#there's blood on your lies
ofstormsandfire · 30 days
it's going to be ages before I can get all my fic art relinked I think, but. this one I did myself and still have the file for on my computer, so...
have a silly meme drawing <3 I am not a visual artist
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Binged all of there's blood on your lies in like two days and was struck with the urge to draw my favorite part of it
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a-flux-uchiha · 11 months
There are three kinds of species, magically active, magically neutral, and magically durable.
Magically active species like Mer and Fleetwings are from planets whose core magic(the magic inherent in the core of a planet) is just strong enough for them to use it, or several surface magics(magic that isn't inherent to a planet and comes from pieces of the core of other planets landing on the surface of a planet). These species can use magic, although not all individuals in a species can always use magic. In general, most species in fantasy series are magically active. Mer are from earth, and are considered magically active, while humans are just considered magically neutral. This is because mer are much closer to the core of the earth, as they live in oceans, and thus they are actually affected by the core magic while surface species like humans aren't. They have an ingrained magic type, which means the way they use magic is ingrained in a specific feature of their biology. Fleetwings are an external magic type, as they use magic to affect things around them, and it isn't linked to their biology.
Magically neutral species like humans are from planets without surface magic and without a strong enough core magic. These are very stable species, biologically speaking, with no little weird oddities that shouldn't work but still do, as they don't have magic filling in the gaps. Typically very physically durable and hard to kill. Sometimes individuals of magically neutral species will have an affinity for magic, and can learn to use another planet's magic, but this is uncommon.
Magically durable species like Yuuduusa, Cittophin, and Sanaphan are from planets whose core magic is too strong for any of the living beings on it to safely channel it, and as such they are magically dead in the water so to speak. They cannot channel magic, and no individual of a species like this will be able to learn magic as they cannot have an affinity for it. They are nearly immune to the majority of magically based things, as it simply cannot affect them. These are also typically very durable species, although sometimes they will have biological inconsistencies, which are leftover from before the planet's core magic grew too strong to channel safely.
How this plays into the weapon spirit thing is that magically active and magically durable species are able to handle much stronger weapons than magically neutral species. Magically active species can because they can fight the magic of the weapon themselves and make sure it cannot take their magic over, thus killing them. Magically durable species simply outlast the magic of the blade, the natural defenses they have are generally stronger than the magic of most blades. This isn't infallible however. If a weapon has killed someone of a magically durable species it is retired immediately.
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 5 months
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Sleep deprivation is one hell of a drug
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happyk44 · 5 months
percy repeating that he can be good over and over again to himself while covered in the blood after an overwhelming unleash of volatile rage that destroyed all that threatened his loved ones while grover holds his face and steadily grounds him back to reality
("i'm safe, we're safe, it's safe, just breathe")
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waterwindow · 4 months
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I did this redraw at work with a baggy of cheap art supplies they have here. A whole gallon of markers and pencils and not one eraser D:
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ruporas · 1 year
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only human
[ID: Two page comic in color of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum. The first page has a black background and the upper half, behind the panels, is splattered with stylized red blood, scattered bullets, and lifeless hands. In the first panel, it focuses on Vash's boots, showing him stepping through the panel and into the bloody scene. The second panel shows his bloody footprints and the third panel shows his face, his down-turned eyes looking downwards. It's a neutral, vague expression with confliction. At the bottom of the page, the back of Wolfwood's head and shoulder is seen, blood dirtying the white color of his shirt and side of his face. Vash's hand reaches out to him from the right side of the page.
The second page shows the entire scene in full, half the page in light and the other in solid black. At the center, Vash leans down onto his knees as he wraps his arms around Wolfwood's shoulders into a hug. Wolfwood's back is turned away from the viewer, his left arm holds onto his bloodied punisher and his right hand sits on his lap. Light casts from the left side of the page, showing the bloodied surrounding, but the held up punisher casts a shadow on the both of them, shielding them from the light. END ID]
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macksartblock · 6 months
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Sketches from my shift last night, I’m haunted by the idea of a giant Lego teen
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reality-detective · 7 months
I'm sure I posted this before. 👇
Where does your blood really go? 🤔
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sodabranch · 3 months
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Little thing that was brought up in a conversation with my dear friend @hashal-hutcracker in which Hashal saves Justice from trouble by carrying it;; I thought the concept was kinda cute for them.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
Not to get pedantic (oh who am i kidding that’s most of this blog) but I am genuinely fascinated by the potential applications of the established canon in HoO and TOA that the gods canonically have both historic and regional forms, and can appear as specific versions of those forms and have kids of those specific forms, which influence what powers the kid has/what pantheon they fall under/etc etc (and also the implication that demigods can be born under multiple forms of a singular deity). This is somewhat backed up even earlier in the first series when we’re told that Percy has earthquake powers because of his father being Poseidon “The Earthshaker” (which is Mycenaean Poseidon) - which could also tie into why Percy generally takes leadership roles, is hopping in and out of the Underworld a lot, and is apparently particularly powerful for even just a Big 3 kid, since all that would line up with Mycenaean Poseidon being generally put at the head of the pantheon and also being a chthonic deity.
