govangh · 3 years
I wounded
Myself first
So others
Would not
I think
I can believe
In myself
Even if
Did not
- govangh
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wilfcrd · 4 years
Cursed. Cursed. You’re all cursed now
The bastard man watches you while you sleep
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Morning Thought 💭
What we do in public and out loud is a culmination of what we have been doing internally and in secret. Our public criticism started out privately and grew to public. Our judgment of each other started within before it became without. If we are to change what we say and do in public, we must start with the internal conversation, the voice within. It always starts with the one in the mirror.
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moonwalkingblues · 10 years
Everyone should go check out theoneinthemirror. This was the first blog I followed and their blog makes me smile :D  Definitely would recommend checking them out.
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itsjustdesire · 10 years
March 25th.
Favorite color?
top fave color is Purple
what is your favorite childhood memory?
anything fun that happened and any memory where I didn’t have to worry about responsibilities 
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roybnfenty · 10 years
Happy birthday beautiful! ♥♥♥
thank you bby! 💕
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I almost died!!!!!
He's so disrespectful, isn't he? Just playing around with people's emotions like that. It just ain't right lol
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itainttoomuchstuff · 10 years
Invincible, Off The Wall, Slave To The Rhythm
(God! i’m really terrible answering these kind of questions. well, let’s do it. lmao!)
invincible: what is something that makes you feel strong? michael jackson, music and my family. (well, they’re something to me!)
off the wall: what is one thing you do to loosen up? changing my perspective, i guess, or making an effort to relax like dancing. 
slave to the rhythm: what is something you feel obligated to do but don’t really want to do? facing the people in school, look i really love going to school but the people in it are so fucked up. i can’t even. 
thanks, gal! \m/
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itsjustdesire · 10 years
Thank you so much Lennetta! And I love ur new theme! :D
You're welcome and thanks! ^_^
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bluemoonwalker · 10 years
11, 25, 28?
11. are you listening to music right now?
yes, a piano cover of "Once upon a December"
25. role model
MJ, always have, always will be my role model
28. i'll love you if...
I already love you a lot amber! but I'll love you more if you send me some candy, 'cause I'm craving rn xD
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itseulonzobiitch · 10 years
I follow U because..... Michael. :D
Yes! :) I definitely reblog him very often. I love Michael so much.
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onceuponajackson · 10 years
Goddammit Henry! He's pulling my heartstrings!!!! Ahhh the feels!!!
he's my baaaaaabe, I love him a lot :3
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gezebelgenie · 10 years
Agh I hate questions like that cause I’m really not that progressive thinking as a person, but if I ruled the world I’d definitely change how black people/black woman are perceived and treated and held to common beauty standards and stop all these ratchet shows from making us look like hott messes that have no integrity. I’d also change all the sexism and oppression against women and this unequal pay nonsense.
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loveswepts · 10 years
Happy birthday my love! I love you so much. Stay beautiful & stay sweet.
thanks Amber, I love you too ♥
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bluemoonwalker · 10 years
Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this, you must put this into at least 8 people's asks (anonymously) who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing bad will happen, but it is nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out. Help spread Anon love, not hate xo
Amber, pls xD thank you, sis!
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