#there are barely any pictures from the event too like i genuinely don't understand where she's getting some of the things she said from
psychicpinenut · 10 months
people who genuinely think they know about what's going on with celebs' friendships or relationships based on random pictures or interactions on social media are batshit crazy to me. just so out of touch with reality it's amazing.
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its-avalon-08 · 1 month
Can you write me something for Lando? Where his girlfriend is scared, he's going to leave her because everyone eventually does. (Like a bad home life and never had good relationships) And she's just waiting for Lando to dump her, but Lando resizes this and assures her that she is it for him and he would never abandon her.
i'm never giving up on you (ln4)
avaspeaks: at this point i'm just a lando norris fanclub, and i have no issue with it whatsoever
✦ pairing - lando norris x female!reader
✦ genre - angst, neglect, fears of abandonment, comfort
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Y/N sat in the dimly lit living room of her small apartment, the shadows on the walls a stark contrast to the memories that haunted her. Her fingers traced the worn edges of a photo album she had found while cleaning earlier, each page a painful reminder of her past.
Growing up, Y/N's home life was far from stable. Her parents' relationship had been a volatile cocktail of arguments and broken promises, their voices often raised in anger rather than love. The air in their house had always felt thick with tension, a palpable force that suffocated any semblance of comfort or security.
Y/N flipped through the album, her eyes lingering on a picture of her younger self. She was smiling, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, even then. Her parents stood on either side of her, forced grins plastered on their faces for the camera. She remembered that day clearly—it had been one of the few times they had tried to act like a normal family, but the effort was short-lived.
As the years went by, the arguments escalated, and the once infrequent absences of her father turned into a permanent departure. Her mother, already struggling with her own demons, fell into a deep depression, leaving Y/N to fend for herself. She became a master of hiding her pain, putting on a brave face at school while silently dealing with the chaos at home.
Friendships came and went, most of them fleeting. Y/N had learned early on not to get too attached, as people seemed to drift away just when she started to rely on them. Her heart had been broken too many times, not by romantic relationships, but by the countless times she had opened up to someone, only for them to leave.
Closing the album with a sigh, Y/N glanced around her apartment. It was small but cozy, a space she had made her own. The walls were adorned with pictures of places she hoped to visit one day, a reminder of dreams she refused to let go of, despite everything. Yet, the emptiness of the apartment echoed the loneliness that had been her constant companion.
Meeting Lando had been a beacon of light in her otherwise dark world. His infectious energy and genuine kindness had drawn her in, and for the first time in a long time, she felt a glimmer of hope. But with that hope came fear—the fear that he, too, would eventually leave, just like everyone else.
The sound of the front door opening pulled Y/N from her thoughts. She quickly wiped away a tear that had escaped, not wanting Lando to see her like this. She loved him deeply, but the scars of her past were not easily forgotten.
Lando entered the room, his eyes immediately finding hers. He could sense something was wrong, the way she held herself, the distant look in her eyes. He walked over and sat beside her on the couch, his presence a comforting contrast to the turmoil in her mind.
"Hey," he said softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "Are you okay?"
Y/N took a deep breath, forcing a smile. "Yeah baby, I'm okay"
time skip
The tension in the apartment was palpable as Lando and Y/N stood facing each other in the living room. The argument had started innocuously enough—a simple conversation about their busy schedules—but it had quickly escalated into a heated exchange.
"I just don't understand why you can't make more time for us," Y/N said, her voice tinged with frustration. "You're always so busy with races, interviews, and events. I feel like we're barely together anymore."
Lando ran a hand through his hair, his patience wearing thin. "I have obligations, Y/N. This is my career we're talking about. I can't just drop everything whenever I want."
"I'm not asking you to drop everything," she retorted, her eyes flashing with anger. "I'm asking you to make an effort. I want to feel like a priority, not just another item on your to-do list."
"That's not fair," Lando shot back. "You know how demanding this job is. I can't control the schedule. And it's not like you don't have your own commitments."
Y/N crossed her arms, her voice rising. "But I still try to make time for us! You promised me that we'd find a balance, but it feels like I'm the only one trying."
Lando's frustration boiled over. "I’m doing the best I can! Why can't you see that?"
"Because it doesn't feel like it!" she shouted, tears of anger and hurt welling up in her eyes. "I'm tired of feeling like I'm the only one making an effort in this relationship."
A heavy silence fell between them, the weight of their words hanging in the air. Lando shook his head, his expression a mix of frustration and helplessness. "I'm driving around the bloody globe and this - Y/N I'm just- I need some air," he muttered, grabbing his jacket and heading for the door.
Y/N watched him leave, her heart sinking. She stood there for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts of abandonment. This was it, she thought. This was when he would realize it wasn't worth the effort and leave her like everyone else had.
Y/N sat on the balcony, the cool night air brushing against her skin. The city lights flickered in the distance, but her mind was far away, lost in the painful memories that had shaped her.
She was six years old, hiding under the kitchen table as her parents screamed at each other. Her father’s voice was a thunderstorm, her mother’s a desperate plea. "I can’t take it anymore, Marie! I’m done!" Her father stormed out, slamming the door so hard it rattled the windows. He never came back.
Years later, her mother’s addiction had taken hold. Y/N would find her passed out on the couch, empty bottles and needles scattered around. "Mom, please," she would whisper, shaking her gently. "Wake up." But her mother’s eyes remained closed, her body unresponsive. Social services came and went, but nothing ever changed. The house felt emptier with each passing day.
Her first boyfriend seemed kind at first, but the facade quickly crumbled. "You’re too clingy," he said, pushing her away. "I need space." He left her in tears, feeling like a burden. The next relationship was worse—manipulation, emotional abuse, constant belittling. "You’re worthless," he sneered. "No wonder your family abandoned you." She believed him, internalizing every cruel word.
Y/N hugged her knees tighter to her chest, the tears slipping down her cheeks. The patterns of her past replayed in her mind, a cruel reminder of the pain she had endured.
Her best friend in high school promised they would be friends forever. But as soon as things got tough, she disappeared without a word, leaving Y/N to navigate the tumultuous teenage years alone. "I thought we were friends," Y/N had said, voice breaking. But there was no answer, just an empty silence.
Her college roommate had been kind, at first. They shared secrets and late-night talks until one day, without warning, she moved out, leaving a note saying she couldn’t handle Y/N’s “drama.” Another abandonment, another confirmation that Y/N was too much for anyone to handle.
She wiped her eyes, the heaviness in her chest a familiar ache. Lando was different, she knew that. He was kind, loving, and patient. But the fear that he would eventually leave her, just like everyone else, was always there, lurking in the back of her mind.
The balcony door slid open, and Y/N didn’t turn around. She felt Lando’s presence as he stepped outside, the silence stretching between them.
"I'm sorry my love," Lando finally said, his voice soft and weary. "I didn't mean to storm out like that."
Y/N took a deep breath, her voice trembling. "I just… I don't want to feel like this anymore, Lando. I don't want to keep waiting for you to leave. It's not your fault, it really is not. I'm just- my past. It has been hurting me so much even when I try for it not to."
He moved closer, sitting beside her on the balcony floor. "Y/N, I'm not going to leave you. I didn't realize how much this was affecting you. I thought we were okay but I need you to speak to me, to voice your conerns."
She shook her head, tears slipping down her cheeks. "I was scared to tell you how I really felt. I didn't want to seem needy or make you feel guilty."
