#theres a good documentary about him
cheddar-baby · 7 months
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I love Disfarmer he was a strange mean photographer from Arkansas who did cheap portraits for families and he was known specifically for having long awkward completely silent photoshoots where he would be under his dark cloth silently working until he abruptly pulled out a bell and would start violently ringing then immediately take a photo. So you end up having lots of these photos of scared looking children and people caught off guard, looking at the camera confused and slightly scared. No one knew much about him and he barely talked to people he just churned out these photos and minded his business then died.
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moonshynecybin · 2 months
this isnt in the subs but im p sure alex also says "shut up" to marc in that video nfjdkf
video here.... DESERVED ! marc is. listen he is very goofy and charming and often really very sweet. he is ALSO! maybe the most annoying person on planet earth. loud yapper slut dances in every situation does NOT apologize for his behavior and is never self conscious. and alex shares a lot of those goofy traits but unlike marc (the most SHAMELESS man of all time.) he has an example to WATCH and LEARN FROM. lmao. like marc-as-prodigy was probably weird for both of them in terms of like. shaping identity. like literally WHY would marc feel shame he's one on the best EVER at a sport that literally requires you to have confidence falling out of your ass. yes its crazy he then extended that from sports to LIFE (like i think vale has much more capacity to be embarrassed for example. like he's INVESTED in looking cool) but i think its follows a very marc marquez deranged sort of logic.
ALEX on the other hand has been somewhat forcibly humbled from a very young age merely by being born marc marquez's younger brother. like hes really fucking talented and handsome and funny but. as other scholars have recently talked about (@babynflames, @baking-soda recently) he's been kind of overshadowed his entire life by the shear caliber of marc's star. forced to play the proverbial straight man. jim from the office making faces at the camera LITERALLY several times in marc's documentary while marc is clowning SO hard for the cameras. so i think he DOES have the capacity for shame (A GOOD THING SOMETIMES) and is just in general a lot more measured than a guy like marc who went hard at literally everything his entire life and was kind of only rewarded for it (until he really wasnt.)
and THENN theres their codependent soul bond ass relationship where. i get the sense alex is a lot more independent than marc but he loves marc more than anything so he will indulge his crazy girl cheetah and emotional support labrador tendencies. so you get a. the comfort only close siblings have with each other/only living boy in the world who gets marc on a rider level and wont blame him for shit, and b. alex being the only one of them who has the capacity to feel any sort of shame, and you GET alex calling out marc for being a little hypocrite and then telling him to shut up DIRECTLY in front of a camera. and marc not even blinking an eye
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polarspaz · 1 year
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 Tim AU pile 2!
Upper right is from the Carrion AU. Kon, in super heroic fashion, saves the world from destruction but winds up dead due to his grievous injuries. Cassie is the one to be with him in his last moments, sobbing in despair as she watches the life fade from her friends eyes. Then Tim arrives.
He just yanks her aside and hovers over Kon for a moment. He look's like the specter of death itself as he pulls out a very special needle and slams it into the dead man’s neck. Cassie ties to pull Tim away, but stops when she see Kon’s chest begin to rhythmically rise and fall. Then, miraculously, Kon’s eyes snap open.
Kon looks around bewildered, pretty sure he was just dead, when he feels two trembling hands grip the side of his face. He sees Tim looming over him, posture rigid and voice eerily flat as he says “You didn’t have my consent to die Kon”
Then the bottom Left is Ra’s Al Ghul having a very bad time with JJ.
Ra’s kidnaps Tim, who just sighs and goes along with, just to see what the hell this maniac has planned now. After a very elegant and courteous debate, Tim declines Ra’s offer to rid him of JJ in exchange for becoming his creepy little protégé. Ra’s of course, ignores Tim and locks him up until he can change his mind.
Soon, Tim is getting tortured by Ra’s ninja’s and he’s just like fuck this, I am not going through this shit again and let’s JJ loose. ((BTW: I decided that Tim’s Shrike costume is now grey/white because Bruce uses it as an indicator to tell how well mentally Tim is doing on his patrols. If he comes back with barely any blood on his suit it’s a GOOD DAY. If comes back and theres a lot of blood on it? That’s a BAD DAY.))  
The tiny one on the bottom right if from the blood bird AU. After getting too high on caffeine one night, Tim ends up watching several animal documentaries until he can get to sleep, but one documentary about the short-horned lizard catches his interest.
Couple hours later, Dick is knocking on his apartment door with fresh doughnuts in hand. The door clicks open and Dick’ answering hello turns into a girlish shriek. Tim is standing there in the doorway, pale as a ghost, eyes completely red, with blood dripping down his cheeks. The big, excited smile on his face doesn’t help the situation either. “Holy shit Dick you gotta see this!’
After, Tim is very disappointed when Dick tells him that being able to squirt blood out your eyes is just plan terrifying and not really cool.
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zerodaze · 27 days
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irritated as fuck about my personal life so im gonna make some Alex and Eric relationship headcanons to chill the fuck out
- Alex and Eric are a parallel play couple. Obviously. Alex practices piano, studies, reads etc while Eric uses Alex's computer to play games. They watch documentaries together. This is basically canon. Durrrr...
