#it’s only when SHE shows HIM MERCY he lets up
frmisnow · 1 day
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summary. agreeing to finally spend the weekend over at your boyfriends, you find him clingier (& hornier) than ever!
notes. let me tell you i've been STRUGGLING w writers block but i just wanted to give yall smth bc i have like 2 TOUGH weeks of exams coming up :( so i do hope you enjoy, much love!!! ₊˚⊹
warnings/includes. bf bf non idol? jungkook x f! reader, he's clingy & horny so basically the summary!, established relationship (she just doesn't live w him), a drabble, giving head + kitchen sex mentioned
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when you once again agreed to spend the two free days with jungkook, you were as always not prepared for him rotting around you the whole time.
it didn't matter where you were — preparing something for dinner? you bet your ass he was hugging you from behind, evidently slowing down your cooking progress, giggling manically. typing it away on your laptop, trying to get a school paper done? he'll magically show up from behind (you swear you did NOT hear any footsteps), closing the laptop carefully while leaning over the chair to place tiny kisses down your neckline, mumbling something about you not being supposed to work since the weekend was there for him to love you.
and let me tell you: jeon jungkook takes his loving towards you during saturday and sunday (pun intended) VERY seriously. I'm telling you: consider yourself lucky if he even lets you out of bed!
he has to have his hands on you 24/7 and if he doesn't he'll swear he might just die at least that's what he always says.
you have to take 'he loves to love you' pretty literally because when it comes to jungkook and your special little weekends together, he always always puts your pleasure first.
jungkook bets he could eat your pussy for hours at a time and he'll go to many lengths to prove just that, he'll overstimulate you on accident- and then looks up to you with his boba eyes all inoccently like he actually didn't mean it.
i swear he always gets a boner around you! and he'll full on blame you for it! 'it's just cause you look like that!' adorned with that silly pout but be careful with how you respond- he might just fuck you on the kitchen counter... that man has no mercy.
all the way at night on saturday, when he's done with you, tucked you into bed, snuggled up to you all tightly, he'll whisper: "it's so sad that you don't live with me" into the air, every fucking time.
but maybe it was good that only those two days belonged to him since you really didn't knew what kind of animalistic human you'd turn into if you did the things you did together, seven days a week.
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Love is a killer that never dies (part 4)
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Dracule Mihawk x reader. NSFW!! Discussion of dub-con.
Sex Pollen!AU for the short series that began with Built a haven for your love (until I let you fall apart). Can be read as a standalone.
This is part four of four.
Title taken by another song by Beast in Black -Born Again- since it's not part of the main continuity. Kuraigana Island is Mihawk's home in the manga/anime.
Shanks being in a relationship with his crew's doctor is an allusion to this headcanon list and then to this fic, even though they take place in a different continuity.
Mihawk having a sister is a reference to this headcanon list.
The soft notes of a flute entered the room through the open window. Mihawk didn’t know who was playing, just like he didn’t know what time it was; the world out of his bedroom seemed to have disappeared, leaving only him, the woman he loved, and the bed he was lying supine on. 
(name) smiled as she sat on his lap once again; she bent to kiss him, letting her hands roam the naked expanse of his chest. “Sometimes I try to imagine you clean-shaved.” she mused “You didn’t have a beard when we met as kids, but I have never seen you without it as an adult.”
“I have had a beard since I was old enough to grow one.”
“Why? It does become you, of course.”
The real reason why Mihawk had always let his beard grow was to look as different as he could from his father, who used to shave every day; and after the old lord Dracule had died, by simple force of habit. He could explain it to (name), but he didn’t feel like talking about his father, at least now.
“I like my face the way it is.” he said in the end, and he felt her smile against his throat.
“I couldn’t agree more, darling.”
She kept kissing him, murmuring how good he looked and how happy he made her as she explored his chest with her mouth, gently sucking and biting his pale skin. “I want to kiss every inch of your body.” she declared.
Mihawk grinned. “No matter how meticulous I am regarding my personal hygiene, there are parts of my body it would be highly improper to kiss.” he pointed out.
“You heard me. Your feet, your elbows, your ears… any part of you is lovely and perfect; I want to show you how ardently I adore you.”
Mihawk stopped breathing when he felt (name)’s lips kiss the thin strip of hair that went from his navel to the waistband of his trousers; he lifted his head from the pillow to look at her, and the woman met his eyes with a smile, kneeling over him, her perky ass lifted in the air. He was starving for her, his throbbing erection begging for mercy, but (name) limited herself to observe the fabric-covered tent in front of her with an half-interested expression that was both arousing and infuriating.
“Hmmm, what do we have here…”
“For the Gods’ sake, woman!” Mihawk exclaimed, exasperated; he could have taken care of the matter himself, he wasn’t tied down or trapped in any way, but he wanted her to do it… to disrobe him, to feel her hands on him, to touch a part of his body he would have gladly allowed her to kiss “Will you take them off me or not?”
“I didn’t know you were so impatient.”
“(name), I’m not kidding…” Mihawk warned her before sighing, admitting privately he had no way, and intention even less, to threaten her. As if she had read his thoughts, (name) giggled; a moment later her fingers were resting to the hem of his trousers.
“May I?”
Mihawk didn’t answer; he simply lifted his hips, letting (name) free him from his clothes - all of them; no longer constricted under the fabric, his still painfully hard cock sprang up, rising as if it had felt the close proximity of the woman who would soon take care of it.
(name)’s eyebrow raised as she contemplated it. “Eager, are we?” she asked, but Mihawk could see she was impressed with the size of his erection, vainly trying to hide how her eyes lingered on the thickness of the column, and the veins that would feel so good inside her. 
“Am I not to your liking, my lady?” Mihawk inquired with a smile.
“You most certainly are, kind sir. Now, you remember what I said?”
Before Mihawk could answer, (name) had lowered her face to his cock, her lips brushing against the tip; the swordsman’s hips quivered. “Hello… it is nice to meet you, finally…” 
She kissed it; Mihawk moaned, a hand pressed to his mouth, and felt the woman’s tongue lick up and down his length, stimulating the member until its owner was literally babbling, unable to form a coherent sentence beyond “fuuuck…!!”
And then she swallowed. 
What followed were six minutes of complete bliss, that (name) spent worshipping and torturing Mihawk’s length to the best of her ability - an ability that the swordsman never imagined she possessed. His moans, heavy breaths and occasional swearing filled the room; Mihawk kept his dominant hand on the woman’s head, caressing her hair to demonstrate his appreciation, and used the other to grab the side of the mattress, to unconsciously try to keep himself anchored - to what, he couldn’t explain. To reality, perhaps; because she was driving him crazy, a folly Mihawk wasn’t sure he would ever want to come back from.
“Oh… oh, Gods… mmmh…! (name), don’t… don’t stop… oh… oh, yes, darling… oh-oh, fuck…!”
The last expletive left his lips as the woman did something particularly filthy with her tongue; she smiled at him, clearly happy and flattered at the way her lover -because this was what they were, Mihawk reflected; because of what they were doing, and so much more- was reacting to her ministrations. Then, unable to speak, she raised her eyebrows in a silent question.
Mihawk shook his head. “No, not like this.” he murmured; no matter how divine it would have been to come in her mouth, he had other plans for their first time, other places he wanted to feel her, and he wanted (name) to enjoy it as much as he did “Not now. Come here, my beauty.”
She kissed the tip of his cock one last time before crawling to him; Mihawk used his fingers to clean her mouth before kissing her, softly but intensely, and he felt the woman’s body mould itself against his.
“Let me make love to you.” Mihawk murmured; there was no real need to ask for permission, but he had to hear it - because he wanted (name) to be sure, and because he needed her to say she wanted him “Let me take you, let me make you feel good… I swear I’ll make you happy, it’s the only thing I want…”
(name) giggled; she circled his shoulders with her arms, close enough they could both feel the other’s heartbeat. 
“You still haven’t figured it out?” she asked, gentle disbelief in her eyes “Mihawk, I am already happy. How could I not be, when I’m with you?”
He had no answer for that - a new experience in his life. Mihawk turned carefully to depose (name) on the bed under him; she lifted her hips to allow him to take her panties off, but when she waited for him to do the same with her underskirt, the swordsman shook his head and simply lifted it to expose her pelvis.
He looked at her; he had to force himself to swallow as (name) opened her legs, tempting, inviting, open and warm for him. He lay down over her, and when he slipped a hand between their bodies he could already feel how ready for him she was, but he wanted to take no risks, and so he started to gently caress her, relieved and proud to hear (name) approve vigorously, her soft body writhing against him, until he suddenly felt her whimper, and his fingers were no longer damp… they were soaking wet.
He met her gaze, disbelief and delight dancing in his eyes. “Darling, did you…?”
“But I haven’t even…”
(name) blushed. “Well, clearly what you did was enough.” she admitted, and as she smiled Mihawk felt her hand, until now resting on the small of his back, descend to his buttocks to squeeze vigorously enough to elicit a gasp “But I want more than your fingers in me, Mihawk.”
He gave it to her. He felt her hold her breath as he penetrated her, his hips moving slowly, cautiously and deliberately as he explored the warmth of her body; he felt (name) tremble and hold her breath until he was immersed inside her to the hilt. Every inch of his being screamed at him to move, to drink from the cup that was now in his hands and that would finally satiate his thirst, but Mihawk didn’t; he searched her gaze, and in her smile, in the trust and adoration that filled her eyes, he saw she was alright, and then she was ready.
And then, reassured, Mihawk started to move, at first cautiously, and then, when she dug her nails in his back
“More.” (name) growled; the swordsman had never heard her talk like that, but given the shiver of pure lust that ran through his body, he immediately decided he liked that “Harder, Mihawk. Please…!”
faster, and faster, and after a moment of awkwardness his body and (name)’s learnt to move at the same rhythm, guiding and following each other, and soon they were one, a single, trembling and fiercely hot thing, the sensual music of their panting matching the sounds of the man’s hips pounding against the woman’s, his muscles tense, his self-control already hanging by a thread, because he had known already she would be soft and warm and tight, and she was, much than he expected, the realisation of all of his dreams and so much more, and while he wished that moment would never end, the delicious torment of their coupling lasting until they would both forget their names and just be able to feel each other, on the other he just wished to let go, to relinquish control like he had never allowed himself to do in his life, to allow himself to be weak, if only for a moment, confident she would not judge him or think less of him for it. He wanted to make her come, yes, he wanted to hear her scream her pleasure and realise no one else could give her what he could, but what he needed was to find his peak inside her; it’d be a miracle, a moment of perfection in an otherwise dirty and squalid world, and Mihawk demanded that moment, he’d let nothing and no one take it from him, because (name) was her own woman, she belonged to no one, not even to him and that was why he loved her, but his first orgasm inside her - Gods, that was his and he couldn’t wait to take it.
“Oh… Oh, Gods… M-Mihawk… yes, darling…” (name) murmured; she was so beautiful like this, her hands clawing at his back and shoulders, her chest bouncing with the strength of Mihawk’s pounding, her legs now crossed around his hips as she moved, searching desperately for any ounce of friction and contact to satiate the thirst they had both awoken in each other “Take me, take me… Mihawk, please… this is so good…!”
“Do you love me, (name)?” Mihawk asked; he knew already, but he needed to hear her say it, and as usual, his woman did not disappoint.
His woman. It felt exhilarating to think about her like that, and at the same time natural, as if she were made for that, for being his just like he was hers. Mihawk smiled as he bent to kiss her once more, and (name) drank from that kiss like a woman who found a cup of nectar after dying of thirst for days.
“I love you; I love you so much.” she murmured; for a moment she looked frustrated, as if realising that, no matter how articulated and well-spoken she could be, no declaration could do justice to the intensity and depth of her feelings “I have never… I’ve never felt like this before. You’re part of me, Mihawk, and it’s… it’s almost scary how much I… the thought that one day I could lose you…”
“You’ll never lose me; I promise. No sea, no God, not even death could ever keep us apart.” Mihawk murmured; he was a breath away from penetrating her, he could already feel her warmth on his tip, but he wanted her to know the truth - to know that he would kill mercilessly anyone who would put her in danger; even if that danger came from him “Whatever happens, even the end of the world, I’ll always come back to you.”  
“Oh, Gods, Mihawk…!”
A breath held; a slow but deliberate arching of the hips; and he finally bottomed inside her, the friction between their bodies so perfect in its sensuality that it elicited a moan from both of them. Mihawk moved cautiously, determined not to hurt her, but to his delight he found (name)’s body was already open for him, the expression of bliss on her lovely face proof enough she was more than alright with what he was doing.
“Harder… harder, darling, please…”
“Hmm, so eager.” he murmured as he caressed her hair “We have all the time…”
“I don’t care… please… oh, yes… Mihawk, please, I need more… I want to feel all of you, I have wanted you for so long…”
So open in her pleasure, her body singing for him and at the same time craving for more, she was the most inviting sight Mihawk could imagine; he grinned, determined to drive her crazy, to give her more pleasure than she thought her body could bear, so much that she would be indifferent to any other man. Not that he thought she could betray him; but it was good imagining other men could perceive his mark on her body.
Without warning, he suddenly slammed his hips into hers, almost slipping out to then bottom out again; (name) screamed. “Yes! Oh, fuck… like that, love, just like that…” 
“You want more?” he provoked her; holding it together was becoming harder by the moment, but he was determined to make her come, and scream his name, at least twice before succumbing “Are you sure you can take it?”
(name) looked at him, both frustrated and supplicant; Gods, she looked so good like this, begging for him, begging to be ravished “Of course I can take it. Give it to me, Mihawk, it feels so good…”
“What feels good, my beauty?”
“Your-your cock inside me… fuck me, Mihawk, please…”
He grinned as he arched his back. “As you command.” he murmured before devouring her mouth once more to suppress the screams that would soon follow “My lady.”
A group of men was labouring in the gardens, hauling and assembling wooden planks to build a pentagonal-based gazebo; it was the sound of their work, the hammering on the nails and the saw’s buzzing, that awoke Mihawk from the deep slumber he hadn’t realised he was falling into, as he listened to (name)’s slowly decreasing heartbeat, his cheek pressed against her chest and her fingers in his hair. 
He woke with a start, instinctively looking all around for whatever danger might have penetrated the room, and relaxed a moment later, realising that he was safe - and indeed, in a place from where no opponent and no threat could push him away from.
“I’m sorry, I should have closed the window.” (name) apologised; she was lying next to him, her lovely body bathed in the early afternoon’s light. She smiled, and obediently offered him her mouth to kiss as Mihawk took her in his arms.
“I’m the one who should apologise.” the swordsman admitted “I fell asleep while we were together.”
“Well, I did tire you out. And I guess the last twelve hours weren’t the most relaxing of your life either. If you need to rest some more it’s alright, we can…”
“I’m fine.” Mihawk reassured her; he wasn’t lying, since all the pain and fatigue, all the agony he had experienced due to the flower’s pollen, had magically disappeared as soon as he had been able to release his impulses in (name)’s arms - for the time being, at least. The conversation with Shanks had to have reassured the woman his feelings for her were genuine, irrespective of any mortal danger celibacy could pose, but he planned of showing her himself how much he loved and desired her; they had already made love twice, and he planned on not leaving the bed before the next morning at least “Really. Which obviously doesn’t mean I plan on letting you go any time soon.”
(name) smiled. “I’m glad to hear that, because I didn’t intend to leave either.”
Mihawk smiled softly as (name) snuggled against his side, and circled her shoulders with his arm; for a while neither spoke, the two lovers content with simply enjoying that newly found intimacy. Mihawk had now skipped a whole day of meals, and he didn’t care - for the time being, at least; the warmth of his woman’s body pressed against his, and the quiet joy he knew both felt as they lazily caressed each other were enough.
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you I had a sister once.” Mihawk murmured after a while.
If (name) felt it was a weird topic to touch in their circumstances, she didn’t show it.
“No, I had no idea.” she whispered as she rested her cheek on his shoulder “What was her name?”
“Yoru. Lady Dracule Yoru.”
Neither felt the need to mention the large sword placed against the wall just a few steps from them, where its owner could grab and wield it at a moment’s notice. 
“Oh, Mihawk, that is so sweet…” 
“It sounded appropriate. This way I feel like she is here with me, wherever I go.” the swordsman explained; discussing his emotions was not something he was used to, but (name) was special, and that at least he had known long before he had fallen in love with her “She… she was all the family I had. Our mother died in childbirth, our father cared more about his gambling and business than about us, and gave us the boot when I was seven. Yoru took care of me, she made sure I was educated, she made great sacrifices to ensure I was safe, with a roof above my head and food in my stomach; I really don’t know what would have become of me if she hadn’t been there.”
“She must have been a truly exceptional person.”
“She was; she really was, I’m not saying it just because I was her brother. She… she died long ago; the same night I became the world’s strongest swordsman.”
(name) frowned for a moment; she perceived that was more than a simple coincidence, but she didn’t want to force Mihawk to share the truth with her, given the pain and regret she could see in his eyes.
“I am so sorry.” she murmured; words like those often felt empty and she knew Mihawk shared her opinion, but she couldn’t help it “I truly am.”
“Thank you. I… I really wish you could have met her.”
“I would have been happy to. Do you think she would have liked me?”
Mihawk seriously considered the question. Yoru, shy and reserved, with so much love to give and who felt most at ease alone or with the people closest to her, and (name), outspoken and self-assured, who could happily hold her own against both a Marines’ vice-admiral and the worst scum the world of crime had to offer, were probably as different as two women could be, but they were both clever and kind people, resilient in times of need. They would have probably respected each other seeing how much both of them cared for him, but Mihawk didn’t doubt the two women could have become great friends.
