#there's nothing for ML on there right now.... there's already so much angst in these I couldn't stomach putting my Daemon AU on there too
chaos-has-theories · 7 months
WIP Tag/Reblog Game
Thank youuuuu @aidanchaser!
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
Specifically 5 fanfics this time around - the things that are loudest about rattling my head at the moment.
Timetravel AU - Septimus Heap After a series of escalating deaths, Marcia and Septimus use the House of Foryx to travel back in time and - hopefully - fix things.
Merlin Resurrection AU - working title "I Refuse" Merlin has been alive for a thousand years, and he just found out that the rest of the gang is back. The problem is, none of them fully remember anything: It's only just enough to spook Arthur hard enough that he cut contact with all of the others and is trying his hardest to just be an obnoxious college student.
Three is Company - Septimus Heap, role swap AU. Prequel/Equel to The Long Way Home. Answers such thrilling questions as "how did Septimus get adopted by the Queen?", "how much trauma can you put into one freshly-minted EOW?" and "What exactly IS going on between Marcia, Milo and Cerys?"
The Egypt Agenda Part 4: The Distant Goddess I have yet to properly write out my Egyptian analysis of Nona the Ninth! Also I've been meaning to put the other parts on Ao3 for a while
Gideon the Musical Ohhhh boy I just rediscovered this while going through my drafts and?? I mean no there's pretty much nothing in that file yet but now I really want to pick it up again
I am two-thirds through the scene in which Septimus and Simon infiltrate the Young Army to rescue 412. I'm not sure why I haven't kept working because technically I'm at such a juicy point? 412 thinks he's about to be thrown into DN1, Septimus can't tell him what's really going on, and Simon is being told to do a spell that this-timeline Simon has no reason to know. It's GOOD I think I'm just scared I can't hit the correct balance for it
sgahjhgsshfdg Merlin just met Gwen and the Knights at a metal concert and they made their way backstage to greet Morgana and Morgause but like. Morgana is half-convinced he'll try to kill her again. Gwen is crying. Merlin is inwardly screaming because if THEY'RE all back does that mean Arthur is as well??? I probably COULD skip the explanations and just continue the scene where he confronts Arthur. I'm just.... not sure how to resolve it yet. Stubborn Prince is being Stubborn.
Milo just fished a baby from the river and is walking towards the Palace to greet his wife and newborn daughter. He is about to a) be accosted by a very panicked Marcia b) have to fast-talk his way past the Supreme Custodian and c) find out that his daughter is very dead. Noone is having a good day, except maybe for me, because all of this is setup for some VERY stupid miscommunication.
DID YOU KNOW that there's an actual myth in which "Alecto" runs off to live in a land where "John" has no direct jurisdiction so he has to send "Ianthe" to cajole her into coming back? YEAH. THAT
Act I works pretty well! Even Act II is fine! It gets more difficult after that. Anyway I have decided there's going to be a song called "To the Floor" and then it can have reprise elements in all the other duel scenes. How? I dunno whatever gave you the idea that I know what I'm doing
No way I can think of 10 and I don't know if any of you have already been tagged but hmmmm - @echo-has-queries @into-september @trainsinanime @liesmyth @septimus-heap
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starillusion13 · 6 months
FRIENDS!? Chapter 9
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Series ML
Pairing: poly!ateez × f!reader (An ATEEZ Office AU)
Genre: Mature, Angst, Yandere, SMUT
Warning: mention of memories, consultation with doctor, gaining back memories (nothing much just go with the flow)
W.C: 4.2k
For my beloved: @oreharuuu
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
[Reblogs and Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead. Please always take care of yourself everyone.]
Hello, Can we be friends please?
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"Why were you there?" The tall man asked you from the doorway but what about you? You are still dazed by his form standing in front of you.
San stepped towards him with a confused look, "Yunho, you are here at this time? and where was she?"
He was still looking at you, waiting for your answer to his question but your heart was beating fast and many thoughts storming inside your head. Hongjoong stood beside you and when he raised his hands to hold yours, you stepped forward.
To everyone's surprise, you ran towards the man across from you and before he could say anything, you hugged him tightly. His wide eyes stared back at rest and then returned back at you.
"Y/n..." he returned the embrace and rubbed your back, "what happened?"
San's lip curled up into a small smile and Seonghwa stood up and leaned against the sofa with a smile and folded hands. Hongjoong shook his head and happily sighed but Yeosang was too happy to break the silence.
"We should cheer this moment. We got our friend back, maybe we found our girl back."
Hongjoong clipped the papers while arranging them in order, " Y/n is always our girl."
"Wait! What is going on?" Yunho could feel his shirt getting damped with your tears. Your ears were deaf to your surroundings. The only thing you were concentrating was on his heartbeat and his warmth.
"Yunho..." hearing your voice, he brushed your hairs from your face and cupped your cheek to see your tear strained face but you were smiling, "can we please talk alone?"
Seonghwa chuckled and took off his coat, "Yunho take her to somewhere else from here. She needs you right now and I hope everything will be fine."
Yunho didn't ask for anything but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the cabin.
As soon the door shut, the four males inside the cabin sighed and glanced at each other. No one spoke a word but the tension between them described that the thought inside their minds were same and they were aware of it.
Seonghwa passed a paper towards Yeosang and he gave a confused look in return to which the older one rolled his eyes and signaled him to read it.
"Now someone please speak a word or this seems so uncomfortable to watch."
Hongjoong looked up from the things he was arranging on the desk and smirked, "you already did."
"Joong" Seonghwa glared but quickly smiled, "she remembered us. she is happy with us."
The told man nodded his head but heavily sighed, "she is only happy until she remembers those days. she will hate us."
"I don't think she will hate us for that because we had our own reasons." San said and leaned back while staring at him.
"the reasons are selfish. we were selfish and cruel. all because of her." Hongjoong stated before sitting on the chair and rubbing his forehead. Seonghwa glanced at him and sat on the cushioned handle of the sofa. Yeosang placed the paper back on the table after hearing his brothers' statements.
"nothing is selfish. she was always ours. she was meant to be ours." Yeosang's words were clear and he was clenching his fist while staring at the man behind the desk. San poked his cheek before shaking his head and steeped towards him. "don't come near me to calm me. I'm not losing her again. I will burn him alive if he ever does anything to take her away from me."
"Yeosang." San called out his name in a deep voice. it was a warning but the furious one was yet to notice it. a hand was placed on his shoulder and he shrugged it off and glared. "please, calm down. we can't lose our mind now. we are walking on edges. today she is becoming our friend again but tomorrow maybe she is remembering those things. then?"
"then I'm going to repeat it again to keep her with me. with us." Yeosang was glaring at him when the opposite man sighed.
"who knows if she remember those things but just pretending not to know them." Seonghwa asked them and raised a brow. Hongjoong shook his head, glancing towards the two men across the room, then he looked towards the oldest one.
"she doesn't know it yet."
"how are you so sure, Joong?"
"If she remembered then she would have been distanced from us. but she confessed the truth to us and she wanted to be alone with Yunho. you know very well who are the ones who she will be scared of. or should I say harmed her."
Yeosang shouted and shook his furiously, hot tears streaming down his eyes, "NO! we didn't harm her. we did nothing. we just wanted to keep her to where she actually belongs to."
"Yeosang, dont forget but you are one of those from whom she will try to run away after remembering what we did." the younger one hearing his name, clenched his teeth to the words and turned to other side. San patted his back, recalling the things they did wrong. he knew they all regretted for it but no matter what they can't change it now.
the past is how the damage is done but they can change the present. they have changed themselves---nevermind they are trying to change themselves but one thought is still echoing inside their mind.
why did you forget them? did you want to forget it then why are you suddenly getting close to them? where were you all these years? what happened to you for your sudden disappearance?
Moreover, if you didn't want to forget them. then who manipulated your memories?
"But Joong..."
"no matter what...her mom gave her to us. She is ours." Seonghwa pressed the last word and the other two men's ears perked up to his statement.
Hongjoong nodded, "To protect and love."
The rooftop really has a wonderful view and the wind blowing is giving you the essence of freedom. But, really---remembering the memories and getting familiar with the past is some sort of euphoric feeling. feeling like you have born all over again and you have all the dots connected to your past. there are still a lot to remember and your doctor has told you to take it slow to remember them or you might stress yourself.
even if you are feeling safe and happy with them then why are you still sensing a fear surrounding with some of them.
Yunho is standing beside you, watching the view in front of both of you. neither of you spoke any word but you could feel him glancing at you now and then.
"I wanted to meet him." you broke the silence between you two.
his brow creased with your sudden speech but soon he remembered what he asked you downstairs. he nods to himself, "I don't like him."
"you don't like anyone who talks to me."
"of course. because you are mine." he clasped his hand before him. he didnt notice that a little smile was plastered on your face. you smiled to his sulky look. you shifted in your place and before he could notice where you were going, he felt arms wrapped around his torso. his big palms gripped your arms lightly and smiled when he felt your head resting to his back. "Y/n..."
"Yunho, you should have told me." your words were spoken so softly and melodious to his ears. so, whatever he heard in the cabin was might be something nice. he couldn't manage to hear everything but now he can set the pieces together. you can remember them. the memories are coming back to you. he is getting you back like before but...also you will remember their other side.
you will remember that version of him.
he holds your wrist and brings you to his front. you are now trapped between the fancy bricked railings of the roof and his big frame. he is smiling softly down at you and you return him a smile. your heart still beating with him being so close to you but still you managed to overcome the fear you had with him and embraced him again. he combed your hairs with his fingers and planted a kiss on top of your head.
you break the hug to look up at him and he nodded when he watched your eyes that you wanted to say something.
"what should I have told you?"
he knew the answer but still he wanted to hear it from you. he wanted to hear your voice, how you called his name earlier.
"that? come on y/n...tell me. I'm waiting."
"that...we were a couple. you and me-"
before you could complete the sentence, he kissed you on the lips. he smiled softly into the kiss because all these years he waited for this moment, he wanted to have you so close and hide you from this world, keeping you to himself forever.
You clutched his shirt tightly and kissed him back. You didn't care for the world around you, as the only person who was there for you was him. The kiss was not enough for both of you and the intensity was driving you crazy.
'If some actions from your past repeats again, it's more likely to regain your memories soon.' The doctor said and glanced at the clock.
Fiddling your fingers, you asked nervously, "how long will it take me to remember everything?"
She nodded and hummed before smiling, "you said you started getting the dreams since you moved to this new place. Am I right?"
You nodded.
"Then the part of the memories you have forgotten is strongly connected with them. As you are surrounded by them so it's likely that your brain is collecting memories. Their actions and words are triggering the process. Don't worry about it, just remember that for now you are getting all the happy moments but if something triggers your worst fears then you need to calm down or be with someone with whom you feel safe." She had a concern on her face visible in the end of her statement.
Someone with whom you feel safe...
"Okay but if that person is not around then?"
She smiled, "then listen to your heart."
"We are still a couple. and I got to kiss you again" Yunho's voice made you realize the current situation and you came out from your thoughts.
A feeling of embarrassment rose when you felt the close proximity between you two and him holding you dearly in his arms. You shyly looked around but he held your chin and made your eyes on him.
"Don't look away and run away...again."
"Why do you all say that I ran away? What happened to me? What happened between us?"
He bit his lower lip and caressed your cheek, "it's better to forget about it. I really don't want you to remember that."
"But I want to know. Yunho, standing on the rooftop is making me feel like as if I'm living those schooldays again. with you sneaking out of the classes and spending time on rooftop and we shared so many secrets, we had so many promises. I'm sorry I forgot it but trust me, I can again remember them and will promise you everything. but for that I should know the things, I still cant remember. "
"It's better to leave for later......or never. you dont have to remember everything, we can make new mwmories to replace them. good ones which you wont be ever forgetting and we will be happy. I still love you like before, y/n. maybe....lot more."
you both had a warm smiles on your face, a forgiving aura towards each other. you both promising to never end this moment ever.
"I'm sorry but keeping her to yourself is making me jealous." The third voice made you flinch in his hold and he laughed at your reaction to which you hit his chest lightly before turning around.
"Mingi...who told you I am here?"
"I just knew that he will bring you here like the first day you two met at school."
You gasped, "wait wait. I literally forgot the fact that we were in the same school. And yeah, so basically when we met first time he threatened the boy sitting beside me not to be around me or he'll be dead."
Yunho smirked, " he was a shithead."
"You just recently remembered it though but still bickering like those times." Mingi joked.
Yunho chuckled, "don't say it like this."
"Can you both tell me? How was I? Like have I changed from before? Do I look ugly? Am I fat now? Or it's just the opposite?"
Mingi frowned, "are you serious?"
"Very much." You grinned and the men laughed at your cute expression.
These all felt so surprising and warming. You thanked yourself for gaining the confidence to finally tell them all about the memories that you gained back. Earlier, well for last few days you were fighting back the urge to tell them about it but eventually you thought about the consequences and the answers that you wanted so you told them about it.
You haven't seen Wooyoung for so long. He has been busy with paper works too much and you mentally pout that when would be the time to tell him everything.
Even though you are remembering everything, still some parts are blur as if you wanted to forget them. And why do you remember your childhood days so faintly?
You felt as if your whole life is within a reel which is played by someone but not in a sequence . As if Someone is playing with every emotion, every feeling and every moment of your life.
"What are you thinking about?" Yunho's voice broke your trance and you blinked at him. He patted your head before scooping you up in his arms.
"What are you doing? Yah! Put me down."
"Uh ah...no...you look so cute like this. Let's go to the cafeteria. We will talk there. I don't think we should stay longer as it's getting dark."
"Yeah! Let's go Yunho and my little girl y/n." Mingi smiled and flicked your nose.
You rolled your eyes, "it's just you two are giants that's why I'm okay with you calling me little but I'm actually very tall."
He laughed, "if that's what keeps you stand tall."
Yunho followed his laugh while trailing behind him with you in his arms.
. . .
The named man looked back towards the voice from the doorway of the room. He smiled when he saw the figure standing in front of him in a knee length dress.
"Thank you for the dress. Umm...is it looking okay on me? Is it how you expected it to be?"
"Yeah of course." He stood up and walked towards you. You nervously bit your lower lip and wait for his approval. His every step matching your heartbeat and your breath hitched when he cupped your cheek and planted a soft kiss on your head.
Oh! Not lips. Come on girl. Are you disappointed? Of course not. What were you thinking?
"You look prettier than I thought."
Corner of your lips curled up, you hugged him with a soft smile. He happily returned you the warm embrace.
"But where are we going?"
You asked him while approaching the black car which was already waiting for you at the main gate of your complex apartment. The car was familiar and your eyes lit up when you saw a familiar figure leaning against it, busy in his phone.
"To-" You left Yeosang's hand and ran towards the boy against the car and shouting out his name, earning chuckles from both the males.
He looked up from his phone and as soon as he saw you approaching, he fished his phone inside the pocket and extended his both hands to welcome you into his embrace and you were quick on your heels to feel him against you.
You didn't care how the other boy behind you was lightly scolding you and shaking his head when you were about to fall after tripping over a stone.
"Aw cupcake missed me? Well I'm here now no need to think about me anymore."
You snuggled into him, inhaling his cologne. A warmth of protection and love surrounded you. He patted your head before breaking the hug and looked down to you.
Yeosang opened the door so that you both could enter inside and spoke up, "well doll we are going to our house."
As you stepped inside the car, everyone complimented you that how pretty you were looking in the dress. Even Mingi said that you seemed as if you are an angel directly descended from the heaven.
Maybe you are. huh!
"Really?" You sat between Jongho and Wooyoung and leaned back, "so finally you all have decided to take me there...woah today is really a lucky day for me."
"How lucky?" Seonghwa asked from behind you.
You craned your neck and dramatically raised a brow, "first I got a pretty Dress from Yeo and now you all are taking me to your house."
Seonghwa shook his head, "our. Our house."
"Come on Jongho. Let me see where are you taking me to. Are you planning to kidnap me? In your office?"
You could hear others chuckled at your comment but still the youngest one kept his palms over your eyes and shook his head as if you could see. you heard a faint music playing, indicating you were in the elevator and you smirked, "I'm in elevator so we are going to the rooftop. Right?"
"wrong." Seonghwa was quick to reply you and you huffed.
Tapping your feet against the fancy floor, you waited for them to take you wherever they were supposed to go. you didn't even know who all were there with you in the elevator because there was only Jongho and Seonghwa who suddenly knocked at your room's door earlier and told to come along with them but soon in the way towards the hallway, Jongho closed your eyes and whispered 'surprise'.
The sound of the 'ding' made you flinch but quickly got excited. Are we up or down somewhere?
"Welcome to our floor, y/n." Seonghwa cheered and clapped his hand. you rubbed your eyes before looking at him and then to your surrounding. then when you found yourself surrounded by all eight of them in the formal attires of the businessman.
Hongjoong was standing just a few feet away in front of you with a cake and a bright smile on his face with Wooyoung with a party popper and beside then Yunho with a big flower bouquet in his hold with Mingi standing beside him, rolling his eyes at Wooyoung who was busy making annoyed face at his phone and scrunching up his nose often. 
Mingi again rolled his eyes before taking away his phone, "leave it Woo. that's enough of you finding a perfect song for the perfect time. our girl is standing in front of us so need to do anything anymore."
"I swear I saved it last night but now it's deleted." Wooyoung glared at Mingi before turning back at you and gave you a bright smile, similar to rest of them. you turned towards the other four who were with you inside the lift. you were surprised that they didn't make a single sound when they were with you. 
They had chocolates in Seonghwa's hand, San with a gift box and a small tiara in Yeosang's hand. that's why Jongho closed your eyes not to ruin the surprise. you smiled towards them and excitedly looked around. you have never been to this floor and now you know this is their personal floor where no one is allowed except some workers who they request for. the floor is totally silent and different from all other floors you have already been to. 
the workers and the staff members in the office are only allowed till the fifth floor and rest floors are their personal ones with their main cabins and this floor is the most restricted one but now you are allowed here made you both nervous and excited.
Hongjoong stepped forward so that before you could blow out the candle and everyone around you laughed when Yeosang pulled you back and made you turn towards him to place the tiara on your head and gave you a small smile. then, he urged you to blow the candle and everyone cheered.
"thank you so much...but why such a dramatic welcome." you chuckled and received the gift when San offered you. surprisingly, you didn't feel scared of him anymore but you smiled at him like a close friend and he just nodded his head and hesitatingly smiled a little. Mingi handed you the knife and you quickly cut the cake to have a taste of it because it looked so delicious and you were craving for it.
their eyes followed when you took a bite of the piece in your hand and moaned in the wonderful taste, "omg! this is so tasty. thank you so much."
"we want to taste it too." Wooyoung whined at you. who would believe that he is one of the CEOs. you chuckled, "there is a whole cake in front of you. take a bite."
"No! you give me a bite." he smirked.
"yes!" he stated proudly and Yunho clapped his hand and nodded, "Yes. Give us all a bite."
"you all are unbelievable." you shook your head before taking the cake from Hongjoong's hand and placing it on a table near a door. the floor was lit with fancy ceiling lights and just the opposite side of the lift is the passageway with four door lining in the way before a grand hall appearing in your view, leading to the exposure of the whole floor. the lights were of hue of yellow warmth.
cutting it into eight pieces, you offered the cake to each one of them but to your dismay, they all asked you to feed them. you in disbelief shook your head but soon with their desperation, you fed them. you were so shy and nervous but their smiles calmed you down until the time when it was the last person.
San stared at you. his eyes speaking a thousand words but you just need to see them, not hear them. speaking of past, you were never close to him. he kept his distance with you. he was always a person to keep a watch from afar but you didn't know why he was so hesitant. that day in Yeosang's cabin, he was so close to you, joking with you, making you nervous and not leaving your sight then why again he is back to this old self. keeping aside the thought.
you brought the piece to his mouth and he held your wrist. before you could say anything, he kissed your fingers before eating the cake. your breath hitched with his sudden action, leaving you standing there in shock.
he stared at your expression and smirked before placing the last bite into your parted lips, "welcome into our life again, y/n."
Again...isn't that supposed to be good?
then why are you literally freaking out?
you cupped your cheeks and turned around to face others and smiled, "so tell me. why you all bought me to your floor?"
Hongjoong hugged you from the side and kept his arm around you in a secure position, "you are finally back to this family. we want to show your new place."
"what do you mean?" you raised your brow.
"you are now going to say here. with us in this floor." Seonghwa said and folded his hand.
"wow! you all really have a big house and even so nicely decorated." you complimented and turned around to face them.
Hongjoong sat on the sofa, "so do you like your new home?"
"new home?" your confused face made Seonghwa and the one sitting laugh and few others chuckled. "don't laugh. say it clearly."
"you don't have to stay alone anymore. you are going to stay with us." 
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Taglist :
@mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @brrrkdslek-personal @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @luhwaine @ilove-taeyong @dinonuguaegi @endeav0rsb1tch @loveforred @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @sousydive @aliona124754 @tunaasan
(open! dm me/ send ask/reply here)
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mlbigbang · 9 months
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2023 General Fic Rec List
It’s the end of the year which means it’s finally time for the ML Big Bang’s yearly fic rec lists! We’re really excited to bring you our contributors’ favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you’re waiting for the Big Bang fics’ publication in January.
drowning (in plain sight) by @buggachat
Everybody had expected Monarch's defeat to be a moment of triumph. Nobody had expected Gabriel Agreste, unmasked and mind frayed from continual abuse of the miraculous, crying out to all who would listen and making Paris certain of one thing: His son, Adrien Agreste, is one of his sentimonsters. And now he's missing. Nobody can find him— not even the superheroes, and not even his closest friends. But Marinette, Nino, and Alya aren't ones to give up so easily. They'll find him, no matter what it takes. (But, geez, would it kill Chat Noir to lend a hand?)
I think most of the fandom already read this fic, but if you haven't, you should give it a try! The angst is balanced by how deeply Adrien's friends (including Plagg and Felix) care for him, and the reunion at the end is so touching.
all of your flaws and all of my flaws (are laid out one by one) by @coffeebanana
Ladybug and Marinette have both been acting strangely since Monarch's defeat, and Chat Noir would give anything to know why—to be able to help them. He just…didn't expect his answers to come when Ladybug drags him to his father's statue in the middle of the night along with a bag full of spray paint.
An incredibly cathartic scene set after the Season 5 finale that is a perfect mix of angst and hurt and comfort! All the emotions are so raw.
Dreaming Wide Awake by @uptoolateart
Gabriel died a hero. He sacrificed himself in the final battle against Monarch. Or so Adrien's been told. At least he has his mother there to help him through the grief. So what is this niggling feeling that this isn't how the story was meant to go? And why does he keep having flashes of another world that lies just beneath their own?
A fantastic follow-up to the Season 5 finale in which Adrien is dealing with the loss of his father, and his relationship with Marinette, in a reality that's not quite right. Incredibly emotional and moving.
All That Glitters by @trishacollins
After - After the dust settles, and things feel a little bit more...permanent. Nathalie thinks back on her mistakes. With Felix as close at hand as he is, she thinks one of them might be fixable.
Every fic should be a Sentibug fic, and that's why I rec this. I love that it runs with the finale of S5 and addresses various characters' feelings about senti stuff, which is the real big question hanging over the end of the season. Well, one of them :)
The moment I knew (I’d no choice but to love you) by @bbutterflies
“He’s dating me,” Nino said, taking Adrien’s hand in his own. Adrien could only stare back at him in shock. “How dare you all force him to come out?” Nino continued, glaring at the reporters. “That was disgusting.” He pulled Adrien over to the car, guided him in, and shut the door behind them. In the relative quiet and privacy of the backseat, Adrien finally processed what had just happened. “So… when were you going to tell me we were dating?”
It's fake dating, but with Adrino!! What's not to like?
The Parable of the Caller by nemali
A week after Hawk Moth’s identity has been revealed, Adrien finds himself with nowhere to go, nothing he can do, and worst of all, strange gaps in his memory he can’t explain. In a stroke of luck, he stumbles upon a burner phone filled with voicemails from one of the Saviors of Paris: Chat Noir himself, who disappeared following Hawk Moth’s arrest. But with each new voicemail Adrien listens to, he’s forced to confront the fact that there might be some kind of connection between himself and Chat Noir — and discovering it might leave him more broken than before.
It's subversion of so much. Adrien is the ex-Guardian. Adrien has lost his memories. There's been no reveal. He has no idea what this mysterious series of voicemails from Chat Noir means. A+++ read.
A Masked Game by @mysticraven20
For almost ten years Paris has been peaceful. No villains. No heroes. No hate. But, as always, peace never lasts forever and as a new threat takes over the city of love, there’s a change in the game where this time death is permanent. Adrien has been living full of hope after the worst years of his life. He’s free. He’s settled. But most importantly, he’s in love. After years of trying to find his calling everything came together the day he married his wife, or so he thought. Marinette still craved the companionship of her partner. It had been a decade since she’d seen him; the dull ache in her heart constantly asking what had happened to him. If only she had the opportunity to speak to him one more time. The chance for a reconnection appears when Paris’ heroes are needed again and as feelings begin to resurface so does the hate, love and lies. Ladybug and Chat Noir will need to find a new dynamic to make this work, saving not only their friends but also themselves, leaving Adrien and Marinette to risk everything in a need to survive.
Whodunit, murder mystery MLB fic from a great author exploring a new genre/style. Not just exploring, succeeding. Acing it. Wonderful story. As each chapter dropped, it really felt like the entire fandom was racing to read it first. Everyone was hooked. You should get hooked, too!
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girl8890 · 2 years
JK | Hieros Gamos (II)
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BTS ML | Mood Board
Summary: After a fight with Jungkook that leaves y/n even more confused than before, one last argument with her family has her running to find her own answers. One of those answers, was already waiting at the door for her. 
Paring: God!Thanatos!Jungkook x Goddess!reader
Genre: greek gods!au, soulmate!au, smut, angst, some fluff 
Rating: 18+
Warnings: family arguments, confused reader, running away, mentions of past war/murder, secrets reveled, flirting, past masturbation mentioned, inexperienced/virgin!reader, heavy petting, dry humping, thigh riding, clothed sex, horny jk, kinda dom!jk, nipple play, jk is just so much in loveeee~
A/N: This part is much longer than part 1, so sit back and get comfy! I’m really getting into this mini-series now, and this part is a doozy. Secretes are revealed, connections are strengthened as well as broken, and I may have hinted at what y/n’s powers actually are… hehe. Enjoy part 2! 
Part I | Part III
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Time has always been different for gods. A year for mortals is a blink of the eye for gods. That’s why when a month past since you last saw your invisible friend, you didn’t expect it to hurt so much.
A month should have been nothing, but in reality it was everything. Knowing him for so long, and being in the dark about the world for so long, the longest you’ve been okay with staying away from him was for a few days because talking to your family was like reading ancient script from a wall. But after the fight you two had, where you couldn’t help your anger from not only your family keeping secrets from you but your best friend too, it really hurt you.
