#there's a tiny part of me that's like oh what if i could've changed him. what if i was smart enough to talk him out of it.
cryolyst · 8 months
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magniloquent-raven · 25 days
this post has been haunting me. i'm weak for beefy men in pretty underwear and @theweewooshow left an open invitation in the tags that i could not resist 😭 i was gonna say i can't believe this is the first fic i'm posting about these two, but honestly it kind of tracks.
hope yall enjoy!!
One of the things Tommy's always liked about Evan is how emotional he is. Expressive, is the word, maybe. Vibrant. It was one of the first things he noticed when they met. Poor kid was radiating nerves. The way his hands fidgeted in his pockets, and he wouldn't stop pacing while Tommy was double-checking their gear.
It's kind of fascinating to Tommy, watching Evan light up when he's happy, wilt when he's tired, always seeming to feel every emotion with his entire body.
All that to say...Tommy notices right away that something's up. There's a tiny, reactive part of him that wants to say wrong, something's wrong, but Evan's not pulling away, he just. Froze up for a second. It could've been a twinge in his bad leg when he climbed into Tommy's lap, or any number of other blips that won't completely derail the nice evening they're having.
But on the off chance...
Tommy carefully rearranges his grip, settling his hands comfortably on the small of Evan's back instead. "Everything okay?" He keeps his tone as light as his touch, and watches Evan's expression closely. Their eyes meet only briefly.
"No, uh, yeah." Evan's gaze skitters down, roaming Tommy's face, then darting away. "I, um." He grimaces, and shifts in place. The warm weight of his thighs is distracting. He's still a solid presence in Tommy's lap, and making no move to change that, despite his sudden singular focus on toying with the drawstring of Tommy's sweater.
The corners of his mouth are pursed into a frown that Tommy thinks about kissing away. That thought gets gently pushed to the side. Talking first, he reminds himself. Especially because... "If you're not in the mood anymore, that's okay."
Those—pink, perfect, God—lips part around a huff, half-curved into a grin. "That's kind of the opposite of the problem," he laughs.
Tommy can't help but mirror the smile, even if it's only a tiny one. "So, what is the problem?" He trails his fingertips up the line of Evan's spine, and down again, retracing the path when he feels Evan lean into the touch.
"It's...well, not hard to explain, exactly, but. I kinda wasn't expecting to explain..." He sighs, loud and exaggerated, and falls forward to plant his face in the crook of Tommy's neck, where he continues, slightly muffled, "How do you feel about lace?"
It's not what he was expecting to hear. Though, he's not sure what he was expecting. "Can't say I've thought much about it, to be honest."
He dated a girl back in the day who liked lingerie. She was always asking him what he thought about various scraps of silk and velvet, and it was all...very awkward. He always told her he'd like her just as much in cheap cotton and a borrowed t-shirt, which. In retrospect, was ironically true. When she broke up with him she accused him of being cold. Withholding. He brushed it off as neediness on her part.
He suppresses a wince at the memory.
Evan wraps Tommy's drawstring around his index finger, slowly curling it around his knuckle. "My ex. Taylor. She liked it. She liked...me. In it."
He can't picture it. Not in a bad way, he's not put off by the idea—very much the opposite—but when he tries, the mental image just...blurs. His brain is trying to mesh Evan with his hazy memories of things he never paid much attention to, and it's coming up frustratingly empty.
Tommy is very proud of how calm and steady he sounds when he says, “And…this was something you liked too?”
Warm air tickles the underside of his jaw. “Yeah.”
“Okay. Why are you telling me this now?” He feels like there’s something he’s missing. Something obvious he should have realized, if only he wasn’t so preoccupied with the way Evan’s thighs are flexing, his hand sneaking under the hem of Tommy’s hoodie, skin-to-skin, palm skimming his side, and the hot, tingling press of mouth-on-neck.
“Wanna find out?”
The second he nods he almost wishes he hadn’t, because all at once Evan is gone, and Tommy’s left sitting on his couch in a horny daze, blinking up at his slyly grinning boyfriend. As nice as the view is, his lap is cold now.
Evan thumbs his waistband. There’s excitement sparkling in his eyes, bright and shining, but he hesitates a moment before taking a deep breath and dropping his shorts around his ankles.
So…lace. Tommy’s having feelings about lace. Not much in the way of thoughts yet. But feelings, definitely. The sudden rush of heat that burns through him leaves him a little light-headed, all the blood in his veins fizzing like he’s a can of soda someone just popped the tab on. His fingers itch to reach out, he aches with want, desire pooling low in his gut.
Thing is, they’re not even anything too fancy, as far as Tommy can tell. He has vague memories of his ex—and good God does he suddenly feel like he owes her even more of an apology—in complicated woven ribbons and things that probably looked like a crate of bungee cords in whatever bag they came in. Evan is just wearing…panties. Simple, pale blue, lacy panties. There’s a little bow on the front, and it’s unreasonably cute.
Evan hikes up his t-shirt a little, so Tommy can get a better look, presumably. Which he appreciates. He’s losing his mind a little over the trail of light blond hair under his belly button disappearing into soft blue lace. He wants to follow it with his tongue.
The attention is making Evan hard. Tommy’s not sure what his face is doing exactly, but whatever it is, Evan seems to appreciate it. He’s filling out that pouch in the front so fucking well, it’s making Tommy’s mouth water.
“So, uh. Good?” Christ, he sounds breathless and Tommy hasn’t even touched him yet.
It takes all of Tommy’s willpower to drag his gaze up to Evan’s face, but it’s worth the effort. His cheeks are flushed a happy pink, creased by a grin he’s failing to restrain even with his bottom lip trapped by his teeth. The blue in his eyes is a nearly-invisible ring around his dilated pupils, and shadowed by his heavy-lidded expression.
“Evan,” he says, a little hoarse. It’s all he can say without laughing hysterically at the sheer understatement of good. Without telling Evan, in detail, exactly how badly he needs to suck him off through that fabric. How vividly he’s imagining what it would feel like against his own cock, wondering if he could cum just from rutting against Evan’s lace-clad ass while he squirms and begs to be fucked properly.
And more importantly, it’s all he needs to say.
The rest he can just show him.
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theglitterypages · 22 days
Self Control
Katsuki knows that self control is not something he is good at, he has a hot temper and he rarely speak without a scowl or shout. But it's not the worst example of his lack of self control.
He was silently sat in his office as he spins the phone in his hand like a fidget spinner, contemplating whether he should give in to his greed or try to not give away himself but after a couple of minutes debating with himself, he decided to give in to his selfish need.
He pressed dial and it wasn't long until somebody picks up.
"Kacchan? Is there anything I can do for you?"
Katsuki held the phone tightly against his ear, his heart beating fast out of anticipation. "Where are you?" he asked with a low growl, trying to act normal, right, this is how he is with everyone right? Not soft, but tough. "Oh I'm on my way to your office now, I brought us lunch." Katsuki's eyes widened when you suddenly came in holding two lunch boxes in your hand with a grin.
He ended the call and rolled his eyes as he walks toward you, taking the lunch boxes away from you. "You're my secretary, not my personal cook. We could've just ordered or somethin'." he clicked his tongue, sitting down at the couch while you settle down beside him with a soft chuckle, ignoring the rough attitude.
"Oh come on, we both know it's not healthy. Plus, I also bought some lunch to Ni-chan, I figured I'd give you something too." you told him, giving him a spoon and fork so he could start digging in.
Katsuki finds himself watching you as you took your first bite, so, you went to see your brother. Now, that is what he needed exactly to remind himself why he needs to chill and practice self control. "How's Izuku?" he asked, trying to distract himself from the way your knees brushed against each other, since when did his couch in the office got so tiny? He couldn't properly savor the meal you cooked because your whole existence is making his senses go haywire, did you change your shampoo? And why is your hair put up? Why is your neckline exposed like that? Why is it that-
Katsuki jerked out of his thoughts when you snapped your fingers in front of his face, "What?" he didn't mean to say it a little harshly but he saw that you were taken aback, you withdrew your hands away from his face with a defeated sigh, as if burnt by a raging hot fire. "N-Nothing, I'm sorry. Just call me if you need something." you immediately clean after yourself and exit his office while Katsuki groaned out of frustration, noticing the tears threatening to fall in your eyes but he couldn't do anything to stop you from leaving his office.
"Fucking hell." he buried his face in his hands and let out a muffled scream.
He didn't mean that, no, but he had to do his best to try and put up an act. This is him trying to control himself, he needs to get back to his senses, he should've know that it's a bad idea for him to hire you as his secretary, but no, he gave in to his own desire to keep you close and now it's becoming his own torture.
He can't bring himself to pursue you, no, he can't do that to Izuku, or maybe it's not really the bro code that he's being wary of, maybe it's your rejection that he's running away from. Because why would you even want anything to do with him? He knew that Izuku has forgiven him for all of the things they went through as children but what about you? What if you're still seeing him as your big brother's bully?
He banged his head on the table, he needs distraction, or else he'd storm out of this office to find you to just hold you tightly in his arms and never let go.
You were teary eyed when you left Katsuki's office, did you do anything wrong? You thought you two are becoming closer, but how come he's all snappy again? Well you always knew how unpredictable his mood is, but a part of you hoped that Katsuki would care to not snap at you the way he does with everybody else.
You looked up and saw Shoto looking down at you worriedly, "Hey…" you greeted, hoping that he won't noticed the dried tears on your cheeks, but when you felt his thumbs wiped your cheeks, you knew that you failed to hide your sadness with your fake smile.
Shoto looked around, "Is he mean today?" he asked, gently patting your head before pulling you in for a hug. You shook your head and held onto his shirt. "J-Just the usual…I'm just being a little sensitive today, I guess." you told him and Shoto gently rubbed your back.
"You should've worked with me." he joked, trying to lighten up the mood and you pulled away from him with a chuckle, "I should've…I was just too stubborn." Shoto sighs, well, he's not one to understand this kins of sacrifice, but he tries, and he sees how much you want to work with Katsuki to stay close and support him, and he knows exactly why. "Mina's having a party tonight, come with me, the girls can probably help you with this." you smiled at Shoto and hugged him tightly, you know that he's awkward, but since he knows your real feelings for Katsuki he tries to ease your struggles by just listening and you're thankful for that.
"Thanks, Sho."
Shoto smiled. "I can't do much so I think you'll be better to find someone who can relate since all I can do is listen." he pat your head once again and looked at the closed door of Katsuki's office, "I'll talk to your boss now." you just nodded and sat back down on your seat, scrolling through your phone to send a text message to Mina and the others to inform them that you'll be at the party tonight.
The girls had the same reaction when you told them about your feelings for Katsuki, none of you can speak for a few minutes all of the girls are trying to find reasons as to why you've fallen in love with Bakugo Katsuki. Ochaco was the first one to break the silence, her fingers on her chin as she looks at you with a surprised look. "You know, I used to think you'd fall for Todoroki-kun rather than Bakugo-kun." she told you as before she closed Mina's wide open mouth.
Momo nodded in acknowledgement, recalling the times where you and Katsuki would often scream at each other while you were all sweet and calm with Shoto, for years of being your friends, the girls genuinely believed that it will be you and Shoto. "And you guys are pretty close aren't you? In fact there were rumours that you were dating." you sighed, you are seen with Shoto in public a lot of times, but it was because he gives an effort to try and distract you from your inner struggles because of your feelings for Katsuki.
"Ehhh, what a shame, we thought you guys came together here to announce your relationship officially or something."
Momo giggled and then others followed, "Oh come on guys, you're forgetting my real issue." you groaned as you took another shot of tequila. You were well aware of the attention that you get when you hang out with Shoto but you never knew that the girls actually thought that you are together. It was frustrating, really if you were being honest, Shoto was the man of your dreams, the typical prince that you used to dream of marrying as a kid but reality is far from princess, knights, and castles. And in this reality your heart is not stolen by a prince but a raging man disguised as a dragon.
"I mean this could actually help." Mina comforted you as the other girls squeezed you with their hugs, whispering sweet nothings to make you feel better.
"We'll make sure that we'll find out if he likes your if he's still a jerk after all these years."
With all honesty you were just hoping that they'd listen to you, it's not like you want to do anything to let him know about your feelings, especially that your friendship and his friendship with your brother will be at risk but you forgot how enthusiastic Mina is when playing the matchmaker and now you're scared of whatever she was planning next and so the next thing you knew, Mina dragged Shoto towards you with a smirk that could only mean embarassment or trouble for you.
"Kirishima is on the way with Bakugo why don't you guys wait for them here in the couch together?" Shoto was forced to sit down beside you and you looked at the other girls silently begging for help. Shoto on the other hand is just drinking quietly, having no idea of Mina's scheme.
