#theres a lot of name dumping here but its re so theres a lot to know
hangingoffence · 1 year
ok I'm back with another question abt resident evil but what's jill valentine's deal because she looks like she's suffered immensely and I love that in a blorbo. also I am not immune to women in tank tops showing off buff arms.
OK so jill<3333
A former S.T.A.R.S. member and a survivor of both the Mansion incident and the Raccoon city outbreak. After the Mansion incident she, Chris Redfiled and Rebecca Chambers started an investigation to uncover Umbrellas bioterrorism. Jill stayed in Raccoon to search for a secret Umbrella facility in the city, but was caught in the middle of an outbreak. A mutant named the "Nemesis" was sent into the city to hunt down the remaining S.T.A.R.S. member and eliminate them. (Resident Evil 3 1999 and 2020 remake follow Jill's journey as she tries to escape Nemesis and leave the city)
Later on Jill and Chris Redfiled founded an organization named BSAA (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance), which is an international counter-terrorist organization to combat bioweapons and bioterror.
Jill and Chris would continue their hunt for Albert Wesker(former captain and a bioterrorist) they would end up raiding the Spencer estate to search for Oswell Spencer who they thought would have info on Wesker's location. They did find Wesker himself in the estate and fought him ending up Jill sacrificing herself for Chris and throwing herself and Wesker down a cliff and they both were deemed dead. (Resident Evil 5 Lost in Nightmares DLC 2010)
But both of them survived and Wesker ended up brainwashing Jill and planting a red bug into her chest to allow him full control of her. In the end she was saved by Chris, Sheva and Josh(other BSAA agents) and released from Wesker's control. (Resident Evil 5 2009)
ofc theres a LOT more to her and many many things happened in between bc this character has been around for a while. The new resident evil death island CGI movie seems to constraint on her trauma from being used as a slave under Wesker. and im so glad for that bc damn that has barley been touched upon.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Giant Monster November :Godzilla vs Megaguirus
For this second installment of Giant Monster November we shall look at a Godzilla film,and this is a pretty big milestone for me personally as I have now seen every live action Godzilla film ,from the original 1954 Godzilla up to 2021's Godzilla vs Kong
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In this 2000 film,Godzilla (Tsutomu Kitagawa ) has been menacing Japan since 1954 ,and in 2001 they have finally thought of a way to destroy him ,by creating a black hole.....However a test results in there being a swarm of giant maneating dragonflies called Meganula ...Whoops
So I was gonna go on a big nerd ramble about the complicated history of Godzillas canon ....But that bored me ,so all ya need to know is this is a fully stand alone film,you dont need to see any other Godzilla movies to understand it ,it is not a sequel to Godzilla 2000 ,it just used the same Godzilla costume
So I have seen MOST of the Godzilla series(The animated stuff I need to see more of ),it is one of my favorite franchises ,and what I like is its a a series with variety ,theres a Godzilla movie for whatever your taste is.....And I am gonna be honest....This one is kind of mid tier for me,like not bad but generic .Like its got a cool idea at the opening :What if Godzilla WAS not killed in 1954,like in the original film.....But then does nothing interesting with that .Its kind of a by the numbers Godzilla film:Military force tries to stop Big G when uh oh theres another threat Godzilla must deal with . This song and dance is in a lot of these films ,but the best ones put a spin on it or add in a neat element and this doesnt . It doesnt help the writing really isnt good .Like the re is a kid who causes all this mayhem and destruction by fidning then just dumping the egg that unleashes the Meganula,and .....He just disappears from the movie,doesnt even get chewed out or helps in any way . Megaguirus ,the queen of the Meganula ,is obviously the main villain.She's the biggest threat and her name is in the title.....Why does she feel like an after throught?? Like her and the Meganula are treated more like nuisances and they are so focused on Godzilla .yet Godzilla is very neutral in this film but the Meganula are ACTIVELY hunting people ,I feel like I am taking crazy pills !!!
Keep in mind I" DONT hate this ,I've just seen so many of these that I cant help but see the weakness of this particular entry .Theres also a lot I like in this film .For example I really enjoy our three human heroes ,a major who wants revenge on Godzilla for the death of her CO ,theres a fun laid back scientist and the older scientist is played by Godzilla series veteran Yuriko Hoshi ,and she is magnificent .Megaguirus is a effectively creepy villain and the scene where the Meganula kill a few people feels right out of a horror film .I have always been a fan of the Godzilla 2000 design,so was happy to see that costume used here .The fight between Megaguirus and Godzilla is well done and there is an awesomely hilarious moment where Godzilla belly flops ontop of Megaguirus which is priceless .I will also say it is a fun watch and for me ,with a few exceptions ,Godzilla is all about fun
I think if you are a newbie you might enjoy this one.....But for me there are both ones that are more fun and have more substance
@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @filmcityworld1 @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @marquisedemasque @princesssarisa
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prof-peach · 2 years
Hey Prof, me again. Actual question about a grass type this time.
So I work as a researcher / ranger in a part of Galar between the Crown Tundra and the Weald. It's a protected conservation area for old growth forest and rare plant species. Thankfully with no dynamax wells we're not on the gym circuit. However, the old forest does have some rarer species, some old folklore re legendaries and a higher than average concentration of evolutionary stones so we get some trainers through.
So the field station I work at is the closest to a ranch or pokemon lab the town and surrounding area has. Unfortunately this means we get a lot of dumped pokemon, especially various Eevee evolutions due to the aforementioned stones in the area. We work some rehabilitation where we can but often we help move any dumped pokemon to more appropriate handlers.
However, we had a Leafeon left with us about three months ago, and he's the sweetest little guy. From what I can gather he wasn't long evolved (no grass moves and he's still uncertain with his leaves) and was evolved in our woods, though the "trainer" must not have wanted him to evolve into a Leafeon, hence the dumping. He's an evergreen morph, and grew what looked like Yew berries for a while, so we named him Taxxus, Taxx for short, and he's a bundle of affection and joy. His morph makes sense as we're a montane / forest environment that can get harsh winters so he seems pretty ice-hardy. Long story short, he's joined my team and the team love him.
Now I've got a Glaceon in my team, Rhew (Old Galarian for Ice), and he's taken a shine to Taxx. The two have engaged in a lot of shared Eevee courtship behaviour: courtship play, gift giving, nesting and are practically glued to each other. To me, they're a couple and I fully support them. But here's the crux of the issue: I'm not a grass specialist, and aside from checking for signs of frostbite is there anything I should be looking for / aware of for Taxx to make sure he doesn't get impacted by his partner or the montane climate?
Thank you Peach!
Sounds like you don't have a huge amount to worry about.
So Glaceon do reduce the temp around them sure, and contact with them is often cool to the touch, BUT if they do not use icy attacks on the leafeon, there will be no issue. Bonus, if the leafeon is yew based, evergreen variant, it will have a higher natural tolerance for the cold anyway.
Leafeon are one of the more adaptive eeveelutions, upon their form change they will tolerate all the conditions of the environment that influenced their evolution in the first place. If it stays in climates where yews thrive, even hangs out in colder temperatures, it should pose no issues.