- Alex gets overwhelmed easily, Eric kind of sucks at comfort but is a protective person so he would kind of "shield" Alex from shit thats overstimming him. The type of person to usher them out of a room if theres too much going on
- Eric is a listener. He's very patient with Alex, but I think Eric could get distracted easily. Regardless, Eric pays good attention to Alex.
- Alex is in his own head a lot and is somewhat quiet. Short fused and sometimes Eric and Alex are tense around each other if Alex is especially irritated.
- Eric eats all of Alex's snacks but tbh Alex is indifferent to it because he doesnt give himself time to eat anyway. Self indulgent hc, but Alex prefers sweet drinks over snacks.
- Alex's parents think Eric is a good friend. They kind of pity both of them, but they're pleased Alex has a "friend" to hang out with instead of being alone.
- Alex's room is Eric's home. Eric's family isnt discussed at all in the film- I think Eric's security relies heavily on Alex and his parent's
- If they normaled the hell our after that shower scene and didnt kill a bunch of people and Eric didnt die after, Eric and Alex's relationship wouldve been so sweet ☹️
Eric is already around Alex all the time, these two would be insufferable. I think Eric would give Alex smooches a lot, and be really annoying in asking what Alex is doing. He'd ask Alex to explain history, or musical notes, help with homework etc. Eric struggles with school but enjoys learning and knowledge!'!
- Compression moments methinks. Alex needs Eric to just. Lay on him or hold him with pressure to relax sometimes. Guy just wants to be held and noticed.
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hanafubukki · 6 months
*Breaks down your wall*
Spooder anon here! Sorry for the radio silence I just couldnt get any new ideas for my bbg Peter smh😔😔😔😔
But now I have one ig so here it goes. Theres this documentary I watched about this woman who had insects living in her body. Well only a bit of it since im a p****y. Ever since then im scared of bugs just enteribg my body and destroying it inside out. Imagine MC just having this convo with Peter when he asked her why shes abit afraid of bugs.
Oh yeah another idea what about the draconias giving Peter a month long vacation. For his long and important service and for his troubles. Then MCs all like 'oh yeah I suggested to them to give you some compensation for everything they put you through. Anyways your welcome. Have fun!' Now Peter can go wherever he wants for a month. Of course this doesnt beat having the Draconias cutting their spending habits but this is good as well.
…at least it wasn’t my door this time 🤣🤣
Hello Spooder Anon, is this you:
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(I had to do it, you gave me too easy of an opportunity not too 😂)
No need to be sorry btw, it’s all good. The way you dote on Peter is adorable.
You have way more courage than I do because I would never be able to watch that movie. 🙃🙃 The arachnoid movie already traumatized so one with bugs living inside you? No thank you.
Peter finally gets the break he deserves! Good for him! Hundreds of years dealing with the Draconia finally paid off…right?
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He never knew freedom would be so freeing. It was as if he took a fresh breath of air after centuries of being locked away.
…which technically was true if he thought about it long enough.
But where to go?
Well, no matter. He’ll figure it out.
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Enjoying a drink by the beach was nice, he admitted.
The sun was bright and it hurt his eyes, but nothing an umbrella didn’t fix.
The breeze certainly was relaxing.
But why did he feel bored?
Is this what humans call restlessness?
Maybe he was more tired than he thought or maybe he needed a new hobby after having none for centuries.
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Reading books for enjoyment was fun, but he enjoyed learning to paint so much more.
After staring at pages for so long, he thought he would be sick of it, but the ability to create at his fingertips brought him more joy than he realized.
So, for the rest of his break. He did just that. He read books and he painted.
Life is great.
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“What do you have there dear?”
“A painting! Peter painted while on his vacation.”
“…What is it?”
“He said it was a puppy at the beach.”
“This painting looks nothing like that.”
“Stop! I think it’s cute.”
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Peter has a new hobby. He likes painting 💞🥳
Good for him, hopefully he didn’t come back to too much chaos. 🤣☺️
As for why painting? I don’t know. I felt like it would calm him to just sit and stare at scenery and try and recreate it. Calming a mind that is always anxious, you know?
Though I did have the funny idea of him just drawing with multiple arms too 😂, but he’s happy so that’s all that matters.
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visxionery · 3 months
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Revealing my desired enstars shuffle units!!! I might make more posts about each unit in particular + what songs it'll prob sound like. First is the event card and second and third is gacha card and the rest is event
but for now here's a brief look into each unit!
dystopia : they are all mystical beings that live in a dystopian world where art and order is gone.
heartthrob : think aisle with you plus atoz but spin it. This is more of a sad nostalgic kind of love unit? Like basically a we used to be in love and I long for you kind of thing. CAUSE I KNOW VALENTINES ARE LIKE HAPPY BUT I WANT SAD VALENTINES OK ARGHHHH (gets dragged out)
wonderlandz : mascot cosplay group, imagine twisted wonderland met wicked drugs and this. ill explain more on who is who <3 vetarannoruma : a group doing a documentary about investigative work but then gets caught in a ACTUAL CASE, they somehow end up on a plane- someone gets shot???!!! and ibara throws a bomb somewhere-FIND OUT MORE IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF VEGAS TRUE CRIME-
5050' : so eichi is investing shit right and then makes a bet and loses sum money idfk to RINNE AMAGI? Turns out rinne is good at investing and shit but then eichi like nuh uh ur reckless kohaku is on the shuffle cause rinne and his dirty schemes. Kanata is trolling and Tetora is burning kitchens (i'll explain i swear-)
imaging : OHOHO THIS IS A HALLOWEEN SHUFFLE, so switch makes a haunted house right and natsume is like lets do a mirror maze *casts sum spell* then SUBARU gets caught in the spell and suddenly theres multiple of them and the other three members get trapped.