Kirishima went through hell just to convince Katsuki to come and join the party, "I've got morning patrol you shitty fuck." the blond complained as they arrived but despite his death glares and never ending curses, Kirishima didn't let himself given for he was more scared of getting beat up by Mina if he won't succeed in bringing Katsuki in for tonight's party.
"Just loosen up will 'ya?!" Kirishima made his way through the crowd, dragging the complaining Katsuki with him but the blond froze midway, making the red head turn towards him. "Come on, dude. We're already here! It's too late to back down!" Kirishima pulled his friend but Katsuki was still staring at something or maybe someone…
When Kirishima followed Katsuki's gaze, he can now fully understand why the blond was frozen in his place. Even with the flashing lights and the crowded place, he was able to see what Katsuki was looking at.
Shoto was slow dancing with you, his hands on your waist, while your hands were wrapped around his nape. Faces close to each other, forehead and nose tips almost touching, it looks so intimate.
Katsuki could feel his world crumble at that moment, and he wanted to run as far as he could but he couldn't especially when he heard Mina's enthusiastic voice yelling for him and Kirishima. The red head looked at him apologetically, "Sorry dude. I didn't know they'd be here." Katsuki said nothing and went straight to grab a drink but even as he settled down on the couch nearby, his eyes was still fixed on you and Shoto.
His eyes scanned how you seem to be so relaxed in Shoto's touches and in his arms, for fucks sake you were even smiling, and he feels like in your world, there's no place for him, no place for Katsuki because everything is reserved and dedicated for Shoto. He let the bitter taste of the alcohol as it travele down his throat, his stomach filled with something warm, his temperature rising as he watches you and Shoto even more.
It reminds him of what happened earlier, if he didn't put on an act of keeping you at arm's length, will it change anything? Is he gonna be the one to hold you tight while Shoto is the one downing drinks the way he does right now? For some reason, his eyes sting, is it because of the burning sensation traveling up his throat? Damn, he should've known he'll never be able to have you, he could only settle for this, keeping his distance because why the hell would you even look at his way when you have the perfect man in front of you?
Shoto on the other hand could feel someone drilling holes at the back of his head with their glare alone and he already knew who it was without looking. Honestly, he's not a fan of the plan that Mina told him, but he decided to go with it, after seeing how you look so defeated. As someone who witnessed your secret admiration for Katsuki for years, this is the least he could do for you.
"Am I doing this right?" he asked innocently, afraid that he might step on you or something. You giggled at him and nodded, "You're a little awkward but you got the spirit." you joked and Shoto chuckled, a very rare moment that even you rarely witness. "Oh wait, is that a chuckle?" Shoto just shook his head, going back to his usual stoic expression.
"Can you see him?" he asked, looking down at you. "No, you're kinda too tall for me to look over your shoulder." Shoto thought for a moment, he ponders whether he should do it or not, a part of him knows that if his observations were right, he coud either help you or he might end up with some serious injury but he figures if it's for his friend's happiness maybe he should try his best to show Katsuki what he might lose if he'll turn a blind eye on your feelings for him.
"I'll lift you and take a quick look."
"Wait what?!"
It was late, Shoto lifted you off the ground by your waist to let you up in the air for a quick moment so you can observe Katsuki behind him and your eyes widened when you met his gaze as you gripped on Shoto's shoulder tightly.
Mina and the other girls were shocked of how far Shoto played his part in this plan, and when they turned to look at Katsuki's reaction, it was an enough testament of his true feelings, especially when the blond placed his glass harshly on the table, almost crushing it before making his way towards you and Shoto.
You didn't even have time to think when Shoto put you down, because before you could even look at your friend, Katsuki's hands immediately snatched you away from Shoto and he dragged you away from the group.
Katsuki was cursing in his head, why did he let his temper get the better of him again? He should've just left without dragging you, now he's standing in front of you and he couldn't even utter a word as to why he snatched you away from Shoto. Fuck there's no escaping this now, no dumb alibi can sound reasonable after he straight up snatched you from Shoto like a kid upset that his favorite toy is held by someone else.
Self control. Control. Control.
It wasn't enough for him to chant it in his head, because before he could even try to do something logical or reasonable his body gave in and he let his head rest on your shoulder before wrapping his arms on your waist, inhaling your scent, letting his mind and his soul etch your scent an the warm feeling of your skin against his, if this is the last time that he'll get to touch you like this, he needs something to hold on to for his own sanity.
"Please…." he whispered weakly almost begging. He doesn't know what he was begging for, but he's at the end of his wits, he's left with no further layers to strip down, no more masks to wear, because everything that he is lays bare in front of you, his whole existence is at the palm of your hand, he feels tiny, and so vulnerable, he would've fallen down on his knees if you didn't place your hand on his back.
As you let your hands rest on his back, you felt him shaking, and when you heard him sniffing as you felt something wet on your shoulder you just realized that Katsuki was crying.
"K-Kacchan?" you called, not knowing what's happening. He stayed silent, just holding on to you as if somebody will take you away from him as he let his tears roll down his cheeks then onto your shoulders.
"Please…don't be in love with someone else." he whispered quietly, his hands around you holding you tighter, as if his own sanity depends on it. "I'm sorry…but please…choose me." Katsuki knows that this was pathetic, in fact this was the lowest that he thinks he could go, for someone like him to just break down like this, he knew he's at his wits end, he's been fighting himself for these feelings for years, in fact he couldn't even remember how long it's been but tonight is the last straw, if he hides this from you any longer he could burst into flames and be consumed by his own love for you.
He couldn't bear to see your sparkling eyes fixed on someone else, he couldn't see your delicate hand held by another, he couldn't bear hearing you laugh because of someone else, he wants all of it to be his, he wants to be the one to make you smile, to make you laugh, to be the one to hold you in his arms, to be looked at by your sparkling eyes, and he'll go crazy if all of this will be someone else's.
Your eyes widened when his voice broke, your arms automatically wrapped themselves around him, hugging him back.
"I've chosen you long ago, Kacchan. It's always been you."
Katsuki pulled away a little but his protective arms still around you, "B-but you and Shoto…" you shook your head and wiped away the tears rolling down his cheeks, his ruby eyes glazed with tears threatening to fall once more.
"Oh come on, if I like Shoto I would be working with him and not stuck with your grumpy ass." you told him with a glare and Katsuki was frozen for a moment before he hugged you tightly, his face buried on your neck, "I love you…always have, and always will." he confessed, dropping the tough guy mask he's been wearing around you for years, who cares about self control? If his heart wants you, why should he restrict himself from wanting you?
"Can I kiss you?"
"D-Dumbass you can't just ask and just expect me to---"
Katsuki cupped your face and gently pressed his lips on yours, it wasn't long till one of his hands found your waist once more to pull you closer, he gently nipped on your lower lip, earning a sigh from you before he pulls back, breathless.
"Can I hear you say it?" he asked, a part of him afraid that this is just a dream and he needs to hear you say it or else he'll believe that he's going insane.
"I love you." you chuckled before standing on your tip toes to press another quick kiss on his lips.
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jals-stuff · 6 months
hi girlie!! i see that your requests are open... can i pls request hurt+comfort on orter with a flirty girl reader pretty please??? the lack of orter fics is crazy T_T
(guess who btw :3)
why hello there, dear. I'll guess you are m***i, and I agree, there aren't enough works on him.
Anyway, here's a poorly, quickly written one. It is supposedly proofread but it's 5am and I am very eepy!
Just a flirt!
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: none!
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“Took you long enough.” 
You blinked a few times as he looked up from his paperwork, and mostly at the report you were holding. You had spent longer than necessary on this paper you’d received from Renatus, correcting rewriting the entire thing as it was just full of mistakes and this jerk was too lazy to give you anything that was decent.
“What, did you miss me that much?” You raised your eyebrows with a slight smile as you chuckled to yourself. Oh yeah, that was funny. Orter didn’t seem to find it amusing, as his expression didn’t really change at all. You made your way to his desk and sat on the chair facing it, handing him Renatus’ report.
He decided not to dwell on that stupid remark of yours and started reading the paper, taking notes on the side and making sure nothing is missing. Meanwhile, you were staring carefully studying his expression, and every single small nod he gave while reading.
“Renatus isn't usually this thorough with reports. Colour me surprised.” He blankly said and slid the report inside one of his drawers. You raised an eyebrow and looked at him with a proud grin. “Renatus gave me a piece of scrap, so I rewrote it entirely using the information he gave me.” you stated, crossing your arms as you looked at him, visibly waiting for some praise.
He stared blankly for a second and sighed, adjusting his glasses. “Well done, (Y/N). Very good work.” Though he was praising you, his expression didn't change that much and you could just feel how exhausting it was for him to give compliments.
“Mm, mm. That's right. I’m always good with my work when I know you'll review it…” You trailed off, looking at him with a satisfied smile and a small wink. He raised both eyebrows at your obvious flirting and chose not to comment on it, but you weren't done anyway.
“Anyway, I think I deserve more than just a little compliment! I rewrote the entire thing, you know?” You playfully pouted, putting on a dramatically sad, puppy eyes expression for him. Orter pinched the bridge of his nose with a deep sigh; he knew you wouldn't back down anyway.
“That was amazing work, (Y/N). Rarely have I ever seen a report written with such incredible finesse and precision.” He said blankly again, and it was clear he didn't mean it that much, although there was a part of truth in his words that he refused to admit, even to himself.
“Thank you, thank you.” You chuckled, knowing very well that he was exaggerating, but seeing as he played along, you decided to push your luck a little. “So what, am I getting a reward for all this hard work?”
Even if his expression didn't change, you could read him like he was an open book. “Was the praise not enough?” was probably what he thought at this point. You could've stopped there and brushed it off as a joke but your ego had been flattered just enough to make you bolder.
“How ‘bout… a little kiss? Just on the cheek! Like mwwwah!” you mimicked a kiss while pointing at your cheek and were absolutely convinced that your imitation was flawless. Of course, you were partially joking, and assumed he would just sigh and dismiss your comment, but no such luck.
“I have better things to do than to entertain your delusional little fantasies.” He simply spoke and grabbed his pen again to fill out some of his paperwork. Ouch. But that was his whole personality anyway, of course he wouldn't give you a little kiss, you already knew that, but hearing him say it this way tugged just a tiny bit at your heartstrings.
“No fun.” You sighed and crossed your arms on top of his desk before nesting your chin in-between them. “I am being highly underappreciated here.” You whined dramatically, and then regained your usual smug expression. “That's okay though, you're still my favourite.”
You could tell you were slowly but surely getting on his nerves, and it was kind of amusing to see him have to close his eyes and take a deep breath before focusing on his tasks again. He was already being very patient by allowing you to laze around in his office when you had free time, but he was gradually starting to regret this decision.
You were already done with your work for today, and sat in Orter’s office simply to enjoy his company. He knew, and for some reason he tolerated your presence as long as you didn't disturb him too much. 
Was any of your flirting serious? Of course it was. You genuinely liked him! You had been blessed with a sweet voice and a pretty face, and most of your colleagues at the Bureau would've dreamt of being in his place right now. He was very much aware of that, but it seemed off to him.
Even though your coworkers kept flirting around with you and quite literally trying to slide in your pants, you had denied every single one of them. From nameless staff members to the Flame Cane, none of them had your attention except Orter, and all of your flirting surely showed it… or so you thought. Things were awfully different in his mind.
Now, you were just looking at him and his paperwork, fiddling with some trinkets on his desk. Being in the same room as him was almost enough for you, but you kept feeling this physical need to flirt with him, to demonstrate how much you liked him, and you would've thought he had a clue, as you kept making it painfully obvious.
His eyes travelled to your hands as he put one of his papers down. “Stop it.” He ordered, and you immediately let go of the trinket you were toying with in a deep sigh now.
“But I’m bored.” You mumbled, and he put down his pen, his hands now joined on top of his desk. He looked at you for a bit, your almost childish behaviour was starting to irritate him slightly.
“Then leave.” He raised his head slightly as he took off his glasses to wipe them. “Nobody asked you to sit here and disturb my work with your… immature antics.” Ouch, another one, but at this point, you were used to his spiky remarks and simply shrugged it off.
“Aww, but I'll miss you if I leave, you know~?” Again with the puppy eyes, making your expression unnecessarily dramatic again even though you meant every single word you said; but saying it in a completely blank tone would embarrass you way too much. “And I know you'll miss me too, hehe.” You playfully added.
He put his glasses back on and gave you a very stern look and raised an eyebrow very slightly. “Surely, there are other victims that await your attention somewhere else. Why not pay them a visit instead of constantly disrupting my focus?”
