tozettastone · 8 months
Cursed knowledge for you all today: "therefrom," seems to be a real word.
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farragoofwires · 10 months
don' dweeblog
absolutely humiliating for house that he was hallucinating about his regrets about not having kids in the last episode
if only you had had two people who also wanted kids and absolutely would have raised them with you standing next to you at literally all times for the last 15 years.
skill issue.
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napneeders · 8 months
btw psa I tag #ofmd s2 and #ofmd s2 spoilers but I'm not super consistent with what I count as a spoiler (or at what point) so idk that's what we both have to work with I guess
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awheckery · 2 years
can I just take a second to be thrilled abt something
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the last time I renewed my food handler cert, I didn't know yet that it was going to be the last time; I figured I was going to work at Starbucks until I died, or somebody ran over me in the parking lot with their Escalade, whichever came first
so this is a gift, a reminder that as shitty as I feel now, with my stupid haunted devil body being stupid, haunted, and filled with devils, at least I don't work for corporate coffee satan anymore, and never will again
I am free
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natsumka · 3 months
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"Then arose Thorndor, King of Eagles, and he loved not Melko, for Melko had caught many of his kindred and chained them against sharp rocks to squeeze from them the magic words whereby he might learn to fly (for he dreamed of contending even against Manwe in the air); and when they would not tell he cut off their wings and sought to fashion therefrom a mighty pair for his use, but it availed not."
— The Book of Lost Tales 2, chapter 18, J.R.R. Tolkien.
"Тогда поднялся в воздух Торндор, Король Орлов — он не любил Мелько, ибо тот изловил многих его сородичей и приковал к острым скалам, надеясь вытянуть у них волшебное слово, чтобы научиться летать (ибо он мечтал соперничать в небе с самим Манвэ); орлы ничего не сказали ему, и тогда он отрезал им крылья и хотел сделать из них огромные крылья для себя, но у него ничего не вышло."
— Книга утраченных сказаний 2, III Падение Гондолина (стр. 193), Джон Р. Р. Толкин.
Pic by me
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cipheramnesia · 2 months
Okay, you know how Duchamp's fountain is this radical work of art that completely recontextualizes what art is and how we see art.
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And it drives people mad because "it's just a toilet on a pedestal," but then all the rampant anger about understanding how the decision to treat it as art provoking a new attempt to understand what can be art by handily demonstrating the impossibility of gatekeeping is part of the point and part of what makes it art and all that stuff. Like, it unlocks all these magnificent new ways and ideas about art and the interaction between the artist and the audience, and the act of creation not necessarily being limited to preconceived ideas of specific labor. And it's like both saying the idea of this category of art is purely a construct with no material grounding and it's very silly to draw lines around it, but also the existence of the idea of art is so vital because it can take something as vulgar and banal as a toilet and make the whole entire world completely reassess what they thought. It was like, not the only work of art like that, but a particularly famous example, and it's made everything more interesting and complicated, and generally you can say the world is better off because of how much it shifted human thinking.
Anyway, I think that the statistical practices of business majors, and the information derived therefrom, are a total inversion of this. The negative, all consuming destruction of what art like The Fountain created, manufactured data which exclusively represents a fictional idea of reality, that only serves the purpose of amputating human freedom while actively causing the tangible and real world it falsely claims to represent to become measurably worse in every way.
