#then vulgora came and helped
Heya, could I request a secretly demon MC? They’re using some type of magic to hide their true appearance (basically one like a tiefling from DnD) and have a pact with The Devil, but are now suddenly trying to break it because the M6 gave them some type of hope for their life again?
Before the M6 even discover this, the MC was brash and selfish, also fairly quick to jump to violence (though probably not Vulgora level) and quiet about their past. How would the pieces click into place for them? In case you need any extra info you can just post that mentioning this ask and I’ll try to help
So sorry if requests aren’t open, your blog description says they are but I can’t find if there is a post also saying that so I’m not fully sure. If not feel free to ignore this!
The Arcana HCs: When MC's natural patron is the Devil
~ disclaimer: this request was work shopped a little with my requester, so you'll be seeing some different info in the setting. It was fun chatting with you, new friend, I hope you like these! - brainrot ~
-- some background --
Nobody knew when it was time to go up against the Devil that you were tempted to join him. While you never let on, his voice always spoke the loudest to you in the cards, and you relished the way his cunning nature enabled your own aggressive tendencies. While in the end you were able to work with your lover to preserve Vesuvia, you still feel a little guilt for the way his words continue to provoke you.
He's not going to judge someone for their past. The way he sees it, you're working with what you've got, and you're doing a fine job. If you're a little aggressive about it, cool
No seriously, he's kind of a fan. He got to watch you kick a rude customer out of your shop once and he still lies awake at night fantasizing about it
Let out some of your aggression with him. Please.
On a less indulgent note, he knows what it's like to have tendencies he's not proud of
It was a little daunting to tell him that it had been tempting to take the Devil's side and not live with any more constraints, and that you still struggle with some guilt about it, but he listened closely
He understands the feeling of guilt for something he didn't do, but still wanted to. He's quick to tell you how he relates to you, and to remind you of the lesson you taught him to live looking forward
Speaking of looking forward, are you sure you want to stay at the shop forever? You're not that well suited to customer service
Just saying, you have the potential to make a fine pirate ...
They didn't know of your affiliation until it came time to re-teach you magic, and the strong link they saw scared them a little at first
To be clear - he wasn't scared of or disturbed by you. He just knew firsthand what the Devil could be like, and he worried what kind of harm that affiliation might cause to the person he loves so much
It was another reason for them to be so secretive about your abilities - they weren't just waiting for your mind to heal enough to hear about the past, they were waiting for you to be strong enough to navigate a connection like that
He watched you when it came time to bargain with and subsequently trap the Devil, and he is so, so proud of you
Your short temper, aggressive nature, and quickness to violence are a different matter entirely. Everyone has things they struggle to control, that's part of being a person
They've spent years teaching you not to be afraid of or upset by your tendencies
If anything, they love the chance to see you let loose for the right reason. You're stunning when you're in your element
You shake things up and she likes it
She's so used to maintaining total control of herself and biting back her immediate responses that your impulsive aggression is hugely refreshing
It's also a nice change when most of the people she interacts with prefer to hide their thoughts and actions as much as possible
Half the time you lose your patience and shout you just end up saying what she was already thinking
She's especially happy to find that you give as good as you get, and that the chances of her doing something you don't like without you letting her know is next to zero
She was able to perceive quite a bit of tension whenever you spoke to the Devil. She could tell how tempting it was for you to join him, and seeing your decision to resist only made her fall harder for you
As a result, she likes to challenge you to see your aggression as a gift instead of as a struggle
Have you considered some form of combat training? Fencing? Wrestling? You have a gift for violence, would you like to join her royal guard?
You shake things up and it's better for him than he'd like to admit
If you're too quick to escalate things, he's the type who doesn't escalate even when it would be the appropriate thing to do
It was hard for him to get along with you at first. You remind him a bit too much of Lucio with your quick temper and loud voice, but you have a good heart
He especially saw it when the two of you were training under Morga. He came to recognize courage in your ferocity, and started to question what made a good person a good person
Of course, he didn't appreciate it as much when he was a little too close to your sparring matches and they started to get more aggressive than necessary
He's also quick to help you re-frame your guilt around your connection - you don't think he's a bad person after what he did, why would he think you're bad for what you didn't do?
He does value peace and quiet though, so he usually suggests that you stay in charge of splitting wood and other more violent jobs, just so you have a regular outlet
You have a short temper? She has a short temper too!
You're quick to throw a punch? So is she!
You two do learn quickly that it's not the best idea to only egg each other on. It doesn't always go well when you keep throwing each other's impulse control out the window every time something happens
You'll eventually perfect the art of taking turns reeling each other in. Though sometimes you play rock-paper-scissors for the chance to demolish an especially annoying person
Being with her takes "partner in crime" to a whole new level
It's a good thing you have both Nadia and Julian willing to smooth things over with their negotiating skills if you both blow up at the same time
She never drew a connection between you and the Devil - you were too busy dealing with her Aunt Tasya
You did one day confess it to her when it was really getting to you
She doesn't think it's any bigger of a deal than you say it is. As far as she's concerned, you are you, and that's who she loves
Honestly, it's an ongoing struggle for him not to be jealous of you
You have the same tendencies he does. You have the same affiliation he does. You were even offered a deal without having to seek it out, and he knows for a fact that it was tempting
And yet, you chose to say no
At the same time, it's a whole lot easier to accept help from you because he knows it comes from someone who understands and chooses to love him anyways
He chooses to be inspired by you instead
And he adores your comfort level with combat. You want a fight? He is so down for a fight. Say the word and he'll drop everything for a match
Let's just say that it's a good thing you two are in the career path that you are in, because if you didn't both have the chance to let off steam for a good cause that often it would be a recipe for disaster
Some people get concerned because of how quick you two are to argue with each other, but it actually works pretty well because you both get where the other is coming from and are quick to forgive
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simper-maximus · 1 year
Courtiers Headcanons Yoo
Thoughts are flooding my head, here is me draining it out even though I have no experience in writing.
Now, warning: I only finished Lucio's route so these could contain inaccurate information. Since I basically know most of the story from memes. Oh well.
Today's topic is bodily functions and other slightly disgusting stuff. Enjoy.
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➼Overall there is a common headcanon (or maybe it's canon? don't remember) that the courtiers do not need to eat, and thus have no bodily functions overall.
➼In my opinion, while that is mostly true, it only is to an extent. They don't need to eat, but if they do, you better believe it has to come out too
➼With that being said, Volta, with all her eating, practically lives in the loo
➼The first month when she got to the palace and became the darling lil procurator we know, she was overjoyed by being fed whenever she felt like it
➼(Which is basically all the time because everyone though of her as some sickly victorian child wannabe) (And hey, gotta feed the workers)
➼And at first everyone though it was because her scrawny body was just getting used to the now normal food intake
➼But nah she just had no control over herself and would go full sneaky mode and eat five cow's worth of food a day whoops
➼So the cooks and even Nadia got concerned
➼Why is this precious baby always running to the bathroom?? Is the food contaminated? But everyone else is fine??
➼They took her to the head doctor, darling Valdemar to check for allergies because what if she is lactose intolerant? Or has gluten problems?? They can't risk losing their most accurate poison check worker
➼This obviously annoyed the other demon because damn it, WHY couldn't Volta just chill and at least TRY not to raise attention?
➼In the end Valdemar prescribed her some fake pills and got her her own bathroom. Problem solved, nobody is suspicious now
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➼Another headcanon I see often is that their shell of a body is fused with their clothes, basically making it part of the disguise
➼Yeah, no
➼They work with blood and other non solid waste that could stain their clothes
➼If those clothes were fused with their body it would make it sooo much harder to keep it clean
➼Not to mention anything could get stuck in that delicate fabric. Geting all up in the nooks and crannies
➼Good luck washing it out if that is the case. They'd have to throw their whole self in the washing machine
➼That being said they have a normal body under the uniform, and take daily showers even if they didn't get particularly dirty that day
➼They do however use those very old block soaps that makes your skin texture feel sticky in a way too clean sense. Either that or the strongest one they can find. Doesn't matter that it makes their skin dry as hell
➼That being said their skin is unbelievably dry all the time. Please put some lotion on them
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➼HOW are they always so sweaty
➼Maybe definitely that is the reason they are always so angry all the time
➼How can you thrive in an environment where your foes keep getting away because of your slippery body, huh??
➼Brings Vlastomil to shame
➼The Vesuvian temperature doesn't help one bit. Therefore this demon loves the winter, despite claiming to dislike it because "the colors don't go well with their outfits"
➼They definitely tried the "pads inside your clothes" lifehack to lessen the damage. Don't ask where the pads came from
➼Also those facial oil remover rolls? They got like four in each pocket
➼Weirdly cares a lot about skin care though, so they often brag that the oils are the cause of their baby soft skin
➼You could not find one (1) pore on this demon's face. And of course, everybody noticed that
➼They tried to profit off of this, and sold some wacky "skincare scrub cream" to the civillians. (For the purpose of buying some sick weapons with the cash of course) Didn't work. Had to wait for a whole generation to die off to escape the shame
➼So how does their makeup never get smeared? Don't ask an enby their secrets~~
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➼He, like Volta loves a good feast and always joins in whenever he can
➼However he hates when fish is served because it reminds him that worms are often used as bait to catch said fish
➼Glares at the palace aquarium as he walks by
➼He is probably the most normal one of the bunch
➼Doesn't have to deal with anything extreme
➼Good for him honestly
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Extra: Valerius
➼He is slowly starting to go bald but admits it to no one
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pandemoniclucio · 1 year
How do you think the courtiers would react to an MC who they’ve known for ages, like they grew up together and married young so they know almost everything about each other?
MC has known them before the devil came into the photo and they are very understanding of the courtiers more ‘questionable’ habits, hobbies and personalities.
(Sorry for the long ask but I saw a similar ask and thought it was intriguing, you don’t have to do vasimol if you don’t want too idm xxx)
The Arcana Courtier HC's #1
For this I'm just gonig with the assumption that the MC doesn't have a demon form or any implications to their immortality.
Don't ask me what you saw in them but let me just say they weren't as creepy as they are now. Maybe that's what drew you to them & caused your marriage to them.
You always knew that your partner had a taste for the more medical & somewhat morbid so you decided that you'd help them by using there skills to make a profit.
You were unsurprised that they eventually made a deal with the Devil, it made sense since they were hunugry to figure out all sorts of diseases.
When you reach Vesuvia after they get hired, you have to keep them & their experiments in check and make sure the doctors working under them don't see anything they shouldn't.
You both ended up in the realm of the Arcana after the Devil was defeated, but were contempt.
You two knew from a young age that you were in an arraged marriage, but that just made everything more convientient, cause you fell hard for this beatiful drunkard.
You both were happy that he got the job of Consul but you knew the moment Nadia went asleep that he was aiming higher than expected.
Politics was a tricky game, so knowing that Val is a bit of a selfish prick, you made sure that he & the other courtiers didn't completely fuck up Vesuvia.
He did consult you on his upcoming business venture with the Devil, you did warm him about the consequences but supproted him even if you were opposed.
When he was released from the Devil's magic, you've never been more relieved and happy but before you could admit any of that you did give him a scolding.
Somehow, centuries ago, you managed to snag the man's attention away from worms and marry him. Despite his love of worms, he has a deeper love for you.
Although he was a reknowned wormoligist, you were the one making sure that you had the coin to continue a life of some luxury. You were both happy either way.
You were sceptic when he told you about making a deal with the Devil. You supported him regardless, since it ment you no longer had to worry about other things anymore.
When the M7 saved the day and beat the Devil, he returned to his human form you were happy, since it ment the worm problem would die down.
Despite the fact that you were both poverty stricken and starved, you both managed to find some light in the darkness with each other and eloped.
The deal with the Devil was a double edged sword, you both got immortality and power but at the cost of Volta never being satisfied, but it got you both out of your terrible situation.
When you both reached Vesuvia, you actually convinved her to take thr job of sniffing out the foods for the plagye, this landed in her getting hired & you living a relatively good lifestyle.
When she was finallly released from the Devil's magic, you two finally enjoyed your dream wedding without any interuptions.
You must be either just as bad if not more war hungry than this crabby gremlin, or had some form of bloodlust in you that they admired enough to marry you let alone befriend. You two were like Ares & Aphrodite except human, and not causing any wars.
It was, honestly, a matter of time before your spouse decided to make a deal with the Devil. You were surprised that it did not happend sooner.
When you reached Vesuvia, you managed to convince Lucio & Nadia to hire your spouse as Ponifex.
As soon as the Devil was defeated you had to deal with a sad Vulgora since the violence has absolved whch was gine since they finally calmed the fuck down.
Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday & Marry Christmas. Enjoy your holidays.
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dracoqueen22 · 2 years
[The Arcana] Night Terrors
Valdemar had been smiling.
Julian slept in fitful bursts, riddled by fever shakes and body sweats and worse, nightmares. Rivers of blood, mountains of corpses, and teeth. Always the teeth. Always Valdemar’s smile as Vulgora held Julian down with impossibly strong hands, and Valdemar pried Julian’s mouth open, and shoved the clicking red beetle into his mouth, still alive, still twitching.