We do not wrap the native trees up every winter (unless they're imported into climates they're not from), nor do we fuss more than giving them support in the wind, or a thick mulch when its icy or very dry. That leafeon is no doubt very similar. A good jacket if it gets VERY nippy, and a warm home at night? Should pose no issue at all. These species live wild, they never needed us, not really, to survive and thrive in many locations, a lot of the time our fussing is often unnecessary. The two aren't fighting each other, so theres low risk of serious damage.
Glaceon tend only become dangerously cold when they're sick, so long as they stay healthy, you have nothing to stress over.
A yew variant will potentially have poison moves, so try them on that instead of the grass ones, they may feel more at home with them, and handle them better at the start.
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Now that I’ve dumped stuff in the queue, time for...
For @kayleigh-83, @jellybeanery, @clericalrodent, @acquiresimoleons, @dunne-ias. @sim-boo, @didilysims, @twofingerswhiskey, @penig, @nanashi-sims, @eulaliasims, @zoragraves, @taylors-simblr, annnnnnd @nerianasims...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “Steven’s grave got struck by lightning, so he popped out for a daytime...”
What the frick, I have catching up to do! I didn't know Steven died. :(
He did. Came home with a cold one day, went to work the next, and died on the sidewalk when he came home. So sad. Ah, RealSickness... Usually, I like it to hit later, when I’ve got a larger population that’s actually in need of culling. I’m just glad it didn’t kill the whole household, like it sometimes does, because otherwise there’d only be Sharon and Gwen’s daughter Amelia to spawn the third born-in-game generation...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Up-Front Confession: I am knowingly breaking the creator’s terms of...”
I'm absolutely DYING over their grinning faces in the last picture HAHAHAH
It’s a thing of beauty, isn’t it? :D Although I don’t know why Cyd’s grinning, since he’s got Julien’s face impaling his abdomen. That just can’t be comfortable...
jellybeanery replied to your post “jellybeanery: @dramallamadingdang Do you still have the high-res...”
CuriousB's desert terrain works for me, so I don't think it's the chipset.
Hmmm...Well, I had a look at the uploaded file, and it appears to be the right one. :\ I have no idea what’s going on. Give me a day or two and I’ll make a new file and maybe also make a high-res one, and then you can see if one or the other will work...
clericalrodent replied to your post “Civilization V”
Thought I'd ask - would you like some tips that aren't in the in-game tutorial? Nothing absolutely necessary, but might make your life a bit easier.
Sure! I still haven’t installed the game, but I probably will this weekend since we have no plans and it’s too darn hot around here to do much of anything outside. Maybe send me an ask or whatever with tips?
acquiresimoleons replied to your photoset “Up-Front Confession: I am knowingly breaking the creator’s terms of...”
Omg. This is awesome, thank you, my sci fi hood is gonna get a swingers club now ����
Well, it’s certainly a perfect object for that! :) There’ll be other stuff you’ll probably be interested in for such a club, too. I just need the time to make it...
dunne-ias replied to your photoset “Up-Front Confession: I am knowingly breaking the creator’s terms of...”
I both want this and also would be scared about what would happen if I put this on a commercial lot in my story hood. I have the original, but honestly I think I only used it once, in a Bacc household full of romance sims because I had a rule against TV and well, what else would they do on their days off?
HAH! Sex is better than TV by a mile, so... :) Anyway, the advertising on the thing is set so that if you use this on a community lot Sims don’t get overly obsessed with it so long as there are other fun things of equally-strong advertising around. That’s how I wanted it to be because it’s basically going to be an avenue for Sims to meet people in this wacko neighborhood, but I do want them to do other things when they’re on the lot where this will be, too. 
But yeah, I suppose it has the potential to screw up stories. But it also might give you ideas, too. If you keep the characters for whom you have planned storylines away, others in the population might do interesting things to spark some ideas.
sim-boo replied to your photoset “Will took his boatload of scholarships and headed off to join boring...”
Lol personally id consider it a blessing to not be related to goopy gilscarbo ;)
Heathen! Nah, I kid. I know he’s an acquired taste. You have to like Romance Sims, and a lot of players seem to not like Romance Sims. You also have to like Sims who aren’t conventionally beautiful. I like Romance Sims (They’re my faves, actually), and I like “ugly” but not deformed-looking Sims. So he’s totally win-win for me! :) I do change his outfit, though, because that pixel-man has very questionable fashion sense. :)
I also like Ben Long a lot, but he’s a Knowledge Sim and I find them rather boring in general, so when I play him, I have to do terrible things to him to make him interesting. :)
didilysims replied to your post “Civilization V”
Never tried it myself, though from what little I've seen, it looks like something I could get interested in. All friends who have played it said Civ IV was better though. :P
I still haven’t installed it because there’s stuff for TS2 that I want to get done, and I know I’ll get distracted. But I’m really looking forward to trying it out. And as for the version...Well, Civ V is what was there at the shop. :) And for $5, even if I ultimately don’t like it it’s not like I’m really out much.
didilysims replied to your photo “I just noticed that the binoculars that Sims use to birdwatch have red...”
They always looked like nebulae to me. I figured they were really powerful lenses.
SO POWERFUL THEY REFLECT THE LIGHT OF THE ORION NEBULA!! Yeah, that should be the advertising slogan on those puppies. :)
twofingerswhiskey replied to your post “jellybeanery: @dramallamadingdang Do you still have the high-res...”
could be they have graphics chipsets that are defaulting to the maxis terrain due to inability to store it effectively in the graphics memory?
Apparently not in Jellybeanery’s case. :\ I’m still at a loss. If you’ve got any ideas about what else it might be, I’m all ears. Or eyes, as the case may be. :)
penig replied to your photo “I just noticed that the binoculars that Sims use to birdwatch have red...”
I think it's the light glaring off the lenses.
The light from the red district? :) No, you’re probably right, but...Geez, what color is the sun supposed to be in SimWorld? :)
nanashi-sims replied to your post “@bunsblr asked for a tutorial about how to do this a while back and I...”
Wow this is fabulous! So many objects that need to be recloned, but so worth it!
Yeah, there’s a lot of Maxis stuff that’s used outdoors that ought to be neighborhood-visible but isn’t. Especially when it comes to outdoor-type seating. And I don’t think the telescopes are neighborhood-visible, either, now that I think about it. Once you get used to doing it, though, it goes quickly.
eulaliasims replied to your photo “Steven came home from work the next day and….Oh, dear. Well. That’s...”
Steven! No! D:
I KNOW! I was bummed. Frankly, I could stand to lose Arcadia, but I was hoping Steven would spawn some more, if nothing else. I need more population that “counts,” and he had that convenient Family aspiration... 
sim-boo replied to your photoset “Arcadia and Aaron, as the only two non-infant people in the household...”
usually they cry for sims they have memories of. like if the dead sim taught them to walk/talk, i've seen before that they cry sometimes even if theres no blood relation.
