#theo James layouts
happierthnme · 2 years
Theo James && the time traveler's wife.
da créditos si lo usas, bro, pls.
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geniuswithinternet · 3 months
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(FREE PSD) The sun by Cleverastheagle
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sbrinapacks · 6 months
hi, sweetie!! can you make some layouts with sabrina icons and theo james headers? forgive me if i sent the ask more than once, but it's because i don't know if the first one sent it totally 😭
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don't worry sweetie, hope you like them 💌!
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morwap · 1 year
are there any characters you dont like writing that often? im always curious if people get annoyed when like half their asks are the same character
it really just depends on my mood like sometimes i don’t feel like writing ab golden trio era characters bc i’m not as interested in them as i am the marauders or tom or other fandoms but i get requests for them often but i don’t get annoyed i just pass it off until i’m in the mood for writing about them.
i know i get a lot of james reqs but i love marauders era and always wanna write for them so it doesn’t bother me at all.
but i don’t want ppl to think they can’t request the character they want on my character list just because i say i’m not in the mood to write for them because when i do wanna write for them it gives me content to actually produce instead of coming up with a wip that might or might not be something i finish,
like my recent theo fic i had the wip for a while but wasn’t sure if i was gonna actually finish it and i didn’t wanna talk ab it and have ppl waiting since i don’t have a lot of theo content to read rn and once i had already had a lot written i committed to finish it unlike a wip i had but never started to write or had like a layout with a sentence written.
but with marauders since i have quite a bit of content and i’ll come up with a wip and if i don’t finish it it’s okay maybe i’ll come back to that later since i’m not stressed about not putting out something because there’s already a few fics and blurbs i have out and my blog was a marauders blog before anything else (except for fear street) and it’s the thing that interests me the most and that i can come up with things easily.
unlike other characters where i go through a one day theo nott or enzo phase and work on a full fic that i don’t finish then don’t have any inspo for the rest and don’t open the doc until weeks later.
and just when i write i’d rather it be when i’m in the phase of the character so i have the inspo and the motivation and a lot of the times i get the motivation and finish most of the reqs i have or all for that character and don’t get more for that character until days later.
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artmcsphere · 5 years
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━━┈ theo james: layouts edition.
ㅤ♡ or © heavenlyghcst if you save/use.
ㅤrequested /// icons made by screensland (tumblr).
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never-ending-edits · 4 years
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𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗘 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙤 : @𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧.
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pughslov · 5 years
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theo james icons
@/medicislutt on twitter
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Magical Thieves AU
In a Gotham where about 40% of the population have some sort or magical ability and only something like 13% have two abilities, Bruce is a street rat with his honourary sister, Selina, and the two are excellent cat burglars, known as the Cat and the Bat. Selina is a Shadow Magic user; she can blend into the shadows as well as bring her shadow to life in extreme circumstances. She is called a Night Stalker, and is not trusted by many of those gifted with Light Arts. Bruce though, if anyone knew what his real abilities were, he would be locked up in the interest of public safety; he is often referred to as simply a Chaos Courtesan, despite not being a Chaos Mage.
Bruce is one of the 13% that has two abilities; the first one alone would have him be monitored for the rest of his life, Technomagic, an ability that allows him access to computer files, all kinds of electrical data, and possess mechanical devices, and those are only the surface of his abilities, but they are enough to warrant the government being worried about him. His other, arguably stronger ability, however, would have Bruce either locked up in a special facility where he never saw another living person ever again, or killed; Blood Magic. An ability that is hard to regulate as the user can literally use their own blood or that of their attackers/victims against them. They can turn a person’s blood into acid so they are eaten away from the inside out, they can track a person as well as those with Animal Magic, and they can supposedly even control people by binding their blood.
Selina and Bruce have been siblings since they were nine-years-old and Selina found Bruce wandering around, looking for something to eat. Bruce’s parents were from feuding families and when they fell in love, they were both disowned, and they became rather good thieves themselves, until the police caught up with them and killed them in a shoot-out. Selina and Bruce have stuck with each other and managed to become two of the most sought after professional thieves around, and they have been saving for the chance to get out of Gotham for the chance of a normal life. They need just one more good payday and they ca leave for good; unfortunately, that opportunity comes in the form of Roland Daggett and Rupert Thorne (Sofia and Theo work as well, I just thought something different). They are offering the pair a huge payout, in return for what others would call a suicide mission; rip-off the King and Queen of Gotham themselves, Oswald Cobblepot and Barbara Kean. Bruce is all for ignoring this job as this is beyond dangerous, but the pair are also offering papers that will identify the pair as harmless, low-level White Magic users; papers that would cost upwards of $50,000 a piece.
Selina talks Bruce into taking the job and they stake out the place to prepare for Gotham’s social event of the year; The King and Queen’s Masquerade Ball. Selina poses as someone called to do a repair job to get access to the house and they learn the layout of the house, particularly the room that holds their prizes; two beautiful rings that identify Oswald and Barbara as the King and Queen. The night of the ball, Selina attends as a low level socialite and Bruce is a waiter, both wearing one of his blood glamors to help add to their anonymity. Soon, however, a hush falls over the crowd as the King and Queen make their entrance with their respective courts. Barbara enters with her consort Tabitha, her botanist, Ivy Pepper, and her two bodyguards, Bridgit Pike and Ecco Valeska.
Then there’s Oswald with his consort, Captain James Gordon of the GCPD, his engineer, Jeremiah Valeska (Ecco’s half brother), his advisor, Jervis Tetch, chemist, Jonathan Crane, his own bodyguards Jerome Valeska and Victor Fries, his informant (and not-so-secret assassin), Victor Zsasz, and his Chief of Staff, Alfred Pennyworth. Each of them have dangerous magical abilities and none were meant to be trifled with but, if Selina and Bruce want that big payday and those papers, then trifle they must. Some time passes and the pair actually find themselves talking to members of the courts; Bridgit hates these things and enjoys talking to those who feel as uncomfortable as she does, and Bruce finds himself saving Jonathan from an embarrassing situation. Still though, once the Ball really gets going, Bruce and Selina break away to the room where the rings are housed and just as they grab the rings, Bruce feels a frisson of unease shoot up his back; they’ve been caught.
The two Courts enter the room, and Oswald reveals he’s actually flattered that Gotham’s infamous Cat and Bat Thieves have not only targeted him, but gotten so far, though he was suspicious when a random repair worker appeared at the house, given that Jeremiah always takes care of such problems. Still, as he’s an admirer of their skills and he’s in such a good mood from the party, all they have to do is put the rings back and tell him who hired them, they can leave peacefully. Bruce and Selina both know, however, if they show up empty handed, let alone give up who hired them, they will be a pair of dead ducks. When Bridgit throws a small fireball at the pair to scare them,  Bruce and Selina show their magic to protect themselves, and now Barbara finds them very interesting, offering them a fair percentage of what they would have made if they pulled off the heist. The pair still refuse to give up so easily as not having to buy those papers themselves, would save a large chunk of their savings.
Things go from bad to worse however when Jim and Alfred notice the blood charms and there’s just something too homey about them not to be handmade, and they realize that one of the pair is a Blood Mage. Once Oswald is informed of this, he’s ecstatic and informs Jerome to test the pair as the psychotic ginger is a chaos mage, and the only thing that can stand up to them are those of Order magic and Blood magic. Thanks to Jerome, they quickly figure out that Bruce is a Chaos Courtesan, and Oswald and Barbara know they need these two in their Courts. Not knowing this, Bruce and Selina make a break for it, which is helped by the fact Bruce managed to get a small sample of everyone’s blood, giving him a slight edge.
The two are about to take the staircase heading to the front door when Ivy manages to trip Selina, sending her careening down the stairs, thankfully only knocking her out. As Bruce reaches the bottom of the stairs to grab Selina, he instead is grabbed by the two Victor’s, Jim, and Jervis, who are quick to hide him in a small alcove as the other guests come to investigate Selina’s scream from her fall. Oswald and Barbara are quick to act as concerned hosts over the ‘poor dear who had a touch too much champagne and lost her balance’, a story corroborated by Bridgit and Ivy. When no one comes forward to claim her, Tabitha is quick to suggest they look after her, so they move her to a secure room.
Oswald meanwhile joins the other males, and Jervis tries to compel the truth from Bruce, but Bruce still has a vial of Jervis’ blood, and smashes it so that he can temporarily be immune to Jervis’ power. Zsasz and Fries however are quick to point out that Selina is very vulnerable at the moment and it wouldn’t be hard to...
Bruce is quick to reveal everything and give the rings back, not willing to let anything happen to Selina. Oswald orders some of his men to go to the meeting spot where Bruce and Selina were to meet Daggett and Thorne and take care of things. Bruce hopes to be able to leave with Selina once she regains consciousness, but Oswald naturally has other ideas;
Oswald: Let an injured kitten and obviously malnourished bat go wondering off into the night?! The ASPCA would have my head on a platter! Not to mention Barbara would have a separate one for my balls.
Jim: She is an avid animal lover, especially when it comes to cats. Same with Tabitha.
Oswald: Yeah, and I do not want that woman coming after me with her whip.
Bruce, starting to struggle between the two Victor’s: I will look after her; she’s survived worse falls than that! We both have!
Oswald: You see?! The kitten and no doubt baby bat, uh, what do you call a baby bat, anyways?
Jervis, enjoying himself: A pup.
Oswald: Thank you, Jervis; a kitten and a pup who are constantly being abused on the streets of Gotham?! Obviously they need someone to look after them! Do you like bats, Victors?
Victor Z: I think they’re adorable.
Victor F: Yeah, and this one is a real cutie.
Bruce: You can’t do this! Selina and I are people, not pets! We can look after ourselves!
Jim: And I’m the Captain of the GCPD, and I don’t think you can!
Alfred appears: Oswald, Ms. Kean has seen to it that her new kitten is properly situated in her new room, and I have prepared one for our bat whenever you’re ready.
Oswald: Thank you Alfred, if you would please? I wonder how much harder it is to train bats than birds?
Victor F: We’ll figure it out; besides, you always did love a challenge.
Bruce tries to cast one last spell, only to feel a sharp pain in his neck, and know no more.
For all those who liked my Underwater Gotham AU, I thank you and hope you’ll like this one just as much. Please leave a comment if you do!
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Hi, this is me!!
