#there's probably going to be a part 2
neonponders · 2 years
Eddie knew the exact moment that things were officially too far with Chrissy Cunningham.
Because beforehand, minor exchanges (drug deals, call ‘em what they are) lasted five minutes. Often his clients didn’t even need to come inside the double-wide trailer. In fact, he preferred they didn’t. It was a good practice, keeping work out of the house. The only people he had over were the rare friend and hookups, and even the latter were only an hour tops.
So Eddie never bothered cleaning up the place.
The first exchange with Chrissy Freaking Cunningham was bizarre for both of them. She wanted something strong enough to warrant a silly euphemism like Special K, and she trembled in his living room while he had to find the damn stuff. Like a first tattoo, he expected her to bail any second, and might’ve taken longer than necessary to find it because he expected to walk out of his room to find the place empty.
To her credit, Cunningham had some spine. Not enough for Eddie to actually sell her Special K - no one but real dealers knew the difference between powdered sugar and hard drugs. If she somehow managed to find the bravery to snort it, the blast of sugar would scare her enough without hurting her -
Chrissy returned it.
Eddie couldn’t believe it.
“I-I-Um,” she fumbled, holding the little baggie out to him when he found her again at the picnic table in the woods. She took a gathering breath and said firmly, “I wanted to give this back to you. I figured...Special K is kind of a high diving board.”
“Yeah,” he smiled softly. Honestly impressed. Chrissy had a unique sort of bravery that the rest of the Hawkins sheep wouldn’t appreciate. “Listen, I don’t have your cash on me at the moment. But if you want to consider it a deposit, I can be your revolving door for some good, old fashioned kush. Whenever you need.”
Her narrow shoulders hitched up, shy and bashful. “Like right now?”
Eddie’s rings tapped a melody on his black lunchbox. “It would be my pleasure, Mistress Cunningham.”
“Oh my gosh,” she laughed. “Just don’t laugh at me.”
He didn’t laugh. He didn’t really get the chance to. Cunningham held her smoke well. She took a little hit from the joint he sealed for her, held onto it with small, rocking motions of her head. Like she was counting to ten. And then exhaled in a rush, “Woah.”
He inhaled a bigger hit and smiled dreamily. “Comfy diving board?”
For a moment, she just stared at him. Like she had forgotten he was there, or it was finally landing that she was getting high with Eddie the Freak Munson.
Then her eyes practically shut with how big her smile consumed her face. “Yeah. I can do this much.”
And then she became a regular...something. Client. Friend.
No, not friend. He didn’t even clean up for friends, so why the shit was he sneaking things into drawers when Chrissy wasn’t looking? He was halfway through vacuuming the living room before he realized what he was doing.
Chrissy isn’t a fool. She notices when Eddie throws dirty dishes into the freezer as if she won’t hear the commotion. She begins doing little things to help clean up the place.
But not too much. She learned that lesson with her little brother. Jason was an anomaly in how his military veteran father ingrained cleanliness in him; so much so that he didn’t like Chrissy to clean anything at all. It sometimes felt like she wasn’t allowed in his space. Or...that he didn’t have space to begin with. Space that meant lived in. His car still smelled new after years of basketball away games.
Eddie’s spaces were very lived in. His old van might not drive smoothly, but Eddie drove well, and it was filled with spare clothes, musical stuff, and even snacks.
His bedroom was admittedly a travesty. But it was his, and it was bursting with personality. When they finally...progressed into it somehow making sense that she would sit in his room instead of the living room, he had to throw a pile of clothes and random things onto the bed for her to access the futon couch.
At least that put the bed out of commission. Literally out of sight and out of mind with everything he had to put on it to make room.
But he made room. And soon he figured out organization and storage. Eventually Chrissy felt confident to tease him, “Oh my gosh, you actually put away your condoms and hand cuffs.”
Eddie laughed a bit too loudly as he played with his hair. She smiled because she loved that nervous habit. “Oh, those! You noticed?”
She nodded gently. “I wasn’t sure if you were trying to scare me off, but then I began to wonder if you just forget about them. Do you know that condoms expire?”
Eddie sputtered, “That’s not an issue,” and then realized, “I mean. Yikes. That sounded incredibly douchy.”
“I’m a cheerleader, remember? Our parents might’ve forgotten that teenagers sleep together, but it’s only douchy when you’re a douche about it.”
He absorbed all that with a gape on his face but he recovered with a rocking of his body. Eddie did that a lot; move his whole body with whatever he was feeling. It was nice. Honest. “Duly noted, highness.”
“God, I told you to stop that!” she grinned.
“And I told you, that your golden knight is going to totally blow his lid if and when he finally gets wise to you hanging out with me instead of his...what do you even do together? What him condition his hair?”
“I thought that’s what I was here tonight for,” she tossed back.
He flicked his hair off his shoulders. “I have curly hair. We’re not the same. I have needs.”
She laughed and followed him into the small bathroom. “And you’re still okay with me trimming your hair?”
He rotated in front of the vanity, double over enough to be more level with her. “I guarantee that any mistakes will be our little secret...so long as they stay little. My hair contains multitudes of secrets.”
She didn’t feel the need to respond while he found the scissors, a comb, and a lobster hair clip. That was nice too. Eddie made noise but quiet had its own place with him as he continued, “But at a certain point, even I can’t hide the brambles in this lion’s mane. A trim will soften me up again. Now, you said you’ve done this before?”
“I cut mine and my brother’s hair all the time,” she promised. “And the girls’ on the cheer squad. Half of them pay to have hair like yours.”
“And don’t you forget it,” he smirked, handing her the handles of the scissors.
Without further ado, she said, “You’re gonna want to put a towel around your shoulders.”