Still does.
Your family has been asking what’s wrong, and you always have an excuse. Not wanting to tell them the truth, or admit it out loud, either. That someone they don’t know about is haunting your mind. Your friend has always haunted your mind, though. It just wasn’t until night fell that you allowed him too. When his voice would tickle your ears and consume your mind, you always found yourself reaching under your dress to feel just how much his voice alone affected you.
But you don’t want to think about that right now. You want too scrub your frustrations away into this piece of clothing that you have been washing for the past twenty minutes. You don’t want to think about how pretty his voice sounds... or how much you long to touch him just once... not even how you imagine his lips-
You scream out your frustration, hating yourself for letting these thoughts consume your every waking thoughts, and then start scrubbing the piece of clothing even harder. Making the water in the basin slosh around so much that it tips over the edge in small waves. 
“Wo-wo, there little miss! Worrying about things that haven’t happened yet, shouldn't affect the clothing,” Your aunt, Clotho, pushed her hands out to you like that would somehow sooth your frustration.
You blow out a puff of hot air, and instead of giving your aunt any of your attention, you take the wet piece of clothing, and the rest of the clothing that have gone unwashed, and leave the room. That doesn’t stop your aunt, including your other aunt, and mother, from searching for you later. 
It was while you were sitting on a ridge of the cave that looked out to the rest of the world. The only spot in the entire cave that could be considered a window when compared to a normal home. You look out at the dead earth that surrounds the cave, taking note of a soul that's drifted too far away from the entrance of the underworld and how it soon dissipates into thin air. Probably grabbed by the reaper of souls or even the River Styx’s guardian. 
You longed for a life like there's. Even if something as messily and gruesome like reaping dead souls, and rowing those souls across a river doesn’t sound at all fun, but it’s better than being stuck in a cave for all of eternity for no reason. This isn’t even your job, and your stuck here! Not because of a godly punishment, or because you even wanted to be stuck here. Your birth in this spot was the only reason. 
The fates coined this cave as there's, so this is the spot people travel to when they want to seek out their abilities. You, on the other hand, don’t have a single power that leads people to find you in this cave. Heck, you don’t even know what powers you have worth something like that. You’ve never had the courage to go searching or practicing for it. You can choose to leave—or you should have the choice to leave—to go find out exactly that, but yet, you’re still here. 
“Why- “the long-“ “face, darling.”
Unlike most people, you don’t find the fate sister’s talking annoying when they speak like this. Your brain is wired for it now, after spending every day since birth hearing it.
“You know why,” You say without looking at the fates.
The fates glance at each other, and all three of them shrug their shoulders at the same time.
“We can't read your mind, daughter.”
“Trust me-” “We’ve tried.” “Ow!”
You grin when you hear your aunt, Lachesis, yelp in pain from undoubtedly getting smacked in the back of the head by your mother. Not because you find your aunt’s pain enjoyable, but you love the bound the three fate sisters have. You also knew they tried readying your mind before, but I guess that’s just a part of one of your own useless abilities worth mentioning. Although, having the ability to keep even your own fate and mind as off limits to them is special in its own way. Otherwise they would have found out about your invisible friend and that’s a no-go. 
“Nothing any of you can fix. How about that.” You say rhetorically like you’re breathing out air. Knowing no matter what your frustrations are, it will be heard by the wrong ears to know about them. The fates never wanting to give you clear answers.
You look over at the three of them when a moment of silence has passed, and they’re all wearing the same expression: unconvinced. Unconvinced that they can’t solve your problem, which they can. They just choose not to help. Granted, an hour ago your focus was more on your invisible friend, but now that your family is in front of you, they just remind you of what’s been bothering you for what feels like forever.
You roll your eyes at them. “Fine! You want to know what’s wrong?” Your harsh wording make their eyes widen, but they all sober at the same time. Always ambiguous with their emotions. “I want to leave.”
That makes the fates break up in a frenzy. All three of their minds racing at what you just admitted.
“You can’t!” Aunt Clotho shouts. “Why would you?” Aunt Lachesis questions. “You won’t,” Your mother, the most inflexible of them all, Atropos, demands.
You huff out in anger, sliding off the ledge of the cave you’ve been looking out on, and stomp your feet like a child. “Why not? I hear story after story of the world outside of this cave. I want to explore it. I want to live out there.”
Your mother steps forward, breaking up the placement she usually stands in next to her sisters. “Y/n, darling, you can’t. Your travels will lead you down rocky paths. One’s that have sharp rocks, and dark fellow travelers.”
You grit your teeth, hating the riddle she just bestowed on you. “How would you know? None of you can see my fate!” They all gasp in unison. “And I’m done being told I’m going to die if I leave this cave! Your all so- so - ugh!”
You smack your sides harshly, unable to put into words what you were never given to announce your hatred of their constant protectiveness. Instead of letting any of them sway your decision, you walk away from them. They don’t follow you, and that’s how you want it this time. They never do follow you.
Never for you.
You run right into your room, and pack a bag. The only reason you didn’t do this eons ago is because you had a friend you didn’t want to leave behind, but your done waiting for answers from him too. Your done waiting for answers that are right outside this cave. Answers to questions you’ve not even let your mind wonder too for awhile.
You know who your father is. He’s the main reason you thought your family wanted to keep you locked up in a cave like this, but you always wondered how having a primordial god as a father was possible, and why he bestowed your mother the gift of pregnancy—a gift he shouldn’t have been able to give.
Another question that floated into your mind a lot: What were the other gods like in person? You’ve seen only few come in and out of the fate’s cave. One being the queen of the underworld herself, but that was many moons ago. Is there a moon god? There must be. You knew of the house of Nyx, and about all her children that your family warned you away from. Aunts and uncles that’s blood was so taped your family didn’t consider them their own blood since the war. But, who was the one that resided as the personification of your favorite rock in the sky? The part of the sky that keeps the tides calm?
You have so many questions, but one question...
One question that should have been answered for you years ago, but only you could answer… who are you? Who are you really? That’s a question you can only answer yourself, and it’s the hardest one to answer. An answer you’ll only find by leaving this cave and exploring the rest of the world.
You finish packing a satchel that you made for yourself one day while you were board. You look down at the many sewed in fabrics, and run your hand across it. Although you had fate’s blood in you, sewing wasn’t really much of your thing. You were pretty good at it, though. This being your first and last piece of fabric you ever sewed, and it still being kept together even though you made it years ago. Something you sewed while talking to your invisible friend…
Your eyes become glossy when you think about leaving him, but you shake your head at the thought. This is no time for second guessing yourself. He made his choice to keep you in the dark, and that was the end of it. No turning back.
You pick up your bag, hoist it over your shoulder, and head for the entrance of the cave.
It wasn’t your fault everyone around you kept life outside these cave walls a secret. It wasn’t your fault that your only friend kept his life a secret, either. Truthfully, it was all formed in a plan to protect you. Protect you from the god who would want to smite you down for just being who you are.
The daughter of Atropos, the inflexible fate that could cut a lifespan at a flick of her wrist. See anyones future thoughts, and present and past thoughts too because of her connection to her sisters. But even with all these gifts she bestowed upon you, your fathers adventures mind took over. You were nothing like him, not really, and the fates were all too young to remember what he was like unpersonified.
So when he came as a ghostly figure, one that not even Jungkook could touch, your mother did not believe him when he told her his name. When he told her he wanted to make a god with her, she believed him even less. But you we’re born somehow. Not by hieros gamos, or even the shaping of clay. A simple poke to Atropos’s belly and she had you within nine months.
Who knew someone so infertile, could make a goddess like Atropos plump like she was? She never got answers as to why he wanted to make your mother pregnant, and besides casting your fate before your birth, none of the fates had a say in your life. Not to the extent they were used to, at least.
But your father was still your father, as absent as he was. Telling you who your father is was the last time any of the fates bestowed you with knowledge of your life. Not that Zeus would want to kill you for having such a Titian like power. Not how you somehow formed a connection with the god of death before you even hit two hours old. But the name of your father they did tell you. It was something trivial to them because even if you wanted to meet him, you really couldn’t. Not unless he wanted you to. 
Your father is the name of a personification, and the name of a place that mortals and gods alike feared to be sent too one day.
His name was Tartarus.
And that’s exactly where you planned to go.
The second your feet crunch against the open worlds surface, Jungkook’s wings itched. He knew you were out of the cave the second you breathed in the toxic airs. Luckily, he was already in the underworld, talking to Hades about plans with the overflowing amount of souls that have been coming in lately. One second Jungkook was there… then the next second he wasn’t. Feeling the pull to you instantly, and having no thoughts of trying to repent it. 
“I’m not sure, Jungkook. Don’t you think-“ Hades turns in the direction of where Jungkook once stood. He glances around the throne room, seeing no one but Persephone there with him. “Where’d he go?”
Jungkook has never flew faster in his life. Even during the war, he never flapped his wings this hard to pick up speed. With that thought, he slowed his pace a bit. Right when he got in front of Charon to think about what exactly he was going to do. You are out of the cave. You are free. The fates and him never discussed what he was allowed to do if you ever did that! He hasn’t thought about the possibility of you leaving in years. 
But there you were, in his line of sight now. Outside of the cave and walking towards the entrance to the underworld. 
He looks around at the lost souls, seeing you right at the edge of them. To far away to see him, but at the same time, you’ll be deciding to walk through the souls and see him soon. You don’t know enough about the world to go too deep or understand anything about the underworld. The fates cave being at the outer edge of it all.
Charon, the person that allows souls to cross the River Styx, looks over at his winged brother. He’s frantic. Pacing back and forth along the shore, wings sucked into his body, and he’s constantly putting on and taking off his hood. Like he’s not sure how he wants to look right now: dark and mysterious, or like an open book and angelic. Charon would usually ignore the god of deaths antics, but he’s scaring away the souls that have tolls for him. Even if they’re just spirits, there’s more mortals than nymphs around. Seeing the god of death’s skeleton form is making them all cower away from the shore and the deity.
“Jungkook, why must you pace here?” 
Jungkook doesn’t stop looking towards you. You’re still trying to figure out how to get through the crowd of souls that you, in all rationality, could just walk through.
“I-I… nothing,” Is all Jungkook can say in response to Charon’s question. Paying him no mind and only focusing on what’s important to him right now. 
Charon raises a curious eyebrow. Never seeing Jungkook so flustered before. Jungkook has always been a confident god. One that would use his sickle and deathly face to scare others away from him if needed, and didn’t care how other’s perceived him for it. But now, he doesn’t even have the sickle! Leaving it in the throne room where he was once talking to Hades in.
He follows Jungkook’s line of sight, and sees a women standing at the other side of the mass of souls. 
“You could just go and talk to her, you know?”
Jungkook stops his pacing, looks over at Charon and squints his eyes at him like that was the stupidest thing he’s heard all day. “I can't just do that!”
“Why not?”
“She doesn’t know me.”
“Then why are you pacing the shores like you’re trying to reheat the sand?”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, and continues his pacing. “Because I can.”
It’s Charon’s turn to roll his eyes. One soul has become brave enough to pass Jungkook, only glancing at the being she only sees as bone. Giving Charon the coin her living loved ones buried her with. She enters the boat, and Charon hopes other’s will be as brave as this mortal to pass the skeleton of a man... but no one does.
As cool and collected as Charon usually is, there has already been problems with too many souls in the living world dying because of the war between countries, so having problems on the shores would not be good either. Although no one has made a fuss about the line to the boat not moving yet, souls tend to get antsy after awhile, especially if they have no coin to give the boatman to begin with. 
“You know a person has to give me a coin to cross the River Styx, don’t you Jungkook?” Without looking at the boatman, Jungkook nods his head. “You should probably make sure she has one. If she wants to cross, that is. She does know that, doesn’t she?”
Jungkook stops his pacing again, digging his boots into the sand as he stops. You probably don’t know that, but that’s not what makes Jungkook stop in his tracks. He sees the souls around him, scared to even look at him, but he doesn’t care about that either. None of them are moving in the like besides the one mortal women that entered the boat. Starting a crowded line even though some of them probably don’t even have a coin to cross. 
Jungkook has seen what happens when souls get frustrated. He also sees the bag you’re holding. All it takes is one soul to realize...
“Are you alive?”
Scratch Jungkook’s thoughts from before. Now he's never flown faster in his life. 
You were waiting in the line of souls to get on the boat, not wanting to be rude and pass right through them, when an older male soul asked you, “Are you alive?”
You look over at the ghost of a man, not knowing what to say. Although your family has told you very little about the world, you know that souls tend to grab onto anything living. You only knew this because it was one of the fates sayings they used to say to you so much. A saying that always made you jitter in the cold even if it was warm where you lived. 
Every mortal is afraid to die. So afraid, that even after death they will fight to live. 
You glance around, realizing other souls have turned around to look your way. All of them wanting to look at the living girl that took the one souls attention. You try to lie, but even to you is sounds false, “N-no! Just waiting to get on the boat.”
The man squints at you, unbelieving. “Did you die with that on?” He points to your bag over your shoulder, and by the way you look at it he knows you didn’t die with it, or die at all. “I knew it! Your a living soul... Please help me! I shouldn't have died! It wasn't my time.”
“Help me too! I don’t have a coin because I died at sea. Do you have a coin too spear?” A older male soul says to you, joining the conversation. 
“What coin-”
“Please tell my daughter I'm sorry.” “I didn’t mean to jump off the roof!” “I don’t deserve this!” “Help us!” “Help me!”
So many souls were gathering around you, that you don’t know what to do. You’re crouching on the floor, now surrounded by many souls. You cover your ears, wanting their pleads to stop, and shut your eyes tight. You’re so overwhelmed by everyone and have never been around this many people before. Only small groups of five or six have ever visited the fates before. This group of souls stretches out to the hundreds! 
You’re wishing them to go away. Praying to whatever god that could hear you to make them go away. You would even go back to-
Before you could finish that regretful thought, you’re suddenly no longer surrounded and being hoisted in the air. Gasps and even a feminine scream is heard from below you. 
You grab onto the being that’s saved you, but keep your eyes shut. Feeling woozy in the air, but grounding yourself by holding onto the person even tighter. It's a hard body, and one with dipped shoulders. Your face is buried in whoever your savors is neck, and your arms are grasping at their back. Holding on for deer life as you fly through the air. Your legs are wrapped around the person’s middle, and strangely enough when you squeeze the person closer to you they squeeze back. Keeping you as close to them as possible as you fly away from the swarm of souls. 
By the time you feel you’re savor and you hit land, you’re too sacred to let go of them. They don’t mind, though, because they actually sit down with you in their lap when they realize your not letting go
“A-are we safe now?”
Your savior chuckles at your question, and your eyes shoot open wide when a familiar voice is heard. “Not sure. Would you stop holding onto me like this if I say we are? If your answer is anything else but no, then definitely not.”
You know that voice... you’ve heard that voice in your dreams before and in person too for years. You let your arms and legs go slack around him, feeling your bag fall off your shoulders while you’re still sitting in his lap. Then you slowly pull your face away from his neck. Looking up at your invisible friend for the first time...
He smiles down at you, although it looks strained. “Hi, nae salang.”
You blink. Process everything. Then say without thinking, “You’re really pretty.”
Your face instantly lights up like the sun. You physically feel the heat that’s radiating off of your face. You’re so embarrassed by what you just said.
Jungkook doesn’t find it embarrassing, though. He bites his lip to fight the real smile trying to bloom on his face. Thanking all the gods, even Zeus, for giving him the looks that he has and creating a reaction like that on you because of it. 
“I-I meant...”
“I think you meant I'm drop dead gorgeous! Hotter than the Helios himself, am I right?” You playful smack his shoulder at the teases, but you can’t help the small smile from forming.
So this is what your friend really looks like. Sharp jaw that could cut glass, smooth skin that make your fingers itch to touch him, and raven black hair that looks so soft you want to run your fingers though it. Not to mention the lip piercing and a eyebrow piercing. You knew that body piercing existed. Your own family looking down at the new trend for some reason, but seeing them on your friend now is making your stomach do flips. We don’t even need to get into the tattoos. The beautiful art work printed on his skin has you wanting to know what it feels like to trace every symbol on his arms. 
And you feel the hard body underneath yours. There's not a single layer of fat on him. Completely clean all over. Your starstruck, really. You never knew what to expect if you saw him in person like this, but even now that you’ve seen him in person, you have a grueling question that slips past your lips as soon as it pops into your head.
“Why didn’t you let me see you before?”
Jungkook remains neutral in front of you, but inside there's a roaring fire being lit. Not only is he touching you for the first time, feeling your beautiful body still wrapped around him that he’s been itching to even brush across all this time. Finally being able to let you see himself too, is truly a blessing in disguise. But even now that you’re both visible to each other, he’s tongue tied coming up with answers to your question. 
He knows he should tell you the truth now. He wants to tell you, but there’s still that never elongating fear still lingering in his mind telling him you’ll hate him - be afraid of him even - if he tells you everything you’ve wanted to know for years... like who he really is. 
After a moment of silence, and watching the turmoil cross your friends eyes, you do something you never thought you would be able to do... you reach your hand out, and touch his face. Cupping his cheek and smoothing your thumb out for comfort, but in reality it’s because you can’t help yourself and want to touch him. 
“You can tell me. I won’t be mad, I promise... I’ll swear on the fates if I have to.” He chuckles at you bringing up your family in such a joking manner, but that just brings him to the realization of when he swore on the actual fates. 
He’s touching you... currently having you in his lap... so he broke his promise to the fates. 
They never swore on it with blood, not even on a body of land like the Styx, but it’s a broken promise nonetheless. Having you here, though, in his arms where you’ll forever be safe, is worth any destruction that comes his way from here on out.
He breathes you in, the aroma coming off of you smelling like roses and honey, and he holds it in for as long as possible. Only blowing it out when you start to blink up at him in confusion.
“I... didn’t tell or show you who I was... because... I was afraid you would-... hate me?” Real smooth, Jungkook. Even after he ends his explanation, that ended up somehow sounding like a question, he mentally smacks himself. 
Why the fuck is it so hard to talk to you right now?
“Afraid I'd hate you? You haven’t even told me your name yet, so how would I know who you are?”
Jungkook screws his eyes shut, not wanting to face you when he tells you the truth.
“My names Jungkook.” I quite gasp his heard from you, but he doesn’t open his eyes. The sound not helping his current predicament. “I'm the god of-”
“Death,” You finish for him. “I know who you are.”
You wiggle in your spot on top of him, feeling a little shocked, but don’t get off of him. That just serves to wake up other parts of himself, so he wraps his arms around you tighter, around your waist, and stopping you from moving. Your movement making his eyes go wide, and having to face your equally surprised face. 
You raise an eyebrow at him, glancing at his arms on your waist. He makes them go slack again, and hoping your innocent mind doesn’t realize something is now probably poking you in the ass.
“Why would you think I hate you?” You ask, not understanding why Jungkook is now acting weird, but ignoring it for the time being.
He clears his throat, and tries to seem relaxed again. “Because of how the fates talked about me to you.”
“And that is...”
Now it’s Jungkook's turn to blink in confusion. “You’ve got to be kidding me. They never told you anything about me?”
“Oh! No, they told me a lot of things about the house of Nyx. But what I'm not understanding is why would you think I care?”
Gut punched. Smack in the face. Floored. These are all the different kinds of emotions that Jungkook is now feeling. 
“I’m so confused.”
“How do you think I feel,” You say, unimpressed. 
If this entire time Jungkook didn't tell you who he was because of stories from before you were even born, your going to punch him. And you tell him just that... he laughs.
“Well, I guess I’m gutting punched then,” Jungkook says, feeling incredibly lighter about the situation now. Even after you actually punch him in the shoulder, which Jungkook barely felt because of his layer of muscle in his bicep. He didn’t even flinch, but now your fist is kinda sore. Your eyes go wide for a second, unbelieving that god has this much muscle on him. 
You then glance around the cave, trying not to think about Jungkook and how amazing his everything is, and you see that he flew you to the other side of the cave. You wondered why so many of the fates stories of this place were so gruesome. Especially the part of getting across the River Styx, when the souls judgement would be given. Looking around the cave now, it’s kinda peaceful. Not that you wanted to stay in that part of underworld. You’ve spent to much of your life in a cave to ever stay in one for to long again! But, looking around at the cave that’s filled so many stories with terrible tails, you think it’s a stunning sight. Sparkling walls with moisture and the souls passing by add to your curious mind. Wanting to know what their living lives were like.
Jungkook watched silently as you took your fill of the rest of the underworld. You only living in a part of it since you were born must have been overwhelming, but the look on your face now didn’t make him think you were overwhelmed. You made the same look when you thought about…
It suddenly dawned on Jungkook that you’ve only ever lived in a cave, so this one must be reminding you of your family. Granted, this cave is much different then the one you lived in. Still full of rocks and no flowering green in sight, but having eerie dripping of unknown water and random passing souls is very different from the fate’s cave. Basically, much worse then the cave you lived in.
“You okay?” Jungkook asks. Wanting to make sure you’re not regretting leaving. You look back at Jungkook, smiling softly when he probably caught your wondering eyes and not wanting to worry him about it.
“I’m okay. Just thinking about my family, and how they lied about so much to me.”
“About what?”
You look around the cave again, letting go of him with one of your hands to gesture to it all. “This place and how it’s so-...“
“Terrifying,” Jungkook interrupts. “I know it can be-“
Jungkook is stunned silent. Your lips did not move, and yet he heard you. You look at him now, concerned about his silence, but Jungkook is totally shell shocked.
He knew this was possible. Being able to hear the person you did hieros gamos with’s thoughts. But that’s just it. You both never did the act itself. This should be impossible, your connection together should be impossible, but yet it all is happening to him and to you. Maybe leaving the fates cave let this be possible, but it has so many emotions flowing through Jungkook right now. This little instance, hearing you just think the word beautiful, is just another reminder of what you two are to each other. Your not just a regular girl to him. Not that Jungkook has ever forgotten, but it’s way more then just a god loving a goddess. It’s entirely more.
Your souls are connected for eternity, and right now your soul looks absolutely marvelous to him. 
“You’re beautiful too,” Jungkook says without thinking, but doesn’t feel embarrassed about it either. He doesn’t care if it makes you ask questions because in this moment you can ask him anything right now, and he would answer. You could ask him to burn the whole world to the ground, and he would do it. This spark through your connection has turned Jungkook into putty, and you’re now looking at him like he’s just given you the moon.
“Oh,” you say in the smallest of voices after a moment. “Um- thank you… J-Jungkook.”
Jungkook grips your waist tighter for a second. Hearing you say his name for the first time is making him want to fly around the universe. He feels like he’s on the god damn moon at this point. Your just so… everything. Your everything to him. You make the god of death blind to the world. Only wanting to ever see you in his line of sight and hear you say his name on repeat into his ear.
While Jungkook continues to look at you with stars in his eyes, it makes you squirm in his lap again. This time Jungkook doesn’t stop you. He relaxes his hands and lets your bodies rub together. Softly groaning and make you raise an eyebrow at him when your butt knocks into his ever growing cock in his pants. All his senses are going haywire. He didn’t think hearing a single word from your thoughts would get him like this, but truthfully, everything about today has been surprising.
He’s not someone that could be easily seduced, but he swears he’s bewitched by you right now. And you’re slowly realizing what it is that keeps bumping into your thigh. You stop moving, and take in your current situation. Nibbling on your bottom lip when it dawns on you that you’re in the lap of the god of death, and how he’s looking at you like he wants to eat you.
What dawns on you even harder, is that you like it. You shouldn’t like it. You should be mad at him! He’s kept so much from you, so you shouldn’t be caving to your secret desires - but at the same time, there hasn’t been a moment since seeing him in person, and finding out who he was, that you’ve been mad at him. Is it okay to just let things go like this? Is that string of a connection you keep seeing between you two that makes you like this?
Your not sure when you started seeing that connection, or feeling it even, but it’s glowing right now. Getting brighter and brighter, and you’re not sure what to do with it. Wanting to reach out to it, but at the same time not sure if you should.
You stutter out his name, wanting to grasp onto something you know. All your other confusing emotions making you feel hotter for some reason. “J-Jungkook... I - um...”
He hums as an answer to his name, pulling you closer to him by your waist. You place your hands on his chest, but you don’t push him away to create distance. In fact, there’s becoming less and less distance between you two as the seconds tick by. The pull of that bright connection pulling you both towards each other like magnets.
You’re so inexperienced with this feeling, but you’re matching it to the feelings you get at night when you only had Jungkook’s voice to go off of. It’s making your face heat up with the rest of your body. Your mind is spinning.
“W-what’s happening?” You ask Jungkook who looks equally in a daze as you feel. Right before your lips touch, something you’ve both been craving to know the touch of for years, you get a response that rocks to your core.
“What is right.”
And then your lips are joined. A first kiss for you, and the first that mattered to Jungkook. A kiss you’ve never felt before, and a kiss that Jungkook has been craving longer than you know about. The bonds between you two pulsed, and you both gasp when you feel it. Staring into each other’s eyes like you can’t believe what just happened.
You don’t know what it is, and he has a good idea. You don’t care about it anymore, and neither does he. Jungkook pulls your body flush against his, reconnecting your lips to each other’s in the process. You whimper at the rough kiss, and it has Jungkook groaning into your mouth. Wanting to pull more noises like that from you. Enjoying the taste of your lips on his, and feeling you vibrate on top of him when he touches your bottom lip with his tongue.
It’s a frenzy of kisses between the both of you. Your very much inexperienced, but Jungkook is just happy to taste you. Happy and used to taking the lead. Forgetting how innocent you are, he grabs ahold of your ass in his two hands. Squeezing the squishy flesh. You gasp into his mouth, letting him take the opportunity to touch your tongue with his. Your tongue is hesitant, but curious - letting Jungkook’s consume your mouth completely.
You feel how your body is shaking. How your mind is only concentrating on the man underneath you like it’s never had before. It’s an experience you don’t want to stop, and Jungkook doesn’t even have the ability to stop it.
Jungkook starts to move your bodies, rubbing against each other. You feel his cock that was once poking at your leg drag over your clothed core. It has you squeaking, and Jungkook chuckling by the cute noise.
“So sweet and innocent,” He says against your lips, in fucked out daze. You hold onto his shoulders, keeping your eyes screwed shut, as he continues to move your bodies against each other with his hands on your ass. The feeling is intensifying as your movements get rougher, but the way Jungkook is looking down at you right now is making you want that feeling so much more. You want to be good for him.
Something inside makes you do it. Makes you feel brave enough to let out your first moan, and just like you hoped, he loved the sound. Jungkook detaches your lips from each other, groaning a deep “Fuck,” that goes straight to your core that he continues to grind against. “You sound so lovely, y/n.”
You bite your lip, turning red when his praise has even your insides tightening. You stutter out his name again, trying not to combust by the way you want to suddenly mold into Jungkook’s skin. Meanwhile, Jungkook is trying ever way possible to become your skin.
