#theres like what three photos/gifs
moonsharky · 2 years
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comalandia ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° 911 fox + not so obvious nods to buck's memories
only the not really obvious ones, and i'm sure theres probably some i missed but oh well. image descriptions have explanations too. see the end for honourable mentions
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10 gifs of Evan "Buck" Buckley (and others) from 9-1-1, during his coma dream in season 6 episode 11, with older episodes too.
Gif 1: Buck - in his coma dream - sits on the couch between his brother and their father, beer in hand for all three of them. To the left of the couch is a shelf that holds a lamp, and in front of the lamp is a framed picture of the bar Buck tended in Peru. The picture contains the dark wood bar top encircled by a bunch of colourful barstools.
Gif 2: In Peru, season 4 episode 5, we see Connor talking to an off-screen Buck. Connor leans his elbows on the bar top. Next to him we can slightly see the same bright barstools as in the photo. In the background are tables and chairs that match the vibe. It's not a glaringly obvious nod, but it's definite.
Gif 3: In the lobby of the hospital within the coma dream Buck stands with Hen and Chimney as they try to figure out why it feels like Buck is dying and how he can get back to his life outside. Behind Buck walks two people in traditional South Asian attire; one in a dark blue and silver detailed sari, and the other wearing a head covering, but with an indiscernible outfit because Buck's body stands in the way of view.
Gif 4: In season 1 episode 5, a bride-to-be stands in front of a tall mirror, wearing a bright red sari with gold details, as her friend/bridesmaid helps her prepare for the wedding. We know the last gif is a nod to this specific moment (and not just people in the background) for two reasons; one, because it's an important part of Bobby's story in season 1, and two, because we have never seen Indian people in traditional clothing before or since.
Gif 5: The camera focus is mainly on Bobby, following him as his quickly rushes past Buck in the coma dream, so the background is a blink and miss it situation. A doctor tends to a patient with a high heel shoe embed in their left cheek.
Gif 6: Season 2 episode 6, has Chimney talking to one of the parents of the child beauty queens, who has a high heel shoe stabbed into the left cheek.
Gif 7: In the background of a few shots within Buck's coma journey throughout the hospital, you can see two people in khaki/beige ensembles. They stand as if they're guarding whatever is on the other side of the glass doors behind them. At first inspection, they could easily be passed off as nurses. But looking closer, it seems like no other nurses have worn this colour of scrubs before in the show. Mostly it's blue, sometimes maroon or even pink. But never khaki. This combined with the way they hold themselves, makes me think of the two prisoners that pretend to be guards.
Gif 8: In season 5 episode 6, two prisoners have taken the uniforms of guards in order to blend in and escape. They rummage through the personal belongings of said guards, seeing what they can take. The colour is the exact same as the two from the hospital in Buck's coma dream. And again, the way they stand brings me to think of these two.
Gif 9: Buck and Bobby walk through the hospital, past some open curtains where beds are. They pass a few pregnant people, all in varying degrees of athleisure wear. It appears that they may all be in labour.
Gif 10: Buck and Bobby respond to a call where pregnant parents begin to go into labour one after the other. All wearing clothing comfortable enough to do yoga in.
honourable mentions:
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When Buck first awakens within his coma, he looks up at Daniel as Daniel talks, giving the rundown of what happened. In the top left corner, the television is on, a news segment playing. The headline reads "VA HOSPITAL WAIT TIMES." The second line is hard to read, but this is going on the same time that Buck has his first memory, which just so happens to be of Eddie. Eddie, who is an Army Vet. Whom in comalandia fights to keep his son, but doesn't have the right support systems. It feels like this is somehow a little hint to that storyline.
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When Buck arrives home in his voma dream to his parents waiting for him, he wears a white shirt with wide spaced grey pinstripe. Much like the one he was wearing when Eddie got shot. It's not the same shirt I don't think, but hugely similar. Also there's a photo on his computer desk, but the image is too pixelated and far away for me to figure out what it is, though it may be another nod to something.
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In the hospital waiting room of comalandia, another TV is turned on to the news, black smoke billowing on the footage on screen. I can't make out what the headline says. But it can definitely hint at many different things in the show, as Buck is a firefighter after all.
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Christopher shows up in Buck's coma dream, and he wears a three toned horizontally striped tee under a hoodie. The stripes alternate between an almost green shade of blue, a dark blue, and white. Not sure where from, but I swear Chris has worn this shirt before, or even something similar.
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jackiietaylor · 2 years
잔 ── hello ੭ ask
ᰋ ː ՞ hello everything is fine? first I would like to say that: your tumblr is amazing and beautiful!
ᰋ ː ՞ second I would like to know if you could tell me how you make your gifs and the quality of them. please. 🪺
hi!! im doing good, hope you are as well. and thank you <3
sorry it took me a few days to get everything together. but here's a basic tutorial of how i make gifs:
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to start, i explained here what programs i use and how i choose source videos to gif. that link is actually an old tutorial I put together about my gif making process, but ive changed a few things since then that i think improve quality so i figured i would explain everything instead of just the changes . for the things that have stayed the same ill just be copying and pasting
so there's a few parts that ill go over here:
importing frames
converting frames to layers
to start, go to file>script>load files into stack
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this is where you’re going to load in the screencaps you just took. go to browse, then select the first screencap and hold down shift until you select the last screencap, then hit ok
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after that, i crop my gifs using the crop tool on the side of the screen. on the top of the screen i usually select square, but the exact size and shape depend on what exactly im making
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next I go to image > image size. tumblrs standard width for single gifs is 540p, so thats almost always what you'll use for width
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so here's where we actually start to make the picture move. to begin, click "create frame animation" at the bottom of the screen. this is what it looks like once you've done that
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next, go to the three horizontal lines across from the word “timeline” at the bottom. once that menu opens, click “make frames from layers” at this point the gif is backwards, so you’ll want to go back to that same menu and click “reverse frames.” I forgot to take a screenshot of this point, but you should see more individual frames in the timeline now - however many you imported during the first step
now that your gif’s frames in the correct order, you can set frame delay. select all the frames in the timeline, then right click. i almost always set frame delay to .05, but if i have less than ~20 frames ill set it to 0.06    
next, click the symbol in the bottom left corner (you can see it in the photo above) to convert the frames to a video timeline. after this, on the bottom right side, select each layer of the gif under the “layers” tab. right click, then select “convert to smart object.” this is what your screen should look like before converting:
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once you've converted your layers to a smart object, you can begin sharpening. this is the stage that can really improve the quality of your gif, especially if the source itself wasn't great.
for example, this is what my gif looks like before i begin:
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i personally sharpen my gifs four times. to start, my settings are 500% at 0.4px:
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next, i repeat the same steps, except my settings are 10% at 10px
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i then repeat those two steps again, so my third sharpen is 500% at 0.4px and my fourth sharpen is 10% at 10px. here's what it looks like after the third:
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so theres really two parts to coloring. first is adjusting the lighting, and second is adjusting the color. the amount of adjusting you do will depend on what exactly you're working on. for example, for this, im not really adjusting the colors, just fixing the lighting.
to add adjustment layers, you can either  1. go to layer>add adjustment layer>select the layer type 2. pick a layer type from the icons on the right side (above the layer list)
i always start with a curves layer. the key to this is using the bottom dropper tool on the right side (see below image) to select the lightest layer in the gif. personally, i always zoom in on the characters eye, because theres usually a white speck from the reflected light. your other option is just clicking "auto" and photoshop will make the adjustment for you.
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next is brightness. for this, i almost always just hit auto
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next is layers, and i use the same technique mentioned under curves
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once these are done, i add a selective color layer specifically to increase black. to do this, i create the layer, go to black, and then increase black to whatever i think looks best. this is another way to try to improve quality, as it can kinda make the gif look sharper
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next i added a vibrance layer. for this, i increase both the vibrance and saturation to make the colors stand out more.
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after i added the vibrance, i realized that her face looked a little too saturated compared to how i wanted it, so i corrected it with an additional selection color layer in which i went to red and decrease the magenta and yellow a little, and then did the same under yellow. when you gif people, a lot of times you'll have to play around and figure out how to correct skintone, because sometimes adjusting lighting can make it look a little unnatural. in my experience, the easiest way to do this is by adjusting the red and yellow tones either under hue/saturation or selective color.
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next, i added an exposure layer to the gif to brighten it a little more. ill usually always add this at the end because so many shows are so dark that giving it that final additional brightness can make a difference
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once you’re done coloring, you can save your gif. to do this, go to file>export>save for web (legacy)
the save settings i use are perceptual, diffusion, colors: 256, dither: 100%, quality: bicubic sharper
also, the gif size limit for tumblr is 10M, so make sure your gifs are all under that size. if they’re too big, you can either adjust the image size on the save page (or while making the gif) or shorten the gif. i would recommend shortening the gif because adjusting the image will decrease the quality  
i hope this was helpful!! i tried to explain everything as much as i could, but let me know if theres anything you'd like me to explain more :)
and here's the first and last version of the gif, so you can see them side by side:
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(also, i created the "tutorial" gif at the top way after i made the rest of the examples, so i dont have the full tutorial for it. but basically this is what i did:
selective color 3: green > +100% cyan +100% yellow -100% magenta, yellow > +100% cyan +100% yellow -100% magenta, then used the brush tool in black to paint over her face, getting as close to her surroundings as possible to remove the excess yellow
hue/saturation 2: green saturation +45
hue/saturation 3: green hue -60
the text effect i explain here
and the box is made by hitting "command" + clicking on the base layer of your gif > adding a new layer > "stroke" (edit > stroke) > choosing your settings, and then adjusting to the size you need)
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illaneous · 6 years
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i gotta do everything around here askjdfnakdfj where is the indecent fandom huh????
