#then the fucking DM KILLS HIM
driedupeyeballs · 2 months
I made myself so miserable with my dnd characters
Okay POV one. A young Dragonborn ranger, basically the only thing holding his town together. He hunts most of the food supply of the village, and yet he’s shunned for his dragon heritage. He’s shunned even more when he falls in love with an elven Druid boy, the townsfolk resorting to driving him out. He decides to run away, and said elven boy comes with him, and they adventure together for a good portion of their lives. One day the Dragonborn finds a deer, a perfect doe. He thinks it’d make a good meal, and aims his bow as he has millions of times. But a stag jumps in front to save the doe, the stag getting killed instead. Turns out, it was never a stag, but a wild-shaped tiefling druid. The elven boy is horrified that his love could do such a thing, the Dragonborn pleading that he didn’t do it on purpose. As the elven boy runs away, the ranger is consumed with guilt, and instead becomes a fighter, and finds a small band of misfits to adventure with. Though, the guilt still weighs him down.
POV two. A half-orc is born into a broken home, tossed out into the woods as a child. He soon finds another outcast like him, a tiefling woman. The tiefling takes in the half orc and raises him as her own, teaching him the ways of a Druid. Eventually the two begin adventuring together, meeting druids from all across the land and seas. But soon they wander back towards the forest they grew up in, admiring the nature of what once was. But as they walk along, the tiefling woman sees a silhouette of a doe, painted perfectly against the sky, but she also sees the trajectory of an arrow, flying towards it. Her instincts overcome her, and a stag takes form. Though she didn’t know the stag would be the last form she’d ever take, only reverting back to her original self when the beat of her heart stills. The half orc only gets a glimpse of the Dragonborn, but he vows to find him someday. After months of aimless wandering, a fog overtakes the forest, and the half-orc wanders into it. He soon awakes around a campfire, with three other adventurers, in what would soon be discovered as Barovia. One of these adventurers is a young dhampyr, one trapped in the same hell that the half-orc once was. So he becomes what the tiefling was to him to this young dhampyr, taking him under his wing, even after the dhampyr’s brother is found.
Now come to find out the Dragonborn has been brought to barovia all the same, as have his band of adventurers. While the other three party members make considerably good teamwork with their “counterparts”, the half-orc and the Dragonborn recognize each other. And as the cleric said, it’d take a lot to make a stoic fighter beg for forgiveness, and it’d take more to make the caring Druid turn a cold shoulder.
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hamable · 11 days
Brennan: Blimey me once, shame on you. Blimey me twice, shame on me.
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yardsards · 2 months
you may say that i am "suffering from severe clinical depression" but i prefer to call it "being in my mithrun era"
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slavhew · 2 months
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coughing and hacking
Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave /
...well, better than the alternative /
Outliars and Hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples /
Love, Me Normally
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unluckyprime · 1 year
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how about it guys . how we feeling today
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article-zero-art · 1 month
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This was supposed to be a sketchdump of the entire party. I blinked and suddenly it was just these two who desperately need adult supervision (they're not getting it).
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starryseasart · 8 months
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doodle of my current dnd 5e character, Knick Knack, soulknife kenku rogue :)
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kingdom-dance · 6 months
Realizing that Minthara is a Baenre and therefore from the same House as Ady’s Buncle (Chaotic Bisexual uncle-but-not also known more famously as Jarlaxle) and she killed her by taking the bridge out from under her like its fucking Looney Tunes
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generallysapphic · 1 year
i’ve noticed black panther x fishman shippers never draw shuri right … she’s either shorter than him, smaller than him, small nose, just something about her is just off..
and this is like a consistent thing from big artists to just everyday doodles
they be drawing somebody but it’s never actually shuri it’s some insert of what looks like themselves tbh and hey if you wanna fuck namor just draw yourself, but if you wanna draw shuri draw her accurately… shuri has a small, damn near invisible nose bridge as most black girls often do. her shoulders are wide, her jaw line is sharp and she it fit, not just skinny. and she’s damn near at namors eye level, if not one inch off. and people who ship them draw her like some petite girl with curly hair whos always looking up to him.
