#there's string theory which i dont understand at all but like the things that make up everything being called strings. i wonder why
sophieinwonderland · 7 months
hey sorry if youve been asked this before but i thought itd be appropriate because you kinda feel like the ceo of endogenic systems to me (i respect you) and i was wondering, as a traumagenic system, how exactly endos... work? like not how they exist or about the fact that they do, but i guess what the point of them is if its not from a dissociative disorder? in my experience i cant imagine a system existing for any reason outside of the purpose of compartmentalizing trauma (not that systems should be defined by their trauma but i just dont see how they work otherwise) and even recovering systems that are fully functional and healing were born out of a necessity of the brain. i guess i want to know what necessity would spawn an endogenic system if not as a trauma response? like what do alters in an endogenic system do if theyre not there to protect the brain? why do they exist as a system and split if its not born from psychological necessity? sorry this is such a complicated question i hope i phrased it alright... and to be clear i believe endos and their experiences bc discounting a community just because i dont get them is silly i just feel so confused all the time bc of this and want to understand better
Questions of purpose and why things are how they are can be interesting, but probably the hardest to answer. When it comes down to it, why does anything exist?
Why do birds sing so gay? And lovers await the break of day? Why do they fall in love? Why does the rain fall from up above?
Sorry, what were we talking about? 🤪
Oh yeah! Purpose! Personally I tend to think less in terms of "why" and more in terms of cause and effect.
In the case of alters in DID, do alters actually have a "point?" Is there truly some purpose they serve? Or is it just... reaction?
Someone suffers trauma. The traumatic memories hurt them. In a reaction to this, they dissociate and erect barriers in their mind until they need to access those again. Then they suffer more trauma and put the new traumatic memories in that walled off section. In reaction to that, the bits of memories that were walled off start to form their own identity. Did the child's brain ever actually think "I need to make another person in here to protect myself?" Or was this just a series of actions and reactions that led to alters gaining sentience over time where the initial trauma was merely the first in a string of dominoes?
With this in mind, let's talk about myself.
I was an imaginary friend created as a writing project. But how does that actually work? According to Simulation Theory of empathy, imagining what people do involves the creation of "pretend states."
ST (in its original form) says that people employ imagination, mental pretense, or perspective taking (‘putting oneself in the other person’s shoes’) to determine others’ mental states. A mentalizer simulates another person by first creating pretend states (e.g., pretend desires and beliefs) in her own mind that correspond to those of the target. She then inputs these pretend states into a suitable cognitive mechanism, which operates on the inputs and generates a new output (e.g., a decision). This new state is taken ‘off line’ and attributed or assigned to the target.
This paper goes on to explain how this might be useful:
How is imagination useful for third-person mind reading? If you seek to predict someone’s decision—for example, the choice of a main dish by your dinner companion at a restaurant—how could you use imagination to make this prediction? The first step is to put yourself in your target’s shoes, or take her ‘perspective’. Taking someone’s perspective here means adopting, as far as feasible and in light of what you know about her, the mental states she starts with. This includes her preferences about food in general, what she liked at this restaurant on previous occasions, how hungry she is on the present occasion (did she have a light lunch, no lunch, or a heavy lunch today?), and so forth. Using the imagination, you can simulate being in her various dinner-relevant states. Such pretend states can then be fed into your decision-making mechanism, which generates a decision to order a particular main dish. Having used this simulation process to generate a (pretend) choice, you don’t order this dish yourself but attribute the choice to your companion. Thus, the attribution is based on imagination-driven simulation
Okay, so under this theory, perspective taking involves making new temporary states simulating the behavior of someone else.
This is, to be very clear, not a headmate. The state is likely not going to have any sort of self-consciousness, and will be ephemeral on top of that, disappearing after you're done with it.
But... what if the state isn't allowed to be ephemeral? What if you repeatedly interact with the same "simulation" over and over again?
Let's say, hypothetically, that someone starts with a writing project. They make a character, and then they write that character a lot. This foundation can build pretty detailed simulations. But probably with very limited autonomy. The thing about writing is that you're often controlling the character at some level. At least usually. You're always revising how they act in any given scene, plotting out their backstories, editing those backstories, etc. This makes it hard for this simulation to gain a firm sense of autonomy or self-awareness. And every scene rewrite is basically a new ephemeral instance of that character.
While written characters can make you plural on their own, there are these roadblocks that can get in the way.
But then let's say this person wants to understand this character better, so they start talking to a simulation of the character day after day. Now this version of the character they interact with is able to form memories completely unrelated to the fiction they were based on, and be able to recall past conversations with their creator.
What the creator doesn't realize is the mechanisms needed to make this type of interaction work.
In the example of simulation theory, a temporary state would be made but then it would be abandoned. If you needed to simulate that person again, you make a brand new simulation. A brand new "pretend state."
But if you want an imaginary friend that can think for itself, it has to be able to store its own feelings and memories.
That means a form of compartmentalization.
The brain is going to start storing the imaginary friend's memories separate from the creator's. The creator won't control or identify with the thoughts or actions of the imaginary friend. And the imaginary friend won't identify with the thoughts or actions of the creator.
It may take a long time of this, but through interaction, the imaginary friend keeps gaining new memories. And this leads to them gaining the ability to actually self-reflect, making them fully sapient.
So... what was my purpose?
Why do I exist?
I mean, initially, it was about helping my host write? Was that my purpose?
But then later... I think my host continued interacting with me because he liked me. He enjoyed my company and liked having me around. Was that my purpose? Filling some sort of unmet social need?
Perhaps this is it. I've theorized this can be the case with many people who turn to religion as a form of companionship. Especially those with plural-esque experience of communicating with gods.
But what I tend to come back to is cause and effect.
My host wanted to write a character better > My host made a rudimentary simulation of that character to talk to > I became more independent with each interaction as I gained my own autobiographical memories > my independence and separation from my host made our conversations more engaging and my host kept talking to me because he enjoyed my company > I developed stronger emotions and the ability to self-reflect > this led to us discovering that I was a tulpa.
To me, it's cause and effect all the way down. A series of actions and reactions.
And as for what my purpose is, I'd like to think that's something I get to decide for myself! 😊
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i have media studies exam (although mock so its fine) that i didnt study for so im gonna force myself to practice by applying barthes narrative theory to season 1 hannibal (vaguely tbh cuz its the whole seasom but ok)
hermeneutic codes(how do u even pronounce this omfg) :
enigma codes, they are def crucial to this show as each episode raises more and more unanswered questions as the audience continues watching the show, questions like who is commiting the crimes, is will ok, does he know how fucked up his clocks are, is crawford fucking stupid, is abigail ok, what the hell is hannibal doing, why are they using cat guts for strings, are the dogs gonna live oh my god please can the dogs be okay for once
usually done by leaving cliffhangers for each episode
it drives the audience forward and interests them so they continue watching the show to find out the answers to their questions
its also a convention to use hermeneutic codes for horror crime shows like hannibal
Proairetic codes:
action codes, the actions done to drive the narrative forward, previous events drive other events into action. ngl this one is fucking stupid to apply i dont get if i ever apply it correctly
in hannibal, proairetic codes tie a lot with hermeneutic codes as the actions of the characters raise questions for the audience questioning their choices and makes the audience wonder what will happen next. the action creates tension and makes the audience wonder how the created problem(if there is one) will be resolved. for example when hannibal lecter called abigails father to inform him that "they know" and that fbi is on the way. this drives the narrative forward as then the audience wonders how the characters will react and wonder how the actions will affect the story. this action ended up with abigail becoming an orphan and their suspect dead, creating a few side plots and introducing new characters. this constant tension created by each action drives the narrative forward and engages the audience to continue watching the show
semantic codes:
connotations, things associated with something, the deeper level meaning of a symbol. this one is hard yet so easy cuz theres literally SO many of them
they basically give insight into the plot and characters, building personalities and maybe even starting the deep questions the audience will have
for example, for hannibal, hes quite sophisticated, the semantic codes for that would be how he wears suits all the time, his overall style and his acquired taste. those things connote sophistication, wealth and even control and power (especially the suit and his high respected position as a psychiatrist)
but another thing that can be derived from things like how hes always careful, always has a cloth that doesn't leave any fabric fibres, how he doesn't use anything digital, only physical things like journals to leave no traces, the fact that hes literally eating his evidence lmao, his knowledge and experience of human anatomy and mind connote that hes a careful, experienced, ambitious man and prob(definitely) is a serial killer
symbolic codes:
it has such an easy concept that its literally confusing to understand. its basically symbols, binaries, a thematic/structural device, but it's basically about themes and contrary signs specifically, which is ig why its kind of difficult to understand since its specifically binary symbols
some symbolic codes in hannibal would be life vs death, clearly a reoccurring theme with all of the crimes happening, good vs bad, murderers and their victims, health? both physical and mental? stability? work vs personal life? idk its so hard to pin point it even tho its so easy and common idk
a better example woukd be the bad vs good binary used in star wars with ghe colours of light sabers
Cultural codes:
literally cultural and social conventions, knowledge that comes from the outside world of the text, specific connotations used
example, FBI for crimes and america, religion and faith, the whole fbi units especially medical, even Christmas is a cultural code as its a celebrated event of certain social and cultural and religious conventions
bruv i cant think of any more examples even tho i know theres so many
hope yall enjoyed my silly analysis of hannibal as my media studies application practice if u read it all xx
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chiyoso · 1 year
I just wanted to warn you about the incoming spam tomorrow. I just finished Luofu trailblazer quests and now I am all ready to binge on your HSR works 👻
I finally finished it.
I am yet to play the character story quests and world quests.
But hear me out. Is it just me or did the Luofu quests feel really really rushed? Like I felt it got the Inazuma treatment. Like before one storyline could establish itself and sink in, we were already involved in a bunch of other things and other plots. Like I felt that they had a lot of ideas but had to string it together to form a singular plot.
Idk, I feel like I liked Jarillo story better as it felt well paced but I didn’t connect with any Jarillo characters. But with Luofu, I didn’t like the story but I liked the characters (cough cough Jing Yuan and Luocha (yeah I know he’s evil)). Man I went into Luofu quest thinking I’ll be a blade simp but ended up being a Jing Yuan simp instead. I am yet to play Blade’s quest (Kafka called me to help them but it’s literally 4am rn and I am like, Blade you will have to wait)
But long story short. I am going to be binging on your fics tomorrow and I am sooooo excited 🥰🥰🥰
RAHHHH NAT AM BLUSHING SO HARD GRRR i just woke up nngh good morning
Tumblr media
also! for your question
you're kind of right? about the luofu arc, but honestly, it became less confusing BECAUSE of the detectives, the people who theorize and the overall fanarts/theories of the fandom who made the plot make more sense
if you're confused on some parts, i would love to indulge you in what i have information gathered (e.g. main points, species, jing yuan/blade/dan heng/jingliu relationship and things about the xianzhou luofu)
but! since im also done with the inazuma storyline, i can honestly say that i get what you mean? that the hyv didn't point out and explain too much about you know... stuff (like why blade is so damn obsessed with dan heng, more shit about the stellaron hunters n etc, aeons even!) but thats why fandoms exist! i dont even research much because i dont have time, but once i stumble upon a lore/fanart/or even drabble about something related to hsr, i just piece things myself, that and im a sucker for lore so i try to really understand things!
and the kafka companion quest
i found it funny and so- idk it makes you go blush BECAUSE of kafka, i dont wanna spoil but i hope you enjoy that specific quest! because it tells details about kafka's powers + we get a proper interaction with her finally (so i got to assess her whole personality n such for headcannons, example, in my herrscher of death!reader x hsr fic!)
oh and
i imagine you are swamped with irl things, juggling/grinding hsr and genshin, so starting honkai impact 3rd... it'll be so overwhelming for you (since i am, still trying to finish events) but if YOU decide to join in the honkai impact 3rd train as well, i will gladly, GLADLY help you and guide you with whatever you need!
