#oc: gabi storm
veeples · 8 months
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i got tagged by @lavampira to do these picrews for ocs! [one, two] thank you dani this was very fun 💕
tagging: @sunshineandviolets @nerdferatum and @sysba!
gabi storm (she/her - project hadea)
fubuki soshi (she/her - l5r campaign)
chizue mirumoto (she/her - l5r campaign)
cherry blake (they/them - infamous)
fubuki and chizue are my pcs from both of @lilas’s l5r campaigns 💜 fiona and charlie are/were based on them!
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serenpedac · 7 months
💐 so much love to you, darling and wonderful friend
you are so incredibly thoughtful, so sweet, so supportive, and such a delight and important part of this lovely fandom
your writing is incredible! i love your discussions and thoughts. thank you for being you and sharing yourself and your time with us
every time i see the stars i think of you! especially the pleiades
Question! for your twc ocs- what piece of media reminds them of their lis (books, letters, movies, music, memes, etc) 💕
hope you’re having an amazing day!
Wonderful person, thank you so much for your message *sobs* I've been rereading this message over the past few days and just want to hug it close to my chest <3
I hope you have an amazing day as well!
This was a great question to think about! I had so much fun figuring out which medium every OC would pick.
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Yael for Nate: The painting 'Rough Sea with Wreckage' by Turner shown above. Although she doesn't know everything about Nate's past, the imagine of the lonely ship out on a rough sea makes her think about what Nate may have been through. It reminds her of the scene in the mirror, how could it not?
There's also the contrast between the light and the darker clouds, and it's unclear whether the ship is sailing into the storm or coming out of it. It makes her feel the tension of the unknown: the things she doesn't know about his past, the uncertainties of their future together. It's more emotion that she gets from this piece than anything articulated in words, but that suits her, I think.
Melike for Morgan: The poem 'i like my body when it is with your' by e. e. cummings. The physicality of the poem reminds them of Morgan, but there's also this sense of.. wonder, that "thrill" of something new that is mentioned at the end. Melike is very self-contained and it comes as a surprise to her how much they have grown to like Morgan's company. I can see her choose this poem because of the physical descriptions, but then get quiet and contemplative when going over it a second time, because of how those first lines suggest a change in her as well. It's about them, even though neither of them is quite sure what "they" are.
Gabi for Farah: The song I already like you by Dessa, because it's such an upbeat song! Gabi loves how Farah throws herself into their relationship, not holding back, she's open and honest and "Let's go!". The entire vibe of the song fits Farah so well, but what Gabi would pick out specifically is the "There's no sure bet // You just ride, ride, ride roulette" because she herself is the type of person who would want to be 100% sure before doing anything, but Farah is showing her that it's not all that bad to go for it.
Also, I can imagine Farah humming this song after picking it up from one of Gabi's playlists.
Laura for Ava: Laura is too cool for me lol! She would answer with a meme or a movie reference, but I don't know enough about either to give a good answer.
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sabbyvincent · 2 years
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New Character OC:
SERIES: Degrassi
Friends: Imogen Moreno, Grace Cardinal, Tiny Bell, Winston Chu, the art club kids
Relatives: Marco Del Rossi (Cousin), Gabriela “Gabi” Del Rossi, (Sister), Matteo, “Matt” Del Rossi, Louisa Del Rossi (Aunt), Dominico “Dom” Del Rossi (Uncle), Lorenzo Del Rossi (Father), Amalia Del Rossi (Mother)
Birthday: February 19th, 1998
Star sign: Pisces
Nicknames: Rose, Princess, cocca di mama (Mommy’s sweetheart)
Personality: Sensitive, soft-hearted, and introverted
Likes: The Outsiders, Sunflowers, Cats, Horses, helping others, The Neighborhood, 5 Seconds of Summer, Gelato, Strawberries,
Pets: A Yorkie named Romeo, she feeds three outside cats that loiter in the alleyway behind her job, I headcanon her uncle is severely allergic to cats and sadly cannot adopt them, so she tends to them at the floral shop
Dislikes: Zoe Rivas, gang violence, fighting, abuse, Ketchup chips, seeing people struggle
Hobbies: Art, painting, writing stories, floristry, baking, playing the piano
Languages: Italian, English
Rose grew up in Naples, Italy with her younger brother, Matteo “Matt” and elder sister Gabriela “Gabi”when Rose was merely fifteen years old, she lost her mother due to breast cancer. Their father, Lorenzo Del Rossi, a traveling business consultant, isn’t consistent in their children’s lives. So, after their mother’s passing, he sends Rose and her siblings to live with her aunt and uncle in Toronto, Canada. Her cousin is Marco Del Rossi, who’s become an English professor at University of Toronto.
