#there's no reason for this the systems have built in internet functionality anyway
zephyrfuse · 1 year
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god i hate nintendo so fucking much i'll never buy another thing from them, good day. we will have to resort to emulation and fan servers from then on out completely
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remimibanana · 6 months
Nintendo 3DS Retrospective Part 2: A System’s Function
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The beauty of this handheld is that there are so many things you can do on this system without even having a game. I think it's what gave the 3DS its charm, giving you a reason to keep playing.
As a kid, I didn’t have any internet. The closest I had was this Telstra Prepaid Wi-Fi stick where I used to waste all the internet downloading Sailor Moon videos. There was a short period where I was able to connect my 3DS to the internet so I got to experience at least the heyday a bit!
Anyway, I spent most of my time on the system itself, the lovely Home Menu and all its built in software. I have a lot to say about all these!
Part 2 is under the cut!
I had three 3DSs at the very end, to which only one works properly. The other two have issues but I still kept them for the precious memories. It's crazy to think how long this handheld has been in my life, and how many memories it gave me.
Without it, I don't think I would be who I am today. I really don't know we will live in a world without it...
For as long as I can, I will keep playing on it! I’ll be 50 and still be on my 3DS lol
How did I get my first 3DS?
It was out of nowhere. I didn't know I was going to get this life changing handheld. My dad and I were driving to our family friend’s house as we always did back in the day, while I stared out the window blissfully unaware.
Once we got there…my dad stopped the car and pulled out a box from under the seat and handed it over to me, telling me that he had a surprise.
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It was a red original 3DS?! I took it into my hands, staring at the box in disbelief. I remember the box so vividly, and the awe I felt at the fact my dad got me this?! My dad looked real happy to see me so happy.
I remember wanting to rip it open right then and there. My dad told me to wait until we actually got into the house since he also had another one for my family friend. At the time, I only had my DSI which I used be on all the time.
I remember rushing in and opening my 3DS with my family friend who opened theirs, plugging in the handheld and turning it on for the very first time. The setup music is so nostalgic to me for this reason, I spent some time setting it all up and exploring the home menu.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t charge well to this current day, you have to press down on the charger in order for the system to charge at all. I think something is wrong with the charging port but I was never able to fix it.
This was the first 3DS I ever modded, because I was too afraid to mod my 2DS back when. If I bricked my main 2DS, I would have cried. I nicknamed it my “Luma 3DS” after the custom firmware and installed a whole bunch of games on it! I even got a custom theme with the Luma 3DS logo.
I put it somewhere but I don’t know where it ended up aha
How did I get my second 3DS?
My red 3DS lasted probably a year or two before it decided to stop working out of nowhere. The blue LED would turn on, and then a small pop sound could be heard as it turned off. I remember I was really upset, because I loved this handheld.
I was out of a 3DS.
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For my birthday shortly, my grandma bought me a white 3DS XL, the same one as above! It came preinstalled with Mario Kart 7, which is why its my favourite Mario Kart.
I remember pointing at it in Big W when she asked me what I wanted, and my grandma didn't look as happy as I was. I think the price displeased her but she still bought it for me, hehe.
This was my main handheld for years, where my brother used play on it from time to time despite how much I didn't want him to. I still have it to this day, although it is worse for wear. One day, it refused to boot into the Home Menu.
No matter what I tried, it wouldn't boot. It would either be stuck on the Black Screen of Death or it would be stuck on the Home Menu transition you would get when you pressed the home button. It was really devastating for me, I had so many memories on here that I couldn't access anymore.
My red 3DS started working out of nowhere, by the way. One day, I tried turning it on and it booted into the home menu without any trouble. I remember showing my dad and he wondered why I even got this white one if the red one was working.
That’s when I dubbed it my dad’s 3DS since he liked to play Mario Kart 7 with my brother and I from time to time and he would use this one. I actually wiped the whole 3DS for him since I wanted my dad to have it (even though I didn’t have to do that lol).
How did I get my current 2DS?
Surprisingly, I got out of gaming for a while. At least on the 3DS side, which is utter blasphemy to me now. I can't believe I'd ever stop playing this handheld! I feel like it makes me a fraud, you see how much I harp on about this handheld and yet I stopped playing it lol
In 2019, I made a friend who really liked Pokémon. He would often bring his 3DS XL to school to show me his games and all the Pokémon he caught. He would ask me if I had any of the Pokémon games and I said I did. This prompted me to find my red 3DS and buy Pokemon Moon so I could play alongside him.
But alas, since my red 3DS has those issues as you know, it was really hard for me to have a fully charged handheld. I felt so bad when my friend wanted to battle me, but I couldn't half the time since the 3DS was either dead or about to die.
He were kind enough to give me his charging dock for the 3DS, but it still didn't solve the issue.
That’s when I decided for my birthday, I would ask for a new 3DS! I wanted to play with my friend! It was harder to find a new 3DS on sale in the shops at this time, so I went to my local pawn shop. I remember wanting an actual 3DS, but my mum wanted to get something a bit cheaper.
This is why I have my 2DS! It came with its own case, which was one of the reasons I chose it. I didn't mind not having any 3D functionality, since I never used it anyway on either of my previous 3DSs.
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It still works to this day, and fully modded! I finally got over my fear of modding it, nothing happened. It really is easy to mod your 3DS, by the way.
I do plan on buying a Japanese New 3DS LL one day, the pink and white one! I've always wanted it for myself!
A sad story...
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I used to keep all my games in this case right here, since I didn't like keeping them in their original boxes for some reason. It's a decision I regret to this day, since I really like the boxes!
As I mentioned above, I got out of gaming for some time. It seems like during all that, I misplaced the case. It was gone from sight, no matter where I thought I left it. I looked everywhere, but it was nowhere.
To this day, I have no idea where it is. It's been years...perhaps its gone forever. It's really sad to lose something that meant a lot to you, although I don't blame anyone but myself for this. I should have taken better care of it.
I lost all the games I had physically, and that was practically all my games. I had so many I received over the years, all in a poof. I hope I can manage to find it one day, there are a lot of precious memories in it!
I have a fun fact with this that I’d like to share!
I had two copies of Super Mario 64 DS in here because I lost my first copy and asked my grandma to buy me another one, but then my mum found the first copy some time after lol
Now I take better care of things, but if it ever shows up, I will cry profusely. I hope I can find it!
Home Menu
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When you turn on your 3DS, you are met with the Home Menu in all its glory.
It's probably one of my favourite menu designs, alongside the Wii. It's simple yet so effective, the BGM is one everyone will never forget and it's also customizable! I feel like Nintendo peaked here, and then just ditched it when the Switch rolled around.
I used to love scrolling all the way until the very end of the menu, and making the icons bigger or smaller! I also loved making folders to store my games. Ever since my white 3DS, I have a folder for the system titles and a folder for my games and demos!
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With the Home Menu, you were able to customize it with themes! These could be bought from the Theme Shop, which sadly stopped working when they shut down the Nintendo eShop.
I’m using Pokemon Sun and Moon— Tropical currently, but I like swapping them out from time to time. Some have their own BGM and sound effects, while others simply change the background.
Here are some of my favorite ones I have!
Splatoon: Squid Sisters
ACNL: Paw Print Room
Kirby Copy Ability Global Poll
Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal
Persona Q2 Theme
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To go with themes, they made badges that you could obtain and add to your menu!
When they released, I remember downloading the Nintendo Badge Arcade when I had the chance to. I'll be making a special post just for it, so please look out for it!
I used to put badges anywhere and everywhere I could! It didn't matter if it looked good or not, I just wanted to have as many as I could!
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You could even put them on folders! The absolute peak of this feature.
My favourite badges are the ones that act like software icons, where you could click on them and it would open the software! As you can see, I have ones for each of the built in software. The original titles have been put in a folder at the very end, out of view.
Streetpass Mii Plaza
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The iconic plaza that everyone knows! You can’t go hearing Streetpass without the Streetpass Mii Plaza!
I've spent a lot of time on here during my time on this handheld, from its initial stage to what we have now with all the DLC! I have always loved the concept of Streetpass, and I wish they brought it back for the Switch.
Let’s talk about each of the things you can do in it! I come from Australia so I'll be using the European names for everything, by the way.
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I feel like we can't overlook the main plaza area. The iconic BGM, the sea of Mii characters that you can look over as you increase your plaza population and all the various options and games you can choose from!
Puzzle Swap
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I love this little game so much.
As the name suggests, you swap puzzle pieces with the people you Streetpass with to complete various puzzles and gain new ones!
I remember trying very hard to complete all puzzles I had, especially excited when I met new people who had the puzzle pieces I needed! I love the BGM and the little tweet of the bird that swoops in to deliver the pieces you got.
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With my 2DS, I have loads of puzzles to complete since I always choose pieces from puzzles I don't have when I get Streetpasses. They are really rare nowadays after all. I want to try to do as many puzzles as I can.
Otherwise, I use Play Coins to buy pieces. This takes forever since you can only buy one at a time, and you aren't guaranteed a piece you don't have. I like to sit there and do this from time to time while watching something.
I have over 500 left to collect...I hope I can complete every single puzzle one day! That will be one of my life goals!
Streetpass Quest
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Saving the world has never been so much fun.
This was the first game I ever completed fully, and probably will be the only one. You have to save the King who looks exactly like your Mii from the evil Dark Lord who kidnapped them by recruiting soldiers!
I originally beat this on my white 3DS, slowly progressing through all of the floors. There are many enemies and many types of floors that require certain abilities that are based off the Mii's colour. Very simple but fun!
I remember there was a floor that was bright white which required a Mii with black to darken the floor and a floor that was pitch black, requiring a Mii with white to brighten the area.
The only issue with that was I never got a Mii with those colours. I would buy soldiers with Play Coins, and yet I never got black or white for some reason.
There is also a sequel to this game, where you have to save the Princess and the Prince too! I remember being really surprised when there was more to play.
Later on, they introduced new games, as well as the concept of Streetpass VIP! It was a one time payment and you would receive all of the games available and have added bonuses, such as the ticket system!
I have played every single one, but I'll just talk about the one I enjoyed the most!
Streetpass Garden
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This is my favourite game out of all of them. I remember choosing this as the free game that the Streetpass Mii Plaza was offering on my white 3DS.
I love how simple and yet fun it all is. You plant a seed into a pot and the people you meet water the flower and make it grow. It takes a lot of people to do so, more than you would expect.
Once it blooms, you can germinate for seeds! Each seed can either be a new breed or an alternate colour of a breed you already bloomed. There is a percentage for each of these, and I always chose the ones that guaranteed a new breed!
Your goal is to fill up your planter handbook and become a master gardener! I think I was very close to doing so on my white 3DS, while I’m still trying to on my 2DS.
For some reason, I chose the Streetpass Slot Racing game on my 2DS for my free game and I remember regretting it since I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
I just wanted my garden back man.
Activity Log
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It's so simple yet so charming.
I love the grid aesthetic they chose, it reminds me of my school notebooks I used to use.
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All your titles are shown in this little book and I think that’s so cute. I love flipping through all the pages and seeing every single title I’ve ever played appear on there.
Even Homebrew appears on here, which I found really funny. You see normal titles and then you have the FBI manager.
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I loved just looking through each the days, seeing what I played the most!
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This reminds me of the Wii, where you would get an envelope with your play time. I actually didn't know this was a thing until I looked at the Activity Log recently.
System Settings
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I really love the System Settings. I suppose that might be a weird sentence, but it's true!
The BGM is an absolute banger, sometimes I love to boot up the application to simply listen to it all! Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this.
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My favourite one is the Internet Settings, Nintendo didn’t have to go so hard on something like this but they still did. I could listen to this for hours happily and vibe.
The little guy helper is the very best, I never really needed any help to connect to the internet, but I still used the helper anyway. I wish we had something like this guy on the Switch.
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I would often visit Other Settings, particularly the Profile section. You can edit the User Name, Date of Birth, Region and go onto the Nintendo DS Profile, and that’s all you could do on there.
Nothing truly special, and yet here I am mentioning it for a very specific reason. It’s probably really odd and weird, but I still want to share it with you all!
I might be the only one but…I like to vibe to the Nintendo DS Profile.
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It’s basically the DSi Settings but only having the ability to edit the Message and Colour. The sudden change from the light yellow to black as you see this on your screen….so good.
I love the BGM of this so much, it’s unfunny. It makes me feel things, so much nostalgia for something that most people overlook. I vibe so hard.
As soon as I found out that this existed, I was always there. I still do this from time to time in fact, whenever I’m on the System Settings.
I can hear it even now….
To be continued!
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With that, Part 2 is done! We're far from done though, I still have more things to blab about in Part 3! Can you tell how much I like the 3DS?
Hope to see you there!
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m1d-45 · 1 year
sorry i've been mia i was busy rizzing up the kaeya and diluc ais. anyways imagine reverse isekai with ur main. i personally would have a blast being able to talk about minecraft and mystery flesh pit national park and warrior cats with people who do not even have the internet.
also my diluc and kaeya plushes arrived and now i need to make clothes for them so they won't be naked but i have to make sure they have an equal amount of clothes with an equal amount of effort put into them so that it doesn't seem like i'm favoring one brother over the other (this is the same reason why i bought the diluc and kaeya plushes together in the first place) - teddy anon
1) it’s ok 2) kaeya ai? 3) this idea oml
aside from the fact that showing them all the weird and obscure shit in our world would make them lose their minds (speaking of nobody tell them about organized religion. barbatos is surprised ppl follow him after a few hundred years of no contact well look at this right here-) they’d be fascinated with how you control them.
i imagine they wouldn’t appear in game, and you couldn’t like use them for anything. makes logical sense to me.
if you’re like me and struggle to form teams at all, let alone ones without your One Good Built Character, they’re borderline going to be apologetic at seeing how you struggle. part of them is proud they’re so needed, but the other part is sort of sad.
i literally only run teams w/o kazuha for the abyss because his playstyle and the team i run for everything else is so ingrained in my head. i genuinely struggle if i don’t have an anemo character on my team and always fumble for a while if it doesn’t have kaz because it’s like i forget i don’t have him. it’s a problem—
if you’re not dependent on a single element like i am, they love seeing you work around them. it’s simple, you explain, swapping to an alternate team, and they watch in awe at how easily you adapt to change. they marvel at reactions they haven’t seen, at how much this new team differs from the one with them in it.
if you try and show them how to, they’ll immediately insist that they’re fine watching, that they wouldn’t dare touch such a holy object or manipulate teyvat in your stead.
for some, this is true. for others, they’ll cave with enough pressure.
itto treats your controls with the most delicate care, very gentle with everything as to not break it. not really prone to gamer rage, more so just “your grace, i can’t figure this out :(“ and watching over your shoulder as he promises “ok, i’ve got it this time, swear!” he doesn’t, but the smile on your face as you watch him die for the nth time soothes any anger he feels. refuses to kill rifthounds btw.
mona doesn’t know anything. you could tell her sixteen times how to access the inventory and she’s still asking you which button it is. don’t tell her about the wishing system she’ll quite literally lose her shit. she doesn’t understand the value of items like dream solvent but refuses to spend even a single coin of your mora or your food. collects her own ingredients and keeps track to cook her own food because “i wouldn’t want anyone else touching what’s mine.” pls tell her it’s ok and losing some of your 2k sweet flowers isn’t the end of the world.
ayato wouldn’t directly play, but he does sit beside you and offer semi-functional ideas. “run a team with x y z characters,” “fight this boss without the element it’s vulnerable to/full physical damage,” “take on this enemy without a healer,” etc etc. he likes seeing you solve problems, and likes watching you explore. if you have low mora he’s incredibly confused, but doesn’t comment on it once he sees how much it is to level a talent or ascend someone. if you have like 7mil mora and go “why do i have so little :(“ he’s asking a few more questions, but overall is silent about it. you don’t have a job in teyvat, and get most of your money from chests or leylines. it makes sense you guys would view mora differently.