dia thieves : game show where they battle for fans and try to rizz you up but then stinky pr does smth and THERES A SCANDAL?????? find out more on dia thieves : broke asf....
phantoms at the opera : OK OK I KNOW MAYOI AINT IN ERE BUT I DIDNT WANNA MAKE IT THAT OBVIOUS. So hokuto is doing sum dramatica shit and then he gets a theatre role outside and then they have to act out shit think masquerade ball BUT THEN (here's the plot twist) THEY GET THRUSTED INTO A MURDER MYSTERY GAME BY GATEKEEPER (dun dun dunn!!!) SHIT HAPPENS NAGISA GETS INTO A CULT TSUMUGI IS HANGING OFF A LEDGE REI ALMOST DIES HOKUTO WRU and madara is yo mama.
CU2+ : So midori and hajime has been part of a buddy system made by es to cultivate good relationships between fellow idols, but they chat anon they all do so no one knows who each other is. Midori has been feeling a bit down lately and the rest of the support grp helps him but then everyone puts on a false persona because they want to be a better version of themselves. Hajime wants them to all meet in the real world at around 2 plus, but Midori has other plans...
Parasol : ARASHI WEARS A SUNDRESS TWO PIECE I REPEAT ARASHI WEARS A- basis is its a modelling gig and compared to arashi chiaki is TERRIBLE DAWG i love you chiaki but i know you can willingly go without bathing so on the day of the shoot they put so much effot in bad weather strucks and ITS A BRINK OF A NATURAL DISASTER.....but arashi is stuck and all alone....
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lordkingsmith · 4 days
Your Honest Opinion Ask: 5 Rangers teams cobbled from space and time--some from the same series, some not--that would work best for a new comic series.
…like the retro rangers? HM WELL.
How weird should I even GO
Alright I’m going to have one for a laugh and one for serious mhm mhm. Because “best for a comic series” has a wide range. You want it to be a comedy slice of life silly or do you want it to be a serious story? We’ll do hypothetical 2. Because it’s me there’s plot and character dynamic too lol
The comedy;
And for this I’m imagining a sort of back up ranger slice of life, they goof off until they have to do ranger stuff and nobody ever expects these guys.
The Red;
Rocky DeSantos. Food obsessed goofball who’s actually pretty good at de-escalation without resorting to actual fighting. Perfectly capable but for this he’s decided (maybe it’s a bet maybe it’s not) he’s going no fighting. He has a “how many days without incident escalation” board. It’s inexplicably always at 0. Any time someone brings it up it’s an even more ridiculous reason than before.
The Blue;
Maddie Rocca. She’s a documentarian now but every single time she’s in the middle of something she gets the call for the ranger stuff. Is trying to do a documentary on natural wildlife but somehow is constantly ending up with indisputable proof places are haunted or Bigfoot is real or something. Even when she’s trying to interview musicians it’s supernatural. Usually the one who has to call in the rest of the rangers, if she’s filming the monster of the week.
The Pink;
Kendrix Morgan. She’s alive! She’s doing ok! She’s a back up ranger and perfectly fine with it. Struggling to adjust to civilian life. Is not afraid to cause nightmares. She’s sweet but intense. Usually the one referencing why none of the other teams/rangers are available. It’s usually as ridiculous if not more than the reason why Rocky’s board is always at 0. She lives with Photon and they’re both sort of learning how to exist together. It was tense at first, but now they’re genuinely friends. Usually mistaken for siblings.
The Yellow;
Kelsey Winslow. Besties with Rocky, kinda’s become in charge of youth center activities. Usually has a gaggle of kiddos following her around, usually has to save the kiddos following her around. Tries to be responsible, is not responsible, is usually the reason Rocky’s board is always at 0.
The Black;
Photon. Karone figured they’d do good adapting to working with other rangers, and Photon’s not against it. He gets to video chat and visit his siblings often, and with Kendrix he’s been acclimating fairly well. It’s been a little bit rocky but he’s doing ok. A lot of his plots are him having mild misunderstandings taken to the extreme and then working through it. Works as a bakery. Bad customers no longer dare come in with an attitude. He’s threatened them. None of the people who work at the bakery with him are going to fire him, he’s the best chance they’ve ever taken on someone. Is the reason Rocky gets an unlimited supply of various baked goods; Rocky convinced them to hire Photon.
The sixth Ranger;
Antonio Garcia. Antonio needed a break. He really needed to just live for a bit, so he came to this town. He helps the other assorted rangers there, but only when he absolutely has to. Always annoyed about it, but he’s always showing up. Is a cartoonist. He works for the newspaper and his strips are always very similar to the Situation of the Week. Good at wrapping morals up in sarcastic jokes.
The serious:
Most of the teams have been rounded up and butchered/imprisoned/experimented on and turned into…fun…monstrosities/brainwashed. Theres a scattered handful of resistance fighters who are rangers. None of them from the same team. Friend and foe alike have to put their differences aside to take care of business. Master Vile is on the prowl and everyone is doing their best.
