#then there is my headcanon that daphne is both there sister but that’s another post for another day
signofthestriking · 6 months
Gonna start posting my weird disjointed headcanons with no context purely so I have record of what Ubisoft does/does not fuck with in the future. Prepare for utter chaos under the cut
Daphne Lantana has a younger sister
Her sister is named Laurel Lantana
They both become supervillains
Laurel just wanted to rob a bunch of places with her friends (aka the Get Busy coaches, her two "henchmen" of sorts)
Her villain persona was P1 of No Limit/Tribal Dance
One of the places they robbed was Luz Solar, where Laurel used a gas attack to force people to dance while she and her friends took what they wanted
Which meant Hairman and his crew had to stop her
She tried to worm her way out of the situation by taking a kid hostage (briefly), but that didn't work and she was apprehended
Jack was that kid
And then shortly afterwards, Laurel went missing
*cough* Leda Nox tried to have her murdered, and would have succeeded if a different supervillain didn't swoop in to save Laurel at the 11th hour
Anyway check this shit out, all of these are Laurel Lantana at various points in her life
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Also the whole reason Daphne/Amantia is a supervillain is because she blames Hairman's crew for Laurel's "death", and all her villainous acts are intended to lure them out so she can fight them again
She's also got help from another supervillain (but I aint saying who he is rn, only hint is that he's one of the coaches in Walk This Way classic.)
Anyway I got far less Daphnes up my sleeve but-
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Yes, I headcanon that the two coaches of The Ketchup Song were both villains
Also the aforementioned "other supervillain" helping them both is a guy with a lot of interest in helping various other evildoers in the Danceverses
Granted, as long as they agree to be his underlings
He's a secretive puppet master that the superheroes (unofficially led by Louise Dials) are trying to combat. Although Night Swan was someone he didn't have connections to, gods forbid she be somebody else's underling right?
My lore about Louise Dials and the Gaga coaches will have to wait for another day though
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valeffelees · 1 year
13) I mean, I mostly want Carry On hot takes, but I'm open to all fandoms! 26) WITHOUT SUN All of your posts on it have been so freaking good! I struggle to imagine anything giving you pause!! 36) I NEED NEED NEED to know more about Simon Snow is not a Vegetarian! The chat fic. The artists in love. I need to know where it goes! 41) We're minor character stans in this house. Okay! Enough questions. Thank you ^__^
13. Who is your least favourite character to write for?
ok, the wording of this question is tricky for me. because i don't dislike writing for any of the characters, but my least favourite is actually Penny. AND NO, LISTEN, i can hear you fucking white lady math meme reacting through the wall right now, Lia. i love writing about Penny. but i love writing about her from SIMON'S perspective. i don't know how to get into Penny's head at all, i wouldn't even know where to start.
26) Which part of [Without Sun] was the hardest to write?
i had trouble with a few diff scenes in this fanfic, ngl. i knew some of them would give me hell as i was plotting them, but one that caught me off guard with how difficult it was for me is that scene in the Magic Words classroom with Miss Possibelf and Madam Bellamy. by the time you'd read it i'd trimmed a lot of my orig draft out. in the first version of that scene, Simon was actually meant to go into Magic Words and sit in on the end of the lesson, but i didn't like how silly it made the scene feel. i had a hard time figuring out where to end that scene, too, because there is obviously a LOT for Simon to process by the end, but so much of it is able to be done comfortably off-page that i didn't know where to draw the line.
i didn't think i'd have so much trouble with the Mage's first scene either, but motherfucker kept getting all Snidley fucking Whiplash villain-esque on me while i was writing it, and you know how i feel about that, LOL. Baz's main scene in that fic was hard, too, but in a different way than the other two; it is such an extremely emotionally charged scene, and it's so important to the story, i just had a really hard time with the pacing of it and figuring out how to make it give the impact i wanted. i'm still fussing around with it.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
i can't fuCKING BELIEVE you just asked me for Simon Snow is Not a Vegetarian SPOILERS, i'm going to fucking bite you. i don't even know if there's anything about this fanfic that you don't already know, like. i kill one of Baz's pet rats and he cries-cries over it? Malcolm and Daphne are getting a divorce?? Baz Pitch has a dick, AND knows how to use it???
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
we both already know the answer is Niall but i am fucking delighted you asked because i will take any and every chance i can get to talk about him. i'm so weird about Dev and Niall, as you are very well aware. i've written about and drawn them so many times, i think about them almost as much as i think about Simon and Baz, which is just so fucking funny when you really think about it. they've just turned into such extremely distinct characters in my head, i've given them the full RK900 treatment. i'm attached to all the little things i've thought up about them, y'kno? like, my headcanon for the reason Niall spells his eyes blue is because he has a twin sister named Signe and, as children, the two of them were always being mistaken for one another, to the point that they started to resent each other. and even though it hasn't happened in years, Niall is still deeply insecure about looking too much like her. but, he doesn't like the idea of colouring his hair or straightening his curls, because Niall is really close to his mother and he shares those things with her, too, so instead: he spells his eyes blue. i always write him as the oldest of all the characters, too, because another headcanon: he and Signe started Watford a year late, so he's 12 turning 13 in first year instead of 11 turning 12 like everyone else. but it all works out for the best 'cause if he hadn't started the year he did, he wouldn't have been Dev's roommate, and if he wasn't Dev's roommate he wouldn't be friends with Baz, and i am going to stop right there because if i start talking about my headcanons for Niall's friendship with Baz we'll be here all fucking night. but yeah, i really, really like writing Niall and Dev.
click here to see the list of questions!
