#and then fold them and put them away
artblueminecraftorchid · 11 months
Saturday Morning Confessional
Hell lingers behind every shadow;
I leave the lights on, yet they stay.
Electricity bills climb higher,
Nights get longer,
Temperatures colder.
You’d think Hell could pay a heating bill
Once in a while, but in spite,
The nickels and dimes stack up.
I miss the sun.
This daughter of God thrives on routine,
But the clock shifts back and forth;
The government’s grasping attempt
At brighter mornings. Bitter as I may be,
I am grasping with them.
Light, light, God grant me more light;
Even if it casts shadows, at least
I’m not in the dark.
For all the scrambling to daylight,
I sleep longer, frittering away
Morning hours. Shorter days chopped
Ever slimmer. I used to sleep
When the sun went down; beat the
Dark to my bedrest and
Flee from the fear. Now, it’s 6:30PM,
The night already creeping, dinner
Not yet made. I stay awake,
Forget time, shiver in the gloom.
It does not bode well for winter.
Thanks be to God, who turns the planets on their axes
My alarms went off on a Saturday, and
I could not get back to sleep. Thanks be
To God, from whom the sunrays burst
In helium-synthesis glory; the day was
Majesty’s declaration, cool and bright and joyful.
Thanks be to God, I got up early, amen.
The laundry’s in the dryer, the food bought
For the week, the carpets are all vacuumed;
I’m resting, not asleep. May every chore I do
Be prayer and praise together:
Thanks be to God, I’m having a good day.
Hell lingers behind every shadow;
May God’s angels clear them away.
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 days
I just want everyone to know that in the span of 3 days, I have made 3 loads of laundry, and have a 4th already sorted and ready to go (which includes towels / blankets / bedding). I still need to fold them and put them away BUT the important part is done 🥹
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okay so i honeslty think one of my biggest issues when it comes to cleaning is that ibhave so many clothes I HAVE SO MANY BUT IT LITERALLY FEELS LIKE IM ALWAYS WEARING THE SAMW THING
so i need to make some hard decisions because laundry feels like a battle im never winning
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dare-to-dm · 2 years
I’ve been seeing some talk about most hated household chores, which is a topic I think we can all relate to.
I hate folding laundry, personally.  So I just... don’t.  I have two laundry baskets, one for clean clothes and one for dirty clothes.  I just fish some clean clothes out of the appropriate basket whenever I get dressed.  It works just fine for me and has never caused problems, and yet every time I tell people this, they look at me like I’ve grown a third eye ball.  I’m not sure why.
The older I get, the more I’m pleasantly surprised about how many things are truly optional.  You can make your own rules a lot of the time, y’all.
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fella-lovin-fella · 1 year
doing laundry. pray for me
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I don't have energy to do ANYTHING
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fellsilver · 2 months
Why do the kids love coming into my room and completely rearranging my bed
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lycanwlf · 2 months
i love diary posting. just got bins for my clothes in my closet so i can finally organize it and turn the unused space into a small little workshop for making my fist fursuit head. im very close to being able to start i just need to clean out that area first and buy my materials :3
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pros of handwashing laundry: don't have to pay for the laundromat, don't have to bring my laundry down five floors across the street and then back up five floors on the way to/from the laundromat, gentle on my many sweaters and soft fabrics, might build up some upper body strength from the washboard etc
cons of handwashing laundry: having to wring out heavy wet clothes and then hang them all up on a drying rack and two short clotheslines in my shower
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ghostlyheart · 2 months
I love throwing in laundry. For 1 hour these clothes simply aren't my problem
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sparklehoard · 2 months
Being so brave
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2024skin · 4 months
My nonbinary boyfriend has spent the last 2 hours having a tantrum because I (politely) told them that I don't want them to hang up my tank tops in the closet when they do the laundry
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vexalia · 4 months
i have to do things (put laundry away) but i would rather die
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toytulini · 5 months
thinking about that post about keeping a house clean organized w adhd with like dump zones and shit and i need to. do stuff to my room. hh
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sitting uncomfortably on my bedroom floor because pretty much every article of clothing i own is piled on my bed because folding and putting away clothes is actual psychological torture for me
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robinsnest2111 · 7 months
time to hyperfocus my way back into being That Girlie (gender neutral) that gets shit done while looking pretty and taking care of his mortal flesh and surroundings!!!
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