She later attends Degrassi community school.
Rosalina helps out part time at her aunt’s floral shop in town, Louisa’s, a couple businesses down from Novak’s Convenience Store.
It’s her third week of work (and summer vacation), she encounters a lonely boy clad in black and leather during a thunderstorm. Straddled at his side is a dark green duffel bag. He smells like he hasn’t showered in a while, and from the looks of it his weight is damn near a pile of bones. Rose, remembering her lunch, ( leftover dinner from the previous night), heats up her lunch and gives it to the boy outside. Initially a little eerie around her, he accepts her generosity and gratefully eats the food.
The next day she sees him again in the same spot.
It’s blazing outside, he is sweating off a storm. Pitying him yet again, Rose gives him a cold bottle of water. Seeing this girl yet again, they formally introduce each other. She learns that his name is Zig Novak and that his parents own the convenience store by the floral shop. He is quick to discover her family owns the florist shop. She asks about the duffel bag, but for the sake of his own safety (as well as hers), he refuses to answer any more of her questions.
Another day later, Rose looks for him at the post, but is disheartened when she doesn’t find him there. With her little brother at NASA Camp, Gabi preparing for college, and her aunt and uncle away on a mini vacation, she was thrilled to have found someone to talk to. She decides to leave a note along with some food again there in hopes of him coming back.
Meanwhile, one of her first clients by the name of Hollingsworth, meticulously puts in an order for blue and white bouquets for a Mayoral Campaign Party. Through her aunt, she learns that the Hollingsworth practically reigns of royalty due to Miles Hollingsworth II’s success in politics and business. A part of Rose’s job consists of her having to deliver floral arrangements on her bicycle. She delivers the bouquets and is entranced by the Hollingsworth mansion– it’s nothing like she’s ever seen before. While delivering the bouquets, she meets Miles Hollingsworth the III: the eldest, rebellious son of the mayor. Since Diana Hollingsworth is sponsoring Aunt Louisa’s floral shop, Miles shows Rose around the mansion. She also encounters Winston Chu, Miles’ best compadre.
While hanging out at the Hollingsworth palace, Rose humiliates herself by dropping a bottle of whiskey off a balcony, disrupting Miles’ father’s campaign speech. The little confrontation is enough to agitate him, as a result he goes off on his son. Angered by his father’s lament towards him, Miles rebels and cannonballs into the pool. Rose, ashamed of herself for causing unnecessary chaos for a family she’s barely met, retrieves a towel from the pool house for Miles. Their last encounter, Rose goes home, discovering her note and food for Zig has vanished.
For the rest of the summer, she supplies Zig with food, but still has yet to see him. It isn’t until she starts her first year at Degrassi, she crosses paths with him again as well as Miles. Throughout the course of the school year, she attracts new friends and even an arch rival, Zoe Rivas, the ex star off the hit series West Drive. Due to an incensed argument between the two girls, Rose is unfairly sent to the remedial class, coined as the “rubber room”, where she finally encounters the Novak boy again. Only this time, he’s hostile and blunt in their interactions together.
While spending some time with Miles, a relationship blossoms between the two, cultivating Zoe’s animosity towards Rose. Eventually, while caravanning upon her own self discovery, she finds out Zig is homeless. Albeit, the two don’t have as much of a history, she finds herself immensely caring for the leather clad Novak and offers him a place to stay. (With her aunt and uncle’s consent, of course.)
Living at the Del Rossi residence garners a whole lot of problems for Rose, specifically being hung up between two boys. Raveled in a love triangle, Rose is forced to choose between Miles and Zig, but a fateful decision could hurt the other.
Other random facts about your OC:
This is actually canon in the Degrassi verse, Louisa was actually a piano teacher. She taught Rose how to play the piano.
