a skinhead.
This must be in the south of Japan to grow palm trees like that.
Aw good for Arajin! He got a girl on the first day!
You're leaving it in a room full of guys that would absolutely sell it?????
Hiei-lite tripped him and wears orange shoes. Good choice fir his teal hair.
What is at the end of blondies pigtails? It can't be his hair because it can't be locced at the end like that and flowing at the top so it's sort of like pom poms?
I can't believe that worked! 😂
Run Arajin run!
Sjeisjsj ahahahahahahahahaha lost his glasses and ran into Matakara to boot. 😂
Oh wow what a look! Work boots with thay kilt/skirt/what have you is such A Look! Love it! 💖
They're bith shocked that he knows him! CHILDHOOD FRIENDS!!!!! AAAAAAAAA
Well. Its over. That's The Ship!
Aaaaaaaaa they were PRECIOUS!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
Wait a second. His hair is NATURALLY curly. So why was it straight like that during the OP?
Does he have a Secret Twin that perms his hair straight?
Poor Arajin is in Shock from the reversed height difference. 😂😂😂😂
Blondie us now curious and Teal Terror is looking upset and insecure. Matakara is SO EXCITED!!!! Aaaaaaw! 💖 He's been hoping to see him again for years!
He introduces him as his childhood friend aw! 💖💖
Ehsidnsjsjshsisb Blondie is shocked and bewildered and curious and passive aggressive and Teal Terror is full jealous/bitter! Love it! 💖 I may root for the ot3 anyway because I bet they're cute and have middle school history!
Aw! I can't tell if he's just insecure that Matakara is so much bigger and more masculine than him now or if they parted ways on bad terms. That definitely hurt and disappointed Matakara though! :(
Hmmm he moved away for a while and considers the town bad luck. Surely if he moved away and then moved back other people should recognize him too right?
He didn't look too much when he got to the gate. It also didn't take long to get to the gate. What happened to her? I hope she's ok.
Oh no! He didn't go back for his bass/cello?????? Damn that thing is long gone. His mom is so cute! I love her!
Lmao that looks like the kind of drama I'd watch too if it existed! 😂 what corruption leads to this nun breaking her vow of celibacy? Find out next week!
I hope that wasn't him calling his mom an old hag. 😕
This nazi hideout looks so dumb. They stole playground teeter totter spring rides and put them on the roof with Buggy The Clown and a stolen McDonald's playplace slide.
Lmao it actually has either Hazi or Nazi on it are you kidding????
Counter faith man stands out front to confuse people entering
They stole a jungle gym and broke the floor with it and the word gym is spray painted on the wall.
What an interesting voice for this guy. I'd have chosen differently but. Well. He is the head of the nazi group so like. I'm not invested.
Oh he got confused and put the Butterfly on his Left Shoulder instead of his Right. Kagamine Instructions Unclear.
Oh man Skinhead was about to be saved by the power of love and a crush on Matakara before he took that boot to the face. Hopefully he'll get another chance!
I love this fictional sacrilegious drama! They ought to make it it's own anime!
Damn that must have been hard on both of them.
Theory that will likely be debunked:
Arajin has this guilt about not standing up for his friend and likely stopped talking to him because avoiding him was the only way to avoid his own cowardice. Meanwhile I bet Matakara feels like he lost his best friend because he was too weak that day and trained for years to be string enough to protect himself so that Arajin doesn't leave him behind out of embarrassment again. Since he's convinced that Arajin is awesome.
The background shots are getting funnier because today 7 background guys decided to get the same haircut.
Absolutely no one is paying attention to this poor frail man! 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔 Poor Teach!
Oh no! She's missing! What happened to her yesterday????
Teal Terror is BIG MAD that Matakara thinks so highly of this new guy and that the new guy blew Matakara off.
Oh thank goodness she was just skipping class.
She's gonna absolutely shake him down for cash. Go girl go!!!! Take him for all he's worth! (That or because she lives here and she's used to the guys here she must think he's gay and a twink on sight alone lmao)
Mahoro is her name!
lmao Matakara what timing! Teal Terror is so jealous lol.