He did, flipping his hair out from underneath -
Chrissy used the lobster clip to hold the towel in place. Eddie peered down at it and wondered, “Doesn’t that go in my - ”
The air audibly caught in his throat before he shut his mouth and let her do her thing. She smiled to herself and used the comb to carefully section his hair. As she moved with tiny steps around him sitting on the toilet, he apologized, “Sorry it’s not exactly a salon.”
“Neither is a girls’ locker room. Or the bus. Or the carpool vans.”
“Oh, so this is a step up,” he chimed.
She smiled. “Yeah, definitely.”
He chuckled, moving his tongue inside his cheek. Her smile faded into something soft. She liked his sound when it was deep in his chest.
“It doesn’t happen often. Me, being a step up, I mean.”
Chrissy inhaled before she knew what to say. She didn’t want him to think lowly of himself, but also didn’t quite feel like she had the right to...to...she wasn’t even sure of how to finish that sentence.
So she replied, “There’s nothing quite like having to cover up the damage made from a speed bump - Careful!”
Eddie laughed and laughed. “Is that why Mary Connelly suddenly had a hair chop?”
“Yeah! Thankfully she liked the bob because nothing else was fixing it.”
He gasped theatrically and tapped his fingertips together. “What delicious gossip. Give me more. What can I use?”
But it was a bubble that had to burst some time.
Chrissy didn’t come over for a week. Eddie was slow on gossip, seeing as his sources were limited, but the sheep loved to bahhh...
Chrissy Cunningham broke up with Jason Carver.
Eddie felt torn between the overall news, as well as Jason’s openness about who broke up with who.
He found her at their picnic table. She slouched over the wooden panels, chin resting on her stacked fists. Her eyes moved to the noise of his lunchbox, but drift back to neutral. “Hi, Eddie.”
He sighed. There was no point in talking about it. That’s all Hawkins High was doing at the moment, talking about it.
“I’ve got strawberries or our usual.”
Her brows pinched together. “What are strawberries?”
His mouth curved on its own as he watched her. When his silence made her finally look up, he said, “Fruit. Just fruit.”
“Oh.” A little huff of mirth came out of her nose, and she sat up. “I’ll take strawberries.”
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krysmcscience · 1 month
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Call this the Whoopsie AU (it's barely an AU)
I mean. Narinder never explicitly SAID the Lamb would stay dead... :3c He probably should have been more specific. >:3c
Part Two:
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Well. The Lamb tried, but...sorry, Nari, the crown hates you now. Shouldn't have been so quick to lend it out, I guess. :D
Aaaand Part Three:
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'Isn't he just adorable?' -The Lamb, probably, while their followers smile and nod and internally scream at the brand new hellcat they now have to share living space with...
Anyway, nothing says 'Dead To Me' like following a person around to loudly remind them of how dead they are to you. Right? Right. Narinder's got this all figured out. <:]
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1960z · 8 months
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ds9 characters as onion/reductress articles
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gunsatthaphan · 3 months
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soybean-official · 6 months
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The parts of you that support me
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quikyu · 3 months
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Portia meets a local, Pt. 1
Pt. 2
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star-forg · 1 year
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The amount I couldnt help myself. Guys help.
Part 1
that will be all for a little while unless I really cannot help it.
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Finally....Refs have been remade and relationships have been charted...
Height comparisons & icons alone under cut
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art fight & toyhouse ....
also feel free to ask about them if u want i like talking....
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tired-and-ticklish · 4 months
Bonding Exercise
Sequel to “Rough Day”
Summary: Angel and Husk try to escape Charlie’s new idea for a bonding exercise, but The Princess, her girlfriend, and a certain Radio Demon are persistent.
TW: Tickling (slightly intense), Swearing, Slight Restraints, Alastor being a bastard, References to Alastor’s past, Angel Dust being Angel Dust.
Disclaimer: I do not support V*v*z*epop, I simply like the characters and exploring their dynamics, usually in silly ways.
Part Three
Despite the distance the two demons had put between themselves and the Radio Demon, they both could clearly hear his voice, accentuating how absolutely fucked they were. Angel was a bit faster, his longer legs giving him an advantage, but Husk wasn’t far behind, running quicker than he ever had in his life or unlife.
“Split up!” Angel exclaimed, quickly turning down a random hallway.
“Don’t need to fucking tell me twice!” Husk replied, almost skidding to a halt as he course-corrected down an entirely different hallway.
Charlie stopped upon seeing them both go in different directions, pouting slightly “Now who do we go after?”
“How about you two go after our effeminate fellow, and I’ll go after Husker?” Alastor suggested, though Vaggie raised an eyebrow.
“We’re not trying to torture them.” The bodyguard replied, to which the deer waved a hand.
“If I intended to torture either of those two, everyone would know.” Alastor replied, the radio effects of his voice becoming more sinister, but just for a moment. “No, I simply think our dear bartender needs to smile a bit more!”
“Come on Vaggie, I think I know where Angel’s running!” Charlie exclaimed, grabbing her girlfriend by the arm before she could protest and starting down a different hallway.
Vaggie couldn’t help but give Charlie a smile, despite thinking the whole idea was a bit ridiculous. Still, it gave her an excuse to get Angel back for all the times the spider demon had messed with them, or done anything that pushed back his ‘progress.’ She also knew she couldn’t find it in herself to say ‘no’ to the Princess, especially when she got that determined glimmer in her eyes.
“Good luck, darlings!” Alastor called as they both ran off, before continuing his own pursuit of the bartender.
Angel ran as fast as his legs could carry him, listening for any signs of his pursuers. All he needed to do was get to his room and barricade himself in there until Charlie forgot this whole dumb idea. However, Hell was more likely to freeze over than its Princess giving up or forgetting any of her ideas.
The spider knew his room was close, and he hadn’t seen or heard any of the purseres. Maybe that all went after Husk? A small shudder went up Angel’s spine as he looked behind him. As much as he did not want to be tickled again, the idea of the cat demon being tickled by Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor was a fate he wouldn’t wish upon anyone in the hotel.