Lando reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "You have every right to tell me how you feel. I need to know if something's wrong so we can fix it together."
She looked at him, her eyes filled with vulnerability. "But what if you get tired of always having to reassure me? What if you decide it's too much?"
He squeezed her hand, his gaze steady and sincere. "I won't. I'm here because I love you, Y/N. I want to be with you, and that means working through the tough times, too. I know I haven't been perfect, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this work."
Y/N's heart ached with both fear and hope. "I want to believe you, Lando. I really do."
"Then let me prove it to you," he said softly. "We'll figure this out together. I promise."
She nodded, a small smile breaking through her tears. "Okay. I trust you." He could see the pain in her eyes, the scars left by a lifetime of abandonment and disappointment. He knew this was the moment to make her understand how much she meant to him.
"Y/N, look at me," he said softly, lifting her chin so their eyes met. "You are perfect for me in every way. I don’t just love you because you’re beautiful or because we have fun together. I love you because of who you are, inside and out."
She tried to look away, but he gently held her face, making sure she was listening. "You are the strongest person I know. Everything you've been through, everything you've survived—it hasn't broken you. It's made you who you are, and that person is incredible."
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn't say anything. Lando continued, his voice full of conviction. "You have this amazing heart, Y/N. You care so deeply about the people in your life, even when they don't deserve it. You give so much of yourself, and that’s something truly special."
He brushed a tear from her cheek. "You make me want to be a better person. Every day with you is a gift, and I don’t take that lightly. I see how you look after everyone, how you’re always there for others, even when you’re hurting. You inspire me."
Lando's voice grew more intense as he spoke. "You’re not a burden. You’re not too much. You are exactly what I need in my life. You’re my anchor, the one who keeps me grounded. Without you, none of this—racing, fame, everything—would matter. You’re my reason, Y/N."
She sniffled, her tears falling freely now, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "I know you’re scared, and I get it. But I’m here to stay. I’m not going anywhere. I promise you that. We’re in this together, and I will never, ever leave you."
He pulled back slightly to look into her eyes again. "Please believe me when I say that you are my everything. I love you more than words can say, and I will spend every day proving it to you. You are my future, Y/N, and I’m not going to let anything take that away from us."
She clung to him, her sobs quieting as his words sank in. "I love you too, Lando," she whispered, her voice shaky but filled with hope.
"And I love you," he replied, kissing her forehead gently. "Always."
For the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, they could find a way to make it work. And for now, that hope was enough.
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sapphireplums · 3 years
𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭���𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭.
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description || druig never thought he was even capable of jealousy, but when it comes to you, nothing was impossible.
pairing || druig x fem!reader
word count || 1,088
warnings || fluffy fluff! SPOILERS FOR THE END CREDIT SCENE
a/n || i really want to watch dunkirk again after writing this haha. feedback is appreciated!
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AFTER BIDDING GOODBYE to your family, you decided it was best to leave earth for now and join Makkari, Druig, and Thena to find other Eternals in the universe.
You were a little reluctant to leave Earth at first, knowing that you've lived a majority of your life there, but when Druig asked you to come along, you couldn't dare to refuse him.
It was nice to be back on the Domo, with some fond memories reminiscing back in your mind. You looked out the clear glass window as you left Earth, the beautiful blue planet getting smaller as you flew higher into the universe.
You heard a pair of footsteps increasing behind you and turning around, you saw Druig with his soft smile appearing on his face. He grabbed your waist gently and pulled you towards his body, the leather on his jacket touching your bare skin.
"What are you doing here all alone, my love?" His tone was filled with tease yet genuine curiosity.
You turned your body around, facing the clear window, Druig not letting go of your body. His body was now pressed against your back, his arms still embracing your waist.
"Just looking at the beautiful world we saved. It's really beautiful." Druig saw the bright smile on your face, making his mood even better. He always loved to see you happy, your smile being the light of his day.
"Yes, it is, but it's certainly not as beautiful as you, Y/n." You turned your head and looked at Druig in the eyes. As you stared into his sapphire eyes, Druig couldn't help but place a gentle kiss on your lips. His kisses always started as gentle, but there were times where his eagerness go the best of him which led to interesting events.
The two of you walked back to the main room, hand in hand where Thena and Makkari were at. Makkari gave you a smile while Thena gave you a gentle nod. You sat on top of one of the tables skimming through books, while Druig went to get a bag of chips.
When he got back, his mouth was already stuffed with them, making his cheeks look like a chipmunk. You couldn't help but capture this moment so you took out your phone and took a quick picture.
"I still don't understand why you're so obsessed with that cellular device while you should be obsessed with me." His snarky remark made you slap him gently across the chest while snatching the bag of chips out of his hands in the process.
He gave you a playful glare before placing a small kiss on top of your nose. "You're lucky I love you very much."
You continued to eat the bag of chips until the sudden sound of something down the halls of the Domo caught your attention. Everyone stood up, on guard for any possible threats that were to come. Druig instinctively put his body in front of you as a shield, not daring to let any threat come your way.
But when a troll appeared out of a portal, your head tilted in confusion. He didn't seem to be a threat, more like a character from a fairytale story.
"Um, you see that too, right?" You asked Druig while the troll continued to talk.
"Yeah, I see it too," Druig whispered softly to you, his body still in front of yours.
Still not sure what was happening, your mind wandered in confusion, but when another person came out of the portal, your inner thoughts dissipated.
"Hello, fellow celestials. My name is Eros, I am the brother of Thanos." When Eros mentioned Thanos, your eyes widened slightly, not seeing the resemblance at all.
You stood aside from Druig's protective demeanor and cautiously looked at the other celestial, curiosity laced in your eyes, not seeing how he was related to Thanos.
"Love, stay behind me," Druig's voice appears in your head. You gave him a look then looked back at Eros.
"It's okay, Dru. I don't think he's a threat," you thought back. Druig was about to pull your body behind him until you walked up to Eros, his eyes gleaming towards your presence.
"Well, well, well, hello beautiful. What's your name, darling?" Eros asked you, his voice clearly flirtatious. You let out a nervous laugh before answering him.
"I'm Y/n, that's Makkari, Thena, and Druig." Eros gave a warm smile to everyone in the room, but when his vision went towards Druig, all the Eternal did was glare at him, not liking the way he was looking at his girlfriend.
"Nice to meet you all." Eros paused and looked back at you, flirt laced in his eyes once again. "Especially you, doll."
That's when Druig lost it. He didn't like the way this man was looking at you and the nicknames he was giving you pissed him off even more. He was the only one that could call you those named and the sudden urge of possessiveness overwhelmed him.
"Sorry, mate, she has a boyfriend and her boyfriend doesn't like when other people flirt with her," Druig said, his arm possessively wrapped around your waist. You couldn't help but smirk at Druig's claim on you. It made your heart skip a beat.
"Oh, well my apologizes, you have a very beautiful girlfriend though." Eros attempted to walk by you and Druig, your boyfriend's glare still digging into Eros' skull.
But as Eros walked by you, he sneakily winked at you hoping Druig didn't see, but oh boy, was he wrong.
When Druig saw his flirts didn't stop, Druig nearly pounced on him, but you held him back, preventing him from doing so.
"Can I kill him?" Druig asked you nonchalantly. Your eyes widened and you stood in front of Druig, not letting him get closer to Eros.
"No! Don't even think about it."
"But I didn't like the way he was staring at you, love," Druig admitted, finally looking into your eyes.
