#then vacuum them away.
pillowprincessvarric · 5 months
No one is going to like this but the solution to people misusing mental health terminology like hyperfixation & special interest is to bring back the concept & framing of Nerd Culture. Also the term "squee".
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forestshadow-wolf · 26 days
Hey, that part of people's brains that make you think clutter means messy? Yeah fucking KILL IT WITH FIRE
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hyunpic · 1 year
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hyunjin on bubble: im going to post what i wrote this year, don’t look too deep into it. it’s a bit of a positive phrase.. my writing has some self-pity so STAY will be upset if they read it. i’ll only look at pretty things. let’s love! thank you. translation by @skzlogin & hyunloversclub
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anakinh · 7 months
it took me 3 years to start reading the ballad of songbirds and snakes because I was very cynical about a villain prequel that kinda sounded like a cash grab, but it only took me 2 days to finish it. this is a really, really good book. holy shit. Snow is such a good villain protagonist. I called him a terrible person as quickly as chapter two and he still managed to elicit some sympathy (granted, from me, notorious villain stan). But that didn't change the fact that he was a terrible person the entire time. What a great change from the popular 'this villain was such a good person before!' prequels we often see
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birlwrites · 3 months
Did the previous cheerleading get you closer to/to finishing the climax of Lachrimae? Is it vexing you any less yet?
it's vexing me less, in a way, since i'm done with the filling in of bracketed sections - however, i did realize i had to delete the last four pages of what i had and rewrite it 😬 as always, i repeat to myself that it'll be better once it's fixed. but the cheerleading was helpful yes! always nice to feel like i'm not working on a story in isolation
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jrueships · 7 months
Admin: which teammate do you pick to cook your Thanksgiving dinner?
Alpey, who has brought his own baked goods for the team before; therefore, should have the most credibility and trust to be skilled in the kitchen: *happily suggests himself as the best option for jabari*
#jabari is like the kind of person who works a 15 hr shift then complains abt her tired they are#and how they cant sleep bcs they have so much to do around the house#but wont let their husband cook for them bcs they want to do it themselves then complain abt having to do it themselves#moms who start vacuuming the house at 4am then complain about how theres no one helping#'MOVE. ILL JUST DO THE DAMN THING MYS E L F !'#*2 seconds after scaring charity away* why do i have to do everything myself.'#the trials and tribulations of the stubborn control freak#he later says 'im not letting anyone else cook my food for me. (i pick) me. jabari.'#just tearing out alpeys heart and stomping on it 😭#picky ass eater who loves luxury jabari vs expired yogurt and carmel and chocolate syrup drizzled over it to feel fanciful alpey#bite#to the death#they literally asked this question last year??? before they banished gup to the gallows#alpey: alperen şengün 😄!!! ✨️ 🩵🩵#jabari: 😐#jabari (no grey matter): kill yourse-#why do they keep doing this to each other#alpey is the playful beloved family dog whos always in the room with the most people being pet 24/7 for being there & sweet#and jabari is the odd and aloof cat who has sporadic springs of affection and wacky affection#and will usually show himself when hes about to cause trouble for no apparent reason at no apparent schedule#like creeping over to a sleeping alpey and skippity papping him in the head without rhyme warning or reason#then taking off#zero apology or context given
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fortune-maiden · 8 months
Today's theme is overthinking Shi Wudu the Water Tyrant and what his tyranny actually looks like
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bottomoftheriverbed · 15 days
Do I have complicated feelings about the globe removing Richard's disability in this production? Yes.
Am I still very much enjoying it? Yes.
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dedmau · 6 months
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his touys
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Saturday Morning Confessional
Hell lingers behind every shadow;
I leave the lights on, yet they stay.
Electricity bills climb higher,
Nights get longer,
Temperatures colder.
You’d think Hell could pay a heating bill
Once in a while, but in spite,
The nickels and dimes stack up.
I miss the sun.
This daughter of God thrives on routine,
But the clock shifts back and forth;
The government’s grasping attempt
At brighter mornings. Bitter as I may be,
I am grasping with them.
Light, light, God grant me more light;
Even if it casts shadows, at least
I’m not in the dark.
For all the scrambling to daylight,
I sleep longer, frittering away
Morning hours. Shorter days chopped
Ever slimmer. I used to sleep
When the sun went down; beat the
Dark to my bedrest and
Flee from the fear. Now, it’s 6:30PM,
The night already creeping, dinner
Not yet made. I stay awake,
Forget time, shiver in the gloom.
It does not bode well for winter.
Thanks be to God, who turns the planets on their axes
My alarms went off on a Saturday, and
I could not get back to sleep. Thanks be
To God, from whom the sunrays burst
In helium-synthesis glory; the day was
Majesty’s declaration, cool and bright and joyful.
Thanks be to God, I got up early, amen.
The laundry’s in the dryer, the food bought
For the week, the carpets are all vacuumed;
I’m resting, not asleep. May every chore I do
Be prayer and praise together:
Thanks be to God, I’m having a good day.
Hell lingers behind every shadow;
May God’s angels clear them away.
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Is there anything more unsettling than your four cats staring in the same direction down the hall, only for you to later find a spider on the back of your bedroom door?
"Aww, what are you silly little guys doing over-? GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY, IS THAT A BIG HONKIN' RECLUSE???"
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Look y’all, I ain’t saying royal families of Europe aren’t busy. They’re clearly very busy. But they’re busy with nonsense that does nothing useful and THAT is kinda the point.
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shawcl · 4 months
i still don’t know where my bugs are coming from btw
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robinsnest2111 · 4 months
time to hyperfocus my way back into being That Girlie (gender neutral) that gets shit done while looking pretty and taking care of his mortal flesh and surroundings!!!
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mattyknees · 7 months
adhd went crazy today, i repotted a bunch of my plants and started cleaning part of my room and then immediately lost all steam
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veone · 1 year
every once in a while i lose my inspiration for creating in this community, I feel like what I really want to work on isn't worth the effort but there aren't a lot of storytellers in the community who aren't focused on family drama set in "reality" and all my favorite creators who wrote what i like are mia or few in numbers....so why not make the content i want to see?? somebody will like it!
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