“She would have loved you. Really.” the swordsman added, seeing the joy in the eyes of the woman next to him “And I would have loved introducing the two of you. I know this is not the sort of thing one should discuss while in bed…”
(name) kissed his shoulder. “Mihawk, I thought it was clear that whatever you want, or need, to talk about, I will listen.”
“I know. I just… well, it is still hard to talk about her, but I wanted you to know about Yoru. She passed years before we met as adults, and after I lost her for a long time I thought I’d never… care for anyone else again in my life.”
“I know. I am not saying you remind me of my sister or anything of the sort, but…”
Thank you. Thank you for reminding me what it means to love someone. He didn’t say it, but (name) understood it all the same, and a moment later it was her who had taken him in her arms, Mihawk gently kissing the softness of her breast -”It tickles!”- as his hand moved up and down her side. There was more than pleasure and affection in her, the swordsman realised, there was empathy and understanding and trust; he didn’t particularly need them, but it felt good to know he could find them in her.
Yoru would have been pleased.
“I am not done with you, you know.” (name) murmured after a while, circling Mihawk’s hip with her leg to lightly press her pelvis against him; the swordsman groaned, whatever tiredness he felt quickly disappearing from his body. He was half-hard already, but he lingered for a moment, looking into her eyes as if he could read his future in them; and that was exactly what he wished to do “I think I will never be.”
Mihawk smiled. “Now you’re flattering me.”
“Not at all. Which poses a question we should address, sooner or later.”
He saw his lover’s expression had turned serious, which made it easy for him to realise the meaning of her words. 
“You’re talking about the future. Our future.”
“I am.”
(name) turned on her belly, her arms crossed in front of her; Mihawk saw her stare into the void for a minute before sighing. “I have duties here.” she murmured, her tone not apologetic but factual as she described a truth she couldn’t and had no intention of challenging “In… many many years, I hope, but I am destined to become the lady of this island. This is my home, and I intend to take care of it to the best of my abilities, even if it means renouncing the life I have built for myself outside of it. Nor I plan on becoming a housewife, taking care of my home and then of my man when he returns.”
“I know. I would never ask you to change who you are, (name); not to mention I am not interested in a woman of that kind.”
“I know you wouldn’t, and I love you for it. Mihawk, this… thing we have, I want it to last; I want us to last. I won’t ask you to change who you are either, but there will be a time where I won’t be able to meet you on some island in a far-off corner of the sea for a weekend together, or to simply have dinner and spend the night in an inn after we met at the Marines’ HQ. I’d like that, and I can do it now, just… not forever.”
“I understand.” 
Mihawk was silent for a while; the noise made by the men working to erect the gazebo was unpleasant, but he didn’t want to interrupt the conversation, even if getting up to close the window would take him no more than a few seconds. “You want to… I mean, do you intend to get married?” he asked in the end “As far as I know political marriages are common among noble families.”
(name) smiled faintly. “Does it interest you?”
“Answer me, please.���
“Well, not necessarily. Here on the island marriage has long been deemed unnecessary for two people to live together and raise a family; many decide to do it nonetheless, but it’s a personal choice. I’ll have to decide what to do regarding the succession, since I cannot bear an heir, but no one can force me to marry… unless I want to, that is.”
“And you want to?” Mihawk asked again; (name) sighed as she took his face in her hands.
“What I want is you; lover, partner, husband, I don’t care. I just need to know wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you’ll be thinking of me, because I sure as hell will be thinking of you.” she murmured “And yes, I’d really like it if between trips, when you’re not busy with your Warlord duties or otherwise occupied, you’ll come back here, to me, not out of habit or because you have no other place to call home but because you want to - because you miss me.”
“I don’t think I’d be a good consort for the lady of this island.”
“I beg to differ; and I wouldn’t ask you to do anything you’re not interested in, or to stop being a pirate. I just want my home to be yours as well; I want to be your home.”
She already was, Mihawk thought, even though she didn’t know; that made things easier on one side, and immensely more complicated on the other. “Let me think about it for a while.” he said, and (name) smiled, suddenly getting up on her knees to straddle him; she sat on his lap, looking immediately pleased with what she could feel under her buttocks.
“Of course; the offer will stand as long as you need it to. Fortunately I shouldn’t have to take my mother’s place for a few years at least, barring accidents, so you have time before having to decide; I just thought…”
“... I ought to know what it entailed being with you in the long run. I understand.”
“I’m glad you do. Now…” the woman’s smile widened as she started rolling her hips “Do you need to rest, or to eat, or may I fuck you the way I have dreamt of doing for months?”
Mihawk grinned as he gripped her hips; he could feel she was wet again, or still, and while he usually disliked taking a submissive role he couldn’t say the current situation displeased him…
He felt the softest part of (name)’s body brush against his cock as the woman started to move. “Lift.” he ordered, gently pushing her hips upward, and the woman pouted.
“I thought I was in charge right now.”
“I’m more than willing to let you be so, but you need to give me some space to slip it in.”
“Hmm, in that case I might decide to obey…”
A moment later, just as (name)’s gentle but firm fingers guided Mihawk’s erection inside her and soon after the labourers in the gardens had interrupted their work, both lovers became aware of a noise coming from the fortress’s west wing: shouts, an heated conversations, a man screaming in pain…
“That… that is my mother’s voice.” (name) realised, her gaze turning instinctively towards the room’s door; she had frowned, momentarily distracted just as she prepared to impale herself on Mihawk. The swordsman sighed, but he understood why she was concerned: while he couldn’t discern her words, the lady Veressa sounded completely beside herself, either with rage… or fear.
“Do you think she’s in danger?”
“I don’t know; I thought she had gone out, and the fortress is well-guarded, but…”
She bent to kiss him, quickly but fiercely. “Forgive me. I’ll be back soon, I…”  
“I’m coming with you.”
“... you sure?”
“Of course. Not that I don’t think you can protect your mother.”
That last statement earned him another kiss. “Gods, I love you so much.”
They separated, and quickly got dressed; Mihawk retrieved his pants, and put on the shirt he had worn the previous day, while (name) slipped on the dressing-gown the swordsman had found in the room at his arrival at the fortress. Both bare-footed, they quickly walked out of the room.
“Where is the lady Veressa?” (name) asked the first servant they met “Call the guards, someone might have assaulted her…”
“She is in the main corridor of the west wing, my lady; and she is not in danger. She… well, you should see for yourself.”
Mihawk followed his lover, only partially reassured, to the corridor. The lady Veressa, he later learnt, had left that morning to visit a friend whose birthday fell on that day, soon before (name) decided to check why her guest was suddenly avoiding her; having returned to the fortress after lunch, she was informed (name) had ordered to have Theon locked in his room.
And then she discovered why.
The shouting, the two lovers found out, came from that very room, whose door the lady of the fortress had ordered to open before marching in and giving her nephew a piece of her mind. 
“I should have you put in the stocks in the courtyard!” she cried, under the impassive gaze of two servants standing at the door; Mihawk didn’t know whether she had ever used the riding crop on a horse -the woman, an avid rider, was also known for the love and patience she treated the animals with- but given the brutality with which she was now wielding it, Theon probably regretted he hadn’t been handed over to the jailers already “I can’t believe you would do something this despicable! To your own cousin!”
The man was lying on the floor, younger and stronger than his aunt and still unable to defend himself against her righteous fury. “Auntie… please, I swear it was just a prank…”
“Don’t call me aunt! You’re no longer part of my family from now on! And your prank could have killed (name) or her friend! What would your poor father think? You’re a disgrace, you… you bastard!”
“Mother, language.” (name) intervened idly, stepping closer to the older woman. She looked down at the man snivelling at her feet, and her expression darkened; she had probably left her derringer in her room, but her homicidal gaze said clearly she could easily kill her cousin without shedding a tear “Hello, Theon. Clearly our ideas of pranks differ somehow.”
“(name), I… I’m s-sorry…” the man stammered; he sat on the floor, holding his stomach where a particularly vicious blow from the riding crop had hit him “I had no idea someone could die… I only thought it would embarrass you, and cause gossip to spread around the island about you and whoever you would choose to…”
“And what if I wasn’t able to control myself? What if I assaulted someone and ended up hurting them? Or if someone abused me, taking advantage of the fact I wasn’t able to consent to a rapport?” 
Theon bit his lip; he didn’t even try arguing that he hadn’t thought about the possibility. A moment later he noticed Mihawk, standing silently behind the two women; he paled, as if suddenly realising who the friend who had been poisoned by his gift was, and knew instantly that apologising -and even begging for mercy- would be useless.
 “What are you going to do to me?” he asked, returning to look at (name) and her mother.
“You do understand what you did could qualify as treason, if we decided to consider it as such.”
“It was a joke! I swear I didn’t mean to hu… to kill anyone. Please… my family needs me…”
(name) sighed; he turned to look at Mihawk. “You want to have him killed?” he asked “You are the victim, you should at least have your say.”
The swordsman reflected on it. “Can he wield a sword?”
“He can.”
“I can’t!” the man protested, immediately seeing where the discussion was going; the lady Veressa looked at him, disgusted, and took a step back to avoid the man touching her.
“Then no. If he were a worthy opponent I could let him challenge me and settle the matter with a fight, but I think it’d only waste my time.”
He preceded the two women in leaving the room; (name) closed the door. “And I thought my opinion of him couldn’t sink any lower.” she muttered, while her mother looked at Mihawk; given the state the two lovers were in, and what she had learnt about the Lily of Twilight’s properties, she had to be well aware of what he and her daughter had spent half of the day doing, but there was no embarrassment in the woman’s eyes.
“Mihawk… I am so sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologise for, my lady. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Still, both you and Theon are guests under my roof, and I am the head of our family; I know he harboured resentment towards the two of us, but I really can’t believe my nephew would stoop so low. He does deserve to be punished.”
MIhawk, who didn’t forgive easily, agreed; he didn’t even want to think what would have happened if (name) had been the one poisoned by the flower… especially if he hadn’t been there to take care of her.
“Unfortunately we can’t have him killed like our ancestors did with the relatives they didn’t like a few centuries ago.” the younger woman mentioned, clearly unhappy “We could order him to send his child here as a hostage, to punish in case he misbehaves again…”
“I was kidding, mother. I can’t believe it, he’s really getting away with it? I know he’s part of the family, and punishing him would only exacerbate his hatred, but he needs to know he can’t defy us and suffer no consequences.”
In the end, the two women decided Theon would be banished from the island for a year; from then on, a person of trust would be sent to his house to discreetly check whether the man had learnt his lesson and was behaving himself, or he was still scheming against his aunt and cousin, whether for revenge, spite, or in order to become the new lord of the island.
The lady Veressa asked the servants who had remained nearby to help Theon to prepare his luggage, and to make sure he’d be out of the fortress within the hour.
“To think that his father was my favourite cousin.” she added with a sigh “Well, I better go back to my study, I have a few letters to write. Are the two of you… alright?”
(name) looked at Mihawk; the swordsman nodded, his expression impassible. “I think we have everything we need.”
“I’m pleased to hear it. I’ll see you both later.”
A smile and a nod, and the older woman walked away.
“Your mother doesn’t get embarrassed easily, does she?” Mihawk pointed out; from inside the room he could hear Theon moan that his aunt had covered him in bruises. (name) smiled, slipping under his arm to press her body against her lover’s “I mean, she could probably see you’re naked under your robe, and smell your perfume on me.”
“She really is; I think nothing short of a Buster Call could actually upset her. And she knew how much I care for you, so the fact that we are together now wouldn’t have surprised her in any case.”
She looked up at him. “You want to continue this in my room?” she murmured quietly, turning to face him “I could ask to have some food brought there; even the world’s strongest swordsman needs to regain his strength.”
“I could eat something.” MIhawk admitted; with a smirk, he slipped a hand under the hem of her dressing gown, immediately finding the warmth between her tights “Maybe food, maybe something else…”
“Hmmm, you’re so forward…”
(name) smiled. Mihawk felt her relaxing her legs just enough to let him plunge his fingers inside her; the woman’s inner muscles clamped around him, her lovely body wet and warm just like he had always imagined it to be. She was perfect, he thought admiringly as he gently rubbed the pad of his middle finger against her clit, eliciting a moan so exquisite and decadent Mihawk wished he could have tasted it, perfect for him and capable of bringing him so much joy, and he would never allow anyone to come between them. Whatever happened, no matter what challenge or obstacle the world threw their way, Mihawk would prove himself worthy of her love, and never let her doubt his.
He promised himself.
“Fuck… Oh, God, darling, yes…” (name) whispered; she had pressed her back against the wall facing her cousin’s door, as if her legs could no longer support her, shamelessly riding the wave Mihawk was gifting her with the simple but deliberate pressure of his fingers “Like this… just like… oh! Oh, yes, love…”
He knew anyone who needed to cross the corridor would see, and hear, them; she did as well, and neither cared. He made her come, a sudden kiss pressed to her mouth to swallow her scream, and when he felt her collapsing against him Mihawk was quick to lift (name) in his arms. She kissed him, hard and possessive.
“I’d ask where you have learnt to do that but I doubt I’d like the answer.” 
“I’m a swordsman; I’m good with my hands.” he pointed out “Now, I think food can wait.” 
He swordsman didn’t waste any time before setting out towards her bedroom. 
“You are stuck with me now.” he murmured; Gods, ambrosia was nothing on her lips “I hope you know what awaits you.”
The woman smiled. “I think I know.” she murmured before kissing him again “And if I don’t, I can’t wait to find it out.”
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anxious-lee · 2 days
|| Tiana & Naveen Tickle Headcanons ||
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A/N: guys they are so important to me I can't deal 😭
- tiana is 70% ler 30% lee
- when she and charlotte were little girls, they would tickle fight each other all the time; tiana was usually the winner
- in all aspects of life, she's become accustomed to taking charge and fighting her way to the top; this also applies to tickling
- as naveen warms her up to giving away trust, he teaches her how to let someone love and appreciate her instead of the other way around: what better way to show love than tickles?
- pretty competitive
- will not let up until you are calling for mercy
- make no mistake, she is not ruthless (in the bad way at least); she makes sure naveen is having fun before she brings out the big guns
- not afraid to play dirty to get the upper hand
- giggles cutely at naveen's lee behavior
- she thinks it's incredibly funny to watch the suave prince become incoherent with laughter
- teases with gentle sarcastic comments and playful banter; "is there a hawk outside? cause I just heard a great big screech!" "no? no what?? not here???"
- actually very ticklish
- she can tough it out fine until naveen finds her bad spots and then she starts to lose control
- has the brightest laugh in all New Orleans; the first time naveen heard it, he fell head over heels all over again
- worst spots are her hips and her neck
- naveen is a 50/50 switch
- he actually didn't know he had a lee side until he met tiana
- he's tickled the occasional girlfriend, but few ever retaliated
- needless to say, he wasn't ready for tiana's tickle-fighting spirit
- as unfamiliar as he is in the lee position at first, he immediately loves getting tickled
- not so much that he'd ask for it, but enough that when the moment comes where he realizes he's done for, the purest smile crosses his face
- if he can see he's about to get owned, he'll try to sweet-talk his way out of it
- one time, he tried to escape a tickle attack by trying to instigate a make-out; tiana played along, and just when naveen thought he was in the clear, she got him; he was "outraged" at that betrayal for a week
- he thinks his sweet-talk comes off as smooth, but it really doesn't; he looks like a nervous babbling mess
- tiana thinks it's really cute ❤️
- I'd say he's averagely ticklish
- you wouldn't know it though from the way he turns to jelly the moment he's touched
- his laugh turns breathless really fast; just airy giggles through and through
- actively tries not to call for mercy because he's having so much fun, but it's REALLY hard when your whole body is screaming at you to get away
- worst spots are his sides and back
- used to see tickling as a fun way for him to flirt with women, but after marrying tiana, it becomes about making her smile and enjoy herself
- has way too much fun teasing her
- "oh, is that where it tickles? is it? is it? because I had no idea"; "I think I see a smile~! Someone is smiling~!"
- THE teaser, okay?
- when naveen found out tiana was not only ticklish, but in fact very ticklish, he would not let her hear the end of it; she had to hold his cap captive until he agreed to let it go
My disney otp frfr ❤️
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pinkandpurple360 · 2 days
Oh hey Trash Anon here again!
It's really tragic how HB really went from IMP slowly forming this found family in season one to his employees and even his daughter only seeming to care about Blitzo doing everything to please Stolas to keep their 'meal ticket' aka their jobs and livelihoods. it's honestly gross because this whole season has basically been 'lets punch Blitzo when he's already down until he reaches his breaking point' so the fact that the writers are okay with taking away any character development the four had with each other all in order to lift up Stolas and make him look better just hurts man.
I would have loved to see Mille or Moxie (maybe both) show concern for Blitzo's mental health knowing he has to do this every month (yes he got a month or two break but ya know) and put their foot down telling him 'look I know you got to do this and you're doing this for us but it hurts to see you like this'. Just show some concern and compassion damn it!
If they reeeeeally want to still push Stoltiz have it that they're glad that Blitzo is 'free' and try to tell him that maybe Stolas does care in some way just bad in communication and Blitzo venting about how he felt used and is confused by everything but tell him that he has plenty of time to think about things now that Stolas is out of the picture for now.
Yeah still gross all things considered but I just want someone outside of Fizz to care about Blitzo's well being. If anything this episode only shows that Blitzo is meant to be with Fizz than Stolas and I'm glad to see even some big fans/Stoltiz shippers waking up and calling out Stolas' bad behavior (and considering Brightman said that 'Ozzie and Fizz are in an open relationship' even if it was as a joke, I refuse to believe this isn't canon regardless how much Viv says otherwise we know those two would treat Blitzo right.).
Idk i just think Blitzo deserves better as a character. He may be an asshole but he shows he has empathy and cares about those around him. Stolas showed the opposite.
I hope I'm making sense here I wrote this once I woke up ...
