#theres just something about it. the links to the paintings. the looking through them and seeing himself and then geneviève
c-kiddo · 10 months
not sure how many times i've listened to this song over the past few years but its been in at least my top 50 songs each year
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the two paintings:
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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arkhamknightz · 1 year
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summary: after an ongoing online scandal, you come out with a new album. during an interview, you talk about your inspo :)
warnings: this fic is an excuse to write this fic again that i made for joe since i wrote it months ago and for evan instead with reputation since i think its one of the best albums ever made! link to actual genius article for everyone :)
“Three years after the release of their 2014 album, and following several public spats with celebrities, Y/N Y/L/N aims to clear their name and inaccurate public image on Reputation. At a fan event that took place in June 2018, Y/L/N described the record as a story of “finding love throughout all the noise,” referring to how the album transitions from discussing her persona to falling in love with American actor Evan Peters.”
“Is this thing on?” you looked at the camera crew and laughed as they held up a thumbs up. “Hi! Im Y/N Y/L/N, I’m here with Genius and I’m here to talk about my new album, reputation.” you smiled at the camera. Evan, sitting alongside the crew, read out the cards they had handed him. “So, how many tracks are on the album?” he asked. “Well, theres fifteen tracks” “Can you list them out for us?” he smiled warmly.
“The album starts off with Ready For It, End Game featuring Ed Sheeran and Future, I Did Something Bad, Don’t Blame Me, Delicate, Look What You Made Me Do, So It Goes, Gorgeous, King Of My Heart, Dancing With Our Hands Tied, Dress, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Call It What You Want, and the album ends with New Years Day.” Evan softly smiled, reading off the next card. “Is there anything you can tell us about each track?”
You laughed softly, “So, Ready for it is pretty much just diving into what the rest of the albums gonna be like, referencing past songs, kinda lightly digging into the whole situations thats been happening for a while.” you quickly moved onto the next track.
“End Game is just about my reputation and how this effected my outside relationships. I did something bad is pretty much about the same thing, but its a more direct approach.” You took a glance over at Evan, a small smile painted across his face as you carefully explained each track.
"Delicate is about my current relationship, as is Don't Blame Me, I'd definitely say it's one of my more vulnerable tracks." You smiled at Evan, who was already smiling as you started explaining. "My reputation wasn't the best when we first met, which obviously lead to me questioning a lot of it at the start. I didn't think someone could love me in the way he does after everything was going down, it felt like the whole internet was against me but he loved me for who I am and not who I was painted out to be."
As you finished going through each track Evan's smile only grew wider. "What's your favourite track off the album?" You clapped excitedly before speaking. "That's a really hard one but right now I'd have to say either New Year's Day or Dress, both songs are special in terms of relationships." "Do you have a favorite lyric from them?"
You nodded, "For Dress I'd have to say the bridge-" You watched as Evan looked down and smiled before looking back up at you. "Because it really touches on another vulnerable thought I had for a long time. He saw the best in me in my worst time. And for New Years Day probably the bridge as-well for the same reason.
Evan carried on the interview, you wandered questions about the album before closing off. "Well, I'm Y/N Y/L/N and this was my genius interview! Make sure to listen to Reputation on all platforms." You waved at the camera with a small smile on your face before they cut.
You stood up from your chair as the crew around you started speaking. You walked over to Evan who had put the cards down and opened his arms for you to walk into. You wrapped your arms around him as he gently kissed your forehead. "So I'm your muse hmm?" You let out a laugh and nodded before gently kissing him letting out a soft 'mmhm' You looked at him before slightly tearing up. "Thank you for loving me" He smiled softly before tightening his grip on your waist, "I'll love you for the rest of my life."
A/N: hi friends! I decided to finish this because after hearing delicate live and seeing this in my drafts I needed to finish this so badly.. live laugh love taylor swift!
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reading-wanderer · 2 years
A Compendium of Magical Artifacts
Chapter 16: Love’s Obsession
Prompt: Thirst
AO3 Link
[You only have to go another page over before finding another familiar name. Well, sort of familiar. Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus in the myths, right?]
Name: Love’s Obsession, Aphrodite’s Fedora [Theres a small note at the side saying, “some of the newer ghosts have taken to calling it the Hat of Unending Thirst.”]
Description: It is a Fedora style hat. The color is mostly black with a darker grey trim ribbon. The only sign of it being something more is a pink heart pinned to the ribbon on the front left.
Known Abilities: It is a “love” charm that Aphrodite uses for her own entertainment. Rather than the usual type that attracts others to you, it magnifies your own feelings for your crush/lover/spouse a hundred fold. Wearers are lovestruck and unable to focus on anything beyond the object of their affection. When combined with Aphrodite’s ability to compel others into attraction to her, she can, and often does, use it as a way to force others to throw themselves at her for her own ego. The wearer cannot remove the item themselves, so they are stuck making fools of themselves until she finally decides to remove it. It is, supposedly, twice as effective on those who have love based Obsessions to the point of overloading them, but they are also immune to her usual compulsion by the nature of their Obsession.
Location: Aphrodite’s Temple in Olympus
Notes: I became aware of this particular item on my first and only visit to Aphrodite’s territory in Olympus. I have been to Olympus several times, mostly while seeking specific items. Just as in the myths, the ghosts that were once the gods of old tend to be rather temperamental and set in their ways. It is best not to spend too long lingering lest you catch attention you don’t want. Unfortunately, I was rather distracted while making my way to Hephaestus’s temple and flew into Aphrodite’s instead.
Given how different their circles of power and taste are, it was not difficult for me to realize that I had gone into the wrong building. I went up to a woman standing to the side and fretting over some flowers and asked if she knew the way to Hephaestus’s area from there since I had apparently gotten lost at some point. She paused, looking rather annoyed and asked if I knew who she was. I didn’t recognize her, but given the number of ghosts I interact with, I apologized, told her I did not, and asked if we had met somewhere.
She got angrier and said that she was Aphrodite and that I was in her temple. Honestly, she was not nearly as pretty as the myths implied. I don’t know why everyone seems so enraptured by her looks. Or rather, I didn’t until I was informed of her ability to compel attraction in others some hours after the events transpired. I apologized again and informed her that I had only passed through before and therefore hadn’t had a chance to see any images of her around. She seemed to calm down at that and invited me to walk with her through the temple. I was not interested, but seeing as my task was not time sensitive and that continuing to be in her bad graces could be bad for my future health or endeavors, I agreed to join her on her walk.
She spent some time showing me around and pointing out, or rather boasting, about all of the paintings and sculptures of her that were strewn across every inch of free space. Honestly, much of the artwork seemed like it was portraying a completely different, more aesthetically pleasing, person, but I kept those comments to myself. She finally circled over to where she was keeping this particular item. It was amongst several other pieces of clothing so I did not think much of it. She was showing off some of the other pieces as gifts from desperate admirers before pulling the hat out and telling me that it would probably look much nicer on me than it did on her. She requested I try it on and, considering I was trying to get back into her good graces, I agreed.
The effects were immediate. As soon as the hat was placed upon my head, all I could think about was my lovely Maddie and the idiot that had taken her from me. When Aphrodite attempted to pull my attention to her, all I was capable of doing was telling her about how I had been unable to locate either Maddie or Jack so far and asking if she knew where they went. I am… Unsure how long I spent talking, only that it was long enough that, when she ripped the hat from my person, she was rather livid.
I was quickly removed from the temple by her followers and told I was not welcome ever again (not something I am unhappy about, mind) and that I would be attacked if I tried. I, being utterly confused at that point, just continued on my way. I did not actually learn about the nature of the item until I asked one of the Acolytes at Hephaestus’s temple about it. Obviously it doesn’t work correctly on hybrids. As much as I would love to explore why that is, studying the item is not worth having to deal with that harpy again. It will just have to remain a mystery I guess.
[“Didn’t work correctly” huh? The item seemed pretty straight forward to you, but whatever lets the author sleep at night you guess. You add the names to your list of things to look up, though without last names you don’t have much hope. The author calling themself a hybrid explains some of the odd phrasing in some of the earlier entries you’d read through and explains why they would be looking for information on hybrids. You wonder if hybrids are common.]
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ratquesadilla · 2 years
3005 (chapter 1)
pairing: jake “hangman” seresin x fem! mitchell! oc
word count: 956
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41505768
“it’s an existential thing”
a story where the return of north island's resident player leaves a girl with a lot of influence in a predicament.
chapter 2 - series masterlist - full masterlist
when she was younger everyone assumed she would grow out of it. her compulsive need to be around the people she loved. it wasn’t because she thought something bad would happen to them, or herself, she just needed to be there. 
maybe her father was to blame. bringing her to the hard deck every chance he could, exposing her to all types of people. keeping her around bradley and carole as much as possible. 
it never had to be anyone specific, just someone she cared about, and her father was never that someone. he couldn’t bring himself to separate her from the bradshaws or the kazanskys, and he couldn’t put her through relocating every couple of years because he pissed off another admiral. she knew that he loved her, she never doubted it for a second. even when she was younger she had faith in him. she had faith that all roads would lead to rome. 
that is, if rome was a beach town inhabited by familiar faces and navymen that would rather be shipped off to middle of nowhere america than agree with him.
and rome had one thing that he could never replace. her. 
the hard deck was busy, sweaty, and sticky. “there’s your beer mister buck, do you want to start a tab or pay now?” i asked as i handed the elderly man in front of me his drink. 
“i’ll start a tab,” he said as he handed me his card. “any news on when your old man will be back in town.”
“soon i’d assume.” i replied. “hondo texted me this morning letting me know that admiral cain wasn’t too happy with one of his schemes and wanted to sack him.”
“how that boy isn’t out of the navy yet blows my mind.” he joked, sliding away from the bar and returning to the group of vets in the corner. i returned to the glasses i was cleaning. meticulously stacking them on the shelf under the bar. the attachment issues weren’t too much of an issue, but the neat freak issues were. how i managed rush hour in the bar was a mystery to everyone that knew me. 
a pair of blue eyes greeted me as i rose from my glass organizing. before the mysterious man opened his mouth i pointed to the sign behind me. he had a look to him, one i’d seen in a younger more arrogant rooster years ago. “don’t worry, i know my manners.” he said. making sure to tip the corner of an imaginary cowboy hat down.
“if you were a real cowboy you’d know that you wouldn’t be able to wear that in a bar.” i replied, trying to suppress a smile. 
“good thing i’m not a real cowboy, never got the hang of horses.” i caught a glimpse of the silver chain underneath his shirt. that combined with the aviators tucked into his collar gave away allegiance to the navy very quick. his “look at me, i get girls” smile told me everything i needed to know. 
“if you aren’t gonna order something i’m afraid i won’t be able to give you any more of my time. there are paying customers to attend to.” 
“i’m not here to order,” he said. “i’m here to ask you out.”
“i’m flattered but theres at least 2 men you’d have to go through before i would give you my number.” i responded while leaning over the bar to gracefully grab his sunglasses.
“and who would those men be?” he asked. i could tell he thought i was playing hard to get, which i was. it’s fun, sue me. 
“i have a feeling you’ll find out soon enough.” i said as i placed the glasses on the shelf above my head. “i’m leaving now jimmy! my shifts over!” i shouted to the man in the kitchen as i began towards the door. 
the house was cold, it always was. carole liked it that way. i liked to think that keeping the temperature sub-zero would make her ghost-self happy. almost everything about the place was the same, down to the smallest details. the paintings untouched, the trinkets on the mantle unbothered, the plants happy and healthy. 
it had been years since her death but the door to her room stayed closed. bradleys room was virtually untouched since her last visit, just in case he came back. my room was the only one in the house that had been upgraded. i’d swapped my twin for a queen and replaced the posters with paintings. 
i pulled out my phone to text bradley. 
are you back? i saw a top gun boy at the hard deck earlier.
got called back for some mystery mission. is it okay if i stay at the house? 
yeah obv, i own it but its still your house.
is the key still under the doormat? i don’t know what time i’ll be over.
bradley bradshaw if you bring a girl home on your first day back so help me god i will find a way to get you kicked out of the navy.
i won’t.
i’m not joking.
cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.
he came in around midnight. i imagined carole scolding him for staying out late when he had an early morning. when bradley was back for top gun she would try her best to stay awake until he got home. even when she was too weak to get out of bed. i’d lived in the house alone for years but the emptiness was still strange. some days i woke up expecting carole to be there, watering her plants or watching her tv shows, but she never was. 
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shortprince-cos · 2 years
That Lingering Threat
Summary: What happens after the Belos goo falls onto Hunter's shoulder?
Words: 2465
Warnings: (theres a lot) Possession, attempted murder, kidnapping, broken bones (a nose), identity theft (technically?), Jacob Hopkins and Belos existing, everyone just straight up not having a good time.
Ships: Lumity and implied Huntlow
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
(AO3 Link)
This is a multi chapter fic! Idk how many chapters there will be, but probably around 3? Anyways this is part one!
This fanfiction was inspired by this tiktok, so if you like this, go give it some love!
"The coast is clear."
Luz nodded, ushering the rest of her friends into the Gravesfield Historical Society building. They all entered as quietly as possible, hoping to not draw the attention of anyone.
They were on a mission. A very important stealth mission.
"Where do you think that guy is holding Flapjack?" Willow asked, glancing around at all of the paintings and displays.
"If I had to guess, they same place he captured Vee: the staff room." Luz stuck her head through the door way, looking around at the hall filled with more historical items. At the very end of the room was a familiar door labeled 'Staff Only.'
"It's just down there." Luz continued, huddling all her friends together. "Let's rush in. This guy can't take us all at once. Willow and Amity, you two will be on the offense while-"
"We should split up." Hunter interrupted.
Luz stared at him. "Huh?"
"What good will that do?" Amity questioned, eyeing the blonde teen suspiciously.
Hunter rolled his eyes. "Its possible that Flapjack is in there, but the curator knows that we're associated with Luz. Its more likely that he hid the bird somewhere else. Therefore, we should all check different spots, and meet up back here."
"Um..." Luz thought for a moment. This plan was... unlike Hunter. He usually would just follow whatever Luz said unless he thought it wouldn't work. He could be doing that now, but Luz thought her plan was pretty good!
"Look, human," He started, noticing the brunette's hesitation. "I know you're normally the leader on these kinds of missions, but Flapjack is my palisman. I just don't feel comfortable putting his life in your hands, okay?"
The human startled at that. "Oh. I guess that makes sense... but, are you sure that splitting up is the best way to do this?"
"It'll be okay, Luz!" Willow assured, already making her way into the hall. "We can all handle ourselves! Besides, didn't you say your mom beat him pretty easily? I think we got this."
Luz smiled. "Okay. You're right! We can do this! Let's bring Flapjack home!"
Hunter nodded. "Right. Willow, you and Gus should check out that staff room down the hall. Blight, it looks like there's another door that leads to a room behind the front counter, you should check in there. Me and Luz will check to see if there are more rooms in the other hall."
"Sounds like a plan!" Gus exclaimed before he and Willow made their way towards the staff room.
"Be safe." Amity quickly pulled Luz into a hug, holding her for only a split second before following the others.
"You too, sweet potato."
The purple haired teen watched as two of her friends entered the room in front of her, before she approached the other door to the right of it. Hopefully this plan would work. Hunter was right about most of them being able to handle themselves, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was... wrong.
She twisted the handle of the door. No, everything is fine. This isn't the same Hunter that she fought at Eclipse Lake. This is the Hunter that saved Gus from Graye, and protected them all in their battle with Belos.
And if that Hunter thought that this plan would work, then Amity was willing to give it a shot! Besides, Luz trusted him, and she trusted Luz.
Amity carefully peeked in from the doorway. The room seemed to be used to store things as there were boxes littered everywhere. A perfect place to hide a cardinal, if you asked her.
She stepped into the dark space. "Flapjack?" She called quietly, before hearing something click behind her.
Amity turned around immediately, holding her hand up in a fighting stance. "Who's there?"
The door in front of her didn't answer.
She exhaled. Stupid Amity, it was just the door shutting. Nothing's wrong, you're just stressed out right now.
Despite what she was telling herself, she didn't really believe it, so she immediately ignored her voice of reason and went to open the door again anyway.
The handle didn't twist as easily this time.
"What?" Amity tried turning the knob again, and again after that.
Locked. The door was locked. This unfortunately meant two things.
One: She was trapped in this storage room.
Two: The curator probably locked her in there, which meant he knew they were there.
Panickedly, she started banging on the door, hoping that would attract the attention of her friends. "Hey! Let me out! Willow! Gus! Anyone! I need help!"