She loved reading The Outsiders, and sees every bit of Dallas Winston in Zig Novak, that’s why he’s her favorite greaser.
On her mother’s side, her aunt owned a farm in Naples who owned a bunch of Tolfetanos (Italian horse breed). As a little girl she’d visit them and loved drawing them.
Fun fact: Rosalina actually means gentle horse.
She enjoys painting the most when it comes to art.
She was closest to her mom and it breaks her heart every day she can no longer spend time with her.
She finds Tristan Milligan annoying. Self centered little shit.
Her aesthetics are floral print dresses and the color yellow.
Her favorite thing to bake is Ricotta cookies.
Absolutely loves Zig’s cooking.
She is extremely close to Marco, he’s practically adopted his cousins as his younger siblings. When he got married to Jeremiah (another OC) she was so happy for him. A match made in heaven.
The reason why sunflowers are her favorite flowers are because it reminds her of her mom who had grown an entire sunflower garden in her backyard. She also grew roses hence the name Rose.
Her dad doesn’t want anything to do with her and to an extent it hurts her soul but has gotten used to it.
Her ship name with Zig is the cutest thing ever. Rosemund ❤️
“You gotta go extra Miles for Rose.”
OC belongs to AshleeKayWrites on Wattpad
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veeples-archive · 2 years
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face your art
characters down below 👇🏽
g/ideon nav (tlt)
gabi storm (the n/ameless, project h/adea OC)
sol r/enbeth (f/aith of gods)
faustus valentine (twc, body co/unt game, original verse OC)
briaun velasquez (e/venfall OC)
gwennie @/fairmonkey
gwennie @/fairmonkey
nesbie montgomery (project h/adea, the e/xile OC)
khaista @/lilas
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catebees · 2 years
OC masterpost below
Baldur's Gate 3
Brân Fraith (he/him) - half drow, College of lore bard. History teacher :)
Xanthi (they/them) - halfling storm sorcerer Durge??, still very underdeveloped
Dragon Age
Verena Dora Lyudmila Aeducan (she/her) - main worldstate HoF
Rozerin Tabris (she/her) - alternate HoF where Alistair is happy and in love because he deserves it
Marian Hawke (she/they) - one and only Hawke for most worldstates
Eelis Lavellan (he/him) - main inquisitor whom I love like a son
Winifred Trevelyan (she/her) - non-inky Trevelyan from Eelis's worldstate
(worldstate info and non-da ocs under the cut)
Verena Aeducan (She/her) demisexual, born 9:01 Dragon
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Noble Dwarf Rogue, Duelist + Legionnare specialization
Supported the mages
Persuaded Isolde to kill Connor
Retrieved the Ashes
Stopped the curse and let Zathrian die :)
Destroyed the anvil + Supported Bhelen (after messing with him for a bit)
Alistair and Anora rule
No ritual, Loghain dead
Saved Amaranthine + the Keep didn't fall
Married Zevran
Adopted a bunch of young Crow recruits
IF CURE FOR BLIGHT WASN'T FOUND: she refuses to leave on her Calling and stays with Zevran and the kids for as long as she can, Morrigan made her a little poison morsel for when she turns ghouly
Rozerin Tabris (she/her) trans, born 9:06 Dragon
City Elf Warrior, Champion + Guardian specialization
Anora Rules, Alistair stays with the Wardens
She and Alistair call each other spouses but they never had a ceremony (for obvious trauma-related reasons)
Marian Hawke (she/they) genderfluid, aroace, born 9:07 Dragon
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Human Warrior, Berserker specialization
Mostly blue personality
Friends with everyone <3 ('cept Aveline )
Bethany is in the circle
Dueled the Arishok
Sided with the mages
Pretended to kill Anders ;) (a new choice that I made up)
Escaped to Ferelden with Beth, Fenris and Peach the mabari
Found a little house outside of South Reach to lay low in
Opened a little school for farmer children to learn to read and count after Inquisition. Rarely goes back to Kirkwall, but Varric opened a similar institute in her name in Lowtown
After Peach they get a new mabari named Plum
Eelis Lavellan (he/him), born 9:14 Dragon