Completely makes sense to me. Moxxie being concerned at Blitzø for taking a few months off made me sick. And Loona saying stolas might be tired of him. She is so bad for his mental health in every possible way, planting seeds of doubt, making him feel unlovable, she really is just fucking heartless now. 0108 kind but insecure defensive Loona I miss you so much. Both Loona and stolas are abusive now. The team, who Blitzø calls family, are worried that he may no longer be pimped out so they’ll lose money. I literally dont care how rude and obnoxious he is to them nobody deserves that level of hate. I really wish the show was about the main four learning to be kinder to eachother and all becoming better people, for their own sake, and for their friends, not to acquire “true love”, and with relatively equal screentime.
They’re all four of them, scummy. I hate that they’re all screaming his flaws at him in the trailer and saying they hate him. People don’t change if they think there’s no hope and no point in changing at all. The dynamic used to be, Moxxie: critic who is very sceptical of blitzø and wants to make sure everything goes okay, Millie: the enthusiastic peacemaker who is the only one who openly likes Blitzø and is on the same page as him, Loona: Girl who dislikes moxxie is not impressed with Blitzøs antics, but does love him and wouldn’t hurt him. The pilot was great at establishing this four directional dynamic of flawed people who work together but have strained tensions and need some work.
The thing with Fizz is, he hugged him, let him express his feelings, he still held Blitzø to account, expressed his own feelings, and showed him some mercy. NOT TO MENTION all while this is happening they’re communicating in a high stakes situation, defending themselves and each other, using their differences to work together compromise and reach a goal. Set each other free as equals. “You’re pretty good at that action hero bullshit” “and you really know how to put on a show” “I’m happy for you fizz” “ah fuck it let him have it. You could say he earned it” selflessly supporting each other in their relationships with other people but being mutually attracted? OH JUST KISS ALREADY
Sorry what were we talking about?
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middleearthpixie · 2 days
Something in the Night ~ Chapter Twenty-Seven
Summary: Following the Battle of the Five Armies, a seriously wounded Thorin Oakenshield returns to Erebor to recuperate and eventually ascend the throne as king. With the deaths of Azog the Defiler and his son, Bolg, Thorin no longer has to worry about the bounty the Defiler placed on his head and can instead concentrate on restoring Erebor to its former glory. 
Nina Carren of Esgaroth has one goal—to make Thorin Oakenshield pay for unleashing Smaug the dragon unto her home—where he destroyed the town and killed her family. The Defiler might be gone, but his bounty remains very much in place, and she fully intends to collect on it. 
Finally, the opportunity shows itself for her to do just that, only to have it go horribly awry. Wounded and now at his mercy, neither Nina nor Thorin stopped to think what might happen, should things not go quite according to plan…
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x ofc Nina Carren
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.7k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @fizzyxcustard @xxbyimm @kibleedibleedoo
@arrthurpendragon @lathalea @legolasbadass @exhausted-humxn-being
@knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell
@jotink78 @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc
@msjava1972 @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98
@way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep @night-ace @lyl1pad @mistresskayla-blog1
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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Perhaps she shouldn’t have been surprised to see how quickly Dís was able to arrange the celebration of the King Under the Mountain’s betrothal. After all, she knew dwarves loved a good party and Dís certainly struck her as a woman who, when she set her mind to a task, let nothing deter her from her goal.
But, that didn't stop Nina from being almost slack-jawed as Thorin escorted her into the Great Hall after sunset that evening, as Dís had gone far and above anything Nina could have even imagined. 
The tables had been rearranged to encircle the center of the hall, and at one end, a separate table had been set up for two. Candelabras of gold and silver stood upon each table, each holding six elegant white tapers, whose dance flames bathed the room in gold and sparkled merrily off the cut crystal of the wine decanters and goblets at each place setting. 
Fairy lights had been strung around the ceiling’s perimeter, matching the soft golden glow of the candles and she couldn't help but smile at the sounds of musicians warming up. 
“Dís has outdone herself,” Thorin murmured as they stepped into the transformed room. “And it has been a lifetime since this hall last saw a celebration of this size.”
“I’ve never been to a celebration of this size,” she said without thinking, gazing up at the iron and glass chandeliers also ablaze with candles. “Only the Master had the funds for such things and my family was not on his guest list.”
He turned to her, catching both her hands in his. “I’ve been to one of his parties and although the drink was quite good, his taste in food left much to be desired, and he believed his company all the entertainment one needed. Which made us all thankful for the ale that flowed so freely.”
“You meant to tell me he had no music that night?”
“Not a single note.”
He nodded. “Really. If it wasn't for the ale and wine…”
“Surely he had pretty women there for you to admire. He was always fond of pretty women around him, no matter how repulsed they were by him.”
Thorin pursed his lips for a moment. “There was one pretty woman, but she was left out in the snow that night.”
A wink accompanied his words and she rolled her eyes even as she smiled. “Spare me, please.”
His laughter rang out, booming across the room with enough force that the musicians went silent and Dís emerged from a back room with a smile as well. “I wasn't expecting either of you just yet,” she said as she strode toward them. “Dwalin was supposed to stall you a bit longer.”
“Dwalin?” Thorin shook his head. “I haven’t even seen him all day.”
Dís offered up a mischievous grin. “That would be because you and Miss Carren snuck off somewhere to be alone.”
Nina’s cheeks grew warm, but Thorin only laughed again. “And how do you know this?”
“I bumped into Elisin as she was readying to leave,” Dís replied, her smile fading. “She was not at all happy.”
“She’s trouble,” Nina said without thinking, “and I cannot say I’m sorry she’s leaving soon.”  
Thorin’s fingers tightened about hers. “Nor can I, which is a shame, since she wasn’t always trouble.”
“Well, in her defense,” Dís replied, “she did think she’d be queen.”
Thorin glared at his sister. “Neither here nor there and really not the time nor place, Dís.”
To her credit, Dís blushed. “Oh, I beg your pardon, Miss Carren, that was terribly rude of me. I—I don't know why I thought I should say that at all.”
“Because ye speak without thinkin’ at times,” Dwalin growled from behind them. 
Nina bit the inside of her mouth as Dís scowled at him. “No one asked you, I’ll have you know.”
“I know. I dinna care, but I know.” 
He said this with a grin, then to Nina’s surprise, bent to brush Dís’ cheek with a kiss. Peering up at Thorin, Nina expected to see surprise on his face as well, but instead, he smiled. “It’s about time the two of you made up.”
“Wait…” Nina looked from him to Dwalin and Dís and back, “they are a couple?”
“When they aren’t ready to throttle one another, yes,” Thorin told her. 
“But he’s so grouchy all the time.”
Now it was Dwalin’s turn to grin. “Not with everyone, lassie.”
Nina’s face grew hot once again and Thorin chuckled, giving her hand a squeeze. “Worry not, mesmel. You won’t be the only one surprised. Now, why don't we go and make ourselves comfortable?”
It truly was a wonderful evening and Nina couldn't help but wonder if this was how it would have been at the Master’s house that night, had she been one of the ones to welcomed to join the celebration. Dwarves absolutely knew how to host a party and how to have a fantastic time, for the music was lively and the food delicious.
However, when Thorin came up and murmured, “Walk with me?” she was perfectly willing to step away from the party and the noise. 
The buzz of conversation died away, along with the music and clatter of silver against china and crystal as she tucked her arm through Thorin’s and allowed him to guide her away from the Great Hall. 
He led her along a narrow corridor that wound up and away from the festivities. She glanced over at Thorin. “Where are we going?”
He smiled. “Up to the rampart. When I was a boy, it was one of my favorite places to go, as I wasn't often allowed beyond Erebor’s gates. Up here, no one would bother me. It was me and the ravens and I was perfectly happy.”
“Ravens? As in the birds?”
“As in the birds. They understand me, you know.”
She offered him a long look. They understood him? What could he mean by that? “Of course they do.”
He chuckled. “You’ll see.”
“I suppose I will.”
It was a beautiful evening, clear and cool, stars sparkling overhead and a gentle breeze whispering through the trees. The rampart was wider than she’d imagined—wide enough for two columns of dwarves to pass one another with room to spare—and as she moved to the edge, the view stole the breath from her lungs for a moment. 
The plains between Erebor and Dale were dark and quiet, but in the distance, Dale itself sparkled with light. Each day, more people and more businesses arrived in the town and so at night, more lights shone than the previous day, or so it seemed. That made her smile, for she’d seen enough desolation and destruction to last her a life time and watching Dale’s rebirth was cathartic. 
Beyond that, Esgaroth remained dark. Reconstruction was coming along slowly, but that didn't trouble her. Even if she wasn't about to become the Queen of Erebor, she would not be able to live in Esgaroth again. Too many memories. Too much pain. She did not care if she ever set foot on one of Esgaroth’s docks again.
She drew away from Thorin to cross to the stone parapet, where she leaned against it to gaze over at the Long Lake, whose surface sparkled so she could almost hear the water lapping at the pilings. For a moment, she was back in the small bedroom she shared with Lenna. 
“Mooning, are you?”
A shadow fell over her and she looked up to see her older sister, Lenna, propping an elbow on the railing and offering up a knowing smile. 
“No,” Nina shook her head as she managed to tear her eyes from the building, “I am doing no such thing.”
“He didn’t know you were alive, little sister. All he cared about was getting the Master to release him.”
“Which he did. And he smiled at me.”
“Or he was smiling at Shalia, as every red-blooded man does.”
“But he is not a Man, and you know it. He is a dwarf. And not just any dwarf, but the King Under the Mountain.”
Lenna let out a low laugh. “I am not calling you Queen.”
“You will when I win his hand.”
Lenna would have loved every moment of this, and would have ribbed her endlessly about Thorin, all the while being the happiest soul alive for her. 
Nina’s eyes stung. She missed her sister so very much. Her death left a hole that would never completely heal.
“Where are you?” Thorin asked softly, leaning on his elbows against the stone alongside her.
“She teased me about you, you know.” Nina looked over at him. “My sister, Lenna. She knew I was mooning over seeing you at the Master’s house that night and teased me mercilessly about it. But, it was playful, not malicious. She would’ve loved this. And I would absolutely make her address me as Your Majesty once you and I were married.”
He smiled. “Sounds like the relationship I had with my brother.”
“You had a brother?”
“I did, indeed. Younger by five years. He died in battle at Azanulbizar when we were young.”
“Thorin, I—” she shook her head slowly—“I had no idea. Were you close?”
“We were, yes. Very much so. I like to think, that had he not died, he would be to be me what Dwalin has become. I trusted him more than anyone else in my circle and I hope he felt the same.”
Sorrow wove through his words, crept into his voice, and she covered his hand with hers. “I’m sure he did. I know Lenna loved me to the moon and back, even when she teased me until I cried. She would be so thrilled to see this unfolding as it has. I hope your brother would be for you.”
“He would, no doubt. And Frerin would be amused at the notion of how we came to be together as well.”
“Oh, I don't know about that.”
“I do.” Thorin leaned over to brush her lips with his. “And he’d never let me forget it.”
“Is that good or bad?”
“Both. But, you would win him over. I’ve no doubt about that at all.”
Her cheeks grew warm as he kissed her once more, this time a bit more slowly, and a bit more deeply. She melted into him, her hands curving against his bristly cheeks. And when he drew back, he whispered, “Maralmizi, Nina.”
“Maralmizu, Thorin.”
He wrapped his arms about her, pressing a kiss into the top of her head. Nina sighed softly, resting her head against his chest, just listening to the soft thump of his heart beating. This was the most perfect moment in her life, and she let her eyes close as she savored it, savored him holding her as if to protect her from anything and everything around them. A lifetime had passed since that night in the snow, when she and Lenna stood in the crowd, watching the Master welcome Thorin and his company to Esgaroth, inviting them to celebrate in his house, 
“The morning after Smaug attacked,” she murmured, lifting her head to gaze up at him, “when I washed up on the shore on this side of the lake, I thought I’d lost everything that could ever make me smile again. I was convinced I’d never be happy again. And I knew—I just knew—I wouldn’t sleep peacefully until you’d paid for what that fool dragon did to us.”
A hint of pain flashed through his eyes. “If I could, I would take—”
She shook her head. “Let me finish,” she admonished gently. 
He pressed his lips together, which made her smile as she went on, “but… the more I came to know you, the more I saw that you were not responsible for what that beast did. You wanted to reclaim your home and defeat him. It was never your intention to set him upon us. That was entirely on Smaug. I blamed you because I could get to you. He was dead. I could get no satisfaction from his death, as I was not the one to end him. But I could end you. At least, I could until I met you.”
He gave her a gentle squeeze. “I’m rather glad you changed your mind, Nina.”
“As am I, Thorin.”
“I have but one question.”
“And that is?”
“When did you decide you preferred me alive?”
She smiled up at him. “Our first night in Mirkwood. When you asked me why I hadn’t told you I was from Esgaroth and what ever became of Lenna. You were just… you listened and when you apologized, I knew it was sincere. And for a moment, I thought you were going to kiss me.”
“I was. And I would have, had Dwalin not interrupted.” A hint of mischief crept into his eyes, into his grin. “And who knows what might have happened if I had?”
“Who knows, indeed.” She gave him a gentle squeeze. “We should probably get back to the party. Someone is bound to notice that we’ve gone missing.”
“Yes, you probably should head back down. People definitely noticed you two had snuck off.”
Nina rolled her eyes as she peered over her shoulder at Elisin, who stood at the far end of the parapet, arms folded, a look of smug satisfaction on her face. She knew without having to ask that Elisin had overheard them. The question was, how much had she overheard?
Thorin sighed. “Why are you up here?”
“I told you, people were wondering what happened to you. They’ll be very relieved to know she hasn’t harmed you, Your Majesty.” Elisin’s eyes narrowed as her gaze slid from Thorin to Nina, and Nina swallowed hard, her belly churning as Elisin added, “Although, why do I think they don't know she thought about harming you to begin with?”
“Elisin, you know nothing of it,” Thorin growled, taking a step toward her.
“I know this… this ragamuffin… had thought—and thought seriously from the sounds of it—to bring harm to the King Under the Mountain. I wonder, Nina, how receptive they would all be to having you as their queen should they learn of that little tidbit?”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Thorin growled.
Elisin turned her wide-eyed stare to him. “Wouldn’t dare? Thorin, I think you owe it to your people to tell them truth, don’t you? I mean, this is something very serious and they should know. Your life could be in imminent danger, after all.”
“If you do, you will be sorry,” Nina gritted.
“Is that so? Well, I think I’ll take my chances.” Elisin spun on her heel and strode back toward the stone steps. 
Nina started after her. “Now, you wait just one minute!”
“Nina!” Thorin lunged to try and grab her arm, but missed as she veered to the side and out of his reach. 
She moved faster as Elisin practically ran the rest of the way down the staircase. She didn't look over her shoulder, didn't seem at all concerned with Nina catching her, and no matter how fast she tried to push herself, Nina couldn't seem to catch her. Her belly churned like mad as she realized Elisin was absolutely going to announce to the hall full of people that Thorin was planning to marry the woman who’d thought to assassinate him.
“Stop!” Nina flung herself at Elisin, wrapping her arms about the dwarrowdam’s thick waist. However, instead of halting her, Nina instead pushed her forward and into the Great Hall, where everyone seemed to fall silent at once and Nina almost heard the whoosh of heads swiveling in their direction. 
“What goes on here?” Dís demanded as the musicians went quiet and she hurried toward them.
“It is very fitting you should ask me that,” Elisin replied with a sweet smile that made Nina’s stomach hurt even more as she reluctantly eased her hold on Elision’s waist.
“Elisin,” Thorin came into the Great Hall, his voice reverberating all around them, “do not dare.”
“Dare what?” Dís looked from Elisin to Nina to Thorin, her eyes narrowed. “What is going on here?”
“What is going on here is simple, really. Your future queen is a would-be assassin,” Elisin announced, her smile growing more smug with each word. She nodded, looking about the room as she added, “Yes, you heard me. She is here because her plan was to kill your king.”
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generallysapphic · 1 year
i’ve noticed black panther x fishman shippers never draw shuri right … she’s either shorter than him, smaller than him, small nose, just something about her is just off..
and this is like a consistent thing from big artists to just everyday doodles
they be drawing somebody but it’s never actually shuri it’s some insert of what looks like themselves tbh and hey if you wanna fuck namor just draw yourself, but if you wanna draw shuri draw her accurately… shuri has a small, damn near invisible nose bridge as most black girls often do. her shoulders are wide, her jaw line is sharp and she it fit, not just skinny. and she’s damn near at namors eye level, if not one inch off. and people who ship them draw her like some petite girl with curly hair whos always looking up to him.
it’s almost if.. they can’t ship the shuri we see in the movie with the namor we know because… she fucking hates him and won’t ever be this girly girl enemies to lovers story they think it is 🫢
and if you got something to say agrue wit ya mama, i don’t give a fuck ! you weirdo, shipping someone with the person who killed they mama, you need to be jailed
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entitled-fangirl · 5 months
He would burn the world for her.
Felix Carton x fem!reader
Summary: Felix and the reader don’t appreciate the looks Oliver is giving her. 
Words: 1,689
Warnings: Oliver is his own warning. He’s creepy to the reader. Making out in a bathtub- not super descriptive. Yelling, cursing.
Author's note: May god bless our souls for not only watching Saltburn but also reading fanfics about it :|
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Y/N was a usual resident at Saltburn. The girlfriend of Felix Catton himself, she often found herself spending her time at his family mansion during holiday. She had a family that loved her, sure. But it couldn’t match up to the things that Saltburn, and Felix, gave her. 
Oliver was one of those things. A seemingly loyal friend to her dear Felix. And she was overjoyed when he agreed to spend the summer at Saltburn with them. 