“Oh Angel!” He was torn from his thoughts, looking forward and almost screaming as he saw The Princess and her girlfriend, waiting right in front of his door.
“Found you.” Vaggie said, grinning mischievously.
Angel attempted to turn on his heel, but couldn’t slow down enough for it to be effective. His legs got tangled in one another, and he tumbled to the floor, groaning as he did. Before he could even attempt to get up and flee, the girls were upon him, Vaggie holding his upper pair of arms over his head, while Charlie straddled his waist.
“L-Ladies please,” Angel attempted to beg, tugging his arms as best he could. “Y-You don’t have to do this.”
“Oh, we know.” Vaggie said with a sly grin. “But we want to.”
Charlie immediately started skittering her figures on Angel’s stomach, making the spider snicker. Angel attempted to shove the Princess off with his lower set of arms, but anytime he tried, Charlie would ‘accidentally’ tickle a bit harder, making him lose focus. 
“C-Chaahahaharlihihihihe wahahahait!”
“Awww but Angel, you look so happy right now!”
“Behehehecause yohohohou’re tihihihihckling mehehehe!”
Angel squealed as Charlie’s claws made their way to his lower set of armpits, shaking his head. In his attempts to plead with the Princess, he didn’t notice until it was too late that Vaggie had changed her position, pinning his upper arms with her legs, soon feeling her fingers on his ribs.
“EEP! NohhoohoHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHerehehehe!” Angel shrieked, his face turning a light pink shade.
“Hey, Angel, do you have more or less ribs as a spider?” Vaggie asked, ignoring his pleas. “Guess I need to double check.”
“Dohohohon’t YOHOHOOHHOU DAHAHAHRE, Vahahahahagina!”
The pornstar felt Vaggie stop tickling him for a moment, making him realize he had just dug his own second grave. Any begging he could have done was soon cut off by the feeling of the hotel guard’s fingers slowly and torturously dragging over his ribs, followed shortly by her counting.
“SHIHIHIHIT SIHIHIHHIT IHIHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHOHRRY!” Angel cried out, kicking his legs as the girls continued tickling him.
“Two… three… Fiv- Wait, that’s not right.” The spider could practically hear the smirk in Vaggie’s voice “Can you hold still? I’m trying to count.”
“Aww, sure you can Angel!” Charlie said encouragingly. “I’ll even go slower so you can focus!”
At that, Angel felt Charlie’s tactic switch from scribbling on his lower armpits, and a finger on each one just slowly start circling around the hollows, driving him up a wall. It tickled just enough to get him giggling, but also left him wanting more. The spider was starting to get the suspicion that somehow, someway, the girlfriends had gotten Cherri Bomb to tell them exactly how to destroy him.
“Five… six… Huh, you’re actually doing a good job.” Vaggie said as she tickled between his ribs “Guess the redemption work is paying off.”
“Well, he hasn’t asked us to stop.” Charlie pointed out, making Angel’s face turn an even darker shade of pink. “Maybe he’s enjoying this~?”
Fuck, despite how kind Charlie was, she was absolutely fucking evil when it came to tickling. 
Alastor hummed as he casually walked the direction Husk went. Sure, the Radio Demon could simply summon the bartender to him, but where was the fun in that? If there was one thing he loved more than the act of killing, it was the thrill of the chase. The fear and desperation in people’s eyes, the absolute panic that washed over as they were cornered, before he descended upon them.
An expression he’d like to see on that obnoxious, pompous, piece of shit television one day.
It was an expression he had seen Husker make many times over their years knowing each other. Though, often that was because the cat had done something to make the deer angry. Now? Now, Alastor would be seeing the hotel’s dear bartender making that expression for an entirely different reason.
It was one of the reasons he suggested to be the one to go after Husk. Not just due to their longer time knowing each other, but because the Radio Demon was already aware of what would cause the cat to break from his usual grumpy demeanor. Surely, people would assume Alastor of all people would think tickling was a waste of time, but oh, how he enjoyed it.
Spending time with both Husk and Niffty, he had learned a few things. Specifically, the maid wasn’t at all ticklish, whereas the bartender was entirely too ticklish for his own good. If nothing else, Alastor was known for dealing in extremes.
“Ah, there you are!” Alastor exclaimed, seeing Husk had run himself into a corner, the cat quickly turning to look at him.
“Shit, fuck, dammit!” A string of expletives left the bartender’s mouth as he tried to look for a way to escape. Any hopes of that were cut off by the shadows that followed the Radio Demon pinned the cat to the wall. “Look, boss, t-this whole thing is ridiculous.”
“Oh, on the contrary, Husker, I think this will be quite enjoyable!” Alastor said, looking the bartender over. So many good places to start, and each eliciting a different reaction from Husk.
Husk, meanwhile, tried to free himself. If he hadn’t known any better, the cat would have assumed Alastor somehow planned all of this. Which, he really couldn’t put past the deer, but planning for Nift to tickle Angel, leading to this whole thing? That was the type of planning not even the Radio Demon could come up with.
Mostly because no one could really ‘plan’ for anything with it came to the hotel maid.
“I recall this,” Alastor began, the claws on his right hand gently wiggling on Husk’s chin. “Being a wonderful place to start.”
The reaction was instant, the cat’s fur quickly puffing up slightly as he bit his lip. He wasn’t going to give the bastard the satisfaction, not if he could help it. Of course, he had tried, and failed, in the past, but that didn’t mean he was just going to give in to the Radio Demon’s antics.
“Still trying that tactic, are we?” The deer hummed in amusement, moving his other hand to Husk’s side. “I never understand why you must make things so difficult!”