He sure was in a foul mood today, wasn't he? But his comment felt like a sharp blade into your stomach and you just needed an explanation for it. “What is that supposed to mean?” Your flirtatious demeanour was temporarily suspended as you weren't quite sure what you'd just heard.
“Are you already done seducing your other colleagues? Must I suffer your incessant flirtations in their place now?” He asked again, and it didn't sound like he was being sarcastic at all, but at least you now knew.
“Orter… are you jealous?” You asked, and your tone was dead serious. It was inimaginable that he could ever feel jealous about something so petty— something you hadn't even done in the first place.
He took a deep breath. “Nonsense. This is wishful thinking; I am merely aggravated by your attempts to turn me into one of these loyal… dogs you have around at the Bureau.” he scoffed, and you could tell he was not pleased with your behaviour.
“...what?” was all you could utter, as you looked at him in disbelief. “You don't know how wrong you are about this, clearly.” You didn't want to be rude to him even though he really deserved it right now, but you seemed to be testing each other's patience.
“How wrong could I be? These people are head over heels for you. Surely, this doesn't happen without a push.” He firmly stated, and again, he was wrong. “Whatever have I done for you to think I’ll be one of them?”
You had always hated arguments, but having one with Orter was the worst that had happened in a while. He was fully convinced that you were but a flirt, a temptress that relished in having people crawl at her feet… but that wasn't it, and these people weren't exactly crawling either.
“How can you say such a thing?” You looked at him in heavy disappointment. “How could you think such a thing, after all of… this?” After all of the obvious flirting you gave him, the endless remarks about how you miss him when he isn't around or your constant winking.
He was just staring in religious silence, thinking you'd give up and simply admit your faults so he could go back to work without any disturbance, but he was once again very wrong, and you needed to justify yourself. 
“Why would I flirt with anyone other than you at the Bureau?” you asked, standing up from your chair and placing both hands on the desk in front of him, and he simply adjusted his glasses on his nose.
“Because that's who you are, it would seem.”
You sat back in defeat, looking at him, completely dumbfounded. Every word you wanted to say ended up getting swallowed in the whirlpool of emotions you were feeling, and you couldn't do anything else than stare at him. You could physically feel your heartstrings being pulled now and it was disturbingly painful.
“Is…” you swallowed your emotions down before trying again. “Is that really what you think? That I'm just the type of girl to flirt around and just… sleep well afterwards?” Your tone made it obvious that you were hurt, and it didn't go unnoticed. 
But he was convinced. Convinced that your flirting was not a rare occurrence, that it extended beyond the limits of his office, that surely you had already done it before and he was probably just one of those targets you'd use to boost your self-esteem. Even though he was upset with you, his goal wasn't to hurt you, and he decided to avoid your question, not knowing what to answer anyway.
“I don't even know why you're trying to justify yourself that hard.” He finally sighed and grabbed his pen again, which was his way of telling you that this conversation was over and you had to leave; but you wouldn't let go just yet, not before you had said your piece. 
“Because it's you we're talking about.” You blurted out, once again flabbergasted by how dense a man could be. “How straightforward do I have to be for you to understand? Have I not been vigorously flirting with you?” You asked loudly, almost laughing nervously.
“You sure have, but—”
“Have I not made it crystal clear that I am into you? That I want to spend time with you?” Oh, you had no will to listen to his flawed reasoning and you just couldn't take it anymore. You were trying your best not to tear up in front of him already, and any more of his baseless accusations surely would make a sufficient push to make you cry.
“I never said you didn't d—”
“Then why are you so blind to my feelings?” You interrupted again, but this time way calmer. You sat back, weakly plopping down on your chair and staring down at his desk for no apparent reason. He didn't really say anything. In fact, he was processing the information you had just given him.
You felt terribly awkward after your half confession, and that clumsy part of your personality couldn't take the silence anymore. “How can someone that dense be in charge of the Magical Power administration..?” 
Were you jesting? Probably. But what else could you do anyway? Your main goal was to keep your composure and hold your tears back, at least until you were out of his line of sight. His eyes were on you, they had been the whole time, but you couldn't muster the courage to look at him anymore.
“May I speak now?” He asked, first of all wanting to make sure you wouldn't interrupt him anymore, and only now did it occur to you, how rude you had been these last few minutes. You gave a nod and he sighed deeply, joining his hands against his desk and looking at you with a bit of a softer expression.
“I never said you haven't been straightforward.” He started, and now that you were a bit calmer than before, you could feel your shame grow at his words. “I never said you didn't do all these things you talked about so… fervently. I am merely saying that I do not believe you are exclusively trying to seduce me.”
You sighed again, and he braced himself for another rant but instead of justifying yourself again, you ran a hand through your hair and took a deep breath. Looking all sad and defeated wasn't like you at all, and you needed to prove yourself to this dense, silly, overworked man.
“I don’t get it. Why does the fact that I supposedly am flirting with other people bother you?” You decided to ask, your arms crossed over your chest as you were now back to studying his expression and tone. If you were going to cry, so be it, but you wouldn't go down without a fight, especially for him.
He takes a minute to think, narrowing his eyes slightly. “What bothers me is the way you act with those people, and how you pretend to be innocent afterwards.” You gave him a confused look and he decided to develop. “The way you politely smile at them and make small talk. You're almost inviting them.” He said that while keeping his straight face and cold glare, completely serious.
Oh. Oh. 
“So you are jealous.” You couldn't help but smile a little and finally look up at him, only to be met by an utterly confused Orter, ready to absolutely deny your claim.
“I am not jealous, (Y/N).”
“What if I stopped talking to all of them then, would it make things a little better?” You offered, suppressing a smile and pretending to act serious. He seemed to think for another minute again and leaned back into his chair.
“Yes, I believe it would.”
Ah, you couldn’t take it anymore and just burst out laughing; he didn’t seem to like it very much but it was impossible to resist. You just had to make sure again, and so, you slowly regained your composure and caught your breath, then exhaled deeply. “So, let me get this straight…” you started, and he listened. “What upsets you is the fact that I am supposedly flirting with other people, and if I didn’t smile at them or made small talk, you wouldn’t mind my flirting?”
You did not miss that sigh of relief. He adjusted his glasses again and crossed his legs, looking at you very seriously. “I am glad to know that you have ears.” He said blankly, his expression still so cold as his eyes landed on yours again. “Are you making fun of me now?” His voice sounded slightly irritated and you had to calm yourself down again.
“No, not at all. But you just admitted to being jealous so… I win.” You could feel all of your earlier worries dissipating. He wasn't denying it either, instead looking like he was thinking about your reasoning; you had him cornered now. 
And the best part about all of this is that he has no clue what he just signed up for.
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winterarmyy · 1 year
Behind The Facades | Part III
An unrequited pining over a certain super soldier.
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Navigation: Part I | Part II | Part III (end)
Words: 1.9k++
Pairing: avenger!bucky x female!reader
Warnings: near assault, bickering, mini(i think?) grovelling, tiny fluff and of course what else than angst.
P/S: Thank you so much for your support from previous chapters! At first, I didn't plan to make this a mini series at all, but here we are. Anyway, enjoy!
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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Y/N wished that she could live up to her own expectations. That she would enjoy every second of this date. But who was she kidding?
How was she supposed to be present in the moment and savour the wonderful dinner or relish the breath-taking scene of glimmering city lights through the windows at their table, when all she could ever think of was Bucky?
That god damn son of a bitch, Bucky.
She felt suffocated by both anger and pain. Completely distracted by the thought of him.
"I can't do this." Y/N abruptly stood on her feet as she confessed her truth. She paced and paced, despite the voice of Daniel calling out her name from behind.
She could barely hear him, or maybe she shuts it down on purpose because she can't afford having more thoughts in her spiralling mind.
She only realized that she was out when the sound of the hustle bustle of the city invades her hearing. She stood still for a while, wondering if she let her feet takes her away, where will she ended up then.
Before she could walk away any further, she felt a grip on her arms, pulling her to the alleyway besides the building. It was surprisingly dark and eerie even with the lively lights of the city leaking through the ends of it.
Considering he was an agent of SHIELD, he does have a quick reflex when he managed to grab both of her wrists and pinned her to the wall.
Honestly, she wasn't completely oblivious at Daniel's physical advances throughout the night; hands hovering over her ass when he lead the way, fingers grazing her thighs through the slit of her dress.
They were subtle but still relentless.
"Just where the fuck do you think you're going?" Daniel seethed in her ears, his impatient breaths huffed in between her neck.
"Oh, for fuck sake." She sighed with a slight annoyance in her undertone. She was really tired of everything at this point. Especially when this fool who thought he could throw her around like a ragdoll.
Y/N managed to twist her hands free from his grasps as her knee raised towards his defenseless crotch. However, the hit never happened, as a familiar black and gold metal hand wrapped tightly around Daniel's neck.
In a split second, Bucky had Daniel up against the opposite wall, head slamming into the hard crooked bricks of the building. Loud cluttering sound of the empty steel cans echoed down the alleyway, almost drowning Daniel's strained groans.
Although Y/N was not able to see Bucky's face, but she could imagine the cold grim in his eyes when the grit of his voice growled, "Touch my girl again and you'll see what Hydra had made of me."
She averted her eyes down to the dark and murky color of the ground when a strike of pain ached within her chest.
She hates it when he acknowledged Hydra's label on him.
A weapon. A monster.
It's imbrute and dehumanizing.
Her view didn't change its imagery until a pair of black combat boots entered the picture. She lifted her gaze just to spat at her saviour, "I could've handled him myself."
Bucky's eyes soften as a proud smile appeared on his lips, "I know, doll."
Very contrast to his gentle expression, Y/N's face was rigid and irritated. Ironically, they were imitating each other's default guise.
Y/N rolled her eyes before pushing him aside and started to walk away, leaving Bucky alone in the dark alleyway. Though her attempt was unsuccessful when Bucky managed to grab a hold on her wrist, "Wait, y/n."
She halted but refused to look back, "No. So, can you let go of my hand now?" her hands bundled into fists as she try to hold back her wrath.
Though the sidewalk was not crowded with people, in fact it was nearly empty, however she didn't want to make a scene.
"Please, hear me out." Bucky pleaded.
At least, she tried to keep it in.
Y/N yanked her hand from his, "Why the fuck should I listen to you, Bucky?!" she snapped, eyes flashing with fury.
Bucky was honestly not prepared for this, he went here without thinking of a plan to coax her. He ran to her with a sole purpose of telling her the truth, and Y/N yelling at him is not helping his nervous wreck,  "Because..bec.."
Growing impatient to his hesitation, she fumed even more, "What?! Just what is it that you want from me Buck--"
And then all loud sounds of the roaring rage in her head suddenly fell into complete silence when she felt his lips on hers.
The sensory within her skin abruptly heighten, becoming sensitive to Bucky's contrasting touch on her cheeks; hot and cold in either side as he cupped her face in his palms.
His soft lips, his intoxicating scent, his desperate touch.
Everything was too overwhelming for her short-circuited brain to process an appropriate response; in fact any type of response.
So when she let her body go on auto-pilot she found herself leaning forward, craving for more of the delicious friction.
It was a short lived moment of deafening sound of her own beating heart thundering in joy and excitement before the noises of rationality came rushing back to her.
Y/N ripped herself away in complete shock and panic, "Wh--what" even she herself was lost for words.
What have she done?
She pushed Bucky harshly she shouted, "Why? Why did you--? Y-you have a girlfriend, Bucky! You have Gail!"
God, how could she kissed her friend's boyfriend?
"I can't believe you just kiss me knowing that." And she reeled into the pure anxiety.
Bucky's pleads sounded muffled as her mind spiralled in guilt and shame. He grabbed her by the side of her arms before briefly pulling her back into reality, "Listen to me, y/n"
Y/N ran her hands through her hair, gripping it in her fists as her mind turned into complete chaos, "No, god this is wrong." He could hear panic in her trembling voice.
Bucky snapped as he yelled, "y/n, we broke up!"
There was a pause in time and air. Her body frozen as his words seemed to infinitely repeated in her ears. Head slowly turning towards Bucky; finally giving him the attention he demanded.
She just blankly stared at his truthful eyes with her own pair, wide open.
"He's bluffing. He's just making excuses."
"Bullshit! You looked very much in love last time I saw you, which let me remind you, it was few hours ago!"
Bucky thought about it for awhile before he replied,  "It's hard to explain everything now but she wanted to end it, for my sake." He paused. "...It's over."
He was not lying. Y/N knew that; she could hear it in his voice, see it in his eyes. He was telling the truth. But, it didn't make sense; why why why.
Gail was perfect for Bucky. He needs someone like her. He deserves that type of love that she gave; soft and tender.