She sat on a lawn chair near the pool, a bikini adorning her body. She tilts her head slightly to the side, to see her perfect Felix in the pool. A graceful smile shows on her face as she moves back to relax in the chair. She hears the sound of splashing water and soon, a shadow is felt over her body. She moves her sunglasses down her nose to peer over them. Felix stands above her, his body dripping from the pool and a large smirk across his face. 
“Hi, beautiful,” he says. His smirk grows into a grin. He leans his tall body down, his arms reaching out to catch him against her chair. His frame towers over her more than it does when he’s standing. 
She meets him halfway, their lips touching in a gentle kiss. Her hand moves up to the back of his neck, lightly tugging at the hair there. He groans, pushing into her lips a little rougher. 
Farleigh gives a small laugh, “You two are too horny to be out here, right now. Go get a fucking room.”
Y/N pulls apart from him with a slight blush on her cheeks. Felix’s jaw clenches slightly, his head turning in Farleigh’s direction. “Don’t be jealous of what I have and you don’t.” He then leans back down to kiss Y/N as if no comment was ever made.
They made out for a little while, Y/N at Felix’s mercy. Not that he was ever a cruel lover. No, quite the opposite. He was very giving. He was a giving person in general, a quality his girlfriend admired greatly.
They pulled away from each other, Y/N slouching back against the lounger like before, and Felix going back to the pool. Her eyes closed as she heard the splash of his return to the water.
The moment was interrupted yet again, but by Felix’s voice, “Oliver! You getting in?”
Y/N opened her eyes at that to see Oliver’s answer. But Oliver’s eyes were on her. They had been on her. She could see that Felix’s question had broken his train of thought. Oliver shakes his head a bit, blinking. “Oh, uh. Not sure.”
Felix nods his head with a certain look. Y/N had seen it many times. It was a knowing look. He didn’t give two shits if Oliver got in the water, but he did care if the scholarship boy was looking at his girl a little too much. But he took that as an answer and went back to relaxing in the warm water.
But Y/N still felt Oliver’s gaze. It was quite uncomfortable now that she knew it was there. She tried to do anything to relax. She closed her eyes. She watched Felix. None of it would distract from the constant feeling of being watched by Oliver’s piercing eyes.
Hours passed and the family found themselves retiring for the night. Felix lead Y/N by the hand to his room, a routine the entire family was used to at this point. He closed the door behind them before turning around and placing his hands on her waist.
She sighed at the feeling, a relaxing end to the day. The day’s events were still bothering her, but she didn’t wish to bring them to her boyfriend’s attention. After all, Oliver was to stay here for a while, and the last thing she wanted was to cause conflict between the two.
Felix noticed the deep look in her eye. He let out a soft sigh, “How about a warm bath?”
Her eyes met his, “a bath?”
“Yeah. It’s been a long day. A warm bath might be nice. I mean we don’t have to-“
“-No. I want to. I do.”
He smiles, leaning down to kiss the top of her head before disappearing into the bathroom. The sound of the running water is heard soon after.
She sits at the end of his bed, running her hands through her hair to calm herself. It truly did bother her, but what if it’s nothing? She knows that Felix would burn the world for her, but she didn’t know if it was worth the world burning. Not over something so stupid as a stare from one of his friends.
He returned before she had even noticed. He pulled her hands from her hair, placing them on his chest. He pulls her up easily. “C’mon, love.” 
She is straddling Felix in the tub, their bodies close. Her hands are in his hair, and his are wandering over her body, admiring every part. Their lips are locked in a passionate kiss that is getting hotter by the minute.
Why was Oliver looking at her? Was he jealous? Perhaps just curious? Did he want her? Did he want Felix? Simply judging? What does the boy want and why? He was beyond impossible to read.
Felix at this point had slowed himself, seeing that she was not reciprocating his movements. His hands now rest on the side of her thighs, keeping her in place. He pulled away softly, his tone quiet and comforting, “What’s wrong, beautiful?”
She is pulled from all of her thoughts quickly, realizing he had caught on. “Nothing, Felix. It’s nothing, really.” She moves forward to catch his lips again.
He lets her for a moment, before his hands gently grab her face, pulling her away. “Don’t lie to me. And don’t try to deflect like this. I know something is bothering you. It has been. Please. Trust me?”
The sound of the water trying to settle is all that is heard in the bathroom at this point. She finally lets out a breath, “It’s not something you can fix. I can handle it.”
He pulls her face into his hands again. “Is it something I’m doing? If it is, I-“
How could she do this to him? He was now doubting himself, and it was all her fault. She felt awful. She had to correct this.
Her hands move to each side of his chest. “No, Felix. It’s not. I promise, it’s not. You’ve done nothing.”
He nods, his jaw clenching slightly as if he knows exactly what’s bothering her at this point. “It’s Oliver, isn’t it?”
Her hand reaches up to his mouth, a finger pushed to his lips. “Shh… he’ll hear us.”
He moved his head back from her hand. “I don’t care,” he says, “If it is Oli, I understand. I noticed it today, too. And it is a big deal to me if it bothers you, angel. It bothered me, but I figured I’d let it go if it was just me noticing. I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”
He was the sweetest thing she had ever seen in her life. Her eyebrows lifted, “You’d do that for me?”
He smiled, “‘Course. Consider it done.”
She smiled as well, moving her body against his. Her lips connected with his once more.
She woke up to the sound of yelling. She sat up in bed quickly. Her hair was a mess, her body in nothing but Felix’s t-shirt and her underwear. Her head cocked to the side as the sound continued. It was coming from Oliver’s bedroom.
It was Felix’s voice.
She never heard Felix raising his voice like this before in her life. It had been raised before, yes. But never like this, and never had it had this horrid tone in it. 
She pushed herself to the end of the bed, standing herself up. She ran towards his voice, opening the bathroom door and running through it to Oliver’s room. She opened that door quickly, her body standing in the doorframe.
This caught both men’s attention. They both turned to her. Oliver’s eyes widen at her attire before a smirk appeared on his face. Felix’s eyes softened as he saw her worried expression.
“Oh, angel. I’m sorry to wake you up,” Felix says, his usual sweet tone returning as if he wasn’t screaming seconds earlier.
Oliver chips in, “Yeah, sorry. Felix and I were just chatting about yo-“
A glare was sent to Oliver from Felix, shutting him up quickly. Felix turned back her her, his eyes comforting again.
“Go back to bed. Breakfast isn’t for another hour,” he said, stepping towards her.
She’s beyond confused at this point. Her hand rests against the doorframe, her eyes moving between the two men. “Is... Is everything alright, Fe?”
Felix sighs, moving towards her again. Now in front of her, his hand moves up to the side of her neck, caressing it gently. “Yeah. We’re fine. Back to bed now.”
Her eyes shift to Oliver again. He stands with a confident appearance. He has a smirk on his face, his eyes focused on her bare legs.
Embarrassed, she nods, moving backwards into the bathroom. “Alright. Good morning then, Felix,” her quiet voice says. She nods to Oliver, “Oli.”
She moves back quickly, but not quick enough, hearing Oliver quip, “Good morning to you, beautiful.” 
Felix head spins back to Oliver, his voice a growl, “Don’t fucking-“
That’s all she heard, for she had went back into Felix’s room, shutting both doors. She rested her head again, letting sleep overtake her as Felix had requested.
When breakfast time came, Oliver was nowhere to be found, but Farleigh had blabbed to her later that Oliver had left Saltburn in a rush before breakfast with at least a black eye and a limp in his step.
She twisted the fork in her hand, her eyes focusing across the table at Felix’s bloody knuckles.
He would burn the world for her.
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osachiyo · 2 months
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𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — dazai, chuuya, fyodor, nikolai x fem!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 & 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — n/sfw content, teasing, edging, getting caught while reading erotica/smut, full nelson, oral (m recieving), cock warming, kolya's is the longest bc yea, squirting, kind of 4th wall breaking in kolya's etc • here it isss !! i didn't expect so many people to want this but im glad i got to write it. anyway, happy reading and i hope you enjoy !! not proofread
ps. reblog to show your favorite writers support, they're greatly appreciated ! <3
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𝟎.𝟎𝟎𝟏 — 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈
his hands flew to her neck, squeezing not too hard — but firm enough for her to get dizzy with pleasure. "lily, you're simply ethereal like this," the man on top of her groaned, hips still pounding away, his pelvis slapping against her thighs with each thrust. she moaned, nails raking down the crown prince's back, all while —
"..her pretty cunt squeezed around him at the heartfelt praise,"
you felt someone whisper from behind your shoulder, making you quickly slam your book closed and whip your head towards that direction — only to see your boyfriend, dazai, standing there with a cheshire-like grin on his pretty face.
"i didn't know you were into historical books, babe!" he said with a teasing tilt in his voice, making your right eye twitch. "r-right... ahem — anyway, you really shouldn't sneak up on people like that, osamu," you scowled, clutching said book close to your chest.
"yeah? and you really shouldn't read dirty books at work like this, sweetheart," he tilted your head up to face him, "what if it was kunikida-kun instead of me, hmm?" his voice was playful, and if you knew him, you knew that he was hinting at something — if it's wasn't obvious already by the prominent bulge in his slacks.
"well, aren't you eager?" dazai huffed out a laugh at the way you grinded on his thigh, trying to reach your precious book that was in his hands now. "her back arched like a cat's as the prince pounded away at her — not having an ounce of mercy for the poor maiden," dazai read in a mocking tone — all while flexing his thigh under your cunt, which you were humping for dear life. "please," you pawed at his chest, hips twitching with the need for release.
"please what, baby?" he grinned mischievously, free hand snaking down to land a playful smack on your breasts, before squeezing them. "please let me cum," you whined once more, batting your wet lashes at him in hopes of getting at least a tiny bit of mercy.
"well.." dazai hummed, placing the book to the side, before sitting you fully on his lap and unzipping his slacks — "since you want it so bad, work for it."
𝟎.𝟎𝟎𝟐 — 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀
you and chuuya were in his office, with him working and you on your phone.
chuuya noticed how unusually quiet you got — and how.. strange you were acting as you scrolled further down on your cellphone.
his eyebrows furrowed as he saw your pupils dilate, your breathing getting uneven and you clenching your thighs.... oh.
a smirk found it's way on his handsome face as realization hit him — you dirty, dirty girl.
"what'cha readin' there, babe?" chuuya raised an eyebrow at the way you flinched when he suddenly spoke up. "um.. just some romance story, you won't like it, chuu," you tried to keep a straight face as your boyfriend got up from his seat, and stalked closer to you.
"oh yeah?" chuuya inquired further, "let me see."
"NO!— i mean — you really won't like it, babe," you smiled nervously and clutched the little device closer to you, which only made chuuya's grin spread further. "riiighhtt."
a gasp tore from your lips when your phone was snatched away from you by the ginger man — he was way too fast and strong for you to fight back, so you just sat there — blinking dumbly as he read the contents of your little "romance story."
"really? a mafia boss x reader? heh," chuuya snickered, voice holding a teasing tilt to it, "ya got a thing for boss, or somethin'?"
"NO! oh god, chuuya — give it back!" you finally recovered from your state of stupor, lunging at chuuya — who caught you in his arms with ease. "easy there, sweetheart. now, how about i give you the real fucking thing instead of this stupid... fanfiction, yeah? bend over f'me, doll."
loud clapping could be heard from outside of chuuya's office — it was so embarrassing if anyone walked by, especially akutagawa, but chuuya didn't seem to care one bit.
your tight little pencil skirt was bunched up, panties pulled hastily to the side as chuuya's narrow hips slammed against your ass, gloved hands gripping your hips so hard that you feared it would leave marks. "you like that, baby? like it when i grind into you like this?"
chuuya slowed his thrusts only to grind his hips in circles — making you see stars as you desperately clawed at the mahogany desk.
a sudden knock on the door sent your mind spiraling from pure pleasure to uneasiness. surely he wouldn't —
"come in, akutagawa."
𝟎.𝟎𝟎𝟑 — 𝐅𝐘𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑
"don't flip the page, darling, i'm not done yet,"
you flinched at hearing fyodor's smooth, rich voice from behind you — startling you enough to drop the book from your hands, which conveniently landed on your lap. you looked behind to see your husband, who had a smirk on his handsome, pale face — "f-fedya!" you smiled nervously, "you were.. behind me this entire time?"
"why of course, my dear. i was wondering what type of book my beloved wife is into, and i.. certainly didn't expect this."
fyodor's tone was condescending, derogatory even — making your face heat up in embarrassment and shame. "now now," he tilted your chin up to look him in the eye, "there's no need to be ashamed, darling. though i can't deny that i'm a little upset from you going behind my back to read something so sinful," fyodor clicked his tongue, shaking his head gently before narrowing his amethyst eyes at you, "i believe you need to.. make up for this little... mistake of yours. won't you be a good girl and do as i say?"
you gulped before nodding hesitantly, sweat dampening your palms at the sheer nervousness you were feeling.
"good. on your knees."
fyodor held your head down on his cock, the small tuff of black hair tickling your nose —he didn't give you a chance to catch your breath. the feeling of the tight walls of your throat, along with the pretty view of you looking up at him with those teary eyes almost had him going feral. he wanted nothing more than to just pull your head back and face fuck you — but no, he had you cock warming him with your cute little mouth instead. all while he read his own book.
now, you might want to think twice before reading something so filthy behind his back again — unless you wished for an even worse punishment, that is.
"dove, can i ask you a little question?"
nikolai wrapped his huge arms around your waist, pulling you back against his chest and resting his head on your shoulder, waiting for an answer with a grin.
"what is it, kolya?" you tried to turn to face him, but nikolai's grip only got tighter — his lips brushing against the shell of your ear, "who the fuck is 'toji fushiguro' and why were you reading smut about him?"
nikolai felt you stiffen in his arms — a shiver running down your spine at his warm breath hitting your skin, along with the embarrassing fact that your boyfriend had seen what you read on your phone. fuck.
"hmm? no denying?" he teased, freakishly large hands skimming over your torso, then settling all the way up to your breasts. "he's just a.. fictional character, love," you winced at how fucking embarrassing that sounded — which only resulted in nikolai letting out a snicker.
"really? you wound me, sweet pea — am i not good enough for you, that you have to settle for reading smut about fictional men?" he dramatically put a hand over his chest, but you both knew that was not true. "i'll just prove myself to you then, mm?" nikolai grinned, planting a kiss on your clothed shoulder.
you groaned, "n-no! baby, it's just —" "full nelson, huh?" nikolai cut you off — his expression dark as a borderline scary grin settled on his lips. "that was the position right? you could've just told me you wanted to try it! come on, little dove — i'll show you full nelson."
that's how you ended up with your legs against your chest, nikolai's huge arms hooked under your knees to keep you secured against his chest — all while his thick cock plowed into your cunt.
your mouth dropped into an 'o' shape, drool dribbling down your chin to your tits — the mounds bouncing up and down erotically as you were drilled into from below.
"god, just look at you,"nikolai groaned — his arms flexing beneath you as he bit the juncture of your shoulder, the soft skin littered in bruises and bite marks. his heavy balls were clapping against your ass with each rough thrust — your pussy felt like it was splitting in half from the sheer girth of his dick.
"oh yeah, baby — cum f'me, a-agh — cum on this cock," nikolai's voice was slurred, thick and heavy with lust as he encouraged you to soak his length in your juices.
and soak him you did — spraying your arousal all over the floor, his cock and balls were dripping with it — as you went limp in his arms. but he didn't stop, no — he didn't stop until he was cumming deep in your womb, the creamy substance leaking from your cunt from just how much there was.
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© 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐘𝐎 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 ─ do not copy/translate/repost and/or recommend any of my works on different platfroms under any circumstances. reblogs greatly appreciated !
tags ・ @hopefulpain @inkmooon @constant-existential-terror @nda-approval @mellieellie @seiiushi @lynxxyyy @kentopedia
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ambrosiagoldfish · 4 months
I've never sent a request before, but I'm fiending for more adam, like anything, anything at all
Benefit of the doubt
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Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Viewer discretion is advised
Warnings: Angst(?), Not exactly fluff at the end but it gets better, typical Adam TW’s, reader low-key high-key has a complex about being loved, this is set way before the show, and Gn! Reader. (Also Y/n isn’t used, which also surprised me, the author, LMAO)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Request Box: Open
Word count: 1760
A/N: Hi! Thanks for the request! I haven’t had a chance to write something that was originally my own idea in a while, so this was very refreshing! I’ve had this idea since I’ve watched the show so I hope you enjoy it!
I’m entirely up for making a small series from this oneshot, but I would need to know y’all’s opinion on it! (So don’t feel scared to let me know if you want some more of this idea in my Request box/the replies on this post!!)
Also Adam may be slightly OOC but please just chalk it up to him not yet getting his ego’s dick sucked 24/7
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, let me know if you do!
Proofread but of course could have left mistakes!
You’ve existed for almost all of human existence, Almost.
You were the 4th being to be created during the time of Eden. But unlike the other 3, you weren’t human. In fact, you technically never lived before. An honestly hopeless existence, yet it was so beautiful in every way. But for what purpose? Well…
You were created shortly after Eve ate the apple, before she and eventually Adam committed the first act of sin that caused evil to latch onto humanity like a leech.
The reason for your existence was simple. To be Adam’s new spouse, except for when after he died. From the very moment Eve bit the fruit of temptation, it was already decided she would hold no place in heaven. Adam was given mercy due to him not possessing any knowledge of the fruit Eve had shared with him, he trusted her wholeheartedly. Which is exactly why heaven gave him mercy… no, pity would be a better choice of words.
Upon your creation you learned immediately of the happenings before your existence. About Lilith and Eve, and about Lucifer
And so, after Adam and Eve were casted away from the Garden, they continued to live their lives, fostering the existence of mankind for the rest of time. And when they eventually died, Adam was given pity while Eve was thrown to the wayside, the vast unknown.