He nips at your ear, gliding his tongue across your lobe and enticing more high pitched noises from you. He then drags his tongue downwards, licking the salty surface of your neck. All while watching you in the corner of his eye, seeing your face contort in so many different faces he’s never seen before on you. He loves every one, and wants to see them all on repeat. Maybe even forever if you’ll let him. 
Continuing his decent, he raises your head with his hand at the back of your neck. Tipping your head backwards gently so he can get better access to your chest he’s now exploring with his lips. Everything about you tastes and feels so amazing! So amazing, that when you start meeting Jungkook’s movements with your own his eyes roll into the back of his skull. Feeling the warmth of your pussy through his pants and your thin undergarments. He groans against your chest when at just the right angle he can feel some of your wetness leak from you.
The urge to pin you against the ground and fuck your virginity away is strong, but looking back at your face has him resisting - as hard as that is. He doesn’t want to be the guy the fates expect him to be and one your don’t deserve. A type of god that horns on girls and takes them however he pleases. Not caring about when or how. That’s not Jungkook. Not with you or any other girl he’s been with in the past.
He’s never been selfish, and he’s not going to start now just because his mind is in a frenzy. “Put your hands back on my shoulders, nae sarang.”
It takes you a few seconds to process his words, not even realizing your hands slipped from his shoulders while he was attacking your neck before. “O-okay.”
You slowly place your hands back on his shoulders, not sure what to do or what Jungkook was going to do. He then lifts your body up, positioning your core right on his thigh. As much as he loved your wet core grinding on him before, it ended ups being too much. Jungkook has been alive for many years, so simply grinding on each other won’t get him off, but he also didn’t want to push you to what would get him off if you continued the way you were.
When he places you on his thigh, you shuffle a little to get comfortable. He then places his hands on your lower back over your dress this time, rubbing the soft fabric you’re wearing and comforting you while he does it. Jungkook then smirks up at you, making your eyes widen a little for a second at his sudden dirty expression. “I’m going to make you feel so good, y/n. Do you want to feel good, nae sarang?”
You swallow against the lump in your throat - hands shaking as you grasp onto his shoulders tighter. You don’t even know what could make you feel even better than before, and your a little nervous to find out. This is Jungkook, though. The friend you’ve had since the beginning of your life. The friend you’ve wanted to always feel this good with, but couldn’t in the past out of nerves and the problem of never being able to touch each other. Now, you want him to touch you in ever way he can.
So, you give him permission to take your everything. “I want you to make me feel good, Jungkook... please.”
Jungkook suppresses a groan, surprised by how dizzying your words just got him, and pushing the thoughts in his head as far in the back of his brain as possible. Jungkook then positions his thigh higher, making sure it’s directly against you, and begins moving you back and forth on his thick thigh. The feeling is instant. Before, it was brief feelings of pleasure that had a rest in between each movement, but now it’s a constant.
You grabs onto Jungkook’s shoulders even harder, digging your nails into his shirt, trying to place all your feelings there, but your mouth still opens up to let out even higher pitched moans and whimpers. Your toes are curling, it feels so good. When one of his hands greedily grasps at your ass again, instead of just empty moans your voice fills with his name. His name falling breathlessly from your lips and pushing every syllable into his ears. “Jungkook! Oh my- mmm!”
Jungkook can’t take it anymore. He pulls your body closer to him, still shifting his leg so you don’t stop feeling is thigh on your most intimate parts. He then starts attacking your chest again with long licks and kisses. Wanting to touch you even more, and more intimately then before. While your still screaming out your euphoria above him, he slowly pushes one of the straps of your dress off your shoulder. You feel it fall, and get red in the face for what feels like the tenth time today when you realize your left breast is exposed to him.
The only indication that you resist this is with a small gasp, but it’s soon covered up by another moan when his thigh rubs your clit just right through your undergarments. Jungkook takes this as an invitation. Licking his lips before he attaches them to your nipple. Sucking on the bud and feeling you vibrate all over uncontrollably because of it.
His teeth nip at the bud, and his tongue licks at the surface. Your head is spinning. You’re so sensitive, more than you thought you would be, and all this overstimulation is putting your stomach in knots. “J-jungkook I-… I think…”
Jungkook’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t stop. Grinding you harder on his thigh, and using all the tricks he can do with his tongue on your nipple. And he’s got a lot of tricks. Swirling around the bud, and sucking. Nibbling, and licking. Pulling, and flicking. 
Your wetness is soaking his pants now, making his thigh raise even higher to touch as much of it as possible. Wanting to feel how much he’s affecting you right now like you’ve affected him for eons. All the while his cock is dripping pre-cum in his pants right now, and he’s trying his best to ignore it by paying attention to making you feel as good as possible. 
Jungkook hasn’t had anyone since you were born. Since the hieros gamos somehow formed between you two; and his love for you became inevitable. He wants to hear you scream his name for the first time while you cum. He wants to be your first everything, even though he’s never had the urge before. He wants to teach you all the tricks of making love, and watch your sensitive body quiver as you make it through his first teaching.
One more rough thrust against your clit and flick of his tongue in your nipple, has you seeing white. Somehow also sees the night sky’s stars too as your orgasm ripples through your body in waves. It feels like it’s never ending. You’re screaming out his name, burying your face in his neck, and feeling like you’re wrapped up in heat. In Jungkook’s heat.
He holds you through your tremor of an orgasm. Embracing you tightly to him, and kissing your temples. Praising you on how good you did, and how sexy it was to watch.
Jungkook is done for. He can’t let you go. He wants to keep you in his arms forever, and tell the fate to have their Demeter moment with a different child. Your his. You’ve always been his. And Hades forbid anyone that tries to take you from him...
He wants to tell you how he feels - what you mean to him - but he doesn’t have to. Right before you drift off, your orgasm making you utterly exhausted… you hear him say it without words...
I love you.
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
River Styx - Styx is a river that forms the boundary between Earth and the Underworld.
House of Nyx (Goddess Nyx) - the personification of night. Most known to be scene as a shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep), Death, and Erebus (Darkness). The house of Nyx consists of all the deities that were born from Nyx and stayed loyal by her side.
Tartarus - the deepest part of the underworld where mortals and gods are put after they defied the higher gods (Zeus, Hades, etc.,) to suffer for eternity. The primordial god, Tartarus, is the pit itself. He was the body of the pit itself rather than an athropomorphic deity.
Helios - God of the sun. 
Charon - the son of Erebus and Nyx (Night), whose duty it was to ferry over the Rivers Styx and Acheron those souls of the deceased who had received the rites of burial. In payment he receives a coin that was placed in the mouth of the corpse.
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#Genre: angst, fluff
#Includes: Whoever you wish, no character descriptors.
#Description: Period piece. Prince ML x Maid FL
#WC: 1.6k
♛ Part 1 ♛ Part 2 ♛ Part 3 ♛ Part 4
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The following weeks passed by excruciatingly slow despite the first few weeks succeeding the wedding being hectic and rather lively but as of now the pace has settled and everyone is falling back into their usual routines but with a new addition… the Queen. It pained you to witness how easily she fit in as if she had always been there, roaming the halls and talking animatedly with the surrounding Kingdoms Kings and Queens like she was born for this, and you guess she was. Prior to becoming your nations Queen, she served as the princess of Nearan - one of the richest nations your Kingdom was allied with, therefore their union shouldn’t have surprised you as much as it had, their coming together was written long before you had even met the King and you were unsure if that eased the sting your heart still carried or doused it with a healthy dose of spirit. The only saving grace was that you were not part of the maids who tended to her highness, the only time you crossed paths could be attributed to unfortunate coincidences and even those meetings were few and far.
You had been prepared to dislike her whole being and a cruel part of you hoped she would step out of line in order to give you a fair reason to hold so much hostility towards her. Yet every time your ears perked up at the mention of her highness it was nothing but to sing her praises and you could not fault that because as much as you wanted to you could not dislike her for she was perfect and it pained you to admit it. While she looked perfect and pure on the outside, the inside reflected the same, you had not heard or witnessed one negative word about her Majesty, and you doubt you would so with a heavy heart you tried your hardest to soothe the ache and longing burning deep inside you.
It was easy to forget the pain when you did not see the King often if ever, due to his Union and new title of King there were many responsibilities that now fell upon his shoulders, and he would spend most of his days tucked away into his office that you thankfully were no longer required to tend to. The events he must have been present for, you were fortunately and conveniently absent and you pushed away the treacherous thoughts of if he would ever seek you out amongst the crowd, did he long to see your face as you did his? Yet you dispelled that question as soon as it entered your mind for you already knew the answer – of course not. By his side he had one of the most beautiful women you had ever laid your eyes upon and a heart to match, you could not offer him what she could and once again it pained you to admit that he had made the right choice in marrying her but at least you can confirm he will have a deserving partner at his side.
You did not know you would find the answer to all of your questions the following day. The King of Isenad was scheduled to arrive at your kingdom today and every person was slightly unsettled to say the least. This King had a reputation – deemed to be cold and calculating yet fair and benevolent but the most important detail would be that he had one of the strongest armies you had seen through the years, which is why many are on edge about todays meeting between both Kings. An alliance with the King of Isenad would greatly benefit your Kingdom and prove to be a great feat and you hoped it would go smoothly. You strode down the hallway, preparing for todays visitor when a brooding figure stopped you in your tracks and every thought that consumed you suddenly disappeared.
You had not fully seen him since his wedding day and now in all his glory he stood before you, looking just as handsome as he did then but now dark circles littered beneath his eyes and a dark shadow clung to his chin and jaw. He stared straight ahead as he spoke to you, his cold and distant eyes had you roughly swallowing your concerns – that was no longer your job. “You will be In charge of serving King Isenad on his arrival today” his voice was void of any emotion and he still had not met your eye and sick sense of satisfaction sparked within you – good, you do not deserve to meet my eye. “Yes your Highness, will that be all?” and with a nod he dismissed you and that was it.
You felt surprisingly light and touched your eyes to ensure you had not unknowingly shed tears, yet your fingertips came back dry, and you bit back a proud smile. You were getting better and while it still hurt to see him you no longer wanted to run and reside in your room for the rest of the day, and you would take that as a win. A commotion from downstairs snapped you out of your revery and you peered over the banister to see maids bustling about, rushing to get everything in place and that only meant one thing “He’s early” you whispered. The Kings previous words suddenly infiltrate your mind and only now do you understand their meaning. Before you can process what this means two guards open the towering arched doors and a black clad boot steps past the threshold.
 °• ♔ •° 
He enters with the confidence of a thousand men, standing tall and proud as he surveys those who stand before him. His sharp jawline briefly clenches, and his dark eyes follow the King as he makes his way into the foyer with an outstretched hand that he firmly clasps “King Isenad, I hope your journey was not too unpleasant” “it was as pleasant as it could have been” his smooth deep voice replies. “I see. Your chambers have been prepared and supper should be ready shortly” the King continues informing King Isenad on protocol and introducing his Queen as she joined them. However, his eyes once again flit across the room, this time making contact with you who is still standing peering over the banister, and you could swear you saw a flash of amusement as you hurried to hide behind the wall out of his line of sight. Well, this was not the best start to your new task, and you will your heart to stop beating so fast and try to remove the image of his sharp piercing eyes that seem to have seared themselves into your mind. You realise you will have to introduce yourself shortly in order to show the King to his chambers and fulfil any of his wishes during the time he resides here, so you hurry to make yourself presentable before you make your way towards both of the Kings.
“Ah, this will be the maid serving you during your stay with us” the King informed him in no particular fashion, as if it was a fleeting fact. King Isenad assessed you from top to bottom, not concerned with hiding his gaze as he stared into your eyes while asking his question “and does she have a name?” the King startles at this not expecting such a question and stutters out his response “uh I- yes, its Y/N your Highness” “Mmh” he hums before snapping his gaze back to the King, “Do you recall all of your castle staff by name?” at this the King bristles while her highness shuffles uncomfortably next to him. You stand there in shock at the sudden question, unaware of what prompted it as you sneak a glance at your King to see his response “I do try to make an effort” he sounds strained as he responds which King Isenad decides to ignore as he nods before addressing you “I’d like to be shown to my chambers” and you wonder if you’re imagining the slight curve of his lips “Of course your Majesty, its right this way”. He bids his goodbye to his and her highness before he departs and follows your steps into the west wing.
His heavy footsteps echo around the quiet corridor and you can sense his imposing figure behind you close enough that the heat radiating off his chest seeps through the thin material of your drabs and into your back like a soft caress. You roughly gulp and wipe your sweaty palms on the front of your dress before you stop in front of the room he will be residing in “This is your chamber your-” you turn around but are quickly cut of as he happens to be standing a lot closer than you predicted, you slowly walk backwards to give yourself more room but collide with his door. He takes one step closer, closing the distance you had created before bending down to become eye level with you “Do I make you nervous?” he asks quietly. You beg he doesn’t notice your eyes flit to his lips for half a second before returning to his eyes – you have never been this close to any other man, not even your own King.
You deem it better to honest with him as you sense he already knows your answer as he stares at you like a predator would observe it’s pray “Yes your highness” you breathily reply. He leans in closer, brushing the shell of your ear with his lips “Good” he whispers before standing up straight and his frame completely dwarfs you. You now stare at his rising chest that’s become eye level to you, faintly making out the hard planes of his chest and stomach before his voice snaps you back to reality “you’re in my way” you blink away the haze before hurriedly rising of the door and stepping away “I apologise your highness, it will not happen again” you rush out, “we will see” he smirks before entering his chamber and letting you finally breath a sigh of relief.
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🏷: @adreamofleftoveromens @tirzamisu @bogbiddiesworld @pshwaa @crystal-lilac @princessatoru @milk-and-cherryjuice @itsmeteiiteii @the-massive-simp @momoewn @euryale16 @mitzwinchester @0ni0m @1-800-mocha @a-book-lover-things @tojitsukaisen @m-atcha-tea ༺♡༻
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© property of simpforanyanimeguywithdarkhair
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
ML Fic Recs - AUs
Last week was crazy and I didn’t get around to posting, but now I’m back with your weekly rec list. As usual, I’m trying to rec fics that readers are less likely to have read. (I base that off of kudos on AO3. The general rule is fics under 1000 kudos, but usually I try to keep it under 500!) You can find my other rec lists on my blog at #jennarecsml
If you enjoy these, please reblog so more readers can find these awesome fics!
I love the what ifs of taking are characters and changing something--or everything!--of their circumstances. What if Adrien never went to school? What if soulmates were real? What if there weren’t miraculous? There are so many ways things could have gone differently and I love these explorations. Here are some of my favourite alternate universes!
like poles of a magnet by @rosekasa
ladybug spat her blood at chat noir. invincibility was only granted to the ladybug and black cat that worked together. not even the miraculous cure could heal them, otherwise.
(or, five times they didn't hate each other, and one time it was love).
Multi-chapter. Enemies AU.  The enemies dynamic here is AMAZING!! Adrien is so in character even when he’s a “bad guy”, and the backstory of how he ended up working with Hawkmoth is perfect. (Also, how is Gabriel even worse??) I love the way the identities are played with, and especially the repercussions of Chat working for Hawkmoth on what Adrien is allowed to do.
I Love You To Pieces by marichatting
Marinette's wrist is blank. She knows that one day, she will kiss her soulmate for the first time, and her soulmate tattoo will appear on her wrist, but how is she supposed to wait patiently for that day to come?
She is dying to know whether or not Adrien is her soulmate. Meanwhile, a certain cat has the same burning question about Ladybug.
One-shot. Soulmates AU. This is so freaking sweet, I can’t even. I love when an author takes the rules of the AU and thinks through how they might play out with our characters and their dynamic, and that’s what we have here. Love the interaction between the soulmate kiss and secret identities!
A Series of Meets: Postcards by @damagectrlwrites
When Adrien moves into his first flat, he discovers postcards already in his mail box addressed to someone none of the neighbors seem to know. The postcards come from a young woman traveling the world for a few months named 'M' and her diligent, once a week cards make Adrien decide to hold on to them in hopes of delivering them to the correct receiver. However, with each postcard he gets, he learns more and more about 'M' and soon finds himself falling for the postcard's mysterious writer.
One-shot. No powers/Never met AU. Okay, technically this is a chapter in a collection of AU one-shots, but it deserves individual attention. I loved the mystery of this one, and watching Adrien slowly fall for someone he’s never even met. I don’t want to give away too much with this one, but when I finished reading it the first time I had to go back and give it another read to see how everything connected.
Footsteps by @sariahsue
"I'm not sneaking!" Marinette blurted out as soon as she saw him. She noticed three things instantly. He was blond. He was holding his hands around his eyes like binoculars, and he was in the nicest tuxedo she had ever seen.
(Marinette’s about to get married to her soulmate, a man she’s never met before. Too bad she meets that cute groomsman in the hallway first.)
One-shot. Soulmates AU. This is ridiculously, impossibly sweet. I love how even in a world where they’ve never met and things are clearly very different (marrying someone you’ve never met??), they’re still so very recognizable as themselves. I love this.
A Series of Meets: Reach by @damagectrlwrites
Paris is safe, except from the rivalry of its two superhero guardians: Ladybug and Chat Noir.  Since they were teenagers, the two have raced around Paris, trying to out do-good each other.  
After Chat Noir saves a bus of people from falling into the Seine before Ladybug can even get there, Adrien is in high spirits.  He helps a young woman reach some chips high on a shelf, kicking off a friendly conversation that ends with a coffee date.  
It’s a terrible day for Marinette.  First she had a hectic day at work, then Chat Noir gets all the praise for saving a bus of people, and then she nearly topples over trying to reach some chips.  At the very least, a nice guy helps her and asks her to coffee. Surely, things will get better, right?
One-shot. Enemies/Never met AU. Okay, technically this is a chapter in a collection of AU one-shots, but it deserves individual attention. This one is absolutely amazing and hilarious and YOU NEED TO READ IT!! Ladybug and Chat Noir are superhero rivals, always trying to outdo each other, and being annoyed at the other. Marinette and Adrien get a meet-cute and fall in love. The juxtaposition is perfect and ridiculous and THAT IDENTITY REVEAL OMG.
The Soul System by @peppermint-shamrock  
A series of fics taking place in the same soulmate AU, where soulmates experience an intense feeling of connection and recognition upon first contact - and only first contact. With no lasting proof beyond memories, things don't always go smoothly.
Series. Soulmates AU. This one is full of angst and heartbreak, but it’s so good. The worldbuilding is phenomenal. This is one where the author has really thought through the consequences of the alternate world, and then figured out how to inflict those on our canon dynamics in such a way that they inflict maximum hurt. Ladybug and Chat Noir are soulmates, but Marinette’s in love with someone else. Someone who already has a soulmate. 
lost without the shape of your heart by @beaubcxton
“I heard you today at the coffee shop.” Ladybug whispered, and noticed the way he stiffened immediately. “Don't worry, I didn't figure out who you were but I saw the back of your head as you left.”
“Oh.” He pulled away then, and offered her a wobbling charming smile. “You didn't happen to hear anything I said, did you?”
Four times Marinette stumbles onto the boy behind the mask, and the one time she meets him.
One-shot.  Never met AU. This is such beautiful ladynoir, and I love how that relationship grows and deepens. Meanwhile, of course, they’ve never met as civilians, but there’s nothing stopping them from recognizing each other. The ending absolutely sent me.
The following fics is amazing and absolutely worth reading, but does feature sexual content, so minors beware.
Overheard by @ghostlyhamburger 
Marinette and Adrien are roommates. Adrien overhears some odd sounds from Marinette's room.
Rated E. Multi-chapter. Roommates/Housemates AU. This is really hot and sweet, and then the angst hammer comes in. I just really enjoyed the entire thing, watching these two be idiots and seeing how the misunderstandings arise.
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eggrestes · 3 years
ladrien fic recs!
there are SO MANY amazing ladrien fics i cant possibly cover them all but here are a few!
(all the ratings used are ao3 ratings)
((this is a very long post!))
Of Ivy and Sunlight by cyanise [ T, 1509 words, 1/1 ]
When Adrien takes to wandering the streets of Paris in ungodly hours, Ladybug has no choice but to keep an eye on him. Still, things are bound to get a little out of hand between two overloaded teenagers with a lot of love and not enough self-control. 
a lovely post-chat blanc fic :’) it has a great flow and is just soft and so sweet and it’s just perfect. gosh i cannot really say more other than read it!!! also almost all of their other stuff is also ladrien so do check it out!
This can't be happening by PlaPla [ T,  6,467 words, 1/2 ]
Ladybug is unsure whether accompanying Adrien to a gala as his not-date is the best or worst thing that has ever happened to her. But when their table mates turn out to be none other than her long time friends Alya and Nino and with Adrien acting weirder and weirder she finds herself with bigger worries than an unrequited crush.
a djwifi/ladrien double date? hit me up! i love identity shenanigans, ball dancing, ladrien, and djwifi and this is a perfect mix for me. i know it’s incomplete but it doesn’t end in a cliff-hanger really, the part 2 is just a promise of more so it doesn’t feel incomplete! PlaPla also has a short oneshot of ladrien going for a motorcycle ride.
Falling again by emsylcatac [ M,  4,506 words, 2 Works ]
They had been dancing around each other for a while now, and while fifteen year old Adrien would have been ecstatic at the idea of dating Ladybug in secret, twenty-two year old Adrien knew better. But Ladybug wasn’t making it easy. It was like… she, too, was falling for him. And that surprisingly enough, she didn’t mind.
* * *
Or Adrien trying (and failing) to keep things professional between him and Ladybug when the two of them partner up for a mission. Older AU
things are a little steamy~ here (don’t worry, it’s only implied it’s very mild and closer to a T rating than the M) but it’s a great mature take on their dynamics! emsy has more ladrien one-shots in her collection of one-shots!
i'd love to go on a date with you by sae_what  [ G,  6,480 words, 1/1 ]
Once it had been falsely announced throughout Paris that Adrien and Ladybug are in a relationship, Ladybug pays him a visit to turn him down gently.
Only, she doesn’t. And instead, she has a formal dinner date. With Adrien. At 8 pm. Tonight.
LADYBUG IN A SUIT!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. okay but for real it’s so sweet and also??? they are on a date!!! a rooftop date!! (too man exclamation marks oops)
Always Welcome by  chatonne-rousse [ T, 1,683 words, 1/1 ]
Ladybug knows that Adrien's window is always open for her to swing by and stop in, whether for video games or a chat or, like tonight, for soft kisses and sweet nothings.
He loves these visits. His girlfriend is always welcome. Always. (Especially for kisses.)
Written for Ladrien June, day 8: bluebell eyes.
established relationship, pre-reveal ladrien. there is something very home-y about this fic and it’s all about the comfort and quiet that i adore about it!
Five Times Gabriel Agreste Caught Ladybug in His Son’s Bedroom (and the One Time He Caught Chat Noir) by agrestenoir [ T,  1,923 words, 1/1]
Gabriel Agreste keeps finding Ladybug in his son's bedroom. As a super villain and father, this will not stand.
this crack fic is... honestly so hilarious. it’s all through gabrie-i-am-trying-to-parent-and-failing-a-lot-agreste’s POV so it is so much ridiculous! 
an uncurtain discovery by  Missnoodles [ T, 4,684 words, 1/1 ]
When he returns from school on Wednesday afternoon, Adrien discovers the darkness in his own home. He struggles to come to terms with it. To his utter mortification and delight, Ladybug is nearby to rescue him.
(He does not discover that his father is supervillain. That will happen on a different Wednesday.)
Adrien is being a cat and gets tangled in the curtains on his window and it’s utterly ridiculous. all the bug and the cat tendencies make it funnier and adrien’s inner monologue is just a cherry on top!
secret valentine by a_miiraculer [ T,  12,245 words, 1/1 ]
this is the moment that we will come alive brace yourself for love sweet love, secret love
If Adrien had known that getting himself stuck in a tree would end like this, he would've gotten himself stuck sooner.
A drabble series.
i just,,,, don’t have words for how much i love it! it’s ridiculous, it’s cute, it’s funny, it’s whole-some and just ladrien. the writer also has a M rated multi-chapter ladrien kissing (no the M is very much real here) and a heroic adrien and ladybug one-shot too! 
Those Benevolent Stars by peachcitt [ G,  23,696 words, 3/3 ]
“Will you come back?”
She looked up at the deep blue sky, as if she could somehow find the answer there. “I shouldn’t,” she said, shaking her head and looking back at him. But the stars were still there, caught in her eyes, and Adrien persisted.
“But will you?”
adrien meets his soulmate, a thief who calls herself ladybug. he falls for her, but she seems determined to maintain a space between them.
oh my god this au.... just no words!! it’s poetry and it’s tender and it’s about the yearning and just!!! perfect :’). Her current ongoing ladrien june fic is also akin to this (and the fic i linked before it) so do check it out too! (literally check out all of their works it’s so beautiful)
Flowers on the Window Sill by LNC [ G,  2,144 words, 1/1 ]
The first time Ladybug saw him, really saw him, the universe stopped.
this fic feels like poetry and it’s so lovely. LNC is always short and direct but it always hits right in the feels while also being hilarious. Her  other ladrien works are just as good and i highly recommend going through them because it fulfills all of the ladrien needs (along with Reiaji)
whatever a sun will always sing is you by komorebirei [ T,  32,980 words, 37/37 ]
“I didn't think you'd actually... do anything," Adrien admitted, cheeks prickling with warmth. "I-I mean, I never expected... I didn't know you watched my interviews.” That definitely wasn’t how he'd imagined confessing to Ladybug.
“Of course I do!” Ladybug squeaked. “Uhh, that is…” She looked down at her hands, nervously turning her yo-yo over, over and over. “Maybe you’re not the only one with a crush.”
(After an unexpected confession, Ladybug and Adrien start dating in secret. A progressive character- and relationship-study quilted from drabbles, with the intention of digging treasure out of the cove that is Ladrien. Written using kashimalin-fanfiction's kiss writing prompts from Tumblr.)
it does such an excellent job at exploring this dynamic along with the characters. it’s such a sweet fic, each chapter short and fun!
whose woods these are (I think I know.) by  Reiaji [ T,  105,000 words, 25/25 ]
Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau.
As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side.
Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish.
[Ladrien Cinderella AU]
Warnings: Child abuse, Graphic depiction of violence
this is absolutely gorgeous. it has so many troupes and so many amazing character arc and great build up and everything just flows so well. it left me in awe for weeks and i just. want to experience reading it for the first time again. look at this gorgeous art inspired by this! {and you have to read  leonard bernstein too because LETTERS and LADRIEN and YEARNING}
i would do it again (oh, a thousand times) by bugabisous [ T, 2,266 words, 1/1 ]
Knowing you can bring someone back doesn’t mean you’re free of the pain of seeing them disappear before your eyes. He can’t imagine he’ll be able to look at her directly without replaying every horrifying moment when he felt her slip away in a puff of smoke.