I’ve never seen that happen in my game. In this case, I know Steven taught Will to talk, at least. But, no mourning from him. Now I’m wondering if I’ve got a mod that’s interfering. Hmmm.....
didilysims replied to your post “Aww you almost had the Aristocats in your game <3”
A lot of Disney is overrated. Emperor's New Groove? Seriously underrated. But I got The Aristocats for my birthday as a kid and watched it probably 100 times at least, so it's near and dear to my heart.
I really don’t know why I never saw The Aristocats. I mean, I was a kid when it was made and all, but I only ever saw the older Disney movies from the 40s or so. (Fantasia is another favorite.) I saw the later Disney movies from the 90s and 2000s because I had kids then, so we saw them in the theater, and I got them when they came out on video, and they watched them ad nauseum. (And The Lion King is one of Ethan’s favorite movies; it resonates with him because he lost his dad at an age when he really needed one. So, we watch that one a lot and I bristle because of all the hyena maligning.) But I don’t think I’ve seen any Disney movie from the 70s in its entirety,
Now as for Emperor’s New Groove: I will argue (and HAVE argued) that it’s the best buddy movie ever made. Kronk and Eartha Kitt’s scenery-chewing (She did it SO well, always did) is just bonus. 
zoragraves replied to your post “So, um....”
Now I want to know what those objects are, at the very least :D
Ohhhhh, you probably really don’t. *laugh*
taylors-simblr replied to your post “@bunsblr asked for a tutorial about how to do this a while back and I...”
Thank you so much for this, I might give it a go tonight! I surrounded my campsite with nengi's bigger bourgainvillas and it's been driving me crazy that they are invisible from any other lot ^__^
Good luck with it! I thought those bougainvilleas were already neighborhood-visible, though...Or maybe I made them so. I don’t remember... Anyway, let me know if you have any trouble!
nerianasims replied to your post “re. StarTrek Multi-PT: I'm pretty sure I remember someone creating the...”
What is this Enterprise show you mention? I am sure it does not exist.
I dunno, I heard a rumor about it. Something about a prequel sort of thing, only done way after the other shows were produced. Seems like kind of a dumb idea... 
(Seriously, I really wanted to like Enterprise. I really, really like Scott Bakula. Quantum Leap is one of my favorite shows. And while I enjoyed a few of the episodes, the writers just didn’t seem to know what to do with any of the characters, especially the poor helmsman dude, which is sad because he was a very pretty black man. I mean, I don’t even remember his name... And of course they had to sex up the female Vulcan. *sigh* They get points for destroying Florida, though. No, I’m kidding. Well, sort of...)
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terramythos · 5 years
Thoughts/reactions master post for October Daye #13 “The Unkindest Tide” or "major deja vu" 
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Excellent Start: it fuckin opens with The Luidaeg showing up and dumping a bunch of lore
-There are some things to unpack here after thinking on it. The Roane predicted that Toby would bring them back. We knew already that they were seers and could predict the future. But this implies they did not predict their savior being Toby SPECIFICALLY, just someone from Amandine's line.
This is interesting for a couple reasons. First, it's a solid explanation for why The Luidaeg, the oldest and one of (if not the) most powerful Firstborn took interest in Toby, who's a changeling and thus beneath the notice of most of Faerie. On a related note, it's also an explanation on why Amandine was so keen on turning Toby into a human. The character who prevented this happening was, no surprise, The Luidaeg.
But while it appears Toby will indeed fulfill this prophecy, it's been implied if not outright stated that Amandine's line is also prophesied (probably by the Roane) to bring back Oberon. This is a wild guess, but I feel it makes more narrative sense and would be an interesting twist if we set Toby up to fulfill that prophecy, only to ultimately have August (or both of them as a team) do it. I'm pretty sure August is redeemable, unlike Amandine, and her character arc so far is based on trying to bring Oberon back and FAILING, so...
-I could be reading too much into this, but hey. I do think I should go back and read (1) The Luidaeg's short story where she confronts Amandine and (2) the scenes in book 5 where Toby talks to one of the few surviving Roane. Said Roane predicts Connor's death, but she says so much cryptic shit there may be something else hidden there relating to this.
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...OH. OK. You know that makes a lot more sense. All the setup for this (which has been going on since book 5 lmfao) pointed to The Luidaeg being morally questionable and possibly evil in this one but like, this is way more in line with her character lmfao
Though I guess theres plenty that's morally questionable about forcing an entire race of people to turn into another one whether they like it or not
-Side note: The Luidaeg and Quentin's friendship remains adorable
-Gillian's magical signature is officially fennel and primroses.
-OK but like, we have to approach the fact that Gillain's skin is still basically sentient in some way? Like Firtha's consciousness is a big part of the short story. And can glean from that that the others probably have something to them. So uh, what happens to the souls (if you can call them that) when we fuse the skins to the Selkies?
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New Firstborn?? New Firstborn! New Firstborn.
-ok so like correct me if I'm wrong but practically every Firstborn we met has been female. I think the only dude we've met is Blind Michael, who was a basket of crazy and Decisively Killed Off in book 3. Otherwise we've got The Luidaeg, Evening, Amandine, Acacia, and now Captain Pete.
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The Luidaeg is such a fascinating character. One of my favorites from literally anything. This scene really exemplifies why I think. Seemingly cruel yet compassionate, coping with horrific tragedy, yet also a supernatural and terrifying monster. SORT OF. it’s complicated
-There's a scene after this where she verbally takes down an adult man, then is so kind and patient to a child who approaches her. And that contrast really hits. She has been consistently kind and protective of children through the whole series. It makes it more brutal when she says she doesnt even like them much because she misses having her own, and you know she can't lie. She's kind to kids because it is the right thing to so.
-Shit goes down in a bad way (seemingly unrelated to the main premise?). Like Dianda gets kidnapped by her evil brother whom we have not met before
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-Not to be rude October but like, werent you already planning to rescue Simon ANYWAY. That one's basically the freebie of those 3 favors you just promised
-ok I'm writing this part WAY LATER cause my dumb ass forgot that Simon returning is CONTINGENT upon bringing Oberon back and now this line makes way more sense. 
-little lore tidbit on why it's so easy to transform October and not the other characters... its the whole Tam Lin thing we figured out last book. Guess that should have been obvious
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Not to be het rights on main but oh my god. Oh my fucking shit oh my god. (Its not really het rights cause tybalt is bi but oh my god holy shit)
-I am laughing at the fact this is a tense moment with lives on the line and an obvious time limit and Toby and Tybalt just go "time to make out a little in front of everyone"
-Lmao right after I typed that the Luidaeg basically said the same thing
-lmaoo she fuckin slices Tybalt's finger for his part of the spell then just does a tiny pinprick for Quentin because she likes him more 
-random interlude in the Undersea where toby rescues Peter
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Ok Quentin's reaction here is funny
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This scene's got a little bit of everything
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Explanation on why Gillian can talk to her skin, since it's a "lost" one and hasn't been worn much. Also sort of an explanation for the Luidaeg calling the skins by name.
