#beth may you legend
unluckyprime · 2 years
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how about it guys . how we feeling today
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tinyratsoup · 2 years
Song intro? Hero Oak-Garcia?? Old Beth May??? Tony Pepperoni voice shenanigans???? That ending????? What a great fucking episode man
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breelandwalker · 2 years
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JSTOR Articles on the History of Witchcraft, Witch Trials, and Folk Magic Beliefs
This is a partial of of articles on these subjects that can be found in the JSTOR archives. This is not exhaustive - this is just the portion I've saved for my own studies (I've read and referenced about a third of them so far) and I encourage readers and researchers to do their own digging. I recommend the articles by Ronald Hutton, Owen Davies, Mary Beth Norton, Malcolm Gaskill, Michael D. Bailey, and Willem de Blecourt as a place to start.
If you don't have personal access to JSTOR, you may be able to access the archive through your local library, university, museum, or historical society.
Full text list of titles below the cut:
'Hatcht up in Villanie and Witchcraft': Historical, Fiction, and Fantastical Recuperations of the Witch Child, by Chloe Buckley
'I Would Have Eaten You Too': Werewolf Legends in the Flemish, Dutch and German Area, by Willem de Blecourt
'The Divels Special Instruments': Women and Witchcraft before the Great Witch-hunt, by Karen Jones and Michael Zell
'The Root is Hidden and the Material Uncertain': The Challenges of Prosecuting Witchcraft in Early Modern Venice, by Jonathan Seitz
'Your Wife Will Be Your Biggest Accuser': Reinforcing Codes of Manhood at New England Witch Trials, by Richard Godbeer
A Family Matter: The CAse of a Witch Family in an 18th-Century Volhynian Town, by Kateryna Dysa
A Note on the Survival of Popular Christian Magic, by Peter Rushton
A Note on the Witch-Familiar in Seventeenth Century England, by F.H. Amphlett Micklewright
African Ideas of Witchcraft, by E.G. Parrinder
Aprodisiacs, Charms, and Philtres, by Eleanor Long
Charmers and Charming in England and Wales from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century, by Owen Davies
Charming Witches: The 'Old Religion' and the Pendle Trial, by Diane Purkiss
Demonology and Medicine in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, by Sona Rosa Burstein
Denver Tries A Witch, by Margaret M. Oyler
Devil's Stones and Midnight Rites: Megaliths, Folklore, and Contemporary Pagan Witchcraft, by Ethan Doyle White
Edmund Jones and the Pwcca'r Trwyn, by Adam N. Coward
Essex County Witchcraft, by Mary Beth Norton
From Sorcery to Witchcraft: Clerical Conceptions of Magic in the Later Middle Ages, by Michael D. Bailey
German Witchcraft, by C. Grant Loomis
Getting of Elves: Healing, Witchcraft and Fairies in the Scottish Witchcraft Trials, by Alaric Hall
Ghost and Witch in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, by Gillian Bennett
Ghosts in Mirrors: Reflections of the Self, by Elizabeth Tucker
Healing Charms in Use in England and Wales 1700-1950, by Owen Davies
How Pagan Were Medieval English Peasants?, by Ronald Hutton
Invisible Men: The Historian and the Male Witch, by Lara Apps and Andrew Gow
Johannes Junius: Bamberg's Famous Male Witch, by Lara Apps and Andrew Gow
Knots and Knot Lore, by Cyrus L. Day
Learned Credulity in Gianfrancesco Pico's Strix, by Walter Stephens
Literally Unthinkable: Demonological Descriptions of Male Witches, by Lara Apps and Andrew Gow
Magical Beliefs and Practices in Old Bulgaria, by Louis Petroff
Maleficent Witchcraft in Britian since 1900, by Thomas Waters
Masculinity and Male Witches in Old and New England, 1593-1680, by E.J. Kent
Methodism, the Clergy, and the Popular Belief in Witchcraft and Magic, by Owen Davies
Modern Pagan Festivals: A Study in the Nature of Tradition, by Ronald Hutton
Monstrous Theories: Werewolves and the Abuse of History, by Willem de Blecourt
Neapolitan Witchcraft, by J.B. Andrews and James G. Frazer
New England's Other Witch-Hunt: The Hartford Witch-Hunt of the 1660s and Changing Patterns in Witchcraft Prosecution, by Walter Woodward
Newspapers and the Popular Belief in Witchcraft and Magic in the Modern Period, by Owen Davies
Occult Influence, Free Will, and Medical Authority in the Old Bailey, circa 1860-1910, by Karl Bell
Paganism and Polemic: The Debate over the Origins of Modern Pagan Witchcraft, by Ronald Hutton
Plants, Livestock Losses and Witchcraft Accusations in Tudor and Stuart England, by Sally Hickey
Polychronican: Witchcraft History and Children, interpreting England's Biggest Witch Trial, 1612, by Robert Poole
Publishing for the Masses: Early Modern English Witchcraft Pamphlets, by Carla Suhr
Rethinking with Demons: The Campaign against Superstition in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe from a Cognitive Perspective, by Andrew Keitt
Seasonal Festivity in Late Medieval England, Some Further Reflections, by Ronald Hutton
Secondary Targets: Male Witches on Trial, by Lara Apps and Andrew Gow
Some Notes on Modern Somerset Witch-Lore, by R.L. Tongue
Some Notes on the History and Practice of Witchcraft in the Eastern Counties, by L.F. Newman
Some Seventeenth-Century Books of Magic, by K.M. Briggs
Stones and Spirits, by Jane P. Davidson and Christopher John Duffin
Superstitions, Magic, and Witchcraft, by Jeffrey R. Watt
The 1850s Prosecution of Gerasim Fedotov for Witchcraft, by Christine D. Worobec
The Catholic Salem: How the Devil Destroyed a Saint's Parish (Mattaincourt, 1627-31), by William Monter
The Celtic Tarot and the Secret Tradition: A Study in Modern Legend Making, by Juliette Wood
The Cult of Seely Wights in Scotland, by Julian Goodare
The Decline of Magic: Challenge and Response in Early Enlightenment England, by Michael Hunter
The Devil-Worshippers at the Prom: Rumor-Panic as Therapeutic Magic, by Bill Ellis
The Devil's Pact: Diabolic Writing and Oral Tradition, by Kimberly Ball
The Discovery of Witches: Matthew Hopkins' Defense of his Witch-hunting Methods, by Sheilagh Ilona O'Brien
The Disenchantment of Magic: Spells, Charms, and Superstition in Early European Witchcraft Literature, by Michael D. Bailey
