#there was everything there is w being a graduating hs student
cowboyfromh3ll · 11 months
College au, for some characters that not everybody talks about
Bill would probably also be drunk the whole time just like sean and get kicked out of school and end up joining the military instead
If she's in it, abigail maybe had a one night stand and had jack as a result
Abigail goes to class with jack most of the time and works very hard alongside school. Probably in a sorority with the other girls.
Karen and Sean are probably dating, but they're off and on that they're most likely not. Karen is a party girl at heart and ends up showing up to class late most of the time. Lowkey feel as if she wants to join the army either before or after she graduates
Lenny is a lit major
Mary beth is a lit major hands down. Sits outside under a tree during her free time just writing. Will go to the store for a new notebook,and it will not be added to a collection of unwritten in notebooks (i do this...)... it will abeolutely be fully written in by the end of the week.
Tilly is unsure of what to do, so she's most likely just doing her general studies while she figures herself out. Got married to her hs sweetheart and lives off campus with them.
Molly 100% is a cosmetology major but took a minor in lit because she thought the teacher was hot
Micah high key doesn't even go to the school but i feel like he'd quite honestly try to shoot the place up for fun
Tbh I can see Bill going straight to the military after highschool, but definitely a drunk
AND YESSS PEARSON DEFINITELY GETTING THAT CULINARY DEGREE. I get so giddy thinking about him going back to school.
Abigail definitely such a hard working mother and student! Unmatched determination by anyone else. I ADMIRE HER SO MUCH.
Karen and Sean being on and off is so funny I can see it so well. One day Karen is sobbing to her sorority sisters about what a dumbass Sean is and the next she's inviting him over and dragging him to her room. AND EVERYTIME HE COMES OVER EVERYONE IN THE SORORITY JUST GLARES AT HIM HAHAHAH
Lenny W. And Mary Beth is me and I am Mary Beth. Except I prefer typing everything online to have it in one place. DEFINITELY A COLLEEN HOOVER AND HANNAH GRACE ENJOYER LMFAOOO
I can see Molly being a cosmetology major SOOO WELL SHE TOTALLY WOULD. She's the type to show up to her 8 AM with a full face of makeup dressed head to toe in designer. Also probably has student/professor fantasies about Dutch 😭
And Micah 💀💀💀
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stardustalec · 6 years
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malec moments (26/∞)
“I’m not going anywhere.” 
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quevadilla · 2 years
hey, I just wanted to say, especially re: college, if I can offer some unsolicited advice. Take your time. Try some stuff and see what you like. Took me way too long to realise I like one-on-one training and hands on work! Which is essentially the trades, but like, never ever would have envisioned myself there fresh outta hs. Keep trying, but don't force it. Times are tough right now & jokes about 2022 being 2008 are accurate, and that was bonkers enough the first time around without the Panini. Be gentle with yourself whenever possible and keep your head up. Take longer to do things and don't be afraid to try. Rest when you need it. You've got this. It'll come with time.
Yeah fsfs. I actually just got my first job and have been having a lot of fun, and i haven't felt this good since probably sophomore year in high school (~2018 oofie). I like the coworkers I've been on shift w a lot so far. It's a difficult start, but having a job has forced me into a routine so I'm regularly taking my antidepressants again and I'm seeing a therapist regularly and everything. (Luckily, i got a combo of visual and hands-on training for my job, but my first day of training was sitting w an ipad for 2.5 hours of training vids and i gained nothing but memorizable info w/o doing it myself)
Anyone else reading this too, really listen to this advice. It's so hard to be kind to ourselves when we're struggling, especially when we see others (at least seemingly) managing well and especially with the trauma the Panorama has caused for everyone. High school left me super burnt out and i barely had enough credits to graduate (not to mention wanting to drop out for the longest time), but i let the fear of letting the people in my life that i respect down (referencing starting college right away/staying in high school even though it was physically and emotionally draining) come before my well-being and let me tell you, that never ends well.
If you're struggling as a student, know that i had an older woman in my biology lab that had to put the master's degree she wanted on hold to care for her family, but she's at a place now that she can achieve that goal. Everyone reaches their different 'milestones' at different times, and maybe yours comes later than your peers'; it's not something you can reasonably force on yourself.
I may never return to college, and I've finally made my peace with that. It just wasn't the right time for me. I'm making my health and happiness my priority for the first time in a really long time and I'm so proud of where I am now. I attended classes from September-October 2021 and have spent the rest of the time recovering.
If someone is upset that you're not 'where you need to be', they don't have your best interests in mind. You need to protect your health and happiness before anyone else's. It's astronomically difficult to come to terms with (at least for me), but you can't sustainably keep the peace and put yourself second. It's just not possible.
Thank you so much for this ask, honestly. I feel fortunate to have heard similar reassurances and encouragement from my family, but i don't think people are told that it's okay to not be ready for things instead of hurting themselves in the process of 'keeping up' and making others happy, and especially not from family or friends.
In summary: be kind to yourself and take your time; cliché as it sounds, life is a marathon, not a race. Your health and wellbeing are more important than anything else, so protect them. If you need help doing so, reach out, whether it's directly to support or to someone who will help you find support.
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ssvgawara · 4 years
My Thoughts on Aoba Johsai
In my opinion aoba johsai is one of the most human teams
not to say the other teams arent human but theres so much about seijoh and their personalities that i love
lets start with yahaba
dont ask why its late and hes on the mind
yahaba is the next setter for aoba johsai after oikawa leaves
do you realize how much pressure that puts on him?
he has to live up to these standards set by oikawa. He'll be compared to him until he graduates. He'll always be living in that shadow
next on my list is kyotani (mad dog)
i love his character okay
yes he's harsh and has a temper but he's also passionate and shows that respect is earned not given just because your older.
He respects iwaizumi because he proved to kyotani that he should get that respect.
And thats how it should be.
talking about kyotani leads me to talking about iwaizumi which will lead me to oikawa so just u wait
iwaizumi has been withoikawa since childhood. Hes watched him grow, and watch him becime who he is today
he might not show it normally but the way he cares for oikawa and is always there for him shows how proud he is.
iwaizumi is not just brash and bullying oikawa he's looking out for his best friend
okay oikawa brainrot time
Oikawa has so much depth and yes i will elaborate
hes so passionate and hardworking its not even funny
he worked himself past the point of exhaustion to the point of injury to prove himself
he feared his student becoming better than him and when he eventually realized the student had surpassed the teacher he still did everything to try and win
He was prideful sure but his pride was valid
for 3 years he workes to take his team to nationals for three years he practiced and worked as hard as he could
and yet he still failed
He would get so close just for everything to be ripped away from him in an instant
imagine how much strain that put on his love for volleyball when anytime you got close to your goal you lost it mustve killed him on the inside
okay i have to talk about hanamakki and matsukawa as a pair for this
These two are so much more than some sort of jokesters
theyve been there for oikawa since the beginning of hs
Theyve supported him even if they joke around to lighten the mood
They believe in him and want to succeed just as much as the others
I mean They wouldnt be starting lineup if they werent good
and i just think they deserve the best
Also Kunimi
sure he's low energy
but he's so efficient
he kniw when he needs to move and when he doesnt and thats so smart in volleyball especially when youre going anywhere between 2 and 5 rounds most games so the way he plays smarter not harder is amazing
n e ways
I could go on and on but this is getting long and i rlly wanna post it
so enjoy me being in love w these boys
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harmacytechnician · 3 years
Okay hi thank you for even letting me ask you about this lol! I’ll get straight to the point because long ask ahead but my question is how much do references matter (in the context of retail pharmacy) because I don’t have any 😭 or will they even ask me for some just because I know old friends of mine have gotten cashiering jobs without them during hs. Context: I graduated high school during the pandemic. i never worked because throughout hs even during summers i focused on school and summer class programs and everything to end up not going to college even though i worked rly hard during hs because i had a pandemic thinking about life moment and realized that i couldn't, probably shouldn't, and so i wouldn't go to college for the stem major i was rly keen on despite how uncomfortably crucial of a decision i was making for personal reasons! One of those reasons is that I did end up getting sick both physically and mentally (not covid, but led to isolating myself so i have no friends or teachers etc as a reference to put down) then I ended up stuck recovering at home since I was susceptible to getting a bad case of covid and sooo i’ve had 2+ years stuck inside to think and look online about what I might want to do and remembered that other majors i did apply for were medical related and one was even specifically just pharmaceutical sciences. I still dont feel comfortable even going to community college yet and just feel like becoming a pharmacy technician would fit w/ me rn because i personally just want to work and the healthcare + continued education aspect interests me as im thinking of going to community college for maybe nursing in 2-3 years from now. I promise im not like irresponsible i still have old physical teacher references but i feel rude if i had to put or give those down when i havent kept in touch and wouldnt feel comfortable contacting them just for a job i want, like i swear im the most boring straight A overachiever goody two shoes type of person that just likes to help people so the job genuinely interests me also this is so long im so sorry 😭 😭
Thank you for taking the time to type all that out and give me some info for reference!
My answer is that I don't think references are all too important, depending on the situation.
My experience is different from most people, to be honest. I went to college to become a technician (it's like a year-long program, not a degree or anything, it took me way longer than a year but I had extenuating circumstances), and part of the program is doing an externship (basically an internship, the school sends students to practice working in actual pharmacies and learn the basics). The pharmacy I did my externship at really liked me and thought I was very good at the work I was doing, so they hired me as soon as my externship ended even though I wasn't certified (I'm still not certified but that's another story and I'm currently gearing up to take the exam since I just finished the final class I needed to take). Now, I've been an employee for over a year!