A few snickers came out, but the bartender was determined, trying to squirm away from Alastor’s hands. Said hands simply followed where the cat moved. Now, Alastor could use his powers to tickle multiple spots at once, but that was something reserved for those who pissed him off enough to face his wrath, but not enough to where he’d be satisfied by killing them.
“You know, Husker,” Alastor said casually, like he wasn’t tickling the demon before him. “When we were filming that ridiculous commercial for the hotel, I had half a mind to have our darling Niffty tickle you, just off-camera, so you’d be smiling!”
“Bihihihihite me!” Husk replied, doing his best to glare at the Overlord.
“A poor choice of words, considering who you’re talking to.” The Radio Demon chuckled, now slowly moving his left hand toward the bartender’s side. “You should really think before you speak.”
Husk tried to growl at Alastor, but it was cut off by the ticklish feeling on his side. More snickers gave way, the cat demon’s lips forming a wobbly smile despite his best efforts. He felt the deer’s right hand move from his chin and start poking his ribs, making the bartender snort a bit. He knew the deer was messing with him, taking his time before going right for Husk’s death spot.
“I never tire of counting your ribs, Husker.” Alastor mused. “Afterall, I need to make sure you’re all together!”
“Yohohohohou cohohohohocky bahahahastard!” Husk retorted.
Alastor tsked, and the cat felt himself start to panic as the Overlord’s hands went toward his stomach. “Always with the fowl language, that should be reserved for birds!”
If Husk could groan, he would. Of course Alastor had to get one of his stupid ‘jokes’ in while the bartender couldn’t just walk out of the room. Though, the puns did help whenever the Radio Demon wanted Angel Dust to leave him alone. He didn’t know what was worse, the Overlord’s love of ‘dad jokes’, or his insatiable sadistic streak. 
“Wohohohuld yoohohhou stohohohp- FUHUUHUHUHCK!” Husk exclaimed as Alastor scratched and clawed at his stomach. The first of the bartender’s worst spots.
Once he was sure Husk couldn’t escape, Alastor snapped his fingers, causing the shadows to let him go as the bartender slid to the floor, still trying to run away from the Radio Demon’s fingers. The deer poked and prodded, even circling a finger slowly around where the cat’s belly button would be.
“Don’t cats enjoy having their stomachs petted?” Alastor teased, a small laugh track coming from him.
“THAHAHAT’S dohohohohohgs yohohoHOHOHO PRIHIHIHICK!”
“Ah, forgive me.” Alastor said, not at all sounding apologetic “I was never a ‘dog’ person. Cats are much more amusing!”
“Thhihihihihis IHIHIHISN’T AMUHuhuhuhuhumsing!”
“You’re entitled to your opinion, but you wouldn’t be laughing if it wasn’t!”
Husk was going to kill him. Okay, no, he wasn’t that stupid or reckless, but he was going to make sure the Radio Demon paid for this. However, Husk’s plans of revenge were cut off by the feeling of two of Alastor’s tendrils stroking his wings, causing the bartender to scream with laughter.
“You know, I think Niffty needs to brush your wings soon, when was the last time she did that?” Alastor asked, despite knowing Husk wouldn’t be able to answer.
Despite both Angel and Husk being tickled out of their minds, they both hated to admit they were having fun. Maybe Charlie’s idea wasn’t so dumb.
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twst-mer · 10 months
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lunarharp · 11 months
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if i just told you i love you would this world change
#witch hat tag#orufrey#these kinda suck lol i feel like i cant draw right now *irritated sigh* BUT I FEEL EMOTIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#if you are gay go watch good omens season 2 right now. NO YOU DONT KNOW THO!!!!!!!!!#i know being this affected by good omens is probably cringe. I dont care any more. the last 1 minute of good omens season 2 was#some of the most affecting acting i've ever seen in my life. sometimes someone acts with the force as if their entire career led to that#like during the credits part the very end im not even talking about before that. holy god#aziraphale i know everything about you. i know what you are feeling right now. i can see everything on your face. we're going to make it#ER.... NOT THAT THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS POST. IT'S NOT SPOILERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!#I JUST FEEL THOROUGHLY CHANGED !!!!!!!!!!! SHIT GETS REAL FROM NOW ON.. LIKE IN GENERAL! IN MY LIFE!#tormented gay love tormented gay love TORMENTED GAY LOVE TORMENTED GAY LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#btw the first 3 images were drawn earlier with an entirely different feeling and an entirely different mood.#Why do you keep pulling away from me?#It is because i love you that i do this#the lyrics from one of my japanese orufrey songs (A SONG THAT THE CREATOR LISTENS TO!!!!) led to feelings#“あなたが知らない私を残さず見ててほしいの” but i'm not translating it cause it just sounds weird. if with his eyes oru's asking “WHY don't you want#to let me in? to see all of you?“ those lyrics are like ”I actually want you to see every last bit of the parts of me you don't know“#oru you have no idea how much i want to lay bare my whole soul for you#maybe it's an alternate version of chapter 40. to me#i need to draw something really fucking good or i'm not going to forgive myself. i will not rest in this life#until i have made the orufrey that fully satisfies me nor until i have seen what the manga is leading to#NO STORY MEANS ANYTHING WITHOUT TORMENTED GAY LOVE AT THE HEART OF IT. THATS THE HEART OF THIS WORLD!!!!!#........... so Hi im normal :) haha *goes and finally makes breakfast*
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dailyloopdeloop · 13 days
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DAY 76: louis wain
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captn-james · 2 years
The Walkman - Eddie Munson
Eddie finds one of your favorite cassettes in your Walkman and can’t help but imagine the music is dedicated to him. Eddie’s friends are determined to make sure he does something about it.
Words: 4.3k   Tags: Eddie x fem!reader, jealous Eddie, meddling kids, fluff
Warnings: just explicit language
Note: Here is a shameless self-insert POV to heal the cracks in our hearts. This is an AU where everyone is SAFE and the Duffer Brothers aren’t inflicting sadistic pain on everyone. Eddie is a HUGE softie in this one but it’s what we deserve.