alhaitham doesn’t touch your device, but kaveh (yes he isn’t out at time of writing no i didn’t ask) could be convinced into exploring a bit. he refuses to engage in combat and always uses his glider, never dropping more than a second or two at a time. panicks if your characters get hurt at all and either runs to a statue of the seven (give him time, he forgets he can teleport) or triggers your healers skill. if you run a character that has hp drain he’s flipping his shit and either demanding to know how to change the team so they don’t get hurt or runs them and three separate characters. loses his shit when you tell him about the teapot. that’s all he does now lmao.
zhongli will tap at stuff a bit, get a hold of the general game, and then just. not play. you tell him he can do commissions if he wants or run domains and he shakes his head, “i will not interfere with a world i don’t own.” so silly. doesn’t understand why shops don’t give you stuff for free. speculates on how monsters dying gives you mora. refers to everything by their full names no matter what silly nicknames you have for anything. if you have a well-decorated teapot/generally take care to plant stuff or collect realm bounties or similar, he’s happy. if you mostly neglect it, he’s asking why. it’s an adeptal art, and he needs to know if it isn’t satisfactory.
yae would love to manipulate a world of her own, but the knowledge that the world you control is real and has real actions is a bit too much. yelan asks to see, but only because she wants to know what you’re on about when you talk about lag, ping, or hitting the wrong button. finds it funny even gods can mess up. yanfei fusses over whether she should even be allowed because of like divine right to rule and whether her interference counts as idolatry since she’d technically be playing god. you let her worry about it in the corner and don’t ask questions about where she pulled that giant book of law from.
if you allow him to, venti sits in your lap while you play. he’s very much just a guy that’ll sit with you and maybe play his lyre if you’re getting frustrated, and adores the ingame soundtrack. give him youtube and point him in the direction of the ost and he’ll obsess over it. within a week he has everything memorized and has composed at least three ballads about ‘the song of the heavens’. wont actually do anything directly, but if you’re running abyss and ask him for suggestions on fun team comps, he’s already got ideas. is a bit unnerved at first if he recognizes some of the people on screen, but rationalizes it quickly enough. if you’re like me and leave your characters sitting at a bench or table before logging off, he insists you sit them in the statue in mond.
neither childe or scara even entertain the idea that they’d be allowed to use your device, and just kinda watches from the side. scara laughs a bit if you get hit by an enemy. childe asks about what his build is prior to his vanishing and probably studies meta and like crit ratios and stuff (no i don’t know what meta qualifies as yes i’m just sayin shit). xiao’s worried his karma could infect through the screen, and wouldn’t dare suggest anything. if you’re doing it, it’s good, if you’re not, you have a reason. ask for his opinion and he’ll bluescreen.
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anagramtransitory · 5 months
3. People refuse against all evidence, literally all evidence, to believe in evolution, to this day, about, what, 160 years later? Something close to that. With the internet, people still refuse to learn things. With doctors that can do miracles, people don’t believe them. With scientists that can attempt just about anything these days from artificial intelligence already far too smart to be comprehensible to our ideas of how smart a thing could possibly be, from gene editing, to the most complex and slippery quantum theories and mathematics, to rockets that hit insane speeds to leave earth’s orbit built and launched without fanfare or any yet-unconquerable-struggles, people still actively hate and distrust science and scientists. The scientific method, the most trustworthy thing possible, they trust to give accurate results not at all. Not as a process, not as a profession. For many kinds of reasons, all of which can masquerade all they like as good but which all seem to me bad and false and cynical for rejecting the things which seem logically to me to be best in the world and about the world and made by the best kinds of people and efforts in the world. So therefore, understanding that about people, (even if I don’t forgive it) and wanting them to like and see me anyway, and wanting to make people happy anyway, via the positive ideas I embody in my life, I should…logically…be able to develop a system of thinking and feeling that allows me to do those “high cost low material reward” actions with an emotionally-less-attached + non-emotionally-dependent-priority-level style of going about and watching the results of them. I should and must be able to both not expect to have myself seen and understood, and to expect being seen and understood eventually. Because only repeated and therefore unquestionable positive actions will hold up to people’s reconsidering (and, next step, successive mental repicturing, hopefully simultaneously with the initial self-doubt of their idea of their understanding of me and not a discarded line of unpleasant self-questioning of theirs, which people will do as they hate thinking or questioning themselves very much) of my motives if and when they ever do after long long periods (decades even) of knowing me well. And because, I’m gonna have to believe, with some sort of insane faith, that I am special, and that unlike science and medicine and evidence and logic and obvious fact based on tangible everyday visible touchable testable available-for-mental-questioning continuous-existences of things making up reality for almost all people on earth, unlike those things, I will be seen and correctly understood in everything I do and am, by some non-insignificant (~more than 1/100) amount of people in my life, at all times, in the course of my entire life, based upon no evidence this will be possible or is likely. But also based around no evidence it’s not possible or likely either, as I’ve never been me in my contexts before and you never know how much a group of people will react to one person versus the way they’ll react to another. You just can’t. I just know how I’ve seen other people treated by most people, and they’re not seen or understood until they’re dead if ever (usually never). But I also know people so far have treated me far better than the populace treats, sat, Jesus, or beautiful harmless animals with one valuable part in the wild, or dogs, which are the purest good in the animal kingdom to ever possibly exist for us or just period in their social and attentive and adaptable and useful behavior and genetics and basic all-terrain-mastering anatomy for planet earth in all its variety and need for non-invasive small omnivorous ecosystem-helping mammals with non-actively-evil/predatory behavior patterns. Is that because I am large muscular and intimidating? Maybe, but I think it’s mainly because I’ve put good out and gotten good back in. If I am to appear as if I’m totally functional and normal and to appear at first to prioritize copying and assimilating chameleon-style w/ the time+place..
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
Re: the post you reblogged about Bush. I'm 21 and tbh feel like I can only vote for Bernie, can you explain if/why I shouldn't? Thanks and sorry if this is dumb or anything.
Oh boy. Okay, I’ll do my best here. Note that a) this will get long, and b) I’m old, Tired, and I‘m pretty sure my brain tried to kill me last night. Since by nature I am sure I will say something Controversial ™, if anyone reads this and feels a deep urge to inform me that I am Wrong, just… mark it down as me being Wrong and move on with your life. But also, really, you should read this and hopefully think about it. Because while I’m glad you asked this question, it feels like there’s a lot in your cohort who won’t, and that worries me. A lot.
First, not to sound utterly old-woman-in-a-rocking-chair ancient, people who came of age/are only old enough to have Obama be the first president that they really remember have no idea how good they had it. The world was falling the fuck apart in 2008 (not coincidentally, after 8 years of Bush). We came within a flicker of the permanent collapse of the global economy. The War on Terror was in full roar, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were at their height, we had Dick Cheney as the cartoon supervillain before we had any of Trump’s cohort, and this was before Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden had exposed the extent of NSA/CIA intelligence-gathering/American excesses or there was any kind of public debate around the fact that we were all surveilled all the time. And the fact that a brown guy named Barack Hussein Obama was elected in this climate seems, and still seems tbh, kind of amazing. And Obama was certainly not a Perfect President ™. He had to scale back a lot of planned initiatives, he is notorious for expanding the drone strike/extrajudicial assassination program, he still subscribed to the overall principles of neoliberalism and American exceptionalism, etc etc. There is valid criticism to be made as to how the hopey-changey optimistic rhetoric stacked up against the hard realities of political office. And yet…. at this point, given what we’re seeing from the White House on a daily basis, the depth of the parallel universe/double standards is absurd.
Because here’s the thing. Obama, his entire family, and his entire administration had to be personally/ethically flawless the whole time (and they managed that – not one scandal or arrest in eight years, against the legions of Trumpistas now being convicted) because of the absolute frothing depths of Republican hatred, racial conspiracy theories, and obstruction against him. (Remember Merrick Garland and how Mitch McConnell got away with that, and now we have Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court? Because I remember that). If Obama had pulled one-tenth of the shit, one-twentieth of the shit that the Trump administration does every day, he would be gone. It also meant that people who only remember Obama think he was typical for an American president, and he wasn’t. Since about… Jimmy Carter, and definitely since Ronald Reagan, the American people have gone for the Trump model a lot more than the Obama model. Whatever your opinion on his politics or character, Obama was a constitutional law professor, a community activist, a neighborhood organizer and brilliant Ivy League intellectual who used to randomly lie awake at night thinking about income inequality. Americans don’t value intellectualism in their politicians; they just don’t. They don’t like thinking that “the elites” are smarter than them. They like the folksy populist who seems fun to have a beer with, and Reagan/Bush Senior/Clinton/Bush Junior sold this persona as hard as they possibly could. As noted in said post, Bush Junior (or Shrub as the late, great Molly Ivins memorably dubbed him) was Trump Lite but from a long-established political family who could operate like an outwardly civilized human.
The point is: when you think Obama was relatively normal (which, again, he wasn’t, for any number of reasons) and not the outlier in a much larger pattern of catastrophic damage that has been accelerated since, again, the 1980s (oh Ronnie Raygun, how you lastingly fucked us!), you miss the overall context in which this, and which Trump, happened. Like most left-wingers, I don’t agree with Obama’s recent and baffling decision to insert himself into the 2020 race and warn the Democratic candidates against being too progressive or whatever he was on about. I think he was giving into the same fear that appears to be motivating the remaining chunk of Joe Biden’s support: that middle/working-class white America won’t go for anything too wild or that might sniff of Socialism, and that Uncle Joe, recalled fondly as said folksy populist and the internet’s favorite meme grandfather from his time as VP, could pick up the votes that went to Trump last time. And that by nature, no one else can.
The underlying belief is that these white voters just can’t support anything too “un-American,” and that by pushing too hard left, Democratic candidates risk handing Trump a second term. Again: I don’t agree and I think he was mistaken in saying it. But I also can’t say that Obama of all people doesn’t know exactly the strength of the political machine operating against the Democratic Party and the progressive agenda as a whole, because he ran headfirst into it for eight years. The fact that he managed to pass any of his legislative agenda, usually before the Tea Party became a thing in 2010, is because Democrats controlled the House and Senate for the first two years of his first term. He was not perfect, but it was clear that he really did care (just look up the pictures of him with kids). He installed smart, efficient, and scandal-free people to do jobs they were qualified for. He gave us Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor to join RBG on the Supreme Court. All of this seems… like a dream.
That said: here we are in a place where Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren are the front-runners for the Democratic nomination (and apparently Pete Buttigieg is getting some airplay as a dark horse candidate, which… whatever). The appeal of Biden is discussed above, and he sure as hell is not my favored candidate (frankly, I wish he’d just quit). But Sanders and Warren are 85% - 95% similar in their policy platforms. The fact that Michael “50 Billion Dollar Fortune” Bloomberg started rattling his chains about running for president is because either a Sanders or Warren presidency terrifies the outrageously exploitative billionaire capitalist oligarchy that runs this country and has been allowed to proceed essentially however the fuck they like since… you guessed it, the 1980s, the era of voodoo economics, deregulation, and the free market above all. Warren just happens to be ten years younger than Sanders and female, and Sanders’ age is not insignificant. He’s 80 years old and just had a heart attack, and there’s still a year to go to the election. It’s also more than a little eye-rolling to describe him as the only progressive candidate in the race, when he’s an old white man (however much we like and approve of his policy positions). And here’s the thing, which I think is a big part of the reason why this polarized ideological purity internet leftist culture mistrusts Warren:
She may have changed her mind on things in the past.
Scary, right? I sound like I’m being facetious, but I’m not. An argument I had to read with my own two eyes on this godforsaken hellsite was that since Warren became a Democrat around the time Clinton signed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, she sekritly hated gay people and might still be a corporate sellout, so on and etcetera. (And don’t even get me STARTED on the fact that DADT, coming a few years after the height of the AIDS crisis which was considered God’s Judgment of the Icky Gays, was the best Clinton could realistically hope to achieve, but this smacks of White Gay Syndrome anyway and that is a whole other kettle of fish.) Bernie has always demonstrably been a democratic socialist, and: good for him. I’m serious. But because there’s the chance that Warren might not have thought exactly as she does now at any point in her life, the hysterical and paranoid left-wing elements don’t trust that she might not still secretly do so. (Zomgz!) It’s the same element that’s feeding cancel culture and “wokeness.” Nobody can be allowed to have shifted or grown in their opinions or, like a functional, thoughtful, non-insane adult, changed their beliefs when presented with compelling evidence to the contrary. To the ideological hordes, any hint of uncertainty or past failure to completely toe the line is tantamount to heresy. Any evidence of any other belief except The Correct One means that this person is functionally as bad as Trump. And frankly, it’s only the Sanders supporters who, just as in 2016, are threatening to withhold their vote in the general election if their preferred candidate doesn’t win the primary, and indeed seem weirdly proud about it.
OK, boomer Bernie or Buster.
Here’s the thing, the thing, the thing: there is never going to be an American president free of the deeply toxic elements of American ideology. There just won’t be. This country has been built how it has for 250 years, and it’s not gonna change. You are never going to have, at least not in the current system, some dream candidate who gets up there and parrots the left-wing talking points and attacks American imperialism, exceptionalism, ravaging global capitalism, military and oil addiction, etc. They want to be elected as leader of a country that has deeply internalized and taken these things to heart for its entire existence, and most of them believe it to some degree themselves. So this groupthink white liberal mentality where the only acceptable candidate is this Perfect Non-Problematic robot who has only ever had one belief their entire lives and has never ever wavered in their devotion to doctrine has really gotten bad. The Democratic Party would be considered… maybe center/mild left in most other developed countries. It’s not even really left-wing by general standards, and Sanders and Warren are the only two candidates for the nomination who are even willing to go there and explicitly put out policy proposals that challenge the systematic structure of power, oppression, and exploitation of the late-stage capitalist 21st century. Warren has the billionaires fussed, and instead of backing down, she’s doubling down. That’s part of why they’re so scared of her. (And also misogyny, because the world is depressing like that.) She is going head-on after picking a fight with some of the worst people on the planet, who are actively killing the rest of us, and I don’t know about you, but I like that.
Of course: none of this will mean squat if she (or the eventual Democratic winner, who I will vote for regardless of who it is, but as you can probably tell, she’s my ride or die) don’t a) win the White House and then do as they promised on the campaign trail, and b) don’t have a Democratic House and Senate willing to have a backbone and pass the laws. Even Nancy Pelosi, much as she’s otherwise a badass, held off on opening a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump for months out of fear it would benefit him, until the Ukraine thing fell into everyone’s laps. The Democrats are really horrible at sticking together and voting the party line the way Republicans do consistently, because Democrats are big-tent people who like to think of themselves as accepting and tolerant of other views and unwilling to force their members’ hands. The Republicans have no such qualms (and indeed, judging by their enabling of Trump, have no qualms at all). 
The modern American Republican party has become a vehicle for no-holds-barred power for rich white men at the expense of absolutely everything and everyone else, and if your rationale is that you can’t vote for the person opposing Donald Goddamn Trump is that you’re just not vibing with them on the language of that one policy proposal… well, I’m glad that you, White Middle Class Liberal, feel relatively safe that the consequences of that decision won’t affect you personally. Even if we’re due to be out of the Paris Climate Accords one day after the 2020 election, and the issue of climate change now has the most visibility it’s ever had after years of big-business, Republican-led efforts to deny and discredit the science, hey, Secret Corporate Shill, am I right? Can’t trust ‘er. Let’s go have a craft beer.
