#then she threatens to complain to my manager and even my regional since she got pissy that im the only manager on shift
breitzbachbea · 3 years
#11 and #41 for turgre!
Thank you for sending the prompt in!
Fanfic Trope Mash Up
#11 Neighbour AU + #41 Big Damn Kiss =
Herakles & Sadık are both recent university graduates from Athens & İstanbul, but find themselves lacking opportunities to work in their homecountries. So they go abroad to try their luck elsewhere.
Both end up in Germany. Herakles' is living with the Simonides old family friends who've either migrated decades ago or are living as expats in Germany. Natasa and Ibrahim welcome Herakles with open arms. He immediately makes friends with their twins, only a few years younger than him. Omar and Timothea, as they're called, are still living with their parents while they're attending the local university. They're not living in luxury, but they're happy.
Sadık manages to get in contact with Havva Be Yauno via some university acquaintances. They migrated to Germany a while ago, after being kicked out working in local administration. Sadık gets to share a small flat in the building Havva manages for the landlord, together with a Kurdish Woman called Dilan Taş. After some initial hiccups, the two become close friends.
The hiccups with their neighbours next door are less initial. No, that's a lie - The Simonides don't mind their new neighbours, even invite them for coffee and tea. Omar pretty quickly evolves a crush on Dilan.
It's just Herakles and Sadık who keep butting heads.
They argue about petty semantics that only people who studied 'breadless art' would care about. Herakles complains that they're too loud at night. Sadık says Herakles is dragging stray cats into the house by leaving out food & now the whole staircase stinks. There's always something.
As time goes on, they get over themselves a little. Too busy with their own life. Sadık feeds the cats with scraps he gets from the Turkish butcher. Herakles comes over after it's been eerily quiet for weeks and finds out that Sadık's latest odd job makes him work at night. He actually finds him slumped over on the kitchen table when Dilan lets him in before she leaves for work. He goes back and leaves him a package of expensive coffee beans that he had imported from Greece.
One night, they end up together on the university campus. Sitting on the steps surrounding a piece of green near a small river. The city's barely still awake, there's only music, TV and chatter from the dorms. The occassional student crossing after they stayed late at the library.
"What did you actually study?" Sadık asked and put the lighter back into his pocket. It was a cheap one with a wheel. Pain in the ass to get working at this point. His last money had been spent on the cigarettes themselves.
Herakles took a deep breath through his nose. He stared at the water, flowing invisibly except for a few dancing white and orange specks. "Philosophy," he said.
Sadık chuckled and the chuckle quickly became a laugh. "Oh, what a surprise that you couldn't find a job with such a prestigious degree." He grinned and exhaled some smoke.
"And history. Archaeology, Politics, Linguistics, Architecture, Maths... I dipped my toes into physics, too, for a little bit, but couldn't really make it."
Sadık's grin had long faltered. Herakles looked to the river. A smile replaced the initial surprise on Sadık's face. "Oho, a real Renaissance man, aren't you?"
"I like to learn. But all I could do with the few fields I actually managed to acquire a degree in was teach in school. And I'm just not... very good at that." He sighed. Long. "But my dad had stopped paying once I had gotten a job, not that he had ever really paid me enough, mind you, so... I had nowhere to go if I had quit."
"Except here." Sadık wished Herakles would have looked at him. To even catch a glimpse of him, a little bit of that beautiful face illuminated by the pale moon or the orange streetlights.
"Except here." Sadık finally had his wish granted. "What did you study?"
Sadık took a deep breath through his nose. His cigarette was almost finished. "Architecture, too. Tried to get into engineering, but couldn't quite make it. Would have loved to do Literature, frankly. I dunno, get a teaching position at an university, but Anne* always had higher plans for me. Career woman and all that, only wanted the best for me, too, so studying something almost as useless as philosophy wasn't really up for debate."
Now he was the one to stare into the river while he took another drag. He looked at his feet. His shoes could need a good cleaning.
"A smoking literature professor, how cliché," Herakles said and the deep shadows on his face hid how much it reflected the amusement in his voice. He leant in closer to Sadık and put a hand on his thigh. His inner thigh. "All the women would have gone wild over this."
"You think so?" Sadık asked, an expectant but cautious smirk on his face. Rest of his cigarette between his fingers. Herakles' weight on his thigh. He enjoyed his touch. The nights were so cold here in Germany. He leant in for a kiss.
Herakles' hand disappeared. "But I don't kiss smokers." The next moment, Sadık was engulfed in darkness as Herakles stood and blocked the streetlight. He turned and adjusted his jacket. "I have a job interview tomorrow, so see you around, I guess." He turned to just the right angle that Sadık could catch his grin.
He only had a dumbfounded stare as goodbye while Herakles climbed the stairs back to street level.
Some time after this incident, Herakles gets a job as research assisstant at the local university. It's initially only for a project of the history facculty, but he's happy nonetheless.
Now that he knows Sadık enjoys literature, he tells the Simonides one time the topic crops up & they know of a regional literature club, who's holding public reading nights. Any author can show up and read their pieces for 10 Minutes to an audience. Omar tells Dilan, who knows that Sadık writes poetry. She thinks he should go and so after she bullied him into it, they do.
Sadık becomes a regular guest there and ends up meeting other literature enthusiasts, like the Beilschmidts. (He and Gilbert bicker a lot about what the other writes, both trying to take the other down a peg). Sadık never tells Herakles any of this.
So imagine his surprise when he spots him one night in the audience. Afterwards, he's torn between sneaking out and going straight up to him, but Herakles makes the decision for him.
"I didn't know you wrote poetry," Herakles finally broke the awkward stare-off.
"Well, now you do." Sadık closed his book and shoved it under his arm. With a grin, he asked: "You think it's good?"
Despite what followed, Herakles couldn't wipe the smile off his face: "I enjoyed it more than the other guy's crime story, at least."
Sadık gave a short bark of laughter. "Oh, you don't know half of it, Gilbert's been trying to make it work since forever. You got time for a coffee?"
So life's good. They're hanging out, they're working, they're pursueing their passions. One time, the heater in Sadık and Dilan's flat breaks and despite Havva trying their best to get it repaired and them a temporary replacement, they're freezing their asses off. So they go and visit their neighbours, who offer them to sleep over. Sadık is supposed to sleep on the couch. Dilan is supposed to sleep on a mattress in the Simonides' room. Both somehow end up sleeping in a Greek's bed instead. (Herakles has a really small room - his desk is even in the twins' room cuz it wouldn't fit in his own. Sadık asks if he wants coffee and they end up drinking coffee in his bed together and talk until they fall asleep.)
Life could be rosy. That is until one day, the Simonides get into real trouble with the landlord. You see, Natasa and Havva always had a tense relationship, because Natasa doesn't believe in playing by the rules too much, while Havva is a very organized person. However, now some things - like mayhaps Herakles living with them - have gotten directly to the landlord of the building and they're not amused. They threaten to evict them, unless Herakles is going - and want a hefty fine from the Simonides either way.
Getting a new home would mean severe financial strain, not to mention the fine. Omar and Thea may would have to pause or drop their studies. Herakles would have to go back to Greece and start from scratch.
Which he's willing to do, seeing how much trouble he caused the family, even if it breaks his heart. Natasa is having none of it - "I'm not sending you back to your son of a bitch, deadbeat dad, Iraklis" - and insists he stays.
Dilan and Sadık get wind of all of this and they're just as devasted as the family itself. They don't want to lose their neighbours. They don't want this to ruin Omar's and Thea's future. They don't want Herakles to leave. Sadık doesn't want Herakles to leave.
So he pleads with Havva to do something, anything, he'll help them do whatever it takes. Natasa is far too proud to do so. Maybe she even suspects that Havva had something to do with it. (They don't).
And through a lot of negotiation, bribery and running errands, the Simonides get to stay. Omar and Thea can continue pursueing their degrees in peace. Herakles gets to stay and keep working in Germany.
"You... You've spent your past weeks on this?" Herakles' stare pierced Sadık as much as it seemed to look right through him. His mouth hung open, jaw slack. "This was all your doing?"
Sadık took a deep breath, but had to settle for a rather unintelligent "Well, yeah." Herakles' stare unsettled him. He had never seen him at a loss for words before. He was even afraid the other might faint.
A heartbeat later, Sadık was afraid he might faint. Herakles had taken a step towards him, grabbed his face and pressed his lips onto Sadık's. It knocked the breath out of him.
His lips were soft. They were so soft and hot and melded with his own effortlessly.
He kissed back, hands on Herakles' face, fingers buried in the messy hairy. The pressure between them was right, felt right, made them one for a brief eternity.
It ended as abruptly as it had begun. They both took a deep breath through their nose and Herakles panted loudly as he exhaled through the mouthm He swallowed.
"Herakles, I don't think that that's an appropriate enough Thank you", Ibrahim said, but neither of the two barely even registered it. Natasa laughed. Loudly.
"Oh, no, I think it's more than enough," Sadık replied as he stared at the wall next to Herakles' head. His hands were still on his face. "Although..." Ibrahim and Natasa were talking in Greek when he faced Herakles again. She still chuckled while a grin stole itself onto his face. "I think I could go for a little bit more gratitude, after all we've done."
"Don't push it," Herakles warned him. Yet, his cockyness was rewarded with another kiss.
Sadık's tongue slipped between his lips effortlessly. As if it belonged there.
Like Herakles belonged here.
So... yeah! I hope you liked it!
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Grey Eyes
This is in response to a prompt I received:
camryn-bria I have a Linzin headcanon that there is a secret (airbending) child.  Could you write a one-shot of Tenzin finding out Lin is pregnant after breaking up with her.
I’ll probably put in a better summary, tags or notes later on. But hope you enjoy this 😊 
(So I had too much fun (maybe) with this and it ended up being a two-parter rather than a one-shot, hope this is okay)
Lin/Tenzin pre-canon fanfic | 1 of 2
 Legend of Korra
Despite what the public thought, Chief Toph Beifong was not a heartless person.
While truly a strong woman, it did not mean she did not have emotions. Family and friends played a huge role in occupying a space in her heart.
It was precisely because of family why she was pacing in front of the doctor’s examination room.
Toph closed her eyes in worry.
Of her two daughters, Lin was the one most like her.
Her youngest daughter, Suyin, at her current state, probably was who her own mother wanted her to be.
Initially scoffed at and at the brink of being of being disrespected, Toph Beifong later on was reputed to be one of the toughest police chiefs that the region has even had.
She had welcomed her daughter during her second year as a police chief of Republic City. The father, unfortunately, passed.
Lin’s father was Toph’s fellow detective. Toph had just given birth to her and was out of the force when Kanto responded to a call. He was hit and he died.