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thedevilliers · 3 years
Hi Daria! Bit more of a technical question, what size are your posts? And when you group them in 3s how do you size them? I seem to lose a lot of detail when resizing images 😅. Love your story! Your doing amazing hun ☺️😘
hello 💞 each individual panel on my posts is 1920x1080 !!! i will leave a lil explanation on how i put three panels into one under the cut bc i included pics 😌 but thank you so much for the nice words 🥺💕 and enjoying my story 😌♥
when i group three panels into one photo, i usually leave 14 pixels between each panel. first i put them all into the same workspace.
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for example for two panels into one photo, in ps i adjust canvas size to increase by "1094" aka 1080+14. so when i adjust the two panels theres designated space between them.
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for three panels, i do the same thing again !!! i move the two other panels at the same time, if not the space won't remain the same !! : D
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[in the gif i have the third panel, aka the bottom one hidden in the beginning. after i move the first and second panel to their position, i unhide it. just bc it'd be in the way otherwise.]
thats it !! : D u can also save this as some kind of of template in case you want to do three panels in one again. i like suffering so i do these steps each time 🚶‍♀️
*** to add, i think tumblr downsizes images if you put four photos into one because the height is too large. but!!! everything under three (and three ofc) is fine.
also if you save your photos in jpeg, you should switch to png! it’s a lot clearer, but also due to this they are heavier in size. for example, these three panels:
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mariesocuniverse · 3 years
Relationships: WayV
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if it werent for the the laws of ncity he wouldve asked her to join wayv and stay in their dorms
Since they don’t live together or are part of the same unit they don’t really spend a lot of time together but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t want to be with Mae
Large parent/protective older brother energy
not as protective as 127 hyungs but you know
Yeah she’s a menace when she teams up with other WayV members but she doesn’t clown him as much as they do it’s cause she saves that energy for doyoung lmao
mae claims she visits the wayv dorm for him but he’s 50% sure she’s just there for the animals
the other 50% is because she wants him to cook for her which he does even if she doesnt ask
hes like those parents who insist on giving you leftovers to bring home to your family
he taught her to do magic tricks bc she was insistent on wanting to learn at least one
okay but honestly she thinks he really cool despite all the clowning she does to him
like singing? dancing? cooking? visual? magic? and he can fly a plane????
one of the reasons she has high standards ngl
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ten has unofficially adopted her whether people like it or not
he has fought with taeyong and doyoung about it she is his baby
if mark and johnny are his brothers, mae is basically his younger sister
if you look at his photo gallery he has a folder dedicated to mae and mae only
any photo or video of them together is basically ten clinging to her like a koala
he looks at her like she put all the stars in the sky but the same goes for mae
she has admitted in an interview that ten is one of her role models because of his talent and work ethic
whenever she needs help with dancing he’s one of the first people she asks
xiaojun once asked him who’s his favorite between yangyang and mae and you could see him malfunction for like six seconds before jokingly scolding him
“yah how could you ask me that type of question?”
fun fact! ten was the person she asked to go with her when she got her first tattoo!
he arranged the appointment at the place where he got his and held her hand when she was getting it
Lowkey considered getting matching tattoos but never really took the time to think of what tattoos they’d get
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another top ship among czennies
these two are so soft for each other omg
just one glance at the two and you’re already melting
You can see Yuta screaming about MaeWin whenever the group is together and they’re interacting
And if you can’t see it you’ll probably hear it
MaeWin: casually talking
Yuta: is this what heaven looks like
MaeWinMark is just yuta’s weakness and he doesn’t even bother to hide it
Okay back to MaeWin before I get ahead of myself and make an entire post about Yuta and MaeWinMark
If they’re gathered in a large group their interactions aren’t really noticeable unless you’re actively looking for it
While the others are talking you can just see Mae playing with his hands or winwin giving her a soft smile while patting her head
They talk more when they’re either in a small group or just the two of them
MaeWin shippers were devastated when they got separated so when nct 2020 happened they went feral
Every once in a while they go out for hotpot and talk about what has been going on
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this man right here
they first met when she was visiting NCT U dance practice for BOSS with food and she heard him from the hallway
its one of the reasons why she wasn’t intimidated by him even though hes a giant
she was excited to see what kind of energy and personality he would bring to nct
and she was not disappointed at all
personal hype man
whenever they’re on a variety show together and mae is asked to do something he just yells “FIGHT HAEYADWAE”
of course the same goes for mae but less loud bc last time she kept yelling she lost her voice and couldnt talk for the rest of the show
He just has this energy where if he’s hyped up about something she feels energized to be hyped up well so you just hear the both of them cheering loudly
its always interesting to see because you just see a gentle giant cheering loudly with this smol girl next to him trying to match his energy
he always makes sure she’s comfortable when they’re at a schedule
like we know how he’s really silly on camera but he’s also very observant and caring
one time mae complained about how her feet hurt from the heels she was wearing so he just picked her up bridal style and walked to the van without a word
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They’ve heard abt each other from Kun and ten and greeted each other when they passed by each other in the halls but they never really had a chance to grow close until nct 2020 happened
Mae wasn’t in the Make a Wish unit so there weren’t a lot of chances to get to know each other while promoting either but it doesn’t mean they’re not friends
ten also hogs her attention when she visits the wayv dorms but we dont talk about that
these two arent as close as the others but not to the point where they actively avoid each other
whenever they’re together they just vibe
theres no awkward silence or small talk they just talk about random stuff
“no lucas, i dont hate xiaojun hyung we just dont hang out as often as we do”
“yes hendery we do have each other’s numbers we just don’t talk often”
WayV is lowkey tempted to lock the two of them in a practice room together and do a vlive to see what’ll happen
prime candidates for “It’s Awkward but It’s Okay”
their dynamic is kinda DoRen where they pretend to be awkward around each other as a joke
like they went out together once and everyone as excited bc omg they were interacting
XiaoMae shippers are starved for content and will accept any crumbs that come their way
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the duo people didnt know they needed until they met
its not like people didnt want them to become friends its just that theyre energies match well
these two are such a vibe
you know how there are ppl who don’t see for long periods of times but you still want tackle them in a hug whenever you meet? yeah its like that
kun sometimes wants to separate the two bc of how much chaos they cause together
they’re the duo where they think something is a good idea at the time but ends up as something bad at the end
kun has banned the two from the kitchen bc of a fire they started
HenMae shippers are thriving because of all the stories of the dumb shit they’ve done
lowkey considered doing a series together on nct daily but then the channel stopped uploading vids so it was never mentioned again
one time he was on call with his sister when she walked in and accidentally mistook her as his gf and now they jokingly have each other as bf and gf in their phone contacts
ten nearly had a heart attack when he saw the contact name pop up and mae picked up the call
 yangyang has the whole thing recorded on his phone and refuses to delete it
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(A/N everytime i see this gif i need a moment to pause and try and remember my ideas cause my head goes empty when it comes to yangyang)
okay if HenMae are chaotic, MaeYang are worse
kun doesnt need to dye his hair gray bc of all the stress these two cause him
czennies thought they didnt interact much bc of different schedules and groups but once nct world happened they changed their minds
MaeYang slowly climbing up the ranks of nct ships
during one of his lives yangyang mentioned how he spoke a lot with mae and that she wanted to add him to the 00liner gc
czennies lost it that day bc 1) holy shit theres a 00liners gc and 2) why tf hasnt yangyang been added into it yet
insists that she calls him oppa/hyung even though theres only a one month difference between them
Mae and Yangyang: whispering in the corner of the room
kun: theyre either talking shit about someone or world domination and i cant tell whats worse
he tried teaching her some german once and she now knows like three sentences
“Hallo, Ich bin Mae. Was geht ab? Mir geht’s gut.” (A/N this is the outcome of my three years of german lessons everyone)
and basically all the swear words but we dont need to talk about that
haechan jokes that he’s stealing mae away from the dreamies so he wont be the maknae in wayv 
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Fertility Struggles II
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Gif credit @angels-reyes
Part 2 to Fertility struggles. Hope you all enjoy.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @leaalfred. @creepers-baby-girl. @writerwithasoul. @twistnet. @baylishh. @believinghurts. @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @mayans-mc.
Month after month since starting IVF, you've gotten your period. It was starting to make you mad. You were actually getting tired of using periods at the end of a sentence. They were everywhere. One month you did get your hopes up because you missed your period but wham that bitch hit you at the end of the month. She wasnt going to let your dreams come true.