Julian woke gagging, stomach twisted in knots, echoes of the scrape of the beetle’s carapace across his tongue and down his throat. He’d swallowed because he’d had no choice. He’d fought back to no avail as Valdemar grinned at him.
“I’m under orders, you see,” they’d said as if they had no other choice when their smile showed their delight. “Count Lucio wants to see if you’ll be more successful now that your own life is on the line.”
“I’m doing the best I can!” Julian spluttered through chest-wracking coughs. He gagged, trying to vomit up the beetle, straining to rip himself free of Vulgora’s grip.
“Are you,” Valdemar asked, not a question, but a statement, still smiling, their eyes curious as they watched Julian writhe.
Vulgora laughed. “He certainly isn’t trying very hard right now.” They let him go, and Julian rolled away from them, onto hands and knees.
He gagged and coughed, but the beetle would not come up. His dinner and bile both splashed onto the dirty stones, but of the beetle, there was no sign.
“Good luck, doctor,” Valdemar said. “I look forward to your autopsy.” They sailed out of Julian’s prison, Vulgora on their heels, and the door clunked shut behind them.
The plague came for him soon enough.
Perhaps it was no less than he deserved. He’d let himself be distracted by Asra. He’d spent too much time resting, and not enough time working. If he were smarter or faster, he would have found the cure by now. If he was better, Asra’s apprentice would not have died.
The weight of his failure was heavy. His stomach tied itself in knots. He couldn’t eat, he barely slept, the fever raged through his body. The cough made it hard to focus. His hands shook, and his already illegible writing worsened.
He had to find the answer before the Plague consumed all of Vesuvia. If he did not help stop it here, the Plague would travel. What if it found its way to Nevivon? To Portia?
Julian could not bear to lose his sister.
Valdemar’s smile haunted him, and he thought, they enjoy this. They did not want to cure the Plague. Death was their preference, and every day, Valdemar stopped by his cell. They would peer into his office and ask,
“How are we feeling today, doctor? Still alive?”
Their voice crawled up his spine like the spindly legs of a spider. They left food Julian did not touch. His stomach churned. He swore the beetle lingered within him, crawling and scraping around, spreading its poison.
Nothing worked.
Herbs and powders and bleeding and leeches and poisons. He tried everything Nazali taught him. He invented new things, and still, the Plague persisted. The fever ate away at him, until he was but skin stretched across the bone, sweat-soaked and delirious.
Valdemar haunted his dreams. He slept fitfully, and woke in a fugue, once with them leaning over him, only to be disappointed that he still drew breath.
“Pity,” they said, and left.
“Where’s my cure?” Lucio squawked as he dropped by once, screeching in at Julian through the door. “Idiot!”
“If you hadn’t infected me, I might be able to work faster,” Julian snarled at him and he hated, hated, hated Lucio more with every cough, every tremble, every nightmare.
Valdemar smiled at him, and Lucio whined, and the Plague thundered through his body like a stampede. Julian scrubbed at his rheumy eyes, scratched at the veins bleeding red through his skin, and he thought of Portia.
He was going to fail her like he failed everyone else. He was going to die, and Valdemar was going to dissect him while smiling over his corpse.
Julian collapsed over his desk, certain this night was going to be his last, so when the dark-feathered being with a birdhead started speaking to him, he figured it might as well happen.
Valdemar haunted his dreams.
But the Hanged Man offered salvation, and Julian didn’t have anything left to lose.
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drustvar · 2 years
The Lion’s Path: 5.2 Unseelie
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A retelling of the Arcana Prologue featuring Rosie Springwald, a vindictive hedgewitch searching for herself. This was another chapter I  struggled with dialogue wise, so huge props to @honeyfixations​ for all the help! WC: 1585 The Countess all but lets a wild beast loose on the “beloved” court. 
“Hmm?” She looked over at Portia from where she’d flopped on her back in the bed of the wagon, lounging in the hay. 
“You’re going to be meeting the courtiers as soon as we reach the palace.” Rosie groaned, covering her face, making Portia laugh. “Wanna know who they are first?” 
“I s’pose that’d be helpful,” she said as she propped herself up on her elbow. 
“Well, there’s Procurator Volta, Praetor Vlastomil, Pontifex Vulgora,  Quaestor Valdemar, and Consul Valerius.”
“What’s with all the ‘P’ names? I always thought a court was filled with lords an’ ladies an’ barons an’ such.”
Portia shrugged. “There were probably more before the plague, but now they’re all that’s left. That’s why milady needs so much help. But anyway, don’t worry too much. Valerius is the most important one; milady minds him more than the rest. The others are a bit...eccentric. But I’m sure they’ll be kind to you.” Rosie grumbled and flopped back into the hay. Portia gave her shoulder an encouraging squeeze. “You’ll be just fine.”
When they returned to the Palace, Portia hurriedly escorted Rosie to a wing that smelled strongly of about a dozen different perfumes.
“Can’t we just say I got run over by a carriage during the announcement today? Just tell them all to go home,” Rosie asked, twisting the cord of her amulet.
“Rosie,” Portia laughed and squeezed her arm. “There’s no reason to be so nervous, these people can’t wait to meet you!” She gave her arm one last squeeze before opening the parlor door; music and cackling laughter drifted from within.
‘The feeling isn’t mutual,’ Rosie thought as she braced herself. The room was hazy, swimming with elegant plumes of smoke and soft light illuminating figures on couches. The Countess was seated at a grand pipe organ, the source of the music, paying no attention to the idle conversations around her.  She struck a victorious chord as Rosie entered, her eyes lighting up.
“Welcome, Rosie.” She nodded at her with an encouraging smile, turning the pages of her music. “Portia, please introduce our honored guest.”
“Announcing Rosie, friend of the Palace and apprentice to Asra the magician,” Rosie curtsied awkwardly as the courtiers rose from their seats. She scanned over them, stopping briefly over two; some old and instinctual fear briefly ran down her spine. Illustrations of unseelie faeries from the books in the shop briefly came to mind.
“You’re Rosie? Oh, oh you’re so cute!” Procurator Volta, a tiny woman who barely reached Rosie’s hip, said as she tugged excitedly on her sleeve.
“What a delightful surprise, we were all just talking about you!” Praetor Vlastomil, a ghastly thin and pale man, said enthusiastically as he shook her hand.
“Oh! Uh, only good things I hope!” Rosie said as she forced a polite smile, trying to mask her discomfort at the man’s sinewy, clammy hand firmly grasping hers..
“Sit! No, not with them, with ME, Rosie!” Pontifex Vulgora said as they yanked on her arm. The Court’s eager hands all but dragged her onto the couches with them and immediately into conversation. She could hardly keep pace, but it wasn’t like she had particularly much she wanted to say to any of them anyway. The Countess watched them all from where she played the pipe organ; Rosie found her watchful eye surprisingly comforting.
“Tell me, Rosie, how was the announcement perceived?” The Countess asked.
“One can only imagine! Even we, the favorites of the Countess, had no idea!”
“Such a delicious surprise from our dearest Countess! A Masquerade!” Volta said, her eyes dreamy.
“And we don’t even have to do the work!” Vulgora laughed as they snatched a tart from Volta’s small hands.
“How lucky Rosie would be, to get a word in with you all. Goodness,” The Countess said in a bemused voice as she turned the page of her music.
“Oh my worm - ahem, I mean word-, how lucky she already is! To be taken in by the Countess, an unknown apprentice!” Rosie and the Countess both arched an eyebrow at one another, but said nothing. Rosie pacified herself by delicately biting into a pastry, slipping one to Volta while Vulgora was distracted.
“Risky, risky. So very unlike our thoughtful and meticulous Countess.” Quaestor Valdemar, who had so far remained quiet, finally spoke. Their voice was soft and chilly, the enthusiasm of the other courtiers absent from their tone.
“Indeed, perhaps the Countess might inform her adoring court,” Consul Valerius drawled from his seat at the window, his eyes narrowed over his goblet. “How exactly she found herself at the witch’s door that night.” He looked down his nose at Rosie, and she struggled not to curl her lip back at him. Valerius spread his arms, wine sloshing wildly, as he turned to address the rest of the room. “Or perhaps, the witch might tell us herself?”
“Perhaps I might,” Rosie said through gritted teeth. The other courtiers swooped in, bombarding her with questions.
“Go on, tell us everything!” Vulgora said, jabbing the cushion with their gauntlet, inches away from Rosie’s knee.
“Yes, yes! We’ve only heard the gossippe. Did the Countess truly come to you in the dead of night, stumbling barefoot, tearing through the streets?”
“What? No, she just knocked on the door-”
“Please, my poor Countess, I must know if she was weeping!” Volta clung to Rosie’s arm, almost in tears herself.
“Not at all,” Rosie said, patting the smaller woman’s head. “She was as composed as ever. But the hour was late, ‘an she was…very insistent.” All but Valerius gathered in close as Rosie told of how she and the Countess met. When her story was finished, The Countess ended the music with an impressive, trilling note.
“If you all wanted so badly to know how that night transpired, you might have simply asked. My headaches had grown worse, and I was having some trouble sleeping-”
“As you have been for some time, Countess!”
“Yes, Procurator. On that night I woke, haunted by the specter of a dream, no escape for my mind. Indeed, I was...seeking someone, anyone, who may be of help to me. It was I who was lucky to come across the one I needed so soon. A benevolent universe brought us together, did it not, Rosie?”  The Countess’ gaze was fond, and the courtiers studied Rosie with a newfound intensity. Before she could respond; an airy, bored sigh from Valerius drew everyone’s attention.
“Countess, it pains us to know that you felt you must look elsewhere for a sympathetic ear. Should you deem us worthy of your trust, we are as open books to you.” He threw his arms wide with a flourish, and in doing so, dumped the contents of his glass onto Rosie. “Oh. How clumsy of me.”
Any intentions she had had to remain civil and refined in the company of the court burst into flames; Rosie leapt to her feet with a snarl, dragging Vlastomil and Volta up with her, as the two had still been hanging onto either of her arms.
“My  apologies,” Valerius said, stepping back and warily eyeing her clenched fists and the sparks that danced over her knuckles.
“Get him, Rosie!” Vulgora whooped, pumping their fist in the air as Rosie stalked towards the Consul, her teeth bared.
“Now, now I’m sure you have some hocus-pocus that could clean that up, don’t you?” “I don’t need magic to deal with you,” Rosie’s answer was more of a growl than spoken word, teeth audibly snapping.
“That is enough, Valerius.” The Countess rose, her red eyes murderous. “You have exhausted my patience for tonight-”
“Countess, might I educate the Consul in how the ‘common folk’ settle offenses without magic?” Rosie asked, cracking her knuckles as she took another step forward.
Valerius balked and took another step back. “Are you threatening me?”
“Enough.” The Countess’ voice was commanding; silencing everyone. “All of you, out.” Vulgora, looking extremely disappointed, gave Rosie one last clap on the shoulder before filing sheepishly out with the rest of the court. Rosie went to follow, but the Countess stopped her, resting a hand on her shoulder.
“Not you, Rosie.”
“Countess, I am so, so sorry. I-”
“You needn’t apologize. It is I, who am sorry.” The Countess looked Rosie’s soaked form up and down, her eyes remorseful. “We must rid you of these ruined clothes,” she said, glaring out the door the court left through. “Such pettiness.” The Countess paused, and lightly tucked a wet strand of hair behind Rosie’s ear. “But I have taken enough liberties with your wardrobe. So please, do not hesitate. Tell me what you would like. Spare no expense.”
Rosie flushed and looked away in embarrassment.  “Oh I...no, I dunnae need anything special. I’m not really the fancy sort.”
“Ah, as humble as ever. Very well, your comfort here is of great importance to me. But, perhaps you would allow me to gift you at least a few pieces similar to your existing wardrobe?”
“That...that would be just fine. Thank you.”
“It is my pleasure, Rosie. Now then,” The Countess folded her hands. “Portia will escort you to your chambers. You will be bathed and we will have these laundered and returned to you.”
“Thank you. Again, I’m really sorry-” The Countess waved her apology away.
“You mustn't apologize, Rosie. I forbid it.”
“O-oh. Okay.” Soft organ music followed Rosie and Portia out into the hallway as they departed, the halls eerily still.
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greyspirehollow · 2 days
Pairing : Procurator Volta x male!reader (if you really squint your eyes)
Fandom : The Arcana visual novel
Warnings : motherhood ; angst?
Summary : She had a bad feeling about her lover's next trip with Asra, and so, she asked him to give her a gift she could keep for as long as she lived.
(You can pretend this doesn't exist if you wish.)
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No one ever noticed. No one could've guessed. No one could've possibly fathomed something like this happening with Volta. There were hints, of course. But nobody had picked up on them. The Procurator had always eaten a lot, and so nothing was out of the ordinary. She had mood swings, however, but everyone thought it was because of the magician's apprentice's death. Tragic news, for nearly everyone ; even more so that the majority of the court knew he and Volta were particularly attached to each other, even though their relationship had never been made officially public. When Asra came back alone to the Palace, everyone knew what dreadful tales he had to tell, and afterwards, Volta locked herself in her room for roughly two days, crying her heart out at the loss of her beloved. The Countess and the rest of the courtiers then interpreted her changes in attitude as a response to grief ; even if not everyone was too displeased by it. Vulgora was even happy that she finally dared to get angry sometimes. But well. Again, no one could've possibly thought there was another reason behind her sudden affirmative demeanor.