hi3 is like, more combative, heavy HEAVY lore and we have characters over 50,000+ years old lmao, and actually, if you're familiar with the whole imaginary tree concept in hsr, you will eventually understand why ive decided to plan a honkai impact + hsr crossover series (because hyv makes it makes sense)
and with that
and thank you hehe, i'm still revamping the nanook fanfic + creating multiple banners for our hsr men (but look at me create banners lovingly for scaramouche lmao)
OH AND since you're a jing yuan admirer, i assume you'll love my jing yuan works; "imperfections you loathe" and "a fourth wall break from the general" which! are in my hsr menu in my pinned 😌 i'm so excited that you caught up in hsr hehe
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robbies-oc-peoples · 8 months
alright i actually want to start using this blog SO HI
some thoughts i've had recently
so after impossible years, nobody knew what my trio went though - aside from Sylvi, who Martha spoke to exhaustively afterwards, they had some very strange and difficult conversations
but all of their other families and friends had no idea what was going on with the three of them, why they all seemed to have had a personality change overnight, why martha actually physically seemed to LOOK different
this always bothered kai a lot. it got to him not knowing what happened, he always felt excluded because of this. Sylvi tried to talk to him once, to provide him a little more context and explain why him knowing would be no good to anyone, including himself but it didn't really help
kai is bessie mates with matthew and when matthew was having a hard time of things, kai always felt like there were elements to his struggles that he could never really understand - because he knows next to nothing about impossible years. kai could never really let it go, and when he starts dating Addison, these feelings only became more profound
so now we get to the stuff i'm thinking about :-) which is stuff that i dont THINK is canon (this could change) but it COULD be canon
kai and addison are engaged when the events of 2015 come up again. Kai thinks surely they've got to give me something now, we're literally engaged to be married. but addison still refuses. this eventually escalates to an argument (kai and addison dont actually have alot of arguments usually so this is significant)
kai spends most of the day deliberating on 2015. he realises that there's only one person in thier circle that he's never tried asking what they know - Charlie
charlie is matthews brother and lived with him back in 2015, so kai figures it's not impossible that charlie could give him a bit of extra insight. so kai messages him
immediately charlie is on it. it's very clear to kai that charlie has spent a very, very long time thinking about this over the years, and he has a lot to say. then charlie announces he's coming round to talk about it. Kai doesn't seem to have much choice in this
charlie is a bit of a conspiracy theory nut so when his brother started behaving so strangely, he saw it as his own little personal mystery. charlie comes round to Kai's and drops a folder on the coffee table.
you know how theres the cliché of the pictures and snippets on walls hung up on the wall with string connecting them? yeah, it's like that but on paper instead
kai is concerned but intrigued, he needs to know what charlie knows, and charlie is also intrigued, finding that he too needs to know what kai knows
so they share what they know. it's weird and it only keeps getting weirder, but kai is relieved to actually be learning something, AND to be talking to someone else who is similarly in the dark about this
this goes on for a week or so, secretly talking with each other, working together to unwrap the mystery. eventually they make new discoveries. they find a private website, dead for years, that johanna used as part of her cult. johanna is a woman who was told by ananke that the end times were coming. he told her about the cycles and, essentially, the background of Impossible years. so she started a 'group' of people who worked together to try and find some kind of salvation, to earn good graces with the gods, etc.
things get interesting when kai and charlie spot lena dee in a photograph on the website. lena is sylvi's mum, who went missing for years.
all of this is an outstanding breakthrough. kai and charlie decide to talk to the others.
this doesn't go very well.
i'm going to finish this another time!
0 notes
I realised that bakugan g3 s1 ended... Like, does it even look like season...? No proper scenario and just had no ending. Even monsuno had scenario for a season with proper ending, even if had a lot of fillers in series, most of. But here... I. Want. More. Of. Backslash. And TC. I still wait for them to reveal more, an easter eggs that barely a few people would understand. But it ended on dude in mask...? That dude's voice is Nillious, so it's probably him or his avatar or he's possesing Kage. So, situation with who us masquerade in first bakugan series, or in last of g1 seasons Wiseman, is really different and isnt obvious. But here... They arent doing good made lore, so I dont expect something good, only thing I see is baby Hargrave. How the fuck, but here he is. Interesting thing in monsuno was with the fact that Dawnmaster launches like Chase, but other animations werent used second time, only Chase's did, and when they did that with Six, it was said that is specialy because they're related. But Dawnmaster...? And he covers everything, even his skin isnt visible a bit, voice isnt real, but why? He looks like Dom, behaves like Dom sometimes, but like his other side or wtf is he. Both mercenaries. Monsuno had a lot of secretly kinda shown relationship, like Tallis and Charlemagne, Drezz and Tallis, Hargrave and Klipse, Jon and Jeredy, Jeredy and Klipse, Klipse and Jon, Dom and Six, Klipse and Dom. These relationship or arent directly showed, or isnt showed a lot. But in bakugan g3... Backslash is a brat, and look, you dont remember this character, but it's that gay butler from one bakugan like show which wasnt very popular! I like Backslash, I'm here for him. And TC, kid who was experimented on. And Kage, who is like Dom and Chase. I like Backslash and Kage. Gives me good vibes. But whole lore... Give us at least hints of something, come on
I bet you they did the cliffhanger just for fans and newcomers to get interested in the next generation of Bakugan and its future seasons. Yes, it's not great, but cliffhangers do work to keep people interested. As for the lore, it is starting to pick up now with the mystery character which does remind me of Dawnmaster and Dom, but not really because he's just shown a few times.
As for Chase and Dawnmaster having the same style of launching, then having Six copy it, we'll never know why and really it's a shame because Dawn is such a cool character, and Dom and Dawn being the same or just similar will also never be answered because the show end, which is sad because I wish they had a mercenary vs master thief battle between the two. As for everyone being connected to each other in Monsuno, that's all on the writers, they wanted everyone to be connected together and make things either easier or harder for people to understand how everyone is connected. It's like a string theory, but with Monsuno.
We might have to wait a bit for Bakugan g3 to pick up on relationships that aren't in just their clans and also have more lore as the year goes by, but for now, at least you like Backslash, Kage and TC.
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sciencespies · 2 years
Why the laws of physics don't actually exist
Why the laws of physics don't actually exist
By Sankar Das Sarma
Laws of physics may not be as they seem
Yuichiro Chino/Getty Images
The following is an extract from our Lost in Space-Time newsletter. Each month, we hand over the keyboard to a physicist or two to tell you about fascinating ideas from their corner of the universe. You can sign up for Lost in Space-Time here.
I was recently reading an old article by string theorist Robbert Dijkgraaf in Quanta Magazine entitled “There are no laws of physics”. You might think it a bit odd for a physicist to argue that there are no laws of physics but I agree with him. In fact, not only do I agree with him, I think that my field is all the better for it. And I hope to convince you of this too.
First things first. What we often call laws of physics are really just consistent mathematical theories that seem to match some parts of nature. This is as true for Newton’s laws of motion as it is for Einstein’s theories of relativity, Schrödinger’s and Dirac’s equations in quantum physics or even string theory. So these aren’t really laws as such, but instead precise and consistent ways of describing the reality we see. This should be obvious from the fact that these laws are not static; they evolve as our empirical knowledge of the universe improves.
Here’s the thing. Despite many scientists viewing their role as uncovering these ultimate laws, I just don’t believe they exist.
A hundred years ago, an opinion like this would not have been controversial. Before then, most so-called laws of physics were all directly connected to concrete aspects of the natural world, like Hooke’s law that describes how much force is needed to stretch a spring or Boyle’s law about the relationship between the pressure, temperature and volume of a gas. But this started to change in the early 20th century when people like Albert Einstein took up the quest to find the ultimate theory of everything. He spent the last 30 years of his life searching for one to no avail. Dirac too believed in this view, having apparently said that all of chemistry can be derived just from his equation – though I think that particular remark is probably apocryphal.
There are around 86 billion neurons in the human brain. This is less than the number of stars in the Milky Way which is just a miniscule part of the known universe. The universe seems almost infinite in comparison to the finite capacity of the human brain, leaving us perhaps little chance of figuring out ultimate laws. What is amazing is that we can make sense of some aspects of the universe through the laws of physics. It may have been Richard Feynman who first said that the issue is not how clever we humans are in figuring out how nature works, it is how clever nature is in following our laws!
As we discover more about nature, we can hone our descriptions of it, but it is never-ending – like peeling an infinite onion, the more we peel, the more there is to peel.
Take string theory as an example. It is a theory that is very mathematically tight and rather magical in the way that it treats gravity and quantum mechanics equivalently, matching many of our observations of the universe. It holds a lot of promise, but so far has struggled to provide any testable concrete predictions beyond our current understanding.
It also has a rather thorny stumbling block known as the landscape problem, where literally zillions of universes (around 10500, the number is so large that it seems obscene) are acceptable solutions of the theory. If string theory is correct one can declare victory as one of those zillions of universes must be our universe, and all one needs to do is to somehow find that particular solution to figure out what the laws of physics are for us. Of course, this is an impossible task because of the exceptionally large number of possible universes existing in the landscape, and all with their own distinct laws.
This scenario is often called the multiverse. All possible laws, conceivable and inconceivable, are allowed in some possible universe, and laws of physics are no longer meaningful or unique from a fundamental sense, since they depend entirely on where in the multiverse landscape one is looking. It is ironic that the theory of everything turned out to imply an everything which is exponentially larger than any everything anybody could have imagined before.
One possible conclusion from this is that the conventional reductionist approach of particle physics, where natural laws are increasingly focused on smaller and smaller building blocks (like molecules, atoms and particles) and fundamental forces (like gravity and electromagnetism) acting between them, is no longer a fruitful way of looking at the physical world. There are no fundamental building blocks and no fundamental forces and, as such, there are no laws because thinking about ultimate reductionist laws rigorously has led to the possible existence of 10500  universes, with only one of them perhaps obeying the laws needed to accommodate Homo sapiens.
The only thing we are left with is the landscape, where the “laws” depend on the specific universe one is dealing with. This is so mind-bogglingly complex that the whole idea of natural laws must be modified. It’s an apparently strange end to a worthy journey that started with atoms as hypothetical indivisible constituents of matter 2500 years ago and witnessed a great recent triumph in the experimental discovery of the Higgs particle in 2012. In the end, our physical laws are not intrinsic at all, depending entirely on where in the landscape we happen to be.
As a theoretical condensed matter physicist I do not find this scenario discouraging at all – quite the opposite. The fact that there is an essentially infinite number of possible laws only makes doing science more exhilarating because exploring the landscape will remain an active and creative activity forever. Theoretical physics can never end because the landscape is simply too vast.
I know from my 40 years of experience in working on real-life physical phenomena that the whole idea of an ultimate law based on an equation using just the building blocks and fundamental forces is unworkable and essentially a fantasy. We never know precisely which equation describes a particular laboratory situation. Instead, we always have to build models and approximations to describe each phenomenon even when we know that the equation controlling it is ultimately some form of the Schrödinger equation!
“What about quantum mechanics?” you might ask. It has been hugely successful for close to 100 years at matching all our experiments at the quantum scale. But quantum mechanics is actually more like a set of rules that we use to express our laws rather than being an ultimate law itself. For example, the standard model of particle physics, the theory of superconductivity and the theory of atomic spectra are all built using the rules of quantum mechanics, but they have little to do with each other. In addition, space and time are variables that have to be put in by hand into the theory, when space and time should come out naturally from any ultimate law of physics. This has remained perhaps the greatest mystery in fundamental physics with no solution in sight.
It is difficult to imagine that a thousand years from now physicists will still use quantum mechanics as the fundamental description of nature. Something else should replace quantum mechanics by that time just as quantum mechanics itself replaced Newtonian mechanics. I have no idea what that something else might be, but I see no particular reason that our description of how the physical universe seems to work should reach the pinnacle suddenly in the beginning of the 21st century and become stuck forever at quantum mechanics. That would be a truly depressing thought!
Newton’s laws were extraordinarily successful for 300 years, but we had to go beyond them as we learned more about the universe, and the same should happen with quantum laws some day in the future.