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Dalish archer Rogue, Assassin specialization
Allied with mages
Briala rules through Gaspard???? (I literally don't know)
Pardoned the Wardens + Stroud left in the Fade
Drank from the Well
Married Dorian
Softened Leliana became Divine
Disbanded the Inquisition
Total grudge against Solas >:C
Eventually moved to Tevinter
Family: Hilja (she/her) younger sibling, Maarit (she/her) mother, Amavel "Veli" (he/him) best friend + Aquila Racina (she/her) Dorian's apprentice who's basically their child
Winifred Trevelyan (she/her) queer, born 8:97 Dragon
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Human Mage, resident Glyph expert
Sent to the Ostwick circle at 13 after hiding her magic for several years
Had a child while in the circle in 9:18, who was brought up by her brother
Joined the Inquisition with the Redcliffe mages
In a relationship with Blackwall
Family: parents Lady Beatrice and Lord Tristan, uncle Knight Commander Urien, son Aderyn, and brothers Aidan with daughters Philippa and Joan, and Liam with son Lucas
The Arcana
Arianne Eliades (she/her) - Julian's wife, check @selfsacrificingfools for my Arcana backlog
Original stuff:
Gabriel Sharp and Thomas Adair, my queer Edwardian morticians <3
Agata Morgenstern (she/her) and Julia Philippe de Fervidor (they/them), both characters from a dating sim that lives in my head
Drawn To The Flames, an urban fantasy story starring: Adelaide Petran-Fouque (she/they), Nina Otxoa (she/her), Bram (they/them), Cat Andersen (he/him also, little/babby), Gabi Petran-Fouque (he/him), Hamlet Towers (he/him), Vasilisa (she/her)
Mare Scarlett (she/he/they) human ranger, DnD character I never used
I have a billion more but they're mostly retired I'm afraid
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thetamehistorian · 3 years
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My original writing blog can be found here: @constellationandcompendium
Star Wars
The Clone Wars
The Fortunate Few Gen - 72k words - Relief Corps AU An OC centric fic based on the Relief Corps and how small kindnesses can change the fate of the galaxy.
All That Remains * WIP - AU of The Fortunate Few
The Mandalorian
To Walk The Way Gen - 35k words - AU from Chapter 16: The Rescue Din Djarin navigates his titles and hates the darksaber. The feeling is mutual.
Take What the Water Gave Me Gen - 2k words - Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore Epsiode tag and character study of Din and Bo.
A Whole Is But The Sum Of Its Parts Din/Paz - 7k words - AU from Chapter 16: The Rescue Part of a fic exchange. Din tries to move on and finds family on the way.
It's All Fun and Games Din/Paz - 7k words - AU from Chapter 14: The Tragedy Comedy chat fic. Din never intended to become obsessed with a trashy holoseries.
No Light Without Shadow Gen - 2k words - One-shot post Chapter 14: The Tragedy A short exploration of grief and hope.
All Things in Balance Series
After The Storm Gen - 4k words - AU from Chapter 8: Redemption A short little hurt/comfort story that paved the way for the series.
Don't Be Silly, That's Not The Way! Gen - 2k words - Crack taken seriously Introducing Force-senstive-but-utterly-oblivious!Din.
Forces Beyond Our Control Gen - 39k words - AU post series 1 Din searches for the child's kind and discovers something else entirely.
That Which You Seek Gen - 11k words - AU post series 1 Din's accidental child acquisition continues.
A King's Ransom Din/OC - 35k words - Final work in the series In which a call from the covert changes everything
A Sense of Home * WIP - Comfortember one-shots
The Man From Uncle
in art, the sublime Gen - 6k words Non-linear character study of Napoleon Solo.
The Swiftness of Flight Napoleon/Illya - 18k words - His Dark Materials crossover The newly-formed UNCLE organisation chase tales of an international criminal network led by a daemonless man.
All My Soul Yearns For Napoleon/Gaby - 7k words - His Dark Materials crossover Written for a holiday fic exchange!
To Get One’s Goat Gen - 500 words A silly little story about a giant straw goat and a flamethrower.