It was a day like any other. The sun shone in the sky, birds chirped, the people in the streets passed and went to tend to their respective businesses, but in the Palace, in the quiet hours of the morning, no one knew that someone would be seeing the light of day for the first time.
Valdemar was simply walking down the corridors, with the intent of going to the dungeons for yet another productive day of experiments, when a distant noise stopped them in their tracks. Cries. Infant cries. They blinked, confused, and followed the noise to the room down the corridor : Volta's room. Their heart beat in confusion and anticipation as they pushed open the door, which was already slightly ajar. There, they found Volta, in a simple cotton night gown, holding something in her arms and panting, beads of sweat adorning her forehead. The Quaestor's jaw dropped as they finally figured the source of the noises : a newborn, right in Volta's arms. They stood in the doorway, perfectly immobile, for a hot minute, looking at the bloody bed sheets and again, the infant in Volta's arms. The Procurator noticed them : "ah, you couldn't come in at a better time" she said. Her gaze held a sort of determination and maturity that had probably been hidden for a long time. "Volta doesn't exactly... know what to do from here." she said, looking between the baby in her arms and Valdemar. The gears in the doctor's head started clicking restlessly, trying to overcome the initial shock to start helping the Procurator out. "ah- y-yes well-" they looked around frantically. They knew they had to react quickly. They walked into the corridor and called out : "PORTIA!!" a little louder than they would've wanted. But the servant, hearing them from nearly the other wing of the Palace, hurried to them "y-yes?? what is it??" she asked, before a flicker of confusion flashed in her eyes as she heard the newborn's cries. Valdemar didn't give her much time to think and started giving instruction : "Bring me a basin of warm water -the cleanest you can find- I also need fresh and clean towels, and I have a box of pocket tools in the library -the right shelf- and new bed sheets too, hurry!!" and with that, they went back into Volta's room. Portia, sensing the urgency of the situation, called out to other servants to help her gather what Valdemar had asked as quickly as possible.
Once she came back with the basin and the towels, Portia managed to catch a glimpse of the situation and she was just as shocked as the Quaestor earlier. Speaking of them, they snatched the basin from her hands, and then their eyes quickly flickered between Volta and the infant. Their bare hands were currently cleaner - they'd have to remove their gloves, which they did, throwing them on the other side of the room. Portia went to sit down next to Volta, trying to offer some support by gently rubbing her back and holding her hand as Valdemar took the baby from her -with... shocking delicacy- and made sure the umbilical chord wouldn't be an issue. They then carried the infant to the basin and careful rinsed them -again, with shocking delicacy and gentleness- as it continued to scream its lungs out. But that was normal. Reassuring, even. Then, they carefully laid it down on a towel next to the basin "let's see..." they mumbled, as they checked for the child's heartbeat, breathing, and overall health. Gods- it was small. They weren't used to handling babies... After the small checkup, they carefully and not too tightly wrapped it in a clean towel, giving back the small bundle to the Procurator "It's a boy. Hold him against the skin of your chest, he'll... Get used to you and your scent" they said, as Volta smiled and nodded, sitting back in her bed and carefully cradling the small being in her arms. Portia smiled "aww, he's adorable" she commented, to which Volta agreed. Now that that was done, Valdemar allowed themselves to stand a little to the side, and finally give in to their shock and disbelief. They looked at the ground, brows knitted together as they tried to process what exactly had just happened. Their arms laid limp at their side and they were still as a statue. It wasn't... a bad kind of shock, at least they thought it wasn't. It was just... Like, this... How... They blinked a few times, trying to regain their composure. They still had to monitor both Volta's and the child's condition just in case. But for now, they'd let Volta and Portia alone for a little, as they picked up their gloves again and muttered a little "I'll be back" before leaving the new mother and her child. Mother. That's what they couldn't possibly wrap their head around. Volta, a mom. That just sounded impossible. Maybe she was fit for the task, they didn't exactly know about that but... But this was actually happening. What... What had happened for her to just... ??? They knew they were missing some piece of information, and that didn't help their confusion and shock. They took a deep breath and went to wash their hands before putting their gloves back on. They hadn't realized they'd been walking to the Countess' office until she spoke up, surprised : "Yes? Do you need something, Quaestor?" They didn't answer right away. They weren't even looking at her. Nadia seemed to sense something was off. "You look troubled.." she said, her brows furrowing slightly. "...Maybe... You should come see for yourself." They replied, as they started to walk back to Volta's room. Confused, Nadia followed them.
She too found herself highly surprised when she came in the room and saw Volta holding her child. However, she seemed to take the situation well. She came up to the Procurator and congratulated her, as she joined the discussion with Portia. The Quaestor's mind was still... Blank, as they once again left the room, and instead leaned back against the wall of the corridor. That's when they heard -very recognizable- footsteps coming towards them, and it seemed to wake them up from their shocked state somewhat. They stood in front of the annoyed Pontifex, who said : "Where's Volta?? I've been looking around the Palace forever for her ! She's not in the kitchen, she's not in the gardens, she's not-" ; "She's resting." Valdemar interrupted them. Vulgora raised an eyebrow "Resting? From what?? She's not done anything particularly special in three days!" they protested. Valdemar sighed. "It's... I don't know how to explain it to you. But you must promise me that you won't shout, that you won't make any kind of harsh movements, and that you'll remove those gauntlets -they're too sharp-" Vulgora looked both confused and annoyed "What the fuck are you yapping about??" and the Quaestor had to hold back the urge to slap some sense into them. They didn't try to stop them when they walked past them into Volta's room : "Volta ! what the hell have you been-" the Pontifex interrupted themselves as they saw the three ladies in the room, but their confusion quickly turned to shock when they noticed the small bundle in Volta's arms. "ah, Vulgora." she commented. It was true, she looked quite tired. "...wh.... are y-...." the Pontifex's voice became nothing more than a strangled whisper "i-it's yours???" but it did convey their shock well enough. the Procurator nodded "it is." she looked back at the bundle in her arms, while Vulgora stood there in confusion and something like horror. "wh- WHO DID THIS TO YOU?? I SWEAR I'M GOING TO SPLATTER THEIR BRAINS ON TH-" they started to shout, earning angry and disapproving glances from Portia, Volta and the Countess when the baby made a little noise of discomfort. Volta spoke up, her expression softening into a smile : "it was Volta's idea. My choice. It's all okay, Vulgora, I promise..." the Pontifex was still in shock and had to go for a walk, leaving the room.
When the evening came around, everyone progressively started leaving the Procurator's room. The servants had changed the bedsheets and Nadia had a little crib put beside her bed to put the baby in. The moonlight peeked through the window, as Valdemar still stood in the room. They had... questions. But they'd wait until Volta woke up. For now, they looked into the little crib, contemplating this brand new individual born at the Palace. He was... Little. Minuscule. They'd forgotten how small humans start. They'd noticed how this one was a little smaller than the norm too -he wasn't even bigger than Volta's forearm-, but since there didn't seem to be any other underlying issue, they didn't have to worry more than that. So they observed, and listened : the baby's breathing, the air coming in and out of those tiny lungs, those eyes shut and those big round cheeks, and those hands, those minuscule hands. There was... A strange feeling in their chest. They were still utterly confused, yes, but somehow, this tiny little being stirred some sort of protective instinct in them. They quietly removed their right glove and gently nudged one of the baby's hand with the tip of their finger. The tiny appendage instinctively gripped them, with so very little force... That's also when they noticed Volta stir in her sleep, and she turned around : noticing them, she sat up in her bed and scooted closer to the crib, rubbing her eyes "Valdemar...? What are you doing here at this hour?" she whispered. "ah, I... Simply had a question" they replied. The Procurator nodded "what is it?". Valdemar hesitated, withdrawing their hand from the crib -reluctantly-. "Who is the father? If I may ask..." Volta sighed and looked down in the crib, and started gently caressing her son's warm cheek "The magician." She simply answered. "...Asra's apprentice?" Valdemar inquired, which Volta confirmed with a nod. Well, that was a little sad, considering said apprentice had not returned from his journey. "..I'm sorry." They simply said, while Volta continued : "...Volta knew, somehow. I felt it. I cannot... Explain how, or why, but... But Volta knew he wouldn't come back this time." tears welled up in her eyes "I couldn't bear the thought of loosing him and not... have anything left of him. So, Volta asked him for a gift." Valdemar looked down at the baby in the crib "..." The Procurator continued : "When Volta learned what had happened, I was very worried to have lost him. The baby, I mean. But he's here. And he's alright." She gave a faint smile while the Quaestor pondered what they'd just heard. So this child was a sort of... final proof of love from both of the parents. That... Was touching, actually. They wouldn't admit it of course. "...I am simply... Surprised you decided to take on such a task." she shook her head "I knew what I was doing. Volta didn't care if it was going to be complicated, my goal was to bring him into the world." she smiled, looking down at her son "..And I did it." Valdemar had to admit, they were somewhat impressed by this side of Volta. They never knew that she was capable of making such... Mature and emotional decisions. "Why didn't you ask any of us for help?" they inquired, to which Volta smiled "Volta simply wanted to do it by herself. This was my task. My decision. My mission..." They nodded, still letting all that sink in. Their eyes landed on the child again, and a thought occurred to them : "...Does that mean he's part demon?" Volta's head perked up, and worry briefly crossed her features "...maybe. Does that mean... the Devil..." Valdemar shrugged "I am not sure. We'll just have to keep a close eye on that." they paused, seeing the worry in the Procurator's eyes "...I can promise you, none of us will let anything happen to him." This was one of the most sincere and serious statements they'd made in a while. And they meant it. They hoped Volta knew that. Her expression gradually softened back to a slightly tired look, and she nodded "thank you."
After a little while of silent contemplation, Volta returned to sleep, and Valdemar, although they stayed beside the crib a little longer, knew they'd have to leave as well. They put their glove back on, and as quiet as a shadow, left the room, delicately closing the door behind them, leaving the new mother and her son rest.
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Author's note : I actually have a few little headcanons tied to this story,, so please let me know if you want to see them or not ! ; also sorry for Volta's speech, I'm still a little unfamiliar with that
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nicadilly · 4 years
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I stayed up until 4am to finish this and can no longer function
Val’s face was supposed to b like “i wish i could go back to my dungeon and do mean people things but instead i have to get my portrait done”
didnt work out 100% but ill take it
more of my MC - 🖤  🖤
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such-a-bitchh · 2 years
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Here's another request from velvetxx1, sorry it took me so much time sweetie 😭 But I still hope you'll enjoy!
M6 + Valerius reacting to MC being a demon
Story for like all of those-
-Nadia, Lucio + Valerius: someone tried to assasinate them
-Asra, Julian, Portia: fight with Vulgora (I'm so sorry darling)
-Muriel: demons atacking the forest
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You and Asra were having always the sweetest relationship, you were always helping them, being all adorable and shit
But now? You were standing in front of him, in your demon form
Vulgora laying in your feet
You propably looked like a kicked pupp
So guilty
You thought they're going to yell at you now
Run away, like everyone did
You didn't want to cry, but you were so close to it
Then Asra came up to you... and without words he just
Hugged you
Kissed you, and just were there
They weren't going anywhere and they told you this
"I'm not going"
Those 3 words were enough
But yet, no one ever said them to you
Even Faust came out of Asra's sleeve and squeezed you
At that moment you were sure, this is where you belong, in their arms, no one's else
You'll cherish him no matter what
We'll Faust too
She didn't run away either, did she?
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You saved her, so why does it hurt?
The looks on faces everyone around you
The whispers
It was too much, you turned back to yourself
They'll take out the torches won't they?
They tell you to go away, or worse
You looked at Nadia, she was... crying
She was what?
You don't see her cry often then why?
You hurt her didn't you?
You're disgusted, you knew that, you wanted to run
But she was faster to do something
She run up to you, you wanted to hide
But she kissed you
She KISSED you
Everyone went quiet when she turned away from you
"Anyone who will insult the love of my life will regret it later on."
"They're my savior, not an enemy. And anyone who will treat them like one, will be an enemy themselves."
Two short sentences not only shut everyone up, but also melted your heart
She didn't hate you
When she turned to you, you've spotted something in her eyes
The same things you've seen when you two met
And you knew then, she was the one
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When you turned back to Julian, Vulgora somewhere in the bacground, beetles spilling from their chest
You were expecting to see his face red from anger
But well, it was red, but... from something else
He was blushing covering his lover parts with his cape
You couldn't believe him
Well, he is indeed a one odd pea in the pot, but THAT MUCH?????
You've just beaten the shit oit of Vulgora and he's turned out
At this point you stopped counting his kinks
He would come up to you and hug you but, uh, well
"Darling! You look marvelous!"
"Julian, please"
That boy wreck, came up to you and kissed you
You started saying that you were scared he's going to run away and yell at you
Be angry
You were expecting anything
Just... not THAT
He was very awkward
But well, he loved you the way you are, and that's what counts
He then asked you whether you could turn to a demon in bed sometimes
You left
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The forest was okay, Muriel was too, Inanna, animals
It was all okay now
Because of you
But you felt guilty
Demons laying all around, and one of them in your hands
Unconcious, but not dead
You're not a killer, not anyomre
Muriel was, well... suprised
But also happy?
