#there really is so much to talk about and consider when it comes to rafe's character
sun-undone · 1 year
You definitely reminded me of some key points in season 3 that I definitely didn’t consider.
The château being burned down by topper seal the deal of him becoming an enemy. It would be EXTREMELY hard to see topper having a redemption story after that with some corny BS line like “ hey John b no hard feelings with the château, right?”💀💀💀
But just a warning 👀 if you hear Sarah’s voice starting off a epsiode with a reflective monologue of confusion and indecisiveness, then You know what’s coming 😂 let’s see if the pates intentionally screw us over with her character growth.
I agree with Jarah B being the stable couple as the other couples are still fresh and have some more exploring to do with their dynamic. I would love to see a bond created between JJ and Mike maybe closer to the end of season 4 to show Mike he can be the guy for kie and mike should give him a chance just like he was given one before he got accepted into the kooks.. we’ll seeeeee
Mark my words if Rafe does not become a Pogue by the end of season 4 he will die sacrificing his life for them with his final words laying in Sarah’s arms saying
“ I finally did something right”
( if I am completely wrong just forget I ever existed 🤣🤣)
LETS BE HONEST Ward created a monster with rafe. But rafe mistakes EAT HIM UP ALIVE which is why he is heavy on drugs. I still remember him crying because Barry didn’t have any coke for him one day and he freaked out. Rafe is a lunatic but not a serial killer. Which is why he went back to save Ward after putting a hit man on him. Rafe wants real acceptance! His problem is he always tries to fix his mistakes last minute.
Rafe isn’t a kook because of the luxury lifestyle. He’s a kook because of power and validation. Unlike topper who is a silver spoon fed kid with no siblings. Just a spoiled single child.
If the JJ and rafe fight happens. I think it’s early in the season. I don’t think they’ll make it a big ordeal. I feel like the Pogue gang will have bigger fish to fry by the end of the season if they’re on a new treasure hunt.
OK, please rip my response to shreds with your thoughts, I’m all ears.
Look at what this stupid little boat show has done to us 🥲
oooooh okay this is such an interesting topic, Rafe is such an interesting character to begin with, so i think his storyline in s4 is the one i'm most curious about. especially since we got nothing from him in the s3 finale for whatever dumb reason.
this is a very complex conversation to have, but to start, i don't think i want a redemption for Rafe! and i think they kind of closed the door on him sacrificing himself for the pogues or Sarah in particular by having Ward do it in season 3. i truly don't know how far they're gonna go with him seeking revenge on the pogues for Ward's death, or what they plan on doing with his character after this season, but whatever it is, i just don't see him turning a new leaf by the end of it. the ending for Rafe i'd most like to see is him going to jail and losing all of his assets and possessions, including Tannyhill, so Pope can snatch it up and make it a museum that tells the true story of Denmark Tanny. but i'm getting ahead of myself, let's talk about the really juicy stuff
do Rafe's actions eat him up anymore? i definitely agree that in the first 2 seasons, he was an absolute wreck trying to hold himself together with coke and by desperately seeking Ward's validation to keep himself occupied. but what about in season 3? he has that scene with Kie in episode 2 where he tries to paint himself as the victim for killing Peterkin, and i think that his denial truly runs that deep at this point. through spinning the story in his own mind, he's convinced himself that he did the right thing so he doesn't have to feel all the complicated emotions that we saw him feeling at the end of season 1 and even into season 2 in the aftermath of the murder. but in terms of Sarah, he does actually get emotional when he explains that he knows it was wrong, which is incredibly interesting to me. he clearly hasn't done the same mental gymnastics in trying to defend himself for that, so i could definitely see him genuinely feeling remorseful, which opens up that same incredibly complex dynamic that he and Sarah have had for a while now. there's a part of him that will always resent her for being Ward's favorite for so long, but now we can see that there is real guilt about trying to kill her. i think that scene really captures the pure instability of Rafe's mental state that still exists in some capacity, mainly in terms of Sarah, which we unfortunately don't see a ton of moving forward in the season since he barely has any scenes with the pogues. in general, he actually seems pretty confident and secure, maybe the best we've ever seen him, in terms of his mental and emotional state. so is the guilt really bothering him that much? the coke doesn't seem to be a coping mechanism for him like it had been before, like he was constantly using for the majority of season 2. but we just didn't see him struggling with his past actions in season 3, it was much more about his present and especially his future.
but for season 4, i'm definitely expecting a return to the more unstable side of Rafe as he plots revenge. who will he target in particular? who does he think is most responsible? will he choose to leave the other pogues out of the crossfire? if he gets the chance to kill Sarah again, would he take it? if he really was remorseful at the beginning of season 3, has that been overtaken by rage by the beginning of season 4? the year and a half time jump makes this much trickier cause maybe he's been trying to keep his mind off of it and do his own thing and resist the urge to get revenge but when he hears about the pogues getting recognition for their findings, it sends him off the deep end again? or has he been stewing the entire time? has the time given his rage the chance to simmer down a bit or has it only boiled over into something worse? now that he has the blessing of his father, which is the only thing he's ever really wanted, what are his motivations? how will he shift his way of thinking now that there's no more Ward to aspire to or to spite, and how will his mental state fare now that he believes that the pogues have taken away any opportunity he might've had to mend his relationship with his father?
there's truly so many things to consider and countless different avenues that his path could take, and i really do not know what is most likely at this point!! Drew hasn't even gotten to set yet so there's absolutely no bts to speculate about either. personally, i love Rafe as a character and i don't wanna see him killed off, and like i said before, although he expresses remorse in 3x02, i'm not sure if it's gonna be enough moving forward. i've always been interested in his character and have never shied away from the fact that Ward absolutely aided in fucking him up for life, BUT i just don't know if Rafe himself thinks he needs redeeming. and i especially don't know if he'll be thinking in that way in the aftermath of Ward's death.
but really, who knows???? i'm voting squarely against a redemption or any kind of sacrifice, but god, i am so so so intrigued to see where the pates take him.
this was really fun to think about and i could probably ramble on for way way way longer, but this is long enough already!!! thanks for sparking up the discussion! ☺️
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itneverendshere · 1 month
played me like a clarinet - rafe cameron
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request: "Desperately-on my knees-begging for a ''She's all that'' from 1999, with Popular Rafe x Reader. Ooouff, and you want that soul crushing heartbreak when she finds out about the bet he had made"
pairing: rafe x smart!nerdy!reader
warnings: angst <3; VERY LONG
wrote this listening to roses <3
Rafe Cameron held grudges better than anyone and his ex was about to witness exactly that. 
Fucking Jessica Green liked to think of herself as the queen of their university, the epitome of beauty and popularity. Some real high school bullshit he only fed because he liked her. And then, she went and dumped him for none other than Tyler West, the star player of his rival basketball team. Technically, she cheated on him, sneaking around with that piece of shit behind his back. 
The humiliation was killing him. 
Rafe wasn't one to take such things lying down; he wanted revenge, and he wanted it badly. He wanted to ruin her life. It wasn’t just enough to ruin her reputation—he wanted to hit her where it hurt the most. And what would hurt more than being replaced? Not just by any girl, but by someone who was everything she wasn’t. It was a genius idea, really. To prove that some loser could easily take her place, with a little help of course.
And that’s when he noticed you.
Kelce pointed you out actually, when they were six beers in and too fucking drunk to think clearly. But it was still a good choice.
You were the complete opposite of his ex, blending into the crowds like it was your superpower. He watched you for an entire hour at the party. You didn’t utter a single word the entire time you were there, only nursing your drink and listening to the other girls on the cheerleading squad speak.
Hell, he didn’t even know you were a cheerleader until that night. 
Were you always there? How had he never noticed you before? It was hard to remember when all he focused on up until then was Jessica. 
You were practically invisible in comparison to her, always on the sidelines, blending into the background. 
You were perfect.
If he could take this overlooked, nerdy girl and turn her into the new queen of the university, it would be the ultimate blow to Jessica's ego. It would prove that she wasn’t as irreplaceable as she thought. 
“You really gonna do it?”
He didn’t take his eyes off you, “Oh yeah. ‘M doing it.”
“Nahh, there’s no way you’re pulling this off.”
Rafe leaned back in his chair, a cocky grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. Kelce’s skepticism was exactly what he expected, and honestly, it made the challenge even sweeter.
 “You think so?” he said, his tone light but with an edge of determination. “Watch me.”
Kelce, always the instigator, leaned forward with a smirk. “Come on, Cameron. You really think you can turn that quiet little thing into the next Jessica? She’s cute, I guess, in that nerdy way, but she’s not queen material.”
Rafe’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he kept his cool. “She’s got potential,” he said confidently. “Just needs someone to show her how to use it.”
Topper laughed, shaking his head. “You’re insane. This isn’t some movie where the shy girl takes off her glasses and suddenly she’s hot. Jessica had something that can’t be taught.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Rafe pointed out, “It’s all about confidence man. Jessica wasn’t born the way she is now. She learned how to act the part, and I can do the same with her.”
Like a school project, he thought to himself. That’s all you were. 
Kelce took a swig of his drink, clearly enjoying where the conversation was going. “Alright, I’ll bite. How much time are we talking here? Because she’s got a long way to go, my guy.”
Rafe tilted his head, considering. “Give me two months. By the end of it, she’ll be turning heads. Maybe even more.”
Topper snorted, setting his drink down with a thunk. “Two months? No way. I’ll bet you a grand you can’t pull it off.”
Kelce laughed, clapping his hands together. “Oh, this is gonna be good. I’m in. A grand says you can’t turn her into the hottest girl in school.”
Rafe’s eyes glinted with determination. “You’re on,” he said, without hesitation. “In a month or two, you’ll be handing me that fucking cash, and she’ll be the one everyone’s talking about. Looking all pretty in my arms.”
Kelce raised his glass. “To Rafe and his miracle project. This is gonna be fun to watch.”
Topper shook his head again, still grinning as he clinked his glass against Kelce’s. “Here’s to you wasting a month of your life on a lost cause.”
He clinked his glass with theirs, the bet sealed. 
“You better start saving up.”
This plan was flawless. 
It was so good that even in his drunken haze, he could see how perfectly it would play out. The first step was simple: get close to you. Make you feel special, noticed, like you were someone who mattered. Rafe knew how to charm people; it was practically second nature. And with Jessica, it had been easy—too easy. She’d fallen for his looks, his confidence, his golden boy appeal. 
The next day, he started showing up at places he knew you’d be. The library, the campus coffee shop, even lingering around after cheerleading practice. At first, he didn’t approach you, just observed. 
He had to figure out how to crack the code, how to make you see him without scaring you off. It took a week before he made his first move.
You were sitting alone in the library, surrounded by textbooks and notes. He casually strolled up, pretending to be looking for a book on the same shelf. “Hey,” he said, glancing down at you with a disarming smile. “You’re in my econ class, right? Mind if I sit here?”
You looked up, a little startled, but nodded, shifting your books to make room for him. You probably couldn’t believe that someone like Rafe Cameron was talking to you, let alone sitting with you. But that was the whole point, wasn’t it? To make you feel special, to pull you out of your shell and into his orbit.
He knew he still had to tread carefully. The wrong move could send you running, and he couldn’t afford that.
You kept your eyes down, focused on your notes. He noticed the way your hand shook slightly when you turned the page. Rafe leaned in a little closer, just enough to make his presence known without crowding you.
“You always this buried in work?” he asked casually, pulling out a notebook and flipping it open.
You glanced up, surprised he was still there. “I guess. I have a lot to catch up on.”
He chuckled, leaning back in his chair. “I hear you. Econ’s been kicking my ass this semester. You doing okay in it?”
He could tell you were surprised. Probably didn't expect him to know you shared the same class. And he didn't, until last week.
You hesitated, then nodded. “Yeah, it’s… fine. Just a lot of material.”
“Tell me about it,” he said, rolling his eyes dramatically. “I’ve been trying to wrap my head around these supply and demand curves for days. You think the professor’s trying to torture us?”
You smiled faintly, a small victory in his book. “Maybe. It’s kind of her thing.”
Rafe grinned, pleased that he got a reaction out of you. “You mind if I study with you? Might help to bounce some ideas off each other.”
You blinked, clearly taken aback by his request. “Um, sure. I mean, if you want.”
“Definitely,” he replied smoothly. “You seem like you actually know what’s going on, unlike me.”
He spent the next hour working alongside you, occasionally asking questions, but mostly just being there. He didn’t push, didn’t try too hard. He wanted you to get comfortable with him, to see him as someone you could rely on.
“I’m sorry about Jessica.”
The way you blurted the words out told him you hadn’t meant to say it. 
Rafe froze, his grip tightening on the pen in his hand. He could feel the familiar anger bubbling up, but he forced it down, keeping his expression calm. This was exactly what he didn’t want—Jessica’s name being brought up, especially by you.
But he couldn’t let you see that. 
He looked at you, feigning surprise with a bit of sadness, as if Jessica was just a painful memory he was trying to move past. “Oh,” he said softly, his voice controlled and measured. “You know about that?”
You nodded, eyes wide and apologetic, clearly regretting bringing it up. “Yeah… I mean, it’s all over campus, right? The girls were talking about it in the locker room. I just—I didn’t mean to…I’m sorry.”
Rafe forced a smile, as if he was grateful for your concern. He leaned back in his chair, letting out a small sigh as if he was relieved to talk about it, even though it was the last thing he wanted to do. “It’s okay,” he said, his tone gentle. “I guess it’s just one of those things, y’know? We were together for a while, and it sucked when it ended.”
You looked down at your notes, fidgeting with the corner of a page. 
“She shouldn’t have done that to you.”
He let out a dry laugh, the bitterness threatening to seep through, but he quickly disguised it as a rueful chuckle. “Yeah, well, people do shitty things sometimes. Guess it just wasn’t meant to be.”
He noticed the way you seemed to relax as if you were relieved that he wasn’t angry. He needed to shift the conversation away from Jessica, and back to you, where it should be. “But hey,” he said, his voice brightening as if he was genuinely trying to shake off the bad memories, “Everything happens for a reason right?"
You blinked, caught off guard by the sudden attention. “Right."
He leaned forward slightly, his gaze locking onto yours. “You’re not like everyone else around here. You’re real, y’know? Genuine. I like that.”
Bullshit. But he could see the effect his words had on you. Easy.
Your cheeks flushed slightly, and you looked away, a small, shy smile playing on your lips. “I’m just…here.”
Rafe shook his head, his smile softening, taking on a more sincere tone. “I’m glad I’m getting the chance to see that.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment, just looked at him with those wide eyes, as if you were trying to figure him out. Rafe held your gaze, letting the silence stretch just long enough to make the moment feel meaningful, even though he knew exactly what he was doing. He was reeling you in, one calculated move at a time.
Finally, you nodded, lips twitching, “Thanks, Rafe."
Oh, you were too perfect for this.
He grinned, leaning back in his chair as if the conversation had lightened his mood.
It was a perfect conversation, one that made you feel like he was letting you in on something personal, something real. And from the look on your face, it worked.
But inside, Rafe was fuming. Jessica had managed to worm her way into his head again, even indirectly. It was a reminder of why he was doing this in the first place. 
He plastered on another smile, picking up his pen and tapping it lightly against his notebook. “So,” he said, steering the conversation back to safer waters, “You think you can help me with this econ stuff? Because I’m pretty sure I’m doomed without you.”
You laughed, the tension from earlier completely dissipating. “Yeah, I think I can manage that.”
As you both turned your attention back to your notes, Rafe felt a sense of satisfaction. He was winning that bet on way or another. 
Over the next few weeks, Rafe made sure to stick to his plan. Slowly but surely, he worked his way into your life. He was always around, ready with a casual compliment or a small gesture that made you feel noticed, special. He’d walk you to class, carry your books, and offer to study with you whenever he had the chance. He knew how to play the long game, and with every passing day, you were warming up to him more and more.
He made sure to steer clear of anything that might remind you of Jessica or his past. Instead, he focused on building up your confidence, subtly encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone. 
He’d invite you to parties, introducing you to his friends, and before long, you were starting to come out of your shell. You even started to dress a little differently—nothing too drastic, but enough to catch people’s attention. The change was gradual, but it was happening, and Rafe could see it.
The first party he invited you to was at a swanky off-campus house, the kind of place you’d only ever heard about but never had the nerve to attend. He had that effect on you—made you feel like maybe, just maybe, you belonged in a world that had always seemed so out of reach. 
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Rafe said, his voice smooth as silk. You hesitated, biting your lip, feeling out of place just imagining yourself in his world.
“I don’t know… I’m not really into parties,” you admitted.
Rafe grinned, a playful glint in his eyes. “I promise I won’t let anything bad happen. Just give it a try, for me?”
His gaze was so earnest, so convincing, that you found yourself nodding. “Okay. I guess I could give it a shot.”
The first party was initially awkward—loud music, people you didn’t know, and a social scene that felt worlds away from where you belonged. 
But Rafe stayed close. 
The moment you walked in, the loud music and flashing lights overwhelmed your senses. You clung a little closer to him, who noticed and shot you a reassuring smile, his hand resting on the small of your back as he guided you through the crowd. He was different tonight—more confident, more assertive. 
“Relax,” he whispered in your ear, his breath warm against your skin. “You’re with me. Have some fun, sweets.”
You nodded, trying to loosen up, but the eyes on you—on both of you—were hard to ignore. People were noticing. Whispering. It was exactly what Rafe wanted.
He led you to where Kelce and Topper were already posted up, drinks in hand. The second they saw you, their eyebrows shot up, but they quickly masked their surprise with easy smiles. Rafe kept you close as he greeted them, his hand never leaving your back.
“Guys, this is her,” Rafe said, his tone casual but with a hint of pride. “Told you I’d get her to come out with us.”
Kelce looked you up and down, his smirk growing. “Well, well, Cameron. Didn’t think you had it in you.”
Topper raised his drink in your direction, his smile more genuine. “Nice to meet you. Rafe’s been talking you up.”
You managed a small chuckle, feeling the weight of their attention on you. “Nice to meet you too.”
Rafe gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Why don’t you grab a drink? I’ll be right here.”
You nodded, grateful for the brief escape, and headed towards the makeshift bar in the kitchen. As soon as you were out of earshot, the easygoing demeanor Rafe had been maintaining with you slipped away, replaced by something more calculating as he turned back to his friends.
“So?” Kelce asked, “How’s the project going?”
Rafe shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “Better than expected. She’s starting to come out of her shell. Still got a long way to go, but I’d say we’re on track.”
Topper leaned against the counter, his gaze following you as you picked out a drink. “She seems… nice. You sure you want to go through with this, man?”
Rafe shot him a look, his expression hardening. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Topper shrugged. “Just saying. She doesn’t seem like the type who’s cut out for this crowd. Might be too sweet for what you’ve got planned.”
Kelce chuckled, shaking his head. “She’s sweet, alright. But that’s the whole point, isn’t it? She’s not Jessica. And if he pulls this off, it’s gonna be legendary.”
Rafe’s lips curled into a smirk. “Exactly. She’s perfect for this.”
He said it with confidence, but there was something else in his eyes—something he quickly buried as he watched you make your way back with a drink in hand.
When you returned to the group, his expression softened instantly. He slipped back into the charming, attentive guy he’d been playing for you all night.
“Got something good?” he asked, nodding towards your drink.
You giggled, holding up your cup. “Just punch. Thought I’d start slow.”
He snorted, nodding approvingly. “Smart move. Don’t let these guys talk you into anything too crazy.”
The night went on like that, Rafe playing the perfect gentleman, always by your side, making sure you were comfortable, that you were enjoying yourself. He introduced you to more people, his arm around your shoulders, subtly guiding you through the social maze with ease. And every time you excused yourself—whether to grab another drink or use the restroom—his demeanor shifted. The smile would slip, and he’d share knowing looks with his friends, a silent acknowledgment of the game they were playing.
But you didn’t see any of that. 
You saw the guy who made you feel like you were finally part of something bigger, like you belonged. And as the night went on, you found yourself relaxing more, laughing, talking, feeling the walls you’d built around yourself start to come down.
Rafe noticed, of course. That was the whole point. He’d spent weeks laying the groundwork, and tonight was just the beginning. He was getting what he wanted.
But as he watched you laugh at something Kelce said, genuinely enjoying yourself, he felt a pang of something unfamiliar. It was brief, fleeting, but it was there. Maybe it was guilt. Maybe it was something else. He quickly pushed it aside, reminding himself why he was doing this.
He knew better than to get too comfortable. 
He knew his ex wouldn’t stay out of his business forever, and sure enough, she confronted him right before class the next day.
“Rafe, can we talk?”
He didn’t look at her right away, instead shoving his notebook into his bag as if she wasn’t even worth the effort. But he couldn’t resist; he turned to her, keeping his expression neutral. “What’s up?”
Jessica glanced around, making sure no one was listening, before stepping closer to him. Her voice was low, almost pleading. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Rafe raised an eyebrow, playing dumb. “What do you mean?”
She huffed in frustration, clearly not in the mood for games. “Don’t act like you don’t know. She’s a nice girl, I know she’s not your type.”
Rafe couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips. “Jealous?
Jessica’s eyes flashed with anger, but there was something else there too—guilt. 
“No. You’re just going to use her to get back at me? That’s not fair. She doesn’t deserve that.”
He leaned in closer, his smirk turning cold. “You didn’t think about fairness when you were sneaking around with Tyler, did you? Why should I care about what she deserves?”
"You only care about your precious reputation, so shut the fuck up."
Jessica flinched, “I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have done what I did. But I fell in love with Tyler. I’m not sorry about that.”
“Do you even realize what you did to me?” The memory of the last time he’d trusted her flashed before his eyes—the way she’d smiled at him. The same smile she had for someone else, “You don’t get to apologize now. You don’t get to tell me what’s fair.”
Jessica’s expression softened, her voice dropping to a near whisper. “I’m not saying this for me. I’m saying it for her."
"Right, because you care so much about other people, huh?"
"You're being difficult for no reason."
Rafe clenched his jaw, every word she said feeling like a knife twisting in his gut. He wanted to lash out, to tell her that she didn’t get to play the moral high ground after everything she’d done. But instead, he just stared at her, his eyes hard and cold.
“Stay out of it, Jess” he said finally, his voice low and dangerous. “And keep your fucking mouth shut.”
She sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly as if she’d been expecting this. “Just think about it before you do something stupid."
Without another word, Jessica turned and walked away, leaving Rafe standing there, seething with anger. He watched her go, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. Of course, she would act like she gave a shit about you the moment he’s attention shifted from her. She had no right to lecture him, no right to tell him what to do.
This was about revenge, about proving a point. You were just a means to an end, nothing more.
But you made it so fucking hard for him to keep his head in the game. 
Every time you smiled at him, every time you thanked him for something small, it chipped away at the cold resolve he had built up inside. He told himself it was just part of the plan, that getting close to you was necessary for the outcome he wanted. But the more time he spent with you, the more he realized that he was enjoying himself. 
He didn't even have to put in the effort to influence you. You began to speak up in class, even crack jokes with the other girls on the cheerleading squad. The transformation was happening right before his eyes, just like he’d planned. But instead of feeling satisfied, there was a knot of guilt forming in his stomach. You were changing, yes, but it wasn’t just on the outside. You were starting to trust him, to look at him like he was more than just some popular guy who was doing you a favor. You were starting to care, and that terrified him.
One night, after another party where you had danced a little closer, laughed a little louder, Rafe walked you back to your dorm. The campus was quiet, the stars above bright against the inky sky. You were buzzing with the energy of the night, still talking animatedly about how much fun you’d had. The sound of your laughter, the way your eyes lit up—it caught him off guard.
“Thanks for inviting me, Rafe. I never thought I’d actually enjoy these things, but you make it… I don’t know, easier, I guess.”
Rafe smiled down at you, trying to ignore the way his heart twisted at your words. 
“I’m glad sweets. You deserve to have fun.”
You looked up at him, your eyes softening. “I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you properly. For everything. You didn’t have to be this nice to me.”
For a split second, he saw you. Not as a means to an end, but as someone he genuinely cared about.
His expression faltered for a moment before he quickly recovered. “It’s no big deal. Really.”
But it was a big deal, and you both knew it.
You had gone from barely existing on the social radar to being someone everyone noticed, someone everyone wanted to be around. And it was all because of him. Rafe had given you that, but he knew he was taking something from you too—your innocence, your trust.
He walked you to your door, his usual confidence wavering as you turned to face him. There was something different in your gaze tonight, something that made his breath catch in his throat.
“Rafe… I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” you began, your voice a little hesitant.
He forced himself to stay calm, even though his heart was pounding in his chest. “Yeah? What’s up?”
You looked down, fiddling with the hem of your top before meeting his eyes again. “Why did you start talking to me? I mean, really. Was it because you felt sorry for me? Or… or something else?”
Rafe’s mind raced, trying to find the right words, the ones that wouldn’t hurt you. He could lie, like he’d been doing all along, or he could tell you the truth, risk everything.
But before he could answer, you continued, your voice softer now. “Because… I’m glad you did. Whatever the reason was. I’ve never felt this… this good about myself. And it’s because of you.”
Rafe swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry.
Fuck. He’d never expected this, never thought that you would be the one to make him feel something real, something that wasn’t just part of his stupid revenge plan.
He’d thought he could control this, control you, but it was slipping through his fingers. He stepped closer to you, his hand reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair behind your ear.