Since then, Toph promised herself that it would simply not do to miss time at work.
The first few months of raising Lin were particularly difficult. She had then elected to live near her married friends, Aang and Katara.
Toph took it hard – spent time away from Lin for the next months and sent her to Air Temple Island. She eventually got back to her senses, realizing her daughter needed her and had reached back to take care of Lin.
Lin always wanted to be like her mother and the father she barely met. Suyin, on the other hand, well, that was another story.
Toph’s reverie was interrupted by the soft voice of her eldest child.
“Oh, Lin.”
In Lin’s hand was an ultrasound photo of a child, Lin took her mother’s hand and read out to her the notes on the photo.
Indeed, Lin was the child most like her mother.
What was he doing here? He has some nerve.
“Aunt Toph?
She tried to ignore the tall bald man in her office.
“Aunt Toph?”
Persistent little bugger, eh?
“That’s Chief Beifong to you.” She felt him squirm and fidget. “The citizens desk is on the other floor. Or have you gotten lost?”
“I, uh, no. I actually wanted to see Lin.”
“Captain Beifong, you mean.”
She felt him flinch. Good.
“I -.”
“Don’t you worry your bald head about it, Master Tenzin.” Aspersion dripping with every word. “Captain Beifong is away on suspension. She won’t be bothering you any time soon.”
“But – no! I didn’t come here to complain or file charges.” Toph could here the shock at Tenzin’s voice. “You didn’t have to – she didn’t need to be suspended!”
Chief Beifong ignored him. “Captain Beifong caused destruction to property – Air Temple Island’s reconstruction will be done soonest – and basically threatened you, a government official. She would have received worse.”
“But -.”
“Is there anything else, Councilman?”
“Uhm, no. I’ll just drop by Lin’s.”
“She not there,” Toph felt the airbender pause at her door. “She’s suspended until further notice; and she been sent away from Republic City.”
At least that was what the press was informed, to explain away the disappearance of a prominent person
But internally, with the higher ups in the Republic City Police Department, they knew differently. They were told that she was out undercover and they better not try to make contact – or there will be consequences.
Toph was proud of her daughter’s strategy. She had been an absentee mother in the past years. She wanted to make up for it by supporting Lin’s decisions.
Even if it meant no contact with her in the next months.
Lin found herself in a remote Earth Kingdom town which used to be a Fire Nation colony. She had come to this place years ago in a recon mission and had known that there were a good mix of nations, making it easy to blend in.
Her current mission was not anything dangerous – just another reconnaissance mission to look into whether there was some truth to the formation of a new organization similar to the New Ozai Society, who would seek to undermine the United Republic.
As someone fresh out of her 20s, Lin thought she was (or she should be) fit enough for the job at the local bar. Thankfully, she was able to convince the barkeep to hire her even after telling him of her predicament (she wondered if maybe the man really just needed help so badly). She also figured it was a good place to get in with the locals and, well, the local gossip.
Lin opted to keep her first name (common as it was anyway), rented a small apartment unit walking distance from the city center, and now, had landed a job  (that hopefully placed her in a good spot to fulfill her mission) which paid adequate wages.
She felt she was prepared to start anew – a new job, a new mission, and a baby on the way.
Tenzin huffed as he consulted his map.
He had gone to Gaoling, to the Beifong ancestral home (that was were Suyin was sent there before anyway. But Lin wasn’t there.
He even went out of his way and chanced a visit to Zaofu.
Su was surprised to see him and, no, she has not seen or talked to her sister in years.
Instead, the airbender got a slap for his efforts (“You idiot! You broke my sister’s heart!” “You weren’t even talking to her! You don’t know what’s with her.” “I knew enough to know that she loves you!”).
He tossed the map aside. He was stumped; he didn’t know where else to look for Lin.
He did not even notice his mother, watching from the doorway of his study, looking at him with concern.
“Hey, get away from him!”
“Eh! And what’re you gunn’ do ‘bout that lady?”
“I’ll show you!”
“What the -!”
“Alright, we’re going – we’re going!”
The earthbender turned to the young man on the ground (maybe late teens or early twenties in age, she guessed) who was of Water Tribe ethnicity. “Hey kid, are you okay?”
“I’m fine – didn’t need your help.” The man grumbled, standing up and dusting himself.
“Right.” The woman stated, obviously not believing it as she had just walked across the scene of several benders pulling up by his collar, whether they were mugging him or not, she did not wait to find out before launching some rocks from the road at the thieves. “Of course, you didn’t need help. You had it all in control, didn’t you?” She deadpanned.
The man rolled his eyes. “A truth seer, aren’t you?”
She crossed her arms. “Maybe.”
“No – I don’t think so.” The water tribe man shook his head. “Thanks though.”
The earthbender extended to shake his hand.
He clasped it with his own.
Months passed and Tenzin had not lost hope in finding Lin, but he had to admit that the hope was fast dwindling.
Twice Chief Beifong had said that Captain Beifong’s whereabouts were none of his business and that she will put his sorry ass in jail if he pried once more.
Neither Chief Beifong or anyone from his family shared any input to the media as to his relationship status. The disappearance of Lin Beifong and the sudden reconstruction of some of the pavilions at Air Temple Island made up much of the chatter and gossip though.
His cheerless disposition just about confirmed everything anyway.
Meanwhile, in the Earth Kingdom, Lin finally gathered enough courage to send out a letter to Tenzin. She had used a post office’s box from two towns away to ensure that he would not be led directly to her should he decide to respond.
After contemplating on the matter for the past months, and after finally admitting to herself, she decided to give Tenzin the option to be a father to their child.
It was the least she could do. She did not want her (their) child to grow up without a father if he was willing to be there. She knew, she grew up with, the alternative to that.
We may no longer be together, but it does not change the fact that this child is yours as well. I’m giving you this chance – to either declare this child as your own or to simply ignore and disregard this. I am fully capable of raising this child as my own so I am open to giving you an out.
Well then, so the proverbial ball was in the airbender’s court.
Gently, placing a hand on her now visible pregnant belly, Lin knew the waiting game has started.
In an ill-conceived attempt to raise his spirits, the Air Acolytes of Air Temple Island saw it fit to host a birthday celebration for him. His mother had given it a go signal as she was also at her wits’ end to help bolster his mood. Even the passing of her husband (his father) did not seem to have dragged him down this way.
What Katara did not know, however, was that the press had somewhat managed to get in with the festivities as well.
The papers for the next few days ran a feature on the last airbender’s birthday celebration. They also printed a picture of him with just about any single female he talked to during the party.
This was followed by a steady stream of letters and messages poured into Air Temple Island as well as into Tenzin’s office at city hall.
The first few letters, Tenzin had deigned to read.
But after the seventeenth letter, the airbender, with a furious blush on his skin, went to the kitchen where his mother was calmly instructing an acolyte for tonight’s dinner.
Katara dismissed the acolyte before turning to her son. “What is it?” She held out her hand to take one of the letters that Tenzin was waving at her.
The waterbender briefly went through the letter. It appeared that –
“They have been sending me propositions!” Tenzin exasperatedly explained, showing the envelopes with addresses coming from different parts of the world. “Ever since the broadsheets and tabloids have been putting in these features about me being single.” He continued to pace in the kitchen while Katara went through the other letters. The content was fairly similar – a Fire Nation noble offering his daughter in marriage, an Air Acoylte from the Eastern Temple sharing her daughter’s knowledge of all things Air Nomad culture, an Earth Kingdom merchant living in the upper ring boasting of his niece… “I’m not interested in any of these, Mother. I just – I just -.” He took a deep breath. “I need to find Lin. It’s only been Lin.”
Katara could believe that.
“I know – Mother, if letters come to the island for me, please send it to my office. I’ll have my secretary handle them.”
And with that, Tenzin swept away, leaving Katara to only wonder and hope that whatever he thought of would truly help him out.
I see.
So he has made his choice.
Lin gripped tightly the letter she received in response to the one she had sent.
She tried but there was nothing she owed him now.
The earthbender then tossed the letter into her drawer, to be hidden from prying eyes, to try and forget its existence.
 Thank you for your interest but I already have a life partner.
I would like to request for your respect in this avenue and refrain from sending any more letters in this similar vein.
Respectfully yours,
Noatak knocked on the door one more time.
Lin was nearing her due date and the barkeep had place a notice for a reliever, a substitute while Lin was out.
The Water Tribe man took the opportunity – he had been juggling different jobs in town anyway so what’s one more?
Lin had been showing the ropes to him the past few days and was always ever so prompt so that they have enough time before opening.
This was why he stood at her front door now. The earthbender failed to show up at their regular time and so he worried.
“Lin? Are you there?”
There was no answer.
Something felt very wrong.
He looked to the left and looked to the right. No one was around and so putting his entire weight on it, he hit his shoulder against the door several times until it gave way.
To his shock and horror, the pregnant lady slumped unconscious at her living room, blood surrounding her at the floor.
Noatak hurried to her, feeling her pulse and closing his eyes.
He had been hiding a secret for so long, no one knew in this new life he had been living. As far as they knew, he was a non-bender – no one had paused to ask, except this woman who had asked him and had graciously not pried further when he said he did not want to talk about his past. He knew she was trying to start a new life, but he wasn’t sure why. She respected him enough as well to leave him to his privacy.
That day when the muggers had almost done him in, he thought that would have been the end of it, revenge be damned. To his surprise, someone did intervene for him.
Enough reminiscing for now though, because now, this woman needed him.
Taking a deep breath, Noatak reached forward his arms, allowing him to feel the push and pull from the two lives in front of him, not in the way his father wanted him to but to save these lives.
Tenzin was absentmindedly tapping his pen on today’s agenda in the council meeting.
The monotony of his responsibilities to the city barely weighed on him now.
It was the same old routine at the council.
His interest was peaked when the doors opened and a man, who he recognized as Chief Beifong’s trusted secretary, hurried over to the Chief of Police’s side, whispering quickly.
Toph Beifong suddenly stood up, muttering her excuses to the rest of the attendees of the council meeting and left (something about an urgent matter regarding one of her subordinates’ mission?).
“Chief, it would appear that the Captain has now given birth to a daughter.”
“What! I need to get to her.”
“Unfortunately, protocols still state that no contact be made -.”
“But I’m her mother.”
“Please, Chief Beifong, Captain Beifong explicitly indicated that in her report as well. Everything is okay and not to let you go to her as it would impact her cover.”
Nonetheless, this did not stop Toph Beifong from instructing her secretary to send off a large box of baby things to a remote town in the Earth Kingdom.
The last airbender quickly made his way out of the restaurant where that farce of a stilted family dinner (that his mother insisted on) was still on-going.