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duothelingo · 24 days
THE OPENING (al-Fatihah) 1. In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. 3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 4. Master of the Day of Judgment. 5. It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help. 6. Guide us to the straight path. 7. The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided. 2. THE HEIFER (al-Baqarah) In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful 1. Alif, Lam, Meem. 2. This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guide for the righteous. 3. Those who believe in the unseen, and perform the prayers, and give from what We have provided for them. 4. And those who believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, and are certain of the Hereafter. 5. These are upon guidance from their Lord. These are the successful. 6. As for those who disbelieve—it is the same for them, whether you have warned them, or have not warned them—they do not believe. 7. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. They will have a severe torment. 8. Among the people are those who say, “We believe in Allah and in the Last Day,” but they are not believers. 9. They seek to deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive none but themselves, though they are not aware. 10. In their hearts is sickness, and Allah has increased their sickness. They will have a painful punishment because of their denial. 11. And when it is said to them, “Do not make trouble on earth,” they say, “We are only reformers.” 12. In fact, they are the troublemakers, but they are not aware. 13. And when it is said to them, “Believe as the people have believed,” they say, “Shall we believe as the fools have believed?” In fact, it is they who are the fools, but they do not know. 14. And when they come across those who believe, they say, “We believe”; but when they are alone with their devils, they say, “We are with you; we were only ridiculing.” 15. It is Allah who ridicules them, and leaves them bewildered in their transgression. 16. Those are they who have bartered error for guidance; but their trade does not profit them, and they are not guided. 17. Their likeness is that of a person who kindled a fire; when it illuminated all around him, Allah took away their light, and left them in darkness, unable to see. 18. Deaf, dumb, blind. They will not return. 19. Or like a cloudburst from the sky, in which is darkness, and thunder, and lightning. They press their fingers into their ears from the thunderbolts, in fear of death. But Allah surrounds the disbelievers. 20. The lightning almost snatches their sight away. Whenever it illuminates for them, they walk in it; but when it grows dark over them, they stand still. Had Allah willed, He could have taken away their hearing and their sight. Allah is capable of everything. 21. O people! Worship your Lord who created you and those before you, that you may attain piety. 1 2. THE HEIFER (al-Baqarah) 22. He who made the earth a habitat for you, and the sky a structure, and sends water down from the sky, and brings out fruits thereby, as a sustenance for you. Therefore, do not assign rivals to Allah while you know. 23. And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like these, and call your witnesses apart from Allah, if you are truthful. 24. But if you do not—and you will not—then beware the Fire whose fuel is people and stones, prepared for the disbelievers. 25. And give good news to those who believe and do righteous deeds; that they will have gardens beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are provided with fruit therefrom as sustenance, they will say, “This is what we were provided with before,” and they will be given the like of it. And they will have pure spouses therein, and they will abide therein forever. 26. Allah does not shy away from making an example of a gnat, or something above it. As for those who believe, they know that it is the Truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbeliev
Did you just send me the fucking Quran
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julaibib · 10 months
If Allah has opened the doors to sins for a person, then He has also opened similar doors for him to escape from those sins. But the soul craves the sin and stares at its door, while blinding itself to the doors of escape therefrom.
Shaikh Abdul Aziz Al-Tarefe
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raspberry-rampage · 7 months
Jagna's crown in The Peasants (2023)
To begin with, I really liked this film in many, many aspects, so this is by no means hate on it.
Buuut if there's one tiny thing that they could've done better... is to double down on the folk stuff. What I mainly mean is Jagna's crown. It's like a nod towards tradition but... Her dress is very city-like imo, white, embroidered with what seems sparkly (meaning expensive) threads. Meanwhile, the crown is small and made of lace, peacock feathers, blueberries??, plants I don't recognise. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty and huge respect to the maker. In the og book, regarding the crown, we read: "Her hair, braided over her forehead, bore above it a rich pile of gold spangles, and peacock’s eyes, and sprigs of rosemary. Therefrom, down to her nape and shoulders, fell long ribbons of every hue;" (translation by Michael Dziewicki). It was also described as tall but I guess it was lost in translation.
Well, just compare this:
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to these:
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These are from Łowicz which is kinda in the region where Lipce is.
Anyway, this film is not super historically accurate (there's no way they would let Jagna have her hair down, not braided at all) but they did try. Overall, it's a nice introduction to the culture and an invitation to explore more on your own.
More on flower crowns in this brilliant article with more gorgeous examples by lamus dworski.