The Epistemology of Sexual Trauma in Witches' Sabbaths, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and Alien Abduction Narratives, by Joseph Laycock
The European Witchcraft Debate and the Dutch Variant, by Marijke Gijswijt-Hofstra
The Flying Phallus and the Laughing Inquisitor: Penis Theft in the Malleus Maleficarum, by Moira Smith
The Framework for Scottish Witch-Hunting for the 1590s, by Julian Goodare
The Imposture of Witchcraft, by Rossell Hope Robbins
The Last Witch of England, by J.B. Kingsbury
The Late Lancashire Witches: The Girls Next Door, by Meg Pearson
The Malefic Unconscious: Gender, Genre, and History in Early Antebellum Witchcraft Narratives, by Lisa M. Vetere
The Mingling of Fairy and Witch Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Scotland, by J.A. MacCulloch
The Nightmare Experience, Sleep Paralysis, and Witchcraft Accusations, by Owen Davies
The Pursuit of Reality: Recent Research into the History of Witchcraft, by Malcolm Gaskill
The Reception of Reginald Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft: Witchcraft, Magic, and Radical Religions, by S.F. Davies
The Role of Gender in Accusations of Witchcraft: The Case of Eastern Slovenia, by Mirjam Mencej
The Scottish Witchcraft Act, by Julian Goodare
The Werewolves of Livonia: Lycanthropy and Shape-Changing in Scholarly Texts, 1550-1720, by Stefan Donecker
The Wild Hunter and the Witches' Sabbath, by Ronald Hutton
The Winter Goddess: Percht, Holda, and Related Figures, by Lotta Motz
The Witch's Familiar and the Fairy in Early Modern England and Scotland, by Emma Wilby
The Witches of Canewdon, by Eric Maple
The Witches of Dengie, by Eric Maple
The Witches' Flying and the Spanish Inquisitors, or How to Explain Away the Impossible, by Gustav Henningsen
To Accommodate the Earthly Kingdom to Divine Will: Official and Nonconformist Definitions of Witchcraft in England, by Agustin Mendez
Unwitching: The Social and Magical Practice in Traditional European Communities, by Mirjam Mencej
Urbanization and the Decline of Witchcraft: An Examination of London, by Owen Davies
Weather, Prayer, and Magical Jugs, by Ralph Merrifield
Witchcraft and Evidence in Early Modern England, by Malcolm Gaskill
Witchcraft and Magic in the Elizabethan Drama by H.W. Herrington
Witchcraft and Magic in the Rochford Hundred, by Eric Maple
Witchcraft and Old Women in Early Modern Germany, by Alison Rowlands
Witchcraft and Sexual Knowledge in Early Modern England, by Julia M. Garrett
Witchcraft and Silence in Guillaume Cazaux's 'The Mass of Saint Secaire', by William G. Pooley
Witchcraft and the Early Modern Imagination, by Robin Briggs
Witchcraft and the Western Imagination by Lyndal Roper
Witchcraft Belief and Trals in Early Modern Ireland, by Andrew Sneddon
Witchcraft Deaths, by Mimi Clar
Witchcraft Fears and Psychosocial Factors in Disease, by Edward Bever
Witchcraft for Sale, by T.M. Pearce
Witchcraft in Denmark, by Gustav Henningsen
Witchcraft in Germany, by Taras Lukach
Witchcraft in Kilkenny, by T. Crofton Croker
Witchcraft in Anglo-American Colonies, by Mary Beth Norton
Witchcraft in the Central Balkans I: Characteristics of Witches, by T.P. Vukanovic
Witchcraft in the Central Balkans II: Protection Against Witches, by T.P. Vukanovic
Witchcraft Justice and Human Rights in Africa, Cases from Malawi, by Adam Ashforth
Witchcraft Magic and Spirits on the Border of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, by S.P. Bayard
Witchcraft Persecutions in the Post-Craze Era: The Case of Ann Izzard of Great Paxton, 1808, by Stephen A. Mitchell
Witchcraft Prosecutions and the Decline of Magic, by Edward Bever
Witchcraft, by Ray B. Browne
Witchcraft, Poison, Law, and Atlantic Slavery, by Diana Paton
Witchcraft, Politics, and Memory in Seventeeth-Century England, by Malcolm Gaskill
Witchcraft, Spirit Possession and Heresy, by Lucy Mair
Witchcraft, Women's Honour and Customary Law in Early Modern Wales, by Sally Parkin
Witches and Witchbusters, by Jacqueline Simpson
Witches, Cunning Folk, and Competition in Denmark, by Timothy R. Tangherlini
Witches' Herbs on Trial, by Michael Ostling
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 months
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Trash Talk 18+
Beth England x Reader
Word count: 2,203
Warning: Smut, Teasing, daddy kink, Unprotected sex, Creampies, blowjob, Throatpie, Anal, Rough sex, squirting, hair pulling, clit teasing, Positions: Doggy, Missionary.
*Y/n's pov*
I was sweating bullets as I wait for a certain phone call. The coach from England came to one of my college games and told her that I had talent and wanted to invite me to the next camp.
After 5 minutes of waiting my phone rings. I click accept and hold my phone up to my ear.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hello, may I speak to Y/n please." They ask.
"This is her." I say.
"Hi Y/n this is Sarina the coach from England I was calling you to inform you that you've been selected to join us for camp in 2 weeks. So I have details for camp for you, you and Beth England will be roommates this camp. Beth will pick you up at the airport when you land, Beth and the girls are super excited to meet you." Sarina says.
"I can't wait to meet them either and start this new journey." I say.
"That's all the details I have for you right now. I'll inform you on the rest once you get to camp." Sarina says.
"Thank you coach. See you in 2 weeks." I say.
"See you in two weeks." Sarina says.
She hangs up, I set my phone off to the side and start packing and getting ready for camp so I don't have to worry about packing the night before.
I finish packing, my phone pings letting me know I have a new text message. I grab my phone and see that I have a text message from Beth England.
Beth: Hey Y/n! How everything is going good. Just wanted to reach out and let you know that you and me will be roommates and I'll be picking you up from the airport. Me and the girls can't wait to meet you."
Me: Hey Beth! Thank you for the info, I can't wait to meet you and the girls either and can't wait to be your roommate this camp.
Beth: I'm excited to be your roommate too.
I continue texting back and forth with Beth the rest of the day.