It had been uncomfortable enough when Chief Beifong arrived, nary a word towards him but quite civil with his mother and their visitors. At some point during the meal, the Fire Lord started to pass around photographs of his teenaged grandson and even Chief Beifong was obliged to share photos of her own grandchildren.
Tenzin tried to ignore the longing gaze his mother had on the photographs.
He met the eyes of his brother, who coincidentally was stationed this week near Republic City, who in turn shrugged back at him.
Yeah, that’s not happening. Unless someone comes forward to speak up about the fruits of Bumi having sown his wild oats, their mother would need to wait a little longer to have her own grandchild.
“And who might this be?” His mother brought up a photo of a baby.
“Did Su have another child?” Fire Lord Zuko peered at the small plastic booklet that Toph had fished from her uniform’s pocket.
“Eh?” Toph reached out to get it back, fingers running through the little indentions at the edge, helping her identify the labels on the photos.
Tenzin did not miss the quick panic that showed on the metalbender’s face before it was back to her inscrutable expression.
“It’s an old photo of one of her boys.” She promptly placed the booklet of photos back into her pocket. “I must have taken it by accident.”
As the rest went about their meal, Tenzin could not help but revert to the photograph of the baby. The baby appeared to be a couple of months old and…there was something that was niggling the back of his head about the child.
Conversation went to work, the new policies in the United Forces, the statue of Fire Lord Zuko in Republic City… They were all pleasantries that Tenzin did not want to talk about.
As soon as it was acceptable, he had excused himself from dinner, citing an urgent deliverable from city hall. No one tried to stop him and everyone took it at face value. He had, after all, buried himself into work in the past months in between trying to look for Lin. The airbender simply did not believe anymore that she was merely suspended from the Force after being absent for more than a year now.
Tenzin thought that Suyin Beifong, by now, would have an idea as to her sister’s whereabouts. Recalling their last interaction, however, he rubbed his cheek gingerly in recollection, he felt he needed to soften her up first.
Coming from that awkward dinner conversation, he had an idea.
Her children!
 And that was how the airbender found himself at the nearest open store that catered to mothers that carried items (food, clothes, furniture, you name it) for their children.
Tenzin had a vague recollection on how old Su’s children were. He was unsure, though, as to what do kids at those age need or want. He figured that the store’s clerk would know and headed to the store’s counter, waiting until the clerk finished assisting two ladies in selecting the best bassinet that the store offers.
The airbender leaned on the glass counter, tapping absentmindedly as he was wont to do when waiting --- when he saw a brown box just behind the counter hidden from view of the common customer (it just so happened he was tall and nosy enough to see it). There was a small sticky note that caught his attention:
Monthly order of Chief Beifong.
Why on earth would Aunt Toph have a monthly order at this place when her own children have long since grown up?
Tenzin twisted his neck to peer at the label of the box, to check the address, thinking that maybe it was headed to Zaofu for Suyin and her kids.
To his confusion, it was to a place within the Earth Kingdom.
Tenzin froze.
What if…it was to another daughter and grandchild?
The photograph!
He now realized what bothered him – the baby in the photo was relatively fair-skinned and he was sure both of Su and Baatar’s children were tanned. Su was also not pregnant back when he last saw her so it could not have been a new Zaofu Beifong baby.
Toph Beifong would be hard-pressed to care about children or babies unless they were related to her.
This left Tenzin with only one plausible explanation.
 The airbender then left the store, hurriedly making plans to get to the Earth Kingdom by the next day.
And there she was – as radiant as the last time he saw her (never mind that it was in the middle of the unleashing of her powerful fury upon his childhood home).
With a pang, Tenzin saw Lin Beifong carrying a baby, accompanied by a tall (and very young, Tenzin thought unpleasantly) man who appeared to be of Water Tribe descent. The two were engrossed in conversation that they missed the airbender who had been staring after them.
Tenzin had arrived at the town square and was about to head to the address he had committed to memory when he saw Lin. He was about to approach her when the Water Tribe man intercepted her. The airbender noted the familiarity with which the two interacted (it felt like the air was being squeezed out of his lungs). The man offered to take what Tenzin assumed to be a baby bag and Lin had easily acquiesced.
He surreptitiously followed Lin, unsure where they were going but not wanting to take the risk of losing sight of the earthbender he had been searching for quite some time now.
As he watched every exchange of the two, Tenzin could not help but feel at a loss. He had tried to think of every possible scenario, of what he would say, what he would do once he found Lin.
But none of the scenarios he imagined prepared him for the reality.
He never did imagine finding Lin as a mother.
He never did imagine finding Lin with a partner.
And she looked – content.
Tenzin felt a pit form at the bottom of his stomach. Could he – should he – possibly ruin this with his appearance?
Call him selfish but…he’ll try just one last time. If there was an inkling, of the slightest chance of a future with Lin --- he’ll gamble it.
For himself. For Lin.
“Jinora, sweetheart, be a good girl for Noatak first, please? Mama needs to work for a bit.”
The eight-month-old child burrowed herself further into her mother’s arms but nodded nonetheless. “Good girl.” Lin gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead as the younger man hoisted the child, anchoring her to his hip.
Lin had gone back to work on a part-time basis, but more on the management side of the bar (accounting, menu planning, etc) rather than being actually behind the counter, serving the customers like before. The barkeep was pleased with Noatak’s performance during Lin’s maternity leave that he had decided to hire him full-time.
They would usually come to the bar before opening hours, Lin to check on the previous night’s accounting and Noatak with preparing with the rest of the crew.
Lin was scheduled to start with the local bookstore soon on her off-days from the bar.
Today, it was accounting morning at the bar. She would usually be able to have an hour or two of continuous work while the crew would take turns looking after her daughter if she were awake. If not, Jinora would be placed on her sling and Lin could still comfortably work.
Getting out several folders and her writing implements, Lin pulled out a chair near the window, preferring the natural light while working.
She managed to work for around ten minutes when a shadow fell on her work; before she could even raise her head to address who or what was blocking her light, she turned her head to the inner part of the bar as she heard her name being called.
When he saw the Water Tribe man leave Lin with the child, Tenzin saw his chance.
He took some time to deliberate though; he observed her quietly, soaking in his view of the woman he had let go (and would be claiming back, if she would have him).
He took a bracing breath and entered the bar.
Lin would look up at him. “Tenzin! What are you doing here?”
He would kneel – “I’m so sorry Lin, I know you have a child, I’ll love her like she were my own – I promise to treat you better than Mr Water Tribe there. Please Lin Beifong please – I regret letting you go, if you’ll have me, I’ll want to spend the rest of my life proving my devotion to you. Please- Lin please.”
Then Lin would get up, maybe give him a slap harder than what Su gave him then give him a hug before making him work for it.
Before he could even say a single word to put his imagined scenario into action, another voice (that he was starting to dislike) rang out.
“Yes, Noatak?” Lin stood up quickly to address the young man, who was carrying a giggling baby at arm’s length. “What is it? How is Jinora?”
Tenzin felt his heart skip a beat, that Lin named her daughter one of the names he wanted for their daughter… well, he was not sure how he felt about it. Maybe he will explore it a little bit more when he was alone but for now…
“I know I helped bring her into this world –,”
Tenzin blinked at the sudden hurt he felt at his chest at this.
“But please, Lin – take your evil spawn away from me.” Noatak thrusted the still giggling child dramatically back at her mother, half kidding and half exasperated. “You know how much time it takes me each more to fix my hair. Then this little girl here,” He tickles her side and Jinora squeals with laughter. “Decides to blow a gust of air to my face – imagine that!”
The airbender heard this and froze.
“I know you said this brat (“My daughter isn’t a brat!”) is part-Water Tribe,” He gestured to his now unkempt hair. “But I don’t think this is a sign of respecting her culture?”
“My daughter is acting fine.”  Jinora kicked her chubby legs as though to prove a point, disturbing the dust on the floor. “And we did discuss this – no training until she’s older. I want her to have a normal childhood.”
“Ok then,” Noatak waved his hand and nodded, obviously agreeing. “Anyway, I’m in charge of family meal today so I better start prepping.” With one last tickle at the baby’s side, he left and headed to the kitchen.
Lin shook her head and called after him “I’ll pack up and get back to the books later!” It would seem her daughter was in a mood today.
Speaking of meals…
Jinora had been tugging at her chest. “Feeding time is it?”
 Tenzin watched Lin smile softly at the baby, a smile he saw rarely, a smile that he only saw between the dark of the night and daybreak, in between sleep and wakefulness as they laid in bed together.
He cleared his throat to remove a lump that was forming, a signal of impending tears.
Lin had forgotten about the newcomer as she angled the baby go position her for feeding when she heard someone clear their throat.
“I’m sorry, how can I help –,” Her eyes met familiar grey ones. “You.”
There was a lot to take in.
The Earth Kingdom.
The Water Tribe man (Noatak, he spat.)
The baby.
The airbending baby.
There was no doubt on whose child Lin was carrying.
Tenzin pushed forward at the surprised earthbender to take them (her and their daughter!) into his arms.
Note: This is part one of two --- ooor we could end it there? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Let me know!
(how do you tag people anyway?? @camryn-bria
2 of 2 here.
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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Chapter Eight
Summary: When you hear that your recently deceased grandmother left you her property in her will, at first you think that a dinky old cottage in the middle of nowhere isn’t going to mean much for you. But after spending a night there, you discover something far more valuable than the house itself: a hidden door that leads to another time, the same place but over 200 years in the past. In the late 18th Century, there is a king who will die before his 21st birthday unless you can save him. Will you help him, even if it means leaving your own life behind?
“I think you’re becoming a nerd,” Namjoon proclaims proudly as he dumps a pile of old birth records on the table you’re sitting at. “You’ve asked me for research help like ten times in the past week.”
You look up from the poorly printed lines of Times New Roman to frown at him. “This is like, the third time, max. Don’t get it twisted.”
He raises his hands in defense. “Hey, all I’m saying is that maybe you secretly like research, and that’s okay. You don’t have to be ashamed of-”
“Here it is!” you interrupt hastily, “Jimin’s great-great grandfather. Okay, and he married…” Your voice trails off and you stare at the piece of paper in shock. Jeon. His great-great grandmother was a Jeon. “Namjoon, can you grab me that book on the King Jeon rule again?”
After retrieving said item, Namjoon sat beside you as you flicked through to the table of contents. “Here we go, lineage.” You locate the right page. “It says here King Jeon had a son.”
“Oh my god,” Namjoon muses. “Jiminie’s great-great grandmother and King Jeon are only, what, five or six generations apart? King Jeon’s father was the first Jeon to come to this region, so as long as Jimin’s family has always lived here, it looks like he’s directly related to that King. Huh, that’s really neat.”