"No no no. That can't be it. W-why the fuck are you here then? You gotta get to her Bucky! You're not suppose to here. Not with me. Go before it's too late--"
He is worthy of someone who's completely unbreakable, someone that can stay with him even at the darkest times, someone that won't see him as a weapon, but a human being.
Someone who will love him unconditionally.
Because, Bucky of all people, deserves to be loved.
"You don't mean that, y/n"
It hurts Bucky to see that Y/N thought she was unfit for a place in his heart, when she literally owns it. It pained him that she keeps putting up this facade that she unable to see her true self.
It burns her heart to let him go but that shows how far she was willing to sacrifice for Bucky, "I do. I mean it.." she can feel her tears pooling in her eyes, "You deserv--"
"Stop lying to me. Stop lying to yourself." Bucky couldn't understand she keeps pushing him away. If he truly deserve to love someone then why can't it be her?
Y/N find it harder to breathe as her chest tightens. Did he see right through her? Her voice trembled as she struggled to let the words out,  "I..I'm not lying."
Bucky almost scoffed in disbelief, "You think I didn't noticed it, y/n?"
All those masks she hides in. Behind the facades she wore so boldly, so willingly. Hurting herself over and over everytime she had to put up a brave face.
He made her do that.
If he was honest from the beginning then things wouldn't turn out like this. She wouldn't suffer as she did. She never needed to.
"And fuck was I so stupid to turn a blind eye on you for the sake of keeping you." Bucky was breathless with anger. A rage towards himself; for his foolishness.
"Do you know why I get together with Gail?" Bucky felt as if his chest was burning, searing with flames, that if this goes any further then his heart will turn to ashes.
But Y/N deserve the truth even though he knows he need to admit his shameful doings,  "Because she reminds me so much of you. Warm, gentle and so unconditionally kind. And I let myself fooled by the illusion of you that I saw in her."
"I'm a bad man y/n. I hurt her. And I hurt you. Fuck, I hurt everyone around me." His eyes stung to think how effortlessly he destroy every single person he love; as if he was designed to do so.
"I know that I deserve every single curse and scrutiny that come my way. I've always known that."
"But for once in my fucked up life," his voice betrayed him by revealing its' stuttering form, "...I also know that I am lucky to have the chance to love someone as unforgivingly enchanting as you."
There was a brief pause where the air was still and soundless; reserved for the painful sounds of their breath.
His raw emotions was laid out unfiltered in a form of streaming tears across his cheeks, "I won't ask for your love in return." He reached his hand to hers and held it dearly, "All I ask is for your forgiveness."
His eyes searched her soul, willing her to bare with him a little longer, "Because god I can't lose you. I can't."
Bucky felt like he was drowning; as he was 70 years ago at the Austrian Alps. The unbareable emotions rushed in like the frozen waters that filled his lungs.
Panic. Shame. Regret.
Y/N never thought she could come this far.
She thought she would able to lift the weight; and with the long record of success, she thought she wouldn't able to break.
But after all, she was just a human and there will always be a limit to where she will end up at.
What's the point of pretending when the person she loves is as miserable as her?
The tripedation of her only give false signals to Bucky; this is it, he was losing her.
But, there it was, the forgiving embrace he longed for. In her arms the world stopped still on its axis. He felt her body pressed in, soft and warm. This was the love he'd waited for, prayed for. Bucky's shaky hands roamed from the side of her waist before his arms crossed behind her, squeezing her closer, tighter.
How could she not forgive him? When he had pour all of him as he did.
There was no time, no wind, no sound. Just the heat of their body against each other. The melody of their heartbeats intertwining. Bucky's mind was at peace. So was hers.
No more more pretending.
No more putting on act.
She settled into the crook of his neck and whispered so soft and quiet that some won't be able to hear but Bucky did.
"I love you, too."
<< Part II
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: Thank you so much for your time to read my work. Feel free to express your thoughts in the comment/reblog! I love to hear from you~
Taglist: @ghostofwinter @angstysebfan @erinallene @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @paarthurnax59 @nomajdetective @kentokaze @dexter99 @nana1000night @prettyinpink350 @calwitch @unadulteratedbeardpeanut @kandis-mom @abitofblues @obsessivelycraftygothfandomwitch @its-daydreamer23 @hopelessromantic423 @rabbitrabbit12321 @lovely-geek @loonalockley @superforgottensoul @awkwardalie @peter-parkers-gf @opheliabarnes @blackhawkfanatic
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eybefioro · 1 month
hello eybe i have come to torment you 🌩️
bookshop, rain, record, nebula, polaroid, tartan socks :)
XAN!! 💛
bookshop - what's your happy/safe place? (physical or intangible)
Intangible? The good omens fandom. Physical? My hammock and my dad's home. I have to say most of the years I lived there were bad but he really tried to make there a little piece of paradise, and he succeeded in the end.
rain - have you ever been in love?
Yes. One time. (Maybe one and a half lol). She was everything to me. My best friend, the only one I could confide in for a long time, the first person I felt attracted to and that I loved in a romantic way. I never felt something so strong before. I wanted to melt into her and have every air she'd breathe out. Wanted my hands forever shaped around hers. I don't think she really loved me tho, I think I was a crutch somehow (she was in a really bad state at the time) considering it got toxic & she cheated on me with my brother, to then turn into a nun and saying I was going to hell/trying to convert me LMAO I think a tiny part of me still loves her... or at least a memory of when I still believed she loved me. I hate how I can still remember the smell of her neck or how it felt to have her weight in my arms when we slept. (Dang it sorry this got long)
The "half" is someone I dated online for a while. I really like her but she lives so far that it simply couldn't work. Maybe if we were more physically close I could've fallen completely in love again.
record - a song that's very significant to you? what does it mean to you?
I listen to so. Much. Music. All the time! it's hard to pick one... hmmrmnr okay. Here goes a sad one. So. One of the reasons I like music so much is my dad. And he used to play this song on guitar often. I almost never sang with him bc well I'm very bad at it and felt conscious about it. But on his wake it just... burst out of me. I don't even remember it properly but I sang it with all my lungs for him. Idk what possessed me. I wish he could've heard it. I think it was the first time that I sang something well and probably was the last time lol como nossos pais - by belchior (this performance by Elis Regina is incredible BTW and it haunts me. She's so amazing it destroys me
nebula - something you've done that you're really proud of?
Ngk. Well. That's a hard one. I have counterpoints and critiques to everything I ever did lol but maybe my final project at uni? That was a nice. Oh and also a Chapel I designed a while ago. Thinking that people will marry and make memories in a place I thought every centimeter of inflates my ego. Even if there's many things I'd change in it now.
tartan socks - hot or not?
HOT! almost all fanart of Aziraphale proves my point.
Gomens ask game
(Last question under the cut bc trigger warning i guess. Suicide mention)
polaroid - what's a bittersweet memory?
ISN'T ALL THIS ENOUGH. I'm kidding lol (I just feel like I'm showing you all my scars in this ask wtf) during the quarantine I got really close to some online friends. One day we found a site that let us draw together in one canvas. We had so much fun. I still have that drawing saved in my computer... it's a very sweet memory, the bitter part is that some months later one of them committed suicide, so my most tangible memory of her is that drawing we made together. I was never able to meet her. We all from the group still chat but without the quarantine we have less time to be online, and life obligations take too much time and energy so we aren't that close anymore. I still think the distance between us started growing tho when she left us.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
that funny feeling (locklyle part 2)
a/n: the highly requested part 2 for my locklyle fic! just as a warning, this does include spoilers for the start of The Creeping Shadow, but my books are currently packed away for moving so this is from memory more than anything else - there are still spoilers though! and, of course, i hope you enjoy the feeling of me breaking your hearts &lt;3 i've also linked lucy's locklyle fic just because :D
warnings: early creeping shadow spoilers taglist: @slag-for-the-fetch @neewtmas @superpositvecloudshipper @waitingforthesunrise @toburnmykruge @irisesforyoureyes
part 1 ,, because of her
Lockwood had never realised how hard it was to knock on someone's door before.
He'd done it plenty of times before when calling in at clients' homes, but this, this, was so much harder. Maybe it was because Lucy was behind this door, fully within her rights to tell him to leave her alone. After all, she had no obligation to humour him anymore, did she? He wasn't paying her. Well, not yet.
His hand hovered in front of her door, and for a moment he could only stare. A few centimetres separated his fist and the wood. One simple movement and he'd knocked. But he couldn't bring himself to. What if she turned him away?
And, a horrible thought dawned. What if she'd moved on from him, from Portland Row?
Part of him, that part that shone through in newspapers, asked how could she have? It was Portland Row, Lockwood and Co., for god's sake!
But the part of him that was vulnerable, that was lonely, asked how couldn't she have? What did he have to offer her? A dusty attic bedroom? A tea-stained mug? An attic bedroom piled up with George's clothes? The feelings he was far too scared to ever share? No, it would make sense if she had moved on from them. Even if they hadn't moved on from her.
Even so, with the anxiousness choking him, he knocked on the door.
For a minute, there was nothing. No sound, no wiggling door handle. He hadn't even stopped to consider that she might have had a case last night! She could very well be sleeping.
But, then, there. The sound of her muttering, likely to Skull, and locks being undone. With a rattle of her doorhandle, the door swung open.
And it was as if all the air had been sucked out of his lungs.
There Lucy stood, right in front of him. She hadn't changed one bit. Her hair was still bobbed, curling just so around her ears and by her chin. Her eyes still shone with a familiar challenge and warmth, and it had something in his chest squeezing. And, there, the mole just below her mouth that she hated so much, but he loved because it was just so Lucy. She was dressed in wrinkled clothes much like the ones she'd wear on her cases, and her hair was mussed with sleep.
It had him completely and utterly stuck for words.
"Hello, Lucy," he managed and somehow, somehow, he managed to plaster on that smile of his.
She looked dumbfounded for a moment. "Lockwood. Uh, hello."
He felt breathless. "How are you?"
"I..." She glanced around a little nervously. "I'm all right. You?"
"I'm good," he said. Lied. "Oh, these clothes were sitting out in front of your door. Thought I'd get them for you."
Lucy said nothing for a moment, and then her cheeks went bright pink. "Oh, those. I'm just keeping them safe for a neighbour."
"You keep your neighbour's washing for them?" He frowned, glancing down at the clothes he could've sworn were Lucy's. "What a strange place."
She took them from him and disappeared back into her flat, stashing them on a chair as she hesitantly gestured for him to come inside. And he did, gently shutting the door behind him.
Her flat wasn't much. A one-room with a tiny bed and a tinier kitchen, and, to put it simply, it looked like a bomb had hit it. Back home wasn't much better, at least it hadn't been before he'd hired Holly, but part of him felt horribly guilty. Lucy was living in this, while he had his own four-storey and an assistant who cleaned it like the world would end if she let one speck of dust sit for too long.
"Oh, you can just sit on the bed if you want," Lucy said. She was rushing around the flat trying to haphazardly clean. "No, wait, never mind. You can sit here."
With that, she pulled a towel off one of her two dining chairs, and a pile of laundry toppled to the ground. If possible, she flushed even redder, and Lockwood could sympathise. If she had just shown up out of nowhere, he'd be this nervous, too. Hell, he had planned to show up, and, still, his hands were clammy and he was struggling to breathe a little bit. God, he hadn't seen her in so long...
"I'll just stand," he said.
She nodded, still flustered, and made to boil the kettle.
And she couldn't have looked better if she had tried. For a moment, it was as if they were back in the kitchen at Portland Row, the morning after a case. It was one of those days where Lucy would make the tea, the kind he far preferred over George making them, and they'd sit, aimlessly doodling on the thinking cloth, wondering what strange remarks Skull was making.
There he was, Skull, perched on the kitchen counter. It seemed that in the past four months, he hadn't grown any more fond of Lockwood than he had been. If the crude expressions being made were anything to go by, he figured Skull felt worse about him now.
"Hello, Skull," he said rather plainly.
Skull's mouth moved, likely forming some swear words no one had ever heard of before, and Lucy scolded him in that tone of hers, throwing a tea towel over his head.
"Don't mind him," she said, stirring milk into her tea and then a little bit in Lockwood's. "He's been tetchy lately."
"Same as usual, then?"
It felt strange saying that. What was usual didn't exist anymore. Not for both of them. Lucy's usual may still include a grumpy, foul-mouthed Skull, but Lockwood's didn't anymore. His usual consisted of all-consuming loneliness, teabags wasted, and hammering through days he had no will to get through.
But there was a shadow of a smile on Lucy's mouth. Not quite there, just hidden, and it had his own smile growing less performative. More Anthony than Lockwood. Lucy had that effect on him.