It was the first day of your period and Nestor came home happy thinking this might have worked. You've been moody and eating a lot. But you were scared to tell him.
"You got your period"? He asked when he saw you on the couch, with your sweats, a box of tissues and icecream with a blanket wrapped around you.
"Yeah. That bitch can't give us a break. I'm sorry". You said with a sniffle.
"It's okay. We can try again". He came over to the couch and sat down pulling your legs to his lap.
"I dont know if I want too". You replied, playing with your icecream in the tub.
"What do you mean"? Nestor moved in his seat to look at you. He was confused. This has always been the number one thing you have ever wanted.
"IVF seems to not be working. I'm getting my period every month. It's like I'm taking this drug for the fun of it. I'm putting us through hell and getting nothing". You wiped away tears with your sleeve.
"Its not for nothing. We're going to make a baby. You can't give up". He rested his hand on your stomach.
"I havent. Maybe we should look into adoption or a surrogate"?
"So you're wanting me to take my sperm and put it in someone else that is not my wife"? Nestor looked confused and like you wanted him to walk into this trap.
"Maybe. There wont be any contact with your junk and her junk. Itll be through a doctor. So calm down. You're not sleeping with anyone but me". You laughed as he sighed a sigh of relief.
"Alright. Why dont you go to the doctor and make sure that they can't do anything before we jump to those options".
"I'm tired Nestor. I'm tired. I dont want anymore doctors".
"Just go for me. We cant give up".
"Alright. Fine. For you but if they say they cant. I'm done. My body has been through enough. I cant". You shake your head. Tears rolling down your cheeks. Your heart has been broken so many times and you couldnt go through that again. Your heart couldn't bare it.
"What brings you in today"? Your doctor asked, she probably already knows the answer.
"IVF isn't working. I've tried everything you said. I keep getting my period every month. I'm just, it's like it's no hope for me". You explain.
"How long does the periods last"?
"Two maybe three days but it's like spotting. No heavy flow".
"Okay.  I'm going to do a ultrasound and see if we can see anything".
"I'm telling you theres nothing in there". You sigh laying back on the table.
"You never know". She said before stepping out the door.
She came back in with a nurse and the machine. The gel she squirted was cold on your stomach.
"Alright, let's see what we got".
Looking at the screen, you saw nothing. Blank uterus. "Told you".
"Dont be so sure. What is this"? She pointed to the screen and saw two little jellybeans just floating around in your uterus.
You about hopped off the table when she said that. "How is that possible". You asked about in tears.
"Well, when you're on the IVF, occasional spotting happens and some mistake it as their period. But you're pregnant. With twins. It's to early to tell what they are but they seem healthy". She said taking pictures of the jellybeans.
"Oh my God. Nestor is going to freak when I tell him". You gasped as she handed you the ultrasound photo.
"Thank you so much for everything. You have no idea what this means to us". You hugged her crying.
"I think I have a idea. I too had a hard time having children so I know what it feels like to get that news that you're pregnant". She smiled and gave you a prescription for prenatal vitamins.
"Thanks again". You said before leaving her office.
You were so excited to tell Nestor that he was going to be a daddy. But then the nerves kicked in. What happens if this is like last time? What if you lose them or even one? You were going to take every precaution there was. You put yourself on bedrest and a healthier diet. Thinking those could help to keep the babies.
Getting home, Nestor was already there. Walking into the house, he was cooking. Something so good it made your mouth water.
"What are you cooking? I hope you made tons of it"? You moaned when you got to the kitchen, the aroma getting stronger.
"Its my fathers recipe. I knew you would like it. It's great for getting women pregnant. Just look at me". Nestor said with a wink coming over to you and kissed your head. You wrapped your arms around him.
"How was the doctors? Everything okay"? He asked looking down at you.
"Everything's wonderful". You grinned from ear to ear.
"Really? Just last night you didnt want to go.  What changed"?
"Oh just the two little lives growing inside me". You swiftly pulled out the sonogram and put it in his face with a squeal.
"You're joking? What? How? Oh my god". He picked you up, kissing your lips.
"Babies. We had tons of sex and oh my god is right. We finally did it. The doctor said they look healthy".
"Oh baby, I'm so happy and so very thankful". Nestor held you tight. All his dreams were coming true.
"Me too.  But I'm not taking any chances. I'm putting myself on bedrest and we're going to start eating healthier foods. No delicious tub of icecream or chips or tacos". You frowned licking your lips. Now the cravings start.
"Babe, you can have all of that just eat it a little at a time. Foods not going to hurt you. Might make you nauseous or give you heartburn but you have to eat".
"I know. I'm just scared. Because we dont know what caused the miscarriages. Anything can be a trigger. We just have to be careful and watch out for signs".
"We will. Um, can we not tell anyone until we know for sure we're out of the woods"?
"I was thinking the same thing. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up if they will be torn apart. I'm scared to get excited but I am. I cant for these jellybeans to be in our arms. Safe and sound". You squeezed Nestor. He was so happy. But the little voice said something could go wrong. Praying that it didnt.
During your pregnancy, you had one scare but that was it. You made it to 38 weeks then your water broke. Then the real nervousness kicked in. The babies room was prepared and you had everything they needed. You were just nervous about them getting here.
Luckily they came out healthy and strong with tons of hair.
Cruz Valentino Oceteva weighed 7lbs 4oz. He looked just like Nestor and a head of hair. Nestor tried to braid it like his. He succeeded in doing so. Heartburn was the worst.
Maya Jade Oceteva weighed 6lbs 2oz. Se was a lot smaller than her brother but was a strong little girl. You know how they say you carry them for nine months and they come out looking like their father. That's true. She looked like Nestor but with your nose. And a head full of hair that you put little bows in.
God you were so lucky to have Nestor and the babies. Life was complete. Well maybe. Another kid wouldnt hurt. Or three. But for now you were going to enjoy the baby moments and the smell of their little heads. Which you and Nestor took turns sniffing each of the babies heads.
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junisfics · 3 years
hi! sooo i’m thinking about maybe setting up an account and starting writing but i’m so nottt used to this platform and i’m really nervous about it all because i feel like an actual 80 year old trying to figure it all out. are there any tips, tricks, tutorials, etc. that you suggest? thank you, pretty! 🤍
hi !!! so i've gotten a lot of questions about this and i've also seen a lot of newer users confused about how to work tumblr so i'll try and help you the best i can :)
i will be explaining in terms of the tumblr app, since most users start on the app and once you understand the app, it will be much easier to understand desktop!
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navigation. (the bar at the bottom of the screen)
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this will get you everywhere you need to go. literall y this will help you with everything you need.
starting with the right most icon, the home shaped icon, this is your dashboard.
the dashboard (also called 'the dash' or 'the tl') is where youll see all content that's posted into the tags you may follow or the people you may follow (theres also the option where you can see posts that other people like, but i personally keep that off to stop clutter).
when you first make an account, it's probable that tumblr will already have your dash filled with random things based off what you clicked in the sign up process. but dont worry, you can easily unfollow those by clicking on the magnifying glass icon and following one of the things i go over next
search is the next icon. this is where youll look for things you want, find your followed tags, find new blogs to check out, or see the trending tags.
regarding fanfiction, the search is very very easy to navigate. all you do is type in a character name + the content you want for that character (ex. eren jaeger smut, ex. eren smut, ex. eren yeager smut) usually all name variations will work !
when youre in your search results, youll see a bar right under the search bar that looks like this:
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this is how youll refine your results.
for example, if you want to look at the most popular posts, click "top"
if you want to look at the most recent posts under that search, click "recent"
if you want to look at only the posts that are tagged as "eren smut" and not the posts that are similar to eren smut, click "tagged". speaking of this, every search you make will have a tag, if you want to follow that tag, click the blue follow icon next to your search and everything tagged as such will appear on your dash.
the next things are the ones i use the least, but its all up to personal preference. gifs are where youll only find gifs, tumblrs are where you'll find the most popular tumblrs regarding that tag (this is an easy way you can figure out who to follow first), photos is obviously just photos, and the list goes on.
creating a post.
the icon shaped like a little pen thats highlighted in blue is where youll create all your posts
you can write whatever you want, include picture, include links, include songs from spotify, include gifs and all that.
while youre typing, and after youre done typing, you have the oppurtunity to include tags on the post you created. these tags will help you show up in searches !
but dont worry, if youre not done with your post but want to save it, you can save it as a draft ! at the top of your screen youll see a "post" icon, and next to that youll see three little dots "..." when you click on these dots youll have a whole bunch of options on what you want to do with your post !
the little smiley face panel is seperated into activity and messaging
under activity is where youll see all these things called "notes" (likes, reblogs, comments, mentions etc). notes are NOT just likes, so please dont think you can only liike posts. notes are comprised of all the things i listed. this is not instagram.
in messaging is where youll have all your dms ! to create a new message, just click the little plus at the top right.
your profile.
the profile icon is, of course, your profile.
this is kinda how youll appear to other people. you have your name, bio, theme that your profile is etc
this isnt too important to be honest, what is important is your settings tab at the top.
