#there’s a pattern here hee hee hoo hoo
veeples · 2 years
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got tagged by @lavampira to do this picrew! thank you dani 💕
faustus valentine (he/him)
cherry jackson (they/them)
charlie rosewall (she/her)
fiona rosario (she/her)
nesbie montgomery (they/he)
gabi storm (she/her)
tagging: @magesmiths @khiita @magebastard !!!
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thegoobiedoober · 2 years
hee hee hoo hoo
Do not click Keep Reading unless you're ready for one doozy of a post
In all seriousness, I'd like to write something that will be a sort of avatar of me, something fit to serve as the role I wish to play, something playfully chaotic, but fitting to the fandom I wish to remain with.
some inspirations I have for some of the posts I have written include, but are not limited to:
Merasmus (tf2)
Zim (invader zim)
maybe Fischl? (genshin impact)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (phineas and ferb)
As you can see, the lineup is pretty chaotic (insert sarcastic comment about the list being short).
But enough with that.
For the new avatar/lbpsona, I would like to try and improve on the pattern of speech as shown by this post right here.
I'm smelling the wacky glamour of a wizard-warlock who loves the aesthetic that Evil has, but does not take Evil seriously enough to commit actually heinous acts. The Harmless, F in Evil, Card-carrying villain who's not actually a villain, ya dig?
With the general outline of the avatar's personality out of the way, let's go on to actually look at some characters who's designs I really love.
1. @lacking-hydration's lbp narrator design
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This one is mostly because I like the face stickers and the footwear. I do like the energy this gives off though.
2. Leslie from DHMIS
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This is because of the crazy and wacky colors (and the crazy patchwork stuff)
Both pieces are by different people, and check them both out if you can.
alternatively, here are some actual images of the in show character
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3. Miss Frizzle from The Magic School Bus (og)
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Because this is part of the zany energy I am looking for
4 Mettaton EX from Undertale
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I should not have to explain why
5 Merasmus from TF2
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Because despite the fact this guy looks serious, he's actually a very incompetent doofus wizard/warlock thing.
C'mon, this design literally screams evil, what do you want?
That's about the most stuff I can bring myself to put together.
please tell me what direction I should go because this whole attempt at organizing my ideas is turning into a mess, I need help.
if you have any suggestions, please reblog this so that I can get a grasp at what I am dealing with.
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
you can't just make a post like that and not tell us about your own ocs getting the wyrm treatment >:)
(in reference to this post, where i WAS typing up my reply before dinner arrived and you were Very Fast gfjdbjhbg so let me just type it up here now anyway >:) )
vince would be the wyrm of dissociation/identity crises. he would straight up forget who he is. and "nothing even matters" would be his signature statement. signature physical trait would be the glowing blue scars running down the whole wyrm, and he'd be patterned black-and-white underneath. familiar people can get him out of it but the way back is as painful if not more than the way there was. i think he'd retain his rift abilities but maybe just use them to hide in there so he can be reduced to the passive spectator he feels is the only role he can safely fulfill/deserves
verica would go from wanting to see justice to acting on spite to full on #gaslight #gatekeep #girlboss. don't listen to or believe in anything she says. she'd have a feathered black-and-blue mane around her head and down her spine with whips of lightning tumbling around her. power would be to Scream and blow everyone's fucking eardrums out. this one's a toughie but you could probably get her out of this by somehow getting her to really listen to you and telling her to fucking cut it out maybe
pule would go from quiet guilt to self-blame to open self-loathing. being aware of the consequences of your own actions is one thing but to reduce everything bad in the world to something you did is irrational. his orowyrm form would have spikes all over and have a generally more infested look, think tendrils in all kinds of places. get him out of it by pointing out all the good he's done in the world as well, in both of his lives. he spits several kinds of goop and infested minions.
kelth would spiral from self-doubt into complete inaction. thinking they'd be able to freeze every living thing that can hear them with just this feeling of instinctive horror that freezes you like a deer in headlights. don't know what they'd look like apart from the spiderwebby mask of void scars around their eyes, might be cool if it went down the whole wyrm? i think if you could startle them into doing Something, Anything, it might start to reboot their brain out of it.
i don't have braincells left for more right now >:) perhamps if i get a good idea later i'll add it. hee hoo thank you
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
MLB ideas/hopes/predictions/prompts
Bunnix using her umbrella to fly like Mary Poppins
Ladybug coming up with an overly convoluted Rube Goldberg machine type plan with her lucky charm, but not having some of the components, so she just sends Pegasus to the store in the middle of a battle
Characters who are close slowly finding out about each other’s superhero identities in funny ways
Pigella picking up something massive and like 10x heavier than her and chucking it
I really want one of these heroes’ tools to be a comically large anime-style weapon, but alas I don’t think they’d do it
Season finale boss fight featuring all the new heroes, which is totally gonna happen at some point, but it would look really busy on screen to have them all running around at once, so I’d split them into smaller teams based on their skills to carry out specific parts of Ladybug’s Epic 36-Step Plan™️. It would make for a satisfying “oh yeah, it’s all coming together” montage and also give us some unique character interactions.
Ladybug picking unique combo teams of new heroes based on their skills to fight specific strong villains
Alya starting a school paper and getting the whole team in on it. I love the episodes where the class does one big project together, they’re so cute.
Someone/a group getting akumatized on purpose to disobey Hawkmoth and take advantage of their akuma’s power for a noble goal
Episode from the POV of a boring background character detailing how the life of the average Parisian is affected by LB and CN. Unreliable scheduling, monster traffic jams, the sheer embarrassment of getting got by an akuma...
I want an animal to get akumatized. Someone’s dog who feels lonely when their favorite human gets a new, demanding job and turns into a terrifying Cerberus beast or something.