Almost everyone that Eddie had ever met had expectations for him. Expectations for who he was, what he did, what he could accomplish. And, for the most part, he fit those expectations pretty well. A useless metalhead who spent more time focusing on “cultist” roleplaying games and drug dealing than trying to graduate high school. Truthfully, he did care about graduating, about making more friends, but it was always easier to play the part of the Freak than try and conform.
Sometimes, he wished he could be the guy that could pass a class without failing it first. He wished he could effortlessly make friends, even if he didn’t always get along with everyone. He wished he could walk down the hallway without being harassed by students younger than him. He wished he could admit that he wanted to pick up girls like Nancy Wheeler, or Chrissy Cunningham, not the older women who hit on him at the Hideout.
 He wanted, more than anything, to be Steve Harrington. Especially right now.
You had moved across the state to Hawkins several months ago with your father, moving in just a few doors down from the Harrington residence. Your father worked at the same company as Steve’s father, and you two had grown quite close. Steve had introduced you to his friend Robin and drove you both to school most mornings. He had also made it a habit to walk you to your locker and your first class before leaving for work. Eddie’s locker was across from yours in the wide hallway, meaning he got to witness your flustered reactions to Steve’s banter almost every day for the past semester. He hated it, but it was like a bad car crash – he simply couldn’t look away. Sometimes he wondered if he purposely sought out his own misery.
You stood with your head rested against the locker next to yours, looking at Steve who spoke to you with his hand holding onto your open locker door, where you had taped up an old picture of Paul McCartney with heart stickers.
It was stupid, really. Eddie had no chance with someone like you, least of all when Harrington was making you blush and look down at your feet regularly. Of course it was Paul McCartney. And of course it was Steve Harrington.
Eddie was infatuated with you, everything about you, from the minute he laid eyes on you. The way you always found a way to wear yellow and make it look good. The way your hair curled back like Farrah Fawcett’s. The way your eyes scrunched up and your head tilted back when you laughed. Your cherry-red nails and pink-tinted lips from your strawberry chapstick. He knew your taste in music was ridiculous: Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Chicago, The Beatles. But he knew he would listen to all of it, every second, for the rest of his life if it meant spending time with you. He was fairly certain he could talk you into listening to some of his music – Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, - but thoughts like that just led to more unrealistic daydreams, and certainly daydreams he didn’t need to be thinking about during school hours.
 Eddie watched as Steve leaned in and whispered something in your ear, tucking your feathered hair behind it softly. He was holding up a tape from your Walkman in his other hand, and your eyes went wide. You covered your mouth and giggled, and Eddie could have sworn that you glanced up at him for a fraction of a second. So quickly it was imperceptible. You playfully hit Steve on the arm and grabbed at the tape. He held it above your head and laughed at your feeble attempts to reach it until he eventually gave in and tossed it back to you. You quickly shoved the tape back into your Walkman and slid the headphones over your ears, flipping Steve off as he walked backwards towards the door, saying something neither you nor Eddie could fully make out, before turning and leaving. You rolled your eyes and began walking toward Eddie with a smile on your face, adjusting the headphones on top of your head. Eddie’s heart sped up and he held his breath softly until you turned and walked into a classroom. He didn’t know whether to feel relieved or disappointed.
He could hardly focus during his first class, replaying that split second of eye contact that he wasn’t even confident was real. Was Steve making fun of him? Was Steve teasing you about him? Eddie thought of all the reasons he may have been part of that sickeningly sweet display this morning, all the ways he could have been mentioned. Most of the ones he could think of were not flattering or kind, but he had come to expect that from people like Steve.
Second period wasn’t any easier to focus. Why was your cassette important? Surely Steve wouldn’t be teasing you about your taste in music, would he? Eddie thought about what music it might be and why you snatched it from Steve’s hands so fast, looking around to make sure nobody had heard your interaction. Maybe that’s why you had looked at Eddie. Maybe it really had nothing to do with him, you were just making sure nobody was watching you and Steve. Classic Eddie, overthinking every interaction he had with you.
He would give anything to see what was in your Walkman, what you have been listening to all morning.
Today was Eddie’s lucky day.
As he walked into his third class of the day, the class from which you were just exiting, he noticed your Walkman sitting in the basket underneath the desk. It was unmistakably yours, with your name painted on the side in bright yellow letters. Normally, he would grab it and chase you down to give it to you. And he should, he really should, but his intrusive thoughts took over, and he found himself sitting in the seat, guarding the player with his life until the very end of class. He preoccupied his thoughts with what he thought would be in there, driving himself mad with thoughts of you listening to various different pop albums, dancing in your bedroom. What he wouldn’t give to see your bedroom, too.
Eddie cut off his thoughts and tried to focus on class, more for the distraction than anything. As soon as the bell rang, he slipped your Walkman into his bag before anyone could notice and made a beeline for the bathroom. He casually walked into an empty stall, locking the door behind him and dropping his bag to the floor. He took your Walkman out from the bag and pulled out the cassette, his heart racing.
Classics of the 50’s, of course. He wasn’t surprised in the least. He let out a small chuckle.
“The Teen Queens?” Eddie whispered. “This looks old as shit.” He rolled his eyes endearingly and popped the cassette back in, slipping the headphones over his ears.
The first track played, already a few seconds in.
Eddie my love, I love you so How I've waited for you you'll never know Please, Eddie, don't make me wait too long
Eddie couldn’t help the full-body blush that washed over him or the stupid grin than took over his face. It was ridiculous. There was absolutely no way you were listening to an old do-wop love song because it had his name in it. That wasn’t possible. You had to be listening to any number of other songs on this cassette, which he could tell you loved judging by the scratches on the front. He thought back to your quick glance this morning, and Steve’s teasing. He shook the thoughts from his head.