Aw Blondie wants to do the right thing and Teal Terror said "Nah, Fuck 'im!"
They really made him go to an arcade? How do they even still have an arcade?
He's so fucking fake! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh No it's Creep from the OP's underlings. 😨
TEAL TERROR LIVES UP TO HIS TITLE DAMN!!! Just left him out to dry like that on purpose because he's so bitter! 😂
Aw dang the teacher isn't dating the greeter. 😭 Jasmine must be cute.
Oh hey what are the chances that that's where Matakara has been sleeping?
A flintlock? Oh damn a kid with a gun. OH SHIT
I wonder how they saw it? They wouldn't have been scandalized by him ending up on the ground so I wonder if it looked like he really shot himself?
The dumbest horniest teenage wish possible.
Is this gonna be a western interpretation "Be Careful What You Wish For" sort of thing where his wish is twisted into something he didn't expect? Or will his mind be read and will he end up with the girl?
Don't they have extremely strict public decency laws? How has he not been caught by a cop yet?
Why is Blondie fully naked in front of a window???????
Damn Teal Terror came by specifically to talk shit and try to take Arajin down a few pegs. 😂 Damn dude is down bad!
He didn't know just how much Matakara apparently idolizes Arajin.
All that effort and fun wasted. o7 Better luck next time my guy.
While Arajin's looking up info on if he's going crazy he doesn't question why this genie looks so similar to Matakara physique-wise? Not even for a second?
Oh his hobby is stamps. Neat.
Oh man he didn't think to practice ignoring him and not responding before the date??? 😂 maybe he thought he'd be gone before then.
Why did they choose ice cream when statistically that would be a terrible idea? Shouldn't he know by 16 that he doesn't tolerate dairy?
Damn girl just leave. This amount of secondhand embarrassment isn't worth it.
Shsusjsjsusjsh she says the meanest shit in the sweetest voice. Love it.
Also I like that they have her in accurate Lolita worn in an Otome style with a more casual petticoat and less accessories. Although I think her look could have used wrist cuffs.
Dude on the first date?????????? He's insane.
Wow they're really leaning into that SS lightning bolt huh?
Oh are he and her working together or enemies that try to fleece the same targets? That was some look.
Why are they after Arajin? What could he possibly have done? He's some frail transfer student
Well. That's certainly a reason to fight him. It also makes me look at her shenanigans less favorably for sure.
Oh damn Teal Terror really fucked up his chances with Matakara! Matakara is massively pissed and disappointed. He's off to save the day!
Go Matakara go!!!!! 💖💖💖👍
He Jingles and he Jangles as he kicks the shit out of people. All those chains. -20 to stealth
AW HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
Look. I stand for people's right to ship whatever they want for fictional ships.
That being said Incest will make me sick every single time. 🤮
Man I wanted to like her too! This sucks!
35th victim? What is wrong with the both of them????
Also he's clearly some kinda queer because before he knew Arajin was on a date with his little sister he was Making Tongue at him like......😐
Aw dude dont say it. 😣
He's gotta scream it every time in order to fight doesn't he? Aw man. I gotta get used to this quick. 😩
Man I LOVE the way they animated Head Honcho Nazi flying off though that was sick.
The ED.....
The cast likes her???? When she wants to fuck her brother???? They're into that?????
There were 3 whole other girls? Are the rest of them all lesbians exclusively?
What is going on????? What'd she do? Drink Love Potion #9????
The ED would be really cute without context. With context I kinda hate it right now.
I do like how its animated though. And the song is cute.
This is gonna be one of those 3 episodes to give it a shot type deals.
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kariachi · 2 years
I have a commission! Which means research which means notes which in this case means liveblogs!
Got one Batman:TAS episode to go through and a few Static Shock ones, so we’re starting with Batman because that’s the property I have the least experience with and will need to percolate in my little brain longer.
How the fuck do the cops in Gotham have a goddamn dirigible for this opener? Are helicopters too loud for the Gotham aesthetic, what the hell?