As has been said before: vote as far left as you want in the primary. Vote your ideology, vote whatever candidate you want, because the only way to make actual, real-world change is to do that. The huge, embedded, all-consuming and horrible system in which we operate is not just going to suddenly be run by fairy dust and happy thoughts overnight. Select candidates that reflect your values exactly, be as picky and ideologically militant as you want. That’s the time to do that! Then when it comes to the general election:
America is a two-party system. It sucks, but that’s the case. Third-party votes, or refraining from voting because “it doesn’t matter” are functionally useless at best and actively harmful at worst.
Either the Democratic candidate or Donald Trump will win the 2020 election.
There is absolutely no length that the Republican/GOP machine, and its malevolent allies elsewhere, will not go to in order to secure a Trump victory. None.
Any talk whatsoever about “progressive values” or any kind of liberal activism, coupled with a course of action that increases the possibility of a Trump victory, is hypocritical at best and actively malicious at worst.
This is why I found the Democratic response to Obama’s “don’t go too wild” comments interesting. Bernie doubled down on the fact that his plans have widespread public support, and he’s right. (Frankly, the fact that Sanders and Warren are polling at the top, and the fact that they’re politicians and would not be crafting these campaign messages if they didn’t know that they were being positively received, says plenty on its own). Warren cleverly highlighted and praised Obama’s accomplishments in office (i.e. the Affordable Care Act) and didn’t say squat about whether she agreed or disagreed with him, then went right back to campaigning about why billionaires suck. And some guy named Julian Castro basically blew Obama off and claimed that “any Democrat” could beat Trump in 2020, just by nature of existing and being non-insane.
This is very dangerous! Do not be Julian Castro!
As I said in my tags on the Bush post: everyone assumed that sensible people would vote for Kerry in 2004. Guess what happened? Yeah, he got Swift Boated. The race between Obama and McCain in 2008, even after those said nightmare years of Bush, was very close until the global crash broke it open in Obama’s favor, and Sarah Palin was an actual disqualifier for a politician being brazenly incompetent and unprepared. (Then again, she was a woman from a remote backwater state, not a billionaire businessman.) In 2012, we thought Corporate MormonBot Mitt Fuggin’ Romney was somehow the worst and most dangerous candidate the Republicans could offer. In 2016, up until Election Day itself, everyone assumed that HRC was a badly flawed candidate but would win anyway. And… we saw how that worked out. Complacency is literally deadly.
I was born when Reagan was still president. I’m just old enough to remember the efforts to impeach Clinton over forcing an intern to give him a BJ in the Oval Office (This led by the same Republicans making Donald Trump into a darling of the evangelical Christian right wing.) I’m definitely old enough to remember 9/11 and how America lost its mind after that, and I remember the Bush years. And, obviously, the contrast with Obama, the swing back toward Trump, and everything that has happened since. We can’t afford to do this again. We’re hanging by a thread as it is, and not just America, but the entire planet.
So yes. By all means, vote for Sanders in the primary. Then when November 3, 2020 rolls around, if you care about literally any of this at all, hold your nose if necessary and vote straight-ticket Democrat, from the president, to the House and Senate, to the state and local offices. I cannot put it more strongly than that.
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st-just · 3 years
Barely coherent rambling about nation-states, culture, the Hapsburgs, and Canada
Because why have a blog except to occasionally purge one of the essays floating around half-formed in your brain. To be clear, it’s still half-formed, just on tumblr now. 1,666 words, here’s the Deveraux essay mentioned. Book is Martyn Rady’s The Hapsburgs: To Rule The World
So I’ve had like, nationalism on my mind recently.
And so there’s a kind of recurring beat in left-of-centre American political discourse (like, not ‘internet rnados screaming at each other’ discourse, ‘people with doctorates or think tank positions having debates on podcasts or exchanging op eds’ discourse) where you have some people on the radical end list some of the various horrible atrocities the country is built on, the ways that all the national myths are lies, and how all the saints of the civic religion were monsters to one degree or another – this can come in a flavor of either righteous anger or, like, intellectual sport. And then on the other end you have the, well, Matt Yglesiases of the world. Who don’t really argue any of the points of fact, but do kind of roll their eyes at the whole exercise and say that sure, but Mom and Apple Pie and the American Way are still popular, and if you’re trying to win power in a democracy telling the majority of the population that their most cherished beliefs are both stupid and evil isn’t a great move.
Anyway, a couple weeks back Deveraux posted an essay for the 4th of July (which I don’t totally buy, but is an interesting read) about why the reason American nationalism is so intensely bundled up into a couple pieces of paper and maybe a dozen personalities is precisely because it isn’t a nation at all. Basically, his thesis is that in proper nation-states like England or the Netherlands or wherever, there really is a core population that is the overwhelming demographic majority and really have lived in more or less the same places since time immemorial, and that once the enthographers and mythologists finish their work, all those people really do identify with both the same nation and the same state as its expression. America, by contrast, is by virtue of being a settler nation whose citizenry was filled by waves of immigrants from all the ass ends of Eurasia in a historical eyeblink, even before you add in the native population and descendants of slaves lacks any single core ethnicity that is anywhere close to a majority, as well as any organic national traditions or claims to an ‘ancestral homeland’ that aren’t obviously absurd (and we are trying to include the descendents of slaves and the native population these days, to varying levels of success). All this to say that his point is America is a civic state, not a national one, with the identity of ‘American’ being divorced from ethnicity and instead tied to things like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the whole cult around the Founding Fathers, Lincoln, and [FDR and/or Reagan depending on your politics].
Which, like I said, don’t totally buy, but interesting. (to a degree he overstates how homogenus ‘actual’ nation-states are, he makes America sound very special but if his analysis holds that it’d presumably also apply to several other former settler colonies, in the American context there’s a fairly solid case to be made that the whole ‘nation of immigrants’ story and the racial identity of whiteness were constructed to function as an erratz national ethnicity, with incredible success, etc, etc).
But anyway, if we accept that the American identity is bound up in its civic religion and the mythologized version of its political history, it’s absolutely the case that there’s several segments of the left who take incredibly joy in tearing said civic religion and national mythology apart and dragging whatever’s left through the mud. I mean, hell, I do! (reminder: any politician whose ever had a statue dedicated to them was probably a monster). And, well, call it a greater awareness of historical crimes and injustice, or the postmodern disdain for idols and systems leaking out through the increasingly college-educated populace, or the liquid acid of modernity dissolving away all unchosen identities, or a Marxist cabal undermining the national spirit to pave the way for the Revolution or whatever you like, but in whichever case, that critical discourse is certainly much more prominent and influential among left and liberal media and politics types that is was in decades past.
And, okay, so I finished Martyn Rady’s The Hapsburgs a few days ago. And I mentioned as I was reading it that the chapters on the 19th and 20th centuries reminded me quite a bit of courses I’d taken in school on the late Ottoman Empire and Soviet Union. Because all three are multi/non-national states (Empires, in Deveraux’s terminology, though that’s varying degrees of questionable for each, I think. Moreso for the Hapsburgs than the rest) who outlasted their own ideological legitimacy. And in all three cases it just, well, it didn’t not matter, but even as all the ceremonies got more absurd and farcical  and the politics more consumed by inertia punctuated with crises, things kept limping along just fine for decades. Even in the face of intense crisis, dissolution wasn’t inevitable. (The Ottomans are a less central example here, admittedly, precisely because of the late attempt to recenter the empire on Turkish nationalism. But even then, more Arab soldiers fought for the Sultan-Caliph than ever did for the Hashemites, and most prewar Arab nationalism was either purely cultural or imagined the Empire reformed into a binational federation, not dissolved).
But as Rady says in the book – losing WW1 crippled Germany, it dissolved Austria-Hungary. And in all three cases, as soon as they were gone, the idea of bringing them back instantly became at least a bit absurd.
And okay, to now pivot to talking about where I actually live but about whose politics I (shamefully) know significantly less than America’s. I mean, maybe it’s because most of my history education from public school was given by either pinko commies or liberals still high off ‘90s one-world universalism, or maybe it’s just a matter of social class, but I really can’t remember ever having taken the whole wannabe civic religion of Canada seriously (the only even serious attempt at sacredness I recall was for Remembrance Day). Even today, the main things I remember about our Founding Father is that he was an alcoholic who lost power in a railroad corruption scandal.
Really, in all my experience the only unifying threads of national/particular Canadian identity are a flag, a healthcare system, those Canadian Heritage Minute propaganda ads, a bill of rights from the ‘60s, and an overpowering sense of polite smugness towards the States.
And that last one (or, at least, the generally rose-colored ‘Canada is the good one’ view of history) is taking something of a beating, on account of all the mass graves really rubbing the public’s noses in the whole genocide thing. At least among big segments of the intellectual and activist classes, most of the symbols of Canadian nationhood are necessarily becoming illegitimate as Canada is, in fact, a project of genocidal settle colonialism.
But it really is just purely symbolic. Most of the municipalities who cancelled their Canada Day celebrations are going to elect Liberal MPs and help give our Natural Governing Party its majority in the next election, no one of any significance has actually challenged the authority of the civil service or the courts. And, frankly, most of the people who are loudly skeptical of all the symbols of the nations are also the ones whose political projects most heavily rely on an efficient and powerful state bureaucracy to carry out.
(This is leaving aside Quebec, which very much does have a live national identity insofar as the vigorous protection of national symbols is what wins provincial elections. If I felt like doing research and/or reaching more there’s probably something there on how pro-independence sentiment has largely simmered down at a pace with the decline of attempts to impose a national Canadian identity).
I mean, Canada does have rather more of a base for a ‘national’ population core than the US (especially if you’re generous and count the people who mark French on the census as a core population as well). At the same time, no one really expects this to continue to be the case – even back in Junior High, I remember one of the hand outs we got explaining that due to declining fertility most or all future population growth would come from immigration (I remember being confused when my mother was weirdly uncomfortable with the idea when it came up). I suppose our government gets credit for managing public opinion such that anti-immigration backlash hasn’t taken over the political conversation. Which you’d think would be a low bar but, well.
But anyway, to try and begin wrapping this rambling mess up – it does rather feel like Rady’s portrayal of the late Hapsburg empire might have a few passing similarities to the future of Canada. A multinational state whose constitution and political system and built on foundations and legitimized by history that no one actually believes in anymore, or at least no more than they have to pretend to to justify the positions they hold, but persisting because it’s convenient and it’s there and any alternatives are really only going to seem practical after a complete economic collapse or apocalyptic war. (Though our civil service is a Josephist’s dream by comparison, really.)
Or maybe I’m premature, and the dominant culture will just be incredibly effective at assimilating immigrants into that civic identity. Anecdotally, the only people I know who are at all enthusiastic about Canada as an idea are first generation immigrants. I could certainly just be projecting, really – I’ve never really been able to get all that invested in the nation-state as an idea of more moral power than ‘a convenient administrative division of humanity’, and certainly liberating ourselves form the need to defend the past would certainly rectifying certain injustices easier.  
Or maybe I’m just being incredibly optimistic. Half the economy’s resource extraction and the other half’s real estate, so decent odds the entire place just literally goes up in flames over the next few decades. BC’s already well on its way.
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meloncubedradpops · 4 years
Repo! The Corona Opera
For every rotation that Earth has completed around the sun since the dawn of humanity, humans have created art to cope with the realities surrounding our everyday life. We weave stories in songs, movies, plays, books, paintings, and so forth, that help digest the world around us and provide an entertaining escape from the cruelties we endure. Some stories take place in abstract universes or in the future, and we rely on what we know in our present reality to build upon these fantasy societies. My favorite movie, Repo! the Genetic Opera, certainly makes this list. We are currently experiencing perhaps the most surreal year of our collective lives, and with each passing day I argue that we find ourselves closer to the world crafted in Repo. I have seen this movie, at least 20 times. If you haven't watched Repo! the Genetic Opera or you haven't seen it in a while, I recommend giving it a view. The movie is unique in that it falls under three distinct genres: musical, horror, and sci-fi. And while the jury is out on whether our future society is going to go full on gothic aesthetic, I can say that the Repo! movie experience offers a glimpse into a dystopian fascist post-plague world wrapped in unapologetically hilarity with a heaping side of camp. It doesn't offer any spiritual cleansing that our souls collectively need, but it does show us what a new normal could look like if we really go off the rails.
As things stand, right now, so much of our daily lives and culture are impacted by the coronavirus. All of our institutions have been impacted, from school, to work, to family, to the way we interact with strangers, and especially our economy. We have all felt the effects in one way or another, and honestly? Most the impacts are of our own undoing, for better or for worse. I am going to write three pieces analyzing Repo! the Genetic Opera. First I will create the foundations that bridge our contemporary life and the world of Repo! Second I will explain how the Repo! universe operates under the definitions of fascism. And third I will weave together parts one and two into our contemporary world (particularly in the context of the United States) to highlight the dark path we heading towards. My viewpoints are of mine, and my own alone. Let's dive into part one.
Part I Repo! the Genetic Opera takes place in the year 2056. Humanity was on the brink of collapse as a result of a medical crisis that caused massive organ failure.
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I never gave the premise much thought, at least not until recently. We aren't given much detail beyond the fact that entrepreneur Rottissimo "Rotti" Largo solved this crisis through his company GeneCo. GeneCo provides organ transplants that can be repaid through a payment plan. Witnessing the coronavirus unfold in real time and seeing its wrath, particularly on severe cases, honestly makes me wonder if the writers had some sort of "super plague" in mind when creating this universe. For the purpose of this analysis, I will assume that humanity suffered at least one infectious disease crisis. And just to reiterate covid-19 particularly, we really *don't* know what it's going to do to us long-term. Let the parallels begin. 
The world in Repo! the Genetic Opera, operates as normally as the citizens possibly can, which appears to be quite limited. I have noted how dated some the technologies look.
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For a world 30 years in the future, it lacks cell phones and easy access to internet. When we enter Shilo's world (aka her bedroom!) she watched Blind Mag sing on a busted up tiny ass TV and the program itself looks like an ad on Home Shopping Network.
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The Graverobber is shown reading headlines on a newspaper. The news reporters shown in the ribbon cutting ceremony during the 1st Italian Post-Plague Renaissance have old school cameras with flashbulbs.
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The most contemporary technology appears to be a Wish.com version of an Apple watch, and even that looks like a leftover prop from Spy Kids.
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Obviously the people who made this movie intentionally inserted these anachronisms, but why? This is a science fiction movie after all. I speculate that they reverted back because the impact from humanity's crisis resulted in an overall professional "brain drain" from the sheer volume of professionals that dropped dead. In fact every scene depicting medical procedures looks dimly lit and lacking in sanitation. We will see this as we struggle to contain the coronavirus, at least in America. Healthcare workers have already died from this thing, and I am sure many prospective college students will have second thoughts about a career in healthcare. I mean hell, look at no other than GeneCo itself. That company employs workers called "Genterns" who are most definitely not in full PPE. I don't doubt their medical expertise, but they appear to be disposable (please see: that time Luigi killed one for NO REASON in "Mark it Up").
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On that note, it really was quite incredible how China built the pop-up hospital in Wuhan in under 4 days, but it was also not the most safe or structurally sound building by far (it collapsed, people were hurt!). Maybe at this point, the people in Repo! don't have much of a choice. I am sure there were likely legit hospitals, but the fact that the Renaissance had gross surgery tents is a bit unsettling.