Hello and welcome to my account!!! I am a writer and I love romance! I do take requests for oneshots, series, and playlists! and my requests are open!! I do not write smut, incest, or mentions of rape, suicide, etc. Below are fandoms you can request for!! I write for male, nonbinary, and female readers! If they don't specifically say male! reader or female! reader than it will be gender neutral or nonbinary!! I also have a friend who will translate my work if needed ( they speak french, spanish, german is my native language, english, itallian, and a little bit of dutch! )
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the fandoms i will make/write for are:
supernatural (season one to season fourteen, no spoilers!)
the characters include: dean winchester, sam winchester, castlel, jack kline, and the actors!
the ships include: destiel, sabriel, platonic jack x dean, platonic castle x jack
harry potter
the characters include: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, ginny weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, ron weasley, charlie weasley, bill weasley, george weasley, fred weasley, cho chang, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, pansy parkinson, neville longbottom, blaise zabini, narcissa malfoy, regulus black (male reader only bc that's my head cannon for him)
the ships include: lily, wolfstar, drarry, hedric, pansmione, harry x cho x cedric (poly), blairon, bleville, ronmione, linny
percy jackson (I'm only on the fourth book of hoo, no spoilers please!)
the characters include: percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, nico di angelo (male reader only), will solace, jason grace, piper mcclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, hazel levesque, clarisse la rue
the ships: percabeth, solangelo, jercy, valdangelo, frazel
skam (ive watched all of the remakes but will only write for original and germany, this might change later)
the characters include: nora sætre, jonas vasquez, isak valtersen (male reader only), christoffer schistad, evan næsheim, sana bakkoush (platonic only please), eva mohn, william magnusson
the ships: evak, nora x william, eva x chris, eva x nora
teen wolf
the characters: stiles stillinski, derek hale, issac lahey, scott mccall, lydia martin, allison argent, peter hale, theo raeken, liam dunbar
the ships: sterek, scissac, lydia x allison, thiam
stranger things
the characters: steve harrington, will byers (male reader only for personal headcannon), mike wheeler, eleven/jane hopper, dustin henderson, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, robyn buckley (female reader only), max mayfield, lucas sinclair, joyce byers
the ships: byler, elmax, nancy x robyn, jonathan x steve
IT (2017)
the characters include: mike hanlon, ben hanscom, beverly marsh, richie tozier (male reader only), eddie kaspbarak, bill denbrough, stanley uris
the ships: reddie, stenbrough, mikeverly, benverly, mike x ben
marvel and x-men
the characters include: peter parker, steve rodgers, peggy carters, peter maximoff, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, charles xavier (young romantic or older platonic only), wade wilson, tony stark, bucky barnes, thor, loki, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, stephen strange (more that I'm probably forgetting tbh)
the ships: stony, parley, ironstrange, stucky,
the characters include: conner kent, clark kent, jonathan kent, damian wayne, tim drake, bruce wayne, jason todd, dick grayson, selina kyle, barbra gordon, helena bertinelli, harley quinn, poison ivy, cassandra cain, kara danvers, mon-el, alex danvers (female reader only), oliver queen, barry allen, bart allen, wally west, miss martian/megan mores (more im not thinking of, just ask)
the ships: damjon, lena luthor x kara danvers, superbat, dick x wally
the characters include: carl gallagher, ian gallagher (male reader only), debby gallagher, lip gallagher, fiona gallgher, kev and vee (parental only!), mickey milchovich
ships: gallavich 
the people: nico hischier, connor mcdavid, johnny gaudreau
(there are more but its like 2:00 am rn where i live and I'm lazy as fck)
there are probably others I'm not thinking of, just ask please!!!
layout for this by @slow-dancing-with-myself​
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creativecorner07 · 2 years
After watching the film Divergent (2014), all i could say is "wow, when is Divergent 2 being released."
Honestly speaking, I would rate the film a ten out of ten because of how the film was presented to me, how every actor fell into place, and the whole layout of the film. The film that is being reviewed is Divergent (2014). This is a remarkably interesting yet fun film to watch because it just keeps the viewers glued to their screens. The purpose of this review is to give the world my personal experience, judgement, and opinion about the film. The thesis that I would develop for this film is that Divergent is an interesting film that makes the viewers still have the urge for more. This is because this was how I felt after I watched the film. I went ahead and googled if there was no part two to the film. My main point is that everything that happens in the film just falls into place, and at the end of the film, one is left still envying for more.
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IMAGE FROM:https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQd8Raj26kBRmMyDmtsxSEizqXiOY8JzX8g2-Dp_zVftmg6jy8Tuwv-l7TT1egIq1BPnqI&usqp=CAU
So Divergent (2014) is a film directed by Neil Burger and was released on 21st March 2014 in the United States of America. Its screenwriters are Vanessa Taylor and Evan Daughtery. Divergent (2014) did not just come about like most films, but it is based on a 2011 novel by Veronica Roth. Divergent (2014) is a film with the sci-fiction and action genres, and it is 2hrs 19m long, and truth be told, the is really worth so much time because of how it portrays every little piece to the viewers very well. The film's major actors are Shailene Woodley (Tris), Theo James (Four), Zoe Kravitz (Christina), Jai Courtney (Eric), Kate Winslen (Jeanine), and Miles Teller (Peter). This are the film's major actors, and their roles really complete the film and add value to it because without the other person's role, the other person's duty and role in the film would be useless. The film's parental guidance is PG13, which i think really makes sense because the film has many violence scenes, and children are already exposed to guns, killings, and violence by the time they reach the age of thirteen. This is a film with two more expanded franchises namely The Divergent Series: Insurgent (2015), as well as The Divergent Series: Allegiant (2016).
The story of Divergent (2014) takes place in the post-apocalyptic city of Chicago where people were divided into diverse groups, five groups in counting called factions based on their personality. These factions were grouped right after the war to maintain peace in the city of Chicago. As a person residing in Chicago at that time, when you are of age, the age of 21, you were expected to go under a series of tests so as to determine he faction or group you fall into based up on your personality. The leaders of the city wants one to choose exactly the group that the test points them into, but one is also advised to choose a faction of their own choice. Punch line is, once you chose, there is no going back, and when you back out of your faction, you become factionless and are thrown into the streets.
In this film, everyone has a role to play in the society, and that is how the peace is maintained. In the film, we get to meet Tris who is one of the main characters in the film. As she goes through the series of tests, she discovers that she falls into all of the five factions, and she is thus called a divergent because of that. She is called a divergent because she develops in different directions because she fits in more than one faction. The whole controlling and leading system of the city of Chicago is threated by people like Tris (divergents) because according to them, divergents threaten their whole system and motive of keeping the peace and they are extremely rare.
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IMAGE FROM: https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.timetoast.com/public/uploads/photo/6014712/image/08b401f205ac022bf8401c0ebc1a5d25
When the choosing ceremony comes, she is supposed to choose as her personality if she is courageous, smart, self-less, honest, or good at farming. She surprisingly chose the faction of being brave and courageous known as dauntless. This is a faction that produces the protectors and the solders of the city. Although she has always envied and imagined herself as being a member of the dauntless faction from a small age growing up, she ended up choosing that faction regardless of her test results.
One thing about this film is that it has great lighting. A close-up shot was used to shoot the scene where Tris was Zip-lining from the night capturing the flag game they were playing to the dauntless premises. When she was on the zipline, she was excited as it felt like she was flying. We could tell by her smile while riding down the line. This close up camera shot was also used in this scene because she was afraid, she was going to die at the end of the line as it was not stopping. This was for us to focus on her so that we may feel what she was feeling. This close up shot was used so as to create tension because every audience watching that film thought she was going not die a very painful death.
We see Tris growing and transforming from this little self-less person to a beautiful bold, strong, brace young woman. We see her being discouraged by the ones close to her, but their discouragements just make her stronger and braver. We see that she is brave because of how she responds to threats around her and people trying to bully her. We see that she is strong because in my own opinion, she always stood up for her friends even if it was going to land her into trouble. We see her standing up for her friends and being brave enough to talk her mind out when she does not feel comfortable. The characterization of the film happens to align with the character of every actor in the film. With the character of Tris, we see her appearance while she was still at her faction from birth looking selfless by the way she dressed and spoke as she dressed in dresses and spoke calmly, but as soon as she joins dauntless, her character changes. She is not afraid to fight, and her way of dressing changes as she also gets a tattoo. She really becomes a star in this film, and she deserves the glory to what the film has turned out to be.
As she grows in her new space, we see her growing feelings for her trainer Four. As Four being a trainer, one could see the moment that they laid their eyes on them that he is some handsome brave human being. Apart from Tris, we can see from Four's dressing that he is just fearless. The way he speaks resembles leadership qualities, and we see this because although he is not fully part of leadership, he is a trainer. His thinking shows us that he is smart and brave Because of that, we also see Tris falling for him. From his character in the film, we could see that he is a person who cares for people when he chooses to because he cared for Tris although she did not owe him anything. We see Tris trusting Four with the deepest secret that she is Divergent.
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IMAGE FROM: https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/d89934bbf4ed2c79314d85906cb9ead195e37398/c=0-150-5760-3398/local/-/media/USATODAY/USATODAY/2014/03/19//1395264857000-AP-PEOPLE-SHAILENE-WOODLEY-62850148.JPG?width=660&height=373&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp
These two characters just fall in love in a very natural way. You can just see from the way they look at each other at the film in different scenes that there is love growing. From the way they fight for each other physically and emotionally, we see two being one. Another character whose character is interesting is Jeanine. We see by the way she dresses that she is in control. She is always in formal clothing and has boarding guards around her to help her with anything. The way she talks resembles a leader as she is calm but stands on her word and believes in her word. Although she is a character who is in and out of our screens, when she shows, everyone can see by the way she dresses, speaks, thinks, and how she orders people around her to do things for her that she is a leader.
With what has been explained above, we see that film has an interesting yet amazing plot. We see that Tris proving a point to the world especially her founders that one can be brave and selfless at the same time as we saw her portraying these two characteristics in the film. Although she is settling in Dauntless and working her way up, she uncovers a looming war between these factions are designed to keep the peace maintained that threats her family as people she loves the most. The story uncovers itself in a way that makes so much sense step by step. As one is watching the film, you can never get lost because every scene is being unfolded with understanding.