-anyway it's pretty obvious that Dianda's brother is the one behind Isla's murder, right? Like, why else introduce him at this point
-"maybe sending The Luidaeg to find Pete has been the wrong call" I'm starting to feel that way to be honest
-Yeah Torin being responsible is confirmed. There’s a scene where Toby gets badly injured and it’s borderline torture porn, which seems to happen once a book now. There is a cute somewhat angsty scene with her and Tybalt, which is always fun.
-There's some fun bits when they take down Torin but nothing particularly noteworthy. The interactions with Pete and The Luidaeg are fun when both return to the scene. I'm trying real hard to like Gillian but she's been pretty ineffectual this book, and every time she shows up it seems to be whining about Toby, which is a shame.
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Luidaeg feels and The Moral, which is pretty good! Found family is a reliable weak point of mine.
-They do find an alternate solution (splitting the “dead” skins), and everyone who wants a Selkie skin gets it. They also let some of them stay Selkies for a few more years, but most get turned into Roane. And happy Luidaeg! 
-Though the whole “Gillian has a sentient selkie skin” is not addressed again and she’s the first one who gets turned. did Firtha/her ghost just get annihilated from existence? i don’t know man 
-Overall I'm pretty lukewarm over this entry. Like Once Broken Faith, it feels like a book made to Address a Big Lore Change but doesn’t have a solid conflict to support it. Torin is some one-off Merrow dude i’m pretty sure is never mentioned until he suddenly shows up and is the bad guy here, and the whole kidnapping Dianda and long interlude in the middle where they go to the Undersea to rescue Peter seems just... really random, considering the setting (Duchy of Ships) and the Selkies are supposed to be the center of the story.  
Nothing wrong with one-off villains, but ones like Blind Michael and Rhys were way more memorable/interesting than Torin. This just felt way too much like the randos from Once Broken Faith who were just villains cause someone had to be. can’t even remember their names or their motivations 
It's a shame cause there are some things I did really like in this novel. There’s some good character development. Captain Pete was cool (even if the conclusion basically writes her back out of the story). But imo this book should be a big Luidaeg entry and she's absent for like 70 percent of the book, which doesn’t help 
I guess what I'm saying is this would have been fine as a novella if there wasn’t a big novel-defining conflict to use. January’s resurrection was done in a novella and that’s pretty damn major, Lore-wise. 
I cant complain too much, cause the last 2 books knocked it out of the park. But I hope the next one feels more relevant.
-One thing I do want to mention (which I didn’t picture anywhere) is there is a lot of cryptic shit in this entry surrounding... Marcia of all people? Captain Pete and The Luidaeg both seem inordinately interested in her. And she seems very nervous when they speak to her and ask her questions and says a bunch of weird cryptic shit. I think this is setting up for something with her, but I’m not sure what. We basically know none of her backstory, which is unusual for a character who’s been in the series since book 1, so it wouldn’t be out of place to explore her more. I do think there’s something up with her birth/heritage. We know she’s a mostly human changeling (like only 1/4 fae?) but she’s very involved in the fae stuff, which is unusual. We don’t even know what the 1/4 is and the main character is literally a bloodhound for that sort of thing. 
-Anyway, there’s a novella at the end of this one called "Hope is Swift" starring Raj. So we'll see how that is!
-I like it so far. Lots of Cait Sidhe lore. The premise is that Raj gets hit by a car in cat form and then taken in by a vet and mistaken for an actual cat. There's also a they/them nb side character named Cal. 
-Overall I did enjoy the novella. Not a lot goes down but there’s good Cait Sidhe lore and character development for Raj. We also got to formally meet Ginerva, who was a character in name only to this point. I liked it more than the base novel i think 
-and not to drive more on my point in previous reads but BLIND MICHAEL. IS MENTIONED A LOT. mostly re: trauma and recovery, which is nice, but still. 
-I hope book 14 throws us back into the meat of the story. i mean, 10 was probably the weakest entry but it was surrounded by good ones, and since this one was preceeded by 2 of the best books in the series i hope the pattern stays true 
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eirosbraindump-blog · 6 years
November 8, 2018
Thursday: around 10:30 in the morning
Hello, Joe!
It has been a long time since I called you that. Usually I would just slam words and feelings at you and have forgotten the reason why I named you Joe. i wanted to have someone whom I can always rely my stories to, and that is my journal, it is you Joe.
I wanted to have a friend whom I can trust the secrets of my life with, because as of now I don’t think I have one.
Side comment: Fuck, this is very unusual of me to do journaling early in the morning because most of the times I do this at night pero kailangan ko na magreflect. I need to do something productive because I think I’ve been wasting a lot of time.
Around almost 7 in the pm. Lol haha. Whut???
OKAAAAAAY, so it’s basically NOV. 9, I got distracted by movie watching yesterday and left this one hanging. I’m such a fool. I haven’t done anything productive and I’m pissed off with myself because even journaling, di ko matapos tapos. Sooooo yesterday I just watched a couple of movies (not that important) and then drowned myself on the internet, AGAIN.
Thoughts raging, scribbled memories and fucked up mind. That is basically who I am right now. I don’t even know what to write. I got a lot of thoughts going on in here.
I made iced oreo coffee btw. I’m proud, though i still have to perfect it. but I’m proud. Hehe
So back to my magulong sarili, I watched a movie a while ago. Crazy Rich Asians. It’s a good movie though, while watching that I have a lot going on in my mind. First, I got jealous with the girl because how can she be that lucky! Like oh my gosh Rachel, u got a crazy rich man like that who really loves you and then you only gonna turn him down! She is really a strong woman btw. Nick’s family hates her and she just got along with it. SECOND, arrrgh that movie made me feel how single I am and it made me miss my fckin ex-boyfriend AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. As much as I wanted to forget that asshole, I can’t. because you know what? He gave me two years of happiness that I can’t just forget, bet nobody can do that to me, even my family. Though I appreciate them, every moment of my life I’ve loved my family especially my parents. But there’s just something with Kiko that really made me who I am today. When I met him it was like I finally knew who I really am. I found myself you know? I learned so much for the past two years that I’ve known him. It taught me so much lesson. Life taught so much. I became to appreciate little things because of him. Although I know that we’re not that lowkey to everyone but our treatment, the way we treat each other is kami lang ang nakakaalam at kami lang ang nakakaramdam. Damn you, kiko. I loved you. I really did love you so much it came to the point that it broke my heart really bad. I still love you up until now though, but I don’t think I’m in the right position to love u like I loved you the way I did before.
Kani-kanina lang, I’ve watched a video about journaling, I forgot the name of the girl but there’s this one thing that she said that I can’t forget (though she just re-quoted it, she’s really not the one who said that, I think.) “Forgiveness is the way/road to Happiness.” I don’t think that I have completely moved on yet, I’d just lie to myself if I said that I already did, but I don’t know if I have completely forgave you, and I know that I have been a bitch at times to you (on social media) and to your girl. But that girl is really being a lowclass obsessive bitch she’s really like nagpaparinig sakin na parang mas affected pa siya kesa sating dalawa. Aarrrghh. I cant just be happy for you yet. You really broke my heart Ching. Anyways, as I was saying, that girl on the video also said to write a letter of forgiveness to someone because it will help yourself to freeload your bothering thoughts. So I decided to do that, not just now because I cant promise myself (yet) that I won’t get affected just by seeing your random jejemon-ish pic with the girl i-was-once-got-jealous-into-but-you-said-to-me-don’t-because-she’s-just-a-friend-who-turned-out-to-be-your-girlfriend-today together with you.