He was glad that he wouldn't need to worry about you so much
You weren't looking so fraigle anymore
So even if he's not doing cuddles
He made and exception
He weren't scared anyomre he'll break you
And Inanna was so excited
He was jumping all around you, barking
You needed to ask-
"You're not scared?"
"You're not scary"
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She was BOUNCIN'
So excited
After seeing Vulgora unconcious she literally came up to them and kicked them in the butt
You laughed, you wasn't supposed to
You needed to feel guilty, be sad, angry
But Portia... made it so hard
She run to you and jumped up to hang herfself on your shoulders
You did size up in your demon form
Pepi came up to you and just started peeping jumping around you
She knew that it's you
She felt it
Portia did too
That's why she wasn't scared
"You look hot in your demon form you know?"
Of course
That's your Portia
Ever since then she sometimes asks you to size up to pass her thing from higher shelves
You're more than glad to do it
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Everyone around you except for him was not as much
When he noticed you turning you head all around and being so insecure
"All of you! Clap or I'll cut all of your heads. One bad word, and it'll be your last one!"
Everyone started clapping
It was visibly forced, but... nice
Coming uo to you he hugged you with all his might
You were suprised that he's not running away
You thought you looked bad but well
For him you're hot
It's normal for him at this point
But he knows how to comfort you
In his... specific way
+ Valerius
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He was indeed suprised
The way he almost spilled his wine said it all
His face kinda looked like disgust at the beggining
But when a guard pointed a spear at you
You turned back to your human form
Valerius was so angry
You clearly didn't expect him to come between youa nd the guard
But he did it
"Try to touch them and I won't hesitate to do something, I wouldn't do If it wasn't for them"
You literally don't know what he ment
But it was... cute
He then turned to you
He didn'thug you, but he gave you HIS wine
You know he don't like to show affection around others
So you were happy
You drank all the wine in one hug gulp
"Oh stop with that idiotic grin, I don't like it"
He loves it
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arsenicxarcana · 3 years
not shaming anyone or anything but i’m curious
why is it fanon convention valdemar and vulgora have hair under their stupid hats?
is it because they used to be human (allegedly)? did they say anything about it in any of the routes (doubtful bc devs don’t care)? is it bc of cosplayers/tiktokers? popular artist started doing it so everyone does it? you just like it like that (tm)?
i mean i came from a non-human fandom (and generally have a distaste for helmeted/faceless characters getting humanoid faceclaims which is probably related, put the hats back)
so i just looked at these fuckers and went “yeah those are probably their actual head shapes” and went about my business
help me out here, give me your fave HC’s
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fanfic-about-fictif · 3 years
11 with Julian? My heart craves for some hurt/comfort 👁🕳👁 It would be fun to see it from the MC getting revenge...
Since Julian sucks at fighting
no shade Julian but I not letting you die ✨again✨
List of prompts -> things fictional couples do that makes me lose my mind + writing prompts 
11. when one of them is hurt by the antagonist… and their lover goes… absolutely ballistic and does everything in their power to get to the person they love, to the point in which the antagonist and it’s crew have to physically restrain them… and it still doesn’t stop them… they jsut keep kicking… doesn’t matter what happens to them… doesn’t matter if they get beaten in the process… as long as their lover is safe…
Even before the lift stopped, she was already grabbing the doors and basically tearing them off its hinges, desperate to get to Julian faster. She was in the dungeons, frantically searching for Julian, calling after him with tears in her eyes.
What if she’s already too late?
When she came in the main room, she spotted Valdemar. She went after him without hesitation, her teeth gritting from anger when she saw them. Julian was strapped to a vivisection table, laying there motionless. She hoped he was only unconscious. Valdemar managed to turn around right as she came up to them, pushing them forcefully away from Julian.
They shrieked, falling down and dropping a few creepy-looking medical utensils in the process.
“You fool! What are you doing?!” Valdemar screeched. “Vulgora! Volta! Help me!”
She glared at them, fists clenching by her side. “You’re going to regret ever laying a hand on him.”
Just as she was about to pounce on them, she felt hands grabbing her from each side. Startled, she kicked around to free herself, elbowing Volta in the stomach. In turn, Volta squealed in pain and dropped on the floor.
“You rat! I will put you under control!” Vulgora threatened, gripping her arms tightly.
With all her strength and bodyweight, she smashed down on Vulgora’s foot, eliciting a painful bellow. It was enough to release herself from their grip. Without much thought, she spotted a silver medical tray on one table beside her and grabbed it. As Vulgora partially recovered and growled at them, ready to attack, she braced herself. With a warrior yell, Vulgora charged at her. Instead of using the tray as a kind of shield, she used it to smack Vulgora across their face as hard as she could. The sound the tray made when it collided with their head sounded like something out of cartoons, but it was enough to put Vulgora out. Upon seeing them fall on the filthy floor, Volta quickly scattered away, running out of the room.
But, the battle wasn’t done yet.
Just as she was about to check on Julian and release him from the bounds that were keeping him tied, Quaestor Valdemar appeared in front of her, putting a scalpel against her neck. Her hands went up instinctively and Valdemar smirked.
“You thought that you could just march in here and take away what’s mine?” Valdemar laughed maniacally, pressing the scalpel against her skin. “This is wonderful, actually! You’ll be next in line for my experiments.”
She gulped, slowly walking away, trying to create space between her and the crazy doctor.
It was as if the fate smiled on her, because right at that moment Julian groaned, distracting both Valdemar and her. Still, she managed to use this opportunity to her advantage, grabbing Valdemar’s wrist. She struggled to take the scalpel away, turning her back at Valdemar and only gripping and hitting their hand which was holding the scalpel. She was stronger, and able to make them drop the scalpel on the ground, before turning around with enough force to punch them. Valdemar took a few steps back from the impact, clutching their nose.
She hastily took the scalpel from the ground and pointed it up at them.
“I’m gonna make sure you never hurt him.”, she concluded firmly, glaring at them.
Julian weakly called out her name, but she didn’t turn around to look at him. She slowly made her way to him, still keeping an eye on Valdemar, who looked like someone who was kicked to the curb after someone told him some really bad news.
She came to the table, cutting Julian’s binds with the scalpel, releasing his hands first and then his legs.
“You want to try fighting us both?” she challenged, holding her scalpel pointed straight at Valdemar again.
Even with Julian, who was disoriented and weak, it was clear that they couldn’t overcome both of them together.
“This is not over!” Valdemar dramatically proclaimed, storming out.
She could finally focus on Julian, who was sitting on the side of the table now, rubbing at his wrists and blinking from the bright light standing above the table. She cupped his face, looking at him with concern.
“Are you okay?” she asked softly, caressing his skin. “I’m gonna get you out of here. We’re gonna make you feel better. We need to find Nadia and Asra and then-”
Julian interrupted her by saying her name. He smiled brightly, although it was apparent he was extremely exhausted and in pain. Then he stepped down from the table and enveloped her into a bone-crushing hug.
“I knew you were coming. I knew you would save me.”, Julian breathed out, his whole body relaxing when pressed against hers.
“Always, Julian.”, she assured him. “I’m always going to be by your side. As long as you want me to.”
“I love you.”, he told her, kissing her impatiently, like he was waiting for her kiss for centuries.
She responded with the same vigour, kissing him with passion, and feeling immense relief.
Julian was trembling now and she wasn’t sure why exactly. But, she needed to get him to a real doctor, as fast as possible.
“Let’s get out of this terrible place.”, she whispered, putting an arm around his middle.
She guided Julian’s arm around her shoulders, for support, so he could lean on her while walking. He was tall and too heavy for her to carry him, but they will manage this way.
“You really kicked their asses, didn’t you?” Julian was smiling, feeling dazed and confused, but still proud and relieved as hell.
“You should’ve seen me in action.”, she joked. “I reckon I could take you down as well.”
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arcana-simp · 3 years
How do you think the counters would react to MC being incredibly beautiful and super flirty but shes never been in a relationship where the other actually loved her for her and she kinda thinks that they (the courtiers) are only dating her because she's pretty? (I'm sorry if this ask is a bit long) also I really like your blog, you're a very talented person xx
Finds it crazy that people have only dated you for your your looks before
She thinks you're so wonderful and honesty didn't pay attention to your looks at first (mainly cuz she was more focused on her food but I digress)
Obviously she thinks you're the most beautiful person she's ever met she wont deny that
But that's not the reason she's dating you
Likes to compliment you on pretty much everything except your looks to help you feel better
She really loves that you're a good cook, and that you always look out for her
She finds it fun that you're so flirty with her even in public because she's very shy but lives pda
When they first meet you they actually thought that you would be weak because of your appearance
But the first time you fought them that's when they fell in love with you
They like that you're pretty, but much prefer your spirit and determination than your appearance
Kinda angry when they heard others only dated you for your appearance
Never tell them your exes names or they will mysteriously go missing for no reason to do with vulgora though, absolutely nothing to do with them
H u h
They really don't care about appearances
Like a t  a l l
They think its a stupid thing to only want to be with someone because for their appearance
They do find it a little hard to believe you think that, because appearance was never on their mind when it came to a partner
Really offended that you think he'd be so shallow to date you only for your looks
Says that if he wanted to date someone for their looks he could date anyone
He wanted to be with you because of how you handle yourself and how you take care of him when he drinks a little too much
Ya know not the most delicate way of putting it but he got the point across
However he does like that you're pretty it makes him feel like he's special for being the one you chose to be with
Will deny it but when he first met you he was interested because of your appearance
(Ok don't kill me, he likes status and beauty counts as status in his eyes)
But after you told him how you felt he was only dating you for your appearance he felt so ashamed that it was why he was first into you
Reassured you that that isn't why he was dating you *now*
Came up to you the next day with a list of reasons why he loves you and why he's not dating you for your appearance
Also ty you're very sweet xx
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bottomvalerius · 3 years
Garnet Core and Sapphire Depths for Sam, Donna, and Damien. - vesuvian-disaster
for the Stonework Headcanon Asks 💎
these got long cause idk how not to speak BUT thank you for asking @vesuvian-disaster 🥺🥺
Garnet Core: What sorts of things would they be willing to do for friends? For family? For their significant other(s)?
Donna is very much a classic MC in that they would do anything for their close friends and their bonds run very deep. The same can be said for Valerius too, obviously, and that’s also where they can get into trouble lol A big thing they need to learn is not valuing others over their own well-being and not burning themself out on both ends for the sake of protecting or helping their loved ones.
For their biological family, Donna feels like they’re simply too much of a burden for their aunt, and we can really see how toxic their “I’ll do anything to make my loved ones happy” come into play with her: Donna leaves and cuts contact because they think it’s what she wants from them and what is most helpful; it’s very painful for them, but they think it’s only fair that they leave. However, their aunt doesn’t think that at all, and she wasn’t fully given a chance to really tell them that.
Sam is kinda in direct opposition to Donna; he has few friends he would risk many things for as protecting himself and his lifestyle is his priority. There are a few current partners he has that he is willing to stick his neck out for a little (some way more than others hehe), but nothing that is overly risky. I think the most he has ever risked anything for, including his life, was his patron Mara, and she would do the same for him honestly.
Sam’s family is…… messy, and he again directly mirrors and also opposes Donna in the sense that he left his family for his own sake. The only thing he attempts to do for them now is assist monetarily when they let him, but there’s very little affection there. I do think if something major came up and they really needed him physically there, though, he would break and come back.
Damien is really only loyal to Donna and Valerius and the courtiers; those are his warped, broken family LMAO Amara (I should probably change her name cause it’s too much like Mara which is confusing LMFAO) and Antony are some of the only two people he also feels loyal to, and even then, I don’t think he would risk it all for them like he would for his family. Everyone else is basically disposable to him, and he only helps those that he can benefit from at the end of the day. For family though, he would do anything, specifically Valdemar.
the other is undercut for length!
Sapphire Depths: Do they prefer to think ahead or to leap right in and wing things?
For the most part, Donna likes having a clear plan and expectations set for themself, particularly while as a scribe and definitely when recovering post-revival. It gives them a sense of control in situations they otherwise don’t have that much control in. However, their passion (or anger LOL) can get ahead of them and they do just…… blindly go into things guns blazing (which works for them id say hmmmm 75% of the time LMAO)
When Sam was younger, he was very meticulous about plans and plotting his next moves because he needed to. Now, however, he really just doesn’t care LMAO He does whatever he pleases when it calls to him; that’s partially why he even went back to Vesuvia: he heard Lucio would be a good time, so he came back to pursue him, regardless of the mess that could have come up (Even without factoring in Donna as he has no idea they’d even be in the court, the current duke of the pearl isles sleeping with a Prakran princess’s husband? Not the smartest idea LMAO)
Damien thinks he’s very calculative, and he is for his long term goals, but when it comes to his day to day? Very little forethought, all action LMAO He definitely gets it from both Donna and Vulgora; if he’s passionate about something (be it positive passion or anger), he’s diving head first in. He also has a tendency to do whatever will be the most fun/pleasurable for himself and has little regard for the consequences or how it can make people feel.