*Next week, Day of camp*
My alarm goes off at 3 am. I turn it off, I get up and start to get ready. I brush my teeth and hair and make sure I have everything packed and ready to go.
I grab my things, I call an Uber and head to the airport. I pay the driver, I grab my things and go into the airport.
I hand the lady my ticket and board the plane. We finish boarding and take off, after a four hour flight the plane lands. I grab my bags and get off the plane.
I get my suit case from baggage claim and go outside to find Beth. Beth was already outside waiting for me. I smile and walk over to her.
"It's nice to finally meet you." Beth says.
"You too." I say and hug her.
Beth helps me load my bags into the trunk. We get in the rental car and start driving to the hotel. we get to the hotel, Beth parks the car and helps me carry my things up to the room.
Beth unlocks the door and opens it. We both go in, Beth closes the door behind us and locks it. I take off my shoes and set my bags off to the side. I plop down onto the bed and sigh dramatically.
Beth giggles. "So dramatic."
"Mhm shut up." I say laughing.
Beth turns on the tv and her Xbox and turns on call of duty modern warfare.
I sigh and look over at her. "Really?"
"Yes really? You play?" I ask.
I nod. "Yeah I play, how good are you?" I ask teasing her.
Beth smirks and looks over at me. "I'm a legend."
I giggle. "Pfft yeah okay."
"Yup, you prepared to loose?" Beth asks.
I smirk, I sit up and take one of the controllers from her. "You're on Beth. Let's see what you got."
I win our first game, We decide to do best of 4. Beth ends up losing the first game, Beth starts to get angry at the game. I laugh at her frustration.
"What's wrong?" I ask teasing her.
"I want a redo you fucking cheated." Beth accuses.
"What? How did I cheat?" I ask.
"You were screen peaking." Beth says.
"No I wasn't, I won fair and square." I say.
Beth gets the second game loaded up and we start the game. Beth pauses the game for a second and looks over at me.
"Let's make a bet." Beth suggests.
I smile. "I'm listening."
My massive dick springs out and fully at attention Beth gasps and looks at my dick. I take off her clothes leaving her completely naked.
I Lean in kissing her. Beth kisses back, it turns into a make out session. I lay Beth on the bed, Beth wraps her legs around me as I continue to make out with her.
My dick pokes her inner thigh as we make out. Beth moans in the kiss, she breaks away and rests her head against mine.
"Please. Please Y/n I need your dick inside me." Beth cutely begs.
"Are you sure? I don't have a condom on me." I say making sure she wants this.
"Yes I'm sure, just cum in me I'm on a pill. Make me your personal cum dumpster." Beth says.
I nod, I rub my dick through Beth’s soaking wet folds. Beth moans in pleasure as I do this, once my dick is wet enough I slowly slide my dick inside her. Beth moans and looks deep into my eyes.
I moan as her walls immediately around my dick. "Shit baby, you're really tight." I moan.
"Stretch me out and fill me with your massive load." Beth moans.
Fuck that may have been the hottest thing I've heard. I slowly thrust in and out of her. Beth wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me closer to her.
"F-Faster." Beth moans.
I put my arms on the sides of her and pound her pussy faster and faster. Beth moans in pleasure, her eyes roll to the back of her head as I continue to fuck the daylights out of her.
"Fuck....Fuck....Fuck." Beth squeaks out with each thrust.
I continue to pound her g spot. I rub her clit with my thumb Beth screams in pleasure as I do this.
"I'm gonna squirt." Beth screams.
Beth squirts all over my dick, hand and fingers. I pound into her pussy faster than before, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"I'm close." I moan.
"Me too. Don't you dare stop, pump me full of your fucking cum." Beth cries out in pleasure.
I go faster and harder, I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Here it comes baby, get ready for my load." I moan.
Creampie #1:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Beth Cums all over my dick, we both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her and paint her walls white.
I help Beth ride out her high, I slowly pull out of her. Beth moans and holds her legs up as thick cum oozes out of her and onto the bed.
I move Beth to the middle of the bed and put her in doggy position. I rub my dick through her cum filled folds and slowly slide my dick back deep inside her cum filled pussy.
"So tight and warm." I moan.
"You feel so good inside me stretching me out. Drain your balls in me." Beth moans.
I grab her hair with one hand d, I place my hands on her hip and slowly thrust in and out of her as I pull her hair.
I moan, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room as I go a bit faster. "Mm fuck." I moan.
Beth moans loudly in pleasure and grips the sheets as I pound her pussy from behind faster and faster.
"Fuck yes! Just like that." Beth screams in pleasure.
I moan, I go at an angle and hit her g spot. I pull Beth's hair and tilt her head back. I smash my lips against hers and kiss her deeply. Beth moans in the kiss as I continue to fuck her brains out.
I moan as I feel myself getting closer. "Shit I'm already close to cumming again." I moan.
"Me too, cum in me." Beth moans.
I smirk and continue to pound Beth’s g spot. Beth screams in pleasure and squirts all over my dick and the bed. I moan in pleasure as I feel my balls tighten.
"I'm cumming!" I moan.
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Beth cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her and paint her walls white.
I help Beth ride out her high. Once we both come down from our highs, I slowly pull out of her. Thick cum pours out of her pussy and glazed her folds and drips down her thighs and onto the bed and bed sheets.
Beth moans as my cum oozes out of her. "Mmm fuck my ass."
Fuck I didn't know Beth was into anal. God she has a fat ass, I smirk and kiss her ass. I squeeze it a bit, Beth moans as I do this.
"Mmm you want me to fuck your ass slut?" I ask, I tease as I squeeze her ass a bit.
"Yes daddy. Please fuck my ass and cum inside me." Beth moans cutely and begs.
I scoop up some of my cum and rub it on her asshole using it as lube. I rip my tip through her folds and slowly slide my dick inside her tight asshole, I moan as her walls immediately clench around my dick.
"Oooh fuck." I moan in pleasure. "Your ass is even tighter baby. I could cum just from being inside you."
"Good, pump my ass full of your cum." Beth begs.
I smirk, I slowly thrust in and out of her ass. Beth moans as I start to thrust in and out of her slowly.
"F-Faster." Beth moans.
I pick up the pace and go faster, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"Fuck....Fuck.....Fuck." Beth squeaks out with each thrust.
I moan and continue to fuck her ass from behind. Beth moans loudly in pleasure.
"Fuck daddy you have amazing dick game." Beth moans.
I smirk. "Yup and it's all yours the rest of camp just as you are mine of the rest of camp."