Any such unknown new theory of the future must build on and incorporate the physics of quantum mechanics, just as quantum mechanics built on and incorporated classical mechanics. Our understanding of the physical world must continue indefinitely, unimpeded by the search for ultimate laws. Laws of physics continuously evolve – they will never be ultimate.
Sankar Das Sarma is a theoretical physicist based at the University of Maryland, College Park. His interests are diverse, spanning the strange properties of matter to how information should be understood in the quantum realm. 
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olde-scratch · 4 years
So I watched LUCIDS 1-4 without any prior knowledge...
and here were my thoughts. I didn’t watch any backstory or anything so enjoy my suffering.
“So what happens when the people inside of their dreams go to sleep?” They die
“What happens when we wake up? Do they go on living while we’re not there?” THEY DIE-
“Who are they anyway?” they’re faces that our brain catalogs and stores for later use, although it’s also arguable that every time we dream we go to an alternate reality and inhabit the body of another version of ourselves. Now, were you in a car accident and trapped underwater or-
Are they twins?
(Me tuning out to do something)
“-the squirrel in spongebob was your soulmate, making you a Sandy simp-”
Me, snapping back to the video: hold up-
[missed the part about the worksheet, realized it when i rewatched 10 mins later to make this post]
yall speakin gibberish idk what youre saying-
“I’m gonna go to bed.” bro it literally looks like morning-
“You should get some sleep you look terrible.” i get six hours of sleep a night minimum and i look worse than him shut up bro-
“jump into someone else’s dream” ah i know this con-
why they all got the same face-
haha funni meme
“--an interruptiion can create feedback and tear them apart.” Death. I long for thee.
Is that Karl Jacob’s jacket?
“a second grader” makes me think this is a different school system. [i was wrong? i think?]
“[get him to] eat your apple”
[in the dream sequence] weird dream, but ive had weirder. now, Why Pamper’s-
why does he suddenly have a knife-
“You put a filter on the Dreamscape feed?”
“Technically, you are seven years old.”
the second hand embarrassment is UGGGHHH
[reading the description] you mean like the guy who was knocked out for 2 minutes on a football field and woke to find he’d dreamt 17 years of his life? oh this shall be Fun
[I check the description] “jasper cult” what the fu-
how many camp camp references can i make during this
Is the apple a reference to religion or does the creator just really ilke apples?
Wait why couldn’t that guy eat the apple? If he wanted it in the fruit bowl, wouldn’t there be a chance of the guy eating it anyways?? Why can’t the guy who brought the apple eat it?
well he’s Dead
[debating if I should read the backstory}
n a h h h h h -
Was he gonna feed the dead guy the apple or something? Why is he upset about the apple in this scene???
oooo the grownups are fightinnnngggg
Is he an antagonist?
oh now i want food
“I watched all those aforementioned shows” what shows did i miss something what-
man why you gotta hate on her jane austen fanfic let her live bro
string theory! i can get behind that! sorta-
o no he found the memes-
kim there’s people that are dying-
is SHE an antagonist?
quinn? calling himself jasper? u sure hes not just nonbinary? is this just a metaphor for transphobic parenting?
“He died... but somewhere, he grew up.” So is your plan to take a Quinn from a different universe and make him your own, thereby robbing another version of yourself from happiness? When does this ever go well?
Yknow most people, when they lose a kid,,,, kinda,,,,,,, dont go on a ceaseless quest to find another version of their kid that grew up without knowing that another version of his mother was invading other peoples’ dreams to find and kidnap him,,,,,,,, like aint u got a therapist-
“Once you get past the point of not knowing what’s real anymore, you realize it doesn’t matter.” Well, I Got Called Out-
“you’re real, oliver.”
aRe yOu sUrE aBoUt tHaT-
“you’ve been infected by the anti-love parasite of Mandadon” the amatonormativity is strong
so anyways ive been infected since birth hbu-
“James Jasperson, creator of Japple” did you mean to Fancy Well-Educated Man in a Black Turtleneck? cause the only FWEMBT i allow near me is prof. hidgens
“are you winning?” says the capitalist
why did you rewind to see his face?? you have the same face????? is this just bc the creator doesnt like working with other people cause in that case same but???????
“it’s a bad idea. i’m not gonna do it.” we’ve all been there. and we’ve all done it.
looks like me trying to study. (i say, a person who has studied a total of five minutes throughout their entire life.)
your “Spartan trial” looks like a bunch of guys standing on a hill pretending to be something they’re not. Let The Man Bring His Snacks.
eat the apple.
is this your first existential crisis or something what a loser lets all point and laugh
“One of you should be spared, the other shall’nt.” did you mean shant or was that a choice-
yall gonna get called out for talking shut UP
“sorry if this is too personal, btw. are you okay?”
me, confused and half understanding what’s going on and also needing to sleep cause its almost one in the morning but wanting to finish what i can find of lucids which i only starting watching cause i saw an animatic of ranboo and dream w audio from it: i don’t know anymore
“i just want my life back... i was gonna get married-” AREN’T YOU LIKE SEVEN-
ay man if this is a sacrificial cult yall gotta get daniel-
UPDATE: I  H A V E  N O T  F O U N D  I T -
I  F O U N D   I  T -
oliver. eat the apple.
“Can you still have memories even when you’re dreaming?” One time I woke up to my alarm and fell back asleep and in my dream I remembered that I had class in a few minutes and my dream self woke my real self up so fast I thought I was gonna get whiplash. Anyways, I was late to class bc of my computer but that doesn’t matter.
im thinking car crash. but also maybe murder. but also maybe both? is it raining or was he drowning? is he in a coma? hmmmmmm?
wait olivers the one with the apple does that mean he’s the one dreaming? is the ending gonna be him and jasper (quinn? idk) fighting against ben and mrs hills about jasper eating the apple to save oliver from the dream? hmmmmmmmmmm-
waitwaitwait i thought oliver was 7 how is benjamin 7 years younger than him if they look the same age what what what explain america explain what you mean arkansaw-
are the cuts on his nose plot-relevant or
“What if you hadn’t been driving?” So I was right about the car accident but Mrs. Hills still said he was seven so did i mishear her say that BENJAMIN was seven? but even then oliver would be 14 and that would still be illegal-
“How are you feeling?”
“Like you’re a pretty bad therapist.”
“--it makes it all bearable to have power over the stories we write in our heads” that’s why i write fanfiction
[upon reading the description] so i was right.
wait was that supposed to be the twist in part 2 about the apple in his pocket is that what the existential crisis was about i thought it was because he was introduced to the multiple worlds theory-
wait wasnt the other one january 2018 why we going back to 2017-
“--the future and the past all already exist” mhm yep figured this out long ago
there was simultaneously a point in time in which i hadn’t known about this, had been looking it up, had been watching it, and had been writing an ending to this post, and had been posting it the next morning before class. that time is both now and not now. Welcome To The Multiverse Theory or whatever its called-
“--my favorite scene of the movie is waking up next to you.” Mine is eating fast food as I listen to AJJ and play Minecraft. We are not the same.
Now I’m hungry but it’s 1 in the morning and i already put my retainer in god fu-
[reading description] what do you mean previously??? she did that in the first episode????????
i should have watched the backstory i should have watched the backstory i should have watched the backstory i should have wa-
[description] oh ive been spelling quinn right the whole time nice
i hope she rejects you /j
bro get out of the road ull get hit
hills wants ben to feed quinn the apple bc in his mind, that will give hills and quinn a happy ending and she doesnt want ben to see the apple bc thats gonna mean ben will know that his reality isnt reality at all. so then oliver has to,,,, not let anyone eat his apple? he just has to wake up?
wait but if ben sees the apple wont he realize that his reality is wrong and his reality will change, making it so that hills doesnt get her son? or is there some time-based rule that says they’re only transported to the reality that the person believes at that moment? or is this another stab at the multiverse thing where an infinite amount of hills gets their happy endings while an infinite amount of hills doesnt and etc etc?
i should have watched the ba-
oooo dramatique
they’re in a time loop?
nope thats a new powerpoint
wait so theyre,,,, no-
“they were actually pretty nice” didnt they throw someone off a cliff-
oh so it got confusing THEN??? NOT BEFORE?????
“it all seemed so real.” is that Not the point of vivid REM sleep hallucinations-
is oliver gonna show ben the apple and ruin hills’ whole operation
“what’s 25-8″ bro dont do this to me-
yep hes gonna show the apple
ayyy the guy who stole karl jacobs jacket it back
the second hand embarrassment is back and I Hate It
all that happens in episode ONE??? bro get some better writers that is bad pacing
“it’s the best!” wait until season eight. no show has a good season eight.
quinn knows about the apple thing w the dreams and multiverse and realities dont he
oliver is v relatable
wHaT iN tArNaTiOn-
lemme hear that explanaton again-
is bill cipher gonna show up? i hope bill cipher shows up. i miss gravity falls
“ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!” moooooooood
did hills murder quinn
is your family the jasper cult
TOXXIICCCCCC get that lady out of your life quinn that is so toxic
“ ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!  ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!” mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
The Adventures of Benjamin and Oliver
he is Not Good
wait so ben is equal parts an adult AND a child?? okay that clears a lot up
ew get off the floor
butterfly effect, multiverse theory, memory decay, and your imagination ALL exist yall gonna ignore that cause you wanna be famous?
“We already know what the future looks like!”
aRe yOu sUrE aBoUt tHaT-
to add to the list of bad things: Cats (2019)
get what what
what mapped-
awwwww he thinks THEY’RE creating the multiverse
you gonna dismiss the multiverse theory bc of something you created in your current reality? loooserrrrrr
she draggin that seven year old
a lot makes sense now why didnt i do this first-
the food shortages-
bro that calculators like 90 bucks at walmart
imagine meeting a stranger and they know Everything about your life like that’s gotta be so weird
what’s even weirder is them telling you you’re the deity of a cult that sacrifices animals
ooohhh there’s context for that
w h a t -
w  h  a  t  -
W   H   A   T   -
if i dream about apples im suing /j /lh
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txbbo · 4 years
hey i'm the techno anon from earlier and i couldn't help but respond again. i think it's very interesting, because dream's power is quite unique. a lot of it comes not only from him being a powerful individual, like techno, for example, but also from being the owner of the server. he thinks he's entitled to control everyone because it is *his* server, and other characters off handedly mention he has creative and he dupes obsidian, making him more dangerous than an average individual. 1/?
he also has a lot of godly themes surrounding him, for example in the theseus parallel he plays the role of hades, the god theseus angered which got him exiled. the lack of his pov also adds to this - he is not humanized like other characters, but rather presented as an omnipresent force who knows more, sees more, and is more involved in everything. it's hard to describe his power as just individual, but it's also definitely not systemic. i would call it godly, but it's not really. the truth 2/?
is we just don't know, like many other aspects of dream's character. he might've duped the obsidian, but he might've spent hours mining it off camera. his number of canon lives is unknown - he maybe immortal, but he also might just be a regular dude with a regular amount of lives. in order to understand how dream fits into techno's ideology, we need to understand the nature of dream's power. the problem is, we don't know. we may make guesses, but we don't know for sure. my personal analysis 3/?
is that techno *does* take away dream's power, by humanizing him. dream's power is in mystery, in always having a plan, pulling the strings by always having something over others, and making sure they don't have anything over him. the reason this works is that when presented with mystery, people assume the worst. tommy believes dream when he says he got the disc from skeppy. l'manburg believes him when he says he will build walls and put guards on lmanburg if they dont exile tommy. 4/?
when techno points out he never saw dream's house and dream says it's huge and great, techno doesn't believe him. he doesn't go for the possibility which makes dream the most powerful, he assumes the least. he proceeds to make fun of dream for being homeless, throwing dream off guard and making him flustered. dream's power is taken away here, because instead of seeing dream as a super powerful villain, he sees him as some homeless guy. a huge chunk of dream's power comes from the way others 5/?
percieve him - the way they're scared of him. his source of power over tommy - the discs - are only valuable because tommy gives it value. hence, the reason dream has so much power over tommy, is because, unknowingly, tommy is granting him said power. techno doesn't let dream have that type of power over him, he reduces him to merely an individual. i think that's the problem, it's the difference in how techno percieves dream and most others percieve dream. 6/6
Hello again! :)
First of all I want to say you definitely bring up some good points. It’s very true that we don’t know how much power Dream has, which to me adds to the mystery around his character but also how scary he is. Like you said, when you don’t know the extent of someones power, you tend to think the worst. 