Actually, actual show time. We’re doing ‘Moon of the Wolf’.
Zoo security guard wandering around with what I have to assume is the most unassuming guard dog on the face of the earth (seriously, is that a fucking labrador?), dog starts growling, man’s immediate response is ‘what is wrong with this dog’ like dude this is your job
I’m thinking if your guard dog is looking to lunge at a jogger going by you need to invest in a new guard dog. I mean we know better as the audience, there’s trouble afoot and the jogger is just wrong place and time, but these fuckers don’t and that should be a red flag.
Welp, that is certainly a werewolf. Very typical ‘big, furry, mannish wolf’ design. The glowy green eyes are a nice touch, and the long pointed ears. I specifically need to note these things because there’s going to be contrast between types of werewolf in this piece and yeah, this is pretty far from my werewolf design from my last SS piece which was more of a ‘wolf stretched over a human framework’ sorta deal. Think I’ll be able to get some good interplay.
No tail, can’t remember if I gave Richie a tail but that’s for the reread I’ll be doing as part of my non-episode research so, just good to note.
Got a bit of a bat-ish look from the angle I’m paused at, with all the teeth seemingly at the front of the mouth and the big ears, the hunched posture. Let’s see if they go anywhere with this...
That dog was here to fight a werewolf right up until he got launched like 30 ft due south. Like ‘yeah fuck the human I’m out‘
I can’t be sure but it looks like this fucker has a sort’ve vaguely ape gait, with the long forelimbs being used in locomotion but it a distinctly ‘I’m not technically a quadruped’ manner...
“No! Stay back! Keep away from me!” Sir what were you expecting that to accomplish? It’s a fucking werewolf.
Batman shows up to fight the werewolf and the look on this thing’s face before he gets kicked in it, like “I’m not here to fight, I just wanna eat a security guard, why can’t I just live my life?”
Also will somebody get this fucker a napkin, drooling all over the place
Yeah, that’s definitely a gorilla-inspired gait, the bat sorta look, still very world with the full werewolf mane, is a nice design
This fucker really just chucked an unconscious man into a river to get him out from underfoot. And Batman immediately dives in to save the guy from drowning, because he does have at least one moral.
Werewolf watches this happen and just leaves. “Well if you’re just gonna fuck off then so will I, so there“
Okay I like this bit right here, Batman having to read a guy’s nametag and being audibly unsure about the whole thing as he addresses him. That’s just fun to see from Mr Always On Top Of Things
“You’re a very lucky fella” Bruce his dog abandoned him, he was attacked by a werewolf, he almost drowned
Bruce, we do not interrupt people, which yes I know a cop is not a people but you seem to think they are so the point still stands. Let Gordon make his call then address him, it’s not like you’re that worried about the werewolf getting somebody else tonight or you’d be tracking it down right now.
“-a mugger in a werewolf mask” Oh Bruce you are in for a week. Also you don’t know it was a mugging. Looking at it even from your limited perspective I’d assume it was a much more serious act you were interrupting. Most muggers don’t knock fuckers unconscious and then pick them up, pick their pockets yeah but that’s like, kidnapping or murder territory. Especially given he then threw the fucker in the river, that does not sound like ‘he’s just a mugger’ to me.
Somebody stole a pair of timber wolves from the zoo. A breeding pair from the looks of it. Looks like either a pair of northern Rocky Mountain wolves or just the largest timber wolves ever born. Honestly just the largest timber wolves ever born either way given the male’s supposedly 175 lbs and the Rocky Mountain ones get up to 150. Female’s 148 and described as ‘medium’ sized. Ya know what, I’m just gonna say these are Dakota timber wolves, because I already write Dakota as being fucking weird.
(Actually have some Dakota-centric ideas in the head which is not good for a week with a commission but who knows, maybe shit’ll get worked in or maybe I’ll just write the Dakota shit later)
Wait no they straight up call then Alaskan timber wolves which makes even less sense because that subspecies only reaches about 100 lbs. So yeah, for the purposes of Achi Writings these are Dakota timber wolves. They’re listed as Alaskan because somebody was defrauding the zoo.