You sit back, mind whirring. “Can you go back to the obituary page?”
Namjoon acquiesces, skipping right to the back of the heavy bamboo tome. “Says here… King Jeon tragically drowned while on a trip to a nearby lake. Huh, it’s almost the anniversary of his death.”
You shake your head slowly. “But last time you told me he died from infection, and the time before that you told me he bled out.”
Namjoon shrugs. “I don’t remember that, sorry. I actually don’t know much about the Jeon reign.”
You slide the book closer to you, flipping back to the lineage section. “But… Namjoon, it says right here he has a child… The dates don’t line up. The child is born well over nine months after he dies.”
“Hmm? Oh, no, you’re right.” He chuckles. “Wow, the guy’s so amazing he managed to conceive a child postpartum. Guess someone got a little freaky in the morgue.” When you don’t laugh at his crude joke, he sighed. “Y/n, it’s either a typo, or, more likely, it’s not actually his child. People in those days liked to fabricate evidence to get their children to be in line for the throne. It’d be a good way to keep the Jeons in power; fake an heir.”
But you had seen the birthmarks. Jimin was descended from King Jeon, but what would happen if he truly did die when the book said he would? What would happen to your boyfriend? “I need to go back,” you muse aloud.
“Back where? Oh, yeah, it is getting kinda late. You should get back to Jimin; he was just telling me about that little café you had lunch at today. I should check it out sometime.”
You nod, but your mind is elsewhere. Why did King Jeon’s fate keep changing? Yoongi seemed insistent he needed to survive, and now you felt that same desire to preserve his heritage, but surely after saving him twice he couldn’t keep having bad luck?
You had to go talk with Yoongi. Someone was trying to kill King Jeon.
“So, we go to him, we tell him we fear his life is at risk, and… I don’t know, use him as bait and see who tries to kill him?”
Yoongi shakes his head. “Taehyung, if the King is truly in grave danger, we mustn’t use him as bait. But yes, we shall go there now-”
The shaman breaks off abruptly as the liquid in his cup of tea begins to tremble. You watch in anticipation as the tremors grow, until the glass jars on his shelves are wobbling dangerously, threatening to fall over. Quicker than they came, the shakes cease, and moments later the three of you jump in unison when someone raps on the door.
Taehyung answers, holding the door open as a familiar face enters the hut.
Jung Hoseok, clad in riding leathers and a ruby red coat, glances around the room until his eyes land on you. “Min Y/n, the King formally requests you accompany him on his excursion to Lake Silvermeer as the royal healer. We ride at dawn.”
With that, he departs, and you stare out the open door in wonder as he gets back on his horse – a muscled, black beast – and gallops away the way he came, causing wandering villagers to jump out of his way.
Taehyung frowns. “She’s not even from here, and she gets to go on holiday? Why don’t I ever get to go on the King’s excursions?”
“Because you’re a useless healer, Taehyung.” Yoongi turns to you with a solemn look. “You’re staying here tonight.”
You hadn’t exactly prepared for a sleepover, and you were yet to actually bring any of your belongings into your grandmother’s house in present day, so you couldn’t exactly dart back and grab some pajamas. Because of this, you found yourself in a large, slightly sweat-smelling cotton shirt, courtesy of Taehyung, with a scratchy blanket to cover your legs.
“I don’t think we have to worry,” Taehyung pipes up from beside you, “if Y/n messes up and the King dies she can just go back in time and try again.” He turns to you with an accusing look. “Who’s to say she hasn’t had this conversation hundreds of times before?”
Yoongi sighs loudly from the kitchen as he cleans up some clay and ceramic dishes. “She isn’t actually traveling through time, Taehyung. Think of it as more of a… a back door. She can step in and out, but time is still flowing as per usual. This is our only shot.”
You stare blankly into the fire. Our only shot. “Yoongi, what happens to his descendants if he dies?”
“How should I know?” You turn to him with pleading eyes. “Fine, if I had to wager a guess, I’d say that history would begin to rewrite itself and adjust to the new timeline. Perhaps only those that had traveled through the portal would be aware of it, though. I imagine for the rest of the world it would be like nothing ever happened.”
You nodded slowly. “My friend already has no recollection of past conversations we’ve had about the King. Each time I go back to the library he works at the books say something different. But today, the same book said two different things, like time couldn’t make its mind up.”
“Don’t personify time, Y/n. It isn’t moody; it won’t cry if you’re mean to it. Now, if you’ve finished your tea, there’s nothing more for us to do tonight.”
Yoongi had been tinkering around the hut all evening, back and forth from the variously sized cauldrons on the hearth to the shelves of ingredients, making you consume countless potions. As a med student, you were vaguely concerned as to whether taking so many different reactive ingredients at once could possibly prove fruitful, but since you had twice seen him turn people into animals, you were learning to have a little more faith in the witchy side of things.
So far you had drunk a sweet syrup for clarity of mind, a spicy tea for strength and physical endurance, and, oddly enough, a somewhat chewy paste for ‘good instincts.’ Yoongi didn’t know what you would need to be prepared for, so apparently, he decided to give you a general range of aids, but you weren’t complaining. The final thing you had been given was another tea that smelt of black licorice but tasted like chamomile, and you imagined it was for resting well, as you’d been growing consistently drowsier since taking it.
“See if you can get him to stay away from the water, but I imagine there’s not much chance of that. At the very least, be sure to accompany him when…”
You tuned out Yoongi’s voice, slumping over to rest your head against Taehyung’s shoulder and letting your eyes fall closed.
“…ening to me, so I don’t know why I bother. Taehyung, you didn’t even drink the tea, why are you going to sleep as well? Gah, you children. I’m going to my room to sleep on an actual…”
Dawn comes with a rude awakening by Jung Hoseok as he storms into the small abode and shakes you awake, but Yoongi has clearly done his job, because you feel vibrant and aware instead of sluggish and hazy.
Still, your heart drops in your chest when he leads you outside to two horses that he’s tied to a tree. “I can’t get on that thing alone, are you crazy?”
Hoseok frowns, back in the same clothes from yesterday, albeit with an extra layer underneath his coat to account for the cold weather. “What lady does not know how to ride a horse? What do they teach you in Mirefeld?”
You pout. “Other, more important things,” you defend. “Anyway, I’ll just walk.”
“It’s several hours on horseback. You cannot walk.”
You bite your lip. “Then get Jin to do it instead. It’s his job, anyway.”
Hoseok sighs, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer, until the both of you are right beside the smaller horse’s body. “The King formally requested you, Y/n. Would you like me to ride back to the palace and tell him you said no?”
You brighten up. “Yeah, that would be great, thanks!” When his face stiffens even more, you huff. “Oh, you were joking. Seriously, Mister Jung, I can’t do this by myself. I’ll fall off and die. Do you think the King will be happy when his healer dies on vacation? No.”
Hoseok gives you a hard stare, then turns around, deftly untying the knot that attached the horse’s reigns to the tree.
You watch in pleased surprise as the horse happily trots back down the street towards the palace in the distance. “Thanks, Hoseok, I owe you one.”
He turns back to you, unimpressed. “You’re riding with me.”
TAGLIST Message me or send an ask to be added to the taglist for Sovereign, and never miss a new chapter!
@sonyeonsideupsmile  @sweetcheeksdna (I can’t seem to tag you!)  @hoodiebangtan @mntchcchp @shay-the-turtle @under-dah-sea
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fuck-customers · 6 years
Steakhouse server again.
I have so many fuck customer, fuck coworker AND fuck management stories in the year and a half that I’ve worked here lol but this is a recent one.
I was a double closer this day (only closing because this bitch who always calls out when she’s scheduled to close called out yet again, and they won’t fire her). It was my 10th hour working and I was exhausted. 30 minutes to close, I have 3 tables and am also trying to clean the back and check out other servers’ side work so they can go home. I get a fourth table of three older ladies who take 15 minutes to order because they can’t stop talking to each other long enough to look at the menus. Finally they do, two ladies order an appetizer each and the same seafood combo entree, and the third lady says “I want a baked potato and broccoli.” I assume she only wants a baked potato and broccoli and put the order in, quickly, because I have a lot of other shit to do.
I bring their food out, and as I’m giving the third lady her potato and broccoli, her friends say “thats all you got?” and she says “no I’ve got more food coming.” I’m like ...shit. I tell her “I’m so sorry, I misunderstood and thought this was all you ordered, but” and she cuts me off “I wanted the seafood they ordered and these were just supposed to be my sides.” You didn’t say that but okay. 95% of my customers say the complete name of the entree they want. I should’ve read the order back before I went to put it in, which is my fault, but I’m on hour 10 of this shift and I was in a hurry since y’all wanna have my cooks making your food at literally close, they have grills to clean and floors to scrub and have been here for 12 hours. But I’m very apologetic for my fault and tell her I’ll get it out to her in 7 to 8 minutes (seafood so it’s quick) and that we’ll also take care of it for free. She says “no, I don’t want it anymore.”
I have my manager go over there and talk to them. Manager comes back to me and says “she still doesn’t want the entree but ring it anyway because that’s the right thing to do here.” I do so. I go back to the table and tell the lady my manager is giving her the meal for free and it’ll be out soon. She gives me this ugly deadpan look and goes, “how does what you did make any sense? Why would I come hungry to a restaurant and order two sides? Are you having a bad night or are you always this slow?” I keep smiling because I’m dead inside lol and tell her “Again, I’m very sorry, a lot of customers actually do just order sides as their meal.” She says “don’t bring me that food.” Sorry! It’s still coming.
My manager takes the seafood combo out to her and somehow convinces her to keep it on the table. But the next time I go back she’s literally not touching it. Perfectly good hot food as her friends are eating away. Bitch was acting like she starving when I brought her two sides lol but now she’d rather protest and sit there and look miserable to try and make me wallow in my mistake. Not gonna work! I’m only gonna smile more and be even more polite to your bitchassery.
Once her friends are done eating I ask if they want split checks and the third lady just says “Box” at me. Ok. I bring the box and only two checks because Ms. Protest’s meal is free. She says “Where’s my bill.” I say, for the third time, “My manager took care of it.” She rolls her eyes at me. Like oh I’m sorry did you *wanna* pay for this? Because I’m sure if I came to you with a $30 bill for the food you didn’t even want you would’ve thrown a whole ass fit.
As is the custom of the people who come in late as fuck and take their time after close, the two other ladies paid cash and left me $2 and $3 for tip. On a $100 bill. And Ms. Protest left the box of perfectly good seafood on the table after they got up.