“You’ve always been amazing,” he said quietly, his voice hoarse. “I just… I just helped you see it.”
You grinned up at him, your eyes shining with gratitud. It was too much, too real, and Rafe could feel the walls he’d carefully constructed around his heart starting to crumble. You were looking at him like he was someone worth caring about, and for the first time, he felt like he was the one being played.
He couldn’t let you get any closer. If you did, he wouldn’t be able to follow through with his plan.
But pushing you away now, after all the effort he’d put in, would raise too many questions. So, he did the only thing he could think of—he leaned down and kissed you.
It was gentle at first, testing the waters, but when you didn’t pull away, he deepened it, his hand cradling the back of your head as if you were something fragile. Your lips were soft against his, and for a moment, Rafe let himself forget why he was doing this. He let himself enjoy the warmth of your body pressed against his, the way you sighed softly into his mouth.
But then, just as quickly as it started, he pulled back.
The look in your eyes nearly undid him. There was so much trust, so much hope, and it made him want to break something, anything, just to stop feeling the way he did.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he murmured, his voice rough, as if the kiss had taken something out of him.
You nodded, still dazed, a small smile playing on your lips. “Yeah, tomorrow.”
This was wrong. 
He knew it was wrong. But in that moment, with the way you were looking at him, he couldn’t bring himself to care. He watched you go, waiting until you disappeared into your dorm before he let out a shaky breath.
What the fuck was he doing? He couldn’t afford to second-guess himself now. Not when he was so close to winning and yet, he couldn’t help but feel that he was the one who was losing.
Later that night, as he lay in bed staring at the ceiling, Jessica’s words mocked him.
“I’m sorry okay? I shouldn’t have done what I did. But I fell in love with Tyler. I’m not sorry about that.”
He had scoffed at her then, dismissed her excuses as pathetic attempts to justify her shitty behavior.
But now, lying there alone, he couldn’t help but wonder if he was any different. He didn’t plan on feeling anything real for you. This was supposed to be a game, a way to hurt Jessica the way she hurt him. But somewhere along the line, things had changed.
How could he let this happen? How could he, of all people, start to care? He was supposed to be in control, supposed to be the one pulling the strings, not getting tangled in them.
And yet, the memory of your pretty face, the sound of your laugh, the warmth in your eyes—these were the things that lingered in his mind, all the damn time. 
“Fuck,” he muttered to himself, rolling over and burying his face in his pillow.
The anger and bitterness that had fueled him for weeks were still there, but they were being drowned out by something else—you.
Rafe’s resolve had been wavering for days, but he pushed the guilt aside as he drove to campus the next morning. He was picking you up before class, something that had become a bit of a routine. It was a small gesture, but one that made you smile every time, and Rafe had to admit, he looked forward to seeing that smile.
When he pulled up to your dorm, you were already waiting outside, your bag slung over your shoulder. You looked different from when he first met you—still shy, but with a confidence that hadn’t been there before. It was subtle, but Rafe noticed. 
He noticed everything about you these days.
“Hey,” you said as you slid into the passenger seat, giving him that small smile that always made his chest tighten a little. “Thanks for picking me up.”
“Anytime,” he replied smoothly, shifting the car into gear. “Ready for another day of fun and learning?”
You rolled your eyes playfully, but there was a lightness in your expression that hadn’t been there a month ago. “If by fun, you mean trying not to fall asleep in econ, then yeah, totally ready.”
He chuckled, glancing over at you as he pulled onto the road. “I’m starting to think you secretly enjoy econ. You’re just trying to maintain your cool, indifferent persona.”
You laughed, the sound genuine and free, and Rafe felt that unfamiliar pang in his chest again.
“Yeah, that’s me. The cool, indifferent econ nerd.”
“See? I knew it,” Rafe teased, but there was an edge of something else in his voice, something he couldn’t quite shake.
The drive to campus was easy, filled with light conversation and the comfortable silence that had developed between you two. When you arrived, he parked in his usual spot, but instead of getting out right away, you turned to him, your expression suddenly serious.
“Rafe, can I ask you something?”
He froze for a split second, his mind racing. Had you figured it out? Did you know about the bet? But he quickly forced a casual smile, nodding.
“Sure sweets, what’s up?”
You hesitated, chewing on your lower lip, a habit he’d noticed you had when you were nervous.
“Why did you kiss me?”
Rafe’s heart pounded in his chest. This was the moment he’d been dreading—the moment when you’d start questioning everything. He couldn’t afford to slip up now.
“Why not?” he said, his tone light, but there was a hint of sincerity that even he didn’t expect. “I like you. I like being around you.”
You looked at him, your eyes searching his, trying to find the truth in his words. Rafe held your gaze, doing his best to keep his expression open and honest. After a moment, you nodded, as if you’d decided to believe him.
“Okay,” you said. “I just... I didn’t want to assume, y’know? It’s just... new.”
“Good new, though, right?”
“Yeah,” you admitted, “Good new.”
The rest of the day passed in a blur, with classes, coffee breaks, and more of Rafe’s effortless charm. But that moment in the car stuck with him. You were starting to get closer, to trust him, and every time you did, the guilt fucked with his head a little more. 
Later that day, when the two of you met up for a late lunch, he noticed the way you had begun to attract attention from others. Some guys glanced your way, clearly noticing the changes in you, and a few girls even stopped to chat with you—a far cry from the shy girl he’d first approached in the library.
As you two sat down at a table outside the campus cafe, he saw the way your eyes lit up when you spotted someone approaching. It was Leila, a girl from your cheer squad. She waved and came over, sitting down.
“Hey, you two,” she greeted, her eyes flicking between you and Rafe. “Mind if I join?”
“Sure,” you said, scooting over to make room for her. He nodded, keeping his expression neutral, but there was something about the way Leila looked at you that put him on edge.
The conversation flowed easily, with her complimenting you on something you’d done at practice the other day, and you blushing at the praise.
Rafe watched, a small smile on his face, but his mind was elsewhere. He could see how much you were changing, how you were starting to come into your own, and it was becoming harder and harder to justify what he was doing.
When Leila left after a few minutes, you turned to Rafe with a grin. “She’s nice. I didn’t think she even noticed me before.”
“She notices you now,” Rafe replied, his voice quieter than usual.
You looked at him, your smile fading slightly. “Is something wrong?”
Rafe hesitated for a moment, then shook his head. “No, nothing. Just... thinking.”
“About what?”
He leaned back in his chair. “About how you’re starting to steal everyone’s attention here. What am I gonna do when you’re the most popular one around here?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon.”
Rafe smiled back, but the guilt was back, stronger than ever. You were starting to trust him, to believe in the friendship he was offering, and it was killing him.
As the afternoon wore on, he found himself more and more distracted by his thoughts. He needed to talk to someone about it, someone who knew the score.
Later that evening, after dropping you off at your dorm, he called Kelce. The phone rang a few times before his friend picked up, sounding slightly out of breath.
“Yo, Cameron. What’s up?”
Rafe took a deep breath, leaning against the side of his car. “I need to talk, man. About the bet.”
Kelce laughed, clearly not picking up on the seriousness in Rafe’s voice. “What, you already feeling bad for her? Didn’t think you’d go soft so fast.”
Rafe frowned, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not that. It’s just... I didn’t think it’d be like this. She’s... she’s actually really nice, Kelce. Like, genuinely nice.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line before Kelce responded, his tone more serious.
“Dude, we all knew she was nice. That’s what makes this so good. You’re flipping the script. Just remember why you’re doing it.”
Rafe let out a frustrated sigh. “I know, but... She trusts me."
And I trust her, he wanted to add, but didn't.
“Look, Rafe, you’re in too deep to back out now. If you quit, she’ll still get hurt, and you’ll look like a fucking idiot. You gotta see this through. Just... keep your eye on the prize, okay? It’s not about her, it’s about Jessica.”
Rafe nodded, even though Kelce couldn’t see him. “Yeah... yeah, you’re right. I just needed to clear my head.”
“Good,” Kelce said. “Now go get some sleep or something. We’ve got a party this weekend, and I wanna see you back on your game.”
“Yeah, sure. Thanks, man.”
By Friday, the campus was buzzing with weekend plans, and you were in a good mood, chatting excitedly about some party that night. You two were in the cafeteria, grabbing lunch, when it happened.
You were waiting in line for food, and Rafe had stepped aside to check his phone. When he glanced up, he saw a guy approaching you—a guy he recognized from the football team. A sleazy bastard.
The guy leaned in, flashing you a charming smirk, clearly trying to flirt. He wanted to pummel his face to the wall. Rafe watched from a distance as the guy made you laugh, his hand casually resting on the counter next to yours. Too fucking close.
The sight made something twist in his chest, something dark and possessive that he hadn’t expected. He'd never felt like this before. His grip tightened around his phone as he watched, his jaw clenching.
You seemed flattered but a little uncomfortable, your smile not quite reaching your eyes. Rafe could tell you weren’t used to this kind of attention, and it made him feel something primal, something that burned hotter than the guilt. He wanted to go over there, to tell that guy to back the fuck off, but he didn’t. Instead, he stood there, seething, trying to keep his cool.
Scaring you away was the last thing he wanted to do.
When the guy finally walked away, you looked relieved, but Rafe was already moving. He crossed the cafeteria in quick strides, his eyes locked on you, his heart pounding. You spotted him coming and smiled, but it fell when you saw the look on his face.
“Rafe, what’s—”
He didn’t let you finish. Before you could say another word, he was right in front of you, his hand cupping your face as he pulled you toward him.
And then he kissed you.
It wasn’t like the kiss outsider your dorm. This was different. It was fierce, almost desperate as if he needed to prove something to himself, to you, and to everyone watching. His lips moved against yours with intensity, his other hand gripping your waist, pulling you closer. He didn’t care who was around, who was watching. 
All he cared about was you, right there, in his arms.
You froze for a second, caught off guard by the suddenness of it, but then you melted into him, your hands clutching at his shirt as you kissed him back with equal fervor. It was like all the tension, all the confusion, everything that had been building between you two, finally snapped.
Rafe deepened the kiss, his tongue sliding against yours, claiming you in a way that left no room for doubt. His fingers tangled in your hair, and you let out a soft moan that only made him kiss you harder, his body pressing against yours like he couldn’t get enough.
People around you were definitely watching now, whispering, some even cheering, but Rafe didn’t care. He didn’t pull away until he was breathless, and even then, he stayed close, his forehead resting against yours, his breathing heavy. When he finally opened his eyes, he saw the way you were looking at him—dazed, flushed, your lips slightly swollen from the intensity of the kiss.
“What... what was that?” you asked, your voice shaky, your eyes searching his for answers.
Rafe knew he should say something, explain himself, but all he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss you again. Instead, he just shook his head slightly, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
“Just couldn’t help myself,” he murmured, his voice low and rough.
You blinked up at him, still trying to process what had just happened, but there was no mistaking the way your body was responding to him. 
He finally stepped back, but kept his hand on your waist, grounding you as he looked around. Sure enough, the guy from earlier was watching. 
Rafe caught his eye, giving him a look that said everything without words. She’s mine.
When he looked back at you, he saw the confusion in your eyes and something else—something that looked a lot like longing.
He knew he’d just crossed a line, again, but in that moment, he didn’t care. All he cared about was the way you felt in his arms, the way you looked at him like he was the only guy in the world.
“C’mon,” Rafe said, his voice softer now. “We’ve got class.”
You nodded, still a little dazed, and let him guide you out of the cafeteria, his hand never leaving yours. He was in deeper than ever, but he couldn’t bring himself to regret it. Not when you looked at him like that, not when his heart was pounding like this.
As you approached the building where your next class was, he stopped, turning to face you. He touched your cheek again, his thumb brushing against your skin, and you leaned into his touch.
“You’re my girl,” he whispered, his forehead pressing against yours again. “Okay?”
You nodded, your breath hitching as you looked up at him, your eyes wide and trusting. Rafe knew he was on the edge of something he couldn’t control, but as he leaned in for one more kiss, slow and tender this time, he realized he didn’t care.
“Rafe…” you began again, speaking against his lips. There was so much you wanted to say, so much you needed to understand about what you were, what you two were becoming. His thumb traced the curve of your jawline.
“You don’t have to say anything,” he whispered, his voice low, almost reverent. “I just… I need you to know that you mean something to me. This, us—"
He was already in too deep.
And just like that, he got what he wanted. 
The next day, everything seemed to fall into place as if the universe has finally aligned for you. He asked you out, and just like that, you were together.
The next two months were a dream—utter bliss. You weren’t just happy; you were radiant. You’d become the most popular girl in school, and with him by your side, it felt like you were living in some sort of fairy tale. 
Every smile he gave you, every touch, every whispered confession of how perfect you were sent you soaring higher. He couldn’t get enough of you—your sweetness, your kindness, your genuine heart. It was as if he was falling more and more in love with you every single day. And you, you had never felt this alive.
But deep down, in a place he didn’t dare acknowledge, there was a shadow, a sliver of guilt that he pushed aside every time he looked into your trusting eyes.
He never officially ended the bet with Kelce and Topper. It was just a stupid game, something that seemed so insignificant compared to what he feels for you now. He told himself that he had forgotten about it, that it didn’t matter anymore.
After all, what you two had is real, right? And you, completely oblivious to the sinister origins of your relationship, continued to believe in the fairy tale.
Until it ended. 
It’s after cheerleading practice, and you’re alone in the locker room, stuffing your things into your bag. The air is thick with the scent of sweat and body spray, the usual post-practice atmosphere, but there’s something different today—a tension you can’t quite place. 
As you’re zipping up your bag, you hear voices nearby, just around the corner. Leila and Jessica, their conversation low but unmistakable. You wouldn’t normally eavesdrop, but something about the tone of their voices makes you pause, your heart suddenly beating a little faster.
"You were right," Leila says, her voice edged with a cruel satisfaction. "About your gut feeling with Rafe and his new girl."
Jessica sounds tired, almost defeated. "What do you mean?"
Leila sighs, a dark amusement in her tone. "Kelce spilled everything when we hooked up last week. He was too high to keep his mouth shut. Rafe’s been playing her this whole time, using her to mess with you. It was all a bet."
The words hit you like a punch to the gut. Your breath catches in your throat, and for a moment, you can’t move, can’t think. The room spins around you, the ground shifting beneath your feet.
No. No, this can’t be real.
Leila’s voice continues, completely unaware of the devastation she’s causing. "It's so fucked up. She has no idea. She’s out there thinking he’s her Prince Charming, and all along it was just some sick game."
Jessica doesn’t say anything, but you can’t bear to hear more. You feel like you’re suffocating, your chest tightening as panic floods your system.
Before you know it, you’re running—out of the locker room, down the hall, anywhere to get away from those words, those horrible, soul-crushing words. Tears blur your vision as you stumble outside, gasping for air, for some kind of escape from the nightmare that’s suddenly become your reality.
The ache in your chest doesn’t fade as you bolt from the locker room, tears hot on your cheeks. You don’t know where you’re going, but you know you can’t stop moving. The hallways blur past you as you wipe at your eyes, struggling to catch your breath. Rage and heartbreak twist inside you like a knife, and before you know it, you find yourself standing outside the gym, where the sounds of basketball practice echo through the double doors.
You push through the doors without thinking, your heart pounding in your ears. The gym is full of movement—squeaking sneakers, the thud of the ball against the court, and the grunts of effort as the players practice their drills. But all of it fades into the background as soon as your eyes lock onto Rafe.
He’s in the middle of a play, dribbling the ball down the court with that intense focus you’ve always admired. For a moment, you hesitate, that familiar warmth of seeing him almost enough to make you stop. But then the memory of Leila’s words slams into you like a wave, and the anger surges back, drowning out everything else.
You storm across the gym, your footsteps heavy on the polished floor. Some of the players notice you, their eyes widening in surprise, but you don’t care. You’re beyond caring. The only thing that matters is confronting him, making him face what he’s done.
"Cameron!" you shout, your voice sharp, cutting through the noise of the practice.
He turns at the sound of your voice, surprise flashing across his face. The ball slips from his hands, bouncing away as the other players stop, confusion rippling through the group. You always call him by his name.
The coach starts to say something, but you barely hear him. All you can see is Rafe, standing there, looking at you with those eyes that you once thought held nothing but affection for you. 
Now, all you see is a liar.
“What’s wrong baby?” He jogs over to you, his brow furrowing.
You don’t answer immediately, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you try to hold yourself together.
But it’s impossible.
“Was I a bet?”
His expression changes from confusion to something closer to horror, his mouth opening as if to say something, but nothing comes out. The sound of your voice, trembling with disbelief and pain, seems to have stunned him into silence.
For a moment, you just stare at each other. You want him to deny it, to laugh and tell you it’s all some terrible misunderstanding. But deep down, you already know the truth. You saw it in his eyes the second he turned to face you, that flicker of guilt, that flash of something wildly desperate.
He reaches for you, his voice breaking. "Baby, wait, let me explain—”
“Was I a fucking bet?” you repeat, your voice louder this time, edged with a desperate, frantic energy that you can’t control. You take a step back as he tries to get closer, every muscle in your body screaming to get away from him, to escape the unbearable weight of the truth.
His eyes are pleading, searching yours for something, anything that might make this easier, but there’s nothing. No words, no excuses that can make this hurt any less.
“It started as a bet,” he admits, his voice barely above a whisper, but to you, it’s as loud as a gunshot. “But it’s not like that, I swear. I—”
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
He flinches at your words, pain flashing across his face, but you can’t stop. It’s like all the anger, all the heartbreak, all the humiliation you’ve been choking down is pouring out of you in a torrent, and you don’t have the strength to hold it back. You can see the panic rising in him, the desperation as he realizes just how badly he’s messed up. He takes another step toward you, his hand reaching out, but you jerk away, 
“We’re done.”
“Please, just listen,” he pleads, his voice cracking.
And with that, you leave. 
Rafe’s voice echoes behind you as you walk away, but you refuse to look back. The gym doors swing shut, muffling the sounds of the practice resuming, and you’re left in the eerily quiet hallway, your breath coming in ragged gasps. 
The locker room is cold and empty when you push open the door. The scent of body spray and sweat lingers in the air. You head straight to your locker again, hands trembling as you fumble with the lock, desperate to escape. But before you can get it open, the door swings wide behind you, and you know, without turning around, that he followed you.
“Go away,” you say, your voice barely holding steady.
“I can’t,” he says, his voice strained with desperation. “Not like this.”
You spin around, your eyes blazing with anger. “You don’t get to decide that. You used me! And for what? Some sick joke with your friends?”
He takes a step closer, his hands raised as if to placate you, but you back away, your heart pounding. “I know I messed up,” he says, his voice thick with regret. “I know I should’ve told you the truth, but I—”
“But you didn’t,” you cut him off, your voice rising. “You let me believe that you cared about me, that everything was real, and all the while it was just a game to you. You and your friends laughed in my face the entire time, didn’t you?”
“It wasn’t a game,” he insists, his voice cracking. “It wasn't supposed to be like this, okay? This wasn't the plan. I changed. Being with you... it was the only thing that felt real to me.”
You shake your head, tears welling up in your eyes. “I don’t believe you.” 
Rafe looks at you, his expression torn between guilt and desperation. 
“It wasn’t a joke. It started as a stupid bet, but I never expected to actually—” He broke off, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “I care about you. That’s real.”
For a moment, you see the boy who had made you feel special, who had made you believe in something more. But it's not enough.
“I don’t even know who you are."
You want to believe him, to take solace in the idea that some part of what you had was real, but you can't. You shake your head again, a sob choking you as you turn away from him, your back pressing against the cold metal of the locker.
“It isn’t supposed to hurt like this,” you whisper, more to yourself than to him. “It’s not supposed to feel like a knife in your chest.”
Rafe takes another step closer, “Please, sweetheart,” he murmurs, his voice breaking. “Just give me a chance to make this right.”
"You don’t get to have a chance. You don’t get to pretend this is some kind of love story. You lied to me. You used me.”
You look at him then, really look at him, and all you see is the boy who broke your heart. The boy who turned your world upside down with a single lie. You know that if you stay, if you let him talk, you might be tempted to forgive him. But you can’t. 
Not this time.
With a deep breath, you straighten up, wiping away the tears that have stained your cheeks. “I’m done.”
“Don’t say that,” he pleads, his voice thick with desperation.
But you’ve made up your mind. 
“I mean it. We’re done. I need you to stay away from me.”
The words hit him like a physical blow, and for a moment, he just stands there, staring at you as if he can’t believe what you’re saying.
But then he sees the resolve in your eyes, the finality in your tone, and he knows there’s no coming back from this.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, his voice hoarse. “I’m so sorry.”
Without another word, you turn away from him, pushing past the locker room door and walking away. You hesitate for a split second. A small voice inside you screams to turn back, to give him one more chance, but then you imagine the laughter, the cruel satisfaction. 
The image of Rafe with his friends, laughing at your expense, sears itself into your mind. 
The door slams shut behind him, and he leans against it, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. He doesn’t feel victorious. Instead, there’s a hollowness, a quiet whisper in the back of his mind that asks, “What now?” He clenches his fists, trying to silence it, but the emptiness remains.
This time, he doesn’t follow you. 
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seasons-of-death · 11 days
rafe and kook!reader that hate each other
warnings: smut, MDNI! i got this idea when i hadn't slept for like 48 hours but then when i finally got some sleep a few days ago i decided to write it !!! i just felt like i write a lot of "meek" readers so i didn't wanna do the same thing over and over lmao i hope you enjoy
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you didn't know why you always had to come whenever your parents always had to drag you and your brother along when they visited the camerons. it's not like when you were a kid who needed to be babysat to make sure you didn't do anything wrong, but your mother wouldn't stop hassling you about it, saying how it would be 'so rude' of you to not show up, and it'd seem like you hated them. only problem was, you did.
well, pretty much just rafe. you had gotten along with sarah pretty well, but apparently she wouldn't be present. despite being the same age and both being from figure 8, you and rafe were like polar opposites. you were more into academics, and he was more into playing sports and getting fucked up with his friends. so, you never got along. but your families had been friends even before your birth, due to your respective fathers being in business together. so you had to pretend to be civil.
year by year, it went from hitting and kicking each other because someone took the other's toy, to when you started at the same middle school when he'd steal your books from your locker, to whenever you'd start dating someone in high school, they'd mysteriously end up breaking up with you the next week, and every time you asked why, you only heard one name.
and said boy was standing in front of you now, next to his family, his arms crossed in front of his chest, with that same smug grin on his face you had last seen when you'd left for college. and you knew, that even though you were both older, he hadn't changed one bit, and it made you worry what kind of disaster tonight would bring, and if one of you just finally strangled the other to death.
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after your parents had changed initial pleasantries, you all went into the dining room, and as if it had been some kind of cosmic joke, you had ended up sitting next to rafe. and so, while the people around you were chatting and eating, you sat there, occasionally taking sips out of the glass of wine and bites of your food, until you heard someone call your name.
"hmm?" you asked, looking up with a small smile.
"how's college been?" rose cameron asked, and it seemed like every eye was on you now. you swallowed the bite you were eating as you considered your answer and cleared your throat.
"it's been pretty good. difficult, and not a lot of sleep, but i seem to fit in. i really like the campus and my professors, and since i live in an apartment close to the campus i get there easily."
"your parents are always talking about how proud they are of you," ward cameron mentioned, "they're always saying how great it is that not only did you get into an ivy league school, but that you're also staying on top of your studies. must be nice to get a summer break, though."
as you were about to answer, you couldn't help but notice that the boy sitting next to you had stiffened, his jaw clenched tightly, and a part of you couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of self-satisfaction over the fact that your accomplishments seemed to be getting to him despite him always making fun of you for your commitment to your studies.
"well, the point of college is to study, even though i do try to let loose every now and then." you let out a small chuckle, taking a quick sip of wine before you continued, "and it's nice, yeah, but i also do miss school."
at that, you could heard a snort from next to you, and you turned to look at rafe with a feigned friendly smile, the look in your eyes basically egging him to tell you what his snort was caused by, "something you wanna say?"
at your words, it felt like the entire dining room went quiet, and for the first time the whole evening, rafe looked straight into your eyes, his piercing blue eyes cold as steel, even though the corners of his lips were uplifted just a tiny bit that if you hadn't sat next to him you wouldn't have even noticed it. he let out a small, demeaning chuckle.
"it's just... who would miss school?"
"i do. i just said i do, didn't i?"
"like... don't get me wrong, but don't you have any other life? just like in high school, is all you do just... study? that's really sad, you know. you should really do something fun. have you even tried to go out, or do you just coop up in the library because you think it's some kind of a replacement for people who give a fuck about you?"
"rafe-" ward was trying to stop his son from speaking, but before he could, you simply let out a small laugh.
"as opposed to what? staying on the same island i've lived on my whole life, doing nothing but living off my family's money, play golf and hang out with my friends until i eventually take over my dad's business and one day get married and have 2.5 kids who end up doing the same. sure, i could probably just start working for my dad, but the thing is i don't want to." with every word you say, the blood from his face is drained slowly, while you just smile at him, "i could be just like any other rich kid living off their parents, but i'm actually going to make something of myself instead."
after you finish speaking, the room is so quiet that if a pin dropped, it would sound like an anvil, the two of you staring at each other, while everyone's eyes darted from you to rafe, and back again like you were a tennis match, until you simply turned your head away from him, the boy still staring at you, while you cleared my throat. "rose, the food is really good." you said with a friendly smile before bringing the glass of wine to your lips.
eventually, the chatter started back up again, and the dinner went on, but still, every now and then, you could feel rafe glaring at you resentingly.