The Red;
Jack Landors. Last thing Jack wants is to be a ranger again. Last thing he needs is to be leader of a desperate resistance force. Unfortunately he’s the only one who can take on the job right now. Not really enthusiastic, would rather do anything but. However, he’s pretty competent at it and knows it. So, here he is. He’s usually the first to do something as he’s the one who literally cannot be hit. He’s the best to take out whatever forces there are, then get the rest of his team. Takes care of the young ones, never wants to see a familiar face twisted into grid knows what. Some he can save. Some…well. He doesn’t talk about B Team, much. Jack’s pretty good at the concept of preventing apocalypses, so he’s been pretty good at adapting to ‘undoing an active apocalypse’.
The Blue;
TJ Johnson. This isn’t his first apocalyptic rodeo and he’s got a sinking feeling it’s not going to be his last. Not by a long shot. Couldn’t save his team, doesn’t want to find out what happened and knows he’s going to have to. Works well with Jack. Jack’s the kind of red that’s a first line sort of defender while TJ is more of a planner. He figures out how Jack can get in and help them in; Jack executes the plan. Protective of the others, determined to see this through come what may.
The Pink;
Dana Mitchell. Used to stitching people up, she’s gotten phenomenally good at this while in the middle of battles. Persistent, calm, stubborn, and very freaky in battle. Most of her team’s been brainwashed. Ryan she hasn’t seen in a while and is afraid of what could have happened. She’s not exactly team morale but she’s no slouch in lightening the mood when she needs to. She’s always ready on the off chance a plan goes wrong. Hasn’t happened often, still. She’s prepared.
The Yellow:
Aisha Campbell. She’s dealt with Vile before and she’s happy to put the idiot back in his place as many times as it takes. Sole survivor of the mmpr’s. She’s actually got their morphers though so it’s not as dire as the others. However she’s careful with that information and the idea of recruitment. She could make a very bad choice on accident. She has to be careful.
The Green:
Xander Bly. It’s always good to fight mystic magic with mystic magic. His team’s been brainwashed, and he’s the only one who escaped the fate. Doing his best, but this is a team of strong personalities. At least he stays busy with the magic side of things. Has been trying to find the counter spells to all of Vile’s curses. If he can figure it out that’s half the battle won.
The Sixth;
Fern as cosmic fury’s orange. The youngest here, but her knowledge is valuable. Ollie went evil again, and Vile took Izzy too. This is an insult and heartbreak she’s going to make sure he lives to regret giving her. Xander’s sort of an older brother figure, and at least she’s got experienced rangers to lean on. This is scary and infuriating. But at least not all is lost. There’s a little hope she just has to keep going.
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unohanabbygirl · 10 months
Speaking of FMN, there is a false information that everyone, including historians, seems to take as true, the green and black no longer bother to be outraged, they just wonder where such a lie originated from. Is there any member who anonymously still goes to Twitter/forums to refute such facts saying that this did not happen?
Omg theres so many, but here are a few good ones.
1. The most widely believed tid bit of false information that everyone seems to believe is that the throne cut Rhaenyra. She used to find it insulting but now that she’s older Nyra just thinks it’s silly because how the hell could she have gotten a cut despite being covered in full armor? Quite a ridiculous claim if you ask her.
2. Another is that Daemon didn’t love his daughters. Its such a dumb take that he just laughs whenever a documentary comes on and the narrator states that his relationship with Rhaena was nonexistent. He’s such a girl dad that the thought is laughable. Plus he literally named Baela after his father so check mate.
3. While most of Mushroom’s claims are taken with a grain of salt, some of his lies have managed to be taken as fact. For example, Aemond kissing all of Borros daughters to see which was the “sweetest” Aemond used to he mortified but now he’s just rolls his eye because how would mushroom know that in the first place? But once Luke gets his memory back he’ll surely hang this over his head and never let it rest.
4. Aemma didn’t like Alicent. Now while Aemma may not have loved the girl, she surely didn’t hate her nor did she have reason too. Both women think its such a stupid thing to lie about and pretty much agree that some dumbass made it up for funsies.
5. Vaemond petitioned to take strip Luke of his birthright because he was worried for the future of their house. Grandpa Corlys will tell you straight up that’s bullshit and brother’s motivation was power, nothing more. It’s came to the point where he made a wikipedia account and edits any pages that try to pass this off as the truth. (Though he always asks for Joffrey’s help because the internet still kinda confuses him)
Lastly, Jace may or may not have spent six hours arguing with people on reddit who say that likely Luke peed himself when he saw Aemond at Storm’s End.
Aegon was there and couldn’t stop laughing because it’s not like Jace was actually there to argue so he can’t really say it’s false, but Jace wasn’t having any of it.
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honeydewtreacle · 6 months
Okay, I just went over the iceberg and I have found or heard of a large majority of the stuff on there. My main question is how did you discover all of this stuff he's been in?
My other question are as follows
What is "why don't we say..."?
Do you have any information on Everything is Fine? I wasn't able to find much at all besides a basic premise.
What is Love NY?
Did you find a video of him singing the national anthem? I read about it and an article from the SoR days, but I didn't find footage.
I know about everything on the third tire except "Megan"? UNLESS IT'S THAT MEGAN!!? In that case, we good 👍😳👀
Is On Your Marc the show he and Drew created that is going to show (I believe) off Broadway starting early next year ? The Life and Slimes of Marc Summers?