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vicontheinternet · 2 years
I just need to know why they didn’t make bloom and aisha each other’s foils instead of retconning icy. Why not have both of them be host for the dragon flame and water stars perspectively. Like yea bloom and icy could’ve still been hero/villain foils but hero/hero foils is where it’s at, the dragon flame and water star aren’t supposed to exist in the same dimension as each other like they could have learn to co-exist as friends and as host who are hosting being who hate each other and could destroy not only each other but the the whole magic dimension. It could’ve been another reason why Aisha’s parents kept her in the castle because they didn’t know where or who had the dragon flame after domino got wiped out or if bloom got safely away. It would’ve been so interesting. Small update to add on some more ideas
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curls-cat · 3 years
For @grimmtober day 6: Bat!
The Golden Compass fusion: mostly the normal SG universe, but people have daemons, which are externalizations of their souls in the forms of animals. Children’s daemons shape shift until puberty, when they settle into a permanent form which represents something about their personality. I might post more snippets of this universe later, I have a lot of headcanons but no plot.
Nobody expects Puck’s daemon to settle before Sabrina’s. Well, nobody really expects Puck’s daemon to settle ever, if they’re being honest. Especially not Puck.
Sabrina’s daemon, Anteros, has been shifting pretty regularly between a mink and a falconet for the past several months. Every time he doesn’t shift for more than a day or two, they all assume that he’s going to stay. She’s nearly thirteen, after all. Old enough to settle by far. But then something will happen, and Anteros will need to fly after Sabrina as Puck carries her somewhere, or he’ll have to sneak under a door, and he’ll shift again.
Peri, Puck’s daemon, is always some flying thing. She shifts when he does, but never to the same creature. Puck turns to a chair, and Peri turns to a wasp. Puck turns to a walrus and Peri to a pigeon. Puck turns into a cute boy (takes a bath— there’s no transformation involved, much as Sabrina would like there to be) and Peri turns into a falconet to match Anteros.
Peri is a bat for two weeks before anyone notices she’s stopped shifting.
It’s Daphne’s daemon, Starr, who notices. Starr talks to Sabrina as much as to Daphne— unusual for daemons, but Anteros talks to Daphne, too. Even when Daphne’s not speaking to Sabrina, Starr will talk to her, will whisper explanations and understanding. Starr is kinder to Sabrina than Daphne has ever been, and she lets Sabrina touch her, just as Anteros will ride in Daphne’s pockets as often as Sabrina’s. They’re too close, their foster parents would say. But how else were they supposed to become?
Peri, how long have you been a bat? Starr asks.
Peri, who is engaged in an aerial fight with Anteros over a slice of toast, stops, cocks her head. Sabrina can’t hear it when Peri speaks. She doesn’t want to. And she certainly doesn’t want to look at the way Anteros and Peri, once they’re done fighting, will curl up around each other and rest, happy, together. It’s too raw.
You’ve settled, Anteros says.
Peri attacks Anteros more viciously than before.
Puck’s head jerks up from where he’d been stuffing his face with purple pancakes. “What! No. We just haven’t changed shape in a few days. See, I’ll shift.” He does, turning into a skunk. 
Peri stays a bat. She flaps for the ceiling and disappears into a corner.
Anteros, traitor that he is, flies after her. He starts whispering soothing nothings to Peri, who is responding, though she doesn’t say anything Sabrina can hear.
“It’s a fluke,” Puck says, turning back to a person. It’s desperate.
Elvis whuffs from where he’s lying in the corner. Granny puts her hand on her very large daemon’s head and shares a look with Mr. Canis. The man, always just a little off to look at with no daemon anywhere but inside his eyes, jerks his head towards the door. Granny glares at him. He jerks his head harder, then does the same to Sabrina and Daphne.
Sabrina shrugs, and stands. She can give Puck a moment to himself. Anteros, she calls, when he doesn’t immediately join her.
Later, Anteros says.
Sabrina rolls her eyes. She’s nearly given up on getting Anteros to agree that Peri and Puck are not friends.
“Sabrina,” Daphne hisses. “Puck needs us.”
“Puck needs a minute to himself,” Sabrina says.
I’m staying, Starr informs both the girls. She’s turned into a shrike and is flying up to the section of cabinets where Anteros and Peri hide in shadow.
“See?” Sabrina says, tugging on her sister’s arm. “They’ll be fine. Give him a minute.”
“I’m right here,” Puck grumbles, but he’s staring at his hands and there’s no venom in it.
It’s not so bad, Anteros is telling Peri. I like being settled. A nothing time, when Peri probably responds. I am, though, I think. I tried, the other day, to be something other than a mink or this. It didn’t work. Another pause. I think I need a little more time. But it’s going to be one of these two. I know that. Pause. It does count.
Sabrina sits on the other side of the kitchen door, legs stretched across the hall. She can go nearly all the way across the house from Anteros without it getting unbearable, but a room apart is about as far as they’re comfortable. Daphne sits next to her, even though she and Starr are stretchier still. This is more for Daphne’s sense of duty than any need.
They sit out there for a long time before Anteros calls Sabrina inside. Sabrina goes to join Puck and their daemons, and Daphne rises to join her, but Starr and Anteros, at the same time, chorus, just Sabrina.
There are tear tracks on Puck’s face, Sabrina notices when she sits back at the table, the door to the kitchen closed behind her.
“Gonna blame me for this again?” she asks.
Stop it, Anteros scolds. He flaps down to sit on her shoulder, his claws sharp against her shoulders.
Sabrina feels a little guilty, but she doesn’t say so. Anteros knows, anyway, and he nips her ear about it.