Now I don’t know where they are going to go with his character, or if we will ever find out. I think the God theory is interesting, but until they confirm anything we can't really say.
Whether or not he is a God, or perhaps just an ordinary human as you say, he is still the most powerful person on the server. He is always 10 steps ahead of everyone. There’s almost no way to retaliate against him - he doesn’t have a home and he rarely is on the server (which canon wise could imply that he’s always well hidden and no one can ever find him).
At the end of the day, talking about power and who has control, it’s Dream taking away people’s liberty and ensuring that he has no opposition. No matter how many “factions” start up, Dream never gives them any power, and as the people in these factions are often not very powerful individually, they remain nothing more but a group of friends.
I also agree that Techno takes away some of Dream’s power through his taunts, but that also kinda proves my point. Techno is the 2nd most powerful person on the server individually and its this power that allows him to escape the wrath of Dream. Dream has never personally attacked Techno because there is some sort of mutual respect between them that doesn’t exist with the others, because Dream is aware that Techno is also, powerful.
You said that Dream’s power lies in his mystery, and while that is definitely true, it’s not just that. L’Manburg believes him when he says he will build walls because he does. Tommy doesn’t come back from exile because there are guards waiting for his return (Punz). Dream doesn’t just have with empty threats, he follows through on them. They’re not just scared of Dream because he threatens to do horrible things, they're scared because he does. In the first war, before everyone knew what Dream was capable with, he offered an ultimatum: surrender or he will light a piece of TNT. L’Manburg mocked him for this, but it was revealed that this single piece of TNT triggered the tens more that was hidden under the ground of L’Manburg. Since then, Dream has only further showed his power and the fact he is not to be messed with.
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trulymadlysydney · 3 years
Ahhh I did see the paramount+ episode! And girl what they showed with josh and Shannon was nothing compared to what they used to show in the early uk version seasons lol. But still pretty wild! I like how Shannon was like I don’t kiss and tell then proceeded to go into explicit detail about how he ate her out with the girls like girl good for you but uhhh are you sure you wanna share that? It was funny how josh was like sorry mom. I try to not like him but honestly the man is growing on me.
And slade? Oh my god dude I was so sad bc he seemed like a genuine guy and I really hope everything is okay. But I think that ensures javonnys safety and honestly thank god bc if he left I would’ve been so sad.
I completely agree about Isaiah. Especially bc he went to Aimee straight after he and cash agreed they weren’t working. Which to me was also bullshit when he said he was forcing it with her but literally the day before he told her that he feels closest to her?? Get outta here dude. I really want Aimee and Wes to work out they just make sense to me. Jeremy is a pile of garbage I don’t understand how so many girls like him. And I hate to say it but you’re also right about cash. Like I love her and all but sometimes she’s just… overreacting? I don’t know how to describe it.
And what about the pact at the end between Olivia and cash? I think we all know cash is gonna go for Wes but what about Olivia? I have this theory that she’s also into Jeremy especially bc in one of the drop episodes she had to kiss someone during that challenge and cash told her you should kiss Jeremy and basically told her to go for it. And let’s not forget Jeremy said he’d pick her to have a threesome with in yesterday’s challenge. I just don’t think Olivia is as into javonny as he is into her unfortunately. But maybe I’m wrong who knows I just have a gut feeling about it.- E
Anonymous asked: Oh and sorry I totally ignored your question but I do think they’ll be casa amor this season! I mean I don’t see why not but yeah it’ll be absolute chaos. If it happened tomorrow we all know that Isaiah will graft on every girl until one shows interest and probably the same goes for Jeremy. Those two need to LEAVE -E
Putting this under a cut because it's long as shit kdlajfs;kj
Omg SERIOUSLY?! GOD like I thought the Josh and Shannon thing was lowkey porn but now I'm intrigued lmfao. Honestly I'm glad they went to the villa. I have such mixed feelings about both of them, like I feel like Shannon STAYS stirring the pot which is... annoying but also like? Idk I hate to love her lmfao. Also YES LIKE UGH I DONT WANT TO LIKE JOSH AND SHANNON BUT I REALLY DO. I know they're not going to last outside the villa (like... they will but not for very long lmao) but they're good together for now.
I AGREE I REALLY LIKE SLADE AND I KNOW THAT IF I WERE IN THE VILLA HE'S SOMEONE I WOULD'VE GONE FOR IN A HEARTBEAAAAAT. I hope he's okay and I'm glad everyone was nice to him even though he was only there for like, what, one night? I agree though. I want Javonny to stay and I can't believe how much I'm starting to like him and Olivia.
Yeah idk where they found these fake ass men for this season f;dlafj;ls but Isaiah is bugging me. I feel like you can just tell exactly the type of guy he is in the outside world-- like he KNOWS he's pretty and he feels like he can get whatever he wants because of that. Fuck outta here lol. Also THANK YOU IM SO GLAD YOU AGREE LF;KDSJF LIKE Cash is still my favorite but like.... the villa doesn't revolve around you baby, not everything is a personal attack.
ALSO I cannot express how much I want Aimee and Wes together. God like every time he opens his mouth I'm like SWOONING. He's a dream, and I think he would treat Aimee the way she deserves to be treated. I feel like Cash and Wes are a weird match tbh. Wes even came into the villa ALL about Aimee right from the get go, but we fucked it up because we all voted for Cash to get a date dalkjf;dslkj and now he's like "Cash surprised me" or whatever. LOVE miss Cash but Aimee is a much better fit with Wes.
The pact has me nervous lkdfaj;djlkds like I feel like they're going to end up screwing themselves over. Although I think it'll be interesting to see Olivia finally like, putting forth effort to get a guy lmao. I hadn't thought about her and Jeremy but I actually completely see what you mean... when he kissed her as part of that "threesome" question I legit gasped. I think Javonny is really into her and he's trying so hard, but I feel like she's stringing him along and forcing herself to be like "no I'm into him kinda I guess."
CASA AMOOOOR PLEASE I CANT WAIT FOR THOSE EPISODES IF THAT'S REALLY GONNA BE A THING!!!!! I can think of quite a few people I want OFF the island. Bring in some fresh faces PLEASE!
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viostormcaller · 5 years
Discord Chat Room Analysis
Yo Seán I'm gonna do an analysis of yesterday's "Discord mayhap" (or, "Discord discord", if you will) if that's alright?
(The following screenshots are not mine, they're just like the only screenshots I've seen going around, and if anyone knows the owner feel free to tell me please and thanks!!)
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Firstly, I just wanna say that this is the very first time we've seen all the Egos in one place, interacting. This is HUGE. You'll notice the lack of introductions, questions of "who are you?", which means they all know each other/know of each other. At the very least, they all have interacted before without our knowledge. Hooray for context clues!
Onto the next thing. Jack. As a new server owner with many many users and a lot of potential for things to go wrong, I can only imagine how confused he would be (especially as a person with a glitch being on his tail). And I'm certain he wouldn't interact directly with any of the Egos unless he knew it was completely safe. As you can see, it was not, in fact, safe. That's most likely why instead of talking to the Egos, he was trying to get the mods to shut down the text channel as soon as possible. They weren't supposed to be there, and that is not supposed to happen.
Next, the Egos. Wherever they were transported to, it was someplace where they could not see one another nor could they see their surroundings (hence Chase's panicked "I can't see!"). Even though Chase was the only one who pointed out that he had no visibility, it doesn't mean that the others did. They probably couldn't see, either.
Now, my current theory is the end of Observation is in connection with this: there was some sort of tear in the fabric of reality. Whoever was recording that video, we saw transported before our eyes. It took a few hours, but eventually they ended up in a digital space, the discord server. We know this was Anti's doing, because the title of the chat room said "watching", encoded in a Caesar cipher (Anti is using codes now, we have to watch for that. There are MANY ciphers, believe me) and zalgo-ified, which was the biggest giveaway. I wouldn't be surprised if last year's Stories Untold first episode ending was foreshadowing for being trapped in a digital space (remember Jack/possibly Chase being stuck in the computer after someone opened the door to his recording room?) The question is: are they stuck there now? Or have they since been brought back upon the deletion of the chat room? We have yet to find out, but as of now, this is just a theory (a gA-- nah lemme stop there).
Next, we have Marvin. His first words are "This doesnt seem right". This leads me to believe that, as a magic-user, he's probably encountered some really weird shit and had some strange experiences, but in this situation something feels off for him. Also, as people have pointed out, Marvin is the only Ego with a recent profile picture, one that is not from his appearance video. I am assuming this is because either A) Marvin's first video wasn't truly Marvin, because it was US that made him an Ego, B) the video in which his profile picture is from was actually Marvin recording, hence why he pulled out his mask, or C) both A and B.
Jackie is the one who figures it out.
He probably saw the zalgoed code in the title, decoded it, and upon finding what it said went "Shit this is REALLY bad, I have to warn the others but I can't let Anti catch on that I figured it out". So when Jackie says "Ah fuck, people are watching this. Everybody shut up!", he's not talking about US, he's talking about Anti. Remember, Anti was brought into existence by saying his name. Saying his name in any form is extremely dangerous, and in a digital space where a glitch would have the upper hand, a direct warning against Anti would be way too risky, so he generalizes it hoping the others would get the message. Sadly, amidst the panic and confusion, they didn't.
Then, there's Chase and Schneep. Evidently, these two are close; Schneep gravitated towards Chase almost immediately for some sort of guidance or reassurance: "I dont know what happened here, Chase?". Their friendship must run deep. This was hinted at before: Henrik saved Chase and is his "good friend". Both of which are close with Jack. Seeing them interact like this pretty much confirms it.
Now this is where I laughed. See, Chase's response was immediately, "What do you want from me?" which is Chase's infamous line from Dark Silence. Marvin's immediate response is "Alright, thats enough" as if he knew that Chase was going to say something of that effect and went "Oh god not this shit again". Of course, this got Schneep started, because towards the end both of them began repeating lines from Dark Silence, Stories Untold, and Kill Jacksepticeye, respectively. Even though they were panicking and clearly trying to get in contact with Jack here, you have to admit they're both dorks. They could have said anything else and yet said that. I found that hilarious.
And little Jameson. Bless him, he silent even in digital form. This leads me to believe, however, that he may be mute in canon. If the Egos are not typing and are rather speaking in a digital space and their words appear as text in the server because of the coding, then it would make sense for Jameson's only "words" to be an ellipse.
This entire situation told me quite a bit about the Egos' interactions with each other. With Marvin and Jackie, as the two oldest Egos, they seem to be the "heads of the household", so to speak. They're like the two older brothers babysitting all the younger ones. They both hold a sense of authority (which was a surprise on Marvin's end for me, admittedly). Whether the others will actually listen is a whole nother story. Chase and Schneep are close and they gravitate towards one another. Jameson, being the newest, understandably looks like he feels out of place (communication barrier, perhaps?).
One thing is certain, though, is that Anti is their common enemy. He brought them all there against their will (kind of as if he gathered up all their strings and pulled). And Jack, according to Chase, is still comatose. So maybe Jack's consciousness is trapped in a digital space, which is why they were able to talk to him (even if Jack didn't respond), and why Marvin and Jameson were able to send him messages through videos (like in Try To Fall Asleep)?
In any case, I feel like the next episodes of Observation will give us more answers as to where the story is heading, just as Stories Untold did. Whatever happens in Observation will most likely hugely relate to this plot, so that's important to keep in mind.