"We had a case last night, and he helped a lot with it. Terrible Rotwell team."
"I hear you've been doing well for yourself."
He did. Every time he went into the Fittes furnaces to burn any sources they found during cases, as all agents were now legally required to do, one specific staff member would talk all about her. How she'd picked up so-and-so source on a case, how Rotwell's wanted to hire her over and over again. Yes, her flat may not be the best, and he may not be happy that this was where she lived, but she was making her own way in the world. And while it hurt him so, so deeply to think that, he couldn't help but be proud of her.
Lucy shrugged, handing Lockwood his tea. "Why are you here, Lockwood? I've told you. I'm not coming back."
And there it was.
He'd been waiting for her to say it, for her to be angry that he had shown up. But not to say it with so much regret.
He wanted to tell her all of it: the embarrassing stuff, the bad. How every night he slept in her bed, clinging desperately onto the few pieces of her they had left at Portland Row; how he or George or Holly would sometimes call out for her by accident; how he, someone entirely not religious, prayed to any and every god that would listen for her to come back. The very thing he hadn't wanted - to leave people hoping he walked through the door one more time - now haunted him in the form of Lucy's absence, and it was worse than any ghost.
But he couldn't tell her any of it. The words wouldn't take form, left to aimlessly jumble in his throat as he thought and thought of something, anything he could say.
"I wanted to ask if Lockwood and Co. could hire you for a job," he said after a minute.
It hurt to say the words. To make it out to be that the only reason he was here was to use Lucy's Talents, but what else could he say? It wasn't as easy as simply telling her how he felt. That he missed her more than he'd missed anything. That there was a Lucy-shaped hole in his chest, crying out for her to come back.
"Lockwood -"
"No, hear me out, please?"
With a soft sigh, Lucy nodded. She ran a hand through her hair, smoothing the frizz slightly, and took a long sip of her tea as if preparing herself. The same as she did back home. Well, his home. For Lucy, it wasn't home anymore.
"Penelope Fittes contacted us, offering us a job. After our success last November, she's been helping us out - referring clients to us for jobs, giving us little bits of equipment. This latest case, though, well, we need a Listener. A good one."
"There are plenty of good Listeners," Lucy said. "Kat Godwin. That girl from Tendy's."
A small smile played on Lockwood's lips. "Are any of them really as good as you, Luce?"
"Of course not."
"Hence why we need you."
Why I need you, he thought.
"Our Visitor manifests only with noises, so George, Holly, and I are all virtually useless. You were my first thought."
You're always my first thought. Morning, noon, night. She was all he could ever think about.
Lucy hesitated. She glanced over at the tea-towel-covered jar, then down at a little notebook on her table. Her fingers played with the edges of its worn pages gently, and Lockwood saw that it had a label stuck on the front with thick, black writing that he couldn't quite clearly see. Lucy noted his interest and swiftly covered it.
"Lockwood... You know why I left."
"No, actually, I don't."
He hadn't meant for the words to come out so harshly, but he really didn't. Not being in full control of her Talent... well, to put it plainly, it was a bullshit excuse. He didn't believe a word of it. As for her saying that she didn't leave because of Holly - Lockwood was sceptical about that. Lucy really hadn't liked Holly, and their argument had been the thing to make things go wrong back at Aickmere's, but after that, they'd seemed on - half - decent terms. So why?
"Either way," he said, trying to lighten his tone, "you don't have to decide right now. We're meeting with Penelope at the Fittes head office tomorrow morning. If you're interested, then you can come along and join."
I hope you join, he wanted to say. I need you to.
Because, really, he did. These last few months had been a struggle, and he wasn't sure how he was still alive with how things had been going on cases. Without Lucy, it was like a protective barrier had collapsed, leaving him free to slip off the edge of a cliff. George in particular thought it was a miracle that Lockwood was even well and breathing.
So, he left her with her decision, albeit reluctantly. He suffered the walk back home alone, worried and far too anxious, trying to figure out if she'd agree. He spent the night, once more, in her bed, beneath her covers, hoping and praying to see her again, for he wasn't sure how much more his heart could take.
Any amount of Lucy would be enough. But, still, he wanted more.
And, thank god, the next day she appeared at the Fittes offices, rushed and awkward but so, so Lucy Carlyle. She was there, she was real, standing beside him and smiling in that small, almost hidden way of hers. But she was there next to him again, right where she needed to be - where he needed her to be. And it was all he could ever wish for.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 15 !!! AND part 16 !!!
TWO IN ONE WHAT these eps are kinda short ?? or my thoughts are idk ?? so I put them both together on one post 😬 but anyway let's go batcherssss 🤟
The Bad Batch 1x11
Crosshair you little gremlin 💕
can someone please explain to me why Orn Free Taa has extra lekku, weird tiny ears and three fingers instead of four ??? mans looks like a different species 👀
"They fought for us and they have earned our respect" settle down Cham we all know you're gonna change your mind in 5 minutes hush
"uncle Gobi" 🥺
Hera watching the birds in the sky 🤲 following them with her hands 🥺
Howzer you absolute king 👑
Eleni and Gobi scheming together hehehe
I just know Eleni is SO proud of Hera 🥲 she's so much like her mom fr
"my hope is that you won't ever have to live a life like mine" ~ General Cham Syndulla ... meet General Hera Syndulla
"no take offs or landings" this is actually so adorable tho
Wrecker carrying all the weapons himself like he's only doing one trip with the groceries from the car to the house hehehe
Hera asks about the Marauder and Omega's like 'this beauty' *pat pat*
I wanna see Hunter's face watching Hera and Omega together 🥺
they're besties forever 💕
it's Hera's dream to live on a starship 😭
lmao could've had a bad batch reunion rn but Crosshair had other plans
Omega: ☝"did you know flying is about a feeling?" Tech: I have no idea what this means
Howzer being the only one to question imprisoning a child 😭
Eleni didn't even wait for the speeder to stop moving before jumping out 💅
"attempted assassination of Orn Free Taa" ??? attempted ?? did he not just die ???
The Bad Batch 1x12
"how unfortunate for your people to see your fall" LMAO Rampart I've seen s2 👀
Howzer immediately plotting to save Hera 💕
Hera and Chopper are absolute menaces and I respect them both for it
Gonky being part of the bad batch family 🤲
"you gave her our comm channel?" ~ Hunter is so done pls 😂
Tech: "children often overreact" Omega: "no we don't" YES OMEGA 🙌👑 she is so passionate and caring and loving and loyal I genuinely feel so proud of her 💕
Omega: "isn't that what soldiers do" Hunter: 😯
Wrecker @ Chopper: "what's his problem" how long do you have buddy?
Hera asking them all so desperately to save her family 😭😭😭 she has always cared so deeply
y'all I'm confused did Orn Free Taa actually survive that shot to the head? I feel like Rampart has no reason to lie about it?
they all peeking with their binoculars
Hunter's little 'let's move' gesture 🥰
Hunter hearing the droid and his sneak attack just dropping down on it 👌 bro how did you get up there so fast ??
knife knife knife knife knife knife knife kni-
Tech: "oh good" lolol
Wrecker's face when Hunter says Crosshair knows they're there 😭
Omega grabbing Hera's hand 🤲
Echo's face explaining to Hera why they're after Cham 😭😭
"I don't care about any of that, I just want my parents back" she's just a little kid in the middle of a war she doesn't understand 💔 this is too real and absolutely heartbreaking
"She's trying to save her family Hunter. I'd do the same for you" you tell him Omega 💪👑
Howzer and Crosshair staring at each other.....
Chopper and Hera having a lil chat 🥺
Omega: "he's my brother, they all are" Hera: "you're lucky" she really is 🥺
Howzer is trying so hard to protect Hera even with Cham hating on him and refusing to help save his own daughter 🙃
Omega and Hera came up with a strategic plan and now Hunter's on board 🥰
Tech is worried about them going by themselves 🥲
Echo getting caught scaling the wall: "a little help?" lmaooo
AND Hunter's little "hey" to distract the reg before pulling Echo up 💀
"I won't tell if you wont" lmao I love these two together 💕
Omega: "don't shoot down our shuttle" Tech: "wait what shuttle?!" ~ how many heart attacks does Omega want to give Tech this episode 😂
Hera blowing up an imperial refinery........ 👀
Tech: 'Omega what was that explosion?!?! Omega: hehe don't worry about it 💀
Omega: "do some damage Wrecker" Wrecker: "that I can do!" Wrecker happy makes me happy 🥰
Hunter telling Cham and Gobi that Hera hired them 💀
Hera: "we're getting the hang of this" Tech: "yes your dangerous and uncontrolled manoeuvring is as confusing to them as it is to us 🙂" he is so far past done with them oml 😂
Howzer 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Hunter looking back at him before they leave 😭
Howzer's whole speech in this scene 😭😭😭 it reminds me of Fives giving his pep talk to the cadets 🥲
Hunter sensing Crosshair??? and what if I never stop crying ??
my heart is breaking for Howzer I love him so bad 💔
Wrecker Omega high five 🥺
Tech teaching Hera and Omega 🤲💕
"Tech showed me how to scramble a ships signature" TECH TAUGHT HERA ONE SKILL THAT SAVED HER ASS A MILLION TIMES 😭
"keep an eye on your brothers, they need it" ~ Hera, the wisest person in the show fr
...did Chopper just say "Chopper out"
Crosshair has too many expressions to count this last scene, asking to hunt the batch down... my theory is he never had his chip removed but that venator engine fried it and it slowly stops working... we know that a lot of the chips are slowly starting to stop working in other clones, maybe its the same for Crosshair ?? so he's feeling a lot of confusion at hunting them down ?? maybe idk lol
two more down!!! my internet is still shocking and it's taking me like an hour to watch each ep bc of all the buffering 🥲 but anywayyy thank yalls for joining 💕💕💕
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Top 10 18 Most Hated NonDD Roles
Aka the ‘Fuck You, _____!’ list lol these aren't in order other than alphabetical by movie/show this time since that's a lotta hate, but oh boy almost changed my mind a couple times. Now, everyone knows I love DD characters, especially now that I've finished my love list, but what about everyone else around him? Sometimes I like them, sometimes I'm indifferent, sometimes they gotta kill him and I understand that cause he's a hot villain, but sometimes they just straight up treat him bad in ways I don't like or are so awful that I genuinely hate them, so let's take a look at some pure negativity today lmao
Just to state first that even though I'm very salty in this it's still all for fun, even if I have Some Opinions on all the people below 😖
James and José - 12 Monkeys
This is a tiny fuck you cause I get it, but the man was very unwell, like very very very unwell, this is mostly just me excusing murder because hot man but he was doing it to save time itself or something, doesn't that count for anything? Get him some help and then stop the bad guys and fix time, they should be your actual priority, guys.
Everyone who was ever mean to Simon - Almost Human
I'm just a broken record at this point, everyone knows how I feel about Simon, I'm scooping him up and punching all of them in the face and then we're gunna get fries and watch TV together.
Everyone in AVGN: The Movie
I've seen YouTuber movies before, there's usually something that makes me laugh even if it's still that special type of cringe. This movie just sucks. It's bad. It's sososososo bad. The only part that made me laugh was DD's quick bit because he sells every role he's in and I love him. I'm so glad I never have to see this one again, this one's a fuck you to them for just… not making an entertaining movie :/
Cass' family and Dwayne - Cass
Yeah yeah I know they're kids and that they're lonely and dealing with it in bad ways, but my God. She has zero self-preservation (he had such good points about her following him like????) and it's frustrating, and when she went to take that selfie I became so anxious over what her giving it to him would bring that it made me actually sick. Her brother is straight awful, I felt bad at first cause clearly he only has the two friends, but he wasn't just allowing things to happen he was right there being a genuine shit to that homeless couple that it made me mad. The dad I can't fault because he's just looking out for his daughter, so he gets a pass, but fuck Dwayne in particular for stealing his paintings, pissing on everything else, and then nearly getting Joshua to basically kill himself. Old man yells at clouds but it's me yelling at these kids, fuck them I'm taking care of Joshua now. 
Literally everyone else in Cora
The Vampire is the only redeeming quality of this short and even then he still falls prey ;w; Cora herself is okay, her dad is good, but her mom sucks and those teens at the camp really suck, the cringe dialogue really gets me yeesh. I feel like their entire scene could've been shortened or at least written in a way that didn't make my entire body shrivel up when the guys spoke. Fuck all of them for making me cringe when I'm trying to enjoy those double fangs, I’m so petty I’m glad all of them got got.