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PICTURE FROM: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.comingsoon.net%2Fmovies%2Fnews%2F578448-shailene-woodley-tris-prior-divergent-picture&psig=AOvVaw3voxaWq6xZvyLGXTmGrbPx&ust=1652034370644000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjRxqFwoTCLChleaBzvcCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
Divergent (2014) is a film with the themes of identity, family, and threat. We see Tris struggling to find her identity, where she fits in, and who she really is. We see her stressing because she does not know where she belons. She loves her family and does not hesitate to fight for them as when war strikes, the first people she thinks of is her family than herself. The theme of threat is also very visible in the film because every day Tris wakes up in the morning, her life becomes in danger as she is divergent and considered as a threat. If anyone knew her status, she is dead. The three themes sum up the divergent (2014) film because everything revolves between the three themes, and the lives of all the characters on scene work around the three themes. As we are watching the film, these are the three things that stand out and keep repeating, and thus hey are the themes of the films.
I would definitely recommend this film to teenagers and people who enjoy action films. Teenagers would enjoy this film because they are at a age where they start dating, and truth be told, Tris and Four had a really beautiful love story to tell. They fell in love in such a beautiful and natural way that there are no ways teenagers would not enjoy such a film. Divergent (2014) is an action film, as it states in its genre. The killings, shootings and violence would be recommended for people who enjoy action films because we see lots of violence happening in this film. 
This film is really worth watching because there is just a sense of still wanting more when you watch it. It is fun, interesting, and exciting to watch because the characters know their place in the film. Trivial things like the music used in the film make the film stand out from other films. Compared to other films like The Hunger Games (2012) is that both films are science fiction films, they both originated from novels before they became films, and they are both film series films. We see lots of similarities with the two films, but one thing about Divergent (2014) is that this film comes with enough to bring all that interest on its own. I can actually conclude that this film is a “natural” on its own.
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paulrennie · 6 years
BANG • CND Committee of 100 • Fletcher/Forbes/Gill • 1962 Cropping + Scaling Effects (or Bigger + Better)
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We purchased a group of interesting political posters from the early 1960s recently. They arrived in the post today. That’s ecxciting.
This is the best of them, in my opinion.
It’s a poster for the CND splinter-group, Committe of 100. That was a group which espoused civil disobedience and direct-action. That’s always exciting...
The poster was designed by Fletcher/Forbes/Gill. That’s excititng too.
Alan Fletcher, Colin Forbes and Bob Gill, were the founder partners of what became later, with the addition of Kenneth Grange and Theo Crosby, Pentagram.
This poster is exciting from a typographic point of view too.
The default settings of tpography devolve from letterpress printing - range left, or range right; and, if you don’t know anything about typography, centre the text.
These settings reflect the tendency to think of the format and paper size as a kind of frame and to position things in the middle. The centered poition, along with colour and scale, make us understand the message as important. In the western tradition this derives from the geometric space of Renaissance painting, and onwards.
The choice of type is a kind of over-scaled and condensed sans-serif. The choice of sans lettering is significant too; for its alignment with a specific form of international modernism. In condensed and extra-bold form, the type has more drama and punch. So, the typographic choice has both an intellectual and emotional depth that fits with the message.
Now, if you tilt the text and crop the lettering, so that it bleeds off the edge of the poster, you make the message even more dynamic and powerful.
It actually looks like what it says, and does...BANG! It’s explosive.
That’s really exciting, and not in a completely good way... In terms of comunication; it hits the spot exactly, and it’s impossible not to reflect upon the meanings of the message.
If you look really carefully at the poster, there is a slight misalignment in the registration of the red and green printings. Even that helps...it makes for a slight optical disturbance, and adds to the emotional impact of the design. It produces a proto-psychedelic effect that expresses the latent anxiety that informed the birth of CND and the counter-culture of the later 1960s.
The green and red are, co-incidentally, the basis of 3D effects.
I think that last effect was unintentional and serendipitous...maybe, even subconscious. That’s even better.
Nowadays, we take all this for granted.
But, back in the 1960s, this was at the leading-edge of graphic design, as-was and typography.
It wasn’t completely new though.
The advent of lithography had, from the beginning of the 20C onwards, faciliated a more dynamic form of typography and a progressively more complete integration of type and image (Futurism and Vorticism). You can see this in the poster designs of Cheret, Lautrec and Bernhard to begin with. And in the publication, Blast (1914), although the page layouts, below, look pretty static by today’s standards.
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The cropping effects, of scale and signifcance, were derived from the example of Japanese prints and early 19C photography. As modern life accelerated, the early photography struggled to keep up. Things moved out of frame and became more dynamic...think of Degas and co.
The Constructivist modernists, in Germany and the USSR, went even further. They conceptualised a graphic language of pure colour, scale and form (El Lissitsky), and promoted a unified integration of photo-mechanical and typographic elements. That’s typo-photo (Moholy Nagy), from the 1930s.
Even the asymmetric typography of Jan Tischichold (from the 1920s onwards) tended to keep everything within the frame though.
It took a while for the technology to catch up with these ideas. Until the 1960s, it was difficult to realise these kinds of ideas on a poster-sized scale.
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So, this modest poster is right at the forefront of what was possible, in the early 1960s; both practically and conceptually. That’s a lot of poster by Fletcher/Forbes/Gill.
The poster is included in Bob Gill’s Portfolio (1968). So, credit to Bob Gill specifically.
In this context, framing the poster will be an interesting philosophical problem...practically, I will want to be able to display it; conceptually, I will not want to impose a structure or frame around it...
I’ve posted before about typographic journals in Britain. Here are some pictures of Typography, published in 1938 and 1939. You can see them moving slowly towards what Fletcher/Forbes/Gill were doing twenty years later. It was all in small-format though.
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After this came Typographica, published in two series, and the dynamic typography, in cinema, of Saul Bass (for Alfred Hitchcock and for other directors) and of Robert Brownjohn (for the James Bond films).
In political terms, the frame was understood as intrinsically conservative. As Brecht and Dziga-Vertov (1920s) understood, the proscenium-arch of traditional theatre, for example, positions and fixes the players, and audience, within the established discourses of bourgeois entertainments, and within a  space that was politically fixed.
The counter-culture of the 1960s acknowledged that the established systems and structures of cultural discourse were therefore intrinsically limiting. Breaking free of these structures and strictures became the first-step in a long march.
It’s not just about the politics either; as evidenced, above, things actually work better as communication too...
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happierthnme · 3 years
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Theo James x .War on everyone.
If you use it, @happierthnme ( twitter / tumblr. )
Sí lo usas, @happierthnme ( twitter / tumblr. )
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
London Restaurants That Have Reopened For Dine-In Service added to Google Docs
London Restaurants That Have Reopened For Dine-In Service .lst-kix_list_1-3 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-4 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-0{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-7 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-5 > li:before{content:"■ "}.lst-kix_list_1-6 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-3{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-0 > li:before{content:"● "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-4{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-8 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-1{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-2{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-7{list-style-type:none}.lst-kix_list_1-1 > li:before{content:"○ "}.lst-kix_list_1-2 > li:before{content:"■ "}ul.lst-kix_list_1-8{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-5{list-style-type:none}ul.lst-kix_list_1-6{list-style-type:none}
Updated 29th July
Since July 4th, restaurants across London have been officially allowed to open for indoor and outdoor dining. Although things are changing quickly, we want to provide you with the most up-to-date information we have: which places are open, whether they’re taking reservations, and any policies they’re putting in place that go beyond the government’s official guidance. For a cheat sheet on what those are, read our FAQ.
While restaurants are in the process of reopening, many places are still offering takeaway and delivery. Check out our collection for hundreds of takeout and delivery options across the city.
Have a restaurant opening to report? Email us at [email protected].
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Bermondsey Bar and Kitchen is reopening from Saturday 4th with a one way system to ensure social distancing. Reserve a table on their website.
José £ £ £ £ Spanish  in  Bermondsey ££££ 104 Bermondsey St
As well maintaining its new takeaway offering, the Bermondsey tapas spot is open and will remain walk-in only.
Pizarro £ £ £ £ Spanish  in  Bermondsey ££££ 194-204 Bermondsey St
As well as maintaining its new takeaway offering, the swish Spanish restaurant is open and taking bookings.
Bethnal Green Sager + Wilde £ £ £ £ Wine Bar ,  Italian  in  Bethnal Green ££££ Arch 250 Paradise Row
Sager & Wilde on Paradise Row will be open with changes to their layout, and a 1h 45 minute turn time. Reservation is encouraged, especially for their fantastic terrace.
E. Pellicci £ £ £ £ Cafe/Bakery  in  Bethnal Green ££££ 332 Bethnal Green Rd
Everyone’s favourite East End caf is back, serving massive fry ups, lasagne big enough for the whole family, and puddings that’ll send you right back to bed.
Bloomsbury Noble Rot £ £ £ £ Wine Bar  in  Bloomsbury ££££ 51 Lamb’s Conduit St
The wine bar and restaurant we’d ride-or-die for is open for reservations. FYI, the wine bar will no longer accept walk-ins, but there will still be a few tables outside.
Master Wei £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Bloomsbury ££££ 13 Cosmo Pl
A quiet pedestrianised street in Bloomsbury, a nice outdoor seating area, and some of the best biang biang noodles you can get in London. That’s what you get at Master Wei, which has now reopened.
Brixton Fish, Wings & Tings £ £ £ £ Caribbean  in  Brixton ££££ Brixton Village
The popular Caribbean spot in Brixton Village will be open, outside seating included, to serve you pepper prawns and smoky jerk chicken. FYI it’s walk in only.
Kricket ££££ 41 - 43 Atlantic Road
Kricket in Brixton are taking reservations. They’ve removed enough tables to keep dining safe but still social, and their bar is staying open late.
Negril £ £ £ £ Caribbean  in  Brixton ££££ 132 Brixton Hill
Caribbean comfort food spot Negril is reopening and kicking things off with a boozy brunch on their glorious terrace. Reservations can be made online.
Okan £ £ £ £ Japanese  in  Brixton ££££ Brixton Village
Okan will return to serving its Osaka-style Japanese food to dine-in guests on July 4th.
Salon £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Brixton ££££ 18 Market Row, Brixton
From Thursday to Saturday, Salon are doing a five-course set menu for dinner. There are three sittings an evening, and you can book via their website.
Camberwell Theo's Pizzeria £ £ £ £ Pizza  in  Camberwell ££££ 2 Grove Lane
Excellent Neapolitan pizzas and glug-worthy chilli sauce is just some of what you’ll get at Theo’s Pizzeria. Their original location is reopening at 12pm on July 4th. You can reserve online for groups of three or more.