Batman notices he’s covered in fur, waves off his consideration noises with a “just had a disturbing thought, that’s all“. Guys I think Batman thinks somebody made a werewolf suit out the stolen wolves. I mean I doubt he thinks it’s an actual werewolf, though I’m open to being proven wrong.
*gasp* He does think it’s an actual werewolf! I don’t know why he jumped to that conclusion besides “you know what, it’s Gotham, this may as well happen”, but that applies to the ‘somebody stole a pair of wolves, skinned them, turned them into a werewolf costume, and it wearing it while they attack zoo staff’ concept so...
Watch, it turns out I’m right, those are Dakota wolves, Batman’s heard rumors about it and is just like “you know what, I wouldn’t be surprised-”
Batman really dropped the ‘what if he wasn’t wearing a mask’ bombshell and just immediately jumps out the window before Gordon can ask him if he’s finally completely lost his mind.
Ya know I was gonna be concerned for this presumably night watchman but now that I’ve seen his haircut, yeah just eat him
This werewolf is really tearing down a small building to get at this guy. Like I don’t blame you, his hair’s atrocious, but still.
Ah, okay, the man is I presume working with the werewolf. Why you would work with someone with hair like that I don’t know, maybe being a werewolf fucks with your sense of taste.
The transformation is quick but painful, it appears. Also has a timelimit for how long the fucker is wolf, it looks like. Yeah, I don’t think that’ll quite apply for the majority of fic purposes but for early stuff it’s important to know.
Mr Bad Hair, why the fuck did you have a werewolf committing a hit on a security guard? It’s Gotham, you couldn’t have just given some fucking street urchin a quarter to put a bullet in him?
Also it was a fucking murder attempt I was right, though not for the reasons I thought. Up yours, Bat, I’ve outdone ya
I would like to congratulate amateur photographer Bruce Timm for getting a rare photo of Batman in action, getting it in the paper, and being properly credited.
Sir, what is your damage?
‘Anthony Romulus’, gee, I wonder who the werewolf is.
(I do have thoughts in my head of some potential joking around between Virgil and Richie about how on-the-nose the names in places like Gotham are. No promises it’ll get into the work but the idea of Virgil joking about Batman’s real name being Vlad is just too good.)
Werewolf pledging millions to charity in exchange for a Batman encounter. Was already pledging a million just because (*cough*taxbreaks*cough*). Which honestly is better than most rich fucks, but still doesn’t earn him points until I find out how much he’s worth. The richer you are the bigger chunk I expect from you if you’re going to earn any sort’ve points for this shit. Also the charity isn’t given or even described it’s just ‘a local charity’ like dude come on.
Oh my god. I think I’m seeing why this guy is working with Mr Bad Hair. Fucker looks like Ruber from Quest for Camelot! Seriously! His great-something grandson running around getting turned into a werewolf, which honestly seems like something Ruber would approve of.
Man straight up admits he is donating money for tax purposes. Though he’s also talking to Bruce “yeah I’ve got more money than god but I donate it to charities tied to my family” Wayne so... Let’s see if we get any commentary. Come on Bruce.
Ah so he has decided on a charity, the Gotham United Fund. I was concerned maybe he intended to have them fight to the death for the 2.5 million.
Bruce doesn’t look best impressed but also isn’t saying anything. Come on Bruce, use your words. And who’s this chick they’re working out with, do you have a name, miss? You seem nice as one can expect from what I assume is another rich fuck, I don’t wanna have to call you by a silly alias if there’s another option.
No name for Miss Lady so I’ll just be calling her that until I get one.
Bruce is watching a documentary on Alaskan timber wolves. That won’t help, Bruce, they’re clearly from Dakota.
Meanwhile Alfred’s back there fixing up the Batmobile.
Bruce just shuts off the documentary partway through. There could be valuable information in there.