Wasn't able to find much on Slow Children either, so if you have any, that'd be awesome!
What is "I could use a drink" BTS? I know about Drew's show, but the BTS I'm not sure about.
BROdway? I searched it up and could find nothing.
Last I guess is how on earth did you find that Collage staging of Hair he did? That's a deep cut!
One thing to suggest be put on there if you want to add anything is Twilight in Manchego. I just found it today. Idk if you've already discovered it, but in case you haven't it's something he did in 2008 I believe. If you Google it, it should pop up. There are a few videos on YouTube and there's a Facebook page.
So happy to answer!! I found most of this just by watching interviews, he's mentioned a lot of the stuff he's done offhandedly, not all of it of course. Others I found just by googling around, theres this site that has extended credits which is helpful. But really a lot of this isn't too difficult to find, I have "I must know everything about this topic" hyperfixations if that gives any more context.
And I'll say right off the bat that I found out about Twilight in Manchego like a few days after I made the ice berg, so I'd definitely put it on there now. Another thing I'd probably add now would be the reading he did for Book of Mormon.
Okay, now onto that list!
- I meant "How come no one says.." the song by Brett Ryback, that's my bad, I consistently get the song name wrong for some reason. I added it to the list because Alex has sung it four times (thats been recorded [1, 2, 3, 4] CW for wildly ableist language) and I'm like 99.9999% sure its the song he references in this interview and I found that a bit amusing.
- For both Everything is Fine and Slow Children, I only know what Alex has said in interviews. I don't have specific links, nor the time to rewatch a bunch of stuff right now, but I believe he talks about both of them briefly in this podcast with Drew if I'm remembering correctly. (I'm super sorry if I'm wrong!!)
- Love, NY was a show he did a reading for at the New World Stages, here's a playlist of the some the performance. He plays a character named Benjamin (Benji).
- No!! I never found a national anthem video, drives me up a damn wall honestly, you'd think something like that would be documented but I've had zero luck finding anything.
- I definitely mean that Megan yes. I thought it'd be funny.
- Kinda! On Your Marc is the documentary they did about the show. It was screened at a few conventions from what I know. It's listed on Alex's imdb.
- There's this fun article about the recording of the album, including a video which is broken in the article (had to check their Flickr to find it) so here's that.
- It's just a YouTube video! But it's a bit hard to search because of the pun, so here's that.
- I found it because F mentioned it in this show, I thought it was hilarious and I immediately had to find it.
Thank you for asking!! I will answer the other one soon, but I'm out right now. ^v^
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
since 🙄🙄 u wont 🙄🙄 tell me abt that mick wip 🙄🙄 im gonna tell u about this max fic idea brainrot i have.
the prompt - “where did you go? who are you now?”
essentially it’s abt this girl max was teammates with during his f3 era (which was a gazillion years ago hello) and in literal every form of documentary of them theyre literally just the cutuest. they adore and respect each other and was very good friends,
BUT people are only asking about her now on this present day when they found said old videos and interviews of them both that were (formerly) long lost in the internet somewhere and people start questioning; what happened to her? where did she go? why did she just disappear off the face of this planet??
and quite frankly, idk what happened to her either cause thats where my ideas decided to stop. cause tbh the only thing i can think of is from the prompt itself 😭
so so so its just what f1twt keeps talkin about for a good week or month or yknow that thing how theres that monthly or yearly tweet about her on the tl like “theyre my roman empire. shes my roman empire.”
thats it really i personally think u would absolutely eat this up
tine, i remember reading this when you sent it in smiling and giggling and then you said you don’t know what happened, and i can’t tell you how fast my smile dropped 😭
tbh, i’ve thought about making this a full fledged fic but i wouldn’t know how to go about it either… other than the fact that max having a close friend that suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth is very on brand for him for some reason
wouldnt it be funny if she disappeared ONLY from the world of motorsport because she went on to do better things, but nobody knows that she’s actually still very much involved with max’s life and they’re actually kind of dating? haha anyway
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caffstrink · 1 year
your points about omori are so real but i also think the story isnt even that good like the "twist"... like not only does it not really make sense logistically (puts on my cinemasins goggles for a minute) how did two small kids drag an older girl into the woods to hang her without getting noticed and also why even come to that conclusion instead of making it look like more of an accident in the original scene (takes off my cinemasins goggles sorry about that) but i felt like it was kind of cheapened when it wasnt her killing herself. like he still couldve blamed himself for that because he wasnt there for her and didnt notice the signs but its like no he accidentally pushed her down the stairs. (and then framed it as a suicide which Was indeed actually a bad thing to do so yeah man you should feel a little guilty) but that could just be me being an enjoyer of explorations of suicide and its aftermath in stories
Honestly the twist was the only praiseworthy thing i found in the game and even so it wasn't enough to redeem the whole journey to get there imo. I think my opinion happens to be the opposite of yours bc mari comitting suicide would've been too simple, too expected, whileas sunny accidentally causing her death is what explains the guilt that makes him repress his emotions/identity and choose to live in his imagination. Theres 2 main big issues i have with it though, and since you've given me the opportunity I'll rant about it.