it’s almost if.. they can’t ship the shuri we see in the movie with the namor we know because… she fucking hates him and won’t ever be this girly girl enemies to lovers story they think it is 🫢
and if you got something to say agrue wit ya mama, i don’t give a fuck ! you weirdo, shipping someone with the person who killed they mama, you need to be jailed
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newvegascowboy · 8 months
Part of the plot in the campaign is that several people are trying to acquire a legendary weapon called the Godslayer (named such because it can slay gods, obviously) and my dm told me the stats last night and I'm genuinely a little bit scared now.
You only need to roll a 10 or higher to succeed a hit, and it doesn't even have to be a killing blow. You just have to touch them with the damn thing and they die. He was giving me the stats last night and I felt a ticking clock start over Sly's head like hmmm how long until one of the party uses it on him....
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cashmonei · 7 months
Hey Normal Guys who follow me and arent into warriors. dont look at the warrior cats fandom on here's latest opinions about alderheart and tigerheartstar and also the new arc in general. Like half of them are still misogynists and the other half are currently drinking terf koolaid. Do not look @ their opinions just look atthe cool art and stay oblivious 👍
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blueiight · 1 year
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Coming slowly to know his evil, or being catapulted into it ... was all the same. I wanted none of it finally. And, deserving nothing better, I closed up like a spider in the flame of a match. And even Armand who was my constant companion, and my only companion, existed at a great distance from me, beyond that veil which separated me from all living things, a veil which was a form of shroud. (IWTV, 1976)
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infizero · 8 months
ok but can we talk about how fucking batshit it is that betty saw a vision of her wife who is currently going crazy being like "im 1000 years in the future but i just wanted to say sorry byee" which lasted all of like 30 seconds and within those 30 seconds she decided to throw her entire life away and jump through the portal into the distant future just to be with him. YOU HAVE ISSUES.
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moonlitlex · 4 months
based on the dms i just got i am starting to believe the vote blue no matter who thing this time around is actually a psyop
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bratphilia · 6 months
my angel baby aura is being tested
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hella1975 · 1 year
Oh Hella your DM sounds like a good one! Hope you have fun and that coin is amazing should we add practice the coin trick to your schedule? /gen
#my dm is such an angel i was a bit worried at first bc he's the one that was flirting with me#but he's cooled off and even so i can tell it's more the harmless kind than anything i'll actually have to set boundaries on#and we had our first session last night and it was genuinely insane like he's SUCH a good dm#i was so so immersed the entire time like he had this one NPC and he puts so much LIFE into his ocs like accents and mannerisms#not just backstory/set-up and this npc stayed with us the ENTIRE 4+ hour session#and at the very end he KILLED HIM and it was done so well that one of the players literally teared up#and the rest of us were just sat there in gobsmacked silence#and it's a SUPER wild group too like it's hard for the dm to wrangle them all at times bc jokes tend to domino and get rowdy#so to have us all like that and on the first session no less was INSANE#he also introduced a dragon and i said to him afterwards 'im getting that dragon' bc i mentioned another time that im DESPERATE#to get a pet dragon or even just a dragon i have some dodgy deal with ill take ANYTHING#and he just very casually went 'oh you'll get a dragon' HELLO??? FUCK YEAH#like he listens to his players and he keeps us on track without being too strict and gets super enthusiastic about our ideas#and the rest of the group are all so cool like they're all either queer or neurodivergent or both#i just feel for the first time in maybe my entire life that im in a completely non-judgemental place for my interests#like in the nicest way possible they're all just a bit weird and it would be very hard for me to be the weirdest one there#and there's something SO cathartic about that like literally go ham bc they're not gonna be scared off yk?#like even if i had an interest totally out of left field that none of them shared i just know they'd be so welcoming of it regardless#idk. they're neat. i think this campaign is gonna be really fucking cool#ask#hella goes to uni
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