Mayor Bourgeois allocates some taxpayer dollars into a LB bank account to support her, and she has to make the very important decision on whether to save it for a real emergency or buy 17 hamburgers.
Okay part of me doesn’t want to make kwami/future hero predictions in case I accidentally come up with something way cooler than what will really happen and then be disappointed, but the other part of me is like hee hoo predikshun. So don’t expect these to actually happen lol.
I won’t talk about Multimouse because we kinda know everything about her, but she looks cute and it’s nice to see two heroes who aren’t super skinny.
The silhouette of Minotaurox in the intro doesn’t offer a lot of insight other than his epic horns. I have no idea what his tool might be. His costume looks to be pretty simple/practical, though, which is in line with Ivan’s character. I heard a theory that his power will be increasing in size, and it makes sense looking at Stoneheart and the pattern of flipping the characters’ flaws on their head, but that sounds kind of boring to me, especially compared to all the other creative abilities.
Tigresse’s silhouette makes me think her design will be awesome. Her tail looks like it might be her tool. It kind of resembles Amethyst’s whip from SU so maybe she can use it to grab things like Ladybug does with her yo-yo. I heard a theory that her power will be invisibility which I support because it takes the flaw that turned Juleka into Reflekta (wanting to be invisible out of insecurity) and makes it powerful like the stealth of a tiger.
From the silhouette, Caprikid looks a bit like a beginner’s Trollhunters cosplay, but I’m sure he’ll be cool. I’ve seen people argue whether he’s Nate or Marc and I’m positive he’s Marc (making Nate CC) so if anyone asks for an explanation I’ll make the comprehensive post on why. He’s holding his tool, and I’ve seen debate over which direction it’s in. If he’s holding it pointed up it looks like a giant calligraphy brush, but I think he’s holding it pointed down and the “brush” is just a decoration on the end. I’ve heard a theory that it’s a shepherd’s cane which is my favorite one. Personal idea here: I’d make his power telekinesis. Pretty basic, but I can imagine it being very useful for the type of scenarios we see in the show without it being OP. I like the idea of using a cane to “shepherd” something through the air. This could reflect Reverser’s desire for control, but flip it to be more collected and useful.
I fully support Coq Courage’s ninja pants, they are simply Correct. It’d be cool if his tool was a bow and arrow, and that seems like a pretty popular theory. The shape to the left of his torso looks like it might be a quiver but it’s probably just his other arm. Thumb rings are used in archery, but what little we’ve seen of the miraculous (disguised on Marinette and Chloe) shows a different type of ring. Still tho. Also get ready for my crazy never-gonna-happen idea: the bow can turn into a hang glider. Roosters can fly, but not super well/freely, which could translate to gliding. It’d add some versatility to the way the heroes move around since a lot of the temporary ones can only run, and it would let him reach places LB might not be able to. I’ve heard a theory that his power will be supersonic voice which could contrast how Nathaniel is bad at communicating and quiet until he gets mad and blows up.
Orikko might be the kwami of illumination. Roosters are associated with the sun and Evillustrator’s power was sourced from light. At first I thought his transformation words might be “sunrise” and “sunset” but someone said the activation code could be “rise and shine” which sounds awesome.
Traquemoiselle, believe it or not, is actually in the intro, she’s just hidden at the very top and only a snippet of the head is showing. All we know is that she has round dog ears. Barrk is surprisingly one of the more fleshed-out kwamis as of now, having a few solid lines of characterization in Furious Fu. Kwamis are usually yin-yang to their holder, so Barrk fits Sabrina perfectly, being loyal yet independent while Sabrina is loyal and an absolute doormat. No clue about her tool. Her power is kinda in the name: tracking. Maybe she can track down some one specific thing of her choice, but maybe she can sniff out akumas. As seen in Dark Owl and Gang of Secrets, Hawkmoth can be creative with akuma placement, so she can probably save the team from some close calls.
I have no theories for the transformation words of the other kwamis. Ziggy or Stompp could include “horns” or “charge” and Roaar “stripes” but I can’t think of any phrase including those words that isn’t too similar to an existing one. There are some phrases based on powers, though, not the animal. Or maybe they’ll just give up and give us another iteration of “Sass, scales slither”.
I think the theme for one of these remaining new heroes might be “assertion”. A lot of them struggle with that as their civilian selves, and the animals that are left can all be associated with independence/dominance, not that the animal traits always play into what the heroes are.
Ok last one, long one: in season 3, Luka’s main traits were “cool and nice” which doesn’t make for an interesting, complex major character, and at first he seemed like the perfect love interest, but from an outside perspective the extent of his kindness is kind of disturbing. I’m hoping they can flip this around and turn it into a character flaw where he has practically no boundaries, and it turns into a problem. Maybe he could agree to run random errands for the background characters for nothing in return, and at first it’s just him being nice, but later people start seeing his help as an obligation. They get peeved when he’s unavailable one day and get akumatized into a “boss rush” of classic akumas, effectively trapping and forcing him to help them. Then Tigresse Pourpe comes and helps save the day, expanding on Juleka and Luka’s relationship. The resolution can teach kids that putting yourself first isn’t necessarily selfish, and that sitting back and letting people take advantage of your kindness isn’t heroic.
There’s probably some stuff I forgot which I can put in a different post later, but lmk if you want a separate post about any of these things in more detail! This was just me rambling out all my new hyperfixation thoughts. Also if anyone uses any of the hypotheticals/scenarios as a prompt I’d love to see it.
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ladytrelaw · 4 years
Ursus’ Lotions, Potions, and Puppetry Chapter 3: Your Broken Children
It’s 1am!! Have a chapter update <3
Thanks @siren-of-the-renown for brainstorming the flower crown idea with me!
“This one?”