What fucks me up about tables like this is that I work in a state that pays tipped workers $2.13 an hour. Somehow this is legal. I average $15 to $20 an hour on nights where I get lucky enough to have good tables or a good section, but when you come in and give me $5 on $100, I’m probably only taking $2 of that home, if that. I have tip out bar, bussers, food runners, and hosts, because this giant corporation can’t be assed to pay anyone $7.25 and makes me pay them instead. This doesn’t include what I get taxes on my tips, and I also frequently have to overclaim my tips because our posi’s assume that everyone who paid cash me tipped 15%, adds that on to my charge tips, and won’t let me claim any less.
I have constantly bothered management about the overclaiming, and for months they basically said “tough luck the computers are stuck that way there’s nothing I can do.” Only when I sent an email to corporate/the regional manager vaguely threatening legal action did my GM finally say “actually I can adjust it in the system the next day, or email payroll with what you really made and they’ll fix it on your stub if it’s after the pay period.” But the fact that *I* have to keep track and chase you down every time this happens... Most of the AMs don’t know how to do it and won’t learn, I have to remind them 5x a week before they sit on the phone with IT and get walked through it, only to claim they can’t remember how to do it the next time I ask.
When you don’t tip me, I’m working for free. I don’t see a paycheck most weeks that I serve because what little hourly I would’ve made gets eaten up by taxes. On nights when I’ve had back to back tables full of people like Ms. Protest and her friends, I’ve walked out of six to eight hour shifts with $20. When you come in five minute to close, sit around for forty five minutes and tip nothing, I’m staying an extra half hour to an hour doing the back of house work I couldn’t do while taking care of you FOR FREE.
My managers don’t care. All they care about is how high my checks average for bragging rights. I don’t get put in good sections as often most servers because 2/6 of the managers base my floor plan on my work ethic, but the other 4/6 don’t like that I’m not afraid to call them out when I’m being taken advantage of. They favorite the people who never complain, work ten days in a row, come in early and stay late, and even work off the clock.
I’m just not the fucking one y’all...lol. Only reason I stick it out is for those lucky good days, the fact that I need this job to stay in school, and the fact that once I figure out exactly what laws they’re breaking by forcing me to overclaim hundreds of dollars and paying me $2.13 for non tipped work, you better believe I’m hitting that ass with a lawsuit.
(By the way, if anyone or the mods know what exactly I can do legally here, I would appreciate advice. I know I need to keep better records of what they’re doing and I know them changing my records after the fact erases the evidence...but yeah, I wanna be ready when that day finally comes.)
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shadyafternoontea · 6 years
Desperation- Ignis x reader
The reposting continues.
But also I’m writing again! Thanks for all the patience, you wonderful people!
Summary: The world was still dark. And your work as a doctor in Lucis was hard enough. But what happens when you're forced to see your partner almost die? Warning: unrealistic medicine lolz
LOL-ing at my pre-smut days @whimsyofthewind @iggys-sous-chef @animakupo @jastiss @xalmasyx
You felt a gnawing in the pit of your stomach.  The night had been much too quiet.
Working at the only hospital around the Leide region, you had come to expect busy nights when you were on call.  36-hour shifts where you weren’t able to use the bed in the call room had become the norm—a good night had you resting your head down by the computer for a few moments before yet another page alerted you to a new patient coming into the ICU. The admissions were getting more frequent of late. You’d be tempted to complain about the sheer volume of patients under your care, but you knew Dr. Aldoras and yourself were the only Critical Care physicians around.  You also knew that for every patient under your care, the three trauma surgeons on staff each saw two.  The nurses were run just as ragged, sometimes even more so as they took care of so many who passed.
You rested your head on interlocked hands, elbows resting by the keyboard. Your eyes fluttered closed, your brain thankful for this brief respite even as your stomach growled to remind you that the only thing you had for sustenance in the past 24 hours was stale coffee.
You were startled awake by the loud beeping from your pager.
You blearily glanced at the page, wondering who was the new admission.
30 y/o male hypovolemic shock, acute blood loss, non-surgical. Callback: 58602.
You were about to go outside the small, makeshift physician workroom to alert the nurses as well as ask the secretary to brew yet another pot of coffee before you called the number back to get report from Triage about the new patient. You didn’t even make it out of your chair before Talcott burst in, accompanied by a very annoyed but anxious charge nurse.
“Talcott, what—”
He was breathing hard and his words came in a rush. “I’m sorry to barge in, but it’s Ignis—” he said.
You bolted out of the chair and were out the door before Talcott finished his sentence, before you even processed what you were doing. Making your way to the hallway with tunnel vision, you were desperate to reach your only goal.
“30 y/o male hypovolemic shock, acute blood loss, non-surgical” rattled in your brain over and over and over until you could think of nothing else.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you registered Talcott and your Charge following you saying something, but there was no part of your brain that was listening.
“A surprise group of Aramusha joined the fight with two Red Giants…”
“You need to slow down, the nurses are taking care of him…”
Your heart raced in your chest, adrenaline and anxiety racing through you in equal measure. You recognized the Crownsguard uniform worn by the body on the stretcher before you saw his face as the stretcher was wheeled into the room.  EMS was standing by the door, starting to give you report, but you brushed past them, halting them in mid-sentence. Nothing, no one else mattered other than seeing him.
Heart pounding and hands shaking, you watch the team transfer Ignis onto the hospital bed.  Your heart leapt into your throat, acid rising to your throat when you took in the tatters of the Crownsguard jacket and shirt, stained dark maroon and the soft groan that left his throat at the sudden movement. You thought you were going to vomit as nausea churned your stomach.
But there was a reason you were in Critical Care and there had been purpose to those long years of training. The beeping of the monitor flashing brightly colored alerts of the low blood pressure pulled you out of the clawing panic that had been threatening to envelope you since Talcott had come bursting in.
“What did he get on the field?”
“He got a 1 liter bolus of normal saline. We’re trying to conserve our elixirs, but when we saw the uniform he’s got on, well, we didn’t exactly hesitate to crack open our last two hi-elixirs,” one of the EMS personnel said.
“It probably was the thing that saved him. He hasn’t been bleeding since we gave him that. But we just gave it about five to ten minutes ago, so he’s still looking pretty rough,” the other said.
“Start the massive emergency transfusion protocol. And I’m going to need a central line kit and an arterial line kit,” you said.
Those in the room looked around uncomfortably.
One of the nurses spoke up. “I know you’re on call, but considering how close the two of you are, we should probably page Dr. Aldoras…”
“If I have to do all of this myself, I will. Get me those kits.”
You were thankful your charge nurse had your back.  “Everyone get out. I’ll help her.”
While supplies were being gathered, you let your professional demeanor crack as you approached the man you had been with for the past two years. Your relationship had come a long way since he had saved you from a tribe of hobglobins when you were going home after drinks with Cindy.
Your lip trembled with the effort to not cry as you saw the condition of his body. His jacket was opened, part of it torn, as was the shirt he wore underneath. His chest rose and fell rapidly with his labored breathing. A gash marred the skin of his stomach, just below his ribs. The wound was closed, but it looked angry. You dragged your eyes to his face, and your eyes teared. He looked so broken with his his eyes closed with another healed laceration on his right temple, and he was so pale after all that blood loss.
You reached out a hand to cup his cheek. “Iggy?” Your voice was small, and it cracked you spoke.
He didn’t answer, but when your fingers brushed against the recently healed wound on his temple, he groaned in pain, and your heart broke.
The charge nurse moved around you to hang the bag of blood, not wanting to disturb the moment.  But when you started to sniffle, she placed a hand on your shoulder, pulling you out of the pit of despair into which you were falling.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”
Giving you a small smile, she gestured to the arterial line kit behind her. “You’ve got a job to do. We’ll worry about the rest later.”
Taking a deep breath in and forcing an exhale to clear your mind and remind you of your job, you nodded and began your work.
It wasn’t until a few hours later when your lines were placed, medications started, and labs had returned that you let yourself give into the weariness.  You could do nothing now but wait to see which way Ignis would go, though you hoped in your heart that the hi-elixirs hadn’t completed their work. You were eternally thankful when the secretary brought you a cup of hot chocolate.  Someone else had brought you a blanket, and someone had clearly already forwarded your pager to someone else’s given the lack of pages you had gotten in the last few hours, and you were touched by their kindness.
You made your way back into Ignis’s room, and were relieved so see his blood pressure had improved and the color in his face returned after the transfusions.  His breathing wasn’t labored any longer, and he just seemed to be sleeping.  The injury on his abdomen and temple were looking significantly better. Sitting next to the bed, you interlaced your hand with his and lay your head on his arm, tears finally falling.
You didn’t know when you fell asleep or for how long or who had placed a new blanket on you, but you were awakened by the movement of the arm beneath you.  You shot up, your surprised tear stained face staring at unseeing eyes.
“Darling?” Ignis’s voice was hoarse—low and raspy.
You honestly weren’t sure if this was a delirious dream or not, but you didn’t care. You stood and threw your arms around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder.  His arm came around you, holding you as close as he could, which in turn just made you cry harder.
“You’re alive you’re alive I was so scared I didn’t know what to do I thought I was going to lose you when I first saw you.” Your speech was bordering on incoherent, interrupted only by the hitch of your breath between sobs.
“I’m sorry to have worried you so, love,” said Ignis as he released his arm holding you and used both his hands to pull your face up. His thumbs caressed your cheeks, wiping the tears running over them.
“How do you feel?” you whispered.
“I suppose my injuries will take time to heal, but your presence has already done wonders.”
You sniffled again at that, but managed instead to close the distance between the two of you to softly kiss him.  Ignis responded immediately, hands sliding from your cheeks into your hair keeping your lips pressed against his.  Warmth blossomed inside, and your hands came up to bracket his face within their confines.  
You would have deepened the kiss if it hadn’t been for the cough you heard behind you.  You pulled away, face red, and looked behind you to see Gladio and Prompto, the former with a smug grin and the latter blushing just as red as you.
“Sorry to interrupt, but we wanted to make sure you were okay. Talcott called us after he was here. He had to go back to Hammerhead, but he wanted to make sure we knew, ” Gladio said before the good natured grin left his face, his features becoming somber. “I wish I had been there with you, Iggy.”
You didn’t know Gladio very well— only as Ignis’s friend from happier times before the sun had disappeared behind the ominous dark clouds that had taken up permanent residence in the skies.  But given the concern etched across the large man’s face, you would have known they were more like brothers than anything else even if Ignis hadn’t told you as much during the years you had been together.
“I wish you had been there as well, my friend. It has been far too long since I have seen you—and Prompto. I have been in very good hands, however,” he said, as his hand slid down your spine to settle in the small of your back.
A flush settled across your face at that.
“It’s good to see you too, ya know!” Prompto piped up as he stepped forward and gave you a crushing hug.
You didn’t know him that well either.