"Yes please daddy. Please fuck me the rest of camp." Beth moans.
I pound her ass harder and faster. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. Fuck her ass felt so good, I don't think I can last much longer. I was gonna bust my load in her ass at any second.
"Beth baby, I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
Creampie #3:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her ass. Beth moans and cums all over my dick. She moans as I fill her up with my load.
"Mmm fuck." Beth moans.
I moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep in her ass and paint her walls white.
Beth switches positions and makes me lay on the bed. She lays between my legs and takes my dick in her mouth. I moan as she slowly bobs her head, my tip hitting the back of her throat.
"F-Fuck Beth just like that." I moan.
Beth hums and bobs her head faster and plays with my balls. I moan and hold her hair up as she continues to give me head and sucks the soul out of my dick.
"Shit baby; you really know how to suck dick." I moan.
I moan in pleasure and throw my head back and close my eyes enjoying the best blowjob I've had. I moan as I feel myself getting close.
"S-Shit, Beth baby I'm close." I moan.
Beth Hums against my dick and continues to suck the soul out of my dick. I moan and grip the sheets as Beth continues to suck the soul out of dick.
"I'm gonn-" I try to warn her but I’m unable to warn her in time.
Throat pie:
I'm unable to warn her in time, I bust my load in her mouth. Beth chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth.
Beth swallows my load and licks up the rest of my cum.
"Fuck that was the best blow job I've gotten so far" I moan.
Beth giggles and kisses me. I moan as I taste myself on her lips. Fuck my cum tastes amazing, Beth Drags me to the bathroom.
"Come on let's shower, you might get Lucky and get another round in." Beth smirks at me.
"Fuck I'm looking forward to the rest of camp." I mutter.
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moonlit-imagines · 8 months
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a/n: ahhh i feel like this may be way off from the req, but i hope its still enjoyable!!
requested by anonymous
Most Avengers didn’t look much different than the everyday person, maybe just a different build at most. But you, you’d always been different and it was no secret. A mutate with a pair of wings unable to be hidden from the outside world, unable to ever feel normal.
Until a strange conversation with Loki, a fellow Avenger’s brother and a former foe, left you wondering how bad it really was to be different. “I’m different, too, you know.” He said and watched you roll your eyes. “And it’s not just because I’m the best looking in my family.”
“Loki, you look just like everyone else. What does it matter to you?” You shot back and watched his skin turn blue. “You’ve proven my point, you can change your appearance. I can’t.” You further argued.
“What should it matter if I look like this, ten feet tall, or like a normal human does? Maybe it’s better to stand out rather than fall into place with all the others. Wings? Sure, they stick out a bit, but if that’s the only problem then—” You pulled your lip up to call attention to the fangs, “okay, you’re not helping your case or hurting mine. Just be yourself.”
“You’ll have to be yourself, too.” You retorted.
“Considering I won’t be here for too long, fine.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 //
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 1B
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Bold and brassy beltress Beth Leavel (1955) burst onto the Broadway stage in 42nd Street in 1985, and has since been in eleven additional shows. She won a Tony in 2006 for her showstealing performance in The Drowsy Chaperone, and was subsequently nominated twice more. Other stage work includes The Prom (2018), Mamma Mia (2009), and Lempicka, slated to open this spring. She is a frequent solo cabaret artist, and regional actress.
Donna Murphy (1959) is a two-time Tony-winning legend of the Broadway stage, with five nominations in all, each for Best Leading Actress in a Musical. Her gripping performance as the chronically ill Fosca in Sondheim's Passion (1994) may have disgusted and disturbed audiences, but earned her immense critical acclaim. Two years later, she won her second Tony for The King and I (1996), and the year after that, earned a Daytime Emmy. She adopted a five-pound dog named Pippi Shortstocking Murphy-Elliott, and it's one of the cutest fucking things you'll ever see.
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"With a voice like a foghorn to rival that of Ethel Merman, Beth Leavel is still as strong and brassy as ever. I've been to two of her cabarets, and have fallen a little in love each time. Many women (and men) have done "Before the Parade Passes By," but her version is my personal favorite."
"Beth Leavel Propaganda: Her Closing Night "The Lady's Improving" Just listen to "It's Not About Me" Bandstand: Everything Happens "As We Stumble Along" - Submitted by @puppywritesthings
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"She's Donna Fucking Murphy. A certified Sondheim Lady in Red DIVA who Sondheim himself considered one of his greatest interpreters. I cannot stress enough how much I desire this woman carnally. She has spent decades of her life shamelessly dedicated to the no-bra/stiff-nipple combo, and I am appreciating it respectfully. Also, this woman is a Grade A Flirt who knows exactly what she's doing. I am in love, and have been for decades of my life. I saw 150 shows in 2023 and Donna Murphy in Dear World was at the top of the damn list. Beth Leavel, I love you, but I need Donna Murphy to sweep her section of this tournament, because if she doesn't, I will riot. "
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meademalove · 4 months
It’s said that time waits for no one, but it stood still for Vivianne Miedema at 22 minutes past 4 on Saturday, May 18.
Played in behind by a needle-threading pass from Beth Mead, Miedema picked her moment to burst between three Brighton defenders.
She barely needed to look up at goal to find the far corner with a collected finish, scoring with her first touch after being introduced in the 62nd minute.
If the feat of finding the net immediately was remarkable, which it was, the sight of the so-often humble and unassuming Miedema racing away celebrating showed just how much this moment meant.
Without a second thought, the Dutchwoman raised both arms and was mobbed by her teammates in front of the South Stand. Mead could not have embraced her any tighter, and even the travelling Brighton fans joined the home supporters in applause.
“Most people can’t write their own farewell, but maybe you can do that if you are her,” said Arsenal head coach Jonas Eidevall after the game. The Swede had audibly come under fire at Meadow Park for the decision to let Miedema go, but even his harshest critics couldn’t disagree with that line.
If anything, Miedema’s flawless cameo, which included setting up Frida Maanum to make it 5-0, threw more weight behind the argument that Arsenal simply had to offer one of the greatest to pull on the red and white shirt a new contract.
Yes, Miedema had struggled with injury this season, returning triumphantly from an ACL injury only to undergo further issues that kept her sidelined, but when she has been on the pitch, and used effectively, she has been impactful.
Eidevall will perhaps feel that Miedema’s departure offers a chance to refresh the squad and move forward, but her spell on Saturday afternoon offered a glimpse into what a fully fit Vivianne Miedema raring to go in 2024/25 could threaten to deliver for Arsenal.