Aside from hating and loving my ex at the same time, I have more randomly important life-related thought still going into my head like: what am I going to be after graduation? because I never saw myself being an employee. I don’t know, whenever I think of what am I gonna be, I just see me walking with confidence together with high-fashioned business clothes with high heels and sunglasses inside a random office building. Maybe I’m gonna be a ceo or something. Haha. And then there’s this purpose chorvaness of me. like, what is really my purpose in life ba? What is my actual calling? Am I gonna be like this forever?
Eiro, you know yourself better than anyone else. I can see who am I on the inside, but theres this one thing that I can’t see that people can see: who am I on the outside. Let me give you an example kung gaano kagulo ang personality ko (idk if personality is the right term but. . .) 1. Before sembreak came, I was like ‘oh I should do something productive on sembreak, like I should re-learn photoshop, read books, learn something new and blablabla.’ Some of that happened syempre kasi I was in the urge of reconstructing and discovering me diba? I re-learned Photoshop but I stopped when I got proud of the first project that I made. I didn’t even bother continuing the second project. And then I read a book naman although–haha, I stopped, I don’t know why pero gabi ko kasi binasa yun tapos kinabukasan I didn’t bother to touch it. I cant say that it’s the same old eiro kasi di naman ako ganito dati. You know what? I’ll be harsh to myself, I became a fucking ningas cugon na!
(break muna nandito na parent ko hehe)
Bello. It’s NOV 13 na and I can’t even get this fucking done. It’s around almost 10:30PM so maybe I’ll be like medj sabaw na hahahaha. But I need to get this done you know?
So many things have had happened this past days. Im afraid that my parents are losing their sparks for each other, and I don’t want to let that just fade, so I always make a way to remind them the reason why they stayed at each other’s side. My mum can be stubborn sometimes and my dad is a big pain in the head. Theyre both a pain in the head.
My relationship with kiko is a big blessing in disguise. Yung mga lesson na natutunan ko is naapply ko sa mga magulang ko. And I’m proud of what I did to both of them. I have so many problems in life and I don’t want my family to be one of them. Aside from my friends, sila na lang ang pinagkukunan ko ng lakas at ayoko naman na pati sila ay maging dahilan ng pagsuko ko. Lord please give me strength.
My parents are okay now. I guess the advices that i gave to them works. I love them so much and it hurts me whenever I see them into cold war.
So yesterday, I have this kwento. I dreamt of kiko. I dont want to forget that dream kaya I immediately get my phone and wrote down what happened. Here’s what I wrote:
“11/12/18 4:47am grudgy and sleepy. but idon wanna forget this dream that i had. i meed to write this i had a dream i was with kiko we are on the fx daw and we were standing i know right haha basta fx yun you know dreams are weird sa pagkakaalam ko we were going to sm north edsa and i was hugging him while standing. and he keeps giving me forehead kisses. puta namiss ko yun. pero may isa akong nagawang mali, binitawan ko siya. kumalas ako sa pagkakayakap sa kanya sa kadahilanang majudge ng mundo. were fckin doing pda on that ride. i hate myself for that. binitawan ko siya pota (nakuha tuloy ng iba). then i woke up. Lord, please stop giving me dreams like that. iniisip ko tuloy na sign siya or something. lalo po akong umaasa. please sana yung nangyari po na yun panaginip na lang na habang tumatagal nakakalimutan. i am happy Lord kasi having a relationship with kiko taught me so many lessons that i can say i already applied to some. i see it as a blessing in disguise. pero, how long will i keep hurting Lord?  -your broken daughter,Eiro.“
Yeah, I kinda forgot that ganyan pala yung mga sinulat ko.
Kiko having a girlfriend is a big slap on my face. I think I lowkey gonna accept pa if he broke up with me just to save the relationship, kaso hindi eh. Pinagpalit ako friend. Agad! Alam mo ba yung feeling na parang wala ka ng karapatan na mag selos at mangamusta man lang sa kanya kahit gusto mo kasi alam mong may nagmamayari na sa kanya? Yung parang ang only choice mo na lang is mag move on at parang wala ka na sa lugar masaktan? Though I’m really moving on, may mga times lang na pagdumadating yung mga dates na  ay kinalaman sa kanya is biglang bumabalik lahat ng sakit. All I have to do is wait for that day to be over. And it is so dumb of me because I didn’t even noticed that 4 fucking months have passed and the pain that I am feeling is the same like it just happened yesterday.
Anyways, you know I really need to stop talking about them no? kasi it’s bad for a moving on Eiro.
So It’s almost 11pm and this time is way passed my sleeping time. I just got a lot of brain dump going on that I need to write or else I think I’ll get crazy.
Kinakamusta ko lang naman yung sarili ko and I just really wanted to finsh this entry. And also I am requiring myself to reflect weekly, if not, monthly. Just so I see my improvements and how far I’ve come.
Another side story or cause di ko lang maisingit sa iba hahahah. I am so much thankful for my friends. They really helped me cope up with my problems and helped me get up in my broken situations.
And oh my gosh, nakakainis pala kasi Kiko is using our slangs when we were still a couple sa new gf niya. Like omg ang lame lang at nakakainis kasi. Di ko maexpress through sulat yung nararamdamn ko pero its like a big “PUTANGINA BAKIT?” to my face.
I know bashing them and ranting here are useless, pero kasi it helps me cope up with my problem. Kailangan ko lang mailabas to and to let myself believe that I’m the better one. Friends also said to me that the best revenge is to show them that you are not affected kasi pag pinakita mong apektado ka, ikaw yung talo. And to show kiko that you improved and that youre even happy without him is the best that you can give to him and to yourself.
Girl, I. AM. SERVING!!!
You got served mf a-hole together with your bitch! Jk I still care for you, Ching.
Oh right, shit. With these raging thoughts and feelings, I really need to write a letter to Kiko. Di nga lang yung letter of forgiveness hehe.