"Dru, I love you and only you." You pressed a soft kiss on his lips, him returning it swiftly.
"I know you love me and I love you so much, sweetheart. It's just that I don't trust him." Knowing Druig wouldn't stop worrying about you, you negotiated with him.
"Look how about this, if he tries anything again, you can just mind control him, okay?" Druig let out a genuine smile, yet it was filled with mischief and temptation.
"Deal." Druig kissed you on the cheek before walking back into the room with the other Eternals, his eyes still on Eros just in case he dared to do anything.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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reader impact || first meetings: unreconciled stars
series masterlist characters: scaramouche, fischl, mona genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i'm sorry fischl and mona's aren't that good :(( this is actually my first time writing for them but i hope you enjoy <33
scaramouche's playthrough -
oof scara
scara scara scara
this boy hates his chat and at this point they don't care.
it's not like he'll badmouth them, right?
think ludwig.
that's him.
he's a very angy boy please--
as for what he does?
much like childe he'd do a lot of pvp games.
he's not too keen on showing off his personal life.
he prefers that boundary between his viewers and himself, y'know?
he honestly doesn't even understand why his viewers like him.
he knows he's a mean person and yet here they are :/
he doesn't take requests from his viewers he just kinda plays whatever he wants.
imagine his viewers' surprise when they see him streaming genshin--
they asked why a lot.
"it seemed cool."
this man just wants to play some good ol' anime games.
his chat calls him soft and he just glares.
anyway now he's actually playing.
he's not really into mondstadt's characters they're all... okay to him.
he feels a bit better in liyue.
not because it's pretty oh no no no.
because look at all the enemies outside >:))
he'll clear the whole field don't test him.
anyway, now onto the unreconciled stars event :00
this man really doesn't like katheryne--
anyway at this point he's tasked with find fritz, which he doesn't really want to do.
he sees the dude on the ground but that's only after he sees someone standing next to him.
and then he sees someone standing next to him :0
"is the guy on the floor sleeping?"
"i believe so. i've tried everything, but he won't wake up."
he will pause to look at your outfit.
it's so complex but it's so cool!!!
his chat suspects something's up but... he'll just snap at them like he normally does.
but he'll silently admire you <3
also yOU'RE T I N Y ! !
and then paimon points out your clothes and the cameras pans up your body--
"heh... and by "this person over here," you mean me, right?"
he will choose the "those unique clothes are quite beautiful" option in a heartbeat.
he doesn't care that his chat is teasing him, he just wants you to know :))
he's kinda sad when you leave, though...
"please come back soon..."
skip to a few events later when the constellation is revealed to be leonard's.
the sudden cutscene catches him off guard because he's prepared to fight someone.
"hi! sounds interesting... mind if i join you?"
he won't say anything but he will physically relax at the sight of you.
you make this man soft please--
he's lowkey angry when his character is teleported away from you :(
(name): the sixth of the eleven fatui harbingers
of course he doesn't say that but his chat can tell that's what he's thinking.
this man's eyes go wide when you order the fatui around.
please help he really likes you. you're so assertive and cute and cool and just AGH--
fischl's playthrough -
fischl can and will do cosplay streams.
her fans like to watch her because of the "character" she puts up for the camera.
honestly she just does this because she genuinely enjoys cosplaying and bringing characters to life.
oz is the nickname for her pet bird :))
she definitely gets a lot of trolls in her chat that make fun of her for her cosplays and "dumb" way of speaking.
in which case she'll just yell at them using her "dumb" way of speaking.
she really does care about how people see her but her chat comforts her a lot after, so she feels better after a few minutes :))
the games she plays are very fantasy based and take place in worlds that don't exist.
once she gets into a game, she'd pick her favorite character and cosplay as them everytime she streams that game.
sometimes she does sewing streams where she actually makes her own cosplay with her fans.
they like to make it with her if they have the materials :D
genshin impact was a game her fans recommended because they actually want to see fischl cosplay the characters.
they will beg her to do the cosplay creation on stream.
(they defintitely know who she'll choose to cosplay but it's fine)
when she reaches the unreconciled stars event, she's really excited to learn about the fated meteorite granting sleep upon touch.
she's ready to go around teyvat in search of an answer when...
"katheryne! vassal of the immernachtreich, do mine ears deceive me, or didst thou cry out mine holy name in earnest supplication not one moment ago?"
some of her chat is obviously confused by your speech but her long time viewers can understand some of it.
oz, who fischl had brought with her to play, seems excited to see your familiar flying to you :)
fischl is just as excited as he is!!
please you speak just like her and you're voice is so nice and it actually sounds like the developers put thought into what the speech would mean in "proper speech."
"a pleasure to meet you again, katheryne."
some of her viewers will beg for her to skip through your dialogue.
when she sees those comments, she will purposefully let your dialogue play out, proceed to read out that same dialogue, and respond to you as if she was actually talking to you.
not just to spite them but because it's also a lot of fun for her <3
"it would seem the gods have blessed us with meeting such a well-respected being!"
translation: she's really excited to have met you.
as soon as you spoke she decided she would cosplay as you.
she's already planning out all of the materials she'll need and how much time it would take.
if your familiar is a bird, you best bet oz will be in her photo shoots for your cosplay.
most of the time you're on screen, she'll talk to her viewers about you in her classic chuunibyou style <333
she's really sad when it's time for you to leave :(((
"... goodbye, fischl. you are a good listener. i enjoy chatting with you. to be honest, most of the other adventurers in the guild only ever talk to me when they wanna hear (familiar)'s reconnaissance reports... this little journey we had... it was a great adventure. i'm just sorry that is has to end so abruptly..."
she might cry wait--
she relates to you even more now :(
"ah! what am i doing? i totally broke form..."
you're too cute pleas--
mona's playthrough -
mona does a lot of nightly streams.
it's very rare for you to catch her streaming with daylight.
she likes to share things about astrology while sitting outside drinking something warm.
she'll do a lot of nightly gaming streams as well.
mainly calmer games that people can vibe to in the background.
she prefers to keep her streams lowkey and chill, much like the life she wants to lead.
if only she had the money to do so...
yes, mona is still struggling with money even as a streamer.
she greatly appreciates any donations her fans give to her because she practically relies on them to pay her rent and daily necessities.
of course, it's not like she's completely struggling, just enough to barely get her by.
anyway, her fans ask her about playing genshin impact, inticing her with their talk about the stars and night sky in the game.
she's the type of player to take her time in the environment and take a lot of pictures of her character at night.
she's actually really excited when she hears about this new event centering around the stars and sky :D
soon enough, she gets around to the part where she is need of an astrologist.
she's HYPED to hear there's an astrologist in the game.
"someone looking for me? who is it?"
she will squeal, please.
look at you!!!
your whole design has stars and is space-themed and you're so cute and you're voice is so soothing ! ! !
she really likes listening to you talk about astrology because your voice gets even softer than before.
that scene where you go to the cliff??
please she has that scene as her lockscreen <3
you just look so cool when you start to do your process.
you're so focused and the way they animate your process in the game is beautiful.
and then the fatui harbinger interrupts one of your meetings :00
you grab onto mona's character and teleport away in a cloud of stars and specks of your elemental vision.
she's kinda embarrassed when you scold her about getting involved with the harbinger--
but not only are you really cool and awesome, you're super strong, too!
please be sassy more she really likes how proud you sound :))
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elriell · 4 years
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Chapter Two—  
[Chapter 1]
In The Absence of Light
Restless sleep continued to plague her the following nights, just as she had feared the cold spikes of anxiety that crippled her mind refused to ease up their battle for control.