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you were making your way through the halls of tannyhill, your phone in hand as you were texting, but when you finally found the bathroom, you pulled the door open, only to be faced with something you hadn't expected.
rafe was standing there, his head thrown back, and when you looked to the counter, you saw his credit card, a little pouch, and two white lines, in rafe's hand, a rolled up one-hundred dollar bill, and when you let out a quiet chuckle, he finally noticed your presence, and you could see the alarm bells ringing in his brain.
"damn, you've moved to coke? last i saw you, you were just into weed or occasionally molly, but this? shit, well, i shouldn't be surprised, i mean-"
before you could finish your sentence, rafe's hand was gripping your arm tightly, and the boy pulled you into the bathroom, locking the door behind him before slamming you against it, the door handle digging into your side, the blonde's pupils dilated to all hell, remnants of white powder under his nose.
"the fuck do you think you're doing?" you stared up at him while trying to push him away, but his muscular arm pressed against your chest, holding you against the door.
"you're a fucking bitch, you know that?"
"wow, that's really original cameron. what is this, fifth grade? you're pathetic."
"don't fucking talk to me like that," he said, his jaw clenched, his head leaning down to look at you. "you've always been such a fucking pain in my ass."
"i have been a pain in your ass? that's rich." you finally managed to push him off you, the boy stumbling slightly back due, "you've done nothing but made my life a living hell. when we were kids, when we were teens," you started walking closer to him, "even tonight, who was the first one to fucking snort at my comment and start talking about sad my life is, when in reality you're the one who's still acting like a teenager."
"it really seemed to hit a nerve. what's wrong, you still don't have friends, just like you didn't back in high school? let me tell you why that is; you act like you're so much better and smarter than everyone. sure, i might act like i'm better than some people, but you act like you're a fucking god. and that's why no one can stand you."
the two of you now stood in the middle of the bathroom, the bathroom filled with the noise of you both breathing erratically from all the insults you'd thrown, rafe glaring down at you, his gaze filled with ice, yours filled with fire, both of your words poisonous and knives meant to cut deep.
then rafe's lips were on yours, your arms around his neck, the kiss full of hunger, of craving, the both of you trying to consume one another. it was just like any another fight between you, but without any words, just with your lips.
rafe pushed you against the bathroom wall, his lips slowly trailing down your jaw and your neck while you ground your body against his, his erection pressing against your lower stomach, one of his hands on your neck, while the other was lifting the hem of your dress, your hands undoing his belt.
"i still fucking hate you..." you breathed out, tugging at his hair while rafe simply chuckled against the your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin, a gasp leaving your lips and you dug your nails into the back of his neck to get back at him, the boy letting out a groan before he continued sucking and kissing on your neck with his warm lips as you moved your hands down to undo his pants and letting them fall to the ground.
your head felt like it was in the clouds when his hands touched the waistband of your panties, slowly sliding under it, and when you felt his fingers travel deeper, you couldn't help but gasp, feeling rafe run two of his fingers over your folds, collecting some of your arousal onto his fingers, his lips detaching themselves from your neck. "you hate me but you're this fucking wet, huh?"
"you wanna play that game?" you chuckle, palming his erection through his boxers, rafe letting out a groan as you freed his erection from his boxers, spitting into your hand before you were stroking up and down on his cock, the red tip of his length already leaking precum, the boy letting out ragged breaths, unable to keep kissing you from the pleasure you were giving him.
his fingers were working your clit, your back arching against the wall, your head swimming as you continued stroking him, rafe brought his lips back to yours, your lips lazily and messily pressing against one another, both of you two too blissed out by the pleasure you were giving one another to even care.
when he pulled away from the kiss, he pressed his forehead against yours, your breaths mingling together as your hands worked in tandem, and it felt like it was the first thing you two didn't hate about each other, rafe's breath hitching with every stroke of his cock, a small whimper leaving your lips every time he touched your clit just right.
you closed your eyes, as you felt the heat building in your abdomen, you bit down on your lip, and you knew that rafe was just as close to coming from the way he picked his own pace up on your clit and how his breathing got more and more ragged.
and finally, when you felt the feeling in your abdomen just... stop, and your orgasm washed over you in a rapid wave, you heard rafe let out a glorious noise that was between a whine and a groan. you could feel cum rushing out of his cock as you kept stroking him, his fingers still working on your clit as the two of you let the other one ride out their orgasms.
your breathing was ragged and you were both blissed out when you finally took your hands off each other, still coming down from your orgasm, but when you finally did...
"fuck." you clamored, pushing rafe off you as you pulled your dress back down and made your way to the sink, washing your hands, while rafe was also getting dressed. you took a few moments to fix your makeup and hair, before turning to him, rafe looking at you in a way that didn't let you know what he was thinking, as usual. "this never happened."
and before he could even respond, you were out of the door.
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nadvs · 2 months
better off (part two)
pairing rafe cameron x female reader
rating mature 18+
summary after having regretful break-up sex with rafe, you try to move on. but he can’t let you go that easy.
warning toxic relationship
» part one
» masterlist
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Gulls squawk in the distance, circling the cloudless afternoon sky as you sit on your family’s docked boat.
Since you arrived at the marina, you haven’t moved, save for the boat’s gentle rocks as it sits on the water. Every so often, you hear chatter from people on their boats around you, but it’s been fairly quiet.
You didn’t come here to go out into the sea. You simply needed a change of scenery. Your bedroom has begun to feel suffocating.
And while it hurts to be alone, it hurts even more to be around people. You’re not yourself since the break-up. Having to keep up conversations reminds you of how much of a stranger you are to yourself now.
Life feels off without Rafe. Blurred.
The pages of the book in your hand are fluttering with the breeze, your pen held tight in your hand. You’ve been trying to focus on reading, but you can’t stop thinking about what happened two nights ago. The last time you saw him.
You regret the break-up sex. It was a relapse that hindered your recovery. He called you insufferable.
But it’s par for the course. He has a knack for making you feel like you’re a burden, a bother, as if you were forcing him into a relationship.
You blink away tears and look down at the words on the page. You had picked up this book about toxic relationships a week ago, but finally started reading it today.
As you expected, what you had with Rafe ticks all the boxes. Distrust. Control. Blame.
And one thing you read that stuck with you is how someone usually stays in a toxic relationship because it doesn’t always feel bad. The person you love isn’t all flaws, all the time.
It’s true. Rafe could be mean, but he had good qualities, too. He was fun. Reliable. Protective. Loyal. Hardworking.
It still wasn’t enough to make up for how cruel he could be. Your eyes travel over the last paragraph you read.
Break the cycle by understanding that this was not your fault. Whatever happened to them to cause their behavior was likely not their fault either, but you must accept that your love can’t break that barrier.
Rafe always hated crying in front of you. He only did it a couple times, muttering that he had to stop being such a pussy. You told him it was okay, but he just got angry at you for trying to console him. As if you were patronizing him.
He treated you the same way when you cried. Not every time, but when he was the reason you were upset, he would tell you to stop whining. That you were sensitive and needed to toughen the fuck up if you were going to be his girl.
It broke you, piece by piece. But if he talked to himself like that whenever he felt weak, of course he’d do it to you, too. Any negative emotion that wasn’t anger was disgusting to him.
You know his upbringing was tumultuous. From what little he told you, his father could be erratic and unreliable with his affection, kind to his son one moment, then clearly favoring his daughter the next.
And you often wondered if that’s why he couldn’t say he loved you very often. Maybe because he considered it a fragile promise.
You sigh to yourself. This is all you’ve been doing; trying to understand a man who can’t possibly love you, not really, because a man who loves you wouldn’t scream at you and call you names.
Break the cycle by understanding that this was not your fault.
You underline the words in red pen. You want this burned into your brain. You couldn’t fix him. It wasn’t on you to. But damn, did you want to.
You pull out your phone to take a photo of this part of the page, the stern of the boat and the dark blue sea and the edge of the dock in the background.
You had intended to just keep it for yourself, but you decide to post it on your story. It feels like a release to share a sentence that has such an impact on you, even though any followers who see it will probably tap through and forget about it in a second.
Plus it’s not like the person you’re relating it to can see it anyway. You removed Rafe from all of your social media and blocked his number. You’ve cut him out of your life.
You look out at the water again, wishing there was something you could do to ease the heaviness that’s flooding your body and wringing your heart out.
It feels like it’s going to hurt forever. It’s a tiring thing, caring about someone who throws you down and then treats you like you chose to fall.
Rafe tried to text you yesterday. We need to meet asap. He meant to make it sound urgent, when really, he just wants to talk about your break-up. It’s a manipulative move, but it’d get your attention.
But the text immediately came up as undelivered. You blocked him. And now that he thinks about it, he’s glad. Those moments of reaching out to you are moments of weakness. And they’re humiliating.
Especially because of what you said the other night. That if there’s any part of him that has a heart, he’ll leave you alone. Of all the things you’ve hurled at him, that had to be one of the worst.
He’s not a heartless asshole. He can act like one, but he’s shown you love time and time again, and you spoke to him as if he never has. It was a stab in the back.
Still, he can’t reign in his need to know whatever he can about you. He felt like such a loser telling Topper to send him whatever you post after you blocked him on everything. At least you didn’t block his friend.
Rafe is sitting on his bed when he sees a screenshot from Topper come through on his phone. Anxiety pricks his skin. Ever since you mentioned that you have someone new now, he’s dreading seeing you with another man, of even seeing a mention of him.
He knows you well. He’s almost certain you lied about having a new boyfriend. But what if you didn’t?
It’s a photo of a book in your lap, your hand holding open the page. He recognizes your family’s boat in the background. You’ve gone out on it together quite a few times.
It’s pathetic how long he looks at your hand in the photo. He’s a wreck, taking pieces of whatever he can to feel put together again, eyes trailing over what little of your body he can see.
You would sometimes put his ring on your finger, looking at him with that bright smile you once had reserved only for him. But that ring is back on his hand now, and the last time it touched you, you called the sex you’d just had a mistake.
Rafe reads the portion you underlined in the book. It makes an ugly mix of pain and anger settle into his core. This has to be about him.
Not your fault. Is that what you really think? That none of this is your fault? That you both crashed and burned all because of him?
He grits his teeth. He was right for what he said the other night. You really do think you’re perfect.
All of your mutual friends know you split up. They’ll piece together that this is about him in a second. There’s no way they won’t. It’s fucking humiliating.
Rafe has no control over his impulses. He never has. That’s why he finds his keys and drives to the marina to find you.
He parks beside your car. His blood is boiling as he rushes down the dock, boats lining the long, uneven boardwalk, but when he spots you, he stops in his tracks.
Your back is to the dock. You’re rubbing your eyes in a way that looks like you’re wiping tears. The book sits beside you.
He’s pissed at you, but seeing you like this makes some of the anger fade.
After coming down from one last cry, you turn to stand and finally go home after hours of sitting and reading. You pick up your book and set to step out onto the dock. And you lock eyes with the man who you’ve done nothing but think about.
Rafe’s mouth opens slightly, but he can’t speak. He closes what little distance remains between you and when he reaches you, his face falls even more once he sees how red your eyes are.
“What are you doing here?” you say.
Your tone is harsh. You look annoyed to see him. It makes anger burn through him all over again.
Rafe steps up onto the edge of the boat, making you shuffle back so he doesn’t bump into you. He towers over you, his eyes hard and cold.
“You think it’s all on me?” he mutters.
“What?” you say.
“That’s what it says, huh?” he says, looking down at the book you’re holding against your chest. “Your stupid little self-help book. Nothing’s your fault.”
“How did…” You look down, shaking your head. He must have found a way to watch your story. And he rushed over here to yell at you about it.
“It’s wrong,” he says. “And the way you’re posting that shit to make me look bad is fucked up.”
“You found out I was here,” you begin, your muscles tense as you stare up at him, “and you came to yell at me over a fucking story? Are you insane?”
“I’m not gonna let you embarass me like that. Delete it.”
“I didn’t do it to embarrass you. I didn’t even mention you,” you mutter sharply. “But you know what?”
You’re spent. You’ve dedicated your day to trying to start your healing process. And you have no more fight left in you.
A stupid post is not worth it. You take out your phone, open your story, and delete it right in front of him.
“There,” you say. You meet his eyes again. “You got what you wanted. Now get out of my way.”
You step to the side to brush past him, but his hand wraps around your forearm. His skin feels so warm and so familiar and so nice and you wish he would stop having this effect on you.
“Rafe,” you say, your tone teetering on whining. “Let me go.”
“You think this is what I wanted?” he says with a humorless laugh.
“What do you want?” you challenge. “To keep fighting with me? Why are you looking at what I post?”
“Why are you posting about me?”
“I already told you, I didn’t even mention you.” You rip your arm out of his grip.
“It’s pretty fucking obvious. Everyone knows we…” He can’t even say broke up out loud. His eyes dart down to the book you’re holding.
“What other bullshit did you read in here, huh?” he mutters. He takes the book out of your hand. Resigned, you let him.
Rafe leafs through the pages, his heart pounding, eyes tracking whatever you’ve underlined.
“You actually spent your money on this?” he scoffs, condescending you.
“You’re such an asshole.”
You consider leaving him here. You can just buy another copy. Spending time with someone so committed to arguing, so committed to making you feel small, is misery.
But then Rafe stops at a page.
He notices a sentence underlined and circled and starred. And he’s prepared to call bullshit on it, simply because you so clearly want to remember it. But when he reads it, he loses some of his composure.
His jaw tightens and he shuts the book, shoving it back towards you. You gaze at him curiously, wondering what he just read that obviously struck him.
“What?” you ask, your guard coming down a little.
The words he just read tumble in his brain. He’s still so angry, still wanting to hit you where it hurts.
“Didn’t work out with the new guy?” he asks.
You swallow hard.
“There’s no new guy. I lied,” you admit. “Just to hurt your feelings. Because that’s what we do, right? We hurt each other on purpose, over and over.”
The relief that washes over Rafe dilutes his anxiety. There’s nobody else.
“And you’re still going to take no blame at all?” he says, eyes fluttering down to the book. “You think it’s normal to lie like that?”
“You bring it out in me,” you retaliate. “And you’re one to talk. Have you ever said sorry to me? Once?”
Rafe always acted like taking any sort of accountability was an admission of worthlessness. As if a sorry was admitting that he’s a bad person.
“Have you?” he asks.
You tense up even more, looking up at him through sad, angry eyes.
“What do I have to be sorry for?” you say.
“For-” His own caught breath interrupts him. He looks away, pissed as hell that his throat is starting to feel scratchy. He can’t cry. “For always making me feel like shit.”
“You always made me feel like shit.”
“See?” He breaths a cynical chuckle. “You don’t even ask how. You just say I did it, too.”
You cross your arms, your book starting to feel heavy in your grip. You hate this feeling, the tinge of powerlessness when he brings up a good point.
“How, then?” you ask begrudgingly.
“You brought up old fights all the time,” he snaps.
“That’s not fair,” you say. “I did that because I never got an apology. Or any sort of closure.”
“Then, talk about it when it happens,” he says. “Don’t bitch about something from a million years ago.”
“I didn’t bitch,” you say sharply. “Don’t use that word.”
“You know I’m right,” he says. “I never knew when you were going to get pissed off. We’d be having fun and then out of fucking nowhere…”
He sighs again and looks down, his hands on his hips.
You want to counter that he was exactly like that. Because he was. He used to fly off the handle with no warning all the time. Maybe he walked on eggshells, but so did you.
You swallow your reflex to fight back. You’re sure it’s all the reading you’ve been doing about taking responsibility. You can admit you’re guilty of what he’s accusing you of.
Throughout your relationship, you’d be having a good time together and out of nowhere, you’d think of an old fight that was left unresolved and reminded him of what an asshole he could be.
Just like that, you can understand a part of his side. You had always thought of him as completely in the wrong. It was perpetually about winning or losing between you two. Black and white.
But maybe it’s gray. Because while you were wondering how someone who was supposed to love you could be so cruel, you were cruel in your own way. And you adored him.
“Talking about it when it happened was impossible. We never resolved anything,” you say. “And that weighed on me. I hated how you never said sorry. But I know I… blindsided you sometimes.”
Rafe blinks a few times, looking at you with a softness you haven’t seen in a long time.
You actually admitted to it. He doesn’t feel self-righteous like he thought he would. He feels better than that. Understood, for once.
“But you’d do something shitty and then just expect me to get over it,” you continue. “And if I cried, you made me feel sensitive and crazy for being hurt. But of course I was hurt, Rafe. I loved you.”
He licks his lips, his eyes boring into you, his chest starting to rise and fall faster. He didn’t miss the past tense.
“You don’t anymore,” he says, disbelief and desperation in his voice.
You stare up at him. And you respond honestly.
“I don’t know,” you say, your voice wavering.
“How do you not know?” he says tersely.
“Do you love me?” you say. “You never said it.”
“Yeah, I did,” he sighs. “God, you were always so hung up on that. Why did I have to say it all the damn time? I showed it.”
He was always tense about this. It’s hard to actually say the words. And he hates how bad you made him feel for discomfort he couldn’t control.
He never heard it growing up. He never had anyone to say it to. Then, with you, it’s like he was expected to say it every hour.
It made him feel inadequate, every time you pestered him for not saying it. Like he wasn’t enough for you unless he said three words.
“Do you?” you repeat.
There’s a tangled heap of feelings sitting on his chest. He’s torn between wanting to hurt you and wanting to win this argument and wanting to hear you love him and wanting to storm away.
His pride is too fucking heavy. If you won’t say you love him, he’s not saying it to you.
He doesn’t answer. And you realize his eyes are glossy.
“Are you crying?” you ask gently.
Typically, you’d pretend you didn’t notice because he loathes crying in front of you. It embarrasses him. But this isn’t a typical conversation.
“You really think we’re sick together?” he rasps.
You know exactly what part of your book he read now. You read that line over and over again. It’s better to be healthy alone than sick together.
“Yeah,” you say quietly.
Rafe can’t stop the tear that drops onto his cheek. Frustrated, he wipes it away.
“And you can make fun of me for reading books like this all you want,” you say, “but they really do help. I need to be healthy on my own first if I want to be healthy with someone else.”
Something that looks like fear flashes over his face.
“You want to be with someone else?” Rafe asks. “Who?”
You gaze up at him with a cocked head, actually feeling sympathy for his insecurity. He always bordered on hysteria over the idea of you with another man. He always was so sure you’d find someone more suited for you.
“No. Right now, it’s important for me to get better,” you say. “By myself.”
“And what if…” He shakes his head. “What if I get better, too?”
It’s the most vulnerable he’s been this whole conversation. Maybe the most vulnerable he’s been with you ever.
You search his handsome, pained face for any indication of this being a cruel joke.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
Rafe doesn’t know how to navigate this. You had each other at your worst, but you still fell in love. How happy could you be at your best?
“If I get better, too, are you going to want…” It’s too nerve-wracking to directly ask if you’ll want him. He feels like such a coward.
“You?” you say.
His jaw tenses in discomfort. You exhale shakily.
This doesn’t have to be a test of pride, a game of win or lose like it always was with him. You can be honest. Because you already had to say goodbye to the person who once made you the happiest you’d ever been, so there’s nothing left to lose.
“If we really are better,” you finally say, “yeah. We can try this again. If you want to.”
Rafe knows he shouldn’t, but he wants to touch you so badly that it’s hurting him. This feels too fragile, though. One wrong move could break this sense of amiability you two haven’t had together in ages.
“I want to,” he admits.
For the first time in weeks, hope blooms in your chest. You always thought he was so stubborn. That he didn’t think he had anything wrong with him, and therefore, nothing to fix.
But he’s willing to work on himself. And you are, too. Maybe this isn’t doomed after all.
“We’ll give it a few weeks, okay?” you say softly. “And after, we’ll talk and… see what happens.”
Rafe wants to ask if you’ll unblock him, but he’s opened himself up to enough risk of rejection since this conversation started. He accepts the discomfort of not knowing.
He can only say a tense, “Okay.” And he can’t cry in front of you anymore. And he can’t handle how confusing it is to feel hopeful and angry and sad all at once.
He leaves. Because the only way he can comfortably let out overwhelming emotions is through a fight, and that’s not an option right now.
You watch him go, left to wonder if this is just delaying further heartbreak, or if one day, you actually can be the people you need each other to be.
(part three)
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starkeyisthelastname · 3 months
Okay buuut… not to be angsty about it but do pornstar!Rafe or reader ever have a moment where they’re just like “I can’t do this anymore” and they like try to not see each other but obviously that doesn’t work out… or probably last very long… I could see Rafe being emo about it and not being able to get it up for a scene and just walking off directly to your house all like “seriously what the fuck have you done to me!?”
okay so like I see this happening after their little talk, but Rafe is the one who says he can’t do it. 😭
Everything seemed good, the two of you even fucked again after smoking and talking briefly. The both of you left that the night with even stronger feelings which meant Rafe almost needed to step back for a minute. To you, it came out of nowhere and you felt rejected after reading the text he sent a few days after when you asked if he wanted to come over that night. ‘I need to focus on work rn. Agent told me I’m losing fans. Can’t do this anymore.”
It was clear Rafe was scared of something, and wasn’t going to tell you what it was. At least not right now anyway. As soon as you felt rejection, you became closed off. You didn’t even bother replying to his text, wiping the tears away over the fact you would probably be nothing more than a past fling to him. You wanted to hate yourself for falling for a guy, whose only focus was pussy and money.
For the first time when it came to a woman’s feelings, Rafe was feeling very guilty. He continued on with his week the best he could, trying to act like it didn’t bother him that he had called things off. After you left that night, he sat in his thoughts, thinking about if he really wanted to end his career for one girl he didn’t know much about. He knew the answer. He wanted you. Instead he came up with every excuse on why he should continue working, and before he could stop himself, he was sending you that message.
It was the next week when he showed up to set, pissed off at himself really, but taking it out on everyone else. You hadn’t texted him at all and he hadn’t tried to text back because a part of him felt like he had already fucked it up. He was affected by this more than he should be and for the first time, he didn’t want to film at all, not even try and fake it. As he stood trying to get himself hard, getting ready to shoot, he just couldn’t do it, which only pissed him off more. He knew he couldn’t continue his day like this without seeing you again.
You nearly cut yourself with the knife you had been using to chop vegetables when you heard the pounding on the door. You frowned, wiping your hands and quickly going to answer the door. You didn’t get two words in, before Rafe stormed in, wrapping a hand around your throat. “What the fuck are you doing to me? Huh?” He asked, blue eyes dark.
“R-Rafe what the fuck you doing?” You asked, gasping for breath. You hadn’t spoken to him since you left his house a week ago, and hadn’t ever responded to his dick of a text. You couldn’t deny that you had missed his touch, even if it had only been a week, it still felt longer than that. You craved this man, no matter how much you disliked him right now.
Within a second, he was turning you around so that his front was pressed directly against your back. “Can’t even fuckin work, because you and this perfect cunt are on my mind 24/7.” He spat in your ear. Your head spun as he continued to squeeze your throat, his other hand lifting up the little dress you had on. He chuckled to himself as he noticed your lack of panties, making it all the more easier to slam himself into you, after quickly undoing his pants. His dick was now harder than ever, stretching you open for the first time in over a week.
“R-Rafe!” You cried, only to get three thick digits shoved in your mouth.
Rafe was ashamed of himself for even considering turning you away, he didn’t even want to look at you right now, wondering why you had to be so goddamn perfect and why he had to feel this way about some girl he didn’t even know. “Shut up. Don’t wanna hear shit from you now. Just take this fuckin dick like a good whore.” His tone low, dripping like venom in your ear, while you gagged on his hand. He fucked you like he hated you, but the truth was he couldn’t get enough of you. He had found his new addiction.
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runningmunson · 1 year
Can You Show Me?
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: Rafe finds out that you have never finished during sex. What happens when you ask him to show you and he is more than willing to be a good friend and help?
Warnings: 18+, fanon!Rafe (?), smut (f receiving), fingering, nipple play, teasing
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It was a typical summer weekend in OBX; another party and another drinking game played at the Cameron household. The current game was a classic- never have I ever. Basic ones were thrown around like every party, such as drunk called an ex, snuck out of the house, or slid into someone’s DM’s. After several rounds and drinks, it got spicier.
“Okay, my turn!” yelled Abby, a girl from your school, “Never have I ever had an orgasm during sex.” 
Everyone took a drink, even Abby. Kelce looked over at her, “What the hell Abby? The whole point of the game is to say something you haven’t done to get everyone else to drink!”
The group was so preoccupied with giving her crap that no one noticed you failed to take a drink; well, everyone except Rafe, that was. 
Not long after, the party started to dwindle down. The last few people left Tannyhill, leaving you and Rafe to clean up the mess. It wasn’t uncommon for you to stay the night and crash at Rafe’s, considering you two had been best friends for as long as you can remember. 
You had a system in place for cleanup, Rafe took the living room, and you took the kitchen, trying to throw as many cups and bottles away as possible before you went to sleep. The only sound coming from the house was music playing as you were too tired to have a conversation wanting to get finished.
When you were finally done, you made your way to Rafe’s room where he tossed you a t-shirt and shorts to change into. Once dressed, you left the bathroom and walked out to find Rafe shirtless in bed with your side ready for you. You climbed in and got on your phone to scroll through Instagram.