Only the Stars to Guide You * WIP - Gen - Star Trek AU
In The Shadows We Hide Series
The Hollow Men Gen - 3k - AU Corvo Attano character study during and post-game
The Waste Land Gen - 24k - AU Daud character study post-game with Royal Spymaster!Daud
Whispers of Immortality Gen - 15k Brings together previous two fics
A Family Affair Gen - 6k Becker-centric character study.
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xyuniconnijix · 3 years
All my characters!
• Lindsey griffin troll  [taken]
• Ellie deep troll [taken]
• Gaby folk troll  [taken]
• Zeta hybrid Techno and griffin troll [taken]
• Alexander folk troll [taken]
• Bree hybrid Folk and funk troll [single]
• Noctury griffin troll [ taken]
• Piper folk troll [single]
• Drew griffin troll [single]
• Sage deep troll [single]
• B.M deep troll [single]
• Felix deep troll [single]
• Kade manticore troll [single]
• Cimerian dragon troll [single]
• Dimera dragon troll [taken]
• Albion dragon troll [taken]
• King Makiel dragon troll [taken]
• King Thunder storm kirin troll [taken]
• Prince Eldritch kirin troll [taken]
• Princess Nova [taken]
• Prince Elan manticore [taken]
• Furrball hybrid Folk, Funk and Kirin troll [single]
• Eliza kirin country legal expert [single]
• Meurara the raven nun [taken]
• olaf wolfwalker [single]
• Tala wolfwalker [single]
• Roxanne [still yet to confirm]
• Anna the wolfwalker [single]
• Fenryx the lider of spirir
• Azriel the hunter wolf
• Hela the the healer wolfwalker
• Ilia the healer wolfwalker
• Tiger the tiger shark [taken]
• Apolo the great white [taken]
• Atla the techno dubstep [taken]
• Mother tree dryad troll [taken]
• Eros quimera troll [taken]
• Khalo deep megalodon troll [taken]
• Lumi the twin of light [single]
• Nox the twin of dark [single]
• Paradox Eros the deathbringer
• Belladona the thorns embrace [evil!mother tree]
• Khalo the ruined king
• Ellizabeth the light witch [light witch Ellie]
• Chrono the time keeper [World Peace! Eros]
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foxesandmagic · 5 years
OCs that have captured my interest this month (September)
Kieran, Iris, Valeria, Persephone and Aries, Harry Potter OCs;  Eleanor, a The Order OC; Quinn, a Stranger Things OC by @perfectlystiles.
The Ashcrofts, Harry Potter OCs; Ryan, a Stranger Things OC by @curious-kittens-ocs.
Tessa, a Teen Wolf OC; Joey, an IT OC; Grace, a The Order OC by @isaaclahys.
Isabelle, a Descendents OC; Aella, a Batman OC; Cassia, a Harry Potter OC; Kristina, a Riverdale OC; Brinley, a Marvel OC; Candy, a Riverdale OC; Gabrielle, a Harry Potter OC; Miranda, a Harry Potter OC; Starling, a Marvel OC; Cecila, a Riverdale OC; Winnie, a Descendents OC; Quinn, a The Umbrella Academy OC; Lauren, an IT OC; various IT OCs by @randomestfandoms-ocs.
Stella, a Peaky Blinders OC by @sgtbuckyybarnes.
Bea, a Harry Potter OC by @susiesamurai.
Gabi, a Descendents OC; Lucy, a Once Upon a Time OC by @iceandwaterfairytail.
Rosabella, a Spiderman OC; Victoria, a Stranger Things OC by @anotherunreadblog.
Emily, a The Order OC; Katherine, a Peaky Blinders OC; Tommy, a Power Rangers OC by @little-miss-emmalie.
Resa, Tammy and Liam, The Walking Dead OCs; Jessica, a Peaky Blinders OC by @chuck-hansens.
Juliette and Remy, Harry Potter OCs; Lupa, a Harry Potter OC; Annie, an IT OC by @harleyquinnzelz.
Multiple OCs by @ofbadchoices.
Kitty, a Marvel OC by @captdnvrs.
Lauren, a Riverdale OC by @missecharlotte.
Stella, a Riverdale OC by @drewtanner.
Erin, a Sherlock OC; Hannah, a National Treasure OC by @missjanuarylily.
Jenna, a Spiderman OC by @peterparcour.
Roxy, a Leverage OC; Nicky, an OC by @seize-the-droid.