Azriel never mentioned their tense early morning encounter, but she could not deny that after his departure she had finally managed to succumb to a few good hours of rest, and for that she was grateful. She put it down to simply feeling calmer after seeing a friend and refused to look any further in to why that would be.  
So, when Elain saw him over breakfast, she offered him a genuine smile and accepted the muffin he silently offered her in return. She tried not to dwell on the fact that he did not in truth look as if he had been blessed with a good sleep, as she had.  
Several nights had passed since then and time trickled by slowly, each night she found herself staring up at the ceiling, tossing and turning among the expensive linens, unable to settle down. Vivid dreams swirled around in her head; the same thoughts as always, they appeared to be taking up permanent residency, she was less than pleased with that realization.  
Every noise poked at her subconscious, taunting her mockingly. She let out a sigh at the ridiculousness of her thoughts, as if the branches crashing in the wind could possibly be trying to ridicule her, she truly was losing it alltogether. Taking a deep breath, she gave up on her quest for sleep and slid her feet in the soft pair of slippers and set off for the kitchen, doing her best not to awake anyone on her path, though she doubted she would, everyone in this house seemed to sleep through most her terrors.  
Lost in her own scattered thoughts she barely saw him lent over, in truth he looked as though he too was in his own world. Strong powerful arms flexed over the sink as he gazed out the window in to the gardens below. The dark leathery wings hung limply behind him, he painted quite the sorrowful picture, moonlight casting down upon him.
A fallen angel, infinitely beautiful and untouchable in an heartbreaking way.  
“Trouble sleeping?” His honey voice caught her off guard, she really had to stop being surprised when it came to the shadow-singer, his instincts were sharp as the thorns that she tried to avoid when gardening.  
“Seems to be going around these days.” A soft shrug. “I was just going to make myself something warm, would you join me?”  
He turned towards her at that and it struck her as it always did how easily he concealed his emotions, as if he could carefully tuck them away in a box and forget about them. His eyes however spoke volumes, they were devastating to her mental resolve, a crack splintering straight to her heart.
“I would like that very much.”  Agreeing gently.
Elain willed herself to focus on the task at hand; warming up some milk for the both of them. She felt more than heard him shuffle amongst the kitchen retrieving mugs and placing them to her left, returning to his former place. “Thank you for the other night— No, no, no... Please don't stop me, I want to, no I need to. I haven’t gotten that much sleep-in months, so thank you.”
A small blush crept up his face much to her quiet delight, it was such a rarity to pierce his stoic exterior.
She poured them both a cup each and set out to retrieve some cookies from a jar she had baked earlier in the day, once she had set a sufficient amount on a plate, she joined Azriel at the small breakfast table at the far end of the room.
Though dark out it was a beautiful spot, the whole side of the wall was built from different shades of stained glass and under the moonlight it shone a messy pattern of colors across the cobblestone floor, it had quite easily become one of her favorite places once her nightmares began. A colorful sanctuary to be at ease.
There were so many questions on the tip of her tongue, she wondered so much about him, about his troubles, his travels, about Nesta, who she had not received any letters from since her departure though that was no surprise all things considered. She wished she could tell her she had not known of the plans, wished she could have at least said goodbye, god, she wished for so many things.
Perhaps she would ask Azriel to take her on his next visit to the mountains, she filed that away for another day.  
“I suppose the tonic didn't work then?” He inquired before dunking a cookie in to his mug.
“Ah—” Hesitating for a beat too long. “It's alright you needn't lie to me; your secrets are your own. If you do not wish to say I shall not bring it up again.”  He jumped in before she finished.
Truth. She knew without a doubt he would not push her, would accept whatever she was willing to give.  
“That is quite alright, to be honest with you Azriel, I am not sure I quite know myself.” She considered it carefully. “I think deep down, beneath every excuse, I just, well I just don’t want to be...”
“Medicated.” He finished for her.
It should not surprise her after all this time, he was always able to read her seamlessly and understand her completely even when she wasn’t sure she understood herself. He was able to deduce that she was a Seer when the rest thought she was going mad, even her own mate, scoffing internally at the word. It was a shame, she supposed, that it had nothing to do with Lucien. He was a good enough man but she simply couldn’t handle the burden that such a bond posed after the events of last year.  
He was uncharacteristically sheepish when he asked, “It’s not my place, but is something wrong? Lucien?” He stumbled over the last word as if he found it hard to roll off his tongue. Odd. Azriel rarely if ever spoke on the subject of the former spring court emissary, almost seemed to avoid it at all costs.
Upon reflection she could not think of one time through their many conversations that he had ever inquired about him if she had not started the discussion.  
It was eery some days, it was as though he could see inside her soul, study her like a well-read book.
And if she was following that analogy through then she was certainly an old nattered forgotten book that was far too damaged to be of much value... She heard Nesta’s voice as the thought formed scolding her for thinking that any book would not hold its own important value in the world.  
“No.” She replied honestly. “I am not quite sure what is fuelling my problems only that they are rather determined at keeping me from a peaceful sleep. But enough about that, let us talk about better things, happier things, tell me about your favorite places to...”
And so, they would spend several hours hunched over the table talking in hushed tones about everything and nothing at all, refilling their mugs repeatedly as time faded away and all that remained was the moments within, the coloured light streaming over them bathing them in a pool of colours steadily shifting as the sun rose, not that either noticed until household staff awoke to prepare for the day.  
And when she returned to her bedchamber, she would not care on bit that she was still on the brink of exhaustion.
They developed quite a habit of it unexpectedly. At one point or another in the night when her sleep or lack there of, became too much to bare, she would wander down to the kitchen where inevitably he would be sat as if waiting for her.
She tried not to be so self-absorbed as to think it was solely because of her. But after the first few times happened and it became a reoccurring pattern, warm milk always lay on the table waiting for her, always warm, almost as if he could sense when she would arrive despite it changing most nights.
It did not help her ever growing endearment to him.
Although she knew Azriel would eventually grow bored of this habit they had formed, perhaps conversation would become tiresome to maintain for him but she promised to enjoy his company while it lasted.
He made her happy and the small private moments she would cherish among the bland parts of her day, though it wasn’t particularly healthy for either of them as it meant neither was sleeping much.
But it was a worthy sacrifice, all considered she was not sleeping before therefore she was not losing anything, however she did feel a twinge of guilt for the shadow-singer. Hoped it would not interfere with his day-to-day activities and not put him at greater risk whilst following out orders.  
But alas all good things must come to an end and last night would mark that for them both.
He had been uncharacteristically quiet all night, simply letting her ramble on about the new plans for opening up the back garden to prepare it for new flowers and wildlife, he had simply watched her for hours with a gentle “Mmm” and “Of course” along the way, in hindsight she should have guessed something was coming.
He arose from the bench first keeping his eyes locked to the ground, and fiddling with the lapels of his jacket seemingly trying to buy time, while the silence hung heavy in the air.  
“It seems there has been some problems arising in the northern territories and Rhys has asked that I head out for a few days to ensure it is nothing more serious.” Shifting his feet back and forth still reluctant to make eye contact.
“I see.” She really didn’t. “When are you to leave?”
The grimace was noticeable on his controlled face, “An hour ago. Give or take.”