Jerome - Gotham
His energy is great. I'm still not sure if he actually is the Joker or if I'm insane and it was a red herring cause I saw comments? But he nailed the Dark Knight energy of the Joker even if he's not, don't spoil, I will watch someday I swear. Anyway fuck him though for killing Dwight in the most Joker way possible, yeah he took his face but he also brought him back to life so c’mon man just forgive him already and banish him, I've got room for him in my bed it all works out.
Olga and Svea - Last Seen Wearing
I don't really hate them, but I really like David Porter and the fact that he brought flowers and they still ate him after all he went through to find them. I'm gunna find him at the club and take him to a different party, in fact I'll become a model and help him write a better story and they can eat some other people instead, this tired party boy is mine now.
The Grove - Light Night With the Devil
Yes, fuck the entire Grove. If he didn't get tangled up with them then everything would be fine. He might never be #1 on the charts but he'll always be #1 in our hearts, and Minnie would still be there for him too, so yeah fuck the whole Grove, I want my Night Owl to be happy.
Amber - MacGyver 2016
This one is quick and obvious but like fuck her for using him to start, but using his son as well? What a bitch, I'm not gunna be Cassian’s stepmom I'm gunna be his mom who stepped up.
The Woman - Making Love
This is totally me projecting here, but fuck her. Anyone who's okay with cheating and jerking around the both of them is genuinely hated in my book, both as someone who's been jerked around and someone who's watched someone very dear to me be jerked around while she was in so much pain. This is a real hate, there's nothing jokey about it this time, he deserves better no matter how beautiful she is. No one deserves to go through what he's going through, even though he's not blameless for pursuing her. I wasn’t, and neither was my friend. This one gets me personally, so fuck her.
Detective Loki - Prisoners
I think this guy might be The Most Hated NonDD Role ever. The amount of people I know who hate this guy for what he did to Bob is astounding and I was really hoping he'd find the real guy and save the girls until he did what he did. This guy sucks, he hurt my most precious boy, I'm glad he saved the one girl but he needs a swift kick to the nuts as my dad would say, fuck you Loki, I’ll be taking your badge now, no retirement, no pension.
The entirety of Ray Donovan
I've been putting away DVDs of this show at work for years but I've never seen anything from it until I watched DD's ep. It was so bad I quit the rest of the video after his scene. This one was actual torture to sit through up until that point, I had to see old man sex that I did not want, the camera was on Donovan most of the time while DD spoke, this one is another personal fuck you for giving me a bad time, that show and everyone else in it sucks. (No offense to anyone who may be following me who likes it but it wasn't for me)
The Bullies - Teacher
I hate bullies. I can't stand them. The only exception is Cam and that's only because he's hot and I want him to bully me. In highschool I was always too invisible to be bullied, but those few times where I was seen? Where my seat on the bus was being kicked because it was hot and I opened the window? Where someone came after me cause I was protecting my friend from her bitchiness? Where I was given a fake love confession by a friend of my crush, only to hear him whisper to my crush that I wasn't reading it so I knew it was his idea? I fucking hate bullies. Fuck Tim and his friends for everything they did to Preston and Daniela. Fuck his dad for what he said and did to James as well as his own son even though I’m mad at him. Fuck everyone who wasn't on his side while everything actively got worse and made him spiral. But especially, fuck Arabella for looking at him that way. Like I said in my other list, she would cringe directly to his face whenever he said something she didn't like, which is so fucking rude??? Even when she accepted his dates and she was supposed to be on his side she was still cringing at him; if I was on a date with someone and said something dumb and I looked up and saw that I'd cry and never talk to them again. If she wasn't interested she could’ve just turned him down, he's a nice guy, he would've understood even if it made him sadder, it would've been better than her treating him that way and then storming out on him after he was humiliated in front of her. I hate the bullies, but she was the worst because she wasn't even supposed to be a bully, she just treated him cruelly while trying to be kind.
Dany Wilkins - The Belko Experiment
Okay for this one I'm just petty. He was freaking out and she made it worse, I may just be spouting nonsense here cause I'm clouded by the Power of Love, but if that were me I would've tried to actually calm him, cause her running did not help. It'd be scary as hell, but if I worked there he'd already know me so I wouldn't leave his side. I maybe kinda cheered when she finally died after surviving for so long, this one makes me petty.
The Boogeyman
Great monster design, hated every second he was around, but also fuck this guy for making such a sweet dad so miserable before getting him. I am once again swearing I will save him and make him happy.
Everyone else in The Employer
I just genuinely hate those guys. Their characters sucked and watching them was insufferable. James was the only redeeming quality and I mean that, way to write everyone as the most unlikable people on the planet, which I guess was the point, but they can be unlikeable and still be enjoyable, y’know, that is a possible combination that makes for a better movie.
Fuerza - The Flash
I just straight up hate this thing for killing him in one swipe. It was cheap, it was bad writing, it left me so annoyed after all the great buildup with his family and him working those eyes and stealing my heart. What the actual hell, why couldn't that have been saved for the next episode, why couldn't he have least been injured but ultimately okay, this one just frustrates me. I’m going to the future to warn him and we’re gunna start a family together, that’s another Ray Guarantee and this one’s all for me.
Dracula - The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Yes, I'm giving a fuck you to Dracula himself. This guy made everyone excited for some good bonus pay fun times, then ate half of them, made him shoot his crewmate, made him cry which is instantly illegal, made him fall like 40 feet where he bumped his head and broke his leg, made him try and sink the ship he called him, and then killed him. By the time he fell I was ready to get up and jump into the movie right there in the theater. The only way Dracula can redeem himself is if Hollywood lets DD play him, otherwise fuck Dracula,  friendship ended with him, now Dr Fearless is my best friend.
Honorable mentions
A super special fuck you to James Gunn and Hulu specifically for giving me the greatest loves of my life and then taking them away from me. I'm going to buy their licensing rights from you and bring them back, I miss Abner and Johnson every single day, life is unfair, this sucks, what the hell.
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aqricus · 2 years
thinking of vanitas watching you form an infatuation with a casual acquaintance of his who isn't even interested in you. vanitas is nothing but a friend, restricted to a platonic relationship while you fuss over your appearance to impress someone else and preen at the slightest praise or second glance from them. all the while, all he can do is clench his jaw and offer up passive-aggressive opinions when you so innocently ask him for opinions on dresses—blue dresses, the same shade as his own irises. are you being unfair? is he being childish?
it's sick, self-sabotaging, the way he proceeds to observe your exchanges despite the bitter envy curdling his stomach and the acrid taste on his tongue. he can't help but wonder if karma is finally serving him the hand he believes he deserves—all the times the stars aligned to dump him into sticky situations forcing him to eavesdrop on or bear witness to conversations that make his chest twinge and his eyes turn downward in shadowed displeasure, lost in thought. it would make sense, wouldn't it?
you actually returning his affections? improbable.
so what if he's entertained the thought of being the one on the receiving end of those pretty, perfume-scented letters he'd always watch you write? so what if he wants your undivided attention focused on him, your eyes fixated on his and trailing after him even after he steps away? so what if he wants to be the reason you so meticulously piece together outfits and doll yourself up? that doesn't matter.
well, it doesn't matter until it does. at first, vanitas doesn't notice it—the way your attention no longer lingers on his acquaintance for long periods of time or how the letters that seemed to be a staple in your routine started to disappear from your day. for someone who spent so much time analyzing and unraveling you, it certainly threw him for a loop when he half-heartedly pointed out his acquaintance's presence in a crowd and you barely spared them a glance before mumbling an "oh, cool."
you lost interest.
they lost your interest.
what a fool.
initially, he doesn't understand how he could've overlooked such a pivotal point in his chances with you. perhaps it was his brain protecting him, keeping him from dissecting his interactions with you so he doesn't sink into that spiraling abyss of overthinking and self-deprecation. but, at that point, all that matters to him is why. why are you suddenly uninterested in them? what changed?
there was a fleeting moment of reluctance before you answered his inquiry, and all he could do was hum. "i knew. i knew they didn't like me, and i dunno . . . i guess i got tired of waiting around for things to change."
you knew their feelings regarding you, and yet you subjected yourself to the heartache and disappointment of unrequited feelings, anyway. sounds familiar.
so, when you finally noticed his toeing of the line between platonic affection and courting and accepted him, it was surreal. it was terrifying, the vulnerability that rose to the surface every time your eyes so lovingly searched his or your hand softly cradled his cheek. at first, a tiny part of him regretted applying himself to several months of flirtatious behavior and maintaining a frequent presence in your life. he didn't like the way he was left completely at your mercy every time you climbed into his lap or told him you loved him, nor did he like the way even the slightest whiff of your fragrance flipped his heart upside down behind his usual teasing facade.
but, once he comes to terms with his newfound relationship with you after what was probably the longest, most challenging mental breakdown he's ever had, vanitas gets greedy. he boasts about you whenever the opportunity arises, sneaks peeks at you through the crack in your door while you get ready for your date, and is always in your face to impishly ask for a kiss or tease you until you avert your eyes and pull that one expression that never fails to cause heat to pool in his stomach. he purrs when you perch on his lap to kiss him, the weight on his thighs soft and warm and just right. being loved is addictive, a high to soothe the lows of the day and an added zest to the messy kisses and mischievous touches that transpire between the two of you.
so, when his acquaintance reappears in your life with a confession of love, vanitas is shocked, and, not to mention, irritated. the "withheld feelings" they speak of are nothing but bullshit—that he knows for a fact. he isn't stupid. the only reason they're seeking you out now is because you're perfectly content with someone else and couldn't care any less about them, which is what vanitas has been waiting for for almost a year. they believe they can just waltz right back into your life and upend your relationship simply because they can?
vanitas knows his presence gets under their skin. after all, the entire time you pursued them, you promised that vanitas was "just a friend.” but now, they're forced to watch as your "friend" grips you by the waist and tracks the softest kisses across your jaw and throat. vanitas was never considered a threat to them—he's positive that's what keeps them up at night. yet, here he is, here you are, and here they are.
their plans to worm their way back into your life are foiled before they can even be put into action, and it's an absolute joy to watch them crumble when they realize it.
vanitas doesn't flinch when all of his cutting, passive-aggressive comments land him with a fist twisted into the collar of his shirt and a fire in his acquaintance's eyes. his eyes are cold, calculating, unforgiving as he listens to their accusations of him being a womanizer; because their words don't matter to him. you know that he's here to stay with you and you alone, something he proves over and over almost every night. they're so worked up vanitas swears he can see a vein thrumming in their temple, and he cracks a haughty, twisted grin.
now that he has you, he’s not going to let anyone take you away.
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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/ and i'm obsessed with this (all his candy necklaces) / wild thoughts #2 (+18)
[what is #thoughts? a series of short imagines where i have fluffy, angsty, wild (+18) or alternate thoughts]
warnings -> explicit sexual content (minors dni!) + cursing + spitting (i'll never beat the spitting allegations) + fingering + oral + daddy!kink (chan's never beating these allegations either) + dacryphilia (a tiny bit) + unprotected sex (don't do this)
pair -> dom!chan x sub!reader (mentioned female body parts but pronouns are still they/them).
a/n -> my goal was to write more angst bc this song is pretty sad but i decided to go against it and went full smut. so yeah it's not 100% based on the song, just that one line ¡!
the necklace surrounding my collar felt like it was choking me but it was nothing compared to his hands around my neck and how he was suffocating me with his hands made me feel. the pressure on my lower abdomen building itself up as i had to get through all the teasing he loved to do so much. his hands found their way to my candy pearls, almost ripping it off with how he grabbed it but it was only to pull me closer.
"my baby is turning sour thinking that i'm not gonna please them? is that right darling?" he teased, mocking me with his voice and the grip on the fake jewelry somehow felt tighter. his fingers dancing through my skin, grabbing my thighs like those hands were meant to be there (or they just belonged in every part of my body). "open up baby, don't be shy now..."
it was like his voice got deeper tonight, our room felt warmer or maybe it was just the pressure of being good for him that brought an entire heat through my body. i opened up my legs, my core at his full view as i was naked under the city lights that flashed through the window in our room. i could feel a pool of spit right at me as he just did it without a care and moved it with his fingers to slowly enter me. going from teasing every part of my body to full on fucking me with his fingers was very him to do. all i could hear was the mix of my wetness, the spit and the movement with my whines & moans. he got closer to my ear as he whispered...
"you don't deserve this at all but i'm giving it to you because of how pretty you're looking for me baby". i wasn't the best significant other today, maybe i flirted back with someone i shouldn't, maybe i let that person put their hands around my waist and just maybe i did it all for revenge after seeing him talk with someone else. it was childish and stupid but today was a special day for me & chan, i had it all planned out and one person made it all go to waste (or maybe not at all).
