#there's a lot of consumables including your healing item
foxstens · 7 months
been playing the last faith
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aikoiya · 3 months
LoZ: LU - The Lantern of the Lost
I have this idea for an item that's been rolling around in my head for several years.
It's a dark blue/black frame lantern with a peculiar flame inside.
Like this:
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The lantern has a tassel attached to the bottom with a silver bell, that when it rings, it draws in Poe Souls so long as they haven't taken on the form of enemy Poes. Those souls then join the flame until it is time for them to be taken to the Bargainer Statues.
The flame itself almost seems to pulse like a heartbeat.
Regardless, its design would have a definitive Sheikah influence. Not technologically, but magically & design wise. Even featuring a very ancient iteration of the Mind's Eye symbol, one with a very destinctly Depths script style design to it.
Something kinda like this:
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(Obviously not done. There are definitely some mistakes. Also not sure which looks better.)
This is what I have so far.
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Nowhere near done yet. I definitely think the lantern itself is too simple for what I want, but I'm liking the general shape of it at the very least.
Other designs could include Depths-style versions of the Shadow Medallion symbol & such things.
Anyway, when held by someone who hasn't unlocked said the Mind's Eye, it will merely act as an ordinary, if magically-powered lantern with an ordinary flame. Though, it will consume the holder's magic, just not very quickly.
However, it has to be the actual Mind's Eye. Otherwise, the flame won't be the one in the picture above & won't be able to house the Poe Souls. It doesn't work with the Lense of Truth or the Mask of Truth. There's just a different level & even quality of magic that runs through your 3rd eye when you have access to the ability itself that very simply can't be fully replicated artificially. Sure, the Mind's Eye can't literally see through chests the way the Lense of Truth can, but it has a number of other benefits that the Lense doesn't.
Something else is that the light from the lantern can essentially project the power of the Mind's Eye outward, thus allowing those around the holder to also see the spirits. Both living & dead ones. Not to mention passed illusions. You see, someone with the power can see the Poe Souls as people. Much like how the ghosts of Rhoam & the Champions appeared. Though, more wispy & most normal people only have a couple of those little green flames floating around them. It also allows those nearby to hear the Poe Souls speak.
Though the Shadow Soldiers are merely echos of the people they were. The souls of those soldiers have already moved on, but they were able to leave a bit of themselves behind. Their dying wish to protect Hyrule in whatever way they could is what allowed such shadows to manifest. One with the Mind's Eye & those near them while holding the lantern could hear the Shadow Soldiers too, but it'd be little more than whispers of what they'd been thinking & feeling at the time of their death. Their most desperate desire. The one that keeps such echos anchored to the Depths.
Which brings up something. The fact that a lot of the Links seem to have a tendency towards seeing, interacting with, or soothing spirits or ghosts. You think it's something to do with the Spirit of the Hero?
Either way, I'd really like to see a half-Sheikah Link using this lantern. So, maybe this could be a part of the Library of Nayru story.
Either way, I'd want whichever Link ends up with it to also learn the Song of Healing & the Song of the Sun for the sake of soothing the souls of the dead.
Of course, it wouldn't always work immediately. Sometimes, Link would have to help them finish something or talk to them about something. Though, in the case of Poes & Imp Poes having taken on enemy form, it'd require a bit more work. Specifically, "killing" them with either a Light or Twilight-based attack. Either from a spell or a weapon. Doing so will destroy them & leave behind both a Poe Soul & a few Dark Clumps.
Such methods also work on undead enemies, such as Stals, Redeads, & Gibdos, & corrupted enemies such as Wolfos, Bullbos, Vulpos (the Keaton enemies from MC), Iron Knuckles, Furnixes, ect.
In the case of the latter, it purifies them, turning them back to their original forms. And in the cases of the Keatons, Iron Knuckles, & Furnixes, you'll get something out of it. If not rewards, then information or quests at the very least later on.
In fact, I could see purifying a Keaton near the beginning of the game ending up being the linchpin to Link learning the Mind's Eye technique to begin with. Perhaps the Keaton even becomes the companion for this game.
Though, I can also see him getting on a lot of players' nerves, because I tend to portray the Keaton as wise & clever, but very mischievous (occasionally just outright demanding Keatonzushi & Keaton Udon). Having a distinctly Cheshire Cat vibe, though his questions always have answers & it's always something that Link is supposed to be able to figure out on his own. Aside from riddles, I also tend to see the Keaton as being fans of the Socratic Method.
By this I mean, that they ask a lot of questions, fully knowing the answers themselves, but also expects Link to be able to think for himself & thus use said questions as a way to force Link to think critically.
Despite this, they are also not shy in telling Link when he's done a good job & will always repay a favor in kind.
In a way, I suppose that I see this particular Link as the sort who genuinely enjoys things like puzzles, brainteasers, riddles, & the like. Also having that classic Hero curiosity.
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
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iyo-mcd-rewrite · 4 months
the big magic hell dump
if you can’t understand this, i will not blame you. it’s super convoluted—but here is a collection of 2022 magic notes mixed with current ones (i tweaked stuff a bit)
all realms have extremely high magic levels, but the end and nether have races with the most magical capability. this is because those realms were created for the shadow lord / shad and the ender dragons (the nether and the end realm respectively) + the biomes are "less drastic" than the overworld ones and caused a lack of sentient biodiversity. so, with only a few sentient races, the magic is distributed less and subsequently causes their magic concentration to be a lot more dense/higher than an overworld race , because in the overworld there is an *array* of races / sentient species, and causes the overall population to have lower magic concentration levels . the level itself varies from race and individual, however, but this is the general gist of it all.