Before she could cry out anymore, she once again heard another sound from behind her, this time though, it was a lot quieter and higher pitched.
Amity paused for a moment, waiting until she heard the sound again. It sounded like... chirping?
Another chirp, coming from the back corner of the room.
The girl abandoned the door and rushed over to where the noise was originating from, before something cold, heavy, and metal smacked her in the face.
She cried out in pain. Her nose felt... not right, after that hit. She started stumbling back, but ran into something that definitely wasn't there before.
Prying her eyes open, Amity found thick metal bars surrounding her, with no opening in sight.
Was she in a cage?!
"O-Ow..." She put her hands over her probably-broken nose.
Well this was just great. Not only was Amity trapped in a storage closet, she was also locked in a cage, with no way out.
She heard another chirp from one of the boxes in the corner.
"Don't worry, I'll be okay." She comforted, though, she was a little unsure about that herself. With a sigh, she continued. "Is there anyway you can magically break out of that box?"
The bird tweeted solemnly.
Wait. Maybe Flapjack couldn't, but she definitely could!
"Ugh, of course!" Amity scoffs at herself for not thinking of the obvious solution sooner.
She quickly unclasped the small pouch of abomination goo that was attached to her belt, and twirled her fingers around in the air, commanding it to pick the lock that held her here.
The goo didn't get very far though, and Amity watched as it slowly plopped onto the ground with a squelch.
"No. No, no no no! Please work here! Please work in the human realm!" The teen kept spinning her finger in circles, hoping that would somehow make the sludge come to life like it did in the demon realm.
Alas, it wasn't working, and it was becoming abundantly clear that abominations simply didn't work in the human realm. Maybe they were like Luz's glyphs and needed magic in the air around them? It didn't matter. Whatever the reason was, it didn't help Amity escape from her prison.
She sighed and leaned against the bars. "Any ideas, bird?"
"Hm." Willow hummed, examining the room in front of her.
Everything was covered in anti-witch propaganda, from the walls to the shelves and desks. There was also other non-witch related things, like a certificate that read 'Flat Earth Society' and a suit of armor? For some reason?
"Well, at least we know we're in the right place!" Gus said, walking over to the desk and picking up random items, inspecting them carefully.
The plant girl followed, sorting through the various knickknacks in hopes of finding their feathery friend.
"See Flapjack anywhere?"
"Nuh-uh. Just a lot of weird things. Like this!" The boy held up a framed picture of what appeared to be a colorful cartoon girl with pink pigtails. "Maybe its a human god or something?"
"Ehh, I don't know. Looks more like the people on Luz's posters than someone humans worship."
Gus chuckles. "Yeah, you're right. I guess this guy is just weird or something?"
"Wha- hey! I'm not weird! I'm just different than other people!"
The kids both turn their heads at the sudden new voice, greeted by an adult human man with brown hair, glasses, and a goatee. The man was dressed in semi-formal clothing, with a name tag that read 'Jacob Hopkins.'
He was also holding something in his hand, but neither of them could tell what it was at the moment.
Willow and Gus immediately got into a defensive stance. "Where's Flapjack?"
"Oh, the bird?" The curator questions, extending his hand outwards, revealing the object that he was holding. A training wand from the Boiling Isles. How did he even get one of those? "I wouldn't worry about him right now. What you should be concerned with is me!"
With that, Jacob made a circle in the air with the wand, creating a ball of fire that shot at the children immediately.
Gus ducked, and Willow used her own magic, commanding the plants below the building to break through the floor and shield them from the attack. She focused on keeping the plants alive as the fire burned through, the heat getting dangerously close to the teen.
When the fire died down, the girl released the plants, moving her hands to grab the curator with them, before seeing a small boy in front of her instead.
"Careful." Jacob warned, holding the training wand to Gus' throat. "You wouldn't wanna hit your friend on accident, would you?"
Willow gasped and put her arms up in surrender.
"Just fight, Willow! I don't think this guy knows what he's doing!"
Jacob's eyebrows furrowed. "I know what I'm doing, brat! I had a teacher! And trust me, you don't want to make me angry right now."
The man made a smaller circle with the wand, creating a mini ball of fire (that seemed to be the only spell he knew perfectly) and put it dangerously close to the pre-teen's neck.
Gus squirmed in the man's grasp, trying to get away from the flame that was threatening to burn him.
Willow started panicking. "Wait, stop! Please don't hurt him!"
The man stopped pushing the heat towards Gus' neck and put the fire out. "If you don't want me to hurt him, you're going to do exactly what I say, understand?"
"Why aren't they back yet?" Luz impatiently tapped her foot on the hard floor, despite only waiting in the lobby for about half a minute after they inspected the other side of the museum.
"We just started waiting, be patient." Hunter scoffed.
"We don't have time to be patient! That museum guy could find us any minute! And looking for Flapjack shouldn't be taking this long; we finished looking in five minutes!" Luz exclaimed, marching towards the hall that her friends went down.
Why was Hunter so... calm? Earlier she thought it was his nerves that were impacting him enough to change the plan, but now she wasn't so sure. He didn't even seem worried for his palisman at all! Maybe he was just so scared that the fight or flight part of his brain stopped working?
"Wait, where are you going?"
Luz angrily spun on her heel to face the blonde. "To check on our friends! You know, the ones you sent off on their own and haven't returned yet!"
"Human, I'm sure they're fine! Let's just wait a couple more minutes before jumping into this without a plan!"
Luz frowned. "I thought we were past that."
Hunter squinted. "Past what?"
"You calling me 'human.' Why'd you stop using my name? I thought we were finally friends!"
"...Oh." Was all he said. He looked more... lost than anything. Like he didn't even realize what he had been saying was different at all.
Luz sighed. "I'm sorry. You're probably just really stressed out right now, and I'm just making it worse."
"R-Right." He stammered. "Listen, I am worried about them, but in case they are in danger, jumping in there without a plan isn't going to help. We need to observe first."
The brunette nodded. Right. Military training. She clasped her hands together. "Okay, Hunter, what's the plan?"
"So, what's your plan here?" Gus questioned as the handcuffs snapped together, securing him and Willow to the chairs they were bound to.
"I don't need to tell you my plans, witches! All you need to know is that today was your last day as free men."
They kids watched as the man put the handcuff keys into the top drawer on the desk, storing that information for later.
"Well, not free men, free witches." The man correctes himself.
"Who taught you how to do magic with that training wand?" Willow interjected, wriggling in the chair she was tied to. "I don't know any humans who would even know what they are."
"That's because I didn't learn from any mere human." Jacob bragged pulling the aforementioned wand out of his pocket again and rolling it between his fingers. "Well, technically he is human, but he's kinda in a witch body- its-its complicated, alright!"
Gus and Willow looked at each other the best they could with their backs facing each other. "...What?"
"Yeah, its kind of a whole clone/possession thing- I don't know, the way he explained it was pretty confusing." The curator rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Who's 'he?'" Gus furrowed his brows.
This made the man's confidence spike again. "Oh, you might just know him. His name is 'Phillip Wittebane', though you two probably know him by 'Belos.'"
From behind the ajar door, the other human gasped.
"But... that's impossible!" Luz whispered. "Belos died in the demon realm! We watched it happen! There's no way he could talk to this curator guy!"
Behind her, a familiar voice chuckled. But it wasn't Hunter's.
"Oh, Luz. Nothing's impossible."
Slowly, she turned, and was greeted by Hunter's face, but Belos' eyes.
"No." She gasped, the realization hitting her like a truck. Hunter wasn't acting differently because he was stressed, he was acting different because he wasn't Hunter at all. And they all fell for it. Luz fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker.
Hunter Phillip chuckled. "I honestly thought you were smarter than this, Luz. Even after all my... slip-ups, you still had faith in him."
Before Luz could react any further, she felt a kick to her stomach, and suddenly she was on the floor of the staff room.
The captured teens gasped. "Luz!"
"AH! Jeez, kid, did you have to do that so suddenly? I was in the middle of something!" Jacob startled, glaring at the blonde teen that entered.
'Hunter' glared back. "I'm centuries older than you." He spat.
"Hunter!" Gus called. "We need hel-"
"Gus." Willow interrupted with a shaky breath, still looking at the 16-year-old in front of them. "I don't think that's Hunter."
Luz groaned from her spot on the floor, sitting up on her elbows with a hiss. That was gonna bruise. "Its Belos."
Lmk if u liked this! The next part will be out as soon as i finish it!
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[My TOH Fanfic Masterlist]
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henqtic · 3 years
our language- d.m.
- summary: finding a love language was a beautiful— even if that said language was showering the other. 
- word count: 1.1k 
- warnings:  talks of insecurities/self hatred with scars, hip dips and, stretch marks. descriptions of blood, non sexual nudity, and that’s about it... please contact me if theres more !
- more works with black readers → Hat // “just one more hour” // Learning 
- masterlist //  gif creds // taglist form 
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love language— a marvelous thing it was, varying from person to person, soul to soul. and it was all to express a deeper love.
the languages weren’t linear nor limited to the vowels humans could make, there were all sorts of different forms it’d come in. notes, words of affirmation, touch, and for you— well it took you some time to figure that out.
at first, it was pinky promises. because for some unknown reason, an eleven year old thought that was the best form of insured security, linking your finger with another’s.
then as you grew, it transformed into notes— if you’d count what was written on them as love. the pale boy from the other side of the classroom making eccentric shapes with parchment just so they could go unnoticed when flying to your desk. nothing special there, not even love— just innocent children who didn’t know any better, nothing about the future.
then it became something else, thirteen year olds becoming aware of their surroundings— crushes in a simpler sense. it seemed that he couldn’t go a week without getting hexed by some student who had had enough or someone who generally didn’t like him so there it came— bandaging the others wounds.
memories rushed through your mind of him sitting overly proud in a wooden chair as you cleaned him up, nose bleed, lip bleed, uncontrollable... puking once. you liked to think back to those days when he’d smile at you with nothing but adoration, a new love that wasn’t said but shone because what set of fifteen year olds are ready for that sort of advance, responsibility?
so for many years, you’d claim that as your love language, taking care of them to show them how much you cared but one day that changed.
no longer claiming it as anything, deep cuts and scars being a token of the day and at first you couldn’t handle seeing them without a feeling of dystopia raining over your spirits because there were too many bad memories linked.
the way he wept on the white mattress that professor snape had been earlier instructed to lay him on. he was attempting to keep his composure in front of the many other students in the hospital wing while he had just survived almost bleeding out.
and it wasn’t then when your disdain towards the markings grew but it was how you watched him go from a person who’d stopped an unreasonable amount just to catch a look at himself in the mirror— some sort of cheeky look directed at himself for added humor to someone who’d shy away from the reflective glass. ashamed of the new pale whites that painted his torso.
but that led you to finding a more solid love language— together this time. you couldn’t recall how you two discovered it but it all happened one day— showering, washing off the other.
and while it was an intimate time, it could never be considered anything sexual. it was an unspoken promise made between the two of you that first day in his private shower— just two people finding solace within each other.
it was how his hands traveled down the curve of your back and to the indent of where your hip bone decided to be placed a little higher than your femur, a dip forming as result.
and how his fingers would take their time delicately tracing the lines of a lighter shade riddled across your brown skin. thighs, lower stomach, upper arm, you name it— stretch marks.
they were deep rooted insecurities of yours for long amounts of time, sprouting at the prime age of puberty. thoughts of appreciation for the body you had never stood a chance against the ones of negativity and hatred. thoughts of that maybe shiver molded you had made a terrible mistake, or maybe that didn’t like you, held a hatred for the person you would become.
but that wasn’t true, not in the slightest.
you were built in your own way, not the same as anyways else but at the same, not out of the ordinary — imperfectly perfect.
that’s what he called them, draco— imperfectly perfect features because while you didn’t need anyone to validate or invalidate what you didn’t have the ability to, he wanted needed to make sure everything about you was perfect to him— there was no way it couldn’t be.
and it was how your hands touched on and soothed every aching muscle his body held as the water showered you both from above.
because as time grew on, past hogwarts and past the war, his scars were no longer a direct remnant of what happened in the bathroom and the cries that followed but an automatic thought to how much he went through and how you held nothing but love for the man standing in front of you.
“i think they’re beautiful,” you whispered to the man almost out of the blue. your eyes were trained to the spot where your hands had stopped on his bare chest.
“hm?” he hummed in question, looking down to you and inhaling the scent of coconut scented soap.
“your scars, they’re beautiful. I hated them at first, for what they did to you and made you feel.” your head tiled mid sentence to looking into his eyes, waterline starting to well with a liquid other than water.
the brick wall that he’d put up as sixteen year old was no longer there, having been chipped away ages ago.
“what changed?” he whispered with a small smirk, dying to know what caused you to think of them in such a way, in a way he didn’t think was possible for a long time.
a bubble formed after that, in a figurative sense— there was now a dome shaped bubble trapping you two closer together than you ever were. because it was two lovers showering with each other, praising the features that neither found to be the best or even do he wanted.
“i think it was my mindset that made all the difference. I used to think of them as some burden forced on you but not anymore. when i say i love you, i’m including them too.” you admitted causing the smirk on his face to grow.
“and when i say i love you, i mean it. i’ll love every single part of you until you do. and when that does happen, I’ll love them even more,” he professed, his hands now on your face, the pads of his thumbs now rested against your skin, wiping away any tears that had formed and fell.
his actions encourage you to do the same, contrasting arms over lapping each other as they wiped away the feeling of pain induced by stubborn insecurities until airy laughs sounded, a meet in the middle.
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@90smalfoy @eunoniaa @dracosaccount @ambi-doo12 @sw33tgirl @ang9lic @daltonacademia @inglourious-imagines @willowmores @fjorelaant @slutfordracoluciusmalfoy @axgelre @pottertherotter @turn-to-page-394-please @clownybrit @callmesasha @aguamvnti @dracosathenaeum @fives-cup-of-coffee @dracomalfoys-wh0re @lovecroftreads @sfdlm @marrymetheonott @becgggg @gwlvr @oh-my-ronron-mphfpc-fanfic-heart @draco-malfoys-significant-other @axgelre @bella-lxhp @trashyvicks @imtryingbutithurts @potterheadtwilighter @galimalfoyweasley @tomandjaebae @mrsmaifoy @riddleswh0recrux @drachoesimp @elevatorsdoor @dlmmdl @hogwarts-boys​
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annavysoul · 3 years
I can confirm, they introduced themselves as 3 readers and they made a post how Bee is leaving and starting their own channel. They even made a post to support it and linked the blog, that's how I knew of the Bee drama. But yknow whatever. But they shouldn't demonize those poor future apouses lmao, it's not gonna be them, or any of us.
Warning very long, I got carried away my bad lol
But the drama on tumblr is kinda mild conpared to Youtube "readers". At least the readers here on tumblr try to hide the fact, that they're describing themselves very well but yoooooooo.... Youtube readers are a different breed. Most of them are super young (12-13, but there are a handful of readers old enough to fucking know better) and just straight up describe themselves with no shame. I even found some who put pics of themselves lmao. Me and my friends like to go through readings and bet, who is describing themselves as a spouse. There is one reader who has over 30+ vids on Mrs. J, and most readings are like over 20 mins long. How much is there to know about a person, that doesn't exist yet??? But most YT readers are obssessed with the fact, that Mrs. J is from India, what a coincidence that the reader is also from India lmao. I'm not saying BTS wouldn't ever date someone from that country, I'm saying it's impossible to get a specific country, age, height, religion etc from tarot cards. The pics on the cards might give you clues and the cards can say that the person is different from you, but they go into way too much detail. And it's funny because they're always soooo specific for Jungkook and V, but for the other ones....crickets🦗 On one hand it's so sad bc you have these little girls, putting out their private info, looks and secrets for the whole world to see (these vids have thousands of views) and they don't really grasp the consequences of their actions bc yknow, their just children. The internet never forgets. But on the other hand, you have these grown women who, like I said, should know better than these little girls. Not only do they get so defensive if you don't 100% allign with what they said, they are borderline so obsessed of the idea of being a spouse. Like tf??? Bts aren't Gods. They're very attractive celebs, who's purpose is to entertain people with their contents and music (hence the word idol & entertainer), while they do feed into that perfect bf material scheme, it's up to the fan to not actually develop real romantic feelings (a celeb crush and being a stan is something very different). Most are actually fans for very superficial reasons, they just find them attractive, not the music. And if you take the glitz and glamour of fame and money away, Bts are regular human beings, with flaws and issues. Like. The. Rest. Of. Us. They only show you the best side of them, because it's part of the whole idol package. We truly do not know these people, no matter how sincere or authentic they appear on camera. Like so so many were suprised that they wanted to disband a few years ago, bc they couldn't handle the pressure. These readers always believe if they meet/marry them, their life is going to be better and they feel alive again or smth. Most of these readers actually need therapy, I don't mean that in a condescending way. They imagine that their spouse, a celeb they've never met, will be their sole reason for their happiness and only then they are able to fix their issues and unhappiness. That reeks of co-dependency. And even if they'd become couple and be public, then what? A really big big chunk of Armys are actually in love with Bts, no matter if they even know tarot or not (Armys usually claim that only 2% of the fandom are delulus but that's definetly not true🥴). You'd get send d*eath threats, be harrassed, get doxxed, be hated for all eternity, even if you'd decided to break up. Look what happend with Jk and the tattoo artist he only hugged. She lost her job bc Armys were reporting her, some were trashing her workplace, she got threats, her friends got harassed and doxxed and she lost a friend (Jk). Not only that, but people would legit stalk you and try to hurt you, if you were a romatic partner of Bts. Then you also have the tarot side, who'd try to curse youa nd paint you as the evil demon, who is toxic to member xyz. And I don't think you'd want to spend your entire life locked in your house. And I personally could never deal with like millions of haters, no matter how hot my partner is.