The Arsenal boss was criticised loudly by a minority of fans during Miedema’s interview on the pitch after full-time, with shouts of “Jonas out” and “give her a new contract” arguably poorly timed for what should have been Miedema’s chance to say goodbye.
Her departure has been a decision that has split the fanbase, and understandably so. A legend for club and country leaving at the ripe age of 27 was never a decision that Arsenal could expect to be taken well by the majority of supporters, and if Miedema flourishes in pastures new, then criticism will likely be heightened.
Miedema had little say in writing the script of her departure from North London, but the iconic figure’s masterful final introduction to Meadow Park was crafted to pure perfection. Time stood still, just for a moment.
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deathmetalangel · 10 months
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this includes every character i write for and a link to their current personal master lists if i have works out for them (warnings may vary and minors dni)
this is in no particular order of character btw but my favorites will have a neat little asterisk
refer to what i don’t and do write in my separate post. also this is constantly being updated so don’t mind it much. you can always request a character if it’s not listed there’s no harm in asking :)
- marceline*
- princess bubblegum
- marshal lee*
- finn
- fiona
- esdeath*
- tatsumi
- akame
- kurome
- tate langdon*
- violet harmon
- kyle spencer
- nora montgomery
- moira o’hara
- bloodhound (no smut)
- wraith
- wattson
- octane
- loba
- revenant
- lifeline
- valkyrie
- crypto
- jake sulley*
- neytiri
- kiri
- neteyam*
- lo’ak
- aonung
- tsireya
- prince zuko*
- princess azula*
- sokka*
- katara
- aang
- suki
- yue
- ty lee
- mai
- judd birch*
- val bilzerian*
- connie
- mona
- izuku midoriya
- keigo takami
- touya todoroki
- shoto todoroki
- katsuki bakugo
- himeko toga
- tomura shigaraki
- tamaki amajiki
- simon ‘ghost’ riley
- john ‘soap’ mctavish
- könig
- valeria garza*
- alejandro vargas*
- robby keene
- miguel diaz*
- johnny lawrence
- daniel larusso
- tory nichols
- eli ‘hawk’ moskowitz*
- demetri alexopoulos
- zero two
- hiro
- mitsuru*
- ichigo
- misa amane
- light yagami
- l
- tanjiro kamado*
- nezuko kamado
- kyojuro rengoku*
- giyu tomioka*
- shinobu kocho
- sanemi shinazugawa*
- genya shinazugawa*
- zenitsu agatsuma
- inosuke hasibira*
- muichiro tokito
- mitsuri kanroji
- iguro obanai*
- tengen uzui
- alastor* (i fully respect his asexuality so no smut :3 since he’s not canon aro i still write for him)
- angel dust
- charlie morningstar
- vaggie
- loona
- millie
- moxxie
- verosika mayday
- stolas goetia
- barbie wire
- striker
- octavia goetia
- adam*
- lute
- lucifer morningstar*
- rosie
- the vees
- max dennison
- thackery binx
- sarah sanderson
- peter parker
- wanda maximoff
- pietro maximoff*
- tony stark
- natasha romanoff
- k'uk'ulkan*
- killmonger*
- miguel o’hara*
- ray*
- fuckshit
- fourth grade*
- ruben (no smut)
- stevie (no smut)
- jesse white
- sarah fox
- ethan morgan
- benny weir*
- rory keener
- erica jones
- naruto uzumaki
- sasuke uchiha*
- sakura haruno
- minato namikaze
- hinata hyuga
- neji hyuga
- itachi uchiha*
- shisui uchiha*
- kakashi hatake*
- haku yuki
- pain*
- konan
- sasori
- deidara
- arthur morgan*
- sadie adler
- dutch van der lide
- mary linton*
- john marston
- lenny summers
- javier escuella
- mary-beth gaskill
- ethan landry*
- billy loomis
- stu macher
- sydney prescott
- tatum riley
- alex*
- harvey
- haley*
- sam
- abigail
- emily
- shane
- sebastian
- elliott
- maru
- penny
- leah
- din djarin*
- anakin skywalker*
- padme amidala*
- poe dameron
- luke skywalker
- leia skywalker
- ahsoka tano*
- han solo
- bo katan kreze
- charlie conway*
- adam banks*
- guy germaine
- dean portman
- julie gaffney
- connie moreau
- luis mendoza
- conrad fisher*
- steven conklin*
- jeremiah fisher
- belly conklin*
- taylor jewel
- alice cullen
- jasper hale*
- rosalie hale
- edward cullen
- jacob black*
- paul lahote
- leah clearwater
- seth clearwater*
- bella swan
- alec volturi*
- jane volturi
- victoria
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tony-italian-name · 2 years
A list of things I believe would kill Willy Stampler part 3
I have gotten to many suggestions and had to make ANOTHER post
(i love every one of you evil, clever geniuses)
Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson
internet slur discourse
league of legends (the players and the game)
Time traveling lesbian serial killers (aka: Elizabeth Mothman and her wife)
An anvil falling on his head
A musical episode of Riverdale
Any normal episode of Riverdale
Willy Wonka's factory
A gun
Both Cassandra Swift and Veronica Marlowe if they find out what he's done to their children
The Homestuck fandom
William Biliam Campos
Be More Chill
the npc Beth May
WAP the song
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theluckywizard · 3 months
In the Shattering of Things, Ch: 77: Confessions
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Chapter Summary:
Rose and Garrett share a last morning together before he leaves to search for Carver in the Approach and the Inquisition turns its attention toward southern Orlais.
Fic Summary:
Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke.
Rating: Explicit
WC: 418,000
Excerpt and art below the cut 👇
Upstairs again, Hawke wiggles his toes out the bottom of my blankets, stretching his arms long along the pillows crammed up against the headboard. The whole look is a gorgeous invitation. I toss my robe over a chair and crawl over the blankets to perch on top of him. 
“Best eighteen hours in ages,” he declares, tracing a finger along the pale streaks up my left arm. “Maybe ever.”
“I’m not often visited by cheese deities, so at a bare minimum it was— very memorable,” I tease him, drifting my hand over his obvious enthusiasm beneath the bed linens. “One more time for the road?” He hums a hungry grumble as he pulls me close, inhaling deeply of my skin as if cataloging it in his mind for the long journey.
“You’d think after last night I’d still be soup,” he remarks, welcoming me back under the blankets.
“We have to be quick,” I murmur against his neck.