“The hairs check out as genuine wolf hair, but it could just mean shaggy was wearing an extremely fancy mask“ Sir, sir how fancy do you think werewolf masks get? Or are you coming to the ‘he might have skinned the stolen wolves’ theory because it is still very much there for you and very Gotham.
A dozen directions, what directions Bruce? We’ve seen one. Give us at least another.
Bruce being rude to his not-dad. Alfred raised you better than to not say thank you damnit.
Does Ruber II really have a little mini parthenon as a wing of his house? Seriously? Dude tone it the fuck down.
Swear to god it’s like if Ruber’s line bred with the Morningstars...
This man really locking Batman in his house and hitting panic buttons like, sir you know if Batman vanishes people are gonna look at you. And heavens forbid they find wolf hair because the police already have shit going.
‘I’m a busy bat, places to be, crimes to foil, you know how it is’
Batman sitting here fucking sweating, like sir, sir have you noticed you’re locked in? I hope so because otherwise you’re sweating over somebody writing out a check to charity.
Hold up I gotta check something- This motherfucker writing out a check for 2.4 million when he said 2.5, I know he’s probably not intending for it to leave the room but still. Principal of the matter.
Ah, the button did not just double lock everything it also fucked up the air or something. Werewolves are immune to gassing apparently. Wonder if it’s a specific gas or if they like, can’t be put under anesthetic and shit
Okay the werewolf I can get being immune to whatever gas is being used but wtf is up with you Bad Hair?
Milo. Bad Hair’s name is Milo. Honestly I’m tempted to use it because that’s somehow worse, but I don’t respect him enough for that.
Oh, having some regrets Ruber II? Gassing the hero of Gotham after trying to murder some random schmuck?  Luring him in with a promise of millions to charity? No, wait, can’t be that you were talking about tax havens earlier.
Didn’t even bother with the mask, just took off the belt and chained him down as werewolf chow
Serious, what is Bad Hair’s deal? What is his motivation here?
Did you feel this torn up over killing Hamner, Ruber II? Or is ‘supercide’ where you draw the line?
Bad Hair holding a cure to werewolfism over Ruber II’s head. Like, dude you have enough money you know you can just lock yourself away during the full moon or whatever? If you can promise 2.5 mil to charity and are hanging out with Bruce Wayne odds are you can afford to set up a nice little space to spend your wolfy-time in. Talk to Bruce, he’s supposedly a nice guy, would help you find a cure that you don’t have to murder people for.
Remember kiddos, communication is key.
Flashback time
Man really said ‘I want to win so bad I’m gonna go to a mad scientist with the worst hair imaginable and take experimental drugs from him’.
Timber wolf steroids and estrogen. I’ve heard people call werewolves gender goals but this is taking it a bit far.
Ruber II deserves this shit, worse than his grandpa. At least that fucker tested shit on a chicken.
Bad Hair really was plotting werewolf-brand extortion from the start. Why, still no fucking clue
Got turned into a werewolf and still was only marginally better than the competition.
Ah, rich fuck bullshit. As in fucks becoming rich, apparently.
Man threw Bad Hair down a flight of stairs- objectively the right move- for the audacity of expecting payment- I know this is probably supposed to be ‘the werewolfness changed him’ but he’s a rich fuck so come on
Yeah, no way this man earned fame and fortune and won and Olympic class event all in under a month. Man was already rich and just got richer I promise you this.
Please tell me this man did not hear Bad Hair go “I can’t reverse the process but I can complete it“ and decided he would rather be all wolfy rather than like 15% wolfy.
Ruber II please tell me you are not surprised to find out the weird wolf shit turned you into a werewolf while you are standing there covered in fur and with sharp teeth and claws and pointy ears.
Man claims advanced werewolfism can be cured and this fuck just rolls with it again. Takes longer to decide but still just fucking rolls with it. Like, sir please. At least take a week to think on it, you may find out you like this shit.
End flashback
At least make him prove it is an antidote rather than just like, some super lycanthropy potion.
Oh look, it’s Hamner again. Hey dude. We gonna find out why people want you dead?