im not gonna explain this tab cuz thats gonna be a reallllll long time, but a lot of it is self explanatory and is super easy to figure out if you just explore a bit :)
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strawbebehmod · 4 years
An important idea I need to share with all of you
Zuko from atla, Rin okumra from blue exorcist, Shoto todoroki from BNHA, and Edward Elric from FMA would make the ultimate quartet of edgy boys with bio dad issues. They need to be friends. Activities between them could include:
Stopping ed and zuko from deciding to live in every hot topic they comes across
While simultaniously blowing all their money on said hot topics
Using todoroki to make freezie pops
Ed using his fire boi friends to make s’mores whenever he feels like
Rin teaching everyone how to heely
Zuko discovering musical theater and never shutting up about it, providing endless hours of entertianment for his friends
Ed having to stop Rin and Zuko for falling for Shoto’s conspericy theories
Rin and Shoto introducing Ed and Zuko to finger nail polish
Rin trying very hard to get them to form an accapella group only to realize Ed is the only one who can actually sing well among them
Tries to form a rock band instead but zuko only knows how to play the tsungi horn and Guzheng and Ed the violin so it becomes the weirdest fucking garage band of all time
All of them like cute plushies you can fight me on this so all of them trying to work to gether to get things from crane games
Hanging out in libraries and trying to help rin with his studies
Everyone insisting zuko share baby druk
Rin making tiny hats for the turtle ducks
Dad angsting together
Zuko and todoroki bonding on spiritual levels for obvious reasons
Regular jokes about rins dad the devil
Shoto’s is the only one accessable atm so them planning coordinated pranks together on him
Zuko teaching ninjitsu to them because rin begged with puppy dog eyes
Rin and todoroki teaching zuko and ed how to text
Rin spams the group chat occationally with cursed memes, ed uses too many gifs as reactions, and zuko only sends turtle duck photos or rants about nobles/theater, shoto is suffering and living all at the same time
As a result they have so many in jokes their chat is incomprehensable to anyone else.
Someone sends 3 ramen emojis and zuko bursts out laughing and everyone not in the chat thinks hes crazy
Zuko vs rin sword battle that gets pretty heated *badum tshhh*
Ed is at their beck and call for alchemy party tricks
Any time their food gets messed up at a resteraunt shoto just holds it to ed to get him to fix it with alchemy
Also uses ed to charge phones
Also zuko has him make little houses for druk and the ducks to rest in
Zuko is the only one who appreciates ed’s gargoyles
All of them crashing zukos meetings along with toph
Toph is an adopted little sister for the whole group and is now living her best life
Rin makes comfort food for all of them when they are sad
They try to return the favor but the best cook out of the three of them is shoto and his signature coffee pot ramen
Rin and zuko bonding over little sibling prodegy issues
All of them holding an intervention for yukio
Zuko and rin band together to sneak alphonse soft animals behind ed’s back
Rin introducing zuko and ed to anime much to shoto’s and the rest of the world’s horror
Zuko wears a naruto headband with pride and keeps relating to antiheros help him
All of them are bi and ready to cry and have a bonding session about that
Making jokes about how ed is the only one who has not seen a banana up until this point
Cross culture binge sessions of trying wierd foods
Zuko is introduced to ice cream and is in heaven
Iroh adopts all of them cause half of their alternative support dads are dead
Ursa too cause all of them remind her so much of zuko
Trying to help Zuko with Azula. Todoroki and Rin bringing in mental health books from Japan to try and do what they can.
Rin tries to actually get to know her cause he relates to being called a monster as a kid. Has kuro cuddle her much to azula's displeasure.
Pact to make sure none of their siblings, adopted or otherwise, end up in as bad of a situation as azula.
Zuko treating Alphonse as his own little brother too
They get along really well
Theres a lot more potential but thats all i can think of for now. Please more people consider this friendship square, thank you.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Slowed Response.
Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Request by anon: Can you do a Harrison fic please where he doesn’t realize that he likes her when she told him and it’s all angsty but with a happy ending??❤️
Gif is not my own
Requests are closed🤍
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Finding old photos and videos on your phone was always a nostalgic moment. You did it all the time and scrolled back through your camera roll to look through all of yours forgotten memories. It didn’t really seem like much more than that today as you passed time in the flat on your own.
That was until you stumbled upon more and more photos and videos of the boy you’d been trying to forget.
Allow me to backtrack.
You and Harrison had been friends for years, having met him, Tom and Tuwaine when you were all at the Brit School. You’d quickly become close friends with all of them. It had been that way ever since. Though, something along the line had always been different with you and Harrison. You’d always just been a little closer with him than you were with the other two. He’d just always been that one person in your life. That one that knew literally everything there was to know about you. The one who picked you up when you were feeling low, who knew all of the right things to say when everyone else was saying everything wrong. He was Harrison. And, in him, you’d found everything good there was to find in a person. You weren’t quite sure when your heart had twisted that into anything more than a good friendship.
There are far too many videos that melt your heart into more unfixable pieces as you scroll back through. One of all four of you on holiday and were dancing by the pool. Harrison had come up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up and starting off the boys’ attempt to throw you into the water. You’d somehow managed to pull him in with you and both of you ended up in stitches.
The next video was oddly enough one of your favourite ones of him. It was from when you’d first moved into your flat, when you’d managed to successfully achieve your goal of living in your own London property. He’d been so proud of you for your accomplishment. And he’d been there to get the keys with you. Later that day, he’d sent you a short video of him grinning in your new place along with a message about how excited he was for you to have your own place - he’d told you he was already planning your first mega movie night and had already found some great places for hide and seek.
Instead, you now lay on the couch in that flat completely on your own. It had been two weeks since you’d confessed how you felt to Harrison and you hadn’t even spoken to him since then. You’d thought you were good at handling rejection, especially as an actor. But clearly that rejection coming from your best friend was a completely different experience. He’d tried to make things better, defending his uncertain reactions to try to ease the pain in your eyes. You’d left before he could try to explain himself anymore. It wasn’t worth putting yourself through any more pain.
Since then, Tom, his brothers, Tuwaine, even Charlotte, had been ringing you relentlessly to try to get some sort of contact from you. You’d instead reply to their missed calls with a text to tell them you were fine and that you just needed some space. It wasn’t worth anything more than that. Nobody of them would be able to tell you what you wanted to hear. And that one conversation with Harrison had already given you enough of things you never wanted to hear again. He felt so guilty, so gut wrenchingly awful for having to reject you. That’s what made it even worse. It just felt like he didn’t have it in him to feel that way for you. It was nothing to do with you. It was just not something he felt.
You didn’t realise how many times you’d replayed that same video of him in your flat until you flinch at the sound of someone at your door. Maybe it was just a neighbour - probably requesting that you stop crying at 3am, or leaving Netflix on overnight because they can hear it from next door. Though, when you drag yourself from the sofa and go to open your apartment door, it’s Tom stood on the other side.
“Hey,” He sighs as he sees you, “Somebody let me in downstairs, I didn’t know if you’d let me in otherwise.”
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re not the friend I confessed my love to and then got rejected by!” Sarcasm seemed like a good way of dealing with things recently, or all of the time for that matter.
He wants to laugh but the words are too heavy to find any sort of jovial response, “I brought smoothies?”
You smile a little, “Then you may enter.”
Tom smiles and steps into your flat, still clean despite your low mental state.
“Sorry I’ve been a bit... absent,” You comment, fiddling with the waistband of your joggers, “I just needed some space.”
“Yeah, no, I know. It feels weird not having you at the house all the time,” Tom mentions as he sits down on the side of the couch that had been claimed as his from the start.
“Just because you need people there to make sure Tuwaine doesn’t burn the house down,” You roll your eyes, taking a drink from the smoothie he’d handed to you. Your favourite, thankfully.
Tom swallows the lump in his throat, “I’ve barely seen Harrison.”
You look up and frown, “Where’s he gone? I thought he was staying with you guys.”
“He is,” Tom scoffs, “That’s the problem. The boy’s practically confined himself to his room. He won’t really talk much, eats upstairs, sleeps in late. It’s like he’s punishing himself or something.”
“For what?”
“He knows he hurt you, (Y/n).”
“However I feel isn’t anything that he can control, he can’t feel guilty for not feeling the same way,” You shake your head, “He’s just confused, I’m sure.”
Tom sets down his drink and shifts in his seat, and you know this is about to be a moment where he shares some level of advice that is meant to be helpful.
“Me and Harrison have been best friends for years, I treat that boy like a brother. Same goes for you and Tuwaine. And I’d like to think that I know you all pretty well,” He begins, “I never expected things to happen the way they did.”
“You know I didn’t intend to fall in love with my best friend, Tom?” You raise your brows.
“No, no, I meant the way that he reacted,” He quickly assures you, “Every part of every way that he acts told me it was pretty much certain that he’d tell you he felt the same. I just think it took him by surprise, and he didn’t know how to respond.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, “Yeah, well, his response seemed pretty clear to me. If he doesn’t feel the same way, there’s nothing I can do to change that.