“Who says?” he asks.
“The kitchen boy,” I answer. Garrett grins as he shakes his head, then smolders at me as he finds the exact spot to knock away my smirk.
We laugh our way through a raucous, breakneck tumble, testing the joinery of this fancy new bed of mine as we scramble to see who can climax first. Then we squeeze into my tub for a quick bath before breakfast, him scrunched up with his legs bent and me wedged between his thighs. The tub is far too tight to be everything my favorite smutty romances promise, but I rather like being squashed up with him.
“I think I’m going to send for Bethany,” he says behind me as I mop his arms with a soapy cloth. 
I pause, warmed by the thought. “To join us here?”
“You could use another a healer, couldn’t you?” he asks, hunching down to set his chin on my shoulder.
“We’d be delighted to have her. Ellendra is desperate for competent help.”
“I meant— in your escort. With the rest of us. We could use another battle medic besides Solas. You never know when we could lose him. And Bethany has the chops.”
“Oh. Oh.” 
A tiny rush scurries through me.
He closes his slippery arms around me. “She’d thrive here, I know she would,” he says. “And with the rest of the team. She knows Varric of course. And I think she’d be grateful to reunite with some of her circle friends. And— I’d like to think you two would hit it off.”
“I’d love that. I’d love to meet her,” I answer. “What about Carver? Do you think we’ll get along?”
Garrett lets out a gravelly sigh. “Hard to say. But I hope so. But— well. Don’t be surprised if he’s a cranky bugger.” He snorts softly. “I suppose I’ve got this fantasy of getting Carver and Beth and I together one more time. Like if I can just pull it off maybe it will make everything better.”
I lean down to kiss his arm. “I hope so.”
Read the rest here Start the fic here
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And I can finally share this commission by @crunchyncrumbly I got like nine months ago. I've finally arrived at this part of the fic 🤩 (and this is the other commission from crunchy I got of these two)
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DAFF Tag List:
@warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren
@breninarthur | @plisuu | @dreadfutures | @inquisimer | @ar-lath-ma-cully
@ir0n-angel | @blarrghe | @crackinglamb | @oxygenforthewicked | @about2dance
@delicatefade | @leggywillow | @exalted-dawn-drabbles |
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maiteo · 2 months
hello 29&30 luv u
thank you beth, I love YOU!!🫂
29: a song that you remember from your childhood
hungry heart - bruce springsteen….i honestly could’ve picked any song from this legend bc you know…JERSEY! but this one specifically reminds me of the summers I’d spend at cape may🩵
30: a song that reminds you of yourself
meta angel - fka twigs…so tough esp since I wouldn’t even know where to begin when describing myself, I’m all over the place I fear😭 along with my tastes but!! I love this song sm…she was singing about me I think💭
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kingscanyon · 7 months
hi, i'm kali/klowdy/k. welcome to my video game blog! i primarily play shooters and occasionally story based, single player games.
was previously: wyllsblade ₊˚⊹♡
here you will see apex legends, call of duty, baldur's gate 3, maybe also some overwatch and red dead.
i make gifs, i may upload gameplay, and i write mediocrity over on ao3. i also OC post :3
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frequent tags used ₊˚⊹♡
gifsets ᯓ★
gameplay ᯓ★
talk tag ᯓ★
oc posts ᯓ★
current ocs on my mind ₊˚⊹♡
Alystin Mysek, bg3
Calpurnia Zimmlar, bg3
Vaughn Ballinger, cod
Florence Howard, rdr2
fics on ao3 ₊˚⊹♡
romance is not dead ⭑ kyle "gaz" garrick x vaughn ballinger
you can see me as a secret mission ⭑ kyle "gaz" garrick x vaughn ballinger
the only one i'll ever miss ⭑ kyle "gaz" garrick x vaughn ballinger
flew like a moth to you ⭑ astarion x alystin
wyllweek day one ⭑ wyll x calpurnia
ao3 ᯓ★ pinterest ᯓ★ spotify ᯓ★ 'main' blog @deverys
favorite characters ₊˚⊹♡
bangalore, fuse, reaper, lifeweaver, WYLL RAVENGARD, soap mactavish, harry osborn, lifeline, mad maggie, javier escuella, arthur morgan, gale dekarios, omen, GAZ, the pink-haired dwarf harper that's at last light and calls me pretty, ELLIOTT 'MIRAGE' WITT, tilly jackson, mary-beth gaskill. im SO normal abt the blade of frontiers btw.
if u read this far ily, this is us now 🫶🏼☁️💫🤠
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thank u !!!
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ambitionsource · 9 months
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THE ANTI-HERO ♦️ An AMBITION Playlist of Maddi-Curated Song and Artist Recs
( Listen 🎵🎧 )
"Dreamer" by Laufey 🎶 Some might call me mad, the worst this town has had; I fell right down the rabbit hole, legends say I fell so fast I lost my soul... "Anti-Hero" by Taylor Swift 🎶 Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby, and I'm a monster on the hill; too big to hang out, slowly lurching towards your favorite city, pierced through the heart but never killed... "broken people" by almost monday 🎶 Only been down for a minute, feels so long when I'm in it... "Lost Angeles" by The Aces 🎶 Lost Angeles, you're the loneliest city I've ever known... "she's all i wanna be" by Tate McRae 🎶 She's got everything that I don't have and she's all I wanna be, all I wanna be so bad... "Knees Deep" by The Beths 🎶 With no scar, no memory, I'm envious; why pretend I'm not? "Being Alone" by Gatlin 🎶 Alone again, thought this would be more fun; always doomed from the start... "Silk Chiffon" by MUNA & Phoebe Bridgers 🎶 I'm high and I'm feeling anxious inside of the CVS... "The Good Part" by AJR 🎶 These things take time; mom and dad, they have a good life, but what the hell am I gonna do with mine? "Letter To My 13 Year Old Self" by Laufey 🎶 I know that you feel loud, so different from the crowd of big blue eyes, and long blonde hair, and boys that stare; keep on going with your silly dream, life is prettier than it may seem...
[ 🃏 Master Post ] [ ♣️ Lucas ] [ ♥️ Charlie ] [ ♠️ Maya ]
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 months
My media this week (12-18 May 2024)
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the fucking contempt that dripped from his voice!