This sort of situation is not the norm. I lucked out big time. Obviously I earned the job by being excellent at what I do, but I was also fortunate enough that the pharmacy was hiring at that time and wanted to take a chance on someone with no real experience.
If you don't want to do a formal program through a school to become a tech, there are still ways to do it. I can only really speak to how Walgreens does it because that's the only pharmacy I'm familiar with, though.
The way it works at Walgreens that I've seen a couple people go through now is that they were initially hired on as cashiers. Then, when the pharmacy needed more help, they talked to the store manager about starting the process of becoming a tech. First you get your pharmacy assistant license (you literally just fill out a form and pay a small fee and then you get it), and then you can start training. You have to take classes through Walgreens and complete a curriculum, but to my knowledge it's all online. During that time, you work in the pharmacy and learn how to do things, getting experience and whatnot. Then, once you complete the program, you're able to take the exam to get your license. To my knowledge, the people I've seen go through this path didn't really have any relevant references. They just talked to the manager about wanting to do it.
Some of this information might also be specific to Washington state, I think most places are similar but there may be small differences depending on your state's particular laws.
I imagine that you'd want the same sort of references as you would have to apply to any job. If you don't have any references at all it might be harder to get your foot in the door, but not impossible. Some places really need the people, so they'll go out on a limb for people who appear to have drive and passion for it. There's a lot of factors the play into it such as the current demand and, honestly, luck.
It would be a lot easier to become a technician if you did a formal program through a school, but that's not feasible for everyone. If it is possible for you I'd recommend it, because you'll learn things in a technician program that you won't learn just jumping into it at the pharmacy level (I know something that really trips up some people who started as cashiers and not students is medical terminology, for example).
Honestly, I really feel for you. I had to drop out of university due to poor mental and physical health. I wanted to become a psychiatrist or doctor of some sort, but it just wasn't possible so I had to change gears and that's when I decided to go to community college to become a technician.
If you have any other questions about anything related to retail pharmacy and/or pharmacy technician stuff, feel free to send an ask my way and I'll try to answer it to the best of my ability! I don't know if this answer really helped much at all because it does kind of boil down to "it depends", which isn't super useful. fdlkfjkl
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izzythomps · 4 years
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Have you seen ISAAC THOMPSON? IZZY is in HIS JUNIOR year. The MARINE BIOLOGY MAJOR is 21 years old & is a GEMINI. People say HE is GOOD-HUMORED, SELF-ASSERTIVE, AGGRESSIVE and LAZY. Rumors say they’re a member of KINCAID. I heard from the gossip blog that HE KNOCKED UP HIS STEPMOM AND SHE HAD TO GET AN ABORTION.
full name: isaac akira thompson
nicknames: izzy, thomps
birth date: may 24, 1999
pronouns: he/him
hometown: los angeles, ca
sexuality: pansexual
height: 5′11
eye color: brown
hair color: it changes often, but peach pink rn
build: slim
tattoos: a sunflower on his right thigh, a ghost on his left hand, a horseshoe on his right forearm, shark on his left thigh, all stick & pokes he gave himself/all small and doodly
piercings: ears
Style: big articles of clothing, all thrifted items, v skater type
favorite color: cerulean 
favorite food: popcorn
zodiac: gemini sun, aries moon, aries rising
mbti: ESFP
hogwarts house: gryffindor
alignment: chaotic neutral
slides in wearing fuzzy socks HEEEEEEEELLLLLOOOOOO EVERYONE i am here to terrorize u all with a new character xo u can all thank mia for this (or yell at her idk bc izzy’s kind of a hellion) bc she pressured me for like months to bring a dominic fc and here we r. anyway. let’s get into the chaotic mess that is isaac <3
- izzy was born to contractor william thompson & art teacher jasmine reyes in late may of 1999, making him a gemini (sorry) who resided with his parents and sister in a predominantly middle-class neighborhood in los angeles, california
- growing up, isaac was extremely close to his mother and not so much his father. william tended to push very intense ideals of masculinity onto izzy who..... was v non-conforming even as a kid, considering he grew up w/ an older sister (angel) who constantly dressed him up in dresses, put makeup on him, painted his nails, etc. and izzy frankly liked all of that. he found fashion and makeup to be a fun way of self expression as a kid
- ultimately, izzy started to dress in a more “masculine” way but continued to paint his nails, starting to dye his hair colors like purple, pink, or create designs w/ flowers...... it was a form of art that he enjoyed and his mother encouraged it
- his dad tho....... the two always butted heads and did not get along, still don’t to this day but i’ll get into that more in a bit
- ANYWAY!!! jasmine (izzy’s mom) worked at a very VERY wealthy private school in beverly hills and while isaac def didn’t have good enough grades to get into that private school on a scholarship, luckily the administration paid for a majority of his middle thru (most of his) high school education
- so !!! basically part of the deal was that while his mom works @ school, he better become a fuego student to keep his scholarship and that’s what he did!! until, sadly, his mom got very sick w/ ovarian cancer an had to take a medical leave of absence from school
- this was a big time of ~conflict~ for the thompsons, izzy obviously included. bc izzy’s dad started sleeping w/ a woman whose home he was working on and it like.... wasn’t really kept under wraps. u could smell this woman’s perfume on him when he got home and it horrified izzy a LOT
- his mom begged him not to press it and he didn’t just for her sake but otherwise he wld’ve clocked that mf in the jaw
- anyway. junior yr of hs, everything went to shit. jasmine passed away, william quickly married the woman he was sleeping w/, angel (izzy’s sister) went away to college...
- fortunately, his high school allowed him the option to finish, but it came w/ one condition; he’d have to maintain an academic scholarship
- he started getting involved in the wrong crowd; drugs, drinking, partying, the like and his grades? slipping. so his life? a mess
- he even gave his dad a black eye once when he got home from a party at 3am
- the school threatened to kick him out and luckily his sister knocked some sense into him and was like “bro do this for mom if nothing else” and he did just that !!! cleaned up his act and graduated w/ a ~scholarship~ to yates i mean y’all know his essay was bomb as fuck 
- but anyway. eventually one night the summer before his freshman yr at yates, he ended up/ like confiding in his stepmom about everything? and he ended up finding great comfort in her? and..... one thing lead to another and he knocked her up (izzy was 18 at the time of the affair)
- the two came to the mutual decision that his stepmom get an abortion and they keep everything under wraps
- aaaaaaand lo and behold that woman n his father r still married and they have not spoken of anything x
- tbh christmas and thanksgiving are kinda awkward but it’s been made pretty clear that was a ..... one time thing djkhfdjk
- izzy still like. doesn’t speak to his father. doesn’t speak to his stepmom either. still very close w his sister tho
- still a BIG party animal (hence kincaid)
- good student tho bc he’s gotta maintain his scholarship 
- fucks around a lot yeah
- really loud. like intimidatingly loud. overall obnoxious frat bro energy but w/o being a frat bro
- a very loyal friend but wld be a terrible boyfriend like..... one of those guys u wouldn’t ever wanna date but is a really fun friend to have because he’ll always get u into some shit
- as said, a big party boy. he likes to go HAM but he doesn’t really mix himself up w/ drugs too much anymore? he still takes acid and does shrooms and other psychedelics but no coke or anything
- can play the guitar ! and the bongos lmao
- uses a blue skateboard w/ yellow wheels to get thru campus, named pablo after the backyardigan
- also izzy is FIERCELY protective, would probably hit someone w/o warning for hurting one of his friends
- very touchy when it comes to his mom as well, will probably scream at you if you ever made a cancer joke! like so much so that u wld cry. scary man sometimes
- he’s also still like..... very lazy by naturehdsjhfdj like he’s motivated bc he has to be but he does the bare minimum to keep his scholarship fam like he’s truly skating the surface
- overall tho a fun-loving guy w/ a mean streak!!
- and he fuckin loves the ocean & animals. hence marine bio
- growing up in cali by the beach sorta instilled that in him yeah
- had two fish named marco and polo who he loved more than life itself rip marco and polo
- dyed hair. constantly. give me a plot where someone is constantly dyeing his hair.