Zeret Kitchen £ £ £ £ Ethiopian  in  Camberwell ££££ 216-218 Camberwell Rd
Buzzy neighbourhood Ethiopian spot Zeret Kitchen is reopening on July 4th and is taking reservations via telephone.
The Camberwell Arms £ £ £ £ British ,  Pub  in  Camberwell ££££ 65 Camberwell Church St
For the last few months, this Camberwell boozer and excellent restaurant has been running a shop takeaway hatch service. They’ll still be running that, but from the 23rd they’ve also been taking reservations for dine-in, while following all the social distancing guidelines to protect staff and customers.
Camden The Cheese Bar £ £ £ £ American ,  Sandwiches  in  Camden ££££ Unit 93 North Yard
The Cheese Bar is reopening its Camden restaurant. They’ve rearranged it to hold half the number of diners. They’re also opening their terrace for socially distanced outdoor dining. Reserve online.
Lemonia £ £ £ £ Greek  in  Camden ££££ 89 Regent's Park Rd
Primrose Hill classic, Lemonia is an old-school Greek spot and it’s reopening on the 4th. Call them on 020 7586 7454 to reserve a table, and know that they have some outdoor seating.
Chelsea Colbert £ £ £ £ French  in  Chelsea ££££ 50-52 Sloane Sq
Sloane Square brasserie Colbert - aka the one with the glorious terrace - is reopening for dinner service on the 4th with a contactless menu, pre-service health checks for staff, and a reconfigured dining room. They’ll also be holding some dining tables back for walk-in customers.
Phat Phuc Noodle Bar £ £ £ £ Chinese ,  Vietnamese ,  Thai ,  Malaysian  in  Chelsea ££££ 151 Sydney St
Phat Phuc Noodle Bar is reopening its restaurant and its lovely little courtyard from July 4th.
Dinings Sw3 £ £ £ £ Sushi  in  Knightsbridge ££££ Lennox Mews
Japanese izakaya and sushi specialist Dinings SW3 is taking online reservations from midday on 4th July. They will also be opening their garden for outdoor seating.
Chicama £ £ £ £ Peruvian  in  Chelsea ££££ 383 Kings Rd
Peruvian spot Chicama is reopening its restaurant for dine-in, including it’s outdoor terrace. Reservations can be made online.
La Mia Mamma £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Chelsea ££££ 257 King’s Road
This Italian restaurant on the King’s Road in Chelsea has moved round the corner to Hollywood Road. Expect the same good-times family meal atmosphere.
City 14 Hills £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  City ££££ 120 Fenchurch St
14 Hills, the glitzy, feel-good forest of a restaurant in the City is reopening on July 4th, with a comeback brunch. They’re taking reservations on their website, which is where you can also find the safety measures they’ll be taking.
Emilia's Crafted Pasta ££££ 77 Alie Street
Emilia’s Crafted Pasta has rearranged both of its restaurant to ensure one metre distancing between guests. Aldgate and St Katherine Dock will both be open from July 4th.
Ekte Nordic Kitchen £ £ £ £ Scandinavian  in  City ££££ Bloomberg Arcade
Sourdough and Nordic specialities are on the menu at Ekte in the City. The Bloomberg Arcade spot has a spacious terrace and a Covid-safe plan that’s available on demand.
Brigadiers £ £ £ £ Indian  in  City ££££ 1-5 Bloomberg Arcade
The big, brash, Indian barbecue restaurant opened its outdoor terrace for bookings first, with the the billiards and bar dining area opening a week later.
Duck & Waffle £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  British  in  City ££££ Heron Tower
It may not be open 24hrs, but the sky-high all-day restaurant is back. And with an informative page of safety measures too.
Clerkenwell Morito £ £ £ £ Spanish ,  Tapas ,  North African  in  Clerkenwell ££££ 32 Exmouth Market
Exmouth Market tapas spot Morito is taking reservations for July 4th from 12pm until late. They will have fewer tables inside, and some outdoor seating available.
Fare Bar and Canteen £ £ £ £ Pizza ,  Modern European  in  Clerkenwell ,  Farringdon ££££ 11 Old Street
Fare is reopening with limited availability to maintain social distance, and is accepting online reservations for all tables, including those on its spacious off-street terrace.
Quality Wines £ £ £ £ British  in  Clerkenwell ,  Farringdon ££££ 88 - 94 Farringdon Road
A wine bar, a sandwich haven, and one of the finest small plates restaurants in the city, Quality Wines is QCH’s little next-door sibling and is also open again.
Quality Chop House £ £ £ £ British  in  Clerkenwell ,  Farringdon ££££ 94 Farringdon Rd
The stalwart British restaurant is taking bookings, so yes, those confit potatoes can be on your plate very soon.
Covent Garden Nutshell £ £ £ £ Iranian  in  Covent Garden ££££ 30 Saint Martin's Lane
Modern Iranian spot Nutshell is reopening with new social distancing measures in place. There will be a limited number of customers allowed inside the restaurant at any one time and reservations are encouraged.
Ippudo London £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Ramen  in  Covent Garden ££££ 3 Central St Giles Piazza, St Giles High St
Ippudo is reopening its spacious Covent Garden spot to serve ramen from 11.30am to 10.30pm. You can reserve a table online.
Jamaica Patty Co ££££ 26 New Row
Jamaica Patty Co. is reopening from noon on July 4th for walk-ins.
Temper Covent Garden £ £ £ £ Fusion  in  Covent Garden ££££ 5 Mercer Walk
The Covent Garden barbecue and taco restaurant will reopen on the 6th, and there will be outdoor seating too. Head to their website for more details.
Din Tai Fung £ £ £ £ Taiwanese  in  Covent Garden ££££ 5-6 Henrietta St
The first London branch of the worldwide chain from Taiwan is another spot that has given up on its walk-in only set up for the time being. Make a reservation from the 6th.
The Petersham Restaurant £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Covent Garden ££££ 2 Floral Court
The Covent Garden outpost of The Petersham is a dainty spot for fancy Italian-inspired food, and you can book now.
J Sheekey £ £ £ £ Seafood  in  Covent Garden ££££ St. Martins Ct.
The Covent Garden seafood specialist has reopened their restaurant, terrace, and also The Atlantic Bar. So get ready to get the oysters in.
Henrietta Bistro £ £ £ £ Mediterranean  in  Covent Garden ££££ 14-15 Henrietta Street
Eat modern European dishes from the kitchen at the Henrietta Hotel out on the pedestrianised street this summer, because Henrietta Bistro has reopened.
The Oystermen - Seafood Bar & Kitchen £ £ £ £ Seafood  in  Covent Garden ££££ 32 Henrietta Street
When you’re looking for oysters, crab, and other seafood in Covent Garden, The Oystermen should be up on your list with J Sheekey. Their new Summer 2020 outdoor terrace makes it even more of a destination.
Kanada-Ya £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Ramen  in  Covent Garden ££££ 64 St Giles High St
Kanada-Ya at St Giles follows their Angel branch in opening for dine-in. All the guidelines are being followed so you can swing-by for ramen when the mood takes you.
La Goccia £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Covent Garden ££££ Floral Court
Italian small plates in an idyllic Covent Garden courtyard are what La Goccia at Petersham Nurseries are all about now they’re open again.
Hawksmoor Seven Dials £ £ £ £ Steaks  in  Covent Garden ££££ 11 Langley St
Hawksmoor worked with the government to develop the Covid-safe guidelines for the hospitality sector, so you better believe they’re following them. They’re also serving a reduced menu to keep things moving.
The Ivy Restaurant £ £ £ £ British  in  Covent Garden ££££ 1-5 West St
The massive booths at The Ivy are a solid socially-distant option if you’re after classic British comfort food at a restaurant that knows what it’s doing.
Balthazar £ £ £ £ French  in  Covent Garden ££££ 4-6 Russell St
Social distancing shouldn’t be a problem at this consistently good brasserie which is great for any occasion you can throw at it, but especially for celebrations or any situation requiring a restaurant that’s classy, but genuinely laid back.
Ippudo London £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Ramen  in  Covent Garden ££££ 3 Central St Giles Piazza, St Giles High St
Ippudo is open again which is a good thing if you want ramen in more spacious surroundings. They even have a few outdoor tables.
Dalston Snackbar £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Sandwiches ,  Brunch  in  Dalston ££££ 20 Dalston Lane
Good news: Snackbar is open again, and their garden will be too. The Dalston café and workspace will be taking bookings, meaning you can now guarantee your bahn mi or burrito. Check the Instagram and DM to make a reservation.
Mangal II £ £ £ £ ££££ 4 Stoke Newington Rd
Dalston’s first ocakbasi is back with a new lick of paint, and an extremely exciting new menu. Book here.
Mildred's Dalston ££££ 1 Dalston Sq
The Dalston branch of Mildred’s is the first of their four London spots to open. The all-vegetarian restaurant is taking reservations and as well as removing furniture to allow for distancing, will be giving staff daily health screenings, and making PPE and hand sanitiser available to staff and customers.
The Dusty Knuckle Bakery £ £ £ £ Dalston ££££ Abbot St Car Park
Bakery and professional-sandwichiers The Dusty Knuckle are reopening with a revamped front garden. They’ll open for lunch on Wednesdays to Sundays, for pizzas on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, and for breakfast on the weekends. Call 07436 177480 to reserve a table.
Little Duck The Picklery £ £ £ £ Dalston ££££ 68 Dalston Road
Dalston all-day small plates spot Little Duck is open for bookings now and will also keep its takeaway service going.
Elephant and Castle Theo's Pizzeria £ £ £ £ Pizza  in  Elephant and Castle ££££ Draper House, 17-19 Elephant and Castle
Excellent Neapolitan pizzas and glug-worthy chilli sauce is just some of what you’ll get at Theo’s Pizzeria. Their E&C location is reopening at 5pm on July 4th. You can reserve online for groups of three or more, and there’s some outdoor seating.
Euston Murger-Han £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Bloomsbury ,  Euston ££££ 62 Eversholt Street
Xi’an specialist Murger Han is reopening with a new layout to ensure there is one metre between tables. They’ll accept groups of up to six people, and only take card payments.
Farringdon The Drunken Butler £ £ £ £ French ,  Persian  in  Clerkenwell ££££ 20 Roseberry Avenue
There’s a lick of paint and a whole new tasting menu at the Drunken Butler in Farringdon. The classy French and Persian-influenced restaurant is open for bookings now, just check their website.