😊 Tea and No Sympathy (who_la_hoop) - 70K, drarry - enjoyable enough, set 2 yrs post war, draco gets stuck in a time loop & learns some things
😊 That's What You Get For Waking Up In Vegas (Oh_i_swear & ThePirateStorm) - 96K, shrunkyclunks - cute & entertaining - ymmv depending on your threshold for lots of britishisms in the dialogue of two ostensibly american guys + highly unrealistic kid behavior
😊 head above water (yourblues) - 91K, hocky rpf, started almost too slow burn for me since I don't know the characters involved but well written & compelling enough that I wanted to know & then about halfway thru I was fully in
😍 This, You Protect (Infinite Coffee & Protection Detail #1) (owlet) - 64K, recovering WS Stucky, one of the preeminent classics in the Stucky fandom featuring Cat Eleanor, The Olds, grilled cheeses and sheep pj pants.
💖💖 +56K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Kelly, the Well-Meaning and Very Confused Barista (chaya) - MCU: barbershop quartet, 6K - "An outside observer confuses the 'barbershop quartet' as one woman with a really bad habit for cheating. Complete fluff." - I really love a well-done outsider POV
and now you will not be alone any more (pocky_slash) - X-Men: cherik, 5K - "Erik gives driving, sewing, and cooking lessons, soothes nightmares, bolsters self-esteem, and still can't figure out why Charles keeps smiling at him like that." - love stories where Erik's like a feral cat that accidentally domesticates itself without realizing it
Girls5eva - s1, e2
That '90s Show - s1, e1-2
The Unicorn - s1, e1-2
QI - series U, e9-15
Murdoch Mysteries - s16, e21
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s10, e3
Dead Boy Detectives - s1, e1
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Ragenarok (Part 1)" (s21, e19)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Only Cowgirls Get the Blues" (s16, e19)
Doctor Who - s1 (series 14), e3
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Musée Mécanique
Re: Dracula - May 12: What Manner of Man is This
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - To the Moon and Back with Rebecca Boyle
Shedunnit - Bonus: The Chalet School
The Sporkful - Bringing Georgia O’Keeffe To Life With Her Recipes
99% Invisible #581 - It's Howdy Doody Time!
Decoder Ring - How the Jalapeño Lost Its Heat
WikiHole - Nathan Lane (with Zach Woods, Jeff Hiller and Katie Dippold)
Under the Influence - The Gong Show: Ads That Could Never (Ever) Run Today
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Museum
WikiHole - Patrick J Adams (with Bowen Yang, Mary Beth Barone and Marie Faustin
Points North - The Legend of Heike's Tombs
The Allusionist - 194. Word Play 4: Good Grids
Pop Culture Happy Hour - I Saw the TV Glow is weird and transfixing
Switched on Pop - Is pop music just fast food? (with Gastropod)
The Fandom Show - 29: The Golden Girls (with Tricia Black)
Dinner’s on Me - Zachary Quinto
99% Invisible #582 - Rocket Man
Vibe Check - Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud
Re: Dracula - May 15: Lizard Fashion
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Looking to the past and future of Black Twitter
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Underwater Sculpture Gardens
Welcome to Night Vale #248 - Mother Lauren
The Fandom Show - (NEW) Doctor Who
Re: Dracula - May 16: This Man Belongs to Me
Wild Card - Why Chris Pine gave up on being perfect
Wild Card - Chris Pine on performing the role of "movie star" + more Issa Rae (Wild Card+)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Gabbing Goblins with Colin Dickey
Dinner’s on Me - Harry Shum Jr.
Persuasion by Jane Austen - Persuasion 1. | Meet the Elliots
The Fandom Show - Our Flag Means Death
Short Wave - Scientists Reveal Mysterious Origin of Baobab Trees, Rafiki's Home in 'The Lion King'
Dear Prudence - My Mom Forgot to Take Her Medicine and “Accidentally” Made Racist Remarks. Help!
It's Been a Minute - Bumble & the trap of modern dating; plus, living ethically in COVID's aftermath
Endless Thread - Catfish for dinner
Strong Songs - "Easter Theatre" by XTC
Dinner’s on Me - Danielle Brooks
Re: Dracula - May 18: It was No Dream
99% Invisible - The Power Broker #05: Brandy Zadrozny
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Maya Hawke
Sweetheart Soul
The Romantics Radio • Familiar
The Essential Survivor [Survivor] {2014}
My Supermix
AM In The A.M.: '70s Pop Morning
"Beach Baby" [First Class] radio
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newartistgirl · 2 years
Twilight and why he would make a wonderful protagonist.
  It’s a weird statement to say out of the blue. I’m aware. But listen, please.
  I have all this rant already written about why if there’s one Link who will die it will be no other than the Old man. While thinking about that I came to the realisation Twilight has the protagonist material. Now, what do I mean with this? If you look closely, all of them have “protagonist qualities” and maybe it’s just the fact that some other storylines haven’t been yet explored that much why they haven’t shone as much yet. This is meant to be a story about the nine of them, not just some of them. Not just Twilight. So don’t take this too seriously, I could probably make a rant about any of the Links as protagonists whithout issues.
  Having said this, is time to clarify what does “the protagonist material” mean. Think about a protagonist, a rather old one. Nowdays protagonists in stories have a need of being different, of bringing something new and/or unseen, being outcasts, members of society who struggle... (They have a more romanticism vibe ig?), hence my interest on more traditional adventure protagonists. Having had a character like Link, whose background does not differ that much from game to game, since 1986, means that he, eventhough has had an evolution and slight changes through the years, still falls under the typical heroic protagonist who will fight against evil.
  So why did Twilight in this comic between all of them, who have been protagonists at some point, caught my attention? To sum it up briefly before expaining further; he is kindhearted, young, has love issues, a mentor and someone under his wing. His age, position in the group, and traits makes it easy to think of him as an ideal protagonist.
In games, we see a Link who is a simple hard-working boy who serves as a helping hand in the ranch. He is an orphan but seems to be close to Rusl and his son Collin, who aspires to be like him one day. All the children like to play with him and, of course, he has a very special childhood friend whom he shares with some kind of romantic-like scenes. (I’m specially refering to that one of Ilia regaining her memories and giving Link the whistle she made. The fact that the animators decided to have all the characters leave them alone, and a shot of Beth dragging Talo far form the window, added to the scene in general, makes obvious the intentions they had)
  In comics we see that same boy but with an added extra layer of depth. As it should be of course, because the biggest point of these comics, which started as mere interactions between the Links, are, you guessed it, the characters.
  Now it’s time to point out the things that would make him easy to place as a main character.