“We figured you’d need a couple of these,” Prompto said, rummaging in his bag and pulling out multiple canisters of hi-elixirs.
Ignis grunted as he attempted to sit up.
“Ignis,” you chided, arms going to stabilize him as he sat up.
A fond smile crossed his lips. “Ever the dutiful doctor.”
You brushed the hair he normally kept styled up out of his eyes with a soft smile of your own.  “What would they say if they saw me being soft with patients, hmm?”
“I certainly hope this isn’t the treatment you give all your patients. You’ll make me jealous, darling.”  He placed one of his hands on yours, thumb brushing the tops of your knuckles in an intimate gesture.
“If we can hurry along,” Gladio said breaking the small moment between the two of you, “we can probably get you out with a few more of these now that you’ve been treated for most of your damage here. Maybe get that big IV in you out.”
“Yeah, that one’s going into his artery, so we should probably get that out sooner rather than later.”
“I’d very much appreciate that,” Ignis said holding his other hand out, “Prompto, if you would kindly hand me those hi-elixirs, please.”
“Got it!”
A hi-elixir—when one had them—was a truly remarkable thing. Its healing powers were unrivaled.  They were in short supply throughout Eos, and even paramedics and hospitals only carried a very limited supply. The fact that EMS had used two—their only two at that— on Ignis was nothing short of remarkable and spoke of the power that Ignis commanded. Prompto having five hi-elixirs in his bag was nothing short of a miracle.  Your interventions may have been the reason that Ignis was still alive, but you knew the speed of his recovery lay solely on the powers of the hi-elixirs. Ignis only required another two, however, before he felt his strength returning.
You pulled in one of the ICU nurses before you set to removing the arterial line in his arm. Ignis murmured a relieved thanks as you freed him from the various devices and wires that connected him to the monitor.
“We can take him to his apartment,” Gladio said, “you don’t have to worry about that.”
You bit your lip. You were glad Ignis would be able to leave by some stroke of luck given the extent of his initial injuries, but you were still concerned about his recovery.
“I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“You promise you’ll go rest?”
“Cross my heart.”
You sighed, knowing that you were stuck here at work a lot longer.
Ignis stood up from the bed with your help, and you helped him put on the shirt that Prompto held out from the bag. You smoothed your hands down his chest in a small moment of intimacy, wishing the other two weren’t in the room.  Ignis bent down to place a soft kiss on your cheek before you pulled away.
“Come on, let’s get you out,” you sighed.
At Ignis’s still unsteady gait, Gladio stepped forward quickly, placing a hand around his friend’s back to support his steps.
“You’re going to straight to bed,” you said as you exited the room, trying to manage the most stern expression you had.  
Considering he the condition he had been in and that he had come in only about 12 hours prior made you wary about letting him go, but those four hi-elixirs seemed to have done their job. His injuries were closed, no longer angry looking, and his strength seemed to be returning quickly, even if he did need some help with his balance.  The hi-elixirs still hadn’t worked to their full potential, and you were hopeful that with the level of recovery he already had, he would be closer to his full strength even in just a couple of days. Still, you hated that you wouldn’t be there with him.
The gods must have smiled on you, however, as your Charge Nurse interrupted your goodbyes.
“I’ve already spoken to Dr. Aldoras and Dr. Sanze. They’re covering your shift for the next two days, so please get out of here,” she said with a smile.
“I—I don’t know what to say,” you said, almost scared to hope that this was real.
“Leave before they change their minds!”
You gave a quick glance at Glaadio and Prompto leading Ignis towards the elevators. You smiled at your friend, basically pounced on her to give her a hug, and ran towards your boyfriend.
The car ride to Ignis’s apartment was somber and quiet even with Prompto in the group. Ignis might be safe and on his way back to his usual state of health, but he was still out of commission. And now with you in the car, only half the team was in any state to fight.  The four of you were fortunate—there were hardly any daemons out at this time, and the only skirmishes you stopped were small groups of goblins that even you could have handled.  
The elevator ride up to Ignis’s apartment was equally quiet, especially since Prompto had stayed to keep guard up front. You kept telling yourself that he was alive and that he was safe, but you knew how equally possible it was for events to have occurred very differently. Lady Luck had smiled on you this time, but you weren’t sure when she would stop as far as either of you were concerned.  You were so far in your own mind, you didn’t realize that you were in front of Ignis’s door until Gladio finally spoke.
“Will you be okay?”
You met Galdio’s warm eyes and nodded. “I think I can handle it. Thank you for your help.”
“We will be fine, Gladio,” Ignis replied with a touch of exasperation. “I haven’t become an invalid yet.”
“Just offerin’ Iggy. But don’t hesitate to call me,” Gladio said briefly placing a hand on Ignis’s shoulder for reassurance before turning back towards the elevators.
You supported Ignis as you made your way into his cheerfully lit apartment. For someone who was blind and had normally such a somber taste, his apartment was cozy.  Bookshelves all full of books adorned both his office and the living room, plush chairs were placed carefully around the sitting area, and a cozy blanket lay folded neatly over a smooth and comfortable leather couch.
What touched your heart were the pictures placed around his apartment of the two of you—pictures of private moments that Prompto had shot discreetly, many of them before the eternal night had settled over Eos.  There was one of you kissing him on the cheek while he was reading, another of Ignis wrapping his arms around you from behind while overlooking the Disc of Cauthess, and one of you taken in a studio with graduation regalia and medicine hood following your medical school graduation.  Ignis was a private individual while in public, and your PDA was usually limited to minimal amounts of hand holding and some sneaky kisses on his cheek.  The person he was in private, however, spoke of a different man—one who was hopelessly devoted to you.
You led him into the bedroom to help him change into his night clothes, fully intending to draw him a bath and then let him—or, make him, you didn’t particularly care which— get some rest. Ignis posed no complaints as you drew a bath or when you undressed him before gingerly helping him settle in.  While he soothed his muscles within the bath, you gently ran soapy hands over him from your place on the tub’s edge, leaning forward from time to time to place kisses over his face.  He may have gently protested to the attention you bestowed on him, but the smile that lit up his countenance when you peppered kisses over his face told you another story.
He allowed you to help him out of the bath and sat strangely obediently on the bed with a fluffy white towel wrapped low on his hips, while you rustled around finding his clothes. You wondered if he was lost in thought or he just felt uncomfortable letting someone take care of him.  As much as you liked to spoil each other, you wondered if this was the first time someone had truly taken care of him the way he was so willing to take care of everyone else.
You helped him put his clothes on, ending the ritual with a kiss to his cheek.
“May I make you something to eat?” Ignis broke the silence.
You cocked at eyebrow at the incredulity of the statement. “What?”
“I assume you haven’t eaten much at work.”
“Iggy, I love you, but are you that uncomfortable with someone taking care of you?” Your voice had no malice but instead held a hint of amusement at his obvious discomfort.
You moved between his legs, cupping his face in your hands, and leaned your forehead against his. His hands came to settle on your waist pulling you in just a little closer. A soft smile touched your lips when you noticed how he leaned into your touch.
“Did you forget that you promised to rest?”
“No, love, but—”
“NOPE. No buts. You’re going to rest Iggy.” You brushed your lips against his. “Doctor’s orders.”
His lips twitched upwards then. “I suppose I cannot disobey such authority.”
You laughed at that, helping him settle back, delighted when he pulled you with him to settle against his side.  “I still need a doctor’s touch it would seem. My injuries are agitated,” he explained as though obvious. There were no complaints from your end, and you curled up against his side, running your fingers through his hair until he fell into a deep sleep.  
With a small kiss to his temple, you left his side when you were sure he wouldn’t wake up—he was an exceptionally light sleeper after all, albeit his injuries seemed to have made him currently dead to the world—and stepped back into his living room, content to help set up for the days following his recovery.
Ignis slept like the dead. For the entirety of the day. In order to keep it that way and minimize the risk of his arousal, you took the guest room. The next day, as quiet as you could be, you managed to finish all the domestic duties Iggy usually did to keep his mind at ease.
You would probably have to go back to your shift tomorrow. It was already too generous of your colleagues to cover for you for two whole days. So you thought it would be wise to make a small batch of food that Ignis could eat for the next few days so he wouldn’t have to cook.  You made his favorite meals hoping very hard he wouldn’t wake up with all the sizzling vegetables and meats and the aromas permeating the apartment, but evidently your worries, while well-intentioned, were unnecessary as you heard nothing from beyond the bedroom door.
Or so you thought.  You were in the middle of wiping down the kitchen when a pair of arms wrapped around your middle and a very warm body pressed against your back. You shrieked in surprise, not amused even when Ignis buried his face into your shoulder and let out of a deep laugh at your reaction.
“You jerk!” You swatted his arm. “You scared the shit out of me!”
You still never figured out how the man could be so damn quiet.
He nuzzled into that area just below your ear that made you weak every time. “My apologies, darling. It was just too tempting.”
He nipped the area, and you swore your eyes rolled back into your head.  Goddamn it how is he so good at this?
“Am I forgiven?” he murmured against your skin.
You gulped but nodded.
You turned in his arms, taking a careful survey of his sleep mussed hair, the scars on and around his eyes, the stubble around his jaw, and felt your heart speed up. Just like the night at the hospital, you smoothed your hands down his chest, but this time there was no Gladio or Prompto to stop you from appreciating every thing about the man in front of you—the way his chest rose with his breath, the small clench of his muscles as you grazed a particularly sensitive spot, the soft inhale of his breath as your hands dipped lower down his abdomen.  Ignis caught your hands in his, bending down to your ear, warm breath tickling your ear and his body suddenly even closer.
“However shall I thank you for making me better?”
Your breath hitched at the gravelly timbre of his voice, but when he pulled back slightly to look at you with mischief in his eyes and arms leaving your wrists to wrap securely around you, you lost your composure all together.
Your voice came out as a squeak. “A kiss?”
A smirk slowly graced his lips as he bent his head towards you. “Hmmmm a kiss? That certainly sounds fair. But a kiss where I wonder?”
“Here?” He kissed your temple.
Lips slid down to your cheek. “Here?”
And then right behind your ear. “Or here?”
Lips grazed across your jaw as you clenched your eyes shut and your breaths became shallow. He knew how much you loved this.  He slowly trailed his lips up, catching your own. You made a noise somewhere between a gasp and a moan as he finally kissed you. But even this was short lived. He pulled away with lips quirking up into a smile when he felt you mindlessly move to follow him.
“No, that won’t do, kitten. I think I have another place that you would like even more.”
He picked you up then, as though he hadn’t just lain broken less than a few days ago, and carried you into the bedroom.