“How do you do it?” Puck asks. “Grow up?”
Sabrina shrugs. “I never had any choice. It was always going to happen.”
“Doesn’t it scare you?”
“Sure,” Sabrina says. “But staying a kid scares me more.”
Puck wrinkles his nose. Peri appears from behind the cabinets, flaps over to the table and hangs herself in Puck’s hair. She’s been doing that, these past few weeks. Sabrina hadn’t noticed before now.
“Why?” Puck asks.
“Adults have power,” Sabrina says. She picks at the remains of her own purple pancakes, abandoned on her plate, cold now. “I’m tired of being powerless. I want to be safe, and power is a way to be safe. Once I grow up, I’ll be able to control my own life.”
“I had that, though,” Puck says. Peri must say something, because he adds, “Well. As much as I ever will. My dad wouldn’t’ve stoped sucking just ‘cause I grew up.”
It’s about control, still, Anteros tells Sabrina. For him, control was staying young. They’re scared ‘cause they’ve lost control.
“I’m sorry,” Sabrina says, and she means it.
“Yeah, well,” Puck mutters.
“If it helps,” Sabrina offers, “I really don’t want you to grow up for me, either.”
Puck snorts and tosses his fork in her direction. Anteros catches it in his beak.
At least we’re doing it together, Peri says, and Sabrina can, for the first time since Puck got his wings ripped off and Peri spent weeks tucked into Sabrina’s pocket, hear her.
“Yeah,” Sabrina says, and she smiles at the bat, against herself. Peri’s nicer than Puck. Not much, but she’s Puck’s soft core, and Sabrina loves her in spite of herself. “Together.
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butterfly-winx · 4 years
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SHE! ✨
Light of my life, Daphne Aglissier, Elder Princess of Domino. I am way too attached to underdeveloped side characters I pour my own headcanons into, but Daphne specifically takes the cake among them all.
Full Power:
This is my re-imagination of the dress we see her wear on the show. It’s a bit more closed and more structured, featuring her signature teal eye-symbols on the dress detail. Technically the skirt is open and her bare feet can be seen when she moves around. Her wings are pure fire and she trails a little bit of it behind her wherever she goes. The dragon symbolism is modest on this one, it’s only the little arm circlet. 
This is her at the height of her power at around 18, when she became the Head of the Circle of Nymphs of Magics.
Siege of Domino:
Self explanatory, this is Daphne in her final moments, when she was defending Domino from the Ancestral Witches. She is much more solid, much less ethereal and much more vulnerable in this form. As the planet takes damage, so does as she as she tied her life and power to it having become ts Guardian Fairy a long while ago.
Spirit Nymph:
As Madame Roccaluce, shining with light from within, a lot of details of Daphne’s appearance get lost. Bloom interprets the crown of flames she wears as an elaborate headpiece in her dreams and drawings of her sister. The mask is permanent on her face and obscures the majority of her expressions, so Bloom truly has never seen her face until she holds her sister in her arms post resurrection.
Nymph forms have a tendency to appear ageless and this hits Daphne harder in her 20 year underwater slumber.
Post resurrection:
Immediately post her resurrection Daphne looks and appears the same as she did 20 years ago despite pushing 40 at that time. It takes time for her to catch up with all that trauma, have her body recover physically from being idle for so long, and for her and Bloom to figure out how to share the Dragonflame. (Remember, Butterfly fic!Daphne is non-magic without the Flame). So this form is somewhere more down the line, when her body and posture slowly start to match her age.
Scars: The one on her arm is from the curse the Ancestresses cast that destroyed both her and her home. This is only really visible when she is transformed, as she sustained it mid-transformation. (Normally magic forms smooth over any and all blemishes). The halo around her sternum is from when she passed the Dragonflame on to Bloom and that one is visible in all her forms. It’s the final mark the Flame leaves on its Bearers and usually it’s much smaller, but the last minute transfer was such a hack job, it’s a wonder it worked at all.
Another physical repercussion of her long time spent as a spirit is that her hair bleached out to a warm blonde and refuses to grow back red. Daphne initially dyes, it but you can see with the colour fading out, she doesn’t exactly bother with it for long, since she has little stamina for metamorhosymbiosis.
Immortal Queen:
This is Daphne’s fullest and most final form she gets in her life. The wings when not folded out nestle against her back as part of the cape she is wearing, as if they were part of the dragon that curls around her. (You can see the head and tail, it continues around her back under the cape.
The shape of the outfit is more Dominian and less revealing than her first form. It does have her scars on full display though, which are something she grows into being proud of. She survived. Everything and everyone wanted her gone, and yet she is still there. 
But she learned that she is not untouchable, so there are a lot more armouring details to reflect that. The scale detail on them makes for a lovely recurrence of the dragon theme.
All nymph forms are larger than life, as in she grows taller and shines from within. There is less glitter on these forms than there usually is in fairy transformations.
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eucroft · 4 years
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⟨ DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, ADELAIDE CROFT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old CREATIVE WRITING MAJOR from SALEM, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite VENTURESOME & VAIN.