So I think that’s it for today, I still have a lot going on though. Hehe
- Confused Rose
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I watched another film and wrote about it. Not a horror this time, more of a fantasy film but some definite weird/horror visuals in parts Troll
I decide I want to watch films from listicles and stupid articles posted from facebook. I decide to do reviews/re-action blogs/liveblog posts, not because of the film but just if I have time/effort to put in. I was recommended to watch TROLL 2 as a horror and thought TROLL 1 would need to be watched first. Turns out they're completely unrelated but whatever, TROLL is an 80s fantasy film, but dark in its own way as we will see... Slow zoom into a book, sitting alone and light up from light through a stained-glass window. Could this film be anymore 80′s? The book opens and no-one's touched it! What a surprise... The moving company is called Starving Students, what a nice cheery company. I don't know if that's an actual company name or the directors real life situation. Dad drives off and leaves the family to load in the boxes and do the heavy lifting. Typical male avoiding hardwork, although I do like that the mum is doing all the heavy lifting Ignored daughter with the sickeningly sweet blonde hair and bunches has to chase her ball... she gonna dieeee! Yeah, disembodied hairy arm has now grabbed her-so long dear! The troll is small and hairy, doesn't look like he'd be much of a threat to people trying to cross a bridge Lovely weird green light - state of the art special effects here. Oh look the trolls now turned into the girl, I wonder if he knows enough about human anatomy to have thought this plan through? Or being a troll instead of human, will he not need to use the toilet? The brother is now looking for Wendy (the girl) and asks if she's been playing with dead cats? Like, why is that a valid question? Seems like the real Wendy was into some pretty freaky stuff even before this film Troll knows enough about English to carry on full conversations with the parents but can't eat properly Kids run out and suddenly they're running  downstairs instead, they go out the front door and then coming back downstairs again - what Euclid geometry is in this building anyway Guys upstairs says he's into swinging...I don't know why you would mention that when meeting new neighbours Also they're having a full conversation while the fire alarm is going off, like ok there might be a fire but moaning about kids is definitely what you should be doing right now Dad is called Harry Potter...shame they didn't trademark that... Everyone seems to think this is a false alarm but how do they know? So lucky they're not getting burned right now. Dad is being slagged for being able to read, what a strange attitude for people who are literally in a book. Troll is trashing the place, tries to bite dad and still hasn't been controlled. Supernanny would have a lot to say about these parenting techniques Oh she was playing Godzilla, how does the troll know who godzilla is? Does he have access to Wendys memories because he now looks like her, or was horrible troll this up-to-date with pop culture? Breakfast scene in the morning was obviously filmed in the evening judging by the light coming in through the window Troll knows enough to dress himself as a little girl at least. Troll throws the brother at the wall and he can't admit it to his parents because the unrealistic and sexist pressures put on him by society wont allow him to admit he was beaten up by (what he thinks was) a girl Swinger from upstairs is a sexist alcoholic, oh dear how predictable. Troll has stabbed swingerman with his ring and now he's bleeding, swelling up and turinging green. I really hope people didn't think this was a kids movie cause that would cause serious nightmares Ah, he's turned into a plant. Troll is just trying to counteract global warming by turning pollutive humans into foliage. Now theres baby trolls and creatures coming out of this plantlike mess...are they his children? or did he turn the man into them?? this is so confusing Old lady has a weird singing mushroom type thing in her apartment on the top floor-she's obviously friends with the troll and the reason why the troll chose to live in their building specifically Boy casually accuses old woman he's just met of stealing. She seems to accept this with no indignation at all. Jr is oversharing with random old woman - no get out run away she's mixed up in it all! Having turned someone into a plant troll is now back to looking like Wendy and playing ball in the middle of the road Troll knows about godzilla but seems really confused at a taxi. Saved by a dwarf who I'm pretty sure was only written in to show how weird this film is. I hope he was paid well for this farce. Ex-marine across the hall is looking at maps on a pool table while holding a baseball bat, there's guns and trophy heads on the wall. It's like someone searched for "manly man" and filled the apartment with everything that came up on google "I've stared death in the face" "what does it look like?" What a very important question. Seems like in the 80s people cared less about where their five year old little girls were, stranger danger and parental responsibility obviously weren't a thing back then. Marine man is now also a plant that spawns weird creatures. "Harry fell down, I just don't understand any of this." Listen hen as far as you know your son just fell down-simple as. It's the audience that don't really understand this weird fucking film! Parents keep talking about the girls "little friend" and its the dwarf from earlier-100% written in so the mum could offer a 30yr old dwarf a glass of chocolate milk. Dwarf is at dinner apparently so he can recite a poem from memory, because why else would your daughter invite a 30ish english professor to dinner? Weird plantspawn creatures in the other apartments are singing to the tune of the poem...because reasons. Old womans mushroom tree thing with eyes is joining in - I knew she was part of it! Their song lyrics seem in consist of random syllables but I'm sure I heard "ebola" in their somewhere... Old woman looks creeped out, like you had the weird mushroom thing in your living room what did you think would happen? Jr is watching tv in his bed where apparently everyones pets are being turned into 'Pod Person From The Planet Mars'. Is this trying to tell us the trolls are aliens...? Another breakfast scene filmed in evening lightening... I wonder how the mushroom feels having a lampshade dumped on it everytime someone visits this old woman "Why are you here?... You're different?... It's not normal?" Jr is a cheeky shit to this old woman and is forgetting whose house he is in, and who is the only friend he has so far. Old woman used to be a princess but is now a witch, ok why not I'm sure there's a reason for this somewhere Troll-wendy knocking on a door and womans like "I have to get changed, you can stay here if you want" like NO BITCH get that creepy girl out of your house! Another apartments occupant turned into plants-although giving birth to a humanlooking female instead of more trolls now. Mushroom has followed Jr and old woman to the kitchen, how? Did it hop in its plant pot? Can it walk? Bf comes to meet the last person turned to a plant - DONT TRUST HER SHE WAS BORN TWO MINUTES AGO FROM A PLANT! Chase through the jungle in the apartment and now they're outside and there's four women for some reason... Troll is there back to looking like a troll, sorry dude he has stole your girl! Wherever this girl goes people keep offering her juice to drink. The 80s was obviously more trusting of adults, and adults were more friendly to weird kids showing up on their doorstep. Trollwendy looks upset that the dwarf is going to die, like he hasnt been killing people randomly all week. Michael (dwarfs) story is giving a real normal insight into the struggle of someone born with dwarfism, completely unexpected from this film. Nope, trollwendy is over it and looks like Michaels getting turned into a plant now. Didn't think that seriousness would last long Old woman knocking on doors with a golden spear like she's gonna fight the whole close. I wonder what she'd say if one of her neighbours actually did answer? "its the weekend" "do you know what day they dropped the bomb on hiroshima?" "a weekend, maybe?" I wonder who the hell wrote that and what were they smoking at the time? Harry Sr says the woman upstairs is the wicked witch of the west, very nice to slag off your sons only friend right in front of him. Wasnt that when you let Jr go to hers for breakfast! Jr is repeating lines from his Pod People tv show and Sr asks if his wife did drugs? Like his weird behaviour couldnt come from your side of the family? Or from an uncaring and inconsiderate father and the whole family moving house? Golden spear actually shoots lightening at troll creatures, who knew? Plants are taking over the hallway but when Jr gets to old womans house he neglects to mention the impending doom and just has some hot chocolate. "Before there were countries there was just one place with humans and faries" So, pangea? I didn't know they had faries. Geography would've been a lot more interesting if they'd told us that. Old woman was in love with a prince, prince fought with the fairies against humans, humans won, prince got turned into the troll. Apparently by taking over the whole building its actually a fairy universe and will burst forth and troll will have taken over the world... I think that's what she's trying to say? Why conquer countries all you need is a shitty apartment block! Also real wendy is still alive because the troll wants her to be a fairy princess, six year old and evil thousands of year old troll, real creepy arranged marriage Troll only has three days to take over the building-he's doing quite good he only has two appartments left. Troll has "always been melodramatic" apparently. Nah I think it's this acting and weird plot that's all melodramatic. Old woman unpins her hair and suddenly she's 50 years younger, it's true-a new hairdo can make you look different. Jr says he's waiting for a stray dragon, Sr doesn't ask where he got the large golden spear from. Old woman is now a talking tree stump after facing the troll, and her appartment now leads outside too "What is going on out there?" "I dont know but I'm listening to the tree" wise words Sr, wise words Troll stabbed his own monster to save the six year old, because apparently he cant find another blonde girl to be his princess. Well that was lucky but very stupid of him Family are now moving again but this time they just have a suitcase each, no moving vans this time somehow? Also that was the quickest packing I've seen I think that's stupid anyway, what's the chances a troll is gonna try and take over that exact same building in the future? That buildings probably the safest one cause if he tries again it'll be somewhere different. Police man tells them where the station is to make a statement - but they're not being arrested and I'm not sure what crime they think has been comitted? Ok so I was wrong, the laundry room is still a jungle and troll is killing policeman. Maybe a good idea to move.