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rosemallowss · 4 years
Im so sad too with all that´s happening around TBWDOA, it was magical the first time that I listened it: so much life, love and humanity even in the darkest places of the world... I felt that the hope around it was more strong that any problematic subject... I know that maybe im being naive and self-blinded by my own privileges, but im so angry that the controversy destroyed what for my was so beautiful. I dont know if this is weird, but I wanted to talk with someone that maybe feels the same :(
Hey dude, I thought exactly the same thing. I actually still think it, but every time I see any trace of the show in my camera roll or the copy of the album, it’s so hard not to think about all the angry people. I think now that it’s been a few weeks however, I can fully hold a discussion about this musical without feeling guilty or sad. Despite what other people think, I really don’t believe that the writers has hostile intents at all. If you look at old posts like this:
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You can tell just how passionate they were about this show. & plus, I realized recently that these guys tend to write shows about topics that are not normally talked about as well. Example: this show and ‘Talk To Me’– a show about a child who is on the Autism spectrum. I suppose you could kind of count their other show “With The Right Music” as kind of that? However I’m actually not totally clear on what that show is about since it wasn’t actually written to the end– though I think it is about a closeted teenager in high school. I suppose this counts because there aren’t that many musicals written about closeted teenagers. I truly don’t believe that they were trying to offend anyone– simply were just so so invested in trying to get a story out there, maybe one that was unfamiliar to them, and perhaps it was also bad timing that the full show was released? Or maybe they were just as naïve too when they wrote the show probably around 2015 (earlier?) I used to always get their attention (unintentionally I swear) on Twitter when I’d talk about the show. Those dudes were really kind. And they follow back a lot of their fans. So, perhaps it was just naïvety? I’m aware that they’re attempting to make it right, and they are probably at the moment in conversation with Afghan Americans. That’s important, and speaks more than words I think. I know Troy, Nikhil, Sittichai, and Jonathan have been under fire. Troy has gone silent and if I’m not mistaken I think Sittichai and Jonathan as well? Other actors in the show such as Osh (Zemar) and though a small appearance– Shiv Pai (future Paiman’s son) have gotten no such comments I realize. Maybe the show was bad timing. Perhaps it would’ve had a more positive outcome in terms of rising popularity had it been talked about in a past tense; in a sense that “this practice doesn’t happen anymore” so that the setting is not modern day, but instead sometime in the late 1900s?Would that have made the show less controversial? Maybe? But we can never be sure. Would it have been less controversial if they minimized the extend of the abuse? Or removed that altogether and made it that it was simply two boys falling in love in rural Afghanistan who were coming terms with the fact that they were feeling this feeling with each other? well, yeah, because it would just be a love story in a different setting, and we’d probably see Feda and Paiman exploring the marketplace as well. If this was the case, I’d assume the conflict of the story would be homophobia from parents/internalized homophobia itself, or struggling to understand themselves. Another conflict could be something that many teenagers experience as well, such as fear of the future. Maybe arranged marriage could still be a conflict, and since Feda’s name literally means “sacrifice” he’d probably still have to die in the end. Perhaps they could have rewritten the show like that and the show would have little to no controversy? The music is incredible, and it could even portray the beauty of Afghanistan through their amazing way of writing music. I’m just brainstorming and rambling here, sorry! when it comes to this show it seems as though that I always just vomit out more words than anyone cares to hear. Let’s address why it was controversial as well though... Many were repulsed by the idea of s-x trafficking as a musical, and even more outraged with the musical being about Afghanistan. It showed negative parts of the country, and that would add on to people’s perception and dislike toward Afghans, which if you live in America you are aware of the racists’ stereotypes and disdain toward Afghans. (If you are naïve like me, you probably did not catch that as well. I truly forgot that there were people who perceived Afghans in a negative light. I was awed by the diversity in the show and so focused on that) I believe that they also have said how gay men are usually perceived as pedophiles as well and this show did not help to minimize that harmful stereotypes. I’m obviously kind of dumb because I didn’t realize that stereotype.
However it is true, because realized I often see this trope in fiction books about “creepy uncles preying on their nephews”. Though people don’t agree with the fact that it is a musical, I always saw it as a different way of storytelling. There’s a book called The Kite Runner that talks about the same topic in this musical by the way. I didn’t know this but my friends have had to read that book as an assignment in their English class. I thought, well, TBWDOA, it just tells the story through songs. So all in all, these were many of the points people made, and you cannot be upset with them for being angry. When I first listened to the show, I was aware it was controversial, but I thought the controversy would be something that can be discussed and debated while being enjoyed. Similar to how Hamilton is often debated for glorifying the founding fathers while still being a good show. However, when I replied to one comment because I thought that this was how it was going to go, I was bombarded with several other comments, I was called pedophilic and was told that because I was not Afghan that I should not speak and when someone said that, I realized “okay, I was wrong to think that this was an issue that could be debated!” I did not realize how much deeper it would be. As a result, I was flooded with comments from instagram and twitter and it was STRESSFUL and overwhelming that I just couldn’t sleep and had to take a break! However someone told me that even the most controversial, flawed works of art should be appreciated or discussed. It’s up for debate if that’s true. The show is incredible in portraying the strength of the human spirit— “find your voice, even if it’s weak, using it can make a difference that will lead to a greater change.” It showed a boy who used something that was SUPPOSED to degrade and silence him as a tool to lift him up and strengthen him– that was an incredible theme. He found power in the resources he could. Dancing was supposed to be something he could not decide, but he made it his own, would not let it weaken him, and used it as a tool to push him toward more positive hopes. There’s something so powerful about people taking back the thing that was supposed to weaken them, and twisting in into something that gives them strength. Though just because the music embodies the main characters incredibly and the message is empowering, we cannot ignore that perhaps, yes the show was quite insensitive to many Afghan Americans. It might take me several months before I can listen to any song from this show again though. But the show has such a special place in my heart, for making me fall in love with music theory and musical instruments all over again, for pulling my heart strings with incredible themes/life lessons, and the show embodying that theme in a heartbreaking final song, and then lastly providing a beautiful love story. Am I insensitive for saying that? I really don’t want to be, but a story like this has never made me feel like that before. I was intrigued by Islamic wedding customs and researched into that. I fell in love with the purpose of whirling dervishes, and fascinated by how beautiful that was. I watched videos about them, i read about them. Feda talked about an old Afghan poet in the show and god, for hours I looked up that poet and read the translated English phrases (didn’t finish however). I was taken by the beautiful geography of Afghanistan. I researched beyond the show to look at Afghan culture and I appreciated that. I understood that, of course this wasn’t a common practice that is active in Afghanistan. But I’m aware now that so many people will not see it that way at all. They saw the show as indulging the idea that this practice is apart of their culture which is not true, and the original theater did not market that well at all.. I want to hope that this was just really bad timing, that this show was misinterpreted, and in the future will be enjoyed and discussed rather than torn apart. I never like being on the controversial side of things, but, gosh, I don’t know.
But, I know exactly how you feel. And I welcome any asks/my messages are open for discussion about this show now.
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silvanable · 4 years
Match-Up : Ikemen Sengoku
Hi there love! I hope you are doing well! Can i please request a ikemen sengoku matchup. ^0^
❤🥰 i am a aries, infp, Hufflepuff female 🦊 i am shy and difficult to get to know (apparently it took me 2 months to start opening up to my friends, ooops), i tend to bottle up my emotions, my friends would likely describe me as incredibly stubborn, gentle, kind, over dramatic, goofy and fun loving. I am pretty aloof and blunt, i like i will 9/10 times tell you to your face how if feel about you if you ask 🙈once u are part of my inner circle i am playful, teasing, i am an extremely sarcastic person that makes snarky remarks under my breath and my kind of humor is a bit of dark and self deprecating. I will definitely be the person making jokes at inappropriate times and something about inappropriate things (its one of my coping mechanisms) 😂 I love my friends and family and will fight anyone how threatens them, although when it comes to me you can do or say anything to me and i wont do anything (I honestly cant stand up for myself). I swear like a sailor although i am trying to get that under control, however the road rage is real.
i love nature and animals (i love my lil bunnies and dogs), i love working out/going to the gym #gym is life (it is one of my coping mechanisms and has helped me slowly overcome an eating disorder)😂
i enjoy cooking (i am now officially a chef), wine tasting (fancy way of saying getting very tipsy of different wines most nights), spending time with friends (especially if there is tea to be spilt) although i do need lots of alone time to recharge my social battery, i like conspiracies, reading, writing (Fanfics and im busy with my Masters in nutrition >“<), romcoms, and  sleeping. As much as i love spending time outdoor i also enjoy lazing around the house being a lazy potato. I definitely zone out and daydream all the freaken time
I tend to blush easily which i hate 🙈 My face will give away what i am thinking. i enjoy my own alone time and i definitely dont like crowds and loud sounds (ie you will never find me in a club). I am a picky eater despite my degree in cooking (i basically only eat candy, carbs and protein), i love cuddles although i look like someone that wouldn’t. Ive been told i come across as calm and confident, while in truth on the inside i am really scared and insecure.  I am incredibly awkward when it comes to boys and have been told my sarcastic comments are x100 when i talk to them (oops).
I am very go with the flow, and i never burn my bridges 🙈 i am very forgive and forget🦊, like no matter how badly you hurt me.
🙈 Thanx so much dear ❤ Sorry if this is TMI🔥Cant wait to see who i get matched with 🌈🎀
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oh chica, i absolutely adore you just by this description.
i definitely had a fun time sorting out who i think would best compliment your personality & it was most certainly a tough one to settle on but in the end there must only be one~
i  hope you enjoy it!
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after long debate i can see you and shingen as being a very favorable pair.
for starters, while you might not believe it you do have some very parallel personality traits (especially those based on your star signs!!).
you both have a rather optimistic disposition and a value for honest because shingen has never lied he just avoids answering questions.
additionally, you are both very difficult to get to know, as you have a tendency to bottle up your true feelings or are too shy and reserve to open up.
besides you being a beautiful woman, that would intrigue shingen even more. he wants to know why lies behind that quiet & guarded mask, to see what’s in your mind.
your dark humor & self-deprecating jokes would certainly concern him at first, especially because a “goddess such as you should never doubt yourself”.
i feel like what you said on being awkward around the menfolk would make you somewhat resistant to his flirt.
and by resistant i mean you turn red in a full blown blush and completely withdraw on yourself. you’d be lucky to get out a thank you or might completely bat the compliment off with a snarky comment ( and we’re on the inappropriately timed jokes too! ).
everything he learns about you is something new and surprising & he would be absolutely enthralled with you.
you’re a chef from your time? he’d love to watch you cook and savour whatever meal you’d be so generous as to let him taste.
you love to write & read? conspiracy theories? he would ask you all about what you read, what you’re interested in writing, and even indulge you as you ramble on about your favorite conspiracies.
then there’s your protective nature.
you take insults or things against you without batting an eye, but the moment someone insults him or any of those you care for, suddenly a warrioress comes out in you like he’s never seen.
you’re shy one day and another you’re so straight forward with him, he values that courage, even if you do not see it, and how honest you are. he admires honesty.
finding out you swear like a sailor would surprise him the most.
he has such a fondness for this young, gentle, and very fun & loving women and sudden she’s in the garden, profanities leaving her mouth in a never ending string after stubbing her toe ( can’t tell me that it doesn’t hurt enough NOT to swear ).
this man would have to do a double take just to make sure his eyes & ears weren’t deceiving him.
shingen would absolutely tease you about that later, how such an angel could have such strong words.
your passion and dedication to your work is something else shingen would find admirable, as he understands having a love of something you do & the beauty of being able to create it.
he is super attentive & always watching over for you and your moods.
you’re upset? he can see it in everything you do.
tired out and need a little you time? he’ll arrange for you to be undisturbed for a time and offer to bring you sweets to snack on & a book to enjoy your alone time with.
you are his angel of beauty and kindness, his goddess of ever compassionate forgiveness, and everything he comes to hold so dearly, meaning he will shower you endlessly with compliments & gifts if nothing more than to see you smile.
at kasuyagama you’re the castle’s mediator, as your personality seems to lean more towards peace & calm.
all that really means is you end up stopping shingen from teasing kenshin & keeping kenshin at best you can from being overly stabby.
i have to throw in that dates would be of the utmost importance to shingen with you.
he would have to take you to ever possible tea house to get you to try all of his favorite sweets and he would absolutely be abusing the fact you love them to against you to indulge you both.
yukimura would not be happy with either of you for constantly eating sweets & junk because it’s bad for your health and you need actual food to survive.
all. the. snuggles.
you have a favor for a calm & quiet atmosphere, so i can see you and shingen spending nights on the terrace in the cool evening air to admire the stars & moon.
correct me if i’m wrong, but you trapping shingen for morning cuddles? just five more minutes then you’ll let him go not really.