You thought it was finally your time to experience existence with the one you loved, the one you were made for. Of course you never would know life as he did but surely your life never-after life could be just as meaningful as his.
How excited you were, how completely enamored by the thought of it. But there was a problem with that, Adam had grown into a new person, he was meant to of course, he was human. But he had grown selfish, abhorrent… insecure.
You understood why, to be betrayed by not one but two of his wives for the same person. You couldn’t possibly imagine what he could be feeling. Before you were to meet your future husband, Sera informed you that he had asked for a mask, and once on, he has refused to take it off.
That didn’t bother you, it’s irrelevant to your love for him. You've only heard descriptions of his features. Short Brown hair, gold eyes, bushy eyebrows, some scruff on his chin. All in all, he sounded perfectly fine, ordinary even. But even then it’s his choice to wear the mask, so you’ll respect it.
Finally, the time he arrived in heaven, and when Sera finally introduced you, his new spouse, the one to whom would be by his side for the rest of forever.
He rejected you outright.
“What?” Your breath hitched as you stuttered over the word, the sharp inhale of your lungs through your mouth flicked through the air.
Sera looked just as shocked as you but she quickly regained her composure “What is the meaning of this Adam?”
“If you think I’m going to let my life get fucked over by another one of your “gifts” well, you’ve got another thing coming!” He crossed his arms and shook his head defyingly. “I’ve already learned my lesson with those last 2 bitches.”
“Adam I’m sorry that happened to you but I would never-“ almost like lightning his finger shot to your mouth, shushing you.
“Save it, Sweetcheeks, I really don’t care what you have to say, so just stay there and look pretty, k?” His hand fell and grabbed the sides of your face, squishing your cheeks together, his LED mask flashing a sharp smile.
You saddeningly looked down at the clouds below you.
“Adam!” Sera’s voice sounded through the air, still soft but firm, she continued, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Divine judgment allowed you to be the first human soul in heaven, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I expect you to give your new spouse that same grace.”
Slowly your eyes looked up at Sera with a soft smile. Adam only groaned “Ugh, Fine but don’t be fuxking annoying, capiche?” You nod your head quickly.
“Very good, glad we have it settled.” Sera gives a quick smile, “now, I have some business to take care of so I’ll leave you two alone to get to know one another” With that, Sera flew away leaving the both of you alone.
The silence was thick in the air, the only sound being the occasional wind breeze blowing past. The sunlight creeps in through the clouds painting an orange sky above you both. In every sense of the word, it was perfect.
It was almost funny. You had waited so long to finally meet him, your true love, the one you were made for. All the things you dreamed about, the laughs you’d have together, the warm embrace of the person who you loved. But now… you didn’t know what to say…
“I’m… happy to finally meet you.” Your voice is quiet, almost non-audible. “I’ve been waiting for you since… well, forever…”
He doesn’t respond. He seems to be transfixed on something below you both. You train your eyes on whatever he’s watching only to see the dark cavernous abyss below you. Finally he breaks his silence.
“The fuck is that?” He asked pointing down, a sound of genuine intrigue hidden behind his abrasive voice
“That’s hell?” You stated confused “where would-be sinners will go to be punished, didnt you k-“ you suddenly realized that perhaps Adam really didn’t know what hell was. It was only created relatively recently, after Eve and Him ate the apple, of course he wouldn’t know. “it’s also where Lucifer-“
“Don’t fucking say his name.” Adam spoke, his voice rough in his speech. LED mask putting a harsh frown on his face. “Let’s get one thing straight M”Kay babe, if you’re my “new spouse” that’s something you should remember.” The “new spouse” was said with a tone clearly meant to mock you.
“Ugh, It’s fine, just don’t do it again.” He groaned before a wicked smile crept onto his mask “Sooo, that means he’s going to be stuck with all the wasteful beings of existence, HA fuxkin’ hilarious. Guess that makes them the losers and us the Winners!”
His laugh filled the air, the sound was like music to your ears, sure maybe it wasn’t really what you’d hoped he’d fine funny, but you loved it all the same but eventually his laugh died down
Silence again… in admits of all of it you suddenly was sparked with a thought “oh!” Adam looked confused at the random exclamation. “I had almost forgotten… I brought you something, as a welcome gift or was it a nice to meet you gift? Both? Eh, it doesn’t matter but the point is-“ you suddenly snap your fingers.
Golden light began shining, the light seemed like liquid hot magma as it moved and molded slowly into a shape. Light seemed to be overlapping and churning into itself, forming your desired outcome. With one final snap of your fingers, the gleaming gold liquid took hold, and quickly hardened to a solid.
The object that had formed quickly fell down, landing in your arms with a light thud.
“I’m still learning this creation stuff, so I’m sorry if it’s not perfect but-“ you hold out the object in your arms as an invitation to grab it “I learned from Sera that you liked to play guitar when you were alive, so I thought you might like to have one here…”
Adam looked at the instrument in your hands. The base color was gold, the neck was pearly white with gold strings. To be honest it looked more like a harp then anything, like if a guitar and a harp had a baby.
Silence again. Did he not like it? Did he hate it? You go to pull it back to you and apologize when suddenly it’s ripped out from your hands.
“Holyshit, this is sick as Fuck!” Adam immediately started playing some rifts on the new guitar. The sound wasn’t what you were expecting but you guess Sera was right about his talent with the instrument. The whole time his mask had a wide and sharp smile as he mimicked guitar sounds with his voice, the occasional laugh leaving his mouth.
“I’m really glad you like it” you say, a sigh of relief leaving your body.
Adam looked at you, one you missed. He saw how relieved you were, how nice you were being. No person who supposedly loved him ever gifted him something, well, one other did. Someone he trusted and loved more than everyone, anyone. But look how that ended, with them being removed from the garden, away from an eternity of happiness until he died. All from someone giving him what he thought was nothing but love, a gift.
But he could see that this was different, you were different. When Eve gave him the apple, she didn’t explain what it was or why she wanted him to eat it, even when he asked her she didn’t explain. But with you, you had not only given him something you knew he liked but also expressed the reason behind it. Yes, you were different, even Adam could see it.
“Anyways, thanks for the axe, I guess…” Adam for the first time was stunned, but quickly he continued “What was the thing that Sera chick said about me and “divine judgment” or whatever the fuck? That she gave me the “benefit of the doubt…”
You were a bit confused but continued listening, “I guess I should at least try to give you a chance, since you got me this sick ass guitar an’ shit.” Your face lit up, you about began to speak before you were, once again, shushed “B-B-But-” his finger tapped your lips with each repeated syllable ”-only a chance. If you betray me like those last 2 bitches then you’re done, got it?”
To say you were overjoyed would be an understatement, a smile quickly plastered across your face as you quickly nodded your head
“Alright good, so uh, what do ya say about showing me the best places to get a bite to eat around here, I could really go for some ribs right about now.”
“ I’d… love to, thank you Adam”
“Yeah don’t mention it Sweetcheeks” Adam quickly wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you two began walking.
Maybe you will get your eternity of happiness.you can only pray you do.
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seresinhangmanjake · 18 days
Do You Love?
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x wife!reader
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Summary: Feyd is soft for his wife and only wants to know if she loves him. His wife just wants him to come home.
Notes/Warnings: fluff and a little angst and very light smut (still 18+), softy-soft Feyd, probably could do with a wedding prequel if people were interested, im sure there are typos. I think that's it.
Words: 1400
Feyd-Rautha Masterlist
He hates being away from you. Can't bear it. It takes less than two days for withdrawal from your lack of presence to settle in, and when it hits, it hits hard. The luminescence of your smile that threatens the darkness within him on his worst days; the delicate suppleness of your skin that introduced him to the softness and warmth of a human body; the specific quality and tone of your voice when you whisper and whimper and moan in his ear—he needs it. He needs you. He craves you until the second you’re in his arms again. He just wishes he could understand if you feel the same. He wishes he could know if you love him as much as he does you.
When you came into his life, you were a pawn for peace. A gift from one Great House to another. A reluctant bride who couldn’t choke back her tears on her wedding day. He’ll never forget the saltiness that lingered on his lips after the kiss that bound you to him forever. He can still feel the pang in his heart from seeing you finch when he guided the strap of your nightgown off your shoulder. 
It took ages for you to shed your fear; to allow him to hold you and kiss you and be inside of you, but those many months of ‘two steps forward, one step back’ have left him in a paralyzing state of identity crisis and uncertainty. You’ve turned him into a man who begs for scraps of reassurance that you care for him rather than a man who shows no mercy for love; a man so preoccupied with thoughts of his wife’s affection that not even his enemies are granted his full attention as he watches the light drain from their eyes. 
From the moment he leaves, he anticipates his return so you can quell his agitation, at least to some degree. The same words echo in his head each time he steps off a Harkonnen ship to search for you—hug me, hold me, kiss me, let my body inside of yours, tell me you love me—and in recent months you haven’t failed to do those things, with the exception of the last request. The day you tell him you love him will be the day he stops fearing you'll eventually grow bored with him. On that day, he’ll be happy, at peace. He’ll be unafraid of what his future with you will bring.
Reader POV
He often goes to Arrakis for a week or two, that’s not new. He must monitor things and fight Fremen when necessary. However, this time was different. There was something foreign in his eyes after he kissed your palm and boarded his ship to depart. Sadness? Pain? Worry? All three? You didn’t know, but it terrified you from how little he tried to disguise it. With each departure, it’s seemed his mood has worsened and you can't decipher its cause.
Now, ten days later, your fingernails are worn to nubs and dark circles have found home under your eyes from nightmares interrupting your sleep. They’re different every night but they always end with Feyd not coming home to you, and you don’t know how to cope. You tell yourself you’re crazy, that there’s no possibility of him being taken down with a Fremen knife or gobbled up by a sandworm or blown to bits from his ship getting shot out of the sky. He’s too smart, too quick, too trained for such things to claim his life. At the same time, however, the last person whose death you dreamt of was your mother’s, and while it’s rare your dreams are prophetic, that one came to fruition not five days later. Who is to say your dreams of your husband are not the same?
But you can’t lose Feyd, not when it feels like you just got him. When you married, your dread of navigating a new husband and life on Giedi Prime—both of which have a reputation for being cold and desolate and harsh—crippled your ability to see him for who he is. It’s only been the last few months that you’ve let yourself love and understand him, and you can’t imagine a reality in which you wake one morning knowing you will never have him again. You wouldn’t survive it. 
But you won't have to, because he's fine, perfectly safe—that's what you tell yourself. He told you he wouldn’t be away long and he wouldn’t say that unless he believed it, right?
Then again, believing he would be home soon doesn’t mean fate agrees. What if he's already gone? Wait, no. No, he wouldn't do that to you. He'll be home because he always makes it home. He’s fine. He’s safe. He would never leave you. You nod to yourself, swallowing hard. He’s fine. He’s safe. He would never leave. He’s fine. He’s safe. He would never leave.
Your body curls into the first touch of warmth you’ve had in a week and a half as a heavy weight rests in the dip of your waist and tugs you against a solid form. Plush lips ghost your temple. A heartbeat thrums in your ear and you feel the rise and fall of a chest. 
Oh, you like this dream. He’s so real in this dream. It’s the first dream where death is not at his heels.
“You don’t know how I miss you,” he mutters into your ear. Stands of your loose hair brush back from your face. “How unbearable it is.”
His voice is so clear, so beautiful and vivid that it’s almost like he’s really with you. Humming contently, you huddle further into him. “Then stop leaving me,” you mumble.
Breath catches in his chest, no longer moving at a steady rhythm. “You're awake?”
Your brows knit—that's not a very ‘dream-like’ question; it threatens your lovely illusion—and then your eyes snap open. 
“Feyd?” His nose is an inch from yours. Your hand raises to cup his cheek, just to see if he is real, and you gasp at how warm his skin is under your palm. “You're here,” you cry, quickly pushing him onto his back and crawling on top of him. 
You press your lips to his, hard. A whimper is pulled from your throat when he parts his mouth so you can get a taste of his tongue. Yes, he’s definitely real. 
Hands trail down your back to your ass, squeezing two handfuls of flesh and pushing your pelvis down onto his. He’s already hard and thick and pressing into you, the matching thin material of your nightgown and his sleep pants doing a pathetic job of maintaining any sort of barrier. 
Feyd slowly drags the ink-toned silk up the curves and dimples of your body until it pools at your waist. Fingers graze your skin as they move lower to slide through your slick bare folds, and at his touch, your brain goes absolutely fuzzy. You’re unashamedly desperate, refusing to take any longer to get what you need, but when you finally free him from his pants and he thrusts up into you, you both find yourselves stopping. The kiss breaks and you simply breathe in each other’s breaths as he stays nestled deep inside you. 
Your forehead falls to his. A fresh tear that you hadn’t noticed in your eye lands on his cheek. “You're ok,” you gently whimper, reassuring yourself of his safety. His nose nudges yours.
“When am I not?” he whispers as he catches the next tear with his thumb before it drops from your lower lashes. 
“In my nightmares.”
His brow pinches in curiosity, cock twitching within your walls. “You dream about me?” 
You lightly nod. “I thought this was a dream.”
“Because I had a sickening feeling you weren’t going to make it back this time. I know it was a routine trip, but I just couldn’t shake it,” you say. “And that would’ve killed me, Feyd. I love you.”
Feyd sucks in a short stream of air as his hips slightly buck up against yours. “You love me?” he repeats.
“Yes,” you exhale, riding the little high of pleasure that came from the sharp involuntary shift of his hips. “I was so scared to be right.”
Feyd's arms tighten around you and he tilts his chin up to connect your lips. Kisses travel along the line of your jaw and down the length of your neck. His tongue dips into the hollow of your throat. 
“I love you,” he tells you.
Your stuffy chuckle settles into a grin. “I know you do.”
tag: @avidreader73
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loko4koko · 5 months
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·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ jujutsu kaisen nsfw visuals ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
>fanart_credit (l->r): bellablues99, _3aem, deltapork, hercaptain2
*to view the following links you must be 18+ and have a twitter/x account. if you click a link and it opens to your browser with “this page does not exist”, please click “open in app”*
MDNI 18+
>contents: mostly gn!reader, some moments are written with f!reader in mind though so beware! | yuuji- sex toys (dildos), fingering (f!receiving), cervix fucking (brief mention), established relationship, yuuji has a big dick; gojo- fingering (f!receiving), pussy worship, anal play, explicit p in v, pussy referred to as ‘she’, implied squirting; toji- anal (f!receiving), size kink, dirty (filthy) talk, mating press, squirting; nanami- established relationship, domestic nanami, sensual/romantic/gentle p in v, missionary, titty sucking, reader is referred to as “wife” and wears a nightgown
♡︎ with (aged up) virgin!boyfriend!yuuji
being in a relationship with yuuji was wonderful. he made you laugh, comforted you when you needed it, and, even though he’s a virgin, he still knows how to make you cum. don’t get me wrong, yuuji would die to give you his virginity, but he’s just so nervous. always worrying about if he’ll do a good job at making you feel good, and especially about if he’ll even last long enough—he thinks he’ll blow his load the second he’s inside of those hot, slippery walls of yours. so, he came up with something that would satisfy you both until he could work through those nerves. he’ll start by kissing you, so sweet but so full of need, as he undresses you, lying you down on his bed with your ass up. he grips your cheeks and spreads them apart, watching with wonder and lust soaked eyes as the sticky strings of your arousal shine in the light. he can’t help but to tease your lower lips with his long middle finger, reveling in your little gasping whines when he brushes against your clit.
“you ready, baby?” he asks, not bothering to wait for a proper answer before he picks up the real star of the show that’s sitting beside him. he can’t wait, he’s just too excited! it’s his favorite toy to use on you—a dildo he’d found that was similar enough to the length and shape of his own girthy cock. and how perfect was it that it was a delicate pink, the same color as his mussed locks? he gives you no words of warning before he’s slicking the cool silicone up with your plentiful juices, a shudder running through you at the toy sliding through your folds.
it’s funny, actually, how gently he eases the toy into you at first. he’s so slow, letting you adjust to the thick shaft now splitting your sopping little pussy apart. it’s got you whimpering, squirming at the intrusion that makes you feel so full, so good. but when he thinks you’re well adjusted, gentle is the last word you’d use to describe him. his grip on the base of the toy is tight, forcefully pulling the fake cock out and punching it back into you. he’s gotten good at this over the past few weeks, too, knows how to angle it juuust right to hit that little pleasure button inside of you. he fucks the toy in and out of you so fast it makes your head spin and your eyes tear up, fingers digging into the sheets for a grip on something or else you think you might float away. he leaves the dildo inside of you to slap the base, growing impossibly harder as you cry that it’s “soo f-fucking deeep, yuuji, please!” he only shows you mercy by pressing his palm to the base and grinding the toy inside you—so deep that you think it touches your cervix—and when you whine about how close you are to cumming again, he goes right back to that fast fucking until that pretty little pussy is creaming all over it.
♡ with bestfriend!gojo
letting your best friend play with your pussy was normal, right?
well, it was normal for you and gojo at least. like now, and how he had you on your hands and knees on the couch in his apartment. he couldn’t help the way he worshipped your delicious cunt—he was powerless to it, to you. you’d gotten so wet from his scandalous tongue in your mouth, but he needed to feel just how soaked you were for himself. he’s got his thumb between your folds, massaging up and down your slit. he’ll focus on your hole, smearing the growing wetness around before slipping the digit back down, then back up again.
and if his fingers drift upwards, away from your clit and syrup-sticky pussy lips, to your pretty little asshole that just wouldn’t stop winking at him, would you be upset with him? could you, even? he doesn’t think so, not with the way you moan so fucking sexy and wanton when he smooths some of your slick across the delicate hole. he adds a little pressure, just enough of a tease to make you think he’ll slip it inside, but he doesn’t. instead he just massages the puckering hole with the tip of his finger. it’s tempting, but he won’t fuck you there today- he’s got his mind set on that pussy that grips and squeezes him so much he thinks she’s determined to suck the cum right out of him. he’ll take his fingers back down to your pussy, wetter now from his little anal adventure, and plunge his index and middle fingers in knuckle deep. he’s un-rushed in his exploration of your cunt, shallowly thrusting his long digits in and out of you. he reaches so far inside of you, flicking his fingertips against your g-spot over and over and over again. he’s hard enough from everything about you already—how needy you kissed him back earlier and how your pussy is so wet he can fucking hear it, but when you start wiggling your ass and fucking yourself on his hand? god, he thinks he’s going to cum buckets right then and there.