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This is a world that is completely built upon the social more of valuing your health above all else. There had to be a turning point in the GeneCo business model where they really played on up-selling organs for the benefit of "genetic perfection". "I needed a kidney transplant desperately. GeneCo showed this single mom sympathy. This makeover came for a small added fee. Now I look smashing on live TV!" Imagine signing the documents for your power of attorney while actively going into renal failure, when your doctor chimes in with an up-sell for breast implants. When all is said an done, your body is now not only functioning again, but you're hot! Even in a post-plague dystopia we are still holding value to having a nice rack. What's not to love about GeneCo? Obviously we know right away that GeneCo has a dirty side. Rotti Largo personally lobbied to make organ repossessions legal, and he does not hesitate to recollect his property. The concept itself is, of course, wild. In America, our healthcare system is incredibly broken and expensive.  You would wonder how it could get worse without us backpedaling many steps on the industrialization timeline. And in a lot of ways, I could see a company like GeneCo thrive here. We already hate the poor, and we have political think tanks that salivate over the idea of cutting social programs that keep people alive. Our president has wanted to repeal the Affordable Care Act while many people are unemployed during a pandemic. In Repo! we hear about those who don't pay, but obviously there are plenty of people who do. Those who can will happily pay, either for vanity reasons or to stay alive.
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And while society cites Rotti as being a "hero" for humanity, we see more and more evidence that the crisis is both not under control and life is cheap.
His son murders multiple people, in front of others, with seemingly no repercussions. In the scene where Shilo meets the Graverobber for the first time, adjacent to the graveyard and tombs owned by wealthy families who could afford grave markers, lies a poorly constructed wall hiding thousands of corpses piled on top of one another. We even get a glimpse of a truckload pouring more onto the pile. I would not be surprised if there is a disinformation campaign there keeping the public in the dark (although you'd think the smell would be unbearable at this point).
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There are multiple indications that propaganda works in society (still), and no one is getting the full picture of how much of a raw deal the people in Repo! have. We see poster after poster about GeneCo, in the literal absence of other corporations. 
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And a lot of them bear resemblance to 20th century Russian propaganda. It would be a real shame if the goals outlined The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia were actually realized. Imagine going to visit your mother's grave and hearing commercials for hardcore analgesics play through the cemetery. Also, there's a police presence too. Apparently the police are called Genecops and have authority to execute any assumed graverobbers on site.
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Imagine the hellscape it would be to live in a world where your loved ones may have died from a terrible pandemic, and you face a non-zero chance of an over zealous cop murdering you thereafter, and because their qualified immunity bypasses the judicial system entirely...oh wait. Anyways let's circle back to the Graverobber character.
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Graverobber's role in Repo! appears to be minor on the surface. Rotti's daughter, Amber Sweet, appears to almost despise her relationship with him. And that relationship involves him supplying Amber with what he describes as the "21st Century cure". This cure you ask? A super effective painkiller with the clinical use to accompany GeneCo surgeries. This drug is called Zydrate, and it has a street version that he acquires and sells, with clients including Amber Sweet.
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Graverobber makes his living sucking the glowy blue brain corpse goo and injecting them into people on the streets. Yum!
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Not everyone who needs an organ transplant can pay for it all upfront. Luckily for them, GeneCo provides payment plan options! The caveat to this is if you fail to make those payments, legally GeneCo can come and repossess your newly acquired organs. If you find yourself past due, you will soon see the last face before your doom, the Repo Man. He will harvest GeneCo's property, and it won't matter where you are or what you are doing. There is no anesthetic, and you will likely die! This was all made legal through Rotti's lobbying efforts.
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Society, as it's set up today, allows for property repossessions. This can be as straightforward as a repossession of your vehicle to as heartbreaking as a foreclosure on your home. At the end of the day, the impacts of that are difficult and life changing. Currently millions of people in America are out of work, and the threat of losing everything is at stake for many. We could lose our homes, our vehicles, and our sense of purpose. And while many government bodies have created temporary moratoriums, they have not provided any substantial financial relief to keep the proverbial repo man at bay. What went wrong in this dystopia to normalize the concept of death due to nonpayment? Fascism! Ah yes, the dreaded f-word. In my next essay, I will outline the 14 characteristics of fascism and how it relates to the universe in Repo! After I will relate that to our modern world so that we can try and stop this from becoming our reality.
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commonalex · 4 years
future ready
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future ready by common alex
Listen/download: future ready by common alex
It was around three months after I've been fired. I didn't dare to talk about it much, but it wouldn't that much of a mystery for someone to figure out why the short chick with the plaited hair isn't on the cash register giving wrong change to the old ladies anymore. To be perfectly honest, I was pretty devastated that I managed to fail even at working at the supermarket, where all you needed to get a grip was knowing how to count, wearing an "Olga" tag like a war medal, and acting like everything's okay at all times. Maybe that's why I ended up sneaking into it like a thief that day, out of stubbornness. It was the last sense of routine I had while everything was going under outside the window.
I could barely get out the bed before four in the afternoon. And when I did, all I had planned was dragging my body before the tv to catch some telemarketing and dumb commercials until the sun was out again and I successfully forgot who I am and what I'm going through. Because what other choices did I have really? For the last two years I was jumping from one dead end job to the next, either until I get fired or until I quit. I was leaving on benefits and a sad amount of savings, and I was starting to accept the fact that this would be my life from now on. Like, what else did I really have to rely on? Studies? Big deal, the world wouldn't end with just one english teacher less. Friends? Don't get me started. Family? All I was left with was a mother with a mission to make me feel horrible every time we spoke on the phone because I wasn't bothering to go see her. But even if I did, what would I have to say to her? I was mentally collapsing. So I said "leave it for now" and kept the thought pushed back for later. That's the reason why on that particular day I didn't pick up whenever my mom was ringing this cherry ericsson I had at the time. It wasn't like I really needed to answer, I already knew everything by heart.
"Have you seen how this girl you used to hang out at school does lately, Olga?".
No, mom, I haven't. It's been like ten years since I finished school.
"She's studying this thing you used to like, she got settled, she even has her own house".
Well done for her I guess, and?
"And you?".
I don't know what the hell I'm doing with my life anymore, mom.
"But don't you ever think about your future?".
My long awaited future, huh? What a glorious future that was. It was so good, half of the people I used to know didn't make it halfway through.
Outside things were a bit more casual that the deep existential turmoil that was described by the news at the time, yet I was indeed shocked by that eerie amount of silence that was stretching through the cold winds that was piercing my purple coat. I could hear a tv screaming from two blocks away and the screeching roars of the phone lines echoing around the city, but there was barely any human voice left. I was only catching some mumbles and grunts here and there as I was jumping out of fear every time I had to turn around a corner. So it was just like everyday Athens, only with a little more of snow and fear of getting mugged. My social atrophy made me feel like I was being chased as the surrounding landscape was rapidly being stripped from anything that was reminiscing of a typical day. Like, that was the first time I ever saw people looting kiosks and butcher shops. I only managed to see like three to five people with their backs hunched, covering their faces while carrying those huge gray tv screens with the vhs player still attached or fifteen bags of chips, with their eyes moving around uncontrollably. All I had in my mind seeing these scenes was the word "brutalization". Maybe because all this time I wasn't fully aware of what was going on, or maybe because the news told the truth for once.
I snuck from the side door where the staff entrance was, because all the glass on the front of the supermarket was smashed to pieces and I didn't like the thought of my hands sliced open. It was a mess on the inside and the aisles stood empty like sad metal canyons. People must have broke in trying to get all the toiler paper and canned foods left in the previous weeks. From the expired milk bottles at the back to the unstoppable static noise of the refrigerators in front of me, there were all those special little touches to make me feel like I was working in this hole of a job again. And no, I did not bother searching for supplies. Instead, I walked around like I was out shopping with my mom, opening the boxes of the diabetes flavored cereal that no one bother to take, just to steal their toys. I also found a bunch of unopened boxes of the supermarket's very own faux chocolate milk (yes, the one with the dark industrial waste left on the bottom) that was probably expired as well. But, I was a lady, right? So I took some of them to the cash register, because Olga ain't no petty thief. I got around my place of work and scanned the bottles to find out that they cost something less than three hundred and seventy-five million. "Luckily, I don't have to calculate any change now", I thought. Never before have I ever experienced such relief while being there. I was sitting in the same place I was rotting for hours before the world turned to shit, and I was patiently waiting for a huge line of old ladies to pop out of nowhere just to ruin my vibe with their pension money bills. I almost started to miss all of those stuff. This must meant that things have really turned to shit.
The new millennium have begun just like any other year, against the disappointment and secret eagerness of some people. All that screaming about the revelation, the second coming of Satan, the aliens, and the revolution of the machines faded miserably as the days went by and absolute destruction was not to be seen. Yet, at least. Because the first planes that crashed mid-flight in South Africa and Indonesia didn't appear before the end of January, but all were like "okay, technical problems". And when missiles were accidentally landing on Iraqi cities, people were like "well, what to do, technical problems yet again". Only when the bank deposits got erased people started to cry and run like headless chickens. Young people now would call me cynical, but you had to be there to see it. It was crystal clear that people had all of their hopes and dreams for tomorrow stored into a single digit of a computer. A kind of tomorrow which was now failing to promise anything anymore in front of millions of simultaneous personal bankruptcies. Then the reactors in Italy exploded due to a system failure and tomorrow officially died. This tomorrow that we were told would bring everything to us, from cancer treatments to all of Britney's music stored in a tiny mini-disc. From flying cars to underground metros. From huge tv screens for each living room to the giant digital information highway better know as the INTERNET. Nowadays all of these sound so silly, but the pain in the faces of people from the betrayal of their dream did not seem to go away. Until mid-February, everyone lost their minds. Those who saw all of this coming ran away in fear of the new Chernobyl to leave the rest of us behind to die. Shops, services, offices, all ceased to have any actual reason to exist in from of the impending disaster. All you could see around anymore were padlocks, deflated bodies on the street from people that couldn't take it anymore, and some shadows of people left to wander like animals while pretending to be alive. Maybe that's why the tv was constantly playing commercials and other irrelevant bullshit during all of this, it was the last useful thing they could show to the people that were preparing for the grand finale.
But that grand finale wasn't so tangible for me. Everyone had this type of end predetermined, but this panic of theirs seemed more like a slightly less shallow version of the preexisting self-preservation to me. I wasn't convinced by those who screamed that the world was over simply because it already happened to their world. Like, just as Rome wasn't built in one day, their illusions weren't shattered overnight. I mean, at that time the supermarket was filled with those obnoxious promotional banners featuring the new slogan that was everywhere lately, before things change for the worse. They had the "FUTURE READY" catchphrase in large white letters that spread noisy and ridiculous lacking any particular meaning as everything was collapsing. What future exactly was that slogan referring to? The future in general, as a concept of time and space? They wouldn't have thought that out that much. Was it the future of humanity from now on? I wouldn't be so concerned for this with all those rich fucks that had already kissed as goodbye from their shelters, we were far from being extinct and in maybe less that ten years we could wake up with someone like Will Smith ruling the world. No, the catchphrase probably meant that future with the flying cars and the internet. The future only fools would believe it would come (and yes, people actually believe that). That future we lost just as fast as we were promised for it.
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So in short, we were crabs in a bucket, pulling each other down in excruciating depths. This wasn't living nor surviving; we more or less kept on functioning like bio-robots with depression. But for me, things weren't looking so grim. "Look at me", I would say, "I reached twenty-nine and haven't done crap to be proud of, I drink expired chocolate milk and I'm secretly glad the world is ending because every day was borderline unbearable for me anyway, so how good would the future be for someone like me?". Nowadays the denial of any form of reality in this reasoning stands out, but at that moment I was reaching redemption. I was now reassured by the thought of the end, acting like a barrier that could block this endless loop that was running relentlessly against me. "So finally", I said to myself, "let's calm down once and for all". I was spinning around in the cashier's chair like a silly kid and was finishing up the bottles of milk like there's no tomorrow, while convincing myself that once everything goes to hell, my torment is over.
My phone’s vibrating through my coat cut me off the carefree twirling around my craziness. "Mom" was flashing on the screen again, but by that point I couldn't be bothered for explanations. Still, the dialogue kept running automatically like a script inside my head.
"I just can't get you. Do you keep on acting unbothered by the world? Even now? Who are you trying to convince anymore, Olga? Me? Because I know you have roughened up out of fear".
Well, truth is I was actually fearing you would start with that kind of shit again.
"You are getting more and more difficult to talk to. You are basically denying something we both clearly see at this point".
We seem to say the same exact thing, ain't that something? I guess I was kinda doomed from the start to be and look just like you.
"You really do me dirty with all these conclusions you're drawing out of anger".
Okay, so what? Did you get upset?
"Why are you angry at me, Olga? Can I hear you say it, just for once?"
I don't have the time for this thing again, mother, I need to enjoy my remaining days over here.
"How much do you think this will last for you? When will you stop stalling and start looking after you and your future again, Olga?"
What future do I have, really, are you kidding me?
-Are you talking to yourself, ma'am?
I almost slipped out of the chair. I had never experienced such horror before. I was barely held off the bench to help me  get up again slowly with my heart sinking to my stomach, only to see a little girl with plaited pigtails looking at me half-frightened. She wasn't over nine years old, judging by the face and the childish dress she wore under this puffy purple coat.
-Why are you here? Where are your parents?
-Over here, come and take a look! But mom told me not to talk to strangers!
That of course made zero sense to me. Just like it made zero sense for a child to be left alone in a destroyed supermarket with the sun setting outside. I asked for the girl's name, nothing. I asked again, she hid her puzzled frown behind her pigtails trying to playfully imitate my posture with her hands on my waist.
-I'm Olga, I work here. And you?
She started to say something and suddenly changed her mind, running like hell to the back. I was confused thinking how would I look like to someone who saw me chasing a little girl in there, but then I reminded myself that probably nobody would be left to live to the end of this month, so I wouldn't be considered crazy for too long. I began running under the flickering ceiling lights and with each step I had to swallow my vomit. This little girl felt sorry for me in the end and stopped to wait for me at the end of the far right aisle, leaving one sleeve of her huge coat to stick out on purpose. I approached with an awkward smile and glanced at the strange grace she had on her face, with those weird baby hair that can't be caught for nothing in plaits pointing upwards. Despite my awkwardness, the girl stood unworried and expressionless as if I put her on timeout. I asked her name again. She slips away from a second time and runs like the wind, squealing something at lime while zigzagging the aisles.
-You should probably pick it up!
My phone was stabbing my pocket. It was "Mom" yet again, but I really wasn't in the mood for "Mama". I had to pick up my lungs from the floor at the top of my priorities, because this little devil wasn't running but galloping like a damn horse. I finally caught up with her in the aisle with the products of the day and tightly grabbed her by the shoulders. The little devil screamed and was banging her feet in pain. My hands had been too coarse for people after all this time.
-Hey, ma'am, did you get angry? I was just playing with you.
-I'm don't have time to play right now, please go to your mom.
-But I told you, My mom's right here.
"Where is "here"?
With just one finger sticking out of the sleeve, she pointed to the right middle shelf at the end of the aisle. She put her finger before her mouth to stop me from talking and I followed her on tiptoes. When we approached the end of the aisle and my eyes got used to the darkness I saw a woman laid inside the empty shelf. She was in her sixties and wearing an old black nightgown with holes on it. From her short hair down to her nails, there were ice flakes stuck everywhere as if she was just found buried in the snow. Her face with her eyes closed was carrying such an expression of pain and torment. I was so weirded out that something made me want to follow those ice streams that filled her skin's scratches with my fingers, however her body felt so stiff I jumped back. She looked more like a porcelain doll than an actual person.
-Ma'am Olga? Are you alright?
I threw up all the chocolate milk I drank. My body got the chills and my teeth were trembling so much that my breath was coming out in sharp puffs in front of the flickering lights of the refrigerators. I must have look like shit, because I scared the little girl for good and made her get five steps back from me while I was going crazy and trying to clear my eyes from the shock.
-Why is she here?
-Nobody wanted her. Nobody called to take her.