- tbh reminds me of those alt skater boys on tiktok sorry bye
- but yeah thats what he dresses like
- constantly scraped elbows from wiping out bc he goes too fast on his board
OK YEA THATS ABOUT IT I THINK im sorry this is shit lmao but if u wanna plot or whatev like this n we can come up w fingz ok love u all bye sorry bye
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spircling · 4 years
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[ ZOEY DEUTCH / POLYTROPOS / HEBE / MUSE 21 ] / [ ESTHER GOODWIN ] is a [ TWENTY-ONE ] year old [ ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ] major. [ SHE ] is/are known for being [ CREATIVE & LOYAL ] but [ SCATTERBRAINED & IMPULSIVE ].  when i think of them, i imagine [ OVERSTUFFED SUITCASES, RAMBLING FOR LONGER THAN YOU REALIZED, & LOTS OF EARRINGS ]. and even though they’re a proud HU student now, we all have our roots. theirs run back to them being a [ MHP (AQUA) ] graduate. i asked around and it turns out they [ AREN’T ] an AOP student. in their interview, they managed to woo the admissions team by [ WOWING THEM WITH HER KNOWLEDGE OF GHOSTS AND HAUNTINGS ]. i guess that’s all there is to know! unless… 
uhhh hi hello, i am lena and i am stoked as fuck to be here ! i have ms. esther who is... one of my most precious and chaotic muses- i wrote this mostly at 3am so bear with me, below the cut are some things etc etc, plz love us xoxo 
tw: eating disorder mention 
basics: full name: esther emerald goodwin birthday: january 27 (aquarius) hometown: silver city, nm sexuality: pansexual, panromantic positive traits: kind-hearted, accepting, loyal, creative negative traits: impulsive, indecisive, scatterbrained, oversensitive hogwarts house: hufflepuff moral alignment: chaotic good 
background: - was born to two hippies in new mexico - her parents were constantly moving around, livin a nomadic lifestyle and bringing their kid with them (but her paternal grandparents own a home and always made sure that esther had a safe place to come back to if she needed it bc they are, thankfully, loaded) - her parents NEVER disciplined her and treated her more like a friend, so esther has rly never learned how to be a Real Adult - her parents pulled her out of schools ALL the time to travel and go to a new one bc they said that was a better education than actual school - she used to play the bongos on street corners while her mom played a guitar and her dad sang and that’s how she got an allowance, she’s never had an actual job (tgod her grandparents had money and supported her, they ADORE esther, she’s their only grandchild) - it was only when she got to mhp that she stayed for anywhere longer than a year, it was the first place she got to be long-term - her dad went to mhp and, so, her grandparents were like esther will too and she was like chill, cool, sounds fun  - tw eating disorder since sophomore year of hs, esther has struggled a lot w her body image; she was in a relationship with a rly shitty guy and she started feeling less and less confident and she fell into patterns of disordered eating; she started seeing a therapist, she’s doing a LOT better now, but still struggles sometimes - ANYWAY, heavy stuff over  - esther literally cannot believe that she got into this school and she has to try RLY hard to make good grades bc she’s not just ~naturally~ gifted with academics - she spends her days studying, ghosthunting, and telling everybody to SAVE THE BEES - she wants to use her environmental science degree to basically think of more ways to conserve bees’ habitat and to try and stop climate change, she loves the earth 
personality: - very optimistic, positive person- LOVES life - not the Most intelligent- well, bookwise at least, she knows a lot about the world, she’s survived so far SO - participates in activism, is a ‘save the bees’ type bitch and does a lot of environmental/climate activism- thus why her major is environmental science - literally has a tattoo of two bees on her wrist - a… meme of a human - pansexual (me? playing a straight chara?? not in THIS gay lifetime!!) - very sweet - kinda a Dumb Bitch - can be Quite annoying- very overbearing, wants to be friends w and talk to everyone - very flighty and all over the place, ALWAYS needs to be moving - also… kinda sensitive, not ashamed of crying - is a ghost hunter for fun and has a podcast where she talks about ghosts and whatever the fuck else she wants - snap decisions?? her Brand !! - is a Good Friend and is always willing to be there for the people she cares about - has trust issues and is bad at relationships bc she always snaps into flight mode and peaces tf out bc she is SCARED 
possible connections: - best friends- give the girl her PEOPLE, her pals she does stupid shit w and can rely on for anything and everything - exes- esther likes the idea of a relationship, but doesn’t know how to be in a stable one- also ex plots FUEL me so ???? plz?? - ghost hunting buddy- give her a podcast co-host thanks  - hookups/fwbs- esther is… not smooth, but she is a people person and likes sex SO - flirtatious friendship- esther is close enough w this person that she is NOT a totally awkward human, they just tease one another and flirt constantly  - skeptics- give her someone that doesn’t believe in ghosts- she will try to convince you otherwise At All Times  - enemies- esther doesn’t ???? hold grudges or hate anyone but ??? she can be Too Much for some people 
but, ya know, i’m down for anything!! so give me a like or come find me via ims, discord, or carrier pigeon! xoxo byeeeeee 
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
I *need* to know the history of your fandoms, dear 2012 Tumblr OG 😆
Gonna put this under a cut because there’s always a full story with me lol
I originally started a blog because I was lonely while my mum was away from home recovering from a very bad broken ankle (multiple surgeries, metal in her leg, she’s since recovered but it still gives her issues.) Due to her not being able to get up and down stairs, she was staying at my grandparents, and I was on my own in the condo for the very first time, essentially living completely on my own like the college student I would become, since I graduated HS in 2012. 
2012 was my last year of high school, and I had either drifted away from or actively pushed away my friends irl (untreated depression, anxiety, PTSD, undiagnosed ASD, and dealing with it all by huffing and cutting meant I was a real asshole lmao, putting it mildly.) But with my mum gone, that meant I was going days without talking to anyone aside from a teacher or two, and even my introverted ass needs to talk on occasion. 
I knew nothing of Tumblr, but I had recently started watching Dr. Who at that point, and reading the chapter books written for the series, so I blogged about that at first. When Sherlock came around, I got into it briefly, then got pissed about the shitty writing and have an intense dislike for Steven Moffat to this day (stay off my lawn, Steven. I’ll fight you via script writing.)  
I was also dipping my toes into the LOTR and Hobbit fandom at that time (I even briefly rp’d as Elrond w/someone on here. All gen rp, don’t hold it against me lol. But I dipped out of that fast, there was a shit ton of drama I didn’t want to deal with.) Made some great friends there that unfortunately either aren’t on here anymore or rarely post, but I hope they’re all well! 
Those were my ‘big three’ for the longest time. Way back at the start I also dipped a bit into Supernatural, but again...shit writing made me fall out of love w/it pretty fast. Funny enough, I did watch it long enough to get my mum into it, and she’s still a fan. It got her through a painful part of her life, so even if I don’t like it anymore, I give it props for helping her like that. I also mingled in the Star Trek fandom some, but just a bit. 
Before I got into the Pacific and everything I blog about now, I had a period of just...like nothing. I reblogged random shit on my dash, had like no tags or decent organization, and considered deleting but realized I liked having access to a community where I could meet new people, since that’s not really a thing in my home town or anywhere else irl. Tumblr has its shit, but what community doesn’t? I’m happy to still be here, and grateful that I was able to build any readership for my writing here. I don’t think I could have done that on any other site for sure. it also essentially gave me a place to vent and work on myself where no one except the ppl on here could see it, which was a gift too. 
I didn’t envision having this blog by this age, but I also thought I’d be dead by now (tbh still kind of shocked I’m not lmao. That doesn’t feel real all the time, but that’s for another post.) Despite everything, it’s nice to still be going, still be on here, and to have found the fandoms I have (like Queen-I was always a fan since I was young, but I had no idea there was an extension of the fandom on here, and I’m so glad I found it!!) 
My first fandoms are def what the kids call ‘cringe’ (or not, maybe, idk I’m 25 w/no kids and I live like I’m fifty, I fully admit I have only the barest idea of what ‘the kids’ do now. As long as they’re safe and having fun and not getting traumatized by shit like rotten.com like I was when I was younger lmao) but overall? They gave me an outlet to do something other than hate myself and fear for my future, and I give them kudos for that. 
That’s p much it though, my Tumblr/fandom history lol. 
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ncvxks · 4 years
hello here’s my second intro!! let the wine induced mess commence!!
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[ CHARLES MELTON / ARETE / EUPHROSYNE / MUSE 29 ] / [ SPENCER NOVAK ] is a [ TWENTY-TWO ] year old [ MUSIC EDUCATION ] major. [ HE ] is known for being [ AMIABLE & CAPTIVATING ] but [ PASSIVE & NAIVE ]. when i think of them, i imagine [ MESSY PILES OF SHEET MUSIC, BUTTON-UPS WITH ROLLED UP SLEEVES, HALF-FINISHED MUGS OF COFFEE ]. and even though they’re a proud HU student now, we all have our roots. theirs run back to them being a [ MHP (AQUA) ] graduate. i asked around and it turns out they [ ARE ] an AOP student. in their interview, they managed to woo the admissions team by [ WRITING HIS OWN INSTRUMENTAL ARRANGEMENT OF CAKE BY THE OCEAN AND SHOWING A VIDEO OF HIM PLAYING EVERY PART ]. i guess that’s all there is to know! unless… [ mels / 28 / cst / she/her ]
full name: spencer ryan novak
birth date: october 3rd
pronouns: he/him
hometown: seattle, washington
sexuality: heterosexual (bicurious??)
height: 6′4″
eye color: brown
hair color: dark brown
build: lean
tattoos: none
piercings: none
style: used to just be graphic tees with loser sayings on it, but since being in the spotlight he’s had to up his game. now he’s got nice, tailored button-ups and jeans that show off his ass. it’s like queer eye came and fixed him
favorite color: green
favorite food: everything
zodiac: libra sun, sagittarius moon, libra rising
mbti: enfj
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
enneagram: type 2 wing 3
temperament: sanguine-phlegmatic
alignment: neutral good
ok so spence is literally the cutest fckin NERD like?????????????
in high school he was a band geek like we’re talkin first chair trumpet (he can play like every instrument tho)
he owned marching band lbr
and stood out on the field bc he’s a fcKIN GIANT
so he started at hatchet u to study music education and become the band director he was always meant to be
then america’s next top model started adding guys and his housemates told him to audition????
so he’s like #YOLO and w o w he made the cut!!!!!!
he wasn’t one of the ppl who started out super strong or super weak he was just kinda in the middle of the pack???
then they did the commercials and he fckin OWNED IT bc he has so much personality and it rly came through there !!!!
so now he’s actually In It and he just kept climbing the ranks but his walk was still kinda bad???
all that marching band training didn’t prepare him for runway lbr
so he didn’t win but the winners always disappear anyway so it’s ok!!!
he was gonna just go back to college and finish his degree but after his exposure on antm he was a hot commodity so he got an agent !!! and started doing small roles in movies and stuff!!
