#there are a lot of songs
the-words-we-sung · 8 months
The songs of Young Royals - S2 E1
Here we go for season 2!! More songs so hopefully even more interesting stuff to analyze ^^
Brainfreeze, XVOTO
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When I die ... All the voices in my head Tell them how it went and tell them not to miss me much ... Live forever ... Is it God that you see?
The song starts when Wilhelm is in Erik's room, while he burns the picture of his brother and August. It's fitting that the lyrics are partly about death, about telling people not to miss the dead person. Wilhelm misses Erik so much though. This is a good choice for a season that is going to be a lot about grieving. And the "Is it God that you see?" when we get to August sending messages to Wilhelm asking him to forgive him: yeah, will there be a redemption for you?
Aldrig igen, Omar Rudberg (Cherrie & Stormzy)
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Being alone, I'm the strongest It's never happening again ... Because I don't wanna feel like this I don't wanna feel like this I don't wanna feel like this Who would wanna feel like this ... It won't happen again
So I discovered during this analysis that it is not a little snippet of a song that Simon created but the cover of an actual Swedish song ^^ He sings it while Marcus is listening in his back. The song reflects completely what Simon is feeling: the break up happened just before the Christmas break, so not that long ago, and he's still feeling so heartbroken. But he doesn't want to keep feeling that way, he doesn't want this painful situation to happen again (seems fateful that it is when Marcus enters the picture: Simon says it there, he will not fall in love and get his heart broken again, so too bad for you Marcus, but you will not get a love story here! Simon will say it himself later on in the season "why can't I fall in love with him?"). The entire song is actually super interesting lyrics-wise because it's about getting over a break up, feeling betrayed by someone who lied, and deciding that you actually deserve better. "Please stop stressing me, I need to breathe... First you wanna leave, now you wanna stay?": it's really about an ex who doesn't know what he wants and keeps changing his mind, changing the rules. Which is what Wilhelm is kinda doing (saying it's not him in the video to the world but then coming to Simon to ask to keep things going, and the the whole beginning of this season where he's gonna try to get Simon's back even though his situation hasn't changed). So yeah these 2 first songs of the season are really fitting to both characters and a very good idea of what the season is gonna be about : angry and grieving Wilhelm vs heartbroken, betrayed (but trying to find his boundaries) Simon
Bang, Cat Clark & Mega
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We ain't never stepping down ... I'ma run laps round all you rats
Pretty fitting for Sara finally entering the privileged life of Hillerska. With all these students from rich family who will never "step down", who will keep the status quo, keep looking down on people who are not from their world.
Ripe, Flavia
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No need to go to work unless I'm working on your body Hold you up, lay you down, staying up 'til the morning Working hard in the sheets, we could stay here for a week No need to go to work 'less I'm working on your body
A song with very suggestive lyrics, which less very little to the imagination about what the students are gonna get up to at this party ^^' "Ripe for the picking even when I'm not in season": can we also talk about Sara getting her initiation and being thrown into this classist privileged Hillerska life while still being an outsider? There lyrics feel like some kind of metaphor for her wanting so badly to be integrated, to feel ready for that. Or to think she's ready for that, while the reality might not be the same.
Love isn't love, Carola
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Stranger, you came into my life Touched me with sweet sensation ... And stranger, you cut me like a knife ... It isn't right It isn't real at all It's just illusion A dream that will tumble and fall
The infamous karaoke "date". I like that the first sentences are sung by Marcus, because yes he got immediately interested in Simon after meeting him. But then he passes the mic to Simon who has to sing "cut me like a knife" and, he doesn't know it yet, but Marcus is quite toxic in the end. He is not gonna treat him well at all, not gonna respect him and his boundaries. Their "relationship" is not gonna help him or heal him at all, it's just gonna hurt him. And we cannot ignore the very (NOT) subtle lyrics when Wilhelm watches the Insta story of them singing: "it's not real". Because it's not. It's not a date. It's not love. It's nothing. And yeah, he's gonna be under the "illusion" of them being together and happy, but it's nothing more than that, an illusion. (And special mention to Wilhelm going feral and threatening the whole monarchy because his ex-boyfriend is on a date: Wilhelm baby, I love you so much!)