If i remember right at the time of her death mari was 15 while sunny/basil were 11 or 12, so i don't think it would be far-fetched for the two to carry her body together, although hanging her from the tree would be difficult. As for no one noticing i think that's actually pretty normal as far as these cases go, you'd be surprised at how many murders happen in broad daylight in suburban areas where there's neighbors walking outside yet no one notices bc they're not looking at someone's backyard to see some guy burying a dead body (if you watch those murder documentaries you'd be surprised at how common these cases tend to be). Basil trying to frame it as suicide is honestly a very very stupid idea, but considering their age and the situation it does make sense since they were panicking and people have 0 braincells when they're panicking.
The main reason i liked this twist though, may be because of how i perceived the scene where we see mari's hanging body and how it had an eye open, i thought it implied mari could be still alive when they hung her, and the uncertainty of it is what wouldve plagued sunnys psyche for the following years. Idk that was what i thought at least, but i don't recall seeing anyone else point out mari possibly still being alive when she was hung, so it may be just me.
Now here's the rant part. The game subtly implies that sunny's parents knew it wasn't a suicide. And by subtly i mean in a HIDDEN ROOM YOU HAVE TO ACCESS THROUGH ALTERING VALUES IN THE GAME FILES instead of, i don't know, in the annoying dragged out black space horror segment? Anyway in that room you see a shadow of what looks to be Sunnys father chopping down the tree and he says "you're no son of mine" or something along those lines (its been a while so i forgot the exact quote). PLUS its kind of obvious maris body wouldve been taken to be analyzed and theyd for sure see the head trauma that caused her death, but since it was accidental and both sunny and basil were minors, it's likely they went unpunished and Sunny's parents covered up with the suicide story so the others wouldn't think of them as murderers.
Why the hell does the game never mention his parents except on the real world? Its shown they divorced after mari died, did sunny not really care about that? Why does his ugly pastel escapism fantasy not have any mention to them? Did he not feel guilty about the grief he caused his parents? WHY IS IT NOT MENTIONED IN THE GAME AND ONLY IN A HIDDEN ROOM
And the second thing is the reasons that caused the incident in first place, it felt like it couldve been explored much more than it was. Like ok i get it, sunny didnt actually want to play violin, his friends thought he did and he was too afraid to disappoint them when they bought him one. But the main thing he mentions he hates about it in his diary is that he needs to practice on saturdays and misses 1 hour of cartoon watching with his friends. Like man. Come on. Priorities i guess? There wasn't any pressure of someone moving away, or someone leaving for college, or anything like it that would explain why sunny needed that 1 hour of cartoon watching with everyone so badly that it emotionally distressed him to that level.
My second complaint is how Mari is treated like a pure saint through all of the game, which was kind of a missed opportunity to have shown that she also was flawed and not always the kind big sister he idealized her to be in his mind (it could've also been shown that the Saint Mari in his brain is due to his guilt, but no, apparently she was just was like that irl too), the only flaw mari had was that she was perfectionist about the piano recital and pressured sunny about it? Like come on man there could've been more here. We could've had accepting mari was a flawed human as a part of sunnys recovery so he can move on from itn but instead mari is just a perfect angel through all of the game who unfortunately was accidentally killed by her younger brother bc she got upset he broke his violin on purpose like any 15 year old would. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
https://www.tumblr.com/moonshynecybin/741446960125509632 'The scans of his bones that sit in his email, twisted out of shape and healed sloppily. His relationship to Valentino, the same.'
this is embarrassing but i DID have to stare at the quote for several minutes before i figured out EYE wrote it.... this is sweet thank youuuu <3... um i also do wanna talk about that excellent post from @frogsonabike as well bc it makes me crazyyyy.... bear with me.
so yeah! marc's docuseries is one of those interesting little exercises in self-mythologizing that is well. maybe is not the most objective way to frame his sporting story but is CERTAINLY revealing concerning what matters to MARC. like he the one producing this, he's the subject of the documentary, and a big part of the structure of the show is literally marc sitting down and giving feedback about the edit straight to camera (CONTROL FREAK.) truly. there are scenes in this show of marc straight up saying hmmm i like this but i want to make sure we include x y and zeee so people can see how normal and happy i am :) because thats something normal people do. and so the whole project is very much in his hands and shaped by how he wants himself to be perceived... like the narrative arc of the whole thing is SUPPOSSED to be focused on him getting surgery and coming back from injury -- its a straightforward sports story that lets us get to know marc a little more and sets up his (hopeful) return to health/competition. a normal if somewhat micromanaged sports documentary.
BUT marc is crazy. crucially we must never forget that marc is crazy. crucially. so instead theres this HUGE diversion in the middle of our three act play just to talk about valentino for a full fucking episode. because of course there is. and marc's all like. i know we have to talk about valentino frowny face. but my man you literally do not under any circumstances have to derail your hagiographic feel-good comeback story to talk about your ex of seven years. he is retired lol. like truly i think it all ties into how traumatizing the breakup was, ESPECIALLY the way his personal narrative got kind of removed from his control during the whole deal... like forgive me if im wrong here but dani and jorge dont make any other appearances in this thing. marc had to make that call specifically for this lol. it wasnt just i GUESS i'll talk about valentino its wait a minute lemme call the other aliens they need to be here to back me up. actually dani being there is so funny but i digress. like i think marc desperately wanted to tip a lil of the balance of the scales here and saw his chance.... which is so interesting to meeee like he can say as time passes i love him less and less but it clearly still matters to him!!!!! otherwise he wouldnt have said SHIT. and then he dropped it on their birthday lol. crazy ex-girlfriend behavior.