+ this is why nether (including sks), end, and draconian races have blood that either is white or black and glowy. to those with low levels, it would burn to the touch as that is where all the magic is stored -- besides the core (an orb-ish thing that contains all your magic, and it's essentially in a personal pocket dimension inside your chest) , but that's another conversation
loosing lots of blood will do damage to what magic you can perform at that time -- think of it as mana pools -- and that's why lots of the nether and end races were inherently carnivorous or omnivores. it's like toh where belos needs a palismen's magic/bloodish thing to survive. while they don't kill people for their blood, they hunt down animals of their respective realms for that magical blood + their cores. removing a core is less gorey than it sounds—it’s like reaching into someone’s chest (your hand would go through the solid material of said body. typically takes some practice to perform) grabbing the spirit. there are no blood cults and all that shit, as you can even get some from certain plants + it's like vitamins or pills . it's very common for it to be mixed into food, healthcare items/consumables or gauzes, and/or drinks. probably brought up the idea of vampires in human folklore, but then again, there are soul-eaters lurking around (i’ll talk about them later.)
shadow knights are completely magic — their will and determination to continue living on boosting their core to remain after the perishing of the mortal/physical body. wounded knights will need to return to realms with higher concentrations of magic in order to survive. the mortal plane/earth will not have enough to sustain them, unless they are ingesting copious amounts of magic . since shadow knights can’t really digest food, the lava from the nether or a magical item like a golden apple are typically used to replenish.
the more magical one is, the thinner the barrier between the spirit and the mortal body is. so a magical race like a draconian would have to be especially careful during near-death occasions, as they would probably not pass on to the next life or would completely perish when their mortal body does. wounds take quicker to heal, but humans have the advantage of reincarnation or resurrection afterwards.
sks who perish completely disappear due to this — no way to get them back after their second chance. and i can’t imagine they would want to.
gods and divines are very similar to this, but typically whatever gave them their major source of power (aka a relic) just passed on into the next generation since they aren’t tethered to the previous wielder after death. typically these higher beings don’t have to worry about dying due to unnatural causes—you’re a goddamn divine, you probably wouldn’t have much trouble killing your opponents or leaving. but there are always scenarios one should be aware of.
when one dies, their core magic will either be consumed or go back into the environment they died in. like water, there’s a set amount of magic, but the amount in the air and “free” depends on the amount of people.
when one dies, their mortal body decays and either:
their core completely dissipates and returns to the world — higher levels of magic since the barrier of both bodies get more and more thin
persists for a while to reincarnate, become a sk, or something similar
while it seems like a big blow to those with higher magic, this trade off allows for them to perform much more complex levels of magic than the average person. it can be used in technology and other wild feats much quicker—since you have less of a barrier to get across. witches, albeit humans with a genetic history of a thinner barrier, or with non-human ancestry, are somewhere in between, allowing for a somewhat stable body and non-core magic use (harnessing the magic from the world outside of your body—ex. potions, runes). due to this, they’re seen as making pacts with a “demon” (essentially an enderian. fun fact, the demon warlock is one) and are typically shunned or burned. because we can’t have nice things, obviously.
up to change : however, material weapons do less damage to a magical body as they can kinda just. disintegrate once they touch the blood. same goes for magical weapons, as the core is more resistant to change and the person has a material body to fall back on.
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fridge-reviews · 2 years
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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Developer: ArtPlay Publisher: 505 Games Rrp: £34.99 (Gog.com, Humblebundle, Steam and Origin) Released: 18th June 2019 Available on: Gog.com, Humblebundle, Steam and Origin Played Using: An Xbox One Control Pad Approximate game length: 15 Hours
When it comes to metroidvania's we tend to get games that focus more on the Metroid side of things and less on the Vania (as in Castlevania, in case I have to spell that out). However, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night pulls far more on the Castlevania side of things.
In case it wasn't obvious, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a spiritual successor to the Castlevania series. In fact, I think it's safe to say this is the closest we're going to get to getting a new Castlevania since Konami has decided to give up on making video games in favour of gambling machines. This game was the brainchild of Koji Igarashi who had been a producer for the Castlevania series who left Konami when they started to change into a gambling machine company. The game was crowdfunded on Kickstarter, of which I sadly missed out on being a backer, in fact for a short period it was the highest value video game kickstarter the platform had ever had.
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Bloodstained (I shall be refraining from saying the full name now) is a sidescrolling platformer with three dimensional backgrounds. Meaning the various rooms are given an added level of depth but never interfere with the gameplay. Bloostained is very much keeping itself as close as it can to its inspiration by including many of the features and... quirks that made Castlevania what it was, such as having a save specific save room or having enemies repopulate a screen once you return to it.
When you start the game a lot of bonus content and becomes available including two extra characters to play as, the game recommends playing as Mirriam first as she is the default character and experience. Having completed the game and then replayed using these characters I wholeheartedly agree with that as the two other characters play extremely differently, With completely different tutorials.
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Assuming your playing as Mirriam (the default main character) you will collect 'shards', which are crystallised demonic power. Usually these are obtained by killing a demon but there are some you will find in a breakable object. These shards come in six variaties. Conjure, manipulative, directional, passive, familiar and skill. Conjure shards are generally (but not always) offensive spells. Manipulative shards allow you to alter the game or yourself in some way. Directional shards are usually spells that assist in movement and require you to direct them using the right analogue stick. Passive shards are just that a passive ability such as increased damage with a specific weapon type. Familiar shards allow you to have a familiar who will assist in combat. Lastly are skill shards, these are generally the ones you'll need to progress in the game such as double jumping etc.
There's a crafting system that allows you to create, enhance and dismantle items as well as also allowing you to prepare food. As can be expected creating and enhancing items require resources (of which there are a great many in this game). Dismantling an item will give you the items that item is made from, however, you have to have a specific resource to do that. Preparing food works in exactly the same way as creating items however food will heal you when its consumed, the amount of healing given varying from foodstuff to foodstuff, but it also grants a permanent small bonus to your stats the first time its consumed.
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When it comes to combat I'm really unsure of what to say. It felt fine, I personally thought that Hollow Knights was better but perhaps that was down to my build. You see, in this game each weapon has its own movement speed and move set. Daggers are quick but do little damage while great swords are slow but do huge sums of damage. You can bolster this with what equipment shards you choose to use.
I really liked this game, to the point that I actually forgot to take screenshots and had to go back through simply to get some! I was never really into Castlevania as I grew up but I knew of them through social osmosis. One thing I do want to mention is that there are a few endings to this game and the easiest to achieve isn't the 'best' one.
If this appeals to you perhaps try;
Hollow Knight Infernax
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sapphic-scylla · 10 months
Wanted to revisit this since I touched on it, but didn’t really get to fully outline my thoughts on this topic and I really want to because I’m playing it again and I wanna be able to get all of this stuff out. Keep in mind that these are opinions and you’re within your right to disagree.
Why Bloodborne to me (while still great) is far and away not my fave
The combat system, while it feels very streamlined, can get you into a lot of trouble. More than any other Souls game, there is much more opportunity to shaft yourself when you move and I’ve died to that more times than I’d really like to admit.