He did not give her time to respond as he leaned over her, closer than they had been to each other in some time and he smelled like the woods after a rainfall if that could be a smell at all, fresh yet masculine. The kiss he planted on her forehead was so gentle had she not had her eyes open she scarcely would have felt it.  
Her lids fell and her breathing changed, and she wondered if one could feel as if their heart both stopped and raced at the same time, she was losing all sense of reason and by the time she regained her thoughts enough to open her eyes he was gone.  
His absence hit her quickly and she had to take a deep breath to hold back the tear stinging her eye, yet again she was left to her own devices. Perhaps it for the best that she not grow too reliant on his company, though she was infinitely grateful for his friendship and companionship she did not want him to feel burdened by her.  
This would give them some much needed separation and time to rebuild her mental walls and form some boundaries for herself.
The first night was not as bad as she expected and she tried to be optimistic that this was a new leaf for her.
Unfortunately, as she well knew nothing lasts for long, especially something good. Not for her. By the fourth night the dark void had returned in full to cause chaos on her mind, and so chaos spread, worsening night after night.  
Elaine’s nightly visits to the kitchen had not ceased they simply became a solitary adventure and as the week reached its end, she was near desperate for the relief of her favorite companion would provide.
Having overheard Mor speaking to Feyre in the lounge she was able to confirm that he had returned to the estate sometime midday, though his meetings with his High Lord kept him out of sight much to her disappointment.
She did her best to tame the growing excitement that bubbled up when she thought about his return.
Tonight, for a change she made no attempts to sleep simply busied herself with brushing out her curls and spraying her favorite perfume, feeling silly for going to such efforts. Truthfully though she knew that beneath whatever crush she had formed it had little to do with her attachment to him, it was his companionship and friendship she coveted most, he was a true and loyal friend, a rare thing to her these days.  
She made a promise to herself not mare it with her growing attraction. She refused to lose another person she cared about.
Which is why when she finally made it down to the kitchen after holding off as long as possible only to be greeted by an empty room, she felt her heart twinge. Feeling silly for simply assuming he would be there, for not even questioning it. Not that she blamed him, the kinder part of her hoped he was getting a descent nights rest again, refusing to think on it for long she made herself warm cocoa and set off for bed.
Unsurprisingly sleep did not come easy to her but at least on this night it was not the terrible evil that plagued her, rather the piercing eyes of her favorite spy.
As the hours ticked on and she grew more restless her body wrenched itself out of bed as if on its own accord, and paced a way across their home, it was as she reached the West Wing she realized where she had unconsciously ended up. It was not hard through process of elimination to work out which was his, no light shone beyond the door and no detectable sound either, though she doubted she would know if he was moving about.  
It was silly to have come all this way and she was well aware of how embarrassing her need to visit him was but as she stood with only a large oak door separating them, she understood exactly why she had come, because in that moment she finally felt calmer than she had all week, the anxiety that weaved its way through her reseeded slowly.  
She figured that it couldn’t hurt to stay for a few moments to calm down a little more before venturing back, it would not hurt anyone what they did not know.  
Unaware of when it happened, she found herself sliding down against the door until her bottom hit the cold cobblestones, it was a rather strange feeling that simply being in proximity to him would bring her such small comforts but so was the case as she felt exhaustion slowly creep over and when it came, she felt safe enough to let it take her, she closed her eyes and drifted away.
Pheeeeew, That was long and still a little sad but i promise it is going to get less DEPRESSING™️ I just want to lay the groundwork for what is going to happen 😉 I would love any and all critique as always, it is what fuels me!
Also i was almost finished writing the chapter but the title and colourful glass is inspired by the book I am re-reading with that name.
As always anyone who wants to be added or removed just let me know 🖤
@elriel-oblivion @elriel-incorrect-quotes @tswaney17 @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn @stars-falling @verifiefangirl @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @julemmaes @thefangirlofhp @empress-ofbloodshed @elrielllll @abraxos-is-toothless @julesherondalex @courtofjurdan @amitynotpity @libraryonthepond @mis-lil-red
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syinisuga · 4 years
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Begin Again [MinYoongi]
Pairing : Yoongi x Reader
Word count : 5.2K
Genre : Fluff and Angst
Description : Friends to lovers, Long Distance relationship, Lovers to (?)
Summary : when you thought the friendship you once had with him died away after one silly mistake, and you thought you would never have again what you lost;
But it blossoms back unexpectedly stronger and is slowly growing to be something more beautiful than you ever had
"I've been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn, and end;
But on a Wednesday in a cafe i watched it Begin Again"
It was the start of a new year and you weren't particularly happy about being moved up a few classes into an entirely new class with relatively new students you haven't personally met yet. You were still grateful for your good results in the past year to have you land in such a good class. In all honesty though, you did miss your friends from your old class, all of them being scattered in the back classes however changed your mind about being thankful that you're at least in a better one. The first few days of getting used to the classes went by rather slowly as you were listening to the introductions of the other students and teachers half mindedly, till around your 4th day into the classes that is.
You were randomly seated in the Chemistry lab by the teacher as she familiarised herself with the rest of the class. Not paying much attention you were spacing out, resting your chin on your palm, tapping away at your cheek.
" Um, hey there"
The voice from the stool next to you spoke. You turned your head to the direction of the voice, being met with warm brown eyes looking right at you. He had soft black hair, eyes slightly puffy as if he hadn't slept well the night before, lips curled up in a slight smile as he looked at you.
"Oh, hello"
you answered, trying not to sound overly shocked at the first human interaction you've had in this new class.
"I'm yoongi, what's your name?"
"I'm y/n, nice to meet you Yoongi"
"So what are your interests? What do you like to do y/n? Any hobbies?"
It definitely took you by surprise when this boy you've never really met before was suddenly making an interest to get to know you more. Something about him felt raw and not shy but in a good way.
"Well i really love listening to music and i do indulge in art as well. Spend most of my time listening to songs while drawing. Draw the mood of the song you know?"
"Damn, haha you sound kinda like me. Not tryna be cheesy or anything but i love listening to music too, I'm shit at drawing tho, i can barely draw a stickman"
Both of you exchanged a little chuckle at his open confession about himself. And even though it had only been a few minutes of words between the two of you, you felt at that moment that he wasn't like the other boys who popped up to talk to you first. This one genuinely seemed interested in you just to make a new friend.
"Yo y/n you wanna ditch PE and hang out in the library? The new Resident Evil movie came out we can watch"
"You know what, yeah let's yeet"
You don't know how it went from spending lunch times together, to skipping the most boring subjects to hang out and hide. It'd been a few months since you started your new friendship with Yoongi, and by now you were known as the inseparable duo, funny enough both of you became the class representatives. Somehow you two got closer and closer each day, the more you talked the more you felt like you've known each other for years, yet some part of you knew that there was more to Yoongi than he was showing to you.
On a particularly slow day at your classes, you and Yoongi had pre planned to sneak out to hang out at your usual spot in the library. Sitting at the back of the library the both of you laughed at a joke Yoongi made about how almost the whole school shipped the both of you.
"You know y/n, I envy you"
"Oh well, I know I'm fabulous" you playfully said as you flipped your hair back, earning a little grunt and a harmless eye roll from Yoongi.
"It's not that you loonatic, i envy you...cause you have such a nice relationship with your family"
His sudden statement caught you slightly off guard but you gave him a look, clearly eager to know the reason behind his words. Flashing half a smile towards you he starts his story.