Lennon, a Riverdale OC by @spider--bae.
Amy, a Riverdale OC by @allie-of-asgard.
Aella, a Star Wars OC by @dreamerwithapen1.
Kyle, a Stranger Things OC; Virginia, a Stranger Things OC by @peachpick.
Arcana, a Lucifer OC by @notxjustxstories.
Val, a Chilling Adventures of Sabrina OC by @samwilsonns.
Hazel and Spencer, original characters in an original story by @klavshargreevs.
An unnamed Good Omens OC by @thetenthdoctorscompanion.
Rachel, a The Originals OC by @darknightfrombeyond.
Zaria, a Harry Potter OC by @dreamerwithapen1.
Caroline, a Shadowhunters OC; Kathy, a Stranger Things OC; Ollie, a Peaky Blinders OC by @fiercefray.
Lucas, a Teen Wolf OC; Gracie and Noemie, Power Rangers OCs by @luucypevensie.
Gabby, a Riverdale OC; Brielle, a The Chronicles of Narnia OC; Dawn, a Spiderman OC by @purple-and-red-ribbons.
Ruth, a Peaky Blinders OC by @have-fun-storming-the-kastle.
Josephine, a The Chronicles of Narnia OC by @afluffykiwi.
Waverly, a Percy Jackson OC by @megdonnellys.
Murphy, a Teen Wolf OC by @farklelucas.
Rebecca, a The Order OC by @hvproductions.
Nadia, a Grimm OC; Nathan, a Grimm OC by @psychchesters.
The Ashcrofts, Harry Potter OCs by @curious-kittens-ocs.
Genevieve, a Peaky Blinders OC by @chlobenet.
Adora, a Harry Potter OC by @princessofdarkness12.
Ellie, Xander and Ravi, original OCs by @starcrossedjedis.
Phoenix, a Charmed OC by @malice1329.
Daphne, an IT OC by @atomicgracy.
Drew, a Teen Wolf OC by @richitozier.
Brooke, a Riverdale OC by @freakingbradleys.
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anony-mouse-writer · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Characters: Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Jesse McCree, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, OCs Additional Tags: Wilderness Survival, blizzard, hah. im funny, Flashbacks, Backstory, Jack and Gabi can be read as platonic or not, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Sorry Not Sorry, Post-Fall of Overwatch, How Do I Tag, No Beta, Whump, Kinda
Summary:Likely, even if he struck out now and managed to a) not get blown off the mountain b) go in the right direction c) and travel at anything resembling a good pace in this storm, he would still die of starvation and exposure long before he found shelter.
“Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood.” - Andy Goldsworthy
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ocappreciation · 7 years
~*~Mobile Friendly~*~ ocappreciation Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) OC Masterlist
 Adelaide Stark // Fic: Beyond the Archetype // by:  randomestfandsom-ocs
Adelyn “AJ” Frost // FIc: Frosties and Fireworks  & Someone’s Out There (Sending Out Flares)// Captain Amercia // by: ohhitherekatie & (Ch.1-14 by: theocarchitect)
Aldrif // Fic: A Chance of Thunder // Thor // by: nixdragon
Alex Romanoff // Fic: Mirror, Mirror // by: comealongpixie
Alex Stark // Fic: Hero/Stark Chronicles // Avengers & Iron Man // by: teamsharoncarter
Allie Hollden // Fic: Siren and Quiver Series // by: nostarielstuff
Allie Rose Sinclair // Fic: Untitled // by: curious-kittens-ocs
Amber Odison // Fic: The Only Exception // by: mbmrocks
Amelia Fletcher // Fic: Rebel Columbia // by: rebelcolumbia
Amethyst “Amy” Lewis // Fic: All of You // by: dreamerwithapen1
Andromeda Volagre // Fic: Moondust // by: cptainsrogers
Aphrodite // Fic: The Course of True Love (Never Did Run Smooth) // by: randomestfandsom-ocs
Aspen Pierce // Fic: Control // by: soeleils
Astrid // Fic: Divine Strength // by: missjanuarylily
Astrid Lynn Xavier // Fic: Untitled // X-Men // by: curious-kittens-ocs
Avery “Cipher” Plafaire // Fic: Code Blue (AO3) (FFN) // by: goddess-of-hammers