*jennifer coolidge vc* hi a google doc + pinned post are tbd but until then here’s perhaps an equally extensive intro, she’s a menace ty  
name: adelaide jane croft  nickname: ads, addie (if she likes you), aj (if you want to die) age: 22  dob: august 1, 1998 zodiac: leo sun, ?????? everything else mbti: entj, the commander powers: hypnokinesis, shapeshifting, seeing gods in dream, memory retrieval (minor) positive traits: venturesome, creative, hardworking, independent, ambitious negative traits: vain, cunning, bossy, stubborn, overcritical works: front desk associate at the library  clubs and sports: member of book club, chess club, herpetology club, women in leadership club, creative writing club, captain of the debate team, president of feminist alliance, and captain of the cheerleading squad character inspo: blair waldorf (gossip girl), jackie burkhart (that 70′s show), catherine the great (the great), cheryl blossom (riverdale), audrey horne (twin peaks), amy march (little women), cordelia chase (buffy the vampire slayer), fran fine (the nanny), daphne blake (scooby doo)
MENTIONS: alcoholism, coma, neglect
born in salem, massachusetts, adelaide croft is the daughter of sherry croft and hypnos, a product of an affair her mother has on her husband, senator richard croft-- sherry is a bored housewife trapped in a seemingly picturesque but loveless marriage when she meets hypnos, one thing leads to another, nine months later, adelaide is born 
richard knows from the get-go adelaide is not his child, it doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out and despite the obvious strain this infidelity puts on the croft marriage, they remain together, richard claiming to the public that adelaide is his daughter while the disdain for what her mother did bubbled into resentment towards the young girl-- growing up she believed he was her real father
the crofts have one other child, an eldest daughter, prudence, and she is the pride and joy of the croft family, things came effortlessly to prudence, who received praise and attention from her parents for the slightest thing-- from a young age, she was actively pit against her older sister, who was as cruel as their father was at times, their relationship founded from rivalry
adelaide struggled for approval from her parents, who often brushed her off or ignored her. while her father was too focused on work, her mother too focused on drinking, and both too focused on prudence, it didn’t help that she developed strange habits from a young age, like claiming to speak to strange people in her dreams or how the world grew drowsy around her
found out she was a demigod at eleven, hypnos came to her in a dream, she laughed in his face, but very quickly realized this was real shit, when he offered the chance to go to a camp where there were other people like that she jumped at the chance-- attended camp halfblood during the summers of 2009-2016
trained pretty extensively during that time, was a casual quester, chosen usually because of her enthusiasm and hypnokinesis abilities, they did not all end well, she lost some people along the way, got some stuck in some sticky situations, will eventually go into more depth with these 
when she wasn’t at camp, she was climbing the social ranks back in massachusetts, winning academic awards, prom queen, staying on top of sports, practically anything in an attempt to make her parents acknowledge her, then when she realized they never would, specifically to spite them, simply trying to survive the rest of her high school career
started writing at a young age, journaling originally, but eventually, it grew into short stories, then novellas, etc.
always knew she was going to eonia, however, the process was sped up a little after an incident involving hypnokinesis, prudence, and a five day coma, adelaide denounced the crofts essentially, and using her memory retrieval power successfully for the first and only time, wiped herself from their memories (how long that will last, she is unsure), she went to live with a friend for a bit until she was accepted into eonia 
studies creative writing with the intent to write horror fiction based off the nightmares and dreams she has witnessed and influenced, currently in her fourth year here with intent to go to grad school afterwards
TL;DR: the younger daughter of sherry croft and hypnos, adopted by senator richard croft, grew up in a loveless, neglectful household that was seemingly perfect in public eye, had a sadistic older sister name prudence who was always in the spotlight, big queen bee vibes but went to chb and quested a bit, eventually came to eonia to study creative writing. 
some headcanons
actually an insomniac, that kind of fuck things up for her, but she finds ways to fall asleep eventually
coffee fiend 
chaotic bisexual
weapon of choice is a longsword she got from a quest, affectionately nicknamed tallulah, however she’s proficient in throwing knives and crossbows
has an albino ball python named boris after boris karloff 
LOVES halloween and all things horror, surprisingly morbid when you actually get to know her
favorite author is shirley jackson!
will astral project to you to bug you if she’s bored
the gods she has seen the most in her dreams beyond hypnos is hecate, apollo, and athena!!! she details all of the meetings just in case there’s important info
very nosy, will snoop for anything and everything
stressed 25/8 
i will update my wc doc asap i don’t have the capacity to do that currently but some wcs include rivals, exes, chb people, friends, enemies, hookups, someone to get her to relax, quest partners, uhhhhh someone she tutors perhaps, muses, hypnokinesis victims, someone she bit while she was a cat!, uhhhh
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pureblooded-archive · 4 years
(From corda-comminuta, serpent-tongued-lie, cursed-and-chosen, tainted-prodigy, and victoria-immortalis) 🌟 from all of my muses, for all of your muses :P
ok! *cracks fingers* here we go lmao (sorry mobile users)
Now that I finally have watch CoG I can think of more thread ideas lol
Lyra – I think you’ve convinced me that a time-travel au is now viable for Lyra and we can do FB verses LOL, so perhaps Lyra ends up in a different place. She’d probably get stuck in this time trying to cure the curse for Nagini lmao
Lucius – is probably the only other muse that I could think of that would work. Possibly when he’s young if the curse hasn’t completely taken over, maybe they know one another? Potential ship? wiggles eyebrows (but that’s mainly cause my Luci is a slut and will try to put it anywhere smh)
Draco – Immediately I think Dransy ahaha, I think they’d be super sweet when they were younger and dating, I definitely have a headcanon that they were betrothed when they were younger and actually got along but then after the war it dissolved and given Draco’s distance during their 6th and 7th year, as did their relationship
Lyra – always an interesting relationship if you go off the dransy betrothal, whether she is in her main verse and is sort of like a mentor/friend to Pansy or in the year above and is new to Hogwarts
Ron – I mean, I ship it lmao, it’s an unlikely pair but it is so tasty when it works ahaha, though I know not everyone is down with that, depends on your headcanons for Pansy, would love to know more
Ginny – again I ship it (I am a shipping whore lmao) but this would be a post-war deal and also depends on your Pansy
Theo – yesssss, my sweet baby Theo and Pansy (another ship lol), but really he’s just a very good and sweet friend to Pansy I feel and he’s a massive nerd so if she needs study help he’s your boy
Blaise – my Blaise is a sleaze, he will try to get with anyone he can, esp Pans lol
Astoria – this might be good for some awkward adult tension lol, but maybe like Astoria is good friends with Pansy cause I assume she’s friends with Daphne and like Pans thinks of her as a baby sister?