“You didn’t drink,” he stated bluntly; he locked his phone and set it on his side table.
“What?” you questioned, locking your phone and getting comfortable. 
Rafe placed his hands behind his head and looked over at you with a smirk growing on his face, “During the game, you didn't drink about having an orgasm during sex.”
You could feel your cheeks grow warm, “I don’t know what you’re talking about; yes, I did.”
“Uh, no. I watched you, and you definitely didn’t,” he cocked his head and threw you a look, knowing you were lying. You refused to answer. 
“Wait, you’ve really never had an orgasm during sex?” he questioned while letting out a small laugh out of disbelief.
You angrily turned around and pulled the covers closer to your body “Please don't make fun of me, Rafe. It’s embarrassing and-”
“I’m not making fun of you, alright? I'm just surprised is all,” he interrupted.
You turned around to face him, “It’s not like I've had plenty of experience with sleeping around. I can count on one hand how many guys I’ve been with, and none of them really cared enough about me or how I was feeling during sex to make sure I finished.”
“Fuck them then,” He said,” you don't deserve that, and I promise not every guy is like that.”
You didn’t know how to answer, so you both stayed quiet. You couldn’t help but notice the growing tension in the room nor stop the thoughts of wishing Rafe would be the guy who did care enough. 
You could tell Rafe wasn’t asleep yet by the way he was breathing. “Rafe, can I ask you something?”
“Hmm?” he turned on his side to face you.
“Actually, never mind. It’s really stupid,” you tried to shake out the thought. 
“I bet it’s not. What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he coaxed, attempting to get you to continue.
“Can you show me what it’s like?” You let the words flow out too fast and slurred for Rafe to fully understand what you were asking and closed your eyes tightly to avoid his reaction. If he said no, you could easily pass it off as having too much to drink and not thinking clearly. Rafe quickly sat up in bed.
 “You- you want me to show you?” he stuttered out uncharacteristically of his usual confident and cocky self. 
“I don’t know why I said that. I probably drank too much, so just forget it. I think I'm gonna sleep in Sarah’s room tonight,” you tried to get out of his bed but failed as he stopped you by gripping your arm.
“I’m not just gonna forget you said that. You and I both know you barely drank anything,” objected. “Fuck, did you really mean it?”
“Maybe…” you trailed off, looking around at anything in his room but his eyes.
“Hey, look at me,” he demanded.
You took a deep breath and turned to face him, your eyes meeting. “It’s just- I know you're experienced and the person I'm most comfortable with.”
“If this is what you want, I’ll do it. I need to hear you say it,” he emphasized.
“I want you to, Rafe,” you confessed with a shaky voice. Your hands found your shirt to remove it, but he stopped you.
“You don’t need to do that, at least not yet. This is gonna be different than the other times you’ve had because we won't actually be having sex,” he stated. He sat higher in bed and placed a couple of pillows behind his back.
You looked at him confused, “Then how is this supposed to work?”
“You do know there are other ways to achieve this, right? It’s not about me tonight, but all about you,” his signature smirk made its way onto his lips. “Come sit with your back facing me.”
Your legs felt heavy, and your heart was pounding. This is Rafe we’re talking about- you’re best friend, the guy you’ve been in love with for years. Was this just a dream? The sound of Rafe patting the place next to him drew you out of your thoughts. You walked over to the bed and sat down. His hands found their way around your waist and pulled you flush against his bare chest.
“Relax, okay? I’m gonna ease you into it, and if at any point you want me to stop, you let me know, and we stop,” he whispered in your ear. You shook your head in agreement.
You felt his warm breath on your neck as if he was hesitating- and maybe he was. Maybe he’s just as nervous as me. He placed a kiss on your shoulder and slowly began to trail upward.
When his lips finally met your neck, you felt a shiver run down your spine. The sudden movement made his lips curl up, knowing damn well the kind of effect a simple kiss was having on you. You felt yourself sink deeper into his chest and tilt your head to give him better access. His right hand moved from your hip and crept under your shirt, placing it on your stomach. His touch burned your skin. 
Rafe continued up to the sweet spot behind your ear and back down, settling right below the nape of your neck. His lips felt like velvet against your skin, and slowly but surely, you felt him begin to suck on your skin, claiming you in what you’re sure will be a mark in the morning. 
You were so caught up in the feeling that you didn’t notice his hand moving further up your shirt. The same time his teeth hit your sensitive skin, his thumb brushed against your sports bra-covered nipple, causing a soft moan to escape your lips. 
“That feel good, baby?” He teased. He called you baby. You nodded in response despite knowing he didn’t need an answer.
He raised his other hand and placed both on your breasts, kneading the plush flesh. Every time his fingers ran over your nipples, your pulse picked up. Not wanting the thin fabric of your bra to impede Rafe’s touch any longer, you leaned forward and threw your shirt and bra over your head and onto the floor. Your nipples pebbled at the sudden coldness in the air. 
Rafe chuckled at your sudden outburst and let his hands wander back up your chest. His fingertips circled your areolas and inched toward your now bare nipples. He ran his thumbs over them and began to toy with them, gently rolling and tugging the sensitive buds. 
He dropped one hand to the waistband of your shorts, silently asking permission to continue. When you didn’t protest, his fingers slipped under. His index finger lightly brushed past your clit and to your folds slick with arousal.
“Shit, babe. You’re already so wet for me,” he removed his hand to get a look at his finger.
“Oh,” You tried to close your legs in embarrassment at his comment, but he grabbed onto your thighs. It wasn’t something you ever heard the other guys say.
“That’s not a bad thing, it’s supposed to happen if you’re a guy taking his time and not just trying to get a fix. Let's make the next part a lot easier, take your pants off,” commanded, and you complied, lifting slightly off the bed so you could pull your pants down your legs and onto the floor. He hooked his feet under your ankles so your legs rested on his to spread your legs apart. 
Rafe’s hands roamed around your body and trailed down to your slit. He repeatedly ran his finger from the front to the back slowly, ensuring his finger was wet enough before his fingertip made contact with your clit. He started lightly circling your clit, causing pressure to build in your core. 
Hearing your breathing grow louder caused him to speed up and apply more pressure when he stopped. You were about to protest but stopped when he slipped one finger inside you and pumped it in and out.
“Feels so good,” you whined, enjoying how his finger felt.
“Can you take another?” he questioned.
“Please, Rafe!” you begged him. He inserted a second finger going deeper and faster. If his fingers felt this good, you couldn't help but wonder how his tongue would feel. His thumb brushed against your clit, causing pressure to bloom in your lower abdomen.
“Fuck, Rafe! I'm so close!” you let out a loud moan. It was hard to ignore the growing bulge in Rafe’s pants. 
“That’s it. Come for me, baby girl,” he demanded in your ear. The pressure built until you finally let go. You threw your head back and pushed further into Rafe, feet digging into the bed as you rode out your high. 
Your breathing was fast and heavy as you collapsed against Rafe. He removed his fingers and wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.
“You okay?” he asked, kissing your shoulder blade.
“More than okay,” you let out a laugh. Once you calmed down, you rolled over to your spot in the bed, throwing your discarded shirt back on. 
Rafe looked over and met your eyes. He reached out his hand and placed it on your cheek, leaning over to give you a soft kiss on your lips. His head rested on yours before pulling away. “Didn’t know hearing you moan my name would turn me on so much.”
“Do you want me to take care of that for you?” you motioned toward his obvious erection. 
Rafe smirked and shook his head, “Nah, I got it. Tonight was about you, remember? Besides, you can just make it up to me next time.”
Next time?
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pintrestgrl · 22 days
you said angst so... jj x kook!reader JJs starts pushing pogues and reader away and when reader tries to get through to JJ, he says awful things to reader hitting her/them below the belt by bringing up her trauma and the fact she/they are a kook. maybe she completly ices him and the pogues out(bc the pogues forgave him) and start hanging out with kooks. maybe the topper/rafe/kelce trio to really drive home she doesn't care about them anymore. maybe she's even there when pope and jj get beat up? IDK i thought this up off the top of my head. i don't reader crying in the shower heartbreaking sob fest angst. also i left what her supposed trauma up to you bc i don't know how far you're willing to go with that.
okay i lied. i’m doing this one bc it intrigued me.. lol. but also hi 💐 anon !! ur not overwhelming me i love all the asks, it’s just a matter of energy lol. but love u !!
also prepare for this to be lengthy due to the thick plot, lol
i actually am proud of this and how i wrote it, i rlly like it 🥹.
i will get out more posts today, likely 2-3. 4 if i get drink an alani lmao.
mean!jj x sensitive!kook!reader.
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you had always known jj, due to the small size of the island. however, you just started getting closer with him the past few weeks.
you had always seen into him more then others did, even from afar.
you noticed the bruises on his cheeks, and how they’d fade over the next few days. you noticed when he’d gotten a haircut, likely from john b. you didn’t know why, but you found him interesting.
you probably shouldn’t have, considering your brother — rafe, absolutely hated him. he was a bad kid, you always saw him getting arrested with the rest of the pogues.
the reason you two started getting closer, was due to a drunken hookup you had a misunderstanding on. clearly, he looked at it as any other girl he would hook up with, no feelings and not a thought about it again.
you however, looked at it way different. you really genuinely liked him, truly. you didn’t care about any of the bad rumors about him, you didn’t see him as just the bad. you saw the good too.
a few days ago, you went to the chateau to see jj. you hadn’t talked to him since the hookup, expect for minor greetings. you wanted to get to know him more. understand him, fully and completely.
it’s safe to say it didn’t go well. you sat him down, explaining how you really did like him. he listened at first, but as soon as you started trying to open him up, he immediately tensed.
you asked him about how come he always has those bruises on him, and where they’re from. he stood up immediately, scoffing at your attempt.
“you’re fuckin’ serious? you just came here to make fun of me?”
you shook your head quickly at his misunderstanding, explaining how that’s not what you meant at all.
“y’know, it’s not shit you would understand at all. you’re too much of a dumb pretty little ‘kook princess’ with no thoughts in her head to figure it out.”
you swallowed at his harsh words, tears filling your eyes. you opened your mouth to speak, but he just kept spewing more words out.
“ever think that’s why i didn’t talk to you after we hooked up? because we couldn’t ever be anything. i could never be with somebody like you.”
tears fell from your eyes at his words, trying to take deep breaths. you attempted to speak again, before he interrupted you.
“just save it, okay? go back to figure 8 where you belong.”
you let more tears fall, listening to him and gathering your stuff and leaving the chateau.
you walked home with tears down your face the whole time, thoughts stirring. was that really all he thought about you? just a kook who never had to worry about anything?
your tears eventually faded, feelings going numb from exhaustion.
when you got home, you pushed your way past your family, going upstairs to shower.
when you got in, you immediately broke down again. tears filling your eyes and streaming down your face.
you wanted jj to like you, you really did. but if he really had those thoughts of you, you needed to let him go. you couldn’t go on thinking about him, worrying, if your feelings weren’t reciprocated.
over the next few days, you left jj and every pogue alone. you noticed him around, though. you didn’t see the pogues around him, either. it seemed like he was avoiding them, just like you were avoiding him. he looked almost upset, everywhere he went too.
after a while, he got over whatever little mood he was in and you saw him laughing, running around with his friends again.
you however, were not over it. his words really hurt, and you couldn’t get them out of your head. but you knew you needed to give him the same treatment back.
so you decided to start hanging out with your friends too. you started going to the boneyard with topper, kelce, and rafe. you knew jj hated them, but you couldn’t bring yourself to show any care if you weren’t receiving any.
you left him alone for a while after that, silently thinking and worrying about him in your head instead.
you opted for watching from afar, both of you making awkward eye contact at times.
you still wondered where those bruises came from, and if you would ever know at all.
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lovelyjj · 7 months
would it be possible if we can get fluff/angst of reader and jj?
jj is at midsummers as a busser and reader has had a few a drinks and rafe drugged readers drink and jj saves reader?
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1.6k
warnings: roofieing (reader gets drugged) ***please don’t read if this could be triggering***
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Midsummers was the event of the year. Many kooks gathered around for this celebration. JJ wouldn’t be caught dead surrounded by this many kooks, but he had to work so here he was.
You were middle class, not really a kook but also not a pogue. You did however have friends that were both kooks and pogues. It was late afternoon when you arrived at Midsummers.
The island club was decorated beautifully. There was flowers everywhere and you were excited for the events to take place. You were wearing a pretty silk black dress that flowed down your legs.
Some of your girlfriends greeted you. You got swept up in conversation, chatting about the excitement of the event and what not. You were happy to get caught up with your friends.
The dance floor started to gain popularity. Most of the guests were out on the dance floor. It looked inviting. You were thinking about dancing when you noticed JJ. You considered him a friend and you were surprised to see him here.
JJ had caught your eye before. You couldn’t deny he was attractive. He was incredibly hot for that matter. You felt something in your chest when you looked at him but you highly doubted he felt the same way.
JJ considered you a friend. You have hung out in a group a couple times and JJ enjoyed your company. He thought you were the prettiest girl on the island. He also thought he didn’t have a chance. You were way outa his league.
You were pulled to the dance floor by your friends. You were only dancing a few minutes when Sarah came up to you and asked if you would get some drinks with her. You agreed needing some liquid courage.
Sarah led you to the bar. She looked beautiful in her white dress and flower crown. You told her this and she beamed. The two of you got mai tais. You were both talking, drinking and laughing.
“So whats been going on in your life?” Sarah asked.
“Oh not much the same old same old,” you answered.
“Come on there has to be something, something new happening with you,” Sarah pressed on.
“Um well, I been practicing guitar, that’s not really exciting but,” you began.
“Oh really that’s cool I would love to hear you play sometime,” Sarah showed her interest.
“Yeah maybe. What about you what’s been going on?” You asked.
“Well me and John B are getting pretty serious,” Sarah started to blush and you thought that was sweet.
“What about Topper?”
“Oh he’s old news,” Sarah giggled.
“Oh really? Damn, aren’t you supposed to be here with him though?” You questioned.
“Shhh,” Sarah brought a finger to her lips.
“You’re crazy,” you laughed.
The two of you continued to talk as well as drink a couple drinks. You were getting a little tipsy. The alcohol was addicting. It eased your nerves and it made you want to keep drinking.
You didn’t feel the presence behind you but Sarah narrowed her eyes.
“What do you want Rafe?” Sarah got right to the point, her tone bitter.
“Oh nothing just wanted to talk to Y/N,” Rafe insisted.
“She doesn’t want to talk to you,” Sarah crossed her arms.
“How about you let her speak for herself,” Rafe gritted his teeth but was trying to remain calm.
Being the angel that you are, you assured Sarah that it was fine. “It’s ok Sar, i’ll just be a minute,” you say.
Sarah gave you a wavering look but nodded her head and walked off.
You turned around to face Rafe and he towered over you. Rafe gave you a smile.
“So what’s up?” you asked.
“Nothing really I just wanted to see you and ask you something,” Rafe replied.
“Which is?”
“Would you like to dance?” Rafe requested.
“Um maybe not right this second because-“
“You know what forget about it, no worries,” Rafe assured.
“Can I at least get you a drink?” Rafe asked.
“You look beautiful by the way,” Rafe complimented.
You smiled, “Thank you.”
JJ was watching you from afar. He could see that you were talking to Rafe. There were alarm bells ringing in his head. Rafe was bad news what was he doing talking to your sweet self?
JJ continued clearing glasses so he could go back and wash them. He couldn’t clear the bad feeling he had in the pit of his stomach. When he looked over at you again his heart broke a little bit at the sight of you throwing your head back in a laugh. Your hand was holding Rafe’s arm and Rafe was smiling as you laughed.
JJ clenched his jaw. Yeah you weren’t his but he was still jealous. He should be the one making you laugh not Rafe. He couldn’t stand it so he went in the kitchen and started washing glasses.
JJ was told to come back out and clear more glasses only a few minutes into washing. With a sigh JJ ventured out into the party. He glanced in your direction and what he saw made his heart stop.
Rafe was putting a tablet in your drink. He was showing you something on his phone with the other hand. JJ froze, he didn’t know what to do but he knew he couldn’t just stand there and let you get drugged.
JJ’s blood was boiling. How dare Rafe try and take advantage of you. Rafe is gonna loose his head because JJ was gonna rip it from his body. JJ legs were running faster than his mind.
JJ’s heart dropped to his feet when he saw you take a drink. JJ raced over there in record time. He put his hand on the small of your back and took the drink away from you. He then dumped it on the floor and threw the glass at Rafe.
JJ took hold of your arms and told you to stay there. He then punched Rafe right in the face. He grabbed Rafe by the collar and said, “If I ever see you go near her again I will kill you,” he spat.
“Come on angel let me take care of you.”
You didn’t know what to think one minute you were there talking to Rafe and the next JJ was here ushering you away. You felt like you were drunk.
You felt safe with JJ. His presence was comforting. So you let him take you away from the party.
With great difficulty JJ got you to the château. You were slurring your words and JJ did his best to hold you up.
“In here pretty lady,” JJ ushered you into his room at the château.
“You smell good,” you mumbled.
JJ laughed, “alright just lay down now.”
“I feel dizzy,” you held your head.
“I know I know everything will be better in the morning you just need to rest,” JJ assured.
“Let’s get your shoes off,” JJ added.
JJ took off your shoes and then tucked you into his bed. He wanted to make sure that you were safe and out of harms way. You were the girl of his dreams. He felt like he needed to protect you.
“Goodnight Y/N, go to sleep,” JJ whispered.
Your head was spinning and you didn’t know what to do other than sleep. So eventually you went to sleep, breathing in JJ’s scent.
JJ went to go sleep on the couch. He wanted to give you your space. He wanted to be there and watch on you but he decided to do that from a far. JJ didn’t want to overwhelm you.
You woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom. The light from the sun shined through the window causing you to wake up. Your head was pounding. Your body was aching. You didn’t know where you were.
You looked around the room confused as to how you got there. You were scared because you didn’t remember leaving midsummers.
JJ was on the couch when you entered the living room.
“Hey stranger,” JJ called.
“Do you know what the heck happened?” You asked.
“Um well first I think you should sit down,” JJ ushered you to sit next to him.
“Alright you were at midsummers talking to Rafe. And he was trying to drug you. He put something in your drink and I couldn’t get to you in time before you took a drink. But luckily I finally got to you and got you out of there. I safely brought you here and let you sleep it off in my bed,” JJ explained.
“Woah,” you took a moment to let his words sink in.
“I’m glad you were there to save me,” you were feeling appreciative.
“I’d do anything for you you know that right,” JJ stated.
“I do now,” you responded.
“Can I kiss you?” JJ asked.
JJ leaned in and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was soft and gentle and JJ kissed you with care. Like if he kissed you any harder you might break. Your lips moved together in sync. He cupped your cheek, thumb moving on your face.
When he pulled away you were both breathless. You looked into JJ’s blue eyes and fell in love. You could swim in his eyes. You had a new found appreciation for JJ. He saved you from what could have been a terrible situation, and for that you were eternally grateful.
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stxrslut · 2 months
meeting thg!rafe for the first time at a big gathering for victors. you feel almost sick from the nerves and pressure of having to appear for the first time since your games.
you’ve not gotten a good nights sleep for days since you came out of the arena. you feel full with nothing but guilt at the things you’d had to force yourself to do in there, the atrocities you’d committed and without even being able to pay respect to your fallen opponents.
your dress is uncomfortable, and your hair is too big and everything feels like too much. you’re stiff by one of the drinks tables, trying to make it look like you’re mingling.
someone tall appears behind you, “you’re from 4, right?” you hear the infamous nonchalant voice of long time victor rafe cameron. you refrain from choking on your drink.
“oh.. uh.. yeah.. that’s me…” you stammer, turning to face the older man. he’s wearing an expensive looking suit, some sort of of gold accessory added to every possible space.
“how is it then? settling into the capitol?” he asks, still remaining casual, unlike yourself.
you shrug “it’s uhm… okay, I guess. can’t really settle in very well while I’m still trying to.. process..” you refer to the games, and he nods in understanding.
“yeah i get that.” he lookds down at you “s'all you can think about right?” he asks, a knowing tone to his voice.
you feel almost relived at the fact that youre finslly talking to someone who hs some idea of what youre going through. you chuckle, “right.”
rafe nods, “y'know what worked for me? when it was all I could think about.” a smirk now growing on his lips, though you dont really notice it.
you smile “what?” at this point youll take anything. absaloutely anything to take your mind off of the absaloute mess that is the hunger games.
“distractions,” he tells you, smirk now very much prominent, “they work wonders.”
you tilt your head, “distractions like what.” a furrow settling on your brows as you wonder what he’s beginning to imply.
he chuckles, “ah, can’t tell you that here,” he shakes his head coyly as he speaks, “but uh.. you could come home with me n' ill show you… if you want.”
finally realising what hes suggesting, you think about just saying yes and going immediately, but you decide against it. you finally feel like you can ahve a little bit of fun again, so you’re determinded to make it last. you giggle, "right.. I’ll have to conside that offer very carefully."
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
Protective!Rafe with Y/N saves her from her dad
tysm for requesting this!! i hope it’s what you pictured!!
too much to drink - (r.c)
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tags/warnings: underage drinking, violence, abuse, drugging (not done by rafe), sexual content (implied, not explicit), strong language, slut-shaming/derogatory term (again, not by rafe)
pairing: rafe x reader
wc: 2.9k
note!!: this is like the darkest thing i’ve probably ever written, please PLEASE read the warnings and look out for yourselves, i know this carries some sensitive topics so if any of those things bother you PLEASE DONT READ THIS!! i care about you all and really want you to stay safe.
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Midsummers comes and goes every year, and every year you have the most fun while hiding from the watchful eye of your dad, sneaking in a few (too many) drinks when you can, ever since you were fifteen. You and Sarah Cameron would rotate covering for each other, slipping away from the large groups of adults talking about business and boring nonsense to spend alone time with your boy of the month. You always looked forward to it.
This year, you're finally eighteen. Typically, girls your age would be making their debut with their summer flings, never lasting far into the fall- but since you just graduated, a serious relationship is far from your mind. You're having too much time seizing the day- carpe diem, or whatever that saying is. You've got your flask, and a nifty belt to attach it to your leg under your dress- courtesy of Sarah for your recent birthday. You're more than ready to seize your favourite holiday, the summer solstice.
You walk in with your family, and are almost immediately joined by the Cameron's- your standard routine. Your parents have always been close, your dad's in particular like to spend a lot of time together- allegedly working on some kind of big project, but neither one of them have ever spared a single detail as to what it is, despite it being years in the making.
"Y/N, Darling, you look stunning." Rose greets you with a hug and you smile, politely hugging her back and laughing a little bit as your families make similar greetings to one another.
"You're too kind, Rose. It's lovely to see you again." You grin as you pull away and she looks you over, rubbing your arm gently.
"Oh, nonsense. You look beautiful." She insists. "Rafe, don't you agree? Y/N looks amazing. This dress is something else!" She turns to her stepson, gesturing back at you.
"Mhm. That she does." He agrees flatly, taking a sip of his drink as he looks you up and down. 
You blush only slightly, hoping your makeup covers it. You and Rafe had had a somewhat on-and-off thing going on for some time now, but not something you were ready to admit to either of your families. Occasionally going out for coffee, but mostly you would meet in private. It was awfully convenient for the two of you that your dads did so much work together, you always knew where both of them were, and could more or less run the other way.
"Rafe, take Y/N to grab a drink, yeah?" Rose suggests and he nods, holding his arm out to you. You smile as you take it, trying to avoid leaning too much into him considering your already tipsy state.
"You do look stunning." He leans in to whisper to you, making you blush furiously. 
You lightly smack his chest. "Where are you taking me?" You giggle, following as he leads you past the bar in the crowd, in the general direction of the country clubs locker rooms. 
"There's a bar back here, you didn't know? A private one, kind of a well-kept secret, you know." He smirks, looking down at you only briefly.
"Oh, of course." You agree, gently nudging his shoulder with yours. "Please, lead the way, Mister Cameron."
You make your way through the crowd, blissfully unaware of your father's eyes trailing you the whole way, a scowl on his face as he takes the first sip of his whiskey.
"Come on, we have time for one more- yeah?" Rafe asks against the skin of your neck, kissing it softly while you attempt to get your dress back on.
"We don't and you know that." You chuckle, pointing to the back of your dress where he stands behind you. "Zip?" You ask and he sighs, obliging and pulling the zipper up for you. You adjust the fabric where it sits around your waist, looking in the mirror briefly before turning around to face him. 
Rafe is quick to settle his hands on your hips, pushing you gently back against the counter and pressing his lips to yours. It's gentle, this time, making you ponder the thought of maybe one-day making things official between you two- you'd be a fool to deny the feelings you have for him, and he would admit the same, but right now is just not a good time for either of you. That much goes unspoken.
"You're beautiful, you know." He mumbles, muffled by your lips against his. You giggle, draping your arms over his shoulders and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
"So I've been told." You reply quietly, pulling back a little to look him over, eyes inevitably locking with his. "You're not so bad yourself."
"So I've been told." He chuckles, mocking you as he presses another kiss to your lips. 
"Alright, we really gotta go. We've disappeared long enough." You sigh, wiggling out of his grasp and ducking under his arm.
"Come find me later, yeah?" Rafe asks and you nod, humming your agreement as you step out of the locker room, doing your best to look around, feigning confusion in case someone sees you. Not like looking lost will truly work when you spend so much time in this country club recreationally.