“Buttercup. Like butter melting in your mouth.”
“That’s cheating!”
Grinpayne laughs at Dea’s scandalised tone, plucking the offending flower from her fingers and winding it into the half-formed crown in his lap. “It’s not cheating if that’s what it’s called! I didn’t name it.”
It’s a balmy afternoon, and they’ve been lying in the grass for an hour or so now, banished from the cart while Ursus tinkers with some potion or other. Neither of them mind; the cart is cosy in winter but stuffy in summer, and out here in the open air a languid sort of ease has fallen over them as they work their way slowly through the pile of wildflowers that Grinpayne brought back from his walk. What Dea does mind, however, is the way that Grinpayne has just wormed his way out of giving her a halfway decent description of the flower she held in her hand.
“It’s still cheating,” she says in as stern a voice as she can muster, but Grinpayne happily ignores her. He hums something under his breath as his nimble fingers work amongst the stems and petals of her crown, and she can’t stop herself from smiling. With a resigned sigh, she hovers her fingers once more over the flowers, landing on one with petals like crushed tissue paper and holding it up decisively. “This one?”
Grinpayne pauses his humming. “Chicory,” he says after a moment. “Like…” he holds the word thoughtfully on his tongue, and Dea imagines him tilting his head back to the sky as though he’ll find the right metaphor there floating above them. “Like arriving in a new town on a winter morning before anyone else is awake. When everything is so still and cold and quiet that the whole world feels like it’s holding its breath. Like it’s about to tell you a secret it’s never told anyone else.”
His voice is soft and in his words she’s transported; the chill winter air stroking her cheek, the frost crunching softly underfoot, the air tingling with something unknown, something magical. How, Dea thinks, with no small amount of scorn, could anyone ever expect her to long for her eyesight when she can see with all of her senses like this?
They move through the remaining wildflowers, the blossoms growing to life in her very hands as Grinpayne speaks; dandelions ringing with the mischievous shouts of street urchins, daisies bursting with the tangy sweetness of wild strawberries, and a pink flower that Grinpayne can’t name filling her lungs with the feeling of breathless exhilaration. “Like you’ve just run as fast as you can,” he says dreamily, “just for the thrill of it-”
He inhales sharply, a sound Dea knows too well, and she is instantly alert. “Grinpayne, your medicine-”
“It’s fine.” He says, a little too quickly. “Honestly, Dea, it’s…” he breathes deeply, once, twice, then exhales long and slow. “See? It’s gone. Just a twinge. Look, your crown is finished.”
Dea frowns, unconvinced, but Grinpayne’s breath doesn’t tremble, and when he nestles the crown amongst her hair his gentle fingers don’t shake, so she elects to believe him. The crown slips down to her ears and she reaches up to adjust it, the stems and stalks that Grinpayne has woven together an intricate pattern beneath her fingertips.
“Princess Dea,” he says, in a voice so pompous and ridiculous that she giggles despite herself. “With this crown of many colours I hereby proclaim you Queen of the Green Cart and All Its Kingdoms. Long may you reign. Hee Hoo Ha!”
He utters the royal cry so seriously that Dea bursts out laughing, covering her hand with her mouth as her shoulders shake, all thoughts of pain slipping happily away. She composes herself with some difficulty, and sits up straighter, tilting her chin to the sky the way she imagines nobles do.
“And what is your first order as Queen, Your Highness?” Grinpayne asks in his normal voice, though slightly muffled as he bows his head in deference.
“I should like a palace!” Dea says regally, and Grinpayne makes a contented noise of approval.
“Of course! The most grand in the country! And servants-”
“How many?”
“In their hundreds, Your Highness!” Grinpanye proclaims, and her lips echo the smile in his voice.
“And feasts!” she adds, adjusting her crown so that it sits more securely on her head. “Grand feasts-”
“Every night,” Grinpayne assures her, “with stuffed geese-”
“And wine-”
“And quails egg tarts-”
“And a whole roasted pig with an apple in its mouth!” Dea finishes, her regal persona falling apart completely as she is overcome with a fresh wave of giggles at the image she only knows from Urus’ fairy stories. She leans against Grinpayne, feeling his own shoulders shake with soft chuckles. But when their laughter tails off into silence, something else settles in its place, something darker. Dea can’t pretend she doesn’t know why they were both so quickly distracted by daydreams of food. It’s been days since they left Oxford, and hunger has become an unwelcome but constant hitchhiker in their little cart, clinging to each of them like a shadow.
“Father told me I have to go hunting with him today,” Grinpayne says softly after a moment, his thoughts clearly having travelled the same road as Dea’s own.
Ah. Guilt nips at Dea, and she tries desperately to school her features into neutrality, because the hunting trip is not news to her. In fact, it was she who had cornered a guilty Ursus in their cart that morning while Grinpayne was distracted outside; she who demanded that he make good on his promise to talk things through with his son; she who had suggested they go hunting in the first place. But of course, she’s not about to tell Grinpayne that.
“See if you can shoot me that wild boar for roasting,” she teases gently, before adjusting to more realistic standards with a wrinkle of her nose. “Or perhaps just a rabbit.”
“Doesn’t take two people to hunt a rabbit,” Grinpayne mutters, the slightest trace of petulance in his voice. Dea frowns, leaning back on her elbows, not daring to lie flat for fear of crushing her newly adorned crown.
“He wants to talk. That’s a good thing, Grinpayne, it’ll be good for you both.”
Grinpayne huffs unhappily, flopping down on his back in the grass next to her.
“What if I don’t know what to say?” he murmurs distractedly. “I can’t… I’ve already apologised-”
“Just talk,” Dea says gently. “You both want to fix whatever’s broken. You’ll find the right words.”