“y’want me ta fuck you, angel? yeah? want me deep in this pretty little pussy? oh, fuck..if you could see how she’s twitching for me.. i think she wants me in there, baby,” he sighs lustfully, enraptured as he watches your pussyhole weep and clench around nothing. but it’s okay, he’s gonna give her just what she needs.
spoiler alert: he fucks three very messy orgasms out of you that evening, and now he needs a new couch.
♡ with scumbagbf!toji
you would say that you don’t even know why you let a guy like toji fushiguro stake a claim over half of your bed—but that would be a lie. you know exactly why. and the answer is his fat fucking dick.
toji is a jackass. he’s rude, selfish, and eats all of your leftovers that you were looking forward to after work. and every time he does something to piss you off, you give him that “sensitive little silent treatment bullshit,” as he calls it. and he can deal with it at first, makes snide remarks about how he loves the peace and quiet, but after a few hours, he starts getting antsy. he watches with thighs spread wide and a beer in his hand as you maneuver around him in his seat on the couch, doing that angry, silent cleaning thing that you always do when you’re mad at him. the sports game playing on the tv is no longer of interest to him, much more entertained by the way your ass hangs out of those itty bitty shorts you always wear to clean. you’re bent over, putting away something or the other in a drawer when you suddenly feel the man you’re trying to ignore press up behind you. he’s got those meaty hands on your hips, grinding himself against your ass and goddamn it, why is he so fucking hard?
“y’gonna let me make it up to you, pussycat? or y’gonna stay pouting all day?”
and that’s how you ended up like this, half on the couch and half off, asshole spread and gaping around the overwhelming girth of toji’s cock. he’s supposed to be making it up to you, and yet, you’re doing all the work- knees and thighs burning as you fuck yourself back on the thickness splitting you open. you couldn’t help but to give in to his proposition. who wouldn’t when his cock sat so heavy and full in his boxer briefs, pressed up between your cheeks as he whispered insincere apologies coupled with kisses on your ear. he’ll meet your hips with his own thrusts when he feels like it, your eyes squeezing shut when he gets so deep inside it feels like he’s in your fucking stomach.
“thaaat’s it, pussycat, fuck yourself on my cock, jus’ like that. tell me you like my big dick in your ass,” he grunted, hand coming down to leave a smack on your jiggling flesh.
“mmh, i lo-ove your big fucking dick in my ass, baby,” you hiccup, looking back at the hulking man over your shoulder with your lip between your teeth. toji groans, pulling his cock out of your spasming hole. he grips your ass cheeks and spreads them apart, letting out a low “fuck” when he sees just how gaped your asshole is, watching as the ring of muscle struggles to return to its original shape and size. he maneuvers you into a new position, on your back on the couch with your knees shoved up to your chest. he barely gives you any time to get used to this new positioning before he’s flush with your hips, bulbous head of his hefty cock prodding at your stretched out hole.
“get ready, pussycat. you’re gonna squirt alllll over me before i’m done with this slutty little fuckhole of yer’s.”
and with his cock deep in your ass, his thumb merciless on your clit, you do exactly that. smug bastard.
♡ with husband!nanami
your husband spoiled you. he got you a big house, with a big yard full of flowers, a big kitchen that he uses to feed you, and a big bed that he makes love to you in. it was no different this morning, a sunday, just barely past 8am. he awakens first, curling his arm tighter around you as he pushes his face into your neck that’s bared so pretty for him. he doesn’t want to wake you—he’s enamored with you, with how peaceful and calm you look—but he’s losing the battle, cock stiff in his silk pajama pants and growing harder as he takes in your scent. you smell so good, and your skin is so soft, and your face is so fucking pretty, can you really blame him for getting worked up?
nanami loves you, his precious little wife, so he’s gentle with his need for you. he kisses the column of your throat and the line of your jaw so gently, nose nuzzling into your cheek as he slowly begins his grind into you. it isn’t long before you’re stirring in his arms, adoring smile on your face and a giggle leaving your lips at your husband’s early morning randiness. but god, he’s just so convincing, enticing you more and more as the press of his lips forms a path down to your chest, slipping the strap of your night down off of your shoulder to take a nipple into his mouth.
one thing about your dear husband that you’ve known for years, is that he loves to see your face while he’s inside of you. and that tradition is unchanging on this morning, now that he’s got you naked and writhing underneath him. he’s carving his way into you, shallowly thrusting but he’s just so long that he hits deep no matter how hard or softly he fucks you. hazel eyes peek at you through his thick lashes, still lavishing his tongue across the hardened peak of your tit. it’s always so good when it’s slow like this, when nanami gets to take his time making you fall apart.
“you feel s-so wonderful, darling..so wet for me, my perfect wife,” he moans against your breast. you’ve got one hand curled up into his hair and the other massaging your clit, unable to respond to his loving words with anything other than a hoarse moan of his name. his lips leave your nipple in favor of snatching your own up, driving his cock in and out of you with a bit more depth, more force. he can’t help but to start fucking you in earnest once he gets a taste of your lips, loves to swallow up those moans and cries as your manicured nails find their new residence on his muscular back and shoulders.
“hnng- god- kento! yes, baby, please, right there..right there,” you cry out to him, the sensation of his cock digging right into that fleshy little spot inside of you and his pelvis rubbing right up on your clit bringing you closer and closer to the edge. fuck, he’s so in love with you, so in love with the way your pussy grips him like he’s about to leave forever, but that would never happen. he’ll always be with you, could never love another like you, not when you smile at him so sweetly and run baths for him when he’s had a long, rough day. not when you let him fill you like this, not when you let him stuff you full of load after load of his cum, not when you tell him how much you love him when you cum together for the umpteenth time that morning alone.
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>author’s_note: THANK YOU FOR 50 (KAJILLION) FOLLOWERS!!! Here’s to another 50, and so on 🥂
>>keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming announcement (psst- it’s the road to 100 followers series announcement 👀)
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>thank you for reading ♡︎
>send a request here!
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© loko4koko 2023
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satorhime · 1 year
front row seat + gojo satoru ── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞
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── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ content : minors do not interact, f!reader, explicit smut, pussy drunk!gojo, hentai tropes ( internal view / satoru uses his six eyes ), messy sex, squirting, mating press. w.c ˓˓ 2k ˓˓
── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ synopsis : sometimes you forget that your boyfriend sees everything.
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“h-honey, i ever tell you how pretty this pussy is?” 
he has, multiple times, because satoru is obsessed with watching you while he fucks you. 
in a way, you don’t blame him. the two of you are beautiful together and on the days when your boyfriend is merciful enough not to fuck you flat into his mattress, you love lifting your gooey head up to watch the pretty bounce of your tits, the squishy sink of satoru’s cock disappearing into your pussy and how the taut muscles in his abdomen twitches, tensing up whenever you suck him in with a widowmaking squeeze,
but tonight satoru is … tonight, something has him frenzied. 
his quicksilver blue eyes refuse to close down, and no matter how good he feels inside you, he refuses to throw his head back in ecstasy. it’s like he’s watching the performance of the century, one such cinematic masterpiece that he can’t afford to miss and you’re the pretty young starlet acting centerstage.  
his gaze trails all over every inch of your plush body, from the way he leaves his fingerprints in the soft dimples of your hips, the tousel of your hair as you thrash against the pillows underneath him, and now his new personal favorite— a sight only his six eyes are allowed to see. 
a sweet treat he’s never thought to indulge in before now, the fact that if he drags his gaze down to your body and let the six eyes focus a little further, past your soft belly until it becomes a translucent screen to him, he can see everything. it feels perverse, being able to watch the raw way he fucks into you but it’s so intoxicating, maddening and white hot, how heavenly you look spread out underneath him with your cunt laid bare to his eyes, he wouldn’t be able to resist it if he tried–
so he watches, milky lashes fanning out over petal-pink cheeks as his lidded eyes focus below your hips, right between the jiggle of your thighs. “g-god,” he moans out through gritted teeth, lilting baritone low and shaky. he’s sitting back on his heels, chin tucked to his chest and lip bitten raw. sweat drips from his brows onto your belly in rivulets and he’s attempting to rally the last bit of self-control he has in order not to absolutely wreck you as he watches himself fuck his cock deep into your weeping pussy. “wish you could see how easy this little lady’s opening up f’me, angel.” 
“nnngh, i can’t see-!” you squeal, and you don’t know if it’s because of the sticky tears blurring your big doe eyes or because it’s one of those nights where he fucks you flat, where the weight of his cock leaves you writhing and unable to move properly. where the only thing you can do is toss your head back against the pillows and take what he gives.
how such an innocent night ended up like this so suddenly, you don’t know. your head had been on satoru’s strong chest, cocooned in his infinity while his arm was curled behind his own head, scrolling aimlessly through a shady porn website on your phone with the intention of finding a cheesy hentai episode for the two of you to watch and dissect for jokes, a tradition in your relationship when you were in between streaming shows. satoru ended up choosing one from your recently watched, and as the two of you watched the exaggerated, almost comical movements of the animated couple fucking on the screen, you had expected his boyish jokes to begin and make you giggle, but he’d been silent— eyes darkening with something worse than lust at the sight of the x-ray view of the male character’s engorged cock sinking deep into the female character’s pussy while she wailed and babbled incoherently.
this what gets you hot ‘n’ bothered when i’m not around, angel? 
the rest is hazy, lost in the way you’re splayed out on the sheets now, knees bent to your shoulders and fingers desperately digging into the backs of your trembling thighs to hold them in the air for gojo. the position is uncomfortable and you’re not flexible like that, joints in your poor hips aching but you don’t care, not when he’s got your breasts bouncing lewdly with each repeated, dirty slam of the tip of his cock right up against your womb until you can practically feel him in your throat, stealing the desperate screams right from your vocal cords. 
“that’s a real shame, princess,” he coos, an egoistic smirk on his lips but it falters when you squeeze ‘round him just right, sore cunt twitching against the hard swell of his cock. his ocean blues dim, fingernails scratching against your squishy sides for leverage not to fuck deeper but to push you away because while he’s practiced, you feel too fucking good and he needs a minute, damn it, he’ll cum too fucking fast and ruin the perfect view of your cunt and it’ll be all your fault—
“wah-why did you stop-... please, miss your cock so much,” you simper, needy.
but he ignores your sweet little cries, drawing his hips back until his cock slips out of you and he lays it flat against your seam, greedily drinking down how fucking pretty you look beneath him like this, so good for him in the way you struggle to hold those sweet thighs up so he can have easy access to an even sweeter cunt. he wraps one hand around the root of his sticky girth, can’t help himself when he slaps the tip hard against the hood of your clit, just to earn that cute little yelp you make. “you’re so good for me always, sugar. such a good girl, huh? but i’m not sure of that anymore after tonight. you’ve been holding out on me.” 
“w… wh- i am a good girl-”
“but that’s okay,” he cuts you off. “i’ve got a front row seat now. know why?” 
he loves watching the pretty picture that confusion paints on a fucked out expression like yours. you fumble for the answer like a teacher’s pet, even though you’re distracted by grinding your clit against the tip of gojo’s cock for desperate, greedy friction. you’re too drunk on him to understand the true meaning behind those slurred out words and he knows it. head always caught up in the pleasure simmering in your belly that you forget the man fucking you is considered the strongest sorcerer in the world for a reason and oh … oh, there it is.
sometimes you forget that he views the world differently than normal men. the x-ray porn you secretly like may be an unrealistic act seen only in hentai, but gojo satoru wouldn’t be the strongest sorcerer if he couldn’t bring fiction into reality.
“y-you can see inside me,” you whisper, a little awed, and the thought of it is so fucking hot. you squeeze around emptiness when he nods, wanting to suck his tip right back into your tight pussy and you can practically feel the slick dripping out of you as he flashes a devastating, heartbreaker smile at you. “the six eyes. y-you can see how much i want you to fuck me again.”
“smart girl,” his praise warms your veins until your blood feels honeyed, running through you thick and slow. gojo flicks the tip against your clit one last time for the road before he reaches down, spreading one side of your folds open so he can nudge at the creamy ring to your cunt. “i can see everything.” 
“i can see how this little cunt is stubborn, how she never wants to stretch properly f’ me, the way she twitches when i hit it just right. i can see everything,” and he can, his technique zeroing in on his girth sinking in and stretching you wide, his answering whine almost louder than yours, eyes threatening to clamp shut as he feeds you the long stretch of his cock once more. the air in the bedroom of his penthouse makes your bodies slippery with sweat while you squirm underneath him on hot sheets, your breath wheezing out of your lungs until you can’t breathe. “look at that.” 
“i- hng, can’t-!”
it’s a hotter fuck like this, knowing those pretty blue eyes can see every rib and ridge of the inside of your pussy. that satoru knows the exact way your gummy walls, pretty pink against the white of his cock, look when you swell and squeeze for the stinging stretch, smeared in his precum. it makes you feel delirious— expression cracked wide open with pleasure, tongue lolling out of your pretty mouth, gaze fluttering releasing desperate whines as gojo fucks too fast, cockhead bullying your g-spot into overstimulation so that you can’t even fight it when you gush, the lewd sound of slick squelching out of you burning heat into your cheeks.
“look at you, squirtin’ all over me, angel,” gojo groans, stamping down the fast approach of his orgasm as arousal streams down the curve of your ass, wetting his expensive sheets. watching the way your swollen, puffy pussy spasms and tries to force him out but it only makes him drive deeper, his pace brutal— his hips rouged red from the friction of your bodies slapping together. “prettiest pussy in the whole world. you know that?” 
“y'r gonna cum inside me, right 'toru? s-so i'll look even prettier?” you simper under the praise, big doe eyes staring up at him behind a dreamy haze.
“shouldn't have said that, sweet girl. ooooh, f-fuck. you shouldn't. have. said. that. fuck fuck fuck, i'm gonna put my cum right here, ” he babbles desperately, a big hand splaying out on your belly, pressing down hard as his thumb dips low, circling your sticky clit almost desperately. the words punctuated by the heavy slap of his balls against your ass, headboard knocking violently into the wall. his spine tenses, orgasm building in the pit of his gut and he can’t wait to see it, the sight of his cum painting against your pretty walls. “and you're gonna take care of it f’ me, aren’t you? promise ‘toru you won't spill a drop?”
“i promise-! i promise i promise i promise, give me your cum- ‘toru- pleas-”
“shut up, angel face. you’re about to make me miss the best part of the movie.”
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dekariosclan · 5 months
Imagine Gale as a talented and impressive young man, able to compose the Weave at will, skilled in a way that few can match, and favored by the Goddess of Magic herself. Imagine that because of these accomplishments, he’s caught the eye of a few up-and-coming magic adepts, and he falls in love with one of them—his first real love. Gale isn’t one to toss the ‘L’ word around lightly, so when he tells them he loves them, he means it; he gives himself over to them completely.
And in return, they love him for his potential. For his status. For the magic he can command. They love the wizard they see on the surface, but not the man underneath. They are attracted to his power, but not to him.
So of course the relationship fails, after the thrill of his magic wears off. But because Gale is a resilient young man and he’s caught the eye of so many, he soon falls in love with another.
And then it happens again. And again.
And each time Gale’s heart is ravaged, his ambition to become a better wizard grows, because he’s being shown time and time again that his magic ability is all that matters.
So much so that, by the time Mystra decides to elevate him from Favored to Chosen to Lover, he welcomes her with eager, desperate arms. Because if all his worth is in his magic, and that’s all he has to offer, and that’s all anyone wants from him, who better to love him than the Goddess of Magic herself?
Except…there’s a nagging voice in the back of his head that whispers she doesn’t really love him. There’s anxiety in his heart as time passes, and he reaches both the limit of what his talents can do and what Mystra will allow him to do. And most troubling of all: a growing panic that, just like his other lovers, she will soon grow tired of him and discard him if he can’t improve his magic any further.
He tries pouting, and pleading, and begging her to let him take more power, to let him be more for her, but she refuses. Smiles patronizingly. Tells him to be patient. But Gale can’t be patient when his power is tied so closely to his self-worth; he can’t be patient when doing so in the past has only ever lead to heartache.
So he does what he believes will be a Grand Romantic Gesture, one that will finally put him on equal footing with the woman he loves. Instead, it turns out to be a folly that dooms him and destroys his talents. And just as he’d always feared, Mystra tosses him aside the moment his magical gifts are gone—because what’s left of him holds no value for her.
Imagine Gale in his tower, alone, afraid, the ever-hungry orb in his chest, with only his tressym there to help him. No other friends to speak of. His colleagues forced to keep away for their own safety. His magical talents utterly stripped down, so that even when he does try and distract himself with illusions, he’s bitterly reminded of what he used to be capable of. Waking every morning wondering if it will be his last, ending every day full of loneliness and disappointment.
…and then he meets Tav.
At the lowest point in his life, at his most vulnerable, when he knows he’s going to be considered a burden, he meets this stranger and their group. So he does what he can to be useful—assigning himself to be camp cook, offering up his (now meager) magic skills, turning the charm up to 11—as he desperately hopes this will somehow work out. He’s pleasantly surprised when, after providing only minor details of his condition, Tav agrees to help him. He’s even more surprised when they actually follow through.