"d-daddy please, let me-" and just like that, his fingers were gone and were replaced with his mouth. if there was a man obsessed with giving oral, it was him. he savoured every part of me like i was his last meal and oh god did it fucking feel good. the pressure of almost being so close to the orgasm and him just changing his pace as i felt him lick every part of me, was driving me crazy. "please let me come, p-please!" i begged but i knew it was no use.
his hand found it's way down my pussy as he slapped with not a lot of force but it still brought out the worst moan he could've pulled out of me yet. tears building up as i bit my lip, him just smiling as he wiped my tears away. the mocking was relentless when i was feeling this helpless at his feet. he started to pull off his clothes (finally), his chest built by the gods, his arms getting bigger & bigger with every working out session he took, god his thighs were gonna kill me one day. the best part for last as he asked me to come closer, knowing what to do i crawled to him and bit the waistband of his boxers, as i pulled it down and revealed his length. his size always shocked me, wanting it in my mouth so badly but wanting to get wrecked by him even more. he was gonna look for a condom but i stopped him, i wanted to feel him for days and i did not care about the consequences at this moment.
"fuck baby, you're gonna kill me." he muttered and position himself, pushing slowly in me as his eyes never stopped meeting mine. my moans slowly getting higher & higher, our bed creaking and our headboard punching against the wall as the pace got faster & faster. my nails finding their way to his back as he completely and utterly destroyed me. it took me every single restraint in me to not come and i knew he was holding back as well 'cause i knew the sounds he made when he was close.
"only mine, no other fucking guy can have you, understood?" he mumbled, close to me and my face heating up with every word. it was no secret that i fucking loved when he talked to me like that, maybe i just had a possesive/jealous sex kind of kink but i did not care if it was gonna bring me to him like this every night. "answer me baby, wanna hear you".
"only yours, no one else's channie! p-please i just want you." i said coherently (surprisingly) and i felt him bite my neck but he wasn't biting me, he was biting the necklace. in a second it popped and all the pieces fell out slowly, feeling every inch of him in me as i approached my orgasm one last time and feeling all of his seed spilling in me was such a fantastic moment, i would probably remember it for ages (and feel it for ages too). "c-channie..."
"shhh, i got you baby." he whispered softly into me as he changed our position, pulled out of me and laid me on his chest. his hands on my hair and his lips on my forehead as i recovered from everything that just happened in the span of an hour and a half. from the restaurant to the bar to the flirting to me backfiring to our home to our bed... and it just felt so fucking good. "knowing you, you're gonna make me jealous more often aren't you?"
"i'll try not to baby, i promise." i tried to say in the most convincing way but he could see right through me and just smiled as he shook his head. "okay but like once a month i kind of have to".
"you're a menace but i still love you".
"i love you even more channie..."
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thefoundationproject · 5 months
Re Read Wholly Unprofessional again.
First of all never getting over Bacara and Rex. I Love Love. It's so funny because Rex we expect to be So Much, but when Bacara RESPONDS!? Truly two idiots in love lol. Thinking about them all giggly smiley composing their love letters to eachother Tactical Insight Reports For The Benefit Of The GAR 🫡. Bly helping Rex because that's his baby brother and Bly is a romantic at heart. Feel like Aayla would agree.
Kot to Cody and Doom and Fox and all the others who have to witness it all though. Tbf Cody did it to himself soo.
Also Ow at Forwards Someone Hug Them 💔
Second of all LMAO Ponds is going through IT
Priority Response
Ponds: I don’t quite remember ASKING YOUR OPINION Commander Bacara.
Priority Response
Neyo: The IMPORTANT question here is: where can I get myself a hot little Captain sidearm to impress with my kill count. I’m asking for me.
Priority Response
Ponds: Excuse me, what.
Vod'ika Defilers and Vod'ika Defiler Enablers Oh My!
The relazation for Ponds that Cody KNEW! 17 KNEW! NEYO KNEW!Traitors all! Ponds' Less Favorite Vode List getting crowded. At this point I see him going down the list of all the people who could've known putting a little :( Just for future refrence.... Casually asking some CC like hey weren't you on the same ARC training range....?
Lol at Neyos What? x 5. He fully short circuited. He Was Kidding Rex! It Was A JOKE REX! How dare you call him out?
Imagine Vaughn starts messaging him, sparkle, sunshine and all. And Everytime Neyo is trying! so! hard! to be Cool Suave Spy. And Everytime Vaughn gets him all spluttering blushing kicking feet.
And he's like "This time I'll catch him off guard HE won't know what to with HIMSELF". Writing The Perfect Message only for Vaughn to answer in .2 seconds with something that has Neyo screaming into his pillow. How does he do it?!
Vaughn sitting there watching the Neyo is writing... begin and stop endlessly. Grinning like a fool so excited to talk to him about anything and everything and nothing but Neyo is so careful and feeling emotion(s), so he needs timeee. So Vaughn waits with anticipation. Turns out they're talking about the newest change to some obscure tiny blaster part or something lol. But The Subtext Potential....
(Wasn't one of the like three canon things about Neyo that he and Bacara worked on some speeder tactics or something? Imagine Vaughn compliments those and gives feedback. Neyo is so impressed but oh no feelings catching!?!)
Sorry for The Wall but it's such a ride every time i read your fics again, it's like it's the first time! Always something new to appreciate. Thank you❤️
Hello!!! Thank you very kindly! Everyone expects Rex to be a shebs about things but no one expects it from Bacara. So no one suspects it coming and Bacara can just roll up and drop the shebsiest moment and stroll away. That first moment when one sees a message and realizes 'oh this isn't JUST am update' .... my heart, it's exploded. I squee for them. So very much.
Bly is not the brother that would hide a body for you. Bly would supervise the body hiding and tell you what you're doing wrong that wpuld get you caught, because the best way to learn is by doing it yourself. A+ brothering, in my opinion. He’s also naturally ride or die. Because Rex IS still his baby brother. Also 2.0 .... it's really funny watching "Cody is typing" and imaging how that annoyed eye twitch of his is going. Very entertaining.
At some point in the future, the very distant future, long after even the most paranoid have stopped anticipating it, Ponds will attack. And everyone will RUE THIS DAY. Including Wolffe who by necessity will just have to be caught in the splash damage. Ponds feels bad, really he does, just so dreadfully awful, but he couldn't risk the others being alerted. So some Wolffes had to be collateral damage and that was just a sacrifice Ponds was willing to make. As for getting Neyo, well Fox is already In Too Deep in the Edee prank war, it would be incredibly simple for Ponds to hide his plots behind Fox's misdeeds. Ponds knows how to play the excruciatingly long game but then he hits everyone all at once. He's sitting in his observation room surrounded by screens, cackling while Fox finally understands the true depth of Ponds' deviousness. Truly terrifying.
I imagine that at this point Rex at least somewhat knows Neyo. Well enough to say 'MY TIME HAS COME'. I'm entirely sure he's been plotting how to socialize/distract the in-law and all of a sudden the perfectest opportunity presented itself. And what is Torrent if not opportunistic? Vaughn is starlight and sunshine and whiskers on kittens and it's endlessly amusing to me to throw him at Neyo and say "catch". 🤣
Thank you so very much!!!!!
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Post 6x11 buddie oneshot-
I was thinking about the fact that Eddie got thrown off the firetruck and this happened! Written in a frenzy in the ams but hope you enjoy! (Also I couldn't resist with the last line 😆)
Spoilers for 6x10/11, discussions/descriptions of injury & mentions of hospitals
"Hey, I'm just about to order, do you want the garlic dough balls as well or the wedges? Or y'know, we could split a box of-"
Buck trails off as he pokes his head round Eddie's bedroom door.
He's shirtless, which shouldn't be that suprising- seeing as he'd only just got back from a shift and greeted Chris & Buck before slipping off to get changed. What is suprising is that he's still shirtless, almost fifteen minutes later. But the thing that stops Buck in his tracks, stealing his breath, are the angry, vivid purple bruises littering Eddie's back.
They're painted down his spine and scattered across his shoulders- some tinged with green or yellow, creating a kind of sick diorama landscape on his skin.
He's twisted round, trying to apply cream to his back in the small mirror sat on his dresser.
Buck steps forward involuntarily.
"What-" he sucks in a breath.
"Wh- what the hell happened to you- are- are you okay? I-"
Eddie turns, the view of his back obscured, and holds up one hand placatingly.
"Buck- hey, I'm fine, its just a bruise" he says, softly, reasurring.
Buck huffs.
"That's more than a bruise! What happened? How did you even get those? When did it happen?" He emphasizes, his mind whirring over the possibilities.
They looked older than a day, but he hadn't mentioned any rough shifts...
"I- look- I promise, it's okay, I'm alright- they're from a while ago, but I'm putting on the cream, they're a little sore but they're healing up nicely, don't worry Buck"
"Eddie when did you get those?" He repeats, obstinate.
Eddie sighs, ducking his gaze for a moment.
"I- the night of the lightning strike"
Buck's lips part around a breath.
"You got hurt?" He asks, his voice rough.
"When the lightning hit- hit you-" he pauses, looking up as if to check that Buck was still with him.
"-it also hit the truck and travelled down the ladder, I got blown backwards onto the street"
Buck steps forward again, purposefully.
"You got thrown off the truck? Did you lose consciousness? What did Hen or Chim say when they checked you over?"
"I was fine! It just winded me a bit- I got myself up & put my helmet back on and-"
"Your helmet came off?! Eds-"
"Shit, I shouldn't have said that" he mumbled.
"Anyway, I got up and then- then I saw you- just- hanging there - so I ran up to get you down"
"Eddie" Buck shakes his head, pleads-
"You should've waited, let Hen or Chim clear you! You could've had a head injury, or something with your spine! You- you shouldn't have gone tearing up a ladder, what the hell?" Buck exclaims.
"What, and left you hanging there?" Eddie snaps back.
"No, but you could've stopped, just for a second and-"
"Buck! I could've been chained to the ground, or- or taking my last breath- but nothing would've stopped me from getting to you" he rushes.
Buck feels Eddie's words hit his chest. The sentiment a familiar one, in reverse.
He'd heard the expression once.
If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights.
He remembers it making him freeze, for just a moment, a moment like this one in fact- and thinking yeah, Neither would I.
Eddie sits down on the bed with a sigh, and scrubs a hand across his face.
Buck crosses the room in three easy strides and sinks into the mattress beside him, pressed close from shoulder to hip.
"Did you get checked out, at the hospital?" He asks softly, his volume meeting the moment, the bubble, they seem to have found themselves in.
"Yeah" Eddie replies, just as soft.
"Bobby made me, and I'm really fine, I promise- just the bruised back and a tiny cut on my hip- turnouts dug in" he dips a finger into the waistband of his sweatpants and tugs them down a tiny bit to show a faded scar running across his hipbone.
Buck starts to reach out and catches himself with a cough.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Eddie sighs, shakes his head.
"You had enough to think about, you're supposed to resting, not worrying about me"
"Eddie" Buck turns to face him, tucking a leg underneath him.
"I want to know if you're hurt-"
Eddie opens his mouth, but Buck continues before he can speak again.
"Even, if its "just a bruise". I know you didn't want to worry me, but we made a deal, right? You saved my life. We have each other's backs. So tell me if yours is bruised, okay?"
Eddie hums and meets his eyes.
Buck smiles, and they just look, for a moment.
He feels that those moments have been getting longer recently.
They're tinged with a something, something thats as thrilling and terrifying as it is soft and so familiar it feels like, it feels like- home.
He reaches across Eddie's lap for the bruise cream.
"Let me?" He offers, on an exhale.
Eddie's eyes soften impossibly further and he dips his chin, turning around, as Buck unscrews the lid.
"Thank you" Eddie says, relaxing against Buck at the first brush over his back.
"No problem" Buck replies.
"I've got you.... 𝘤𝘰𝘸𝘣𝘰𝘺"
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I'm replaying ray's after ending rn, and I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I forgot how much it frustrated me. I just finished day 2 and from mc getting turned in through to the end.. I understand why the rfa couldn't communicate the plan through the messenger and all, but if I were in the situation irl, I would've reacted with a lot of anger. I would hate being lied to and left in the dark, and I'd be hurt about not getting to actually help until the last minute. I feel like locking mc in a closet until saeyoung was freed wouldn't change the plot significantly at all. As much as I want to live that happily ever after with saeran, this would put a bigger strain on the relationship than anything else that happened in his route. After making sure everyone was safe, I would really need some space, and it would take a long time to rebuild my trust in everyone. I'm curious about if anyone relates to this, and how you think saeran would react
For me personally, I wasn't upset. I understood why they had to do what they did to guard all the information. We're fighting the literal Prime Minster of their entire country, on top of a secret agency the likes of which none of us can begin to comprehend because as the players, we might see more than the MC does, but even we have it limited in terms of knowing what they're capable of.