Grinpayne hums noncommittally, as though he doesn’t quite believe her. “So” he says after a moment, and Dea recognises from the tone of his voice that the conversation is over, for now. “This palace of yours, my Queen…”
Ursus steps outside, squinting in the sunlight after so long spent in relative gloom, a quiver and bow over one shoulder and a second pair held loosely in his hands. From the other side of the cart the gentle sound of voices floats on the breeze, and he trudges towards it, trying to keep the arrows from jangling together too much as he walks. Dea and Grinpayne don’t hear him approach, lying in the grass together and murmuring closely in that private way they do. A wreath of wildflowers is sitting wonkily in Dea’s hair, and Grinpayne is lying on his side next to her, plaiting blades of grass together absentmindedly. They look so relaxed, so calm, so young, that Ursus is tempted to sneak back around the cart before he is seen, to leave them to their afternoon and try again tomorrow. But it’s been four long days, and he's a little scared of what Dea will do if he waits much longer.
He’d meant to say it softly but it comes out clipped and brusque instead, and Grinpayne and Dea startle slightly at his sudden appearance, looking up with identical sets of wide eyes, one deep brown, one white. Almost immediately, a cloud moves over Grinpayne’s features, the air of calm relaxation that had surrounded him vanishing entirely. Dea also looks uneasy, disappointed at Ursus’ unintentionally stern tone, and he curses himself inwardly but there’s nothing to be done about it now. Wordlessly, he holds out the spare quiver and bow in his hands, trying not to rise to the way Grinpayne rolls his eyes so far back in his head that he seems at risk of losing them entirely. He pushes himself off the floor, muttering something to Dea as he goes, and Ursus bristles slightly. It had sounded far too much like ‘wish me luck’ for his liking, and somehow he doesn’t think Grinpayne is referencing the hunt. As he trudges towards Ursus and silently takes the proffered weapons, Ursus looks past him to Dea, still sitting cross-legged in the grass.
“We won’t be long. Keep Mojo close by and don’t talk to anyone.”
She scoffs a little, and Ursus wonders for a moment whether maybe she’s spending too much time with Grinpayne.
“I know, Father,” she says, fiddling with the flowers in her hair. “I’ll be fine.”
Ursus huffs, turning back to Grinpayne who is waiting with his quiver slung across his back, watching him with guarded eyes. “Ready?”
Grinpayne gives one short nod and Ursus hefts his bow, trudging past Grinpayne and leading them both off the road, into the woods beyond.
They’ve been going on hunting trips like this since Grinpayne was barely taller than the bow he's now carrying. In those early years he had driven Ursus to distraction by scampering through the trees and firing ten times more questions at his father than arrows at prey, but as he grew older he became a skilled and responsible hunting partner, and Ursus treasures the memory of those days more than he’d likely admit. Back then they’d walk together for hours in companionable silence, speaking only to point out a half-smudged paw print in the dirt, or a tuft of fur caught on a branch. With most of their time spent in the choking smog and cacophony of towns or cities, the woods became a sort of refuge for both of them. A sanctuary.  
Things are very different now. They walk for a while without speaking, but the silence is heavy and brittle, each of them hyper aware of the movements of the other. Grinpayne walks ahead of Ursus, his shoulders high with tension, his footfalls unusually heavy. A few days ago Ursus would have snapped at him for the careless way he’s placing his feet when he knows Grinpayne knows better - his son can move totally silently when he wants to, slipping through winding streets and woodlands alike with all the noise of a shadow, all the presence of a ghost. But the days since they left Oxford have been long and tense, and, left alone with his thoughts in the dark of the night, Ursus’ anger has given way to a hollow sort of guilt.
He swallows nervously. He’s never been good with words, and he knows how much is riding on this conversation; knows how urgently he needs to bridge the gap that is growing ever wider between him and his son. The vision of Grinpayne on the ground in the square, hands coming up to protect his head as the furious crowd loomed over him, haunts Ursus nightly. If he’d arrived even a few minutes later… but that’s in the past, and it won’t do to dwell on it. They’ve both made mistakes recently, both been tetchy and short with each other, but Dea is right; it’s foolishness. He can fix this. He has to fix this.  
He calls Grinpayne’s name, and watches as his shoulders tighten impossibly further, like he’s bracing for an attack. When he speaks, his voice is carefully neutral.
“I think the track goes this way-”
“Leave the track for a moment,” Ursus says, cutting him off. Grinpayne turns to face him with all the excitement of a man headed for the gallows.
“Father…” he starts, something almost pleading in his eyes. “I don’t… we don’t have to do this-”
“We have to have it out, my boy,” Ursus says grimly, though he’s fighting the urge to just abandon the whole idea now that he’s faced with actually, well, talking. “I can’t have another day of Dea pestering me-”
“Dea?” Grinpayne echoes incredulously, and Ursus realises his mistake a moment too late as he watches Grinpayne’s eyes widen, betrayal written as clearly across his face as if he’d scrawled the word in ink. He winces; another foot wrong, another mistake to add to his rapidly growing collection.
“She didn’t mean-” he starts, backpedalling, but Grinpayne cuts across him.
“I knew it, I knew you’d talk about me behind my back.” He mutters bitterly. “At least you tell me how much of a burden I am to my face.”
Well. That’s not fair. That’s not fair at all.
“For God’s sake, boy,” Ursus says frustratedly, “it’s exactly this that’s worrying her! All this constant sniping at each other-”
“And whose fault is that?” Grinpayne scoffs, folding his arms across his chest. It’s a challenge, plain as day, and Ursus subconsciously stands up taller in response, even as his heart thumps uneasily in his chest. This isn’t how this was supposed to go.
