solasan · 2 years
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Of House Oakheart’s activities during the Dance of the Dragons, little is recorded: it is known that Willem Oakheart, Lord of Old Oak, declared for Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen & her army of Blacks in the early days of the war, yet few of his men ever saw battle. After surviving a meeting with Lord Ormund Hightower in battle, Lord Oakheart and his eldest sons — his heir, Rymund Oakheart, and spare, Theomar Oakheart — withdrew to the lands outside of Old Oak. There, they were met by Prince Daeron Targaryen and his fierce she-dragon, Tessarion, who set the fields aflame and burned all three Oakheart men alive in their armour.
For the remainder of the war, House Oakheart remained neutral; Lady Regent Danelle Bracken, Willem’s wife, ordered her husband’s armies to return to their homelands in the name of her infant son, the little Lord Lorimar Oakheart, Old Oak’s newest ruler. House Oakheart remained hidden away among the towers and trees of their seat, licking their wounds, until the ill-fated Maiden’s Day Ball of 133 AC, when Lady Olenna Oakheart was selected as Aegon III Targaryen’s newest queen. They were wed a matter of moons later and eventually produced six children.
‘Black Olenna’, as she came to be known — for the years she spent dressing in black after the deaths of her husband and two eldest sons in short order — was the only Oakheart to ever wear a crown and is remembered as a sad, ineffectual queen married to a cold, sullen king.
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dyannawynnedayne · 10 months
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Ryman Frey (stevrons son with Corenna), his wife*, Edwyn Frey, "Black" Walder Frey, and Petyr Frey
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Ryman's Wife = she wasnt given a name, so I named her. She is Anya Smallwood, and is the sister of Theomar Smallwood. She Does Not Like her husband (or her children tbh) and lives in a nearby motherhouse. She's waiting for Ryman to die so she can become a septa lmao. I just imagine she doesnt have a ton of ambition, got married to Ryman of all people way too young, and watched Ryman 'ruin' all their children in her opinion. She ptobably left when Petyr fostered somewhere.
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west1rosi · 9 months
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Mira Forrester - Canon. Adapted to both show and book canon. Mira is the third daughter of House Forrester and the first woman overall. She was send to Highgarden to become a Lady in Waiting for Lady Margaery and eventually travel to King's Landing as part of her entourage. She would be in King's Landing when her family is endangered after the Red Wedding. Mira would eventually marry Rickard Morgyn to gain his support for her family. Upon the arrival up North, she is reunited with her brother Asher and youngest sister.
Sigorn of Thenn - Canon. Head of the newly founded House, Sigorn is part of the Magnar of Thenns, free folk beyond the wall who consider themselves the last of the First Men. Upon his father's death, Sigorn becomes the Magnar and Head of House Thenn. He adopts R'hllor into his Old Gods as the ceremony was officiated by Lady Melisandre of Asshai. Upon the Battle of Winterfell, Sigorn pledges his men to Jon Snow. He speaks the Old Tongue.
Carellen Smallwood - Semi Canon. Carellen Smallwood is a member of House Smallwood and is the daughter of Lord Theomar Smallwood and Lady Ravella Swann. According to her mother, Carellen is a good dancer and a beautiful singer. First remaining at Oldtown at the break of the war, Carellen moved back to the Riverlands upon her mother's sickness.
Patrek Mallister - Canon. He is the son and heir of Jason Mallister, Lord of Seagard. He is good friends with Ser Edmure Tully, the heir to Riverrun. Patrek is a member of Robb Stark's personal guard during the battle in the Whispering Wood. Unlike most of Robb's party, Patrek survives the Red Wedding and is taken captive by House Frey at the Twins. He serves as one of Robb's guards for the evening, abstaining from drink during the wedding feast.
Morgyn Dondarrion - OC. The youngest sister of Beric Dondarrion, the now Lady of Blackhaven upon her brother's death. During the wars, Morgyn pledges to no one, although she is reported to have a preference for Stannis Baratheon's cause over Renly's. Eventually, Morgyn would venture to travel North, to meet with the brotherhood without banners to get more information about her brother's death.