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
Shadows in Paradise
Spoilers for Asra's reversed ending and just general spoilers for the arcana and his lore
Prompt:Asra and MC has forgotten but the ghost has not.
The "they" refers to a gender neutral mc
"Asra, I think there's someone here" they called out to Asra. They haven't had anyone come by before, it was always Faust and Asra and them yet there was a figure standing in the far distant. They were wary and rather confused. But then again nothing here could hurt them. So they were safe. Right?
Asra hummed and came out of their little home to see. His eyes widen at the figure. Their figure was distorted yet they had some distinctive features that made Asra shudder.
Their eyes were red and their skin a ghostly white. Too white. They walked over calmly yet each step seem to make Asra's gate quake underneath it.
"Stand back" Asra said to his lover urgently yet something about this stranger was familiar. Their aura albeit twisted by something seemed so familiar, so nostalgic, so frightening.
The creature came into view and spoke in his lover's tone "Did you really forget already? The renowned Magician already forgetting his roots? Let me put you in your place shall I?" Their tone was sweet. Sickeningly sweet and the face was his love's but no. No something was not right. Before Asra could even react his whole world was plunged into darkness. He couldn't feel Faust wrapped around him and he couldn't feel himself holding his lover's hand just seconds ago.
He was overwhelmed by grief and sorrow and so so much regret. Kneeling in the ash covered sand as he looked in utter horror at the pieces of bone and ash. The faint aura of his love still there but barely. They were dead. His love was dead and it was all his fault. His scream died in his throat as his tears mixed with the sand.
"Wait how did I get here?" His thoughts were cut off by an insistent voice in his head. Maybe it was his intuition or if it wasn't he couldn't tell. "Look. Look. Look. Remember"
"Remember what?"
Darkness seized him and he was back at a familiar looking home. The smell of tea in the air as he waited by the door. Siting down and waiting, waiting, waiting. He was hungry by the time it was night. His parents had yet to return so he decided to make his own food. Making a sandwich and tea before going back to waiting. He waited a few days before realising his parents weren't returning. He was confused and lost at first before the food ran out. Once he did he packed up everything important and left. He couldn't believe it, his parents were missing , leaving their only child to fend for himself. He desperately hoped it was a dream. That he would wake up. "Wake up" that voice nagged again
The next time when he came to it seemed easier. To observe and experience what was going on. He was by the docks. There was a child not much older than him in his little sanctuary where he kept stuff from his home. It was past midnight but they could not sleep at any costs. Their stuff had been stolen the other night and they had lost some food. It wasn't safe. They were not safe, they had no home. Asra felt tears well up but wiped them away before Muriel.......Muriel..... "How did your forget him?" That voiced asked and before he could respond it was gone again
"Do we have a deal?" The demonic goat with the wide evil grin asked. Asra shook his outstretched hand and nodded "Yes. Whatever it takes to bring them back" and then the pain started. Bright white shooting pain that bloomed in his chest and knocked the breath out of him. If he wasn't holding onto the devil's hand he would be falling to his knees. A scream was ripped from him as the deal was sealed. There was something glowing in the Devil's chains and he knew what it was. Part of his soul. Asra panted, his vision swimming but the Devil was pleased. "Pleasure doing business with you, Asra. They will be returned to you" he said simply and something warm was handed to him. A warm and familiar presence in his palm. He felt the familiar feeling washed over him, welcome it as tears well up in his eyes. He was finally reunited, reunited with his love.
Darkness and then warmth once again. A warm hug he shared with three people. One was his love and the other two.......His parents. He was sharing a hug with his parents and his love. There were tears again, but good ones. Emotional ones. He was happy to be reunited. With......Salim and Aisha.
He sitting on a lush bed, braiding a woman's hair back into two lines. The woman with pink and blue hair huffed as she ranted on and on about her family. And there was a pale man on his side. The man laid on his back with red hair in his eye. Making a joke that Asra rolled his eyes at. He gave a snarky comment in return to Ilya. And the woman is Nadia, Countess of Vesuvia. And they were in a sleepover at her room.
He was arguing. "Leave. Leave with me. Please it's not safe" he pleaded but the person. His true lover, the one who he had forgotten. They didn't budge. "I need to stay,Asra. I need to help the people here overcome the plague. Vesuvia is my home. Running isn't an option" they said softly and looked to him. "I'm not coming with you" they turned away from him and he said "Suit yourself then. Just don't regret it" then he left. He left and didn't turn back. Didn't come back until it was too late. He lost them.
He was by a stream. Focusing hard on his magic in front of someone much older and wiser. His teacher. His mentor. The magician. The fox smiled at Asra as he managed to make the water into the vague shape of the said Arcana. "Water is a gateway to anywhere you want to go. As long as there's water you can travel in between and across" the magician said and he tilted his head "what does that mean?" The magician merely smiled knowingly.
The red dining room. The smell of the wine burning in his throat as he watched his lover get surrounded by the Valdemar, Vulgora and Vlastomil. "Get away from them!" Asra yelled but drank all the same. His limbs moved like he was a puppet as he passed the chalice. His lover taking the deal, leaving everyone behind. Leaving Vesuvia behind. The wrong choice. He could see now. His lover made the wrong choice.
Then the darkness faded and he was back at his....no not his. His oasis was filled with pools of water not sand. He looked up at the figure. "You...." His lover. The one he met nine years ago. They had a bitter expression but a hint of fondness behind it. And maybe relief as well. "Don't forget" they said simply and asked "who are you?" It was a test and Asra knew that.
"I am Asra Alnazar. Child of Aisha and Salim. They were taken from me when I was a child so I left home to live on the docks with Muriel. The Magician thought me magic. I met you nine years ago. You died three years ago to the plague but I brought you back at the cost of part of my soul....so how are you here?" He asked the figure who merely said "it's not relevant. Continue" Asra blinked and continued "I was reunited with my parents and we saved them from their own gate. My lover made a deal with the devil for us to be sent to my Oasis as long as they finished the ritual. I am a Magician, a friend of Muriel, Nadia and Julian. A child of Aisha and Salim. A lover to you and...the one I brought back to life" he looked them in the eye. "This is the real you isn't it? The one with your real memories." The pale ghost nodded. "I am nothing more but memories" they sighed before saying "the world is chaos. That's how I managed to come here. You and the one you brought back can change everything yet you stay here. Pretending everything is okay." They scoffed at him. Looking unimpressed and a tad disgusted "I thought you wouldn't succumb. Wouldn't fall for this. And yet you did. Because everything that matters to you is here, isn't it?" Taunting. They were taunting him but he smiled at them. "And it isn't. Not everything that matters is here" the figure gave him a nod. They turned away and Asra said before the figure vanished
"I miss you"
He swore he heard "me too" before the figure vanished and he awoke on the ground. Looking up at his lover and Faust's concerned face. "You fainted when that ghost appeared. You scared me so much, Asra. Are you okay?" They asked in concern but Asra's wide bright smile surprised them.
"I have never felt better" he got up and placed both hands on the ground. Focusing on his magic. The oasis refused. The water bubbling up was dark purple but he pushed and the pure blue water that he was so familiar came bubbling up to the surface. He pushed some more and watched as it surrounded his "home" it was a large vast sea. He stood up and took his lover's hand. "Let's go home" he said and leapt in. To the chaos waiting. To the ones that matter waiting.
How could he forget them?
I enjoyed writing this. I had it in the back of my mind ever since I learned about the reversed ending. What if MC's ghost brought Asra to his sense? I'm sure they are other ways Asra can become lucid but I also like to write angst. And reliving the worst moments of your life is probably the fastest wake up call you can get.
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kalesklok · 4 years
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So I did a little Arcana/Pokemon mash up. Couldn’t help myself, the idea came to me so I just had to make it.
Anyways, Trainer Julian with a Honchkrow and Aromatisse. Honchkrow is the best representation I could find for Malak. I was torn between that and Corviknight, but I think a dark type is more suitable. And Aromatisse is a Pokemon known for its eerie Plague Doctor masked face. It also has the healer hidden ability, so I thought this Pokemon was fitting for Julian. Also I’m sure he’s got tiny Gorebyss bottled up in his coat. They’re not leeches, but they are blood suckers.
I’ve also got ideas so far for Asra, Lucio, Vulgora, Volta, and Valdemar. There’s lots of projects and commissions I’ve gotta finish before I do more, but I plan on doing them.
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eveningcatcher · 4 years
Courtiers when MC goes on a long trip
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 “So, I’m off to travel,” MC stated once again as they took their bags off the floor, walking to the carriage.
“Did you pack enough food?” Volta asked as they tried to put in a sandwich in Mc’s bag.
“I did Volta,” MC reassured them, “We’ve packed it together, remember?”
“But, but,” Volta looked at them in disbelief, “That can’t be all you’re taking, right, right?”
“Trust me, it’s enough,” they reassured her as they gave her a quick peck on the lips, “Will you be fine without me around?”
“Oh, of course!” Volta smiled as she hugged MC one last time, “Volta has been alone for so long, she’ll be fine!”
“Alright,” MC returned the hug as they let their hand pet Volta’s hair one last time,” I’ll send you letters.”
“Oh, please do,” she said with a smile, “Take care!”
Once MC was out of sight Volta let out a sigh and went back to her estate. Happily, she started eating her food as if nothing happened. It was only the next week when she didn’t find MC that she started to panic. Oh, they’re gone, right. When did they say they’ll return? Two months, right. That’s no big deal to her. She is 100 years old! She can survive a few months…
“Um, sir,” one of the servants said as they carried an envelope, “You have a letter.”
“From whom?” she asked, curious. Does Nadia want to hold another meeting?
“MC, si-” as soon as he said MC’s name Volta jumped at him, snatching the envelope. With her tiny hands, she tried her best to open it but to no avail. Frustrated, she tore the envelope, taking out a parchment of paper.
My dearest Volta,
 After a whole week of being bored to death, I finally got to Nevivon. Unfortunately, I haven’t visited any interesting place, so I have nothing to write about.
             I truly wish that you could write me a letter telling me about how you’ve been, but I have no clue where I might end up by the time you receive this letter.
 Take care,
 Volta reread the letter a couple of times, wishing she was with MC, but oh well, it can’t be helped. The most important thing is that they are safe and sound now. Feeling the warmth from MC’s kind words fill her heart, she put the letter on her desk and went to have dinner, thinking about MC the whole time. As she finished her 4th dinner she started to worry. MC never said if they had enough food. What if they’re hungry? Oh, poor little MC… she can’t do anything for them. The whole night was spent with zero sleep, Volta just couldn’t rest at the thought of MC being hungry.
Worry was eating her out, clouding her mind, not being able to do anything but think about the worst scenarios that could happen to MC. Frantically, she walked through her mansion, falling over many of her antiques that were collecting dust. As she stared at her scratched wrist, she started to panic more. If a demon like her could get hurt in the comfort of her home then who knows what could happen to MC! She bit her nails from stress until she felt the blood run down her fingers.
Just before she was about to ask for help, the servant came by and, with clear worry, helped poor Volta with the wounds. After he was done with bandaging the arm, he pulled out an envelope from his pocket, helping Volta open it. He put down the piece of paper on her lap and left the room.
She quickly took the paper, then immediately stopped from the pain on her fingertips. After taking a deep breath, she read the letter. There wasn’t anything that could interest Volta, MC talked about the beaches, different people they met as well as the food they tried. Food! So, they are eating well. Volta let out a loud sigh, happy that none of her worries was true.
Happy with the letter, she went downstairs, eating the food she didn’t eat this morning, knowing that everything is fine. MC is doing great and, by the looks of it, Volta will get their letters daily.
The next day passed and the sky has already started to darken. Volta didn’t receive any letters from MC that day. She bit on the bandages in worry. What happened? She would have pondered on the topic a bit more, had Vulgora not entered the room.
“Tiny one, what are you doing in here?!?” they asked, as they picked tiny Volta up, “You’re late and Nadia’s fucking pissed!” they mumbled as they left Volta’s mansion with her on their shoulder like some sort of bag.
Not much time has passed and the two of them were sitting in one of Nadia’s meetings with Volta barely visible behind the food. Much to everyone’s surprise, she didn’t take a bite.
After a while, Nadia asked, “Dear Volta, is something the matter?”
As soon as she heard Nadia’s gentle words, Volta didn’t know what to do other than crying. Through sobs and shaky breaths, she confessed about all of her worries for MC. Valdemar and Valerius rolled their eyes, not giving a damn about Volta’s feelings while Vlastomil listened carefully, knowing that this will be a great topic to gossip about. Vulgora, on the other hand, was just annoyed.
“Just grow some balls, Volta.”
“But, but,” she said through sobs, “What if MC died?” just the thought of it made her cry even more.
“I can assure you they’re alive,” Valdemar simply stated, hoping that Volta will calm down soon.
“How can I know if you’re lying?” she asked bitterly as she stared at the courtiers, “All you ever do is lie to me and throw me around. I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!” she shouted as she left the court meeting making everyone feel uncomfortable.
Vulgora stared at tiny Volta leave feeling only pity for her. Sure, they are a cold-blooded soldier, but Volta is like a child to them and out of all of the courtiers she is the most bearable one. They didn’t want to ruin their reputation by comforting tiny Volta, but they also didn’t want to see her cry. Then, it hit them. They won’t fix this, MC will!