Tom sighs and pulls you into his side to wrap an arm around you, “I’m so sorry, (Y/n).”
You let out a shaky breath. Today wouldn’t be another day full of tears for that boy. It couldn’t be.
“Did you mean that?” Tom mumbles after some time, “Have you really fallen in love with him?”
You sit up and purse your lips before responding, “With every part of me. And it terrifies me to think I’m going to have to force myself out of that.”
Tom can see it in your eyes, the most clear way of proving your words. You did love Harrison. More than you’d ever be able to compress into the short confession you’d given him. It wasn’t just the love ya’s you’d give to Tom or Tuwaine or Harry or Sam. It was a deepset three words that held a weight you’d been carrying for far longer than you should’ve done.
“You know there’s always a place for you at ours, nothing’s changed there. And I don’t want this all to change anything between me and you, or you and any of us. You know that, right?” Tom squeezes your arm as he pulls you back into his side.
You let out a shaky breath as you rest your head on his shoulder, “I know.”
He hears the way your voice cracks at the words and watches as your bottom lip starts to tremble.
“I just need some time to figure out how to get over losing him.”
With that, a tear slips from your eyes and falls helplessly down the length of your bare cheek.
“Shit, you’re going to make me cry,” Tom says shakily as his eyes well up too.
He shifts and turns to wrap both of his arms tightly around you as you cry into his chest.
“You haven’t lost him.”
But you’re not even sure that he believes the words as they fall flat into the tear stained air around you.
- - - - - -
It’s already way past dark when Tom gets in that night. He’d been so reluctant to leave you but you’d insisted constantly until he finally had to give in. He tries his best to keep quiet as he slips off his shoes at the door and locks it behind him.
Cautiously, he creeps toward the staircase of the house - only pausing when he sees the low light still coming through from the lounge. What were the odds that Harry had fallen asleep on the couch again?
Instead, it’s Haz he finds in the room alone.
“Hey,” Harrison speaks quietly, drained of energy, “Theres some leftovers from dinner if you want anything.”
“Oh, no, I’m okay man, I’ve already eaten,” Tom nods, scanning over the boy who was slowly slipping away from being his typical self.
“Where’ve you been?” Harrison asks, trying to inject some sort of life into the words.
Tom scratches at the back of his neck, “I... um, I went to see (Y/n).”
At that, Harrison perks up as his head whips round at the sound of your name being spoken, “(y/n)? How’s she doing? Is she okay?”
“She’s... getting better,” Tom nods, walking properly into the lounge and taking up the seat on the couch beside his best friend, “Still sarcastic as always.”
Harrison finds it in him to smile at the thought, “Did you talk about...”
“A little, yeah. She got pretty emotional so I avoided talking about you too much after that,” Tom admits, he didn’t want to lie and get caught in the middle of a situation already difficult enough, “It’s hard for her, you know it is. She feels like she’s lost you and that’s making her distance from everybody.”
“She hasn’t lost me, man,” Harrison interjects, “Come on, (Y/n)’ll never lose me.”
“That’s not the way she sees it, Haz. Come on, you rejected her after she told you she’d fallen in love with you. That’s not going to be easy for her to just bounce back from,” Tom encourages, his protective side towards you shining through, “You seriously don’t feel the same?”
Harrison gulps, “If I’m honest, I don’t know if I do. I’ve never felt that way about anyone before and (Y/n) seemed so sure of herself when she said it.”
Tom lets it sit for a moment as he looks at his best friend beside him. There’d always been something more between you and Harrison, all of the boys knew it. There was something about how upset he got after you argued, how excitedly he spoke about you whenever you were off doing something incredible, how he remembered every detail you’d told him. Tom knew that was way beyond the friend status that you and him would always have. It was just... obvious. He’d always expected something to happen, he’d never even questioned it. And he was reluctant to do so now - he knew Harrison too well.
“Well, then, how do you feel about her?” Tom persists.
“She’s incredible, of course she is. And we have the same sense of humour, we could talk for hours, she balances me out which is always good...”
“Okay, so do you see her in the same way you’d see any of us?”
“What?! No, no of course not,” Harrison is quick to defend, “It’s different with (Y/n).”
“Harrison, what did you tell your Mum about her when she was off filming last year?” Tom cocks a brow.
Harrison can’t help but swallow the lump in his throat and blink a few times before responding, “I told her that (Y/n) was the best person I’d ever meet. That she was like the better half of me...”
With that, Tom clasps Harrison on the shoulder and stands up, “Get some sleep, mate. Looks like you’ve got somewhere to be in the morning.”
- - - - - -
That night after Tom came round was probably the best you’d slept in a long time. You wake up at a reasonable time and even find yourself having a productive morning. Today’s coping method was positive. You put on some music in the flat and let the songs trickle loudly into every room as you went about a cleaning day for the apartment. You were just washing the dishes when there was a knock at the door. Quickly, you pause your music and grab a fresh kitchen towel to dry your hands.
Again, you expect a neighbour or something when you open the door.
Not him.
“Hey (Y/n),” Harrison smiles lightly, bags under his eyes suggesting he’d been coping just as poorly as you had. You’d gone two weeks without speaking a word to this boy and, for you two, that felt like a lifetime already.
“Hey...” The word sounds weaker than you’d like it to, “How are you?”
“I’m good, you?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” You nod, “Um, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I just wanted to come round and see if you were okay,” Harrison mumbles, looking down to his feet that he scuffs on the floor to find any way of distracting himself.
“Come on then, at least make yourself useful,” You pull the teatowel from your shoulder and hand it out to him, “You dry and I’ll wash.”
Both of you return to the kitchen sink and start back up with washing and drying the dishes. He still remembers where everything goes as he puts it away after drying. There aren’t any words spoken between you two but a million thoughts colliding all at once. All you can think of is the last words you’d spoken to him and you were terrified of where things would pick up from if this was the next time you were speaking.
As you hand over the last plate, Harrison dries it and hands you the kitchen towel to let you dry your hands. Accidentally, his hand brushes yours as the exchange occurs and you find yourself reluctant to flinch away from the touch as your mind was telling you to. You wanted to still feel some connection to him.
“Im sorry I took so long,” Harrison comments, unsure as to whether he’s talking about coming to your home or to his realisation.
“No, that’s okay. I’m glad we gave each other some space,” You nod, folding your arms over yourself.
He glances around your kitchen like he’s trying to find anything to strike up a bit of conversation. His eyes fall upon the script left on your table, “What’s this?”
You go to respond but he picks it up and flicks through before you can.
“You got the part?!” His eye brows raise at he looks at you in half-shock.
“Yeah, um,” You tuck your hair behind your ear, “I got the first script through last week so I could get a feel for the character. But the part’s mine if I want it.”
Six weeks ago, it had been Harrison sat across from you helping you to run lines for the audition. Now? You hadn’t even told him when you’d got the part you’d been waiting for.
“God! That’s great (Y/n), that’s really great. I’m so proud of you!” He beams with that pride he always did at any success you had, though it’s more temporary than it normally would be, his sincerity returns, “You should’ve told me.”
“I didn’t really think that the next time I spoke to you, I’d just be calling to tell you about a role. That hardly seemed like a good way to start.”
“That’s the best way to start,” Harrison laughs, “I’ll help you run lines whenever you need.”
“That’s okay, I spoke to Tom about it yesterday and he’s already offered so-“
“I always help you with lines,” Harrison frowns.
It shouldn’t be such a big deal. But in that two weeks, his incomplete thoughts had caused him to lose that part of you. And he was realising more and more that his response two weeks ago was the worst response he could’ve possibly given you. And it might be too late to change that.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea for either of us to spend too much time alone together for a while Haz. We’re both in different places and I don’t wa-“ You stop and swallow the fear in your throat, “I don’t want to let myself get hurt by you.”
If your closed off posture and averted eyes didn’t kill him already, those last words were enough to deliver the final fatal blow.
“I was an idiot two weeks ago (Y/n). I shouldn’t have reacted how I did,” He starts with caution as he sets the script back down onto the table and turns to focus all of his attention on you, “There are a thousand things I should’ve said and I instead chose to say none of them.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself Harrison, it’s my fault.”
“For what? Saying everything I was too scared to admit to myself?”
“Don’t say that Harrison,” You snap, turning away from him like even the look in his eyes was enough to break you again.
“No, (Y/n), it’s the truth and you know it deep down too. I was just so scared of admitting it to myself. And for the past weeks I’ve been thinking of everything I did to lead up to this point, where you’d fallen for me. What I hadn’t realised was that I’d got to that point at the same time, my mind just took a little longer to catch up - as always,” He half laughs, “So I’ve spent every day trying to think through everything I could say to you to make things better after what I’ve done and that’s when I realised that I didn’t need to make things better for you. I needed to make myself realise what I’ve been slowly getting to since we were fifteen.”
Your eyes brew a fresh set of tears at his words, your heart close to tearing at the thought of him saying all of this just to lessen his guilt. But the rest of you is praying for it all to be true.
“How could I not fall for you, (Y/n)?” He steps close behind you until you can practically feel the words touch your hair, your skin.