“Both of us!” he replies, struggling to keep his voice level. “The fault lies with both of us-”
“It’s not my fault that you shouting at me upsets her,” Grinpayne interrupts coolly, eyes like tempered steel, and Ursus feels his resolve start to slip. If he can take responsibility for his part in this mess then so can Grinpayne, but instead he’s being childish and moody as usual, and Ursus tells him so. Grinpayne laughs, but it’s a cold, cruel sound; brittle and cutting.
“Oh, of course! Now you’re the reasonable one. When it suits you, when it comes to dear darling Dea, then you’re ever so logical.”
He rolls his eyes skyward again in the disrespectful way that has always annoyed Ursus, the way he knows annoys Ursus; the sight like a red scarf to a bull.
“What’s that supposed to mean-”
“It means -” Grinpayne sputters, losing some of his steely composure, “it… it means you act like you’re so calm and collected and I’m, I’m just this wild animal that can’t control himself but-”
“Behave like a wild animal and you’ll be treated like one.” Ursus growls, taking a step forward. He’s distantly aware that he’s fast losing control, that this is the opposite of what Dea wanted, what he wanted, but Grinpayne is being so unreasonable that the frustration flooding through his veins sweeps that thought away like driftwood on the tide. “How could you be so stupid, Grinpayne, you could have gotten yourself killed-”
Grinpayne begins to interrupt but Ursus cuts across him with a sharp noise of frustration, holding up a hand. “I should never have let you go on your own.” He snaps. “In fact I’ve half a mind to stop your shows altogether.”
From the way Grinpayne reacts, Ursus couldn’t have made a much worse threat. His eyes widen with horror, mouth dropping open in shock, but he recovers quickly and as he takes a step toward Ursus his features twist into something deeper than fear, something angrier.
“You can’t do that,” Grinpayne says darkly, though there’s a glimmer of something vulnerable in his eyes, something pleading behind the bravado. “You can’t take that away from us Father, it’s all we have, you can’t - ”
“If that’s what it takes to keep you safe then so be it!” Ursus says sharply, trying to regain some ground, but Grinpayne ignores him.
“I won’t let you break Dea’s heart like that!” He snarls, nearly shouting with frustration. “I know, alright, I know all of this is my fault, I know how much easier things would be for you if I just disappeared, but-”
He breaks off as suddenly as if he’d been struck, gasping as a shudder runs through his body, pain snatching his words away. It’s a familiar sight but that doesn’t make it any less painful to witness. Ursus starts forward automatically but Grinpayne staggers away, holding up a trembling hand to ward him off, and he stops short, heart pounding. It’s a moment before he registers what Grinpayne has just said, and when he does his blood runs cold.
“How can you say that?” he bites out, watching as Grinpayne leans on his knees, taking short, shallow breaths as he rides out the wave of pain. “How can you possibly, possibly think that I’d want that-”
“Because it’s true” Grinpayne growls, glaring up at Ursus. “It’s like you said, Father, everything that’s happened, everything that’s ever happened to us has been because of me, how could you not want me gone-”
“I have never said that,” Ursus sputters, choking on a sort of horrified fury. “Don’t you put words in my mouth, don’t you dare say-”
“You’ve never needed to say it!” Grinpayne snarls, forcing himself upright with some difficulty and taking an unsteady step towards Ursus. He reaches up to rip his bandages off with something wild in his eyes, something unfathomable, and dread sweeps over Ursus so strongly he almost chokes on it. As Grinpayne’s bandages fall away the dappled sunlight streaming through the canopy highlights every curl and dip of the jagged scar tissue gouged into his face like an awful spotlight, each gash and cut so familiar to Ursus, far too familiar, and he is struck utterly dumb.
“I can see it, Father, you can barely even look at me!” Grinpayne chokes, breath ragged, eyes glittering. “Life would have been so much easier for you if Mojo hadn’t found us that night, wouldn’t it?! If you didn’t have to drag this monster around with you? Look at me and tell me I’m wrong!”
Ursus opens and closes his mouth for a moment, rendered speechless. Because that’s it, isn’t it. That’s the wedge that’s been growing between the two of them like a tumour, that’s the knife that has twisted deeper into Ursus’ heart with each year that passes, the truth he has tried to ignore. Because as Grinpayne has grown older, as the puppy fat has melted off him and he’s grown into the tall, lean figure that stands trembling with rage and pain before Ursus now, it’s become so much easier to see who he could have been. The handsome young man he would have been, if not for that dreadful night so long ago. In some distant part of his brain Ursus realises, perhaps for the first time, the way that the pain buried so deeply in his heart has been festering; quickening his temper and shortening his patience; poisoning almost every conversation he has with Grinpayne. And as Ursus looks into his eyes, eyes that are searching desperately for reassurance even as they blaze with anger, he is dimly aware that he has a choice.
Perhaps a stronger, braver man than Ursus would choose differently. But then, a stronger, braver man than Ursus would not have the choice to make at all. He grits his teeth.
“You’re being childish,” He snarls. His heart cracks painfully as he watches a spark in Grinpayne’s eyes flicker and die, but he’s in too deep now, far too deep, and he sees no way out but through. The alternative, of truth, of confession, is too terrible to bear. “Take your medicine.”
“So you admit it?” Grinpayne pants, leaning on unsteady knees for support.
“I admit that you’re being a petulant, naive fool, yes, and you’re looking for another fight because clearly you didn’t learn your lesson the last time-”
“That has nothing to do with-”
Ursus’ shout echoes through the woods, and Grinpayne flinches back like he’s been slapped.
“We can never go back to Oxford now, do you understand that?!” Ursus rages, horrified at himself but entirely unable to stop, fear getting lost and muddled somewhere between his heart and his mouth and turning to ruthless fury. “Do you understand what you’ve done, boy, what we’ve lost?!”
“Father-” Grinpayne stammers, but Ursus ignores him.