Fyona Wensington - OC. House Wensington was founded by a bastard of House Baratheon after the Conquest and they consider themselves kin to the Great House. Fyona is the youngest child and became a Lady Companion to Queen Selyse Baratheon. Although the young woman has a dislike for Lady Melisandre and her influence at court with the Queen and King. She is part of their emboy when they travel North.
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beholderking · 8 months
Dragons Ruin Project ASOIAF AU
House Barstark of the Feast Cairn
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House Barstark, one of the most prestigious cadet branch of House Stark, holds a crucial role in the North, safeguarding the territories around the Barrowlands and the edges of the Neck. As the first line of defense for the North against potential invaders who manage to traverse the treacherous Moat Cailin, the Barstarks have a long and storied history.
The most treasured possession of House Barstark is Gravewalker, a striking bronze blade forged by the First Men. This ancient weapon possesses an unnatural sharpness and was discovered in the depths of the Feast Cairn, a testament to the house's deep connection with its ancestral lands.
Barstarks are known for their distinct appearance, characterized by slate-black hair and pale hazel eyes. Their gaunt features and unnaturally lithe physiques distinguish them from their Stark relatives.
House Barstark's origins can be traced back to the tumultuous days of the Andal Invasion. Beren Snow, a Stark bastard, rose to prominence when he saved the beautiful and only daughter of the Lord Dustin from the invading Andals. Beren and the Lady Dustin were quickly wed and adopted the name Barstark, establishing their seat in the ancient holdfast of the Feast Cairn, nestled near the borderlands of the Neck. 
Throughout the annals of history, House Barstark has played a significant role in the affairs of the North.
House Barstark followed Torrhen Stark to face the Targaryen dragons. However, when Torrhen bent the knee to Aegon Targaryen, the Barstarks, like many Northern houses, were outraged. They swiftly left the war camp and returned to the Feast Cairn, rejecting any summons or visitors. Records of the following years are spotty, but some collected accounts tell of House Barstark treachery as they raided across the North, attacking any and all travelers heading to Winterfell
The Barstark banners flew during the Targaryen civil war, supporting the northern forces alongside a handful of other noble houses.
House Barstark was a pillar of support for Cregan Stark's forces during the Hour of the Wolf in King's Landing. After Cregan's resignation, the Barstarks remained in the South for nearly a year, waiting for the worst of the winter to pass. When they finally returned to the Barrowlands, Lord Theomar Barstark brought with him his new wife, Lady Myranda Mooton.
In the pivotal conflict of Roberts Rebellion, the Barstarks played a role not previously anticipated. Sent ahead of Lord Eddard Stark to scout around King's Landing, they inadvertently found themselves joining the Lannister forces in the siege of the city. Tragically, most of the Barstark men were incinerated during the Immolation, leaving only a young lad of 15, Errold Barstark, to walk away from the fiery catastrophe.
Today, House Barstark stands firmly behind the newly refounded Barrowkings and enjoys a prominent position of power and influence. Berena Barstark, twin sister to Lord Tomard "the Hungry Lord" Barstark, serves as the current Barrowqueen.
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Briar (lived. c. 280 AC): A female skinchanger who lived beyond the Wall and controlled a shadowcat. Fancast: Nóra Trokán.
Brienne of Tarth (b. 280 AC): The last living child of Lord Selwyn Tarth of Evenfall. She is unusually tall for a woman and is a warrior maid. She is one of the Rainbow Guard, Renly Baratheon's Kingsguard when he was making a bid for the Iron Throne. After Renly's death she enters the service of Lady Catelyn Tully, who sends her to King's Landing with Jaime Lannister to exchange him for her daughters. But in the meantime, Lady Catelyn is killed and Sansa Stark disappears in the wake of King Joffrey's murder. Brienne vows to find the Stark girls, but she is plagued with misadventures on her path in the Riverlands. Eventually she is captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners and brought before Lady Stoneheart, who demands an impossible mission of her. Fancast: Gwendoline Christie.
Briony (b. approx. 270 AC): Mother of Joy Hill, the bastard daughter of Gerion Lannister, youngest brother of Lord Tywin Lannister. Fancast: Renee O'Connor.