"Growing up for me was, well, it was an experience. I grew up under the care of foster parents who constantly reminded me that my parents gave me away cause i was a burden, all my life that's what i was told. Never had a father figure or mother figure to help shape my emotions? Guess that's why I don't show it if I'm sad or depressed, which is actually most of the time"
he looks down at his hands and chuckles softly.
"But you know something y/n? Being with you makes me feel like I could be myself, like I don't have to be afraid of being judged. And that's why I wanted you to know the truth but i understand if you don't wanna get involved or-"
You cut him off by placing your hand on his, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Yoongi, i want you to know that I'll always be here for you and you can talk to me about this anytime okay? You're my best friend now! And I'm hoping I'm yours too?" You ask in a more playful tone making yoongi giggle.
"Of course you are"
"Good! Cause i come in a package deal of crackhead and supportive as well as a no return contract"
"Sounds perfect to me bestie"
Over 2 years had passed and the whole highschool down to the teachers were sure the two of you were in a relationship, as everyone saw the two of you being practically stuck together almost all the time. Yoongi and your friendship became stronger than ever since that day he decided to open up to you. It became a regular thing where you'd confide in each other for emotional comfort as well as motivation and support. Not missing the fact that your level of crackhead together had become an all time high.
Your finals and exams blasted through and you had spent all your study weeks with Yoongi in the library. As sketchy as it was you and your best friend actually did sincere studying. And as it would, your hard work together paid off earning the both of you high marks in your finals. The two of you didn't miss to make a trademark crackhead scene at the receiving of the scroll ceremony when you accidentally tripped on your shoelace and Yoongi cracked up laughing and clapping before helping you up. The two of you celebrate with drinks and a lot of food that night and Yoongi paid for everything to make it up to you for laughing when you fell.
You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror before heading out to your highschool's hall. It was your graduation party but more importantly to you it was Yoongi's birthday. Coincidentally the two events had fallen on the same day, and what better opportunity than to get dressed up to party at your graduation ceremony together. It had been a heck of a ride these last two years, and you were going to make sure this last school event would be memorable.
Upon arriving you scan around the hall of students in search of the familiar face.
"Looking for me?"
He makes his presence behind you known by clearing his throat. You turn around to give your usual playful comment back but the words were caught in your throat as your gaze landed on your best friend. He was dressed smart, in a suit that looked like it was custom made to fit him, his hair in a side part and bangs neatly framing his face. You were so used to seeing him in his casual hoodies and ripped jeans that seeing him in formal wear made you choke on your words.
Too focused on getting your senses back in check, you don't notice how Yoongi's train of thought was stopped dead in its tracks as he watched you turn around to face him. He never pictured his crackhead of a best friend in something other than t-shirts and track pants. Seeing you in a dress that hugged your figure in all the right places and taking in the sight of you, with your makeup and hair all done to suit the dress you were wearing nearly made him pass out from how he was holding his breath to admire you.
Clearing the silence between the two of you, Yoongi speaks up first.
"Well well, you don't completely look like the satanic spawn of hot cheetos and depression today. You actually look pretty good"
Smirking a little smile you bite back at his comment.
"Well same to you too Mr. I'm a millennial emo teen. You actually look, presentable today"
The two of you exchanged a playful giggle and assumed your seats at your class tables as the ceremony went on.
You don't see the small glances Yoongi takes in your direction, the thoughts gushing through his mind about how you looked at the moment and cursing himself for not realising your features sooner. He admired the way you had chosen to dress up today, seeing the way you had styled your hair so your curls would frame your face, the way you had done your makeup in a more natural looking way that he thought suited you perfectly. Yoongi didn't remember when the unlabeled feelings for you came but the longer he looked at you the more he was starting to put a name to the feelings he had. So much so that he had completely spaced out in his thoughts of you like that he didn't realise you were speaking to him.
" -don't you think so Yoongi?"
"I'm sorry what did you say? The umm, the music is so loud"
"I saaaaiiddd it's beginning to get a little dull at this graduation ceremony, we need a little surprise, don't you think?"
"Surprise?? What kind of surprise?"
Flashing a smile his way you get up and walk towards the front of the hall where the ceremony host was finishing up their ending speech. Whispering into the host's ear, he gives you the microphone and you confidently stride to the front. But you accidentally go too close to the speaker and it lets out an unpleasant squee, making you move back and away a little. You look up and around finding your best friend's eyes looking back at you giggling at the scene that just occured.
"Well that's one way to get everyone's attention" you chuckle earning muffled chuckles and words from the hall.
"So firstly congrats to everyone on graduating y'all did it. But that's not why I'm up here right now. Today is a special day for someone, and since it's the last day we'll all be gathering I wanted to make this memorable for him. So everyone I would like to wish out here, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIN YOONGI"
you started to sing happy birthday and the rest of the hall joined in singing with you.
In all this happening, Yoongi could only focus on you, the way you just boldly got up to sing out loud and wish him Happy Birthday in the most "you" way possible. So he didn't know if it was the moment or if it was his unlabeled feelings overflowing for you, that he got up and walked towards you as the song was ending. He couldn't tell what came over him at that moment but he knew for sure he wasn't going to stop what he was about to do next. Cupping your cheeks in his palms, he leaned in, pressing his soft lips to yours. Kissing you with deep feelings overtaking his mind. The moment his lips touched yours he knew what those unlabeled feelings were, it was Love.
You couldn't process fast enough that your best friend was striding towards you with a goal, a desire. And you surely didn't expect for him to suddenly kiss you. Registering the feeling of his lips on yours, your eyes closed on their own as if on automatic response. You sank into the feeling of his lips, and it was then you felt the spark that ignited your own unlabeled feelings for Yoongi. You had definitely asked yourself countless times before if what you were feeling for Yoongi was more than just friendship. On the countless nights he had cried on your shoulder or when you cried on his, on the many occasions where you were both always partners in crime, you would always glance at Yoongi and wonder what more could there be to the feelings between you.
As the both of you slowly pulled away from each other a roaring sound of cheers erupted as it seemed to be that the two of you were the last ones to know you two were actually in love with each other. Taking your hand in his, Yoongi and you ran out of the hall that night knowing well where the two of you stood from that moment on.
"No babe I think you should definitely take the opportunity to study there, I know it's far but it'll be really good for you, plus it's something you really like! It'll take some time for you to get used to the new place but i know you'll fit right in. In fact i know your wack ass would stand out"
You giggled at his comment but you wholeheartedly took his motivation and advice. But the question and thoughts still lingered in your mind as you heard Yoongi chuckle on the other end of the phone.
"But Yoongi, this means we'd be in a long distance relationship, with you going off to study in the opposite direction and all. Even our breaks don't match Yoongi.. what'll we do" the worrying tone in your voice didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi as he answered you in a calm reassuring tone.
"It'll take some work, but i know we can get through this okay? We'll make it, we can make it. I love you" you smiled at Yoongi's voice uttering the sweet words of love as you felt yourself calm your thoughts.
"I love you too Yoongi. Well then, keep me company while i pack?"
"You bet"
It had been a few months since you started dating, and honestly it didn't feel any different from when the two of you were in your phase of friendship, everything was going relatively smooth apart from the little fights and misunderstandings you had now that you were a couple. Sometimes you sit to think to yourself if moving into a relationship with Yoongi was the best choice, it would feel as though sometimes he would act differently and not like he always would but you just shake of the thoughts. You just figured with all these future college studies and intakes coming about that he was just as stressed as you were. You assured yourself that the two of you would be alright and that you'll always have each other.