Okay is this another flashback or did somebody return the wolves? Also those are definitely not normal wolves.
Oh look, a cop. Hi cop. Do me a favor and look after this guy, I like him out of spite.
Why am I not surprised to find a Gotham City cop is going immediately to police brutality and threats of murder in the dead of night against a suspect. Why did I even dare to hope for a brief instant that maybe this show was trying to not pull that shit so much.
I know Officer Ass isn’t gonna get eaten or his head caved in but damnit I can dream. In fact I can make it happen. I am writer hear me roar. Officer Harvey Bullock, I’ve got your number
So Hamner took a couple grand in exchange for letting the wolves get stolen and then apparently returned and presumably was being killed as a witness.
You really gonna get pissed when the guy says for all he know the dude who paid him coulda been you? When you were just threatening to feed him to wolves for the crime of letting the wolves be briefly stolen? Yeah Officer Ass gets to die. Probably not on screen ‘cause I got thoughts in my head, but he’s getting eaten by a werewolf.
Come on, eat Bad hair
‘I’m going to taunt this werewolf and then stand there with the antidote in my head talking shit as he transforms- No wait, why are you attacking me?’
Bad Hair just because a shed dropped on him doesn’t mean you don’t wanna run
Bruce got himself free because of course, just before being attacked. Bad Hair, meanwhile, is pretending to be dead.
Cops in this city just assholes who can’t follow direction
Struck by lightning and fallen into the fucking river, what a way to get taken out.
Okay, so Bad Hair is alive and being taken to hospital, what about our fluff Ruber II?
“No trace of wolfie, we checked the shoreline for miles. But it four weeks there’s another full moon, then we’ll know for sure.” I’m- I’m sorry are they not even going to look for a body? Because it really sounds like the position here is ‘either this guy is alive and will attack in another month at which point we’ll handle it, or he’s dead in the river in which case fuck him our job is done’. Like, who sees somebody get struck by lightning, fall into a river and then just checks the shoreline for them? Even a monster, you’d at least want to trawl up the corpse!
It’s nice to have confirmation he’s not dead there at the end, but still. Nothing about Bruce’s reaction, I mean they knew each other? And we’re just gonna leave the PD being, that?
Officer Ass has to go. Other than that, I think I can play around with some shit here.
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eerna · 3 years
SS Link is really going around the world telling everyone he meets that he is doing all those heroic feats to find Zelda. Forget saving the world. He is just talking about how he needs those legendary sacred items to see her again. Oh god
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flamebearrel · 2 years
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[ID: A screenshot from Fire Emblem: Three Houses on its free day activity selection menu. The current date is 8/30, the last free day of Verdant Rain Moon. End ID]
So I’m right here before the end of the game, and here’s my genius plan: I saved multiple duplicate files just before finishing my explore, so I can S-support multiple of my faves and all I have to replay is the final battle!
We’ll see how many replays I have the energy for, but the intended order is
Ignatz (planned Verdant Wind S-support from day 1)
Cyril (ultimate fave <3)
Dorothea (she is both the best girl in the whole game AND my current only bi option besides Sothis so frankly why wouldn't I)
This may have some effects the paired endings too - I’ll post all the ones I get for each file
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voidless-screaming · 3 years
everyone talking in (minecraft) chat trying to get dream to paypal them money to vote buildmart 😭
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kyogre-blue · 11 months
SS continues. It's kind of bad!
Done with the bridge, Gronder is skipped, and done with Merceus also, so all that's left is two maps of Edelgard, Shambhala and I guess evil Rhea or whatever.
I have to say that I did not initially appreciate just HOW MUCH of the post-skip is copy-pasted. I also checked the chapter list for AM, and it's pretty much entirely the same. We take the same freaking bridge in Alliance territory for some god-forsaken reason, apparently? Even though an Arianrhod map exists? That's going to be interesting in like six months when I get to it.
But while Claude making us do VW by proxy was kind of funny in a stupid way, Gronder is a disaster. I am in genuine awe of how poorly handled that was.