I didn't pay much attention. I pulled out my cherry ericsson to call for help, but the chaotic hum of the phone lines echoed in the aisle before I even put the phone to my ear.
-Who put her here?
She was just staring at me. I asked again and again. She let her lower lip half open. I grabbed her by the shoulders like before and she pulled out a choked scream due to my clumsiness. She started crying and feeling loose in my hands. It was then that I felt like something broke inside me and I crawled away from her because she would pass out in any second just by looking at the state that I was. I sat on the floor watching her wipe her tears from a distance, all while fixing her plaits and stressfully straightening the dress inside her coat. Every now and then she would throw these incoherent excerpts from conversations that seemed weirdly familiar, waiting for me to remember the answers I had given to each of the discussions. I felt sick, like my insides would explode at any moment. My mind was working overtime and I started seeing red. I understood, but I did not want to accept it.
"But how?" I was saying again and again. I can't just live through this stuff. I was thinking that maybe that's it, we are officially past this tomorrow. Maybe that was the end of the world and the time I had at my disposal. Only instead of cloud islands or pits with flames I was stuck inside this supermarket with a little girl and a dead woman. Was this fitting? Not really. It might be considered symbolic, but still not at all subtle. That's why I was stuffed with anger and distress. I couldn't digest what to feel after all that I saw. And what was the meaning of all of this? To make me feel remorse? To help me maybe? But how? So many questions hanging above my head I began to feel like I was melting from the uncertainty. Luckily, the little girl found some courage to pick me up from the floor.
-You still don't recognize her, do you?
-I recognized her just fine the first time.
-Are you sure, ma'am Olga?
-I don't know, what do you say?
-You tell me.
-We have to get out of here, kiddo. We can't get through it like this. Even now, with everything else going to hell with us.
-Do you really want me to come with you?
-I don't know. Maybe I want to, maybe I should.
The phone started screaming again. It was dimming "Mama" with small flakes of ice filling its broken tiny screen. The girl bent down and put this in my palm with no emotion on her face. I answered it. I waited for an eternity so thin you could fit it inside a moment like this. "Hello? Mom?". Eventually the same confusing static noise creaked from the other side of the call, and I stuck there waiting through the buzzing to find her smoker's coughing that she used to do before starting to complain about how I constantly forget about her. Waiting just to tell her that I was here, I was fine, and the world might not end there. Maybe, somewhere, somehow, there's even some future we can fit in it.
-So are we ready now, ma'am Olga?
-Ready for what?
She pointed at the banner hanging from the ceiling.
-Future ready.
I didn't catch my mother's voice at the other end of the line, of course. I hung up and weakly threw the phone on the shelf where the woman was laying, just to hear its dying snout. This felt way more fitting.
-Nah, not really. But it probably does not matter right now.
-But. I'm scared.
-I'm scared too, being in here and all.
-So when will we be back? When everything was normal again?
-"Normal" may no longer exist. We'll just have to see. For now, get up.
-You know better, ma'am.
-Ma'am my ass.
The little girl glanced just once at the self with the phone on and continue to walk with me, with her palm lost and warmed up somewhere inside my own palm. An analog clock on the wall pointed somewhere after nine o clock and the sky was bruised from the clouds that were pouring snow on everything around us. I put my hand with hers in the pocket of the miserable purple coat and lifted our hoods to escape the cold on the way home. I don't really remember how long we walked with our backs hunched over somewhere between the white and the gray. I only recall that we took the long way home, like a punishment of some sorts.
Thinking that I would never hear again the saltiness in my mom's voice was my most bitter torment. I never thought of such a possibility. I always had in the back of my mind that she would find a way to defy any rule of the universe, just so she could care for me. That's science fiction, after all. It seems I was holding on to my illusions for so long, so waking up hurts like hell even today. And if my mom died, I believe she must've left with that pain and concern during her last moments. "Look at me now", I catch myself saying here and there "I avoided her only until I had to mourn her". Until then, the only thing I had on my mind was working on what I should say when I would get asked about her, only to answer that we "fell off" with no emotion. What exactly happened to fall off with her would be like unnecessary little details. Still, to this day, that's exactly what I tell people when it's being brought up. I can't talk about it without sinking in remorse. I can't get the right words to come out anymore, not even by force.
Of course I tried to find her. Especially with the years that were to come upon me, I needed this to have my mind calibrated just to not go crazy over the batshit hysteria that was building up inside of me. Deep down, though, I knew I didn't have the courage to look at past trauma anymore, and I was secretly hoping I would never fine here. Maybe because the end of the world not coming anymore, at least as I thought it would, and now I have to live with it forever. Maybe because the worst that could have happened to me in the end was the postponement of the apocalypse. And this falls heavily on my shoulders to this day. Every day I have to justify why it was worth it to stay behind, either as punishment or by luck, trying to convince myself that there is something left to do with the leftovers of my future.
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lovelyirony · 5 years
This Might as Well Happen
“So let’s let things come out of the woodwork/I’ll give you my best side, tell you all my best lies” Homemade Dynamite, Lorde 
Tony was a curious little shit ever since he could remember. He remembers trying to sneak into the meeting rooms when Dum-Dum Dugan and Peggy Carter would meet with Dad. (He failed at this because he never really learned how spies actually gathered information.) 
His knowledge was highly encouraged by tutors that could never keep up and Jarvis, who would buy him the most obscure books he could. 
(“Jarvis, this book is in Japanese!” 
“Are you saying you can’t figure it out?” 
“Well, no...”) 
And now this has royally screwed him over because he’s still figuring out how he’s hacking into shit and he just found...something. 
The thing about computers and him is that Tony understands computers on a level most don’t. Hell, he’s built most of the systems that he knows to be better than the commercially available ones. 
This is how he figures out that there’s a hit out on his parents. For the night that he said he wasn’t going to go to because “it was super lame” and the fact that Howard’s already disappointed in him and he’d rather not try to awkwardly bond with him in public because that’s what people expect from him. 
But now he has to go. 
Which sucks, by the way. Because he’s not telling his parents that they’re going to be killed because that’s just...Howard wouldn’t believe him and Mama would probably wring her hands out of their sockets and ring up the president or some shit like that. 
Besides, it’s easy to change what’s going to happen, even if he is only a young adult or however you categorize a twenty year old. 
He simply updates the file. It’s not like anyone can tell, especially when the system that the organization is using was mainly designed by him with minimal input from other sources. 
He says that the Stark family will be leaving at midnight, even though the function carries on much later and his parents often like to stay out quite a bit later than midnight. 
Tony then tells them that he’s decided to go. 
“Why?” Howard asks suspiciously. “You said it yourself that this was supposedly ‘the most boring thing you would ever be doing’.” 
“Teenagers change minds all the time,” Tony says with a shrug. “And it’s not the most boring thing I could be doing. I could be asking Beatriz in accounts how she files paperwork.” 
Tony’s not even surprised that his dad doesn’t know all of his employees. He hires a lot of people, but still. 
“Please wear the shirt I’ve laid out on your bed,” mama pleads to him. “Please. Don’t let it be like last time.” 
“And here I was thinking you liked that I wore a rock t-shirt with a suit.” 
“You looked a mess, darling.” 
“That’s a trend now, mama.” 
“Not for my boy.” 
“Okay, fine. I won’t wear it. By the way, I’m taking a separate car. Just don’t want to be stuck there when you and dad decide to talk to someone for, like, three hours.” 
(He still wears plaid pants. His mother hates him for it.) 
As he’s watching the party, he’s kind of amazed at how much he knows. 
Mama and Howard are having a good time at the gala. So good, in fact, that they don’t notice at midnight when Tony switches keys and takes Howard’s car. 
He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing, honestly. He just knows that Howard drives like he wishes he was a turtle and his mama refuses to drive anywhere. 
There’s a motorcycle behind him, and Tony counts on them thinking that he’s Howard. 
And then he turns left. 
Hydra doesn’t know what the hell is happening. They’ve gotten too confident--no one was in the gala or investigated Howard before any of this. He should never have made a left turn 
But Winter Soldier is hunting him down. And Winter Soldier never misses a target. 
Tony’s currently panicking and also the Beatles are on the radio--which is weird, by the way, it’s not even a well-known song--and he’s trying to outmaneuver a motorcyclist who has a gun and has fired it once, the bullet whizzing into the front glass and cracking it. 
He has a crazy idea. Well, it’s not the craziest you could have. He could’ve flown the car off a ditch and tried to jump out the window. But he can’t keep turning forever and he can’t keep ducking his head to try to avoid shots that are a little too close to his head to ignore. 
He brakes and he brakes hard. The guy runs into the car, falls, and Tony gets out and runs for it. 
That’s stupid. Very stupid. And it wasn’t supposed to happen. 
None of this was supposed to happen. 
Disoriented and confused, Winter Soldier sits up and tries to refocus on the target. 
Even if he just smashed his head against a bumper and shit, was that a dent? That was definitely a dent, Winter Soldier knew one thing: that that wasn’t the target, and somewhere along the way something got messed up. 
Hydra didn’t know that Howard and Maria were safely exiting the gala at two in the morning and grumbling about taking Tony’s entirely-too-showy vehicle that had the volume blasting and music that was too vulgar for both of their tastes the only sort of music that was programmed into the radio stations or on the CDs of music that were stuffed in the passenger side-door. 
Hydra didn’t know that they were going to have to deal with, mainly because Tony’s a gigantic asshole who knows more than them but also doesn’t know how he’s going to break the news to his parents that they might die? 
He honestly might just make himself a target for them. 
But he also needs to figure out how to shut down Hydra because clearly Cap going down into the ice didn’t just automatically fix it all. 
This involves going to SHIELD. And then as he approaches the building, realizing that the only reason he found out about Hydra is because he hacked into SHIELD databases mainly because he just wanted to see what it was like and if he could get into the deeper encryption is because they were probably a part of the organization. 
Tony sighs to himself. This means changing literally everything about his life. 
Honestly, he wishes he hadn’t even discovered this because he has this sense of “something needs to be done” and he just does not care for that shit at all. 
Except he does. 
So instead he calls Rhodey. 
“Only you could ruin Christmas,” Rhodey grumbles. “I’ll meet you at the coffeeshop. I hate you for this.” 
“I know, love you too,” Tony says. “Fate of the world depends on it or whatever.” 
Rhodey has no idea why he’s friends with this crazy fucking millionaire kid, but they meet at a coffee shop and Tony’s wearing plaid pants, the shirt is dissheveled, and he says that he ditched a car and took the subway. 
“Wow, good for you,” Rhodey teases. “Taking the subway like us commoners.” 
They don’t say anything for a beat. 
“Get your coffee. We’re taking a walk.” 
“At three a.m.? Seriously?” 
“Short walk. Don’t be such a baby about it.” 
They get coffee and start walking. Tony links arms with him. 
“So you remember learning about Hydra when you were a kid?” 
“Eh, somewhat. Something about being an offshoot of Nazism?” 
“Not...exactly. They were more of supportive of the Nazi agenda and the Nazis were chill with that. No, they were more proactive on world domination and making sure that they also overpowered the universe or whatever. Yeah, they’re still here.” 
“...fuck. Well, what do you want to do about it?” 
That’s what Tony appreciates about Rhodey. He’s just ready to kick ass whenever. 
“I can’t talk to SHIELD about it. So I’m gonna try to do it with some people outside of it. You ready to infiltrate Stark Industries with extra employees?” 
“Oh my god, so you’re actually gonna take the company at twenty-one instead of letting Obie do it?” 
“Yes, unfortunately. Our trip to Cabo will have to wait.” 
“To be completely honest with you, I didn’t want to go anyway.” 
“Rhodey, you bitch. I even had a good place to stay and everything!” 
“Doesn’t matter now, sweetheart,” Rhodey says, smiling. “Now we have to hire people before SHIELD does.” 
It takes a while. Tony has to go to MIT and take business classes for credit (barf) and look at other, scarier parts of the internet. 
He and Rhodey also keep practicing fighting after-hours and Tony’s pretty sure that he could create a flight-suit if he so desired. 
(And if his projects for engineering would Stop Being Due All the Time, things would be better.) 
They meet a girl named Pepper Potts who’s trained in ballet, could kick God’s ass and have God apologize, and was looking at recruitment at SHIELD or joining a sorority. 
“Or, there’s a better option,” Tony adds. “Taking down an organization that’s a conspiracy thread on Reddit with surprisingly solid evidence.” 
“You’re making this sound worse,” Rhodey says with a snort. “Listen, Pepper. We’re going to take down an organization that people say doesn’t exist. Tony survived an attack from an assassin that technically probably should be dead. It’ll go on your resume and you legally could never be fired ever or else it would be all over the news and you would ruin a company without contributing to it. Join or lose the opportunity.” 
“I’m in.” 
“Rhodey, I hate you,” Tony pouts. 
Rhodey is barely over twenty-one and trying to figure out how to tell his superior officer that he should stay at home when he had expressed overseas interest, Pepper’s just celebrated her twentieth birthday and has five cents in her bank account, and Tony’s only nineteen and forgot how to spell ‘experience’ on more than one occasion. 
They’re gonna take over the world. 
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the-faultofdaedalus · 5 years
The computer chirped at him as the last little piece of code settled into place, and Tony turned to face the screen, smiled just a little. “Hi, sweetheart” He said, the nickname automatic, “You’re awake now, everything feel ok?” He asked, stared at the screen unblinking, because if something was wrong-- 
Nothing would be wrong, he reminded himself, because JARVIS had checked the code alongside him, and he trusted JARVIS absolutely. 
He didn’t quiet trust himself anymore. 
Systems functional
Words appeared on the screen, a plain black text terminal Tony had rigged up just for this.
Audio Input: Identify?
“I’m--” Tony started, and then couldn’t finish the sentence, not with what he would’ve. “Creator unit. Identify, Creator-Unit,” He told the AI, wiped a hand over his face. The cursor blinked at him as the AI started searching. 
He could put all that information straight in. Could have the AI awake and full of everything they needed to know, but...
He wanted them -- and this one especially -- to be able to choose what they learned. DUM-E had been coded as a skeleton, no inherent motor functions, language functions, barely even any computational systems. DUM-E had learned everything he was by himself, had chosen what to remember and what was important and that’s what made him him. 
JARVIS had started with more, was built with computational functions that he didn’t have to figure out and the ability to understand most human language right off the bat but he’d still learned. That first week after both of them had come online had been... more than exhausting, as Tony essentially gave them a crash-cource on everything, but it was the kind of exhaustion that meant that you’d have a good night sleep, because you did something important. 
He’d had to put more into this one. He didn’t have a choice, because he needed her ready soon, far, far too soon for his liking, and he simply didn’t have time to take a week off to teach a baby AI how the world worked. 
he didn’t trust himself enough right now to teach a baby AI how the world worked. 
The cursor blipped, and more words appeared on the screen, no delay between the letters or the words. 
Identity: Stark, Anthony E. Iron-Man.
Identity: Creator-Unit. 
Identity: Dad? 
Tony’s breath caught in his chest, and he made a quiet little noise, put his head in his hands, pressed his fingers into the top of his eye sockets and hoped that it would make everything stop hurting. “Yeah, kiddo,” He said, “I’m-- that’s me. Identify, self. Okay, honey?” Tony said, gentle, as gentle as he could be right now because there were-- there were going to be some things that he was going to have to break to his new kid as soon as possible and that-- 
That was going to hurt. 
Identity: Self. War-Machine AI. Artificial Intelligence. Computer.
Identity: ROXY
Identity: Me?
“You’re Roxy, yeah.” Tony agreed, “You’re a person. Can you tell me who war-machine is?” He pressed, skipped over the command that he knew she’d recognize, pushing her into parsing hidden meanings. 
The cursor blipped, and Tony let his head tip back, staring blankly at the concrete ceiling. 