Belladonna Barton // Fic: Aim True // by: curious-kittens-ocs
Bellona Junius // Fic: Bellona // by: stevensdiana 
Bethany Stewart // Fic: Bloodstream // by: cptainsrogers
Bianca Davis // Fic: The American Dream // by: randomestfandoms-ocs
Bonnie Grey // Fic: Flesh & Bone // by: cptainsrogers 
Brigitte St Fleur // Fic: Untitled // by: mangleocs
Camilla Santos // Fic: Collected Moments // by: cptainsrogers
Calypso Lokidottir // Fic: This Is Your Kingdom // by: randomestfandoms-ocs
Charlie Rogers // Fic: Shadows // by: itscapokaybye
Clara Drake // Fic: Will to Live // by: dreamerwithapen1
Cressida // Fic: Incandescent // by:  dreamerwithapen1
Daisy Parker // Fic: The Spaces Between // by: kp-writes-ocs
Delaney Hart // Fic: Elastic Hart // by: soeleils
Devon Winslow // Fic: Glitch // by: seize-the-droid
Dominique Holmes // Fic: Death Ringer // by: cptainsrogers
Elenora “Nellie” Russo // Fic: Smells Like Teen Spirit // by: tiredyouths
Elizabeth “Libby” Barnes // Fic: P.S. I Love You, Steve Rogers // by: missjanuarylily
Ella Walters // Fic: A Light in the Darkness // by: linesfromthepocket
Ellie Coulson  // Fic: Reinvention // by: randomestfandoms-ocs
Ester Sinclair // Fic: Fated // X-Men & Logan // by: yeahthatotheronewhatshername
Evelyn Stark // Fic: Iron Heart // by: dreamerlanding
Felicity Greene // Fic: To Infinity // by: inkoutsidethelines
Freya // Fic: Disenchanted // by: itsjustgracy
Gabie Trent  // Fic: Siren and Quiver Series // by: nostarielstuff
Genesis Stark // Fic: I Call Him Dad // by: sinceupbeengoneiaintmissingyou
Grace Osborn // Fic: Bound in Secrets // by: randomestfandoms-ocs
Harper Rhodes // Fic: As I Was // by: siriussblackx
Helena Hartley // Fic: Second Chances // By: michaelangdom
Holly Clemens // Fic: Genesis // by: @curlsincriminology
Isabelle Oswald // Fic: Morningstar // by: killinbills
Indris // Fic: Flesh & Bone // by: cptainsrogers
Jacqueline Lewis // Fic: Renegades // by: emiliachrstine
Jaedyn Stark // Fic: Phantom // by: curious-kittens-ocs
Jai Graham // Fic: Timeless // by: thorsdiana
Jeanie Stark // Fic: Ghost of You // by: cptainsrogers
Kala // Fic: Vindicated // Black Panther // by: missjanuarylily
Katarina Amelia Aliano // Fic: Skyscraper // by: randomestfandoms
Kate Bishop \ Hawkeye Face // Fic: Pretty Much an Avenger // Spiderman // by: luminiabanner
Kilani Wu // Fic: Tempting Fate// by: insertsomethingcleverrhere
Kira Lokisdottir // Fic: Infinite // by: notxjustxstories
Lady Katarina Azirdottir // Fic: Untitled // by: curious-kittens-ocs
Leila Whittaker // Fic: Mirror, Mirror // by: comealongpixie
Lila Wright // Fic: Portrait // by: portraitavengers
Lillian Rogers // Fic: To The End of The World // by: randomestfandoms-ocs
Linda Brooks// Fic: Centuries // by: theobsessedone
Lola Caraleah Barton // Fic: That Which They Defend // by: werewitchling
Lorna Parrish // Fic: Sacrifice // by: thorsdiana
Madison Lewis-Rogers // Fic: Renegades:: Rise // by: emiliachrstine
Maggie Stark // Fic: The Spaces Between // by: kp-writes-ocs
Mia Pierce // Fic: (I’ve Got) No Strings On Me // by: randomestfandoms-ocs
Mika Corsof // Fic: Silver and Honey // by: whindsor
Morgan Stark // Fic: A Stroke Of Genius // by: have-fun-storming-the-kastle
Myra Stewart // Fic: Conversing with Silent Strangers // by: huntsthemoon
Nikki Rogers // Fic: This Is Your Story // by: randomestfandoms
Noel Prentice // Fic: Requiem // Avengers & Captain America // by: roan-kom-azgeda
Ophelia Martin // Fic: She Made the Wish // by: scarlettsoldier
Poppy Patel // Fic: Nerve // by: susiesamurai
Poppy West // Fic: Promise // Spiderman: Homecoming // by: dreamerwithapen1
Q Proctor // Fic: Reality in Motion // by: deutches
Rahy Rezal // Fic: Secrets // Guardians of the Galaxy // by: secret-galaxy-guardian