Yoooo! i search again in yt and watch a couple of videos... these are kids for go sake🥺🥺 where are their parents and why they let them public private infoooo?!? internet and children isnt the best combination...
and yess, theres also grown up women and thats really creepy, u can understand that children might do that cause they are young, BUT WHEN U ARE OLD ENOUGH, U SHOULD ACT BETTER!! and i insist, they just trying to prove to themselves and to the world that they are worth it to be with a celebrity, like yeah of course u are worthy, like any of us, but this is not the way u know? its weird, i dont think its sane at all, they just are using the cards to feel better, and thats bs. and if it is just a cope mecanism, plz work on yourself, get help, life its better when u are in a healthy place
also its interesting about mrs being from india and most of all the videos i watch where from indian armys, tarot doesnt work like that, yeah u can feel the energy that its different, perhaps different culture and think that maybe it could be a foreing, but the cards will never tell you something that specific, less if u dont even know in person the people you are reading for
we dont know them at all, and people put them in a such high pedestal just for being famous and hot, so i really have trouble to think that some tarot readers can pick their real energy, im a very intuitive person, but i need to be in the presence of the person to feel their real energy, so to be so specific in a reading they need to energise the cards with the energy of the person, they need to at least shuffle the cards and connect with the reader, sooo thats why i only see these reads as enterteiment, and its bad for the community to claim that we can see ALL of about them.
i'll never forgive the people who threaten the tattoo artist, poor girl, and thats why the guys cant have healthiest relationship, let them have a LIFE
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
boyfriend jumin headcanons
theres no way hes been in a relationship before, never even kissed someone before. you best believe hes going to go all in hes so starved for love
he needs to hear every single thing about your life, even the littlest things. he will remember it all, and asks so many questions too. could listen to you talk for hours and never get bored. your life is so different from his, he finds it fascinating. always wants to know more.
at the beginning of the relationship he has an extremely hard time controlling himself and finding whats right and wrong in a romantic relationship. you have to be very open with your boundaries or he’ll treat you like a doll, he cant help himself hes just so enamored.
does SO much research on relationships, he doesnt like the advice he finds but hes looking in all the wrong places. seven gives him links for real advice from real people reddit instead of mens magazines because those all suck. jumin starts to ask him for help whenever hes curious about something and seven will find a link for him to read. it helps bridge their relationship a bit more. seven is one of those friends thats amazing at relationship advice but for some reason desperately single.
even though he’s new to relationships and still trying to figure it out, that does not mean hes bad at it. no sir. this man was raised on romantic novels and cheesy soap operas. he knows his way into your heart easy peasy
the most beautiful arrangements of flowers delivered to your doorstep, your favorite foods from the most gourmet restaurants in seoul sent right to your work, hand written love letters sealed in wax sent to you while he’s away on business. declares his undying love for you over the phone almost daily.
hes never been around women much before, rikas the exception but he wasnt around around her like you would be with a lover. so hes interested finding out about your habits, routines, likes. the way you cook breakfast in the morning, the way you do your bedtime routine, your afterwork routine. always finding something new to love about you every new day.
he really adores anything and everything you think is a flaw. he prefers you with your quirks rather than aiming for perfection. theres nothing wrong with being “plastic” but the majority of those types of women he’s been around are the rich snobby type more than every day women. he prefers you. again hes never been close to many women so its kind of amazing but sad the things you can find to think harshly about. things he absolutely would never imagine someone being insecure about in the first place. he loves this body, it makes him upset when youre so critical to it.
he’ll explain to you what goes on behind the scenes of corporations and how exactly they make you insecure about those odd little things just to profit off of it, theres nothing wrong with you to begin with but if you believed that then they would be out of business, you see. knowing that aspect of things is why hes understanding but still saddened by your insecurities.
hes a very possessive man and is unashamed about it. hes never had anything as important as you to protect before so he doesnt care how ridiculous he may be sometimes, as long as youre safe. body guards, frequent calls, locations on, always wanting to be with you if he can. if that all bothers you i feel like that would be a bit of a disagreement area. his personality is naturally possessive and he does it out of love so bear with him please. he would definitely tone down as time progressed but for now he doesn’t want to let you out of his sight. trusts you, not other people.
he likes to observe you a lot, your day to day. it’s interesting to him even though it can be a little annoying to you sometimes. asks questions constantly. hes so curious. jumin let me go to the bathroom in peace hes literally a child
it makes him so happy when you laugh at his jokes. everyone else thinks they’re not funny but he doesnt care, as long as you laugh hes happy.
if you wear make-up it’s literally amazing for him to watch. he’ll stand in the bathroom and just observe. you can GLUE eyelashes to your FACE?! and its common?! this is so shocking to him. he had no clue. its kind of embarrassing for you but hes just so interested. never watched someone put on makeup before. the process is so intricate and careful, hes so fascinated by this strange magic. youre so smart too, he doesnt know any of the names of the things you use but always asks so he can remember for gift giving purposes. shades you like, shades you dont like, companies you dont buy from, your favorite brands. somehow has a giant mental notepad and writes all this down for safe keeping
speaking of smart he thinks you are the smartest person on the face of this earth. hes so confused at certain aspects of life and you help him get it. why do people eat fried chicken when its not nutritionally dense or even healthy to consume? it doesn’t make sense. because its yummy, jumin. wow, youre so right...
always texts you little reminders throughout the day to show his love. dont forget to eat breakfast dear. dont forget to wear sunscreen before you go out love, its hot today. dont forget that i love you so much my darling ♥︎ SO CUTE hes so caring
this man is so so touch starved, he always wants to hold you or touch you in someway. if he could bring you everywhere with him he would. he starts to get anxious if he goes too long without your comfort, truly doesn’t know how he made it for so long without it
not the biggest fan of pda but it depends on the situation. he likes making others jealous but he doesn’t want anyone else to see the way you look after he kisses you in that one special way that only he can. thats for his eyes only
loves showering you in anything you desire. you are spoiled. he’d buy you a whole ass island if you wanted one. he never understood how his father could just give away so much to a woman but now he cannot say a THING. he’d go completely broke as long as it made you happy
if you dont like tons of store bought gifts he’ll spend more time on meaningful ones. picking you flowers from the rooftop garden and arranging them himself, he embroiders as a pastime so he’ll make you cute little cat decals and stuff like that
he likes to do things for you like paint your nails, wash your hair, put lotion on you after a bath etc. loves it so much, if youre not comfortable with him babying you its totally fine but if you are he’ll do it whenever you let him
he has very cold hands. never really thought about them until he met you, really hopes you dont mind. tries to warm his hands up where he can before he touches you, but secretly loves when he runs his cold fingertips down your skin and you get gooseflesh all over. thinks its cute.
gets insecure sometimes. not really about his looks, but his personality. luciel is funny, zen is handsome and suave. yoosung is sweet and open with his emotions. he wonders frequently why you chose him out of anyone else.
all in all jumin is someone you need to get used to being in a relationship with, hes not the average joe and has a lot going on with himself that he needs to work through. but if you help him, love him for him, he’ll be the sweetest lover you could ever ask for.
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dakotasgreenkitchen · 3 years
Take A Chance On Me- Part 1.
A girl with brown straight hair and hazel eyes sat in the office of the head master in Children’s Home of Washington.
She was 15 and what the staff of the orphanage would say is past the age of anyone ever adopting you. Most workers at the home couldn’t stand her. For reasons she absolutely knew, but could care less about.
“Florence?” The head master’s voice interrupted the music playing through the earbuds as Florence annoyingly sat up.
“Yes?” Florence forced a fake smile, as she took the music out of her ears placing it on the bed.
“Surprisingly there is a family here that wants a teenager for some reason. You happen to be alphabetically first on our list, so get up and put something nice on.” Headmaster Lawrence instructed, turning on her high heels and walking out of the large bedroom Florence was in with the other girls.
Did we also mention the home Florence found herself in also doubled as a school? Lovely wasn’t it.
Florence reluctantly rolled off the bed and opened the trunk at the foot. Pulling out orange corduroy pants, a black shirt sleeve shirt that resembled a turtle neck at the top, and black platform leather boots.
Florence tied her hair into a dutch braid down her back and placed the various vintage rings she owned onto her fingers as she shoved her phone into her pocket and ran to the staircase.
She met Mrs. Lawrence at the bottom adjusting her posture, raising her dark eyebrow for approval.
“You could have chosen something more lady like, you need to make sure these people want you.” Mrs. Lawrence said before walking towards the office prompting Florence to follow her.
“Lady like my ass.” Florence grumbled, her hazel eyes rolling as she trudged behind Mrs. Lawrence the sound of her boots hitting the old wood.
“Okay Dr. Lincoln, Dr. Shepherd this is Florence. She’s 15, a phenomenal student and quite the personality.” Mrs. Lawrence spoke to Amelia and Link as Florence entered placing her ringed hands into her pockets.
“Hi.” Amelia smiled, Link’s hand resting over hers as they sat in the office chairs.
“Hey.” Florence spoke, receiving a stern look from Mrs. Lawrence due to the fact she didn’t hold her hand out for them.
“I will leave you 3 be, I’m outside if you need anything.” Mrs. Lawrence gave a fake smile, that Florence saw directly through as she closed the door.
“So your name is Florence. Can I ask where it came from?” Amelia asked, smiling kindly as Florence sat in the desk across from the two adults.
“The city. I was named after the city in Italy.” Florence said proudly. She had always admired her name, it was different and it made her special.
“That’s cool. Well I’m Link and this is Amelia. So tell us anything about you or ask us anything.” Link said wrapping his arm around Amelia.
Dear god help me. Florence thought to herself, this was the most cliche thing she had ever seen. Like they were too in love for it to be normal.
“Why do you want me?” Florence bluntly asked, her leg crossed as she leaned into the large chair behind her.
“Excuse me?” Amelia chuckled, not quite sure what Florence meant and not wanting to hurt her feelings.
“Like no one asks for kids over the age of probably 6 here and I’m 15 so what on this green earth would make you guys want me?” Florence chuckled, fidgeting with one of the glass rings on her fingers.
“Well we already have a baby. And we recently got told we might not be able to have anymore kids of our own so we looked into adoption. You were the first child they placed us with and we just thought you sounded interesting.” Amelia shrugged, the dimple in her cheek visible as she spoke.
“Okayyy then. Well about myself. My parents died in a fire, so here I am. My favorite music artist is ABBA or anything from the 70’s. I like to read Jane Austen and I like to paint and draw.” Florence said, her eyebrow raised as she spoke.
“That’s cool. I told Amelia when you walked in that your outfit was really neat.” Link smiled, Florence instantly having to hold in her laughter of being called “neat”.
“Thanks. I appreciate that. So you have a baby?” Florence asked, walking around to sit on the desk.
“Yes. Scout hes about 7 months.” Amelia said pulling out her phone to show Florence. Florence leaned forwards smirking at the photo.
“Cute. So why exactly would you want a teenager with a baby? You’ll experience his teenage years eventually.” Florence asked, no attitude in her voice just genuine question.
Florence was enjoying herself, if Mrs. Lawrence was in with her then she would have gotten a talking to about her ruining her chances of being adopted by this very nice family.
“You seemed appealing. I have a niece a few years younger than you and I’ve fostered a teenager before and I enjoyed it.” Amelia said, not going to mention to Florence that Betty was also a drug addict, teen mother that she fostered.
“Is that a tattoo?” Link asked, noticing the black writing on the part of Florence’s arm a little below the side of her wrist.
“Oh yeah, kind of.” Florence chuckled running her fingers over the ink on her wrist.
“What does it say?” Amelia asked as Florence flashed her wrist toward Amelia.
“Divine, my darling. My mother used to tell me that.” Florence said, her eyebrows raising.
Mrs. Lawrence came back in causing Florence to look at her with an annoyed face.
“I hate to interrupt but theres another family here to speak to Florence it seems so-“ Mrs. Lawrence said as she picked up Florence’s file.
“No need. We loved her. Where do we sign?” Link smiled, causing Florence’s mouth to fall to the floor.
“Oh I’ll get the papers and well Miss Florence, you can go collect your things.” Mrs. Lawrence said in surprise, Florence slowly nodding and walking out of the room.
Her mind was confused, why on earth would a couple with a baby want a random teenager in an orphanage.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Geeking Out
You work onset of the witcher as the resident handy girl there to repair the props onset rather then them being sent off to be fixed, when working on Geralt’s sword Henry comes across you and with one slip of the tongue your inner geeks collide.
Warnings: Fluff, Swearing
A/N: Had this on my mind for a while just a cute little fluff piece hope you enjoy XX
Taglist: @havenoffandoms​ @iloveyouyen​ @angelofthor​ @thatgirly81​
Incredible text dividers are from @writeyourmindaway​ I suggest you go check out her others they are soo usefull xx.
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You hummed quietly managing to secure yourself a table in one of the busy tents just off set, you moved quickly furiously mixing the epoxy trying to combine the two parts with the lolly stick. Your task? you were trying to fix Geralt’s sword there had been a small mishap during a scene renfri's brooch had been hit in one of the takes and had come off. Your job was to put it back on and make sure its stays on , so this time you were forgoing the original glue and using a tiny amount of epoxy it was stronger and once it cured that little brooch wasn't coming off for love nor money. Your job was maintenance on the props ,you were kept onset with a small arsenal of tools to fix anything that gets damaged quick and skilled repair jobs anything from the horse tack to props jewellery the only things you didn't touch was wardrobe because...Fuck no. Textiles was not your thing.
You moved fast wanting to have it mixed thoroughly. This particular resin cured fast...very fast well for resin anyway, so it was always a rush to combine it. You moved a syringe and pulled the plunger up then dotted the resin on the hilt of the sword swiftly applying the brooch then looked around for the clamp. Shit. It was to far you couldn't reach it. You tried stretching down into your bag for it but it was no use suddenly someone was behind you.
"Need help?" You nodded to the slim clamp in the bag
"Yeah could you pass me the clamp forgot to get it out just got this bloody thing central and can't risk it slipping" you focused on your work holding the brooch steady as the person hummed leaning down then handed it to you.
"Cheers lovey" you thanked them and leaned down with one final check that everything was positioned correctly nodding you placed a rag across it protecting it and clamped it securely.
"Sorry about that... Misjudged the angle and hit it to hard I'm afraid" you froze looking up seeing Henry in full wardrobe bar his contacts smiling sheepishly. Even tho you'd been onset this whole time you'd never actually spoke to any of the cast there was no need. You quickly swallowed your shock and laughed.
"Don’t matter to me, keeps me in a job so go nuts!" you both laughed he looked over the things you had out across the table, you followed his gaze. Noting how he then moved to stare at you intently, you felt a flush creep across your chest but cleared your throat nodding to the prop.
"I've used epoxy on it ...It should be a lot stronger." He hummed not really paying attention.
"Anyway its not your fault they used a mid strength glue last time.. I don't think they had a clue how much of a beating it was gonna take" he hummed then peeked over the cup that had a small amount of resin in it still.
"So I can go to town on it?" You nodded wiping your hands down and smirked at him.
"Knock yourself out muscles! I doubt even you will be able to snap that off again....And that's not a challenge either" he rubbed the back of his head smirking at you as you moved dumping the cup with the left overs in a bag then in a small bucket with sand in it that was used as an ashtray for the crew on set. He looked at you questioning. You nodded to it.