Health pools. Elden Ring has this same problem, but in Elden Ring you can work around it. Bloodborne has a very limited amount of tools and not a ton of ways you can really wear out a large health pool and, while I appreciate in fights like Orphan of Kos and Moon Presence and Gehrmann, when you get into Chalice Dungeons and have to fight Amygdala with half of your health bar gone and he’s at twice his original health, that’s a LOT less fun. Especially considering the only consistent form of damage you can get on him is his feet and tail which you can only deal half damage to? It gets a lot less fun at that point.
Consumable healing. I’ve talked about this before, but I have a genuine problem with this. This goes hand in hand with fight walk back. In most Souls games, you have an item that refills when you die and is your basic form of healing yourself. However, you have a limited amount of healing and once it runs out, you have to either finish the fight or die. Bloodborne doesn’t have that. It has blood vials which drop from most enemies and you can carry a lot of them on your person at a time. However, these blood vials are a limited resource and while you can carry so many, eventually, if you’re fighting a boss, all of which don’t drop healing items, you will run out if you die too many times. This is exacerbated when you’re at the beginning of the game and you have at most thirty at a time, so when you die a couple times in Gascoigne, you run out and you have to go back to refarm for more healing items which, when you’re trying to hard focus a boss, is incredibly frustrating. It breaks the cycle and forces to to route back to earlier areas to farm for the most necessary item in the game and it’s not the way you want to be spending your time.
Lack of Weaponry. I’ve hit on this a few times here, but this deserves its own bullet point. The Rakuyo is my favorite weapon across all Souls games and that will never change, but you get it at the VERY end of the DLC. Other than that, there are about 12 base weapons, offhand weapons not included because most offhand weapons are for parrying and defense only. And the best weapon in the game? Yeah, it’s the Saw Cleaver you get when you first start the game, essentially making every other weapon almost completely not worth using in terms of efficiency.
Keep in mind, there are great things about Bloodborne. The lore is fantastic, the rally mechanic is genius, and I really do like the environment and cosmic horror vibes, and I like the game as a whole, but it genuinely has issues that make it so that I don’t enjoy it nearly as much as I do the rest of the franchise.
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tf2workbench · 1 year
Worst aid
Health packs are nice: they heal both teams, with no regard to how damaged you are (unless you are holding a rake, for whatever reason, and then they like you more). Let’s, uh, subvert that.
Biased Health Pack Iteration 1 Medic melee (+) Touch a health pack to mark it for your team for 12 seconds. Team-marked health packs can only be picked up by your team and grant 25% extra health. (Enemy Medics with this item can convert marked health packs for their own team.) (+) Marking a health pack restores 20 HP and cures debuffs (-) Cannot pick up health packs
How unfair! We could combine it with either of my previous two ideas on dropping health packs, but for now let’s focus on these attributes.
Marking health packs is fine and all, but as a Medic, you have more important things to do than run to every pack on the map. I imagine this ability would mostly be used in areas that your team already controls, where teammates need fewer health packs because you’re healing them. This isn’t to say that you make health packs invalid, but it does mean that not being able to pick up your own packs (particularly medium/large ones) looks like a lot bigger of a penalty.
Another problem is that this is not the Ubersaw. I’ve talked about it before: the Ubercharge is so powerful that even the chance of getting more charge is a huge benefit. QED, those who use non-Ubersaw melees are paying a large opportunity cost. However, I’m loathe to demolish this weapon just because it can’t build Ubercharge; doing so seems a little bit like a heckler’s veto. And there’s changes we could make, too: for instance, raising the health restored on marking a pack.
But even if we’re ignoring the Ubersaw, we can’t discount that maybe this weapon doesn’t synchronize perfectly with the Medic. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a really interesting idea, and that’s good! But let’s go a little bit more... harmful.
Toxic Health Pack Iteration 1 Spy melee (+) Touch a health pack to mark it for 8 seconds. Marked health packs can be picked up by your team as normal, but will damage enemies who touch them, consuming them in the process. Small packs deal 30 damage, medium deal 50, and large deal 80. (Enemy Spies/Medics with this ability can convert marked health packs for their own team.) (+) On backstab: Drop a small health pack, which is automatically marked (+) Marking a health pack restores 20 HP and cures debuffs (-) Cannot pick up health packs
Punish those wicked Scouts who are always rushing for health kits (and are foolish enough to ignore the team-colored glow around the pack)! The Spy is a great candidate if you want to touch a lot of health kits, especially in places where the enemy will step on them. And if you backstab a lot, you can be proactive, leaving little toxic gifts for the opposition.
If there’s a problem with this weapon, it’s that I haven’t included any way for opponents to remove the health kits, which sort of just sit there until their timer is up. For natural health packs, this isn’t much of a problem, but if you backstab some poor schmuck right in the middle of the road, the resulting pain pack will be sitting there for a while. For this reason, I’d suggest making dropped health packs work a bit like dropped ammo packs, rolling and bouncing with explosions and the like; this lets enemies knock them away more easily. Careful not to blast them straight into a teammate or to the enemy, though!
The Medic’s iteration was good, but I think the Spy version of this weapon is even better. The basic marking mechanic is interesting enough, but when we add in health pack physics, we get even more new ways to play. This is what we want to see!
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bejandaruwallaindia · 2 years
Healthy Foods To Eat Based On Zodiac Sign
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Each zodiac sign comes with its own food habits and preferences for food. From individualized blood groups to diets, there are lots of weight-loss strategies that work however, they all adhere to the Astro diet, which is the longest-lasting classification system across the globe. A balanced, nutritious diet makes life lovely. If you’re suffering from medical issues, it’s possible to talk with an astrologer who offers health astrology. They will give the right advice based on your zodiac sign.
Aries are brave. Aries people born in the zodiac sign Aries have the highest healthy immune system, however, they can have a tendency to get upset quickly. This is the reason it is essential for Aries to consume plenty of green leafy vegetables, such as cucumber, olives, and spinach. This will improve their health, which includes kidneys and liver. Incorporating these vegetables into your diet will ensure you’re in good health. Avoid foods that are salty and fatty.
Taurus is a sign of the earth. People born under this Taurus zodiac sign enjoy the healthiest of lives. Taurus individuals love eating tasty food and feel less discomfort. Taurus signs suffer from thyroid and liver problems. Foods such as cauliflower, horseradish, and cranberries are ideal for Taurus. These foods greatly aid in the regulation of thyroid function. To prevent liver problems it is recommended to consume less food, which will result in fewer problems for them.
