#then meet the rose in stockholm???????? oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!
roseband · 10 months
me (drunk on vacation): i want to see the rose again
also me: has livestream ticket for saturday, is meeting the rose on march 10th
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
Hi, i really like your drabbles!
Will you please write something where Harry and Draco are flatmates and friends and one day they were hanging out watching a movie and laughing and having fun and out of the blue Harry says Can i kiss you and then they kiss and Harry gets emotional because he is overwhelmed and draco falls for him more. ❤
Thank you 😊
40. Just keep swimming
I will be combining this request with next of my prompt - Patting others back. Hope you like this and thank you so much | after a bad day at work, as a friend, Harry tries to cheer Draco up by a movie night | fluff | domestic |
Fan art taken down because of confidentiality.
Credits - @upthehillart
" Draco is that you ?" Harry called out as he turned off the stove, walking out to see who walked into the flat.
" yeah " he sighs.
" ooh, that sounds terrible. Bad day at work huh ?" Harry asked as he took off the apron and threw it in the kitchen
" the most terrible day ever. It was all a mess, this new potioneer just fucked up each and every single of the potion claiming he was disturbed because of some family problem and I couldn't even yell at him because of that, then midway the potion making for st. Mungo's, my assistant fainted, basically spilling all of the potion we had been brewing for a week and above all my boss yelled at me for something I didn't even do and i- just can't . I'm done with the day " Draco looked he could almost cry.
" oh dear. That's bad " Harry sympathetically said as he walked upto Draco and gave him a friendly hug.
" i know the perfect remedy to fix your day " Harry suggested
" please, anything " Draco sighed taking off his coat and hanging it next to the door.
" go take a shower then, you stink of something really awful, like rotten pumpkin juice-"
" must be one of the potions " Draco rolled his eyes
" okay nevermind. Go. Take a shower. Food is done and I'll take care of the rest, yeah ?" Harry asked as he walked behind Draco and pushed him forward to walk to the bathroom.
" you're a great friend Harry " Draco sighed.
" I know I am. Now go " Harry patted Draco's back almost reaching the bathroom.
" whenever you're done " and with that Harry walked back into the kitchen, sighing to himself. This was again a lost chance.
" great friend " Harry scoffed to himself, disappointed. Shaking his head, he set his priorities to fixing his flatmate / best friend's mood right.
Done everything perfectly right, Harry chose the movie to watch, set the lightings to low, pizza on table, red wine for the mood and fluffy Blankets and of course pillows.
And woof.
" how could I forget you, snuffles " Harry scratched the dogs neck playfully " you're the perfect mood twister, now aren't you, aren't you "
" he definitely is " Draco walked in still looking tired..
" Jesus, even Voldemort would look better than you right now, not to mention without a nose "
" ha ha ha, very funny potter " Draco rolled his eyes and plopped onto the couch. Snuffles joining him on the sofa.
" I can't believe this dog. I gave him a name, I was the one who bought him, I take him to the vets, for walks, and even buy his favourite food and yet he loves you more than me " Harry whined as he plopped next to Draco watching him kiss the top of dogs head.
" well harry I am sort of irresistible" Draco smirked
" sod off malfoy " Harry rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the amusing joke.
" so what are we watching ?" He finally asked as snuffles got more comfortable into his lap.
" finding Nemo" Harry replied
" perfect " Draco relaxed further into the couch and harry turned on the movie.
" you don't wanna talk about it though ?" Harry asked
" This is much better. I'd rather not boil my blood by reciting again how shit my day was. Thanks for this by the way, you always know what to do " Draco gave Harry a smile , crossing his legs over the sofa, sitting more comfortably.
Passing the pizza, the wine, not to forget the spaghetti Harry made, Draco was full and was more comfortably invested into the movie, while harry was more invested in peaking glances at Draco watching the movie.
" can I lay on your lap ?" Draco suddenly asked.
With his heart beating a little louder and suddenly very much awareness of tongue in his mouth and the socks in his feets, he whispered a " yes "
And Draco got comfortable in Harry's lap, snuffles falling asleep through the movie over Draco's torso.
" i love this turtles dude part, They're much more cooler than anyone we know and the way they just say dude, gosh, coolest thing ever "
" aren't they ?" Harry chuckled as he lightly untangled Draco's soft hair with his calloused fingers
"okay tell me, if I had to one character from this movie who would I be ?" Draco asked suddenly looking up at from his lap.
" hm, that's a tricky one " Harry pouted thinking about the answer for a minute or two " i think you're the Nigel, the pelican "
" hey " Draco swatted Harry on his chest laughing " I don't have a big mouth "
" are you sure ? Have you seen yourself when you eat the brownies your mom sends " Harry laughed softly
Draco gasped " they're really good, okay. You don't underestimate them. You should try them by the way "
" well my dearest darling friend, I'd try if you'd leave me some, big mouth Nigel " Harry laughed but was immediately attacked by a pillow at his face.