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zdbztumble · 6 years
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I finally got a chance to watch the first of the hour-long specials, courtesy of a stream by @pocketmonstersrimeiku the other day. (The stream also ran the Japanese version of the first movie, making that only the second of these films I’ve seen in its original language. It was a fun time, though it didn’t substantially alter my thoughts on that film.)
Compared to the other hour-long special this show has done, Mewtwo Returns is a freakin’ masterpiece. Compared to a good number of the movies, it’s a slam dunk. And even without any comparisons, it’s pretty damn good, and one of the highlights of the Johto years.
Unlike Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon and many of the films, Mewtwo Returns has a central theme, clearly defined and presented. Mewtwo’s existential dilemma about the place he and his fellow clones have in the world, being living beings but not born of nature, is a compelling idea. If anything, it’s stressed a little too much in the dialogue - not unlike the themes of the first movie. But if the special is heavy-handed at times, that isn’t enough of a problem to take away from the value of the concept in the first place. And Mewtwo’s evolution from vengeful creature to conflicted caretaker feels very natural and believable. His final shift at the end, to a city-dweller exploring the world, was also solid, and it’s a shame more wasn’t done with that outside of him turning up in a cape in one of the openings.
(An interesting subplot connected to Mewtwo’s dilemma is Pikatwo being a rather aggressive advocate for not hiding away from the world, to the point of leading a faction of defectors that Ash’s Pikachu ends up involved with. It’s a well-written story point, and it almost feels like a trial run at Takeshi Shudo’s daydreams of a Pokemon revolution storyline.)
Allowing for the fact that I haven’t seen all of BW’s Team Rocket material, this special is the one time I felt that the Team Rocket organization as a whole was used to anything close to their full potential. They’re presented as a competent and threatening criminal group, with Giovanni in particular having some real bite to him in a way that later series undermined. Domino, aka 009, aka Black Tulip, is a fantastic villain. Her disguise was convincing and even funny, her true persona is dangerous and even a little edgy without going over the line for a kids’ show, her design is unique, and her potential as Giovanni’s right hand is wide open. The fact that she hasn’t reappeared since this special is criminal.
And Ash gets a decent role in the proceedings too. He isn’t given an arc of his own (par for the course, unfortunately), but he does end up integrating into the plot in a much more natural way than most of the movies manage. And through very simple means, too; he shows Mewtwo kindness because Mewtwo showed Pikachu kindness. The connection between them is subtle but compelling, and it’s yet another element of this special that I wish would’ve seen some follow-up later on.
But apart from its good points not being followed up on, this special does have some real flaws. To start with more of a pet peeve on my end - I think Takeshi Shudo let his fondness for the TRio cloud his judgment on writing them at times. He may have intended them as basically good, but they are frequently shown to have strong streaks of cowardice, amorality, and selfishness, and Meowth is possibly the worst offender of the three. He abandons Jessie and James to their prison so he can deliver Pikachu to Giovanni and claim the credit, but then immediately shifts to allying with Pikachu and the clones. His turn doesn’t feel motivated, but arbitrary - as if the plot demanded it, or the writer wanted it. (To be fair to Shudo, he isn’t the only one who did this with the TRio; years later, Meowth’s water works in Volcanion felt just as contrived.)
There’s also the disappointing fact that, at the climax, it’s Misty and Brock who step up to hold the entire Team Rocket army at bay while Ash rushes to save Mewtwo, and the battle is entirely off-screen. I wouldn’t even object to that - or rather, I wouldn’t object to the majority of the battle being off-screen so long as we got a taste - except that Giovanni ends up appearing for a final confrontation with Mewtwo without explanation. Did he win? Did he sneak around and leave his minions to do the dirty work? Is the battle on-going? Did a rift in the space-time continuum allow Giovanni to exist in two places at once?  What happened, Shudo!?
And that leads me to the biggest problem with Mewtwo Returns - there’s too much story here for the time allotted. To its credit, the special manages its many elements fairly well for the first two-thirds or so; Mewtwo’s angst, Team Rocket’s plotting, the TRio’s comedy antics, and Ash’s journeys are all well-balanced and well-paced. It’s only when the action comes to a head that the strain starts to show. Mewtwo is restrained by Giovanni, Ash and friends are imprisoned, and Team Rocket begins converting the island into a headquarters that pollutes the pure waters of the lake within a matter of minutes of screen time, and seemingly only a few hours of time at best within the story. Because there isn’t enough time at the end for the possibility of Giovanni regaining control of Mewtwo to amount to anything, that element feels rushed. Misty and Brock’s not-battle, and Mewtwo and Giovanni’s last stand-off, feel hurried along as well. And the TRio’s casual disregard for their organization’s plans seems rather...well, casual.
I said it without having seen this special, but I feel it even more strongly upon seeing it - this should’ve been an arc in the series, not a one-off. It isn’t as if there was anything going on in Johto around this time, and more time would’ve solved every major flaw in this story. Mewtwo could’ve actually been under Giovanni’s thumb for part of the arc, allowing for some additional drama and an expanded sense of scale and menace - instead of just threatening one island, Team Rocket could’ve threatened one, possibly two regions. Their takeover of the island could’ve been more well-paced, the consequences more clearly established. Misty and Brock could’ve gotten their battle, and Ash’s quest to save Mewtwo could’ve been more involved, giving all three of them more material. And this story as an arc would’ve given Takeshi Shudo a perfect opportunity to do what he always wanted with the TRio - have them realize that they’re basically good people in service to a bad organization, and truly reform, on a believable time frame. (And who knows? Under those circumstances, maybe they would’ve been the ones to leave after Johto.)
But if missed opportunities are the biggest flaw a special has, then one can’t complain too much. I really enjoyed this special, and I’m happy to have seen it in its original language first.
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lifeat1337carlton · 3 years
Show an apartment 104 is a nuisance the games that he plays the stuff that he gets away with anybody else especially me I would be evicted by now.
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This is him cleaning out his Jeep while he is double parked
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All these Little bits of paper blowing around the parking lot they weren't there until he started cleaning his Jeep
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But here's the thing that a lot of people are getting ticked off about feels fine Phil just doesn't want his doors inside of his Jeep dinged by someone else so that's also why he double parks.
And of course that's the main reason he got the handicap parking pass so he can park in handicap parking.
He's out there cleaning his Jeep gets in it starts it up races through the parking lot goes up to handicap parking backs into the space what was wrong with the space you were in it was closer to the patio than when you are now.
I know others have spoken to management and region 10 region 10 is the organization that is sponsoring Phil being here on the property.
I know that I have personally told management of the issues back in September of 2020.
Since then I have personally spoken with region 10 employees about Phil and his antics.
And on the last time I spoke with the woman face to face downstairs in the lobby I got the distinct oppression they're washing their hands of him they've tried time and time again to get him to behave but he doesn't want to he's stubborn he doesn't take his lithium he doesn't take his other medications he wants to drink and take street drugs.
She stood there and she looked me in the face and she said I recommend that you go voice your opinions to management they are the ones that are going to need to deal with him at this point in time.
So when does Piedmont housing alliance step in and say enough is enough you need to go.
Again you have other people that complain about him on a regular basis but because he comes into the office whenever he wants and has that woe is me that victim tone to his voice you guys don't do anything.
What about that statement from your own attorneys.
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About not disturbing others their rights their comforts their conveniences and about following the lease.
That same letter that I received he should be receiving.
Maybe it's time somebody call his parents since they seem to be the ones that always get him out of trouble.
Once again you cannot go after individuals when you're not going after the whole entire property with your hate letters from your attorneys making threats and accusations.
As you know and as you can see there's no accusations there's photos there's video footage of the crap that he pulls you guys don't want to do anything because your egos will not allow it you don't want to listen to other residents.
Because you point blank don't want to get involved.
The only time you do want to get involved if it's against somebody you no longer like and has dropped out of your favor.
And again LaShonda Hester being on the property is a problem she was fired from the last management company for a reason stop hiring CHP Management corporation employees.
The owners of the property got rid of CHP Management corporation for a reason they were not doing their job.
And when you keep on hiring their employees back the same problem is going to happen.
And of course LaShonda in the late Karen both were employees here they both know a good amount of people that are here and they always take their side of the story without finding out the whole story.
They want to make accusations they want to make threats but yet they don't want to hear both sides of the story.
I know I'm getting off track here but we'll go back on track Phil has been a problem since day one that I moved in here he is threatened me numerous times he is cussed me out numerous times he's gotten up in my face numerous times.
I have told him don't talk to me don't look at me don't even come near me.
I'm done being polite.
I'm done walking away.
Management needs to start managing instead of sitting in an office for 8 hours a day with that theory of out of sight out of mind if we don't see it we don't have to deal with it
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[gif number meme for bat-outtamontreal] 6 or 13!
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((sorry for the long intro))
Meeting. New Wardens and visiting Wardens whom I have not met yet. Being the Regional Commander definitely began to aggravate my nerves. The pay and the way Luccio cared about people is what kept me in it. The kids needed to learn how to fight, to be trained. I’ve seen more combat than most, even some wizards older than me.
Of course, I couldn’t find anything ‘appropriate’ to wear according to Thomas so he dug through my closet and drawers of my small dresser. He managed to find one pair of jeans he determined would work. Then he trashed my room, throwing everything around before giving up and looking through his own stuff. 
“Thomas, it’s not all that important. I don’t have to look great,” I grumbled and moved to dig through the clothing he’d tossed everywhere. “I mean, not like I’m going to hook up with any of them. They’re like co-workers and subordinates.”
“Well with that attitude you’re not. Harry, I’m sick and tired of watching you and Karrin make goo-goo eyes at each other and not do anything due to ‘work reasons’. You haven’t had a relationship for quite a while and that Luccio Warden is going to be there right? You seemed to like her,” Thomas brought over a black hoodie. A black hoodie which was actually mine. 
“Please stop stealing my clothes,” I said before slipping the hoody on over my t-shirt. Thomas moved in and zipped it up half way before I could complain. “Also, there’s no way that’s going to happen. She’s rather amazing, but doubt she’d be interested.” 
Thomas rolled those silver eyes of his. His hair blowing in the non-existent wind. Sometimes I really, really wanted to just see him not being perfect. Something like that really drags on a guy’s self-esteem, especially if you’re related to it. 
“That hoodie is comfortable.”“So get your own.”“Can’t, I don’t have any money.”That brought out a snort and a little bit of a chuckle from me. 
“Take Mouse for a walk while I’m out? And feed him and Mister? Hopefully, I’ll outstay my welcome among all the old snobs and get booted out, but want to make sure if I’m not...” Look into his eyes. No fear of a soul gaze since we’d already had one. 
“yeah yeah, get out there, meet some hot wizard girls. Put a sock on the door. Maybe she’ll teach you how to say Leviosa correctly,” he rubbed his arm after I punched him in the shoulder for that quip. 