Luca £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Clerkenwell ,  Farringdon ££££ 88 St John St
Luca has reopened with a raft of Covid-safe precautions, and they're still offering their Luca at Home meal kits.
Fitzrovia Circolo Popolare £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Fitzrovia ££££ 40 - 41 Rathbone Place
Fitzrovia Italian Circolo Popolare is accustomed to queues around the block, but the restaurant will be fully bookable for the first time from July 4th, including tables on their verdant terrace overlooking Rathbone Square.
Sushi Atelier £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Sushi  in  Fitzrovia ££££ 114 Great Portland Street
Sushi Atelier is one of the best places in Zone 1 for good, affordable sushi, and they’re taking reservations for lunch and dinner from July 4th.
Rovi £ £ £ £ Middle Eastern  in  Fitzrovia ££££ 59 Wells Street
Ottolenghi’s excellent vegetable-focused (but not entirely vegetarian) Fitzrovia spot is open for lunch and dinner. Book now and thank yourself later.
Greyhound Cafe £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Fitzrovia ££££ 37 Berners Street
Greyhound Café has reopened and is serving Thai specialities from its Fitzrovia restaurant and summer terrace.
Passyunk Avenue ££££ 80 Cleveland St
The taste of Philadelphia returns to Fitzrovia with this American comfort food spot and dive bar which has reopened for dine-in service.
Oklava Bakery + Wine ££££ 64 Grafton Way
The Turkish bakery and wine bar in Fitzrovia is open Wednesday to Friday with a casual menu of pides and lahmacun.
Hackney Casa Fofó £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Vegetarian  in  Hackney ££££ 158 Sandringham Road
The neighbourhood fine dining spot in Hackney is reopening on 4th July. Reserve a table on their website.
LARDO £ £ £ £ Pizza  in  Hackney ££££ 195-205 Richmond Rd
Lardo are reopening their restaurant and terrace with socially distanced tables for dine-in guests.
Martello Hall £ £ £ £ Pizza ,  Italian  in  Hackney ££££ 137 Mare St
Late night pizza bar Martello Hall is reopening at a lower capacity, and with cashless payments only. Reservations can be made on their website.
The Laughing Heart £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Wine Bar  in  Hackney ££££ 277 Hackney Road
The Hackney Road wine bar will reopen for lunch and dinner at 75% capacity from Thursday to Sunday. There will also be a space available for private dining for groups of 12. Reservations can be made online.
Bright £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Hackney ££££ 1 Westgate Street
This neighbourhood restaurant and wine bar is taking dinner reservations from July 4th. They will be open at reduced capacity, and serving a set menu in the dining room and their a la carte menu at the bar and terrazzo. They’re also planning to add more seating outside, depending on the weather.
Bistrotheque £ £ £ £ French  in  Bethnal Green ££££ 23-27 Wadeson St
This neighbourhood bistro is reopening from 10am on July 4th, and is accepting online reservations. They’ll also have some tables outside which are available to book from Sunday.
Ozone Coffee Roasters £ £ £ £ Pizza ,  Brunch  in  Bethnal Green ££££ Emma Street
This is one of our favourite coffee shops in London, and it’s reopening for all day brunch from 4th July. They will be operating at reduced capacity and so they’re recommending you reserve a table on their website.
My Neighbours The Dumplings £ £ £ £ Chinese ,  Dim Sum  in  Clapton ,  Hackney ££££ 165 Lower Clapton Road
Hackney’s favourite kinda cool and kinda casual Chinese restaurant is reopening with screens and spaced out tables. There will be some outdoor seating, but you can reserve a table inside the restaurant via their website.
The Crooked Billet £ £ £ £ Pub  in  Hackney ££££ Upper Clapton Rd.
Modern east London boozer The Crooked Billet is taking reservations via Facebook and Instagram. Andi’s Wadadli Kitchen is currently popped up there serving Caribbean classics, and you should note that they have an excellent beer garden.
Morito Hackney Road £ £ £ £ Spanish ,  North African  in  Hackney ££££ 195 Hackney Road
North African-inspired tapas is the order of the day at Morito on Hackney Road. It’s more spacious than their original spot on Exmouth Market, and it’s open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Sager + Wilde £ £ £ £ Wine Bar  in  Hackney ,  Haggerston ££££ 193 Hackney Rd
Sager and Wilde are accepting reservations at their bar and for their Hackney Road terrace - no eating required. You should know however that they’ve got a table turn time of just an hour and fifteen minutes.
OMBRA ££££ 1 Vyner St
Through lockdown, Ombra transformed into a deli and pastaficio, but it’s back from July 4th, with its spacious terrace next to the canal on Cambridge Heath Road.
Lucky And Joy £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Clapton ,  Hackney ££££ 95 Lower Clapton Road
If you didn’t manage to get L&J’s sesame noodles delivered during lockdown, then worry not, because they’re open again.
Campania and Jones £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Hackney ,  Haggerston ££££ 95 Columbia Road
Columbia Road’s romantic Italian has set up tables on the cobbled street out front and will ‘tentatively’ see how it goes with people indoors. Email [email protected] to book.
Brat £ £ £ £ British  in  Shoreditch ££££ 4 Redchurch street
Brat has temporarily left its Shoreditch home and is taking up residency at Climpson’s Arch for the summer. Book here or email [email protected].
Burro e Salvia £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Shoreditch ££££ 52 Redchurch St
Burro e Salvia is open for lunch only. The handmade pasta spot on Redchurch Street is operating at a limited capacity and will start opening for dinner late July.
Marksman £ £ £ £ British ,  Pub  in  Shoreditch ££££ 254 Hackney Rd
Hackney Road’s always-buzzing gastropub and restaurant has reopened for dining on. Shotgun your spot online and don’t forget about their lovely outdoor area.
Mao Chow £ £ £ £ Chinese ,  Vegetarian  in  Hackney ££££ 159A Mare St
This vegan hole-in-the-wall in Hackney has added outdoor seating to their existing takeaway and delivery service. You can book a spot by emailing [email protected].
Hammersmith River Café £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Hammersmith ££££ Thames Wharf, Rainville Rd
London’s most famous Italian restaurant is back, with perfect timing, in time for summer. Bookings are capped at two or two-and-a-half hours, and you can make them here.
Harringay Gökyüzü Restaurant £ £ £ £ Turkish  in  Harringay ££££ 26-27 Grand Parade, Green Lanes
Gökyüzü takeaway is great, but Gökyüzü eating in is even better. The Harringay branch of the legendary Turkish spot will be open, with outdoor seating. Just call 020 8211 8406 to book.
Herne Hill Llewelyn's £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Herne Hill ££££ 293- 295 Railton Rd
Llewlyn’s have had permission to extend their already lovely terrace next to Herne Hill station. They’ve also made changes inside to allow for social distancing. They’re taking reservations for lunch service on the 4th and beyond.
Highbury Trullo £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Highbury ,  Islington ££££ 300 St. Paul's Rd
Trullo is reopening its doors for lunch and dinner service on July 4th. They’ve limited the amount of tables in both room to follow social distancing guidelines and reservations can be made on their website.
Top Cuvée £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Wine Bar  in  Highbury ££££ 177B Blackstock Rd
The wine bar and restaurant that turned itself into ‘Shop Cuvée’ throughout lockdown is open for dine-in service again. They’re accepting reservations for Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
Restaurante Trevi £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Highbury ,  Islington ££££ 16-18 Highbury Corner
This Italian restaurant in Highbury has reopened for dine-in guests.
Westerns Laundry £ £ £ £ Seafood ,  Mediterranean  in  Highbury ££££ 34 Drayton Park
As well as courtyard BBQ lunches, the Highbury small plates spot are offering set dinner menus. You can bag a spot via the website.
Primeur £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  French ,  Wine Bar  in  Stoke Newington ££££ Barnes Motors, 116 Petherton Rd
One of north London’s most romantic spaces, Primeur is open with prix fixe and set menu options. There are two dinner sittings, at 6:30pm and 8:00pm.
Perilla £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Highbury ,  Stoke Newington ££££ 1-3 Green Lanes
The Newington Green lowkey fine-dining spot is open for bookings now. Fancy chip-shop curry sauce incoming.
Prawn On The Lawn Islington £ £ £ £ Seafood  in  Highbury ,  Islington ££££ 292 - 294 St Paul's Road
Seafood specialist and inaugural winner of the just-invented Cute Restaurant Name award, Prawn on the Lawn has reopened its Islington restaurant. You can book here and, don’t worry, it’s still a fishmongers.
Islington Radici £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Islington ££££ 30 Almeida St
Southern Italian trattoria Radici will be reopening its doors on July 4th. They’ve made changes to make it safe, and reservations can be made on their website.
The Drapers Arms £ £ £ £ Pub  in  Islington ££££ 44 Barnsbury St
The Drapers Arms will be accepting online reservations only for July 4th and 5th for now. They will be arranging the place to follow government 1m+ social distancing guidelines.
Smokehouse £ £ £ £ British  in  Islington ££££ 63–69 Canonbury Rd
Smoky brisket, smoky cauliflower, and smoky, er, salmon. It’s all in Smokehouse’s name really, and the Islington restaurant is open again.
The Compton Arms £ £ £ £ British ,  Pub  in  Islington ££££ 4 Compton Avenue
Probably the most popular pub in north London throughout 2019, The Compton Arms is back and so are Four Legs in the kitchen. Check the website for reservations, and move fast for a garden seat.
Kensington Mazi £ £ £ £ Greek  in  Notting Hill ££££ 12-14 Hillgate St
Slick Greek spot Mazi is now taking bookings for al fresco dining in the garden.
The Prince £ £ £ £ Burgers ,  Vietnamese ,  Thai ,  British  in  West Kensington ££££ 14 Lillie Rd
The Prince is part pub, part drinking hall, and it’s home to some pretty good street food stalls too. Bookings are being taken for the 4th July.
Maggie Jones's £ £ £ £ British  in  Kensington ££££ 6 Old Court Place
Home to the creamiest fish pie of them all, Maggie Jones has reopened for dine-in and is accepting reservations.
Da Mario £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Kensington ££££ 15 Gloucester Rd
They don’t make restaurants like Da Mario anymore. This old school Italian is open again with its outdoor seating all ready for reservations.