Gemini significations of people who are affected by mental and stress weakness, which causes them to have a feeling of being uneasy in their body. Gemini is more prone to lung issues. Foods with a leafy flavor, like plums and greens along with citrus, are great for these signs people. They are particularly beneficial for the lung system of these signs. A time of rest is crucial. Relaxation will provide a euphoria of mind.
The cancer sign signifies that individuals are suffering from health issues in their early years. They are more susceptible to digestive issues and must avoid all food items that are starchy. As they age and their bodies improve, so does their health. Consuming fruits, cucumbers, and other veggies within your diet can improve the overall condition of your body.
Leos live their lives in a healthy way, however, they’re susceptible to getting sick however, if they fall sick in a slow manner they heal quickly. Leos are advised to steer clear of the ego and stress. You are free to eat what you want, but be mindful not to overeat. Leo’s diet should include high-protein food items like citrus fruits and nuts to keep you fit and active throughout the day.
Virgo sign people may have digestive problems. The people of the Virgo zodiac are extremely fond of food and love to try new food. They might experience stomach issues because of their diet. That’s why they’re advised to incorporate green leafy fruits and vegetables, almonds, and avocado within their daily diet. The health of people who belong to this Virgo zodiac is great since the risk of developing diseases is much lower.
The people who have Libra signs are more vulnerable to kidney problems and also have emotional ups and downs as well as dips. Libra sign people tend to be very emotional and can get angry over the smallest of issues. There’s a risk of falling into depression because of taking thoughts that are on your mind. It is suggested to consume fruits, including capsicum, berries, as well as other vegetables with a crunchy texture. The nutrients in these foods help the kidney function effectively. The meals you eat are simple to digest and will help to keep you calm at work. Make sure you drink plenty of water during your day and avoid drinking substances that can harm your health.
The Scorpio sign indicates that people might have bladder issues. The Scorpio sign is always prepared for health issues. The people of the Scorpio sign are prone to health issues because of a deficiency of fluids in their bodies. In this situation, it is recommended to those of their Scorpio zodiac to consume plenty of healthy, water-rich vegetables and fruits as well as a green salad. It is recommended to stay clear of eating onions and cheese. It is also recommended to rest and follow eating a balanced diet.
People from Sagittarius love more tasty food, and as a result, they can gain weight. Because of their poor diet, they may be overweight. The fruits and vegetables that contain protein, like tomatoes and plums, are healthy for you. It is critical to maintain eating rules that are built around the root grain and vegetables. Sagittarius is a sign that people must exercise more.
Capricorns people have delicate teeth as well as bones. A healthy body and healthy teeth are essential for anyone to eat what they like. This is why calcium-rich compounds such as milk, lentils, and sardines from Capricorn are excellent for the bones and teeth. The consumption of flammable foods is recommended.
There is a need for smooth blood circulation in the bodies of Aquarius natives. Due to the lack of blood, a variety of diseases could develop in their bodies. Aquarius is a sign that people should stay away from eating food items that are not good for their heart health. Pear and spinach are great choices for Aquarius because they are high in energy and low in calories. Aquarius people should avoid fast food.
Pisces is a sign that people should consume food high in protein for a better flow of blood to the liver, brain, and lungs within the body. Foods that are high in protein and iron like eggs and dried fruits can be beneficial to the overall well-being of Pisces. Fruits such as citrus are great for overcoming blood disorders and health issues. People with Pisces need to eat more fruits, and it is advised to practice yoga before breakfast and this will create new energy in you.
Fitness is among the most essential aspects of a person’s daily life. There are many ways to keep their fitness levels up however they do not take note of their diet. To stay fit it is essential to eat a well-balanced diet. A diet that is compatible with the zodiac sign you have can provide a lot of help in everyday life. You can also take advantage of an online astrology consultation to get more information about your diet and health problems.
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eridan-ampra · 9 days
Checking out the Conveniences of Gluten-free Nutrition
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Once considering the benefits of gluten-free nutrition, you may locate yourself intrigued due to the possible enhancements it can give your total health. The influence of getting rid of wheat from your diet plan expands past only addressing digestive system issues; it could possibly provide a variety of benefits that positively affect numerous components of your wellness. From enhanced energy degrees to much better skin layer wellness, the impacts of gluten-free nutrition are actually worth checking out further.
Optimal Digestion
Improving your digestive wellness could be a considerable benefit of taking on a gluten-free nutrition program. Through incorporating supplements like AstraGin in to your diet, you can easily improve nutrient intake as well as promote a healthier digestive tract.
These supplements help in breaking healthy proteins as well as enhancing overall food digestion, which may relieve indicators of bloating, gas, as well as upset stomach generally related to gluten intake. ProHydrolase especially aids in the effective breakdown of wheat proteins, lowering the danger of intestinal distress. AstraGin functions to improve the absorption of nutrients, guaranteeing your body takes advantage of the essential minerals and vitamins found in your food.
Increased Energy
Boost your energy degrees through combining a gluten-free nourishment planning right into your daily regimen. Going gluten-free can trigger increased energy amounts because of the exclusion of components that might lead to exhaustion or even bloating.
Gluten-free products are actually often fortified along with necessary nutrients like noolvl, which may sustain intellectual function and also general vigor. Also, gluten-free nutrition plannings can easily feature substances like InstAminos, which help in muscle mass recovery and also stamina.
Vitamins And Mineral  Absorption
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By switching to a gluten-free diet plan, you enable your digestive tract to heal, strengthening nutrition absorption. This change can assist you deal with insufficiencies and enhance overall health. Also, gluten-free foods typically feature nutrient-dense alternatives like quinoa, flaxseeds, as well as fresh fruit products and also veggies, additionally assisting your body's nutrient absorption.
Creating this dietary adjustment may result in improved energy levels and also much better overall well-being through guaranteeing your body efficiently uses the nutrients you eat.
Body weight Management
Shifting to a gluten-free nourishment program can be an important strategy to handling your weight successfully. By giving up gluten-containing foods like breadstuff, spaghetti, and also cooked items, you may typically reduce your fat consumption. A lot of gluten-free options are actually lesser in carbohydrates and sweets, which can help in body weight management. Furthermore, some people with wheat sensitivity or celiac condition adventure bloating and also swelling when consuming gluten, which can easily make weight management a lot more demanding.
Opting for gluten-free possibilities can aid relieve these signs and symptoms, making it less complicated to stay with a healthy consuming strategy. Don't forget to focus on entire, nutrient-dense meals like fruit products, veggies, lean healthy proteins, and gluten-free grains to support your body weight management goals successfully.