Millicent and Daphne – just typical girl shenanigans lol
Marcus – another sleaze and potential ship LOL
Marcus – I can see him giving her a hard time, whilst also being wildly inappropriate (god I hate him)
I’m seeing potential in my head with Ron, Draco and Gin tho idk what
Vivian – she’s in the same year as Marcus/Percy and also in Ravenclaw so a year or two older than Cho (JK can’t math so why should I be able to) oh and they’re Asian so you know they’ll be best friends (there’s just some things you just don’t get unless you’re Asian and I’d know cause I’m half aha, we tend to gravitate towards each other irl)
Vinda I’m skipping cause I can’t really think of any others apart from our Lyra one but if you have ideas I won’t shoot them down
Lily again skipping cause I’m uncreative and the only older one is Luci but I think he’s like way older and ew
Lyra – oh there’s so many ideas cause I just ahhhh
Lyra 100% goes to Voldy when the war begins cause she has to, like this bitch ain’t dumb and she don’t wanna die so she’s definitely gonna get in and be like hi im here, ready to serve
I think these threads would mainly be a lot of conversations of him trying to get her to do things whilst also trying to sus out her motives
Lyra does have a son and I wouldn’t mind Tom using him as leverage over her (Corvus is actually Snapey’s son but he doesn’t know – always wanted a Tom to force the truth out of her lol)
Ginny – I’ve done it before but the diary again would be cool everyone has different interpretations so yesssss, I’m sure there’s also other potential things and Ginny’s a strong muse for me atm so yes
Lucius – so much potential mannnn, just so much
like we could do when he first joins to how he ascends the ranks
also Voldy’s return and Lucius’ disgrace
and yes I also ship lmao, he would get on his knees for Voldy aha
Lyra – I always try to sell this to every Harry I see but Hyra (yes that’s their ship name lol) there’s so much I love about their dynamic though, both for my main verse and lightning
one I like to explore is my main verse Lyra, so there’s a 10 year age gap and they have to have shared custody of Teddy after Andromeda dies
but mainly it’s been Lyra transferring to Hogwarts after Book 4 to be closer to home and she’s a year above Harry and Harry’s nice to her and she’s like welp now I feel guilty my fam wants you dead lol
oh yeah and arranged marriage post war where they’re like oh we gotta unite the two sides so there’s less discrimination so Harry why don’t you marry the daughter of the people who like tortured you and wanted you dead
Ron – also another ship lol but also just such a good bromance, like Harry makes Ron feel like so much more than he’s used to. Ron is just so used to being overlooked and overshadowed and for once in his life, with Harry he’s special and important and I just jghafdjbjdgs but just anything with these two is just so good
Draco – I mean drarry is great, tbh Draco isn’t that strong of a muse so I’m like ehhhhh (tbh I’m tempted to drop him lol)
Ginny – ok, so I ship book Hinny but I also don’t. They’re just… I don’t know. I feel like they’ve got a lot of work to go through before they can really be together – but exploring those things, working through those things and making Hinny viable is a yes, otherwise I think they’re a great friendship
My other Slytherin babies I’m sorta like eh about, like not that enthusiastic about writing them together (they just don’t inspire me as much as the others, though I’m always down to explore further lmao) like:
Lucius would be just plain manipulation and abuse
Theo would be a sweet boyfriend to Harry
Blaise would just use him for clout
Astoria – oh yeah maybe something about their sons? just chatting, parent stuff
Millicent – would be a plain old bitch eh and so would Marcus and Daph lol
Young Albus Dumbledore I only see as teaching Lucius though this is not in FB era so yeah not sure, would be interested in Lyra’s time travel au how they’d interact though I have a lot of headcanons about their relationship based on my fic so idk if it’d work
Lyra – oh it’d be so interesting to put these together in the same year as my ‘Lyra Canon’ (born in 1970 so 11 years before Voldy fails)
whether Ambrosine attends Durmstrang with Lyra and the two of them decide to break into Karkaroff’s office together and torture him lol
or they’re reunited at Hogwarts when Lyra does that independently
Any of my lightning era babies would be interesting too
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eyegreaterthanthree · 5 years
What are your names for genderbent!Trio? (male!Hermione, fem!Ron, and fem!Harry) And their romantic interests? (Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, ect.)
There is a fic I posted on FFN a few years ago that featured a genderbender!Trio with male Hermione, female Ron, and female Harry. I took this particular fic down about a year ago, and I did edit and post parts featuring female Ron on AO3. (That can be read here.)
male Hermione Granger
There are two names I like: Hermes and Hector.
Hermione is derived from Hermes, and it appears in Greek mythology in addition to being a character from Shakespeare’s The Winter Tale. 
So, I like Hermes because it’s connected to Hermione. Hector is connected to Shakespeare as well, being the name of a character in Troilus and Cressida.
female Ron Weasley
I still haven’t found a name that I love, but I’ve used a few Ronnie, Roslin, and Rosa.