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CONSERVATIVE, OR BOURGEOIS, SOCIALISM A part of the bourgeoisie is desirous of redressing social grievances, in order to secure the continued existence of bourgeois society. To this section belong economists, philanthropists, humanitarians, improvers of the condition of the working class, organisers of charity, members of societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, temperance fanatics, hole-and-corner reformers of every imaginable kind. ... The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom. They desire the existing state of society minus its revolutionary and disintegrating elements. They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat. The bourgeoisie naturally conceives the world in which it is supreme to be the best; and bourgeois Socialism develops this comfortable conception into various more or less complete systems. In requiring the proletariat to carry out such a system, and thereby to march straightway into the social New Jerusalem, it but requires in reality, that the proletariat should remain within the bounds of existing society, but should cast away all its hateful ideas concerning the bourgeoisie. A second and more practical, but less systematic, form of this Socialism sought to depreciate every revolutionary movement in the eyes of the working class, by showing that no mere political reform, but only a change in the material conditions of existence, in economic relations, could be of any advantage to them. By changes in the material conditions of existence, this form of Socialism, however, by no means understands abolition of the bourgeois relations of production, an abolition that can be effected only by a revolution, but administrative reforms, based on the continued existence of these relations; reforms, therefore, that in no respect affect the relations between capital and labour, but, at the best, lessen the cost, and simplify the administrative work, of bourgeois government. Bourgeois Socialism attains adequate expression, when, and only when, it becomes a mere figure of speech. Free trade: for the benefit of the working class. Protective duties: for the benefit of the working class. Prison Reform: for the benefit of the working class. This is the last word and the only seriously meant word of bourgeois Socialism. It is summed up in the phrase: the bourgeois is a bourgeois—for the benefit of the working class.
-The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Frederich Engels
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alqadi-san · 4 months
﴿وَقالُوا اتَّخَذَ الرَّحمنُ وَلَدًا (٨٨) لَقَد جِئتُم شَيئًا إِدًّا (٨٩) تَكادُ السَّماواتُ يَتَفَطَّرنَ مِنهُ وَتَنشَقُّ الأَرضُ وَتَخِرُّ الجِبالُ هَدًّا (٩٠) أَن دَعَوا لِلرَّحمنِ وَلَدًا﴾ [مريم: ٨٨-٩١]
(88) And they say, "The Most Merciful has taken [for Himself] a son." (89) You have done an atrocious thing (90) The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation (91) That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son.
وقال هؤلاء الكفار: اتخذ الرحمن ولدًا، لقد جئتم -أيها القائلون- بهذه المقالة شيئًا عظيمًا منكرًا، تكاد السموات يتشقَّقْنَ مِن فظاعة ذلكم القول، وتتصدع الأرض، وتسقط الجبال سقوطًا شديدًا غضبًا لله لِنِسْبَتِهم إليه الولد. تعالى الله عن ذلك علوًّا كبيرًا.
31/12/2023 10:14
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icarusbetide · 29 days
pov: you are a sea captain being reprimanded by a 15 year old alexander hamilton for bringing him skinny half-dead mules
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part 2 of how hamilton was and looked way too young to be doing the shit he was doing: the vine kid was 13-ish here, so in my head he's exactly what hamilton when he's running cruger's business would've looked like.
Reflect continually on the unfortunate voyage you have just made and endeavour to make up for the considerable loss therefrom accruing to your owners.
The letter to poor Captain William Newton
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lazyyogi · 1 year
There is a narrative around you. Many narratives, in fact.
Family, friends, colleagues all weave various stories, judgments, and feelings into a cohesive perception—your identity as they experience it.
Most people also create their own narrative around themselves. Personal history, future ambitions, chosen identities.
We might conform to the narratives put upon us, maybe because we like a particular narrative or because we feel pressured to do so. Or, we may subvert a narrative and even change others’ perception of us.
Yet all narratives have no inherent, absolute meaning.
Your actual existence is not and cannot be summarized or reflected by any narrative.
At the same time, the nature of those narratives do have relative implications in the social world of humans, such as prejudice, privilege, and the like.
To realize deeply and thoroughly that narratives and the identities derived therefrom have no inherent reality will free you from countless traps. There search for validation, for crafting more interesting identities, and for pursuing various life storylines are just a few examples.
By freeing yourself from narrative fixations, you shift from being a character in someone’s story to being a storyteller. Not only are you inwardly free from the perceptual judgments of others, you are outwardly free to self-manifest in whichever manner your spontaneous, self-created existence feels so inspired.
While this doesn't mean that instances of prejudice and privilege suddenly vanish, it provides inner equanimity and outer flexibility.
Be reminded:
"You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it."
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noor-kazem · 1 year
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لست صبورة،فالمجتمع دائما جزء مني، قد يكون هناك هدوء في عزلة لحظة ما،لكن علاقتي مع العالم تتكون من التبادلات والمقارنات والإشباع مما ينبع من ذلك، هي حالة يمكن أن يتحملها القليلون ويمكن لقلة قليلة منهم أن يجدوا فيها اكتمال تحقيقهم، بشكل مختلف أخشى أن تكون اللا اجتماعية هي الهروب .