but his heart was still with music so he returned to hatchet u and continued his studies (tho he’s a lil behind now, since he was off being mr hollywood)
ok so that’s his story now a few more things
tyra made him get in shape while on the show bc he was this skinny lanky BITCH and that wasn’t gonna work (she didn’t want him to get too muscular tho bc that’s not gr8 for models)
he’s a big giant teddy bear and just wants ppl to be happy and hates confrontation akjdfhlds
super trusting so he’s easy manipulated prOTECT HIM
wants ppl to stop asking him if he wants to be on top
even tho he seems like an innocent baby he’s not lmao
definitely got some action in hs bc he was the hottest guy in marching band LMAO
seems like a player bc he’s dated a lot of people but he just loves love???? serial monogmaist??? Hopeless Romantic™????????????
probably gets his heart broken a lot but it’s ok bc his soulmate is out there somewhere !!!
seriously stop asking him if he wants to be on top
wants to be friends w everyone
literally he is still friends w every person he’s ever dated and it causes problems w whoever he’s currently dating LMFAO
always eating
IMPORTANT THING: he has diabetes and his Big Memorable Moment™ on antm was him passing out after a late shoot bc his blood sugar got too low
(it’s still one of the top ten most shocking moments in antm history)
ok wanted connections????
one of the girls he’s dated (he’s only dated girls in the past but is lowkey bicurious) (def has sucked a dick before tho)
friends be his friend!!!!!!!!!!
someone he can talk music w
someone who has an unrequited crush on him
someone he has an unrequited crush on
a bad influence
someone he’s a good influence on
someone he’s the emergency contact of (since he doesn’t drink/do drugs bc it messes w his blood sugar levels) and he’s always going to pick their ass up
he also drives the sober cab on campus so someone who’s one of his regulars???
idk????????? hit the heart and i’ll come at u!!
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cuddleslutloki · 6 years
older 30-something loki really getting off on letting young strong muscled college guys pump a load in his ass in anonymous hookups, then he meets thor, a 21 year old bro with a thick cock and even thicker arms who makes loki return to work from his lunch break with a slight limp and sticky thighs
so. here’s how i’m gonna play this.
loki teaches theoretical physics
he’s got like a PhD despite being so young bc he graduate hs early, graduated college early, then just kept going to school until he was at a point where he could do something with it all, but that didn’t leave much room for anything else in his life
doesn’t have much family that he cares about or cares about him
doesn’t think he’s lonely but wow he fucking is
so he’ll have occasional hookups that are Bad Ideas bc these are men who attend the university where he teaches and ofc he’s not doing anything wrong per se he’s not roping them into it, they’re never his students or even in his department but! doesn’t make it better!
then thor arrives in one of his classes, thor’s going for his master’s and the way he’s just been constantly in school reminds loki of himself. also thor is smart. thor is like… sweeping the room most of the time bc he thinks so damn quickly that out of every three times loki tries to trick thor it maybe works once after the first few weeks
loki is enamored and of course it’s all professional interest! thor is a very promising student! it’s fine!
until he wakes up after a very intense wet dream and he’s disappointed that it wasn’t about thor 
like, it would’ve been a better dream if it had been about thor
and he stops like. oh. that’s bad. that is inappropriate, even by his fast and loose moral standards
SO he thinks maybe it’ll just take time to work out of his system
he tries not to change his behavior bc thor genuinely is a great student, and oh, look, there’s paperwork on his desk where thor is applying to be his TA
perfect bc if he spends more time around thor he can get used to thor and he’ll find something unattractive about thor
but first hell is going to have to freeze right the fuck over because every second he spends with thor the more he’s realizing he really, really likes thor
so he’s like “hm. maybe. if i fuck him. i’ll get it out of my system. it’ll be fine”
not quite.
thor’s all for it, he’s entirely enamored with loki and loki barely has to hint before thor is firing on all cylinders and ready to go. their first time is w/ loki bent over his desk and thor grunting and growling in his ear, hastily jerking him off and loki cumming so hard he has to bite his hand to keep quiet
thor fills a condom and loki’s like =\ “hmmm don’t like that” but if they go bareback that requires getting tested which requires having a talk which requires admitting that he has feelings
not gonna happen
except he hates that thor’s cock is wrapped every time they fuck. so he subtly suggests that if thor were inclined to being tested maybe they could go bareback and thor is !!!!!! about it bc of course he is
and the entire time thor isn’t pushing for anything. he’s happy to let loki lead and set the pace, and in front of other people he’s always highly professional.
loki loves him.
then he buries that
then it rips into him and comes back even worse than before.
bc now he’s getting to know thor. they’re talking about thor’s future and what he wants out of life and loki knows he’s not old but goddamn thor is so young
but he’s so smart and so eager and they have late nights where loki has to grade tests and thor grades homework and they’re sitting in loki’s office and it’s quiet and soft
and loki wishes that they were in his apartment instead, sharing this moment over his dinner table
once they go bareback loki is fucking ruined. he wants thor all the time. he doesn’t understand how he can be so horny when he’s in his mid thirties but wow he’s always ready to go when thor’s around
one night they’re grading papers and they get distracted kissing, and he suggests they wrap up and go back to his place and thor shows his first hesitation like “are you sure you want me there?” bc on thor’s end he’s thought this was all casual, y'know
like loki wouldn’t want more bc he’s young and he’s a student, but here loki is saying “come home with me” and loki rolls his eyes and is like “i wouldn’t invite you if i didn’t. do you want to?” and loki doesn’t mean to sound as vulnerable as he is but thor lights up follows loki home
and they fuck fully naked for the first time, in a bed for the first time, and in the middle of everything loki just lets it slip that he loves thor and thor kisses him and kisses him and fucks him even harder and holds loki so close
it’s the most intimate thing loki’s ever experienced and afterward he’s terrified like. did he make a mistake? thor hasn’t said anything back but then thor just quietly says “i thought maybe it was one-sided, but i was going to take whatever you’d give me, loki”
and loki starts crying bc no one has ever valued him. sure they’ve valued what he can offer. they’ve valued his skills and his mind and his accomplishments but loki himself? no. that’s always been extra to carry everything else that could be used, but here’s this incredible, beautiful man who’s going to be a rockstar in their field and he’s saying he was just going to take whatever loki would give like even scraps were good enough
then they talk. really talk, and loki opens up more than he has, even though he’s been more open with thor than with anyone else he’s spoken to in the last ten years
the rest of the papers and tests never end up graded because they spend the rest of the night fucking and talking, with a quick midnight snack wherein thor makes omelettes out of loki’s leftovers and loki nearly proposes on the spot
this ran away from me
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yuissamidare · 6 years
@codes i think i may have put this on my artblog but... Here
i guess ill start w ichi bc i always forget about him somehow like i always come up short when im making lists and im like 'oh wait shit yeah that guy’ bc im stupid n i only think of fishing trio + choro. I’m an Idiot. idk i never thought too hard on ichi bc i so rarely think about him but he looks so high its really funny i said this on main but he looks like my friend when he decided to try a weed gummy bear then started babbling about hentai then watched to watch porn with me but got mad all the intro scenes are a billion years long and started ranting about the industry but now that i think about it he looks like someone who used to send me weird shit when he was high like bad pick up lines about body parts i wish i didnt have
and thats so funny that its Ichimatsu who looks like that but also proof that hes high. but anyway!! hes really cute and im mad hes boutta ruin my reputation for my complete and utter lack of care and interest in him no matter what im mad. my friend gwyn said 'Sp lubing us up for the fuckening that is the reason why Ichi is sad in present day’ im really curious at the change like if hes trying a fake it till you make it type thing bc really emotionally exhausted or if hes just genuinely having a good time or hes puttin on a front since like. nails who stand get hammered down right??? just gotta do your best n Never Relax n i can relate to all that. but uhhh old hcs i guess
in kun ichi was the most serious! really smart but just as bad w school as the rest of them apparently but!! yeah so id think that!! ichis that guy who participates in class discussion constantly and is always willing to debate the readings, but turns in sloppy papers with typos and no a coherency or stucture or anything. he’s A+ in participation but has an average of 60% on most of the written assignments with points knocked bc of lateness then more bc its A Mess. you could ask about the prompts for one of his papers, he could babble about his position on it complete with paragraphs and footnotes but like the day before its due hes playing rpgs and watching horror movies.
his classmates think hes so smart n so intimidating. the family knows hes a hot mess. the teachers tell him he has a lot of potential but they don’t think hes applying himself. all are right. also he doesnt cheat or let people cheat off of him since hes always been about rules and boundaries and Rightness n he n jyushi were the only ones who Minded Themselves in kun
uhh jyushi!! let me talk about schoolwork again bc yeah i love jyushi so so so so much and thinking of him in a school environment is so weird i thought about it a lot n i thought about it him in kun n san and Woah!! i really really love delinquent jyushi, bc when i saw that i was like 'huh! that fits actually!!’ i love that like him and choro flip flopped completely from what i thought. his school must be so cold theyre too cheap to afford heating in the winter and in summer the acs Blast. he was so Shy and quiet and he cried and he liked to sing so i always thought that when he participated in chorus festivals hes always like right in front!! he hums a lot in class and also moves around alot bc he actually like school and people like primary trio are the types that make friends often. i wasnt supposed to talk about this yet whoops.
unlike ichi who relatively neat despite everything but has shit notes, jyushis notes are amazing and understandable and utterly illegible.