"Get's hot when curing so I will leave it there to be safe then take it out when its set..." he hummed in agreement  then moved with you helping to pack up your things.
"So how long will it take to be finished then?" You froze wide eyed
"Why do they need it now?" You panicked they had said it wasn't needed today so you could work on it... did they change their mind? he quickly held his hands up
"No no we are done with it for today...I just wondered was all.." you stopped and flushed at him, you felt a little embarrassed as you had begun to cuss him out in your head thinking he was being rude trying to rush you.
"About an hour...Well I hope an hour it really depends, if there is any leakage  then I will have to sand it with my dremel...and to do a proper job of that I'd need to go through a few different grits and but if theres no leakage  or any nastiness then we should be done in about half an hour....This epoxy cures in ten to twelve  minutes but to be sure I'd want to leave it around twenty to twenty five ish but either way by the end of the day you sir will have your sword back." He looked between you and his prop wilth a huge smile.
"Sounds like a plan! .....Still feel bad tho I'm sure you have tonnes to do already...nevermind me adding to it." You waved him of with a wide grin
"Your kidding! Been waiting to get my hands on this baby since day one! Needed to see the details for my -" you stopped yourself before you said to much not wanting to 'geek out' in front of him he tilted his head sharply.
"Your what? You making a replica or something?" You flushed at him bobbing your head side to side a little.
"Well yes and no...not a full scale one I'm gonna make a mini..." his face lit up and you could see him become excited.
"You make mini's? Like wow and stuff?" He asked buzzing in the way all geeks do when they find a fellow nerd to speak geek with. You giggled an nodded.
"Yes I can't paint them to save my life but I draw and make them on the pc for people to download and use on their 3d printers....I'm more into scenery dioramas...I make tabletop boards" he grinned at you practically vibrating on the spot.
"Seriously? That’s soo cool...Do you have any pictures of them?" You smiled and nodded just as you got your phone out you both heard it Henry's name was called by Joey he sighed and gave a small chuckle.
"Looks like I'm needed...I will be back later to see them and collect my sword...If not hold on to it for me?" You gave him a funny look as he stayed for a moment giving you his best puppy eyes. You laughed and nodded to him, he grinned and quickly left. You stood dumbfounded as he stole a few glances over his shoulder at you before disappearing around the corner. Well that was weird, normally the props were picked up by...well anyone to be stored the cast never did hence why you'd never seen them. You shrugged it off and continued placing your stuff away zipping up your bag.
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That was the first time you met the man, later that day he did indeed return and spent nearly two hours geeking out looking at your collection of dioramas, he specifically liked the ones base on Lord of the rings and the few marvel and dc ones you'd done. All of which were centered around villains. It wasn't long before it became a habit that between takes he would seek you out, sometimes bringing Joey along. Soon you found yourselves together all the time, they seemed fascinated by your work and hobby always asking questions, to the point you'd snapped at them when they wouldn't shut up when you tried fixing a particularly fiddly jewellery piece . Even then they stayed sitting either side of you staring as you maneuvered the tiny gems and links back into place.
By the time the production came to a end you had all become close friends each of you exchanging numbers and always texting in a group chat. You couldn't help harboring a little crush on Henry, and you had tried but he was just so...him and maybe he liked you back? You wasn't sure but he seemed to be touchy...Not in a bad way god no! But he was a hugger and holder. When ever he was around you he always seemed to be touching you in some way holding your hand or arm as he dragged you about set,slinging an arm around your shoulders or waist at lunch or when you was working stuff like that. Maybe you were just reading into things to much but it felt like there might be something there. Or at least you hoped there might be, he was sweet funny and dorky but still mature and masculine he was basically your dream man, and then some!
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You sulked today was your final day on set you were looking forward to returning home and just relaxing but at the same time you'd miss the guys. You'd all clicked with one another and were so used to them popping up whenever. You tilted your head as you ran your pen across the sketch in you book. It was a close up of Jaskier’s lute details you'd been working on. You were trying to take your mind off things you were scared of them forgetting about you, it wasn't often you managed to click with people let alone men, you supposed you were anxious usually you were fine alone but you found yourself craving company since hanging around them. You glanced up when you heard them before you saw them as they approached you . Sitting up you quickly shook off your sadness as they both made their way across to you.
"Hey bitches" they chuckled at you taking seats at the table the three of you had claimed for the past months.
"God I can't believe its over...I cant wait to see it!" Joey said enthusiastically make you and Henry nod.
"Me neither its gonna be incredible! Its gonna be big you know that don't you? After the great flop of game of thrones their fanbase are gonna be lost and looking for something similar" Joey blinked he hadn't thought of that.
"Really? Didn't think of it like that." You smiled at him and wriggled your eyebrows "And you sir are never escaping that fucking song either so be prepared" he furrowed his brows
"How’d you know about that?" You smirked
"It was one of the few scenes I was allowed to watch them film...and it was stuck in my head for a fucking week the worst bit? I couldn't go and download it from youtube either it was hell!" He chuckled at your frown and leaned over you his eyes caught the page you were working on it was the first time he'd caught a glimpse at your artwork.
"Oh shit! That’s cool" you looked down alarmed then went to cover your image but he had already pulled it from under your nose.
"Henry look!" You flushed a not wanting them to see your sketches. He smiled and flicked a few pages. He looked up through his lashes at you.
"These are really good y/n super detailed... They for your mini's?" You nodded at him sheepishly as you noticed he had found your Geralt cheat sheet. He smirked seeing the page full of his Geralt pulling various faces then skipped a few pages to Joey's Jaskier.  He past it back to him.
"Here there's yours" Joey gasped at them
"Holy shit...Did you do all the cast? Are you gonna 3d print em?" You nodded to him
"I did the main cast once I get home I’m gonna start putting them into the computer but yes eventually they will be printed for people to use...After I sort them out  I’m gonna be making a witcher diorama to display them." Henry smiled at you
"Can you teach me to make one?" You blinked at him not sure you’d heard him right
"What?" He nodded to your book.
"Id like a set for my collection and small a diorama for them...I have always wanted to try it but it seems expensive to get the stuff if I’m crap at it...And it would be fun to make one with you...If you wanted to that is?" You flushed at him gaping.
"Err Ive never done a collaboration before but sure we could give it a go...Could do a witcher one for you to display these mini's...I wont be painting them tho not good at it, sketching is fine but I can't do detail paint....scenery is more forgiving... " he nodded enthusiastically at you like a kid on Christmas.
"Really! Fuck Absolutely! I always wanted to try scenery that would be brilliant." He flushed a little as Joey snorted at him and received a sharp look. It had become common knowledge that he had a thing for you. Everyone seemed to have caught on to it and had all told him to go for it but he was shy...He was nervous what if he had read you wrong? And you didn't like him back? He would be quite embarrassed  and torn up if he asked you out and you shot him down...so no he would settle for being friends.You smiled at him missing their exchange between them.
"Err sure just let me know when your free...I’m not that far from You in London right? Just give me a heads up when you wanna come round" Henry looked ecstatic, it was true he had found out a few weeks ago you was literally Fifteen minutes away from his place in London. He realized you had caught him staring blushing he moved directing his attention back to your drawings again. Joey noticed the awkward moment and swiftly poked your side.
"I want some too! A perfect mini me! Just what everyone needs" You scoffed
"A mini you sounds like a threat! god help us all!" You all laughed spending the remaining time reminiscing on the last few weeks until finally it was time for you to leave. You pouted hugging both of them.
"Gonna miss you two have fun on the promotion tour and stay in touch okay guys" they smiled hugging you back Henry squeezed you tight pulling you up off of the floor making you whine at him.
"I will definitely call and will probably be round September October time" you nodded and finally wriggled away from him leaving the hotel heading home.
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Once home you quickly got to work uploading and designing your mini's on the pc you had been speaking to the boys a bit but as time went on you heard less and less from Henry until finally six weeks later all conversation had stopped. Which really didn't surprise you, he was busy...Well that's what you told yourself, it was a shitty excuse you were saying to keep yourself from getting upset. you had found yourself enjoying his company to much. You liked him like liked him, it was fun talking to him,  he was interested in the same things as you and was funny and you had brilliant banter you wasn't constantly worried about how you acted around him because he just got you, you thought you’d both got on well and could remain friends. Somewhere in the back of your mind you stupidly had hoped something would come of it ....But that was a silly childish fantasy. Still you asked Joey a few times and he said that Henry was dealing with some stuff and would come around eventually but it did nothing to cheer you up. You resigned yourself to the fact that he was bored and needed someone to talk to on set that was it. You and Joey still spoke at least once a week even if it was just a quick 'hi how are you?'. You could kick yourself as even when you realized Henry wasn't going to meet up with you, you still began his diorama... Some silly little hope that he might still show but it was unlikely so the diorama was now yours ,you'd planned to make one using your new Netfilx witcher mini's the base was done and you were building up the Styrofoam. The design was going to be a small woodland area with a tiny waterfall running into a stream next to the witchers camp in which the four main characters would sit...Well five including roach. You sighed looking at the blocks of Styrofoam they had been glued down and are now ready to be carved. It had been ready for two weeks but... You suppose it was a little hope that if you didn't start it he would come around like he said. But when Christmas came and went you finally realized he wasn't coming.
Just as you moved to the wall socket and turned on your hot wire cutter you heard the doorbell go frowning you got up dragging your feet as you walked through the kitchen to the hall, as you got closer you could see a huge frame through the frosted glance. It looked a lot like..
"Henry? What are you?" He smiled sheepishly down at you. He chuckled nervously.
"Ah hi y/n...Long time no see?" You crossed you arms at him making him gulp.
"What can I do for you?" You tried keeping your voice even tho inside you were a a quivering mess of irritation anxiety and my god you felt weak in The knees and all the man was doing was standing there!how you even formed words you don't know. Henry the man you'd been pining over was here. He was on your doorstep. And you hadn't let him in what the fuck? why hadn't you invited him in yet?. Pride was the answer, you didn't want to seem desperate. he just straight up ignored you...for months!. You were intent on being angry with him, wanting to give him a piece of your mind. just as you rose your gaze to his you froze.Shit. you gulped eyes softening as you took in his appearance, he looked so anxious and guilty? even then he took your breath away, as gorgeous as you remembered him. he stood a little less confident to what you remembered shoulders slouched his eyes darting around almost as if he was fearful of your reaction, you took a deep breath gripping your front door in a white knuckle grip.He looked to you neighbors door step seeing the nosey old women Mrs Hamlin standing there staring outright, then turned to you going a little red twisting his coat pockets in his hands sighing, sucking it up and started talking.
"Hey I know we haven't been talking its just I ah...well I got a little caught up with the promo tour and that then had to negotiate season two and on the way to the final stop I lost my phone-well I destroyed it really dropped a fucking dumbbell on the thing in the gym..Then Christmas was hectic...Anyway that’s not the point...The point is by the time I got a new phone and found Joeys number and had him send me yours it...I felt like I had left it to long to reply... I wasn't sure if you'd be angry thinking I was ignoring you..." you blinked up at him stunned. That’s why he suddenly stopped he broke his phone and lost you number? You took a step back feeling incredibly stupid. You’d honestly began thinking the worst of him. You felt so bad.
"So...instead of phoning or texting you thought you'd just...come round?" He winced at you tone
"I wanted to talk in person...I wanted you to know I was genuinely sorry...I am sorry I let my anxiety get the better of me...I-I should go" you panicked as he began to turn around and quickly grabbed his arm
"Thank you Henry...You don't owe me anything but you coming here to speak to me means a lot ...I just assumed you were busy...I'll admit I did get a little upset when time went on and you still didn't reply...But now I understand why, we waited for each other to start a conversation again, like a couple  of school kids...Would you like to come in for a coffee?" He grinned wide and nodded glancing to the side eyeing your neighbor who had continued staring at him. You followed his gaze she was really giving him the evil eye.
"What er what is wrong with your neighbor? I mean I knocked on the wrong house but she is kind of freaking me out." You glanced at her and smiled waving
"Morning Mrs Hamlin" she hissed out a pleasant 'go fuck yourself' at you and entered slamming her door. You laughed at Henry's shocked face.
"She's just not a people person...Any way come in your letting all my heat out" you moved to the side letting him enter the small hall closing the door behind him.
"Hang your coat up and I will get some tea on" he did as you asked and followed you to the kitchen then spied your hobby room.
"Is that where you do all your bits?" You smiled nodding as you made the tea
"Yep! Here come in I was just about to start on the witcher one you can help carve, here I'll show you" he followed like a lost puppy paying attention as you began to guide him through the steps letting him carve out the shapes you wanted smiling ear to ear the whole time as you showed him your plan for the scene.
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It took a week but finally the diorama was finished, Henry bless him had found some of the steps tricky resulting in a few cuts and burns from the hot wire cutter but he had enjoyed every second of it.Today was the last day working on the project everything was done and you both looked at it.
"Wow its a lot of steps but...It look so realistic...I loved doing the water ripples using the airgun tho it was genius!" You smiled looking at it then jumped up.
"Not finished yet tho here, I printed them last night." You moved over to a small tub with your Netflix Witcher cast mini's and roach in it, they were in isopropyl  alcohol to clean them up after printing. You'd spent some time re-scaling them to fit the scene you'd just finished. His eye went wide as he saw them.
"Wow...these are from your drawings...How'd you get so much detail...May I?" You nodded to him as he carefully moved them from the tub and inspected them. He was fascinated.
"Thank you so much! Their great...perfect even...I've had so much fun this week" you patted his arm
"Me to big guy, its been nice having someone around to talk to, your really good with a bit more work you’ll be making your own in no time" he moved placing the mini's on the finished diorama then stood back.
"That’s a bit of a stretch don't you think...I'm dreading painting it tho.." you laughed holding your hands up.
"Hey don't look at me I print em you paint em that Mr Cavill was the deal" he rolled his eyes biting his lip. The last week had been above and beyond what he had hoped for. He couldn't help wanting more from you tho, he in a way felt a little selfish he wanted you to himself. He stood tall in front of you contemplating his next move.Should he?. Could he? He knew he wanted to try and pursue you but he still had doubts. You blinked and gulped seeing a heated glint in his eyes that was clouded with anxiety.
"Hen-henry?" He hummed in response his heart just about jumping out of his chest as he moved in slowly noticing you leaning towards him to...Did you want him to kiss you? You looked like you wanted to kiss him... Should he let you kiss him first? Or was he reading this all wrong. Fuck. He couldn't take it his nerves and thoughts buzzing he panicked momentarily and just went for it. Dipping his head quickly he connected his lips to yours tilting his head he moved closer shuffling his feet forward. It took you a few seconds to realize what he was doing but when the shock finally disappeared you moaned into him moving to cup the back of his neck. He grunted pulling back for air taking one large gulp then wrapped himself around you pinning you to between himself and the table, clutching you to his front cradling you against him as you accepted him into your mouth groaning as he was quick to explore, dragging your tongue to dance around his moaning and teasing you letting his hands fall to cup your bottom grabbing the full cheeks rolling them around lightly then pulled back from your mouth. He looked down through half lidded eyes and smiled seeing your dazed expression.
"Well...That was, a long time coming and definitely worth the wait...Hopefully i wont have to wait as long for the next one?" you glowed red at that and wriggled a little freezing noticing he still had a firm grip on your ass. You nodded shyly at him.
"Y-you waited to do that?" He nodded moving his hands up from your ass to your sides smoothing his thumbs across your ribs lightly not willing to let you go for a second.
"Yes..For a long time the others were pestering me but I was shy...Wasn't sure if you'd like me or not...Didn't want to ruin our friendship..." you stuttered looking up into his sparkling eyes seeing him flustered and shy made you feel a little better
"Of course I do!...Had a crush on you for...well a long time but just like you I didn't want to rock the boat" he looked at you shocked then laughed loudly.
"Well now that we both know where we stand would you like to order in we could get your favorite?"
"You know what my favorite food is?" he tilting his head down to yours with a knowing grin taking a deep breath he started listing off a few of you favorite's.
"Of course I do, Chinese is your top sweet and sour chicken chow mein and hors d'oeuvres namely seaweed and prawn toast and Japanese is a close second wagamama's if I remember correctly , your favorite chocolate is Lindor and favorite drink of all time is apple juice" you gaped at him, he had remembered all that.
"Wow I'm impressed you listened to my nervous rambling let alone took anything from it" "I love listening to you, you get so passionate about everything you love its cute..Hard not to pay attention...what do you mean nervous?" you felt all giddy when you realized he had been paying attention as you rambled on about what you thought was random uninteresting things.