Calla Blackfyre (b. approx. 190 AC): Eldest daughter of Daemon Blackfyre and his wife, Rohanne of Tyrosh. Daemon Blackfyre was the bastard son of Aegon the Unworthy with his cousin Daena. Upon his deathbed, Aegon legitimized all his bastards and Daemon was eventually convinced that he could make a bid for the kingship. Daemon was encouraged by his half-brother Aegor Rivers, and promised to wed Calla to him. Daemon perished in the ensuing rebellion, but his seven sons continued to plot with Aegor. Fancast: Sienna Guillory.
Carellen Smallwood (main series era): Daughter of Lord Theomar Smallwood of Acorn Hall and his wife Ravella. When war breaks out in the Riverlands, she is sent to a sept in Oldtown. Fancast: Aria Goodson.
Carolei Waynwood (b. approx. 270 AC): Widow of Ser Geremy Frey, tenth-born son of Lord Walder Frey. She may be a daughter of Lady Anya Waynwood. She has two children, Sandor and Cynthea Frey. Fancast: Rose Williams.
Cass (main series era): Serving girl and prostitute at the Peach in Stoney Sept in the Riverlands. Fancast: Greer Robson-Kirk.
Cassana Estermont (c. 240-278 AC): Wife of Lord Steffon Baratheon of Storm's End, and mother to King Robert, Stannis and Renly Baratheon. She died in a shipwreck on her way back from the Free Cities after accompanying her husband in an unsuccessful search for a suitable bride for Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Fancast: Maria Doyle Kennedy.
Cassandra Baratheon (b. 116 AC): Eldest daughter of Lord Borros Bartheon of Storm's End, who supported Aegon II's claim to the throne during the Dance of the Dragons. In return for her father's support, Dowager Queen Alicent Hightower agreed that Cassandra would marry Aegon II, but he was poisoned and Rhaenyra's son became king as Aegon III. Cassandra then became a lady-in-waiting to Jaehaera Targaryen, Aegon's wife. When Jaehaera fell to her death, some rumors claimed that Cassandra was to blame. Aegon chose another wife, Daenaera Velaryon, whom Cassandra also served. Cassandra was then involved in a plot to poison the new queen, and was married off to a knight thirty years her senior. Fancast: Drew Barrymore.
Cassella Staunton (40-54 AC): Lady companion to Rhaena Targaryen on Dragonstone. She was poisoned by Rhaena's husband, Androw Farman, out of jealousy for the companionship Rhaena had with her ladies. Fancast: Anais Shand.
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carellen-smallwood · 2 years
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location: stark camp chapter one: the lion's bride - part one
At the arrival of the raven from King's Landing, it became clear that Carellen could no longer stay in the confines of the hall and would have to join her lord father with the other Tully bannermen. Naturally, with Ravella refusing to leave the hall without her authoritative gaze she opted for her daughter to be accompanied by a septa. The very idea of Carellen traveling to the Stark camp sent her mother into a tirade. Not only would their keep be left even less defended but Carellen would be out in the world where anything could have happened to her. That idea was instantly rejected by her daughter who felt her time in the motherhouse had been ample time with the septas for the rest of her life, and a simple guard would be enough to make the journey to meet with her father and make the rest of the journey. Under that stipulation, Lady Smallwood relented and she was allowed to leave with the spare guard, Penrod.
The journey itself was simple enough, traveling just a few days to reach the camp along the King's Road. Surely, they were not that far away from where home was. The septon received the raven from her father of his whereabouts. Lord Theomar had sent his instruction for Carellen to travel to the Stoney Sept where she would meet with one of her father's men who would then escort them the rest of the way to her father and the camp. 
Within the next day her trunk was packed and she was shuttled off into the carriage her mother insisted on. That arrangement did not last long and Carellen was astride the horse brought by the guard for her to make the journey on. Out in the open like this, she was able to really be free. Taking in the air and the light on the road was refreshing to her and filled her with so much life. The trip to Oldtown was stuffed inside the wheelhouse her great-aunt used for the motherhouse's business. It had been suffocating to make the trip in and she resented being inside a carriage ever since.
The ride south to the Stoney Sept was easy enough and she was exchanged between the guards and Penrod was sent back to Acorn Hall, with Beren. He had been with her family since her father was a boy and it was only natural that he would be who her father had sent to collect her. Beren had been the master-at-arms for many years and she trusted him with her life. Within a few days she was reunited with her father and his men and adjusted into camp life.