“If you hadn’t got into that stupid fight the Duke might have let us stay, hell, if you hadn’t been doing the show at all he might not even have known you were there-”
“I’ve been such a fool, I should have known, I should never have let you-”
He breaks off suddenly as Grinpayne makes a choked noise of agony, spine bending under the weight of pain as though a giant unseen hand is forcing him down. He doubles over for a moment before his knees buckle and he sinks to the ground in an agonised crouch, reaching one trembling hand to the earth as he desperately searches for a stable centre of gravity to cling to, eyes tight shut, gasping as his own nerves attack him with a cutthroat mercilessness.  
Ursus feels as though a pint of cold water has just been dumped over his head, as though he’s just woken up from a very bad dream. He drops to a crouch besides his son, shame curling in the pit of his stomach as he fumbles for the crimson lethe in his pocket, his anger evaporating.
“Here” he mutters, pressing the little pink bottle into Grinpayne’s hands and ignoring his weak protests. “Drink. Grinpayne, drink .”
In too much pain to resist, Grinpayne takes the bottle, tipping his head back and drinking deeply. Ursus watches as he swallows and wipes his mouth with the back of a shaking hand, blinking slowly as his tense muscles begin to loosen. His eyes glaze over for a moment, and Ursus feels a familiar pang of emotion that he dare not name. It is helping him, he tells himself firmly. It is healing him.
However, he doesn’t have long to dwell on it, because at that moment a voice rings out from behind him, a stranger’s voice. All thoughts of Crimson Lethe or sinking ships or even Grinpayne himself are wiped from his mind as he registers the strange accent, and whirls around to meet its owner.
“Crack the skies…”
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mmlkshake · 4 years
hi!! had an idea for a pokemon x dr au after seeing this
this is the video in question - https://youtu.be/AZtTPwx_y_o
Then I got to thinkin, what if the dr characters were in Pokemon 😳 v3 characters only, except for a few exceptions
Big bad- Obviously Junko, with Mukuro, Tsumugi, and other despair type characters being higher ups in the organization, with Junko at the very top.
Champion- Makoto fucking Naegi
Protagonist: Shuichii
Sidekicks- I felt like Kokichi and Kaito would be fuckin awesome for sidekicks, so yeah, they’re here
Now I’m just gonna list off roles in no particular order and with no pattern and just mayhem of ideas, this is just me puking out ideas
Rantaro- A grass type gym leader baby!! He got them avacados
Kaede- Fairy or Normal type gym leader, thinking normal because she could have a Jigglypuff and Meloetta and shit like that, hehe music go brr
Ryoma- Water type, because-because-ya know, pirahna tank..you know what I’m talking about
Kirumi- Rock type gym leader because matches her aesthetic
Angie- Probably a normal type user, just kinda wanders around and occasionally gives items, definitely has a Smeargle
Tenko- Badass fighting type gym leader and we STAN, still gay for Himiko as usual
Korekiyo- Ground type, because ya know, i don’t know, i think it fits him lol
Miu- super neat cool steel type gym leader!! buds with kiibo
Gonta- fucking neat ass bug type gym leader and i love him!!!
Kiibo- he’s a electric because hee hoo machine runs on that shit!!
Maki- dark type gym leader. many knives. probably has a mightyena 
Himiko- psychic type!! also it’s kinda funny her type is strong against tenko..cause tenko is just gay and weak at the knees for her-
that’s all bastards, go home now
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concentrateandpush · 5 years
Abandoned building
"I know some of you may think it's crazy going to an abandoned building to film a YouTube video whilst 37 weeks pregnant.. but I cant let my 2.3 mil subscribers down! Plus it should be super safe! I mean, theres an open door right where we park, so not long to walk and straight in! No climbing!" Said Kat to her viewers whilst sat in the back of Poppy's car. There were 6 people in total, Kat and Joe, the mommy and daddy to be, Poppy, Kats best friend. Then Corey, Daniel and Dave, the guys who Kat wanted to collab with, they knew each other from elementary but hadn't been close for a long time, Joe and Poppy didnt know them at all.
She had noticed that morning that she wasnt feeling great and it seems that the morning sickness had come back, but she agreed to do this video so she persisted and hey! She had her boyfriend with her after all. Kat and Joe had been together a long time and it was about time they should have a baby, Joe was thrilled, Kat was too but she still felt she could take on the world whilst carrying a human.
They agreed that Poppy would drive seeing as Kat was 37 weeks pregnant and felt uncomfortable driving now. They arrived at the abandoned building as it was going dark, Joe wasnt at all phased by spirits but the rest were hyped and ready to go.
'Hey man, I'm Daniel"
"Joe, nice to meet you"
Joe could instantly tell Daniel was a jerk. At this point in time, whilst everyone was setting up cameras, Poppy chatted to Kat whilst having a smoke.
Kat made sure that nobody was around and quickly said to Poppy "Pops, dont tell Joe, I've been having twinges all morning, I'm super nauseous and I think theres a pattern in the pain, I dont want to tell him because he already cant believe I've come here 9 months pregnant"
Poppy exclaimed "Yeah I'm not surprised, look, videos can wait, let's go back to your apartment and order uber eats, I dont think its wise to stay here" and quickly, Kat snapped "I wont be able to come back here for a long time and I need to film this video, were like 3 hours from home now anyway so let's just film".
It's been a few hours and they had filmed the majority of the scheduled videos. Kat is exhausted at this point and hasn't suffered in pain too much, but she has noticed her belly getting heavier and harder through out filming. They get ready to call it a night and hear a noise from outside, young people, they sound rough and ready to fight.
Daniel whispers "Boys we have to run out, Joe, you up for running out? Girls?"