"Well I'm always a little nervous around you...I do have a crush on you." he chuckled pulling you closer pressing a sweet kiss to your lips.
"That makes two of us, any way Chinese? My treat?" you jumped up nodding at him definitely up for some take out.
"Absolutely! but I warn you I can eat...Like I EAT." he chuckled moving down to give you one more kiss then pulled away from you to grab his phone to order online.
"And we can watch Netflix" you faltered and smiled up at him impishly causing him to raise a brow.
"I-I err don't have Netflix..." he gaped at you blinking as if you had a second head
"What? how could you not- you worked for them..Have you even watched the witcher yet babe?" you flushed at the pet name...And the embarrassing truth of why you'd avoided watching the show.
"W-Well you see that err...No I haven't...Kind of avoided it to be honest.." he frowned at you, you were so excited about seeing it yet you had...Avoided it?
"Why?" you squirmed under his gaze, the blues peering down you could feel them seeing through you.
"W-Well I...It was hard I really really liked you and then you just stopped talking to me...I was upset and each time I saw you it made me worse...Like I’d been punched in the chest there was no way I was gonna get through episode one with out getting really upset so I didn't watch it..." he swore dropping his phone to the table and wrapped his arms around you tight
"Shit...I'm so so sorry love...I promise not to do that to you again! come here... I've got Netflix I will give you my log in and you can watch it ....Not when I'm around tho not too keen on watching myself much" you grinned at him as he rocked slowly with you
"Okay then deal..Is watching yourself on tv like re-watching old family videos then i take it?" he laughed pulling away nodding
"Yes almost...Maybe not as cringe tho...Now come on go get the tv on I will be in there in a second just need to order this then we can get settled and pick a film" you smiled leaving him with a quick peck then ran down the hall to the sitting room barely containing yourself as it sunk in that he liked you back and this might just be the relationship of a lifetime.
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meruz · 4 years
replying to some asks - lots of weird preachy art advice. just trying to cram every sophomore year art school lecture into my blog
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ANON, PLEASE SEND ME A PICTURE OF THIS..........................
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glad to hear it!!!! I always love to see sketches from other artists but somehow when I post mine I feel like it’s just...cheap? like its not ““Real content”““ LOL... but if even one person likes to see it thats all I need to hear
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very interesting question, thank you for being specific because that makes it a lot easier to answer. This is going to kind of sound like what every other artist tells you but
1) Go to figure drawing classes/sessions! I know we’re in the middle of a pandemic right now but actually that might even make it easier to find because a lot of figure drawing sessions are being held online atm! Anyways, I cannot possibly overemphasize the importance or studying the human form from life. It’s something that artists spend their whole lives studying and still learn new things about. Nude figure sessions are far preferred over clothed ones especially for beginners but, really, any practice from life helps. Whenever you draw from observation, make sure to step back and really look at your model and then your drawing. What discrepancies do you see, what feels like its missing, where do you think you can improve, etc etc. developing a critical eye is crucial.
I think figure drawing classes are the best method by far but theres plenty of other ways to get the practice in. I do a lot of cafe drawing and drawing on public transport, personally. Drawing from life is vastly preferred over drawing from photo reference because the human body is a living thing and conveying it properly means understanding 3D space and gesture and movement, all things that are easier to perceive irl. A lot of artists draw from dance videos on youtube to at least get the idea of movement even if it’s ultimately from a 2D screen. Recently, I’ve been drawing a lot from rock climbing videos on youtube!
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because they’re climbing you actually get a lot of interesting angles LOL... good study of pose-to-pose relationships too, actually..
2) Practice dynamically. If you can develop the eye to figure out where your drawings are lacking, you can practice with those weaknesses in mind. If you realize you don’t really understand the structure of a foot or the back of the head or the back when it’s arched, look up references and practice those things specifically. Sometimes it’s not in the specifics but the general - if you realize you have a hard time proportioning out the figure, draw guides for yourself and set goals to draw proportions before details. Stuff like that.
3) Box Trick. This is just the simplest way to get a set of guidelines down for perspective on the human body the same way you put down guidelines to figure out where the eyes sit on the head LOL.
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but here’s something to keep in mind regardless: perspective is a game. You’re tricking the eye into thinking something is close or far when actually its just sitting on the same 2D plane as everything else. You can do the math and make all the guides you want but at the end of the day its either going to look convincing or its not. And being convincing is a lot less about being accurate and a lot more about confidently selling your point. So don’t sweat the calculations of proportions, make hands or heads or feet as big as you feel is right and trust your eye and your gut over your brain.
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Hi, yeah sure go ahead! As long as you link+credit me, I don’t mind my work being used for non-profit purposes. Especially fanart like.. I don’t even own these characters LOL. Just, if you edit my art, please don’t use it to perpetuate like...hate speech or even edgy politics... unless they are edgy politics I have explicitly endorsed LOL. If you’re ever on the fence abt it feel free to ask, of course!
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TYSSMMM yeah ideally I guess its just ? group therapy LOL? I feel like actually Ryuji, Akechi, and Haru are characters we see very rarely interact and when they do they seem very alienated by each other?? So I think it would actually be great for them to chat LOL they have a lot in common especially the fondness for direct action.
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I guess since I was old enough to hold a crayon? Doesn’t every kid draw? 
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But if you mean when I started seriously drawing and trying to get better.. I guess I started carrying a sketchbook when I was 12-13 years old and I’m turning 25 in a couple days so it’s been 12-13 years about. I don’t believe that years have any huge bearing on art progress though. You can be drawing for 50 years without ever deepening or widening your skill set, if you stick to the same old patterns day in and day out. Similarly an artist who is proactive with learning new skills and targeting their weaknesses can improve in leaps and bounds in a matter of weeks.
The style I currently use for painting, I only really started using.... about 3 years ago? When I was a senior in college.
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but i wouldn’t say I’ve “““mastered”““ it and I doubt I really ever will because I don’t think that’s the point... I’m constantly changing things depending on how I want a painting to look or the way I want it to feel... or how I feel on any given day LOL
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the thing about art style is I don’t think it’s actually something you have to work on or “find”. An artist should change the way they draw depending on the subjects or techniques they want to explore. If I wanted to convey comedy, I’d draw characters differently from how I would if I wanted to portray drama. And if I wanted to focus on lighting I’d paint differently from how I would if I wanted to focus on the details of the human form. When I was drawing a lot of digimon fanart earlier this year I drew differently from how I’m drawing now while putting out a lot of persona 5 fanart LOL - even when the content is similar the characters have different gestures and different tone that I convey through any number of things, proportion, rendering, edge definition, color range, etc etc.
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as you experiment with techniques and approaches undoubtedly there’ll be some you’re naturally better at or more interested in than others. and i think that’s what a person’s “art style” really is, the stuff that you gravitate to and come back to over and over even as you transform and explore.
not sure if that makes sense but.. that’s my two cents, anyway.
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yea hit me uppp dude [email protected] lmk what you want and I’ll give you a quote
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unironicduncanstan · 4 years
the “Tangodeltaindia” blog explained,
aka my brain has cringe spots on it and needs to be inspected by the FDA
hi my names randi/uni and i created a total drama island themed ARG two months ago on a whim that almost no one interacted with bc i started off way too niche and difficult, so i kinda just went increasingly off the rails because i knew most likely no one was monitoring my posts and i could just make a real cursed hidden tomb that could one day be discovered by someone in a goonies esque unveiling. but then i got lice and now im sad and uncomfortable so i’m just gonna explain the entire damn thing in one shot. its absolutely batshit and theres a reason no one uncovered it ok here we go;;;
first of all the name. its so stupid but. ‘tango delta india’ = ‘tdi’ in the NATO phonetic alphabet. it just felt like a funny place to start that implies its gonna be a puzzle blog idk,
moving on to the actual content tho; some of the earlier posts mean p much nothing and were just an attempt to draw people in, such as the mr coconut ‘like if you agree’ or the ‘let him inside hes cold’ posts. 
then theres the cipher (x). it was posted shortly after the height of the ‘using total drama reference pictures to make an alphabet’ meme. in case anybody didnt see that; for a while it was a joke in the fandom to take the transparent references of total drama characters, and line them up, using them like hieroglyphics to make translatable pictures. its supposed to correspond to the alphabet, based on the first letter of their first name. an example could be, alejandro = a, bridgette = b, and so on. there was no solidly set alphabet amongst the fandom though, it was self explanatory most of the time so i made my own solid personal cipher key for that blog to make the whole thing easier.
NOW ONTO THE FIRST PUZZLE POST,,,, (x). theres a scene, a string of text, the cipher key, and a link to a decoder. the way to decode it all is to plug the characters on screen into the tangodeltaindia cipher key, and then plug That translation into the decoder website, and then finally paste in the text under the photo. 
the website linked is to a Caesar cipher decoder. the Caesar cipher is just a code where the alphabet is assigned to numbers (a=1, z=26), and to encode something with it you can move this pattern however you want as long as you keep the regular sequence of alphabet and numbers. so you could scootch over One letter, and “abc” would now say “bcd”. so on and so forth.
looking at the scene + my own total drama reference cipher, alejandro = A, and the beaver = 1, which gives A1. so you could now follow the link to the website, press ‘decode’, and paste in the text under the picture. the ‘shift’ in the middle is automatically set to ‘7′, or as it shows, a -> h, meaning ‘a’ has been moved over by 7 letters. so if you set the shift to just 1 over, or A1, now you can translate the text. it reads;
“lets start simple. after all, a trail of breadcrumbs begins with a loaf. whats the harm in another long winded fandom meme. another inside joke. and arent you curious whats truly lurking inside?”
edgy! simple! kinda just a test to see if people would do it or not. which they didnt so of course i tried to make it weirder-
puzzle 2; (x) using the exact same translation rules as above. we have alejandro and the snake, which with the tangodeltaindia cipher key means A6. going to the website, putting it in ‘decode’ mode, pasting in your text, and setting the shift to ‘6′ gives you this translation.
“in his eyes are an island. nothing but a dream, born out of going to bed angry. sink or swim.”
this was just hinting around at where the story was gonna go so it’ll make more sense later. something else to note; if you zoom all the way in and look into alejandros eye (’in his eyes’), you’ll see the word ‘Thera’. ~thats a surprise tool that will help us later~
so after this one, there are two non-puzzle posts that are also just hints (i was just tryna see if i could get people hyped), the first is a close up picture of chris with red eyes that simply says “those arent his eyes”, and then a post that says “his real names not chris :)”, they’re again referencing his eyes, and this time further implying theres something fake or wrong about them, or with chris as a person. again, it’ll be explained better later on.
moving on to puzzle 3 (x), another test to see if anyones keeping up (which also failed josdfjsdfkjs), using the same translation rules, dj = a dash or minus, and the snail = 5, “-5″, shift the letter ‘A’ BACK five instead of forward, and you get the simple translation of; “getting harder now.”
puzzle 4 and 5; at this point, there are two images posted within hours of each other that i’ll explain together as they line up. (x) (x)
These are some of the only ones that can be translated from just the tangodeltaindia key directly. They end up a string of numbers, which are latitude and longitude coordinates. The first post, labelled “the lie”, translates into “45.57394802102744, -81.46817207492494″. googling that will take you to maps and show you to a place called Lonely Island in Canada.
The second one, “the truth”, translates into “36.404663113177534, 25.39605673375295″, taking you to Santorini, Greece.
This is where the hints got really out there bc i realized nobody was following along but i still wanted to paint a picture. so this is the set up;;; the idea that the ‘island’ (camp wawanakwa) existing somewhere in canada, is a lie. the ‘true’ location being santorini isnt meant to be taken at face value though. the mythology behind santorini is that a man impregnated a goddess and to escape the wrath of her father (triton), she formed the island (santorini) by having her lover throw clay into the sea, and then she gave birth to her son, Theras, on this island, giving the island it’s Other nickname, Thera.
this is again just a vague implication that the island might not be real at all, or that it was formed through cosmic means.
the next two posts are more non-puzzle hints, the first showing the definition of the word ‘fresh’ (new), and the second being images of total drama backgrounds with no characters and the text reading “they were always empty.” more, admittedly very outlandish implications that the island is some kind of illusion, but again mostly just another try to drag people into the blog.
puzzle 6. (x) this one introduces a new concept to the regular translation rules, some of the characters are laying down. its kinda supposed to imply they’re “dead” and that you need to take their corresponding letters out of the alphabet given on the Caesar cipher page, below the shift. The upright characters translate to “-9″, so you shift ‘A’ back 9 letters. Then remove the letters; “TH-E-R-A-S”, and with those letters taken out, you can finally translate the text.
“he creates life solely to destroy it. to crush it in his hands. he births chaos so that he may have something to control. the power has given him madness. the isolation, arrogance. don't try to stop him, he's already chosen to be unstoppable. his mind is a perfectly crafted prison, one we will all soon be living in.”
this is where the story gets more on the nose. it’s talking about chris, and about him being an unstoppable cosmic force, a diety who can create worlds within his own mind, and he does so maliciously just for power. hes created the campers through mental energy just to torment them. it also hints that his plan is to expand the world of total drama island and engulf the whole universe.
puzzle 7. (x) same as the last puzzle. beaver and moose translate to ‘1-0′ or ten. the characters lying down to remove from the caesar cipher alphabet are “T-U-L-P-A”. this doesnt have anything to do with the modern way some ppl interact with tulpas but just the actual idea of creating thoughtforms, or willing your thoughts into real life creations, referencing how chris has created the entire island and everyone on it solely through his mind. with those letters removed and the shift set forward 10, you get this:
“his psychic power is unfathomable. the reality he bore was just a passing thought. an idea that became so dangerous. he predates the idea of a mind, the minds own ability to recognize itself, his synapses are paradoxically ancient. the island exists only within himself, to torment the souls hes created, and damned from the start. will they ever be free?”
it states that chris is more than a man or even just a diety, hes an all powerful god already, yet he craves more power. the final line, “will they ever be free” is in reference to the campers, which segways into the next arc;;; freeing the campers from chris’ psychic island imprisonment.