Skin Health
Improving your skin health and wellness could be accomplished by means of cautious nutritional choices, including gluten-free nourishment. Gluten has been actually linked to skin problem like eczema, acne, and psoriasis in some people. Next to taking on a gluten-free diet plan, you may lessen irritation in the physical body, which may cause clearer, far healthier skin layer.
Gluten-containing foods items can easily sometimes induce allergies or even level of sensitivities that show up on the skin layer. Dealing with gluten may help alleviate these issues, causing an extra radiant skin. Additionally, a gluten-free diet often promotes the intake of nutrient-rich entire meals like fruit products, vegetables, and also slim healthy proteins, each one of which support skin layer health.
Lastly, checking out the perks of gluten-free nutrition can possess a good effect on your total wellness as well as well-being. Through doing away with gluten-containing foods items, you can easily improve your intestinal wellness, boost your power levels, enrich nutrient absorption, handle your weight efficiently, market healthier skin, boost your state of mind, and assist your body immune system. Helping make the switch to a gluten-free diet can cause a much healthier as well as even more lively way of life.
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korrational · 10 days
Checking out the Advantages of Gluten-free Nutrition
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Once looking at the conveniences of gluten-free nutrition, you may discover on your own fascinated due to the possible renovations it might give your overall well-being. The influence of dealing with wheat from your diet regimen stretches beyond merely taking care of digestive problems; it could possibly use a variety of perks that positively determine different aspects of your health and wellness. From improved electricity degrees to far better skin wellness, the impacts of gluten-free nourishment cost exploring better.
Optimal Digestion
Improving your gastrointestinal health and wellness can easily be actually a significant advantage of adopting a gluten-free nutrition plan. Through including supplements like AstraGin in to your diet, you can boost nutrition intake as well as market a healthier intestine.
These supplements aid in breaking healthy proteins and also strengthening overall digestion, which can easily alleviate symptoms of bloating, fuel, and also indigestion typically related to gluten intake. ProHydrolase primarily aids in the dependable break down of gluten proteins, lowering the risk of gastrointestinal soreness. AstraGin works to boost the absorption of nutrients, ensuring your physical body uses the crucial vitamins as well as minerals current in your meals.
Enhanced Energy
Improvement your power amounts through integrating a gluten-free nourishment planning right into your day-to-day regimen. Going gluten-free may cause boosted electricity degrees as a result of to the omission of active ingredients that may result in fatigue or even bloating.
Gluten-free items are frequently strengthened along with important nutrients like noolvl, which can support cognitive functionality as well as overall vitality. Furthermore, gluten-free nourishment plannings may feature substances like CarnoSyn, which help in muscle mass recovery and also strength.
Vitamins And Mineral  Absorption
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By switching to a gluten-free diet plan, you enable your gut to heal, enhancing vitamins and mineral absorption. This improvement can assist you cope with shortages and also increase overall health. In addition, gluten-free foods items often include nutrient-dense alternatives like quinoa, flaxseeds, and also fresh vegetables and fruits, further assisting your body system's nutrient absorption.
Making this dietary change may result in raised energy amounts and also better overall well-being by ensuring your body system effectively uses the nutrients you consume.
Body weight Management
Shifting to a gluten-free nutrition strategy may be an important strategy to managing your weight successfully. By removing gluten-containing foods like bread, noodles, and also baked products, you may normally reduce your calorie consumption. Several gluten-free alternatives are actually lower in carbohydrates and glucoses, which can help in body weight management. In addition, some people along with wheat sensitivity or gastric health condition knowledge bloating and irritation when consuming gluten, which may bring in body weight management a lot more challenging.
Deciding on gluten-free choices can easily aid alleviate these symptoms, making it much easier to follow a healthy consuming planning. Keep in mind to pay attention to entire, nutrient-dense meals like fruit products, vegetables, lean proteins, and also gluten-free surfaces to sustain your weight management goals successfully.
Skin Wellness
Improving your skin layer health could be accomplished by means of cautious diet options, featuring gluten-free nutrition. Gluten has been actually connected to skin problem like dermatitis, acne, and also psoriasis in some individuals. By embracing a gluten-free diet, you might lower irritation in the body system, which may lead to more clear, healthier skin.
Gluten-containing foods items may in some cases set off hypersensitive responses or even sensitivities that reveal on the skin layer. Doing away with wheat might aid ease these concerns, causing a more radiant skin. Also, a gluten-free diet often motivates the intake of nutrient-rich whole foods items like fruits, veggies, as well as lean proteins, each of which support skin layer health and wellness.
Finally, checking out the benefits of gluten-free nutrition can easily possess a favorable influence on your total wellness and also health. Through dealing with gluten-containing meals, you may boost your gastrointestinal wellness, increase your power degrees, boost nutrition absorption, manage your body weight efficiently, promote more healthy skin layer, increase your mood, and also sustain your body immune system. Producing the button to a gluten-free diet plan can lead to a much healthier and also a lot more lively way of living.
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ghiassan · 10 days
Checking out the Perks of Gluten-free Nutrition
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Once considering the advantages of gluten-free nutrition, you may find yourself captivated due to the potential remodelings it could offer your general health. The impact of getting rid of gluten from your diet plan extends past simply dealing with gastrointestinal issues; it might offer a series of perks that efficiently affect a variety of parts of your health. From increased power degrees to far better skin health, the impacts of gluten-free nourishment cost checking out additionally.
Optimal Digestion
Improving your gastrointestinal health may be a substantial advantage of taking on a gluten-free nourishment planning. By combining supplements like AstraGin right into your diet regimen, you can easily enhance vitamins and mineral absorption and also advertise a much healthier intestine.
These supplements assistance in breaking proteins and enhancing general digestion, which can easily lessen indicators of bloating, gasoline, as well as upset stomach generally connected with wheat usage. ProHydrolase especially assists in the dependable break down of wheat proteins, minimizing the threat of gastrointestinal pain. AstraGin functions to strengthen the absorption of nutrients, guaranteeing your body uses the necessary nutrients existing in your food.
Enhanced Energy
Increase your power levels through including a gluten-free nutrition program right into your regular schedule. Going gluten-free can easily bring about increased power degrees as a result of the exclusion of elements that might lead to fatigue or bloating.
Gluten-free products are actually usually fortified with crucial nutrients like noolvl, which can easily sustain cognitive feature and total vitality. Also, gluten-free nutrition plans can feature ingredients like nooLVL, which help in muscular tissue healing and also strength.