CERU South Kensington £ £ £ £ Mediterranean  in  Kensington ££££ 7-9 Bute St
Ceru is back open, serving Levantine cuisine in SW7.
King's Cross Barrafina £ £ £ £ Tapas  in  Kings Cross ££££ Coal Drops Yard
Barrafina Coal Drops Yard have added extra distance between stools and are running a reduced tapas menu to make things a bit more spacious for their chefs. Most importantly, for the first time at Barrafina - home to infamous queues - you can reserve. As well as the counter, there are a few seats outside, a private dining room that’s reserved for parties of three to six people, and a small terrace.
Parrillan At Barrafina £ £ £ £ Spanish ,  Tapas  in  Kings Cross ££££ Coal Drops Yard, King's Cross
Parillan’s glorious terrace at Coal Drops Yard will be put to good use this summer. Reservations are available from July 4th and you should know that they’ve spread out the tables to allow for distancing. Alongside the grill-your-own options they launched with last summer, they’re adding new arroz dishes to the menu.
The German Gymnasium £ £ £ £ German  in  Kings Cross ££££ 1 King's Boulevard
The German Gymnasium is reopening in King’s Cross. It’s been rearranged to make sure guests are socially distant from each other, and when you make your reservation on their website you’ll see all the other precautions they’re putting in place.
The Lighterman £ £ £ £ British  in  Kings Cross ££££ 3 Granary Sq
This British restaurant in Kings Cross is taking online reservations for 4th July. Guests will be socially distanced across three floors of indoor seating as well as their outdoor terraces.
The Coal Office £ £ £ £ ££££ 4-10 Bagley Walk Arches
The Coal Office has been doing grab-and-go in King’s Cross since June 18th, but they’ll be back serving their menu of Middle Eastern inspired food and excellent bread from July 4th. When you reserve, you can also ask for a seat on their Coal Drops Yard terrace.
Caravan King's Cross £ £ £ £ Cafe/Bakery  in  Kings Cross ££££ Granary Building, 1 Granary Sq
Caravan on Granary Square is reopening. It’s got that whole industrial look going on, an eclectic menu of different cuisines, loads of space, and a pretty roomy terrace out front.
Hoppers £ £ £ £ Sri Lankan  in  Kings Cross ££££ 4 Pancras Square
With a few spots around London now, it’s the Pancras Square location of Hoppers that opened first. The menu is a little more seafood-leaning at this branch of the Sri Lankan restaurant, and there’s also a covered terrace.
Dishoom King's Cross £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Kings Cross ££££ 5 Stable St
The Shoreditch, King’s Cross, and Carnaby Street branches of Dishoom are back. And now you can book for groups of up to six via their website.
Happy Face £ £ £ £ Pizza  in  Kings Cross ££££ 14 Handyside Street
This cavernous, subterranean pizza spot is a good shout for something fast, inexpensive, and easy around Coal Drops Yard. It’s only a short walk from the shops, well away from most of the crowds, and now taking reservations.
Mildreds ££££ 200 Pentonville Rd
Stalwart vegetarian spot Mildreds is taking bookings of up to six people at its King’s Cross branch.
Lina Stores King's Cross £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Kings Cross ££££ 20 Stable Street
Lina Stores King’s Cross has reopened as an al fresco restaurant. Lina in Piazza is right opposite the King’s Cross restaurant with a mobile bar and gelato cart. You can reserve a table on their website.
Knightsbridge Kama By Vineet £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Knightsbridge ££££ 87-135 Brompton Road
Kama By Vineet is reopening on July 4th for walk-in only, but reservations will be accepted from Monday 6th July.
Leytonstone Singburi £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Leytonstone ££££ 593 High Rd Leytonstone
There are few things more exciting than Singburi’s legendary blackboard of specials, and the Thai café is open again. You can call 020 8281 4801 to book and check their Instagram for blackboard updates.
London Bridge Padella £ £ £ £ Pasta ,  Italian  in  London Bridge ££££ 6 Southwark St
London’s most famed pasta restaurant is back, walk-ins and all. Only they’re virtual now. Check the Instagram for updates, download the WalkIn app, and that pici cacio e pepe will be yours soon enough. FYI, there is outdoor seating.
Casa do Frango £ £ £ £ Portuguese  in  Southwark ££££ 32 Southwark St
Piri-piri chicken spot Casa do Frango is taking online reservations to dine in their bright and airy Southwark location from the evening of July 4th. They’ve reconfigured the space to allow for social distancing and card payment only for now.
Stoney Street ££££ 2-3 Stoney Street
26 Grains are reopening on the 4th July with outdoor seating. They’lll be taking reservations close to the date.
Santo Remedio £ £ £ £ Mexican  in  London Bridge ££££ 152 Tooley Street
Mexican spot Santo Remedio is taking reservations and will initially be opening on Friday evenings, and all-day saturday and sunday. Staff will be wearing face coverings, tables will be socially distanced, and there’s the option of outdoor seating.
Kin+Deum £ £ £ £ ££££ 2 Crucifix Lane
Kin + Deum will be serving up their wholesome Thai food from midday on the 4th July. Email [email protected], with your name, contact number, number of guests, and booking time to reserve a table.
Gunpowder £ £ £ £ Indian  in  London Bridge ££££ 4 Duchess Walk
The spacious second location of Gunpowder is one the city’s best modern Indian restaurants. Head to their website to book a table.
Hawksmoor Borough £ £ £ £ Steaks  in  London Bridge ££££ 16 Winchester Walk
Home to the full fat old fashioned and, well, lots of meat, steak specialist Hawksmoor is now taking reservations at its Borough location.
Wright Brothers Oyster & Porter House £ £ £ £ Seafood  in  London Bridge ££££ 11 Stoney St.
The seafood mini-chain has reopened its Borough and Battersea branches first. Time to get the oysters in.
Marylebone Fischer's £ £ £ £ Austrian  in  Marylebone ££££ 50 Marylebone High St
Fischer’s will be open from breakfast till late after its first dinner service on July 4th. This Viennese-style brasserie in Marylebone is providing a contactless menu, pre-service health checks for all staff, and a reconfigured dining room for customer safety.
Blandford Comptoir £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Mediterranean  in  Marylebone ££££ 1 Blandford St
This Mediterranean restaurant in Marylebone is now taking reservations for indoor seating, which will be spaced out. They also have some outdoor tables.
Brasserie of Light £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  British  in  Marylebone ££££ 400 Oxford St
This brasserie in Selfridges is reopening for all-day dining. Thermal cameras will be in place to check temperatures, and air filtration units have been installed. Bookings can be made on their website.
The Golden Hind £ £ £ £ British  in  Marylebone ££££ Marylebone Ln
This legendary Marylebone chippy is reopening for dine-in customers on July 4th.
Zoilo £ £ £ £ Argentinian  in  Marylebone ££££ 9 Duke St
This Argentinian restaurant with bar seating is back up and running with a small, socially distanced terrace out front.
The Grazing Goat £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  British  in  Marylebone ££££ 6 New Quebec St
This Marylebone local is back, with a decent-sized terrace, and solid bistro food. They’ve reduced capacity, they’re giving staff health checks before each service, and are fully reservable.
Hoppers - St. Christopher's Place £ £ £ £ Sri Lankan  in  Marylebone ££££ 77 Wigmore Street
The Marylebone location of the excellent Sri Lankan restaurant with that bone marrow varuval is now open.
Mayfair Hide £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Mayfair ££££ 85 Piccadilly
Hide are taking reservations. This vast, multi-floored fine dining restaurant opposite Green Park didn’t skip a beat in transforming into a takeaway back in March, and they’ll be open for dinner service from the 4th.
Murger Hanhan £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Mayfair ££££ Sackville St
Xi’an specialist Murger Hanhan is reopening with a new layout to ensure there is one metre between tables. They’ll accept groups of up to six people, and only take card payments.
Scott's £ £ £ £ Seafood  in  Mayfair ££££ 20 Mount Street
One of London’s oldest seafood restaurants, Scott’s, is taking online reservations for the restaurant and bar area. Plus, they have an outdoor terrace. But it can’t be booked. Heads up, you need to reserve by telephone for groups larger than four.
Sexy Fish £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Seafood  in  Mayfair ££££ Berkeley Square,Berkeley Square House
Sexy Fish is taking online reservations for lunch and dinner, seven days a week, from July 4th.
Bombay Bustle £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Mayfair ££££ 29 Maddox Street
Bombay Bustle are opening from July 4th on a reservations-only basis. Call 020 7290 4470 or head over to their website for a booking.
Jamavar £ £ £ £ Indian ,  Curry  in  Mayfair ££££ 8 Mount St
This upmarket but relaxed Indian restaurant in Mayfair is implementing all the social distancing guidelines and is taking reservations from the 4th.
Kitty Fisher's £ £ £ £ British  in  Mayfair ££££ 10 Shepherd Market
With food so good you’ll try to eat the cutlery, Kitty Fisher’s is open with a small amount of outside and ground floor tables. Call 020 3302 1661 for updates.
Delfino £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Mayfair ££££ 121a Mount St
The classic and always-reliable Italian in Mayfair is a go-to for a reasonably priced meal in central.
Goodman Steakhouse ££££ 26 Maddox St
The steakhouse is reopening its Mayfair, City, and Canary Wharf restaurants simultaneously. Check the website to book.
Sabor £ £ £ £ Spanish  in  Mayfair ££££ 35-37 Heddon Street
This fun, casual, and seriously good Spanish spot in Mayfair has re-opened as a pop-up on their own extended terrace. There’s no need for a reservation they say, just pop in and say hello.
Sketch £ £ £ £ French ,  Molecular Gastronomy  in  Mayfair ££££ 9 Conduit St
One for the tourists here, Sketch has reopened its doors in Mayfair from Friday to Sunday only.
The Guinea Grill £ £ £ £ Steaks ,  Pub  in  Mayfair ££££ 30 Bruton Pl
Mayfair’s boozer with distinctly un-pub-like prices has reopned, English breakfast and all.
Notting Hill Core By Clare Smyth £ £ £ £ British  in  Notting Hill ££££ 92 Kensington Park Rd
Core by Clare Smyth is accepting online bookings for lunch and dinner. They’re already fully booked for the 4th July, so act fast if you want a reservation in the coming weeks.
Taquería £ £ £ £ Mexican  in  Notting Hill ££££ 139-144 Westbourne Grove
Mexican spot Taqueria is reopening from Tuesday to Thursday at a third of its usual seating capacity. It’s reservation only, so to reserve a table, email them at [email protected].