Seize the power, Yonaka
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Woke up this morning I feel so fucking important I look in the mirror I'm different I finally made a decision ... They hurt you and make you feel helpless They're not brave like you They're too scared to do Anything that's different Anything that's new I don't need lessons I do what I want it's refreshing ... Hey there how you've been? I'm the voice in your head And I know you've been aching When you find me let me in I got power in my hands and it's yours for the taking
So this song is for the end credits of the episode but it's an amazing one and so important! We just saw Wilhelm yell at his mother and threaten the Courts because he doesn't want to be Crown Prince, doesn't want the responsibilities, doesn't want to be a puppet to them, doesn't want to sacrifice Simon and their relationship. And the first lyrics feel fitting: he's mad (and the lights in this bedroom are red and twisty: what better image to represent the rage coiling inside of him at this moment?), he "woke up" after being faced with the reality of the consequences of his lying about the sex tape. With the reality that Simon is on a date with someone else. And gosh yeah, these people, your own mother, they hurt you so badly and made you feel helpless. Making you follow their orders with not agency of your own. But you're gonna be so brave, and different, and strong! I love the chorus "I'm the voice in your head" because he's angry and screaming and threatening but nothing is very effective in the end (we'll see that next episode). He doesn't seem to have power yet. But if he listens to the little voice inside, if he takes the time to do that (and he will! Thanks to Boris for helping him doing some introspection and realizing things), he will realize that the power is here, deep inside him. That the strenght to do what's right for him, for Simon, well he has it. He just needs to close his eyes, reach inside and "take it"
The songs of Young Royals - part 1 The songs of Young Royals - part 2 The songs of Young Royals - part 3 The songs of Young Royals - part 4
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daincrediblegg · 10 months
You will navigate to the page on disney plus (and it has to be here. Unless someone has actually uploaded the REAL movie anywhere else you cannot get it elsewhere)
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You will scroll down HERE. To EXTRAS instead. You MUST GO HERE. This is non -negotiable
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And you will watch it. And you will thank me for having been so blind and led astray by that stupid fucking mouse. You’re welcome.
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mroddmod · 26 days
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don't be weepy sleepy puppies
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copepods · 4 months
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catmask · 1 year
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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heedzhee-art · 4 months
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nice redstone gremlin
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 5 months
The thing that is striking me the most about this album is just how messy and human it is. She’s not holding anything back or trying to appear one way or another. She’s just letting it all out regardless of what anyone might say. She found that trying to be polished and keep all the ugly, imperfect, human stuff in to be stifling and just said fuck it I need to do this for me. This album was an exorcism for her.
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hdfjsjkj · 4 months
i was talking with a friend a couple days ago about love songs and i can't stop thinking about this
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lotrmusical · 1 month
poll time. yes this is just a ploy to get people to recommend me poems
if yes, let me know which poems/recite some for me in the tags!
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bugwizard · 5 months
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i dont have to sell my soul he's already in me
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starsnores · 6 months
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zyphnn · 6 days
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mullet stanley my best friend mullet stanley
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grandkhan221b · 29 days
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I'll never not find the mance-rattleshirt switcharoo hilarious
Bonus :
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deathricedrawn · 2 months
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i'm ready to try
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kojitheopossum · 2 months
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[Prologue] [Ch1] [Ch2] [Ch3] [Ch4] [Ch5] [Ch???]
In which Bdubs finally meets the siren!
A couple notes; one, cleo’s “zombie stitches” are just tattoos, and two, I completely forgot to add the logo onto their outfits last chapter but I’m gonna stick to that now o7 I had a lot of fun drawing this chapter probably because of the ethos, lucky for me i’ll be getting even more next chapter ;]
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fruity-calamity · 1 month
Steve starts debating with Eddie about music as a joke. He likes watching Eddie go on his passionate rants about the things he loves. The intensity in his eyes is as addicting, as his voice is a balm on his soul. Which is to say a *lot*. The thing is, is he doesn't actually know much about music. Like he knows a lot of terms by osmosis from simply knowing Eddie and Robin. But he doesn't actually know what they mean or how to use them to describe music. So he ends up just using his feelings to describe them. He thinks Eddie is just humoring him when he makes a show of considering his words. He assumes that the ones that end up on the mixtapes Eddie makes them to listen to when they're together, are just a mix of songs that Eddie tolerates and the handful of metal songs Steve has admitted to actually liking.
But Eddie, he's actually taking their little debates more seriously than he did all 3 years of senior year *combined* . He's absolutely*enamored* with the way Steve describes music to the point that he actually manages to convert Eddie on some of the billboard hits. He starts making mixtapes of all the songs Steve converts him to and the ones he catches Steve humming as a sort of love letter to him. Steve is absolutely floored the first time he catches Eddie singing along to an ABBA song. He's completely awed the first time Eddie actually requests a tears for fears song and even sings along with him.
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