  1. Kindhearted. I know, as I stated earlier, this is not by any means a requirement. In fact, you can find many not so kindhearted main characters, (and not so main), who are still great. Still, this positions him in a good place among the rest of the Links, because, as we have already seen, Twilight has been seen several times being told secrets/problems, and or showing that he is trustworthy. If you have thought right now about Sky, you are right too. He, just like Twilight, is stated to be killed with kindness and Legend claims that, if anyone, he could trust Sky. So, what does make Twilight different from him? 
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  2. His age. If you look back in the archives theres a post where jojo explains why she made Twilight be older than Sky when, in games, they seem to be around the same age. The answer is maturity. As I said a few paragraphs ago, in Twilight Princess, Link is a hard-working boy who helps around the village and kids like and admire, while in Skyward Sword, Link is a sleepyhead student who is outstandingly talented and lucky. Other way he might have not become a knight of Skyloft. This choice of making Twilight an adult instead of an old teen may have marked a little bit his position in the group, as kind of a second leader. But is he actually a “second leader”?
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  3. His character descriptions says it all. Only a few Links are stated to be or not be leader material, something important to aknowledge when theres a group of nine heroes working together. Time is said to be leader type, and is the leader of the group. Being the oldest has its advantages. Warriors is also said to be leader type. He’s called captain for a reason. Legend is said to be a leader type that chooses not to be one. (Something that -don’t kill me-, could actually make him an interesting heroic, or even antiheroic, main character, or sidekick of the protagonist). What’s interesting about the rancher’s description is that it is specified that, eventhough he is indeed a leader type, he does not think of himself as such. This is actually a good main character kind of trait that by the end of the story he may or may not have overcome (yeah, the story could end with the protagonist failing to succeed or change what was expected. That could be the point).
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 4. The mentor. This is for a reason considered a trope. It’s often used in stories as a guide to the main character. It’s old and wise, and often dies (ironic isn’t it?). Of course our aspiring protagoist has a mentor figure; Time, whom he shares with a story yet to explore. Furthermore, he is not just a mentor figure to a hero, he is a mentor figure to an orphan hero, and they happen to be blood related? (Im laughing right now) Isn’t that like... too perfect? On a more serious note, this is actually a side of the story I that really hope gets even more relevant. (I reeeeally like this trope)
  5. Wild. As I said, Twilight has been told secrets and has been seen being a shoulder to cry on (and did a good job at handling those situations). However, there’s an important dynamic in the group that, in my opinion, could favour even more that main character-ish development. While I love (too) many of them I’m now talking about the Champion and the Rancher. It works as a kind of mirror to Time and Twilight’s dynamic (wouldn’t say relationship because, as far as we know, they are the only heroes to share blood. I guess that makes it a little bit different). There’s, as I said, potential for development and growth through this friendship, making Twilight be in a similar position to the one person he admires and looks up to. Would that help him realise, maybe, he is indeed a leader type?
  6. Love issues. I know this is not necessary at all for a main character but it’s undeniably a recurrent obstacle in the main character’s path who all romantic people probably enjoy. Sometimes does not even have to have “complications”, but the figure of the love interest has it’s own name for a reason. Twilight, in games, does not seem to have a major love issue. In fact, as I recalled at the beggining of this, now we could say, essay, it seems clear that Ilia and Link had feelings for eachother. And that they were reciprocated. So, what’s the issue? Midna. The answer is Midna. Eventhough it’s not confirmed at all, some people like to think that, after all that time they spent together, something more than a friendship blossomed. Mangas support this, and, eventhough they are not canon, neither is Linked Universe. This AU might be truthfull to the games to death, but has taken some obvious licenses (The fusion between some heroes to make the goup smaller, adding Hyrule Warriors’ Link...) I’m not here to say it’s wrong what was done ‘casue, honestly, I think jojo made really good choices. In fact, I could say that I think jojo has made really good choices too in what love life of the members of the group are concerned. Definitive pairs, being a frequent reason of disagreement, have been slightly avoided, at least for those who have a wide range of plausible couples. (I’m not gonna ramble about Time and Malon despite really wanting to. Just...best decision ever) What do I mean by this? If you think about it, love has not been yet a really important matter. It has been brought up several times but, if we look closely, as I said, the only officialy established relationships are Malon and Time, Sky and his corresponding Zelda, and, eventhough it’s not “a thing” Legend and Marin (They are not in a relationship, because... well, you know... But it has been shown that she is still in his mind with no other candidates) Some of them haven’t been reported to have a special someone, and, as jojo said, all those who hadn’t have a “special lady” to complicate things would by default fill that space with Zelda. No, im not forgetting about Twilight. Let me get there. As it has been shown for Wild and Twilight, all the posible ladys have been mentioned. The same way both Mipha and Zelda have been brought up to Wild, Twilight has been brought up Ilia (by Warriors), but most importantly, he has brought up Midna. 
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  The picture may not be legible but he is saying: “A princess beautiful as the setting sun shattered my heart like a mirror into a million pieces”. Of course he is not refering to princess Zelda but rather her counterpart in the twilight realm; Midna. So that leads us to his original description. What does “getting over a complicated relationship” means? It is also an allusion to Midna and Links’. And yeah, I’ve got evidence to prove jojo meant to say Twilight is getting over a complicated relationship. 
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    I’m talking about this.
  Look closely to that one that says: “Are his newly strong feelings for midna a phase? after all, Ilia was always the girl for him. This is a confirmation that, Twilight has, indeed, a kind of love story going on. And the fact that Warriors has brought her up in a teasing way makes me think that this may still be on the table and that it’s not so far away.
  Maybe this could be changed to; Why Twilight as a protagonist would have a special place in my mind. But, whatever. If you made it this far let me thank you very much for your attention. Any kind of idea, suggestion, and personal thought is  welcome.
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moonlit-imagines · 8 months
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requested by anonymous
A distant sound heard by Sylvie kept her from her sleep tonight, a simple whine and tussle in the room over. Every minute or so she heard it again, knowing your sleep was not a peaceful one.
Sylvie quietly exited her room, floor creaking beneath her feet before she made it to your door and turned the knob as gently as she can, a squeak from the metal made her pause in fear, then she pushed the door open and entered your nearly bare room, a new tenant in her apartment, another mysterious past she had an understanding of.
Your roommate stood beside your bed, worried she may startle you if you wake, but still entered to do some good tonight. Her hand neared the temple of your head and a flash of green traveled past your face, she could see the relic as your body relaxed and you ceased the upsetting noises you’d been making since you drifted off.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 //
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