You make your way to the bar and grab a soda, careful as you pull the slit of your dress to pour your liquor into it under the counter. You think you've succeeded, lifting the glass up as you turn around, looking to find your family again, or maybe Sarah.
Making small talk with people isn't your favourite thing, but it's always fun to catch up with other kids around your age, who you normally don't see so dressed up. Especially after a few drinks, and especially, kids you don't see so often. This is why your face just lights up with excitement when you see Pope Heyward. He's working the event, as usual, but he's always been kind to you- which you know isn't easy for him considering the treatment him and some of his friends get from other kooks.
"Pope!" You grin as you see him behind a counter in the corner, making him lift his head from what he was doing. 
"Y/N! Hey! How's it going?" He asks, stepping around the counter as you hold out your arms for a hug.
"I'm so good.." You smile, swaying lightly with your arms around each other. "How are you, though? Tell me what's going on in your world!" 
"Not much, just wrangling drunk girls tonight apparently." He chuckles, steadying you as you both let go of each other at the same time.
"Hey! I am not drunk, how dare you." You whisper, laughing and shoving his shoulder playfully.
"Oh, you? Never. Only everyone else." He nods, clearly not believing you anyway.
"I'm glad you agree." You take a step back to take the weight off one of your feet, wearing heels always has been a pain in the ass for you. You're about to say something else when you bump into someone, jumping a little as it startles you and their hand lands on your arm, steadying your glass for you.
"Hey, sweetheart." Your dad chuckles. "Didn't mean to scare you, I've got some friends who'd love to chat with you. Come with me." He says, quickly ushering you away and hardly sparing a glance at Pope. You look back over your shoulder at him, giving him an apologetic smile and a quick wave as your dad pushes you along.
It's not long before you're swaying on your feet, feeling a little lightheaded. You must have put too much vodka in your drink- which is unusual, you have a decently high tolerance.
You politely excuse yourself, making an effort to get to the bathroom. You suddenly really aren’t feeling well- and you need some space away from everybody else. The room spins around you and you hold your arms out to brace yourself on the nearest surface, the mumbling of people around you only echoing in your ears and you can’t make anything out. Your unsteadiness leads you to twisting your ankle in your platform heel, stumbling forward and someone catches you. Strong arms wrap around your back under your arms and hold onto your ribcage, trying to ease you down. They’re talking to you, but you can hardly make it out.
“Woah, woah- Y/N, are you okay?” Rafe’s voice is echoey, distant, even, and you try and nod.
“Yeah, yeah I just don’t feel too hot..” You mumble, tongue too thick for your mouth.
“Let’s get you some fresh air. Water, please.” Rafe snaps at a waiter walking by, lifting you up and getting you back on your feet.
“Rafe..” You try and speak, truly just surprised to see him. You don’t know why- you knew he was there.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you.” He says, taking the glass from the waiter who quickly returned and holding it up to your lips. Rafe knows he has to get you out of the public eye, and quickly- before your dad sees your state. He assumes you’re just way too drunk.
“Y/N, come on- I’ll take you home.” Your father is there suddenly, carefully but firmly taking you from Rafe’s grasp.
“Do you need help, Mr. Y/L/N?” He offers, your arm settling around your dads shoulder as Rafe stands there helplessly with your glass of water.
“I’ve got her, Rafe. You go have fun.” Your dad chuckles, nodding to the younger boy and carrying you toward the exit. Rafe knows there’s something not right about this- something off about the look in your fathers eye.
He lets him take you outside, deciding just to go and get another drink and send you a text. It’s your dad, for gods sake, he wouldn’t hurt you. As he stands by the bar, only for a few moments, he isn’t comfortable with his decision. He quickly abandons his drink, beelining straight for the door in quick strides, shoving it open and jogging out to the parking lot.
“I am sick of you coming to these networking events and embarrassing our family by throwing yourself at any boy who looks your way! Seriously, Y/N, no daughter of mine should be acting like this- like a damn whore!” Your dad is screaming at you now as you lean against the side of his car, holding onto it to stay upright. You’re hardly processing what he’s saying, tears streaming down your face regardless.
“Dad, wait- I didn’t, no, it’s not-“ You stammer, trying desperately to understand what you were trying to say.
“Don’t act like I don’t know! You’re lucky I even let you live under my roof after the rumours I’ve heard! I’m sick of you sneaking off to sleep with every boy on the island! I mean, pogues? Seriously? I’ve had enough.”
“I don’t-“ You try and protest, but your cut off with a hard smack across the face, leaving your ears ringing as your knees give out.
“Hey, hey- hey!” Rafe shouts, running up and shoving your dad back away from you, eyes dark with anger over what he’s just heard and seen. “Don’t touch her!” He stands between you and your dad, pushing him back again.
“Son, mind your business and get back inside. Now.” Your dad glares at him, pointing to the building.
“No. Absolutely not.” Rafe shakes his head in response. “I’m taking her home. You go back in and enjoy your stupid networking party.” He insists, turning to help you up as you reach out for him, still stunned.
“Jesus, Y/N/N..” He mutters, looking you over as he helps you get your bearings against the side of the truck. “What did you do to her?” He asks your father, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Rafe, leave.” Your dad chuckles a little, trying to save face as best he can. “She’s just had too much to drink- I’ll get her home and-“
“Did you drug your own daughter?” Rafe asks him, looking in disbelief between the two of you.
“When you have a daughter of your own you’ll understand. I did what I had to do to-“
“No, no way. That’s beyond fucked up.” Rafe scoffs, shaking his head as your dad keeps talking.
“To keep her from embarrassing this family even further.” He finishes saying, committing to the idea that what he did was right.
“Let’s go.. let’s just go…” You slur out, holding onto the side of the truck as you try and walk away.
Rafe shakes his head at your dad, backing away from him to get to you. As much as he wants to pummel him into nothing, it’s more important that he gets you somewhere safe.
“Y/N Y/M/N if you walk away right now don’t bother ever coming home!” Your dad shouts at you as Rafe gets to you, supporting you with an arm around your waist as he stares back at your dad. “You can kiss your trust fund goodbye! If you want to sleep with pogues you can live like one for all I care!”
Rafe bites his tongue as he guides you back to his own car, fishing in his pocket for the keys with his free hand. He gets you in the passengers seat and buckles you in as your head drops back against the headrest, hardly able to support its own weight.
“Y/N/N, hey, can you hear me?” Rafe asks, reaching up and grabbing your head gently to look at your cheek, checking for cuts or bruises. He frowns when he sees your cheek red and feels it burning under his fingers- it’ll have a nasty bruise tomorrow. He pulls out his phone and texts Sarah, telling her they have to go- right now. She had been looking for you most of the night too, surprised when you disappeared more than usual.
You just hum in response. You know you’re safe now, and you don’t have to exert as much energy to say anything at all.
“I’m gonna take you back to my house. We’ll get you cleaned up, and, uh, yeah. We’ll figure shit out.” He nods, more to himself than to you. He gently lets your head rest back and he shuts the door, seeing Sarah running over from the building, a confused and worried look on her face.
“What happened? Is that Y/N?” Sarah asks her brother, looking in the window.
“Yeah, her dad fucking drugged her. I walked out to him hitting her and yelling at her about shit that didn’t even happen.” He explains, opening the drivers side door.
“What? Oh my god.” Sarah replies, opening the back door and climbing in. “Oh my god, should we take her to the hospital?”
“I think she’s fine… Let’s just go back home and figure out what to do.” Rafe says, quickly starting the car and driving out of the lot being careful to avoid any potholes. He’s never driven so carefully.
Sarah helps carry you in, quick to grab water, some towels, and a bucket to place by your side of Rafe’s bed. It’s not likely to be pretty when you wake up. By the time you get back to Tannyhill, you’re hardly conscious, and Sarah has to hold every door for Rafe as he carries you in.
They don’t know what to do besides get you into bed when you get back to their house. Sarah helps you change into some of her pyjamas while Rafe decides to wait outside the door. He wishes he could get you something to eat, watch a movie together, do something normal, but you can hardly keep your eyes open. It would honestly surprise him if you knew where you were.
“What do we do?” Sarah whispers to him as he walks back in, both of them standing over you passed out in his bed.
“I don’t know.” Rafe mumbles, shaking his head. He can’t take his eyes off you.
“Should we call the cops?”
“They wouldn’t do shit. They’re as much in Y/D/N’s pocket as they are dads.”
“Well, we can’t take her home.” Sarah thinks out loud. “I don’t know how long she can stay here, dad will take his side for sure. I could bring her to John B’s tomorrow?”
“No.” Rafe shuts that idea down. “I’ll figure it out… You go to bed, Sare.”
“You can’t protect her here, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Then I’ll leave too. Get us our own place, I don’t give a fuck.”
“What? You guys aren’t even official- how do you think she’ll feel about moving in with you?”
“We’ll figure it out, okay? Just leave us alone. Please.” He sighs, rubbing the sides of his head. He doesn’t know what to do. He really doesn’t. All he knows is that he has to keep you safe.
Sarah rolls her eyes at him and leaves, giving you a worried glance over her shoulder before shutting the door quietly behind herself.
Rafe crawls in bed next to you after taking his suit off, watching you sleep and trying to pretend everything is normal; trying to pretend that he was allowed to bring you home after Midsummers because this is where you wanted to be.
You look so peaceful, but as the bruise starts to develop on the normally soft and unscathed skin of your cheek, Rafe dreads having to explain what happened to his parents in the morning. He doubts anyone will even believe him.
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy @madelynie , @mutual-mendes , @slut4drudy , @winterrrnight , @totalswag, @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron , @urfaveluvr , @chenslucy , @hxnnah-397, @s-we-e-t-t-ea
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nadvs · 6 months
watch and learn (part five)
pairing fratboy! rafe cameron x female reader
rating explicit 18+
content warning drug and alcohol use
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summary it takes one conversation with your college dorm neighbor to know you won’t get along. rafe is loud, rude, and short-tempered. after he overhears you talking about a disappointing fling, he loses his confidence in his sexual abilities and suggests you start hooking up to both improve your skills in the bedroom. you can’t stand him, but it’s too good of an offer to turn down.
» masterlist
The moon is bright and the air is brisk as you and Rafe sneak out of the lakehouse and rush towards the dock, still only in your bikini.
The stone steps leading from the porch to the backyard are slackened and a bit slippery, so you instinctually grab his hand to keep yourself steady.
He tenses immediately, his hand closing as your fingers pinch around his. He wriggles out of your grip.
“Rafe, I’m just trying not to fall,” you say, irritated.
“Watch where you’re going then,” he tells you. You scoff. Asshole.
This is just like the other night, when he warned you not to do any couple shit. As if you’d ever consider a relationship with someone so emotionally unavailable.
“You need to chill,” you tell him. “Holding hands for a few seconds doesn’t make us a couple.”
It’s too much for him, being touched by you in an affectionate, non-sexual way. You teased him the other day for cuddling you and he hated that you were sort of right about him liking it.
Rafe sighs and decides to just give in, offering his hand to you. You cup his cool palm and he doesn’t squeeze your fingers back. It’s fine. You only need the stability.
You reach the long, planked dock and let go of his hand immediately, following him towards the boat bobbing in the water.
“How’d you even get the key?” you ask, trying to push away the tension.
“Stole it,” he says.
“Wait, really?”
“No, not really,” Rafe teases, looking back at you.
You roll your eyes and smile. At least when you argue, it doesn’t last for very long. Besides, you’re both here for one reason and there’s no need to complicate things with any sort of petty conflict.
The cruiser boat’s shimmering black planes are sharp and sleek and the only covering is a glossy roof on angled pillars. You thought it’d be more private.
You stand behind Rafe as he begins to unravel the rope tying the boat to the dock.
“What if someone sees us?” you ask.
“Let them,” he grumbles.
“Rafe,” you warn.
“I’ll drive it out far,” he says, motioning towards the boat. “Go.”
You step onto the swaying boat and settle onto one of the two cushioned booths beneath the roof, watching him.
Even in the moonlight, you can see the planes of his biceps bulging beneath his t-shirt sleeves as he works on the rope. He seems to know exactly what he’s doing.
Perks of being rich, you figure. He’s probably lived such a privileged, comfortable life.
When Rafe steps onto the boat, he flips a few switches and turns the key into the ignition. Thankfully, the motor offers only a quiet hum, not alerting anyone in the house upstairs.
He slowly shifts the throttle forward with one hand, holding the steering wheel with the other. He’s so confident, so in control.
You were already turned on from the way he propositioned you upstairs earlier tonight, but watching him is making lust coarse through you even harder.
He may be a jerk most of the time, but he’s hot enough that you can ignore it.
“Do this with other girls,” you tell him. “Trust me.”
“What?” He glances back at you.
“Apparently, a guy driving a boat is hot,” you say. You almost forgot this whole arrangement was supposed to be instructional.
Rafe looks forward again, his lips quirked in a coy smile.
He slows the boat down in the middle of the quiet lake and kills the engine. The water ripples beneath you from the motion of the boat cutting through it.
He loves that you don’t wait for him to come to you. You wedge yourself between the wheel and him, pressing your body up against his, pulling him down to kiss you.
His hands find your waist, and you reach back to push them down to your ass.
“We skipping the foreplay you’re always annoying me about?” he mumbles against your lips, fingers digging into your skin.
“I hate to give you any credit,” you say, “but you already kind of did it. When we were talking upstairs and you said...”
“You can do it,” Rafe teases.
“That you could make me cum in a minute,” you finally say, body flushing with heat. “Foreplay can start hours before we even touch.”
“Damn, so… you been turned on since then?” he teases. It’s so gratifying that the whole time you were another guy, you were thinking about what Rafe would do to you.
“Shut up,” you laugh, pulling him in again, your hands cupping the back of his neck to kiss him.
Your open mouths are hot, tongues tangling together as Rafe grips your ass harder and grinds against you. His body curves into yours as he kisses you deeper, his touches growing rougher.
He pulls his shirt off and his bare chest against your half-naked body is firm and warm. His hand slides up the curve of your spine and finds the knot holding your bikini top together. He pulls the string, brushing down the straps and letting the bikini fall.
Rafe ducks to put one of your breasts in his mouth, sucking and flicking with his tongue, making you throw your head back in pleasure.
You throb with need as he licks you, taking in the sensation of the cold air pressing against your skin, his warm mouth on you, the boat gently rocking in the middle of the dark lake.
He puts his hand on your other breast, squeezing and pinching your nipple and your fingers find their way into Rafe’s soft hair, gently pulling at the roots, enjoying the grunt of pleasure you hear from him.
He eagerly pulls at the hem of your bottoms, mouth losing contact with you as he peels them down your thighs, crouching to get them to your ankles so you can step out of them.
“Damn, baby,” Rafe says huskily, taking the sight in. “Your pussy is so fucking pretty.” Your stomach numbs at his words. He’s been craving another taste of you for so long. Too long.
With his knees on the cold floor, he leans forward and flattens his tongue against your lips, earning a tremble from you. Your knees weaken as he uses his tongue to spread your lips apart, dipping between your folds with urgency.
You spread your legs and hike one up, resting your foot on the cushioned seat you were just sitting on.
“Good girl,” he says. “Spreading yourself open for me.”
You look down, moaning as he laps at you, taking in the way his eyes look in the moonlight, the way his hair is bunched between your fingers.
“Shit, that’s so good,” you purr. “You’re so fucking good at that.”
“I said less than a minute. Start counting,” Rafe says smugly. You giggle, amused and aroused and elated. The numbers sound weak as you start to mumble through them.
He starts to suck harder, slurping and enjoying your taste. Your voice immediately starts to waver and he pulls back.
“Don’t stop counting,” he orders.
“Four… five… six,” you continue breathily. Rafe closes his eyes as he savors you, already addicted to how you taste and how soft you are.
After working your clit, he shifts to shove his tongue inside of you. The sound of you trying to focus on counting while you moan from the pleasure he’s giving you is cosmic, out of this damn world.
Rafe continues to fuck you with his tongue, saliva starting to run down his chin, his nose wet from you. He moves back up to your clit, tongue flicking quickly.
“Thirty-four… oh, fuck…” you say.
“Oh, fuck? Is that a new number?” he mocks, making you smile and bite your lip as you tighten with bliss. You feel his big hand stroke up and down your middle, trapping your clit between his fingers and squeezing.
“Rafe,” you moan. “That’s so… fuck, that feels amazing.”
He smirks and locks his lips around your clit as he shifts to push two fingers into you. You clench around him and he can’t wait to be inside you.
He curls his fingers in and out of you while he sucks your clit, making you start to shake.
“Forty-one… oh, shit… okay, I’m…” you whisper, a wave of satisfaction prickling at your skin. He thrusts his fingers with more force, sucks harder, looking up at you as your mouth goes slack and your eyes squeeze shut.
Making a girl cum was always an ego thing to him. But he realizes that he loves making you orgasm simply because it means you feel good.
You unravel with a rippling rush through your body, fluttering around his fingers, bucking up against his face.
When you slowly come down from the climax, you pull your hips away from him.
“What number did you get to? Forty-one?” he teases. “What’d I tell you? Less than a minute.”
“So cocky,” you say, smiling and blissed out.
“Get on your back,” he orders, taking the condom out of his shorts before stripping the rest of his clothes off.
You settle on the hard boat floor, watching Rafe roll the condom on. You would’ve offered to put it on him, but he’s so rushed to dive into you.
You spread your legs and Rafe settles between them, pushing in with a quick thrust that makes you gasp.
He leans over to kiss you, swallowed by your slick warmth, letting you taste yourself on his lips. You tilt your pelvis up so he can get as deep inside of you as possible.
He pulls back and drives into you even harder, making you jolt from the force.
“Wrap your legs around me,” he orders you. You squeeze his taut torso with your legs, maintaining eye contact like he taught you. He’s gazing down at you, the starry sky shimmering behind him as he plunges in and out of you.
You’re so tight, so wet, so fucking perfect, that he doesn’t even want to cum, he just wants to feel the way you squeeze him.
His pace is fast, his eyes trailing over your face and committing the way you look when he’s fucking you to memory in case this is the last time.
The thought of losing this makes his skin burn.
Rafe’s palm presses at your neck, his fingers tightening around your jaw as he lowers himself and positions your head so that he can speak into your ear.
“You know he’s not gonna make you feel this good, right?” he mutters huskily. “He can’t eat your pussy like I can. He can’t fuck you like I can.”
This show of possession is just dirty talk, you tell yourself. But what if it isn’t?
Rafe props himself up again, gazing at you with his hand on your jaw as he thrusts in and out of you. How’s he supposed to be okay with someone taking you away from him?
You feel a cool drop of water on your arm. Then another on your cheek.
“Shit,” you gasp with a laugh. “I think it’s raining.”
He smiles while he looks down at you, enjoying the sound of your laugh.
“I don’t wanna stop,” he whispers. “Do you?”
You shake your head no and pull him closer so his warm cheek is pressed against yours. This is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. He’s filling you so nicely, both of you moaning and panting and laughing as the rain starts to come down harder.
You’re wrapped around him as he thrusts in and out of you hard and fast. The tension inside him finally snaps and he goes still before dissolving into pleasure, emptying himself into the condom.
He goes limp on top of you, panting against your neck. The rain is torrential and loud now, his back coated in water.
Rafe pulls out of you and you stand, laughing together as you rush to find your bathing suit top and bottom while he dresses himself, the wet clothes plastered to his skin.
You try to find shelter under the boat’s curved roof as Rafe starts the boat, watching him navigate and feeling your heart in your throat.
That didn’t feel like just fucking. The way he smiled at you was something else.
It’s late morning when you wake up, your friends still snoozing. You trudge downstairs and decide to enjoy the view of the lake that you didn’t get a chance to look at when you arrived yesterday.
You step out on the back porch, immediately thinking about how you snuck out with Rafe last night. And how you ran back inside, trying to be quiet, genuinely having fun with him. And everything in between.
You know it’s silly to overthink, but your mind replays what he said. You know he’s not gonna make you feel this good, right? He had to have been talking about Blake.
Was he jealous? The way he was smiling at you while he was inside you makes you think he does have a sweet side to him, that maybe he feels more than just lust for you.
You hear the door open behind you and turn to see Blake, adorably squinting from the sun.
“Early riser?” he gruffs, shutting the door behind him. You grin.
“You consider this early?” you say, checking your phone to see it’s almost 11:00. He chuckles.
Blake comes to stand beside you, leaning over the railing and looking at you with the same kind smile he was wearing last night in the hot tub.
“How’d you sleep?” he asks, his kind eyes softening with concern. “It wasn’t too cold?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, remembering how hot and flushed you were getting into bed after your time with Rafe last night. You wonder if he’ll tell Blake about your time together. And if Blake will care.
“No, I was fine,” you say.
“You sure you wanna leave today?” he asks, his tone sweet. The boys are going back to campus tomorrow, but you and your friends agreed to stay only until this afternoon.
“Yeah,” you say. “Don’t you bros have to bond or something?”
“Don’t tell them I said this, but I’ve bonded with them enough,” he jokes.
After everything you’ve learned about Blake over text and in person, you can tell he’s a good guy. You like the way he remembers things about you, the way he always looks at you like he missed you, the way he’s always polite to you.
Rafe walks into the empty kitchen and the first thing he sees is you and Blake through the window. You’re standing inches away from each other, leaning over the raised porch overlooking the lake.
His stomach turns when he sees you laugh at something Blake said.
“Dude, I’m fucking shattered,” one of his hungover buddies says, dragging his feet into the kitchen. Rafe thinks he is, too, and it’s not from drinking. He grabs some water and heads back upstairs to lie in bed.
You eventually go inside after Blake suggests making breakfast together. Your friends and a few frat guys are ambling around the main floor of the house as you make your way to the kitchen.
As you cook and talk, you find Blake takes every opportunity he can to innocently touch you in some way, unafraid to show you that he likes you. He’s affectionate, unlike Rafe, who stiffened the second you tried to hold his hand last night, who will only touch you right before or during sex.
After eating breakfast with Blake, your friends, and a few of the guys, you finally head upstairs to pack your things and head home.
You round the corner into the hallway and almost collide with another body. You look up to meet Rafe’s blue eyes, his expression sullen.
“Hey,” you say with a smile. “Wow, did you just wake up?”
“No,” he mutters. His lips thin as he steps to the side to walk past you, brushing you off.
You try not to let his moodiness get to you. It’s such a sharp contrast from how Blake treats you. You’re not expecting Rafe to be a sweetheart, but you thought at this point you sort of had a friendship.
You make your way to your room, reminding yourself of how he was the night you met. Rafe is a jerk, unless he’s working on convincing you to sleep with him.
Regardless, the sex is too good. You’ve actually been gaining confidence from hooking up with him. You tell yourself from now on to expect nothing but coldness from him.
Rafe tries to ignore the cloud hanging over his head after you leave the lakehouse. He hates that seeing you with Blake pissed him off so much. He hates that imagining Blake looking down at you the way Rafe did last night makes his blood boil.
A part of him wants to tell Blake you’re still hooking up to prove a point, but if Blake tells him that he did something with you, too, even a kiss, he might just swing at him.
Thankfully, Sam seems like he was too drunk to even remember Rafe asking for the key to the boat. He discreetly returns the key where Sam told him he could find it last night.
Rafe realizes he just needs to fuck another girl. He’s been messing around with you exclusively and that must be what’s been screwing with his mind. He scrolls through his phone and finds the number of a girl he met at a party during orientation week.
The next evening, you’re lying in bed watching a show on your laptop when you start to hear muffled moans. Your brows furrow as you try to make out what you’re hearing.
It’s a girl moaning. And it’s coming through the wall you and Rafe share.
Rafe’s on top of her in his bed, instructing her to be loud, not sure if it’s for his ego or just so you’ll hear. He did everything you taught him, touching her and talking to her how you said he should.
It’s all working and he can tell she’s close and it feels good, so why the fuck is he closing his eyes and imagining it’s you under him?
After she leaves, Rafe gives into the impulse to text you: my bad for the noise lol
You reply: all i can say is you’re welcome.
Rafe: ya you’re kind of a genius
You: i know :)
You try to focus on your tv show. Rafe said you’d keep your arrangement up until you’re both satisfied. He must be satisfied. Maybe the night on the boat was the last time.
You’ll miss it, but whatever. At least it’s ending before your mind has a chance to spiral any further into dangerous territory like it was this past weekend. That man has two settings designated for you: he’s either annoyed or horny. You’re convinced he feels nothing else.
The next day, it’s late afternoon when you get back to your dorm after your classes. As you get closer to your door, you can hear a man yelling. It’s loud. And vicious.
You sigh, wishing they didn’t cheap out on the insulation in this building.
You quickly realize it’s coming from Rafe’s room. Someone’s yelling and Rafe isn’t saying a single word back.
Rafe’s arms are crossed while his father shouts at him. He’s trying to hold it together, telling himself over and over again not to cry.
He got a little carried away with his credit card recently. He picked up the tab for food for his frat brothers quite a few times now. Splurged on beer. Had to pay to tank up his car for the weekend trip.
Apparently that makes him a disappointment who’s not taking school seriously. His father popped by for a surprise visit just to lay into him about his spending.
You quickly put your key in the lock and figure you should just put headphones on when you get in your room.
“Is that what I pay for, Rafe? For you to party? Do you even go to your classes?”
You swallow hard. It must be his dad. You don’t want to pry, but you’re surprised Rafe isn’t fighting back. The quick-tempered man you know always has a retort.