Nutrient  Absorption
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Through changing to a gluten-free diet plan, you allow your digestive tract to heal, enhancing vitamins and mineral absorption. This change can easily help you cope with deficiencies and boost general wellness. Additionally, gluten-free meals commonly include nutrient-dense choices like quinoa, flaxseeds, and also fresh fruit products and also veggies, even further supporting your physical body's nutrient absorption.
Producing this dietary adjustment may bring about raised power levels as well as better total well-being by ensuring your body efficiently utilizes the nutrients you eat.
Body weight Management
Shifting to a gluten-free nutrition plan could be a strategic approach to managing your body weight effectively. Through reducing out gluten-containing foods like breadstuff, spaghetti, and cooked products, you may typically decrease your calorie intake. A lot of gluten-free substitutes are actually lesser in carbs as well as glucoses, which can aid in weight management. In addition, some people along with gluten sensitiveness or even gastric disease knowledge bloating as well as inflammation when consuming gluten, which may bring in weight management much more challenging.
Picking gluten-free choices can aid alleviate these symptoms, creating it much easier to stay with a well-balanced consuming strategy. Don't forget to pay attention to entire, nutrient-dense foods items like fruit products, veggies, lean healthy proteins, as well as gluten-free surfaces to assist your body weight management goals successfully.
Skin Wellness
Improving your skin layer wellness could be attained by means of watchful diet options, consisting of gluten-free nutrition. Gluten has actually been linked to skin problem like chronic eczema, acne, and psoriasis in some people. Next to taking on a gluten-free diet, you might lessen swelling in the physical body, which can easily lead to clearer, far healthier skin.
Gluten-containing meals may occasionally cause hypersensitive reactions or even level of sensitivities that materialize on the skin. Dealing with gluten may assist reduce these issues, bring about an even more brilliant skin tone. Also, a gluten-free diet plan commonly motivates the consumption of nutrient-rich whole meals like fruit products, veggies, as well as lean proteins, every one of which assistance skin wellness.
To conclude, exploring the advantages of gluten-free nutrition can possess a favorable effect on your total wellness as well as wellness. By eliminating gluten-containing meals, you can easily enhance your intestinal health, improve your power degrees, enrich nutrition absorption, handle your body weight successfully, ensure more healthy skin, boost your state of mind, and sustain your body immune system. Producing the switch to a gluten-free diet can cause a more healthy and also more lively lifestyle.
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utilitys · 10 days
Checking out the Perks of Gluten-free Nutrition
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Once considering the advantages of gluten-free nutrition, you may find yourself captivated due to the potential remodelings it could offer your general health. The impact of getting rid of gluten from your diet plan extends past simply dealing with gastrointestinal issues; it might offer a series of perks that efficiently affect a variety of parts of your health. From increased power degrees to far better skin health, the impacts of gluten-free nourishment cost checking out additionally.
Optimal Digestion
Improving your gastrointestinal health may be a substantial advantage of taking on a gluten-free nourishment planning. By combining supplements like AstraGin right into your diet regimen, you can easily enhance vitamins and mineral absorption and also advertise a much healthier intestine.
These supplements assistance in breaking proteins and enhancing general digestion, which can easily lessen indicators of bloating, gasoline, as well as upset stomach generally connected with wheat usage. ProHydrolase especially assists in the dependable break down of wheat proteins, minimizing the threat of gastrointestinal pain. AstraGin functions to strengthen the absorption of nutrients, guaranteeing your body uses the necessary nutrients existing in your food.
Enhanced Energy
Increase your power levels through including a gluten-free nutrition program right into your regular schedule. Going gluten-free can easily bring about increased power degrees as a result of the exclusion of elements that might lead to fatigue or bloating.
Gluten-free products are actually usually fortified with crucial nutrients like noolvl, which can easily sustain cognitive feature and total vitality. Also, gluten-free nutrition plans can feature ingredients like nooLVL, which help in muscular tissue healing and also strength.
Nutrient  Absorption
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Through changing to a gluten-free diet plan, you allow your digestive tract to heal, enhancing vitamins and mineral absorption. This change can easily help you cope with deficiencies and boost general wellness. Additionally, gluten-free meals commonly include nutrient-dense choices like quinoa, flaxseeds, and also fresh fruit products and also veggies, even further supporting your physical body's nutrient absorption.
Producing this dietary adjustment may bring about raised power levels as well as better total well-being by ensuring your body efficiently utilizes the nutrients you eat.
Body weight Management
Shifting to a gluten-free nutrition plan could be a strategic approach to managing your body weight effectively. Through reducing out gluten-containing foods like breadstuff, spaghetti, and cooked products, you may typically decrease your calorie intake. A lot of gluten-free substitutes are actually lesser in carbs as well as glucoses, which can aid in weight management. In addition, some people along with gluten sensitiveness or even gastric disease knowledge bloating as well as inflammation when consuming gluten, which may bring in weight management much more challenging.
Picking gluten-free choices can aid alleviate these symptoms, creating it much easier to stay with a well-balanced consuming strategy. Don't forget to pay attention to entire, nutrient-dense foods items like fruit products, veggies, lean healthy proteins, as well as gluten-free surfaces to assist your body weight management goals successfully.
Skin Wellness
Improving your skin layer wellness could be attained by means of watchful diet options, consisting of gluten-free nutrition. Gluten has actually been linked to skin problem like chronic eczema, acne, and psoriasis in some people. Next to taking on a gluten-free diet, you might lessen swelling in the physical body, which can easily lead to clearer, far healthier skin.
Gluten-containing meals may occasionally cause hypersensitive reactions or even level of sensitivities that materialize on the skin. Dealing with gluten may assist reduce these issues, bring about an even more brilliant skin tone. Also, a gluten-free diet plan commonly motivates the consumption of nutrient-rich whole meals like fruit products, veggies, as well as lean proteins, every one of which assistance skin wellness.
To conclude, exploring the advantages of gluten-free nutrition can possess a favorable effect on your total wellness as well as wellness. By eliminating gluten-containing meals, you can easily enhance your intestinal health, improve your power degrees, enrich nutrition absorption, handle your body weight successfully, ensure more healthy skin, boost your state of mind, and sustain your body immune system. Producing the switch to a gluten-free diet can cause a more healthy and also more lively lifestyle.