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isaacathom · 6 years
oh yea, i had some weird dreams today! theres like, 4 weird segments, its whack.
first was particularly odd. i was Rey, and i was with a guy called Ethan, who either looked like kylo ren or my paternal grandfather depending on what the fuck was happening. we were trying to cross this green river, but couldnt properly reach the next rock. another person, i think called Tia, managed to break something that was blocking the way allowing me to use my big staff to get across. i then rounded a lil corner (i guess it was like a moat?) and held out my hand to help ethan across. but he had too much momentum, so we had to just sorta. speedily jump down the river on the rocks, tightly holding hands.
we made it out and emerged in a sort of hotel foyer, still holding hands (which i, the observer, noticed, but neither character did, because thats how it goes). and we were awestruck, like Wow..... what the fuck. and as we’re sorta wandering baffled, some old folk call us out. so we mosie over, and one old lady tells us that she had been told that two strangers were coming here to rescue to the king, but that they would lose him and then find him again. another said she would be our ’employer’, so the one escorting us around the hotel. and that lady then starts asking ‘Cedrick’ about his mother, where she’d been from. and i turn around, and well a) Ethan had become my grandfather, which was Very Weird and Bad, andb) turns out Ethan was actually Cedrick, the prince. or something. that was wild.
then there was a different dream, where me and a group of randoms were trying to navigate these walkways suspended under a city, to try and get into specific locations. a character, which i THINK was chihiro fujisaki (cant believe i actually remembered his name lmaooo wow), had gone ahead of us and marked the location of each of the doors that would let us into the city. but other characters had sabotaged it by marking doors that would lead us to bad locations, ie the police station, or dump water on us, etc. the weird thing was that each of the doorsChihiro had marked was marked as ‘packman 1′, regardless of location or order. im not sure what we were trying to do, but thats what it was!
THEN there was another dream, wherein me and 3 friends (caleb, talia, and i THINK the other caleb?) were being all detective-y. it started from a room at my university, titled A235, where i think there was something to do ith a window. but we go around, finding keys, opening doors.but in this timeline, i have some sort of yoga class? we all do. but we’re trying to avoid it. so we all go to the corridor bathrooms, which in the dream had a right hand turn at the end that we could use to escape. my friends all managed to get out, but i was caught by a person with a Lot of resemblance to Moira from overwatch, and she forced me back to class. this apparently also included a minor conversation with my friends previously where we tried to figure out where we could do the yoga in our free time to catch up, and coming tothe conclusion there wasnt really anywhere on campus where it’d be acceptable to do it. which was a shame for us. because we wanted to go to the class, but we were also like, solving a murder, or something.
this dream actually was sort of re-dreamed (probably because my alarm went off) wherein this same group with me in tow kept sneaking off to fight mario enemies. mostly koopas, bobombs, and bullet bills i think. we were just mario-ing it up. the 4th guy was by far the strongest, but on one mission i insisted on doing something, and we fucked up as a result. but, yknow, play it like a game, redo, its fine, the building that we blew up got fixed, easy.
that was about it, honestly. it was very weird.
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shoecartel · 7 years
The 12 best memes of 2015: Runaway llamas, The Dress, Adele …
The internet in 2015 has given us a lot of giggles a vigil to a raccoon, Drake playing tennis and the duck army but which memes construct our cut of the best?
12. What are thooooose!
A police officer. A cheeky dude( Brandon Moore) hollering what are thooose ? at the officers functional, ugly footwear. Millions of loops and views and copycats afterwards, a meme is born. The first urban dictionary entry for the phrase and practice appeared in 2011, but it was 2015 when the sport of pointing at some awful shoes( preferably Crocs) and shouting what are those ?!! entered the mainstream. The best example is the wonderful take on the Jurassic Park theme tune( see below, 50 million Vine loops so far ), which I like because its less mean-spirited than real life instances. In fact, “the mens” who started the whole thing back in the summer seems kind of rude and is now in jail. Um.
11. Duck Army
It stormed collective internet consciousness in early September. Norwegian Kevin Synnes decided to embarrass his girlfriend in a store by pushing down on a bunch of toy ducks which, when pressed, emitted a loud aaarghh ! noise. The video was then appropriated by Vine star Charlie Murphy and subsequently looped millions of days, spawning multiple variants. There has even been a mash-up with the what are those? meme. My person favourite versions are those which pay tribute to Adele and Taylor Swift.
However, a Guardian investigation revealed that that the toy was not a duck, but a pelican. Listen to our interview with Kevin here.
Read more: How the duck army stormed the internet
10. Hello, its me
It took merely a 30 -second snippet of Adeles new single, Hello, debuted during the advert violate of the UK television show, The X Factor, to have the vocalist trending worldwide on Twitter. And while the haunting piano and hushed, smoky tones beloved of millions of fans induced much excitement among those desperate to hear the full song, the clip also inspired plenty of memes.
Hello, its me is a pretty meme-able phrase, and the internet did not disillusion. When the sepia-tinged video dropped, featuring the vocalist in an amazing coat, using a flip-phone and hanging out in an abandoned home, the memes merely multiplied. Especially re: the flip-phone. One girl even texted her ex the entire lyrics to Hello, without him catching on at all.
Read more: Hello, its me. On a flip-phone. Samsung unveils clamshell model
chuck (@ charlubby) October 23, 2015
you know it’s the emotional part of the song when adele doesn’t stop touching her face pic.twitter.com/ dkQvHRmL7 6
9GAG (@ 9GAG) November 8, 2015
#Hello, it’s me. https :// t.co /8 2PU9WzQHG pic.twitter.com/ 1y7xUrARvQ
9. Miley, whats good?
A lot of people characterised this as Nicki Minaj hurling tint at Miley Cyrus, which is a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept of tint. Minaj didnt throw shade she immediately called Cyrus out, in front of a TV audience of millions. If anything, that is the direct opposite of hurling tint.