puzzle 8. (x) to solve this one you have to translate the top image with the tangodeltaindia cipher key, and add it to the text given, which creates a link. this leads to a PDF, a page from a book written by terence mckenna. he’s a famous ethnobotanist known best for his studies on DMT, the strongest hallucinogenic drug in the world, its also known as the spirit molecule. many people on this drug (without any prior knowledge of this phenomenon) will recount meeting strange fractal beings that can create things in the universe just by speaking them into existence, theyve come to be known as ‘machine elves’, a term coined by mckenna. ill show the most important excerpt from the page;
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this is less about the psychedelic drug part and more about the words and ideas, like “punching a hole through a dimension so it pours through” and “if god didnt exist man would invent him”. its more worldbuilding towards chris’ power and cosmic abilities
then come 2 more clues. a picture of chris holding his own body captioned ‘ego death’, and the meaning behind the name ‘chris mcclean’. the latter is another “please look over here” post, but the first is another minor reference to the previous puzzles answer involving DMT and terence mckenna. ‘ego death’ is a term again used with strong psychedelic drugs, its the sensation that your spirit as you know it is literally Dying, and you are instead connected to and a part of everything around you. another reference to chris’ power and how he may look like a man but his body and spirit are connected to the world hes built in unfathomable ways. at this point im cementing the idea that chris mclean is not a mortal man and cannot be fought with mortal weapons
puzzle 9. (x) this one was an attempt to make easier to solve puzzles, and comes with a visual of chris looming over the island. the text is in wingdings, which can be translated through multiple websites found through google. it says;
“s︎o︎o︎n︎ h︎e︎ w︎i︎l︎l︎ s︎l︎e︎e︎p.︎ h︎e︎ w︎i︎l︎l︎ d︎r︎e︎a︎m︎ a︎ n︎e︎w︎ h︎e︎l︎l︎,︎ a︎n︎d︎ t︎h︎a︎t︎ w︎i︎l︎l︎ b︎e︎ o︎u︎r︎ o︎n︎l︎y︎ c︎h︎a︎n︎c︎e︎,︎ t︎o︎ s︎a︎v︎e︎ h︎i︎s︎ c︎r︎e︎a︎t︎i︎o︎n︎s︎,︎ a︎n︎d︎ f︎r︎e︎e︎ t︎h︎o︎s︎e︎ w︎h︎o︎ w︎e︎r︎e︎ n︎e︎v︎e︎r︎ d︎e︎s︎i︎g︎n︎e︎d︎ t︎o︎ b︎e︎ f︎r︎e︎e︎.︎ t︎h︎i︎s︎ m︎a︎y︎ c︎o︎m︎e︎ a︎t︎ a︎ c︎o︎s︎t︎.︎ t︎h︎e︎ n︎i︎g︎h︎t︎m︎a︎r︎e︎ m︎u︎s︎t︎ e︎n︎d︎,︎ t︎h︎e︎ o︎u︎r︎o︎b︎o︎r︎o︎s︎ o︎f︎ h︎i︎s︎ s︎y︎n︎c︎o︎pe︎ m︎u︎s︎t︎ c︎l︎o︎s︎e︎,︎ b︎u︎t︎ i︎t︎ m︎a︎y︎ t︎u︎r︎n︎ o︎u︎r︎ e︎f︎f︎o︎r︎t︎s︎ o︎f︎ s︎a︎l︎v︎a︎t︎i︎o︎n︎ t︎o︎ d︎u︎s︎t︎.︎ o︎u︎r︎ f︎i︎g︎h︎t︎ m︎i︎g︎h︎t︎ e︎n︎d︎ i︎n︎ s︎a︎c︎r︎i︎f︎i︎c︎e︎,︎ r︎e︎n︎d︎e︎r︎i︎n︎g︎ h︎i︎s︎ l︎a︎s︎t︎ i︎n︎v︎e︎n︎t︎i︎o︎n︎ b︎u︎t︎ a︎ c︎e︎a︎s︎e︎l︎e︎s︎s︎ v︎o︎i︎d︎.︎ w︎e︎ m︎a︎y︎ s︎e︎e︎ h︎o︎r︎r︎o︎r︎s︎ t︎h︎a︎t︎ c︎a︎u︎s︎e︎ t︎h︎e︎ s︎t︎a︎r︎s︎ t︎o︎ s︎h︎u︎d︎d︎e︎r︎,︎ b︎u︎t︎ w︎e︎ m︎u︎s︎t︎ t︎a︎ke︎ t︎h︎i︎s︎ c︎h︎a︎n︎c︎e︎.︎ w︎e︎ h︎a︎v︎e︎ n︎o︎t︎h︎i︎n︎g︎ t︎o︎ l︎o︎s︎e︎,︎ a︎n︎d︎ a︎ w︎o︎r︎l︎d︎ o︎f︎ n︎o︎t︎h︎i︎n︎g︎n︎e︎s︎s︎ t︎o︎ e︎n︎d︎.︎ m︎a︎y︎ t︎h︎e︎ s︎e︎a︎ s︎w︎a︎l︎l︎o︎w︎ u︎p h︎i︎s︎ i︎s︎l︎a︎n︎d︎ o︎f︎ l︎i︎e︎s︎.︎ g︎o︎d︎ pr︎o︎t︎e︎c︎t︎ y︎o︎u︎.︎”
this is essentially saying that the island, the campers, werent all just created from his mind, but from his dreams. this confirms that he Sleeps, and claims hes going to sleep again soon, and during that time period theres a chance to kill him before he can dream up another world (or season) to control and torment. its also saying that theres a chance killing him will destroy the island and campers, but that its the only choice we would have to end the cycle. hey guys i am so bored and over the years i have been on every stimulant and anti depressant doctors are legally allowed to prescribe and its still just not quite there yet huh
puzzle 10. (x) the video, the title translates to “the island of his eye”. its just meant to encapsulate everything ive already been hinting around at but with real footage and some audios taken from the show, and again, it was me tryna make some lore that was easy to digest and also terrifying to an audience with no other context. the final images are the only new clues, if you pause fast enough you can barely make out the characters that (paired with the tangodeltaindia cipher key) would say “set them free”, and you can also see an aerial view of what is actually called “the eye of argentina”. it is a real island that rotates atop a swamp, it is geometrically perfect and no one really knows for sure why it rotates the way it does or how it was formed. this clue is simply related back to the idea that the island of wawanakwa’s location is not in canada, and that it does not function like a normal island.
puzzle 11. (x) what td blog is complete without a uquiz? anyways, it doesnt matter how you answer the quiz, theres only one possible result. the title is a link to a mega file, which is protected with a decryption key. the image attached to the result, when deciphered, is the randomly generated key to the unlock the file. the image you see from the file is this; (TW for mentions of self harm and eye trauma)
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in case this is too hard to read ill transcribe what it says;
“How to escape the dream - accept that there is no dream to escape, and no you to escape it. - believe in it anyways. - sleep on your back. - cover your eyes. - hide a nail under the pillow. - wait for the ringing. - when you first see him, dont call his name. dont speak. - keep your eyes shut. - on the second night, ask where the camp is. he wont respond verbally. - on the third night, you’ll see his eyes. - on the fourth night, you’ll enter them. - you can’t turn back after the fifth night. - don’t try to hide your fears. he knows them before you arrive. - don’t shut your eyes for too long when it becomes too much. you risk losing them. - find chris mclean. - don’t stop till the nail is through the socket. - repeat on the other side. - repeat on yourself. - congratulations. they are free”
this is, believe it or not, an idea that comes from my very own sleep paralysis experiences. ive dealt with it a lot, so why not make a weird ritual thing for an arg based off it ig. so whenever i’d fall asleep on my back, i’d eventually hear this ringing in my ears (or it’d happen upon waking up), and then the sleep paralysis would begin. i only ‘saw’ stuff a couple times but the fear for me was really more about the overwhelming sensation of pure dread that always came along with it even when i was aware what was happening, and i Always got this feeling too that if i opened my eyes in that moment, something was gonna stab them.
so moving on to how that applies to the arg, the first few lines are about how, obviously, the island is not real, even in the lore being given its a figment of chris’ imagination, but you have to enter it anyways, and the only way to do that is to believe its real. then it tells you how to ‘enter’ that world, (btw i didn’t expect anyone to actually follow these instructions if found, but even if they did, the whole ‘sleep paralysis being caused by sleeping on your back’ thing usually only happens if you’re predisposed to having it and only happens to Some people who have it, so the intent was like. never to bring that upon anybody. but if you are prone to sleep paralysis plz do not attempt even as a joke or anything thx)
the parts about hallucinating chris then are as follows, “ask about the camp / he wont respond verbally” , meaning he will show you through a dream instead, one that might look a lot like the video from before. “on the third night you will see his eyes”, meaning you will see the island but not be able to interact with it, or basically, how we see total drama on tv right now. “on the fourth night you’ll enter (his eyes)” references the island existing ‘within his eyes’, meaning you will enter the actual island. the next night chris will sleep and you will be able to enter the island again and find him. the idea with the nail is that, if you destroy his eyes you destroy the ‘island’ within them. wrapping back around to sleep paralysis, the idea of stabbing yourself with the nail afterwards is because sometimes, the only thing you can move during sleep paralysis is your fingertips and toes, and wiggling those can help bring you out of the paralysis. so at first how i used to wake myself up, but it didnt usually work fast enough so oftentimes id just pinch the shit out of my fingers and use pain to make my muscles start up faster.
the next post is a link to a countdown. again, i knew nobody was rly following at this point, but i wanted a little more build up before just dropping the ending. it was set up to end 5 days after the last post, aka the one that mentioned a 5 night dream ritual.
puzzle 12. (x) going all the way back to the normal multi step translation puzzles. the coloring of the cipher is a bit different, and its missing chris, but its meant to be used the same as it was before, these changes are only for dramatic effect. and chris is gone because well. we mentally offed him in the inception dream land last time. so anyways the snake = 6, shift A to 6, take out the letters “R-I-C-K” of the characters laying in their graves, and you get this translation;
“its almost time. we must now crack open our minds like a crowbar to a sealed chest. like an egg to a pan. to find our way into camp wawanakwa our ego cannot remain intact, and to traverse it we must stay strong. to escape it, we must glue the pieces back together. now we sleep. dream. end the nightmare.”
this is a final message before ‘entering the island’ to kill chris and free the campers from the island. it acts like a pep talk.
the next post is just the countdown ending.
puzzle 13 (the finale). (x)
this post sends you to a new blog entirely, called @awakenfromthenightmare​. there is only one post on it. the post has another link to a mega file, and the link is attached onto a string of text. follow the link by clicking, then copy the text and paste it in as the decryption key. now you have another image to translate with the tangodeltaindia cipher;
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when translated, the text is another link to a youtube video. 
so there you have it, that video is the ending to the entire arg. it didnt really end the way i wanted at first, i got burnt out from no engagement about halfway through which isnt anybody elses fault, but i still felt this was a well crafted and fitting finale. thank you all for reading.
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
Season 15 - Spoilers and Speculation
There I was happily trying to watch the Great British Bake Off as you do, and my notifications start blowing up because someone decided to go write a ridiculous spoilery article about season 15 in the TV Guide magazine and all the good and terrible things we have to look forward too! So I promised I would attempt some sort of time line of spoilers and events so that we can jumble together some expectations (and some yummy speculation) about the upcoming season! 
Episode 1 - we know that Cas is in this episode as Misha was filming. We know that Alex was also filming though potentially either as a corpse, or as a manifestation of someones guilt/hallucination (these are theories not confirmed). Other than this we know that Jack “won’t be coming back from the Empty for a while now” and hasn’t been seen filming since. (source)
Episodes 2 and 3 - The main spoilers of relevance are that Dean and Cas are still not okay with each other. There is tension between them and they won’t be okay for a while (sources on this are from SDCC and well, everywhere, unless you’ve actually been living under a rock all summer).
Now today we got this spoiler:
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[Twitter link]
“Theres a scene we shot recently that really got to me. Cas decides he’s going away for a while. And it wasn’t necessarily a goodbye, but it felt like that to me.”
and this one:
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[Twitter Link]
“Cas feels he’s losing Sam and Dean, the only other people in the universe he has a connection to”
and this:
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[Twitter Link]
“God becoming his primary enemy bent on destroying everything he cares about is a really difficult transition for Cas to go through” as a result, after a few episodes of chaos, Cas gets fed up and takes a personal time-out before returning to the action, or as Collins puts it, “He leaves in a huff.”
So we have been speculating that this likely takes place in episode 3 following some big dramatic showdown. Cas leaves because he just can’t deal with everything that is happening. Poor angel has lost his son, found out his father is basically enemy number 1, and he has lost the one person he cares about most in the universe (honestly I just don’t see Sam falling out with Cas here because those two are TIGHT but Sam’s friendship alone won’t be enough to make Cas stay - it’s the DeanCas tension that all the PR has been going on about lately).
So then we have two Cas free episodes with 4 and 5 (and I love that there was early speculation following a pic that Jensen posted that Dean might have a beard in episode 4 because OMG GRIEF BEARD OVER LOSING CAS HELLO YES PLEASE GIMME THIS!)
Episode 6 set spoilers show Jared and Misha filmed together, whereas there were very few Jensen sightings. We can therefore speculate that Sam reaches out to Cas because he is fed up of his brothers sulking? Or maybe Cas finds a hunt and calls Sam because he’s still mad at his husband. Or well, anything along these lines. If Dean and Cas don’t reunite in episode 6, then that makes for a very interesting timeline with episode 7. Which is looking to be EPIC.
We have received quite a few spoilers for episode 7 so far. We know that Christian Kane is going to be playing an “old friend” of Dean’s from his past (who it appears Sam doesn’t know, or at least isn’t involved with). We know there will be a fight scene which “the fans will love” whatever that means, and we know that they filmed at “Swayze’s bar”. [Twitter Source]
*rubs temples and tries not to reach for the red nose straight away*
We also now know that Jensen will be singing in this episode and that Dean and Leo have a “wild night” together where Dean will “recapture his mojo” [Twitter Source]
*starts painting face with red and white*
So Dean was down on his mojo eh Dabb? This is starting to sound a bit like early season 13. Dean clearly doesn’t take too well to Cas leaving him in episode 3. >.>
Now I am convinced that no matter what happens in episode 7, the homoerotic tension is gonna be EXTREME, but please allow me to go full clown mode here for a second 
*adjusts rainbow wig*
If this episode does indeed go down the route of Leo being an ex boyfriend, if something DOES happen between Dean and Leo beyond just bros being bros, then we have a legit coming out episode here following a huge bust up with his actual husband that somehow ends with Dean getting his mojo back. This episode, like every Dean focused episode, usually ends up with Dean getting some big realisation. Dean growing a little bit more, and the audience learning something new about him. Whatever goes down, we are now in a prime position for a DeanCas reunion either by episode end or in episode 8. 
IF in episode 8 Dean is able to reconcile with Cas in someway, but because some other horrible shit goes down (which based on latest spoilers could potentially be an Adam/OG!Michael return/Cage breakout of hell nightmare) plus since episode 8 is a Bucklemming episode meaning it will be overly jam packed with plot stuff so a potential Jack return plus Empty entity in this one too - then...
*deep breath*
The time line fits.
Episode 8 plot filled mayhem interrupts a true DeanCas make up scene but we get at least some reveal that Dean wants to have a “conversation” with Cas, then imagine if following the episode 8 drama Jack returns. Imagine if we get a midseason finale in episode 9 where for at least a small part of the episode it looks like the family is back together? Following all the angst and separation of the early season we are right back to where we were during the midseason finale of season 14 - TFW2.0 together again and fighting side by side. Enough to bring some joy to our poor angels otherwise broken heart?
Imagine if though, when all is said and done, right after the boys think they have a win, Dean gets his moment. The show has already given us his coming out ep. He has already realised what it is he truly wants, now he finally gets the chance to reach out and grasp for it...
But when he does it’s a moment too late. It’s time to pay up. Cas gets his moment of true happiness - and the Empty takes him. Midseason finale ends with a horrified Dean having just laid his heart on his sleeve, and a dead Castiel at his feet.
(I know. I’m a clown for having any hope in this - but my god the potential is too much for me to bare. HONK HONK)
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Standard Disclaimer: Nothing I say here is claiming to be factual other than sources from PR related material and spoilers from set. Speculation is all based on what we have seen and my own foolish hope that this show might actually go the way it has been building up to for 10 fucking years. I am not a psychic. I do not have a crystal ball. Readers are asked to manage their own expectations and not blame me for daring to squee about my own excited enthusiasm on the internet on my own blog. Hate is not welcome. Negative comments and moaning accusations are not welcome. Either squee with me in excited delight or scroll on past. You are welcome to join my screaming over on Twitter as well.
Manage your own expectations. I am not telling you anything is going to happen other than what I would LIKE to happen. As always PR IS NOT SHOWRUNNING.
Thank you and good night.
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confetti-bones · 5 years
The Truth Untold
Witch Yoongi X Reader (Oneshot)
Warnings: future smut, virginity loss, cursing, forced marriage
A/n: this is my second attempt at writing smut. It's probably not the best but I tried, also sorry for making this so long, I don't know how to do the keep reading link thingy on mobile anyway, I hope you all enjoy.
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"Are you sure your okay with this Y/n?" Your father asks you worriedly as your hair is getting done. You nod your head and sigh,
"Yes I'm fine with it. It's for the best" you respond, glancing at your tired form in the mirror.
Today is your wedding day. A day you've been dreading for months. When you were younger youve always thought about getting married, to someone you love and having children with them. Someone you chose to be with. In the situation your in now it's quite the opposite. You see, your family is quite poor and in need of money, so when the Min family offered marriage in exchange to give financial support to your family your father couldn't turn it down and agreed offering you. At first you were completely against it, constantly bickering with your poor father until you noticed how tired and how often he had to work so your family could survive.
Your family consisted of three girls, with you as the oldest. Your mother ran away with another man when you were younger leaving your father and your sisters alone. It's been tough but all of you have been able to bear with it.
So when your father came home one day looking exhausted from work you knew you had to stop arguing and agree to marry Min Yoongi.
Min Yoongi was known as a strange man. He didn't have much family and often kept to himself, locking himself in his house and never going out for days or even months; and when he did go out he was seen in the woods picking random plants from the ground and bringing them back to his house. Some say he's some mythical being, like a witch and others say he's just weird.
You've never seen or spoken to Min Yoongi, these are all just things you've heard from some residents of the town. All you could do is hope that the rumors were not true and that he was a nice guy.
"Alright Y/n your done" the woman getting you ready says before walking away. You turn to look at your father who is sat on a chair looking at you with sad eyes.
"You look beautiful Y/n, I'm proud of you and I really appreciate what your doing for our family" your father smiles. You nod your head and smile back.
"Thank you Father." Your father then walks up to you and pulls you into a hug.
"If you need anything just let me know. I'll always be here for you" your father says still clutching on to you tightly.
Once the two of you break the hug you notice that your father's eyes are watering as if he's holding himself back from crying. You feel yourself tear up a little to, but you wipe your eyes before anything could fall and ruin your makeup.