His hands reach out and he brushes his fingertips gently up your arms, slowly like he’s taking in every inch of you.
“How could I not fall for the girl I’ve been adoring since the first time she hugged me and convinced me to stop worrying about everything so much? Since she first met my family and treated them like she’d been a part of them forever. Since she first held my hand and somehow sealed every wound and every crack in my heart that was never going to break for anybody but for her,” His voice cracks and it becomes impossible for you to not turn around and face him.
It feels like the two of you are closer than ever now, after what felt like so long of being apart.
“I was an idiot (Y/n), and it shouldn’t have taken all of this for me to realise how I felt about you. But, if you’ll let me, I’ll spend every day making up for every day that we’ve lost, every day where I couldn’t have kissed you and told you I loved you in a way that I’d never love anyone else,” He smiles gently as his tears well up with tears to mirror your own, “You’re everything to me, (Y/n).”
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yeoldontknow · 4 years
💌interview tag
tagged by the loveliest, brightest angels @chillingkoo and @onherwings to do this fun tag. thank you so so much my loves!!
Rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
Name/nickname: kat
Pronouns: she/her
Star sign: aquarius sun, leo moon, aries rising
Height: 162cm or 5′4″
Time currently: 9.29am
When is your birthday: january 23
Favourite band/groups: kpop - exo, tvxq, bts, monsta x, shinee, twice, itzy, ateez, knk, cix, exid, sistar, seventeen
other: tool, puscifer, IAMX, white lies, elbow, ghost, nothing but thieves, official hige dandism, deftones, nick cave & the bad seeds, readiohead, the cure etc etc this list is endless
Favourite solo artist: kpop - chanyeol solo works, chung ha, lee hi, iu, jongdae solo works, wonho
other: uppermost, xavier omar, masago, sza, doja cat, mansur brown, laurel, david bowie, prince, patrick watson, elijah blake, harry styles
Song Stuck in Your Head: comptine d’un autre ete l’apres midi - yann tiersen
Last Movie You Watched: pieces of a woman (oof, i dont even know if i enjoyed it but damn)
Last Show You Binged: the night stalker documentary
When You Created Your Blog: april 30, 2017
Last Thing You Googled: asus z97-e (im building a computer and my dad  keeps giving me parts he has lying around lmao)
Other Blogs: @yeoldontknowiread - my fic recs blog
Why I chose my url: because....yeol does not, in fact, know that i write all this fanfiction lmao (at least i hope???)
Do you get asks: sometimes! sometimes theres a bunch, other times theres none for a while. sometimes theres pressuring asks and other times theres things i just delete because i dont want the energy on my blog. its a grab bag really
How Many People Are You Following: 350
How Many Followers Do You Have: some
Average Hours of Sleep: god this also depends...on the weekday, around 5-7 (the weighted blanket helps so much i actually normally get that 7 unless its a really bad anxiety day. can you believe im up from 3-4???) on the weekends its about 10 or 11
Lucky Numbers: 16, 61
Instruments: violin and voice. i can sight read basic piano so long as i can find middle c. some guitar but not enough to be proficient
What I’m Currently Wearing: old university sweatpants, my “hex the racists” t-shirt, and a purple zip hoodie
Dream job: music supervision for major motion pictures; published author; subtitle operations at netflix; some other off the wall creative job that allows me to travel, make art, write, take photos, eat food with some sense of stability and health insurance lmao
Dream trip: go back to japan to see the north (hokkaido) and the south (fukuoka or kagoshima); australia/new zealand; hawaii
Favorite food: asian food hands down. korean, indian, japanese, arab, armenian - truly, its all so comforting and filling for me. i love it so much. its a warmth that comes from inside.
Favorite song: asjfdoiajfo? how am i meant to pick just one?? uh....ill go with the song im obsessed with right now -- The Bones of a Dying World - If These Trees Could Talk
Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Like To Live In: omg lmaooo probably post war harry potter; sailor moon; any ghibli world
tagging: @yehet-me-up @jamaisjoons @yoonia @shadowsremedy @kyungseokie @jenmyeons @j-pping @delhyun @loeybeans @kimtaehyunq @ditzymax @yeojaa @snackhobi @sahmfanficbts @hobi-gif @xjoonchildx @bratkook @imdifferentshadesofpurple @softyoongiionly @jinterlude and anyone else who wants to do this! as always please only do so if you wish!
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insidetheacademy · 4 years
Say You Love Me || v
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pairings: peter parker x reader (both are 18+!)
summary: y/n settles down in paris and met a new friend! also peter has a surprise
warnings: wet dREAAAMS
gif credits: tomholandd
part i part ii part iii part iv part v
the flight to Paris was okay except for a baby that was crying super loud. jeez, babies shouldnt be allow to travel you thought to yourself. after you had arrived, you went straight to this beautiful cottage that was apparently the company’s property. you said goodbye and thank you to the taxi driver and took a good look at the house infront of you. this is it, you’re gonna have to spend your time in this house for God knows how long.
you dragged your suitcase in and set it aside. you explored the interior of the house before going to the backyard. it was beautiful. there was a visible river and someone who used to lived here definitely took a good care of it since theres flowers and everything that you had seen in a fairytale. you werent gonna lie, you do feel like you’re a pauper. you took out your phone and captured the photo to upload to your Instagram. you captioned it “la vie en rose”, cliché but you had planned about taking photos and making your captions in french since you got on the airplane.
you head inside to take out all of your paintings essential. you felt inspired just by looking at the view there. you took one of the chair from the garden and sit down and started painting on your easel. you startled when you felt someone tapped your shoulder, you turned around and saw a tall pale man. he looks like he’s from around here.
“hey! y/n right?” he asked smiling wide, you took out your earphone “yeah? and who are you?” you asked confusingly, “Jules? we’re supposed to be working together?” he said trying to refresh your brain but you were still confused. “did they not tell you about me?” Jules asked, you shook your head and said a small sorry. you must have slipped over the email when they said that. you feel so stupid right now,
Jules explained everything and apparently he’s your new roommate. he was supposed to help you do a big painting for Claude Monet. you invited him inside to make a cup of tea for the both of you. “so, where are you from, Jules?” you cusped your teacup, “I live 30 minutes away from here. they wanted me to be here all the time to complete the painting as fast as possible and I couldnt say no,” Jules said.
after an hour and a half of talking with Jules, you really feel right at home with him. you two just met but you really feel a connection between him. you also found out that during his free time, he’s a guitarist and does gigs here and there to make extra pocket money. he said he’s in a band thats called “The Rejects Club” you laughed hard when he told you that because it sounded so high school-ish. but in his defence, he did say that the band formed when they were still in high school.
it was close to dinnertime, you didnt want to eat as you already eat a croissant that you quickly grabbed from the airport but Jules insisted to make cook for the both of you, you couldnt say no when his voice sounded so velvety and is like a warm cup of coffee with marshmallows on top. you were sitting on the couch with the both of your legs on top of the coffee table scrolling through instagram when Peter replied to your story, “how’s Paris so far?” he asked, “it was tiring but tomorrow’s gonna be more tiring,” you said.
whatever Jules was cooking definitely made your stomach growl with anticipation. you werent hungry but whatever he was making definitely made you hungry. you stood up from the couch to look at what Jules was cooking and it was pasta. to be accurate; an aglio olio. it smelled so delicious. you wanted to help so you took out the plates from the cupboard and set it down on the table.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
“you know I love you right?” Peter said his lips nearing yours, you looked into his eyes and nodded. the kissed turned into a passionate and fiery kiss. he had your body against the wall, he was cusping your jaw with his left hand and the other underneath your shirt, you let out a moan and he squeezed tits.
“jump,” he said through the kiss and you obeyed not wanting to destroy the moment that you were having, he sets you down on the silk bed and continues to take of your clothes, he kissed from your collarbones to the place that you needed him the most, “y/n!” someone said, but you were so lost you thought it was Peter that was calling you but the familiar new voice kept coming closer and closer as you woke up.
you woke up with sweat forming on your forehead and your alarm ringing so goddamn loud, “jesus, are you okay?” Jules asked, “what time is it?” you looked around frantically trying to look for the clock, “its 10:30am! we were supposed to leave the house 15 minutes ago, y/n!” your eyes went wide and picked a floral strap dress and a cream coloured turtleneck. you went to the shower without having second thoughts.
you put your clothes on and quickly grabbed your shoes along with a pair of socks and your handbag. you locked the door and ran to Jules’ car. you were breathing heavily as you strapped your seatbelt on. “I can’t believe we’re late!” you said flabbergastedly, “yeah, I know! what time did you even go to bed?” Jules was clearly annoyed. seems like he’s the type of person to arrive right on time.