One morning she had been told by Beren that the horses need tending. After getting her yoke of water from the well, She started her way over to where the horses of her father's men were located, to see someone was standing with an agitated mount she did not recognize. Usually the different bands kept with their own, so while adjusting the yoke, she began walking up to the turned back that was just behind the shoulder of the horse. The horse seemed to be struggling with its foot, and they were having a time holding the animal still.
Hurrying her pace, she let her hand run up the side of the animal in an attempt to calm the animal, letting him see her. "The horse can't see you, standing under him like that.." she said looking over at the face before her.
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westeroslive · 3 months
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when  the  sun  rises  in  the  west,   the  gods  eyes  are  drawn.  may  the  seven  have  mercy  upon  you  as  we  welcome  you  to  court,   lord leo, lady darya, lady vanora, and lord eren !   now  a  victim  of  the  court,  the  bards  compare  your  beauty  to  david corenswet, rose williams, meng ziyi, and jacob anderson  as  you  play  the  game  in  the  midst  of  seasoned  nobles.
behave  and  follow  the  queen's  word  written  in  our  checklist  and  submit  your  account  within  24  hours.  
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𓏲ּ ֶָ 𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗 ⁝ david corenswet, 31, cis-male, he/him. announcing the arrival of LEO of house ROWAN, the LORD of GOLDEN GROVE . whispers among the court name them to be both INTELLIGENT and RECLUSIVE in disposition, and those closest to them speak to their interests in astronomy. if we bards could compose a song for them, it might tell stories of illegible penmanship against parchment and haphazardly scratched constellations alongside them, ink stained fingertips and blood-bitten lips, tousled black curls spotted by freshly fallen snow. the seven whisper to their most devout queen as she sleeps, making her question where their loyalties truly lie. are they right to whisper? for their loyalties truly lie with HOUSE ROWAN. ( ooc : ange, 28, she/her, est )
࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         rose williams,  26,  ciswoman,  she / her.    announcing  the  arrival  of  DARYA  of  house  BAELISH,  the  LADY  of  DREADFORT.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  SHREWD  and  MALADROIT  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  knitting.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  sleepless nights spent pacing stone floors in bare feet - a restless mind and a guilty heart keep you company ; the subtlety of lavender, sharpened with the scent pine ; the obstinate wine stain on your favourite dress.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HOUSE BAELISH.          (  ooc  :  rosemary,  twenty3,  she / they,  EST  ) * filling theomar baelish sibling wc AND lady in waiting for daenaera targaryen wc
࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         meng ziyi,  30,  ciswoman,  she / her.    announcing  the  arrival  of  VANORA  of  house  BARATHEON,  the  LADY HEIR  of  STORM'S END.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  EFFERVESCENT  and  IRASCIBLE  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  archery.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  hands that shake with a fury barely contained ; the scent of cinnamon and oranges ; a smile as wide as your face, a laugh you feel deep in your belly, a love that heats your blood and  swallows you whole - to feel is to live ; a prayer you no longer believe, still whispered in the night .  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  THE  TARGARYENS.          (  ooc  :  rosemary,  twenty3,  she / they,  EST  )
࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         jacob anderson,  32,  cisman,  he / him.    announcing  the  arrival  of  EREN  of  house  DAYNE,  the  LORD OF STARFALL / SWORD  of  THE MORNING.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  TENACIOUS  and  ABRASIVE  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  swordsmanship.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of  the clangour of swords, a constant ringing in your ear ; a hint of cedarwood and patchouli, overwhelmed by the smell of leather and sourleaf.  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  THE  MARTELLS / DORNE.          (  ooc  :  rosemary,  twenty3,  she / they,  EST  ) * filling allyria dayne brother wc
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summoner-hiyochi · 1 year
Mock Battles 1-3
Last Updated: 2/25/2023
Stage 1: Arrow of Light
Main point: Disable enemies from getting a turn to attack, use Lucien's Ankle Shot & Steady Shot strategically.
Elucia attacks with Sleep Spell on Julie, Julie is asleep.
Lucien attacks with Ankle Shot on Hanra, Hanra is stunned.