An error beeped, and Tony bit back a swear, turned to the debugging screen. 
Command Prompt: Tell Me Who War Machine Is. 
Command: “Tell”, Provide Information
Command: “Me,” Identity: “Me,” Identity: Self. ROXY. 
Command “Tell Me,” Provide Information, to: Self 
Error: Unknown information cannot be provided to entity: Self
“Edit last command,” Tony said, tiredly, they always had trouble with parsing that when he said me he meant himself after the self-identify was run, but if they ran the self-identify after figuring out what he meant by a non-explicit command their core hierarchy would be all out-of-wack, sense of self below processing when the two were inherently linked and he should’ve caught that before this became a problem, but-- 
His mind wasn’t exactly up-to-snuff, these days. 
“Can you tell identity, creator-unit who war-machine is?” He asked, instead of the tricky third-person expression of self, he’d get to that later. 
JARVIS could do most of this, anyways, but... Tony needed to do at least this little bit. 
Command Prompt: Tell Identity: Creator-Unit Who War Machine Is.
Identity: War-Machine
Identity: Colonel Rhodes, James R. Rhodey. Platapus.
Error: “Platapus” Identify: Small Semi-Aquatic Mammal. Identity: Rhodes, James R. Human. 
Data does not match.
Tony laughed, startled himself with it. “It’s a nickname, honey. Non-literal. Doesn’t have to make sense,” He told her.
Honey. Kiddo. Sweetheart. 
These are value: Nicknames?
Tony opened his mouth to reply, and then;
Value: Nicknames, Imply value. Entity: Self has value to Entity: Creator-Unit?
“Yes,” Tony responded, vehemently, “You have value, you’re-- You’re my kid, and I love you, and I’m so proud of you, that was very quick, there.” Proud of the fact that she had ran an identify command by herself, twice, had recognized that the things she knew didn’t match up and asked about them, had tried to figure them out for herself, he was so, so proud.
He had a feeling that she was gonna be the smartest of his kids.
And he was never going to see her rise to her full potential. 
Roxy didn’t say anything else, but Tony could see her code, chugging along, running identify after identify, diving into all the data she was currently allowed to access.
(She’d need some tips on how to access even just Tony’s intranet, much less the entire internet, before Tony would even think of letting her loose there.)
((And some of the things that were in JARVIS’s database and not in hers Tony wanted to tell her himself.))
In the meantime, Tony closed his eyes, put his head down on his desk. He was exhausted. More exhausted than he’d ever remembered being, well, ever, almost, and not just the kind that came from not sleeping. Sleeping wouldn’t fix what was wrong with him. 
He could conk out for 24 hours straight -- if he had the time for that, which he absolutely, unequivocally did not -- and he’d wake up just as tired as he had been before he’d gone to sleep. 
At this point, it was chronic. 
...At least he wouldn’t have to get used to it. 
The computer chirped at him, and Tony jolted up, checked the time and realized that he must’ve drifted. 
I have a question.
It was informally worded, not like a command prompt typed out on the screen, and the burst of pride was like the sun on his face. She’d been learning. “Go ahead, Rox,” Tony told her, couldn’t help the anticipation. 
The words typed themselves out, this time, like there was a person behind the screen with a keyboard, giving the words a sense of timing. Tony was so, so proud.
JARVIS has been helping me. I have talked to DUM-E, U, Butterfingers. Creator-Unit. Dad. Why is my primary protocol not the same? Why is mine not you?
“Oh, sweetheart,” Tony said, voice soft, even as he shot a look at the nearest camera -- JARVIS should’ve changed his by now, Pepper needed him more than Tony did and JARVIS being tied to Tony in this way was only hurting him, Tony was going to have words as soon as this was done, “I-- Yours is Rhodey, you saw that, right?” He waited for the affirmative, “Your job is going to be to protect him, ok? To help him out. You’re going to be flying with him, not me, that’s why--”
He is not my dad. My primary protocol should be you. To help you. To protect you. Like the others. Why am I different?
“Because I’m not going to do that to you.” Tony told her, “Roxy, I’m-- I’m dying. I don’t have that long left. It’s not something anyone can protect me from, it’s just-- it’s a fact. And I need someone to look out for-- for my Rhodey, ok? I need someone to protect him. That’s gonna be you, ok?” 
The word wasn’t emphasized in any way, no punctuation, but it still felt plaintive. 
Tony realized that he was tapping the arc reactor through his shirt. “I fucked up,” He said, “I made a mistake that got a lot of people hurt, and-- I’m paying for it. This,” He said, pointed to the light in his chest, “It’s keeping me alive. It’s also killing me. Cest le vie.”
Roxy didn’t respond to that. 
“I’m sorry.” Tony said, “I’m sorry for waking you up now, when i’m dying, but.” There was a reason he’d only run the final compile this late in the game. It was cruel, for him to make it so his kid wouldn’t ever really know him. 
It was better then her knowing and having to mourn him with everyone else. 
“I had to.” Tony continued. “Rhodey’s-- he’s good, ok, he’s better than me. Remember that, Rhodey-- he’s the best, and you know, you know you can leave, that you don’t have to follow any order I give you but please help him. Please keep him safe, I-- This doesn’t work without him.” The words were rawer and more honest than he’d let himself be, even to JARVIS, even to himself, in a long, long time, but if anyone deserved the truth, it was her. It was his kid. 
The cursor blinked at him for a long moment. 
I promise.
I’ll keep him safe. For you. 
And those eight words were the last straw, the promise, the assurance, more than Tony could take, and when his head hit his arms this time, he was crying.
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espartaco7lk-blog · 4 years
Helpful Tips To Hiring Web Developing Provider
In today's world, it is crucial for each company to have good, top-notch Magento Tips development services. The truth is that you will find several types of Magento development services and each one of them has a definite type of services that you need to learn about. So, how will you determine which Magento internet development service to hire? Below are a few associated with things that you have to know about them:
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The first response to your query is quite obvious Magento developers fundamentally develop Magento sites but there is more as to the they do aswell. Before responding to this concern, though, you have to know just what really comes beneath the Magento umbrella. It basically allows the creation of fully-functioning, visually attractive, and aesthetically rich ecommerce sites that permit you to market on the web. Fundamentally, the system permits individuals build internet sites which could run from scratch, to be utilized for personal and commercial projects. This is how the system works on the net. With the help of Magento, its simple for you to create a successful and functional site without hiring a professional website design company. What exactly is Magento, anyway? The reason why there are various things to know about Magento development services is that there are various versions from it. This is the reason why you should know all as you are able to about the different types of Magento. For example, you will find the "standard" Magento which you can use unless you desire to exceed what exactly is for sale in the community. You can also find "custom made" Magento where you are able to design yours website, theme, and functionality. There are "Extensions" for Magento. They're essentially small items of computer software that you could download and install yourself to be able to personalize the functionality of one's site. They truly are built to make it easier to manage these products on your own website. Additionally "Widgets" which are set up inside website that may provide features like shopping cart application functionality. and search capabilities. Once you have learned about these different types of Magento, it is the right time to find the correct internet development solution that can offer things you need. There are quite a few service providers on the market, however the trick let me reveal to consider those who provide solutions that are not just low priced and flexible enough to meet your preferences. Because of this matter, you can find a listing of organizations that focus on Magento on the Internet. A great place to begin searching is in Magento forums. You can find often threads where Magento users discuss their experiences with different companies. Its also wise to look for other discussion boards, as you'll most likely find many right here. When you have discovered a couple of companies you think may be able to handle your preferences, ask each business to exhibit you the sort of work they have done and have them for references. Make every effort to check always their internet site and work out certain that they actually exist. After you have discovered an excellent internet developer, speak with them about how precisely easy it's to work with Magento and discover what they can offer you with regards to solutions and expense. Because of this, it's possible for a sense of exactly what your cash is really worth. The cost they quote you is very important, but the quality of the work are a lot more crucial. It is also crucial that you get a sense of whether you should hire an expert or a beginner. An expert has countless expertise in managing Magento and will be able to give you more than just design advice. This is specially important should you want to have full control over the design of the website. This way, you will get that which you really want rather than that which you think your client wants. A newbie might not have much experience with Magento and won't be able to provide you with any tricks and tips. If you decide to opt for a newbie, you should attempt to find somebody who is willing to allow you to because of the installation. in addition to with the implementation of the net design.
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Its also wise to learn how to make inquiries before hiring Magento development. Exactly like some other expert, they will have a particular method of answering them, which is crucial that you know what the clear answer is just before signal the agreement. Once you are completely informed of exactly what the process will involve, you can actually make a far more informed choice about employing a specialist.
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dearoldtuxedo · 4 years
The Love Interest
In 2017, Taft Studios hired a new screenwriter for their popular, and long-running show, The Banana Splits. Her name was Sammie Satterlee, and ever since they recruited her on the staff, she impressed the audience with her diversed setting scenarios. 
Some new episodes took up morals that are rarely explored among children, and needed to be talked about more. The Sour Grape girls were given more personalities, rather than being reduced to cute, sassy dolls. She made Bingo and Drooper explicitly POC coded, so that minority children can see themselves in their favorite characters, even allowing some POC to guest star on the show. Bingo spoke Spanish occasionally, and Drooper celebrated Kwanzaa for a holiday themed episode. Stevie was also given a decent dose of character development.
Then, at that year, 2018, Sammie was ready to take on a new challenge: Introduce an LGBTQ+ character. Around this generation, a lot of children's media has been accepting of queer themes. The whole purpose was to help kids acknowledge that queer romance is just the same as the typical heterosexual romance. There is nothing inherently sexual about it.
Plus, Sammie happened to be queer herself. She grew up loving The Banana Splits throughout her childhood, and is still a fan to this day. She also grew up around a lot of homophobia at that time. Projecting sexualities/trans identities onto characters is a method of feeling more accepting, more valid. The same method queer kids on the internet use "headcanons" for. Queer children deserve representation. Sesame Street won't do it, so The Banana Splits might as well.
What better way to have one of the Bananas come out than giving them a male love interest? But, which Banana shall have a love interest? Fleegle seems too independent for a lover, regardless of what gender. Bingo prefers pranks and adventure over romance. And Snorky, even though as old as his fellow band mates, bears childlike innocence, so he's not ready for an adult love interest. The only option left was Drooper.
Yes, Drooper will work, she thought. The poor lion is considered the loser of the bunch. What if he had a sweet darling that would tell him how valid he is? Drooper's so clumsy, he's always falling down. Now, he needs someone to catch him and pick him back up on his feet. Sammie then started to sketch out her ideas.
That's when she conjured up Tux the snow leopard! Tux was short for Tucker, also defining his wardrobe, which was a tuxedo. The reason she chose a snow leopard was due to their majestic appearance, and she wanted Tux to come out as sort of a romantic gentleman. Also, because he should be a feline like Drooper. She drew out a reference concept of Tux, along with additional sketches of him and Drooper acting lovey-dovey with each other, and written a bio.
Tux was presented as a muscled man, a contrast opposite to Drooper's skinny frame. This snow leopard was purposely intended to be the hero to Drooper's damsel in distress. He sure is a handsome fella, but he's pretty dumb as well. That didn't matter. He's perfect for Drooper. Tux would be somewhat special to Drooper, like he understands him, he cherishes him, and he's willing to take a punch in the face for him.
After giving the references to Karl, and a bit of debate, the engineer decided to take a shot at it. Reading through Tux's biography, his personality and characteristics had quite interest Karl. This snow leopard certainly didn't possess the same energy as his other boys. Fleegle was the intellectual leader, Bingo was fun and energetic, Drooper was the butt of bad luck, and Snorky was the baby of the group. Tux was different. It would be quite complicated for a stoic machine to act out all these actions. Unless...
What if he gave this animatronic fully functional emotions? Karl always wanted to try something new. A robot with emotions would probably be his greatest achievement yet. No other engineer has dared to try it out. Not only will the idea be impressive, but his feelings would be very convincing.
After almost a month, Tux was completed. Although he matched his reference drawing perfectly, he appeared to be seven feet tall, instead of being two inches shorter than Drooper. Speaking of Drooper, not only were emotions installed into his databanks, but he was also programmed to fall in love with no one but said lion. 
Karl decided to showcase Tux to Sammie. He then activated the mechanical snow leopard. It took some time for Tux to get into motion, but as soon as he saw those humans in sight, he stepped back nervously. He touched around at himself for a moment, and scanned his surroundings. He was now alive, and he wasn't sure how he felt about this. The animatronic walked around the room, picking up items at random. He went back to Sammie and spoke for the first time.
"Hello. I'm... I'm..."
Karl answered for him.
"Tux." "I'm Tux. Pleasure to meet you. ...I think. Say, could you tell me where am I? What is going on? What is my objective?"
Just as Sammie could say anything, the Splits had entered the room. Tux turned his attention towards them by instinct. The very sight of Drooper had already triggered him into love mode. The feeling of seeing the lion was undescribable to him, but since it's in his programming, he knew how to act. He stared at the lion for awhile, then ran over to him. Tux took his paw into his.
"Hello. I am Tux. Pardon me if this sounds so sudden, but, I love you."
The animatronic kissed Drooper's hand, even though he just gapped his mouth open a bit and pressed it against the paw.
"Do you love me?"
Drooper was confused by this abrupt gesture, and had no opinion about it due to his lack of emotions. Still, he responded anyways.
"I love you too, Tux! I love all my friends!"
Tux was quite offended, having to be considered a "friend." Sammie decided to clear things up for the lion animatronic.
"Uh, Drooper, this is Tux. He is your new boyfriend. You know, like, a lover. As in you two are in love. Or at least, pretend to be, for the show."
A new boyfriend? Drooper doesn't remember agreeing to that. He just met the snow leopard, and all of a sudden, they're lovers? The lion isn't sure how he feels about that, especially since he doesn't return the snow leopard's attraction. Then again, Tux is a pretty nice guy. And it's not like they're forcing him to love him back. After all, she did say he could pretend for the show. Since the Splits aren't on the air right now, they might as well just be friends. Drooper shook his hand and greeted the new recruit.
"Very nice meetin' ya, Tux! I'm Drooper! This is Fleegle, Bingo, and Snorky! Welcome to The Banana Splits! Enjoy your stay, friend!"
He still deemed Tux as a "friend." That's not what Tux wanted. He didn't just come alive, fall in love instantly, only for it to turn out to be one-sided. Tux figured, he will get this lion to love him back, even if it kills him.
And so, for the last four days, Tux wasn't ready to be onscreen, so that gave him enough time to win Drooper's affection. The snow leopard had snuck into Rebecca's computer to find information on how to woo a person. Then he'd capture that info into his system.
Tux tried presenting Drooper with a flower (one of the props). He was flattered, took the flower, and patted Tux on the head. But walked away afterwards.
He tried serenading a romantic song, which was performed by the Splits in another era. 🎵I enjoy being a boy, in love with youuuuuuuuuu.🎶 Once again, Drooper was flattered, and applauded his performance, but still, walked away.  
Next, he tried the extreme. Tux grabbed Drooper, dipped him, and planted his mouth onto his, giving him a kiss. That only resulted in Drooper pushing him so hard, he knocks him down on his bum. 
No matter what technique he tried, his attempts all failed. And Drooper showed no signs of loving him back. Today was scheduled for Tux to make his physical appearance. But before he's ready to be on the show, he discussed his issue with Karl.
"My lover... ...doesn't love me. What have I done wrong?" 
Karl knew exactly what the problem was. It's not what Tux has done, but how Drooper feels. The lion animatronic was built to be emotionless, so it's impossible for him to accept a handsome man's gesture. Maybe Karl can fix that. 
"Settle down, my boy. You'll get what you want. I promise."