Mazi £ £ £ £ Greek  in  Notting Hill ££££ 12-14 Hillgate St
Upmarket modern Greek dishes are back on the menu in this idyllic spot in Notting Hill that always make us feel like we’re on holiday. They also have a beautiful little patio out back.
Suzi Tros £ £ £ £ Greek  in  Notting Hill ££££ 18 Hillgate Street
As with sister restaurant Mazi, Suzi Tros serves modern Greek cuisine. Here they’re served in a slightly more casual style, and they’re open for reservations.
Electric Diner £ £ £ £ American  in  Notting Hill ££££ 191 Portobello Rd
This lively, fast-casual, American-style diner is back open, serving hot dogs, cheeseburgers, and all-day breakfasts from morning till night. The adjoining cinema will be open on August 7th.
Gold £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Notting Hill ££££ 95 - 97 Portobello Road
Gold’s Garden Room is a nice place to be, with its palm tree and retractable glass ceiling. It’s now open again, serving drinks and wood-fired seasonal plates.
Hereford Road £ £ £ £ British  in  Notting Hill ££££ 3 Hereford Rd
The restaurants as you may know it is not properly open till September, but they’ve taken over the street and have renamed themselves Hereford Pavement, serving their nose-to-tail specialities throughout the summer.
Uli £ £ £ £ Chinese ,  Thai ,  Malaysian  in  Notting Hill ££££ 5 Ladbroke Road
Uli is a bright restaurant in Notting Hill serving food from all over Asia both inside and on their lovely roof terrace.
Farm Girl Cafe £ £ £ £ Australian ,  Cafe/Bakery  in  Notting Hill ££££ 59a Portobello Rd
This Australian healthy-eating thing is back up and running.
Paddington Pergola Paddington Central £ £ £ £ American ,  Burgers ,  Tacos  in  Paddington ££££ 5 Kingdom St
Paddington’s open air food market is now taking online bookings, you can reserve via their website.
London Shell Co £ £ £ £ Seafood ££££ The Prince Regent
The Grand Duchess and The Prince Regent, both canal-boat-restaurants from London Shell Co have reopened. Make a booking if you’re a seafood fan.
Peckham Levan £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Peckham ££££ 12 Blenheim Grove
Peckham wine bar and restaurant Levan (also one of our Best New Restaurants of 2019) is taking reservations for dinner on July 4th and beyond.
Kudu £ £ £ £ Peckham ££££ 119 Queen's Road
Kudu and Smokey Kudu are reopening for service on July 4th. Temperature checks will be mandatory for guests, and tables have been rearranged to ensure social distancing. And there are outdoor tables available for walk-ins.
Richmond Petersham Nurseries £ £ £ £ Italian ££££ Church Lane, Petersham Road
Petersham Nurseries is reopening it’s Richmond café and teahouse for al fresco dining. Opening hours will be adjusted until sunset on some evenings, and bookings can be made online.
Shoreditch Sông Quê £ £ £ £ Vietnamese  in  Shoreditch ££££ 134 Kingsland Rd
If you’re craving Vietnamese, then Sông Quê Cafe is reopening for dine-in on July 4th, reservations can be made by calling 020 7613 3222.
Rochelle Canteen £ £ £ £ British  in  Shoreditch ££££ Rochelle School
Rochelle Canteen is one of our favourite restaurants in London, and it’s reopening its restaurant and garden on July 4th. They’re taking online reservations now.
Officina 00 £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Shoreditch ££££ 152 Old Street
Italian spot Officina 00 is reopening on the 4th. They’re accepting online reservations for every day of the week except Sundays.
Casa Do Frango £ £ £ £ ££££ 2 King John Court
Piri-piri chicken spot Casa do Frango is taking online reservations to dine in their Shoreditch location from the evening of July 4th. They’ve reconfigured the space to allow for social distancing and have installed a brand new terrace for outdoor dining. They’re also operating on a card payment only for now.
Padella £ £ £ £ Pasta ,  Italian  in  London Bridge ££££ 6 Southwark St
London’s most famed pasta restaurant is back, walk-ins and all. Only they’re virtual now. Check the Instagram for updates, download the WalkIn app, and that pici cacio e pepe will be yours soon enough. FYI, there is outdoor seating.
Homeslice Pizza Shoreditch £ £ £ £ Pizza  in  Shoreditch ££££ 374-378 Old St
The Shoreditch branch of Homeslice is reopening on July 4th. FYI they have small garden that seats two if you’d rather dine outside.
Popolo £ £ £ £ Spanish ,  Pasta  in  Shoreditch ££££ 26 Rivington St
Popolo are reconfiguring their two-floor Rivington Street restaurant to allow social distancing. They’re accepting reservations for just eight seats at the bar downstairs and fifteen upstairs.
Smokestak £ £ £ £ BBQ  in  Shoreditch ££££ 35 Sclater St
This Shoreditch BBQ spot is reopening in true Smokestak style, with a barbecue. They’ve reduced their dining room capacity by 30%, and will have a new terrace available for al fresco dining. Reservations can be made on their website.
Gloria £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Shoreditch ££££ 54-56 Great Eastern Street
Over the top Italian spot Gloria will be enforcing all necessary safety measures in Shoreditch. They’re also taking reservations for daytime and evening service from July 4th.
Ozone Coffee Roasters £ £ £ £ Cafe/Bakery  in  Shoreditch ££££ 11 Leonard St
This is one of our favourite coffee shops in London, and it’s reopening for all-day brunch from July 4th. They will be operating at reduced capacity so it’s best to reserve a table on their website.
Pachamama East £ £ £ £ Peruvian  in  Shoreditch ££££ 73 Great Eastern Street
Both the Marylebone and Shoreditch branches of the Peruvian all-day restaurant are open and taking reservations.
Blacklock £ £ £ £ Steaks  in  Shoreditch ££££ 30 Rivington Street
A no-brainer when you’re craving steak or a gargantuan roast, Blacklock’s Shoreditch chophouse is open for reservations.
Lahpet £ £ £ £ Burmese  in  Shoreditch ,  Spitalfields ££££ 58 Bethnal Green Road
One of London’s few Burmese restaurants, Lahpet in Shoreditch is open from Thursday till Sunday weekly.
Dishoom Shoreditch £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Shoreditch ££££ 7 Boundary St
The Shoreditch, King’s Cross, and Carnaby Street branches of Dishoom are back. And now you can book for groups of up to six via their website.
Smoking Goat £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Shoreditch ££££ 64 Shoreditch High St
Home to some 10/10 sticky, chilli and fish sauce covered chicken wings, the Thai spot has reopened in Shoreditch for walk-ins and bookings of up to six.
Oklava £ £ £ £ Turkish  in  Shoreditch ££££ 74 Luke St
The Turkish restaurant has reopened with a choice of set dinner menus from its Shoreditch home.
Brat £ £ £ £ British  in  Shoreditch ££££ 4 Redchurch street
As well as running the summer pop-up at Climpson’s Arch, the Shoreditch restaurant has reopened. There are fewer tables so expect a reservation to be even harder to get than it used to be.
Soho Kolamba £ £ £ £ Sri Lankan  in  Soho ££££ 21 Kingly Court
This Sri Lankan restaurant in Soho is now accepting reservations for 4th July for indoor and al fresco dining.
Brasserie Zédel £ £ £ £ French  in  Soho ££££ 20 Sherwood St
Zédel won’t be having any live bands playing in the near future because that’s against government guidelines, but there will still be enough going on in their enormous dining room when it reopens on the 4th. There’ll be a contactless menu, pre-service health checks for all staff, and a reconfigured dining room at this Piccadilly Circus landmark.
Olle £ £ £ £ Korean  in  Chinatown ££££ 88 Shaftesbury Avenue
Favourites like japchae and topokki are on the menu at this Chinatown restaurant, but they specialise in Korean bbq. They’re taking reservations from July 4th.
40 Dean Street £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Soho ££££ 40 Dean Street
Soho’s neighbourhood restaurant, 40 Dean Street is serving Italian specilities like chicken milanese and black ink linguini from the 4th. Reserve a table on their website.
Pastaio £ £ £ £ Pasta ,  Italian  in  Soho ££££ 19 Ganton St
Pastaio are serving their homemade pasta in Soho from lunchtime on the 4th. Email [email protected] to get a table in their Soho restaurant.
Ceviche £ £ £ £ Peruvian  in  Soho ££££ 17 Frith St.
Ceviche will be serving their Peruvian specialities to a reduced capacity. Reserve a table over on their website, and if the weather’s good, keep your fingers crossed for a table on their new outside terrace, which promises to bring a little bit of Lima to Soho this summer.
Copita £ £ £ £ Tapas  in  Soho ££££ 26-27 D'arblay St
Copita is reopening for eat-in tapas on July 4th, call them on 020 7287 7797 to reserve a table, and keep an eye on their Instagram page for news of a new outdoor seating area.
Ugly Dumpling £ £ £ £ Soho ££££ 1 Newburgh Street
Ugly Dumpling is taking online reservations for July 4th. They only have four tables, and outdoor seating is walk-in only, so you’ll definitely want to plan ahead.
Bone Daddies Shackfuyu £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Fusion  in  Soho ££££ 14 Old Compton St
Bone Daddies across London will be opening on a walk-in basis only. Safety precautions include reduced capacity, contact tracing measures, plus front-of-house staff will be wearing face masks.
JinLi Restaurant £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Chinatown ££££ 4 Leicester St
JinLi, one of the best spots in town for Sichuan food, are reopening on the 4th.
Quo Vadis £ £ £ £ British  in  Soho ££££ 26-29 Dean St
It’s a restaurant, it’s a members club, and it’s home to the smoked eel sandwich. Quo Vadis is taking bookings.
Barrafina Soho £ £ £ £ Spanish  in  Soho ££££ 26-27 Dean St
The super-popular tapas spot is open for reservations now. As usual, there will be (limited) outside seating.
The French House £ £ £ £ French ,  British  in  Soho ££££ 49 Dean St
Soho’s legendary pub has reopened its dining room again for boozy lunches, dinners, and everything in between. Space is even more limited than usual, so call 0203 985 7603, or email [email protected].
Dishoom Carnaby £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Soho ££££ 22 Kingly St
The Shoreditch, King’s Cross, and Carnaby Street branches of Dishoom are back. And now you can book for groups of up to six via their website.