Either way, whether it was for him or not, he found himself pressing rewind and listening to the song roar back to life. He closed his eyes softly and imagined what your prom dress might look like a month from now, how crazy he would look next to you slow dancing to this, with your arms around his neck, his hands on your waist. What corsage he would get you. He felt himself slightly swaying, getting into the music, before his thoughts drifted to you dancing with Steve, with Jason Carver, with anyone more suited to have the honor of dancing with you. He tried to ignore the pestering thoughts when the next song kicked in, “So All Alone”.
How appropriate.
He rewound the tape and cut it off with a loud click. He heard the hallways come back to life with students headed to lunch. “Shit.” He said out loud. Now he had your cassette. Now he had to find some way to give it to you.
Eddie sat at the Hellfire table, turning a pretzel over and over between his two fingers. His head was tilted down as if he was contemplating the pretzel, but his eyes were looking up through his bangs towards where you sat next to Robin. He thought of your music still in his bag. He knew he should return it, but the longer he had it, the weirder it would be that he had kept it this long. The more people would probably think he planned on stealing it for good. He resolved to return it to you at the end of the day and mention that he had trouble finding you, that he didn’t have time, that he forgot he had it – any obvious lie to get him off the hook for listening to your tape without asking. For daydreaming while listening to your tape. In the empty bathroom. Without asking. He was a creep and there was no excuse, really, but he couldn’t help the stupid grin on his face when he thought about the song, about you listening to any song with his name associated with love. He thought about you calling him “my love”.
“Eddie? You home?” Dustin waved his hand in front of Eddie’s face, and it took Eddie a split second to break himself from his thoughts, the tips of his ears a deep red under his mop of hair. He realized he had been completely ignoring everything said to him throughout most of lunch, staring at you across the lunchroom with a dopey grin. Shit. He was definitely a creep.
Dustin followed Eddie’s line of sight over to your table and then looked back to Eddie with a furrowed brow.
“Y/N and Robin?” Dustin questioned quietly, but not quietly enough. Eddie’s eyes went comically wide and he snapped his head down to his lunch in front of him.
“Shut up you goblin.” Eddie scolded Dustin under his breath. The rest of the guys at the Hellfire table looked over, quite obviously, towards you and Robin.
“Don’t look you idiots!” Eddie turned to look at Jeff as if they were in conversation when you looked up.
“Isn’t she with Harrington?” Jeff pipes up after a moment, and Eddie’s foot finds his leg under the table, giving a swift kick.
“I just… I found her Walkman today in class and I haven’t had time to return it to her. I was just waiting for the right time.” Eddie admitted, looking at his friends, who clearly didn’t believe that was the only reason he was staring at you.
“Well, hey, if you need, I can just give it to her when Steve picks us up after school.” Dustin offered casually, but Eddie didn’t miss the glint in his eye. Eddie’s immediate reaction was to tell him absolutely not, that he wanted to give it to you. But he could tell Dustin was waiting for that response. Besides, the more he made a big deal about the cassette, the more Dustin would be curious and figure out Eddie’s internal crisis. So Eddie took a deep breath, plastered on his best indifferent face, and said “yeah okay, sure. Thanks man.” And went back to his pretzels. Dustin’s face fell slightly.
The second the last bell rang, Eddie nervously walked over to his locker. He knew Dustin would be there shortly to pick up your Walkman. Eddie didn’t want to give it up. He wanted to steal the cassette for himself and listen to it every day, pretending that you listened to it just for him. Out of all the girls he’d ever met at Hawkins High, or anywhere, really, you were the only one that had completely disrupted his life. You were the only one who could get him to buy strawberry chapstick, or consider that yellow might be his new favorite color. You were the only one who could get him to listen to anything without heavy metal guitair.
“Hey, Eddie.” Dustin called out as he approached Eddie’s locker. “Got Y/N’s Walkman?”
“Yeah, here.” Eddie said in a hushed tone. “Uh, Henderson, I’ve got a question.” Eddie continued. He hadn’t meant to say anything, but his intrusive thoughts were winning again, and he couldn’t handle not knowing the truth.
“Sure?” Dustin replied somewhat skeptically, looking up at Eddie with an eyebrow raised.
“Y/N and Harrington… Are they….” Eddie trailed off, giving a look to Dustin that read ‘you know what I mean’.
“Are they dating?” Dustin asked quietly, and Eddie could only manage a small nod. He kept his face as neutral as he could, but his heart was pounding in his chest. He could not believe he just asked that. He had much more confidence than he had any right to have.
“No.” Dustin said, and Eddie relaxed. “Not yet.” Eddie tensed again.
“You fuckin’ serious, Henderson?” Eddie whined, and Dustin laughed, taking the Walkman from Eddie. Eddie huffed and opened his locker, avoiding Dustin’s gaze. He tried to calm his breathing, hoping and praying that if he kept his cool, Dustin wouldn’t investigate further. It was an innocent question.
“I was just curious. It seemed like they were. And, well, you know Harrington.” Eddie mumbled in his defense, and Dustin rolled his eyes.
Dustin looked at Eddie unintentionally eyeing the Walkman he now held, with a look of desperation.
“You sure you just don’t want to give it to her?” Dustin asked, and Eddie furiously shook his head
“No, no. It’s better that you do it. She’ll probably think I stole it or something. Or did something weird to it.” Eddie reasoned.
“Well, did you?” Dustin asked, and Eddie blanched. He didn’t technically steal anything, and he didn’t technically do anything weird to the player. Right?
“Uh- N- No. Of course not. She just left it behind in class. She’s probably been looking for it all day.”