I am impatient, society is always a part of me, there may be a quiet in the solitude of a moment, but my relation with the world consists of exchanges and comparisons and gratifications which flow therefrom, is a state which few can endure and in which very few can find fullness of their fulfillment, differently I fear To be antisocial is to escape.
Sabırsızım, Toplum hep benim bir parçam, Bir anlık yalnızlıkta bir sessizlik olabilir, Ama dünyayla ilişkim mübadelelerden ve karşılaştırmalardan ibaret ve bunun tatmini çok az kişinin katlanabileceği bir hal. ki çok azı doyumunu bulabilir, farklı olarak korkarım antisosyal olmak kaçmak demektir.
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arminsumi · 1 year
Currently suffering from a cold and would like to request prompt #4 with Eren x sick!fem!reader where Y/N caught a cold after returning from her vacation and Eren takes care of her/keeps her company so she’s not alone and help her get rid of the cold? Thank you so much! - 🌻
Hey Sunny of course! Hope you recover soon, and take lots of rest!
Honey Tea
Prompt 4 / E. Jaeger
"They take care of sick!Y/n"
You got sick but lectures still had to be endured. After one particularly long day, Eren took you back to his dorm to take care of you. Like a dummy, he got too close and ended up sick the next day.
Cws; fluff, sickness (flu), mentions medicine, a smidge of kissing, pre-est relationships (dating)
Notes; sick!fem!Y/n, college au
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Rec ♫ : Like Real People Do
You had been complaining about your ailments while walking across the campus square to his dorm. He nodded and listened to you patiently, his eyes lifting from the pathway ahead of him occasionally to give you a tender look.
"And my throat is sore — it's all prickly — and I have a headache." You complained.
"Mhm." Eren hummed, listening as you went on.
"I just feel the worst..." You sniffled, "I hate being sick and having classes! Can your brother ever give us less work?"
"I know, I tell him all the time, his homework is overwhelming, but I think he's just a sadistic prick." Eren laughed in his deep, smooth voice.
He held your hand while entering the dorm complex, and ascended the stairs slowly with you since you had complained about feeling dizzy earlier. Eren was always attentive when it came to you, but especially when you weren't feeling well.
You reached the fourth floor and heaved a breath, and then found yourself a second later in front of the door leading into Eren's dorm.
"Why are humans so frail!" You cried dramatically, and Eren nearly giggled while thumbing the key into the lock.
He looked down at you tenderly, "You're so dramatic when you're sick, it's really cute." He said.
You pinched your eyes shut and coughed. Well, one cough ignited a whole fit, and so Eren hushed you into his bedroom with his hands soothingly over your shoulders.
He sat you down on his bed, pressed a kiss to your forehead, and then snaked over to the dorm's kitchenette to put on the kettle.
"What are you doing?" You whined impatiently, taking up a woefully sick position on his bed. You held your hand to your left eye in a tense manner.
"Making you some tea, baby."
You hummed, but it sounded characteristically sick. Every noise that escaped your lips or word that fell therefrom had that crackle about it, and Eren thought it was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard.
You could smell the honey and lemon scents mingling in the air where he stood, while he carefully poured hot water into a mug. It was that one dorky mug that you had gifted him some years ago.
Some sputtering coughs escaped your lips, and just before another fit came over you, Eren arrived at your side with a fresh tea in hand.
"Careful, it's hot." He warned, and handed it to you. He pressed his weight into the mattress, but only barely sat on the edge.
You pouted over the rim of the mug, feeling the steam drift across your face. Such a small thing was oddly relieving.
"Okay, you drink that, and stay right here; I'm gonna go get you some things at the convenience store." He said, and rose from his half-sitting position.
You let out a protesting noise, "But that's so far away." You said.
"I'll be really quick, I promise." Eren assured.
"Okay..." You frowned.
You set the mug down, since it was way too hot to even sip on.
Eren tugged the throw blanket from the bottom of the bed, and cast it over you. It was pleasantly weighted, and it smelled like him.
"Stay right here," Eren ordered gently, tucking the blanket around you while you giggled, "And wait for me, alright?" He said, and plucked a kiss from you.
"Don't kiss me you'll get sick!" You cried out.
"It's fine, I've got way better immunity than you." He smirked smugly.