Lucien attacks Julie with Steady Shot, Julie is unable to battle.
Roid attacks Konamiya with Slash Wind, Konamiya is provoked.
Elucia attacks Hanra with Aqua Hurricane, Hanra is frozen.
Lucien attacks Hanra with Strafe, Hanra is unable to battle.
Roid attacks Konamiya with Slash Rocks, Konamiya receives Defense Break. Konamiya attacks Roid with Onslaught, Roid is stunned.
Elucia attacks Konamiya with Aqua Hurricane, Konamiya is frozen.
Lucien attacks Konamiya with Ankle Shot, Konamiya is Stunned.
Lucien attacks Konamiya with Strafe, Konamiya is unable to battle.
Stage 2: Supply Blocked
Main point: Keep Briand unable to get a turn to attack.
Shannon attacks all enemies with Decelerate, all enemies' speed decreases. Left Cogma attacks Shannon with Triple Attack, Shannon is stunned. Right Cogma attacks Shannon with Triple Attack, Shannon is unable to battle.
Elucia attacks Briand with Sleep Spell, Briand is asleep.
Theomars attacks Left Cogma with Triple Crush, Left Cogma receives Defense break.
Elucia attacks Left Cogma with Aqua Hurricane, Left Cogma is frozen. Left Cogma unfreezes.
Theomars attacks Left Cogma with Mega Smash, Left Cogma is unable to battle. Right Cogma attacks Theomars with Heart Pierce.
Elucia attacks Right Cogma with Aqua Hurricane, Right Cogma is frozen. Briand wakes up. Right Cogma unfreezes.
Theomars attacks Right Cogma.
Elucia attacks Briand with Sleep Spell, Briand is asleep. Right Cogma attacks Theomars with Fiery Spear.
Theomars attacks Right Cogma with Triple Crush. Right Cogma receives Defense Break.
Elucia attacks Cogma with Aqua Hurricane, Right Cogma is unable to battle. Briand wakes up.
Theomars attacks Briand with Mega Smash, inflicts Briand with Continuous Damage.
Elucia attacks Briand with Aqua Hurricane, Briand is frozen.
Theomars attacks Briand with Mega Smash, inflicts Briand with Continuous Damage.
Elucia attacks Briand with Sleep Spell.
Theomars attacks Briand with Triple Crush, Briand is unable to battle.
Stage 3: Attack of Beasts
Main point: Use Chandra's Defend beneficial on enemies' target (wind monster, Ermeda), and let Chandra counter attack enemies.
Ermeda attacks all enemies with Thunder Blast, Left-Middle Sieq & Roaq & Right-Middle Sieq receives Speed Decrease.
Chandra uses Defend on Ermeda, Ermeda receives Defend.
Chandra attacks all enemies with Trick of Water, all enemies receives Speed Decrease, Ermeda & Fran & Chandra receive attack bar.
Fran attacks Left Sieq with Light Hurricane, decreases Left Sieq's attack bar.
Ermeda attacks Right-Middle Sieq with Sonic Boom.
Chandra attacks Left-Middle Sieq with Crushing Blow, Left-Middle Sieq is stunned.
Fran attacks Roaq with Light Hurricane.
Ermeda attacks all enemies with Thunder Blast, all Sieqs are unable to battle.
Chandra attacks Roaq with Crushing Blow, Roaq is unable to battle.
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God Emperor Theomar
God Emperor Theomar, or just Theomar (sometimes also nicknamed the Sun-Father), was the first Emperor of Regalia, Emperor Theomar I Ivrae. Theomar was the founding Emperor of the Regalian Empire and the creator of the Unionist Faith, writing the first version of The Creed. 
As God Emperor, Theomar represents fatherhood, leadership, ambition, devotion and piety. He was known as an Emperor with exceptional charisma, capable of swaying even his most ardent opponents. He is also remembered as an excellent father who had a loving family and acts as an example to all those bringing about the next generation of Unionists.