"It's almost time for the ceremony, are you sure your ready?" Your father asks you.
"I'm sure" you smile.
It's eventually time for your wedding ceremony. Your stood outside the church doors with your father.
As soon as you hear the familiar tune of here comes the bride being played you know it's time for you to enter.
As soon as you step inside you look around the church. The majority of people here are your family, theres only six unfamiliar faces, each man handsome within the group. Those guys must be apart of Yoongi's family. You think as you walk twords the alter.
While you walk twords the alter you look at the unfamiliar man that you are to be wed to. He looks handsome, he has black hair, chocolate brown eyes and plump lips.
Eventually you get to the alter and face Yoongi. Yoongi takes your hands in his and gives you a small reassuring smile. You smile back at him and give his hand a squeeze. Now that you really get to look at him, he's quite beautiful. You really don't think you'd mind marrying him at all.
"Do you, Min Yoongi take (full name) as your lawfully wedded wife?" You glance over at the priest then back as Yoongi. When did he get to this part? How long have I zoned out for?
"I do" Yoongi says.
"Do you, (full name) take Min Yoongi as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asks you. You nod your head.
"I do"
"You may now kiss the bride" you then glance over at Yoongi unsure of what he's going to do. Yoongi then leans into you and places a soft quick kiss on your lips before backing away with a small blush on his face and looking around the room.
You turn to look around the room too, only to see your father being held by one of your sisters as he cries. He's such a softy you think with a smile. You then turn over to where Yoongi's family is stood, if their even considered family, and see them clapping and cheering happily for the two of you. You can't help but smile and look over to where Yoongi's stood. That wasn't too bad.
Eventually your wedding ceremony was over. You had to say your goodbyes to your family and go home with your husband.
The two of you sat in the carriage silently. The only sound being the horses feet hitting the ground.
As you gazed out the window watching the scenery go by, you couldn't help but feel nervous. When you get to your new home are you and Yoongi going to consummate? You barely know him, and you really don't feel like your ready for that. You take a quick glance over to where you husband is sitting. He's gazing out the window with a far away look in his eyes. He really is handsome. Your sure your children will turn out quite beautiful in the future. You just really hope that it's not the near future.
Eventually the carriage gets the two of you to your new home. It's a beautiful two story house. House? Should you even call it a house? It's more of a mansion now that you think about it. The 'house' as Yoongi called it on your way here, was painted black and had lots of plants around it. You notice a garden with lots of flowers and a little bench under a tree to the side of the house that you know that you'll visit a lot.
The two of you step out of your carriage. Yoongi goes to grab your luggage as you attempt to make your way into the house without ruining your beautiful white dress.
Once the two of you get inside, Yoongi silently carries your luggage upstairs, so you quietly follow him.
As the two of you walked you noticed paintings hung on the walls, some with the faces of the handsome men you saw at the wedding and some unfamiliar faces that you assume are family to Yoongi as well.
Eventually Yoongi gets to a room and opens the door, walking to the middle of the room and setting your luggage on the floor and turning to face you.
"This is your room. I hope you like it." Yoongi states.
"My room? Arnt we to sleep together though? Were married now." You say, confusion evident on your face. Yoongi shakes his head.
"I thought it would be more comfortable for the two of us if we had separate rooms" Yoongi says before heading to the door. You nod your head.
"Ah well thanks for considering that I guess" you say.
"I wasn't really considering it for you, it was more for me" Yoongi shrugs as he walks out of the room.
"Oh and breakfast is at eight sharp. No earlier, no later" Yoongi says before walking away and leaving you alone. You sigh and close the door before heading over to your luggage to pull out your pajamas. Okay so, so far all we know about Yoongi is that he's rich, and a jerk. You think as you change out of your wedding dress into something more comfortable.
Hopefully he'll be nicer to me after he gets to know me a little. After all we are married now, you think as you lay down in your bed, before drifting off into dreamland.
The next few days are spent in boredom. There's not much to do around here. Everyday is the same thing. You wake up, eat breakfast with Yoongi, Yoongi disappears, you explore, eat lunch by yourself, explore, take a nap, eat dinner with Yoongi, Yoongi disappears again and you find something to do for some time before you head to bed.
It feels so repetitive, you wish Yoongi would take you out somewhere or tell you ways you could help around the 'house' (why do you even bother to keep calling it a house?) But once it's time for the two of you to eat together you can't help but feel at a loss for words. Your entire mind goes blank at the meer precense of Min Yoongi.
So here you are, sitting in the library you discovered not to long ago looking at a book that's in a complete different language that you don't understand. The book itself looks cult like. Some of the photos of the creatures and things in the book freaks you out a bit, but at the same time it's intriguing to you. Why does Yoongi own this book? Has it always been here or did Yoongi buy it? You think as you flip through the pages.
"Ahem" you look up from your book and see Yoongi stood in front of you. Face as blank as ever.
"Do you really think you should be reading that book? Surely you don't understand what it says." Yoongi says.
"Your right I don't know what it says, but it's interesting to me. What language is this written in?" You ask, glancing down at the book to glance at the page you were currently looking at. The picture on the page looks to be depicting what could be a vampire but your not entirely sure.
"It's written in a long lost language, that not even I know" Yoongi sighs as he grabs the book from you. Glancing down at the page you were looking at.
"Why do you own it then? If you cant read it?" You ask curiously. Yoongi looks at you with a quirked up eyebrow.
"Have you heard the phrase 'curiousity killed the cat?' " Yoongi asks. You nod your head.
"Well maybe you shouldn't be asking so many questions" Yoongi says.
"Ah but your missing the other part to that phrase Yoongi. 'satisfaction brought it back'" you say with a smile. Yoongi smiles back with warmth in his eyes.
"I guess that's true. Well all I'll tell you is that my ancestors have used the book for thousands of years." Yoongi says before handing the book back to you.
"Enjoy any books you want in here Y/n. I have to get going, have a nice night. I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow" Yoongi smiles. You smile back and reply,
"I hope you have a nice night too Yoongi"
The next day things at breakfast were different. Well at first they weren't but today Yoongi actually spoke to you at breakfast, so that's new.
"Y/n today I'm leaving the house to run a few errands." Yoongi says while taking a sip of his drink.
"What kind of errands?" You ask, tilting your head.
"It doesn't matter what. I just thought I'd let you know." Yoongi says before standing up from the table.
"Ah well I'll see you later then" You say questionly, you didn't mean to sound like a question but it did.
"Ah will my dear wife miss me?" Yoongi says playfully. This definitely surprised you, Yoongi's never tried to joke or be playful with you. You can't help but smile back at him.
"I think she might." You respond. Yoongi lips twitch up into a half smile before walking away. You can't help but hope the two of you have banter like this more often, it's already been almost a month and you've rarely spoken to your husband at all!
Once Yoongi left, you decided to explore a few areas of the mansion ( see your calling it mansion now) that you haven explored yet. Those areas just so happen to be the ones that Yoongi spends the majority of his time in.
As you walked over to the section of the house that hasn't been explored you can't help but notice that the temperature was starting to drop to a freezing cold. You could tell this part of the mansion wasn't as well taken care of as the rest; there was dust collecting on tables holding what once used to be alive plants. The paintings down this hallway also look creepy. Instead of normal family portraits, you found painting of supernatural looking people. One with sharp canines like the one in the book you found. Another that had a man that was hairier then the average person, he kind of looks like a dog; you notice as you pass by the portrait.
Eventually you get to the end of the hall where there is an old door. It looks a lot different compared to the other doors in the mansion. The other doors still look brand new compared to this one, which looks like it's falling apart at the seam.
You slowly walk over to the door, a sense of dread taking over you as you twist the handle. What could be in this room that's making you feel this way?
Once the door was open you step in and look around. It's too dark in here, you think as you try to manuvour through the room.
You eventually find a certain and pull it open to make the room lighter for you to look around.
You instantly see a cauldron in the middle of the room. There's nothing in it, but it looks fairly old and as if it's been used often. You then look at the shelves; there are some glass bottles filled with oddly colored liquids, and are those eyeballs?! You glance at other bottles and see dead insects and human parts in their own separate jars. What is this? Why does he have all this stuff and where did he get all this stuff? You think, feeling slightly panicked.
You then notice a jar with a glowing pink liquid in it. What is that? You walk to the jar and pick it up, you take off the lid and sniff what's in the jar. Roses? That dosnt smell too bad. As you go to set the jar down you hear a thud from somewhere in the room causing you to drop the jar, leaving the glass shattered into thousands of tiny pieces and the liquid to splatter on the ground. Oh god Yoongi's going to kill me! I need to clean this up. You wander around the room and find a broom sat up against the wall. This will have to do, you think as you go to clean up the glass pieces from off the floor.
Once the glass pieces were cleaned up you went to the nearest bathroom and grabbed a wet towel wiping up what you could of the liquid. Sadly the liquid stained the floor so all you could do was hope that Yoongi wouldn't notice as you left the room, heading to yours.
Once you got to your room you couldn't help but think about what you saw in there. Why did Yoongi have those bugs and human remains, is he apart of a cult? Could he be some weird witch wannabe? You couldn't see him being an actual witch, those don't exist right?
You and Yoongi sat at the table silently. It was time for dinner, and the two of you usually ate dinner together. The air was tense. You knew he knew that you went into that room, whatever that room was. It's not like he said it was off limits and he knows how curious you can be.
You still felt bad though, you also felt scared, and nervous and many other emotions. Your just waiting for him to say something anything about it. Maybe he won't? You sure hope he won't say anything about it. The two of you can just go on living life, you never go into that room again and live a happy life. That sounds nice right? Your honesty not so sure. How could he get those human remains? Did he dig up a grave, did he murder someone. Oh you hope your eyes were just tricking you while you were in that damn room!
"So Y/n, what did you do while I was gone?" Yoongi asks. Just the question you feared he was going to ask. What should you say? I went into your cult room? No that sounds like a terrible idea.
"I went to the library and found a nice book to read" you say as calmly as you can.
"Oh? And what book was that?" Yoongi asks with and eyebrow quirked up in question.
"Romeo and Juliet, it's quite a good book wouldn't you say?" You ask, glancing at the door wanting to leave as soon as possible.
"Hmm. I would think so yes. But Y/n.." Yoongi pauses. You gaze at him feeling nervous. What is it?
"We dont own Romeo and Juliet. I never bothered to buy a book like that nor did any of my family. Why don't we try again what did you do today? And the truth this time please." Yoongi states. You feel yourself grow incredibly nervous at this. Of course he doesn't how Romeo and Juliet! I'm so stupid. You smile nervously.
"Look, since your having such a hard time speaking I'll answer for you, I'm sure that you know I already figured it out." You slowly nod your head and gulp.
"You went into my little lair, and spilled one of my potions." Yoongi says.
"Potions?" You say with a high pitched tone. Yoongi nods his head,
"Potions. Y/n, I'm witch, or a warlock if you will; if you haven't figured it out already." Yoongi says. A witch? He's a witch?! I need to get out of here. You then stand up from the table.
"I think I'm going to go get fresh air. I'm feeling faint" you say as you start to head to the door.
"Hmm I don't think so." Yoongi then snaps his fingers, and you turn around against your will and sit back down in your chair. What just happened! How did he do that?!
"I know what your going to do Y/n. Your going to try and leave, and tell the town and have me burned to death. We can't have that now can we my lovely wife?" Yoongi asks. You feel yourself start to tear up. Is he going to kill me? Is he going to use my parts for those potions of his? You think panicked.
Yoongi sighs as he looks at you from where he's sat.
"There's no need to be afraid Y/n, I'm a good witch I promise. I don't plan to hurt you at all." Yoongi says with what looked to be sympathy in his eyes.
"Do you really promise?" You ask, voice cracking. Yoongi nods his head and snaps his fingers again. You suddenly feel like you have full control of your body again.
"Why don't you go lay in your room and rest. Think about it, and let the idea grow on you" Yoongi says. You slowly nod your head and get up from your chair heading to your room.
So the rumors are true. Yoongi really is a witch.
The next few days are spent locked in your room. You rarely go out except for lunch, the only meal you know you don't have with Yoongi. You really don't want to see him again. He promised he wouldnt hurt you, but you still felt a little scared about him. It's not everyday you meet someone who has magical abilities, so it's pretty understandable for you to fear the unknown like this.
The past few days Yoongi's left you alone, not coming to check on you or anything to your relief. Your glad he knows not to come; you really don't feel like seeing him.
As you lay on your bed as bored as you could be you hear three knocks on your door.
"Y/n? It's Yoongi. Are you alright in there?" Yoongi asks. Well there goes not seeing him.
"I'm fine" you stutter out, cringing at yourself in the process. Yoongi then opens the door and looks at your form lain out on your bed with a worried expression.
"You haven't been showing up to breakfast or dinner. I'm worried, are you eating enough?" Yoongi asks. You silently stare at Yoongi for a few seconds taking in his appearance. He looks handsome, you think.
"I'm fine" you state. Yoongi sighs before walking twords you. You try to scooch over to the other side of the bed to get as far from him as you can, while still being lazy and laying down in the process.
Yoongi gets on the bed and straddles you, leaning down so his face was next to your ear. Your face felt red hot and your heart felt like it was beating a thousand miles a minute. What is he doing?
"Y/n" Yoongi breaths. You feel all the air leave your lungs from the way he said your name.
"I'm your husband, you can't run from me forever." Yoongi says, moving his head twords your neck and leaving a small peck there before getting off of you.
"Ill see you at dinner, sweetheart" Yoongi says winking, before walking out of your room, making sure to close the door in the process.
You feel your heart still at a fast rate and your face is still red hot as you glance at the door. What the hell was that?
Later that night you find yourself sat with Yoongi at the dinner table. You didn't want to come; like you really didn't, but remembering the interaction the two of you had made you. Your still scared of him, he's a witch how could you not be; but the more you thought about it as you waited for dinner to come the more curious you became. How bad could he really be?
"Ah Y/n after we're done with dinner could you come with me?" Yoongi asks you. You look up from your dinner plate and look over to where Yoongi's sat, meeting his brown eyes. You slowly nod your head, and Yoongi's lips quirk up into a smile.
"Great, I have a gift for you."
Once the two of you were done with dinner Yoongi leads you to the library, where he has you take a seat in one of the comfy chairs before he walks away to grab something.
Yoongi then comes back with a book wrapped in a bow. Handing it over to you, he looks at you nervously, biting his lip.
"The other day, you said you were reading Romeo and Juliet, and I know we don't have it in our library so I went out to buy it for you" Yoongi says. You glance down at the book in your hands with the neat red bow wrapped around it. It's kind of sweet of him to go out and buy this you think, softly smiling down at the book cover.
You then look up at Yoongi and smile at him.
"Thanks for the book Yoongi" you say. Yoongi nods his head. His face looks blank but you can see the happiness in his eyes.
"Of course. I should give gifts to my beautiful wife after all" Yoongi says. The two of you stare at each other for a few seconds before Yoongi looks away.
"Well anyway, you should head to bed now. I'll see you in the morning Y/n. Have sweet dreams." Yoongi says.
"Have sweet dreams too Yoongi" you respond. Yoongi awkwardly nods his head and his cheeks tint a hue of pink before he walks away. How could he be so shy about giving me a book yet straddle me in my own bed? You think, glancing down at your gift.
The next few days continue on like that. Yoongi coming to you with a new gift. Be it new books or flowers. You can't help but to start thinking he's sweet. He's so much more different then when the two of you first met. He was rude and quiet, but now he's offering you gifts and trying to make conversation whenever he can. Maybe snooping around and finding out he's a witch is a good thing. He's definitely more open now. You think as you turn the page to a new book Yoongi bought you.
As you read your book you hear the sounds of a piano coming from near by. A piano? Do we even own a piano? You think as you stand up. Setting your book down open on where you left off on a table.
You then leave the room and search for where the beautiful melody's of the piano is coming from.
Eventually you make it to the end of the hall, right near where Yoongi's lair (I guess you could call it) was. That's where the piano was the loudest. You open one of the doors to see a music room. You walk into the room, instantly noticing the grand piano with Yoongi sat at it pressing the keys. Yoongi played with his eyes closed, skilled fingers dancing on the keys as his body swayed to the music. He's amazing you think as you walk into the room. You've never seen someone play the piano so beautifully before.
Eventually the song ends and Yoongi looks at you expectently.
"What did you think?" Yoongi asks curiously.
"You play beautifully" you smile. Yoongi smiles and pats the spot next to him on the bench. You walk over and sit down on the place next to him, gazing down at the piano keys curiously.
"Do you play?" Yoongi asks. You shake your head.