theyre covered in doodles, arrows and lines leading every which way, different colors but not like color coded n theyre not in order by date, but he opens to a random page every time yet somehow always seems to know where to find each lesson. he writes footnotes and caveats and corrections and criticisms of the teachers and random thoughts and just smears ink everywhere. sometimes his notes are on a completely different subject. the notebook itself is a horrifying mess, the front and back covers both covered in drawings and designs and falling apart, random papers shoved between the pages, coming apart at the seams, covered in stains of unknown origin. assignments are full of emoticons and informal language, and they always manage to make his teachers feel like hes smarter than they are (most likely). he does his projects the minute theyre assigned, and is finished a minute later so can talk to his friends. he loved school.
sophie told me once about how she thought was Like That was bc one of his main concerns is that he thought he had nothing that made him Jyushi n in kun she said he might have been the one who was the most concerned about having a distinctive personality and i talked about how that sorta carried over san and how he always blended in bc of how gentle and soft and push-overy he was. he was actually the and most gullible and weakest in kun so i was like :0 when i saw that and intentionally did stuff like only carry 14 yen in his pockets to be quirky but it always sorta fell flat and he was still invisible so i was like hmmmmm. and i can see how he couldve toughened up and thinking of this now!! i love that. oh im so happy. this is so much better than i ever couldve imagined ever.
totty…. i do not think he was very popular or good at school. i think he’s very decent at schoolwork but he never put much effort into it. just copies whats on the board but if the class runs out of allotted lesson time n he couldnt finish his work he just didnt do it like cram schools a pain in the ass. if he put effort hed be a star student but he just craps out whatever since hes was the laziest!! oh but something i noticed was that him and jyushi would play together often since sometime he felt overwhelmed by karamatsu a lot. also hes the money thief and scammer its great kun todo is so good. he gets shy and flustered easy too!!
but uhh yeah!! depending on the day im always like 'zaimoku love each other so much they are best friends and the perfect other halves!!’ then im like 'these mofos hate each other what the fuck is this trainwreck’ did you see their shitty small talk in the horse episode. what was that. like they are genuinely trying to communicate and are pretty easy with each other but they have nothing to say. its like when youre having a boring day at school and theres nothing to talk about with an acquaintance so you just look at the walls and go 'have you ever noticed how stupid these posters are’ then you both start reading posters aloud but you both know its not that funny and youre just doing it to waste time but you still enjoy their company you just dont want silence. thats their relationship. and i think they are just very similar in very different ways and like. the key things that make them both similar and different and the same fuck them up (like suiriku!! theyre both really similar even if it doesn’t seem like it at first which is why their compatibility in the relationship chart was so low in s1, but i saw a lot of improvement in both of their behaviours and their communication and honestly. s2 was worth it for that sophie was so happy to see her faves get along) like sometimes when you look in the mirror all the things you see are the things you dont like about yourself instead of what makes you wonderful and unique. also i didnt mean to talk about this but i guess i am.
but yeah. totty is bitter n resentful at kara during hs n karas more confused and upset at tottys behaviour in their twenties n thats bc like i said. theyre dumb. karamatsu!! i think was actually pretty popular in highschool n had a good amount of friends - i genuinely think theatre kids are well liked bc i literally know everyone in my department and im friends w a good amount of people and im not even That extroverted. my actual extrovert friends know everyone in the school by name and everyone in my department is so nice even though theres a lot of bitchiness and drama its not as bad as w other humanities studies (jesus christ humanity students outside of theatre are a hot mess.)
uh yeah n that ultimately makes totty feel a bit… betrayed? karamatsu is his partner! theyre supposed to be there for eachother! kara’s the first one to branch out, get friends etc etc and todomatsus left behind bc hes always the one playimg follow the leader and he breaks out of that once they graduate - he grows up resenting karamatsu slightly though he still cares. but this time Hes the one cancelling plans to hang out with friends instead. my friend katie put it best when, in response to me telling them this, they sent me:
'kara: totty you have so many friends now. We barely see you anymore.
totty, applying chapstick: well, I learned it from the best.’
when i told them about it. but at the time gwyn and i were babbling about possibilities and different storylines and how theres a possiblity the movie might break down into three manageable plotlines n she gave zaimoku 'popularity’ and this was me throwing out ideas but honestly. Good. (aha, the end of this scenario ended up with todo throwing hands and shoulder checking someone outside a window and then getting removed from the premise n hanging with atsushi all night after) why am i on this. shit what happened here.
uhh but yeah totty is Def someone with learned behaviours rather than being a natural extrovert honestly just look at him hes an introverted mess masquerading as a decent human being and i know full well how people like that are bc some of them have been my best friends for years n seein the new hs promos solidifies that fact bc look at him. Crybaby. He is Miniscule. A Child.
then its 'delinquent who looks like an honour student’ choro. i never studied him until sophie started liking choro n since i love sophie i wanted to take an interest in him too. n i started to think very hard about him! then gwyn planted this in me n its taken root and im just never not gonna think its great. yall see his shitty gokudo impression what a bossy lil shit. he pulled a whip on kara once and it was mad funny but also Gwyns Big Evidence for him just being the absolute worst not like a casually skips class type but a Choro was a legit a bully and really mean n sabatoged other classmates to make him look like he was 100% That Bitch. maybe not him being Mean and cruel but just an asshole who bums around, is something i really like that one a lot its been one of my faves since gwyn n i started talking about it but i just!! have a ton of other things too!!
hes a lot like karamatsu in that theyre both stupid and weird and embarrassing and they put on airs but they also!! dont try!! they talk so big and such high goals n expectations and they dont do shit bc they have so much hubris but i always talk about them bc suiriku is sophies Beloved so ill like. Not. but he acts like he’s better than all of them n forces the role of the straight man on himself because he wants to be seen as the responible, level headed one even if hes just. So Much.
i think the movies calling back to how touchy feely and clingy he was in kun and adding on to how jyushis a delinquent and kara… Is Like That he’ll be around them the most bc jyushi might either be really protective or push him away and then they do something to mend their relationship later on or hell cling to kara and they just. grow apart. sticking to my hc until the end bitches. oh.
for choro… personally!! i thought hed be a slacker instead of a delinquent but not in the way totty slacked - totty was lazy n knew the work but didnt want to put in effort but choro just. Doesnt. choro has so much energy all the time and choro Can Not deal with school situations. bc like… you always hear people say that studying is meant to be done at the desk, silently, no distractions what so ever!! focus on notes and nothing else!! ise a highlighter but dont use it too much!! make your notes legible but you only have five minutes before the board gets erased!! review!!! look at your notes or youll die! take breaks bit dont take too long and honestly. listen. kun choro wouldnt be able to stand that shit and id think hed just think he was doing it The Wrong Way n he just wasnt meant to do it.
he doesnt like quiet classrooms!! he cant study like that and hell get distracted. he cant sit still n thats why totoko broke up w him in the beer ad and why hes just Everywhere in kun!! hes understimulated and its just Ugh! you know??? he’ll fidget w his pens until he breaks them or hum or tap his foot and annoy everyone or leave for the bathroom at least three times a class just to get up and move.
eventually he just. gives up even though hes super smart he like, stops caring bc if you dont care to understand material then you wont have to read and read and reread and rereread something to get it! classes just make everything uncomphrehensible and makes any idea he may have sublimate into nothing. but he can work on the trains and the buses! he needs something kenetic to get him moving and trains n shit always have enough going on to work with, just like with home!! chorochoro motherfuckers. he works much better moving forward, ironic as that is. he feels sorta set apart from every thing like hes behind some big plane of glass doing everything wrong and being all set apart from everything. eventually he takes to acting like a real fussy mom to avoid his own problems and help everyone else out even though hes annoying and even when he graduates but it gets Worse bc then figures out how much!!! he fucked up!! then he kicks himself into high gear n still cant do shit. ahh.
its illegal for me to talk about choukei bc i talk about them so much and im always being annoying n typing stupid essays about them bc theyre… my faves.. But this is so long…
it actually makes me super happy that he kara acne he still can be really fighty and he cries and he still does stupid impulsive shit for others and even though hes really sweet and caring is still an utter monster and fucking mess of a person. love him. i always like to think his shittymatsu nickname came from iyami n it just morphed from there bc in 66 you can hear iyami calling him specifically garbage. ive always been glad they kept his sewing hobby too. ahh, actually from what i see hes pretty similarities to kun so i wonder when he decided to air out that teremity. idk what to say about him that i havent in tottys section. he just Feels like someone who had a good support group and nice friends bc of how hes able to move in the world. kara feels like some whos doing their growing up in their twenties bc highschool came easy to them and now theyre just really struggling with the real world. like i shouldve expected softboy hs kara and i appreciate him very much!! i talk about choukei a lot bc they were the first characters that spoke so i immediately attached myself to them n i talk about karamatsu Specifically but im not sure i ever mentioned how much i appreciated how smart and cautious hes proved himself to be time and time again, like how hes the only one to point out totokos fish shtick aint doing her favours or how he was the first one to notice osos irritation n how you can pick out his voice warning jyushi to calm down in the bg of 24 or how in the comedian episode he was ready to take Notes from iyami and a lot of other small things!!