Imagine how Gale feels as Tav treats him kindly. As he grows to trust Tav, and then grows to like them. Imagine his surprise as he opens up and shows them more and more of himself, and they don’t turn him away.
But then his condition worsens. And he has to reveal everything: the foolish mistakes he’s made, and how dangerous he is as a result. He clings to Tav’s hand as he shows them his folly. He’s at their mercy now, and he knows this might be the last time he’ll ever feel the touch of another being, if they decide—and Gods, why wouldn’t they decide?—to cast him out.
…but they don’t. They don’t. Instead, they tell him to stay.
Imagine the relief Gale feels. The gratitude. And perhaps…just a hint of something more. Something that he dare not name, but that flares to life every time he thinks of how warm their hand was in his. Something that feels dangerously close to jealousy, when he’s had too much to drink and sees Tav smiling at another…
But he knows these are all foolish thoughts, because he has nothing to offer Tav. They are wonderful just as they are, but he…he is an empty shell of a man, a discarded husk of a wizard, and while they might tolerate him, he could never believe they might actually want him.
And besides, he still thinks of Mystra. He still longs for Mystra. She who cast him out, but to whom he still feels tethered. Sometimes he needs to cocoon himself in the weave, just to try and calm his fears and bring some joy back to his life, because magic is his life. And sometimes he just needs to see her face, even though that hurts as much as it heals.
One night he’s lost in thought, having conjured Mysta’s image after settling down at camp. Thinking that even if she hadn’t ‘loved’ him—certainly not in the way he’d loved her—she’d given him enough otherwise, hadn’t she? She’d amused him and been amused by him, they’d shared countless pleasures, why hadn’t he been satisfied with that?
Gale is so lost in thought he doesn’t realize Tav has come up behind him. Until they ask a question, startling him out of his trance. He’s a bit shaken, so he tries to turn the conversation from Mystra to the weave itself. And then a wonderful idea occurs to him, something that he’d been toying with already: what if they were to conjure the weave together?
He can show Tav how important magic is to him, let them experience what he does, perhaps even impress them a bit. But most importantly, share a moment with them. As friends would do…
He’s elated when Tav agrees. He leads them through the steps effortlessly, and they’re a surprisingly good student, following his instructions correctly (if a bit clumsily). He’s as excited as they are—perhaps even more so!—when they succeed in channeling the weave.
It’s such a pleasant, familiar feeling for him, like coming home to his tower in Waterdeep. Even as the weave connects him with Tav and makes them one, he’s easily able to hide his innermost thoughts, because he’s done it so many times before.
…but he’s forgotten that Tav has not.
Imagine Gale knowing every romantic partner he ever had only wanted him because of how he could raise their status, or how he could amuse them, or how he could command magic for them. And, each time, he was happy to oblige them, even desperate to oblige them, because if that was the price of their love, then he was sure it would be worth it.
But it still all came to nothing.
Now imagine Gale connected in an intimate way with someone he likes very, very much—while being what he considers his lowest, most worthless, and most humbled self. As far from the powerful, impressive wizard he once was as he could ever be. And suddenly a vision enters his mind from the lovely creature standing next to him. Only, to his complete and utter shock, it isn’t one where he is providing them with a service, or wowing them with his magical ability, or granting them some kind of power from one of the spells he commands.
Instead, when he sees their desire laid bare before him, it’s a vision of kissing him. Of holding his hand. The two most basic forms of affection and physical connection. The two things that he would still be able to offer them even if every last ounce of his remaining magical abilities were stripped from him. The two things he could share with them even if he was no longer Gale of Waterdeep, and just plain old Gale Dekarios instead.
Imagine the embarrassment and trepidation he feels at first, because surely he is mistaken?…and then the elation when he realizes that he is not. So much elation that his concentration is broken, the weave dissipating as he forgets about channeling it, as he forgets about Mystra. Because all that matters to him now is the image before him—the most pleasant and welcome image he’s seen in a very, very long time.
Imagine how that would feel…and how besotted, enamored and completely devoted he’d be to Tav afterwards. To know that someone finally—finally—just wants him.
Just imagine.
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The Powder Keg
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John Price has just spent the whole afternoon teaching his new recruit how to shoot, and after pining for her all day, he’s about ready to burst, just like a powder keg…
Hot, steaming water sprayed out of the shower head and soaked his burnt, pink skin. When he took in a deep breath, it was humid and heavy, filling his lungs with more moisture than air, leaving him panting and weak from the heat of it. But, he let it suffocate him. He allowed it to obfuscate his senses, to coat his mouth like a gag, to stop him from calling out for her. John Price was so damn close to forgetting himself. He pulled his imaginary muzzle tighter, just in case.
He’d spent the better part of the day in the frigid sands in some Urzikstani Green zone, teaching his new sergeant to shoot his M-16. She was a good marksman, but she was unfamiliar with the desert’s unforgiving winds, and she needed to see how he had set his sights. It shouldn’t have taken so long for him to help her, and if he was before Peter at those gates of pearl and splendor, forced to tell the truth, he had chosen to keep her there. He’d been selfish, preferring to watch her laying there, prone and panting, firing bullet after bullet, all to please her captain. It was the betrayal of the sun that had ruined his gluttony. It had set behind the dunes, forcing John to come indoors and try to wash off all of his sin. 
Price had been hard all day. Seeing her plump arse in those canvas pants, looking down at her, concentrating and vulnerable in the sand… it was enough to drive him wild. Now, here he was, gripping his heavy rod like a teenager, squeezing himself tight enough to see stars. 
The soap and the suds had all washed away, but the billowing steam had remained. He felt each scalding droplet stinging against his sun-ravaged skin, and he used it like a million little flogs, punishing himself for his thoughts of her. She, in the inky blackness of his mind, had been… everywhere. She was stripping for him, peeling away each article of clothing, each layer of her uniform with calculated effort, revealing herself to him bit by bit. He was watching as her fingers dug into the band of her pants, sliding them down her thick thighs, showing off her tattooed skin, uncovering scars like tiny secrets. Secrets only he could know. 
She was grabbing his cock. It was her hand tugging him hard, not his. Her palm slipping over his rosy head, her fingers slipping his foreskin down his shaft, her mouth…
“Unghh…” John leaned against the cold tile, trying to calm himself down. His forehead dug into the white ceramic, rolling across it, trying to find some relief to his torment.
He knew her mouth would feel so sweet. She would plant a delicate little kiss on the top of it, wouldn’t she? She was so kind. She would be so kind to him. An old dog who didn’t deserve it. Not one lick. And yet, she would lick him. Her tongue would lap around his thick base, purring at his size, gassing him up, pumping his ego. Maybe it would be the truth. Either way, he’d buy it; hook, line, and sinker. 
“Baby, baby, baby…” He’d name her. She’d be his. His woman. His everything. She’d steal his breath like this impenetrable steam.
The tip of her tongue would find that ridge, the one tucked under his head, the one just below his hole, and she’d suckle at it, just as if she was pulling venom from a snake bite, like his life depended on it. And maybe it did. 
Maybe she would be willing to sit across his lips, giving herself to him like a feast to a starving man. She would taste like nectar, and it would coat his tongue, sticky and cloying, painting his palate and filling his nose. He would learn her scent, burying himself into it, finding himself within her taste and her warmth. 
Then, mercifully, perhaps she would take him inside of her, deep into her body. He would sink into her, down into her depths. Engulfed. Surrounded. At her mercy. Perhaps she would use those soft muscles to hold him in, to clutch at him like a hungry, suckling mouth. 
His hand tightened around his head and the rhythmic milking noises of his self-made pleasure filled the tiny shower like a perpetual echo. He began to fuck his grip, rutting wildly into his palm, coating his callused skin in precome. He was dripping from the shower, but nothing was slipperier than his wet pleasure. It made his cock slide even faster through his huge hand, helping his head burrow itself into his fingers. 
John wanted it to be real. He dreamt, with his eyes squeezed shut, of the way her legs would part for him, spread like the petals of a flower, soft and pliant like a little, pink rose. As he jerked his hand across his pulsing head, he imagined what it would be like to rub himself amongst her delicate folds. He almost came from the thought, shuddering, catching himself against the wall, whimpering like he was pressing into a bruise. 
A little faster. A little more friction. He grunted, unable to hold his voice inside of him, desperate and feral. 
Her eyes, gleaming and beautiful, looking up at him, calling his name. 
And that was enough to do it. He came, crying out for her…
“Oh, fuck… baby…” 
His blood went cold, and when he heard her voice, he froze, letting his come leak out of his balls, coating his hands and flooding over his knuckles. 
The curtain hissed as she pulled it away from the wall, her eyes traveling all over his body, appraising him and approving. She smiled, a little coy,
“Got room for one more?”
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kiwicopia · 7 months
🔞 MDNI | Kinktober: Exhibitionism 🔞
🎃 True Form!Sukuna x Fem!Concubine!Reader 🎃
TW: Jealousy, two cocks, fondling, cumflation, cum marking, belly bulge, mentions of murder, slight blood, cunnilingus (tummy tongue), reverse cowgirl position, squirting, rough riding.
tags: @stygianoir @shes-so-insane @uzxotic
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Ryomen Sukuna was a lot of things. King of Curses, The Disgraced One, the strongest, a murderer, possessive… but one thing you never thought he’d be was jealous. Possessive, yes, but the man never once donned a jealous expression, until now. When he caught a servant flirting so shamelessly with you while his back was turned. You didn’t belong to that peasant. You were Sukuna’s—his little toy to do with as he pleased. Such insolence was met with a swift demise for the servant and a punishment for his little concubine.
A sharp gasp slipped out as his stomach’s tongue wiggled inside your cunt, stretching your gummy walls even further as it tasted you. One pair of arms kept your thighs apart as you sat in his lap, back pressed firmly against his chest while his hands on the other pair cupped your breasts. His thumbs rolled over your nipples, drawing a soft moan from your lips. “Master Su—.”
“Don’t speak,” he said, cutting you off from speaking. One hand left your tit and grasped your face before tilting your head back, letting your eyes meet his. “This is a punishment. You need to be taught a lesson and remember who it is you belong to.” His thumb stroked your cheek before his grip tightened a little more, causing you to whimper from the pressure. It wasn’t enough to harm you, but it certainly got his point across.
To make matters worse, he had summoned every single servant at his disposal to witness it. He was going to let them all see that you were his, and that they were not allowed to speak or touch you. His hand turned your head once more, forcing you to look out at the many eyes that watched as his tongue savored your little cunt. Your body squirmed from having an audience and the fact that your arousal trickled down onto his thighs.
His stomach’s tongue reached deeper inside of you, the tip pushing against your cervix harshly. It hurt, but you couldn’t deny how good it felt as well. A small whine broke out the second that pressure was removed, only to be replaced by a moan when the tongue roughly licked up against your clit. Your legs trembled lightly from the pleasure it gave you, and as much as you wanted to move your hips against the appendage, his arms kept you spread in place. “Master,” you moaned, drawing a smirk from the curse.
Your legs shook a little more, and your hands slid down to further the pleasure, yet you were apprehended as his other hand left your tit and gripped both of your wrists. “Ah, ah,” he tutted, his smirk broadening, “don’t you dare.” His hand tightened around your wrists, pulling another whine from your pretty lips. He wasn’t about to let you do as you pleased, oh no. This was punishment, not pleasure, and you needed to be reminded of that. The tongue then retracted back into his stomach as the arms that kept your legs spread apart lifted you just enough for the head of his cock to settle at your entrance.
Sukuna showed no mercy as his arms suddenly slammed your body down, causing you to scream out as his dick shoved its way inside your pussy. Your walls had no time to accommodate to his size, and you felt yourself clench at how full he made you feel. One hand let go of your leg and gripped your waist as he moved you up and down, forcing you to take more and more of his length every time. The hand that held your face tipped your head downward, allowing you to see the way he made your stomach bulge from his size.
It was painful with him not letting you get used to his size, and it would’ve been worse if you hadn’t already been so wet from the tongue prior. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as his thick cock bullied your little cunt, forcing you down more and more before finally bottoming out inside of you. He growled low at the tightness, marveling in the way your pussy gripped him like its life depended on it. It didn’t matter how many times he took you, your body was always the same, and it would end the same, too.
His hand moved your head again, now forcing you to look back at the peasants that watched the scene. He heard their whispers but paid no mind to them. All he was focused on was showing them that you were his. “Look at them,” he whispered, his hot breath tickling your ear, “look at the way they watch you bounce on my cock.” His smirk was still plastered to his face as he relished the moment. Your eyes closed halfway as he continued moving your body up and down on his dick, building up the pleasure that slowly consumed your body. His second cock twitched, the movement causing it to rub against your clit.
Your body jolted up at the feeling, and it only made the curse hum in delight as he thought. His other hand soon let go of your other leg as it drifted down to his throbbing erection, and it wasn’t long before you felt him press it against your bundle of nerves. Pleasure shot up your body each time he brought your body down on his first cock while the second rubbed harshly against your clit. Your thighs clenched at how intense everything was for you, and the way the audience watched you did nothing to deter you from wanting to climax. You didn’t care if it was in front of them. Not when they’ve already seen you bare and taking your master’s cock like the good girl you were.
“Gonna cum,” he mumbled, “gonna fill you up and make them see.”
Your mouth hung open as you attempted to speak, but incoherent babbling was all anyone heard as he forced you to ride him so roughly. Your mind was muddled with lustful thoughts as your body clenched, a simple sign that you were fixing to cum. Sukuna knew this and his movements increased as he brought you down on his dick, shoving it further inside of you. The tip kissed your cervix harshly before bringing you down one final time. A low groan left his lips as his nails dug into your waist, drawing a little bit of blood as his first cock shot a thick load inside you. His second came shortly after, decorating part of your face, chest, stomach and thighs with thick, white ropes of seed.
It was all too much. The pressure of his first dick inside of you followed by an increase of that from him filling you up was what brought you over the edge. Your entire body shook as you unraveled, your pussy fluttering wildly and creaming all over the cock that was still inside of you. His dick caused a large stomach bulge, yet his cum added on to that. The crowd watching murmured low with one another as he marked and bred you like a bitch.
When the man lifted you up off of him, your slick and his cum seeped out of your cunt. He then lowered you back down, letting you rest against his chest as you stared at your audience with a look of being fucked out of your mind on your face. Now everyone knew you were his. They weren’t allowed to talk to you, to touch you, not even look at you, either. You belonged to Sukuna and only to Sukuna. His little toy. His little concubine.
No one would forget this day. How could they? The way your chest heaved with exhaustion, the marks on your waist from his nails, how his cum painted your body so beautifully, and the fucked out expression on your face would be burned into their memories forever.
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buckyalpine · 8 months
Request 👉🏼👈🏼 ? Black widow!reader and winter soldier!Bucky! He was her teacher in the red room, where they eventually fell in love and started a secret relationship, until Hydra and Dreykov found out and separated them. Fast forward several years, Bucky’s out of recovery, reunited with Steve, and living a better life when Tony brings in a new team member. And everyone’s excited but Bucky’s on edge and kinda wary until he learns who it is.
It’s his lil widow, the love of his life, his soulmate. the one Hydra and the red room stole from him, the girl he kept dreaming about no matter how many times his handlers tried to wipe his memories. Just complete fluffy, smutty, love sick shit with him being a massive simp for his deadly girl. maybe building a family, getting married, drabbles of him drooling over her skills or her in the widow suit, like oh yea, I taught her that. I can imagine him being so overly protective, constantly holding her close to his chest because she was stolen away from him once, he won’t survive if that happens again.
YESSSSS God this is so cute and smutty and angsty and FLUFFY it makes my chest itch in the best way. Pls ignore what google translate may have botched. Bucky is the cutest, horny, most deadly simp here, so proud of his girl, absolutely yes.
"ne proyavlyay miloserdiya, soldat" [Show no mercy, soldier], Dreykov hissed, letting the soldier enter the red room with a single widow standing before him, not an ounce of fear in her eyes. The soldier grunted, hitting the button that locked the door that kept her from escaping before lunging forward, testing her agility after personally training her himself.
She leapt over him with ease, bracing her hands on his wide shoulders and landing swiftly behind him and swiping her leg under him to knock him to the floor, straddling him immediately after. He grasped her hands in his, rolling over till she was pinned under his large mass with her wrists held together above her head in his metal hand.
"You've learned well kotenok" His voice was husky behind the mask, blue eyes sparkling while she huffed, rolling her eyes.
"Nespravedlivo, kogda ty takoy bol'shoy, soldat" [Not fair when you're so large, soldier]. She gasped feeling him harden on top of her, his rough uniform doing nothing to hide what he was feeling for her, slotted between her thighs.
"Nespravedlivo, kogda ty takoy krasivyy, kotonok" [Not fair when you're so pretty, kitten]. He climbed off her, allowing her to get into position before attacking again, relentlessly throwing punches and blocking them till she nearly collapsed. They retreated to stand at attention at the sound of the doors hissing open, indicating training was over. The soldier grunted a nod as Dreykov walked in, assessing the widow, a sinister smile plastered on his face seeing both of his assets worn but still at their strongest.
He sent them off to their cells, confident that the fear he'd instilled in his captives would be enough to ensure they stayed in line, not realizing his punishments would only go so far.
It wasn't enough to stop the charming young man from Brooklyn who still lived in his most feared asset.
"Did I hurt you baby" The soldier whispered, kissing her bruised knuckles softly after sneaking into her cell, pulling her into his arms.
"You could never" She smiled, melting into his embrace. She never intended on falling in love with the soldier but here she was, feeling his gentle hands wander, leaning up to kiss his soft, pink lips. They were playing a dangerous game but it was to stop now.
He loved her.
She loved him.