"I cant run" Kat exclaims, but Joe cuts across her quickly "You expect my 9 month pregnant girlfriend to run out of here, she could trip on anything for starters and -"
Kat starts to feel a lot of pressure and breathes it through but it doesnt go unnoticed, Poppy feels that she has to disclose information "Joe she has felt twinges all day and didnt want to tell you because -"
"Who's in here then? Who's up for a fight?!" Sounds from the outside.
"Okay, everyone shut the fuck up, Daniel phone the police, Joe, an ambulance, nobody argue with me, I need to get out of here" whispers Kat "I've kept this tiny person safe for 9 months, I am not messing it up now, I will not put myself and my child at risk of those kids outside, were in a bad area and they might have weapons so we -"
Joe interrupts "Love, we didnt bring phones, it interferes with the tech"
Kat looks at Joe tearfully and says "Okay well it'll have to happen in here then, I'm in so much pain, I need something to sit on, a jumper or?.."
At this point, Poppy has had enough "Right you three get out there, you do not tell them were in here, it was your idea not to bring phones in and now look where you got us"
Daniel slams back "Mate, your friend wanted to be here even though she cant even walk shes so pregnant, Joe you should never have left her come, you're both going to be parents and cant even- "
"Ahhh, hee hoo hee hoo, please shut up I need to focus, please just shut up" said Kat, "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, okay can I check you? I just need to check how far along you are" said Joe whilst signaling to Poppy that she should come over and help. Joe pulls Kats maternity jeans off and then her panties, the three other boys are stood watching, "never seen a vagina before you pervs?" Shouted Poppy. Kat moans as Joe puts his fingers in, "You're nearly there Kat, you're going to have to push her out in here" he says panicking "I cant" says Kat, "it's dirty and ngghh"
Corey whispers to Daniel "Nah mate, we have to tell her" Joe hears and shouts "Tell her what?!" Daniel laughs and mutters "it's a prank pal, theres nobody outside, it's just the rest of the boys, you need to get her out of here". Joe springs up off the floor and runs towards Daniel "You f*cking what? I'm going to break that pretty face of-"
"I need to push, please, help me" Kat cries, Joe is torn, after a second thought he falls to his knee and pulls Kats legs open and says, "Okay whenever you feel it's right, push as hard as you can" Kat takes a huge breath and presses her chin down on her chest to push and Poppy says "Stop, let's get her to my car, I have blankets and stuff, we can help her birth there, its safer". Huffing and puffing through out, Kat screaches "I cant walk, I can feel the head I need to push her out now, I have to push, I cant hold it anymore".
"Come on, let's get up, get to the car and get this baby out safely" Joe orders, Kat always listens to Joe because he always does what's best. Kat finds the strength to get on her toes, with Joe's hand and Poppy supporting her lower back, once on her feet she stops and takes a moment "hee hoo hee, AHH I cant, I need to push, urrrrggggg", Joe gets on his knees and kisses her bump, "we can get to the car".
Poppy runs ahead, "you can do this Kat you're the strongest person I know" she exits quickly to puff and prod some blankets so that Kat can bare down on them. Whilst Kat waddles out with Joe's support under her elbows "Not long now Mommy, she'll be here".
Kat gets in the car and quickly tries to find a position to push in, but becomes frustrated because she cant find the power to push "I need to squat" she begins pushing harder and harder until she feels powerless.
Kat becomes tired in this position quickly, "I need to get on my back, theres not enough room, Joe can you get in the, hee hoo hee hoo, ahhh, get in the front and I'll put one leg either side of the front seats, that way my legs will be spread as far as they can be, and ill be open for baby to come out". Joe quickly gets up "let me help you into position" but Poppy realises she needs to help her best friend "Joe you get in the front I will help Kat get comfortable".
Kat huffs and puffs through the moving, she is so ready for the baby to be out by now, then it hits her. "I need to push harder, I need her out now, can you guide her Joe, Pops, hold this leg back as far as you can, nghggg ahhh, hoo hooo". At this point the other boys have all left and its pitch black, the only lights are the car lights and phone torches.
Kat is sweating so much that her face is shining. She starts to panic because she feels exhausted and like she's been pushing too long "get me to a hospital Pop, this isnt right". Poppy answers with a smile "You're fine, you're doing great, you're so so strong. We can see the head now, shes beautiful, she has your colour hair, just keep doing what you're doing mama". Kat soon starts to feel the ring of fire and starts to close her legs "it burns, I cant take it I'm going to rip, I'm going to open, is there blood? I cant, ahhh hoo hoo hoo nghhhh".
Kats progress is phenomenal and Joe is crying because of his girlfriends strength, "you're doing so good, I'm so proud of you, not much left now, just get the head out completely and then it's nearly over and we have a daughter".
I need to move positions" Kat snaps, "Shes coming" Kat suddenly staggers onto hands and knees, this is when she gets really strong, she starts to push with all of her might. "Its stuck, I cant move it, put your fingers in and rub them around the head, she needs to come out I cant push anymore it hurts". "Ooohhh this is it, I'm going to rip, fu*k, AAAHH".
Joe encourages Kat all the can "Come on honey a few more pushes, you're going great, you're doing it come on, push! Harder! Come on Kat push like you've never pushed before, yes, yes, come on sweetheart, push harder.. HARDER".
Kat is barely catching a breath and is baring down to hard she feels like shes going to rip. "Try little pushes, like ngh ngh ngh ngh rather than nghhhhh" says Poppy "It might change things and speed up the progress". "I'm not strong enough I cant go any longer, please call an ambulance, I need help, they can cut me and ahhhhhh, f*ck I think shes coming down, nghhhh, hooo hooo hooo AAHHHH can you see her? JOE CAN YOU SEE THE SHOULDERS, AHHHHHHHHH" she takes a breath and pushes until shes red in the face "hnnnnnngggggg here she is, it's time! I'm ready. To. Pusshhhhhhh. Oh my god, fu.. AHHHHH" . "Shes here beautiful, you're a Mommy. You're amazing, you're so perfect, I love you so much" Joe cries.