"Yeah right!" You glared playfully, "Mister, you get sick aaall the time in winter."
He pressed another kiss to you.
"Mmrf." You mumbled against his lips, "You know I'm right."
"Mhm." He hummed, and pulled away. "You rest while I'm gone."
And with that he slid out the door and sped down four flights of stairs with his very spider-like legs. Anyone who paid him attention wondered what he was rushing for, but he just wanted to get back to his baby as soon as possible.
In the time he was gone, you buried yourself into his bed, and fell asleep. How could you not with such satiny cotton sheets?
Of course, the tea got cold.
Eren returned, and as soon as he saw you snoozing he smiled to himself. Seeing you comfortably curled up, slightly snoring, had his chest panging with tender affections.
He set down the convenience store bag at the edge of the bed, and kneeled at your side.
"Y/n," He gently cooed at your face to try and lure you out of dreamland, "Y/n, wakey-wakey, I've got your medicine."
"Hmmm?" You whined, feeling pulled back into the wakeful world by his warm voice.
"I got you cough drops, and tampons just in case, and tissues." He said, and when he said 'tissues' it was coincidentally comedic because your eyes had started watering.
"I had a dream of jelly fish, and they couldn't stop spinning," You spoke, talking about your dream while Eren grabbed the tissue box and tore it open (as Eren tears open literally everything).
Eren hummed responses and listened to you go on about your fishy dreams, and while he did he gently patted tissue paper at the corners of your eyes to soak up the tears.
Of course, your nose started running next. Eren started giggling for some reason, you know, in that way he does with his lips pressed together in a smile.
For the whole rest of the day, Eren tended to you caringly, never showing impatience or annoyance once in his tender eyes. When you coughed, you got a cough drop, and when you complained, he cuddled up next to you and listened.
"You're really gonna get sick if you stay so close." You sighed.
"No I won't." He said confidently, snuggling closer.
Well, that dummy got sick the very next day. He sniffled around his dorm with you, and the two of you broke down into giggles when you had sneezing or coughing fits at the same time.
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todaysdocument · 2 months
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Copy of affidavit of W.R. Rutland filed in case of United States v. Columbus C. Nash, etal
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United StatesSeries: Case FilesFile Unit: 12: United States v. Columbus Nash, et. al.
State of Louisiana vs ..li H. Flowers et al Affidavit of W. R. Rutland Copy Copy State of Louisiana Parish of Grant Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority, W. R. Rutland, who after being by me duly sworn, deposes and says That on Tueday 1st day of April he was violently and forcibly driven from his house in Colfax of this Parish and that he barely escaped with his life by flight in the woods. He further deposes and says, After he was driven from his house and in the night time of said day, one Eli H. Flowers together with Ethan Ellsey, James Williams, Lit Sadler, Lewis Michen, Edmond Ware, Baptiste Ellsey, William Ward, Reason Michen, aided and assisted by R. C. Register, Green D. Branbly, Thomas Railey, W. L. Calhoun, Kinared Harvey and numerous other persons not now known to affiant, forcibly broke open and entered his house and carried away therefrom, household furniture, clothes, provisions, bed and bedclothes, one piano, one guitar, one sewing machine, money and valuable papers and books to the value of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, and converted the same to their own use contrary to law and the Peace and dignity of the State. Wherefore he prays for a Warrant for issue commanding the Sheriff or Constable or any of their lawful deputies to apprehend the said persons and cause them to appear before the Hon'l Daniel Kelly Parish Judge for the Parish of Winn, there to be dealt with as Law and Justice may require because the Civil Authority in this Parish is not able to enforce the Laws by reason of violence and lawlessness. Signed W. R. Rutland Sworn and Subscribed Before me on this 4th day of April A.D. 1873 Signed A. V. Ragan Justice of the Peace Parish of Grant State of Louisiana Parish of Grant I, David Hardy, a Notary Public in and for the Parish and State above written duly Commissioned and Sworn, do Certify that the above and foregoing is a true Copy of the Affidavit of W. R. Rutland, and signed and written by him, before A. V. Ragan, Known by me to be an acting Justice of the Peace in and for the Parish of Grant, duly Commissioned and entitled to be respected as such. In witness whereof I have signed this officially and affixed the stamp of my Seal, on the 14th Day of February A. D. 1874 David Hardy Notary Public [seal]
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