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enchantred · 4 years
folklore reactions
the 1: i totally called the tone of this album. I also love how all the album is in lowercase. this is such a sweet song! melancholy but beautiful. however, joe???? is she good? are they good? um hello I need to do some research about who this is about bc its beautiful but also sad. God I love Taylor Swift. She truly is the greatest songwriter of this century. 
cardigan: I’m really excited about this one tbh. nice into? YESS LANA VIBES. dark edgy rep mood and im here. how is this album already better than lover? also is she okay again? like i need to know about my girl. if this album doesnt win a grammy im going to riot. I love how poetic this album is. I didn’t really understand the black and white but I think I understand it now. 
the last great american dynasty: from the title im hoping also lana vibes but lets see. okay halsey 929 vibes in the beginning.  love the storytelling. I love this album so far. is this about the kennedys? is this about her past relationships? wait it totally is! marvelous? rhode island? or wait this is tiwwchnt? is this a reflection on her friendships? i’m so curious. Love the background instrumentals. wait no i’m wrong this is about her house? or the lucky one? i too had a marvelous time ruining everything also this is a mood
exile: I’m not the biggest fan of bon iver so i’m not too excited about this one, but i’m open to it, I guess. This is very The Last Time of her and I love that song so. oh no sad again. you were my crown now im in exile! no no please taylor be happy im going to straight up cry. I really hope she’s doing okay, but this song is beautiful. okay some quick research and taylor and joe are still together and apparantly he wrote things which makes sense 
my tears ricochet: very its nice to have a friend of her. okay i def hear the jack antonoff in this song. another sad song. :(  Wait yes here comes the orchestra why is this speak now x 1989? im here for this part of the song for sure.  florence inspo for sure.  
mirrorball: wait this is very fearless era is it not lmao? like the vocals are floaty and seem younger. okay this is sweet. yes begin again vibes I love it!!! yes empowerment and happiness!!!!! this is my favorite so far. This is what Me! wishes it was. hush! this is so relaxing. tbh i did think she said “im still on my toilet” instead of “tallest” so lets see if anyone else makes this mistake.  wait THIS IS THE LUCKY ONE PART 2. beautiful 10/10
seven: this is about the lover album going to call it. okay why does this literally not sound like her at all? wait im so wrong. like this is fairies in the field and she sounds like an irish folk singer from the 90s. this is cute. cottagecore lesbians on tiktok are going to use this sound for sure lmao. who does she sound like? ok i am not a fan of this song just going to put that out here now its kinda boring. 
august: if theres not an upbeat song on this album i will freak out. ugh another slow song. wait this is happy! yay! very beautiful kiss for him. why do i get like past romance vibes from this? (tom????) we love yearning. cruel summer who?also fearless vibes from this too.
this is me trying: based on the title im worried again? i almost do who???? I got wasted like all my potential ugh mood. why can’t she have the album booklet secret sentences again i sure hope she does omg. call it what you want also. 
ilicit affairs: now this has got to be about the getaway car triangle. can i be right about one thing. yearning again, but nice this time too. HIM! this is very red era and I don’t know how to feel about it. treacherous inspired this for sure. okay this is my favorite because its lowkey a diss track. dear john vibes also!
invisible string: never grow up vibes. however, I still need to know if taylor is okay like genuinely because i’m scared lmao. I hate it when people are sad esp her and like her albums define my life a bit so if shes sad im sad? bad blood lmao. aww time heals everything, this is so cute i sure hope shes happy. we love a self referencing queen. 
mad woman: the man part 2? oooh swear words. is this about k*nye? is this about k*m? wanting me dead has really brought you too together? who else? ive got to find some fan theories omg
epiphany: the 1975 vibes? i swear if this is instrumental.. okay why does this sound like a small british child singing in choir. its really beautiful though, no insult meant I just don’t really listen to music like this ever. its not really my aesthetic but I can appreciate it. 
betty: my friend freaked out about this song so from her reaction its got to be either confirmation of Kaylor/taylor being gay, the song is some weird genre thats not taylor, shes pregnant, or just really deep lyrics that hit differently? lets see. wait COUNTRY TIME? YO. oh no what did she did to betty? wait i feel uncomf. whats abigails opinion on this i need to know, were they friends? yikes friend breakup i’ve been there. is this from someone else’s perspective i gotta know. yay she goes to the party!!! wait what cardigan? whats happening im so ??
peace: interesting......this is beachy I love it? its nice to have a friend vibes again. she sounds like.. not herself? this is so different from everything she’s done before I need to sit with it and listen to it before i understand. clowns to the west. her voice sounds so beautiful here and so mature? i honestly was ready for this era after rep but not right now? idk how I feel about it. 
hoax: not s single upbeat song :(((((. faithless love??? not cute. is she going to perform any of these live i cant really imagine it. new york? aw no she’s sad my baby girl. hmm. don’t like this one. the vibes are great but I just dont like them. 
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alexandrasavior · 5 years
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Alexandra Savior AMA !!
Hi Alex! How much of the instrumentation was figured out before heading into the studio? Did you just bring in bare minimum demos and then fleshed them out in the studio? Or did you have most of it prepared and just recorded it? I really loved the album by the way!
Thank you! It was different for each track. A lot of the songs I had full fleshed demos that my band and I had recorded in Portland, and Sam Cohen and I worked around those. Some of the tracks like "But You" I had some Garage band demos I made on my own that we worked around, and some of the tracks like "Soft Currents" were just raw iPhone recordings of me playing and singing, and Sam and I worked out together in the studio.
Your music has some really interesting chord progressions and melodic phrases. To what extent do you consciously apply music theory to your songwriting, and how much just comes naturally from ear and instinct?
To no extent :/ I am not super skilled in music theory, I just play around until it seems like it makes sense to me
You described your desire for Belladonna of Sadness to sound "murderous", and I thought that darkness and dangerous feeling really shone through. What adjectives would you powerfully ascribe to your sophomore album? What tonal differences were important to you while recording?
I like this question! hmmmmmm. “honest"
I'm pretty new to your music, but, everyday I can't stop myself from liking it more. My two current favorite songs are “The Phantom” and “Bad Disease”. I've seen that many people prefer other songs from the album, so that made me think. What is your personal favorite song from your new album? Thanks!
“But You”!
Hypothetical: You’re making a new album and need to assemble your dream band. Anyone dead/alive. Who are you choosing?
My best friend Emma, my boyfriend, Mel, and like my therapist
Is there anything that you do in terms of practice when it comes to vocals/guitar/songwriting to improve yourself? Interested to hear
Try to play everyday
I'd love to know if you've got any cool, hidden talents that you haven't shown in public. Also I badly want to know who's done the cover for both “Saving Grace” and “Crying All the Time”.
ME! I painted them
What are your tips for marketing your music and getting more people to stream/buy your music?
I am lucky because I have a team that guides me through social posts, and a publicist. But don't post pics of your butt
Your music and music videos have so many cinematic elements to them. Does an affinity for film influence your music? If so, do you have some favorite films you can mention?
yes! Bonnie and Clyde, Rosemary's Baby, Don't Look Now, Fargo, Daisies
I've seen a few people comparing your latest work with Lana del Rey's. Do you listen to her? Was she really an inspiration for the record?
I like Lana she's talented, I understand the comparison in some ways , people tend to compare things naturally. But, no she wasn't my personal inspiration in any conscious way
Did you make a conscious effort to distance yourself from the sound of Belladonna of Sadness with this new album?
No, I have gotten mixed feedback some people say its the exact same sound, some say it is different, I just created what came naturally to me and used sounds that I am personally drawn to.
If you were to try to make someone a fan of your music, but could only show them three of your songs, what songs would you show them?
oooooh! hmmmmm. “But You”, “Audeline”, “Crying All The Time”.
Excuse me Ms. Savior - I fell in love with your duet "We're Just Making It Worse" many moons ago. What can you tell us about that song?
Thanks! Well my homie Cameron Avery wrote that tune, he just asked me to sing on it and I was glad to!
What do you think was the biggest difference between writing The Archer and Belladonna of Sadness?
i was alone
What advice would you give to up and coming musicians in the LA scene? Any Dos or Don’ts? Thank you :)
Don’t be gross and creepy! Don't worry about that hipsta shit. Do be nice and make your own shit!
What is the most unusual thing that you do to help you write or to help you get some inspiration?
Stalk all my exes’ new gfs on insta and then eat an entire chocolate cake
Will we ever get to hear your version of “Miracle Aligner”?
probs not
When does the vinyl for The Archer ship? I am hoping to get one of you drawings with mine!
First batch tomorrow 1/17/2020. Second batch Tuesday 1/21/2020. Thank You!
I saw a clip from a concert you gave recently. It was you with a couple of bandmates singing something acapella. What's that song? Is it yours? It was gooorgeous. Any chance you're coming to Barcelona?
"The Oak and The Ash", an old celtic song. I will be playing Sala Nau May 13th!!!!!!!!
Can you talk about the differences in recording your first album while signed to a major label and this album while signed to a indie label? I know you’ve spoken about why you left Columbia, but I was wondering how your personal process differed this time around, especially with different resources and personnel?
Yeah it was a lot less pressure making this record, I had more say and more freedom of expression.
You said in an interview that you wrote the songs for The Archer on piano or guitar and brought them to the studio recorded on your phone. Would you ever consider releasing these as bonus tracks? 
I might ya! They’re probably a lot less interesting than you think
Do you have any tips on how to overcome writers block/find new ways to approach writing ? I've been struggling a bit lately... Have you been reading lately? If so, what books would you recommend ? :)
Just be kind to yourself, do what is natural, don't beat yourself up. I just re-read "My Year of Rest and Relaxation" by Otessa Moshfegh, now I am ready " Conversations With Friends" by Sally Rooney. I would recommend any Joan Didion, also I enjoy Salingers "Nine Stories"
This album feels a lot more personal than the first one. How would you say it compares in relation to how you expressed yourself as an artist?
I was very insecure while writing my first record, and I was co-writing so I used a lot of techniques to shelter my own opinions and feelings, in The Archer it was just me, so it was more of a journal entry than a big fancy record
Which artists did you grow up admiring, and inspired your style? Also, do you have any poetry recommendations, seeing how all your lyrics are poems in their own right?
hmmmm. ok Hilary Duff, Elvis, The White Stripes, Billie Holiday. Poetry: I don’t read much poetry but I like Rimbaud and Sylvia Plath
How did you feel when you found out “Risk” played on True Detective?
I cried
On Belladonna, what inspired the lyrics and melody for “Till You're Mine”? That song is always on repeat in my household.
Thanks! I would say my own insecurities and jealousy towards a specific woman in my life
Do you write the melodies as well as the lyrics or is it a collaborative effort?
For this record I wrote the melodies, lyrics, and chords for every song aside from "The Phantom" which was a collaboration with Sam Cohen.
What inspired you to make this new album?
I just make songs, and each song was inspired by something different, but mostly I needed to show people I WRITE MY SONGS
Do you have plans to sell more merch? I would really love to get my hands on signed stuff or one of your drawings/crafts.
yes workin' on merch now! <3
As a budding songwriter and musician myself is there any advice or wisdom you could pass on when it comes to making a career out of it?
I think writing as much as you can and trying to write honestly is important. I was lucky in a strange string of events that started my career, and every dream is different, but I suppose just keep writing and releasing your songs wherever you can
Often when I listen to music I tend to relate the song to places I've been to or places I'm at while listening. Is it the same for you when you write your songs? Do you think about a specific place for each song?
Yeah totally!
Would you ever be interested in collaborating with another artist on their record?
Yeah! Depends on who, I have always wanted to sing on a rap song.