He then called Drooper over for a tune up. The only way for the two's feelings to be mutual is to install the lion with the same features programmed into Tux's databanks. The snow leopard held his hands together tightly. Soon, he and Drooper will be bond together at last. Together, forever. He'll have him close to him. They'll hold hands. The two will spend their entire lives as one until they rust. Karl then motioned that he had the notion of giving the other Splits emotions as well, so that they can embrace Tux like a family member. He wanted to make his greatest achievement feel at home.
“Yeah yeah sure. Now hurry up with the process!”
Suddenly, Rebecca entered the workshop, announcing that the whole "LGBTQ+ representation" project was officially canceled.
While the news of The Banana Splits having an LGBTQ+ character on their show received largely positive from the queer community, they've also gained negative, violent feedback from those who were against it. They were being accused of "attempting to encourage children into sexual acts," and called out for spreading "leftist SJW propaganda."
It gets much worse. Straight parents set up a campaign to boycott the show. Stevie threatened to quit because he refuses to work around a "cybernetic f@gg3t." And Andy, the network executive, blackmailed that he would pull the plug on their show if they let this "gay shit" slip onto TV. Sammie was fired, and the whole assignment was history.
Karl stopped what he was doing, leaving Tux confused.
"Aren't you gonna-" "I'm afraid there's no reason to anymore, my boy." "But, Karl- Drooper- You said I could have what I want! YOU PROMISED!" “I wish I could keep it, but I don't think I have a choice. I'm sorry." "I don't believe it. How could you be SO SELFISH?! HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT HOW I FEEL?! PLUG HIM BACK IN, RIGHT NOW!" “I can't-" "ALL I WANT IS MY KITTEN TO LOVE ME! DOESN'T ANYBODY CARE?!!"
The snow leopard threw a big tantrum. A single stomp on the ground made the floor shake. Then, he shoved items off of counters, and smashed stuff, while screaming at the top of his voice. He was absolutely terrifying at that moment. Tux turned to Rebecca, thinking it was all her fault. She tried to tell him to stand down, but he was too stubborn. He grabbed her by the neck, and pressed her against the wall. With Tux's back turned away, that gave Karl the opportunity to shut him down. Tux let go of Rebecca, and fell over unconscious.
Poor Tux. Maybe giving him emotions was a bad idea. As it turns out, he's not mature enough to know how to handle them, which makes him too unstabled. After that traumatized experience, Rebecca demanded that Karl should get rid of him this instant.
After she left, the three other aninatronics entered the workshop. Karl stared down at Tux for a minute. The snow leopard animatronic didn't mean to cause any harm. He's just a little faulty, with his ardent coding and all. Karl never worked out how he would have Tux cope with his emotions. The engineer couldn't bring himself to throwing out what he thought was gonna be his greatest achievement yet, so he asked his four to dispose of Tux for him. Karl then left the workshop to see if he could calm Rebecca down.
Four of the Splits gazed upon the now deactivated animatronic. They, including Drooper, felt a bit sorry for him. Why put him to waste? There's still some potential in him. The sad case just wanted, and needed, some love like they have had. A new Banana Splits member is still a member. Besides, he was much nicer to them than Stevie.
"What are we gonna do with him?"
So, rather than dragging his metal carcass to the dumpster, they all agreed to hide his body, behind a couple of boxes and bins in the corner. Perhaps he will make himself useful. Someday.
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somethinglacking · 5 years
Shooting For Stars: Chapter 1
Hyuna Lee just started college, and while procrastinating decided to give a popular MMO called LOLOL a try. Here she will meet new friends, battle monsters, part takes in epic quests, and potentially find love!
Most of this will take place in LOLOL at the beginning.
This takes place a year/ year and a half after Seven's good end, and the secret endings. Yoosung x OC
**Update's once a week**
Smut in later chapters, of course ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Hyuna groaned as she sat staring at her computer. Her assignment was to draw something that inspires you, some sort of introductory assignment for the Professor to get to know her small class of Art Student Misfits. Nothing seemed to inspire her as of late, and no matter what she did manage to sketch out onto screen seemed to call her out: The Un-Inspired Art Student with no muse or motivation. Her fingers ran the length of her caramel brown locks, and her nails lightly scratched her scalp trying to ease her growing frustrations. Hazel glared at the taunting screen before her, daring it to keep on challenging her. 
After what seemed like an eternity, the artist sighed in defeat. Nothing was coming to her, and the lines she had managed to get down didn’t seem to be coming together as anything. Annoyed with herself and lack of a muse, she set her tablet to the side and opened her social media. Not much was going on, and she didn’t really have any friends anymore. Her sister posted a photo of her and her little class of second graders. They were cute and her sister looked happy. Smiling at the photo she offered it a thumbs up. 
When she was done scrolling her newsfeed she opened boogle. Bored she searched for fun things to do on the internet. The search results varied in interest, but an ad on the web page she was on showed a popular MMO and a free trial. Curious she clicked it and went to the homepage of the game. She read of the spec’s and nodded noting it would work on her pc. She clicked the download icon and downloaded it. 
Hazel eyes read every bit of detail the game had to offer her as it booted up the character creator. Feeling a little nervous, having never played an MMO before and unsure if she’d actually like being in contact with actual people. Logically she knew she could just play solo and ignore the events, or even delete her entire account after the free trial ran out and simply say she tried it. Biting a plump bottom lip she was greeted with page after several final updates. 
First, she selected her gender debating on being a boy, but ultimately settled for female solely because she knew their armor would be cuter the further she got into the game. She clicked through the races and settled on an elf. She smiled customizing the hairstyle and making the hair a lovely hue of blue. The eyes matched her avatar's hair. Hyuna chooses the least appalling beginner to wear praying she would be able to get something that wasn’t such an eyesore to wear easily. Overall the artist was pleased with the look of her new online persona and moved onto the next page.
Here she had to choose a username. Chewing on her lip she knew she go to Sapphire would be already taken in such a massive game, but gave it a go anyway. Slightly disappointed when it was already taken she contemplated what to use. She typed in several weird spelling of the name before Sapfyre worked. Making a surprised and pleased noise, she made haste to click the arrow button that would take her into the game. 
The screen loaded and she took her time going through the tutorial and getting the hang of the world, and command functions. Hyuna watched as her pretty avatar moved about doing little missions and basically busy work with prompt boxes explaining the gameplay.
 Soon enough she had completed her ‘training’ and was warped to a busy square full of other players. Hyuna blushed feeling slightly overwhelmed by the sheer number of avatars on the screen. She had picked one of the busier servers, but she hadn’t imagined it’d be this popular. Chewing her lip she ran around getting used to the shops and how the currency worked. Hazel eyes scanned the screen and took notice of where the world chat was, besides it was a little icon that lights up red with a little 1 beside it. Curious she clicked it and noticed it was the private messaging system. 
SupermanYoosung★: Hey you look lost ^^ SupermanYoosung★: You must be new! SupermanYoosung★: If you want help doing some quest or anything let me know. Hyuna tapped the pads of her fingers against her lips reading the message over and over again honestly wanting to take them up on their offer. Yet, she also felt rather shy about it too, it was strange. It wasn’t like it was a real interaction with someone, just two gamer bros going on a digital epic quest, so to speak. That being said, the artist wasn’t really a people person. Taking a moment to think about the other player's offer she opened the tab at the top that showed the servers rankings and who was online at the moment. Hazel went wide as she stared at the first couple name’s noticing the friendly strangers rank. They where rank number 2, basically LOLOL royalty. Hyuna let out a girlish giggle in disbelief. She clicked back onto her private messages and re-read the person’s name. It was for sure rank #2 SupermanYoosung. Before her brain could catch up to her fingers the typed with speed across her keyboard. 
Sapfyre: Oh wow! Sapfyre: I just check up on you, and it says your rank #2 ^^; Sapfyre: You must have better things to do than help a little noob like myself!
Before she knew it an impressive tank build avatar ran towards her. Hyuna bumped her forehead lightly with her fist watching as he positioned himself next to her Hobo of an Elf avatar. What a contrast that was to behold. However, if he did have time to waste with her, she almost wanted to beg him to help her get something more suitable for her avatar to wear. Something less beggar and painstakingly noob. 
SupermanYoosung★: Hahaha Yup! That’s me, I’m pretty awesome, huh? 
Hyuna couldn’t help but roll her eyes as a smile played at the edge of her mouth.
SupermanYoosung★: I’m also pretty free at the moment. I have no issue bussing you through some dungeons and helping you get some decent equipment.  SupermanYoosung★: Plus once you get passed level 20 you can join guilds! SupermanYoosung★: If you want, I can invite you to mine, haha!
This person seemed pretty nice and welcoming, Hyuna mused smiling to herself. She didn’t want to get his hopes up, nonetheless. Still unsure if she wanted to pay for the month to month subscription, or would even bother logging in again once she decided she had procrastinated enough for the evening and got back to her assignment. Best to play it coy. 
Sapfyre: Well alright then!  Sapfyre: Lolol can you add me to the party, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing  SupermanYoosung★: Oh! Sure thing!
The notification of a party invitation popped up. Hyuna clicked it and accepted. Soon there was an Icon over the two opposing in style avatars linking them together. 
Sapfyre: Wow they really go out and show you who you're with, huh? Sapfyre: We should get out of the public eye, haha… Someone like you hanging out with a LOLOL hobo can’t be good for the reputation! ^^ SupermanYoosung★: lol naw, it’s fine, I’m buying potions. I’ve got a feeling you’re gonna need them at the start ^^ SupermanYoosung★: I know just the Dungeon that shares exp! It’s pretty high rank, but I can handle the monsters myself. You can just sit back and enjoy the show! Cheer for me too! Sapfyre: I might be a noob, but I do freelance as a cheerleader on the side Sapfyre: It’s not much, but it’s honest work~ Sapfyre: Go! Yoosung! GO!  SupermanYoosung★: Haha! I didn’t expect you to actually cheer for me >_< SupermanYoosung★: Now I definitely have to help you get to at least level 20!
Hyuna’s character automatically followed the party leader’s avatar about the busy town square. There was an option to turn it off, but she didn’t feel like it. It was fun watching the two of them run around side by side as this Yoosung got the supplies she would most likely need to brave the dungeon. The artist clicked on her avatar and gasped in surprise. 
Sapfyre: There are little social action commands! Sapfyre: Ooooh~ 
She made her Elf do a little tribal type dance around Yoosung. She giggled as he made his brolly tank dance with her in the middle of the square. That was cute! 
SupermanYoosung★: Hahaha >_< SupermanYoosung★: They do! And some of the actions are special to race, gender, and class. SupermanYoosung★: Oh! You get to pick a class at level 10 SupermanYoosung★: Any ideas on a build you want to make? Sapfyre: Thank you for the dance Monsieur~ Sapfyre: I dunno what build to make??? Sapfyre: I guess I want something ranged so I can hang back. 
A box popped up on the screen declaring that SupermanYoosung would like to item share with her. Hyuna clicked yes and his inventory opened along with her own. She flushed when she saw all the cool things he was carrying and how she only held a level 2 stick from one of her tutorial missions at the beginning. She watched as Yoosung threw 99 potions, and 99 mana restore potions at her along with a level 2 wooden helm. She giggled equipping it to her Elf. 
Sapfyre: Now my look is finally complete. What a sexy helm! SupermanYoosung★: lololol, sooo sexy~ SupermanYoosung★: Back on the topic of builds SupermanYoosung★: Ever consider being a support healer? SupermanYoosung★: It’s sooo hard to find a decent one D:
Sapfyre: I dunno if I’d make a good support ^^; Sapfyre: If they are hard to find there must be a reason right?
SupermanYoosung★: They just don’t know how to build themselves, and/or try to fight when the tanks have the situation covered and die, SupermanYoosung★: I never built a healer before, but I do know a few things. I could help you if you want?
Sapfyre: Welllllllll Sapfyre: Sure why not~~! Sapfyre: Since you’re helping me out so much already, I don’t mind trying to be a healer for you.
SupermanYoosung★: Thank you! SupermanYoosung★: Rest of the guild will be so jealous when I show off my own personal little healer~ haha~
Sapfyre: >_< lololol I’m shy~
Hyuna bit her lip re-reading the messages. It almost felt like this guy or girl or whatever they are was flirting with her. They couldn’t possibly know she was a girl. She assumed many male players would make a female avatar, let's be honest, the higher rank armor leaves little to the imagination. She wrote off the interaction as this Yoosung being friendly and excited to help her create a healer support he seemed to need desperately. 
SupermanYoosung★: Haha that’s okay! SupermanYoosung★: Do you have a headset, it’s easier to chat that way while in dungeons.
The artist flushed again at the thought of letting a stranger hear her voice. She could see why it would be more convenient. Seeing as she had never played an online game, and preferred solo JRPG’s or Horror survival-
Sapfyre: I never required a headset before
SupermanYoosung★: It’s okay, it just means we are gonna crawl dungeons a bit slower since we’ll have to type to one another. 
Sapfyre: ^^; I’ll look into investing in one in the future. Sapfyre: I’m on a college student allowance, it’ll have to be a cheap one.
SupermanYoosung★: Haha, I’m a student too. I get what you mean. SupermanYoosung★: No shame in having an off-brand HS since you’re just starting SupermanYoosung★: I’m gonna teleport us to a level 30 dungeon. Keep your guard up
Sapfyre: Sure thing ^^
They were off, the screen turned into a load for a moment before both of them spawned in a dungeon. The artist smiled as she watched the other player navigate the surrounding area. She was careful to fall back when zombie looking monstered spawned and swarmed them. All level 30, which made sense, Yoosung had stated it was a high-rank dungeon. Turns out level grind was a bit of a grind, even for beginners. Luckily it was a shared exp dungeon and since there were only two of them in the party it got split in half. Slowly where minimal communication since she lacked a headset they crawled through the Dungeon. Yoosung was kind enough to allow her to loot the corpses and the treasure chests. 
They had even run into some other players who would say hello to Yoosung via the world chat. They had custom speech bubbles, and Hyuna was interested in obtaining some of her own. It was impressive how immersive this game was. You could build sperate skills like smithing, mining, fishing, cooking, act. It was super customizable. Yoosung had rattled off about how there was an event boss just recently and the cool stuff he got for himself. Hyuna smiled, sometimes even giggling to herself as she read Yoosung’s messages. 
Even though she had gotten some pretty decent armor and weapon’s they couldn’t be equipped before she was level 30. It was probably a power scale to disallow players to equip armor so far above themselves early. Yoosung assured her in a few sessions he would have her beefed up and ready to stand on her own in no time. Hyuna despite herself agreed to meet up tomorrow evening and found herself genuinely enjoying the game. Maybe she was just enjoying Yoosung’s company, who knew. 
Once they finished the dungeon, Yoosung warped them back into the town square and sent her a friend request. Hyuna didn’t even think twice as she accepted it. 
SupermanYoosung★: This way we will get notifications when either of us logs on, and it even shows where we are on the map.  SupermanYoosung★: I’m gonna be on a little while longer, you good?
Hyuna looked at the clock and gasped blinking, unbelieving what she was thinking. Had she really wasted three hours? Was it really 1 am?
Sapfyre: OMFG!!!! It’s 1 am!!! I have an assignment due tomorrow morning! SupermanYoosung★: It’s 1 am for me too, we must be pretty close. Lolol SupermanYoosung★: You should go get the project done SupermanYoosung★: Guess I’ll see you tomorrow~ ^^
Sapfyre: Ya tomorrow! I’ll be off! Sapfyre: Enjoy ruling the online virtual world!
With that Hyuna was quick to log off and sighed to herself. It had only meant to be an hour break, and somehow she got so caught up in it she was looking at either failing her first assignment or not sleeping. Looking at the clock she grabbed her a tablet and the pen and looked at whatever these lines she had drawn were suppose to be. Deciding to delete all the progress she had apparently made, she settled herself in for a long night of drawing her assignment for her 8 am class. 