When it happens once again, he already knows he’ll be trying again. He just can’t give up.
it expands on adrien’s feelings in the episode desperada (my beloved <3) and it is just ouch. such great angst, such great potential. the kind of tragedy that it offers is unusual for ml (it gets only rivaled by chat blanc tbh). to rival this angst bugabisous also has a fluffy one-shot :)
when the world gets too heavy (put it on my back) by Taliax [ T, 4,720 words, 1/1 ]
Chat Noir isn't allowed to cry over his father. But even when he's just Adrien, Ladybug won't abandon him.
Hawkmoth reveal hurt/comfort + Ladrien
the plagg and adrien bond written is just perfect, and oh this hits right in the feels :’) it hurts all in the right way. tali also has so many other ladrien works in all genres too
By Your Side by omniousunflower [ T, 4,361 words, 1/1 ]
(Angry and alone, Adrien waits on top of the Eiffel Tower for his lady.)
“So, how did my kitty get stranded up here?” Ladybug asks.
Groaning, Adrien pulls his knees toward his chest and presses his face against them. “Because he’s stupid and impulsive.”
“Chasing pigeons, then?”
“No.” Shame burns in Adrien’s veins, white-hot now that Ladybug is here to witness his stupidity. “I threw my Miraculous, and Plagg wouldn’t get it for me.”
post-hawkmoth defeat, and adrien is not doing well at all. i am cheating because it is post reveal, pre relationship but it’s still ladrien. this fic is a roller coater of emotions, starting from a slightly crack scenario to a cute, awkward, hopeful ending.  More Than You Know is another of sunny’s angsty ladrien work!
Breaking The Rules (AKA The Ladrien Fistfight) by ThisKwamiNeeds_aNap [ T, 8,714 words, 1/1 ]
Marinette may or may not be dying, but she’s still going to do her best to fix every single problem in the world. She’s not expecting Adrien to be the one who tries to stop her. (Takes place immediately after Kwami Buster)
Warnings: panic attack, broken bones, PTSD. please read the tags!
*slaps this fic* this fic can fit in so much angst. it just?? left me in PAIN oof. it says ‘ladrien fistfight’ on the lid but nooo there is marinette is just having a freak out and it’s all so much??!! and it’s not just marinette there is adrien too and chloe and alya and- wow it’s amazing. love it so much it fills up my angst needs :’)
so that’s it for now! my personal commentary isn’t impressive nor does it do justice to the fic but i still hope you read a few of these!! happy reading!!
123 notes · View notes
brickercupmasterx3 · 3 years
Going to put my current thoughts under a read more because of spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the latest ML episode. And I’m honestly just angry and annoyed at everything that happened to Lukanette in canon. (If I do any more Lukanette anytime soon, don’t be surprised if the first thing you see back there is angst. That’s literally the only thing I think about when Lukanette’s involved now. Don’t get me wrong, they’re still my OTP and I will always cherish them, but I can’t let things go so soon. I have rights to be upset and look down on them for the time being.)
((I will probably be deleting this later, but for now I just want to share some thoughts.))
When you tell yourself you’re not going to bother watching anymore ML episodes, but you put yourself through the pain of watching “Crocoduel” anyway... -_- And it only further destroys your heart, because your ship is never going to be together.
I’m sorry, but I HATE Canon!Marinette now. I know it’s not her fault for being so unlikable and annoying like she is, but it’s just so darn unbearable to see her this badly derailed by the writers. (Mari knew Luka felt something for her, and she knew he always was extremely supportive of her crush on Adrien, so why the hell would she just avoid him, despite that? Didn’t she literally call him “Adrien” or at least mentioned him when they planned a date in “Truth”?)
Yes she hurt his feelings, but he understood and accepted her decision on their break-up. It wasn’t working, and he’s an absolute sweetheart for letting her go and being so understanding. You’d think the two would have been in somewhat more amicable terms, right? But no... Mari had to be selfish, forget the fact that she’d had any sort of feelings for Luka, only to up the damn Love Square! I’m done! JUST DONE!
Also what kind of person would ask the twin sibling of their ex to just ask them not to show up to their own birthday party? I cannot express how upset I am with Marinette. Especially with her whole, “Just because you’re separated/not together doesn’t mean you two can’t still talk.” or something amongst those lines, when she was doing the same thing with Luka, that Jagged and Anarka were doing. She should have taken her own advice from the beginning.
Also seeing Luka upset like that broke my heart. ;_; He asked Marinette when she was going to confess to Adrien, meaning he held nothing against her for her feelings or lack thereof for him. Typical of Luka to be the first to make conversation and tell her, he wouldn’t mind having her in his life as merely a friend. (Just have him move away already, he deserves so much better than Marinette.)
I just can’t fathom Marinette’s train of thought throughout the episode, and frankly I kinda wanted to hit her a few times.
I’m thinking “Wishmaker” (which I’m still iffy whether to watch or not, despite the cute Lukanette hand holding I saw in the trailer) might be the last episode I watch, if I get to that. I’m still extremely upset about this.
(I’ll be off for a while.)
38 notes · View notes
miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (April 17th-23rd)
Anonymous said:
Didn't need Burrow: "Gabriel Agreste" will be all about how he's not really evil just misunderstood. He had a lonely childhood or some garbage and we should feel totally sad for him you guys.
Just throw the man in jail and move on, PLEASE.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloé will be jealous of Zoe and throws a temper tantrum. Bonus points if the show blames Maribug for giving Chloé the Bee Miraculous in the first place.
[flashbacks to “Malediktator” where Adrien “the perfect high road boy” made the comment about Chloe that encouraged Marinette to give her the bee in the first place, something they will very likely never address]
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Gabriel and Nathalie will have last-minute redemptions because "fAmiLy".
Aaaaand now I’m having Voltron flashbacks...
and Steven Universe flashbacks...
You know what, just most recent shows that have a villain related by family ties in some way.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe and other new characters are Romantic Rhombus shippers/stans. (love square synonyms anon here; glad to know you liked them.)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Luka and Kagami get new love interests. Bonus points if this is used to make their exes jealous.
Double bonus if the one paired with Luka is either terrible person/isn’t like Marinette at all, or is just “objectively better” than Marinette.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow to know that there'll be an episode where Alya tries to help Marinette out with all the Ladybug things and Marinette is gonna get pissed because she's helping to much and possibly the kwamis like Alya more than her. Alya won't be akumatized, but Marinette's gonna learn a lesson about trusting her friends and not being so controlling because Marinette will have to trust Alya to give a miraculous to someone.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow: that Alya knowing Marinette is Ladybug and thus Lila being a liar isn't going to come up except for one episode and then never be mentioned again.
If they don’t address it in the very next episode I s2g--
Anonymous said:
Didn't need the Burrow: The season's finale will feature Shadow Moth empowered by Catalyst. He will have the most ridiculous name and outfit. Bonus: His grand plan fails mostly due to his owns stupidity
I’m only looking forward to the stupidity and nothing else.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will ultimately betray Marinette's confidence in order to prove that Marinette was wrong to trust her with her secret identity instead of Chat Noir.
The building blocks are already there, let’s be honest.
Bonus if Astruc acts as if Alya was “the best choice” and then cut to Alya’s betrayal (whether accidental or intentional) and he’ll act as if the writing is so clever.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Since Hawkmoth already knows Alya is Rena Rouge, Marinette will try giving her a different Miraculous to try throwing him off. This only serves to make Trixx jealous and cause friction between the kwami which is all blamed on Marinette.
Okay, the idea would be plausible if it weren’t for the fact that this would mean making new models.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The writers will steal another common fan concept by having Marinette entrust Nino with the Miracle Box. Su-Han will be upset at first, but accept Nino as a suitable candidate (possibly implying that he's better at it because, as a guy, he's not 'ruled by his emotions' like Marinette and proves better at keeping the kwami in line. Somehow).
It’s genius! His parents and other relatives don’t even exists outside of Chris, who only exists when it’s to torment Marinette when she has to babysit him!
There’s no one to find the box!! (except Alya, who Su-Han will be fine with knowing because he trusts Nino’s judgment)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will continue to push the pro-Adrien agenda down Marinette's throat, over any and all protests that she can't have a romantic relationship with ANYONE right now due to her various responsibilities. Alya will give lip-service to the idea that she'll help her with everything else, but in practice, her only real priority is shoving her towards Adrien every chance she gets and continuing her scheming to get them together.
The illusion of caring.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will wind up STEALING the Fox Miraculous from Marinette in order to become Rena Rouge again. This will be presented as entirely Marinette's fault, with Mari forced to apologize to HER for not 'trusting her more', despite Alya's actions throwing her trustworthiness into question.
“Bonus” if Marinette had trusted Alya with the code to open the Miracle Box’s compartment, yet sure, she needs to trust Alya “more,” okay.
differenttriumphdragon said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will still believe Lila at some point even though she now knows Marinette has a good reason not to trust her.
And this will not be portrayed as Alya’s fault but rather “Lila’s.” She’s just “too clever,” you guys!!
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will continue trusting Lila, accusing Marinette of lying about not being friends with her as Ladybug and insisting that she needs to 'give her a chance' as Marinette rather than letting jealousy get the better of her.
The thought alone makes my blood boil sjgnjdfjgnfdg
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The matter of how Alya refused to listen to any of Marinette's warnings about Lila will be glossed over with Alya making some lightly teasing remark about how 'You could have cleared this all up sooner if you'd just been honest with me, girl~'
Thus furthering the narrative that Marinette telling someone about her being Ladybug was “a choice.”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will make a 'triumphant callback' to her remark in "Chameleon" about how journalists always check their sources. Referring, naturally, to how she now knows the truth from Ladybug herself... while completely ignoring how she dismissed all of Marinette's warnings before and refused to do any of her own research. Somebody will add this to ML's 'Crowning Moment of Awesome' page, praising it as an incredibly cool and well-earned moment of catharsis.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Now that she knows Marinette = Ladybug, Alya will accuse her of two-timing Adrien with Chat Noir. She will refuse to believe any of Mari's insistence that she's NOT 'stringing Chat along'. Meanwhile we'll get more Sadrien as he mopes over LB continuing to deny their love.
“Bonus” if the fandom praises Alya for finally “calling Marinette out” because “Ladybug has never properly denied Chat Noir.” (but they’ll also deny that she should’ve done it more bluntly because “that would’ve hurt his feelings”)
[meanwhile, “Prime Queen” was a thing that happened and was publicly recorded]
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Upon realizing Lila deceived her, Alya will get PISSED. ...Not over anything she did to Marinette, but because she tricked her into posting false information on the Ladyblog. Other than snapping at Mari for 'not warning me', or scolding her if she starts complaining and 'trying to make it all about you', she won't acknowledge what her bEsT fRiEnD went through at all.
...oh my gosh, I hate how plausible this sounds.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Hawkmoth will inexplicitly delay going after the families of the exposed superheroes until the writers can frame it as Marinette's fault. This likely involves Mari being forced to babysit Chris and/or the twins, and having to take them on an outing since she can't have them at the bakery due to the kwami. Cue akumatized kids/hostage situation, Nino/Alya angst and Mari being lambasted for her failures.
Kids, Marinette babysitting, and Marinette being blamed??
Wow, it’s like all the things I hate rolled into one convenient little package!
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will use the fact that she knows Marinette's biggest secret to justify being even more invasive, insisting that she already knows Mari better than she knows herself.
“wE cAn tAlk wHerE aNd wHeN yOu wAnT”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Despite how their secret identities were exposed, Marinette will be pressured by both Alya and the kwamis to give her friends 'their' Miraculi back and give new Miraculi to other classmates. Her fears about this will be presented as unreasonable... until they come to pass in later episodes, at which point she'll be blamed for 'letting this happen'.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will pressure Marinette to trust the rest of the girl squad with Miraculi, with Mari taking the blame for anything and everything that goes wrong in the process.
*long, deep sigh*
Alternatively, Alya will pressure Marinette into giving miraculouses to already-revealed heroes (Rena I could at least see being excused due to being a long-distance fighter who can create illusions from a distance, but Carapace? lol no).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The exposed superheroes will get magical makeovers to let them 'start fresh' and throw Hawkmoth off their trail. These new designs will be HEAVILY whitewashed, using the weak 'justification' that this will help hide their identities. Think Shanghai Special levels of appearance-shifting. Bonus points if Chat Noir tells the transformed Alya and Kagami they look prettier now.
I already hate it.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya is against Lila because she knows Marinette is Ladybug (not because she [Alya] trusts her).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The Ladybug reveal to Alya is used for shipping purposes.
Well obviously!! Who else was going to comment on the oh-so-coveted LadyNoir???
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow to know that Alya will still believe Lila's lies, despite her knowing that Marinette is Ladybug now
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Alya is still gonna be on Lila’s side despite now knowing Marinette is Ladybug.
Part of me wants to say, “No, they wouldn’t be that stupid,” but...
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: There will be an episode where Marinette has to learn to respect the privacy and boundaries of others. Likely candidates for the recipient of her pesky prying are Juleka (because 'Friends don't keep secrets!' only applies to Mari), Adrien (because haha stalker) or another guy-'friend' like Nino (because guys are entitled to their privacy in ways girls are not). Alya will lecture Mari on being 'too nosy' and insist that SHE would NEVER go so far and knows to give others space.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya doesn't believe Marinette, assuming that she's lying to her about being Ladybug. The scene of the kwami surrounding them was an end-of-episode fake-out and didn't actually happen/she didn't see them. Marinette is berated for spilling her secrets so 'easily'.
fdjkgdfjkgdfg okay but would we roll with that or nah considering at least that’d mean that Alya doesn’t technically know then??
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Jagged Stone's relationship with Marinette will sour since she broke his son's heart. Never mind that he's been a deadbeat dad for years; clearly HER slight against Luka is far worse, and he has every right to condemn and judge her for it.
Jagged, I swear, I want to keep liking you, don’t do this.
Especially because then it’s gonna seem like they made Jagged the dad just so he’d have some reason to be against Marinette, taking away yet another person who was on Marinette’s side.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien's antics will escalate to the point where he is openly and brazenly sacrificing others for the sake of his 'hilarious antics', such as getting them hit by akuma powers to pun off their plight. Ladybug gets blamed for failing to protect them.
Ladybug and Chat Noir are “equals” until Chat needs to be blamed for something, in which case Ladybug will take the heat.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a moment of jealousy, Adrien will sacrifice somebody else in the name of his own ego. Such as outing another hero, bringing an already outed heroes' loved ones to Shadow Moth's attention, getting more kwami caught by the villains... Naturally, Marinette gets all the blame and all the guilt from the fallout.
Of course!! Who else could possibly be blamed???
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a cliffhanger, Chat Noir needlessly sacrifices himself only for Shadowmoth to recall the akuma before Ladybug can purify it/do something else that leaves Chat Noir in limbo. Much angst and drama is mined from Ladybug's failure to save him; the fact he effectively did this to himself is never acknowledged.
Okay, that IS sad for Ladybug but would we honestly complain about Chat being stuck in limbo?
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a 'Shocking Twist', Hawkmoth's connection to *Chat Noir* will be revealed, causing Ladybug to flash back through all their interactions and question whether Chat Noir was ever TRULY on their side. Her moment of doubt will be treated as completely unreasonable and unfair, with Adrien stung deeply by her 'betrayal' and failure to 'trust in their love'.
all of my hate--
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette's anxiety will be depicted as the *cause* of said anxiety -- in other words, she'll be told that she's making mountains out of molehills and 'worrying over nothing'. Most likely by the very ones responsible for making her so anxious in the first place, treating problems *they caused* as a 'you problem'.
Don’t you guys know? Anxiety is always caused by the person having anxiety!
Trauma?? Root causes? What are those?
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will be forced to pass Guardianship to somebody else, but will NOT have to wipe her memories in the process. This is treated as a 'learning experience' with Marinette having to live with the knowledge that she simply wasn't up to snuff, with somebody else having to 'pick up her slack' and take over the responsibilities that she 'just couldn't handle'.
I still say the worst part of all this is that I - someone who hates memory loss plots - am half-hoping for her memories to be wiped just to free her from this hellscape.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Somebody else will take over as Guardian, and Tikki will guilt-trip Marinette for not being able to handle the responsibility on her own. Sighing about how nice and lively it was with the other kwamis around, and how quiet it is now that they're staying elsewhere, wistful about the 'good times' they had while failing to acknowledge how much of their excitement and enjoyment came at Mari's expense.
And just casually forgetting that Marinette’s own privacy was invaded by the kwami being around, but sure, their comfort was so much more important.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: During a battle, Marinette/Ladybug will have to sacrifice herself/APPEAR to sacrifice herself in a way reminiscent of Chat Noir's usual self-sacrifices. This will be absolutely necessary to create the opening they needed to win, but will be treated as senseless and unneeded. Everyone will berate her for it, especially Chat - and if she points out his own tendencies, he'll accuse her of pulling that stunt just to 'teach him a lesson' and punish him for being heroic.
*screams from a distance*
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Juleka doesn't get any dialogue outside of mumbling in her hero debut episode.
I’m half-expecting Juleka to be totally mumbly until a future Couffaine-centric episode where they’ll treat her talking as if it’s a huge deal.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The show would end on a vague note. We don't know if the Love Square got together (they had a finale kiss and a confession.) We don't know what will happen to the rest of the plotlines, characters, and miraculouses.
We also don’t know when we’ll get the time we lost back.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien switches sides after learning his father's motives, and is treated as 100% in the right for doing so. Marinette keeps fighting, and is blamed for everything Hawk/Shadowmoth does in his efforts to win.
“See, Marinette??? You didn’t aPpReCiAtE Chat enough!!!”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a 'Very Special Episode' of ML, somebody else gets to learn a lesson. It's Luka, who starts a new relationship with somebody else. It's shown that he learned from his mistakes with Marinette, and is more assertive and straightforward about his desires, and much happier for it. Meanwhile, Marinette's latest mistake is either being reluctant to let him move on... or letting him go because she foolishly 'wants him to be happy'.
The worst part is that they definitely won’t give a reason why Adrien > Luka outside of possibly “they have history” (fun fact that Hannah Montana back in the day - another show about a girl who led a double life - did this, except the guy she “had history with” - blond, famous, and rich - ended up cheating on her and she later pursued the other option properly - black-haired guitar boy who was way more flawed than Luka but was still endgame)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Mylene will be treated as a better Multimouse than Marinette. Not because of any of her personality traits, but because she has more mass to draw from. This is trumpeted as 'body positivity'. (Bonus points if her design is still inexplicitly slimmed down by her transformation.)
I feel nothing but disgust from reading this, please apologize.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Juleka and Luka being twins/her being held back is confirmed by her getting bullied/mocked for her anxiety issues keeping her from completing assignments (flunking verbal reports, presentations). Alternately/in addition, it's revealed by Bustier while asking Marinette to help Juleka/fretting that she'll fail for similar reasons. Somehow, Bustier is still presented as a 'good teacher' despite being the one who held her back in the first place.
This will also be a reverse-”Gang of Secrets” where Luka doesn’t appear or has no input on the matter whatsoever.
“Bonus” if this ends up being used as the reason why Juleka has been mumbling for this whole season: they didn’t want her to be considered “stupid” so they retconned her to be more mumbly than before, which caused her to get held back.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: It's revealed that guys are normally incompatible with the Bee Comb because Pollen treats men like worker drones while all women are queens. Adrien is either an exception to this or gets to be Sadrien after he's briefly given the Bee and has to deal with Pollen going Full Sass on him, with her severe critiques being presented as totally wrong no matter how dead-on her analysis of his character actually is. Jokes are made about her 'poor judgement'.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Flashbacks will reveal that Gabriel had a similar personality to Marinette when he was younger. Unlike her, HIS anxieties will be treated as more serious/endearing, rather than something to be mocked and belittled -- think his own version of Sadrien. The parallels drawn between them may also be used to cast Marinette in a worse light/imply that she could go down the same path as him.
I hate how plausible “male character has anxiety but is treated properly” is.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will be the next Chloe; trusting her despite her clear personality flaws is ultimately shown to be another of Marinette's mistakes. Just like Chloe is an unrepentant bully, Alya is an 'aspiring journalist' first and foremost, and this will override whatever faith her BFF put in her.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: After Alya's eventual but inevitable betrayal, Trixx will defend her by reminding Marinette that 'She's a Fox. Foxes lie.' He's not even particularly *surprised* by Alya breaking her promises, treating it as proof that she's one of *his*. And it's not on him for not warning Mari, but entirely her fault for failing to recognize what being a Fox truly means.
You can’t trust foxes, Marinette, and that’s what makes them great.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Su-Han will constantly veto Marinette's ideas, ESPECIALLY ones that would have prevented problems that arise later on... which she then gets blamed for not averting. If she actually calls Su-Han out on this, he will insist that the fault falls upon her for not convincing him... if he even acknowledges that he was wrong/she actually suggested things that could have averted disaster.
“It makes so much se--”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: An episode will LITERALLY get on Marinette's case for breathing -- while hiding from an akuma with super-sensitive hearing, her needing air causes problems. Bonus points if she's breathing heavily after getting injured saving Chat Noir from being hurt due to his messing about; cue Drama and Sadrien without acknowledging his true culpability in the matter. (I.E. "It's all my fault! D:" "No, no, *cough* I should have dodged better..." "Fear not, my lady, I'll protect you!")
Miraculous: Tales of Marinette Not Even Being Allowed to Breathe
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: We'll see more in-universe merch and marketing of the heroes, their images stolen and sold without permission. Ladybug is dismayed and disturbed, while Chat dismisses it; he's financially secure and doesn't care how his image is (mis)used, while Marinette's concern is treated as 'silly'. Why is she so bothered by dolls with unrealistic proportions and painted-on suits, or ones that gussy her up to make her more overtly girly and marketable?
Bonus if this is also an episode where Marinette is strapped for cash due to possible gifts for friends or all the things she used to make for Adrien (i.e: more proof that her Adrien crush just makes her life worse), and she will be treated as greedy/selfish for wanting something out of her hero work.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya declares the LadyBlog to be officially endorsed by Ladybug herself, and that all of her information is verified by the heroine. This is a blatant lie, as she continues not to do any fact-checking or run anything by Marinette, and acts as though MARI is wrong for trying to call her out on this.
Alya will also be treated as in the right for taking advantage of the opportunity because “she deserved to know” and “should be getting extra rights” as Marinette’s best friend.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Gabriel is shown monitoring the LadyBlog and using information he gleans from it more and more. If Marinette expresses any concern about this to Alya, she gets dismissed as 'paranoid' and 'jumping at shadows'.
And, similarly to “Feast,” Alya will never be called out because the narrative will conveniently never make the connection to Alya or force Alya to realize that this was a mistake.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will be responsible for exposing Ladybug's secret identity to Chat Noir. Chat then gets *furious* at Marinette for telling her and not HIM, using this as an excuse to not reveal his *own* identity, sarcastically parroting back all her warnings about how 'It's just not safe' for them to know.
Totally ignoring the fact that Marinette was on verge of a breakdown in “Gang of Secrets.”
Sorry, Marinette, guess you should’ve let yourself plummet.
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lululawrence · 4 years
Can you recomend any kidfic’s? Particularly where one of them already has a child! Thank you!
hello my dear nonnie! you know what’s funny about kid fic like this? i don’t usually seek them out, but i’m not against them either, and i’m so glad because i’ve read some really amazing ones. since you didn’t specify pairing, i hope you don’t mind but i’m including other pairings here too (mostly because some of my very favorite kid fics ever were actually tomlinshaw hehe).
so here we go! these are some fics i’ve loved where one of the protagonists has a kid :D hopefully there’s some on here you’ve not read before and you find some new fics to love! 
as always, please show your thanks to the authors with kudos and nice comments!
come on over, we've got something to share by @jaerie - A/B/O fic featuring omega harry and alpha louis. they’re neighbors and both have kids, and it’s so hot but it’s also got such a lovely deeper layer to it as well. i love this fic very much a lot!
Down From the North by @chelsea-frew - this is SUCH a lovely christmas fic! harry and louis have been dating for long enough that louis is ready to introduce harry to his daughter, but when they’re introduced it turns out his daughter has already met harry. it’s just SOOOO cute the way it all unrolls. hehe
try to not remember (rather than forget) by @hereforlou - ANGST TRAIN! established relationship fic where harry has been in a coma for YEARS. ACTUAL. YEARS. so when he wakes up there’s a lot of catching up to do.............. including meeting their child. TEARS MY FRIENDS. this fic was incredible. so anyway. get ready for pain, but you’ll like it ;)
He Was a Different League (When I Was Nothing Much) by @afangirlfantasy - i just really love crying over kid fics, okay? lollllll this one is one of those where they knew each other when they were younger, lost touch, and then reconnect when they’re older, right? but add in marcel and single father louis and oh gosh. so many tears. like when i reread my comment i kinda laughed, because apparently i ran out of tissues and made my poor husband get me a new box so i could keep reading and crying lollllll so anyway. a great fic, highly recommend, once again get ready for pain. lol
Eye of the Zebra by @sadaveniren - lmaoooo listen, this fic was written for @wordplayfics and the prompt was zebra, and then sada went and found a hilarious tumblr post to base the fic off of and i about died. this fic is actually from the pov of the child, and it’s GREAT. 100% recommend. lol
Liminal by @thousandbelow - okay listen. if you have never read anything by kodi, you’re missing out. she has such a way of creating a very specific feel and atmosphere to her fics. truly, it’s a gift, and this fic throws you entirely into louis’ world. it’s incredible and the story is amazing and hard to read in some ways and it’s just. wonderful.
Face Your Fears by @sadaveniren - SINGLE FATHER AND SECRET OMEGA HARRY!!! during his very first heat he was mated by an alpha who wasn’t there when he came to and he had twins. THE WORLD BUILDING! THE LIFE HE BUILT FOR HIMSELF! THE WAY HE MEETS LOUIS AND THINGS COME TOGETHER!!!!!! gahhhhhhhh and listen, these kids are SO REAL. i love it.
happiness hits like a train on a track by leighbot - tomlinshaw fic! tbh i went to scan the fic to be sure i was thinking of the right fic and then accidentally spent 20 minutes reading and had to cut myself off so i could finish this lmaooooo SO ANYWAY single father louis moves in next door to liam and harry, who do as many happy couples do and try setting louis up on dates so he can find his happily ever after like they have lmaooooo it clearyl doesn’t work, but then one night his daughter gets sick and duh duh duhhh! doctor nick to the rescue! the humor, the banter, the rhythm of this fic is all incredible and obvs sucks you in lol i love it 
Come and Get Your Love by @rsadelle​ - another tomlinshaw! this is a five times fic and both nick and louis are fathers and it’s so wonderful. the fic revolves around them taking their kids to each other’s houses for play dates and such, but there’s also little interludes and there’s history you want to learn and you slowly put things together and i just... oh gosh i loved the feel of this fic so much. every single character in this made me wanna be part of their friend group lol
i've a feeling it's time to try (love it if we made it) by serenityandtea - I LOOOOOVE THIS FIC SO VERY MUCH SO SO SO MUCH SO VERY INCREDIBLY MUUUUUCH. i just... deep breaths. yeah. okay. tomlinshaw! yoga instructor and single parent louis! nick basically stumbles into a class of louis’ and of course has to go back. lol it’s famous/non-famous, there’s so much DEPTH to SO MANY PEOPLE IN THIS. i just. fuck. i love it in a lot of different ways and it is truly one of my very favorite kid fics EVER.