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honeyxgang · 1 year
im slowly being forced outta retirement bc nobody is writing the fic ideas i have in my head so to start here’s some waka headcanons. mostly sfw but gets spicy toward the end so yktv mdni
Short King Waka Headcanons 🤲
doesnt just like trolling people, he can also be very playful
actually did really well in school just didnt like going relatable
shit almost went left in his youth with alcohol but his friends helped him through shoutout to the final timeline
loves kissing and his favorite feature on a potential love interest is lips so hope you’ve been hydrating. bonus points if you have on a gloss instead of lipstick. the shine catches his attention
is eternally grateful to rihanna for fenty gloss he’s now willing to go to war for her
if he really likes someone he gives them a nickname
is very physically affectionate. hugs, cuddles, holding hands, etc he doing allat
since he has an oral fixation he actually takes really good care of his teeth + makes sure his lips are always moisturized
aka straight, white teeth + and a literal perfect smile 😩
wears cologne. he smells delicious. probably the mixture of the cologne and pheromones
doesnt enter into romantic relationships often instead being more likely to flirt casually with absolutely no intention of it going anywhere/the occasional one night stand
believes in letting girls down gently if they do catch feels though
team his parents are alive. no sibs though
gets mistaken for a child me too
has a motorcycle and a car (i see him as a man with money idc idc idc)
deflee into rap, hip hop, and r&b
comes off very very very aloof until he gets to know someone. he’s not shy through
some girls are disappointed to get to know him and find out he’s not even the stereotypical bad boy/fuckboy. dude watches documentaries and enjoys learning new things and is completely unashamed of that and would probably be first to apologize in a fight. his version of netflix & chill is him putting on a wwii documentary and you not being there
that’s one way to pique his interest though teach him something he didnt know before
wears other jewelry too (necklace, bracelet)
the type of bf who would lose his mind if you got a necklace with his name or initials
very laidback and slow to anger
he fought in his youth because he was targeted for his height. then he kept fighting bc he liked throwing his weight around 🤷‍♀️
hates bugs to the point where he might make you go kill whatever has got in 😐
could use some work with verbal communication (“im glad manjiro died” cmon bruh. ik that happened in one of the fucked up timelines however im sure he still sucks bc he only talks to 3 people)
by that i mean he can come off sounding harsh af when that’s not his intention. unfortunately he’s a straight arrow. hope you have tough skin
keeping in line w black twitter’s “dudes w the best d” ranking since he is both skinny and short he is hung like a horse that’s where his height went and knows what he’s doing when laying pipe 🤌
high school was a very horny time for him
you would not fucking guess that just by looking at him and idk where he tucks his third leg
seriously theres always a moment of silence when he gets his pants off. whoever is about to have their spine realigned is like 👀 and he’s just sitting there like 😏
tripod is long and thick good luck sis 🫡
doesn’t do one night stands often or at his place bc once somebody gets a taste they’re ready to commit to his dick marriage
uses condoms bc he’s not ready for fatherhood. if he doesn’t have any he’s not penetrating. yall can do oral though
1000/10 in bed because he likes eating pussy AND will fold you into the mattress 🧎‍♀️
loves getting his dick sucked and he 100% believes in dsl’s 🫦
they gotta look natural though. he has a grudge against kylie jenner for influencing so many people to get botched lip injections 😒
he’s gonna watch bc the way somebody lips stretch to fit him + get all red and plump from putting in work? >>>>>>>
100% the type to grab hair
and the headboard
also will push your knees to your chest if yall in missionary seriously he’s small but man’s is strong
comes to the slow conclusion that he’s an ass man and therefore loves anything from behind
if you’re sending nudes gon head and send something in a thong or g string. if you haven’t heard from him in a few days he might call you
will spank you. just be ready for that
believes life is too short for bad sex and therefore is permanently on demon time 😮‍💨
you’re going to question all of your life choices once youve survived finished. also good luck walking
maybe take a day off work
in conclusion i am down bad
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horrorknife · 3 months
my problem w scott tibbs is that ppl are Consistently like "omg noooo hes just acting like that abt adam bc people grieve in different ways :-( theres no way you just dont care about someone you grew up being friends with" well i actually watched the fucking documentary and i think he's just an abusive person. i think he's nothing more than an abusive friend. yall forget about his Only mention by adam being that he Stabbed Him when they were 6. i don't think there's anything genuine between them anymore, i think he's one of adam's only 'friends' and they are using each other. adam's using him for money and scott is using him so he has easy and cheap album cover art. sometimes it's less interesting to think people are on good terms with each other. sometimes you need to actually take the context clues given to you from canon
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sholangagaga · 1 year
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A fraction of the asks I've seen in my inbox since my admittedly long absence from tumblr (life's been hard, mom has cancer, I've been struggling at work, I've also had a lot of awful personal things happen to me, it's been ROUGH!)
But I did actually get some time to, well, unwind! And right when I plopped my cute little tush onto my bed to get to work on some chapters and art, I saw a funny little notification on my Youtube.
Universal Studios Five Nights at Freddy's Official Teaser
I logged onto tumblr and saw my ask box FILLED and I knew right then and there I had to do a reaction of some sort! So, I did!
Full review (screenshots and thoughts) after the cut!