Dustin smiled, watching Eddie stare at nothing in his locker for a humorously long amount of time. Dustin silently popped the cassette out of the player, wondering what you had been listening to, and if this was somehow contributing to Eddie’s odd behavior. Sure, he always seemed like he had the hots for you, but today he was extra spacey and obvious.
“The Teen Queens?” Dustin asked out loud, and Eddie’s head immediately snapped over to look down at him. He grabbed for the tape but Dustin stepped out of the way.
“Eddie my love?” Dustin asked incredulously. “Holy shit! Steve was right!” Dustin laughed, and then looked up at Eddie, almost apologetically. Eddie froze completely in his desperation to snatch the tape out of Dustin’s grasp.
“Steve was right? About?” Eddie asked after a moment of silence. Dustin smiled but looked somewhat guilty, like he had said something he wasn’t supposed to.
“I’m so dead.” Dustin muttered as he tore out of the school towards Steve’s car.
“Henderson! Get your ass back here!” Eddie yelled as he ran after him, voice ringing through the hallway as their tennis shoes squeaked on the floor.
Running out to the parking lot, Eddie hot on his heels, Dustin slid the tape back into your Walkman and shoved it into Robin’s hands as he dove into Steve’s car, slamming and locking the door behind him. Eddie slowed down as he saw you approaching the car, and quickly smoothed out his hair, trying to act casual.
“Hey, look! Dustin found your Walkman.” Robin smiled, looking up at Eddie and holding your Walkman out towards you.
“Thank God! I was looking for it all day!” you sighed in relief.
“Important cassette in there. You better be careful.” Robin added, and your face turned a shade of red that Eddie had never seen before.
“You, uh, left it in class,” Eddie added, hoping to give himself some hero credit, but you just turned even redder. You sputtered out a thank you and climbed into Steve’s car, Robin following.
“Later Munson,” Steve called out as he pulled out of the parking lot, leaving Eddie standing there in disbelief. Was it true?
 Eddie, my love
I love you so
Eddie was supposed to be doing something, anything productive, but instead he sat hand sewing a new patch to his vest while listening to the cassette repeatedly. It had been two days since he had found your Walkman. He spent the better part of his Friday evening searching high and low for a copy of the cassette, which he eventually found at a place a little closer to the city. The domesticity of it all was truly sickening, even Eddie could agree, but his heart was in an endless pattern of fluttering and dropping, thinking about the rare possibility you actually liked him.
Eddie was torn from his thoughts by the piercing ring of the phone. He rushed over, desperately grasping it from the wall to answer, hoping for some reason that it would be you. He heard familiar giggling on the other end, and he rolled his eyes.
“What do you want, shit for brains?” Eddie grumbled, but he was still smiling.
“Who are you and what happened to the real Eddie Munson?” the voice said on the other end. “Is everything okay?” she was joking but sounded slightly concerned.
“Yes, Max, everything is fine. Why?” Eddie questioned, and then realized he had been playing the music out loud with the windows open. Very open.
“Because it sounds like some grandma music in there,” Max replied before Eddie could try to defend himself.
“Mind your business,” Eddie muttered and clicked off the cassette. “Better?”
“Thank God. Play something more metal,” Max said, and then hung up the phone. Eddie rolled his eyes and switched the tapes to one he thought would be appropriate enough for Max.
The following Monday, Eddie couldn’t seem to keep his stomach from flipping as he stood by his locker, watching you and Steve have your morning chat. He was telling you something very adamantly, and you were shaking your head repeatedly. He saw you take your Walkman out of your backpack and his heart skipped.
You continued your light argument with Steve and eventually walked away, leaving him standing alone at your locker. To Eddie’s disappointment, it didn’t seem like a very serious argument, more friendly. He looked back quickly at his locker as if he hadn’t just been outright staring at the pair of you, but he felt guilty, immediately.
“Edward, let’s talk.” Eddie heard a voice from behind him and he jumped.
“Jesus, Robin. Don’t sneak up on people like that!”
“Ask her out. Please.” Robin said, though it sounded more like a demand than a request.
“Who?” Eddie questioned, playing dumb.
“You know exactly who I am talking about,” Robin deadpanned, and Eddie scrunched up his nose.
“You know I can’t do that.”
“Why not?” Robin sounded exasperated, closing her eyes.
“There’s no way she’d want me.” Eddie didn’t mean for it to sound so pathetic, but it did. And he had no idea why he was admitting anything to Robin, who was barely a friend of his at all.
“How do you know?” She asked curiously. Eddie could tell she was trying her best to be supportive, but all he wanted was for her to disappear.
“She’s so… I don’t know… Bubbly? Happy? Cute? I mean, she listens to 50′s classics–“ Eddie abruptly cut himself off.
“You DID snoop!” Robin’s mouth opened wide, and she jabbed a finger out at Eddie.
“I may have seen the tape... So?” Eddie defended.
“And then you bought the exact same one? That doesn’t sound like your style of music, Ed.” Robin added, sounding like she was an attorney questioning a witness, and Eddie stared at her. “I mean, 15 times, that’s quite a lot for one song.” She tried to keep her composure but she let out a little chuckle. It took Eddie a moment to register.
“That little shit! I’m boarding up her fucking window tomorrow!” Eddie groaned. There was no actual malice behind it, but Robin could tell he was becoming extremely embarrassed. Eddie wished he could crawl in his locker.
“Look, I’m not trying to torture you here. All I’m saying is, whatever you’re thinking about the song, you’re correct. And Steve is nowhere in the picture, at all. There are certain people at this school who don’t hate Eddie Munson, maybe even like him a little.” She shrugged and stared at Eddie, waiting for a response. She made no indication that she planned on leaving until he responded.
“Goddamnit. Okay!” Eddie said after a few uncomfortable moments of Robin’s eyes on him.
“Good,” she smiled and walked past Eddie into the classroom.
“Thanks, I guess,” Eddie muttered, though Robin didn’t hear him.