Things There Might Be Pictures Of series by @andyouknowitis - established relationship, featuring george shelley as harry and louis’ kid! listen, lj has the most amazing writing, they build these incredible worlds for us and the detail, the intricacies involved in this series! it’s just mindblowing. gorgeous. wonderful. there’s such truth in the snippets we are able to have here, and i love them.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene by @allwaswell16​ - i STILL giggle when i think of this fic and i read it almost three years ago now, okay? this one sticks with you. it is short and sweet and just a total nightmare for a parent, but also such fun lololol you just really have to read it if you haven’t cause it’s a gem
Home for Christmas by @haloeverlasting​ - HALLMARK CHRISTMAS AU KID FIC! truly it’s amazing. harry didn’t think he wanted kids but then he wakes up! and he’s got a husband and kids! hahaha oh gosh this fic has such feeling and i legit have built it up so much in my mind that i truly thought it had so many more hits than it does?? how?? does it not have more love? anyway. i love this fic very much, it is so soft and lovely and i adore.
Packed Lunches, Sticky Fingers and Accidental Levitation by @londonfoginacup - this fic made me cry... but not because it’s sad? lollll okay so it’s witch harry who has an entire house full of kids and all the chaos that brings. he does it all himself and is not doing a great job at staying on top of everything. he really needs help, and fae zayn finally makes a decision for him and sends louis. and listen. louis does so much for harry that i as a parent who have felt very much the same way that harry did, i cried. lollll but anyway, it is such a lovely and soft and beautiful fic AND THE SEQUEL!!!! IS SO GOOD!!!! so anyway. an absolute fav of mine, right here, and that’s saying something cause emmu is one of my fav writers.
Took Me by Surprise by @becomeawendybird - listen. famous/famous, secret relationship kid fic? you hear what i’m saying?? louis was making a name for himself in the world of MLS when he got injured so he’s now a big name commentator and he has this sassy daughter who is in love with singer harry styles, so naturally things happen, right? gosh I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. i’m just sitting here remembering everything i love about it, and i can’t name it all, so please read it.
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The Legends (2019) Full Review
My review of the first 30 episodes of the drama can be found here. 
This is more of a rant than a review. The drama should have wrapped up at episode 35. I was able to tolerate it up to episode 42 when the wedding was, but by episode 48 it’s a total mess. 
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If only this scene was as epic as the picture makes it look. But alas, this was just a dream sequence, and by this point in the finale, I was already bored and scrolling through instagram on my phone. If only they really did have a love-hate relationship. But this is an angst-free drama. 
Inconsistent character arcs
The FL and ML have become incredibly weak, both in terms of abilities and personality. The changes just don’t make sense for their characters. 
Zhao yao is no longer the badass she once was, and I’m actually fine with that. Moving away from her demoness persona is part of her growth. BUT, she no longer has a goal in the drama (except when she finds out that Mo Qing has an inner demon. Then, her goal becomes finding a way to expel the demon). But in the last quarter of the drama, she doesn’t really do anything of importance. She lost her sword, but she doesn’t actively go and find it. Instead, Mo Qing and Jiang Wu are the ones who took initiative to hunt it down for her. And when Lin Zi Yu got away with it, she doesn’t bother thinking about finding her sword again?? I mean girl, you lost your sword. Your only weapon. Why is that not at the top of your list of priorities? Is this the same FL who had risked it all for the Wan Jun sword? 
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(I miss the demoness)
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Her tolerance level for things that annoy her is just so out of character. Zhao yao used to be someone who always fought back against anything she didn’t like. But when it comes to Jiang Wu, she seems to have unlimited tolerance for him. Yes, he saved her, but owing him does not mean letting him be a menace. Like when Jiang Wu sucked the life energy out of Ah Dai. All she did was try to restrain Mo Qing from attacking Jiang Wu, but she didn’t spring forward to prevent Jiang Wu from killing Ah Dai. I mean, the cause of Mo Qing’s rage was Ah Dai dying. Shouldn’t you go address the root of the problem? Instead, she just sits and stares and lets Jiang Wu kill Ah Dai instead of doing something. And then there’s the scene in the library when she’s asleep, but Mo Qing is wrestling with his inner demon, and then the Wan Jun sword kills the 2 guards on duty. She just sleeps through the entire thing. Wasn’t she once the most feared conqueror/demoness? Isn’t she a warrior? How can your senses not be alert when there’s so much ruckus around you? Someone on MDL said that she became a glorified baby sitter for the ML, and while I don’t agree that it’s as extreme as that, I can see their point. All that Zhao yao does after the wedding is try to reign in Mo Qing to prevent him from going into full-on demon mode. She holds him back, tries to calm him and soothe him, rinse and repeat.
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Speaking of Mo Qing, his current personality is just rage and jealousy. At first, it was kinda endearing seeing him jealous, but soon his entire arc was just about him being consumed by jealousy. The writers try to justify it by saying that he’s always had low self-esteem and been unconfident about himself because of his upbringing, and the growing demon energy inside him is exacerbating these thoughts, making him more unlike himself, but you’re telling me that everything that he and Zhao yao had gone through together was all for naught? This would have made sense 5 years ago, but we’ve seen that he has greatly matured since becoming sect leader. During the earlier episodes, he was able to see right through Zhao yao’s mask. He teased her, flirted with her, scolded her, and basically proved he’s her equal in every way, and he did it all with easy confidence. And now suddenly, all of that growth reverses, and he’s insecure and sensitive again. This character progression just doesn’t make sense in the context of everything that’s happened. I would have loved to have seen more of the introverted and unconfident Mo Qing at the beginning of the drama. But instead, we only got a handful of scenes before that part of his character arc was cut short and we skip ahead 5 years later and then another 5 years later to when he’s the sect leader. There was honestly no purpose for Mo Qing’s suffering. He just suffered for the sake of suffering. In other xianxia dramas, characters suffered for a purpose. It was a price they had to pay in order to protect someone they love. But this suffering is just pointless. It does nothing for this character arc. And they kept replaying the same montage of him sleeping on the dragon. As if it’s not already clear from the last 20 episodes that he’s being haunted by his father’s demon. 
Villains and supporting characters
I didn’t really care for the villains? Luo Mingxuan is still alive, but doesn’t do anything until the last 5 episodes. I eyeroll whenever Lin Zi Yu is onscreen. Jiang Wu is the only one who’s interesting and he serves as comedic relief.  
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And then there are all the unnecessary deaths. It’s like they’re killing off all the good characters one by one. What was the point of killing off the doctor? He was the only character who could scold both Zhao yao and Mo Qing. The drama felt so empty without him. 
But on a good note, I really liked most of the supporting characters, from Zhiyan to Shi Qi to Ah Rong to Gu Hanguang. They were also the most consistent characters in the drama. 
On a bad note, the drama spent too much time on the backstories of supporting characters. I did not care to watch Suruo mourn Luo Mingxuan and remembering how they fell in love, and this happens for pretty much all the couples in the drama. It’s because Zhao yao and Mo Qing have a very simple romantic arc that’s resolved very early on, so the writers had to throw in fillers to drag out the drama. And the consequence is that our leads end up getting not enough screen time. 
The final 2 episodes
Oh boy. The last 2 episodes were a hot mess. In the final battle, everyone kept attacking and stabbing Luo Mingxuan, but he just won’t die?? He’s like Wolverine. He just comes back stronger. It just kept dragging on and on, and I completely lost interest. And I felt bad for Xu Kai. He was standing on the sidelines for most of the battle, just watching and shooting worried faces at Zhao yao. I hate to say he was useless, but it just felt like the writers did him dirty. Even Jiany Wu, who had already died by that point, was given a brief re-appearance. While Mo Qing, the ML, was forced to sit out on the action. 
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I’m also so over the will-he-won’t-he be evil plot. I keep saying this but I’ll say it again. It. Just. Keeps. Dragging. I’ve watching longer dramas, but this one felt to go on forever. We get it. You’re being tortured by your inner demon, but love will conquer all. 
The editing is also weird? Some of the scenes aren’t in chronological order, and there’s no separation between dream sequences and reality. I also never liked the preview at the beginning of each episode. I also hate how they cut some crucial scenes from the TV version that’s on youtube, forcing me to hop onto doboku, which buffers. 
Honestly, the last episode felt like a hallucinated dream sequence. In one scene, they’re all sitting around the table saying that the need to seal the Wan Jun sword before Mo Qing gets out of the control, and then it suddenly cuts to black with a title card that says 5 years later (don’t get me started on how often they overuse the “5 years later” plot device. Why is it always exactly 5 years?) We then see that Zhiyan is now the sect leader, and we’re told that Mo Qing has sealed himself away, and Zhao yao has been waiting for him to return. We don’t see them say goodbye to Mo Qing before he seals himself away. No scene showing a handover to Zhiyan. We’re just forced to go with it and imagine these scenes ourselves. 
Zhao yao, with a new hairstyle and new clothes to signify the time skip, watches Zhi yan and the sect from the distance. She then goes to visit other people, like Sima Rong and Liu Cangling. Liu Cangling and Zhiyan are the only couple who were able to move on from each other, and honestly, good for them. We then see Zhao yao sitting in the cave, pouring wine onto the cave floor, and then it cuts to black again and a sword flies through the air and wedges itself on the bedrock and we hear Mo Qing say Zhao yao’s name in a voiceover. And then it cuts to a scene where they’re both in the cave wearing their clothes from 5 years and Zhao yao has her old hairstyle. You assume this is a flashback to when they sealed the sword. And then we see Mo Qing in another realm where he lowers the sword in to the water, presumably sealing it. And then it cuts to both of them on the street buying food, wearing their old clothes and hairstyles. 
Does this mean he got out of the seal? When in the timeline is this street scene? How did he get out of the seal? Did he just walk out? Was Zhao yao there waiting for him, or did he go and find her? It’s typical for there to be a long period of uncertain separation in xianxia and wuxia dramas, and these dramas usually end either ambiguously where you don’t know if the couple will reunite, or they end with an emotional reunion, like in Ashes of Love, Eternal Love, Love and Destiny, and Love and Redemption, and famously in Return of the Condor Heroes. But what in the world was this ending?? The hell happened? That was so anticlimactic. If the scene on the street really was their “reunion” after he got out of the seal, does that mean Zhao yao changed her hair back to 5 years ago? Why is the costuming so confusing then?
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And the last scene where they have the same actors play their kids? Um, no. That’s just plain weird. You built up the chemistry between the 2 actors, and then in the end you make them play siblings and re-enact the scene of when their parents met? For what? To make the audience reminisce about the budding romance between the leads at the beginning so that things come full circle? But, these characters are siblings?? You’re trying to make us emotional over a scene of two siblings pretending to be lovers?
There was just no point in doing that. It doesn’t tell us anything about the characters’ married life now. I don’t care about their kids. I care about the characters and what they’re doing now. What a strange and uncomfortable way to end the drama. Not satisfying at all. 
It would have been better if they had left it ambiguous. The amount of times that Zhao yao came back from the dead showed that they can defy the impossible, so even if it was an ambiguous ending, you’d still be able to believe that they’ll be together again. But this mess just ruined the chemistry. Ugh. I really miss the first half of the drama. 
Overall Impression
I’m mad about how chaotic the last few episodes were. While the beginning of the drama wasn’t without its flaws either, it was still very promising and intriguing. The beginning of the drama felt like they knew where they were going with the story, even if you didn’t completely like the direction that it went. So yes, I echo the other critiques saying that this drama had a strong beginning and a weak end. 
When I got to episode 35, I thought, how bad can this get? When I got to episode 42, I was still holding out hope that maybe other people were just harsh and maybe I’ll actually enjoy it. But no, the final 10 episodes are really as bad as everyone says it is. 
The romance, which was the only reason I stuck to the drama, also felt a little underdeveloped. I wish we got to see more scenes of them pre-episode 30.They were so cute then. Everything post-episode 30 was just them being constantly worried about each other. 
At least there was no angst. And the comedy was great. So there’s that. 
I give this drama a 7/10 for the characters and the premise. The plot is not worth watching due to terrible editing, pacing, and consistency, but it’s also a drama that won’t take you long to watch since you could skip most of it anyway and just go to the scenes with the leads. It’s my first drama watching Bai Lu and Xu Kai, but I’m def now interested in more of their work, like Arsenal Military Academy. 
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dangermousie · 3 years
Heelo mousie! Love your blog! Do you mind recommending some of your favourite Chinese BL novels or shows?
I've seen the untamed and read it. I'm currently reading heaven's official blessing and I saw the donghua. Anything other than these two?
Awww, thank you!
Novels: I am gonna be lazy and literally copy/paste the entire danmei section of my top 10 web novels post (except MXTX’s stuff since you are already reading it.) Let me know if you need help finding any of these.
Lord Seventh - I am only partway through this so far, but it’s already on the list because it’s smart and somehow intense AND laid-back (not sure how this works, but it does) and is honestly just a really really solid and smart period novel, with the OTP a cherry on top of a narrative sundae. Plus, I love the concept of MC deciding he is not going for his supposedly fated love - he’s tried for six lifetimes, always with disaster, and he’s just plain done and tired. When he opens his life in his seventh reincarnation and sees the person he would have given up the world for, he genuinely feels nothing at all. (Spoiler - his OTP is actually a barbarian shaman this time around, thank you Lord!)
Golden Stage - my perfect comfort novel. Probably the least angsty of any danmei novel on this list (which still means plenty angsty :P) It also has a dedicated, smart OTP that is an OTP for the bulk of the book - I think you will notice that in most of the novels in this list, I go for “OTP against the world” trope - I can’t stand love triangles and the same. Anyway, Fu Shen, is a famous general whose fame is making the emperor   antsy. When he gets injured and can’t walk any more, the emperor gladly recalls him and marries him off to his most faithful court lackey, the head of sort of secret police, Yan Xiaohan. The emperor intends it both  as a check on the general and a general spite move since the two men   always clash in court whenever they meet. But not all is at is seems. They used to be  friends a long time ago, had a falling out, and one of the loveliest  parts of the novel is them finding their way to each other, but there is  also finding the middle path between their two very different  philosophies and ways of being, not to mention solving a conspiracy or  dozen, and putting a new dynasty on the throne, among other things. It always makes me think, a little, of “if Mei Changsu x Jingyan were canon.”
Sha Po Lang - if you like a lot of fantasy politics and world-building and steampunk with your novels, this one is for you. This one is VERY plot-heavy with smart, dedicated characters and a deconstruction of many traditional virtues - our protagonist Chang Geng, a long-lost son of the Emperor, is someone who wants to modernize the country but also take down the current emperor his brother for progress’ sake and the person he’s in love with is the general who saved him when he was a kid who is nominally his foster father. Anyway, the romance is mainly a garnish in this one, not even a big side dish, but the relationship between two smart, dedicated, deadly individuals with very different concepts of duty is fascinating long before it turns romantic. And if you like angst, while overall it’s not as angsty as e.g., Meatbun stuff, Chang Geng’s childhood is the stuff of nightmares and probably freaks me out more than anything else in any novel on this list, 2ha included.
To Rule In a Turbulent World (LSWW) - gay Minglan. No seriously. This is how I think of it. it’s a slice of life period novel with fascinating characters and  setting that happens to have a gay OTP, not a romance in a period  setting per se and I always prefer stories where the romance is not the only thing that is going on. It’s meticulously written and smart and deals with  character development and somehow makes daily minutia fascinating. Our   protagonist, You Miao, is the son of a fabulously wealthy merchant,   sent to the capital to make connections and study. As the story starts, he sees his friend’s  servants beating someone to death, feels bad, and buys him because, as  we discover gradually and organically, You Miao may be wealthy and  occasionally immature but he is a genuinely good person. The person he buys is a barbarian from beyond the wall, named   Li Zhifeng. It’s touch and go if the man will survive but eventually he does and You Miao, who by then has to return home, gives him his papers  and lets him go. However, LZF decides to stick with You Miao instead, both  out of sense of debt for YM saving his life and because he genuinely  likes him (and yet, there is no instalove on either of their parts, their bodies have fun a lot quicker than their souls.) Anyway, the two  take up farming, get involved in  the imperial exams and it’s the life of prosperity and peace, until an invasion happens and things go rapidly to hell. This is so nuanced, so smart (smart people in this actually ARE!) and has secondary characters who are just as complex as the mains (for example, I ended up adoring YM’s friend, the one who starts the plot by almost beating LZF to death for no reason) because the novel never forgets that few people are all villain. There is a lovely character arc or two - watching YM grow up and LZF thaw - there is the fact that You Miao is a unicorn in web novels being laid back and calm. This whole thing is a masterpiece.
Stains of Filth (Yuwu) - want the emotional hit of 2ha but want to read something half its length? Well, the author of 2ha is here to eviscerate you in a shorter amount of time. This has the beautiful world-building, plot twists that all make sense and, at the center of it all, an intense and all-consuming and gloriously painful relationship between two generals - one aristocratic loner Mo Xi, and the other gregarious former slave general Gu Mang. Once they were best friends and lovers, but when the novel starts, Gu Mang has long turned traitor and went to serve the enemy kingdom and has now been returned and Mo Xi, who now commands the remnants of his slave army, has to cope with the fact that he has never been able to get over the man who stabbed him through the heart. Literally. This novel has a gorgeously looping structure, with flashbacks interwoven into present storyline. There is so much love and longing and sacrifice in this that I am tearing up a bit just thinking of it. If you don’t love Mo Xi and Gu Mang, separately and together, by the end of it, you have no soul.
The Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2ha/erha) - if you’ve been following my tumblr for more than a hot second, you know my obsession with this novel. Honestly, even if I were to make a list of my top 10 novels of any kind, not just webnovels, this would be on the list. It has everything I want - a complicated, intricate plot with an insane amount of plot twists, all of which are both unexpected and make total sense, a rich and large cast of characters, a truly epic OTP that makes me bawl, emotional intensity that sometimes maxes even me out and so much character nuance and growth. Also, Moran is my favorite web novel character ever, hands down.
Anyway, the plot (or at least the way it first appears) is that the evil emperor of the cultivation world, Taxian Jun, kills himself at 32 and wakes up in the body of his 16 year old self, birth name Moran. Excited to get a redo, Moran wants to save his supposed true love Shimei, whose death the last go-around pushed him towards evil. He also wants to avoid entanglement with Chu Wanning, his shizun and sworn enemy in past life. And that’s all you are best off knowing, trust me. The only hint I am going to give is oooh boy the mother of all unreliable narrators has arrived!
The novel starts light and funny on boil the frog principle - if someone told me I would be full bawling multiple times with this novel, I’d have thought they were insane, but i swear my eyes hurt by the end of it. I started out being amused and/or disliking the mains and by the end I would die for either of them.
The Wife is First - OK, this one did not make my top 10 web novels but it’s a sweet, fun gay cottagecore fest. Our ML, a royal prince, and his spouse, a smart if delicate aristocrat, keep house, eat noodles, play with their pet tiger, make out and spoil each other rotten, while occasionally fighting battles and outwitting their court enemies. It’s so very mellow. That couple redefines low drama - they are both nice and functional and use their brains. It’s as if a nice jock and a nice nerd got together and then proceeded to be wholesome all over the place.
I mean, the set up could be dramatic - our ML the prince, lost his fight for the throne and is about to be killed. The only person who stayed loyal to him is his arranged husband the aristocrat guy who ML never treated nicely since he resented marrying him (marrying a man in that world is done to remove someone from the ability to inherit the throne.) And yet the husband stood by him not out of love but beliefs in loyalty blah blah. Anyway, he transmigrates back into the past right after their wedding night and is all “I got a second chance OMG! I don’t want the throne what is even the point? I want to live a good long life and treat the only person who stood by me really well!” And he proceeds to do so to the shock of the aristocrat who had a very unpleasant wedding night and generally can tell the man he just married would rather eat nails than be married to him. But soon enough (no seriously, it’s not many chapters at all) he believes the prince is sincere blah blah and then  they get together and they pretty much become cottagecore goals.
In terms of dramas, I only do period dramas (or novels) so I am not the person to be able to recommend any modern BLs. There is a flood of upcoming (hopefully) period BL dramas but it’s relatively thin on the ground now. The two I will recommend is Word of Honor (which is AMAZING) and Winter Begonia (which I just started watching but which owns me already.) I have a tag for both - the one for the former is huge and I cannot recommend either strongly enough. I’ve heard good things about The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty, but I am not big on mysteries so haven’t watched it for myself.
In terms of the upcoming BLs, the ones I am most looking forward to are Immortality and Winner Is King, but The Society of the Four Leaves also looks promising.
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starillusion13 · 2 months
FRIENDS!? Chapter 16
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Series ML
Pairing: poly!ateez × f!reader (An ATEEZ Office AU)
Genre: Mature, Angst, Yandere
Warning: mention of memories (nothing much just go with the flow), mention of hostage and crying, fear, fever and comfort.
W.C: 3.4k Network: @k-vanity
[Reblogs and Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead. Please always take care of yourself everyone.]
Hello, Can we be friends please?
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"And how many times have I told you not to keep the temperature low? Eating ice cream and taking cold showers whenever you feel like and then staying in the low temperature of the air conditioner of the room and your cabin." Yunho was scolding you since morning and now again he is starting with his lectures. You rolled your eyes before turning towards Mingi.
He was hugging you to his side, he smiled down at you on the couch and adjusted the comforter around you. You sniffed and sneezed again.
This time the cold is serious and you know soon others will lecture you again after their work.
"You should listen to us, y/n." Mingi patted your head and kissed the temple, you snuggled close to him, feeling the comfort and relaxing to his touch. The big frame was enough to engulf you in a soft comforting embrace. "get well soon."
"You should find a new secretary..." you muttered under your breath with a pout while watching Yunho busy with file works and bringing different papers from the shelf and placing them on the tables. You should help but you know he has strictly ordered you not to do anything unless he says so. Huh! His loss.
When he heard your voice, he quickly said, "no need. Enough with one troublemaker."
"yah! You have been scolding me since morning. Why are you like this?" you pressed your body closer to Mingi when he shifted to the front. He was also busy with his laptop, arranging some data works. He held your hand without looking away from the screen and held it on his thigh and continued his work.
Yunho stood straight in front of you, his serious face with his hand on his waist and blocking your view from the glass window made you look up at his face. He looks the best when he is angry.
"and why don't you listen to us?" tilting his head, a smirk appeared, "maybe...to skip work. Am I right?"
"No. You are wrong." You said and watched him walking towards you. "Now what did I do? Why are you coming here?"
Your protests got quiet when his cold fingers made contact with your heated skin. He tsk and shook his head, "you are burning. Where is the medicine box?"
"Don't worry, Yunho. I have given her already. Soon, she will be off to dreamland but before that let her be the chatterbox." Mingi said and chuckled followed by Yunho's laugh who grabbed a rubber band from the table and went around the couch behind you both and you tried to look back when he held your face to the front, "don't move your head."
"But what are you even doing there?"
"stripping my clothes."
Your eyes went wide and suddenly, you felt someone combing your hair. Yunho tied your hair with the band and planted a soft kiss on top of your head. There's a high chance of you dying from their sweet gestures someday. You pressed your lips tightly to hold back the smile until Yunho appeared in your sight again.
"get some sleep." He said and took the three files from the table. He felt your stares on his back when he went towards the door, turning back he smirked, "stop staring at me like a stalker. A simple thank you would work you know."
"You should leave. That grumpy Hongjoong is waiting for you." you scoffed.
He raised a brow at you, "I'll let him know about this and Mingi keep an eye on her."
You glared at Yunho until he closed the door and you turned your face to Mingi who was already staring at you, "is he always this serious and annoying when someone is sick?"
"you should remember the days when you felt sick at school. He would keep you at home and not let you even talk to anyone. Yes he is that serious." You nodded at his words. He sits back comfortably, closing the laptop and pulling you on his lap and covering you with the comforter again.
"You look so pretty in a ponytail." He kissed your nose and smiled, "I see you are getting comfortable with all of us."
You smiled back, resting your head on his shoulder, "I feel so comfortable with you all. As if there's no danger that can harm me and I'll be happy forever. I wish to be like this always. I don't want these days to end any day."
"it won't end. You will be happy with us forever. Just don't run away if you feel scared. Let us be like this forever." His words were pressed heavily like his voice. There's a lot he was trying to hide behind them. He didn't mean anything bad back in the past but he still was wrong. He could have never let that happen. He had the chance and option but he chose the wrong side.
You chuckled softly, "why do you all repeat the same thing? You all always tell me not to run away. Why will I? It's not that I have some place to run to or someone to. I have you all and I really trust you. If we are sticking to the past that I left you all without saying anything then I must have reasons and I chose to believe it."
"y/n...there's a reason for everything. There's choice to everything but sometimes, some choices are self made and then by force. And about back then......you just have to..."
"Mingi, let's not talk about that right now. I know there's something that may have happened to me. and I don't know why but please...till the day I can't remember it, let's enjoy it like this. I don't even know what I will remember and how I will react but whatever it is going to be, we will be together." You slowly muttered and he held your palm tightly.
"I want us to be together...always."
"Can I tell you something?" you asked.
He nodded, "of course."
"you know...I have nightmares every night. And I guess...they might be part of those unwanted memories. They are so scary and uncomfortable and I feel like I have forgotten it but again, it repeats with a new scene."
"Can you see someone? Or who are they like?" he looked straight into your eyes and waited for your reply. "please tell me."
"I can't see anyone. But the voices feel so familiar. The places and the touches. I know them. I can remember them yet I can't. What happened to me, Mingi? Who are they?" your scared and pained expression made his heart beat faster.
He could see the old you facing him with tears asking him to help but he chose to ignore her and convinced himself that whatever he was trying to do was good even though it was the worst.
"they are bad...you should not think about the nightmares so much." He cupped your cheek, kissing your temple, "nothing happened like that. And if you still feel scared of it then come to one of us."
"I will try to." You rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes.
We will try too.
"no one is here and a little bit won't be a problem"
You were standing in front of the refrigerator, picking one from the different flavored ice cream boxes. Recently, you just got off from the fever and back to your habits. They won't be happy with this but what if they don't know about it then you can give some other excuses.
After having worked till late at night, now you are seriously craving for some dessert and so your ice cream is the best go to option.
As you extended your hand to pick a small cup of chocolate flavor, someone back hugged you, resting his chin on your shoulder, titling his head to yours. You flinch at the sudden action but you were now scared that you got caught and now you have to come up with a good excuse.
You stayed still, frozen like the ice cream in front.
"Are you going to eat ice cream again?" the heavy sleepy voice of Yeosang made you gulp. You try your best to avoid his serious side. For some reason, you feel so nervous.