A few more months pass and the two of you have already started your college lives. Yoongi being in a campus almost 8 hours away from you with minimal transport for him to even go home let alone plan to meet you. It was going smoothly, settling into orientation and getting to know the layouts of the campus well, meeting new friends and truly taking in your next step in education. You and Yoongi would exchange day to day text messages about how orientation and the first days of classes went.
All well and good till Yoongi's texts became slower and less frequent, he would always say that he's busy with his friends there, or straight up not giving a response at all. You became more and more fearful at how this long distance thing was going to work out for the two of you.
28th Tuesday
[12:27am] hey Yoongi! I hope you had a great day, I miss you and hope you sleep well, love you!
[08:40am] Hey Babe, good morning! I'm in class now, wishing we could skip like old times haha, hope you have a great day! Text me soon
[6:48pm] Hey i just got back to my dorm after classes, it was super fun! How was your day??
[8:11pm] Yoongi?? Are you okay? Are you busy babe?
[8:24pm] I miss youuuuuuuu :(
[10:16pm] Yoongi :(
You tossed your phone to the side of your bed as you felt your tears well up, why was he suddenly avoiding you? Is he okay?? Did he get hurt? Your thoughts were spiraling, getting messier till you heard the familiar ping from your phone. You scurried to your phone to see Yoongi's name pop up on the screen. Your smile quickly faded, replaced by disappointment at his reply.
[10:43pm] Hey, was busy with friends today, going to bed now ttyl <3
You frowned and wouldn't let him go this time. The days of short texts to unreplied texts and this is how he replies now? In a fit of fury you call him.
"Yoongi what's wrong? You haven't been replying to my texts as usual are you okay??"
"Mmh I'm fine, just busy with classes and my new friends y/n"
"Well I can't accept that answer Yoongi, I'm busy with classes and friend's here too but I take the time so why can't you?"
"Hey it's not that big of a deal y/n, we're in new environments now and it'll take me some time to settle in"
"Yoongi surely you have at least 5 minutes a day to text me??"
"Yeah of course I do, I just texted you didn't i?"
"That short ass reply was what you call a text Yoongi? It really sounds like you're avoiding me"
"You know what y/n I don't have time for this right now I'm tired"
"No Yoongi, I haven't talked to you properly in days come on don't you miss me Yoongi?"
"To be honest I've been enjoying the new company here that's I haven't missed you much"
"What do you mean Yoongi? You don't think of me?"
"Not all the time no, i have other things to think about here y/n i have new responsibilities here I can't be thinking about you all the damn time, just be happy I texted you back"
"Are you threatening to not text me anymore Yoongi? Is that what you're saying? You don't wanna talk to me anymore?"
"Oh god for fucks sake y/n stop being so clingy alright? Just grow up a little!"
The sound of his voice in heightened frustration made you choke on your words, you silenced yourself as his words rang loud in your head.
"You know what y/n I don't think this will work out, I'm going to get even busier and this will just be in the way of it all"
"I'm sorry y/n but clearly this distance is proving that we won't work out"
"Are you... breaking up with me Yoongi?.."
The pain in your voice and the soft shaky exhale doesn't go unnoticed by Yoongi. Yoongi takes a deep breath, realising he spoke too fast in frustration. As much as he did feel for you this distance was tearing you apart and Yoongi didn't want to believe it but it was the truth. He spoke softer this time giving his side of his explanation.
"Y/n, you've been nothing but amazing to me, but I realize that we were more compatible as friends, I mean think about it, we've had so many petty fights that we never had before we dated. Our growing college life will further hinder our relationship. I don't want to hurt you like this by not giving you the love and attention you deserve. I'll always love you y/n, just not as more than friends I suppose"
You couldn't believe what was happening right now, your world felt like it was crashing down on you hard and fast, you could feel the sharp stinging in your chest from how your heart was breaking the more reality hit you. Yoongi's words had reason to them, but you were still in a state of confusion. Why could you make time for Yoongi but he couldn't for you? Maybe it's because the two of you are pursuing different fields of studies? Maybe he really had better things to do? Yoongi didn't want to hurt your feelings by making you feel abandoned so he was in fact abandoning you? No? But he said he'll still love you?? Your head was spinning a bunch of thoughts ran through your head.
"Okay Yoongi...if that's what would be the best for us..then okay"
"Don't worry okay? We'll still text as usual, talk when we can okay? I won't let you go, you're still my best friend y/n"
You didn't know if his words would be comforting enough, but at that moment you took what you had and calmed your thoughts for now.
"Okay Yoongi.."
"Good, I have an early schedule tomorrow. I'll talk to you later okay? I'm going to bed now. Goodnight y/n"
"Good night Yoongi"
As it will, Yoongi and you slowly drifted apart. You would often see his social media updates about how he was actively participating in clubs, and how he had taken up new responsibilities, going to camps and hosting events at his institute and he definitely seemed to be doing well. You on the other hand fell more and more at war with your emotions, it didn't hinder your studies. Thankfully you could keep those two apart. But whenever it got a little too quiet you'd think of him, the days in highschool when you were inseparable. You missed his laugh, his endearing way of calling you the most heinous nicknames. You definitely missed his comforting arms, his words of encouragement when you were down, you wished nothing more that in this moment you were crying to him instead of because of him.
You couldn't believe that you were sitting here, broken and feeling alone by the guy that made his way into your life, and had now made his way out in the most painful way possible. You were left there clueless and confused. Did he do it for you? Was it the right thing? Did he really think of you? Why was this happening? What would have happened if you didn't date? Would things be different? Would your best friend have stayed? All these questions playing through your mind, countless nights you spent crying yourself to sleep. Thinking of how you felt almost betrayed, you cursed at yourself for sending texts to him that were only left on read or replied with a simple "I'm busy, text you later".
Slowly days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as you hadn't spoken much to Yoongi. You became stone hearted from all that had happened and slowly you got back into yourself. You were more and more active in your college life and you were growing to be better at controlling your emotions. Sure some little things remind you of him now and then, but it was much easier by now to brush his thoughts off. As sadly as your situation was you learned to move with it and not let it consume you. Every now and then you'd see Yoongi piston updates on his progressively active life and you'd feel happy for him, you wondered if he ever felt the same for you when he saw your updates on how well you were doing.
It had been a total of 4 years since everything happened, you were on a roll and you had graduated college. You had a few job applications pending and you were more stable with your life by now. All the questions you once had were stored in a box collection dust in the far corner of your mind.
It was a relaxing Saturday evening, you were in your apartment lounging on your bed. As you were chatting away with your friends a familiar ping aroused from your phone. The name that popped up on the screen made your heart heavy and you breathing shallow, a true ghost from your past…
"Yoongi 🥀"
Your screen read. Taking a deep breath you opened the chat.
[9:57pm] Hey y/n it's been a long time… are you free tonight? Can I call you?
You didn't know what exactly to think right now. Every cell in your brain telling you not to. That you shouldn't give into him again, and that you should just talk to him over text no matter what it was. But your heart was screaming for him, the familiar feeling of longing for him returning in a massive tsunami, washing over your thoughts. You took a deep breath to centre your thoughts and decided you'd listen to him and talk to him again.
[9:59pm] Hey Yoongi, yeah I'm free to talk.