Maybe he hasn’t had as comfortable a life as you thought.
“If you can’t take it seriously-”
“I can,” Rafe finally says, his tone agitated but low. “I am taking it seriously.”
You swing open your door and step into your room, but when you hear his father say “what are you crying for?”, you feel your heart crack.
(part six)
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digitalpup444 · 5 months
how i view bimbo!reader and princess!reader <3
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oookaayyyy, so i feel like dove cameron is the perfect example of what i imagine bimbo!reader looks like! i imagine her to be very bratty and high maintenance, always clinging to rafe’s arm in a cute little outfit that shows too much skin. she gets her nails done every two weeks on the dot, using rafe’s money, she always goes for a classic coffin french tip with an ‘R’ on her ring finger for rafe <3
she’s really not afraid to stand up for herself if rafe is next to her to reassure her, but when she’s alone? you bet she is running off crying if someone says something in the slightest mean tone to her.
she comes from money but that wasn’t always the case, a pogue turned kook basically after her dad got a promotion at his lawyer job. her mom is always wondering how her she got to be so ditzy considering that both of her parents are very smart with good jobs as a nurse and lawyer.
she’s very very small, only being about five foot one, which naturally always has her looking up at rafe whenever she’s talking to him.
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megan fox is absolutely without a doubt, princess!reader. but to be more specific, megan fox in jennifer’s body. jennifer just captures the perfect, stuck up, bitchy, attitude that princess has towards everyone but jj, of course. she’s unfortunately a kook turned pogue after her single mother had to file for bankruptcy after her dad very recently divorced her, leaving them to live in a shitty trailer in the cut. she essentially joined the pogue gang after sarah, her best friend, introduced her to them after she asked who jj was at a beach party.
after that, princess just couldn’t keep her eyes off the blonde and fell in love with him at every glance. jj was the first to kiss her while they were out drunk and skinny dipping. he always makes sure she gets whatever she wants because she will definitely throw a tantrum over it but he knows how to shut that down real quick if it gets to be too much.
she is very book smart but acts dumb to make her look innocent and naive, which she uses that as an advantage to manipulate people to get what she wants.
princess has a slight kleptomania problem, stealing whatever she can’t afford. it’s where most of her wardrobe came from. she’s not afraid to take what she wants and it has definitely got her in some situations.
her wardrobe consists of pink, white, and basically anything that she finds ‘sexy’ and ‘slutty’. she’s not afraid to show off her body at all. on her relaxing days, she’s usually in a juicy couture tracksuit with a tight fitting tank top on. her shoes of choice are heels to make her seem taller and more intimidating since she’s only five foot four.
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rosezza · 8 months
࿐Give up on me
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— i'll love you till my breathing stops.
Warnings: soft!rafe, crying, strong language, no happy ending. I honestly love dark Rafe much more but yk
"What the fuck! Is wrong! With you?!" You yelled as cold tears streamed down your makeup smeared face. Sobs coming from you as you stared at Rafe.
The secret that yours and Rafes relationship was only a bet had came out to you. Over a year of dating had all been a lie. And it hurt you. All those mornings he had you wrapped close to him as he kissed you all over your face was a lie. All the times he had said he loved you was a lie. All the things you and Rafe every shared was a lie. And it cut you deep. Your throat tightened as you watched Rafe with blurry eyes. Your heart ached and your stomach was twisting. You loved him, you really did. And it hurt to know that he never loved you back. Your mind going through all the small things you and Rafe had experienced only hurt even more.
"Y/n please-.. Listen to me i didnt- i-" Rafe tried as he locked eyes with you. His heart shattered as he saw your tears. Especially since he was the one that caused them to fall down your pretty face. He had promised to make sure whoever made you cry never placed a hand on you ever again. And now he was the one making you cry.
"No!- no! Dont even fucking talk to me Rafe!.." you cried as you began sobbing even more. His soft voice reminded you of the sweet things he said to you. And it hurt you even more.
Rafe stood there as his anexiety creeped up. He was scared to say something wrong and he didnt want to lose you. He never wanted to. It was all a bet yes. But he had fallen inlove with you. And it was something he couldnt let go of, he thought he was unlovable. No girl had ever showed him as much love as you did. You had understood him in different ways then his past relationships ever had. He had actually managed to think of a future with you. And it destroyed him to think that all if that could possibly end now. You were the first girl he actually cared about and respected.
He was always the tough guy, always the one who was in control. But to you he was different. Only to you. And he had grown attached to you.
But you didnt know that.
You were stuck thinking he never cared about you. And it wouldnt even be a surprise considering you got with Rafe Cameron. Everyone had warned you about him but you gave him a chance.
And you actually thought he was the right one. The way he held you, the way he kissed you, the way he tied your shoes even if you were out in public, the way he took care of you, the way you danced to stupid little tunes whenever you felt like it, the way he bought you flowers, The way he loved you
"I spoke to my mother about you Rafe, i told everyone that i found the right one. I was so fucking stupid werent i? Because all you are after is a slut." You cried as you pointed a finger at Rafe. Which hit a soft spot in him. His eyes began tearing up as he watched this whole situation unfold right infront of him. The person he loved and truly wanted in his life was sad because of him.
Your anger just turned into complete sadness as you realised that this was it. This was the end
"I should have listened when people told me.." you cried. Your voice high pitched because of the way your throat was tightened.
"Y/n I love you.." Rafes voice was weak and he took a step closer to you. The tears in his eyes made you feel slightly bad but you couldnt give in to him again. Not now. Not anymore.
"Stop saying that when you dont!-" you cried out again. You had a lump in your throat and you felt lightheaded. You hated this and you just wanted to go away.
"I give up on you"
Your words hit him like a thousand bricks at once as you snatched up your bag from the counter. Rafe was speechless as you began to walk towards the door. "No-.. no, no no. Y/n!-" Rafe called out with desperation and guilt in his voice, finally acting. He didnt want this to end. He never did. A tear ran down his cheek as he caught up to you before you could leave. He took a hold on your arm but you quickly pulled away and turned to him. Looking in his eyes. Both of your eyes red because of the tears that were both plastered on your faces.
"Never fucking touch me again." You sneered at him and his eyebrows frowned. He didnt want this. He wanted you in his arms again, but the chances if that completely faded as you began walking away from his house. Leaving him heartbroken at the doorframe. Guilt washed over him. Regretting that he ever agreed on that bet. Thinking about how different things would have been if you didnt find out you were a bet.
You heard his cries as you walked. A part of you wanted to turn around and run to him, hug him and tell him its going to be alright. Because a part of you still loved him. You could never stop loving him because you once showed the love you had for him. But all of that was gone. Your future with him was over. Your heart ached. It wanted to re-connect with his. But it hurt you to know this wasnt real.
You had given up on him. Forever.
Taglist: @necroflame 💗💗
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caniibeyourfavorite · 3 months
bad decisions part 2 || Rafe Cameron x Female!Reader
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Summary: the beginning of yours and Rafe’s relationship (this takes place during the time where Sarah and John B aren’t dating). You and Rafe start dating, eventually leading to your first time
warnings: 18+, smut, slight angst, some curse words, mentions of drinking, just fanfiction, minors do not interact
author’s note: English is my second language (and I wrote this in the middle of the night) so please ignore any spelling/grammar mistakes
“Where do you think you’re going?” John B asked you. Your older brother had always been so over protective.
“I’m going out,” you shrugged casually, trying to walk past John B and leave the house.
“Where are you going?” John B asked, stopping you again.
“Bye!” You called out to him as you walked out the door and waving, ignoring his question.
You were going over to the kook’s part of the island, and the reason you didn’t tell your brother that is because the car in front of your house belonged to Rafe Cameron. He was waiting there for you in his car, grinning when he saw you walk up to him. He got out of the car to open up the passenger seat door for you.
“Thanks,” you smiled at him, a bit surprised at how polite he was being. “You’re welcome, princess,” Rafe replied, letting you get into the seat before closing the door for you, and the nickname made you roll your eyes.
You two went out to one of the restaurants in town that belonged to one of the richest kooks in town. You had never been there before, you didn’t even know the name of the restaurant. As a pogue and a Routledge, you were always intimated by these sorts of places. It wasn’t too fancy, considering it was still the outer banks, but there was still no way you could afford anything there.
“Rafe…” you trailed off, a bit nervous as you whispered to him, “I don’t have enough money to even afford the fries here…”
“Relax, I brought you here, of course I’m paying for our date,” Rafe said as if it was obvious, but also like he really didn’t like making you worry. Trying to read Rafe Cameron was way more difficult than you could have ever imagined.
You two spent the rest of the afternoon together, talking. It was surprising, actually. You would have never thought that a kook and a pogue like yourself would have anything in common that you could talk about for an hour. You talked about everything you two could think of. He asked you about your hobbies, so you told him about how you loved surfing, making jewelry, and saving turtles with Kiara. You didn’t know what to expect from the date, but it was actually amazing.
Afterwards he drove you home and asked you if you wanted to come to a party with him on Friday in a few weeks. You knew it would be a kook party, what other party would Rafe Cameron go to? And as much as you didn’t want to be in a house full of arrogant kooks, you were seriously starting to like Rafe.
You two spent every day before the party going on dates, and every day he surprised you with how nice and charming he actually was. During those days, your brother, John B, still disapproved of you hanging out with kooks, and then livid when he found out you were dating Rafe. But you really didn’t care what John B thought.
When you and Rafe entered the house, the first thing that you noticed was the cacophony of music and voices and random kooks breaking expensive things. You also noticed all the different types of alcohol that this house had, and how the kook teens wasted all of it so carelessly. The air was thick with a mix of sweat, expensive perfume, and the scent of alcohol. You weaved through the groups of teens, following Rafe to wherever he was leading you.
He introduced you to his friends Topper and Kelce, and then his sister Sarah. They all joked about what you were doing with Rafe, Sarah even said you could do better before walking off to some other group with Topper. All their comments made Rafe tense up. But those were better than all of the stares and whispers from everyone else, all directed at you. Kooks wondering who invited the pogue into the party, how you got to date Rafe Cameron, and why you thought you were welcome there. Any time Rafe would hear someone make a comment about you, his grip on your hand got tighter, more protective.
People, who Rafe knew, would come up to you two and ask him things like, “where’d you even find this girl?” They would laugh, and some pretended like they were only kidding, but you knew they weren’t. You knew you didn’t belong at this party, that you didn’t belong with any of these kooks. And you didn’t want to belong with any of them anyway, so why did their words still affect you?
Maybe part of you was hoping you and Rafe would make a good couple, maybe you could actually work. You knew it was a stupid idea, a look and a pogue.
Eventually, you couldn’t take it anymore, and so you began to walk away from Rafe, brushing past the crowd of people distracting him. But of course he noticed you leaving. You struggled to get past everyone and were just about to walk out the door.
“Where are you going?” And of course you recognized his voice. Rafe was standing there in front of you when you turned around.
“I’m leaving,” you said simply, but his hold on your wrist prevented you from turning around and heading out the door.
“I can see that, so why? Where you going?” Rafe asked, and for a moment there you could’ve sworn he sounded disappointed.
“Home,” you answered, and the look on Rafe’s face almost made you feel bad. He let go of his grip on your arm.
“Why?” Rafe asked, visibly confused.
“I just don’t think I should stay,” you said quietly, avoiding eye contact with him, “it’s not like anyone really wants me here anyway…”
“I want you here,” Rafe said, scoffing as if you were being ridiculous.
You didn’t say anything so he continued talking, “don’t tell me it’s about that shit those drunk idiots said.”
“Well… they’re not wrong…” you trailed off, still not looking Rafe in the eye.
Rafe gently grabbed hold of your chin, lifting you head up so you’d look him in the eye, and told you, “yeah, they are.”
You rolled your eyes at Rafe, not really believing him, so he kissed you. Since you guys started dating, you’ve kissed before, but this kiss was different. He leaned down so he could be closer to you, and the kiss was so passionate you almost forgot about everything and everyone in the world. You forgot about the stares, the comments, the mean jokes, the kooks, and the pogues. In that moment, it was just you and Rafe. Once you finally pulled away from the kiss, you were slightly out of breath and Rafe was smirking at you.
“How ‘bout, we leave this stupid party and go back to my place,” Rafe suggested, and as stupid as it might’ve seemed to anyone else, you said yes.
——————————————smut below—————————————
Rafe drove you back to his house, and luckily his parents were out of the obx for some sort of business that you didn’t really understand. Once you were in the house, Rafe immediately pulled you in to another passionate kiss.
He pinned you against a wall, only breaking the kiss to whisper to you, “jump.” That way your legs were wrapped around Rafe’s waist and he could carry you to his bedroom.
He gently placed you in front of his king sized bed, letting you get on it by yourself. He then followed you, moving your head so he could kiss your neck.
“Rafe… I um… I’ve never actually…” you stuttered nervously, making Rafe pull away from your neck.
“Do you want to stop?” Rafe asked gently when he realized, looking at you and trying to read your face as he waited for your answer.
You thought about it, but you knew how much you wanted him, how much you needed him. “No, I wanna keep going.”
“Don’t worry princess, I’ll be nice and gentle with you, I promise,” Rafe whispered before going back to kissing your neck.
It was like Rafe knew all the right places in your neck to kiss you, making you whimper. You felt so shy and embarrassed that you really did try to be quiet, but Rafe wanted to hear you.
You felt him tug on the hem of your shirt. “Off,” he breathed between kisses and nips to your throat. “I want this off, princess.”
You blinked once, a bit nervous, before doing what Rafe told you to. You pushed him off of you just a bit, that way you could lift yourself up before you peeled the fabric from your chest. At first you wanted to make Rafe anticipate you, but as soon as you started taking your time he gave you this look that made you squirm. 
As you slowly took off your bra, your heart began to race and you Rafe was resisting the urge to do it himself.
But once he could finally see you, he nearly groaned. “Oh, good fucking girl… good girl...” 
He began to suck bruises into each part and curve of your breast before teasing the nipple with his tongue, then moving to the other breast and repeating his actions. You knew he was trying to be gentle with you, but the slow and teasing agony was killing you.
Rafe trailed kisses down your body, finally reaching your thighs and taking off your shorts, making you whimper again. “Rafe…”
He slowly began tracing the hem of your panties, teasing you before whispering, “promise me you won’t listen to the stupid shit those kooks say.”
You nodded, but Rafe gave your thigh a squeeze so you whispered, “I promise, Rafey…”
“Rafey?��� Rafe repeated with a raised eyebrow before chuckling, running his finger up and down your covered core, watching you grow even more needy for him, smirking when he heard your small whimpers. “As long as I can keep calling you princess, fine, keep calling me ‘Rafey’.”
You looked away, squirming when Rafe began to take your panties off, so he gave your thigh another squeeze in order to regain your attention, “I want you to look at me, princess…”
You looked at Rafe, watching as he took off his clothes, smirking when he saw the way you were staring at him. His fingers finally reached to pull aside your panties, plunging his wet digits into your heat. You immediately cover your mouth with your hand, not wanting Rafe to hear you moan due to embarrassment.
“Come on, princess, let me hear you moan for me,” Rafe groaned, his movements beginning to speed up more and more.
It felt so different than anything you imagined, the pleasure so intense, and Rafe did it so easily. His signature smirk never left his face as he watched you squirm in his grasp, clutching onto the bed sheets as if they were your lifeline. You could feel your pussy squeeze around his fingers and he groaned.
“Fuck you’re so tight. You gonna let me give you your first orgasm, hm sweetheart?” You let out another breathy moan at Rafe’s words. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make your first time worth it, baby,” He purred in your ear and you felt your own body melt to his touch.
All you could do was moan and whimper as you felt him curl his fingers, and you rolled your eyes back when he prodded at that spot that had you jolting forward with a long moan. Rafe grinned wickedly at your reaction. He was clearly enjoying the way you gave him such innocent but lewd expressions that he couldn’t help but want to ravish you entirely. 
“Stop moving those legs or I might just have to tie you up, princess,” Rafe’s words were a warning, teasing you for how much you were squirming.
“Stop t-teasing…” you whined, giving Rafe a glare, and pouting up at him. He thought you looked adorable like this. 
Rafe leaned in towards you to place hot-mouthed kisses across your neck again. You mewled at his touch as you felt his lips move along your body as he kissed and licked your smooth skin. Your breath hitched when he left a hickie on your neck, squeezing around his fingers even more now. You felt his breath against you and in a way it was comforting. Your hands reached up to knot into his hair, pushing him impossibly closer towards you. His fingers never stopped their movements, each thrust causing a jolt of pleasure to sing through your body.  
“C’mon doll, cum all over my fingers,let me see you make a mess of yourself like a good girl, I wanna stretch you out, get you all nice and ready for me before I fuck you with my cock.” He purrs and it’s all you needed before you began spasming around his digits. You feel a gush of liquid spray from your pussy and you gasp, not used to that sensation. Your entire body ached as you orgasmed, shaking with pleasure as you moaned continuously. 
Rafe smirked at the mess you’ve made, sliding his fingers out and gathering all your liquid before pushing it into his mouth, tasting your cum as if it was something he had been waiting for. 
“Tastes so good, baby,” Rafe chuckled at your flushed face, leaning down to kiss you, and you could sort of taste yourself on his lips, making you squirm again.
“You sure about this, princess?” Rafe asked you, making sure you were ready and not uncomfortable, as if you hadn’t spent this entire time moaning in pleasure for him.
“Yes,” you whispered, still panting a bit and trying to regain control of your breathing.
Your eyes widened when you felt his cock prod your entrance. Your eyes locked with his and Rafe had a familiar cocky glint in his eye. He took his time before he bottomed out, groaning as he watched your eyes roll back. His cock stretched you out, even after he fingered you earlier. The mere thickness and size of him alone made you clench around Rafe. His cock practically forced you open, prying your insides apart, causing tears to form in your eyes. 
Rafe noticed and leaned in closer to you, kissing those tears that fell down your face, one of his hands going to hold yours as a form of comfort as he cooed in your ear, “I know, baby, I’m sorry, I promise it’ll feel really good, okay?”
You nodded, brain fuzzy as all you could think about was Rafe.
You threw your head back onto his pillows as his cock fucked into you. At first he started slow, but eventually his movements began to speed up. His thrusts began to grow more relentless, needing to feel you cum around him. When you looked at Rafe you could see some of his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat and he reached his hand up to push his locks out of his eyes. 
Rafe then moved his legs over his shoulders, making his cock hit at a different angle causing you to be in a new position, tears of pleasure spilling down your flushed cheeks, your nails gripping onto his shoulders. He grinned and burried his head into your shoulder, fucking you even harder than before, knowing that he could since you already adjusted you him.
“Go ahead, baby, cum, cum all over my cock, good girl,” His breath was hot on your ear and you felt yourself melt he praised you. Somehow, this orgasm was even stronger than the last, and you were gushing all over him, body throttling as you felt strangled sobs leave your throat, all of Rafe’s name.
Rafe kept pounding into you, cock brushing against your walls as he chased his own orgasm, curse words and praise falling from his lips, “Such a good fuckin’ girl-Keep squeezing me like that, baby.”
You felt his cock twitch inside of you and suddenly you felt heat make its way into your pussy. You gripped onto him tighter, pulling him impossibly closer as your hips raise. He practically flooded your walls, making you feel relieved at the fact that you were on birth control. 
Your body was exhausted and you still barely managed to catch your breath as Rafe was still tucked into the crook of your neck.
“That…that was… wow...” You mumbled under your breath, unable to stop the words for escaping your lips.
And although you didn’t realize it then, you were starting to really fall in love with Rafe Cameron.
That was probably the stupidest thing you had ever done.
quick note: that was my first time writing real smut so be nice pls also I’m really starting to like writing this story
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twinklelilstarkey · 2 years
Tutor: Blind Date
Words: 5.9k Type: ANGST BABYYYYY Summary: Your friends set you up on a blind date. Warnings: Female!Reader. Secret Relationship. Lying to friends and family. Might need some more proofreading. A bit of a cliffhanger ending, but you can also guess what might come next. [Angst is not between Rafe and Y/N]
Tutor Masterlist (for context, you should REALLY read the smuts <3)
Inspired by the idea given by @ajdjshei
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you’d like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
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“Absolutely not.” You say with a forced chuckle.
“Oh, come on!” Kristy says defensively, yet with a smile clear on her face. “When was the last time you went out with someone?”
Her words make you turn your head simply to not give her a glare. You were on your way to the bathroom - running away from the beginning of a conversation that can only end with you being the theme of - and were caught by surprise right as you were getting off your bed.
All of the girls are sitting either on your bed or by your desk, and today is one of those days when they love to just come over and spend time with you. They usually want to watch movies, other times gossip, and, of course, convince you to meet new people. Specifically boys.
“Aiden was the last one, probably.” One of the girls adds.
“Can we not talk about him?” You say, cringing.
“I agree.” Kristy says and, after a pause, bounces in excitement on your bed to get your attention, “But, please, hear us out. You’d have so much fun.”
“But I do not want to go.” You slowly tell her, trying not to sound too serious for the sole reason of not wanting to be rude. “Please, let it go.”
“But why?”
You turn around and walk over to your bathroom, wanting to distance yourself from the situation. You can hear some of the girls laughing, which relaxes you. To them, this is still just you making everything dramatic for fun, even when your speeding heart is making sure you know that it’s not. 
You cannot see a way out of this situation without being rude. But what else can you even do? You can’t tell them the real reason why you don’t want to talk to a guy at this party or, especially, go on a date.
“Come on.” You hear Kristy's voice a bit more muffled now, right as you leave the bathroom door only a crack open.
You lay your hands on the cold counter and sigh once more. You stare at yourself in the mirror and force your mind to think. You need to find a reason, one that might not sound too harsh yet might be carrying a little bit of truth. You can always say that you’re interested in someone, but you also know how your friends are. They wouldn’t breathe until you told them who it was.
You hear shuffling in the bedroom as well as some whispers, and, deep down, you know that you can’t hide in the bathroom forever. You need to get out and talk to them, but it’s hard. You just saw Rafe this morning. Spending time with the girls and not mentioning him even once feels… wrong. Yet, mentioning him seems even worse.
For so long you’ve trusted them with your everything, and, as more and more days pass, you only lie to them more. It’s not fair.
It feels fine when you’re with him, and it helps that you’re able to spend entire nights and mornings with him. Rafe makes everything bad go away. But, when he leaves, it’s as if you’ve just been lifted from a protection spell. Everything and everyone can and will hurt you. All because you’re with him.
You fake doing something in the sink before walking back out with your chest heavy and mind slow. As expected, when you step out, you’re greeted by all of the girls’ eyes and grins. They really want to take you out with some guy. You have no other way out of this.
“It’s just one blind date,” Kristy assures one. “You can say ‘no’ after the first 5 minutes. Just do it for us. Just try to go on this date.”
Hope spreads through the room as the silence continues. You’re making it seem as if you’re considering it, and… you are.
“What’s his name?” You ask them while making your way back to the bed.
Some squeals of excitement break through the silence of the room at your words, and you lay down on the bed, right where you were prior to this conversation starting. You lay your head on your pillow as your eyes stay on Kristy and some of the other girls beside her, and their smiles are gigantic.
“It’s a blind date, dummy. You can’t know that.” Kristy says playfully before laying her head on the other pillow while looking at you. “But we know him.” She lays her hand on yours, “And we promise that he’s a really, really nice guy.”
You look over at the other girls and all of them just nod at you, almost as if silently promising you that Kristy is giving you the most husband-material man on the entire island. You open your mouth to answer them but consider staying quiet for just a little longer. Going on a date doesn’t mean anything. You’re just continuing to act as if you’re single, lonely, sad, and without a Rafe Cameron in your life or bed. You’re doing the right thing.
“Fine… I’ll go on the date.” You say.
The room breaks in absolute hysterics. The girls jump, clap, giggle and let out small screams in excitement. You almost can’t contain your smile over their happiness, but you do snuggle closer to your pillow when all of their attention comes back to you. The hint of a familiar smell on your washed pillow hits you right as you snuggle in closer. Your body reacts in automatic comfort at the faint smell of cologne.
Your eyes move back to Kristy, and she smiles brightly at you.
To your relief, you were able to get ready for the date on your own. The girls did ask you for pictures of the clothes you were picking and what make-up you were thinking of doing. You really did not want to overdo anything when it came to this date. So, from your clothes to your hair and make-up, everything was casual. Just like something you would wear to go anywhere, really.
The restaurant the girls picked is one just by the end of Figure 8. It’s a family restaurant, well frequented by both Kooks and Pogues. It relaxed you when they mentioned it. You didn’t want it to be anywhere expensive or too lonely. Somewhere where you would be okay with going on your own to meet someone new, who you have never seen before.
“We’re here.” Kristy happily says from the driver’s seat.
It’s just you, her, and two more girls in the car and they all turn to face you when the car is parked right in front of the establishment. The sun is beginning to set as dinner time is right on the verge of starting, and there are already some people going in. You stare at the couple letting the door close behind them as they step inside. You’re really doing this.
“Don’t act so excited.” One of the girls tells you jokingly. 
You force a smile, and they all chuckle at you. You lay your hand on the door of the car and sigh when feeling the cold handle.
“We’ll pick you up in an hour.” Kristy tells you before you can open the door, “But do not hesitate in telling us if he’s thinking of taking you home. We’ll happily oblige.”