You stuttered, "I-I no...I was not here for ice cream."
"then? I don't think your excuse for water is gonna work either." You bit your lip on his words, thinking hard to come up with a good excuse quickly.
Turning around to face him, you looked at him and noticed his stare. That stare was enough to tell you not to speak any more nonsense than needed. He pulled you front and closed the refrigerator behind you before slamming you against it. it was not harsh but still the action was so sudden that made you hiss. He placed a hand beside your head, you eyed his hand and then to his face. What's he up to?
He maintained eye contact with you but you tried to break it and push him away but with his free hand he gripped your jaw, "why are you so rebellious?"
"What were you doing here?" he asked with a serious expression.
You gulped before replying, "I wanted to eat something. I'm tired of that disgusting soup...I want something different. You all didn't even allow me to eat anything from the cafeteria."
"Wooyoung will be so angry with you calling his soup disgusting." he chuckled in the end.
You denied quickly, "no it's not like that. I hate having it everyday and it makes me feel like I'm in the hospital."
He kept staring at you, his gaze flickering between your eyes and lips. He was fighting himself but his gaze stopped to your eyes. Those eyes which he once loved so much, which once shined and got excited to see him but then...it turned different. The same eyes felt scared and teared up with fear on seeing him.
He wants you.
He licked his lip, "these eyes are just like my perfect doll. I love them," he tilted his head, admiring your beauty in front of his eyes so close, "these are always mine and will be forever." He caressed your cheek with his thumb, you closed your eyes at his touch.
His face came closer to you than it was. You could feel his breath and your body heating up, not because your fever returned but his touch making you want something. You couldn't understand what but something inside you was getting excited for.
There were only the sounds of both of your breathings.
Your nervousness was replied with his lips landing on yours. Your breath hitched and your fists gripped his t-shirt. The kiss was slow and he was taking his time with you. He wanted more but he knew he couldn't or... shouldn't. He paused for a moment to whisper, "please, look at me, doll."
You were breathing unsteady and you shook your head.
you didn't want to face him but still you did. You opened your eyes and met his eyes.
A small smile appeared on his lips, maintaining eye-contact with you, he leaned closer, "do you trust me?"
"yes." You breathed out.
"I love you, y/n."
Biting your lips, you kept quiet. Actually, even if the answer was known to you, there was a nervousness in you. What if? What if something goes wrong?
"you are mine...say it y/n...mine."
"I am."
His lips touched yours, leaving a small peck and you shyly looked away.
"Look at me y/n and say that you are mine. Say you love me."
You gulped when you met his eyes. The eyes were shining with hope, the flicker of joy to get you so close to him and now you were complying with his actions.
But a memory flashed in front of your eyes. The same eyes of Yeosang staring back at you but you felt scared of him. you wanted to run away. His touch and words were not comforting like now but they were hurting you and suffocating you.
"Yeosang..." you hugged him tightly, closing your eyes and pressing your head against his chest. He was surprised with your sudden move but he held your head and stroked your hair, another hand rubbing your back. "I am scared."
"please don't be. Everything is going to be fine...just say that you are mine."
Come on, doll. Just say that you are mine and this won't hurt you anymore.
The voice, the name. Who is he?
You held him tightly, "I love you, Yeosang."
He smirked and kissed your head, "now, you are mine."
Staying in the same position for a while, you parted from him. He was not willing to let you go but soon you smiled, "why are you here?"
He chuckled, "same reason. Craving for something. I got my chicken orders and then I noticed you stealing ice cream."
"I'm not."
he patted your cheek, "well, we can eat chicken together. And also, I have some puddings in my room. Let's grab it and stay on the balcony."
You nodded enthusiastically. You are hungry and anything sounds wonderful to you. Holding his hand, you both walked towards his room.
Maybe the days are going to get better.
"she is happy with Yeosang. She trusts him."
Seonghwa nodded his head from beside his chair, "I saw that, Jongho. The things are different and on the positive side."
Jongho looked at him, "we are not going to make her cry again, right?"
Both of them were sitting at the other side of the glass partition of the living room. You couldn't notice them because of the two indoor plants hiding their figures and they were quiet when they noticed you looking around as if you were trying to do something hidden.
The ice-cream mission.
They were previously enjoying the city view and discussing all the possibilities that were going to happen but their conversation got lost after they noticed your figure happily roaming around the floor.
"I don't want to see her like that but what if she gets scared of us then it's going to be hard to keep her with us. And again..."
"No again." Jongho stood up angrily, "no one is going to do anything. She is just an innocent girl. she had no reason, did no wrong but we took advantage of her. Don't forget...even if she kills us. We deserve it."
Seonghwa stared at him and said nothing. The youngest left the place and Seonghwa sighed while looking towards the city again, "you are making it hard for us, y/n. please accept us...our love."
"How are you feeling?" Mingi handed you a glass of water as soon as you and Hongjoong returned from the meeting and entered their cabin on the 8th floor. Everyone was there as per the schedule. They had no more for the day and now you can relax for a moment. Today, two meetings have been conducted which were apparently scheduled later the week but you were relieved that you have no more upcoming in this week.
"I am tired and feel like dying." You mumbled and slouched down beside Wooyoung and rested your head to the side on his shoulder. He kissed your head and intertwined his fingers with you.
"why?" Wooyung asked and watched how Hongjoong removed his coat and tie and sat on the chair with his head resting back on the headrest.
"These meetings and paperworks are going to be the death of me." you whined.
Mingi waited for you to finish the water and then took the glass from you when Yunho came in front of you, quickly checking your fever.
"I was sick a month ago. Why are you still checking on me?" you raised your brows.
He scoffed and mockingly smiled, "you tend to fall sick often and if you are tired like this then I can see you having fever."
"Hey, it's not like that."
Yeosang chuckled from the corner, "there's a thief in our building who steals ice-cream and pastries every day and then gets sick of the cold." You glanced at him and remembered the night when he caught you in front of the refrigerator and you blushed.
"Am I hearing this right?!" Yunho and Hongjoong both asked you sternly and you just avoided their gaze when Seonghwa crouched down in front of you and held your palms, "why do you do that? Once or twice a week is fine but regular is not good. You should listen to us. Don't be like this."
You nodded, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay but don't fall sick coz it's worrying us." He said softly.
You licked your lips, "do I bother you guys?"
Everyone went quiet. Your question was hanging heavy in the air. They shared looks among them. Why do you think so?
"Never." San broke the tense atmosphere. He slowly approached your figure and everyone was watching him and how you smiled brightly. You were not afraid and hesitant with him around you, whereas you were excited to see him. "You can't be a bother. Trust me. it's been so long so long we waited for you and now when you are finally here, we are just worried not to lose you again."
He crouched down beside Seonghwa and kissed your knuckles when you took one of your palms in his hold.
"I'm not leaving you all, I promise." You smiled at him and he smirked before nodding.
A little smile appeared on Hongjoong's face when he noticed the interaction. He noticed each one of his brothers --- not friends --- but brothers were admiring you and wishing the exact same thing as him. He could feel the joy and fear inside their heart and he could feel his the most.
He started the game and only he could manage this to get a better ending to it.
He can do anything to change the flow and have the best moments with you.
"I want us to be together forever." He whispered.
But we know, sometimes the things we desire or wish to come true often happen in an opposite way and whatever the destiny has written for you. It will happen no matter what.
He just can hold onto you till the end, where he has to let go.
Let you go.
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Onsra- Chapter 39 Final: Close the door now...
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pairing: vampire!jungkook x female reader (also tae x ga-in oc, jimin x yuri oc & seokjin x sooyoung oc)
genre: E2L, romance, angst, drama, horror
warnings for this chapter: strong language, mentions of blood, anxiety attack, a lil depression and pls don’t kill meh. 
word count: 11.4k
Onsra: ML, Previous
a/n: ok. here it is :') tysm for being with me through this entire emotional rollercoaster my babies. here's to the hearts and minds we lost and hopefully found again on the way. 
You feel yourself plummeting towards the ground at breakneck speed, but you can’t see anything beyond the pitch blackness surrounding you.
Right before you hit the ground; your breath catches in your throat. You gasp and flinch when you make contact with the floor, pain shooting from the middle of your back and spreading throughout your entire body until it feels like you’ve been engulfed in flames.
A choked sob of pain gets stuck in your throat as tears stream down your cheeks, tickling your skin as they drip down the sides of your face and fall to the floor. You scrunch your eyes and try to breathe, but every breath in feels like your lungs are filled with nails.
“S-someone-…h-help me.” You manage to choke out after a minute of regaining your breath, but no one hears your cries for help. You swallow thickly and move your head to the side, trying to make out anything in the darkness. “Jungkook?” You whisper brokenly, but you are only met with more silence as another sob leaves your throat. 
When the pain subsides enough for you to move, you struggle to get up, the intense ache in your back taking your breath away again. You whimper in pain but force yourself to get to a seated position, your head turning this way and that as you try to figure out where you are.
Ok, don’t panic y/n.
You swipe at the hair that’s stuck to your forehead, touching it curiously when you find that the strands are soaked. Why would your hair be wet? You push your hair out of your face and shake your head, taking in a few slow breaths.
The black nothingness seems oddly familiar, but you can’t put your finger on where you’ve seen it before. You can’t remember anything, just pain and darkness.
How did I end up here?
And where am I, anyway?
Suddenly, a memory pushes its way into your mind. You remember hiding in the choir loft in the old abandoned church.
Then Seungwook came and you ran downstairs…
What happened after that?
You died.
Welcome back, sweet thing.
Your head whips around, panic surging through you in a powerful wave as you try to see where the cynical voice is coming from.
“W-who are you?” Your voice cracks when you raise it, still turning your head around to keep an eye out in case whatever it is decides to jump you. Not that you could see anything in this pitch blackness anyway…
You don’t remember me? I’m hurt.
It sounds like the voice has a mocking pout on its invisible face as you shrink back in fear, curling into yourself.
We met once before…
When your beloved vampire bit you…?
Oh…that’s when you had been here before. It all starts clicking into place in your brain as you start to remember.
Do you know me now, sweet?
“What are you, and where am I? What did you mean when you said I died?” You can’t stop your voice from shaking.
Oh dear, you really don’t recall at all?
You don’t say anything, just wait for it to continue.
You got shot.
Your old friend, Seungwook. He shot you, and you passed away.
I guess not all monsters look it.
It sounds almost like the disembodied voice is smirking as your body turns ice cold at the words reaching your ears.
“I-…d-did I really die?”
I’m afraid so.
“Jungkook.” You struggle to your feet, frantically trying to decide which way to run.
You need to get to him, he must be going insane right now.
I don’t think you understand the meaning of ‘dead’, sweet thing.
You can’t go to him.
An evil laugh bubbles out of the darkness, making your blood boil at the sound. You grit your teeth, partly from the pain and partly from the anger swirling in your tummy.
“Who the hell are you?”
Oh! So, the sweet girl can talk back, huh?!
I must say, I’m quite offended at the tone you’re using with me-
“Shut up and answer my question, coward!” You shout into the nothingness, cutting off its sentence.
I’m you.
“What the hell are you saying? You aren’t me.”
Look, sweet thing. Everyone has an evil part to themselves, do they not?
“Shut up.”
Am I wrong?
“You…are not me.” With that, you turn and start limping in a random direction.
You’ll regret not heeding the advice I came to give you.
The voice calls out after you, but you don’t stop.
All you can think is Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook. You can’t imagine what’s going on in his head or what has happened to the others. All you know is that you need to find Jungkook and let him see that you’re alright.
You’re not alright though.
You roll your eyes and huff when you hear the voice in the air, but you just keep walking, trying not to cry at the pain in your back that flares up with each step.
You can’t cheat death.
“I did it once, I can do it again.”
You’re wandering around for what seems like hours, trying your best to ignore the random and useless taunting from the disembodied voice.
You aren’t going to get out.
Just give up already.
It’s fun seeing you struggle.
You’re useless.
Then you suddenly bump into something hard, taking you by surprise. You step back and recognize the locked door with a small window, a little black curtain hanging from the other side to block out the light.
You move to open it when the voice shouts in your ear.
You’ll regret walking out that door!
The way the it says it makes you stop in your tracks, then you turn and face the darkness again, speaking against your better judgement. “Why?”
You fear change.
You scoff, “I can handle change.”
You fear pain.
A lump gets stuck in your throat, but you force yourself to speak anyway, “I can handle pain.”
You fear being alone.
It feels like your heart drops down to your stomach at those words. How does it know so much about you? Your hands start to sweat as you nervously ask, “What does that have to do with anything?”
If you walk out that door, they will all abandon you.
“They would never abandon me.”
Oh, sweet thing, you know nothing of the world, do you? No one is selflessly perfect.
“I know that!” You snap, feeling the tears build. The silence makes you sick to your stomach, so you clear your throat, “What’s going to happen to me?”
I’m afraid I can’t tell you that, but I can tell you it won’t be pretty.
Fear settles into your heart, “What would I do if I didn’t go back? It’s my life…” A tear slips down your cheek and you hear the mocking voice once more as you quickly wipe it away.
You can have a fate far better than any ordinary life, something worth being. If you follow me, I can make all the pain go away. Walk through that door, and you’ll soon learn why you should have trusted me.  
“But I don’t want to die.”
What’s behind that door is worse than death.
“Behind that door are Jungkook and my friends!” You shout tearfully gesturing towards the door with the tiny curtained window, “Don’t tell me what to do!”
I’m warning you.
“I want to live!”
You can’t live! You’re dead! Gone!
You turn away, knocking on the door and jiggling the knob, but it won’t open.
It worked last time, why won’t it open?!
You wanted to go back last time, you’re doubting yourself now. Stay with me, without pain and anger forev-
“No! Let me out! I want to get out! Help!! Jungkook help me!” You’re sobbing and pounding on the door with all your might, but it won’t even budge, as if it is made of steel.
“I don’t want to die!” You slide down the door to the ground, heaving sobs wracking your entire body as the pain in your back increases, making you gasp and continue to scream and cry in pain and fear.
You made that choice when you stepped in front of that bullet.
Do you want to take it back?
“No! Go away! Leave me alone! I-“ You’re plugging your ears, then you cut yourself off when something clicks in your mind.
You sound a lot like somebody…
Someone you’ve heard shout and fight with something that wasn’t there…
“It’s you.”
“You were the one tormenting Jungkook for so long.”
“You were the one making him think he was crazy and dragging him down all the time!” Anger fuels in your chest and you stand up, facing the darkness where the disembodied voice starts to chuckle.
Looks like you finally figured it out, sweet thing. But that’s beside the point now.
If you leave, you can never come back. Your fate outside that door is worse than anything Jungkook went through.
“Do not belittle his pain.” You seethe.
You’ve always been scared of everything. You always needed him to protect you. Is that what you want to subject him to, forever? Always waiting on you hand and foot?
“What the hell are you saying?”
Do you love him, or the fact that he protects you?
You’re about to snap back when you realize that that is exactly what it wants you to do, so you keep your mouth shut and bite your tongue until you taste blood.
Then again, I suppose you did take a bullet for him.
You ignore the voice as you turn and start to fiddle with the knob, grinding your teeth in frustration when it still won’t budge.
It isn’t going to open.
You jiggle it again, then you keep knocking loudly on it and calling to someone on the other side to open it for you.
You fear so much, and it can all go away.
The sudden soft tone it takes on makes your resolve start to weaken. All you wanted before everything happened was to not be so afraid, to not be in so much pain every day of your life. Now, it’s offering it to you on a silver platter.
You don’t always have to be the hero. Think about yourself for once.
And stay.
But now, all you want are your friends and Jungkook. Nothing more.
You’ll lose them.
“I won’t.”
You will.
Jungkook is selfish, and unpredictable. He’s going to leave you. Remember I told you that.
“I guess I’ll just have to take my chances.”
He’s useless now.
He’s nothing anymore-
“He isn’t nothing, and he never was.” You find the strength coming back into your mind, then it again gets weaker and weaker at the voice’s next words as it changes its tactic.
You’re a burden.
You always were and you always will be. Do you want to put him through that?
No…I don’t.
Your mind feels muddled and weak, nothing makes sense. You can feel a tiny part of you wanting to resist the words.
But that part isn’t very strong.
Then stay. Let him go, let him be free of you and the weight you put on those around you.
A single tear slips down your cheek and your hands start to shake as you bite your lip, torn now. You didn’t care when it was about you, but now these words give you pause. The last thing you want to do is keep burdening him.
You never knew you were making things so hard for him.
Let. Him. Go.  
You can feel yourself slipping, “I-…I just want him to be happy.”
Then don’t go ba-
“You were the sun that rose in my life.”
You jump and turn, searching the darkness for the sudden appearance of a new voice.
“The second coming of my youthful dreams.”
The sound of Jungkook’s gentle voice seems like it’s coming from everywhere at once; the soft and honey tone surrounding you and enveloping you in comfort. It sounds like the voice is full of tears, choking the owner in their own grief. A sad smile graces your features as he keeps singing softly.
“Take my hands now…you are the cause of my euphoria.”
Ha! Lies. You’re nothing to him, you never were.
The words coming from your boy’s mouth make something snap in you and you’ve made your decision.
“I’m coming, Jungkook.”
You’ll live in misery!
A broken scream leaves your throat as you turn and punch the tiny glass window with all the anger, determination, and love inside of you.
The sound of shattering glass drowns out the infuriated and snarling voice, piercing your ears as a horrible pain shoots through your hand. You know you’ve cut yourself, but you don’t care.
Suddenly, an explosion goes off on the other side of the door as it comes off its hinges and splinters into nothing.
You’re flown back a few feet from the force, landing on your backside in the most severe pain you’ve ever felt. Then you reach your bleeding hand up to protect your eyes from the blinding white light cascading into the dark room.
~                          ~                              ~
Your eyes feel like they’re sewn shut, your lungs burning as they try to suck in the tiny bit of air they can hold. The air feels cool, but your right hand feels hot, like something warm and heavy is weighing it down.
It takes a while, but eventually your eyes flutter open and you scan your surroundings.
What is that annoying sound?
All you can see are white walls and a white ceiling as the panic starts to set in again, you’re convinced you’re still stuck and you’ll never be free. A tiny whimper leaves your throat as you try to stay calm.
You flinch and turn your gaze to the side to see the one person you were so scared you would never see again.
His black hair is mussed up and his eyes are teary and bloodshot as he lifts his head that was lying on your hand moments ago. The beautiful honey glow of his skin makes your heart fly to your throat.
He’s so beautiful…
He’s so…human.
A choked gasp leaves Jungkook’s throat as he scoots closer, reaching up a hand to gently cup your cheek. His hands are shaking, and tears start falling down his face when he realizes that he isn’t dreaming this time.  
“Y/n.” Jungkook starts to cry, tears flowing endlessly. “You’re awake, you’re actually awake.” You want to reach over and touch him, hug him, tell him that everything is all right and ask him all the questions swimming in your head.
But you can’t move.
You can’t even speak.
Jungkook sees the struggle in your eyes and he quickly hushes you before you can panic as he wipes the tears that fell from your eyes without you even noticing them falling. “Hey, shh. The doctor said it would take a little bit for you to move once you woke up. Just breathe, love. I- the doctor!” Jungkook presses a little button on the side of your bed as you just watch him quietly.
“Thank you, thank you for waking up.” Jungkook starts to cry again and you feel your own tears slip down your cheek before the sweet boy wipes them away again.
Jungkook reaches over and adjusts the little tubes that are on your face and in your nose, helping you to breathe. He lifts them and tucks one gently behind your ear as it had previously slipped off.
“I- I just want to hug you.” Jungkook’s voice wavers as he stares into your eyes deeply, his big doe eyes swimming with love, relief, and sadness.
Just then, you hear a knock on the door before Jungkook calls for whoever is there to come in. A beautiful older lady with silky black hair and almond shaped eyes steps into the room, a clipboard in her hand and a white jacket around her shoulders.
Her eyes light up when she sees you and she hurries over to the side of the bed that Jungkook isn’t on. You watch her curiously as she leans down and fixes a messy strand of your hair.
“Welcome back, y/n. We’ve been waiting for you.” Her voice is as silky as her hair and the sweetness lacing it makes you feel calm despite not being able to move or speak. “You’re scared, aren’t you? Don’t be afraid, you should be feeling better soon. You’ve been in a coma for over a month, honey.”
Your eyes flit back to Jungkook, who’s still crying silently and holding onto your hand like it’s a lifeline, his knuckles white.
He smiles tearily at you, wiping his sniffling nose with the hand that isn’t gripping yours desperately.  
You so badly want to just throw yourself into his arms and never ever let him go. Not being able to move right now is torture. Jungkook looks like he wants the same thing, but he holds back from fear of hurting you.
Hug me, Kook. Let me feel you.
Another tear slips out and Jungkook immediately wipes it away, his heart aching terribly. The doctor smiles sadly and gestures to Jungkook, then you, “You can hug her, gently.”
His eyes light up and he sits as carefully as he can on the side of your bed, leaning closer to wrap his arms around you. You feel like you could die from happiness at the warmth he radiates and engulfs you in, your heart pounding like crazy from not being able to talk to him about everything and not being able to hug him back.
A little sob leaves your throat and Jungkook pulls back, him and the doctor seemingly shocked at hearing a sound come from you.
Over a month…
A coma…
You can’t process everything and you’re feeling overwhelmed. The doctor seems to sense it as she marks something on her board and tells you to get some rest and calm down before she comes back to check up on you, and for Jungkook to push the button if you need anything at all.
When the door clicks shut, you turn your gaze back to Jungkook, who is scanning your face as his eyes tear up again. He cups your face in his large hands and rubs your cheeks, seemingly entranced by the sight of you.
How are you, Kookie?
You’re a human again.
I am so proud of you.
I’m sorry I left you.
I’m sorry I made you wait.
Please, forgive me.
All the things you want to say are stuck in your throat, and its maddening. Jungkook smiles softly and kisses the very tip of your nose, “I was so afraid I would never see you open your beautiful eyes again.” He gets choked up but pushes on, “Thank you for fighting, y/n. Thank you, for coming back to me.” A little sob escapes him, and you feel your heart ache.
Your heart…hea-…heart!
You look at Jungkook with slightly widened eyes and look down to where his heart is. Jungkook chuckles, tears still in his eyes as he nods his head, “Yes, love, my heart…I can feel it again.” Tears start pouring down your face and Jungkook coos softly as he dries them with kisses. Then he takes your hand and places it on his heart, trying to let you feel the strong rhythm from beneath his shirt.  
Jungkook then brings your hand up to his lips and kisses it, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before looking at you again. “I should tell the others that you’re awake, but I don’t want to look away from you for even a second.”
You just want to cry.
It’s the most frustrating thing not being able to talk or even touch him.
When you glance at Jungkook again, you see his eyes shining with new tears as he watches you, a cellphone now in his hands as he holds it to his ear.
“Hyung? She’s awake.” His voice breaks and he reaches over to take your hand again, “No, I’m not joking, stupid. Get over here, but don’t bring everyone. She’s a little overwhelmed right now.”
Jungkook says a few more things before hanging up and turning his attention back to you. He holds your smaller hand in between his, leaning his head against it.
“Fuck.” He breathes out shakily. “I was so scared. I was so scared that I’d lost you. Every day, when you didn’t open your eyes, it just felt like I was losing you again and again.” Jungkook bites back more tears. “Please don’t ever leave me again, y/n. I can’t live without you.”
I’m sorry, Kook.
I’m sorry you suffered so much because of me.
“I’m so proud of you, baby. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met in my life.” Jungkook ignores the tears falling from his eyes as he gently rubs your hands.
He’s trying so hard not to break down and throw himself into your arms to cry until all his tears are run out.
Jungkook tells you about all the different foods that they have here and how you can eat as much as you want as he gets all your hair out of your face that has stuck to your skin from the tears.
“I doubt it can compare to Seokjin hyung’s cooking, but it smells delicious.” Jungkook chuckles tearfully as he tries to fill in the silence you provide.
After a few more minutes, there’s a knock at the door and Jungkook calls out without taking his eyes off of you.
“Come in.”
The door opens and a tall figure steps into view.
Ga-In steps out from behind him and Yuri comes up after them.
All three of them look shocked and hesitant, as if they think they’re in a dream and if they approach you, you’ll disappear.
Jin is the first to step forward. When he comes closer, a sudden memory flashes in your mind.
Cold rain covering your skin as you try to breathe, only a tiny amount of air trickling into your lungs. Jin is screaming for someone to open a door, his warm arms wrapped around you as he sets you down on a warm blanket before turning you and doing something to your back.
“Just hold on, y/n. Don’t you dare give up.”
You can’t remember anything else.
“Hey, y/n.” Jin’s smile brightens up the whole room as you wish you could return the gesture. Ga-In starts to cry, Yuri following soon after as they hurry to your side and- at Jungkook’s panicked warning- gently wrap their arms around you.
You can’t really process all the things they’re saying, your brain feeling stressed and confused the more they talk. Eventually, Jin makes everyone but Jungkook leave, so that you can try to let yourself calm down. You’re happy you got to see some people, but you feel bad that they had to leave so soon, as stressed as you were.
The bed dips and you glance to the side to see Jungkook carefully climbing into the little hospital bed with you. Relief floods through you that he’s going to stay, as close as he can.
“I hope you don’t mind that I slept with you a lot. The doctor said it would be alright.” Jungkook’s cheeks are tinted with the sweetest pink that makes your heart warm instantly.
Of course, you don’t mind.
What a cutie.
Jungkook pets your head softly, whispering sweet things in your ear to help you sleep. You’re scared to close your eyes again, but Jungkook assures you that everything will be all right, and you’ll wake up in his arms.
His promise isn’t broken.
You wake up cuddled close to him the next day. And the next, and the next.
A few days pass by as doctors come in and out of the room, giving you different medicines and putting a feeding tube in you. You hate that part. They do different tests, proclaiming that they feel if you keep trying, you’ll be able to move and talk again soon.
It turns out to be almost a week after you woke up that you say your first words.
Jungkook is reading to you, one of his hands holding yours as he sits in his little chair by your bed, the book on his knees that are pulled up as his feet are on the seat.
You’ve been saying different words over and over again in your head, reminding yourself of how to say them. Your hands can move again, but it still takes a lot of energy to move them. You can also shake your head yes and no, but you want more. You need more.  
The doctors said you could do it, so you can.
You can.
Your voice is broken and quiet, barely a whisper.
But he hears it.
The book he was reading falls to the ground as Jungkook turns to you, his big brown eyes growing impossibly bigger.
“B-baby, did you just-“
“H-hi…Kook.” You speak slowly before Jungkook fumbles out of his chair and pushes the button on your bed. Then he cups your face, tears falling from his eyes for the hundredth time since you’ve woken up.
“Hi-…hi baby.” Jungkook smiles through his tears, a laugh of disbelief being pulled from his throat. “God, thank you. Hi, love.” Jungkook can’t stop smiling and crying as a small and breathy giggle escapes your lips.