So Gronder takes place off screen. We don't go there AND, get this, the entire month when it would take place is just erased from the calendar. There's no April! They did not even pretend to be putting in some effort here. They just excised the entire month along with the map.
And just thinking about Gronder gives me a headache. What was Claude even doing there? Leicester is specifically a hot mess, and I can't see us killing Lorenz at the bridge improving the situation much. And yet Claude goes off to Gronder and uuuh "disappears." At this point, I'm going to assume that he sent Judith's troops and dumped all that on us because he had already decided to peace out and he went to Gronder purely for the purposes of faking his death. That makes about as much sense as anything else.
Dimitri ghost is also funny. My dude, I still don't know anything about you... please go haunt someone who cares.
Anyway, liveblogging notes:
Catherine says that Alliance nobles are weird but in a good way. You won't find "such big-hearted nobles" elsewhere. This is in reference to Judith (and Claude by extension) helping us.
Shamir considers Judith's spy network to be impressive, given that she had people able to spot Rhea being taken away by the Imperial Army in the chaos of the invasion five years ago.
It's mentioned that aside from Count Gloucester being supposedly devout (doubt), the commoners also support the Knights of Seiros. (Update: this is very funny given that he sends his son to die on our swords for uuuh no particular reason.)
Lord Gwendal's daughter fell in love with Sylvain once lol (Update: Ingrid's version of this is that, at fifteen, Sylvain sought "relentlessly" to involve himself with her.)
The two territories on either side of the Great Bridge of Myrddin are Acheron to the north (the one in Lorenz's paralogue) and Bergliez to the south. That's Caspar's dad, and he's been getting on swimmingly in Edelgard's new regime.
The dark merchant looks like one of the Agarthan mages lol, but the quest to get them to appear gives you a Morfis battalion, so I suppose that's where they're actually from?
Seteth says alcohol has little effect on him.
It's specified that Rhea had disabled the Phantoms and Altered Golems in the Holy Tomb in order to allow the ceremony (of throne-sitting) to take place. It seems that she also didn't create those defenses but rather they came pre-built with the Tomb...? Or maybe Seteth means Seiros (not "Rhea") created them back in the day, who can even tell.
Alois is pretty nice to use. Shamir is consistently useful. Seteth is fine. Hanneman is annoying as hell and had gotten killed way too many times. And Manuela not having physic is a bad joke.
The great bridge is a bit of hilarious mess. We get ambushed by warp reinforcements from Acheron, then Lorenz and his goons show up too. Bye, Lorenz. It's your own fault for dying.
Seteth comments on how some imperial troops were willing to lay down their lives to hold the bridge (Edelgard's crazy fangirl Ladislava), but eh.
Suddenly, Gilbert. He's still alive? He says he's serving Dimitri, who was hiding in Fraldarius territory. We didn't find this out until Gronder in VW. This time, the Kingdom rebels reach out in order to ally with the Church. I wanted to ally, but Seteth wouldn't let me. :(((( Seteth, let me live!!! Enough already! Anyway, instead, we just let them use our new bridge. Which all has some funny implications, since apparently Claude is too shady to ally with but also how did Dimitri's super mysterious force get to Gronder in VW?
Anyway, I guess that's why we don't go to Gronder. But I'm uuuuh confused about why Claude was even there, per the off-screen recap? He didn't ask to use our bridge, so how did he even get to Gronder? And WHY? The Alliance was still massively divided last we checked with them. Sure, we killed Lorenz, but I can't see that making things any less chaotic. Judith gave her forces to us, and even between the church and the alliance, it was always emphasized in VW how outnumbered we were. Why would Claude even go to Gronder? How did he get there......... And now he's uh missing (sus man).
Seriously, did he send us those troops because he decided he wanted to dump the war on us and secretly peace out? Or??
Anyway, Dimitri fucked up Edelgard but also got killed. Bye, we hardly knew ya. We still have a vision of his... ghost?? OK, sure.