As soon as the message was read by him, your phone rang. You took one more deep breath and answered the call.
"Hello y/n, how are you?"
You cursed in your head at how much you missed his voice, the way he spoke to you at this moment had a hint of the same longing you had for him.
"Hey..Yoongi, I'm good. How are you?"
"I've been good too.. congratulations on graduating"
"Thanks Yoongi, congratulations on graduating too.."
The silence that fell had you both reflecting on everything that happened and how fast it all went by. The box of questions in your mind burst out once again whereas Yoongi on the other hand was feeling guilt and hate towards himself for everything that he put you through. Little did you know that these last few months Yoongi was hit with the hard realisation that he had lost not only his best friend but the person he cared about the most. His family certainly did not improve and the one person who was there for him when he needed it, he had left broken hearted and abruptly once he found a new escape. Yoongi was slowly flooded with memories of you as he neared his own college graduation. He remembered your highschool graduation and how he felt for you there in that moment of time. He spent a few nights crying at the realisation that he had thought of what's best for you but didn't think of how you felt and how he had left things between the two of you.
"Why Yoongi…."
Was all you managed to say out loud before your emotions caved in. Understanding what you were asking he answered.
"I was so caught up in the new environment of growing up and moving on that I did what I thought was the best to not hurt you...but I didn't think far enough that doing so will indeed hurt you.. and I wasn't there for you like i was supposed to. It took a hard hit to my head to realise that I was wrong y/n… you were always there for me and stupidly I made this mistake… I thought i was thinking of the best for both of us, when in fact i was thinking of myself.. I was selfish and I realised that…so many things reminded me of you y/n, the clouds, the sun, the sight of roses, the smell of hot cheetos.."
You giggled a little at his last comment earning a little muffled one from Yoongi.
"I understand if you hate me for what I did to you y/n… and I don't know if it'll ever be the same between us again.. but I'm willing to try to bring back what we had... if you're willing to give me a chance…"
You exhaled softly before letting out everything that you've been feeling.
"I don't hate you Yoongi, I never could and I never will. You're everything to me Yoongi and I was just really hurt by what you did and how you ended things. So many thoughts went through my head and I won't even talk about how much you made me cry….you dipshit" the playful cursing nickname made Yoongi chuckle a little, slowly making him feel reassured at the directions of the conversation.
"I'm willing to give us a chance Yoongi..and you're right, I don't expect it to be the same as what we had, I just hate that I lost my best friend.."
"I know..i understand that..and I'm sorry..for everything"
"It's okay Yoongi, I'm sorry too… maybe I should've been more understanding…"
"Hey… do you.. wanna hang out Tomorrow night?"
"You wanna hang out?"
"Yeah, i wanna see you and catch up with you"
"Sure Yoongi that'd be nice"
"Great!! I'll meet you at the café by our old highschool?"
"Sure Yoongi, sounds great"
"Right then, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow Yoongi"
You could hear the smiles in each other's voices as you both bid goodnight and hung up the phone. You didn't know what it was exactly but you knew just from that phone call that everything was going to be alright. You felt like you breathed much easier now, your mind much lighter. Yoongi felt the same, he was smiling more now filled with the excitement of meeting you again tomorrow after years.
You made sure to check yourself out in the mirror a few more times before heading towards the café. You had chosen to wear a simple yet stylish outfit, your hair tied back in a low loose ponytail, your short hairs framing your face. You were nervous yet excited to be reunited with your best friend again. And as you approach the café, there he was. Standing outside the door of the café waiting for you. The now slightly more mature looking, dark fluffy haired man, wearing a long black coat was looking just as nervous and excited as he was looking down at his feet.
"I didn't know you needed glasses to see now"
your voice made him turn his head fast in your direction. The moment his gaze landed on you, it felt like highschool all over again. The way you looked standing there, just centimetres away from him. He took in your slightly matured face yet he told himself that you hadn't changed one bit.
"It's official, you're old Yoongi"
He chuckled and playfully scoffed at your comment.
"Well at least i don't dress like the satanic spawn of depression and hot cheetos"
"Sure thing Mr. I'm still a millennial emo teen"
The two of you laughed, and the world seemed to slow down. The feeling that nothing ever really changed between the two of you was knowing, however this time something felt entirely different. Both of you could feel it for sure. It was the feeling of a bond stronger than both friendship and love. You didn't know what the feeling was exactly, all that you knew was that you're never losing each other again. All this while you've been sitting there watching the feelings you had burn and crash in the worst way possible, but today right here at this café, right in front of your eyes you watched everything Begin Again.
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ah sorry I definitely could have been clearer 😅 I was referring to how the government is trying to mandate vaccines and even boosters (even though there's no proof that boosters are anything other than another round of the same shot and not proven to do anything) and want covid shot cards to be used to allow/deny entry into places. how science has been changing so quickly when something new is learned about covid (like recently it came out that the blue masks actually don't help protect you very much?) but it's barely being reported so the public can be made aware.. and on top of that so many government officials are super hypocritical in asking people to stay home and wear masks, but then we see pictures of parties and events where our leaders aren't wearing masks or social distancing.. idk it seems sort of authoritarian to me, because I genuinely can see the reasons people have for not wanting the vaccine and I feel like in the wrong government this could go downhill really fast...
tl;dr: i can understand what you mean, but i don't think i agree with you, at least not completely.
the federal government hasn't tried to mandate vaccines at all. hell, i live in a state where a majority of people have gotten the vaccine and there's no mandate here. i don't believe biden has even attempted to do a vaccine mandate because he knows that would be met very poorly by a large portion of the public.
as for the boosters, i don't think there's enough data right now to make a decision either which way, and although biden has been probably jumping the gun on distribution (from the little i've read on this in the past week).
i can see the problematic nature of covid vaccine shot cards -- especially when it comes to exemptions and the invasion of privacy that might entail. however, this is a different world now. and i can see why people want them. there's no mask mandate or vaccine mandate -- and this means that people who don't have the vaccine and don't wear masks, can just walk around. for me, i honestly would like the cards sometimes because i have family members who are severely immunocompromised. i'm scared to even go to school. even though my school requires proof of vaccination, i've had to limit my time on campus b/c i live too far away and public transport isn't an option for me anymore because there is no vaccine or mask mandate.
i don't know about blue masks not helping very much -- i tried googling it and i don't see anything come up. i think it was known very early on that some masks are better than others -- like obviously n99 and n95 masks are top of the line, and then masks with liners, cotton masks, etc and so on. however, i think any mask is better than none because anything covering your face is stopping droplets from spreading to other people, whether its all, most, or some.
i can understand what you mean by government officials being hypocritical. I know in the beginning of the pandemic, it was definitely frustrating and honestly disgusting. i agree with you.
i can understand people being hesitant about the vaccine, but honestly the science backs it up. it's been through FDA approval, its based on decades of science (it's not new in any regard), and no steps were skipped or expedited in making these vaccines. and health professionals everywhere who have read the studies, done their research, and understand this a hell of a lot better than most lay people do are all recommending it and getting it themselves. i see no reason to doubt them.
i can understand fearing the government, but at the united states hasn't been overreaching in my opinion -- i think they haven't been doing enough. at the very least, i would like a mask mandate. i do think its okay to have a sense of wariness when it comes to the government -- you should never trust anything or anyone blindly -- but here, the data backs up vaccines and masks. and i don't really have a problem with the government requiring it.
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