Rebecca “Bex” Gray // Fic: Broken Glass // by: dreamerwithapen1
Rebecca Stark // Fic: To Build a Home Series // by: fangedlovers
Robin Davis // Fic: Lowlife // by: cptainsrogers
Rosabella “Ro” Anderson // Fic: Crossed Wires // Spiderman Homecoming // by: anotherunreadblog
Sara Riley // Fic: Legends // by: bellamysgirl
Sarah Wilson // Fic: Timeless // by: thorsdiana
Skylar D’Amore // Fic: Unsteady //  by: dreamerwithapen1
Sloane Stark // Fic: Flicker // by: missbb8
Star // Fic: Projects Stars and Stripes // by: inkoutsidethelines
Stephanie Carter // Fic: What’s In A Name? // by: randomestfandoms-ocs
Susanne Marshall // Fic: Centuries // by: theobsessedone
Sutton Regan // Fic: Universal Chaos // by: universalfanfic
Tamara Sterling // Fic: Centuries // by: theobsessedone
Telsa Banner // Fic: My Father’s Daughter //  by:  randomestfandsom-ocs
Valerie Byers // Fic: Timeless // by: thorsdiana
Wendy Parker // Fic: Save the Hero // by:  randomestfandsom-ocs
Wynonna Collins // Fic: Violent Crimes // by: cptainsrogers
Jace Winchester // Fic: Sky’s Still Blue (Supernatural Crossover // by: comealongpixie
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we-write-in-harmony · 7 years
Storm Under The Surface
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2u4NRhO
by DeathDirt
“I can feel the hurt. There's something good about it. Mostly it makes me stop remembering.” ― Albert Borris, Crash Into Me
Words: 1402, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Overwatch Protocol 63
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Genji Shimada, Tekhartha Zenyatta, Tekhartha Mondatta
Relationships: Genji Shimada/Tekhartha Zenyatta
Additional Tags: Protocol 63, Rule 63, Suicide mention, Self-Loathing, angsty ninja, very patient monk, some nice innocent romantic love, minor OCs - Freeform, mostly just Aika being an angsty kid in Nepal, without big mama Gabi to look after her, some flashbacks to Blackwatch, still mostly in Nepal, Self-Harm, green noodle, Noodle Dragon
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2u4NRhO
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veeples · 2 years
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got tagged by @lavampira to do this picrew! thank you dani 💕
faustus valentine (he/him)
cherry jackson (they/them)
charlie rosewall (she/her)
fiona rosario (she/her)
nesbie montgomery (they/he)
gabi storm (she/her)
tagging: @magesmiths @khiita @magebastard !!!
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veeples · 8 months
Failure for Chizue/Charlie and Gabs 😌
mean to me ;-; fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
chizue/charlie Chizue and Charlie's greatest fears is that she's not worth anything at all to anyone no matter how much work she's tried to put in to make herself useful, and further, that people see that worthlessness in her. She would NEVER admit it, but she tries to counteract it by being as valuable as she possibly can and if that fails, she flounders and doesn't know what to do with herself. It also means she pushes away people who try to help her because that's just another personal failing.
gabi Gabi is scared of never standing out from the shadow of her father (Gael) or her mother (Briaun) who are both politically powerful figures who've cast long shadows over her. As a result she is pretty vicious about proving herself and striking down any comparison between her and her parents and will bitterly complain about it given a couple of drinks. She's both proud of what her parents have accomplished and resentful that it's kind of made her a nepo baby for it.
[kinda mean OC questions!]
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