“Koo…y-you’re a h-human.” Your speech is slow and a little slurred, but Jungkook’s smile couldn’t get any bigger as he patiently listens to you. “Yes, love.” He laughs gently, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“You did it, y/n.” Jungkook’s eyes turn sad as the image of you dying slowly in his arms flashes through his mind. He takes a deep breath and reminds himself that you’re alive.
You’re alive.
“I really thought I’d lost you.” Your heart aches at the sight of his teary eyes searching your face as if you’ll disappear in a second, his voice is weak with the amount of emotion consuming him. “Please- shit, please don’t ever leave me again-” His sentence gets cut off when he starts to cry softly.
“Koo.” You feel so guilty that you don’t even know how to handle it, “I- I’m sorry.”
Jungkook looks appalled at your apology, frantic to correct you. “No, no y/n. Please don’t be upset with yourself. You saved me, and you’re alive. Fuck, you’re alive.”
Jungkook’s thumb rubs your cheek soothingly before he leans in. The kiss he leaves on your lips is brief, but soft and comforting.
Just like him.
You reach up and take one of his hands in yours, laying your cheek against his palm, “You’re…so warm.” You whisper, making him chuckle tearfully.
Then there’s a knock at the door, and Jungkook calls for them to come in, his eyes never leaving yours.
The beautiful woman doctor- who you previously learned is Dr. Lee -walks in and hurries to the bed.
“Is everything all right?” She asks, confusion written all over her face at the expression painting Jungkook’s features.
“Everything is fine.” You speak up slowly and quietly, amusement adorning your face at her shock.
“Well, well, well!” Dr. Lee’s face is bright with excitement at this turn of events. “It seems like things are looking up for you already, Y/n.”
But it would turn out, that all of you might have celebrated a bit too soon.
~                       ~                             ~
“Alright, Miss Y/n. Ready to start?” Dr. Lee smiles at you as you nod your head. When you confirm that you’re ready, she gently lifts the covers from your feet.
You’re squeezing Jungkook’s hand a bit harder than you intend to, but he doesn’t seem to mind, he just smiles giddily at you.
“Can you feel that, y/n?” You look back down at the doctor as she touches your sock-covered toes.
No…no, I can’t.
You snap back to reality and shake your head.
“I can’t feel it.”
You look over at Jungkook, his smile falters for a moment before he squeezes your hand encouragingly.
“Ok, how about this?” She moves to touch your calf, gently pressing different areas.
“No.” Your voice is so soft that Dr. Lee squints, glancing at Jungkook to see him swallow and shake his head at her.
“What about here?” She lifts the side of your covers to slide her hand under and touch your thigh.
“I can’t...”
Am I…?
Is this what the voice meant?
Is it happening already?
“-little longer and see what we get-“
Will I ever walk again?
Will I ever be able to feel anything ever again?
“-can happen sometimes. But I won’t sugarcoat it, hun. You need to know-
Please, Jungkook. Don’t leave me…
-sound all right?”
“Y/n? Hey…you in there, little flower?”
You blink and turn your head to see Jungkook watching you curiously, “What? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” You mumble, your mind drifting. Dr. Lee clears her throat and speaks up.
“You got shot in the spine, you know that. It was bound to affect the nerves below your waist. We’re going to see what happens in the next few days, but I need to let you know it isn’t looking good. Your lumbar was severely damaged, there’s a big chance that-“
“I’ll never walk again?”
Dr. Lee bites her lip, sympathy practically seeping off her.
There’s a stabbing ache in Jungkook’s heart at your soft words. You smile at them both, holding back the fear and despair slithering into your mind, “It’s okay, I understand.”
You understand perfectly.
It was a miracle that you even survived.
This shouldn’t be a surprise.
“There have been people that recovered unexpectedly.” Dr. Lee continues, “It isn’t a very good chance, but please don’t give up hope.”
You keep your focus on the doctor, not strong enough to face Jungkook yet. “Thank you, Doctor Lee. For being honest with me.”
She smiles at you, obviously trying to hide her own emotions.
A little squeeze from Jungkook’s hand almost makes you break.
“Can I please be alone for a little bit?” You ask gently, swallowing the tears as best you can.
After Jungkook and Dr. Lee reluctantly leave, a single tear rolls down your cheek. You look down at your now blanket-covered feet, willing yourself to move your toes.
But you can’t.
You take in a shaky breath, your hands moving to hide your reddening face.
Please, don’t leave me.
~                               ~                                   ~
Jungkook shuts the door to your room softly, wanting nothing more than to run back in there and wrap you into his arms, never letting you go again.
“Just be there for her.” Dr. Lee gets his attention as he looks back at her, “We can try to wait a little and do physical therapy, but there’s really not a lot we can do other than that. This was inevitable when she first came to us. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you, doctor. She’s strong, she’ll get through this.” The doctor nods at his words before turning and walking away.
When she’s around the corner and no other doctors or nurses are in sight, Jungkook sinks to the ground, a hand reaching to his heart to try and soothe the pain as his calm façade wears off.
“Please, don’t do this. Don’t do this to her.” He whispers in disbelief, pulling his knees up to his chest. “She just wanted to save me, she didn’t do anything wrong.” A broken whimper slips past his lips. “Y/n doesn’t deserve this.”
“Kook? Hey, what’s wrong?”
Jungkook looks up to see a blurry Seokjin through his tears.
The older boy kneels on the ground next to the youngest, “What happened? Tell me everything-“
“She’s paralyzed, hyung.”
The words fall out of his mouth quickly, a shooting pain going through his chest after he says them.
“What?” Jin’s voice is soft, laced with concern.
“She can’t-…she can’t feel anything below her waist. The doctor said this is what happens when people get hurt in their spine, it messes up the nerves. They don’t think she’ll walk again…this is all my fault.” The tears start to fall faster.
“Oh, Jungkook…Kook, no.” Seokjin wraps his arms around him, pulling him into his chest to let him cry it out.
Jungkook’s sobs are muffled by Jin’s broad shoulders as he wraps his own arms around his oldest brother’s waist, feeling everything. “I don’t want to feel it right now, hyung. I don’t want to feel my heart.”
“I know it hurts, Kook. I know it does. But she’s alive, Jungkook. She’s alive.” Jin keeps repeating it, rocking his little brother gently side to side. “Y/n is alive and here with you.”
~                        ~                        ~
“Hey, kiddo.”
A small smile appears on your face at the sight of the young man standing at the foot of your bed, “Yoongi.”
Besides Jin, Yuri, and Ga-In visiting you a few times, you haven’t seen anyone else. It’s been a week and a half since you woke up. Dr. Lee has come in every day to check on you, but you still have no sensations in your legs, and she tells you that she isn’t sure the feeling will ever come back to them. None of you have really spoken about it, you never bring it up and no one else does, afraid to upset you.
Jungkook has been stuck to your side like glue, all day every day. The only time he leaves is to grab you the food you’re craving.  
Seokjin had told you once when he was visiting as Jungkook ran to get some food for you that the boy never left your side when you were in the coma either. Not once.
“He stayed right here every night, he never left this chair. We had to force him to eat, he never wanted to take his eyes off you in case you moved.” Seokjin smiled at you sadly, “You’re stronger than you think you are, y/n. He never gave up on you, make sure you remember that when you start to doubt yourself.”
“I see you’ve come back from the dead again, that has to be some kind of record.” Yoongi smirks playfully at you and you scoff.
“Oh please, I didn’t die the night I was bitten. Only this time.” You say back with a little grin.
The doctors had told you after you woke up that you did, in fact, pass away.
Your heart stopped several times, once for a few minutes.
They say a miracle saved you, that they believed you were gone for sure.
The door opens and the crinkling of bags is heard, along with a panting Jungkook.
“I’m back, baby. They only had blueber-“
Jungkook stops short when he sees his older brother standing there, then he smiles, shifting the little bag in his hands to set on his empty chair.
“Hey hyung, when did you get here?” Jungkook asks as he takes the muffin he got for you out of the bag along with some orange juice. He hands it to you with a smile as Yoongi speaks up, “I just got here a minute ago actually. Heard the kid was feeling a bit better and thought I’d come and let her see my face. I have a very healing image you know.”
You laugh, thanking Jungkook with a quick kiss on his hand and making him blush.
“You know what? I think you’re right Yoongles, I feel much better already!” You giggle, making the two young men chuckle in amusement.
“I’m only letting you call me that because you’re unwell, you see. The second you’re back to your full health that nickname is forbidden.” The older boy grumps, but the smile in his eyes is a dead giveaway that he really doesn’t mind.
You know he’s aware of what’s been going on with you. He knows about the damage done to the nerves below your waist, but he doesn’t say a word about it. You appreciate the way he talks like nothing is different.
It helps you to stay calm.
The three of you talk for a while and catch up until Dr. Lee comes in, carrying her clipboard as per usual, “Hello, Miss y/n, Mr. Jeon, Mr. Min.” She turns to each of you in turn and smiles. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
You smile back at her as Jungkook gently takes the wrapper of the muffin from you along with your empty juice bottle, “No, it’s alright. Is something going on?”
“Well, that depends. Are you ready to do your physical therapy for today?” She asks kindly before you feel your heart race as you swallow thickly. Then you bite back the anxiety before anyone can catch it and you nod enthusiastically.
The past few days have been spent trying to get your strength up and today they wanted to teach Jungkook the exercises for your physical therapy. The doctors still believe you have a slight chance of gaining feeling back, but they’re honest with you that it is a very very slim chance all the same.
But you’re not going to give up yet.  
You have all the wonderful things in life to live for.
Jungkook takes your hand, love shining in his eyes. He’s seen you suffer far too much, and he knows that the chances of you ever walking again are slim to none, but he doesn’t let it show. Jungkook’s seen the way you cry silently when no one is looking, and he isn’t sure how much more he can stand seeing you hurt.
You paste a big smile on your face and take a deep breath.
“I’m ready. Let’s do this.”
~                        ~                               ~
“I can’t do this.” Your voice shakes with frustration and panic.
Jungkook is on one side of you, holding your right arm, one of his arms wrapped protectively around your waist as Dr. Lee is on the opposite, holding your left arm. They’re fully supporting you right now because you can’t stand.
You can’t stand.
You can’t stand.
“Hey, it’s okay love.” Jungkook brushes your hair back gently, hating to see you struggle like this. It physically pains him to watch you being so upset and scared.
“Ok, I don’t want to do it anymore.” Your voice wavers.
The two of them help you to sit down again. You had begged the doctor to let you try and stand before starting the physical therapy, you wanted to know if you really couldn’t do it.
Now you wish you hadn’t.
It all feels so much more real.
“Let’s just do the exercises.” You mumble, looking away from their pained gazes as Jungkook carefully lifts your legs so that they’re straight out in front of you on the bed. Dr. Lee helps you lie down on your back so you’re perfectly flat.
“Ok y/n, let me know if anything hurts or if at any time you want me to stop.” She says gently, then begins once you nod.
“Alright, Jungkook. Come on over here.” She gestures for him to join her on your right side. He watches her closely and does exactly as she shows him.
Your cheeks are flaming as he gently holds your ankle, his other hand just under your right knee while he bends and stretches your leg just like Dr. Lee tells him to. You can’t feel his hands but seeing him being so gentle with you makes your heart skip a beat.
It’s embarrassing though.
Jungkook looks back at you and smiles as he sends you a sneaky little wink when he sees your frown.
You chuckle and look up at the ceiling as she teaches him the different exercises.
He always knows how to cheer you up.
~                        ~                            ~
“You know, the first time I laid eyes on you when I was a vampire, I knew there was something special about you.” Jungkook speaks softly into your ear as you two lay in the hospital bed.
You’re going to be discharged tomorrow. You have no idea what’s in store after that, all you know is there are going to be a lot of doctor appointments, and a lot of faith testing on your part.
You giggle at the ticklish feeling his fingers leave on your skin as he strokes up and down your arms and wrists, moving up to your cheeks occasionally before going back down.
“You hated me the second you saw me.”
“I did not. You just made me feel different and it scared me.” Jungkook sounds offended but amused, “I knew that I saw you somewhere before, but I couldn’t remember where. I never realized who you were…my clumsy little schoolgirl.” He whispers the last part quietly.
You turn your head to look at him in surprise, seeing his doe eyes shining in the dark from the light of the moon as it cascades a warm glow into the room. His little smirk makes your heart feel funny.
“When did you find out?”
“It was when they rushed you into surgery that night. All my memories were coming back, and I suddenly realized where I’d seen you before.” His voice seems sad, so you cup his cheek with your hand and kiss him gently. “I’m sorry I never looked up, Koo. Things could have been different.”
“Things happen the way they will. I cursed so many decisions I made in my life that led me to being bitten. I thought again and again how I could have changed it. Now, I’m glad I didn’t. If you looked up and saw me, that might not have led to anything different. We grew closer because of the way things happened, and I’m grateful for that.” Jungkook is looking deep into your eyes as he speaks, his words soothing the ache of regret and ‘what ifs’ in your mind.
“But I must admit, my little crush on you was a bit sore when you never even noticed me.” His voice is shy and a little teasing. Your eyes widen, “Y-you had a crush on me?”
“But why??”
“Well, I didn’t know you very well. I had seen you a few times and looking at you always helped calm my stress. There was just something about you; your smile, your laugh, your voice. I never got the courage to talk to you, until you ran into me outside the math building. I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak right. Jimin hyung teased me a lot after that, he even sent me over in the cafeteria to talk to you later.”
“What?” You start laughing like a maniac, Jungkook’s smile brightening at the sound.
“You still never looked at me. I thought I was going to hurl from the nerves of talking to you and you never even looked at me!”
“You’re kidding.”
“Not at all.”
“Koo, I’m sorry.” You can’t decide if you want to laugh or cry at this news.
Poor nervous little Jungkookie.
“Don’t be sorry. I could tell on your face how horrified and apologetic you were when you ran into me both times. I could see you were too embarrassed to look at me.”
“You remember quite a bit, ol’ boy.” You glare playfully at him and he chuckles, “It’s all fresh in my mind now. It was one of the last memories I had of you before…you know.”
When the mood seems like it is getting down, Jungkook pulls you close to him, brushing his nose against yours. “None of it matters now though, because you’re mine…all mine.” He pecks the tip of your nose until you’re giggling. “My beautiful little hero.” He whispers before kissing you softly, his words warming your heart.
When he pulls away, you swallow the lump in your throat and whisper, “What exactly happened that night, Kook? I don’t remember much.”
Jungkook closes his eyes slowly, taking a deep and shaky breath. He knew you would want to know sooner or later, but the horror and ache are still so fresh in his heart. Visions of the moment he realized you were shot and the second you stopped breathing in his arms, plague his mind at night. He doesn’t want to talk about it. He wants to forget. He wants to forget the way your hands clung to his shirt for dear life when you threw yourself in front of the bullet.
He needs to forget the way your face paled with each passing minute, your breath slowing every moment. He wants to replace the memory of your bright eyes suddenly dulled to a dazed and faraway look when he thought for sure you were leaving him.
It hurts too much to remember the long nights sitting by your hospital bed, waiting and praying for you to wake up and come back to him. Nights and days full of people telling him to expect the worst, too afraid to get his hopes up to speak a word of encouragement.
Jungkook wants to erase it all.
You’re here now, and you love him as you did before. He loves you more than he ever thought he could love another person, and the reminder that he almost lost you is something he isn’t sure he’ll ever recover from.  
Jungkook’s eyes burn with fresh tears as he forces himself to recap the worst night of his life. He clears his throat, smiling sadly when you gently cup his cheek as he finally starts to speak.
“After you stopped b-…breathing…m-my heartbeat came back, and a little of my strength. I c-carried you a little farther before Jin hyung found us.” Jungkook swallows thickly and you brush your thumb over his cheek. “How did Seokjin find us?” You ask quietly.
“I didn’t know until later…he said when you left, he knew something bad was going to happen. After he made sure the girls were barricaded in the shelter, he and Sooyoung went after you. Hyung said he found our blue van after finding Yoongi hyung and they went looking for us. They said it was a miracle that they stumbled upon us in the field as they were searching. Yoongi hyung said the church and everywhere around it was a bloody massacre. It was so close, but the Hunters won, a few vampires escaped though. They don’t know how they were lucky enough to get the others out.”
Jungkook’s voice is shaking, and you can tell he hates talking about it. “You don’t have to say any more, Koo. It’s alright.”
“No, I’m- I’m fine.” He clears his throat again, “Jin hyung had the first aid kit in the car. All I remember is him shouting at people for things. I was fading in and out and someone kept shaking me and trying to talk to me. But all I could see was you. I couldn’t look away as badly as I wanted to. It was like I was being forced to watch you die.”
Your heart is pained when you see a little tear fall from his eye and slide down the bridge of his nose. He makes no move to wipe it away, so you do. You keep focused on his gaze even as he looks behind your shoulder, almost as if he’s seeing the memory in real life all over again. “I never saw you move again. Not until you woke up…Yoongi hyung drove to the nearest hospital as fast as he could. They said you died several times during the ride there-…fuck.”
Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut and stuffs his face into the crook of your neck and shoulder. A heart-wrenching sob leaves his throat, but it’s muffled by your hospital gown. “Koo, I’m okay. I’m alive.” You whisper soothingly and pet his head gently. Jungkook’s arms tighten around you, his cries never stopping.
“I thought you were gone. I thought you were gone forever. I didn’t want to live any more, I didn’t want anything anymore.” He chokes on his tears, “I only forced myself to eat because I needed to live in case you woke up.”
Your heart shatters at his confession.
You didn’t know that those thoughts were clouding his mind, the only reason he didn’t let himself waste away was because you weren’t confirmed dead yet. A broken and tearful gasp leaves you and you hug him as tight as you can.  
“No, Jungkook. No, no, no. I didn’t step between you and that blasted gun to let you slowly kill yourself. Don’t you ever think like that ever again, you stupid.” You’re crying now, both of you clinging to each other desperately.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Jungkook keeps repeating it over again, his cries making your chest pinch with sadness. After a few minutes of you two crying and holding one another as close as you can, you pull away and wipe at your wet and sticky face, then you wipe under Jungkook’s eyes to clean up his tears.
“No more tears now. Everything is okay.” You smile tearfully at him, not missing the flash of sadness in his gaze before he smiles back. You know he’s thinking about your paralysis.
Jungkook clears his throat and kisses your forehead sweetly, “I love you.” You smile softly as he pulls away to look at you. Then you lay your head against his chest and whisper, “I love you too.”
~                                       ~                                     ~
“Honey, baby!” You hold your arms out for the tiny girl to jump in the second she steps into the hospital room. Jungkook and Seokjin are outside getting the final paperwork for your discharge and everyone has come to see you home.
“Flower!” She squeals and runs full speed to the bed, climbing up on it and hurling herself into your arms. Everyone else is on you soon after. You’re instantly swarmed by eight pairs of arms all trying to hug you as tight as they can.
“Y/n, we missed you!”
“You’re so strong.”
“Our little fighter.”
“Y/n, you scared us half to death.”
“Praise God, you’re alive! I can actually see it with my own eyes!”
Everyone is milling around and talking at once, your heart almost bursting with joy at getting to finally see your beloved family after so long. That’s what they are to you now.
“What was it like, y/n? Being in a coma?” You turn to Tae, who’s eyes are wide with curiosity. You laugh and shrug, “I don’t remember much at all. I do remember being stuck in a dark room though.”
“Ohh.” Everyone starts talking about how scared they were and how scary it must have been for you, being in a coma. You don’t say anything about the voice, not really knowing how or wanting to get into it. You told Jungkook the night before, and his cheeks turned red with anger. He knew exactly the voice you were talking about. Neither of you know who or what it is, but you haven’t heard it since you woke up and Jungkook hasn’t heard it since turning back.
You both agreed to let it go for now.
“Look out everyone, step back. Mister Protective is here!” Hoseok speaks up teasingly when Jungkook walks through the door with Seokjin a few minutes later. Jungkook just rolls his eyes playfully and nudges Hobi in the arm before walking over to you and giving you a quick kiss on the forehead, “Hey, love. You ready to get out of here?”
Honey is blushing profusely as she stares at Jungkook with wide blue eyes, her wispy golden hair framing her pink cheeks sweetly. “Yes, Koo. Ready to home now.” She whispers shyly, still holding on to you.
Jungkook turns his head to look at her, a smile spreading on his face. He didn’t get to see her much while you were in the hospital, but he knows that Hoseok was able to legally adopt the girl after they found out she was an orphan. She’s officially Hobi’s daughter and the rest of their littlest sister now.
Jungkook leans over and bops his nose with hers, “Is that right, sweetie? Auntie Y/n is going to come home after so long to play with you, hm?” She giggles and nods, her little fists excitedly twisting in your hospital gown as you laugh.
“What do you want to play, baby?” You ask her happily, to which she immediately shouts back.
~                             ~                               ~
All the boys leave the room so the girls can help you to get dressed. Ga-In had brought one of your jumper dresses and a t-shirt from your old apartment, and you feel your chest ache at the sight of it.
Your best friend explains that the landlady hadn’t done anything with your apartment since you two were gone. She was always a kind soul, and she said that she refused to re-rent it until there was proof of both of your deaths on the news. After you disappeared, she was the first to report it to the police.
Everyone informed you that the police are still working on the cases. Everyone told them about the vampires but they had already heard. Apparently, a lot of people have gone to the police, saying again and again that they were definitely vampires that captured them. The police found it hard to believe at first, but after so many people telling them the same thing, they’ve started to take it more seriously, although nothing has been found.
Yuri gently helps you to put on the shirt and dress before Sooyoung lets the boys back in.
When the nurse comes in with a wheelchair, it hits you again how real it is. You still haven’t shown any signs of feeling in your legs, you know it isn’t looking good for you to ever walk again. But you swallow and smile through the tears, grateful to even be alive right now.
Jungkook takes your left hand and wraps his arm around your waist to help you get up and into the wheelchair, leaving a soft kiss on your cheek when you’re seated comfortably. Then he moves behind you to push the wheelchair into the hall.
You get lots of cheers and calls of goodbye from the staff on the way out, your heart warming up at how much they had all believed in you since you got there.
Ga-In comes up next to you when you get to the car, taking your right hand in hers as Jungkook takes your left. She brushes the hair from your face and smiles brightly, “Come on, y/n. Let’s go home.”
Six weeks later…
“Look at the cherry blossoms, Koo! Look at them!” You squeal in excitement, squirming around on your boyfriend’s back. Jungkook chuckles and nods, hiking you up a little to get you comfortable. “They’re beautiful, love.”
“Ohhh, I love flowers.” You sigh in content, hugging yourself closer to him, your arms wrapped around his neck as he giggles. “Me too, but you know what my favorite flower is?”
“Mm? What is it?”
You smack him on the head gently, “Knock it off, stupid.” You mock the way he used to call you that when you first met them as vampires. Jungkook just laughs and rubs your knee, making you smile and laugh giddily when you can slightly feel his warm hand.
A few weeks after you were discharged from the hospital, some sensations started to come back into your legs. You’ve been doing a lot of physical therapy, Jungkook and your best friends by your side the entire way. You still can’t walk at all, but you’re just happy that you have a little feeling back. The doctors say that they believe with the progress you’re showing, you could have quite a bit of feeling back below your waist, but your walking doesn’t seem like it will ever come back.
Walking isn’t an issue when your boyfriend is Jungkook though. He loves carrying you around on his back when you don’t want to be in your wheelchair anymore. You’re like his own personal koala and it makes his heart flutter when you make grabby hands at him whenever you want him to pick you up.
“Wanna get some ice cream, flower?” Jungkook asks when he sees the ice cream stand on the sidewalk a little way ahead of you both. You shriek instantly, “Please, please, please yes!”
“Hold on tight, baby.” Jungkook says before taking off into a jog towards the ice cream, you laughing your head off as you bounce up and down. When you reach the stand, you notice a few people giving you and Jungkook weird looks. One girl turns to her friend and you hear her whisper, “Looks like someone thinks she’s a princess.”
You bite your lip and turn to look at the menu as you feel Jungkook tense underneath you. You put your chin on his head, then kiss his hair a few times before bringing your face down close to his. You peck his cheek and make funny noises and faces until he breaks a smile, “There’s my favorite bunny smile.” You coo and kiss his cheek again.
“Love you, love you, love you.” You say again and again, kissing his face until he chuckles and you feel him relax. “Can we get some ice cream now?” You ask and he nods, moving to the man to give him your order.
Jungkook tries his best to ignore the snickering and unnecessary comments coming from the people behind you two. He knows you’d rather just ignore it, but he’s also seen you have full-on meltdowns since coming home from the hospital because you’ll never walk again.
“You’re going to leave me, you hate me! You hate me!” You sobbed, hardly able to breathe through your sudden panic attack and tears. “All I am is a burden! I hate myself, I hate my legs, and I wish I had died!”
Jungkook held your hands gently but firmly as you tried to pull away from him, “Y/n, hey look at me. Look at me!” You finally focused in on Jungkook, who’s doe eyes were shining with tears, “It’s going to be okay. Breathe for me, ok?”
You nodded numbly, taking in slow breaths as Jungkook instructed you, doing it with you. You two blew out the air in your lungs slowly, taking more in as he watched you, his heart pounding in his chest.
Once you had calmed down and your breathing was regulated, Jungkook placed a lingering kiss on your sweaty forehead. “I love you, and I’m not going to leave you. I’m never going to leave you. We’ll be together forever, remember?”
Jungkook swallows the tears from his memory of just the other week, his heart aching terribly. He clears his throat and finishes the order calmly before paying and taking the ice cream, then moving to the secluded park that sits close by.
You giggle in anticipation as Jungkook carefully crouches to set you on your favorite bench, then he hands you your cold treat and sits next to you, immediately digging into his chocolate and mint ice cream.
He groans in satisfaction at the cold sweetness filling his mouth, “I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve eaten ice cream. It’s so goooood!” He pretends to cry as he shovels another spoonful into his mouth.
You laugh and shake your head at his silliness, “You’re a goofball.”
“Yeah, but I’m your goofball.” He winks, sending you into another fit of laughter.
You two laugh and talk as you eat your ice cream, watching the sun slowly sink in the sky. When the sun is almost set, Jungkook takes your trash and runs to a trashcan to throw it away before jogging back over to you. He brushes your hair back and kisses your forehead, “Ready to head home?”
You nod and reach up to him, signaling you’re ready for your ride. He smiles warmly and turns to crouch and let you wrap your arms around his neck. Then he stands and gently takes your legs, wrapping them around his waist and giving your right knee a loving pat.
When you reach your old apartment where Yuri and Ga-In are waiting, Jungkook pretends to be huffing and puffing as he climbs the steps with you on his back. You smack him on the head, and he chuckles, always ready to tease you.
Ga-In throws the door open and smiles at the sight of you two, “Have fun?”