i would think hes actually a bit more serious n calm in hs and san is him amping up traits that drew people to him in hs and it backfiring on kara spectacularly - kara is always gauging people and their reactions and acting in a way he believes will get something positive, but at the same time is utterly oblivious when it comes to actually Getting them n i talked about the girls on the bridge but this is also prevalent with ichi who kara just. Doesnt Get and can not figure out how to maneuver their relationship. like oso, kara is and elder brother!! and elder brothers have an image theyre supposed to uphold, but while kara acts the part he doesnt do the shit a big brother does and shrugs that responsibility off on oso until oso fucks up until s2, where they share the role more evenly and his relationship with ichi improves but this is another essay entirely. what im trying to get with that is that hyperfocus on what other people think of him, but his complete disregard when it comes to their actual reaction and instead what he wants their reactions to be would also greatly impact him transtioning from a teen to an adult im sorry im getting sloppy now
osomatsu… i really adore him too much and i understand how totty felt in their episode bc i also lent my phone to a friend who needed to desperately jack it before meeting new people n i talk about him a whole lot too. hes mean and an asshole and garbage n i know a lot of people find him plain n boring but idk. i dont think thats the case hes a really complexed n nuanced character n hes literally has always been way back from kun n thats expected from a main character but… hes always been mean n dumb n sly and he can get so pathetically vunerable and thats literally!! him. hes a normal dude nothing wrong with that n it can be real refreshing. n i suppose im so fond of fishing trio+choro bc they remind me of my friends. but yeah even if hes 'plain’ i dont see why thats a bad thing. n this they always have the most interesting body language like despite kara being So Much his body language was always closed off n singled him out as everything But exuberant and bright, and osos quirks like how he stands on his toes a lot had always been so cute… its relaxed and open n screams Talk To Me!!!!
ahh but i always end up thinking oso was. oso??? theres not much to say that i havent before but i do think that he was a lot more like he was in episode 2 when ranting to chibita about having shitty brothers and then actively Chose to be a good brother even if he wasnt a good person and be a stable rock and be someone they could all come back to at the end of the day. and hes good at math im never letting this die.
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scbines · 6 years
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WORD okay what up i’m ally, i’m twenty1, i use she/her pronouns, my timezone is est & small disclaimer: i don’t know what the fuck i’m doing, okay!! just keep that in mind when you .. go to read this complete shit storm okay i’m Trying.. anywhen! i may or may not have uhhh copied & pasted the majority of this from the last time i played her but.. that’s neither her nor there, tbh! if u wanna plot, feel free to hmu on discord at [mournful bagpipe music]#2581 or yk use the lil chat thing on tumblr if u aint got discord bhvfjn. MOVING ON..
cw: alcohol, neglect, sex ( & i think that’s it, folks! )
sab’s pinterest: here!
( sofia carson, cisfemale ) did you hear how SABINE VALDEZ is applying to columbia university as a PHILOSOPHY major ?! the TWENTY-ONE year old is living in the WATT HALL. i heard that they got in because they are +MAGNETIC and +INTREPID, but honestly i think SHE can be -FLIGHTY and -VOLATILE. they’re a real CATACLYSM. oh well, only time will tell if the JUNIOR will make it til the end.
imma just dive right in cos idk how else to go about it bgvjn
sabine grew up w/ a single mom in Detroit & they were basically skating the line between lower class and poverty, meaning they had like a proper house, but they were definitely behind on mortgage always and living paycheck to paycheck :// like when they went grocery shopping & sab would put anything but the basics in the cart her mom would look at her like ‘that’s a joke, right?’ and never could afford like birthday/christmas presents or cake or anything rip ( honestly not that sab’s mom gave enough a shit to even notice smh ) ! so everything was always a little .. hectic ig ? her mom couldnt ever relax unless she was blackout drunk so uhh that’s p much that on that sighs
even worse?? when sab was about eleven her mom got injured at work ( dont ask me How cos i have? no idea hibgfnjd i’ll flesh it out at some point.. maybe .. probably not.. ) so she and sab lived on disability checks and whatever small money sab could make helping her neighbors with like yard work/babysitting/shit like that until she was old enough to get a real job smh meaning she’s been working as long as she can remember god im exhausted just typing it
this basically left sab to raise herself, which .. most likely left her better off than if her mom paid her more attention tbh? cos her mom is selfish and doesnt care about anything but the next drink & the next man she’ll be inviting home smh !! the whole thing w/ her mom is that she Never Wanted kids but it wasn’t an option to abort or give sab up for adoption so she was Stuck raising a kid she never wanted .. truly .. rip ..
that said, sab’s mom was .. promiscuous to say the least .. all thru sab’s childhood there were countless nameless men in and out of their lives ranging from a day to a few weeks at most SIGHS anyways this of course led to sab having a seriously warped idea of what a healthy relationship is HELLO hvicnjm it’s super flawed to the point where she thinks the height of healthy relationship goals is to be exclusive for more than a few weeks smfh its wild tbh .. romance? dont know her! love? WHOMST? to sabine, there’s no point in bothering to rely or care for someone else because you’ll just end up disappointed so she ? keeps her distance for the most part.. relying Solely on herself cos thats the only person who wont let her down ( while also suffering from deeply rooted self-hatred? wow .. legends only .. )
anyways !! she Hated detroit like nobody’s business and always wanted nothing more than to Get Away from the toxicity of her home life and the suffocation of being the caregiver for a woman who will hardly get out of her bed gtg !!! so this led to her putting all her focus into after school jobs and making sure she was the top of her class At All Times like .. shes always been super determined and goal oriented but to a fault if that makes sense. she will work her ass off when given reason to, but once she’s accomplished that goal, she feels absolutely aimless sighs
bitch had .. like 3 jobs in hs and applied to a dozen schools, all of them at least 100 miles from detroit like Word ! she applied to columbia on a whim not thinking she’d get in but when she got that acceptance letter you can bet ur ass the bitch was Outta There!!
getting here tho … she isnt sure what to do next ihbvfcnj she never thought as far as majors and actually choosing what to do with the rest of her life so she?????? is undetermined about p much everything hgvifncjd but philosophy seems like the cop out she’s been looking for lmao !!!
anyways she works at a shitty diner not too far from campus like almost every day after classes but on weekends she COUGHS strips across town hibvfncj HA didnt see that coming did ya smh hibfnjd but!! she does it across town cos she lk wants it to stay a secret like she doesnt need to kick a frat boy��s ass for making shitty comments now does she??? but i mean .. its not something she’s ashamed of, she’s just Not Interested in having people she hates talk shit and slut shame ygm??
being so busy all the time, she doesn’t really have time for any school activities but she’s down for a party at any time ( esp if its like themed hbifnjd she loves a costume ) and uhh dtf too lbr shes v in touch w/ her sexuality #freethenipple ( does she even own a single bra?? we just don’t know! )
THAT SAID !! she doesnt correlate sex with like .. emotions?? cos shes never seen them in a situation where they’re mutually exclusive rip :// this led to her thinking people only ever Wanted Something from her be it her body or like a chance to put her down to feel better abt themselves smh ! she isnt a generally violent person but if it’s the latter she’s more likely to throw a few choice words in ur direction hvifcnj
generally, sab’s p much just ur Stressed Out Scholarship Student just trying to graduate so her life isnt a fucking trainwreck like her mom’s! she’s desperate for both human affection and adventure, so offer her one, the other or both and her heart is yours tbh! as much as she’ll pretend its not lmao !!1!1!!!!
anywhomst i cannot for the life of me think of anything else to type her atm since im??? garbage???? but !! mssg me if u wanna plot smthn out fam since uhh sab having friends??? sounds like a pipe dream tbh and im desperate for it lol!
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adelvne · 6 years
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izzie’s back with her 2nd character y’all!! ( i also play erika fyi ) you can check out adeline’s bio here and tldr + plots under the cut :’) like this if you wanna plot with my darling or feel free to slide into my ims!
( tw: racism, bullying )
adopted when she was baby from china and brought to live in boot hill, az bc her parents thought it was a nice, wholesome place to raise a kid
which it was ( for the most part )
ah-de-leen, pls. named after her dad’s mom.
the merciers raised her without thinking much of her chinese heritage, like they molded her to be a nice all-american girl without realizing that would mess up her sense of her identity and leave her feeling v lost and confused bc she was probably like one of the few asian kids in boot hill!! 
went to church every sunday. merciers are v christian. adeline herself isn’t so sure about religion anymore.
faced a fair amount of racism and ignorance growing up, esp in elementary and middle school. got a lot of why don’t you look like your parents/racial taunts/general confusion & ignorance/etc
she assimilated v well tho out of a desire to be accepted. in high school, bc she felt out of place, she focused on fitting in w everyone. was a cheerleader, student council vp, played piano, went to parties. a true chameleon. some ppl were jealous of her, thinking that she acted too good for them/whatever. others were like wow ur so exotic!!!!! but overall, it was fine. had a desire to reconnect w her chinese heritage, but that never went anywhere until she graduated.
graduated at the top of her class and went to columbia for school. was a big surprise to everyone bc who leaves boot hill?? esp for fuckin nyc and ivy leagues?? but off she went!
boot hill prepared her for nothing. going from boot hill to the ~real world~ was a shock and a half, and she definitely struggled. a lot. nearly failed her first semester. i think being somewhere different was intoxicating in itself, and it was easy to forget about going back home bc there was always, always something to do that she wouldn’t go back home for breaks.
met other asians and adoptees, really started to find more of herself. explored her sexuality more. got drunk and high. typical college things.
started searching for her biological mother during college but to no avail since her parents were p cagey about info. the merciers were well-meaning and caring, but also oblivious and selfish. didn’t want her to go chasing after her old family.
got pregnant when she was 22 bc well.....things happen. she was supposed to stay in nyc after graduating and start a new life with her boyfriend who promised he’d stick around for their kid. honestly, they really might’ve stayed together if he hadn’t died from being in the wrong place the wrong time. he was kinda involved in some shady shit tho. 
she found later after he hadn’t come back to their apartment, and wanting to leave everything behind, moved back to boot hill to be with her parents. plus it’d be better for her son, anyway, bc for all her parents’ faults, they’d be good for her son and she needed the help. 
rumors followed her immediately after she came back---who’s the father, what she’s running from, even she can’t escape boot hill---but they died down after a couple of months. worked in the schoolhouse cafe and saved up money until she was 26 and opened the olive branch bar to bring a lil bit of nyc to boot hill.