Take your pick which is funnier, this or Hilda just kinda seeing him die off screen somewhere, after we beat his ass.
Location card for the ghost scene is "outer city" iirc.
April is just GONE. It doesn't exist! Like, we just don't even get a calendar for it?? What the actual fuck?!
Felix switches between thinking Dimitri was dead all along and thinking he was "alive all this time." Whatever.
Alois says we disguised ourselves as enemy soldiers to sneak in..... Where?? When did this happen? We didn't sneak onto the bridge, and if this is about the strategy for Merceus, we haven't discussed it yet.
Yeah, this is apparently a plan that we just haven't been shown yet, because Shamir says we gave the order to dress all our troops in Imperial armor. News to me!
Update: We can even ask "Disguises?" when we're already on the Merceus approach. Is Seteth claiming his strategy was an order from Byleth while handling everything behind the scenes? And then gaslights by saying it was your idea (that you forgot about)?
For a knight, we pick up Lavandula grass, an herb with tiny purple flowers. Its calming scent relieves stress. You make tea out of it.
Ashe mentions that Dedue is missing, and his death is not actually confirmed. But from what I've been told, his appearance in Enbarr was also cut from SS.
I just realized there's a huge globe in the library. I wonder if anyone's been able to get a good look at what's drawn on it. Seteth sure plays up how he totally does not recognize those ballistic missiles.
Come to think of it, how did Jeritza know that the missiles were coming?
Seteth spells out a plan we sure did not have before. I can't believe they have him both railroading you earlier and also playing up how you're totally such a cool and smart strategist...
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Hi Scoups, How are you doing? Everything alright?
Hey y’all
I’ve mostly been tripping through the whole mood spectrum
Last weekend I absolutely blacked out. I only remember like, getting breakfast on Saturday, searching for something online later that night(don’t remember what), and then talking with Nacho on Sunday night.
I don’t remember anything else. Not a single thing :x.
I’m not in a low, I’m more in the higher end (like 7-9/10) of the mood spectrum.
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(For reference, tho my previous posts have the pic as well LOL)
Which is probably why I blacked out last weekend. I remember hitting an 8/10, feeling really really good, and then nothing else, really.
For a visual representation of what it feels like / looks like:
(Yes I’m putting another DPR Ian mv, that dude has my utmost respect. And again — he gets it.)
Basically — (cause I’m sure this looks wild, LOL), I’ve just been kind of out of my mind. — Not really myself. (Imagine me if I drank 32 shots of espresso at once.)
Like I had so much energy at work (my skin/insides felt like lightning ⚡️) that my hands were shaking uncontrollably and I was fkin ZOOMIN through my work.
(My boss didn’t say anything, so I’m assuming I didn’t make any mistakes 👻)
Mmm— That and the intrusive thoughts (who I’ve named Kyle <33. Absolute prick.) have just been constant chatter in my mind.
To the point that I think “Stop.” maybe 100 times or more — just constantly throughout the day. Sometimes I have to imagine myself fist fighting the intrusive thoughts (Kyle <33).
Which sounds wild but it’s just Ikki and Vice fighting in Revice episode 2.
—DPR Ian’s Seraph/ 1 shot / Mood Short Movie shows what intrusive / racing thoughts are like pretty well starting at time stamp: 3:10
Linked it in my posts awhile back.
That’s what is happening but like, throughout the entire day.
Definitely been in some manic highs since last friday, I’m okay (lol), I know enough about myself to stay at home / lock the doors and what not when I’m like this.
(And y’all know I’m REALLY tripping when I start writing haikus 🔥😱😔💀💀💀🔥🔫)
I also blame Nacho because they wanted to do a poetry slam (just on the spot) and the prompt was haikus 🧍🙈💀
Uh — I might liveblog this weekend.
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multishipper-baby · 4 years
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Listen I get calling out Dragon Ball for its stupid bullshit but at least get the insult right. You need six saiyans with pure heart to become a Super Saiyan God. To become Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, you just need to become a Super Saiyan while being Super Saiyan God. It's not that hard.
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