 On the other side of the sea, MC was taking a walk in an abandoned street, feeling a bit uneasy. Once they felt someone throw them over their shoulder, they started screaming and punching for their dear life.
“Calm down pipsqueak!” Vulgora shouted, “I’m just bringing you back to Vesuvia.”
“What?”MC said as they calmed down a bit. They didn’t even hear Vulgora coming,” But… how? Why?” they kept on asking.
“Because tiny Volta is crying like a baby and I’m sick of it! So you’re coming with me to fix that!”
“But why did you come all the way here? Couldn’t you just comfort Volta on your own?” MC asked, still not understanding a thing going on.
“Stop asking unnecessary questions!��� they shouted, “Just do your thing and make her stop crying!”
Mc nodded, going back to their dearest Volta.
In Vesuvia, Volta was lamenting in her misery, not even wanting to talk with Nadia. She still bit onto her bandages, making her fingertips bleed once more. She wished so badly that MC could be there with her, but she knew that won't happen anytime soon. She started crying once more, secretly being surprised at how much she was capable of crying. Just when she was about to stop her session, MC gave them a huge hug.
"Sh, Volta," MC said as they kissed her forehead, "Everything will be fine."
"MC," she said through her sobs, hugging them as tightly as she could, "Oh, you've finally returned! Volta was so, so worried. Please don't leave her like that ever again!"
MC smiled as they watched Vulgora happily leaving the two of them alone, "Alright, next time, I'm bringing you with me."
"Promise?" she asked, her eyes getting glossy from tears of joy.
 “Vlasty, don’t you think you’ve forgotten something?” MC asked as they stood in front of the doors of his living room.
He stared at MC for a moment, thinking about that statement, “No, why?”
“I’m travelling today.” They simply stated, a bit disappointed that he forgot about it.
“WHAT? Aren’t you supposed to go next week?” he stared at them. He was so busy taking care of the worms, especially the pregnant ones that he completely forgot.
“No, it’s today. I have to leave soon.”
“No, no,” he tried to quickly come up with an excuse to make them stay a bit longer,” But you didn’t say bye to the worms…”
“I know,” MC said, thinking about how they’d rather not do that, “But I have no time to say goodbye to all of them. Do you want to go with me to the docks?”
He quickly picked up Wriggler and left with MC to the docks. The two of them got there just in time before the ship sailed off. Vlastomil stayed on the docks far longer than he should, almost as if he was waiting for the ship to return. Who knows how much longer he would have stayed there had Wriggler not started to get nervous around so many unknown people.
Once he got back to his mansion he noticed that something was missing. Yes, his many children were there with him but the mansion still felt empty and cold. Vlastomil wished he could have properly said goodbye to MC. But nothing can be done now. He brushed off that miserable feeling and went back to taking care of the worms.
Days passed by and the feeling of needing something that was just out of his grasp didn’t go away. Not even the labour of one of his worms made him feel better. He hated this feeling. He is a demon and yet, he had to go through the feeling process. Of course, he did feel something for MC and he knew that it was love, but he hated all of these miserable feelings. It made him feel small and helpless and he hated that.
The next day he couldn’t run away from his job as a Praetor anymore so he had to drag himself to the Colosseum to attend the trial. Anything that both the prosecution and defence said seemed to go through one then the other ear. Valstomil just didn’t give a damn about that person. He didn’t like the way the person looked at him.
“I have made my decision,” he abruptly said, “You are… guilty! Oh yes, very guilty indeed.”
“But your honour,” the defence started talking, “It’s obvious that…”
“How dare you question my decision!” Vlastomil said, getting offended more and more.
It seemed that was enough to make everyone shut up with a few mutterings of apologies from the defence. Once the whole ordeal was done, Valerius approached him, “Praetor, what is the meaning of all of this?”
“What do you mean by that?” Praetor asked, playing dumb, “I’ve just said my verdict. That’s what judges do, right?”
Valerius stared at him in disbelief, wanting to say something, but deciding not to. He let Vlastomil get off the hook this time, but if something like this were to repeat, there would be consequences.
And so it repeated. Each time Vlastomil got tipsier and tipsier, declaring everyone guilty and demanding that the ‘guilty’ gets hanged. Valerius decided that enough was enough and, no matter how terrifying Vlastomil seemed at the moment, someone must stop him.
“Praetor, don’t you think there was enough hanged for this month?” Valerius asked after one of the trials where another person was, surprisingly proclaimed guilty.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about,” Vlastomil simply stated, feeling his patience run thin.
“You know very well what I’m trying to say,” Valerius responded with bitterness, his patience slipping away from him, “Your witch would have made better verdicts for God’s sake!”
As soon as Vlastomil heard the mention of MC he couldn’t help but burst into tears. Valerius stared at him crying like a little child with no sympathy, realizing why Vlastomil was acting this way, “So, the two of you broke up.”
“WHAT? No!” Vlastomil said, mortified by just the thought of it. He returned to crying and said through tears, “MC is travelling.”
“Mhm,” Valerius nodded, not giving a damn about Vlastomil’s feelings, “And when will they return?”
“In five months.”
“Five months?” Valerius said, mortified. He can’t bear Vlastomil’s behaviour for five whole months. He’ll kill half of the Vesuvia by the time MC returns! “And where did they go?”
“They went to Prakra to finish some of their business,” Vlastomil still explained, not even thinking about stopping with the crying.
Valerius left Vlastomil in his misery, trying to think of what sort of important business a witch would have. They probably wanted a break from the Praetor and, for a moment, Valerius seemed to agree with that. But alas, he knew that he had to cut MC’s ‘vacation’ short, so he went to Prakra to look for them. As soon as he got to the Prakra’s docks, he tried to think where would witches be. Luckily, he didn’t need to think long as they saw MC walking nearby.
“Witch,” he simply called out to them, not even bothering to call them by the name.
MC recognized the voice immediately, “Consul,” they said, surprised, “What a coincidence!”
“No, it’s not,” he simply stated, “I’ve come to you because of the Praetor.”
“What happened?” they asked, worried.
“He’s getting insane!” he wanted to mention how he proclaims everyone guilty, but he decided not to. He doesn’t want MC and Vlastomil breaking up, who knows how much worse it could be then, “You have to return.”
MC thought for a moment. Is Vlastomil in that terrible state? In the end, they decided that their love’swell being was much more important than their business. They quickly nodded, returning to the Vesuvia with the consul.
 Vlastomil was in his mansion, taking care of the newborn worms. Even though they were the most adorable little things (to a person with Vlastomil’s standards) Vlastomil didn’t feel any joy when he looked at them. He was even debating about rehoming those worms! He would have thought a bit more about it hadn’t MC opened the door and went inside the room.
“MC!” he said happily as he ran to them, nearly dropping worms off his lap, “Oh, you’ve returned! I’ve missed you so,” he kissed their left cheek, “So,” he kissed the other cheek, ”So,” finally, he kissed their forehead, “Very much!”
It was MC’s turn to shower Vlastomil in kisses. Once they were done, they said with a smile, “I’ve missed you too,” they took out of their bag a small box, “I wanted to buy you souvenirs, but didn’t have enough time to do so,” they started explaining as they opened the box, “But I knew that Squiggle was pregnant, so I bought these mini sweaters for the children!”
He stared at the small pieces of fabric, melting at the sight. He knew that his dear children would look dazzling in them. Once he was done kissing his love all over again, he picked the box and went on to put the clothes on the newborns, deciding that those babies will stay where they are.
  "What do you mean by you don't need an axe?!?" they asked as they held their most prized possession, wanting to give it to MC as a parting gift.
"Exactly what you said," MC started as they raised their hands, refusing to take Vulgora's weapon, "Everything will be fine, besides, I'm not travelling alone," they gestured at another group of magicians who looked at least a bit experienced in battling off anyone dangerous.
"Fine," Vulgora huffed, feeling a bit frustrated, "But don't come crying to me if some bandits steal your stuff!"
"I won't," MC said as they gave Vulgora a small peck on the cheeks, "I promise."
"You'll be fine without me?" MC asked, knowing well how short-tempered Vulgora is when they're not around.
"Of course I will, now go on and don't die on me!" they exclaimed as they helped MC put their stuff in the carriage.
"Bye!" MC waved to them as they disappeared out of Vulgora's sight.
With a somewhat disappointed huff, Vulgora went back to their mansion, getting on with their usual business. It was only a few weeks later that everything went downhill. They were preparing for their usual hunt. Going to a forest with nothing but a sword as they rode their favourite horse they couldn’t help but think about MC.
They'll be away for quite some time, but that shouldn't bother them! They are a strong, mighty, independent demon. They can keep their shit somewhat cool until then, right? They nodded to themselves, being pretty confident with that reasoning. Their mind trailed off to those magicians, they seemed rather... annoying to say the least. No, they were dangerous! What could they possibly do to small MC! What if they, they didn't want to even think about it. And MC was so stubborn, they didn't even take Vulgora's weapons with themselves. Those pesky magicians could do just about anything to MC! Immediately at the thought, he started seeing red, wanting to beat the life out of those magicians. However, they weren't there, so they took their anger upon the poor animals living in the forest. But then, after they killed the second rabbit, they stopped. Didn't they talk about keeping their shit together? Why aren't they doing that? They should be doing that. They took a deep breath in and out, doing exactly as many as MC told them... fuck that! They're pissed and they're gonna show it. MC isn't here anyway, so who gives a fuck?
They kept on hunting and hunting and, once they've decided it was enough (at that point they killed around half a dozen of poor animals) they took the kill and went back home, demanding from servants to barbecue it for them.
The next weeks passed about the same, Vulgora would wake up, remember that MC left, groan in annoyance and went hunting. This time, they killed so many animals that they couldn’t carry them back to their estate. They thought and thought about what they should do with all of this, but then they felt the familiar presence of death. Valdemar most likely wanted to dissect the animals, but Vulgora didn’t give much of a damn. They can do whatever they want.
Over time, instead of calming down like they expected they would, Vulgora just became more and more aggressive. It happened both during and after the hunt. They showed violent behaviour to both animals and people. They started destroying shops, especially the ones with goods that are easy to break, they destroyed furniture in their estate, argued and got into the fights with just about anyone and so on. People were terrified, but nobody did anything about it. It was only when Vulgora destroyed the red market that a certain plague doctor decided to take action.
  “Wake up MC,” Valdemar said as they towered over MC’s bed.
MC screeched at the sight of Valdemar’s red eyes staring into their soul. Still a bit sleepy, they moved away from Valdemar until they didn’t bump into the wall.
“How did you get into my room?” MC asked as they looked for the candle, “Why did you come all the way here? What’s going on?”
“Vulgora turned into a maniac who started destroying anything and everything,” they started explaining nonchalantly, “At first, everything was fine. They just killed some animals in the forest, giving me more specimen to dissect. But then, they started destroying other people’s property. You see how that is a problem, no?”
MC rubbed their eyes, nodding.
“Great! Now return to Vesuvia and talk some sense into them,” after they’ve seen MC not responding to anything, they continued talking in a much darker tone, “It wasn’t a question.”
  Rowdy raven was another place that Vulgora was about to destroy. They could have destroyed this property like any other, had the barman not stood up to them. Vulgora stared at the man, their left eye visibly twitching. Who does this brat think he is?!?!
Just when they were about to cut open the man, they felt someone hug them from behind. Thinking it was a tactic to take them down, they quickly turned, ready to cut open whoever it was, but they stopped their blade as soon as they saw it was MC.
They stared at MC for a moment, not knowing what to say. Should they start with how much they’ve missed them, wished they would have gone with them to that trip? No, that’s something weaklings would say.
“It was about damn time you’ve returned,” despite the harsh words, MC could see that Vulgora was happy that they were finally beside them.
They gently kissed their cheek, nuzzling their head to Vulgora’s neck, “I’ve missed you too.”
 “Take care, my little witch,” Valerius said as he gently kissed MC’s forehead before they went inside the carriage, leaving for Karnassos.
“If I see some interdimensional monsters coming to Vesuvia, I’m blaming you,” Val said through a joke, even though he kinda meant what he said.
“But what if the monsters aren’t violent?” MC joked for a moment.
“I don’t care,” he said calmly, “I don’t want to see anything of the sort.”
“You’re no fun,” MC said just before the carriage went off, leaving Valerius alone.
He waved a bit and, once the carriage left, went to his mansion, enjoying the rest of the day with wine. When he went to bed, he pondered for a moment about what was wrong with it. Sheets were changed and everything seemed like it was in its place. Except for MC. He brushed the thought off. He’s not a toddler that needs to sleep beside someone, but then again, it would be nice if he could feel MC’s head on his chest as they are slowly breathing in and out.
The next morning came and Valerius didn’t sleep at all. He just couldn’t and that was pissing him off. The next night came and he hoped that, because he didn’t sleep even a bit last night, he could sleep now. And it went like that, making him rather happy. However, as soon as the third night came, he couldn’t sleep again, and so the cycle repeated. How is he supposed to go to the court meeting now? He is a mess!
But then yet again, all of his colleagues are a bunch of nobodies, so does it matter how he looks?