Paradise ££££ 61 Rupert Street
Sri Lankan spot Paradise has reopened its Soho restaurant. Bookings are now open, via the website.
Mildred's £ £ £ £ Vegetarian ,  British  in  Soho ££££ 45 Lexington St
Soho’s OG plant-based spot has reopened with a new terrace on a freshly rolled out lawn covering a closed-to-traffic Lexington Street.
Berenjak £ £ £ £ Middle Eastern  in  Soho ££££ 27 Romilly Street
The little spot in Soho has added a grab-and-go hatch so you can now get its excellent mazeh and kebab both inside and to go.
Yauatcha £ £ £ £ Chinese ,  Dim Sum  in  Soho ££££ 15-17 Broadwick St
Yauatcha has reopened so if you simply can’t wait to get those venison puffs in you, reserve now.
Bob Bob Ricard £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  British  in  Soho ££££ 1 Upper James St.
How many times every ‘Press for Champagne’ button will be scrubbed, we do not know. But we guesstimate a lot, seeing as Bob Bob is back and you can book online.
Manteca £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Soho ££££ 58-59 Great Marlborough Street
It only opened at the end of 2019, but Manteca took no time at all becoming a go-to in Soho for handmade pasta and huge hunks of meat. They’ve reduced capacity by 40% to make sure things are socially distanced, but they’re making up for it by also selling sandwiches out of a hatch.
Blacklock £ £ £ £ Steaks  in  Soho ££££ 24 Great Windmill St
A no-brainer when you’re craving steak or a gargantuan roast, Blacklock’s Soho chophouse is open for reservations now.
Baozi Inn £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Chinatown ££££ 25 Newport Ct
The Romilly Street branch of the dim sum specialist is the second to reopen (after London Bridge) and has got offers on drinks. They’re also doing takeaway and delivery through apps.
Kiln £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Soho ££££ 58 Brewer Street
One of the best places to eat Thai food in the West End has grown a terrace. Kiln will also be taking reservations at the bar for the first time.
Bancone £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Soho ££££ Golden Square 8-10 Lower James Street
For handmade pasta, the bigger Bancone on Golden Square in Soho is a good place to be. They’re taking reservations for up to four people for lunch and dinner from the 28th.
Bao £ £ £ £ Taiwanese  in  Soho ££££ 53 Lexington St
The original Bao is back open and also offering takeaway for the first time.
Southwark The Anchor & Hope £ £ £ £ Pub  in  Southwark ££££ 36 The Cut
The excellent Southwark pub is now taking reservations by telephone for July 4th, but keep in mind that their outdoor picnic tables are given on a first come first served basis.
Spitalfields Bubala £ £ £ £ Vegetarian ,  Middle Eastern  in  Spitalfields ££££ 65 Commercial Street
Middle-Eastern inspired spot Bubala will be back up and running, cooking a set menu of vegetarian and vegan dips and breads. Reservation lines are open for lunch and evening service from day one.
Som Saa £ £ £ £ Thai  in  Shoreditch ,  Spitalfields ££££ 43A Commercial St
Som Saa are offering collection, local delivery, and now reservations. Book online for a table at the Thai-inspired spot in Spitalfields.
Brother Marcus ££££ 2 Crispin Place
All-day Eastern Mediterranean spot Brother Marcus is kicking off its 4th July reopening with brunch. There will be both indoor seating and al fresco dining, food orders and payment will be done via mobile phone from your table, and reservations can be made online.
Gunpowder £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Shoreditch ,  Spitalfields ££££ 11 White's Row
The original Spitalfields branch of this excellent modern Indian spot follows the Tower Bridge branch in reopening to reservations and walk ins on a socially-distant basis.
St James's The Wolseley £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Mayfair ££££ 160 Piccadilly
The Wolseley is reopening from dinner service on the 4th with a contactless menu, pre-service health checks for all staff, and a reconfigured dining room.
Imperial Treasure Fine Chinese Cuisine £ £ £ £ Chinese  in  Mayfair ££££ 9 Waterloo Place
The super-swanky Chinese restaurant is open for bookings and black cards now.
Ikoyi London £ £ £ £ African  in  Soho ££££ 1 Saint James's Market
The West African-influenced fine dining spot is now taking reservations. They’re also be launching a delivery and collection service.
Scully £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Mayfair ,  St. James's ££££ 4 St James's Market
The St. James’s restaurant has installed transparent protective barriers between tables, and is taking bookings for lunch and dinner.
St John's Wood Morso ££££ 130 Boundary Road
This Italian spot in St Johns Wood is accepting online reservations for the 4th July.
Stoke Newington Rubedo £ £ £ £ Modern European  in  Stoke Newington ££££ 35 Stoke Newington Church Street
The excellent Italian sharing plates spot in Stoke Newington is open for set menu dinners on Friday and Saturday nights. Call 020 7254 0364 to book.
Wander £ £ £ £ Australian  in  Stoke Newington ££££ 214 Stoke Newington High Street
This ‘modern Australian’ small plates and natural wines spot is back up and running in Stoke Newington with a seven-course tasting menu.
Tooting Daddy Bao £ £ £ £ Taiwanese  in  Tooting ££££ 113 Mitcham Road
The bun specialists in Tooting are opening for weekend brunches and also dinner from Wednesday through to Sunday.
Tower Bridge Legare £ £ £ £ Italian  in  London Bridge ££££ 31 Shad Thames
The little Italian spot on Shad Thames will be open from Wednesday to Saturday, with two dinner sittings at 6pm and 8:30pm. There will be a set, seasonal, changing menu, and you can book online.
Vauxhall Darby's £ £ £ £ Seafood ,  British  in  Vauxhall ££££ 3 Viaduct Gardens Road
Darby’s is reopening on a 1m+ basis. The Nine Elms spot will be subjecting its staff to health checks before every service and has rearranged the seating to allow for social distancing. Reservations are recommended, although they’re not taking bookings on the terrace because, weather. But they will offer tables up to customers with reservations inside on a first priority basis.
Victoria Dominique Ansel Bakery £ £ £ £ Cafe/Bakery  in  Victoria ££££ 17-21 Elizabeth St
Dominique Ansel Bakery, home to cronuts and cookie shots, is reopening from 9am July 4th. With a new spaced out floor plan in place, walk-in guests will be able to sit inside, and on the garden terrace. Only cashless payments will be accepted.
West Hampstead The Wet Fish Cafe £ £ £ £ British  in  West Hampstead ££££ 242 West End Ln.
This popular neighbourhood spot is back selling its homely food, now with a large terrace on West End Lane.
Westminster Kerridge's Bar And Grill £ £ £ £ British  in  Strand ££££ Whitehall Place, Westminster
Lunch and dinner reservations can now be made for July 4th at Kerridge’s Bar and Grill. If you’re looking for a comfy booth, this is your place.
Whitechapel Tayyabs £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Whitechapel ££££ 83-89 Fieldgate St
The legendary BYOB Punjabi spot in Whitechapel will reopen with a reduced staff on the 6th. The legendary queue will be replaced with reservations. Call 020 7247 9543 top make one.
White City Kricket White City £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Shepherds Bush ££££ 101 Wood Lane
Kricket are taking reservations to eat Indian-inspired dishes on their tropical terrace at Television Centre.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/london/guides/london-restaurants-reopening Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created August 5, 2020 at 10:42PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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dog-d · 6 years
Tend from Animade on Vimeo.
Tend tells the story of a father and daughter living peacefully in the forest, until one day their familiar routine begins to fall apart. As he struggles to keep the fire burning, the father loses sight of what’s truly important – and spirals into an obsession with the flames.
Tend was commissioned by WeTransfer, and premiered at OFFF Barcelona 2018.
"Animade’s charmingly minimal film for file sharing platform WeTransfer explores the dangers in the distractions of everyday life"—Creative Review
"Animade’s captivating short film Tend is a metaphor for modern day fatherhood"—It's Nice That
Written and directed by—Tom Judd & Ed Barrett Commissioned by—Rob Alderson at WeTransfer Producer—Laura Darby Music composition and sound design—Sounds Like These
Digital animation:
Ricard Badia Ed Barrett Michael Davies Frida Ek Stewart Harvey Dev Joshi Tom Judd Alex Lund Lana Simanenkova Milo Targett
Cel animation:
Ed Barrett Emma Ehrling Frida Ek Olivia Golding Alex Lund Alice Seatherton Lana Simanenkova
3D animation:
Ricard Badia Scott Lockhart
Layout artists:
Ed Barrett Emma Ehrling Lana Simanenkova Alex Lund Tom Judd
Ed Barrett Michael Davies Stewart Harvey Scott Lockhart Dev Joshi Tom Judd
Press and marketing:
Amy Egan
Special thanks:
Rob Alderson Sam Heath Joe Connor Oli Slack Theo Krish Søren Lund Nielsen James Chambers The Barretts The Judds Dani Currie Georgie Lister-Fell Katie Nash Heather Graham
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stickyeyeslikes · 6 years
Tend from Animade on Vimeo.
A film by Animade, presented with WeTransfer.
Premiering at OFFF Barcelona 2018, Tend tells the story of a father and daughter living peacefully in the forest, until one day their familiar routine begins to fall apart. As he struggles to keep the fire burning, the father loses sight of what’s truly important – and spirals into an obsession with the flames.
Written and directed by—Tom Judd & Ed Barrett Commissioned by—Rob Alderson at WeTransfer Producer—Laura Darby Music composition and sound design—Sounds Like These
Digital animation:
Ricard Badia Ed Barrett Michael Davies Frida Ek Stewart Harvey Dev Joshi Tom Judd Alex Lund Lana Simanenkova Milo Targett
Cel animation:
Ed Barrett Emma Ehrling Frida Ek Olivia Golding Alex Lund Alice Seatherton Lana Simanenkova
3D animation:
Ricard Badia Scott Lockhart
Layout artists:
Ed Barrett Emma Ehrling Lana Simanenkova Alex Lund Tom Judd
Ed Barrett Michael Davies Stewart Harvey Scott Lockhart Dev Joshi Tom Judd
Press and marketing:
Amy Egan
Special thanks:
Rob Alderson Sam Heath Joe Connor Oli Slack Theo Krish Søren Lund Nielsen James Chambers The Barretts The Judds Dani Currie Georgie Lister-Fell Katie Nash Heather Graham
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artmcsphere · 5 years
Any Theo James Layouts? :>
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