" you're mean. I just had a terrible day " despite that fact, he couldn't resist laughing with Harry.
"oh sod off. You're not going to get my pity " Harry scoffed, still grinning at Draco, adjusting his spectacles.
" you're really an asshole " Draco rolled his eyes, glimpsing at the motioning movie.
" and yet you keep me around. You're the one who have Stockholm syndrome " Harry covered his face, and as anticipated he was smacked by a pillow in the face "ouch -"
" what, did I hit you too hard ?" Draco rose a few inches immediately
Harry's expression changed from being fake injured to snickering.
" I can't believe you -"
" always works " Harry laughed
" you- I can't believe you use that trick " Draco rolled off his eyes collapsing back into his lap
" and yet you fall for it everytime " Harry chuckled
" you know what, one of these days you're actually going to be hurt and I won't give a damn about you" Draco fake sneered at him
" oh is that so ?" Harry cooed in a baby voice, softly pinching Draco's cheek
" Harry- don't- "
" aww, you're angry " Harry continued in the baby voice
" don't- I said stop. Stop with the voice, it's annoying " draco desperately tried to swat Harry's hands away from his face, but he couldn't possibly entirely deny that he didn't like it.
" aww, Little pelican is angry " Harry pouted
" hey- I'm not little- you idiot " Draco smacked Harry with a pillow again, repeatedly almost sitting up in that process and getting through Harry defenseless ways of trying to protect himself from it, and breaking into a fit of laughter.
" okay- okay stop " Harry cackled
" say I'm not a pellican -"
" but you're the one who asked "
" well you could've said I'm a Nemo or Marlin. He's cute"
" oh yeah, you probably are, little and desperately trying to prove yourself "
" okay- that - was -rude " Draco smacked him at every word until Harry grabbed hold of the pillow and threw it across the room, immediately tickling Draco.
"Merlins fuck- gah- stop- agh " and he took the fall to the ground gracefully, taking Harry down with him.
Harry looked at Draco only for a brief from top before they both started laughing to death. The movie only served as a mere background noise to their laughs and their bodies almost pressed against each other.
" you had to take me down with you " Harry calmed down only a little staring down at Draco
" I never take the fall alone Harry, you knew that about me when you first became friends with me " Draco grinned. Harry shook his head at the slight truth in the absurdity. He looked down at Draco, laying there defenseless with the sweetest grin over his face, his fringes casually very perfectly sprawled over his forehead, his eyes shining with the dim light and the happiness that had Found a way into him. It was impossible to look at draco underneath him and not feel lovestruck.
" you know what, you're definitely a dory " Draco chuckled
" oh I am now " Harry widened his eyes in fun surprise
" oh yes, completely imbecile "
" not to forget you've forgotten almost everyone of my boyfriend's name everytime we meet. You would call them anything but their na-"
" Can I kiss you ?" The words were out before he could've rolled his tounge to stop.
Draco looked at him in complete shock which didn't help Harry currently at all. His eyebrows shot up through his fringes in extreme shock of the sudden question. The bowl of chips next to his hands crashed onto the ground and suddenly the shark from finding Nemo seemed much smaller..
" you- you want-"
" never mind. It was just a stupid question. It was- a - just pure curiousity. It doesn't matter. We sho- should just finish the movie and lets just pretend I never asked -"
" yes-"
" this- wait what ?"
" I said yes, I'd like that " Draco's lips curled into a little smile.
Shocked but with a good surprise Harry returned the smile and with consent leaned down to kiss draco softly over the lips. They could hear the soft noises from the TV but harry was clearly more focused on Draco's hands going up his back and the softness of lips pressed against his, the tenderness in the kiss and the lopsided smile Draco had held. Draco was no stranger to that as well, he too was focused on Harry's hands going under his shirt, not in a furious way but a soft gesture to find more intimacy and for someone who looked they would kiss roughly, Harry worked his lips like it was a master plan he had always been working on if ever given the opportunity to enunciate. They were lost for seconds, minutes, hours maybe but it felt like forever to share that brisk intimate kiss. Neither of them had even realised they were out of breath until they had started heaving and only the other one noticed and stopped kissing at once.
Harry smiled down at Draco, until the sudden realisation hit him that they were still on the ground.
" wanna get back on the sofa or is floor too comfortable for you my majesty "
" you'll never change, will you ?" Draco shook his head as he took Harry's hand and got back up on the sofa and landing in his lap once again but this time his eyes were Only focused on Harry. Who strangely enough was looking blankly at the TV with-
" Harry, are you crying ?" Draco rose up a little bit
" uh, no. The movie-"
" we just kissed and you care about the movie-"
" no, it's not like that-"
" seems like it-"
" oh calm down you idiot. I just- I got a wee bit emotional" Harry sighed
" why ?"