He just arrived at the meeting, feeling more irritated than usual. It just seemed like all of them did something just to piss him off. Valdemar’s posture was annoying, Vlastomil’s same talk about his worms made Valerius roll his eyes, Vulgora’s shouting was giving him a headache but, without a doubt, the worst of them all was Volta. She was munching on her food with an open mouth, not even thinking about stopping any time soon.
“Volta, could you please act like a civilized person for a moment?” Valerius asked with a frown, “It is rather impolite to act the way you do. Don’t you want to act a bit more like the rest of the civilized world?”
Volta was surprised and rather hurt by his words. She stopped eating for a moment, feeling shame when she had to swallow the food that was in her mouth. She stared for a moment at all of the empty plates in front of her.  Consul was right, she is terrible.
“I, I’m sorry,” she said as her eyes started to get glossy.
“Don’t just apologise,” Valerius said, rolling his eyes at Volta who was just about to burst into tears, “Do something about it!” he was running out of patience. Volta was acting like a little kid even though she could be Valerius’ grand grandma.
As the days passed by with Consul always visiting the palace, having the conversation with the rest of the courtiers about the measures that should be taken with the Flooded District. Every time Valerius was tired from spending the whole night without sleeping, he would take out his anger on poor Volta. His acts made her so confused. One day he’ll shout at her for accidentally dropping a parchment of paper, the other time he wouldn’t seem to care that she accidentally ate three golden plates. A whole month passed by and Volta decided that she had enough! She didn’t have the guts to confront Valerius herself, but she knew he had a soft spot for MC who was away at the moment.
She went to Karnassos, finding MC with ease. For a moment, she wanted to reasonably explain how Valerius was lashing out on her for no reason, but as soon as MC asked her what she was doing all the way here, she burst into tears, explaining in great detail how Valerius was treating her.
The two of them went back to Vesuvia, paying Consul a little visit. Volta decided to stay outside of his mansion, scared that Valerius might shout at her again.
MC went inside his bedroom, greeted by the sight of him finishing the second bottle of wine.
“Enjoying yourself, Consul?” MC asked as they leaned on the doors, enjoying the sight of Valerius in a loosened shirt with his hair let loose.
He nearly dropped his glass as he turned his head, seeing MC, “You, you’re back!” he walked up to them, hugging them as tight as he could.
“Say, Val,” MC said as they returned the hug, “What were you doing to Volta?”
It was that moment he knew, he fucked up.
  Valdemar has been reading a centuries-old research paper, trying to correct their past self as their mind wandered, thinking about MC for a moment. It’s been 2 whole weeks that they haven’t heard a thing from them. For a moment they focused on finding MC’s soul, sensing that it was somewhere in the middle of the sea. That explains it. But still, couldn’t they at least try to send them a letter? Humans have progressed so much for the millennial of their existence that they were sure they have come up with some way MC could send them a letter. How rude of them, making them worry about their safety…
They would have been petty a bit longer had Vlastomil not went all the way to them.
“You haven’t gone out  of this place,” he gestured at the dungeon, “For weeks!”
“So? I don’t see a problem,” Valdemar simply stated, wanting to end this conversation as soon as possible.
“Nadia is pissed, you missed four of our meetings!”
“It’s not my first, nor my last time,” Valdemar said, trying to remember where they left their ink and quill.
“You should come outside for a bit to reassure Nadia that you’re alive.”
Valdemar thought about his words for a moment. There was some hypothesis in their old research that they needed to check once more.
“Very well then. I’ll grace all of you with my presence,” they said with a grin.
  Three people went missing that day.
  Valdemar found themselves in their dungeons once again, checking their hypothesis. They couldn’t enjoy it as much as they wished they could since the thought of MC plagued their mind. Did they leave just so that they could take a break off of them? Deep down, they knew that wasn’t true but just the thought of it enraged them.
Vlastomil came to the dungeons once again, which was disturbing Valdemar’s peace once again.
“Nadia wants to see you at the court meeting immediately,” he said as he remembered Countesses pissed off face.
“Oh, Countesses mailman is back,” they said bitterly, “Sharing Countesses demands which he cares so deeply about,” they turned to Vlastomil, ignoring his terrified expression as he saw blood on them, “Very well then, I’ll greet the Countess since she obviously doesn’t know what to do without me.”
And so they went along with Vlastomil, sitting right next to Volta as they completely ignored the stares of horror from their freshly bloodied clothes. They got even more irritated once they saw that there was no need for them to be here at all. Out of spite, they didn’t come to the next few meetings where their presence was necessary, so every time Vlastomil came down, they would be greeted by the sight of bloody Valdemar, having more malice in their eyes each time he visited them.
It was all because Valdemar got a bit irritated over time with MC. Sure, they finally received MC’s letter, but why did they have to make it so short? For the first time in a while, they genuinely cared about how MC spent their day, who they’ve seen, what food they ate, what they dreamed about two days ago. No matter how many letters MC could send them, it just never seemed to be enough.
They were frustrated by the thought, feeling like they might explode at any moment. As on cue, Vlastomil came downstair again.
“Shut up,” Valdemar said, knowing they have no patience left, “Go back upstairs and don’t return or else I’ll put your baby Wiggler on this,” they slammed their hand on the dissection table, “Got it?”
Vlastomil ran upstairs, screaming like a little girl, deciding to find any way he could protect his beloved children. Through the gossips, Vlastomil finally concluded what was going on with Valdemar. With the help of his little children, he had no problem with finding MC’s whereabouts.
“MC,” he shouted as he tried his best to get to them, “MC you need to return to Vesuvia immediately!”
“Why?” they asked concerned, “Did something terrible happen?”
“Oh yes, it is terrible indeed!” Vlastomil said dramatically, “Valdemar has been spending days in their dungeons, cutting open whatever they could find!”
MC rolled their eyes, angry that Vlastomil made them worry over nothing, “Sounds to me like they were just acting like themselves.”
“You don’t understand! It’s far, far worse!”
“Right…” MC sighed, going away from Vlastomil but he grabbed their hand.
“They won’t be satisfied with dead bodies any longer! Think about my poor worms! Who knows what they could do to my poor children!” Vlastomil said, trying his best to explain to MC how the matter was serious.
“I don’t think about your worms. Ever,” MC sighed, hoping that Vlastomil would just shut up, “But I guess you won’t calm down unless I confront Valdemar…”
Valdemar heard someone go downstairs and, assuming that person was Vlastomil, they said, pissed, “Praetor, how many times do I have to tell you-” they stopped midsentence once they saw MC in front of them.
Even though MC couldn’t see it because of Valdemar’s surgical mask they were grinning from ear to ear. They’re finally back.
MC wanted to exult on Valdemar, to tell them how they were right. They can’t take care of themselves without MC, and they know it, but they decided not to say that. The last thing they need is for Valdemar to get petty. 
“Were you mean to others while I was away?” MC asked as they hugged Valdemar, tracing their spine with their fingertips, something they knew Valdemar loved.
“No,” they said as they ran their hands through MC’s hair, enjoying the scent of sea salt.
“Are you lying to me?” MC asked, looking at Valdemar straight in the eyes.
“Perhaps~,” they said with a mischievous grin.
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moth-and-raven · 3 years
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They left his new turban behind. It’s just coiled there on the dusty stone floor, spattered with blood darker than the red fabric. I pick it up in a trance, rubbing the soft cloth between my fingers. Someone must’ve torn it off of him as they paraded his body out of the Market.
This can’t be happening.
But it is.
I try hard to tamp down my panic, turning away from the entrance and pushing back through the slowly-dispersing crowd. All around me, people mutter their theories and suspicions. It doesn’t help as much as I hoped it would to hear their anger on Julian’s behalf; no one stopped the guards, they just watched, and let them take him.
Thank god Skylar is so tall. I see him through a gap in the milling bodies. Just the sight of someone who might be able to help brings a lump to my throat. I fight it back for the moment, but I know I’ll lose out soon.
“Skylar,” I gasp, half-choked from my quick pace and the threat of tears.
“Reyja?” He reaches out to steady me, concern already etched across his kind face.
“They— they t-took him—”
I have to hold it together. I have to. I have to help him. I have to get my Julian back. It can’t end like this. It can’t —
Skylar pulls me into a strong embrace and I break, sobbing against his chest. I don’t have time to be crying like a child, but it won’t stop. His soft stomach is too welcoming, his arms around my back too gentle. He lets me weep there in the middle of the Red Market, shielding me from curious onlookers until I can breathe again.
“I’m so sorry,” I mumble when my voice returns, thick with tears still unshed. We just met and I’ve already stained his shirt.
“He means a lot to you.”
“He means everything to me.”
“Hm.” He nods. “Well, let me tell you, Ilya’s gotten out of worse scrapes than this.”
“But if they took him to the palace…”
“I’m sure they did.”
My heart drops. He wasn’t supposed to agree with me.
“But he’s even gotten out of there before,” Skylar continues. “With help.”
With help… “We need to— I need to find him.”
“Let’s go, then.”
I shake my head, already awash in the guilt that always comes after letting someone see me at my worst. “You don’t have to come with me. I’m sorry, I just panicked and came right back to you, when you were—”
“He’s my friend, too.”
Julian has so many people looking out for him. I don’t think he knows what an effect he has. He’s not alone. We’re not alone.
I’m not alone.
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it," Skylar says with a smile. He nods towards the exit. "Lead the way."
I wipe my eyes almost furtively on Julian’s turban, then drape it over my shoulders like a scarf. I'll get the damn thing back to him if it's the last thing I ever do. The thought almost makes me laugh: he can't even tell what color it is, and wore it for less than an hour. And it didn't work in the end, since it was meant to disguise him. But it's still his. I bought it for him.
We're out of the Market and halfway to the palace before I realize I don't really know where I'm going. I've never been to the dungeons, if that's where they took him, and my erstwhile guide— Oh no.
Skylar notices my hesitation and stops beside me. "What’s up?"
"Portia, Julian’s sister. I need to tell her."
"Little Pasha?"
"You know her too?"
"Only from Ilya’s stories. Although…"
Skylar cocks his head, staring at something I can't see. "She's got the Devorak nose and hair?"
He smiles to himself. I've just opened my mouth to ask why when my name, in Portia's strident voice, cuts across the rosy Heart District street.
“At least someone’s safe,” she says angrily, twisting her hair around one hand as she approaches. She’s crying, but I don’t think she even notices. “I knew this would happen, I just knew it! I never should’ve agreed to—”
Apparently protectiveness runs in the family too. “It isn’t your fault—” I begin, but she cuts me off.
“I fucking know that! I know that, but… but what if…”
“Did you see him? Is he…?” I can’t bring myself to ask if the blow he took was worse than I thought.
Her lower lip trembles. “I don’t know,” she admits softly. “They were heading towards the dungeons, I think. A bunch of them. I saw Vulgora, and Valdemar.”
I swallow hard. Valdemar. Whatever Julian had been about to say before the guards sprang their trap had to do with them.
“I left Balam behind to watch while I came looking for you,” Portia continues, stifling her tears with an enormous breath. “But she can’t… I don’t want her to do something stupid before we get back.”
“We were on our way,” I tell her, gesturing at Skylar.
“You found him, then?”
Skylar himself laughs. “I’d like the full story at some point, how Ilya got here and knew where I’d be. But not now, obviously. I can wait a little longer.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you up to speed,” Portia says. “The real version, not whatever my idiot brother might’ve suggested. Let’s go.”
I let her spin his tale while we walk, trying not to compare this to the last time I was approaching the palace with Portia and a tall man. It seems so long ago now, though it’s been only a few days.
I should’ve told him then. I should’ve said aloud what I’ve been thinking all along. He deserves to know that I love him. I’ve known the whole time and kept it to myself, because how could I possibly love a man I met a week ago? How can he already matter so much to me that I would lie and sneak around and break the law for him? The way his name sits on my tongue, the memory of his skin against mine and the sound of his laugh… I love him. More than I’ve ever loved another person, like all the love I couldn’t express the last twenty-five years has been saved up just for him. I stifle a desperate sob with the back of my hand; I don’t want to talk about this, not with Skylar and Portia. As much as I like and appreciate them, it isn’t theirs to see yet.
We reach the palace at sunset. Exhaustion sucks at my feet as I climb the last set of stairs. It’s been a long day, one of the longest I can remember. I just want my Julian, to hold him and kiss him, to tell him what I need him to hear.
It’s as though nothing happened. The gatehouse guards make Skylar give his name, but they don’t even frisk him for weapons or ask what he’s doing here. Maybe it’s because he’s with us, or maybe they were here when he was, three years ago. I suppose it doesn’t matter; we’re across the bridge, through the doors, and turning into a corridor I haven’t been down yet before they can change their minds.
A blur of color hurtles out of a side room halfway down the hall, fast as quicksilver, stopping Portia as we pass. The newcomer speaks so quickly, through an accent I don’t think I’ve ever heard before, that I catch only a few words.
“— as you thought, the old dungeons — sent for Vlastomil — tried to go down myself, but—”
Portia cuts in. “You said you wouldn’t!”
She shrugs, rattling the beads of her magenta bracelet as she throws up her hands. “He’s in trouble, no?”