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rockinrina · 5 years
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Our family’s going through a lot of changes but one thing stays the same : the love that keeps us going strong together. Eid Mubarak from The Omars 💚 #eid #eidmubarak #hariraya #aidilfitri #family #theomars #together #strength #love #forever #support #teamomar https://www.instagram.com/rockerina/p/ByZlHXmJg6E/?igshid=1n7j7vq4k5n1c
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yaoi-shi · 7 years
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Let’s take a break from Haikyuu and YoI xD I was drawing Theomars from the game Summoers War, and he turned out to be a meme. aaaaaaa Y Theo. xD
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solasan · 2 years
🏆❌🔮🧸 for olenna!
[ 🏆 ] is your muse multitalented? what are their hobbies, and why did they pick up these hobbies? if they don’t have hobbies, why don’t they?
i think olenna's got quite a few talents; she has a good head for numbers, even if she'd never admit to it (bc concerning herself with finances and accounting is 'unladylike' lmao), and she's definitely a voracious reader, so her talent for wordplay + language is marked. reading is her biggest hobby, since it was a way to both connect with her father after his death and distract herself from the war raging outside of old oak / her grief as a young teenager. after years spent in sewing circles, she becomes a very good weaver, and she actually enjoys it quite a lot; the methodical nature of the movements is very soothing to her. she also has a talent for embroidery, though no real passion; it's more one of those things that she's just expected to be good at, given her high birth, sex, and position as queen.
[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
answered here.
[ 🔮 ] what is your muse’s relationship with religion and spirituality? were they raised in a certain religion? have they stuck with the same set of spiritual beliefs all their life, or have they changed over time? are they settled in their spirituality now?
hehehehehe tabby u've asked the question ive been excited abt answering for olenna from the BEGINNING god bless u. olenna's relationship with religion is super messed up! she was raised following the faith of the seven; both of her parents were pretty devout, especially danelle, but it was... normal levels ig? the oakhearts visited the sept often, kept tokens of the seven around them, stuff like that.
and then willem, rymund, and theomar are killed by daeron & tessarion; the war reaches new levels of horror; the greens install spies (both overt and covert) in old oak to ensure no new rebellion begins. and olenna turns to the gods for guidance; particularly the mother and the crone. it gets to the point that she starts sleeping in old oak's sept for protection, which is... ironically probably a little stupid when there's a war going on, but nothing bad happens to her. she honestly becomes a little bit fanatical bc of the isolation of her position (old oak is effectively cut off from the outside world at this time, since the crown is keeping a very close eye on them). when the war ends and all of her remaining loved ones have survived, olenna starts dreaming of joining the faith as a septa to 'thank the gods for sparing us all'.
then she becomes queen, so that's not an option. but she continues to be very devout! given that she's less isolated now, she becomes a little less vocally devout (she doesn't go off on long philosophical debates or anything anymore) but she still visits the sept on visenya's hill very often and puts a lot of money into motherhouses and the faith within king's landing. as queen, she encourages a lot of more modest behaviour within the court of king's landing, which was already pretty sober and severe bc of aegon's mislike of tourneys & balls, so she's basically just... the wet blanket on top of the even wetter blanket shjdsjk.
she raises each of her children in the light of the seven; believing that the gods will always protect them if she does that, because that's what she's supposed to do, right? that's what the seven-pointed star says. and then aegon dies and she's lost someone she loves again, and that's painful, and even if she understands that death is natural, she's upset with the gods for taking him when he was still young. and then daeron dies and that's not natural, because no parent should outlive their child. her faith gets a little shaken; she spends long hours in the sept begging and pleading for answers, to no response. and then, when her beliefs are already a little shaky, baelor dies, and the whole faith gets thrown out the window lmao.
she burns her copy of the seven-pointed star; she locks her mother's prayer beads away. she never steps foot in a sept again. she isn't exactly an atheist, because she still believes the gods exist, but much like tywin, she doesn't like them very much. or at all. she feels very personally betrayed by them, bc she dedicated so much of her life to their worship, and she's lost so much. olenna definitely holds onto that anger til the day she dies.
[ 🧸 ] does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
answered here.