3 years later, her business is thriving, her son’s doing great, and she has a nice place in the desert willow apartments. life is fine. but she still feels like something is missing.
she’s kind, well-spoken, and poised. trustworthy---people were telling her all sorts of shit through hs and college bc she just seemed like the type to never tell your secrets and give good advice. it’s not that she minded, it’s just sometimes it was too much?? pretty private, doesn’t talk much about the time she left boot hill. still puts on an act. feels like she’s reached a dead end.
nicknames are adele, lina, elle, delle, etc. never addie. 
babysitting charges - her parents were well-off, true, but they always emphasized making your own way, so she did babysitting around town during high school. she’s watched these kids grow up, and now they’ve changed a lot. maybe it’s a older sister kind of thing??
friends - friends from high school in boot hill, those she’s reconnected with after returning, the friends she’s made with newcomers that have settled in, anything goes! pls give my gal some friends! i’d love some ride or dies and really close friendships that have stood the test of time. even if she kinda went off the grid. also, friendships that have had to put back together and fixed after time drew them apart!
will they won’t they - u know how this goes :~)
exes - give me the angsttttt. probably a high school rlship, and also any that happened when she moved back after college since she moved back when she was 22/23. amicable exes, a bad break-up, lingering feelings, let’s work something out! bi, but was closeted in hs bc there was a bunch of shit she was working out. hs ex-girlfriends??
flings, dates, whatever. she gets out sometimes ok. flirtations, that that fun stuff.
someone to help her in searching for her biological family, but how fruitful that’ll be in a town like boot hill who knows
people resent her for leaving and then coming back like? why the hell would you come back idk
do u have kids? playdates w her kid. he’s 7 and adorable.
pretty open to newcomers. are you a newcomer/recently settled? maybe she showed you around! maybe you’re friends! maybe something more!
local connections! people she’s been around her whole life for better or for worse.
confidants!! this could go both ways, maybe she trusts you enough to open up to you
regulars at the olive branch bar!! 
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thepsychicclam · 7 years
Could you talk a little about what being a professor/getting your PhD has been like? Do you have to constantly do research and publish, is it hard to find jobs, do they pay enough to relieve the doctoral debt? I know you’ve moved at least once and I wasn’t sure if it was to follow a job, or if it was for personal reasons and then, was finding a new job hard? Did you start teaching while getting your PhD? I’m just fascinated by it and you seem like the best to ask!
Yes! I can share my experience. Everyone’s experience is different, and mine is unique for a few reasons I’ll discuss below. It may also vary from field to field. My PhD is in literature/English, and from what I’ve gathered, your concentration can influence a lot of stuff, too. So, under the cut, I’ll try to share my experience as much as I can! This is VERY LONG, so be warned, nonny! :D
Before I decided to get a PhD, I got a MAT - a master’s in secondary education with a focus on English literature. My BA is in creative writing/english lit. I taught high school for three years, and for a lot of reasons said FUCK THIS NOISE and quit. I lived with my parents and they told me they’d help support me. I ended up with a college teaching job (you can teach adjunct in the states with a masters) and they told me to get a PhD if I wanted to do it full time some day. I love teaching, and I’m good at it. I especially love teaching literature. So, I decided to go get my PhD.
Choosing my specialization was kinda interesting bc I decided to go for medieval literature, which I hadn’t really studied up until that point. I had always done Victorian and Shakespeare/Renaissance, with a bit of dabbling into Native American and postcolonial literature. But I taught Dante’s Inferno to my seniors my last yr at HS and fell in LOVE. So, I thought, “Hey, there aren’t a lot of medievalists. Everyone gets a PhD in Shakespeare/Victorian lit, so I’ll do that. Maybe it’ll make me more marketable.” I have always loved medieval lit, so I figured lets go for it.
My original plan was to do something with romances, so late medieval stuff. I ended up with two professors in the dept, one who focused on Anglo-Saxon/Old English and one who focused on Chaucer/later medieval. I took multiple classes in both, and my second or third semester, I took intro to Old English. I fell in LOVE WITH IT. It was a linguistics course where we learned the Old English language (which is completely different than modern or even middle english) and translated. I was GOOD at it and took to it unlike anyone else in the class. It just made sense. I think probably bc I had a background in Latin and German (I was a German studies minor in undergrad until I realized I couldn’t speak German to save my life :P) and I took like 3 or 4 yrs of Latin in hs. Anyway, I was hooked and switched to Old English. I took a lot of postcolonial literature courses, like Indian lit, lit of SE Asian, and Native American lit courses, and through this I met another professor who I adored. I ended up working with her to do my minor/secondary specialization, which is literature of the indigenous peoples of America (Native American, Chicano lit, etc - mostly Native American). I ALMOST wrote my dissertation with her bc I loved her so much and I love Native American literature so much. However, as a white woman, I didn’t feel that I would make a good postcolonial/Native American scholar, so I stuck with Anglo-Saxon lit.
I used my class papers to start working on my dissertation ideas. I got obsessed with monstrosity and the narrow definition in AS lit, and connected that to ideas of reason, which I also became obsessed with, and ended up writing all my papers about some type of monstrous transformation and how it connects to the reason of the punished. Thus, my dissertation topic was born, which currently has the working title of Transformative Bodies and their Punishments as Social Control in Anglo-Saxon Literature. It’s a terrible title, but right now, at least it states the overall topic lol
My comps, which are the comprehensive exams you have to take, took me a year to read for. Most people take one semester, I took 2. I took mine in the spring and just read for two semesters. Now, to put it into perspective, the English dept standard was 40 primary texts and 20 secondary texts, so 60 texts. Mine was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over that. I ended up with over 16,000 pgs of texts to read. Hint: I DID NOT READ THEM ALL. And remember, half of mine were in Middle English, so they took 3 times as long to read, and half were translated OE texts. But I read a lot, read the secondary stuff, and took my comps. Comps were supposed to be 2.5 hrs. The director of graduate studies handed me my comps and said, “You’re the medieval one, right?” And I was like, “...yes...” and he looked at me and said, “You get 4 hrs.” THAT’S HOW FUCKING LONG MY ADVISOR MADE MY COMPS. I HAD TO GET EXTRA TIME. So, 4 hrs I did nothing but type. There were questions on there that were not part of my 16k words, but I answered everything. I wrote 9 fucking thousand words in 4 hrs. I was PUMPED. Then, he gave me just a PASS not PASS PLUS. I’m a straight A student, valedictorian, graduated cum laude and magna cum laude, mortar board, scholarships, etcetc. I WAS PISSED :|||| I MEAN I HAD 4 HRS AND WRITE 9K ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? It didn’t matter bc I still passed, but it was a pride thing lol
Okay, so that August I moved to Boston. My diss director was PISSED. I was ABD (all but dissertation, ie I had passed my comps), so I was going to work on my dissertation remotely. Many ppl do this. Well, he basically looked at me and said, “Yeah most ppl don’t finish who do this.” I cried for like 2 weeks. Then I got pissed and told myself I WILL FUCKING FINISH THIS IF IT KILLS ME. I regretted not doing the Native American diss with the professor I loved. My dissertation director is a dick. Hands down. I would be finished if I had a better director. I have had no support. Now, I did move to Boston, I procrastinated and took my time and had a lot of anxiety, but he didn’t help me at all. He made it worse. If you’ve followed me for awhile, you know I struggle with depression and anxiety, and at times it’s basically debilitating. So, it increased tenfold with the dissertation process. It took me a year to get my proposal submitted, finalized, and approved. 
I started working on my dissertation, which thankfully I had drafts of chapters from my class papers. As of right now, I have drafted 4 full chapters of average 40 pgs each and am revising. My director takes forever to get back from me, and my comments give me MAJOR anxiety. Part of the dissertation process is being told “yeah this needs work.” It’s like, hey, your ideas are great! You have a good point! But here are 100 ways you suck. Or that’s what it feels like. So, it became a major source of crippling anxiety for me. When I was in therapy, it was like all I talked about. I have to spend a week or two just pumping myself to check my fucking email. I have been trying to make an inface mtg with my advisor for a freaking yr. He blew me off to go to the bar with his friends at a conference we attended last yr (I only know this for a fact bc I SAW HIM AT THE BAR WITH THEM when he texted me and said he had “fallen asleep.”) So, needless to say, that has been a huge struggle and conflict. However, I don’t think that’s normal. lol I’m just cursed.
Right now, I’m trying to learn how to push myself as an academic writer and researcher to the next level. Something I need him to teach me, but still trying to meet face to face! I’ve gotten to the point in my drafts that I need to improve the arguments and research in a few places, but I’m not sure how to break through my wall. I need guidance, you know? Bc I don’t live around the campus, I’m doing this alone. I don’t have a writers group or any friends in the program. I’m pretty alone and isolated, which sucks. It’s also not the norm either, I don’t think. So, I have to push myself and keep myself going and write in a vacuum. I’m the only medievalist in the Eng dept getting a PhD, so there’s not even someone else writing their dissertation in Anglo-Saxon lit or even Middle English. The medieval dept is small.