Now this gets really interesting when we start looking at deities being combined and conflated, because a.) the Romans weren’t the only ones doing that and b.) the Romans had their own gods originally, they didn’t just take the Greek ones and slap a new name on them. They merged a lot with their own preexisting deities alongside adopting worship of deities from other cultures as the Romans spread (and the Greeks also did this), and c.) the ancient Greeks and Romans did exist at the same time.
Like, we know in terms of the Greeks and Romans that if their godly parents are “equivalent” then their demigod children are siblings, just like if Greek demigods have the “same” godly parent then they are also siblings. However, very few Greco-Roman gods are one-to-one, and a lot are like three gods in a trench coat, and then if you want to get into historical forms then you can start running into weird things like “Well, if you go back far enough, these two Greek gods may have originated from the same thing-” and also if we’re talking historical forms, again, the Greeks and Romans existed at the same time! Which means there would be historic forms of godly parents that are both Greek and Roman! So like, where do we go from there? Would Hazel be equally siblings to a child of Plutus as she is to Nico because both Hades and Plutus were conflated into Pluto? Orcus was also conflated with Pluto - does that mean when Nico killed Bryce Lawrence, he was killing his half-brother? (cause then that parallels just a couple chapters later when Will faces off against Octavian-) Are there demigods who, depending on their godly parents’ form(s), are technically both a Greek and Roman demigod? If Hermes and Pan possibly originated from the same god, does that mean all the satyrs are siblings with the Hermes kids? If we want to get into all the nonsense of Dionysus’ origins and Zagreus and Hades, does that mean Nico is technically siblings with Dionysus kids? Does Dionysus joke about this during their therapy sessions? Are some demigods in certain cabins siblings with kids in other cabins but each others’ siblings aren’t siblings depending on what form their godly parents were in?
I have a headache now.
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ofstormsandfire · 1 month
ah, the age-old dilemma of "man I want to read more of this fic. wait. that's my fic. I have to write it."
anyway I'm using this backlog of various oneshots I had written but hadn't posted yet to work more on tboyl hopefully. because I miss it and also I'd like to actually. Finish It. both for y'all who like it and for me because I want to be done and I want to do it well
bonking my brain with a stick. let me Write Thing Please.
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ach-sss-no · 12 days
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The Ballad of Gríma Wormtongue
author's note under cut
That is the Old Forest and there are known instances of the trees in it trying to murder people. I wouldn't linger next to it at night either.
I know next to nothing about horses, but fortunately they are the most documented animals on the planet. That said, I'm sure there's plenty here to offend or amuse people who actually know about horses, so I'm sorry/you're welcome?
I could not decide whether Saruman should still be alive or not and I guess Sméagol just decided for me. thanks, man
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a-flux-uchiha · 1 year
Due to how things are managed, weapons are re-used to make weapon spirits over and over again. However, this has the effect of the more spirits a weapon has had the stronger it is and the more magic it has. This is a problem because the more magic a weapon has and the stronger it is the higher the likelyhood of it killing whoever is trying to become its new spirit is.
This is a slight problem, but it doesn't stop the agency(that needs an actual name lol) from continuing to do it. Whoops. They do get new weapons occasionally though, they'd be fools if they just tried to keep using these powerful ones and kept killing half of their volunteers.
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ratanslily · 3 months
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Devi is truly strong because after his ignorant remarks like this, I'd be compelled to meet his face with my chappal 🥿
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betterbooksandthings · 3 months
"Recently, a wave of fresh paranormal romance books have hit the shelves. The real question is, which new books should you pick up?
Paranormal romance is a subgenre of romance that follows the HEA/HFN (happily ever after/ happy for now) arc of human, non-human, and/or superhuman characters. The paranormal beings involved could be ghosts, werewolves, vampires, witches, or other supernatural creatures of legend that slot into a paranormal version of our world. If it’s in a high fantasy otherworld or is a monster romance, I am following the judgment of fellow Book Riot writer Jessica Pryde in her paranormal romance recommendation list and disqualifying them from this round-up.
As a longtime fan of the genre, I have plenty of backlist recommendations and a carefully curated list of fresh paranormal romance books. Every book here was published in the last five years, between 2019 and 2024. As a general personal rule, I like my paranormal romance to have believable, well-developed characters and a plot that hooks me in. If either the love interests or plot are paper-thin, my attention swiftly drifts. So, if you are looking for a witch, werewolf, vamp, or otherwise paranormal being falling in love, I’ve decided these are the ones you should read."
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