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svajraa · 4 years
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Summoners war commission for @svartkrut
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breadcheese444 · 7 years
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Summonres War is a fun game
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dwellordream · 3 years
EDMURE TULLY, King of the Riverlands and the Trident, son of Lord Hoster Tully, Lord of Riverrun, and his wife, Lady Minisa, of House Whent
His wife, QUEEN ROSLIN, of House Frey
His wards:
DELLA, of House Frey, daughter of Benfrey and Jyanna Frey
OSMUND, of House Frey, daughter of Benfrey and Jyanna Frey
PERWYN FREY, Lord of the Twins, son of Lord Walder Frey, and his wife, Lady Bethany, of House Rosby
His wife, LADY WALDA, of House Frey
His daughter, ARWYN
His son, BENFREY
His sisters:
His brothers:
His nieces:
His nephews:
HALMON PAGE, Knight of Snake’s Den
His wife, LADY MURIEL, of House Grey
His son, GARRETT
His son, MALCOLM
His daughter, JANNA
His daughter, PIPPA
His sister, SALLEI, widow of Ser Jammos, of House Frey
His sister, SYLWA, widow of Ser Whalen, of House Frey
His nephews:
His nieces:
His brother, DAMON
His goodsister, MELLARA, widow of Ser Robert Paege
BRYNDEN BLACKWOOD, Lord of Raventree Hall
His wife, LADY CATELYN, of House Bracken
His son, ROBB
His brothers:
His sister, BETHANY
His mother, LADY ELLA, of House Butterwell
BARBARA BRACKEN, Lady of Stone Hedge
Her husband, SER LUCAS, of House Blackwood
Her daughter, DONELLA
Her sisters:
Her mother, LADY LUCINDA, of House Smallwood
Her cousin, SER HENDRY
His wife, TYTA, of House Frey
Her nephew, DONNEL
MARIYA DARRY, Lady of Castle Darry, widow of Ser Merrett Frey
Her daughters, AMEREI, FAT WALDA, and MARISSA
Her sister, JEYNE, widow of Ser Cleos Frey
Her nephews, TYWIN and WILLEM
JEFFORY MALLISTER, Lord of Seagard, son of Lord Jason Mallister, and his wife, Lady Meredyth, of House Shawney
His wife, LADY BESS, of House Bracken
His sister, ALICENT
His brother, WILLEM
His mother, LADY MEREDYTH, of House Shawney
ELEANOR MOOTON, Lady of Maidenpool, son of Lord William Mooton, and his wife, Lady Perra, of House Piper
Her husband, LORD DICKON, of House Tarly
Her mother, LADY PERRA, of House Piper
Her sister, MARJORIE 
MARQ PIPER, Lord of Pinkmaiden, son of Lord Clement Piper, and his wife, Lady Melissa, of House Bracken
His wife, LADY ALICENT, of House Mallister
His daughter, CLEMENTINE
His brother, LEWYS
His mother, LADY MELISSA
CARELLEN SMALLWOOD, Lady of Acorn Hall, daughter of Lord Theomar Smallwood, and his wife, Lady Ravella, of House Swann
Her husband, SER LEWYS, of House Piper
Her mother, LADY RAVELLA, of House Swann
RONALD VANCE, Lord of Atranta, son of Lord Norbert Vance, and his wife, Lady Dorothea, of House Perryn
His wife, LADY ROBYN, of House Hawick
His son, NORBERT
His daughter, ALYSSA
His daughter, MARA
His brother, SER KIRTH
His goodsister, ALYX
His nephew, HUGO
His nephew, ELLERY
His brother, JON
LIANE VANCE, Lady of Wayfarer’s Rest, daughter of Lord Karyl Vance, and his wife, Lady Araminta, of House Terrick
Her sister, RHIALTA
Her sister, EMPHYRIA
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warsofasoiaf · 4 years
Hello, I‘m currently writing a fanfiction and I’ve a question. Would it be considered uncommon for a lordly house of one region to marry into a lordly house of another region of equal or greater standing? I’ve been looking over the textual evidence and I’m debating if they’re more the exception rather than the rule. For instance, Theomar Smallwood marrying a Swann of Stonehelm, a prominent bannerman of the Baratheons, or the Freys of the Crossing. Thank you in advance for any feedback!
Since marriage alliances often mean military support, closer tends to be better than further since it means you actually can get troops faster. Cultural differences between kingdoms might cause friction, as could historic bad blood or rivalry that happened a bunch cross-kingdom in the era of the petty kings.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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