Portia shakes her head, and, to my surprise, wraps her arms around her waist and kisses her cheek. “Please don’t do this to me, Balei. One person I love is already in hot shit. I couldn’t stand it if you were, too.”
Oh. Oh.
“Um, this is Balam,” Portia says, catching sight of the blush rising to my cheeks as she turns back. “We’re, uh… yeah. Sorry I couldn’t introduce you sooner. She’s been in Prakra for a few months, just got back last night.”
My heart clenches, knowing that Portia had chosen to spend her time chasing ghosts and opening her home to me and Julian instead of being with her lover. And I can’t stifle the wave of guilt that quickly follows: I don’t think that I, in her position, would’ve done the same. If I had to choose between people who asked for my help and spending time with Julian, especially after he’d been gone… well, I can hate myself for being so selfish later.
“You’re Reyja,” Balam says to me. Without waiting for me to confirm or deny, she pushes on. “Portia’s told me all about you, and Julian, and as I said, I tried to follow the courtiers to the dungeons to see if he was alright, but they got too far ahead of me, which I suppose is for the best, considering how armed they were, but I think—”
When does she breathe?
“— I can ask Yaz to let us in, since they—”
“Yaz” couldn't possibly be Yazakh, Nadia’s bodyguard, could it? I can’t imagine anyone being on good enough terms with them to call them by a nickname.
“— and besides, I’ve been away from them, too.” Balam smiles wistfully. “East Prakra will always be my home, but to be away from you, from all of you—” She pauses to tuck one of Portia’s long red curls behind her ear. “—was more difficult than I imagined.”
Skylar, who had been watching, amused, from the sidelines, perks himself up. “East Prakra?” he asks, following the question with a raindrop-quick series of words in a language I can only assume is, indeed, East Prakran.
Balam lights up like the sun and responds. They exchange another few sentences then switch back to Vesuvian.
“I like you,” she says. I’m surprised at her straightforwardness, even if Skylar doesn’t seem to be.
“I don’t know much more than that,” he admits. “I haven’t had the chance to speak it since I left.”
Balam chuckles.
“I’m Skylar, by the way.”
“He’s an old friend of Ilya’s,” Portia adds.
“Ah. Of course I want to hear all about your time in East Prakra, but…” Balam trails off.
But Julian’s still in danger.
“Yaz will be in the gardens at this time of day. I’ll be right back.”
She’s gone before any of the rest of us can speak, racing down the hall with her colorful skirts flaring and the jingle of her many bangles floating back even as she turns the corner and disappears.
“I’ve missed her so much,” Portia says with an affectionate sigh.
I cast around for something to ask, something to distract me from the new rise of fear in my throat. Every second we delay means another chance Julian might— I don’t even want to think about it. “How did you meet?”
“She works here too, in the library.”
“Oh.” It was probably for the best that she’s been gone, then, considering what’s happened in that library the last few days.
Portia smirks at me. “Don’t worry, it’s all been cleaned up. And anyway, she’s usually too focused on her work to notice if something… else… is going on.”
“What does she do, exactly?”
“Research. Writing. She’s a magician, too.” Portia draws herself up to her full height, still several inches shorter than I am, and beams with pride. “She’s compiling a history of magic, actually. She works so hard, I know it’s going to be amazing when she’s done.”
Despite the situation, my interest is piqued. I’d love to read something like that myself. Skylar, too, nods, green eyes already distant with the thought of what he might learn. I wonder if he had time to buy the book he was examining when Julian and I found him.
“Oh, and by the way, always check which bracelet she’s wearing. If it’s silver, use ‘he’ instead.”
It isn’t long before Balam returns, her voice musical and flowing like water. She’s clinging to Yazakh’s elbow; for the first time since I came to the palace, I see them smile. It falls from their face when the two of them stop in front of us.
Yazakh’s stern golden gaze sweeps over us. They’re even taller than Julian, though not quite Skylar’s height. “You are the magician,” they say to me.
The magician Nadia hired to bring Julian to justice. There’s no question in their eyes or their smooth, deep voice, but I hear it anyway. Why would I, as that magician, want to see him now?
Julian said our relationship would come to light sooner or later. This is the worst possible time, but I don’t have it in me to lie anymore. I simply nod, and Yazakh mirrors me. I’m sure I catch a glimpse of understanding before they turn away.
“Follow me.”
The path to the dungeons is surprisingly straightforward, decorated much like the rest of the palace in cream and silk and luxury. Behind me I hear Portia and Balam whispering to each other, but it takes most of my concentration to stay calm, hold back my tears, and keep my steps steady.
The air changes, turning colder despite the summer evening outside, as we pass into a barracks crowded with off-duty guards. All of them snap to attention when they recognize Yazakh, but they push on, unlocking a heavily-barred door at the end of the room to reveal a darkened staircase. I can feel my heartbeat in my throat, behind my eyes, reaching out into the darkness in search of Julian’s. He’s down there, I know. I can only hope he’s alone.
Before we descend, Yazakh turns to another guard. “When did they leave?” they ask.
The guard blinks. “About ten minutes ago, Captain,” she responds.
“All of them?”
“Yes. And, er…”
They level their stare at her.
“We heard screams.”
A bone-deep chill washes through me. I can’t take it. I have to see him.
Though I’m sure they could’ve stopped me if they wanted to, Yazakh lets me rush around them. I reach the bottom of the staircase before the others have even started down it.
I’m shaking when I call light to my palm, illuminating the gray-black stone of the palace’s dungeon. Wrought-iron bars enclose narrow cells, some cracking with rust and disuse. For a terrible moment, I don’t see anything.
And then a flash of red catches my eye.
Julian is manacled to the wall, slumped forward over his knees with his arms spread. His shirt is in tatters, hanging from his broad shoulders; what remains is smeared with dirt and blood. I can barely see the rise and fall of his ribs, the only other movement being the steady drip of blood from his nose. As I stare, stunned to paralysis, he coughs, sending a spatter of blood droplets against the opposite wall.
“No…” I breathe. What have they done to him?
He hears me, but doesn’t recognize my voice.
“Back already?” he growls. “For more fun, I hope. I told you I could take it.”
The others, minus Yazakh, pause on the stairs behind me. Portia draws an unsteady breath.
“Ha, and you brought friends.” He spits a mouthful of blood. “Well, I’ve never backed down from a challenge and I’m not about to start n—”
At last, he looks up. His patch is gone, replaced by a storm-dark bruise that, even as I watch, is shrinking, evidence of the abuse of his captors erased by the magical mark on his throat. Our eyes meet across the room, through the door of his cell.
I can’t hold back the tears anymore.
"Reyja!" He thrashes against his chains, swearing when it results in nothing but a rattle. “No, they weren’t supposed to—!”
I stumble to the bars. I can’t reach him. “Julian…”
“I didn’t tell them, I swear! I would never—”
“I believe you, I just—”
Someone touches my shoulder. I think I hear Portia bury a sob in Balam’s neck and Skylar hiss through his teeth.
“You need to get out of here, darling,” Julian says, words racing like wildfire. “Please, I can’t bear to see—”
“I’m not leaving.”
“You have to!” He’s getting fierce now.
“No! Not without you!”
The door opens. I didn’t do that. But a key rasps against the iron and I fling myself into the cell as soon as the bars swing away, dropping to my knees at Julian’s side. He squirms again, trying desperately to break free though he must know it’s impossible by now. Tears blur my vision as I scrape uselessly at one of his manacles.
I can only answer with a sob, fed by my frustration. What kind of magician am I, that I can’t even break a lock? No, wait— The spell comes unbidden to my hand, after I draw another stuttering breath. I snap the cold iron at its seams, both wrists at once.
“Please, my dearest,” Julian tries again, even as his voice cracks from the weight of his own tears. “They’ll come back…”
Heedless of the blood, I press into his side. He can’t fight the desire any more than I can and folds over me, crying into the notch of my shoulder, still begging me to go even as he holds me closer.
I don’t know how much time passes before I come back to myself. We’re alone; our friends must have decided we needed this moment. Somehow, I retained enough awareness to keep the light in my hand glowing. I set it overhead so I can wrap my arms around Julian’s neck and hug him to my chest.
He winces. I recoil; the man was just tortured, I shouldn’t be causing more damage. But he doesn’t let me retreat from his embrace.
“They didn’t get you, did they?” I can barely hear him, though we’re intertwined.
“No. Skylar, and Portia, and Balam—”
He shudders. “If they find out—”
“Yazakh’s on our side.”
“The Countess’s bodyguard?”
“They let us in.”
“Perhaps they haven’t gotten everyone, then.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, darling…” Julian sighs. “My goose is cooked.”
“What? But you didn’t do it!” He’s only in danger because of Lucio’s murder charge, and we have proof that he’s innocent. Surely—
“Didn’t I?”
I rear back to stare at him, incredulous enough to stop my tears at last. “What the fuck are you talking about? Of course you didn’t. Skylar said so, and so did Lucio himself!”
“To be fair, what he said was that I didn’t help him.”
“That’s not the same thing!”
“It won’t matter.”
I shake my head. “Nadia said you’ll get a trial.”
He laughs harshly. “In front of whom? Praetor Vlastomil? I heard Vulgora send one of their soldiers off for him. He’ll listen to the loudest voice in his ear, and wouldn’t dare go against what Valdemar wanted.”
“Why does it matter what Valdemar wants? They’re not in charge.”
“I’m not so sure of that. Nadia was gone for a long time, you know. The people who, erm, who brought me here, they're no loyal Vesuvians.”
“You think Valdemar consolidated power while Nadia was in Prakra?”
“They’re perfectly capable of it.” He gestures at his plagued eye. “I, ah, I still can’t remember everything, but what Skylar said… They were planning something, back then. Three years ago. Something I got in the way of. Something they never lost the drive to complete, it seems.”
I didn’t sign up for political intrigue. But I did sign up to solve this mystery, and if that’s where the next clue leads… “So what now?”
I don’t like the way he said that. “What?” I repeat, narrowing my eyes.
“Well, ah.”
“Julian, please, just tell me.”
He lets out a long breath and tips his head back to look into my eyes. “Do you remember the night we spent at Mazelinka’s?”
“Of course I remember. It was, like, days ago.”
“I woke you up with my nightmares, but I couldn’t remember them.”
“What, ah, what Skylar said. I had been ranting about a bird. A raven-headed man with his wings bound. And I, erm. There’s a… there’s a book. I— I stole it. From Asra.”
Asra. Julian had been searching for my former master when we first met.
“I saw it again when we were in the library, but I couldn’t remember until… The raven-headed man is in it, along with some, ah, other things.” He pauses, scanning my face in the silvery light of my magic, and heaves another heavy sigh before pushing on. “Tarot things.”
Tarot? Like, my kind of tarot? What could he possibly— no.
“The raven-man is the Hanged Man,” Julian says quietly. “I think I contacted him once, long ago. The book says us non-magic folks can only do that through dreams, or… or…”
People without magical abilities rarely encounter the Arcana. They have no use for each other, and most of the time can’t communicate anyway. But every so often, in the depths of a dream or when the fabric between worlds thins, preparing for a departed consciousness to cross over…
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” I can’t help the volume of my outburst. He really can’t be serious.
“I have to speak to him, Reyja! I have to! I feel it in my heart, my soul, the same way I— well, the same way I knew we would have something special. But dreams turn into nightmares every time. Something’s not working with that route. This is all I have left.”
New tears spring to my eyes, but these are fueled by anger. How dare he— “You want to get hanged?”
“Of course not!” He pulls me closer at the very idea. “But the, the mark… it won’t let me do it myself.”
His words fall heavily against the stone walls around us. He would only know that if… “You—?”
“Those three years were very long, my darling. Very long and very dark, at times.”
“You tried to—?”
“Just once, at my lowest.”
I can almost feel my heart break. “Julian…”
“I’m so sorry. I just couldn’t see another—”
I cut him off, hugging him tight, like if only I squeeze hard enough, I can erase that pain. I wish I didn’t understand it, but it’s all too familiar. I never got low enough to try, but the thought lingered through so many of my days. Every time the hopelessness, the loneliness, welled up like blood in a wound, I imagined how much simpler it would be to… My tears are soaking into what’s left of his shirt, and from the trembling of his body against mine, I can tell that Julian’s crying too. I give in and let it come, wondering distantly how much more I can cry today.
But there has to be another way. I won’t let him do this. I can’t let him do this. And we aren’t alone, not anymore.
“Have you talked to Asra?” I ask thickly, after I’ve hiccuped to silence again.
“About what, darling?”
“The Hanged Man. How to contact him in a way that doesn’t involve dying.”
“Erm. Well, of course I was looking for him. But I, ah, I didn’t have much to go off of, you understand. And when I found you instead… No, I haven’t.”
“Can we at least try that?”
“If you think he would listen.”
“Why wouldn’t he?”
“Erm… no reason.”
"Alright then.” I wipe my cheek with the back of my hand, then clear away some of his tears too. He still looks horrible, but we can't do anything about that at the moment. And in any case, there’s something a little more pressing to take care of first. “Let’s go.”
“You know where Asra is?”
“Not yet, but we’re not looking for him right now.”
“What? Why not?”
I stand up and offer him my hand. “We need to talk to Nadia.”
Skylar belongs to @ollifree​.
Balam belongs to @atypicalacademic​.
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