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Already loving the VHS/Analog horror vibes that I'm getting from these commercials. Something about obviously 80's-90's media just scratches the itch! And the uniforms!!! I love the little ties!! and the pins!!! Its so cute!!!!
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plus bonnies widdle head tilt!!!!!!
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The cut from the VHS to showing the pizzeria in the current time was beautiful. As a film buff who took WAY too many film courses in school, I LOVE beautiful shots and amazing camera work. The cut into this scenic shot made me almost feel nostalgic, like watching a documentary on like Chuck'e Cheese or something
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This part confused me??? Alot??????? Why do the normal animatronics have the saws and shit???? and why did they chain up Mike like he was in a Saw trap and Jigsaw just told him the rules for the game???
Still horrifying though! Thanks Universal and Blumhouse, I hate it!
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Imagine, you're sitting in your room on your computer. You're playing this horror game that's gotten popular for the very first time, and you're just learning the controls.
You're slamming down doors, checking hallways and cameras, eyes darting to the clock, it's already 5am! You can do this! Just another minute or so and. . .and then. . .the lights go out.
You think, "I was so close!! Do I lose?! I can't do anything!"
As you sit in the darkness and the silence, wondering what you can do now, you hear it. That tune in the music box style that rings in your ears.
Horrified, you whip your mouse to the right; nothing there.
Your cameras don't work, so checking those isn't possible.
You turn to the left and see them; Bright glowing eyes flickering in time with the tune. You gasp and clench your entire body, hoping, praying, that the clock turns and the night ends and you don't have to encounter whatever it is outside the door and then. . .
Silence returns.
This shot made me feel 8 years younger, like I was experiencing the horror all over again and it was euphoric. You can't get that kind of feel from a Fnaf property anymore and this movie replicated it in a single frame. Totally awestruck!
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Ah yes look at all these children that are definitely dead and haunting this poor man for totally not obvious reasons! Man I wonder what they could want! . . .
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P....peepaw?!??!?! You're....not a zombie bunny!!!! You look....so good!!!
I had my reservations over Matthew Lilliard in this role but god....he makes William look so friend-shaped. He looks like your grandpa who refuses to retire but always has time for you and takes you out to his job and lets you play with his stapler while he finishes up some paperwork before going home.
I need to see him in action (hehe) but as of right now, I've been sold. You win again Matthew. I am powerless to your acting prowess
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In short; this teaser was amazing, and I'm so excited for the movie. I know better than to judge a movie just on a 48 second teaser, but I can't help myself. I feel young again, I feel nostalgic, it all feels brand new and I can't help but think that something I love so much is getting the representation it deserves and that
that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside
it's enough to bring a grown woman to tears. . .
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"Yang's "you never gave up on people, even when they hurt you" sounding like something that would be said about Sun vs. Blake getting hurt by Adam and, in fact, giving up on him." anon..
I literally thought about this the entire time... unfortunately... like. Blake wincing at a comment Weiss made. that line just now in todays episode..
THERES SO MANY MOMENTS WHERE I THOUGHT ABOUT ADAM THIS VOLUME SO FAR... I was live blogging the last episode and I posted this few aka Weiss comment I was talking about:
" “things have to die someday, right?” Weiss says. WHY DID BLAKE WINCE AT THAT. is there something you want to share with the class "
like... girl you are thinking about something. you have to be. like clearly obviously the event in v6 is still bothering her and still hasn't left her mind.
that's clear because they've only talked about him like. once. not even directly. they don't talk about him directly ever. in the scene where they were talking about him in v7...
whole conversation:
Yang: He didn't have a lot of good options. (abt ironwood ig?) Blake: I'm not sure there are many good options left for any of us, anymore. Keeping secrets, *taking lives? It makes you wonder how far we're going to have to go to keep doing.. the right thing.. ... Yang: Blake. *We did.. what we had to do. ... Blake: *I know.. But next time, I want to make sure.. we don't have to. And I can tell you, ambushing a huntress who's just trying to help isn't an option I'm thrilled about choosing. Yang: Then maybe we shouldn't.
*highlighted parts are about Adam (NOT DIRECTLY, but they ARE talking about him) proof:
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from the writers documentary. (it's an image.. should show)
Are they still hinting at how this still bothers Blake in this volume?? Since they've done it in v7 or is that out the window? Things still haven't gotten better in regards to what Blake was worried about in this original scene. in fact they've gotten worse (we know).. but she isn't talking about it. NONE of them are even talking about it..
So many people have died!! yet the last few episodes all of the characters are like "oh, another time." and "i don't wanna talk about this right now." GIRL YOU HAVE EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF THE DAY TO TALK ABOUT THIS.
All of them are worried about the same shit.. and don't want to do their worst but ohhh that cannot be avoided because they're not even speaking about it at all.
they're all insane /lh
Tbh I haven't really gotten Adam vibes from anything this season other than the hilarious hypocrisy of Yang's line, but I also haven't been looking for them. Didn't notice Blake's wince at that line either. Maybe it's about Adam? But with how he is apparently The Character Who Shall Not Be Named now, I don't see them doing much with him and particular his relationship with Blake, so who even knows what Blake was thinking about in that moment.
Unless you count Blake's uncharacteristic shyness, meekness, and fear of everything around her as Trauma about Adam that's only resurfaced after *checks notes* an indeterminate amount of time after killing him with her own hands.
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