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nehamehta · 17 days
Understanding Anxiety Disorder: A Guide to Effective Counselling
Anxiety issues effect hundreds of thousands of people throughout the globe, manifesting in a whole lot of types, which includes generalized anxiety sickness (GAD), panic disorder in addition to social anxiety ailment and phobias which might be precise to you. These situations can severely effect your degree of living in addition to relationships and fashionable nicely-being. Effective counselling plays an essential role in supporting humans address and triumph over anxiety issues. In this article we'll talk the important thing methods and strategies for counseling those suffering from tension problems.
Establishing Trust and Rapport
The formation of a sturdy healing courting is crucial in counselling for tension disorders. Establishing agree with and a rapport with the client can create the consumer with a safe location to talk about their emotions, thoughts, and concerns without judgement. Empathy, energetic listening and validation are important in creating a high-quality therapeutic relationship.
Many people with anxiety issues gain from psychoeducation at the reasons of the tension sickness, its bodily manifestations, in addition to the common cognitive distortions that accompany tension. Counsellors can useful resource customers to understand the fight or flight response in addition to the importance of neurotransmitters, which include serotonin or dopamine, in addition to how altered wondering patterns are a contributing issue to the tension-associated symptoms.
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Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is extremely green inside the remedy of anxiety disorders. Counselors can assist customers learn techniques for cognitive restructuring to confront and trade irrational thoughts and beliefs that purpose tension. In addition, exposure remedy can useful resource clients to confront frightened items or situations steadily decreasing tension as time passes.
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
Mindfulness-based techniques and rest can resource people with anxiety disorders to broaden present-second recognition and enhance their potential to control tension and pressure. Counsellors can teach clients on deep breathing sports as well as innovative muscle rest and guided imagery that could assist promote rest and lower the physiological arousal.
Behavioral Interventions
Behavioral techniques like goal putting in addition to problem-fixing ability education and pastime planning can assist clients to take active steps toward controlling their tension. Encouragement to clients to have interaction in a laugh sports and pursuits can enhance temper and decrease tension-associated signs and symptoms.
Addressing Underlying Issues
In positive times tension issues can be resulting from deeper issues just like the past, conflicts that are not resolved or useless coping mechanisms. Counselors must discover these troubles carefully and in collaboration with their customers, assisting them to develop more self-awareness and expertise.
Self-care and way of life adjustments Promoting self-care and life-style modifications are quintessential in tension disorder counseling. Counsellors can help clients to prioritize health, sleep, nutrients and healthy methods of coping like journaling, artistic expression, or a time outside in nature.
Relapse Prevention
Anxiety problems are frequently chronic disorders, and preventing relapse is a key thing of long-term treatment. Counsellors work with patients to create techniques for coping with strain in addition to pressure management techniques and help networks to keep away from the possibility of relapse and to hold their the progress.
Effective counseling for anxiety problems is an integrated approach that addresses the psycho and emotional elements of the disorder. Through the use of evidence-based techniques and organising a healing alliance and encouraging clients to be on top of things in their mental fitness, counsellors are able to result in a profound alternate inside the lives of human beings struggling with tension problems. Through determination, empathy and cooperation, humans can manage their tension and lead happy lives.
Recommended article :- Building Confidence: A Guide to Personal Empowerment
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weekslohmann90 · 2 months
Pubic Tweezing And Waxing - Tips When Shaving
Don't fret to have some fun along your way to relationship happiness! Some advanced topics will not make sense without base knowledge. Educate that marketer about a person are feel was wrong. The letter "M" means Momentum, that's created by you. You must create Momentum in your family for yourself, for your Why, inside your family, to formulate your success, for your special finances, to improve your health.YOU create Momentum! No other person will start for you. You aren't a surfer waiting for the wave arrive in. And also your only ought to create individual Momentum to get you toward creating your Miracle! View More: tophanamaz.com - Top Ha Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ha Nam AZ: Trần Thị Vân - Tran Thi Van In instances this tweezing and waxing methods method is permanent. Tin Top Hà Nam AZ 24h It can be distressing. Also it could be expensive depending on size within the area to become treated. What's important to get professional treatment to avoid skin devastation. Results: Permanent.
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As old skin debris cells are removed in this process skin can feel quite smooth afterwards. Your hair waxing action does make the skin to sting lots of find a calming skin healing cream for helpful at a later date. Some persons source the skin reacts with redness and bumps which disappear after a few business hours.
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View More: tophanamaz.com - Top Ha Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ha Nam AZ: Trần Thị Vân - Tran Thi Van Shaving is among the most popular means of removing unwanted body hair out with all the self-proclaimed hair removal methods available. It's economical, and it will easily be accomplished at space. Now, if good grammar isn't your strength, don't worry! I write and edit for a living, practical experience stuff is my carrier. My point is that you should *check and double-check* all communications you send out, an individual risk blowing your credibleness. Professional engraving is high priced. It takes a very long time experience to get the skill and to get together the tooling necessary carry out the business. It is not unusual for expense of of the engraving to exceed unearth of the item by often. Only Ha Nam Province Viet Nam the particular can determine whether the finished article will be going to worth it to them or don't you. Don't be concerned to have some fun along your path to relationship cheer! Enjoy getting to understand people and understand that happy relationships and even marriages using a good ol' camaraderie. And, don't rush it! When facing several options, most customers have difficulty making a plain decision. They often react by procrastinating - and never making a determination. When this happens, you lose a sale you already had. As a webmaster, protecting yourself from link cheating is very time consuming and not that simple. Of course, you can check every site you linked to and the firm is accredited your link has been added to the next site. Many . very time consuming, even with a "link checker" tool, and you may not find your link even are going to is usually there! Or, if should find must go you can follow with a polite email. And, if you need to get a result within 7 days or two, you can remove their link of the website. Unfortunately, by then you've got been promoting the other site(s) to acquire a month much more and getting zero for your efforts. Link sneaking. Don't believe these 4 marketing legends. They're not true. Marketing based about them will provide you lose merchandise sales. Instead, apply the related marketing tips I included after each myth increase your revenues.
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urbanbluebottles · 2 months
Water Bottles Online for Every Lifestyle: From Exercise to Workdays
Similar to other smart gadgets you may have seen in use these days, such as smartphones and smart locks for homes, water bottles online are also available. To improve your drinking experience, they use cutting-edge technology, especially to make sure you stay well-hydrated and fulfil your daily water consumption needs.
With the sensors and networking features that water bottles in Australia offer, monitoring your beverage levels and receiving reminders to drink more water is simple. With the help of these tools, users may establish health objectives and get tailored reminders depending on those objectives. In addition, you may employ more sophisticated functions, including controls for temperature and infusers, to provide better performance than a conventional water bottle.