You fake a laugh and hide the obvious fake sound by opening the door. The soft warm breeze hits you right as you do it, and you jump out of the car. The girls offer you some words of encouragement, but you didn’t do more than just offer a nod and a smile before, quite purposely, closing the door while one of them was mid-sentence.
You don’t look at the car another time, knowing that you will find all of the girls smiling and waving at you to just continue walking. You make your first step towards the restaurant, while simultaneously reaching for your phone in your bag. Step after step, nothing gets easier. You really don’t want to do this.
You pull the door open and walk in, letting it close by itself behind you. Your eyes scan the main room of the restaurant, and you can already find the larger tables filled with groups of friends. As well as some others with one person, or another with a couple, who is just sitting and talking while looking down at their menus.
You follow the sound of the voice and turn around to face someone taking a step toward you. It’s a guy just about your age, his hair is dark and straight, perfect skin and a nice smile. His glasses set perfectly on his face as his brown eyes stare back into yours. He looks like a nice guy, a really nice guy.
“I’m Kristy’s friend, Alex.” He says while extending his hand towards you, which you accept into yours, “Wow, you look just like the pictures she showed me.”
Looks like the date was only blind to you. You hide your discomfort towards the whole plan Kristy must have done for this date and simply shake his hand and offer him a smile. It’s not his fault the two of you are in this predicament, only Kristy’s.
“Why don’t we go get a table?” He asks when your hands separate.
And off the two of you went. He did the talking, and you simply followed his steps. Alex made the effort to choose the table by the window, one where you could see the beach and the sunset. Right as the two of you are seated, you very much hide your face behind the menu for a few seconds and prepare to overthink your every action from here on out.
The drinks and food were ordered, and the conversation was fluid for most of the time.
You sip your water as Alex continues to speak. You listen to his words attentively each time he begins a sentence, but you hate yourself for how many times you get distracted by other things around you. Sometimes it’s by people walking into the restaurant, a waitress walking by, or a burst of louder laughter from the table near you.
Alex is a nice guy, exactly like the girls had said. He listens to you, and he’s interesting. His stories or his topics of conversation are not boring. And he is handsome. But you are still very much uninterested in what could be the outcome of this date.
You’ve been trying to avoid looking at your phone out of respect, but you have felt it vibrate on your leg countless times. You’ve peaked here and there, and each time it has been the girls asking for updates. Nothing interesting.
“So, what about you?”
You look away from the window to look at him with widened eyes.
“Hm, what?” You ask, caught off guard by him asking for your input.
Alex chuckles at that, and you force a little smile to play off your lack of attention to his words. He doesn’t seem offended. He’s simply amused.
“I asked you what your favorite movie was.” He said with his bright smile.
You do a little ‘oh’ with a chuckle, and his smile widens as you do. Your answer starts off as basic, just simple words of the name, and you can tell right away the way interest just takes over his face. That’s when your answer becomes longer and more detailed, just like his had been. And he nods and looks you in the eyes the entire time, fully engrossed with what you’re saying. 
“Yeah, and that is… all.” You say at the very end, making him smile at you again.
“It’s a valid answer. I’ll give you that.” He says, making you grin at him. “What about…” He thinks for just a little bit. “Vacations. Where did you like to travel the most?”
You hum as you begin to think, yet you're quickly interrupted by the waitress bringing you your appetizers and laying them on the table before you. The two of you thank her as she puts them down before walking off.
“I don’t know…” You come back to your answer. “I’d have to think a little harder on that one, I think. What about you?”
Alex is quick to jump on his answer with great enthusiasm, making you feel a little bit more at ease with him as the meal continues. You two eat while on the same topic of conversation, and you laugh at something he says. You notice then the way his face lights up when you do it, and the way he seems so more relaxed as you speak.
To make up for that, you give him an answer on your favorite vacation destination as soon as he’s done talking about his. His ears almost visibly perk up at that, and he smiles and chuckles at the many details that you have as your justification.
“My mom doesn’t like it there as much as me, but I promise that it’s better than how she describes it.” You say with a smile, “Have you ever been there?”
“No, I haven’t.” He says, smiling behind his cup before taking a sip.
“You have to. It will change your opinion on family vacations forever, it just makes everything better.”
He chuckles at what you say, and you smile at him again, happy that you were able to entertain him too. When there's a shift in the noise of the restaurant as new people come in, you check the time on your phone and notice that it’s at a time when every restaurant will be packed no matter what. You’re thankful that you guys got here earlier.
“I’ll definitely make my siblings consider it for this summer.” He tells you while putting his cup down.
“You have siblings?” You ask curiously.
“Yes.” He nods, “Four of them, actually.”
He laughs at the surprise on your face, and he soon begins to explain them. As you two continue to speak and get to know one another, your friends drive back into the restaurant's driveway.
It was cruel to make you believe that you are on your own, but, still, they needed a reason to make it possible for you to get a ride back home from this guy. They trust him enough to do it. And, while they do, they’re not stupid enough to leave their friend on a blind date all alone.
“Do you think it’s going well?” One of the girls asks while they all try to be entertained by whatever is happening outside of the car.
They’re hidden quite well in the parking lot. They parked not too close to the restaurant, but close enough to be able to run in if needed or to see you walk out with the perfect man, who will drive you home, on your arm.
There’s a tree right by the car, and they all know that whenever the night will fall, the car will simply disappear without the street lights being able to light it.
“Must be.” Another one of the girls answers, “She hasn’t even read my message.”
Kristy keeps looking outside, entertained by watching the people going into the restaurant as the usual time for dinner sets in, as well as some others who have already finished up.
The girls slowly realized that they’re in for a long time of nothing since you’re not even answering any of their messages, and, therefore, they will be left to try to find something to talk about and not worry about you as you continue your silent treatment.
It’s about 20 minutes later when the girls in the car gain some enthusiasm. And that is only because of the sight of you walking out of the restaurant. You don’t have your things with you, and you also don’t seem to be leaving.
That had been their first guess. Maybe something happened, and it was so bad that you just walked out of the restaurant without even saying a word in the group chat. But, in reality, you look just fine. You stand off a bit to the side when walking out, not wanting to block the entrance or exit. Your dress is flowing in the breeze, and that’s when you turn in their direction that they see that you’re on the phone.
You don’t see them, of course, as it has gotten darker with the sunset but they see you as the lights over your head light up your figure for anyone looking onto the empty porch. You smile as you begin to speak, and they watch you silently walking to the railing, resting your elbows on it as you stare into the parking lot.
“Who is she speaking to?” One of the girls asks.
“Maybe Ashley?” Kristy says, making everyone remember that one of the girls is home. “I’ll text her.”
No one dared to take their eyes off you as you continue your conversation. Only Kristy was able to since she does need to text Ashley to see if she’s the person on the phone. It’s not like they can exactly text you to ask why the well you’re out of the restaurant in the middle of your date to speak on the phone.
When Kristy looks back up, you’re laughing while looking around the parking lot. Whoever it is on the phone, they’re not letting you know of an emergency. It seems like a normal conversation. A casual and funny conversation. Is it really that important to make you step out of your date to have it, though? Unless you were letting Ashley know how amazing everything was going while Alex went to the bathroom, it just doesn't make sense.
“Ashley answered.” Kristy squealed as the phone vibrated in her hand. Every girl in the car looked away from you to stare at the screen as she unlocked her phone to read it. Disappointment was all they felt when they did, “It’s not her.”
Slowly, all eyes are back on you as your friends stare up in confusion.
They watch as you stand away from the railing and turn to face the door of the restaurant, the phone still against your ear. Your dress moves with you, and you smile as you say the last words. The girls watch without even blinking, not wanting to miss a second.
“We’re still on dessert.” You tell him for the tenth time, “It will only take you like 5 minutes to get here. You don’t need to leave the house yet.”
“Need me to pay for it?” The question makes you laugh.
“No, Rafe. I don’t need you to pay for my date with another boy.” You laugh out your words, “Just come pick me up… Please?”
“I will. You have 10 minutes.”
“Yes, sir.” You giggle as you pull the door of the restaurant open. 
The girls watch from a distance, all of them unknowing of everything that you said or laughed at. Ashley is making Kristy’s phone insanely vibrate as she also wants to know what could be going on. They all exchange looks when you disappear back into the restaurant with your phone still by your ear as you probably say your farewells to the person on the other line.
“Who do you think it is?” Kristy asks the girls as she watches the door close behind you.
“It could be her mom.” One of the girls shrugs, “She was all excited when we told her of this date, remember? Maybe she called in to know about any updates.”
“You think?” Another girl asks.
“Who else could it be?” Kristy asks, now facing the girls again, “We would know if she had other friends.”
They all silently agree, and an awful silence fills the car.
In the restaurant, you take back your seat, noticing that Alex is back in his chair. You smile at him ever so slightly, and he smiles as well.
“I’m sorry. Didn’t know you’d be back so quickly.” You tell him, “I just had to answer a call.”
“That’s okay.” He tells you sweetly.
Rafe did decide to not do what he said he would on the phone and give you more time to finish the date. He doesn’t like the idea, but you did ask him to not force you into having to run out of the restaurant only because he was impatient - with sweeter words, of course. You had told him on the phone all about wanting to keep this façade with the guy so he wouldn't run and tell your friends that you didn’t even try to enjoy the date.
When Rafe drove into the parking lot, the girls didn’t pay him too much attention. To them, he was just one more car getting into the parking lot for a later dinner, but they don’t judge how late people like to eat their food, especially if they have other things to worry about.
Rafe sent you a text as soon as he was parked, and you read it under the table, continuously smiling at the boy who has definitely understood that this date will lead nowhere, but is still too nice to you. You two are able to have various long and pleasant conversations throughout dinner, so you're not too upset with having been forced to go out with him in the first place.
It’s after a long moment of silence that he makes the sudden question, “Can I ask why?”
You look up from your phone after answering the girls for the first time during the whole night, and the boy notices how your smile falters when you look at him to think of an answer.
“Why what?” You ask, oblivious to what he’s asking.
He shrugs before saying more, “I guess… Why are you not interested in this being a date?” His tone isn’t judgmental, you can tell, yet still, you freeze at the moment you need to justify your actions of the night.
“I don’t know.” You try to get away easily.
Your eyes focus somewhere else, and you try to calm down your racing heart as you look around you. You could always answer him sincerely and say that you have a secret boyfriend, but that would be utterly stupid. The number of messages that you’ve gotten all dinner, will be the amount that he will get as soon as you tell the girls that this night didn’t work out. They will spam him infinitely to know more about what happened. More on why you didn’t like him. Even the strongest person on Earth would have a hard time dealing with this, therefore, anyone would just spill the truth to get the girls off of them.
Alex begins to form a smile on his lips, but both of you are interrupted by the waiter walking up to the table. Alex is the one that insists on paying for the food, which only left you to act defeated as the waiter took his card. He found it funny as you did so, and you two seemed to go back to pleasant conversation after that.
When the food is paid for, it’s the first time you notice how empty the restaurant seems now that the rush hour of dinner has gone by. You two did spend a good amount of time talking, more than eating, for sure, but you seriously had no idea how long you two sat in this restaurant.
You smooth your hands over your dress and walk with Alex to the exit. You smile at what he’s saying. He continues to act friendly with you even after you’ve told him all about not wanting tonight to be anything. The girls were right, he is nice. He’s absolutely the definition of a nice person, but, still, he is not who you want.
He pushes the door open for you, and you thank him with a smile. You walk out, your eyes meet the dark skies and it is yet another proof of how long you two talked. Pulling your eyes away from the sky, the two of you stand on the porch, staring at the lit-up parking lot, way emptier than before.
“Do you have someone to give you a ride home?” Alex asks you, making you have to turn to face him.
“I do.” You say, making him smile and nod, “But, thank you.”
You nod at each other once, and your eyes go back to the parking lot, trying to find the car you’ve grown somewhat accustomed to.
“Is he driving her home, or what?” One of the girls squeals inside the car, startling Kristy and another one of the girls.
“He must be.” Kristy says, “She hasn’t texted us to come and get her yet.”
They watch as the two of you speak. The girls have no possible way of knowing what you’re saying, but they can always imagine it. None of them care to guess the right answer: the awkward goodbyes after a failed blind date.
Due to Kristy’s window being halfway open (since they were all dying in the overheating car over an hour ago), all of the girls are able to hear the sound of a not-so-distant car door closing. That doesn’t sound any alarms in their heads, but one of them does look out of the window. She can’t exactly see who the person is as they stand by the car for a while when locking the doors, but she stares. She stares at the dark figure and then back at you, not wanting to miss out on anything that you’re doing.
“Where the hell is he going?!” Kristy asks out loud, making all of the girls alarmed.
Alex has just waved at you and is finally going down the steps of the restaurant’s porch to walk over to his car. You two have extended goodbyes and wishes for a nice and safe drive home many times before one of you finally walked off.
The girls in the car stare silently at Alex disappearing in the dark parking lot, going ahead to find his car. They don’t have words to describe what just happened, as they were so sure that the date would work. They had spent weeks on this plan, to get you on a date with him and finally fall in love again. But now it all seems like it was for nothing.
You look down at your phone as you take steps closer to the stairs, and the girls all think the same thing without knowing. They’re expecting one of their phones to ring or vibrate with a message of you wishing for them to pick you up. They waited, and waited, for more than a minute, and all they felt was confusion when the message never came, and you already stored your phone back in your bag.
One of the girls now remembered the figure of the late customer, who had just walked out of his car. She has now looked in his direction again to find him missing from the parking spot, where only stays a car. She’s looking all around the parking lot, not entirely comfortable with not finding the figure of a man disappearing into the night as her best friend stands alone on a porch.
They all stare at you but that one girl. In their defense, they’re oblivious to the person altogether, let alone where they’ve gone now. You are looking around the parking lot when suddenly something catches your attention. Your head turns in the direction of that something, and a smile appears on your face. The girls don’t dare to move in the car as they wait to see what it is.
The dark figure reappears before the girl’s eyes, and it does right in front of you. She opens her mouth to speak, but she stops when she sees the way you smile at the person.
“Do you think that person’s her ride?” She is able to ask out loud, making all of the girls notice the new presence that has gotten your attention.
No one answers. 
You speak some words while slowly walking over to the stairs of the restaurant, your smile never really disappears, but that doesn’t mean that the girls will ever be less alert. As you get to the stairs, finally, the figure steps closer to the light. A guy and none of the girls can see his face.
You stand by the top of the stairs, and he comes closer, his back to the girls’ car. You don’t walk down the steps, but he moves closer and closer. You go down one step, mid-sentence, and your hands come down to rest over his broad shoulders.
“Who the fuck…” The question hangs in the air of the silent car.
They watch as you stop talking and then suddenly tilt your head back in a laugh. They never ease up at the sight and are unmoving, unable to do so.
You go down one more step and, just like that, the man in front of you wraps his arms around your torso as you continue to chuckle more calmly now. Your bodies are glued to one another, and he’s pulling you off the stairs. Your hands stay by his shoulders as you hear him speak, and you are extremely focused on what he’s saying.
One of your hands moves from his shoulder to the back of his neck. The girls can barely see your face now as the man stands taller than you and still with his back to them, but they see the way you frown and smack the man’s shoulder at whatever he just told you.
A harsh gasp rips through the car’s silence as soon as the man just moves down and kisses you. Kristy and the girls who don’t dare look away expect you to hit him off or try to push him away, but that sight never comes. In fact, you kiss him back.
Kristy feels her heart ache at that. She’s your best friend for goodness sake, and she didn’t know about any of this. None of the girls knew about any of this. They all made this night for you because you supposedly never moved on after Aiden, yet still, you didn’t tell them why you never wanted this date in the first place. Let alone tell them that you had a boyfriend, or whatever the man is to you, this entire time.
This time, the silence in the car is all because no one dares to speak. No one dares to break the silence that has formed all around them as they continuously stare at you.
You separate from the kiss and suddenly push away from the man’s arms. The girls stand straighter at the sight. You’re still smiling, so it isn’t like you’re running from the man, and they all watch as you walk around him. You speak as you do so, looking at the man as if teasing him with your words as you do a perfect half-circle around him.
The man himself turns his head to follow your movements and as you stand behind him, they can tell from the way you stand that you’re preparing for something. Your interactions with this man are playful and innocent in their eyes, but they cannot look past the fact that you didn’t tell them anything.
That is when the man turns to face you and his face is lit by the street lights and the ones by the porch. The girls don’t register it right away, as if not noticing who it is at first, but that protection of oblivion only lasts until you do as you were preparing to. They watch as you look around for the man’s car and get ready to run from him and get there first. Again, it’s innocent and maybe a little childish, but your smile takes over your face as you begin to do it.
After dodging the man’s hold a few times and initiating this chase of who gets to the car first and if he can get to you before you even step to the other side of the road, the chase ends right as you try to make a run for it. You turn your back to him, and with the man’s arms wrapped around you, he lifts you off the ground before you can even dare to cross the road.
You squeal in a panic as he does so, so quickly, and that squeal comes in the form of a name. The name to the face the girls haven’t been able to process or acknowledge due to shock.
“Rafe! Do not-” The other words are lost in the midst of your giggles, and due to the silence all around the parking lot and Kristy’s open window, your scream traveled all the way inside the car.
Rafe holds you close to him as you let your head fall to his shoulder, defeated on your own game, and your chuckles don’t stop until he puts you back on the ground.
“Not fair.” You tell him, trying to calm down after getting scared the way you did.
Rafe snorts in front of you and begins to cross the road, finally. You notice his hand a little outstretched towards you, and you walk a little faster to keep up with him. Your hand holds onto his, and you make sure to intertwine your fingers before walking toward the car. Your other hand holds onto his arm, and you hug it to your chest.
You get to the car and let go of Rafe. He walks with you to your door, and when he opens it, you unknowingly get away from the glances of the girls. Before jumping into the car, you turn around and go up on your tippy toes to kiss Rafe one more time. He leans down to make it easier, and you’re lost in the kiss all over again.
In the girls’ car, they watch as you jump into the car, and Rafe Cameron closes the door before walking over to the driver’s side. By the time he drove away, the girls hadn't dared to speak once, and all of their bodies had been consumed by the negative emotions of repulsion, anger, and disgust. They’re not sure to whom the emotions are directed at. They don’t want to think that they could ever feel this way with you, but it becomes harder to admit that as the image of what they just saw replays in their minds.
Kristy, with her elbows resting on the center console of the car, scrubs her face as if to wipe away the memory, but her entire body twitches in nausea after watching what just happened. 
After so many warnings, after knowing so much about what he has done, you still went against all advice she had ever given you. Never get close to Rafe Cameron. Never make eye contact with Rafe Cameron. Don’t ever let Rafe Cameron get interested in you, just be invisible in his home. Rafe Cameron hurts people. Rafe Cameron takes people to hospitals over his childish outrages. Rafe Cameron is no good. Rafe Cameron is bad news.
Uncovering her face, Kristy leans back in her seat to stare at the leather around her. The car is still deadly silent, and no one is looking at each other. At the center console, there’s the only thing that dares to make any noise: Kristy’s phone, vibrating with Ashley’s contact as she calls to know all about tonight's date.
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DID YOU LIKE THIS??? PLS TELL ME YOU DID. This just had to happen at some point.
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cherienymphe · 2 years
When The Party’s Over XIV (Rafe Cameron x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, forced pregnancy, mentions of abortion, forbidden relationship, violence, jealousy, stalking, underage drinking, drug use, manipulation, corruption, public sex, innocent reader, Heyward!reader
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ | divider by @silkholland​​
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➥ series masterlist
summary: Manipulated into a secret relationship with Rafe Cameron, you’re finding it much easier said than done to do the right thing and walk away…especially when he refuses to let you.
You stared into the pool, gaze focused on the way the sun glinted off of the water while Cam and Bunny talked beside you. You weren’t in a talkative mood, but you also weren’t in the mood to be alone. You’d felt too alone for the past month or so, and even though you couldn’t confide in Cam or Bunny like you wanted to, being around them made you feel less alone.
Pope was still basically giving you the silent treatment, and you wondered if this was a taste of what would happen should you tell him the whole truth. He had every right to, you supposed. After all, you’d begged your brother to pay for your abortion, and not only had he done it, but he’d also even driven you there himself. He was right in thinking the least you could do was tell him who the father was. Funnily enough, you’d come close to a few times since that day, but then you thought about the disappointment on his face when you revealed you were pregnant, and you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“No, I told Kelce it’s just us girls for the day,” you heard Cam say.
You looked down, feeling bad, but you swallowed it down. When Cam wanted you to come over, you’d been adamant in making sure Kelce wouldn’t be there. You hated the way they traveled in a pack, and understanding that you just wanted some girl time, she’d promised that he wouldn’t be.
“…and good thing too,” she continued, taking a sip of her margarita. “You know Rafe almost bit my head off for politely telling him that maybe he shouldn’t do coke in my parents’ living room?”
The mention of Rafe had your heart skipping a beat, and you greedily sucked down your own drink.
“I mean, it’s Rafe and everyone knows how he is, but he’s been more of an asshole than usual lately,” the redhead grumbled. “Every time Kelce brings him around, it just feels like there’s a loaded gun in the room.”
“Sounds like he’s not getting any,” Bunny said, making fun of him.
They both chuckled, and you felt eyes on you.
“You get along pretty well with him,” Bunny commented at you. “Take one for the team.”
They laughed again, and you pulled your lip between your teeth. They didn’t understand just how close to home that hit, especially since if you did take one for the team and went back to Rafe, his attitude would be a lot better.
“Rafe’s not really my type,” you quietly lied. “Besides, like you just said, he’s kind of an asshole.”
If only you had figured that out sooner.
You felt…stupid for not taking his reputation into account. Did you really think you were so special? No. You hadn’t even considered that Rafe was into you until he was literally kissing you. You’d genuinely believed that he’d matured and that all the things you’d heard were behind him. It was almost laughable how wrong you were, if it wasn’t so freaking terrifying.
“I think I’m gonna go lay down,” you said, pushing yourself to your feet.
You could feel their eyes on you as they bid you goodbye, and as shallow as Cam and Bunny could be, it was obvious you meant something to them. They were good friends to have around, and you knew that your sullen mood as of late was worrying them. Sure, you started joining them at parties again and hung out at their houses, but your heart wasn’t really in it, and they could tell.
The alcohol in your otherwise empty stomach was making you drowsy, and you made your way to the guest room that you’d long claimed as yours. You found yourself realistically thinking about what would happen should you just come clean to Pope. He would be angry, God knows he would be angry, but it couldn’t last forever. Eventually, he would move past it, but it was that waiting period that you dreaded.
You didn’t want to see the disappointment and fury on his face. You didn’t want to have to deal with a prolonged silent treatment, his actions displaying his disappointment more than words ever could. At the same time though, you realistically didn’t know how long this could go on between you and Rafe. You liked to think that he would just give up and move on to someone else, but you knew that was wishful thinking.
Rafe was going to get fed up, and when did…
What would you do?
What could you do?
If you told Pope though, and he told his friends like you suspected he would, you would have help in keeping him away. With that being said though, how long would that even work? You couldn’t just live at John B.’s nor Kiara’s place either, and Rafe made it more than clear that he’d hurt whoever he had to in order to get his point across. You’d feel like shit if anything happened to any of Pope’s friends because of you.
You were blinking back tears when you heard Cam’s voice from downstairs.
“Kelce, what the hell!”
You faltered at that, slowly sitting up and making sure you heard her right.
“We’re having a girls’ day, remember?” her annoyed tone reached you as you neared the door.
“Yeah, yeah, but you can have a girls’ day any day,” her boyfriend replied. “Besides, Rafe was bored and convinced me that I do indeed want to see my girlfriend.”
Your heart dropped at the mention of your ex-boyfriend, and you took a step back, frame trembling. You blinked, hurrying towards the window, and sure enough, Topper’s familiar jeep was parked in the yard. Feeling like you were going to be sick, you hurried to the door, shutting it all the way and locking it just as you heard footsteps on the stairs.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, shaking your head in disbelief. It was like Rafe knew you were here, and you looked away with a huff, sitting back down. Bunny and Cam thought you were asleep, no doubt, and so you figured you had hours to wait him out. You slowly closed your eyes, letting your head fall into your hands.
You just wanted one day where you weren’t thinking about Rafe.
Just one.
When you peeled them open, you could see the shadow of shoes at the bottom of the door. You didn’t need confirmation, you knew who was on the other side. You blinked, a few tears spilling over as he just stood there, listening and waiting, no doubt. The stillness of him scared you to death, and you swallowed down a sob.
“Please, go away,” you quietly mouthed, begging to anyone who would listen.
You only released the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding when Kelce called his name. He stood there for a few more seconds before finally turning away, and you threw your head back, fighting the urge to be sick. Knowing that Rafe was right downstairs and waiting for you was enough to make you cry, and so you did.
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It was late when you finally slipped out of the room, looking around the dark hallway for Cam. You could hear voices downstairs, and while not surprised they were still up, you hoped Cam wasn’t down there too. When you couldn’t find her, you begrudgingly accepted that she was, and with slow and quiet steps, you made your way downstairs.
You heard her voice coming from the kitchen, and you kept your gaze forward as you rushed straight there. She was making drinks with Bunny, and they both looked up at the sight of you.
“Sleeping beauty!” the blonde greeted, and you threw her a tense smile.
“Um…Cam, can you take me home? I feel really sick and…”
“No, yeah,” she said, face falling as she looked over you. “You’re okay, right?”