“Loads!” You shout happily as Jungkook moves inside to get you to the couch. He sets you down before sitting behind you and pulling you into his lap, nuzzling his nose in your hair. Then Yuri comes bounding out from the back, waving something in her hands as Ga-in rolls her eyes at the frantic girl.
“Y/nnnn! Something came for you in the maaaaail!” She runs over and hands you the little white envelope she’s been keeping safe. Yuri officially moved in with you and Ga-In after you got out of the hospital, since her landlord wasn’t so forgiving when she went missing. She had nowhere else to go, and you’re all glad that she decided to accept your invitation to move in.
The three of you are chaotic to say the least, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Thank you, Yuri.” You smile at her then look down at the envelope, squinting in confusion when you see all it has on it is your name, written messily in black pen. Your address isn’t on it and there isn’t a return address either.
Yuri speaks up before you can even ask, “The hospital called and said someone left it there for you. Ga-In and I went to get it. They don’t know who it was.”
“Oh.” You look at it curiously. Jungkook is looking over your shoulder, his brows furrowed as he examines it. “I wonder who it could be from?” He voices his thoughts and all three of you nod in agreement.
“Maybe they signed it.” You say as you open it carefully. Jungkook leans back on the couch and looks up at the ceiling, not wanting to invade your privacy. Ga-In and Yuri sit on the floor and wait patiently for you to tell them what it’s all about.
As you pull a tattered letter from the envelope, your heart stops in your chest when you see the writing on the old yellowed paper. You know exactly who sent it.
“Who is it from, y/n?” Ga-In whispers when she sees the look on your face.
You hesitate for a moment, not sure if you should say. Then you clear your throat, knowing you don’t like to keep secrets from your three best friends in the entire world.
“What?” Jungkook is tensed and sitting up immediately, a growl leaving his throat at the name leaving your lips. You pat his thigh comfortingly, “It’s alright Kook. Just let me read it.”
Jungkook huffs, looking over at the girls sitting on the floor, noting that they look equally as pissed about this outcome.
He’s never forgiven that man for what he’s done. That bastard almost killed you. You. Jungkook will never forgive him for that. The piece of shit was lucky to have gotten away with his life after what he did.
Jungkook pushes his tongue on the inside of his cheek and forces himself to lie back on the couch again and not snoop. If he makes a scene, it’ll just upset you more. That thought is the only thing keeping him from ripping that letter to shreds.
You keep a gentle hand on his knee as you look back at the letter, your heart aching for the loss of one of your dearest friends. You never imagined he would turn into a killer. He tried to kill your best friend, the boy you love more than anything. You haven’t forgiven him, and you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to.
You take a deep breath and start to read. 
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~                                ~                                         ~
“Hey, look at this.”
You turn your head just in time for Jungkook to smear a bit of Nutella on the tip of your nose. You splutter in confusion as he guffaws, “Now you’re even sweeter!” He hollers in delight before falling onto his back in his laughter.
“Kook!” You grab the jar of sticky chocolatey goodness, dipping your finger in and wiping it down one of his cheeks. Jungkook laughs harder, not caring at all that you just decorated his face in chocolate. He’s rolling around on the picnic blanket as he tries to catch his breath.
You reach over and start tickling him, making him scream in protest, “Stooop! No, don’t tickle!” He can’t stop laughing though as he wrestles your hands away from him and crawls to safety on the other side of the blanket.
If you could, you would’ve chased him down. But you settle with sending him your best glare as you clean your nose off.
“Be nice.” He pouts, then makes a goofy face at you when you send him the stink-eye. You break into a smile and wave him over, “Come over here, Koo.”
He raises a brow suspiciously but crawls back to you, letting you bring a napkin to his face to clean him up. Jungkook takes your wrist, gently pulling your hand from his face when you’ve finished wiping the chocolate off, then he kisses your wrist softly while looking into your eyes.
Jungkook scoots closer to you, running his fingers softly down your face before moving your hair from your neck. He looks at the scar on your soft skin from where he bit you months ago.
You can sense the sadness in his gaze, so you smile and reach up to touch the scar, “Now I’m just like you, we match.” You look pointedly at the same scar on his neck and he smiles softly, then he leans forward and gently kisses it, sending tingles into your tummy.
“No matter what happens, I promise I’ll always love you.” Jungkook whispers, and you giggle, “Nothing is going to happen Kook, don’t worry. I’m okay.”
He can see in your eyes that you mean it.
You’ll always have your own battles in life, whatever form it comes in. But as long as you stay strong within yourself, you know you can make it through whatever comes your way. He can’t solve your problems, and you can’t solve his, but having Jungkook beside you will always make it an easier journey. Everyone has their own fight, but that doesn’t mean they have to fight it alone.
“Kookie, will you sing to me?”
“What would you like me to sing?” He asks as you two lay down on the blanket and bask in the warmth of the sun.
“My song…the one you made for me.”
“Ok.” Jungkook smiles, his eyes closing as he takes your hand and starts to sing. You breathe in the fresh air and send a silent thank you into the sky for everything that you have gained and everything you’ve lost along the way.
You can feel yourself start to drift off, Jungkook’s gentle voice filling your ears and wrapping you in a cocoon of safety and warmth.
Jungkook glances at you and smiles, reaching over to stroke your cheek as he sings. His mind is already turning with the plans he’s been making for a little while now, the nerves making his tummy tickle. He bites his bottom lip and stops singing for a moment, his eyes flitting over your features.
“Thank you for finding me, y/n.” He whispers, then you stir slightly, and he fights the urge to give you a quick kiss; he doesn’t want to disturb you. Instead, Jungkook just continues to stroke your cheek and smile softly.
“Close the door now…when I’m with you, I’m in Utopia.”
a/n: remember I have a little surprise for the Onsra fam, I'll let you know soon ;) ILY all and thank u for loving Onsra ♥️♥️♥️
Tag list: @jjungkook99 @ditttiii @rubinora @fekitza @xxxanimangxxx @koochiekoo @your-best-behaviour @elliegrace1999tvd @nikikookie @krystle1990 @karissassirak @lettersforjoon @hopeworld-baseline @adelina1299 @howbizarre @squidyelmosquidbutt @jeonjungkookismyfuture
Tysm to my little tag fam ♥️
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girl8890 · 3 years
Penpals | Chapter 2
Idol!Kim Tae-hyung / V x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You weren’t big on social media. Hell, you didn’t even care much for trends. So when you get a notification one day on instagram from a person claiming to be a global sensation, you can’t believe it. Months later, you still can’t believe your penpals with BTS’s good boy - Kim Taehyung himself.
Warnings: Hint at K-Pop stigmas, Angst, Anxiety attack.
!Discretion!: The views said in this chapter are not necessarily my own. Some things talked/described in this chapter are only to make this book better, and have more connection for their relationship. Nothing in this book is created to hurt/upset anyone. There’s a part in the chapter that kinda bashes BigHit. It’s only a part of the story, and not my own beliefs.
Notes: The events that are in this story can definitely happen in real life, BUT this is just a fanfiction and I don’t think these events will actually happen/are occurring. Anything in italics are Instagram DMs/Texts.
BTS ML | Index | CH 3
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
The following day you felt super groggy. You rubbed the crust out of your eyes, then looked over at the alarm clock on your bedside table. You groaned loudly after reading the time. It's almost twelve in the afternoon, and you have to get ready for work soon.
As you stare up at your ceiling, still feeling tired from staying up so late, you smile to yourself. You stayed up so late because you were messaging V on Instagram until close to three in the morning. It was so weird how natural and smooth your first conversations went.
You talked about each other's parents and how you both moved away from home at a young age. How you both sometimes feel distant towards the people you love but would do anything for them.
You learned he has six roommates - I know a lot, right? - that sometimes drives him insane, but he loves dearly. He also lives only a town away in Seoul. You live in Hanam, so you could have easily met him in real life and wouldn't have known.
There were a few times you thought he would have lost interest in you, then exited out of the Dm's, leaving you on read. But he didn't. He stayed up with you until it the sun was rising, and you both realized at the same time, you stayed up way too late. Leaving the Instagram chat with sad good nights. You loved every minute of the conversation you two had.
You roll over, in bed, and grab your phone on the bedside table. You wanted to wish V a good morning, to be the first to entice the conversation this time, and we're hoping that he was feeling the same way about wanting to talk to you.
As you open up Instagram, you realize your hopes were answered because he already messaged you... multiple times.
secret_v (9:30am): good morning angel! I overslept majorly but it is completely worth it ☺️
secret_v (9:31am): I loved talking to you last night, and truthfully I don't want to stop talking to you
secret_v (10:03am): is it weird that even while I'm with my roommates I'm thinking about you? 💕
secret_v (10:44am): are you still asleep?
secret_v (11:20am): I don't want to come off as a creepy or anything... but I really hope you feel the same way I do... I just want to keep talking to you...
You feel your cheeks heat up as you read through the messages. You can’t believe how sweet and charming this boy is. You honestly feel bad now for oversleeping since he woke up so early and instantly wanted to talk to you. You have to commend him for waking up so early after falling asleep so late, though.
this_is_me (11:58am): Morning V! Sorry I overslept too 🤪🥱
this_is_me (11:58am): I don't know how you can wake up SO early, especially after falling asleep so late...
You thought it would take him a while to message you back, especially since it took you almost an hour to message him back, but his reply was instant.
secret_v (11:58am): lol I have to for my job... was doing something today that for some reason requires me to wake up REALLY early 🥱
this_is_me (11:58am): oh God I would hate that!
this_is_me (11:58am): luckily I don't have work until 4 today
secret_v (11:59am): the dog cafe right? I would LOVE that job!!! Working with pups all day sounds like a dream 😍
Truthfully, it weirdly always has been your dream. Your family never had the money to send you off to college, so you weren't able to become a veterinarian like you truly wanted. But luckily, you live in a beautiful country that has animal cafes all over.
You told V about your job last night after he ignored the question you asked about what he does for a living. Well, he didn't entirely ignore it. V said he works in the entertainment industry with his six roommates but left it at that. You didn’t want to pry, so you allowed him to change the conversation, at the time. 
this_is_me (11:59am): I love it there! I'm one of the few that work in the cafe that knows English so they give me the best shifts
secret_v (11:59am): you know English????
secret_v (11:59am): why did that just make you 10X hotter? 😍🤤
secret_v (12:00pm): sorry... that was weird... I'll go die in a hole now... 😶
You both blushed and laughed hysterically at his last three texts. You indeed knew English, and it was actually your first language. But you never thought it was considered hot, though. Truthfully, you only really used English when either a tourist was talking to you in the cafe. Not even your parents spoke in English on purpose anymore, only in Korean unless they were mad at you.
this_is_me (12:01pm): DONT DIE!!!!! who else am I going to stay up until three in the morning talking to then? 🥺
secret_v (12:01pm): lol yeah... I'm sorry about that btw
secret_v (12:01pm): I didn't even realize it was three am until I saw the sun 😬
this_is_me (12:02pm): lol me either tbh
this_is_me (12:02pm): and don’t worry about it. Truthfully I think it was completely worth being tired today 🙊
You see V start typing, then stop, then start typing again. It ended up taking him five minutes to message you everything he wanted to say. Still, when he finally sent it, your eyes went wide with how big his paragraph was.
secret_v (12:07pm): honestly, Y/n, I love talking to you. You don't understand how hard it is for a person like me to do something like this. I can't even tell you the last time I talked to a girl in this way. Probably in high school before my life turned upside down in a fantastic way because of my career. I know it's weird that I have to keep a lot of my life a secret, even what I do for a living and my real name, but one day I will tell you everything, and you'll understand. I just hope you won't want to stop messaging me before I get the chance... if you're okay with that?
You realize what V's saying. There's a lot of his life he can't tell you right now, but he wishes he could. He wishes he could have a noraml life and just be able to open up to you completely, but he can't.
You can relate to this because, in a way, your ex made you feel like you'll never be able to have this. To have a person to talk to and want to see where it goes, again. To have someone, you have to learn how to trust, instead of only surrounding yourself with people you already know you can trust.
As much as you want to learn everything about this mystery V, you'll respect his boundaries. You're okay with waiting for him to trust you and waiting for the day that he's able to open up to you about everything.
It's like you have the same social problem, but for different reasons. Like you both just want to feel like yourselves, completely and openly, with one person, and you both want each other to be that person. You want to build a friendship with each other and feel that love you've been deprived of for so long.
That's why you message him back, without hesitation...
this_is_me (12:08pm): I'll gladly be your penpal V
this_is_me (12:08pm): 110% fuck yeah!
~~ One Month Later ~~
You wake up how you always do this past month with a DM from V that always seemed to make you smile and blush like crazy.
secret_v (9:01am): Goodmorning beautiful! 💕
You bite your lip and stare at the DM for a couple extra seconds. You've been talking to him for a month now, and you can't seem to get him out of your head.
Your stomach goes in knots every time you get a message from him. V is not exactly the type of person that texts you all day since he admitted to having a busy schedule. Still, he always messages you when he can and sends you good morning and good night messages, at least.
Most days, you'll talk about everything under the sun! Even though you still haven't gotten his name or even a picture of what he looks like, the messages are enough to make you let your guard down and want to talk to him.
this_is_me (9:30am): good morning V 🙊 Did you sleep well?
After you send him a message on Instagram, you know it's probably going to take him a while to text back since you woke up later than him and open the group chat with your friends. The second you open it, you can't stop laughing at the messages from last night.
Mara ㋛ (11:11pm): IT'S 11:11 BITCHES! I wish to get a man to me fuck into next week 😫🍆👅
Ky ☀︎︎ (11:12pm): Mara oh my fucking… go to bed!
Mara ㋛ (11:12pm): you know you love me 😘
To most, it may seem like Ky and Mara hate each other. That how they make fun of each other, and how their total opposites, would make them not like each other, but they were friends long before you joined them.
You only met them when you moved to Korea when you were 11 years old. Along with your parents and tutor, they helped you learn the language and helped you fit in.
It may seem like what Mara and Ky say to each other is harsh, but if someone else were to say the same mean things to the other… good luck not getting beaten into a pulp.
After you've read the messages from last night and laughed until your stomach hurt, you text them all a good morning text. 
You (9:35am): Goodmorning my beautiful besties 😊❤️
Mara ㋛ (9:35am): ohhhh someone's in a good mood this morning
Mara ㋛ (9:35am): did a Mr. handsome, sweet-talking, one look and your panties will drop, V text you this morning? 🧐😂👅
Ky ☀︎︎ (9:36am): it's too early for this 😴
Mara ㋛ (9:36am): shhh let Y/n speak! I want to like vi-curiously through her 😫
Ky ☀︎︎ (9:37am): Mara I literally have a boyfriend what do you mean lmaooo
Mara ㋛ (9:37am) yeah but you guys have been dating for YEARS now! The honeymoon stage is always the best when people are in a relationship 🥺❤️
You roll your eyes at Mara's last text. You wouldn't exactly say you and V are in the "honeymoon stage." You've only been talking a month, and you both haven't labeled what you are to each other yet. On top of the fact that you've never met, don't know V's real name, and don't know what he looks like!
You (9:38am): yes he did dm me, and no we're not dating Mara! were just friends
Mara ㋛ (9:38am): details details lol
Ky ☀︎︎ (9:40am): OMG GUYS! Did you listen to the new BTS album??!! 😻
Mara ㋛ (9:40am) YESSS! Map of Soul 7 is sooooooo good 😫😍
You giggle at your friend's texts. They're obsessed with the K-pop group BTS. You've heard of a few songs but aren't a part of "ARMY" as they like to say they are. You haven't seen a music video or even know what the "snacks," as Mara would explain them, look like.
Even though they live in the next city over, and even after every album releases, you don't look them up. Trends just isn't your thing. Yeah, you've seen the build boards, have a few songs in your playlist, and have seen magazine covers of them, but don't look long enough to conjure them up to memory.
And it’s not like you hate music, or their music either, it’s just never been your thing to get obsessed with a band. 
When you were about to text in the group chat again, to tease your friends on how obsessed they are with BTS, you get a notification from Instagram.
*message from secret_v*
You smile at the notification and immediately open it up. But, your smile falls when you see what the message says.
secret_v (9:41am): I slept good angel… but sadly I have some bad news 
this_is_me (9:41am): oh God I'm scared… are you okay? 🥺
secret_v (9:41am): I’m fine
secrets_v (9:42am): actually I'm not good at all. I'm really fucking pissed. I can't have this Instagram anymore because someone figured out I made it so I won't be able to message you on here anymore
You read his message a couple times and feel your chest tighten. You're not sure if it is from anger, sadness, or both. As much as you respect his boundaries, you don't understand why it's such a big deal for his identity to be a secret, to the point he can’t have an Instagram. 
this_is_me (9:43am): No V! I love talking to you too and I feel like we just started to get to know each other 
secret_v (9:43am): I know it’s fucking ridiculous! But that's just how the company works
You back up from your phone and stare at one word…. Company.
He's never told you why he can't tell you certain things about himself. You never wanted to be pushy, but he probably revealed something about himself that he didn't mean to. But that little bit of information - that reveals a lot - just makes you more confused.
What company doesn't allow their employers to have personal social media? What company doesn't allow their employers to date or even make friends on social media? It just doesn't make sense to you, and it's honestly starting to annoy you how much you really don't know.
this_is_me (9:45am): company? What company?
secret_v (9:45am): FUCKKK I didn't mean to say that
secret_v (9:45am): just forget about it Y/n. I'm sorry. I really wish there was something I could do, but we can't talk on here anymore.
That's when you realize… he said you can't talk on here. Meaning Instagram. He didn't say anything about phone numbers.
this_is_me (9:45am): WAIT WAIT ✋✋
this_is_me (9:45am): what if you give me your phone number?????
this_is_me (9:45am): do they care about who's phone numbers you have?
You watch V go from typing, to not typing, to typing again. You wait patiently on your Instagram DMs to wait for his text. You feel your eyes become dry because you haven't blinked in a couple seconds. You, too entranced with the screen, waiting for him to message you back.
secret_v (9:50am): Idk
Idk? I don't know? I DON'T KNOW?!
You want to throw your phone because you are so frustrated. Maybe this guy has been playing with your emotions the entire time. Maybe all his sweet words and promises were just that, words. Like you mean absolutely nothing to him. Like this past month, texting every day, and hoping for there to come a day where you to meet, was something to just pass the time.
You get it if someone has trust issues, and for awhile that’s why you thought V wasn’t telling you certain things, but now you know the truth. And it pisses you off. 
You hate yourself for the next thing you say. If it were any other circumstance, you probably wouldn't have said what you said. You wouldn't have blindly sent, basically, a stranger the following few words.
this_is_me (9:46am): IDK? You know what, you make the decision. This "company" or what the fuck ever does not control your life. If this past month was really for nothing, or if you actually want to talk to me, then text me because now that I know the truth idk what you want from me anymore (888)888-8888
The second you pressed send on that message, you instantly regretted it. Not so much the words, but definitely the numbers at the end.
Your phone number…
You log out of Instagram and throw your phone across the bed. Watching the cellular device slide on your comforter and eventually fall on the floor. Your ears begins to ring, and you feel like you can't breathe.
You just sent your phone number to someone you don't know. You've never done that before. Even when guys would flirt and ask for your number, no matter how cute they were, you didn't give them it. To scared from all the horror stories about people tracking phone numbers and kidnapping those you trusted a stranger enough to give it to them.
You wrap your blanket around you like it will protect you from your own stupid actions. But even as you shake in fear, you also can't believe how angry you were at V saying he can't talk to you anymore.
You were the person to suggest texting instead of DM-ing, but that fact doesn't stop your heart from racing. What did you expect, though? Him to send you his number first, and that will make it all okay?
You press your fingers to the side of your forehead, rubbing circles, hoping it will relieve whatever tension is there.
The rest of the day, you stayed logged off of Instagram. You only looked at your phone when Mara or Ky texted you.
Every time your phone went off, you thought it would be V finally putting the phone number you gave him to some use. But unfortunately, it was not him, and it made your stomach go in knots for the simple fact he didn't do just that. Text you. He just had your phone number for no reason.
Mara was the one to text you in a private text, outside of the group chat you guys made several years ago.
Mara ㋛ (6:45pm): Any news on V?
You (6:45pm): noPe 😔
Mara ㋛ (6:45pm): THAT'S IT!
Mara ㋛ (6:45pm): I'm coming over
You (6:45pm): wait what ✋
You (6:55pm): you don't need to do that! I promise I'm okay
You (6:57pm): you don't need to come over
You (7:00pm): MARA??????
But you know whatever you say won't change Mara's mind. Twenty minutes later, you hear a knock at the door.
You sigh to yourself when you realize it was pretty useless to repeatedly try and text her. You walk to the front door of your home and open the door to see Mara leaning against the door opening.
"Sup, baby girl."
Mara walks inside and doesn't even wait for you to invite her in. She takes her shoes off, and places her bright green purse on the kitchen table, then sits down on the couch you were just sitting on. She pats the cushion next to her, asking you silently to come to sit down.
You sigh once, then close the front door. You walk over to Mara and sit next to her. When you look over at her, she’s already staring at you intensely. Waiting for you to spill your guts and tell her all about the thought’s swirling in your mind right now. 
Her dark brown eyes, surrounded by blue and black eyeshadow, that match her bright blue fake hair in a bun on top of her head, are filled with intelligence because instead of asking you what's wrong, she already knows why you're being so gloomy today.
"Soooo he can't message you anymore. Stop worrying about it, girlfriend. It's just one guy. There will be another."
"But what if he's-"
Mara put up her hand to stop you from explaining what else was bothering you. After you calmed your racing heart from earlier, you texted in the group chat about being scared you just gave your number to your future murder.
"We both know that's not what's truly bothering you. Yes, V could be a mass murder that whats to kidnap you and make you his sex slave… but come on now, Y/n. You've been talking to him for what - a month now, and I could see it all over your face that you're sad about the simple fact that you can't talk to him anymore."
You don't say anything back because Mara already knows she's right. Yes, the prospect of giving your number to a stranger is what bothered you initially. But now that your anxiety has calmed down, your heart is aching.
Mara nods her head in understanding and looks down at the phone in your hand.
"Have you checked to see if he messaged you?"
"No… I'm too scared to look."
Mara puckers her lips and squints at you. She glances at your phone again with mischief in her eyes. Without warning, she snatches your phone and runs to your bathroom with it. You jump up from the couch and run after her, but Mara did track in high school, so there was no way you could catch her in time.
The bathroom door slammed shut, and your body hit against it. It budged for a second, but while you were catching your balance, Mara shut it again and locked it.
"Mara! This isn't funny! Give me back my phone!"
Mara doesn’t budge though, just like the door. You huff in defeat, and instead of trying to break down the door, press your ear against the door to try and hear what she’s doing.
“Your password is still cuddle-puddle? Real creative, Y/n.”
You roll your eyes, but don't say anything to her insult against the password you created for Instagram years ago when you first made the account. You hear her manicured fingers type on your phone. After a moment, the bathroom becomes silent. Nothing but Mara’s breathing can be heard. 
You're anxiety from there being no sound starts to eat at you. Even though it was hard for you to open the app before, you also want to know what V said to your message about the phone number. 
“W-what did he say?”
Another moment of silence, then Mara opens the door. You back up to let her step into the hallway with you. Her face is blank, but you see slight confusion in her eyes. 
“Well... what did V say?” 
You were staring to get antsy. It's not like you to feel inpatient, but Mara wasn't giving you any hints of what was on your phone or what he said.
“He didn’t say anything-” Your face fell. “He just read it then, um...”
Mara scratches the back of her head, nervously. You step closer to her, not to intimidate her, but show that you want her to just be straight with you and tell you what it is making her so nervous.
“Okay, I’m just going to say it. V deleted the account.”
Your eyes go wide, and you're lips part. 
CH 3
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thewritewolf · 3 years
Interview with an Author Tag!
This game was originally posted by @goldenavenger02 and I was tagged (a, uh, a while ago, sorry about that 😅) by @mikauzoran. Thanks!
1. Your favorite fic that you’ve written (or just one you want to give a shout out to).
Oh wow, what to recommend? I’ll limit myself to just three since I’ve got 49 to choose from.
True Sight: Secrets of the Miraculous was my first fic and also my most ambitious one. The early chapters are rough but I get my feet under me after... three or four chapters, I want to say? And after that, I have my favorite Chloe redemption ever, plenty of character development and natural expanding of the core team (remember, I starting writing this when Rena Rouge was new).
Rekindle was my first fic to get any kind of real attention and honestly, its for good reason. Its an aged up Marichat fic with plenty of fluff, moments of angst, and a generally good time all around. Plus there is art of it! Which I embedded into it!
Four Times (and the Lucky One) is a short, focused story which is very cute - its about Adrien trying to ask Marinette out but having awful luck with it. Two things are notable with it. First, it launched a whole series of fics in the same timeline that have been a joy to write. And second, it was inspired by art from @ohsweetsweetie who I eventually became friends with way after I wrote it!
2. Your favorite fic title that you’ve come up with. 
Running to Catch An Airplane Trope has my heart - it always makes me chuckle and honestly everything you need to know is said by the title alone!
3. How do you get inspiration to write?
In terms of actually making myself write, I’ve got playlists for characters, then there are MyNoise generators that help me get into the mood for writing.
When it comes to ideas, nothing gets the imagination going more than watching the show and seeing the characters interact! My imagination tends to go wild anyway, especially when I’m not doing anything but watching.
4. Your favorite genre/subgenre of fic to write.
Oh that’s easy - Fluff. Every single fic I’ve written either was primarily fluff or had plenty of fluff in it. And absolutely every fic had a happy ending. Be the force you want to see in the world, right?
5. Do you have other hobbies?
Well, besides writing fanfiction, I write a bunch of original stuff, including an entirely original world. Which I use sometimes for a D&D setting. Beyond that, I used to paint miniatures a lot but now that my friends are scattered all over, that sort of fell by the wayside.
Outside of creative pursuits, I play video games and watch youtubers like Game Grumps and Markiplier.
6. A fun fact about you that a lot of people may not know.
I’m caught between my abilities as a cat whisperer, where almost every cat I’ve ever encountered, excluding feral ones, will be my friend immediately and let me pick them up, or my degree in history/political science. Both of these facts are important to me 🤔
7. Pick one character to self project onto, go!
Adrien Agreste, naturally. I see a much younger me in him and I hope he has a better time of it than I did. 😫
8. Favorite genre of music.
Heavy mithril, folk rock... things like that. Although I listen to music of all kinds, so its hard to pick a particular genre
9. Your favorite singer/band.
I’d say its split pretty evenly between either Hozier or Sabaton 🤔
10. And finally, how has your experience in fandom been?
Pretty good, honestly. Well, in ML at least which is the only fandom I’ve been a active member of. Excluding salters its been an absolute dream - sharing ideas, meeting friends, writing and reading fics... and just being lost in the sauce of loving these characters. Its been a great time.
I think many of my writing friends have been tagged already so... I tag everyone who wants to do this! Go forth, be free!
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