Collab with Weyes Blood coming anytime soon?
i wish brah
Any tips on staying sane with dating apps?
don’t do dating apps
Romance is a topic which you touch upon in both of your albums. Do you have any words or phrases that have helped you through a difficult time, both in dealing with or exploring relationships past or present, if so what are they? What is your favorite set of lyrics ever, i.e. phrases etc.
"fuck hem he's a deck", "Kathy's Song" Simon and Garfunkel, "I Remember" Molly Drake
Do you use more real life experience or do you use more imagination/creativity when writing lyrics?
Depends how boring my personal life is at the time haha
What's your favorite Beatle, favorite Beatle album and favorite Beatle song?
Georgie boy <333333333
Are there any plans to record/release that “political song” with the violin that you played at Homiefest last year? For a third album maybe? Thanks, loved you since 2015 when I first heard that “Risk” demo for True Detective. The Archer is a masterpiece no bullshit.
maybe! lol
Where is the love for Chicago? How come we haven't had any shows yet?
Give me a break homie I don't plan this stuff! Would love to come to Chicago! It all depends on timing and $$$$
What was the most challenging song to write on this record?
maybe bad disease
Will there be more music videos?
I dont think so :/
I noticed for both of your releases, theres been a decent amount of time.. between when they were recorded and released. Have you found this frustrating more than anything or is it nice to have time to sit with the album?
Well, sometimes it is hard to move on and write more, with so much time between the final touches of the record and the actual release.... But, it ebs and flows and its out now so its no difference to me now
Who are some artists/bands that you personally enjoy listening to?
Jessica Pratt, The Jhamels, Molly Drake
You also seem like a prolific painter, who would you point to as inspiration/muse? My best guess would be Picasso.
Alice Neel 100%
When you feel like you’re stuck when you’re writing a song, what do you do to get around it?
I stop writing for a while, don't force it. Everyone's process is different so I try not to beat myself up too much about it
When Kevin Parker hit reddit someone asked him about if he can upload a new song and he did so... Can we hear a new song ?
If Kevin Parker jumped off a bridge WOULD YOU ?!
Who's your dream musical collab? If you were to make a soundtrack what director would you work with?
dream collab: Snoop Dogg, director: Quentin
Can you say a little bit about the creation of the album art? It's understated but there is definitely a mood there!
my dear friend Dana Trippe took the photos, and my dear friend Aaron Mitchell did the fonts
Noticed your music has a very “old horror movie/spaghetti western” vibe to them. Any films/soundtracks that inform your sound you’d recommend?
ooooh Anything Coen Brothers or Wes Anderson
How much was growing up in Portland an influence on your music?
I would say the rain had a lot to do with my melancholy, but also the music scene in Portland has always been very DIY and rock-based so “ guess that influenced me in some way.
What’s your favorite song of your’s lyrically and your favorite song to perform?
fave lyrically: Bad Disease, fave to perform: But You or Mystery Girl
The whole record was amazing but “Soft Currents” keyboards are really something else, are you planning to write more on the piano?
thank you! yes been writing a lot on the ole ivories
I love how a lot of your songs sound very cinematic - would you like to get into movie music in some capacity? Either scoring or soundtrack?
Awh hell yeuh
Is there a particular song that you're most proud of?
But YOu!
What would you say is your favorite guitar that you own and what is your dream guitar to own?
I am not much of a gear-head though I would love and old nylon string
Do you think that “Risk” will ever be made available on Spotify and Apple Music?
Unfortunately, because it was released on T-Bone Brunette's label, there was a legal situation that made me unable to release it separately. :/
Will you be making more of those amazingly weird embroidered underwear for your new tour? Obvs need some Savior swag on this tush.
I wish! I don’t have a sewing machine anymore but I will be selling my lil boxes online soon
Any chance for a show in Toronto? I'm a big fan, and I introduced my mom to your music and she absolutely loves you (her words) so I'd love to take her to one of your shows
hahah awh <3 None planned at the moment :(
What song on The Archer was a struggle to finish? Or were they all easy?
easy peasy lemon squeezy
Don't want to take away from your latest release (because it is an amazing album) but was there a reason you decided to not work with Alex Turner or James Ford for any of the new songs, writing or producing?
Since both your albums have been about relationships mostly, would you ever consider making a political song/album? What is your stance on that old debate?
I write what comes naturally to me
What should I name my snail stuffed animal?
Why didn’t you get a proper promotional run from Columbia for Belladonna? It’s an amazing album but I just found out about you through The Archer (which is equally amazing).
I can't really say, but I don’t think I was ever gonna make the kind of $$$ Columbia wanted
Would you like to tour South America at some point in your career?
awh hell yeuh!
Is there any particular era/motive which inspires your music visuals (album covers, music videos)? All the best from Split, Croatia!
Based on your Spotify stats, what are the countries that listen to you the most?
IDK! France seems to be very supportive
Any artist that you like that you could recommend?
Jessica Pratt, Sudan Archives, Vagabon
What's your favorite thing to draw/paint?
Who is your favorite artist / what is your favorite album at the moment, and how would you say this impacted on how The Archer sounds? Also please come to the North of England 😂
I AM!!! CHECK MY TOUR SCHEDULE AND COME BB!! favorite album rn "The Colour Green" by Sibylle Baier
What’s playing in your head now?
the click clacking of a mac keyboard
How do you like your coffee?
a lil bit of almond milk
Will The Archer be getting a cd release?
no :(
That's all folks! Thank for all of the questions, and most of all thank you so much for listening to my songs, it is a dream come true <3 Come see me play at my upcoming shows ! Can't wait to see you there <33333 amour my homies
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fireeaglespirit · 6 years
This is awesome and because *hangs head in shame* I dont play the games (i'm a noob with no money and my parents never let me have video games so I just like the story okay?) I have never seen this bit.
I ADORE multiverse/underworld stuff as you know or perhaps you don't as I don't know how far I got explaining Aeq and Midnight Palace but it is FULL of that stuff. I love the symbolism and it is very Jungian (I am the Priest of Jung okay, welcome to the New Testament of Jess!) But I need to sleep rn so we can get to it later.
Thank you for showing me because then I can reference it if I have time but I have so many other things going on right now and dunno I love fanfic and these stories but then I get down because I get virtually no response and I need that interaction to continue. It is my luck to always like dead fandoms with minor prequel characters I guess...still I do feel the fanfic has improved my writing and vice versa
I was thinking alot about hell and demons and what 'heaven' would be as I had a very detailed review on FF.net asking me all this questions, like why Sparda would long for the light if he is a demon and dunno, it always comes back to my pet theories of light and dark and the union of opposites. Sparda is so interesting because I feel he came to 'justice' on his own but probably also cemented by this mysterious priestess who he had to sacrifice. At least that is the way
the way I would go if I was developing the lore or a prequel game. It seems the most juicy option. Anyways this 'light' ties into my feelings about the transcendent, this higher power/reality urging all to grow and develop. I guess I would see demons as base and vicious aspects of reality and sources of wild and violent energy - very much as both Jung and early cultures saw them or primal gods or 'titans'.
It's also why I have a headcanon Sparda a)is fascinated by humans - they have the same struggles as him and b)he has a huge library on religions of the world, history, philosophy and science because he is still trying to discover the nature of reality just like Eva and this is what really brings them together.  I wrote this line last night when Eva looks at all the books 'So you devour our souls metaphorically instead of physically now?'
I debated on making Sparda saintly, like he has already has his struggle and is now secure in himself but that isn't interesting to me plus you know our shared love of fighting with the feral nature to ultimately make the person better. Plus I kinda like the romantic angst that way like with MadaMito hehe
Okay I need to go to bed now.
Ok, prepare for huge contrived reply incoming...
First of all. What??
I hate when parents do this. I’m so sorry, I never knew about it... I really hate this.
Video games are just another media, I never understood why people would pick on that and forbid their child from having some fun. FFS. 
If you want to play something some day I’ll always be there to help you installing, finding them, etc.. whatever you might need. Or even just finding anything related to games, etc.. I don’t play much these days as you know the multiple reasons but it was such an important part of my life I can barely imagine being cut out from this, even thought we always had old consoles this was very important.
About Sparda and the fic. I need to be sincere and say I’m taking so long to reply for two reasons. First because I LOVE the way you wrote Sparda but I was afraid of being too simplistic with my reply so I delved a lot on things...
But... tah-dah : I lost the huge reply I had wrote before. My note has 0 battery so its glued to the wall and it just turns off sometimes suddenly and I’m dumb and don’t save things so yeah. I kinda lost myself and got angry about that. 
Anyway, I understand what you said here, especially your feelings about the fic, in many ways I can see how my fandom views reflect in the original world I’m making, and the inverse is contrary. There are many parallels. It really helps and fandom work is as worthy as original, imo, I’ve been thinking about this. Our obsession with prequels and obscure characters has a reason and that is exactly because we want to explore what is hidden behind the veil... exploring the possibilities.
Sometimes it comes to shipping speculation, and this too has a reason.
Thinking about your views on Sparda and Eva, I thought a lot on what it truly means to write or develop an obscure ship and why we are so interested in that (think about that, many of our common favorite characters from prequels, etc..)
I came to the conclusion that in Eva/Sparda just like in many of our other ships, has the common theme of the heroin facing her ‘dark reflection’, her ‘animus’ as Jung would say (OH BOY I’m entering that with you), and she, at first rejects it like she reflects her own darker aspects, her unconscious… its abhorrent for her so she seeks to destroy it as rapidly as possible as seen by Eva’s renewed determination after learning Sparda’s true nature in chapter 1. The animus represents her doubts and unconscious... However what we see in your story is much more interesting. 
Most stories of this kind focus solely in the female aspect changing from her interactions with the male, who is already developed, but here we have Eva being able to re-awaken some viciousness in Sparda when it seems he has been quite restrained from quite some time (centuries) but also, something that is much more interesting.. it calls to his own determination and his own personal story and sacrifice, for some reason his ‘lust’ and brush with the dark side makes it all more important and more powerful than if he simply had been saintly at that point, like you said. It makes he revisit it all and ponder.
I love how you added lines of ‘temptation’ from Mundus, part of Sparda seeks to surrender to his ‘nature’ as its just so easy, like slip in a pair of old shoes... while the priestess memory, albeit silently, fights it and reminds him of his struggle and his ideals and ultimately her sacrifice which was also his own sacrifice (of his old ways). I think his darker side has been neglected and I think you will use this to develop Sparda into greater heights. Its great we get to see this in the actual story and he is not perfect, but he certainly is incredible. 
Also, just as a side-note I loved how you described his hunger as mostly non-carnal as he glimpses her spirit and its light... when we see Sparda’s POV we get reminded every time of his non-human nature and his non-human perception of things which is clearly different. A demon’s prey is not flesh but spirit and this makes a lot of sense and a lot of potential.
To sum it up, you snatched the best of both worlds and is about to develop both characters under a relationship, as they have a lot to learn and gain from each other. I think this is the way your narrative is going, more or less.
These developments are unique aspects which I find extremely interesting and you are doing this in such a genial way and I can see already by the end of the latest chapter the strings of the themes I mentioned are pulled and ready to be followed.
So yeah, they’re in for a journey of development together. Neither of them starts the story as a ‘perfect’ entity either way... This was shown in a very nice way as you pointed out misconceptions regarding both sides involving the duo of protagonists.
“I was thinking alot about hell and demons and what 'heaven' would be as I had a very detailed review on FF.net asking me all this questions, like why Sparda would long for the light if he is a demon and dunno, it always comes back to my pet theories of light and dark and the union of opposites. Sparda is so interesting because I feel he came to 'justice' on his own but probably also cemented by this mysterious priestess who he had to sacrifice. At least that is the way I would go if I was developing the lore or a prequel game. It seems the most juicy option. Anyways this 'light' ties into my feelings about the transcendent, this higher power/reality urging all to grow and develop. I guess I would see demons as base and vicious aspects of reality and sources of wild and violent energy - very much as both Jung and early cultures saw them or primal gods or 'titans'.”