“I slept right after we had dinner! I don’t know why I couldn’t hear the alarm. God, I feel so stupid” You put your socks on and your shoes. You took out your lipstick and put them on. “Who is Peter, anyway?” Jules asked absentmindedly, you looked at him trying to find out how he knew that name and in hopes that he’s just fucking around but he’s not.
you closed your compact mirror, “he’s a friend of mine,” “a friend, huh?” Jules scoffed, “I didn’t know a friend moans another friend name in their sleep,” your face flushed with red as he said those words. “what the hell, Jules?! I could’ve went days without knowing that you heard me having wet dreams about my friend!” you cover your face in shame. you couldnt believe that he had hear you moaning Peter’s name
“Oh my gosh, I feel like I could just bury myself right here,” you said, “Relax, I’m not going to tell anyone,” Jules said taking your hands into his, giving you a warm smile.
you two had arrived at this building that was filled with paintings but not by those famous painters just paintings by painters that were starting out. “Ah darlings!” you heard a middle aged woman walking towards you with both of her hands wide open, obviously ready to hug the both of us to death.
“you must be Ms y/n!” she cupped your face and kissed your cheeks, what a weird way to greet somebody but thats how it is, “and you must be Jules!” she took a step back and took a good look of you and Jules’ faces. she introduced herself as Mrs. Autry. she walked the both of you around the office and explained about how everything works.
“I am so excited for the two of you to work with us,” she smiles warmly, “let me know if you need anything sweethearts!” she bid her goodbye and went to another direction. you and Jules walked to the nearest café and sat down there. you ordered a frappacino whilst Jules ordered a latte.
every now and then you somehow were reminded of how you dreamed of Peter. not only dreamed of him but in such an inappropriate way. you don’t like him anymore, you just don’t know why he’s haunting you this badly. should you stop being friends with him? it feels so awkward now that you dreamed of him banging you. “so what should we do?” Jules voice brought you back down to earth, you stuttered trying to come up with something.
he could tell by the look in your eyes that theres something wrong, “you know you can tell me anything right, y/n?” Jules said, he’s definitely good in reading someone’s body language. “i wont judge, y/n,” he reassures you, you took a deep breath and let everything out.
everytime you talked he would listen, he’s there for you, always looking into your eyes to keep the conversation going, you also mentioned about how Peter was a dick when he found out you were coming here, Jules said “what a dick, do you want me to punch him if he ever comes here?” Jules offered you then laughed at his attempt trying to make you feel better.
you both went home and went straight to each other’s room because you were so tired. you didnt realised how much walking there was gonna be today. you took out your phone and saw MJ messaged you, “hey!!! I have great news! I’m coming to Paris next month!” you smiled to yourself, woah, did MJ missed you that much already?
you typed back “I know you miss me but you don’t have to, you know?” “Haha, very funny, y/l/n,” you chuckled and asked her “why are you coming here?” a three dots appeared and her response was “I just wanted to go there and experienced a real trip. not like when we get to go there and it was cancelled,” you still remember when the school trip cancelled going to Paris because apparently they got “upgraded” to go to Prague.
you smiled when you remembered thats how you found out Peter was Spider-man. “well, you’re going to love Paris,” you replied to MJ. you also gave her your current home address in Paris so she can visit you! she thought it was a lovely idea.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
“can’t you please to do this for me, MJ?” Peter begged MJ, basically down on his knees. “fine! but if everything went wrong do not blame me!” MJ gave in. Peter was planning to meet you in Paris but he wants it to be a surprise. something you’re going to remember till you’re dead.
Peter have missed you so much and he swore he could go crazy if he couldn’t see your face for another month. Peter was so excited that you gave a thumbs up and that you even gave MJ your address in Paris. he wonders to himself what could go wrong?
“there, I’ve done it, now can you please leave?” MJ crosses her arms, pissed that Peter hadwoken her up in the middle of the night because he couldnt keep it in his pants about his “love” for you. atleast thats what MJ teased him about. he never quite really admit it but MJ could see it and told him that he’s not fooling anybody with those goo goo eyes.
“thank you, MJ. i’ll find a way to repay you. i promise.” Peter said while crouching on her window, “you better, Parker, or you wont see the light of day ever again.” MJ threatens jokingly at Peter. he laughs and there he goes, he shot his webs to another building.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
a/n: hi sorry i know this is short and boring but i have so much on my plate right now but to make it up, I’ll try to post the next chapter tonight or tomorrow! again so SORRY its boring skdjsks but please do leave your thoughts!
say you love me taglist:
@imawkwardandhereweare @canyonmoonspidey @thebadassbitchqueen @thequeenreaders @averyfosterthoughts @a--1--1--3
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skytlake · 4 years
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Presenting: Felicity Smoak Should Be Gay
Disclaimer: I am still on season seven of Arrow-->
Slide One:
Felicity Smoak Should Be Gay
An Important Presentation by Sky T Lake
Slide Two:
Who is Felicity Smoak?
Hacker Extraordinaire
Vigilante Known as Overwatch
Computers/Math/Science/Etc  person on Team Arrow
W 🤢 wif🤢 i cant even say it 🤢 wife of oliver queen 🤢
step mother of William
beautiful amazing woman
she’s kinda awkward and doesn’t know when to stop talking
big nerd
former CEO of Palmer Tech
She’s so cool
Picture: a photo of Felicity Smoak, a blond woman with glasses
Slide Three:
I Want Her To Be Gay
I like shows with gay characters
there’s not enough lesbian representation in superhero things my dudes
how awesome would it be to have a lead role in a superhero show be gay
but mostly i personally want her to be gay
Slide Four:
It Would Be So Neat
imagine a superhero/vigilante show that started in 2012 having one of the original 3 main team members be openly gay
that would be wild i would love it
it would be so cool to have this nerdy lesbian just like hacking into the FBI and saving the city every week
Slide Five:
She Gets Really Flustered When Women Compliment Her
Sara Lance, known bisexual, flirted with Felicity multiple times
Felicity gets flustered and doesnt know how to respond
but like in the gay way not the uncomfortable way
see next slide
Picture: the words “That’s Gay, Babey!” in light purple cursive font
Slide Six:
Three sets of two gifs from conversations in Arrow
Felicity says “I was happy to hear you’re not dead anymore.  I mean, I didn’t know you before you didn’t die the first time.  I’m still glad you’re alive.”
Sara Lance responds with a bit of a smirk/smile “You’re cute.”
Felicity says “I have a scar.  It’s in my mouth.  I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 16.  Three stitches.  They were really badly impacted.”
Sara is standing next to Oliver Queen and John Diggle, all three are in exercise clothes. Sara responds “You’re still cute.”
Felicity says “I always wondered, you know, were you flirting with me all those times you said I was cute?”
Sara says “Why? Were you into it?”
Felicity responds “Of course, it’s you.”
Gif source: https://felicitysmoak.tumblr.com/post/184186370181
Slide Seven:
She Should Have Women Friends
and there are barely any women on the team
theres like,,, thea queen,,, whichever canary is around,,, thats about it
most of this show is just men
felicity needs friends who are women whether she’s gay or not
but imagine all the arrowverse wlw hanging out
no wait dont do that i just started crying at the idea of so many beautiful powerful women
Slide Eight:
Felicity And Curtis Could Be Even More Awesome
Imagine This:
Curtis, very gay nerd, and his best friend Felicity, another gay nerd
Hacking government websites and making pop culture references as a team
The dynamic would be wonderful and we already know they interfere in each others’ romantic lives
two gay nerds trying to set each other up on dates thats what i want
also imagine the jokes they could make
WLW MLM Solidarity my dudes
Slide Nine:
Two clips of a YouTube video labeled with titles and time stamps.
Curtis and Felicity chatting: 0:06-0:25
Curtis is Not subtle: 01:25-end
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XlxVsBz56I
Slide Ten:
The Jock/Lesbian BFFs
You know what’s better than Olicity? Oliver and Felicity being Friends without any weird uncomfortable romantic/sexual tension.
As everyone knows, Jock/Lesbian is one of the greatest friendship tropes.
Imagine we’ve got overdramatic jock Oliver with the woman in the chair Felicity like this would just be great
not much else to elaborate on this i just think it would be rad
Slide Eleven:
Cool Gay Aunt
So in Arrowverse canon, Felicity is the stepmother of Oliver’s son, William.  William and Felicity originally bonded over math  and science and they get along really well.  Notable memory is them eating ice cream for dinner because Oliver wasn’t around to object. Now imagine it’s pretty much the same dynamic but she’s the cool gay aunt.  Felicity comes over with her computer and hacks the NSA while William works on his science fair project and they eat cookies. Perfection.
Slide Twelve:
She Could Join Legends
It is well known that Legends of Tomorrow is the gayest of the Arrowverse shows.  Legends is where underappreciated characters go to achieve their full potential and be gay.   If Felicity were canonically gay, she could be the Legends’ science/math/computer person.  She’s already friends with Sara so she’s got a way in.  So many possibilities with Felicity on Legends it could be cool
Side Note: Wally West is Bisexual and you can’t change my mind
Slide Thirteen:
College Felicity Has The Gay Vibes
LISTEN I know the flashback of College Felicity was her with her boyfriend but she’s just got those Gay Vibes my bro
This really cool hacktivist who does good through crime while looking super cool
Be Gay Do Crime am i right?
Picture: A photo of Felicity Smoak when she was in college.  She has black hair with purple streaks and dark makeup.