I don’t care for Ronnie, but it is an easy since it’s so close to Ron. I don’t care for either Roslin or Rosa either. I used those names because they were close to Rose, which I didn’t use since it’s the name of Ron and Hermione’s daughter.
I like writing female Ron, and I have a few ideas for ficlets and drabbles, and I’ll continue to explore possible names.
female Harry Potter
This is one that I’ve written extensively. I think I write female Harry more often than canon Harry.
As I’ve mentioned previously, I favor names that start with “H.” I have a few that I like and that I’ve repeatably: Halesia, Holly/Hollis, Hilda, and Hedera.
I’ve touched on Halesia, Hilda, and Hedera, but I will repeat some of the highlights of those.
Halesia is a plant name, commonly known as “snowdrops” and “silverbells.” Hedera is another plant name, commonly known as “ivy.” Hilda is an uncommon name, but it is rather normal and it fits with one of my headcanon for the Potter family. Holly/Hollis is both plant based and it’s an uncommon name that isn’t bizarre or random.
I wrote a male Hermione and female Harry pairing that is currently only posted on FFN. (Here.) I liked writing this. Harry/Hermione is a long-time favorite pairing of mine.
In general, I’m undecided on where I stand with Ron/Hermione. On one hand, I like the best friend got the main girl. But I don’t think they have good chemistry together. So, I don’t know if I would write something with male Hermione and female Ron.
At one point, I know I wrote a Ginny/female Harry. It was short, probably 400 words long. Like Ron/Hermione, I can’t decide where I stand on Harry/Ginny. I like that it’s the guy and his best friend’s little sister with a happy ending. But I don’t like how their relationship developed. There wasn’t much interaction before Harry had a crush on Ginny. I love reading fics where they do have a friendship and it builds into feelings and good relationship. I think I would be willing to write another Ginny/female Harry.
I don’t really know how I would ship them. I would probably try to pair male Hermione with Pansy Parkinson or Daphne Greengrass or Tracey Davis, or female Ron Weasley with Blaise Zabini or Theodore Nott. Draco Malfoy and female Harry isn’t one of my favorites. I know a lot of people do disagree with me. It is one that I read. I do see female Harry having a crush on Cedric Diggory instead of Cho Chang, and she might have brief (passing) interest in Viktor Krum.
I think to find my OTPs for male Hermione, female Ron, and female Harry, I would have to write more of them. At the moment, I’m more interested in male Hermione and female Ron.
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scarheaded-ferret · 7 years
Professors in Love (and a baby Scorpius) - Chapter 1
It’s here guys! This was based off of the Professor!Drarry headcanon post I did a couple days ago, I’m so excited to write this!!! :^D
Chapter Links
Harry beamed as he watched Ginny walked down the aisle. She looked beautiful in the tailored navy blue robes that complimented her flaming hair surprisingly well. He looked to his left to see Luna staring at her soon-to-be wife with loving eyes. Harry took Ginny’s bouquet from her as she took her place on the altar, opposite from Luna.  Their vows were beautiful, and had everyone in tears by the time they finished.
“I now pronounce you wife and wife,” said Luna’s great uncle, who they had gotten to be their minister. The two leaned in and kissed as their guests erupted into cheers and applause. Harry grinned and clapped along with everyone else, the love he felt for both of his friends was so strong, and he was extremely happy for them.
After the war, Harry and Ginny both realized that they loved each other like brother and sister, and parted mutually as friends. In fact, their past relationship was often brought about as a joke, and Ron liked to tease that Harry turned Ginny gay. But everyone knew that Ginny and Luna fit better together than Harry and Ginny ever could, and Harry was quite relieved at that. He realized that he had used Ginny as a way to be legally apart of the Weasley family. When he and Ginny broke up, he apologized extensively for this, and Ginny with her fierce temper was mad at him for using her, but understood his reason.
Another realization for Harry, was that he was bisexual. When he told Ron and Hermione, they both gave him a look that said, do you think we’re stupid? Even Ron had concluded some things from the way Harry would look longingly at both boys and girls during their Hogwarts years.
“So, you’re- you’re okay with it? I’m not a- a freak or anything?” Years of hearing the Dursleys ramble on about how disgusting the gay couple who lived down the street was flashed through his mind. Disgusting faggots, polluting our children, that’s what they’re doing. Vernon had liked to say when the Sander-Davies could be seen walking with their adopted son.
“Of course not, Harry! Blimey, calling you a freak would have me going against Ginny, wouldn’t it?” Ron had told him reassuringly.
“Harry, we’ll love you no matter who you choose to love, you deserve that happiness,” Harry beamed at their words and had enveloped them both into hugs. He felt so loved in that moment, and for the first time after the war, he felt a small shrivel of peace. Two months after that day he was walking into Luna and Ginny’s wedding reception with Justin Finch-Fletchley on his arm.
The reporters had gone into a frenzy as he walked into building, shouting inquiries about his sexuality, and if he was in a relationship with Justin. He seemed a bit nervous, and Harry gave his arm a reassuring squeeze as they stepped into the hall the Weasley’s had rented for the wedding. Harry smiled at Justin before walking over to take his place at the head table beside Neville, who was Luna’s best man. They both gave their speeches that had half of the guests in fits of laughter, and the other crying from the emotional parts.
“To the happy couple!” Harry shouted, and the room repeated his words with enthusiasm. The rest of the wedding went very well. Harry danced with Justin a couple of times, and found him to be a fun, even if shy, person to be around.  They didn’t kiss, but promised to meet up for a pint sometime before Justin left for Auror training.