One little, tiny whisper is all it could've taken for this operation to blow sky high in seconds.
Does that mean you're not allowed to be angry? Oh, no. You are very rightfully allowed to be angry and upset at them for doing what felt like the safest option in the heat of the moment. They lied to you and made you feel like everything was lost. You're trapped in a house with Rika, V, and an unconscious Saeyoung who you just watched beg like a dog to make them stop it. You are distressed and afraid. You haven't a clue what's happening. You are living in dread until they can tell you what's going on.
Now, you can call the RFA members as this is happening and if you do so, they will tell you there's more going on but they can't say a lot to you. They lied in the chatroom because that's not safe. Saeran is fighting for his life to make a secure phone channel to prevent that horrible outcome from happening when the agency tanks all of you with one false blow. I do not mince words when I say they weren't in the right to scare you, but they had to lie to save all of you.
Saeran is not the kind of person to condone lying.
He was angry that Vanderwood tricked you both. He was upset but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. He had to save you and do the best he could, and that's why we don't hear from him right away. He knew you would be safe as long as he kept working his ass off the rest of the night. They couldn't hurt you if they wanted him.
He had to have faith in that for your sake... for Saeyoung's sake.
I think we all understand that but it doesn't change how much it might hurt some of you, yourself included, Anon. They did that in the hopes it was the best they could do to protect you because it was all they could do in the moment. That was their option with the choices given to them. They didn't do this to hurt you intentionally, and that is the part that makes it easy for me to forgive them.
Does that mean it was okay to subject you to stress?
By all means, communicate how much it hurt you because they need to know that! They didn't meant to do that! They're your friends and they would want to make this right with you! It doesn't have to be a major problem because they want to make it right! They want to do right by you!
I, personally, can't be upset with Saeran because he didn't choose to separate from you. He didn't want to lie to you. He had no choice. He had no choice but to work through the night and pray the RFA had a way of trying to gentle reassure you it was a "lie" over the phone by a coded message of "it seems hopeless but we'll try." He trusted them while he grinded his fingers to dust with the help of the team Jumin scrambled to put together after being ousted from C&R.
He apologizes, over and over, because he knows what's happened to you, his brother, and everyone you two care about. He didn't want it to go this way. He didn't want to hurt you or put you in danger. All he ever wanted was to live peacefully with you. If you're upset with him because you were lied to about this, he'll understand. If you're upset because he tried to throw his life away to save you, he'll understand.
God, this is a character who understands and wants to do the right thing. He wants to learn and be better!
Communicate this with Saeran!
Express the pain with Saeran!
He won't be upset that you're upset!
He'd rather you be honest with him!
Don't lie to his face and say it's okay if it's not okay!
You can work with him on this, just like the RFA.
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Even After all Those Years. [G.W. x Reader]
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Part 2 of “That Cold, Wintry Night.”
Summary: You and George reconcile after the war after having a disturbing nightmare about Fred’s death.
Warnings: avada kedavraw
Word count: 1.3k
a/n: i’m so sorry the ending seems rushed and the lack of length oh my god
Green and red. Crucios and the dreaded Avadas. Your dreams had been plagued by the events of the battle. Sometimes you'd even dream of the tragic Yule Ball. Night after night, you woke up in a cold sweat clutching your sheets as though something was going to sweep you away.
 'I'm sorry, Y/N,' the voice echoed, with baleful undertones.
 You were caught in the middle of a blizzard, keeled over in front of George, crying desperately as flakes of snow piled on top of you. You were like a snow-capped mountain that moaned with grief as you begged for him to look at you just once.
 'Why?' you cried out, voice hoarse from grief. Your sobs reduced to snivels, 'Why didn't you tell me?'
 Suddenly, an emerald green light flashed in front of you, then a wall exploded far off in the distance. Voices, familiar voices, wailed in grief.
 'Fred...!' the voices howled, disembodied. Fred had died in the explosion, but how? Wasn't he running the joke shop in Diagon Alley with George?
 You shot up from your bed, covered in sweat, once again, and panting. Only this time— you worried about Fred. You knew he was alive, you'd see him and George every day through the window of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, but the dream seemed too real to ignore.
 You slipped a coat on, not bothering to change out of your nightgown. Slipping your feet into your boots, you tapped them on the wooden flooring to ensure they were snug before you headed to your fireplace to help yourself to a handful of Floo powder. You were fighting with time.
 "Diagon Alley!" You shouted with purpose, though you breathed in a bit of the ashes. Your body was engulfed in emerald green flames as the world around reduced to twisted disfigured streets. Then, you were met with a dimly-lit street that led up to the shop. You coughed and wheezed as you tried to expel the ash that entered your system whilst travelling by Floo.
 You hastily made your way up the cobbled winding street. The shop had just closed for the night, and you banged desperately on the door. With each thrust your hand made, you could've sworn that the door was on the verge of collapsing.
 'George?! Fred?! Anybody—?' You called out, but was immediately silenced by the rustling of feet. The door swung open, greeting you with the sight of the twins who looked just as disheveled and perplexed as you.
 'Y/N?!' said George incredulously, 'What are you doing out here a quarter to midnight?!'
 ‘I saw,’ you paused to look at Fred, who looked back at you, seemingly unscathed, ‘ I saw visions,’ you shuffled in your spot uncomfortably as George’s gaze bore deeply into you, ‘Horrible, horrible visions.’
 The twins beckoned you inside as the night grew colder by the second. They ushered you upstairs into their apartment, where lie prototypes of their newest products. The wall was tattered from small explosions. Tiny vials of unfamiliar substances were scattered across the shelves. You looked out the window to see the night sky blossoming with stars.
 ‘It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?’ George called out from behind you, ‘I believe it’s about to start snowing soon.’ You kept quiet and only hummed in agreement, remembering the unfortunate circumstances between you and George.
 Ah. Snow. You forgot about the advances of winter. You ran your finger across the windowsill, seemingly deep in thought. Your mind raced. That day was the day the Yule Ball was held. Then, in the corner of your eye, a flake of snow fell. Then two, then three, then the world started to glimmer with white.
 ‘Y/N,’ George started towards you, ‘I didn’t mean to leave you that night,’
 Your stomach lurched. Then, you turned to him. Fred had retired to his room, leaving the two of you alone in the living room. It was dimly lit, the only source of light being the candelabrum that stood in the corner of the room. The howling of the wind signaled that a blizzard had formed outside.  Your eyes danced around, refusing to make contact with his as he advanced closer to you.
 ‘Y/N, please,’ he grasped your shoulder. Your eyes finally locked with his. Suddenly, the whole world was at peace. Death Eaters were a thing of the past, now that his presence graced you.
 ‘Then why did you leave?’ you asked, rather weakly as your voice wavered; as if you were holding back the same tears you spilled that night, years ago. It was years ago, but the scar forever remained.
 ‘I just-’ George paused to wet his lips and search for words, but nothing came out. He ran his hand through his hair. The locks that raked through his slender fingers fluttered messily back into place.
 ‘George Fabian Weasley,’ You beckoned, now grabbing his full attention. Everything seemed to fall in place, just like that night, ‘You knew. Everyone knew.’ Your voice began to break. All those years ago, but your feelings never once wavered like how your voice did in that moment.
 ‘And even after all those years,’ Your breath then hitched, ‘I still loved you so,’
 Just like a rubber band stretched to its limits, you snapped. Everything came gushing out. All those years of pent up longing and desire, wishing you were in the warmth of his arms. You were vulnerable. Your glistening, red eyes broke contact with George’s deep eyes as you crashed into his arms. He welcomed you into his embrace, snaking his arms around your waist. He rested his chin on the top of your head, as his hooded eyes seemed to glitter with slight relief; the relief knowing you still chose to seek refuge in his arms despite everything.
 ‘Even after you confirmed your feelings for Angelina, the flame in me never fanned out.’ You breathed out in between your sobs. George felt the strings of his heart pull. George rubbed your back gingerly as he led the two of you to the moth-eaten couch, propping you down gently with a small huff.
 ‘I’m sorry, Y/N,’ George whispered into your ear. His voice was soft yet raspy, it almost cracked, like a small firework. The guilt ate away at him, ‘I knew everything, you were right,’ Your sniffles died down.
 ‘Night after night, all I dreamt of was the war. I dreamt of the Yule Ball, how I knelt in front of you. It was pathetic,’ You chuckled at your confession that seemed to slip out on its own. You smiled up at him weakly, your puffy eyes formed crescents as your plump lips quivered, ‘Then, I dreamt Fred died. It was a dream, but it was too real to ignore. I heard your family’s cries,’
 George’s eyes were wide in shock. For how long had you been plagued by nightmares? Nightmares of him? He pulled you closer, as if you would be blown away if his grip on you were to loosen even in the slightest bit.
 ‘It’s okay,’ He soothed you as he brushed the hair out of your face, ‘It’s okay- Fred’s here. I’m here.’ Then, he placed a kiss on your forehead. It was gentle, like a warm feather tickling you. For a brief moment, sparks shone.
 You looked up at him in disbelief. Your tears stopped, as if his kiss magically stopped you from crying. Your lips curled up into a weak smile. Your face was flushed from all the release of your pent-up feelings.
 You stared at him, dumbfounded, ‘Is this a dream?’ You murmured.
 ‘No it isn’t, love,’ George tittered at your shock.
 ‘Pinch me-- OUCH! Not literally!’
 Then, the two of you broke out into loud, melodious laughter. The world didn’t matter anymore; for it was both of yours now. The rest of the night was spent catching up, talking about the battle, reminiscing about your Hogwarts days, and reconciling.
 ‘I hope this means we can turn over a new leaf?’ George looked down at you. His eyes glittered with hope. You felt your heart stop at the way he grinned at you. You stopped to bask in him. This was the boy you had loved since the moment you laid your eyes on him.
[GIF not by me]
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yayforocs · 5 months
picking back up in october 2013!!!
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random headphone girl? random headphone girl
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ok i can't find this one (or its later successor) anywhere so i'm. assuming i never posted it? even tho i could've sworn i did.
it's the noxcrew gameshow hosts, johnny smooth and scotty love :VVV
kinda wanna redraw them again tbh tbh
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a link :V
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WOW OK i was going to send martyn inthelittlewood a fan letter ages ago when he was doing the uhh!! the um!!! the videos where he opened stuff from fans!!! he had a po box u could send stuff to and i drew some fanart of him and characters he liked and wrote out a letter!! but i! never sent it OTL i think i just was never satisfied with what i wrote bc i remember trying to write it multiple times dslkfj
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also i found teen ib au doodles! :V i did draw something after all
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doodle of homestuck troll oc, terian oneira :V (the name did actually like. mean something. but i don't remember what)
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a redraw of like the second aqua pic i drew ever bc Actual Player AquaUmbreon had changed his minecraft skin :V (so i'm not gonna tag this as the character sdlkj)
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speakin of the CM server crew, tis me and razor :V
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there's also a vaughn from harvest moon island of happiness!! this was also a july doodle, hm.
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there's also some crystal chronicles crew doodles :VVV from when mogi and i were planning out the caravan!!
november 2013 :VV
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oh man oh man oh man ok i never posted this one bc i started coloring it w colored pencils n then i never finished so it was just unfinished to me bUT i played fire emblem awakening and was wrecked by a nuzlocke playthrough where i got gaius and maribelle s supported and then maribelle. died. so i drew a lyric comic thing (but i was going to add in the lyrics digitally, so. rip.) set to.... a song that i cannot find???? i have the recording on my ipod of it but it's a rip from youtube that. i guess isn't there anymore. here's the poem based on it though: (and straight googling the entirety of the poem led me nowhere also so i'm just. where is this from who originally wrote it what.)
Sun sets low beneath the sky Leaves all in golden state Stars glow at edge of twilight And here I stay, your words await Goodnight, Goodnight
Sky a shade of midnight blue Moon in its glowing fate The world at peace is a calming view And here I stay, your words await Goodnight, Goodnight
Distance leaves us far apart So at midnight if I may Wish upon the brightest star And hear your voice so softly say Goodnight, Goodnight
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also ib oc, adam! :V he's from a fic i wrote abt garry getting stuck in the gallery and inadvertently getting out with the help of another kid pulled in years later
skip to april 2014!
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it's a redraw of my first post on yayforstuffs, the CM crew! :V man look at how tiny i drew sdlkfj
moving to february 2015 :V
i have the ENTIRETY of the original original ib sprites i made!!!!!
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this is so many why did i do All Of Those sdklfjs
-ah heck ran out of images again, holdon
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