 Eddie was going to wait until the end of the day, but he couldn’t stop the pounding of his heart, especially with Robin looking at him expectantly every time she saw him. He never realized how many times in a day he truly ran into Robin until now. He waited until he saw you stand up and clear your spot, exiting the lunchroom, before he made a move.
“Shit. Shit shit shit,” he muttered under his breath, standing up to follow you. When he stood up, Dustin gave him a questioning smile. Eddie sighed and nodded his head. Dustin turned to look at Mike, and Max a few tables away, who perked up and gave a thumbs up to Eddie. He needed friends his own age.
Eddie walked somewhat quickly out of the lunchroom and to the hallway, heading towards your locker. You stood there looking at something in a textbook, chewing a pencil in between your soft lips. Eddie’s breath stopped short.
“Uh, Y/N.” Eddie started, still standing several feet away from you. You turned around and gave him a warm smile.
“Yeah? What’s up?” you asked, shutting the textbook and setting it back in your locker.
“You left your Walkman yesterday in Mr. Hill’s class,” Eddie stated, walking closer.
“I’m aware,” you laughed, finding his awkwardness endearing.
“Oh, I know, uh, I was just saying that, uh, I’m sorry. I should have given it to you sooner, but I maybe took a peek inside to see what you were listening to. That wasn’t cool of me, I should have grabbed it and chased you down or something.” Eddie admitted, and your face turned white.
“You… saw my cassette?” you asked weakly, and Eddie nodded, smiling. He had a small burst of hope that Robin wasn’t completely lying to him.
“Yeah. I mean, it’s no Metallica, but it wasn’t bad,” Eddie shrugged. Your eyes went wide.
“You listened to it?” Your hands went up to cover the redness and heat of your cheeks.
“Well of course I did. I kind of like you, and I wanted to see what you listened to.” Eddie looked at something behind your head, because he knew if he looked at your flushed face and gaping mouth he would be too far gone to continue asking you out. After a brief moment of silence, he continued, feeling a surge of bravery.
“I don’t know if it’s too early or too late to ask this, I mean I’ve never really done it, I’ve never even actually gone but-“ Eddie began, then cut himself off to take a breath. “Would you want to go to Prom with me next month?”
Eddie had only meant to ask you for a dinner date, something small, but again, his thoughts won over. You sucked in a squeaky breath.
“Yes. I would love to.” A huge smile broke across your face, and Eddie almost couldn’t believe it. But, of course, he was willing to push his luck a little.
“And maybe, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, would you want to hang out sometime before then? Like this weekend?” He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling hopefully.
“Hell yeah-“ you blurted out and your hand slapped over your mouth. “I mean, absolutely!” You and Eddie both laughed and you loosely wrapped an arm around him. He leaned down, his face suffocatingly close to yours, in the best kind of way.
Before either of you knew it, your lips were connected softly. Eddie’s heart raced. If only you weren’t right in the middle of the school hallway. You smiled into the kiss.
A few seconds in, the bell rang. Eddie expected you to jump away from him, to shy away from receiving physical affection from the Freak, but you kept your arms around him and placed a chaste kiss to both his cheeks as the hallway flooded with students heading back to class.
And Robin was right, there were people at this school that didn’t hate Eddie Munson, maybe even loved him.
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katebeckets · 6 months
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Jisbon in Every Season → Season Six (part one)
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts 2 - Twilight Town
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basicbunnyboo · 19 days
Just Gotta Be Patient
An Adam x Reader fic
A.N. - Okay, so my favorite blog just asked for College! Adam so I’m going to make College! Adam. I’m going to stay with their Asshole™️ characterization because he really is a dick but we love him for it.
Cw - Suggestive content (and my first time writing it so I apologize in advance), I used undergarments as a general word for bra and panties cuz yep
Adam isn’t the best at math or studying. But a reward is a good incentive to try.
“You just gotta be patient,” you rolled your eyes.
Adam groaned as he clicked his pen over and over again, “Look, babe, we can do this all night but you know-”
“No sex.”
He froze, “What?”
You shrugged as you finished up the equation, “No sex until you finish, but if you get something right I’ll take something off. Get something wrong, you get undressed.”
After a short pause of him thinking he wasn’t made to think he grumbled, “Do I get to pick?”
“Sure,” he pumped his fist with a ‘yes’ as he continued on with his worksheet. You laughed at his response, his childish antics always made you smile when they didn’t annoy the crap out of you.
However, after a while you started to realize that anyone can accomplish anything they put their mind to. With the right motivation, of course. And, as always, Adam was motivated by sex and by you.
“C’mon, sugartits, I’m basically finished,” he stood behind you, his hands running up your sides, sending shivers down your spine. He kissed along your neck which really didn’t help your resolve as you pushed him off.
“I told you,” you sighed, trying to not stick your tongue down his throat, “not until you finish.”
He whined as you pushed him into his seat, “But you’re so damn hot when you’re bossy,” he smirked, “It’s a cute change from you begging me to-”
You threw an eraser at him as he laughed, “Alright, I get it. Do your damn work.”
With that stupid grin you already knew that he finished another problem already, “I checked it, too.”
You flushed impossibly further as you were just in your undergarments, “How come you’re suddenly a mathematician?”
“Your bra, babe,” he slung an arm behind him, trying to look hot. He did, annoyingly so, as he had nearly gotten undressed from the first 30 minutes. God, why did you make this asshole that damn hot?
You rolled your eyes as you unhooked your bra, “Fuck me…”
“I will in a bit,” he had that sexy annoying smug look, “just gotta be patient, right?”
A.N. - I made AN cuz I wanted to say a few things. @sprainedwriting had asked for College Adam and damn it bitch, I tried. Hopefully I’ll get better as I start writing more, maybe I’ll come back to this, but I hope this tides you over 🫡
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