" because I finally kissed you. Do you even realize how much courage it took to even ask you that. I'm overwhelmed that you Returned-"
" your feelings ? Harry, I cannot express you enough how much I like you. All the past relationships- I understand not a good point here but listen- they never worked because they're not you. I've always liked you Harry, well pretty much always "
" really ?"
" of course. I'd been pining on you for ages. It's good to know you finally feel the same "
" I- I've been pining for long too. I mean I may have never told you but-"
" you stalked me in 6th year all year long and desperately tried to cross paths with me every chance you got in 8th year. Yeah, I bet even snuffles knows about that "
" oh "
Draco smiled softly, cupping harry's face " hey, I like you and you're worth it. You were always worth the wait, even if you still want to wait. My feelings would probably never change for you Harry. It's pretty darn hard to run away from you " Draco shrugged
" well-"
" I like you harry, I do " Draco reassured again knowing Harry was feeling overwhelmed and insecure.
" I like you too Draco " Harry finally gave Draco a smile before leaning down to kiss him again, with a small smile curving at the corner of his lips.
And when they broke off, Harry and Draco once again became invested into the movie, the difference being, they both couldn't wait for more tomorrow's to come and Draco couldn't help but fall deeper for Harry.
But then maybe, Harry was his dory If Draco was a marlin or even if he was Nemo, Harry would make sure to go above and beyond just for him and that was enough to keep Draco swimming in his love for him.
Requests open
Day - 39- cuddle me in | Day 41- quidditch field victories
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nicegoodgolden-blog · 8 years
All the One Direction asks :) xx
Oh my gosh. Im about to bore everyone e to sleep. (Tagging you, @petalsharry, because you sent me in a few too!) Here we gooooo…
What Makes You Beautiful: Name three things you love about yourself.My kids(they’re part of me)…honestly, that’s it…
Gotta Be You: Talk about your crush!Crush…hmm…so besides hubs, I’m gonna go with my man Niall Horan this time. WHAT A BABE…amiright?!
One Thing: What’s one thing your dream girl/boy HAS to have?A good heart
More Than This: What’s the bravest thing you ever did?Given birth…lol, I really don’t know…
Up All Night: Talk about the craziest night of your life.Probably the night in 11th grade when I got so drunk and started throwing up so hard that I lost my shoe somehow & partied with one shoe on for the rest of the night.
I Wish: What’s your biggest dream?I’d love to be a singer
Tell Me A Lie: What was your most recent lie?I told my son that if he ate his dinner he’d get a surprise…I am not above bribery.
Taken: Talk about your last relationship.I’ve only had one relationship really…and I married him, God help him
I Want: Name three things you want in lifeGood music forever, for people to love one another, for my children to grow up happy
Everything About You: Who’s your biggest celebrity crush?Harry Styles, for this question lol
Same Mistakes: What’s your most common mistake?I stay up too late
Save You Tonight: Which three things would you save if there was a fire?Things? Computer bc it has so many important photos on it, my kids old baby blankets, clothes for my kids
Stole My Heart: Have you ever fallen for someone you shouldn’t have fallen for?Boy, have I…
Stand Up: What’s your favourite sport?Basketball
Moments: Talk about something good that recently happened to you.I got to go grocery shopping all by myself without the hubs or kids & it was so relaxing
Another World: Which fictional world would you want to live in if you could?I just wanna go to Hogwarts
Na Na Na: What’s one thing you can never say no to?Fried chicken
I Should Have Kissed You: Is there something you regret?Im about to sound so cliche…but no. I really do t regret a thing. Everything I’ve done had gotten me where I am, and I like where I am
Live While We’re Young: Talk about a childhood memory.My fav is probably spending so much time with my Nana when I was younger
Kiss You: Tell the story of your first kiss.I was 15/16, I finally convinced my older crush (who liked me too) to come to the party my friend & I had while her parents were out of town…we ended up sitting on the front porch talking about life until like 6am…I walked him out to his truck as he left & he leaned in and it just kind of happened. It was both terrible & wonderful at the same time
Little Things: Name five things you find attractive in others.Intelligence, a good heart, sense of humor, musical talent is always nice, good hair
C'Mon, C'Mon: What’s your dream destination for a good vacation?Ireland
Last First Kiss: Do you want to get married? If so, talk about your dream wedding.I am…my wedding was my dream wedding lol
Heart Attack: Are you jealous?Nah
Rock Me: List your ten favourite bands.Bands? One Direction, Jonas Brothers, Kings of Leon, Rolling Stones, Nirvana, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, The Eagles
Change My Mind: Are you good at making final decisions or do you easily change your mind?I really don’t know…I’m really indecisive at first, but once I actually make a decision, I’m stuck with it
I Would: Name three guilty pleasures of yours.I hide some of my kids candy that they get from their grandmas house & eat it myself, I hide honeybuns so that I’ll have a stash when my husband thinks he’s eaten them all, sometimes I act like I have a bad headache so that my husband will pick up dinner on his way home from work so I don’t have to cook…in conclusion, I’m a fatass
Over Again: Talk about your first love.First love…idk if it was love…maybe it was. He was my first kiss. A wonderful guy that “got away.” He actually live a few houses down from me with his gf, lol. Damn tiny towns.