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redux-pain · 6 years
chapter 21: Deep Sea
[note: Inagaki is now using “female” speech patterns throughout this scene, and seems to have embraced his true self... or something. He sounds super flaming, in other words. Thank you, 2008.] 
「 探偵稲垣シュンイチを  よろしくね~♪」
ディープ・シーの前で 行き交う人に名刺を配っている 稲垣シュンイチの姿があった。
”I’m Private Investigator Shunichi Inagaki!”
In front of Deep Sea, Shunichi Inagaki is passing out business cards.
[Inagaki, off screen:] “Say hello to Detective Inagaki Shunichi~ ♪ “
/Inagaki Shunichi could be seen in front of Deep Sea, handing out his business card to passersby./
「あらっ?  あらあらあらあらっ!  西条ちゃんじゃないの~!」
”Huh? What what what?! It’s Saijo!”
Hey there, Saijo!
[Inagaki, off screen:] “Oh? Ohoho? It’s you, Saijou-chan!”
[Inagaki:] Yoo-hoo, Saijou-chan!
ちょうど良いところに 来たわね!
You came at just the right time!
Here you go, Saijo.
[Inagaki:] You came at the perfect time!
Here you go. You take one too.
稲垣は名刺を取り出すと アツキの前に差し出した。
S探偵事務所 所長 :稲垣シュンイチ 事務所:ディープ・シー2F
Inagaki pulls out a card and hands it to Atsuki.
P.I. Office Shunichi Inagaki, P.I. Location: Deep Sea, 2F
/Inagaki pulled out a business card and held it up in front of Atsuki.
S Investigation Firm
Head: Inagaki Shunichi
Offices: Deep Sea, second floor/
探偵事務所を 始めることにしたのよ。
鏡君の事務所を そのまま使ってね。
I decided to start a P.I. business.
I’m using Kagami’s office.
[Inagaki:] I decided to start a detective business.
I’m going to be using Kagami-kun’s old office.
あの子の事務所を整理してたら あの子の夢を思い出したのよ。
いつもやる気の無い彼が どうして探偵をやっていたと思う?
I remembered his dream as I was cleaning the office.
You know why he became a private investigator?
[Inagaki:] While I was getting his office in order, I remembered his dream.
Why do you think that listless boy became a detective?
困ってる人を 助けたかったんだって。
Hehe, Well...
He wanted to help people who were in trouble.
[Inagaki:] Hee hee, w-e-l-l ♪ ...
He wanted to help people in trouble.
Tumblr media
It looks like there was supposed to be some kind of effect on the first line, but it just shows up in the game as  Hehe, Well...]
映画に良く出てくる 探偵っているでしょう?
弱者に優しく、どんな依頼をも 引き受けてしまう。
You know the P.I.’s you see in the movies?
Kind to the weak, taking on any job.
[Inagaki:] Like the detectives who always show up in movies, you know?
They’re kind to the weak, and they’ll take on any job.
そんな心しびれる正義のヒーローに なりたかったみたいなの。
でも、鏡君ったら 小さな依頼ばかり引き受けるから、
He wanted to be a hero of justice, like them.
��ut he always took really small jobs,
[Inagaki:] I guess he wanted to be that kind of champion of justice who makes your heart thrill.
But that Kagami-kun... he only took small jobs...
一向に事務所も持てなくって、 ご飯も満足に食べれない状態で、
だから私言ったの。もっと 見返りの良い依頼を受けたら? って。
so he couldn’t keep an office or eat properly,
so I told him, why don’t you take more flashy jobs?
[Inagaki:] So he couldn’t hang onto an office or even get enough to eat.
I said to him, “Why don’t you take jobs that pay more?”
『そんなのダサイだけじゃん。  これがヒーローの姿なんだ』だって。
And you know what he said?
”That just looks stupid. This is a real hero.”
[Inagaki:] What do you think he said?
“That’s just lame! This is what a hero acts like.”
私のタイプじゃないけど、 その男気に惚れちゃったわ。
I was so impressed!
He’s not my type, but I loved his manliness.
[Inagaki:] I tell you, it gave me chills!
He wasn’t my type, but I fell for that chivalry.
だから、私も鏡君みたいに 胸張って生きてみたいの。
ふふっ、そんな簡単じゃ ないんでしょうけどね。
I want to live life to the fullest like Kagami did.
Hehe, it’s probably not so simple, though.
[Inagaki:] So I want to live with the confidence that Kagami-kun did.
Hee hee. It’s probably not that easy, though.
でもね、 やってみたくなちゃったのよ。
こんなに……こんなに空気が すんでいるんですもの。
But I decided that I wanted to try it out.
The air just feels... feels so clear.
[Inagaki:] But I want to try.
The air... feels so crisp now!
今なら何でも やれる気がするの。
I feel like I could do anything now.
I’m gonna work hard.
[Inagaki:] I feel like I could do anything.
I’m going to work hard.
だから西条ちゃんも 頑張ってちょうだいね。
何か依頼があれば 私のところに来てちょうだい。
You try your best, too, OK, Saijo?
I’ve just gotten started,
but if you have a job for me, come by the office.
[Inagaki:] So you’d better work hard too, Saijou-chan.
I’m just getting started, but...
come to me if you have any kind of job.
西条ちゃんの依頼なら、 格安で担当しちゃうからっ!
I’ll give you a super special discount!
Teehee, see you!
[Inagaki:] I’ll take it on cheap if it’s for you!
Hee hee. See you later.
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