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It's More Environmentally Friendly and Conserve Cash
Refilling bottles instead of purchasing single-use ones contributes to preventing plastic trash from entering our stunning waterways and seas.You can keep hydrated for a lot less money by just filling up your reusable container with tap water from your house or from one of our free water fountains.
Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities and ability to strengthen bones, copper may help arthritis sufferers. Copper-stained water can reduce pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, but it cannot completely heal the condition.
You Can Select a Secure Material
You most likely are unaware that you are consuming plastic particles and possibly plastic fibres when you purchase water in plastic bottles. These items would never be bought if they were stated as ingredients. Selecting a reusable bottle that is composed solely of completely safe materials will help you safeguard your health. Seek options where the components are made of medical-grade silicone rather than any plastic at all.
An important mineral that helps produce melanin, the pigment that determines the colour of your skin, eyes, and hair, is copper. Your body can produce more new cells and regenerate the outer layers of your skin by consuming water enriched with copper, which will make you seem younger and more beautiful than before. You'll be far more likely to continue to keep hydrated and drink more water if you have a bottle of reusable water with you.
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globalorthopaedics · 2 months
Delicious Remedies for Inflammation Reduction
Your body uses inflammation as a natural defense mechanism and means of self-healing. But if inflammation lasts for a long time, it can be dangerous. Weeks, months, or years may pass during chronic inflammation, and it can cause a number of health issues.
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Nevertheless, there are lots of things you may do to enhance your general health and lessen inflammation. By avoiding certain meals and beverages and selecting others, you may be able to lessen and prevent inflammation. Foods high in antioxidants include fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Learn the diet suggested by Dr. A K Sharma – the best sports injury doctor in Noida. Generally Suggested Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Consume a wide variety of fresh, fibrous, whole foods, such as:           - Fruits           - Veggies           - Whole grains           - Legumes           - Seeds and nuts
Add omega-3 fatty acids and good fats like
Olive oil with olives
Salmon and other wild fish are caught.
Reduce the amount of alcohol, processed meals, added sweets, and fast food that you consume. Making The Shift: Avoid attempting to abruptly adopt a new dietary regimen. Instead than "going on a diet," start by gradually adopting changes that become more of a lifestyle change. Include the idea of "crowding out." You'll have less and less space on your plate for items that are devoid of nutrients if you prioritize adding nutrient-dense foods. Try consuming more foods that grow on the ground and fewer that arrive in packets when adding new foods to your diet. Is this anything that was made from or in a plant? Use that strategy for every meal. You may have a salad of dark leafy greens with colorful veggies topped with beans, nuts, and seeds for lunch; a lean protein, additional colorful vegetables, and a fiber-rich carbohydrate for supper. For morning, you might have an oatmeal or fruit smoothie with a few berries. You'll eat more naturally occurring substances that reduce inflammation when you add more color and diversity to your meals.
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the-faramir · 2 months
Erika Blume
For a Shadowrun campaign that was set up sometime around 2005, but never actually made it past Session 0.
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I am Pope Erika, Princess of Chaos, Bearer of the Golden Apple of Eris. Fear me.
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I was born in May of 2034 in the megatropolis of Seattle to a rather wealthy family. My father is an Executive Director for one of the Computer Science organizations at Renraku, and my mother is a Director in a different organization under Consumer Goods. Not quite execs, but not wage slaves, either. Big bucks, though. With two semi-bigwig parents, I needed to watch my back. Prime kidnapping target, y'know. My "Uncle Tanaka" (not related in any way, but more of a combination of bodyguard and father figure since Papa-san was always working late) taught me all I know about unarmed self-defense. Well, let's just say I didn't practice a lot. But Tanaka-san also taught me how to shoot. Pretty well, really. I favor the semi-auto guns, personally.
I grew up spoiled, I'm sorry to say. But as a kid, I knew nothing but the high-powered lifestyle. It was all "The Corp is your friend. You can trust the Corp. Trust only shaikujin; trust nobody outside the Corp. Blah, blah, blah." Whatever. I didn't know any better. I had been planning to go to med school and become a Doc.
My education in the School of Reality came to me gradually over time. I always did well in my classes without really trying. That left lots of unused study time to dedicate to looking through the open data networks. Extra-curricular research. I found some interesting things:
The megacorps really run everything. That was no secret. But the megacorps are all run by a secret organization called the Bavarian Illuminati! Some group called the Discordian Commandos has been investigating this situation for years, and I've read a lot of their files.
Wicca is empowering. I met many Wiccans online and they've taught me a lot. It turns out I have a lot of magical healing talent. Wiccan practices help me bring them out.
Discordians are fun. They fight the power. They oppose the Illuminati. Discordianism is a joke disguised as a religion. Or a religion disguised as a joke. Or both. Fnord.
So my parents found out everything I was researching online. They didn't like what "I was into." My "lifestyle choice" didn't fit in with the Corp lifestyle. So they threatened to yank my trust fund, blast libellous statements to all of my top-choice schools and kick me out onto the streets if I didn't "shape up" by the next sunset!
Blood may be thicker than water, but money is thicker than blood. (Um, if money were liquid or something. Whatever. My parents were willing to kick me out rather than stir up trouble with work.)
So that night, I rounded up everything I could to bring with me to survive. A duffel bag of clothes. My armor-lined duster and my twin Heckler & Koch HK227s and all the ammo I had saved up from my lessons. My athame, my electronic Book of Shadows, and whatever ritual items I had squirreled away. A first-aid kit (because you never know....). A lunch cooler chock-full of my favorite gourmet goodies, including my last two packets of Tim Tams. And those bastards FROZE MY BANK ACCOUNT, so I only had a few nuyen in a wallet to take with me (but I grabbed a fistful of nuyen from the cookie jar on the way out).
"Funny how the Arcology security guards never ask questions when you leave. They just make it really hard to get back in. No matter; I'm not coming back. Even though it's awfully dark out here. And those Orks in tattered leather jackets are looking at me kinda funny.... I'd better find a safe place to sleep for the night."
So now the year 2053 has just begun. I found a new job working for a small, independent "investigation" business in the outskirts of Redmond. That's far enough away from home to avoid notice, but well within "striking distance" of the megacorp targets. This company seems to have no direct ties to any megacorps. I hope I'm right. Anyhow, they hired me because they like my healing skills. I guess I'm a lot cheaper than a Docwagon contract. Plus, I can shoot a gun.
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