“Just…too much to drink on an empty stomach, I think.”
You fidgeted with your hands, and she noticed, nodding.
“That’s fine. I’ll just put on my shoes.”
She brushed past you, and you leaned your hands on the counter as Bunny talked. You’d already put your shoes on, ready to leave at a moment’s notice, and you felt bad for barely paying attention to what Bunny was saying. When she glanced up, pausing, you froze, completely aware of just who was behind you.
“Here to throw a fit over how sweet your drink is?”
You kept your gaze on the counter, and only silence met her for a while before a familiar voice spoke.
“Nah…I was just starting to think Y/N had died up there,” he drawled, and you could feel his heated gaze on you. “Had to see for myself that was still breathing.”
You didn’t respond to him, and Bunny noticed, looking between you two with a slight frown. Before she could say anything, you straightened.
“Where’s Cam?” you wondered, turning and looking past him as you breezed by.
Rafe didn’t move as you did, and your arm brushed against his chest, and you shuddered at the feel. Cam was coming downstairs as you walked into the foyer, and she sent you a smile as she grabbed her keys. Your skin pricked, and as you both made it to the door, you made the mistake of glancing over your shoulder.
Rafe was just outside the kitchen, leaning against the doorjamb and nursing a brown drink. His blue eyes were focused on you, and the look in them was unreadable as you quickly followed Cam out. The drive was quiet, and you were sure Cam just wanted to give you your space. She was under the impression that you didn’t feel well, after all, and truthfully, it wasn’t a complete lie.
You were halfway to your house when the headlights that came up behind you were noticeable. You didn’t think anything of it, but it wasn’t exactly a straight shot to your house from Cam’s, and it didn’t take long to notice the car behind hers following her every move. You looked through the back window, frowning slightly before turning around.
It was a small island, and so many people lived near each other. You told yourself it was a coincidence, but deep down, something argued against that. Your heart raced in your chest, and you didn’t want to believe that dark thought you’d started entertaining. With how dark it was, the headlights were hard to ignore, and you didn’t feel any relief when Cam pulled into your yard. Especially when you looked over your shoulder and watched as a familiar jeep crept by.
You didn’t need to see inside to know who was driving it.
You swallowed when she parked, slowly turning back around. You sat there for a moment, frozen and almost forgetting where you were when Cam spoke.
“Hey…” you looked up at the sound of her gentle voice. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You gave her a shaky nod, fighting back tears and thanking her. You were climbing out and wishing her a goodnight before she could respond, hurrying inside. You leaned your back against the door as soon as it was shut, and you weren’t even able to relax that night until you checked your window at least seven times to make sure it was locked.
The next time you saw Rafe was at a party.
It was in a part of Figure 8 that you rarely frequented, neither of your friends having been to a party at this person’s house before. It was the only reason you went, confident that you weren’t going to run into the familiar blond. You blamed the constant shadow of Rafe’s threats and presence hanging over your head for your desire to drink until you could barely stand.
It wasn’t like you, and even Bunny commented on it.
“Ok, here, here,” she said, sitting you down and handing you some water. “Drink all of this while I go find Cam.”
You reached for her hand, preventing her from leaving, and her eyes were wide at your tight grip.
“You’ll come back?”
Her brows drew together, and she knelt before you.
“Of course,” she said. “I just think it’s time for you to go home, okay? I’m going to get Cam, and then we’re going to go. Okay…?”
You eventually nodded, lips trembling as you let her go. You watched her disappear into the crowd, and you pulled your knees up onto the couch, drinking that water. It felt like forever, but in truth, Bunny was probably only gone for a few minutes when she finally returned with the redhead. She blew out a breath at the sight of you.
“Okay, you weren’t kidding,” she breathed, clearly talking to Bunny. “Hey, we’re gonna take you home.”
She reached for you, and you blinked.
“I’m sorry I ruined your night,” you heard yourself slur, and she shook her head.
“No, Y/N, it’s fine. We’ve all been there,” she teased, taking your arm. “It’s just time for you to call it a night.”
“Cam’s going to take you while I leave with Topper.”
Bunny’s words had you freezing, and you looked up to meet her unaware gaze. You slowly frowned, a sinking feeling in your stomach as you processed what she said.
“What? Topper-what? What do you mean?”
Cam gestured over her shoulder.
“Topper’s here with Kelce and Rafe,” she told you, making your stomach churn. “Rafe wanted to come and they didn’t even realize we were here too.”
She chuckled, but you didn’t join in. It felt like someone out there had it out for you, putting you and Rafe together when you went out of your way to avoid him. You slowly blinked, a salty taste forming in your mouth as you looked around. It didn’t take long, and sure enough, you saw the three huddled together, the oldest laughing like he wasn’t driving you insane.
“I’m going to be sick,” you slowly whispered, and your friends frowned, not quite hearing you.
You repeated yourself, louder as you realized it was true, alcohol mixing in your stomach as you pressed your hand to your mouth. You ran to the nearest bathroom, the door slamming shut behind you, and you barely made it to the toilet in time. It didn’t feel nearly as good coming out as it did going in, and the knowledge that Rafe was here only made you throw up again.
Why was he here? How did he seem to keep finding you? Your luck brought tears to your eyes, more springing forth when you threw up again. You didn’t know how long you stayed in the bathroom, finally getting up and washing your hands when someone knocked. You rinsed your mouth out too, feeling slightly less drunk as you blinked at your reflection in the mirror.
You quietly apologized to the stranger when you exited, and you made your way back to the couch…only to find Cam and Bunny gone. You frowned slightly, looking around with no sign of them. You slowly pushed through the crowd, going into every room, but no matter how many times you called their name, neither of them answered.
You repeated the actions as you went upstairs, and aside from walking in on some couple, you didn’t see anyone. You didn’t recognize anyone as you came back stairs, and you decided to walk outside. Your phone was pressed to your ear as you made your way into the yard, not so noisy out here, and you bit your lip, relief filling you when Bunny answered.
Wherever she was, the music was loud, but you didn’t recognize it as what was playing from inside the house.
“Hello?” she yelled.
“Bunny? Hey, where…? Where are you?” you looked around.
She had a hard time hearing you, and you had to repeat yourself a few times.
“Oh! We’re with Topper and Kelce,” she told you, making your frown deepen and your confusion grow. “We’re on the way to Kelce’s place.”
Your mouth parted in shock, and you almost didn’t believe her.
You didn’t know if the call was dropping or if it was the music, but you struggled to hear her. She started going in and out, but eventually, you heard one sentence loud and clear.
“Rafe said that you asked him to take you home!”
You stopped breathing, pulling the phone away and staring at it just as the call dropped.
Your heart started to race in your chest, and her words bounded around in your head. The music from the party started to fade into the background, and there was a loud ringing in your ear. Your hands shook, and you tightened your grip on your phone.
Your friends were God knows how far and clearly on the way to getting even more drunk, and you were alone at a party…
With Rafe.
You looked around, feeling disproportionately while surrounded by tons of people. You saw no sign of Rafe, and that either meant he was looking for you too…or you couldn’t see him, but he could see you. Choosing to believe the former, you hurried out of the yard, biting the bullet and calling your brother. Pope wouldn’t be happy about coming to get you, but he’d do it, and it was far better than the alternative.
“Come on,” you worriedly murmured. “Pick up, pick up, pick up.”
The sounds of the party were growing fainter as you walked down the street, worriedly looking over your shoulder. When it went to voicemail, you dialed again, chest tightening as you feared you’d get the same result. You did, and you cursed, looking over your shoulder, relieved to find an empty street. You pressed your hand to your forehead, mind whirling as you fought to find a way out of this that didn’t involve trying to walk home.
Your lips parted, and you called Cam.
Just as you’d imagined, her words were a bit slurred. You didn’t think you could live with yourself if you begged one of them to come back and get you and something happened. You sighed to yourself, resting your hand on your arm as you held your phone to your ear.
“Cam, please put Topper on the phone.”
She seemed confused by your request at first, but eventually a masculine voice greeted you.
“Topper, I don’t care about what Rafe may have told you, alright?” you started, sure that Topper would want to hang up as soon as he heard your voice. “I need Sarah’s number.”
Silence greeted you, and then he spoke.
“I…I don’t-.”
“Now, really isn’t the time to pretend you aren’t still hung up on her, okay? I know you have her number, and I need it,” you pleaded.
You were still walking, and the silence around you was unnerving. Eventually he sighed in defeat.
“Yeah, sure, uh… I’ll send it to you,” he relented, and you thanked him.
It came through only moments after you hung up, an unfamiliar number texting you with Sarah’s contact. You didn’t hesitate to call her, the sound of your heels against the pavement as you walked further and further from the party. She answered on the fourth ring, and guilt ate at you as she groaned.
“Hey, Sarah? It’s me. Y/N,” you breathed.
She was silent for a moment before repeating your name, sounding confused.
“Were you asleep?”
It was a silly question. It was almost 1 in the morning, after all.
“Kind of,” she slowly said, groaning again. “What…what’s going on…?”
You licked your lips.
“Do you know where Pope is?” you asked.
“No,” she slowly told you. “He’s probably at home or maybe with Kie-wait. Are you not at home?”
Her voice was clearer, now, clearly much more awake, and your eyes watered.
“No,” you choked out. “Are you?”
You hoped she wasn’t and was instead where you needed her to be.
“No, I’m at John B.’s.”
Relief filled you at her words, and you were so happy you could cry.
“I’m so, so sorry, Sarah, I really am, but I…I need you to come get me,” you whispered, repeatedly looking over your shoulder.
She didn’t respond right away, and you could hear her moving, and you heard someone else groan. Probably John B.
“Um…okay. Is everything okay?”
Some tears spilled over, and you paused, shaking your head.
“No,” you tearfully told her. “No. I really need you to come get me, right now.”
God knows you didn’t want to scare her, but you yourself was terrified, and you didn’t know how else to get across how urgent this was. They would already be coming from the other side of the island.
“Okay, okay, John B. and I are about to leave,” she quickly assured you. “Where are you?”
You didn’t even know, and you looked around.
“I’ll share my location with you,” you shakily told her, a quiet ‘ok’ reaching your ears.
You hung up, doing what you promised, and you looked over your shoulder again.
This night felt so reminiscent of that first night Rafe picked you up on the side of the road. You were drunk, walking home from a party, and your feet were killing you. Like that first night, you reached down and took them off, accepting that you could walk a lot faster without them. However, unlike that first night, Rafe wasn’t on your mind as some kind of savior.
Rafe was who you were running from.
The cool ocean breeze dried your tears, but more kept replacing those the longer you walked. You wanted to try and meet Sarah and John B. somewhat halfway instead of being the equivalent of a sitting duck, but your feet were aching, and even though the fresh air was sobering, alcohol still coursed through your blood. You wobbled here and there, pressing your hand to your forehead.
You resisted the urge to sit down in the grass, telling yourself that you couldn’t. Rafe had to figure out that you’d left by now, and you wondered if he’d guess that you’d try and walk home. As much as you’d hoped he’d just move on, the way he’d tricked your friends into getting you alone only confirmed what you’d prayed against. Truthfully, you didn’t understand him.
Rafe could easily find someone else to fuck with and leave you alone. You didn’t know if it was an ego thing or what, but it couldn’t be love as he’d claimed. You were slowly starting to tell yourself that there was no way someone could love you and treat you as Rafe had. Say the things that Rafe had. It didn’t add up, and so you surmised that Rafe just didn’t like to lose, didn’t like to be beaten. Maybe he had been intending on breaking you when you’d pulled a fast one over on him and left him.
It was much too soon for Sarah and John B. to have reached you yet, but that still didn’t stop you from perking up at the sound of a vehicle. You stepped off the road, feet in the grass as you craned your neck. You realized that you weren’t as sobered up as you thought because there were no headlights coming towards you.
The vehicle was approaching from the wrong way.
When you looked over your shoulder, the bright headlights blinded you, and you narrowed your eyes slightly. You hoped it was some stranger, wondering what you were doing out here so late, but your luck hadn’t been in your corner as of late, and there was no reason for it to change, now. You started taking a step back long before the truck stopped, and you immediately turned around when the door opened.
You ignored the sound of your name being called, hurrying away from him.
You were running now, rough pavement digging into the soles of your feet, and you heard Rafe swear. When you heard his door close, your heart skipped a beat, and your chest burned when you picked up the pace. You felt yourself panicking when he put his truck in drive, and you yelped when he sped around you, cutting you off entirely too close and forcing you to fall back.
You were pushing yourself to your feet when he hurried out of the vehicle, and you threw a shoe at him.
“Leave me alone!”
He unfortunately caught it, and you threw the other, moving to take off when he ran after you. One of his hands caught your hair, the other wrapping around your arm, and you fought against him as he turned you to face him.
“Y/N, stop,” he spat, trying to restrain you.
You were kicking at his legs, trying to aim in between them, but Rafe jerked his hips back every time you tried. Your nails dug into his shoulder and neck, and he let out a loud hiss. You could only really make out a loud rushing sound in your ears, heart racing and tears blurring your vision as you fought to get away from him. His hand was tight on your arm, making you wince, and the other was trying to secure your waist.
“Hey, hey, stop-!” he cut himself, dodging your hand. “Calm down!”
“Let go of me,” you screamed, yanking against him, and trying to pry his hand off.
When you did finally bring your leg up between his, it took you an embarrassingly long time to realize how you ended up on the ground.
You were trembling as you slowly lifted your head, and you slowly blinked, frowning a bit. Your vision was spinning, and it was only when you became aware of the flaring pain on the right side of your face did you realize it wasn’t from the alcohol. You heard Rafe swear, and your tongue darted out, the metallic taste of blood reaching your senses.
“Fuck,” he huffed, his breathing deep. “Fuck, I…”
You were still a bit dazed, groaning when he reached down and grabbed your arm, helping you up. You stumbled, and your eyes watered against your will when Rafe reached out to turn your head to the side. You flinched when he brushed his fingers over it, taking advantage of your bewilderment to pull you towards his truck.
“You’re okay,” he whispered, trying to assure you of that, and your head slowly started to clear.
“No,” you mumbled, trying to pull against him. “Rafe, please.”
“It’s okay,” he said, yanking you and making you hiss as your feet scraped along the road. “Come on.”
You looked around for your phone, and you started to panic when you couldn’t find it. He was forcing you into his truck, and when you started to put up another fight, his hand was at your throat. Your eyes were wide as they stared into his, and his jaw clenched as he stared you down.
“You made me do this,” he coldly told you, and you noticed the way his eyes watered too. “Do you understand? You forced my hand.”
More tears spilled over as you reached up, resting your hands on his arm, and he shook you.
“Don’t make this worse for yourself.”
When he roughly let you go, you shook in the seat, reaching up and touching your face as he strapped you in. Your fingers brushed your lip, and you stared at the slight blood on them as Rafe slid in beside you. Your head was pounding as he took off, and you pat yourself, desperately trying to find your phone.
You sniffed, and when Rafe reached over to touch your face, you jerked away.
You couldn’t stop crying no matter how much you tried, and you could feel his gaze on you every now and then. Never mind the disbelief you felt that you were in his truck and currently going God knows where, but you were more focused on the way your face ached, and you leaned your head against the window.
“Hey,” Rafe softly said, fingers brushing your arm. “I didn’t mean that.”
You closed your eyes.
“You know I didn’t mean that, right…?”
You heard him exhale.
“You…you’ve put me through hell, you know that?”
His words had you looking at him in disbelief, eyes wide. To your shock, his expression matched his words, tears kissing his eyes and looking at you like you hurt him.
“I fucked up, I know that. I don’t…I don’t need you to remind me, but I was drunk…and you…”
He trailed off, running his hand over his face.
“I needed you, and you left me. I needed you, and you weren’t there-.”
“I needed you to not drown me! To trust me…”
“You’ve made my life hell! Look at where I am, look what you’ve-.”
“Stop! Stop!”
His outburst had you swallowing your words, trembling as you kept your wide eyes on him. Rafe had a finger in your face, blue eyes hard as he looked between you and the road.
“I’m talking now,” he spat at you. “You don’t get to talk when you’re the one who left me.”
You swallowed, tears skipping down your face.
“When you’re the one who…”
He trailed off, looking away and pulling his teeth between his lips. You watched his hands tighten on the wheel, knuckles growing white and straining. You watched his face change, eyes growing cold and expression hardening. He was breathing harder, now, and you were growing even more nervous than you were before.
When he spoke, his voice was low…and his words had your heart dropping.
“I know where you went the other day.”
You stared at him with a deep frown, lips parting and heart racing. He could only be talking about one thing, but it didn’t make sense. There was no way he could know, and you blinked, shaking your head.
“Don’t lie to me,” he breathed, voice shaky. “I know what you did.”
You glanced away, realizing that Rafe had long passed the way to your house. Were you stupid enough to think that’s where he was taking you? Maybe, but you were very obviously on The Cut, and if he wasn’t taking you to his house nor yours, then you didn’t understand where he was taking you.
“Rafe…I…I don’t-.”
“You were at Planned Parenthood…for five hours,” he slowly forced out, and you saw a tear skip down his cheek. “Five hours.”
He shook his head, and your stomach churned at both the confirmation that he knew, and the question as to how he knew.
“There’s only one reason you could be there for that long,” he spat, glancing at you with a look that could curdle milk.
“How did you know that?” you breathlessly wondered.
You didn’t even care about confirming his accusation, too focused on how he could possibly know that.
“Rafe, how do you know that?”
Your voice was clearer, now, anger seeping into it, and his expression had completely shifted, now, cooly glancing at you.
“How did I know you were in Charlotte…,” he mused, it sounding more like a statement than a question. “How did I know you were at Cam’s… How did I know what party you were at…”
You blinked, and again, you thought about your phone, looking for it. Rafe reached into his pocket, and when he held his hand up, your shoulders deflated. Your phone was in his hand, and it wasn’t lighting up, meaning it was off. Meaning your location wasn’t being shared with Sarah, and although you’d suspected that she wouldn’t be finding you, tonight, you’d still had hope.
However, his words combined with the sight of your phone in his hand had your mind whirling. You didn’t want to believe it, but you were realizing that Rafe had been tracking you this whole time, and when you remembered that said phone had been a gift by none other than him…you felt incredibly stupid. Rafe had never been nice, at all. He’d put up a farce.
This was without a doubt the real him.
“You didn’t even have the decency to tell me. To think I should know.”
You hated how…upset Rafe sounded, and in turn, it made you upset for several reasons.
“You made that decision for me,” you whispered. “It wasn’t something I wanted to do, Rafe…but you forced my hand.”
He nodded to himself, tossing your phone behind him without a care just as he pulled into an unfamiliar yard. You warily looked around, never having been to this area of The Cut before, and when Rafe got out, you didn’t move. He walked around the truck, and as he did, your gaze was drawn to a figure coming out of the trailer before you.
When Rafe opened your door, he grabbed your arm, and in unknown territory with Rafe and an unfamiliar person, you didn’t have much choice. He helped you down, pulling you close, and you were reminded of the fact that you didn’t have shoes on. Alcohol still kept you spacy, and you kept your eyes on the approaching male.
He whistled, a light chuckle leaving him as he approached Rafe.
“Country Club got himself a little girlfriend,” he laughed, dark eyes meeting yours, and Rafe shot him a look.
You watched him reach into his pocket, pulling out a wad of money, and you swallowed as they did a quick exchange. You were quiet, looking away, and you started trembling again when you heard Rafe’s quiet words reached your ears.
“We need to crash here, tonight,” he murmured, and when you attempted to step away, Rafe tightened his hold, making you wince. “We’ll be out early.”
You heard the other guy chuckle to himself.
“…and here I thought you were tipping me for my five star service.”
Your legs trembled when Rafe pulled you along, and you didn’t listen to their conversation, instead looking around and trying to figure out where you were. There was nothing familiar about it, and your face pinched, sniffling as Rafe forced you inside the house. When you looked over your shoulder, that other guy was gone, and you heard a dirt bike starting up before the sound of it eventually faded.
“That’s Barry,” Rafe told you, but you didn’t care. “Pretty obvious how we know each other.”
When Rafe let you go, you started to take a step back when he fixed you with a threatening look.
Your words died in your throat when he held a hand up, and your eyes started to water again when he moved towards you. You tried to ignore how much more painful your face felt, now, and you didn’t take your eyes off of Rafe. He quickly grabbed your arm, yanking you closer when you attempted to step away.
“You don’t know how much I missed you,” he murmured, sitting down on the couch.
You winced as he forced you down next to him, grip tight. You avoided his gaze, looking around and taking in your surroundings.
“…and you know what? I don’t think you even missed me, at all.”
“Rafe,” you started again. “I want to go home.”
You tearfully looked at him, gaze pleading as you accepted you wouldn’t be able to fight your way away from him.
“Please, take me home,” you whispered, voice shaking.
He watched you intently, and he swiped his tongue between his lips, a frown taking over.
“Why would I do that?”
Your face crumbled, and you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. You twisted your arm, but his hold was tight, and when you grabbed his hand with your free one, he made a noise in the back of his throat.
“You’re hurting me.”
“…and you hurt me when you killed our baby,” he said, making you sharply inhale. “Fair is fair, right?”
He suddenly chuckled, shaking his head.
“It’s truly a testament to how much I love you,” he breathed, eyes rolling towards the ceiling. “…because if I didn’t…”
He blew out a breath, eyes meeting yours again as he shook his head.
“I don’t think I’d even be able to stand the sight of you.”
His free hand came up to brush along your cheek, and you jerked at the painful feeling it elicited. Rafe’s lips parted as he looked you over, and he softly exhaled, fingers trailing down towards your neck.
“…but I still want you,” he said, making you swallow and look around. “So bad.”
When you looked at him again, he was leaning closer, and your hand against his chest didn’t stop him. You tried to turn your head away when he kissed you, but his lips followed. His free hand gripped the back of your neck, fingers digging into your skin, and you winced.
“Rafe,” you mumbled into the kiss. “Rafe, stop.”
You hit at his chest, digging your fingers into his arm when that didn’t work.
“Rafe,” you choked out, pulling your head back, and Rafe followed, using the momentum to push you back. “Rafe!”
You hit him, eyes watering again, and your stomach was twisting into knots. You tried to sit up when he reached behind his head to pull his shirt off, but it was futile, Rafe harshly shoving you back down. The force behind it took your breath away, and that small part of you that hoped he was just trying to scare you was gone. You looked at him with wide eyes as he held you down, lip curled over his teeth as his cold blue eyes bore into yours.
“You should be grateful that I still want you after what you did,” he whispered, venom coating his tone. “Hmm?”
You didn’t care about what he had to say, desperately pushing against him. You felt like you were going to throw up at the realization of what was happening, and Rafe ignored your struggle as he leaned in to kiss you again. Your tears ran into the kiss, a salty taste on your tongue as he tasted the inside of your mouth.
“Rafe,” you called, your voice getting louder, more panicked. “Stop! Please st-this isn’t funny!”
You could feel and hear your shirt tearing under his grip, your skirt following soon after. The only sound in the trailer was that of Rafe’s heavy breathing…and your sobs. It was like you weren’t even there, your ex-boyfriend intently focused on getting what he wanted, what he felt he was owed.
His hand was on your neck, holding you down, when he stroked himself, slowly pushing his way into you. The stretch was familiar, but it didn’t make your heart hurt any less. Your nails pressed into his shoulders, and Rafe groaned as he sheathed himself inside of you to the hilt. He didn’t waste time, tightening his hold on your throat as he pulled his hips back.
All of your breath left you as he slammed back into you, hips slapping yours, and your legs kicked around his. He pressed his face into the crook of your neck, breathing you in as he adopted a pace that had you gasping. You cringed away from every thrust, but Rafe’s hand dug into your hip, keeping you in place before sliding under your lower back, forcing you to arch up into him.
When he finally let your throat go, you coughed, desperately sucking in air.
“God, I missed you,” he moaned, dragging his lips over your skin.
There wasn’t a hint of alcohol on his breath, and when he lifted his head, his pupils were normal. There was no substance influencing him, nothing he could blame this on that wasn’t himself. It made you cry harder, just wanting him off of you.
You hated how wet you were becoming, hated how your body reacted to the feel of his cock pushing into you and stretching you out. You knew he took it as a sign that you wanted him too, but any part of you that could’ve wanted Rafe back was officially dead. His shorts brushed against your thighs with every movement, and when his hand twisted into the hair at the nape of your neck, forcing your head back, you felt him reaching down and pushing them completely off.
He nipped at your throat, circling his hips and rutting into you. Your hands slipped over his skin, both of you coated in a light sheen of sweat, skin dewy. Rafe groaned into your ear, and your eyes rolled against your will, trying to remove yourself from the situation.
At some point, your gaze remained on the ceiling, choked whimpers and sobs escaping you as Rafe repeatedly curved his hips into yours. You barely heard anything he was whispering into your ear, feeling wholly out of control. Rafe hissed when you absentmindedly dug your nails into his back.
When he made you come around him against your will, he paused in his movements to take in the feel, sighing at the way you clenched around him. His arms were wrapped around you, sliding down to your thighs and jerking you against him, making you reach out to scrape your nails over the couch at the friction. You shook in his arms, and when you stilled, Rafe reached for your arms, sliding his hands along them to thread his fingers through yours.
He pinned them on either side of your head, forehead touching yours.
“I told you not to be dumb, beautiful,” he sighed, moving his hips again and making you gasp. “I told you.”
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