"Wipe him" The hydra agent ordered while the soldier gripped onto the chair, gritting his teeth while sharp burning spread through his body, frying his brain. The widow dug her nails into her palms, resolve slowly crumbling seeing the love of her life tortured, unable to hold back anymore.
"Stop!" She finally broke, unable to watch any longer, gasping at the sinister smile Dreykov gave her, ordering his men to grab her before increasing the voltage.
"My, my, does it hurt you when we hurt him" Dreykov sneered, turning up the dial, Bucky's screams tearing her apart on the inside.
"Don't-AH-JAMES" A hydra soldier gripped her hair, yanking her back before she could go to him, shackles binding her hands together, dragging her away.
"kotenok" [kitten] The soldier sadly whispered, unheard by her, her kicking and screaming form blurry from his unshed tears. He screamed in pain as another shock ripped through his veins before the world went black.
He never saw her again.
Bucky gasped, sucking in a deep breath of air, his chest heaving from the dream he'd just had, sweat covering his chest, dripping from his forehead.
It was the same thing almost every night.
His mind replaying the same thing over and over again; training with her in the red room, the way she felt under him, the way he'd cuddle and make love to her afterwards without a soul knowing. He didn't plan on falling for the woman he had to train to be a killer but he didn't stand a chance the day she'd knocked him down with a knife pressed to his neck seconds later. He could have married her then and there.
He slumped back against his pillow, running a hand over his face, groaning in frustration.
In the several years, he'd slowly managed to get his life back together. He was apart of the team and living at the compound with Steve and the others. He was no longer controlled by trigger words, he had been forgiven by the government, he was starting to recover from all the trauma he'd endured. His nightmares were less frequent, slowly learning to forgive himself for the things he'd been forced to do under Hydras control.
The only thing he never got over was her.
She still lived in his dreams. Still owned his heart. That was his girl and she was torn away by the very people that had taken everything else from him too. No amount of wiping or torture took her away. His handler tried his hardest, shocking him till his nose bled and his veins nearly burnt to bits but her name would fall from his lips as he lay nearly unconscious.
His sweet widow.
Bucky glanced at the faint light starting to stream through the curtains, swinging his legs over the edge of his bed to get up instead of attempting to sleep for 5 more minutes. He threw on a hoodie and some joggers, making his way to the gym to punch his feelings away as usual. He didn't stop till his knuckles split, ignoring the sting, instead thinking about how he'd kiss her soft hands after he'd train her, bandaging them up when no one was looking.
The hot water from the shower did little to ease the tension in his muscles as he made his way to the kitchen next, plopping onto a stool with a cup of coffee. He was just about to try and relax with his coffee until Steve popped his head in with a grin.
"There you are! Tony was looking for you, we're all heading up now!" Bucky frowned in confusion while Steve grabbed his own mug, filling his cup.
"Why are we having a meeting" Bucky questioned, not willing to get up from his seat, his mind still preoccupied.
"He told you he scouted someone to join the team"
"I remember Tony going on about some new member" Bucky mumbled, not in the mood to meet new people, his anxiety only growing further. "That's today?"
Steve nodded, finishing up the last of his coffee while the brunette stayed glued to the stool.
"Buck, you coming?" Steve turned back to see a frowning Bucky, reluctantly trudging behind the captain while the others excitedly also made their way upstairs to the conference area.
"I heard Tony saying the new agent is scary as shit. Apparently he got his ass handed to him when he tried to test her and he was wearing his suit" Sam snorted while Nat smiled with excitement.
"Finally someone worth sparring with" The redhead nudged him while he shook his head.
"I'm serious! She's deadly deadly. I looked over her file, she's killed more people than you and Clint combined and half of those were hand to hand combat"
"What was the other half"
"Sniper. Like Barnes" Sam nodded to Bucky who was still disconnected from the others, his knee bouncing impatiently.
"We're lucky she's on our side" Steve mused, taking a glance of the file that sat on the table. There was no name or picture to go with it but it had a skillset record nearly put his to shame. "Jesus"
"You good?" Sam whispered to Bucky, noticing he was more closed off than usual, getting a tightlipped grimace like smile in return. Steve sat near the front, straightening himself up while the rest quietened down, hearing the sound of Tony speaking to someone as they approached the room. The billionaire opened the door, letting in the new team member first before entering himself with a large smile on his face.
"Everyone, this is-
"Y/n?" Bucky gasped, shoot up from his seat before Tony could finish, the other sharing confused glances between each other, watching the new team member and Bucky freeze.
"Wait, Barnes, you know-
"Malyshka, eto pravda ty?" [Babygirl, is it really you?] Bucky gasped, his heart hammering against his chest, tears already threatening to spill out. "kotenok, skazhi mne, pozhaluysta, chto eto ty" [kitten, please tell me its you]
"Hold up, he can still speak Russian?" Sam hissed to Steve who hadn't moved, mouth gaping, eyes wide.
"James!" You darted across the room to meet Bucky half way, his strong arms catching and lifting you up with ease as your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. "moy soldat. YA zdes', moy malysh" [my soldier. I'm here my babyboy]
"It's really you" He whispered against your hair, breathing in your soft scent, eyes squeezed shut with tears streaming down his face, "My baby" He cradled you tightly, refusing to set you down while you buried your face into the crook of his neck, drowning out the rest of the world. After you were torn apart from him, you had been locked up in an isolated cell, only let out for select missions Dreykov send you on. You wanted to find your soldier, your James, but you never did with Hydra keeping him under their control.
Now you finally had him again.
"Ahem, as I was saying- This is y/n" Tony addressed the rest of the team, just as surprised as the rest of them with all eyes on Bucky especially. "She'll be joining us once Barnes puts her down"
"Never" Bucky finally pulled away, still holding onto you, his nose nudging against yours, "M'never putting her down, never, you hear me babygirl?" He pressed his lips onto yours, shamelessly kissing you hard, ignoring the whistles that filled the room, only pulling away for air. You let out a shy giggle as he set you back on your feet, his hand wrapped around your waist.
"I'd continue to introduce her but I think tinman knows her better" Tony snorted, throwing his hands up before taking a seat, all eyes now watching two of you while Bucky blushed, unable to wipe the smile of his face, cupping your face to press another kiss to your lips.
"This is y/n" Bucky finally let you go, taking you to the front of the conference room, now proudly showing you off to the other, "She was a widow with Hyrda, handpicked by Dreykov" Bucky sucked in a breath before continuing, giving your hand a squeeze "I trained her in the red room myself when I was still the winter soldier. That's when I fell in love with her" The last part was a whisper, not missed by the team with how lovesick Bucky looked.
"I'm sorry, you trained her? Jesus, no wonder she's deadly" Sam shook his head, now understanding why your file was so impressive. You were already gifted when you were picked, coupled with the fact that you were trained and conditioned by the soldier himself.
"She's fuckin' deadly, alright" Bucky's voice was nearly breathless, his baby blues intently gazing into your eyes. "You should see her with a knife"
That's when I fell in love with you.
"So what happened with you two" Nat prodded, looking at you two with heart eyes which was a rare sight but her heart melted at how soft Bucky was, struggling to keep his hands to himself. He constantly nuzzled into your neck, his large form practically swallowing you whole as he clung onto you like a child.
"They found out we were together so they took me from him" You gave her a sad smile, feeling Bucky hug you tighter; you could have sworn you heard him whimper. "I tried to find him for years but I couldn't"
"Hydra tried to wipe my memories but it never worked. Couldn't forget her" Bucky kissed the top of your head, not realizing his bestfriend was trying to subtly wipe his eyes.
"I was going to have everyone introduce themselves but I think these two have some catching up to do so let's move this meeting over" Tony clapped his hands while everyone else nodded in agreement, leaving you and Bucky alone for some privacy.
"I missed you so much, you have no idea, I-I tried to find you but I just- I could barely function, I'm sorry doll-" Your lips cut off Bucky's rambling, cupping his scruffy face firmly in your hands.
"You have nothing to be sorry about baby, it's not your fault"
"I-I know you just got here and-sweets I don't want to rush anything but-" Bucky's hand gripped your waist while he tried to compose himself, he didn't want to pressure you into anything. "I need you closer baby"
"Take me, soldat" You whispered, not giving him any room to second guess as he hauled you up in his arms, taking you straight to his room. Clothes were off in an instant between frantic and desperate kisses. Bucky didn't rush a thing as soon as he had you naked in his bed, pulling the sheets over you both, rolling over to cuddle instead.
"This is all I wanted" He whispered against your shoulder, kissing your skin, "To have my girl with me again"
"I love you Jamie" You kissed his bare chest, hitching your leg over his waist, his hard length pressing against your soaked cunt. He could feel his tip weeping feeling your soft body pressed against his, still looking just as beautiful, if not more now, from when he'd first met you.
"Prettiest widow" He growled, his wandering hands becoming less wholesome as they moved to your hips, pulling you to press against his erection harder. You moaned feeling him starting to hump your pussy while innocently kisses down your neck, smirking at how he was both sweet and sinful at the same time, just as before. "kotenok, ty mne nuzhen" [Kitten, I need you]
You remembered all the times he'd snuck into your cell for a few cuddles, which always ended up with his hand slammed over your mouth while he railed you with his cock.
"You feel how hard I am for you baby? Mmph, this is all for you, doll" He bit his lip, eyes locked with yours, rolling on top of you, slotting his wide body between your legs, still rutting his hips. "Can I make love to you baby, please" He sounded desperate, dropping his forehead to press against yours, hands coming to pin you against the bed.
"M'yours Jamie" You nodded, spreading your legs wider, not bothering with having prep you, needing him inside you more than anything else. You gasped feeling his thick cockhead rub through your folds before he breeched your hole, stretching you.
"Soldat!" You moaned, your back arching off the bed, the name rolling of your tongue as it had so many times before, your nails digging into his shoulders as he buried himself to the hilt.
"Take your soldat's cock, kotenok" Bucky growled, only giving you a second to adjust before he started to move with slow, deep strokes. "Lemme make love to my babygirl, ya tak sil'no tebya lyublyu" [I love you so much]
After Bucky had been rescued, he had no reason to speak Russian, letting the others think it'd been wiped away just like the words that controlled him. Around you, it rolled off his tongue with ease, your pussy dripping each time he whispered in your ear. Your eyes rolled back feeling him hit that spongy spot deep in your pussy, crying out with the powerful, deliberate snaps of his hips.
"M'I making you feel good baby?" He asked, kissing you sweetly, alternating between the sweetheart and heartbreaker he was, looking at you with soft puppy eyes while his cock grew harder watching your face twist with pleasure. His jaw was slack, thrusting with purpose, moving his hips to roll and let you feel every inch of him filling you up, "You look gorgeous with my cock in you angel, wish you could see how pretty you are, so beautiful like this"
"Oh god James! P-please-m'so close-dont-don-t stop" Your moans grew more salacious, unable to say much else, eyes shutting out of pleasure feeling his hand coming down to rub your swollen clit.
"I know baby, I know, you need me to rub this pretty button, Remember the first time I touched you there pretty girl? How badly you wanted to scream, how much you squirted all over me? Remember when we first made love? First time I tasted you? Remember how shy you were when I spread your legs open and nursed off that little button. How you turned into a slutty kitten, riding and humping my face after? Know your needy little clit loves it, m'gonna rub you till you're screaming"
"Buckyyy" You whined, your face feeling hot at the memory, remembering his growls from under you, turning around to find him jerking his cock faster while he licked and sucked your pussy, cum already painting his abs from cumming once, working to a second orgasm. He'd sealed his lips around your clit, stuffing his mask in your mouth to keep you from alerting the guards.
"Baby, c'mon open your eyes, look at me" Bucky nipped your jaw, his cold hand coming to grasp your cheeks, blue eyes staring into your soul as you opened your eyes, "Don't you dare close them baby, keep em' open when I'm fuckin' you, shit, m'gonna cum for you doll"
"B-Bucky!" You cried, struggling to hold off any longer, your juices soaked him as you started to clench and squeeze his cock, tears nearly streaming down your face.
"Scream all you want baby, don't have to hide those pretty moans ever again" He fucked you through your orgasm, his own balls getting tighter with each thrust, precum mixing with your arousal, dripping onto the sheets, "Thats-that-s it baby, m'gonna cum so hard for you, fill you up, you're mine doll, you're fuckin' MINE"
Bucky's hand flew to the headboard, pounding you into the mattress, moaning loudly, letting the wood splinter under his grip as he came, pumping you full of his seed.
"FUCK y/n" He gasped, collapsing on you, panting, burying his face into your breasts as he always did, turning into a needy baby as if he didn't rail your soul. You giggled, tracing your hand down his spine making his shiver, whining when you clenched around his sensitive, soft cock.
"My soldat" You whispered, carding your fingers through his hair, letting him latch onto your nipple, needily sucking for comfort. No matter how big, bad and scary he was, he always melted into a puddle for you, closing his eyes at the feeling of your sweet peaked nipple against his tongue.
"Never letting you go again" He whispered before falling asleep on your chest, arms wrapped tightly around you. "ty moya rodstvennaya dusha, malyshka" [you're my soul mate, babygirl]
"YA by proshel cherez vse eto snova tol'ko radi tebya, malysh" [I'd go through it all again just for you baby boy] you whispered, closing your eyes in the safety of his hold, meaning each of your words. You'd go through everything a thousand times over if it meant you'd have your Bucky back in your arms. Bucky sniffled, curling up with you, spending the rest of the day alternating between speaking sweet words and making you moan and cry over his cock until you couldn't move any longer. For the first time, he slept peacefully, not stirring once.
Ever since you'd come back, Bucky had turned into the biggest simp, alternating between acting like a menace and a complete lovesick puppy with no in between. It was worse when you were on the field, almost leading to Tony refusing to let you both go on missions at the same time.
"Oh god" Bucky groaned, seeing you step out in your sleek suit, the dark material clinging to your body, weapons strapped along your hips. You threw him a wink before running off to kick ass, his focus solely on you.
"Jesus Christ" He nearly moaned seeing you land a kick to an attacker before throwing you knife across the room, the blade landing perfectly between your targets eyebrows. "Baby, you're sexy"
"For fucks Sake Barnes, did you forget we can all hear you" Tony's exasperated voice crackled through, this not being the first time the soldier was distracted watching you fight. Sam and Steve snickered through the coms while Bucky shameless shrugged, still biting his lip, watching you move with ease.
"Have you seen my girl, Stark" Bucky sassed back, walking over bodies to grab you by your ass, squeezing it and smashing his lips against yours.
"Are you two fucking kissing?!" Tony sighed, hearing the sound of soft moans and smacking, "I'm putting you on a fucking leash, I'm getting you fixed Barnes"
"My naughty soldat" You giggled, pulling away, nipping your boyfriends pouty lip while he shook his head.
"Gonna be the death of me, pretty girl"
"You're both gonna be the death of all of us" Tony deadpanned, unable to understand how there was a man out there that was more horny and flirty than him. "I'm having Barnes neutered, for fucks sake I can see you drooling from over here"
Bucky was even worse watching you display your skills, his workout long forgotten while you sparred with Steve.
"Where the fuck did you learn that" Steve groaned while you giggled, holding your hand out to help him up while Bucky watched from the side with a cocky smirk.
"I taught her that" He threw you a wink, not so subtly adjusting his sweats.
"Of course you did" Steve huffed, surprised to find bruises on his body from where you'd hit him. "Jesus punk" He blushed heavily seeing his bestfriends raging hard on, scrambling away from the gym, knowing exactly what would come next.
The loud moans he heard moments later made him shake his head, happy he got out of there unlike the last time he saw the warning signs of a feral Bucky.
Aside from being more in love with you than ever, Bucky was also equally protective over you. He'd hug you with such care, always holding your head to his chest, his large arms covering you from the rest of the world, constantly fearing that even if he had you now, someone would come and take you away.
When he finally asked you to marry him, he paused several times, blinking through tears while down on one knee, your hand wiping his cheek, saying yes before he could even finish. The compound was transformed with flowers, candles with a small intimate wedding in the garden.
Steve and Sam stood by Bucky's side while Nat walked with you, your sweet soon to be husband biting back tears seeing his dream girl in her dress, the life he'd always imagine finally becoming a reality. When Tony pronounced you husband and wife, Bucky didn't stop kissing you till he nearly passed out, not a single dry eye surrounding you as he whisked you up in his arms.
Bucky felt a strong wave of emotion watching you flit around the kitchen, making his way over and wrapping his arms from behind, tucking his face into your neck. You blinked, feeling tears wet your skin, pulling away to find your husband sniffling.
"Baby, what's gotten into you" You cooed with concern, wiping away the tears that collected along his lashes, kissing his reddened nose. "Is everything okay?"
"Just-m'scared to lose you again" Bucky whispered, his hand coming to protectively wrap around your growing belly; you weren't showing much yet but he could still feel the little baby bump. "I can't loose you again angel, I can't go through that again"
"It won't happen Jamie" You wrapped your arms around his shoulders while he picked you up, setting you onto the counter before hiding against your neck again, hugging you tightly. "What's wrong baby, what's gotten you so scared"
"Can't believe I got you back. I got to marry my dream girl. We're starting a family, you're giving me a baby, I-it feels unreal. M'scared I'm gonna wake up and you'll-" He bit his lip, shuddering at the very thought, "You'll be gone"
"Baby boy look at me" You held his face again, making him look at you, "Would you ever let anyone take me from you again?"
Bucky looked horrifying, francially shaking his head, he'd burn the world to ashes before he let that happen.
"Never. Never angel, no one is taking you or our baby from me" He stated firmly while you hummed.
"See? I'll be just fine. I have my soldat" You whispered, melting against his chest. "No one can hurt me when I have my soldat"
Bucky finally relaxed, carrying you off to bed, his metal arm protecting your belly as he pulled the covers over you both. No one would ever take his little widow away again.
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