As Harry laughed with his arms slung around Seamus and Ron’s shoulders, singing to a song they didn’t know, he felt like the pressure and guilt from the war was lifted from his shoulders, not entirely, but enough.
Harry said his goodbyes, wished Luna and Ginny a happy honeymoon, and left with Hermione and Ron to go back to the flat they shared in Hogsmeade. Ron and Hermione weren’t together either, understanding that they were both better as friends.
Their flat wasn’t big, but managed to fit the trio just fine. Harry still had Grimmauld place, but it held too many memories that he wasn’t ready to deal with yet. There was a sitting room with an overstuffed couch and armchairs, similar to the ones found in the Gryffindor common room. Bookshelves lined the walls, holding the books Hermione couldn’t fit in her room, along with several photographs and potted plants.
The kitchen was full of muggle appliances that Ron refused to touch after a peculiar incident involving the toaster. There was a wooden breakfast table that had a view of the village, and even a distant glimpse of Hogwarts.
The three of them stumbled into the flat laughing about nothing at all, sporting grins and equal levels of amusement. They murmured goodnights and went to their separate rooms. Harry got into his bed and fell asleep right away, the night was fun, yet a tiring one. As he dozed off, the last images that flitted through his head were the happy smiles of his friends and the way everyone seemed to forget about the war for one beautiful night.
Two years later, and not too far away, Draco Malfoy was on the receiving end of news that he had anticipated. He knew what was wrong the minute Astoria sat down with him.
“You’re pregnant,”
“I’m pregnant,” they both spoke at the same time, Draco smirked.
“Damn, how do you always do that? You knew when I told you about my Healer internship and now this!” She yelled but there was no mirth to her words.  
“How old should he be when we divorce?”
“I’d say at least two years, and how do you know it’s not a girl?” “At the moment I cannot come up with any Malfoy men who have produced a girl as their first-born, and you know I have the family tree memorized by heart,” Astoria sighed and shook her head fondly.
“Alright, we should tell our families now, yes?”
“Yes, I’m certain mother would kill me if she found out I did not inform her immediately,”
Draco stood and they both visited each family together, informing of them of the pregnancy, but only Daphne was to know of the coming divorce. Astoria trusted her more than she was willing to admit.
They entered their townhouse and sat down together in the sitting room.
“How’s Millie doing?”
“Oh she’s lovely, I’m seeing her tomorrow night,” Draco raised a brow, this would be the fifth time she would be meeting up with Millie this week. “Speaking of dates, why haven’t I seen you with any hot young men?”
Draco raised his left arm, showing the faded mark, “I think you may be forgetting a certain detail,”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a glamour and pull every once in a while,” Draco rolled his eyes. He knew he could do that, but abhorred the idea of his glamour fading and his partner recoiling in disgust at the sight of him. “And besides, there are plenty of men who would be willing to overlook it, you are very handsome you know. If I wasn’t a lesbian I would probably enjoy our sex life,”
Draco laughed and kissed her cheek as he stood, “I’m going to visit Pansy, I’ll see you later, Stori,”
“Think about going to one of those gay bars!” she shouted as he stepped through the floo.
Draco supposed that he and Astoria would be a good match if they both weren’t extremely gay. They had an agreement that as long as they produced an heir, they could go out with anyone they wanted while still being married to the other. Draco loved Astoria, but not in the way their mothers had hoped.
She was his best friend, and even though their marriage was arranged, he wouldn’t pick anyone else to be his wife.
He greeted Pansy at the little cafe she had grown fond of, a little shop on the edge of Hogsmeade. Pansy’s taste was often questionable, but Draco found the little tea shop, with it’s fairy lights and light yellow walls, wasn’t all too bad. The tea was good as well, Draco thought as he sipped his peppermint blend. He crossed his ankles and relaxed as he listened to Pansy go on about how awful the man her parents had introduced her to the night before was.
“Far too full of himself, and this is coming from me! It seemed as though he wanted me to applaud him for bringing the bloody wine! Fucking narcissist,” Draco smiled at her rantings, he didn’t realize how much he had missed hanging out with her. Nothing was ever normal after the war, but they were healing, very slowly.  
“Takes one to know one,” Draco said, quirking up the end of his mouth.
“Oh fuck off,”
It was August, a little over two years after the war and Draco had surprisingly kept in touch with most of his Slytherin peers. He and Pansy had tea almost every Sunday afternoon, on Friday nights he would have a pint with Blaise, Millie, and occasionally Theo. And at least three times a month, he, Astoria, Daphne, Pansy, Blaise, Theo, Millie, and Greg would meet up to eat dinner as a group and get pissed.
He had expected them to have split up after the war, it was the most realistic outcome. But they were Slyterthins, and would stick together for as long as possible.
“Stori’s expecting,” Draco said casually in between sips of his tea. Pansy shrieked, attracting the attention of the people around them. She ignored them and clapped her hands.
“God, it’s like fifth year all over again,” Pansy rolled her eyes but was smiling joviantly.
“Oh! I’m going to be an Aunt Pansy!”
“And a terrible one you will be,” Draco said, smirking. Pansy smacked his arm playfully.
“It’ll be a spring birth! Oh, imagine you getting the alert in the middle of a lesson!” Pansy laughed and Draco huffed. He had been the Arithmancy professor at Hogwarts for a year now, and was mortified at the thought of his students hearing about the birth of his son in the middle of class. He would much rather have a proper, public announcement.
A half-hour later he was bidding Pansy goodbye. There was a little potions shop he needed to go to for Astoria’s maternity potions. He walked out of the door of the little teashop and right into the person he had been hoping to avoid.