"Ive never been taught" you say. Yoongi nods his head.
"Would you like me to teach you?" Yoongi asks. You look up at him, meeting his eyes and smile.
"I would love that."
After a few days, you feel like you and Yoongi have really grown close. You've been spending a lot of time with him lately. He teaches you the piano during the day and at night after dinner the two of you go to the library where you read the books he bought for you out loud for the two of you enjoy.
Yoongi even let's you come into his lair (your still not sure what to call it) and watch him make potions.
At the moment that's what your doing. Your sitting in a chair in his lair while he says some freaky sounding incantations and mixes things into his cauldron.
Eventually a few more minutes of this the cauldren glows a pinkish red color notifying you that the potion was finished.
"Why do you need this potion?" You ask as you watch Yoongi take a bottle and a ladle to pour the potion in.
"It's the potion you accidentally spilled when you came in here." Yoongi says while trying to concentrate on the task at hand.
"Ah well what's if for?" You ask. Yoongi takes a quick glance at you before glancing back down at the half full bottle.
"Why don't you try some" Yoongi says, walking over to you, holding the glass bottle out for you to take.
"I don't know Yoongi," you say, nervously glancing down at the bottle.
"Do you trust me?" Yoongi asks. You look up and meet eyes with Yoongi.
After a few seconds of debating you grab the bottle and take a sip of the potion. It tastes like something. You don't know what that something is, but it definitely tastes like it. The aftertaste was just as odd as the actual taste of the potion.
"Tastes weird" you say scrunching your nose. Yoongi laughs and gives you a gummy smile muttering the word cute while you glance down at the bottle with the odd substance in it.
"Hey when's this thing gonna kick in anyway?" You ask. Yoongi smirks at this.
"Oh you'll know Y/n." You look at Yoongi feeling confused before feeling slightly sensitive.
"Ah, I think it's kicking in" you say, standing up. Yoongi looks at you slightly concerned, but not too bothered.
"You feeling okay Y/n?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head.
"I think so, Im just feel a little sensitive and a little tingly. Can you please tell me what this potion does now?" You ask. Yoongi shrugs,
"That's it, it just makes you feel tingly and sensitive."
"Why would you need a potion for that?" You ask. Yoongi shrugs again.
"Some people use it for torture to get answers out of people, and some use it for sex" Yoongi states. You feel the air escape from your lungs. Sex?
"Do you want-" you start to ask; but Yoongi cuts you off, shaking his head.
"Not if you don't want to." Yoongi states seriously. You swallow and hold your breath. I think I do you think, as you start to walk closer to Yoongi.
"I think I do" you say, standing a few inches away from your husband.
"It's not an I think. I need a solid answer before you do something you regret Y/n" Yoongi says, glancing down at your lips and biting his own. You nod.
"I do. I want you Yoongi" you say. Yoongi nods his head and grabs your hand leading you out of his lair and into his bedroom; gently pushing you to lay on his soft bed before capturing his lips with your own.
The first few minutes of kissing are sweet and passionate, before Yoongi licks your lips asking for access. You open your mouth for him and his tongue instantly explores causing you to moan.
After a few more moments of kissing, Yoongi breaks the kiss and attacks your neck. Leaving sloppy open mouthed kisses and occasionally sucking to leave hickey's. As Yoongi kisses your neck you grab his hand and lead it twords your bosom leaving him to grope you and rub your already sensitive nipple from the potion with his thumb, causing you to moan again.
"Does that feel good sweetheart?" Yoongi asks as he makes his way down your body, sucking on the other nipple that he hasn't touched yet.
"Yes, feels good Yoongi" you sigh. You've never been touched by a man like this before. You've barely ever touched a man before as it is. The only man you've ever touched is your father, when he hugs you or kisses your cheek. This feels so good you thinks as you watch Yoongi kiss down your body towards where you need him most.
You feel an ache at your core needing to be filled, and there's no doubt that you've soaked your panties at this point.
Yoongi grabs the end of your dress and tries to pull it up.
"Can I take this off?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and do your best to help Yoongi get your dress off of you, throwing it on the floor somewhere.
Yoongi then makes quick work to take off your bra as well leaving you in only your panties.
"So beautiful" Yoongi says while gazing at your body. You feel heat rush to your cheeks as you smile at him nervously. Yoongi smiles back at you before heading back towards your core, opening your legs up for him to see.
Yoongi kisses the inside of your upper thigh while slowing moving his finger up and down your clothed slit.
"Please Yoongi" you say, biting your lip.
"Please what? What do you want sweetheart?" Yoongi says with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You whine and blush feeling too embarrassed to say it.
"I can't give you what you want if you don't tell me sweetheart." Yoongi states, pulling your underwear to the side.
"Your so wet" Yoongi gasps, before glancing up at you.
"Is this all for me?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and give Yoongi a pleading look.
"Please" you whine again. Yoongi shakes his head.
"Yoongi I want your fingers." You say, feeling embarrassed. Yoongi quirks up an eyebrow,
"Where do you want them?" Yoongi asks, licking his lips.
"In me please" you beg. Yoongi smiles before taking your underwear off.
"With pleasure." Yoongi then shoves a finger in you, moving it slowly in and out of you.
"Is this good sweetheart?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and moan. It feels so good. Ever since you saw him play the piano you wondered how good his fingers would be.
"Can you handle a second?" Yoongi asks while contently watching his finger move in and out of you. You moan in response, so Yoongi adds a second finger.
"Fuck" you moan.
"Your doing so well baby" Yoongi says, before lowering his face to your core and licking your clit.
You instantly grip the bed sheets from the feeling, as Yoongi begins to get to work eating you out like a man starved.
Yoongi expertly used his tongue on your core trading between licking at your slit and sucking on your clit. Resulting in you moaning louder, getting closer and closer to your orgasm.
"Ah, Yoongi" You moan as you grab his hair and buck into his face. Yoongi grabs your hips and holds you down moaning into you causing you to cum.
"Im, I'm coming!" You yell as you the coil in your stomach snaps and you see white.
Once you come down from your high, you look down at Yoongi who's face was still in between your legs, looking up at you with blown out eyes full of lust.
"I need to be in you, please Y/n" Yoongi says. You nod your head and Yoongi quickly strips himself of his clothes. you gaze at your handsome husband in want. Feeling yourself get turned on again.
Yoongi then climbs on top of you, spreading your legs so he can rest perfectly in between them.
"Are you ready?" Yoongi asks you, grabbing his cock and moving his hand up and down to give himself some relief from how hard he is. You nod your head.
"Just please be gentle, I've never done this before" you say. Yoongi nods his head, and rubs his cock on your folds collecting the wetness from your arousel so he can slide in easier.
Yoongi looks at you again for one last bit of assurance before you nod and he's slowly shoving himself in.
It feels weird at first, it dosnt hurt like you heard it would, but it wasn't necessarily very comfortable either. Yoongi gets halfway in before bottoming out and doing a small thrust back in.
"You okay?" Yoongi asks. You nod your head and experimentally squeeze causing Yoongi to groan.
"You better stop that right now sweetheart" Yoongi says before he starts to slowly thrust in and out of you.
After a few more moments you start to feel good from the way Yoongi feels and you let out a moan.
"Feels good now?" Yoongi asks, reaching for your hands, interlocking your fingers together and holding them above your head. You nod your head and let out another moan before Yoongi dives down and kisses you slowly and sweetly. Feels so good you think as Yoongi thrusts into you at a steady rythm.
After awhile Yoongi's thrusts start to stutter and he shuts his eyes closed.
"I'm close" he says. You start squeezing as much as you can and rocking your hips with Yoongi causing him to moan.
"Coming" Yoongi says giving a few more sloppy thrusts, before thrusting as deep into you as he can and spilling his seed.
After a few moments after Yoongi's orgasm he pulls out and looks over at you.
"Sorry I didn't get you to cum again" you shake your head and smile.
"It's fine Yoongi" you say as you move your body closer to his and laying your head on his chest.
"I'm glad you stayed after you found out about me" Yoongi says. You raise yourself from laying on him to look at his face.
"What do you mean? You used your magic on me so I got forced into staying" you say. Yoongi shakes his head,
"I only used my magic that once, throughout that whole time you did have an opportunity to leave. I used my magic on you that once to make you think about it." Yoongi says. You silently look at Yoongi and consider his words, before laying your head back down on his chest,
"Well then I'm glad I stayed too."
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genius11rare · 3 years
AH ChitChat Notes 3 22 21
Chitchat 32221 with Jeremy , michael and matt ft disembodied voices of lindsay and maybe kaden , gus in chat and joins
Jeremy: Kaden spoke up because of donuts earlier… Michael: Jacks time is over now… but he will be on stream later. Jeremy: oh yeah schedule. Slight last minute changes doing Fall Guys first cuz S4 came out… me michael  lindsay and matt did a letsplay in it earlier today … gus will be doing fall guys this stream (eyyy)... oh yeah and i wanna impersonate what jack does. Matt: do it. Jeremy: and if you're watching on the site we can see your chat like FatHippoHippo wrote BET in all capitals … yeah i just wanted to get into the spirit and be like “what would jack do, what would he think is funny” and that was it. Lindsay: alsoone of those WWJD bracelets from the 90s What Would Jack Do… (matt: ive repurposed them) Jeremy: so how are you doing? Lindsay: good weekend i guess , just telling Matt we watched Big Hero 6 yesterday (Jeremy: aw hell yell) still an awesome movie , kids loved it. Jeremy: where they scared of - idk if he has a name the kabuki villain… *looking it up* apparently its Yokai… guess they never really say it cuz that's generic. Lindsay: that's VERY generic. Michael: IVE GOT TO TAKE THIS CALL *facecam becomes void* Jeremy: ok spoiler alert for Big Hero 6 but just looking at the wiki… it makes an audacious claim. It says “professor robert calahan OR ALSO BETTER KNOW as his villain name Yokai”... is it? Lindsay: well its based on a comic right so i guess canonically he has a name…. But to answer your question No they werent scared … anyway something we noticed upon rewatching is that 2 characters before a MAJOR event happens to the fistbump… but DON'T do the explosion… like oooohhh foreshadowing. Michael: not really foreshadowing if they keep doing it throughout the movie , if anything its foreshadowing that like… hell… whats the robots name - baymax learning it… not really foreshadowing the building explodes (gen notes MAJOR EVENT) … what blew my mind was that movie has a post credits scene. Jeremy: oh yeah was it like with the dudes father. Michael: Fred yeah! Remember remarking upon them entering the house theres a portrait of the dad and i just went “his dads just Stan Lee… just a portrait of him” Post credits scene and guys talking to painting and - wasn't paying attention but he like hits his head on it and the wall opens up to show a superhero room with paraphernalia everywhere and Stan Lee walks in like “son we got a lot to talk about” Jeremy: Chat asking about if i watched the wrestling PayPerView… remember how i updated you last that the guy died in the ring after being set on fire (Michael: lemme guess hes a zombie now) - yep exactly last night a hand reached up and grabbed someones leg , he came out of the smoke with a melted messed up mask so yeah…. Hes a furry (i think?) zombie clown Michael: hey wait a minute let me read the chat , someone named Gus said “whoa no idea there was a post credit scene”  “what is a fastfood restaurant combo wish would open” Lindsay: Miss my KenTaco Hutt… Michael: idk im usually just in the mood for SOMETHING , not looking to combine , only time is when i want a certain food and they don't have the same sides i want other places have . like Sonic is amazing for sides , apps and drinks… don't care for entrees , but if i could get Sonic sides at McDonalds or Taco bell or something.. Jeremy: guess in the same vein id combine Dairy Queen with a lot of places (Matt: i was about to say) to get a BLIZZARD with whatever. Matt: that's how it usually goes anyway , you get the food , you drive by the Dairy Queen and get a desert - you don't get the food at Dairy Queen cuz why - just why Lindsay: i mean theres icecream but there isnt really fastfood places for other deserts… like theres not really a Cake or Cupcake place (Matt: not yet *tilts head at camera like “you know what i want”* ) there IS the cupcake ATM Matt: alright checking the google… Michael: Matts checking the driving distance. Jeremy: another questions whil matts looking up cakes (Matt: oh i already have it) nevermind then. Conware asks “what is your fave controller for console and whats fave controller you own” Jeremy: Idk really… i know for a while everyones was the Elite 2 Michael: yeah just most comfortable. Matt: well that's like a specialty type… if its a stock one then the switch pro controller is pretty good. Michael: i mean i also have this 8Bit do SNES bluetooth controller thing , love it Lindsay: i love the nintendo switch controller grip… makes it feel like it curves comfy around your palms Jeremy: the XBOX sea of thieves one is great (Matt: i was about to say…) got a glow in the dark skull in the middle , RT is like a gold tooth , is partly see through Matt: and it comes with some exclusive stuff for Sea of Thieves Lindsay: yeah like Motion Sickness. Matt: i got one that's just a donut. Lindsay: gave me an idea… you know how theres Pez Dispensers (matt: heard of them) yeah and how you don't really even use them right you just eat the candy and play with the thing  ( *matt nods approvingly* yeah about right) what if we invent a controller where every once in a while it opens up to give a snack. (Matt: yeah like everytime you get an achievement, Jeremy: yeah i did good! Just go up to the controller and eat it) “You Are Good Boy” Matt: be funnier if it just throws at you “everyone have a fave seasons and followup do you like seasons where you grew up or where you are now?” Jeremy: i mean springs probably my fave its easy to be outside , not boiling hot nor snow everywhere… great time to camp and fish , falls cool with changing colors… texas is like “do you want REALLY hot or hot?”  Michael: i do really like Fall on the East Coast but its like - yeah i miss it and its nice to be there when it happens where its light jacket weather. I used to wear sweatshirts all the time - i don't bother with long sleeves in texas cuz i know im taking it off within 30 min…  never knew about the Water Cup thing until i lived in texas where restaurants just HAVE water cups… blew my mind its free  - because people will drop dead . noticed they just have this seperate stack of clear cups which is i guess like “i BETTER not see any soda in that cup THAT'S  A WATER CUP!”. I don't like it when its 105 degrees but i do like being able to just wear Tshirts most of the year and not dealing with snow Lindsay: i like Fall the most cuz like its blend of i guess i embrace the basic bitch stereo types of fall , want my pumpkin spice latee but ALSO i know halloween is coming and ive said before how THAT'S like my religious holiday so like… i come alive. Matt: probably fall , maybe winter. I don't go out much but fall is like the right amount of cool but not TOO cool. Jeremy: over the weekend me and kat went to a town called rockfort (i think?) which is like right on the ocean , the weather was a little cold for it , like 50 maybe and the sea breeze made it chillier… im not really a beach person just more water. You say beach and you think  like Boogie Boarding Bros (Michael: whoooaah boogie. Lindsay: beach volleyball) yeah .. id reather be on a rocky shore than a sandy beach. Michael: youd rather be like a mermaid sitting on the rocks *jeremy laughs loud* is that what you're saying Jeremy: yeah Matt: attracting sailors to their DOOM Lindsay: i gotta send you a link but theres this one TikTokker i guess that i watch that talks about that an eastern european beach she went to and was like “i cant wait to go on my beach outting yeah!” and she gets there its rocky , really windy , noones there and goes “ooh its really cold” Matt: depends the kind of beach to me… for me East Coast beaches SUCK *jeremy nods yep* its water you cant see anything in its terrible Lindsay: that's also texas beaches , all brown. Matt: its just one of those things where you get in the water and your like “ok… at anymoment i could be attacked by everything around me”  Michael: well that can happen on land too matt (Gen Notes WELCOHME TA JOISEY!!!) (paraphrasing jeremy here) Jeremy: theres this guy who flys a drone out over beaches into the ocean , and he released the footage… apparently due to there being a lot less people now theres just Great White Sharks that go relatively close to beaches now… there are times where hes filming people playing and like 10 ft away is a fucking shark ya know just swimming. And cuz they're really far away hed be like “id see it , film it , then go to a lifeguard and show it like “oh btw…” “ Michael: so you know 2 hours ago someone may have been eaten. MattL he should put a speaker on the drone to like announce the sharks like HEY! DEATH OUT THERE!. Lindsay: “whats that Dronie? Theres a shark in the water?!?” Jeremy: and it was funny seeing that behavior where everyonce and a while a shark would be swimming then someone would do something near it not seeing the shark and the shark just goes “fuck dat” and swims away MattL god dude…. So close to death *gus joins* Lindsay: oh you're the guy who was like Texas beaches have Tar Gus: oh yeah i grew up in texas and i thought all beaches were like that just “oh you don't sit on the tar”
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