“I’m the clever one, you’re the pretty one. If you take away my cleverness whatever shall I do?” duster, blasting rod, a small ball of playdough, chalk, escape potion, Tylenol, wallet, staff, business cards, and car keys. Patted myself down one more time to make sure I had everything. “See you later, Thomas.”
He waved his hand a bit dismissively at me with a grin on his face. 
Time to drive...
Blue beetle. Break down for the nine hundredth and ninety-ninth time. Snow. Another two miles to the meeting. This night kept getting better and better. Tugging my duster around a bit tighter I started the long walk. I think Gandalf had it right when he said a wizard is neither early or late, they arrive precisely when they mean too. Unfortunately, when it comes to other people viewing it they only see the ‘late’ part. 
Quick in, quick out, being late isn’t even going to matter. 
Then I heard something utterly ridiculous. Being the amazingly grateful person I am, I decided to educate some fools. 
“Uh, excuse me, what did you just say?” I tried to look less threatening than my height allowed. 
“That the brew they got for this shindig is terrible,” the man held a mostly full bottle of Mac’s brew. 
“You most certainly can’t be talking about Mac’s.” I shook my head, not believing this person could be so serious. 
“It’s terrible, probably one of the worst beers I’ve ever had.”
“No one who has taste buds says that about Mac’s. At the very least everyone at least tolerates it.”
“And you are?” the kid- I mean, young adult I guess, rolled his eyes in a far less dramatic version than my brother. 
With a bit of a grin I folded my arms. “Dresden, Hary Dresden.” Pierce Brosnan might have been proud of my impersonation. 
The mention of my name visibly made the two stand a bit straighter. I’m surprised they didn’t know my identity just from my height, but some people are a special kind of stupid. Especially people who don’t like Mac’s. When my feet felt like ice, and I can’t feel my nose at all is not a good time to insult such craftsmanship. 
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yueqqi-main · 5 years
#honest to god youd think working with healthcare professionals selling supplies to them would be pretty easy#but there are some stray RNs and MDs that have a stick so far up their fucking ass they dont realize people are actualy living human beings#thankfully i dont deal with them a whole lot but still#im baffled about that one lady who was probably high off of shit claiming her scrubs were growing and threatening a lawsuit suit#since ‘her sister was an attorney’#then today i get to deal with this bitch who yelled at my associate for lightly chastising her son#WHO WAS RUNNING IN THE RACKS WITH REAL RISK OF POKING HIS EYE OUT ON THE HANGERS#and im not about the deal with us being liable for kids causing injury to themselves on the racks#and then she tries to return a pair of scrub pants after washing them claiming that the drawstring fell out on its own after one wash#and claiming it must be a vendor defect#so im over here silently like ‘ma’am have you never owned a fucking hoodie before’#and i just tave her the regular spiel that ‘sorry ma’am but its not in the original condition nor is it a vendor defect’#then she threatens to complain to my manager and even my regional since she got pissy that im the only manager on shift#fucking christ#honestly idfc since unlike other companies following policy is better than causing loss so haha she can find her scrubs elsewhere#although this does give me some perspective on how entitled people can and will mistreat retail workers then lie#to victimize themselves... hm
0 notes
caredogstips · 7 years
‘It’s a crime to be young and pretty’: girlfriends flee predatory The countries of central america gangs
Sexual exploitation that the UN responds amounts to slavery is action girls and their families from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to seek refuge in Mexico
Women &# x27; s rights and equal opportunities is supported by About this material
Sara Rincn was ambling dwelling from college in the capital city of El Salvador when she was confronted by three heavily tattooed mob members who had been molesting her for weeks.
The groups manager a gentleman in his 30 s, with the figure 18 etched on to his shaven intelligence shed her against a wall, and with his hands around her cervix devoted her one last warning.
He did no wife has in the past altered him down, and if I refused to be his girlfriend, he would kill me and my family. I didnt want to leave home but after that we couldnt bide; we left for Mexico in the middle of the night, suggested Rincn, thrusting a smile through her tears.
Increasing numbers of women and girls are fleeing El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras amid mounting proof that criminal gangs are systematically targeting teenage girls as sexual slaves.
Central America map
More than 20 years after peace deals were signed to end vicious conflicts between the regions leftwing guerrillas and US-backed dictatorships, the three countries of the so-called Northern Triangle are still struggling with the consequences of crusade.
Corrupt security force, international drug cartels and warring street gangs have helped rotate the Northern Triangle into the worlds most dangerous field outside an official war zone. And the threat of sexual violence against women and girls has become a flourishing influence behind the refugee crisis that is softly uncovering on Americas doorstep.
A grandmother and grandson tread by the Barrio1 8s insignia in the Ilopango district of San Salvador, El Salvador. Image: Giles Clarke/ Getty Images
Of the 32,142 female migrants were arrested by Mexican immigration agents in the first nine months of this year, virtually one in three were under 18. Almost 15,000 12 – to 17 -year-old girls from The countries of central america northern triangle Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras have been apprehended here since 2014.
Forcing women and girls into sexual activities with mob members is prima facie evidence of modern slavery, according to Urmila Bhoola, the UNs special rapporteur for contemporary slavery.
The forced recruitment of girls and young women into gang-related pleasures, and specially being forced into prostitution through providing nuptial his trip to mob members in prison, are extreme forms of sexual exploitation and human degradation that involve activity supremacies akin to the right of ownership over these someones, Bhoola spoke.
Gangs reflect the deeply patriarchal power structures that prevail in this region, she responded. Its a problem feigning millions of women and girls.
But it is a phenomenon that regional governments still disclaim, according to Erika Guevara, the Americas director at Amnesty International.
Women and girls are living in a constant country of fright treated as mere trophies in a ruthless war between mobs that largely control their countries. Authorities must invest some of the millions they are receiving to halt in-migration in programmes to ensure these women are safe at home, Guevara said.
Sara Rincn( not her real reputation) was confronted by a gang member and forced to be his girlfriend or be killed. Photograph: Encarni Pindado for the Guardian
For Rincn, the nightmare started in March, when the heads of state of a local clica , or neighborhood cadre, of the Calle 18 street gang started targeting her.
Every time I got on the bus hed be there, wailing that I was his girlfriend. Then, he transported people to watch me. If they ensure me talking to male pals, theyd tell them to back off, so I stopped going to college, articulated Rincn.
In 2014 and 2015, at least 66,000 girlfriends in El Salvador changed or vacated school, according to ministry of education chassis, in a number of countries of 6.5 million people.
Rincn and her papa absconded north, and they are now sharing a minuscule area in Tapachula, the biggest municipality on Mexicos southern mete, while they apply for refugee status.
But they could not afford the section for the whole pedigree, so her baby and five siblings are staying with relatives in another part of San Salvador part of a flourishing movement of internally displaced people in the country.
They escaped the immediate menace, but the whole kinfolk is profoundly traumatised.
Rincn is anxious and tearful and she has started self-harming. It feels like Im trapped. I miss my mum. Cutting myself feels like a handout. I precisely require this all to end, she told. She lately shifted 18, and wants to finish high school.
Her father Ricardo, 40, a shoe seller and evangelical pastor, recounts the ordeal in barely audible mumbles and complains of a constant headache. He refuses to allow Rincn to stir new friends because he is terrified the mob will track them down.
Increasingly, entire categories from the Northern Triangle are fleeing together, seeking to flee warring street gangs and infect security forces.
Andrea Hernndez, 17, is staying in one of Tapachulas migrant shelters with eight members of their own families. They fled Tegucigalpa, Honduras, one night in June, soon after Hernndez was rescued from a gang kidnapping.
She was abducted on her mode to a sports field for a morning control, and hampered captive for a week by mob members who wanted to draft her, according to the commission father Isabel, 54.
Andrea was rescued by the authorities after Isabel pleaded with a relative who works in the public prosecutor part, but that was not the end of the agony: although the family entreat officials not to make any apprehends, they still panicked retaliation from the mob.
The entire household Hernndez, her mothers, her younger sister, 13, as well as her older sister, 28, and her husband and three children fled the country.
We left our pups and cat, all my robes, I couldnt even say goodbye to my friends, pronounced Hernndez.
So far, she has barely spoken about her seven-day agony at the hands of the kidnappers: I cant, she told, altering her appearance to rub her eyes, Ive tried but I cant.
According to Isabel, her daughter shouts at night, when she belief the rest of their own families is sleeping. She barely snacks, shes traumatised, shes not the same. My daughter was a prototype student in Honduras, she wanted to be an architect. Everything changed, for all of us, in one day, responded Isabel.
Two-thirds of the women interviewed by the UN refugee agency in 2015 described direct menaces and attacks by members of criminal groups as a key ground for their flight.
But leaving home doesnt assure security, and there are growing reports that criminal groups and gangs are searching out and targeting Center American migrants and refugees.
Soon after arriving in Tapachula in July, Andrea enrolled in a attractivenes direction at another shelter. A month into the course, after a minor squabble, two young Salvadorans informed her she had five days to drop out or be killed. The household was necessary to flee again.
If were not safe here either. Why cant we go home? said Hernndez, before walking out of the room.
She doesnt understand the hazards were never going back, said her mother.
Hernndez and her family are also applying for refugee status in Mexico part of a growing number of migrants seeking asylum here after a Washington-backed repression put in place in July 2014 made it much harder to reach the US.
Mexicos refugee agency( Comar) has a local bureau on a quiet corner in Tapachulas historic centre. It recently spread its opening hours to tackle changing demand, but new applicants must still queue early in the morning to be seen.
Elena Cruz and her mother, sit outside Comar in the Tapachula, seeking refugee status. Photo: Encarni Pindado for the Guardian
Elena Cruz, 15, from San Salvador sat mutely next to her mother Barbara, 39, clutching a folder of documents to show Comar.
She told a familiar narrative: a tattooed gang manager took a liking to Cruz. He started following her to and from institution, and mailing her threatening messages via a classmate.
It was always the same, if you dont go out with me, you wont go out with anyone, added Cruz. I want to be a doctor but I had to stop school. I was panicked to be in the house as he knows where we live.
Cruzs mother moved her four times to live with different relatives, but each time the gang tracked her down. They would mail me letters on Facebook telling me where I was, threatening to come and take me.
Too scared to go to the police in case the gang found out, mom and daughter packed two suitcases, and absconded in the middle of the nighttime, abandoning their dwelling and Barbaras successful seafood market stall.
Were taken refuge because theyll take my daughter or kill us if we go back, told Barbara. Theres no future in El Salvador, its now a crime for girls to be young and pretty.
Names have been changed to protect identities
Read more: www.theguardian.com
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