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15001700tt · 4 years
A Draco Meta (-ish)
“1. You mention Scorpius needing to achieve eternal glory in order to clear the family. How do you see the Malfoy's having to live in the post-war world up until that point? Do you think they were allowed to keep their manor/land? Or do you think Scorpius grew up in a different sort of environment to Draco?” *from the lovely @prideofprewett​* (a question from my writing journal on HPFT)
So in my story, (at least so far, its very beginning stages when to comes to the Malfoy family), the family comes out relatively unscathed, but i also don’t want to say that, because Draco will have to deal with *much* emotional trauma. there is a lot of debate on whether Draco deserves a redemption arc (i think so,) i definitely think Draco should've gotten one if Snape had one, but thats a different debate.
Now for Draco post-war; i think its pretty evident that Lucious Malfoy has to lay low after first; aiding the Dark Lord and second *running away from the consequences* Narcissa Malfoy may have helped Harry but that holds little importance when it comes to the families reputation to the public. They definitely lose a lot of their land, but the Manor stays. Now for Lucious and Narcissa, they stick to their pureblood ideals, but they aren't willing to join a side anymore. Because in the Malfoy Manor family comes first, anything else comes second (can you tell that this is a recurring theme?) they realized that they are running out of luck. They came out physically unscathed from both wars, but the emotional, damage? you cant fix that with money. so Lucious mellows down on the pureblood ideals, he wouldn't willingly fraternize with muggle-borns but he's not going to be outright rude either.
The Malfoy's aren't ones to lay low but they really do for the first 5-7 years post-war (this is an estimate, and i am also coming up with this as i go so it might change but i sincerely doubt it) when Scorpius is born or even a few years before that when Draco is dating Astoria, Draco realizes that his family feels like its stuck in time. So he does some serious self reflecting (Draco might've not been physically abused but the household he lived in wasn't mentally friendly either). He decided that if his parents cant accept he will hold the reigns of his life then they can't be in it. Of course his parents agree and try to be supportive. I want to say that his parents weren't approving of his relationship with Astoria (even though she's pureblood) because i feel like that that would be the first conscious and clear decision that they are different and won't go down the same road they did. (i read somewhere probably tumblr, that he knew he can trust Astoria with his life with no questions asked and that the reason she was never mentioned in the books until in the epilogue is bc the books are written through Harry's point of view, so why would he notice her, (she was two years younger i believe? her sister; Daphne was in Draco's year.) ) and also the blatant fact that the Greengrasses were one of the publicly reformed families that accepted muggle-borns, it's a like a slap to their faces.
when Scorpius is five Draco accidentally stumbles across Luna Scamander (Lovegood), through her aloofness and Draco's renewed awkwardness. he manages to apologize for what his family has done to hers. Luna forgives him after giving it a thought. They start an unlikely friendship (of course the twins were a year younger but being five and our they got along fine without any thoughts). At some point Luna becomes a certified tattoo artist (i saw the headcanon and i knew i *had* to have it in my story. credit to owner) 
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so Draco gets a sleeve done over his scarred Death eater one. (Credit to Artist, i got this from pinterest)
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and that was the *end* of his hurt and his trauma. of course he still has it but by getting this done he's able to think past the pain and for a better future.
the Malfoy's may have been able to keep the Malfoy Manor but their wealth wasn't infinite, so Draco had to get a job. the mentioned self reflecting wasn't only with his family but himself, he had sat down and thought about what he wanted to do. He liked quidditch when he was young but he missed that train with the war going on, so he went through the subjects he excelled in (somehow i always forget that Draco was smart and also a freaking Prefect at some point). He had a talent for Alchemy so he decided to work for the ministry in that department. (he worked very hard and all by himself but the stigma against his family hindered him a lot. At some point Harry had to pull some strings). Draco eventually became the head of the department through hard work and talent/skills.
As for Scorpius which is your original question (lolol so sorry i rambled a bit, this is the first time i talk about my plans for the Malfoy family so i am excited!) he is raised in a loving family. nonetheless the Malfoy family is very centered around control. So yes, Draco is a lot more loving and caring than Lucious ever was, but the idea of control never wavered. there was a time and place for certain emotions. the press will jump at any opportunity to portray the Malfoy Family's weak or up to no good. Astoria guides Draco a lot through being a good family. i even would like to think that Draco made his parents promise they would not interfere or have any opinions on how he raises Scorpius. which i think would cause a lot of tension but also is for the best.
Scorpius understands from a very young age that his family is like no other. the Malfoy is quiet and serene. it will never be lively with people. thats not going to ever change. the place haunts many but it is home for Scorpius. Astoria did major home decor/ transformations to make the Manor seem more friendly and cozy. she succeeds to a certain point. the place is still haunted by screams (for fucks sake it has its own dungeon. i think, correct me if i am wrong tho)
Another factor that's vital is that in my story, Scorpius has a little sister, Daphne. Draco was an only child, that must've been awful. Draco was alone and lonely for the majority of his life. his friends were his friends because their families were in a 'cult'. he wouldn't want Scorpius to feel the same despair that he did. he also admired Astoria and Daphne's sisterly relationship. So i think it was quite justifiable to give Scorpius a little sister.
fun fact: all of my 'main' characters have most of their zodiac signs traits Scorpius's character is heavily influenced by a Capricorn male traits and Daphne is a scorpio Female. so thats how i get most of my characterizations if i am not sure how to go on about my characters. so both these signs are very compatible with the way of life in the Manor or so i believe.
i will add more if i think of more stuff!
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