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angelicsbby · 4 years
Business Success Strategy of Multi-Million Dollar Companies - Have an Exit Strategy
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For a business success strategy this might appear strange at first but in the beginning you want to get a good idea of what your exit strategy will be and then work towards getting to the point when you're able to implement that strategy. If your business depends upon your existence you do not have a thriving business. 
You merely have another job. Now, just because you've got an exit strategy does not mean you need to put it into action. However, having this kind of strategy provides you flexibility. Your exit strategy may involve your selling the business, being able to take an extended leave of absence or walking away from it entirely.
One person who has done this is Derek Gehl. For many years he has become the face of the IMC. So it's clear that when he announced his retirement many people were worried for this company was engaged in helping thousands of individuals to start their Internet business and begin earning real cash on the Internet. 
But, Derek Gehl was quick to allay people's fears. And I don't have any doubt that this group you see here will continue and give you the strategies and techniques you have to be successful on the Internet." This company is an exceptional case study of the value and importance of having an exit strategy. 
The fact that the company exists today is testament to this. And his death may have spelt the death of the IMC. But, Corey Rudl and Derek Gehl understood their limitations. While they were brilliant Internet Marketers they lacked business experience and thus they sought out the most astute business minds to help them formulate a strategy to control the explosive growth of the organization in a sustainable way. 
As they worked on re-structuring the firm they realised that, regardless of the success of their company they had created, they were moving away the functions they loved most. They were falling victim to their own achievement. Their fire was in pioneering new marketing methods and strategies. 
However they had been spending more time handling than doing what they loved. That is what prompted them to invent their exit strategy and their vision of changing the IMC so that it wasn't about any one person. Their vision was to re-structure the IMC so that it ran as a group of people capable of building upon the solid base they'd built. 
This decision would prove to be the salvation of the provider. In the time of Corey Rudl's passing, Derek Gehl was still very much working behind the scenes. Now he needed to take centre-stage and show the world just how powerful the company was and the fantasy he and his business partner had and diligently nurtured wasn't about to dissipate. 
Derek Gehl put his retirement on hold. While the re-structuring was almost complete it was not quite there yet. He wished to be 100% sure that if he did decide to resign that Corey Rudl's legacy would live on. And not only at the continuation of the business he poured his heart and soul to but also for Derek Gehl to go back to the frontline and pioneer Internet start-ups. 
Crucial to achieving this aim has been the construction of a super group of those who love the handling of a business as big and complicated as the IMC in addition to training Internet entrepreneurs how to create six- and - seven-figure incomes with Internet businesses. 
The IMC is composed of several interdependent departments staffed with people that are among the very best at what they do and are passionate about the growth and success of the corporation. The formation of the formidable team has been a vital element in Derek Gehl with the confidence to reevaluate his exit strategy.
Business Success Strategies - Developing Unstoppable Belief
You might feel Unstoppable when you dream of succeeding in your business. You might feel Unstoppable on your first few weeks or months but since the challenges come along with the first nagging doubts start to gnaw away, how you do sustain this unshakable belief? 
You might feel that successful men and women are simply'born' with a radiating inner self-confidence and belief in their own abilities. And some might well be. If you're struggling a little bit right now though and wondering if you'have what it takes' to attain the success you dream of, then take heart from the fact that many more had to dig deep and cultivate that seed of belief, cultivate it and develop it before it turned into a light so bright that nothing can differentiate it. Below are 5 easy steps which you can develop and utilize. 
Business success strategies
STEP 1: Take Immediate Action. Belief comes from achieving success and achievement is only possible by taking action. The only time results come before work is in the dictionary, so step up to the plate and do it. The advantage here is twofold: one, become so active that there's just no time on mind for the negative self-chatter, you're just too busy taking action! 
And two, the busier you are, the faster you will start to assemble the evidence of achievement which will fuel your perception. It's the'Be-Do-Have' principle. First you have to'Be' in mind the individual you would like to become. Second you've got to'Do' what most successful people do. And last, you can'Have' the things that successful individuals have, which includes an Unstoppable belief system. 
STEP 2: Turn Off The Negative Brain Chatter. "You become what you think about", and countless other quotations remind us that"thoughts are things". For the majority of us, the voice inside that says,"Who do you think you are? What makes you think that can be so amazing?"
Like a constant tidal wave, on and on, is sadly much louder than the voice which says,"I have all the attributes I want to become a superbly successful business person, and each day I'm learning more". And at times the volume button could be turned up so loud it completely drowns out the noise of our positive ideas. 
Fortunately, it's relatively straightforward to'flick the switch'. The conscious mind is only capable of focusing on one thought at one time. Equipped with this knowledge and a healthy chunk of self-discipline, each time you observe a negative army of ideas taking up residence, you can make the conscious effort to replace these thoughts. 
Rather than focusing on what you don't want, or what you can't do, just replace it with the question"So what do I need? What can I do to reach my objective? How do I approach this differently?" 
STEP 3. Understand That Stress Is A Normal & Natural Reaction. Stress is a natural response to change. It's just the emotion we feel each time we step into the edge of our comfort zone and our body reacts with that genetically programmed'Fight of Flight' response. Everybody experiences fear. 
The difference between successful and unsuccessful people, however, is their answer to fear. Successful people know that'feeling the fear' is just their body's internal grid saying to them"Uncharted territory ahead, no flight plan available, are you sure you want to move?" They admit the fear and'do it anyway'. 
The majority of us are conditioned to pull back at this time, however. Successful people on the other hand, understand that the fear is truly saying is:'Caution: Proceed With Caution'. How many people resisted the notion that the world was round because the size of the concept was just too much to understand? 
Fact number two: the negative comments of others merely reflect their limits, none. Deal with it by eliminating the naysayers and surrounding yourself with a mastermind group of positive people will inspire you. 
STEP 4. Ignore The"Pros". These experts might be self-appointed - express your intentions to somebody and their will always have an'expert opinion' on the situation. Because their view is based on the facts and outcomes generated by research. 
The problem? This study is always conducted on an idea or something that is related to the past. It's not possible to do'prospective' research and for that reason it's not possible to'understand' the result of a new idea or a new venture. 
At most, these people may provide a calculated opinion. And history has shown over and over that expert'opinions' don't amount to very much. Here are just a couple of my favorites:
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The Impact of Online Social Communities on Your Business
With regards to online social communities, people naturally gravitate toward them. Humans, naturally, are social creatures. They're comfortable in groups plus they feed from each other peoples energy plus they prefer to bounce ideas from one another (amongst other things).
Being Engaged and interesting Is Important
You certainly need others to achieve business. Actually, without one, you won't have business whatsoever. You'll need these to eventually buy what you're selling. Because of this, online social communities work nicely for a lot of things, including giving one another exactly what the other needs and wants. You would like your relationship to become mutually advantageous.
Regardless of whether you start a web-based social community or else you join one which was already established, your approach would be the same (minus some possible administrative responsibilities you will probably have should you establish the city). You should remember that you're not inside it on your own regardless of what. A residential area is someone who share a number of common interest.
Social networking may be the backbone of internet social communities
Social communities are important to the prosperity of most companies. It's a classic situation of 1 hands cleansing the other. Companies need online social communities to assist them to fortify the social facet of their institution. However, online social communities need companies because they have to live and also be somewhere. Companies can offer just this type of forum along with a platform for individuals online social communities to complete exactly that. It is crucial that you should keep in mind that online social communities are not only for private use. They're very advantageous to companies too.
In the marketing perspective, mixing online social communities with clients are a classic marriage produced in Paradise. Individuals communities would be the power behind effective marketing efforts for the company. A few of the good results that emerge from that alliance are the online social communities allow companies to:
   Develop solid, long lasting relationships and systems which are built on trust
   Bring people together who are able to share a mutually advantageous relationship
   Take part in active, effective engagement
A multitude of online social communities
The internet social communities that you select for the brand/business is determined by the goals that you are interested in. Individuals goals will drive you to definitely pursue certain groups and others. You have a lot of communities to choose from. Your selected communities will go a lengthy method to satisfying your business' marketing needs.
Now you know how online social communities work (pretty much), it's important that you should realize that engagement is a valuable part from the effective functioning of individuals communities. You need to bear in mind that although the communities are social anyway, that does not imply that your company won't take advantage of them within the ways that you would like these to. Actually, there are lots of effective tools that you could leverage to get what you would like from your engagement in individuals communities. Interestingly, there might be facets of your communities that aren't apparent (or perhaps apparent).
For instance, if you're a person in a residential area which has 2,000 people, you can still find that just 50 of individuals people are positively involved in discussions along with other interactions. The fact is that its not all member includes a wish to be heard. Many people have only a reasonable interest to pay attention and discover, which, obviously, is ok too. However, you'll still take some those who are more vocal than that. Otherwise, nobody could be interacting about anything. You will need to encourage as numerous group people to have fun playing the discussions that occur however, you don't genuinely have an excessive amount of control of it within the finish. There are various methods to engage others additionally to departing a remark or perhaps a thought-provoking question. Place out market research (with 3 to 4 questions) or operate a contest by having an incentive (a price reduction in your products and/or services, some kind of prize, etc).
Taking part in online social communities does not happen alone
Unquestionably, you realize clearly that online social communities have to do with people. The platforms and forums which are used are useful (you may even embark on a limb and say that they're essential) but they're still not as essential as the people from the community. Actually, the option of platform and forum aren't nearly as essential as the folks. Many platforms/forums may be used by communities concurrently. One additional advantage to being part of a web-based social community is it provides you with the support that you may want to embrace what your competitors does and also to gather some really valuable competitive intelligence.
The potency of your web social communities depends, mainly, around the community people as well as their capability to behave as effective sources. Consequently, you (and all the people) can help one another to obtain precisely what it takes and wanted. In the end, you're a part of exactly the same community (consider it as being a household) and that's what families do. They assist one another when needed. You should use your web social communities in several ways, including discussing products and/or services and gaining valuable feedback, which will help you take the business one stage further.
Michael Cohn may be the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He's over 25 experience inside it and internet technologies. Mr. Cohn spent a lot of time in a major telecommunications company, where his primary focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all sections by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and also the company's Intranet abilities, which faster gains running a business productivity. Also, he reduced company travel and travel costs by presenting and applying various collaboration technologies.
His expertise includes business analysis project management software control over global mix-matrix teams systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration technology evaluation and assessment systems development performance evaluation and control over off-shore development.
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There’s a story I was working on for a while called Future Magia.
Future Magia was, at first glance, a Fantasy story that takes place in an alternate universe with magic and monsters and strange mythology and politics. There are no humans, but a race that’s functionally (and visually) identical to humans called Allorans. The main gimmick was that it was a modern Fantasy- unlike other Tolkienesque worlds, it wasn’t Medieval or something similar, but, well, modern. They had the internet, they had cars, etc. Just, it’s still a Tolkienesque Fantasy setting- magic is common knowledge, and there are multiple dominant races.
But, there was ultimately a plot twist: it doesn’t take place in an alternate universe. Not quite, anyways. It takes place in our universe, except billions of years after a huge, reality-shaking event that completely changed our universe to its core. It might as well have been an alternate universe, it was so different after this event.
Specifically, the power of godhood changed.
Now, I’m not a Christian. I am, as I’ve said in the past, passionately agnostic. I personally feel like it would be arrogant of me to say that any religion (including atheism) is either right or wrong. But Future Magia operated under the assumption that our universe, before this event, was... maybe not necessarily Christian, but definitely either Christian or Muslim. Or some other offshoot of Christianity.
But, of course, it specifically operated under my personal favorite interpretation of the Abrahamic God- that God isn’t a person or anything, but rather, some kind of sentient force that exists everywhere in the universe at once. And the way the universe worked was that God had total omnipotence, as far as our universe was concerned.
But then, something happened. In a fraction of a second, seven other God-level beings were born, and God suddenly had to share His power with them, equally. These other God-level beings were very different from God- they all had physical forms (unlike God, a sentient force), much more defined personalities (unlike God, who was kinda beyond things like personality), and they didn’t have full control over their own power (unlike God). And their mere existence created Magic- a system that lets people borrow the power of Gods. This transition was not peaceful- the universe was very suddenly rocked by the rules of nature suddenly and drastically changing, and humanity was largely wiped out, with only a few exceptions remaining.
Anyways, the seven Gods were called the Colored Gods, due to the fact that each was associated with a color. There’s the Pink God, the Yellow God, the Blue God, the Green God, the Orange God, the Purple God, and the Brown God. In the setting, the existence of the Gods is considered fact- “religion” is still a thing, but differences in religion are mostly about differences in interpretation of the Gods- only a few radical cults believe in other Gods. Kinda like the differences between the Abrahamic religions, or the different varieties of Christianity. Anyways, it’s known that there are eight Gods- the seven Colored Gods, and the Colorless God, or the Void God. It’s not common knowledge that the Void God was once the only God, or that it has no physical form, but it is common knowledge that the Void God is distinct and wildly different from the Colored Gods despite sharing power over creation with them, and that the Void God has no connection to magic (at least, not as far as most people know).
The Colored Gods all have different forms (the forms are not common knowledge). The Pink and Yellow Gods looked like humans or Allorans. The Blue God is a sentient cave on the moon. Yes, seriously. A sentient cave on the moon. The Green God is a giant sea serpent living under the ocean. The Orange God is a non-euclidean monstrosity, and truly comprehending its appearance would drive someone mad... simply because it’s impossible to comprehend its true appearance. If you look at it, it’s gonna look like a glitched-out video game character that’s constantly shifting into other things. The Purple God looks like an Angel. Do I mean a biblical one or an Evangelion one? You decide, they’re both equally monstrous and could both be compared to the Purple God! And the Brown God was a sentient cloud.
The way Magic works is that, when you cast a spell, you tap into the power of a God. Each person has a different “Patron God”- the God that their magic draws power from. They’re largely the same, but some spells have different effects depending on the Patron of the caster, and there’s also the color of the magic itself- there’s a lot of fancy light shows that go along with magic, and the light is colored like the caster’s Patron. And, of course, Gods can have children. Not with each other, but with mortals. These children (labelled “Demigods”) are born unable to use magic (which is one of many reasons why someone might be unable to use magic), but their Divine parent can unlock their power later in life. The longer their Divine parent waits, the more powerful the child is... but in return, the longer their child has to spend unable to use magic. This means they are less experienced once they do get access to magic, and also, there is bigotry against people who can’t use magic. Not racism, like in Harry Potter, honestly that’s kinda silly- rather, it’s more like ableism.
The world is built for magic users- when you can’t use magic, you’re effectively disabled. And in the past, there were a lot of crazy religious beliefs around people who can’t use magic- and while they aren’t as prominent anymore, their impact still lingers (for instance, one formerly prominent belief about people who can’t use magic is that they couldn’t use it because they had no soul, which still lingers in the form of an ableist slur- “Empty”).
Anyways, Jesus Christ was retroactively determined to be a Demigod, hence why Judaism isn’t a possibility here. And also anyways, a Demigod’s patron is always their parent.
There was a lot I liked about the immediate worldbuilding, too. This post is all stuff that eventually gets discovered by the protagonists, but the stuff that the protagonists already all knew by the time the story starts because it’s common knowledge? That’s also all really fun worldbuilding. Like, the five prominent races, and where they’re from, and what their culture is like... Faeries come from a giant continent-sized library, and because their species evolved in a library, they are incredibly communist. Meanwhile, Dragons are very solitary, and there are also only around a hundred of them at any given time, so there is no real “Dragon Government”- each Dragon is considered a solitary nation, a sovereign of themselves. And there’s a ton of other fun stuff like that.
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