So, that is my PhD schooling experience. Let’s talk about work and loans. I worked at a different college as an adjunct while doing my classes. I did not do a graduate research or teaching assistant job at the university, which means I paid for my schooling out of pocket/loans. I had someone tell me once, “If you’re paying for your own PhD, you shouldn’t be getting one. If you’re not being paid to get it, you’re not worth anything.” Pretty much, I feel like I was told the entire way I was doing everything wrong. I couldn’t get a GRA/GTA while teaching at the other school. I was an adjunct with a 3 class load, so I made decent, though not much. I lived at home w my folks, so I was okay with money. I was extremely lucky bc of that bc most ppl live on their own and have to work multiple jobs. When I moved to Boston, that’s when I got the 239847239 jobs. (also why I used to write a lot of fic and now I don’t write as much lol real life, man). When I moved to Boston, I taught adjunct, 3 classes. I also did freelance writing and worked at a farm, mainly bc rent was$2000/mth and I didn’t get paid during the summer. When I moved to SC, I also ended up with a 3 class adjunct job, but continued with the freelance writing. I have always been incredibly lucky with getting jobs. I think it’s bc I have a lot of teaching experience (this is my 10th yr teaching) and I have a background in English literature instead of education. I also wasn’t picky where I taught. I wasn’t teaching at Harvard, Boston College, or even something like the University of South Carolina. I taught at a small state school to start with, a community college in Boston, and now another small state school. But all experience is good experience. One thing that will make you marketable is your teaching experience. Everyone I’ve every talked to who hired me was interested in my teaching experience. 
For my career, right now I do a lot of conferences. I am doing 5 this semester, and I have done a ton of them. Graduate conferences, medieval conferences, lit conferences, pedagogy conferences, even library conferences. I give presentations/papers at each of them, bc I don’t see the point of going to a conference if you aren’t going to give a paper. I haven’t done any publishing yet. I have a few ideas for articles, but I’m terrified. It’s very hard to get published, so I haven’t tried yet :/ it is an expectation of all professors/phds to get published. At my current job, where I just got hired full time as an Visiting Assistant Professor, if I get a tenure track position, I have to have at least 1 publication within 5 years. That is a peer reviewed journal article or book. Getting published in English is SO MUCH HARDER than the sciences. I have a friend who works in Atlanta as a research assistant/lab technician/scientist (I’m not sure the title tbh) and she has like 3 publications bc she helped with these studies that they publish online that get published within like a month. My sister has a chapter in an art history essay collection, and it took 2 years to get published!! Academic publishing is the WORST. I’m hoping at least one dissertation chapter gets accepted as an article. I also did a project in my 102 class last semester that I have given multiple conference presentations and teaching workshops about, and I’m starting to work on turning it into an article. I want to be a teaching professor, not a research professor, so I’m trying to focus on the teaching aspect of my career. I just got a Brit Lit class for next semester instead of a sea of composition, so I’m trying to come up with a unique topical angle that I can use on my CV to show my teaching skills. So, part of my job is trying to find ways to increase my CV. Like, I run a panel at a regional literature conference (I kinda lucked into it bc my mentor used to run it, and now I do lol), so that looks good on my CV, too. So, it’s not constant publishing, but you are expected to do SOMETHING, conferences, publication, things like that.
Is it hard to find jobs? I’d say yes. Like I said, I have been incredibly lucky to always have a job. My dissertation director told me last yr after I got my job in SC, “Well, I guess you’re doing something right. I mean, you always seem to find a job.” (thanks asshole for that BACKHANDED COMPLIMENT) I am not picky. Experience is experience, and you’re not going to find your dream job immediately. That sense of entitlement limits you and keeps you from finding a job to start. Right now, I teach 5 fucking composition 101 classes. I was bitching to my sister today about how I was teaching fucking TOPIC SENTENCES and my students don’t get it!!! It sucks!! But, it pays a full time salary, and it gives me experience. Do I want to teach how to write a FUCKING TOPIC SENTENCE?? NO!! I can translate Old English and have studied medieval and early British literature for almost a decade. THAT’S WHAT I WANT TO FOCUS ON. But, I’m not an entitled asshole and realize I have to work my way up. When I finish my PhD, will get the perfect medieval/early British job? NO. I hope to get a job as an early British person somewhere (not my current school, who has no need for a medievalist really), but I know it will take one to two jobs before my dream job. Everyone I know has done 1-3 jobs before their perfect tenure job. Of course, there are always people who have the magic CV or whatever who will get that perfect job right out of grad school. I have no delusions. That’s not gonna be me. I’m an okay researcher and scholar and a damn good teacher. The first part means more than the last part for colleges. I just hope to eventually find somewhere I can teach Medieval lit to undergrads, and maybe do a course on monsters in pop culture.
Money wise, professors make okay but not mega bucks. I make pretty good for my area. But, I grew up poor, so having a full time job is like WHOO. I’ve learned how to live a great life on a lower salary. If money is what you want, this is not the career for you unless you’re teaching business or accounting at an MBA program. However, I go to work at 10 am, I leave some days at 1 and others at 3, I get from May-August and all of December off, and I make a full time yearly salary. So...I chose my profession for the time off. lol That’s exactly why I became a teacher XD I’m in a lot of student debt, but I worked out a payment plan with the student loan ppl and pay my loans every month. I’ll be dead before they’re paid off, but oh well :P 
What other questions did you ask...yes, I worked the entire time teaching while getting my degree. At one point I was working 5 jobs lol but not while taking class, during comps/dissertation stuff. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask! Like I said, I have a unique circumstance, with a dick dissertation advisor, moving between 3 states and teaching at 3 different places, though I finally have landed a full time college teaching position lol When I finish my dissertation, I will be very happy with my career path. Right now, with it looming over  my head and making me feel like the fucking biggest idiot and stupidest person on the planet, I regret my life decisions XD But really, I don’t bc, you know, I work like 20 hrs a week XDDDDDD
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tfmason-blog1 · 7 years
ok here i am w/ my late intro of my boy mason
☼ [ M1 ] in [ APT 5c ] looks freakishly similar to [ TARON EGERTON ], but is known as [ MASON REID ], a [ TWENTY FIVE ] year old [ FILM STUDENT AT NYU ] from [ SAN FRANCISCO, CA ] who moved to Soho because [ OF SCHOOL ]. Around the complex, they are known as [ THE PALADIN ]. 
so mason is a total california boy at heart and spent his time back home surfing and skating and smoking weed smh
he had a pretty comfy life growing up, his parents loved each other and they were def upper middle class bc mase’s dad owned a few start ups and was kinda known in the silicon valley world. mason has two other brothers so u bet it their house is chaos
he was a shithead as a teenager and was totally unmotivated in hs even tho he is kinda weirdly smart. rlly he was always jsut bored
so his grades weren’t the best and he was overall disinterested, but he enrolled in community college after he graduated bc everyone else was doing their thing and he felt like a loser
he did a few semesters and actually rlly loved college so he did much better than he did in high school and eventually got into nyu for film (wow he actually found smth he’s passionate about)
he is tragically hetero and so girl crazy it’s actually ridiculous
there’s a 10/10 chance he will flirt w any girl he crosses 
he loves being single but he also loves being a bf and having someone to spoil and just love the shit out of he’s honestly such a sap deep down
before he left he had been dating this girl for a few years and he was so crazy about her and she got pregnant and he was ready to drop everything and marry her bc he was so happy and was excited about a baby
bUt baby mama wasn’t too keen and she broke up w/ mason, got an abortion and skipped town so :/ that bummed him out ofc so off to school he went 
 that’s all she wrote for rn so !!! pls plot with my son i love him sm already
some basic ass plots i just thought of an would love to have
friends w/ benefits. he’s a lover im sorry i don’t make the rules
mason’s muse. he’s a film student and needs someone to be a part of his projects 
study buddies. mason sucks at focusing and doing his work so someone needs to kick his ass n make him get stuff done.
all the school friends tbh. maybe they have classes together and they can bitch about the prof or someone that he goes to college parties w bc he’s too old to be cool enough to go alone lmao
that’s all i have for now so wow if you made it to the end of this u deserve a gold star ok bye
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kimthremmays · 5 years
Figuring out financial aid for your graduating senior
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Paying for college is always a major worry for both parents and seniors.  Making sure you do everything possible to help your child get all the financial help they need is very important.  This post will discuss the aspects of applying for financial aid in Florida for your graduating senior.
The first place to start when figuring out the financial aspect of paying for college starts with the FAFSA, which stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid.  The website for the application is https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa, which is very well laid out and easy to follow.  The site saves information automatically as you enter and has easy to follow step by step instructions.
For the questions that are difficult or even questionable regarding what information they want, each question has a ? icon.  Clicking on this icon pulls up a separate page explaining in more detail what information is being asked.  This is one of the ways the site helps parents and seniors decipher and navigate through the application process. 
Bright Futures is another way graduating students in Florida can obtain financial help.  This help is based more on the academics of the student rather than the financial aspect of the student and family.  Bright Futures is always changing so my first and main advice is to conduct research, which helps you make sure your child has all the requirements needed.  
There are two types of Bright Futures Scholarships, which are Florida Academic Scholarship (FAS)  and the Florida Medallion Scholarship (FMS), and both have different requirements for the students. Each of these scholarships require a certain GPA, service hours and score on ACT or SAT to meet the requirements.   The scholarships pay different amounts per credit hour with FAS being the highest amount given.  
Educating yourself ahead of time will help you and your child be prepared for what is needed.  Check out The Bright Futures website to learn everything you need to know.   Here is a link for the site: https://www.floridastudentfinancialaidsg.org/PDF/BFHandbookChapter1.pdf  To fill application for Bright Futures see following site for step by step instructions:  https://www.floridastudentfinancialaidsg.org/PDF/PSI/HS-1819-03a.pdf
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