Back For You: Talk about your best friend.I miss her.
They Don’t Know About Us: Share a secret!I hate my husbands mustache
Summer Love: Talk about a summer memory.I spent a week in a beach house with my bff when I was 16/17…a good fuckin week, man
She’s Not Afraid: What’s your favourite horror film?Probably The Strangers……..“because you were home”
Loved You First: Are you a possessive person?Not too bad
Nobody Compares: Who’s your idol?No idol…but I really admire Harry Styles, wonderful human being
Best Song Ever: List your ten favourite songs.Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley, Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones, all of MITAM (counts as the rest of the 10) lmao
Story Of My Life: List five things you can’t live without.Air, food, water, blood, food
Diana: What would you name your children?I’m not gonna give out my kids’ names…but if I ever have anymore, I love the names: Blythe Opal, Heslin James, Thea Rose, & Noah Silas
Midnight Memories: Talk about a dream you recently had.Last night I dreamt that Harry Styles was never a real person & he was a figment of our imaginations 🙃
You & I: Talk about your OTP.OTP within the fandom: Sophiam, I just loved them…I do love Chiam too, but Sophiam was just…wowOutside the fandom: Jack Dawson & Rose DeWitt Bukater…don’t make me elaborate because id be here typing for 8000 years
Don’t Forget Where You Belong: Where do you feel home?Anywhere that I get a certain vibe
Strong: What are your three best qualities?Um, motherhood is my best quality…my kids make me who I am. I don’t know about the other two, really…I mean, I can drink a 2liter of Dr. Pepper in one sitting & polish off a box of honeybuns in less than 24hrs…do those count?
Happily: Name three things that make you happy.My family, good music, people being nice
Right Now: Do you miss someone at the moment?Nah
Little Black Dress: How would you describe your style?Hobo-chic
Through The Dark: What helps you when you’re feeling down?My kids & music
Something Great: Where do you see yourself in ten years?Mommin’ it tf up
Little White Lies: Talk about your #1 sexual fantasy.Any sex that doesn’t involve trying to hurry before the kids bust through the door 💀
Better Than Words: Do you read fanfiction? If so, what’s your favourite fanfiction?Not a lot
Why Don’t We Go There?: Which big cities have you been to?Vegas, Houston, NOLA
Does He Know?: Would you be up for a threesome?No thanks
Alive: What’s one thing you’d never tell your “real life” friends?I really don’t know lol
Half A Heart: What’s your favourite lovestory? ( Book, film, etc. )Titanic
Steal My Girl: Did you ever steal anything?Once even I was 4 I stole Reese’s cups from the store & my mom made me go back in & apologize
Ready To Run: If you could have one super power, which would you choose?I’d fly
Where Do Broken Hearts Go?: Talk about the best concert you ever attented.Jonas Bros WYLMITE Tour. 4th row. Nick pointed & winked at me. I haven’t been the same since.
18: Do you wish you were younger or older?I’m good where I am
Girl Almighty: What makes you sexy?Lmao nuthin
Fool’s Gold: Do you fall for people quickly?I used to, yeah. I’m still quick to be infatuated though. I get attached to things/people easily
Night Changes: What’s one thing you don’t ever want to change?Good question…
No Control: Can you control your temper ?Most of the time
Fireproof: What scares you?Nothing, I’m fearless…kidding. Everything.
Spaces: Did you ever let someone go for good?Yes
Stockholm Syndrome: Name five kinks of yours.All I know is I like my hair pulled & my ass grabbed tight. Hollaaaaa
Clouds: What’s your star sign? Does your personality match it?I’m an Aquarius…is that the same as a star sign? Lmao idk
Change Your Ticket: What would you do with a million dollars?A lot of cool shit
Illusion: Do you believe in higher powers?I believe in God
Once In A Lifetime: What’s three things you want to do before you die?Meet Harry StylesHug Harry StylesMeet Harry Styles
Act My Age: Do you consider yourself mature?Sometimes…old soul, young heart
Just Can’t Let Her Go: Name five turn ons.Just be nice lmao & like good music
Phewwww…thanks babes xx
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