The incident happened at the MTV Music Video Awards in response to an interview Cyrus gave in which she called Minaj not very polite. While accepting an award Minaj called Cyrus this bitch who had a lot to say about me in the press the other day, before aiming with the perfectly passive aggressive, Miley, whats good? Cue memes. Plenties and lots of memes.
John Liacopulos (@ john_liac_9 7) November 3, 2015
When Miley Cyrus takes you to her favorite eatery that you’ve never been to before and you ask what to order pic.twitter.com/ qoGDlgHmuQ
KK (@ _ColeHeartedX) October 9, 2015
I hate whoever room this is #iup #MileyWhatsGood pic.twitter.com/ Peh3f 3Yq4b
8. Confounded Nick Young
Nick Young is a basketball player who shoots for the LA Lakers. His internet fame, however, is courtesy of a confused reaction face meme. At one point during a day-in-life-of documentary, Thru The Lens, positioned on YouTube, Young pulls a huh? face when his mother calls him a buffoon. His quizzical expression towards the camera has spawned likely the best reaction macro of 2015 and can be used for disbelief, astonish or a thousand other reactions.
Photograph: Instagram /@ Daquan
7. Why you always lyin?
The 21 -year-old college student Nicholas Fraser became an internet sensation when he decided to perform, in his yard, perched on a lavatory, as one does, a quick cover-up of Nexts Too Close, but with the lyrics changed to why the fuck you lyin?/ why you always lyin ?) Given that people lie all of the time , and we know about it, guys , and we all want people to know that we know, Frasers vine caught on and inspired multiple cover versions of his cover version. Now, when your mate texts to tell she is five minutes away but you know she likely hasnt left the house yet, theres a perfect means of responding. Thanks Nicholas.
Read more: When “theyre saying” Nicholas Frasers vine isnt the best use of 2015: why you always lyin ?
6. Fifty Shades of Grey
After the Fifty Shades of Grey series of volumes sold so poorly , it was a punt for Universal Pictures to have taken on a film adaptation. But oh, brave souls it was brought to the screen in summer 2015 with Sam Taylor-Johnson at the helm and Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson starring. Given that the book had already resulted in a lot of culture cache, it was inevitable that the film would inspire memes and gags. The internet delivered. In particular, the my savors are very singular line( altered to my passions are unconventional for the internet) demonstrated a rich seam.
The Beast (@ KrystalSim) February 9, 2015
pic.twitter.com/ m5Tpb21XRf
Photograph: BuzzFeed
5. Hotline Bling
One of the best ways of 2015, the video for Drakes Hotline Bling didnt drop-off until October three months after the ballads release. But it was worth the wait. A minimalist clip, Drake proves off his unusual dance moves against different coloured backdrops inspired by artist James Turell. The rappers moves and pained impression inspired multiple parodies shared on YouTube, Vine and Twitter.
Included below are some of the best: a dancing and adorable shiba inu( aka Doge ), the Man From Another Place from Twin Peaks and perhaps best of all, some tennis backhand action.
Chai Goth (@ Abid_ism) October 20, 2015
The hotline is filled with secrets pic.twitter.com/ 5zS0WZhGCG
4. The Dress
The most viral of viral phenomenons. A young lady took a picture of a dress in a clothes store and uploaded it to Tumblr. Why is this interesting? As the internet was genuinely divided as to whether the dress was blue and black, or white and gold.
The original Tumblr post pose the question racked up an enormous 73m page positions, and a BuzzFeed piece on the dress has more than 38m page positions to date. #TheDress trended for days on social media. Scientists were carried in to explain how people could be seeing different colourings. Rods and cones were mentioned. British current affairs programme Newsnight even offered its own election. The Guardian waded in, with the definitive take.
michael (@ 1975 NIGHTMARE) February 27, 2015
when you don’t know the color of the dress pic.twitter.com/ sQI7YLnjk 1
BBC Newsnight (@ BBCNewsnight) February 27, 2015
A live on screen vote on tonight’s Newsnight – what colour is #thedress? Get out your phone and going to see http :// t.co/ dRffVZfw0P at 10:30 pm
3. Poot Lovato
I dont guess Ive ever chuckled so hard as when I detected the Poot Lovato meme. A Tumblr post featuring an awkward fan photo of vocalist Demi Lovato posited the hypothesi that the snap was not of Demi herself, but her secret twin sister, Poot Lovato, who had been trapped in a cellar her entire life. The fable took hold and soon the internet was ablaze with hilarious and creative Poot memes. Fan-fiction was written, fan art draw, Instagram and Twitter accounts were established and even Demi herself addressed the gag( she wasnt amused ). Then, instead, brilliantly, a sleuth excavate out a paparazzi photo of Demi-as-Poot right at the moment the fan pic was taken. Its still funny.
Read more: Poot Lovato: has the internet detected Demis secret sister ?
A selection of the best Poot Lovato memes. Photograph: Guardian composite
2. Llamas on the run
On THE SAME DAY AS THE DRESS, the internet explosion with one of the great police chases of our time two llamas on the run. The llamas, one black and one white, ran loose in Sun City, Arizona. The whole internet followed, glued to the ABC1 5 live river of the runaway animals and tracking updates on Twitter. The llamas, true heroes of freedom and an inspiration to all, had escaped from their day job in an animal therapy centre. The black llama was caught first, its emancipation ended with a cruel lassoing. The white llama ran on, but eventually, it too was caught. Still, these two were the internets favourite llamas since Serge, the French llama who travelled by subway.
HannahJane Parkinson (@ ladyhaja) February 26, 2015
Matthew Baldwin (@ matthewbaldwin) February 26, 2015
LLAMA 1: We’re escaping this afternoon. LLAMA 2: Alpaca bag.
1. Dead Raccoon
My personal win for meme of 2015 is the dead raccoon, an unfortunate soul, detected deceased on a Toronto street. After a human tweeted the relevant city authorities to tell them about the raccoon, the poor critter was left for hours in the same place. Over the next 12 hours, a vigil was set up for the raccoon, documented online. A note was left, a framed photo , notes were written. Someone gave the raccoon an unlit joint as a mark of respect. It get dark. Candles were illuminated. The raccoon was named Conrad. Eventually, the authorities turned up and unceremoniously dumped Conrad in a rubbish truck. Such a lack of respect.
Raccoon update: he’s still there. Someone has written him a card .
A photo posted by Emily Taylor (@ emilyjs5) on Jul 9, 2015 at 9:14 am PDT
Shauna Pollock (@ misspollock) July 9, 2015
Don’t quite know what to say about this sidewalk discovery except that it really brought ppl together. #deadraccoonto pic.twitter.com/ BJ7efipLvq
Norm Kelly (@ norm) July 10, 2015
The sidewalk memorial is growing, @311Toronto. H/ T @jasonwagar. #DeadRaccoonTO pic.twitter.com/ 3vTUf9xB7b
Kris Pangilinan (@ KrisReports) July 10, 2015
10: 46 pm #DeadRacoonTO is still here. pic.twitter.com/ D9JbEuxJol
Read more: www.theguardian.com
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