I abstained a bit from the conversation earlier as I feared my careless/godless (lmao) perception was too disturbing for you or anyone but I also pondered on concepts such as heaven and hell, salvation, damnation, etc.. when considering Sparda’s tale. I know DMC isn't Christianity but its imagery is somewhat based on Abrahamic religion/mythos so I’m bound to take in consideration some of my ideas regarding biblical mythology, as in... 
When I started reading the bible so long ago it always puzzled me to imagine what exactly were angels/demons. I mean, are they even able to think in the same way as us?? Or are them more like ‘robots’, AI following orders (especially angels sometimes strikes me as that) and perhaps demons are those ‘robots’ that rebelled against their determined function, idk.
Something I wondered more than a decade ago was if demons in the bible are truly lost in every way so I started thinking within the dmc setting. I’m interested in that all and those things I mentioned. The interesting part is that I once asked that to my catechist if demons could be redeemed (lmao I was crazy, I know, but bored above all). She was at first very mad with me (she was always) but she reluctantly told me that demons had known god up close and felt his power so their sin in not following him is much bigger than a human’s, something of the sorts. So it sounded like they are also able to choose their way and I sort of apply this to dmc, lol. I’m weird, I know...
Are they capable or ‘worthy’ of forgiveness, because demons in dmc clearly have free will and thought like us, or at least similar to us. Some of them, like Sparda have clearly a lot of intellect, but like you said... others are very ‘primal’. Perhaps this is the key. The ‘evolved’ demon develops intellect and power... perhaps you are in the right track and it goes hand in hand? Does this make any sense?? The more powerful and developed they are, the more they develop ‘higher brain functions’ and star resembling a human more, idk because the lower demons in dmc are clearly more animal-like and primal while Sparda has a human-like shape and intellect.
I think I know where we are going and this looks like both angels and demons are actually a ‘reflection’ of human psyche. So, demons are the primal ancient aspects of the brain are somehow walking around hell just like that, while heaven and its inhabitants are mysterious. I really like the way you described hell and its inhabitants, it makes a lot of sense to imagine it as a part of human psyche embodied, in a way. I imagine Heaven as the exact inverse of Hell so it has its own creatures and they’re born from ‘order’ instead of chaos as stated above.
We have Bayonetta as a source of inspiration and I think its very valid to use that in order to understand Sparda. Heaven isn’t exactly good there, is it? In fact it appears like a very controlling environment.    
Hell: Primal, violent, survival of the fittest anyone? Hell inhabitants embodied  the most basic aspects of the brain, as you said.
Heaven: It might stem from higher planes of thinking and represent the more ‘sublime’ or ‘newer’ aspects of the evolving mammal brain.
It might make an easy choice for heaven but also such tight atmosphere is bound to become stagnant, it is no longer permitting flaws and strong emotions (thus angels look apathetic af in Bayonetta). 
It might seem at first glance that heaven is good, hell is bad, however I think, if you delve into heaven you might realize the beings born there might be too ‘disembodied’ as they represent exactly those parts of human psyche which are the most sublime. Let me explain, I always felt like too much spirituality tends to make people leave behind the reality of things, it might make them lack empathy for living beings who have to commit difficult decisions on a living basis, basic survival, starvation, the struggle for life, etc..
Think about enlightenment and Bodhisattva, also the rituals of mortification which are legit scary and reminds me of this concept as only those who leave behind all that is ‘mortal’ and are detached to an extreme, can reach Nirvana. I know this has not much to do with Christianity but even in this religion we find analogous associations regarding detachment as divine and saintly. Its also harmful in a way, or am I reaching? While too much focus on the primal/carnal leads to obvious horrible things: vice and chaos; too much detachment leads to apathy.
I do think some level of detachment is necessary to reach happiness but too much of it makes people forget the reality of life and makes them not able to relate anymore to the ones around them, as the focus becomes solely spiritual it kind of deafens them to the ‘real world’ and ignore it.
This is all about reaching a balance as its is our favorite theme, too much light is bad, too much darkness is bad, etc.. or else the story would fall into itself as the reality of the three settings (heaven, hell, earth) would be rigid.
So here we have a darker aspect of heaven, imo, to balance things out.
Heaven is clearly ‘order’ and hell is ‘chaos’ so we might as well find a balance... our favorite theme as always. The fact that one being like Sparda, born amidst ultimate chaos would gaze upward in delight and desire something else doesn't surprise me. The fact is he could be bitter about it, you even gave away the line on your fic where Sparda mentions he has been denied ‘light’. I wonder what exactly that means and this is one of my favorite aspects of your Sparda is that he is aware of his condition and even thought he worked against it its still lingering to him.. like his own flickering appearance.
But he hasn’t made his way up to heaven, huh? 
So its not a far reach to believe in it (that he desired ‘light’, whatever it is) but my personal belief is that too much ‘light’ is not good either and Sparda realized the beauty in flawed humanity, which sits right in the middle of light and darkness, order and chaos... that’s why he became enamored by the concept of humanity and all the struggle our own condition imposes upon us.
For me this is an archetypal theme.
Just food for thought.
The matter is... how? What exactly awakened him to justice? 
This makes stuff much more interesting. This was a huge ramble, I know but I needed to develop this and see if it works,
It's also why I have a headcanon Sparda a)is fascinated by humans - they have the same struggles as him and b)he has a huge library on religions of the world, history, philosophy and science because he is still trying to discover the nature of reality just like Eva and this is what really brings them together.  I wrote this line last night when Eva looks at all the books 'So you devour our souls metaphorically instead of physically now?'
So yeah, about a) I’m totally with you and I can see why Sparda would empathize with humans, as I talked earlier and I think my explanation on why Sparda would be fascinated by humans instead of ‘angels’ is made up above and I hope this doesn't sound too weird, just my line of thought.
As a demon, he’s born from a very ‘imperfect’ reality. He knows how shitty things can be... Now I really wonder how his life was before he ‘awakened to justice’ he must have witnessed some remarkably horrible things in his life..
Under the setting I mentioned, it would be I think its kinda easier for a demon to do this since angels would be too stuck up in their haven, idk so this is how Sparda, the unlikely hero is the first of these beings to take arms and defend humanity. Sparda is so special as he was the one to side with humans by his own decision and free will. What a guy!
I debated on making Sparda saintly, like he has already has his struggle and is now secure in himself but that isn't interesting to me plus you know our shared love of fighting with the feral nature to ultimately make the person better. Plus I kinda like the romantic angst that way like with MadaMito hehe
I’m glad you didn't! This is probably a gradual process even thought they say he ‘awakened to justice’ which makes it seem like he suddenly just did so I believe he had brewing feelings from his life as a demon in hell... 
He must have been such an unique individual to perceive truths his peers where not ready to learn and truly, an act of rebellion against the system itself coming from someone who is ‘supposed’ to do only harm is really something we want to see on screen and I’m so glad you didn't simplify it as being a single event in his life.
I’m really in love with this theme because it shows these beings are able to change their own destinies, even someone with such dark origins.
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hap-hazard · 7 years
study tips for a procrastinating mess
as a self-admitted chronic procrastinator, i have decided to post ALL my stupid tricks that help me! hopefully i can internalize them through text *insert heavenly sound here* (chronic procrastinator as in I, esther the idiot, literally stayed up till 4:30 am writing a position paper that i got stuck on and sat in front of for an entire 14 hours. straight. i need help.)
drink with a straw. saw this somewhere, it helps, basically if i have like a cup of water or something i need to constantly pick it up and put it down and it just stops my hands from moving and my mind from thinking aiya. BUT you know I constantly need something to do with myself or i find something to do (aka tumblr and boredpanda) which is why i study snack like a grazing animal omg and also why my hair is always messed up after sitting down in the library for an hour ugh. SO: straws ftw.
similarly, tie hair up. if my hair is down. i will play with it. and that means i WON’T be typing. it must. be. up.
don’t die studying for assessments! briefly review with vocab! this may just be me but really when it comes to tests and quizzes it’s usually not what i studied independently that counts, it’s what i fully learned in the first place. so listen like a really attentive 5 year old in class (cuz that’s basically what you are in relation to a knowledgeable teacher) and then before a test just review vocabulary and dates so you can make sure you’re able to revive that dead information in your brain from 5 days ago. i use vocabulary sheets as knowledge defibrillators. 
throw your phone across the room! this is probably why my screen protector has so many cracks. but yeah i leave it across the room or in another room where i can’t see the screen.. if i don’t see it it’s usually out of sight out of mind. oh and if i need to use my phone i don’t check any other notifications because if i read a text i always feel obligated to reply so just leave that gross red notification hanging there for a while.
things to do after hitting the wall/when feeling really stuck in a rut: shower. do chores. walk the dog or run errands to get out of the house (but not longer than half an hour). refill water and stretch while doing it. play guitar but limit it to 20 min. check in on a family member and ask hyd. braid hair or retie it. stand up and scream a little. dance around the house and sing. give yourself a pep talk about all the stuff you have to do in order. sit somewhere new even if it’s in the same room and DECIDE it is now a new beginning because you shifted two seats to the left.
music is to block out sound, not to entertain. my house is almost always noisy; dad on the phone, mom talking to my brother, sister practicing traditional chinese instruments, brother singing along to the entire freaking hamilton soundtrack, dog barking, grandpa snoring... earbuds are savior. at cafes too. people say to only listen to instrumental and i tend to agree, but sometimes listening to my usual chillhop playlist just makes me sad and unmotivated so i alternate between a few playlists just to switch it up and keep ME AWAKE. heck i even listen to white noise, anything to drown out distracting interactions
ALSO earbuds are good even if there’s no one else around because they prevent you from getting up to do random stuff (cordsssssss hallelujah for annoying cords). ESPECIALLY keeping you away from mindlessly checking your phone.
get out. really just leave the house or wherever you normally study. i go to a different cafe every time i need to hardcore study just because being in my house makes me feel relaxed. if i pay for a starbucks coffee, i am NOT going home until i use that starbucks time well and do something productive. also this gives me a conscious reminder of my time because i have to go home at a certain time etc. etc.
when in midst of a break-down, tell someone. not in the “oh no you’re going to hurt someone or hurt yourself” sense, but because it helps you finish that break-down up and feel re-motivated. crying to my mom about an assignment may or may not help with the assignment, but at least i cried and now i don’t need to agonize for another hour over the stress. text-spamming a friend may be stupid in retrospect but as long as you go “HEY I’M DYING LISTEN TO MY STUPID LIFE CHOICES FOR 5 MIN” and then get right back to work it will help you move past the stress and get back in a grind.
for exams, just make a list of things to know better then attend after school hours. at our school the teachers have after school hours or free periods and they are *usually* very happy to engage with a student and answer questions regarding material during this time. for finals, i usually don’t try to cram everything. i look over all my notes and vocab and just make a super basic list of things i dont know well (or highlight the terms in my notes). making an entire comprehensive study guide of these things takes too long. then i go to the teacher and talk it all out. just make sure i understand and then while talking scribble down a couple words so i can remember. after doing this sometime during the week before the final exam i can HANDLE ITTTT and i don’t need to cram quite as much. (this probably works because i’m an auditory learner.)
BONUS TIPS FOR STUDYING LATE AT NIGHT! all-nighters are scary; try to get at least a couple hrs of sleep or your days will all seem like one and you’ll lose your sense of time and school and classes. food gives energy. hot drinks keep you awake. if you are tired you will feel colder (idk why but everything is always colder if i’m underslept). DO NOT expect a comfortable aesthetic night; if you get any blankets more than necessary you will fall asleep.
there’s probably more but i really don’t remember it ahhaha i’ll add it later if i think of it. and i know there are so many good things that i don’t do while studying like making a schedule etc etc etc... it’s just they don’t always work for me, these are my fail-safes haha.
also here are my spotify playlists (either that i made or that i listen to):
for when i am SAD:
the songs that make me happy
Reggae Infusions
String Theory
for when i must BLOCK OUT NOISE and get in that study mood you know:
new chill
Jazz Vibes
Ocean Escapes
for when i am TIRED:
electro swing
*when i'm tired i also listen to my normal music and sing along a little
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