Slide Fourteen:
Olicity Feels Forced
This isn’t even necessarily related to her sexuality this is just a criticism of the writing.
At first it was kinda cute, but over time it became clear they just don’t fit together well.  They got engaged, then broke it off, then started dating again and got married spontaneously after only dating a short time? Blech
Their personalities clash and they argue too much and the writing just isn’t good.  If the writing were better it could have been a good relationship but unfortunately that was not the case.
Slide Fifteen:
In Conclusion,
Felicity Smoak, coolest lady on Arrow, should be gay for many reasons but most importantly because I want her to be.
Slide Sixteen:
Thank you for reading my dudes
Hope you enjoyed
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bisexualthors · 4 years
i was tagged by the wonderful @fierydeans​, thank u so much frankie!!!
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
velma (scooby-doo): i have the hairstyle and glasses lol not to mention im short af and a nerd
charlie (spn): again, geeky and nerdy, plus a dash of awkwardness. and im also into women
holt (b99): ive been mocked by my friends and family saying i have no range of emotions lmao and a v nasty resting bitch face. i like to think its a good thing to have in common with capt holt.
elena (odaat): my sister keeps insisting im basically a bisexual elena lol i used to be as passionate and loud about being lgbt+ and a feminist, but now im just Too Old For That Shit and im taking a more lowkey route with my activism
2. Aesthetic 
ive been told by my best friends that i literally dress like the bi stereotype so theres That lol im really into moody photos and pastel colorings too
in terms of my blogs, this one is a multifandom mess. i do have several other blogs: @hornqvist87​ is my pens hockey blog, @hockeygaypals​ is my general hockey blog (that i share with a friend), @bennydeans​ is my spn blog and @bonegraveyard is my inspiration/aesthetic/nsfw blog
3. Favorite musical/play?
high school musical i dont do many musicals and or plays, but last time i went to a play was a musical lol and i really liked it, it was a musical with old jazz songs translated to spanish about couples and their love stories
4. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
that i make good gifs lol i feel like that whenever yall request something and it makes me happy
also my supervisor has called me her best student ever so theres That
5. How many times have you been in love?
ive never been in love, or in a relationship 
tbh idk if i’ll ever fall in love, i have trust issues and i may allow myself to have feelings for someone, but i’d never act on them im just not like that lol
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
my twitter handle (and possibly my url here) once was clithoris dont @ me
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
i really enjoy the classic princess movies, especially mulan. i also have this appreciation for cars, even tho i think it’s the worst rated disney movie lol the incredibles is also a Classic
8. Favorite flower or plant?
succulents, hydrangeas, orchids, sunflowers and daisies
9. What’s your favorite holiday?
im in love with the concept of halloween, unfortunately it wasnt a big deal here when i was a kid, so i never went trick or treating or anything 
new years is my fav holiday that i’ve experienced
10. Name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
watching the new odaat
my dog snoring loudly
my sister’s horrible jokes
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
love on the brain by rihanna or drowning by radio company
12. Name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
making gifs
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
i am a biology major, but im currently working towards a bioarchaeology masters/phd
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
ripped black jeans, a graphic t-shirt, my red flannel and my black platform converse + eyeliner and some lipstick AND DYED HAIR
15. What is a quote you live by?
uhhh i dont really have a motto or a quote i live by, im mostly just inspired by many of them.
one that comes to mind is something that georgia hardstark has said on my favorite murder a couple of times and its about just doing things, doesn’t matter if ur bad at it, just do it.
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
all my playlists have lame names lol one that i deleted a while ago was called ‘old ppl music’ and it was full of 70s-80s music lol
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
18. What is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
ur not fat, ur okay, ur weight doesnt matter
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
my mom is everything
i like my sister too lmao
20. What’s a secret dream of yours?
to get my dream job in a city i love, fall in love with a coffee barista whos also a photographer lmao and move to a small house with a backyard and adopt too many dogs
tagging: @sweatercas @honeyeddeans @ohholywinchester @alastairdean @stormbrvkers @spacelabrathor and whoever else wants to do it!
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nivks · 6 years
top 5 nick holidays <3
decided to get emo over nicks previous historic holidays for the amazing @grimmyappreciation​ fest ❤️ BIG BIG thank you to Writ for organising this all, its fucking amazing 💞
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5. coachella 2013. 
its the ny/ldn crew all together which is a rare gift these days
special place in my heart cos rj. soaking wet after running into the pool holding hands? thats hot.
also cos was got some amazing looks
look how short his shorts look here
look how short his DEMIN shorts look here
also that one vine on nick and alexa in the bathroom
OH the vine of alexa unbuttoning her shirt and its nicks rug
with the sister video of henry unbuttoning his shirt and it being aimees boobs <3
also nick DJin for henry with JBeibz
the pink sweater really!!!!!!
also aimee looked fucking amazing which she always does but!!
and alexa <3
this pic that aimee posted years later as a #tbt
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4. puerto rico 2012-2013
okay i barely understood how to use tumblr/social media for like fandom purposes and shit so i was barely keeping up with this but! the puerto rico new years trip! the first holiday i was around for! <3<3
theres a high chance why i love this one so much is cos guy took such amazing photos and it looks dreamy and makes me want like 7 best friends that i can go chill with and do this with
oh wait this was the nicks ‘well #LADDY’ trip
just one of the guys <3
alexa this pic of aimee and this pic of nick are beautiful
this pic of all three? <3
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3. miami/ny 2017
WE DIDNT EVEN KNOW what was to come we just thought there was gonna be a prerecorded nick/harry interview while they were both busy but instead we got THIS holiday
this is me @ me living with what happened now
aka the holiday where nick flew his mama to miami
and they hung out at the beach
so much beach time
so happy too <3
eileen put up with nick being extra on insta
nick rly is a mamas boy <3
eileen everyday probably: this is rly my son ayye
nick documenting their target experience
his work experience or whatever at a dentist office must have made a real big lasting impression :/
but hten they FLEW TO NEW YORK 
ykno got some bargins and shit
‘lovely boy showing lots of love to his mama. have fun you two xxx’
<3<3<3 when we realised they were at the snl taping <3<3<3
then nick and eileen partying till the early hours with jimmy fallon???
‘not hungover at all. feeling fresh. wish it was hotter.’
cosy home time flyin look <3
technically not the holiday but the first thing he does when hes home is hangout with sunday and instagram his husband holding her so
sidenote did harry have all his gucci shit organised all the w ay back then and was already makin sure all his pals were wearing gucci on his big debut day like nick continued to wear it the first day he was home
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 2. miami 2015-2016
i know that we were all disappointed for 0.03 seconds about this trip but like
nick was on the BALCONY in nothing but his PANTS and SHIRT
looking TIRED and HAPPY
looking like hes about to give a shout-out to someone deep swimming
it was just a REALLY nice day
he could star in his own romantic indie seaside drama
that lil peak of hip!
we also got nick and ian <3
oh this jorts masterpeice was a fucking hot look
his cosy airport look
i always rly liked this pic of nick and rita
aimee and iannnnn
NICK and aimee and iannnn
nick and his husband george
oh when nick looked like a pimp wearing tom ford to a new years eve party wHERE HE WAS GIGGLING INTO LEWIS HAMILTONS neck and we never saved the video :( im STILL mad
back to him on the balcony <3
he looks like hes PAST drunk and jus tlike......... wrecked fully completely singing beiber
the artsy dramatic paddling
fake tattoos that i still actually want to be real
nick eyelashes in the first part but also the part where hes like Mrs Doubtfire is the greatest piece of cinematography ive ever een YEH
oh i giffed his eyes thanks @ past me
oh his RUG
oh wow the david attenborough thing aka ‘this man is the alpha. he will smash you up. he will kill you. hes very aggressive. very large. thats the alex.
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1. mallorca/barcelona 2018
aka the holiday that started as the #nsfw holiday but really was just a REALLY nice holiday.
a mix between a farewell to breakfast and his dream job while celebrating his birthday and relaxing for the longest amount of time hes ever had off since the breakfast show started <3
a well deserved break that literally felt like lasted a lifetime and had a new rotation of friends every week
everyone from kim jones to liv tyler to helena christensen making an appearance 
nick gettin his ass out for the internet in picture form.
nick getting his ass out for the internet in video form.
and there were the dick pics.
gettin ready for his bday partyyyy
honestly this trip was? the HAPPIEST and LIGHTEST hes ever looked ill stand by that till i die
glad that he and his husband take 97% of their vacations together and im glad they do some really  dumb shit
like u thought it was over but no. they went to barcelona.
still a hun in the sun.
still drunk and still happy <3
hes a freak tho like i know we were all like yeh hes literelly been drunk for 3 weeks straight now but like. HE exercised.
i love him and i hope he always holidays and is always happy <3
love a self aware holidaying instagram bitch.
ALSO i cant not give a shoutout to nicks mallorca 2015 birthday trip in with
the tin foil hats? tin foil SKINNY JEANS? daisys tin foil bra?
the rug looks when he was really feelin himself (bonus) holy shit his eyes
douglas booth showinhg up and giving us the ultimate dad nick
his drunkass birthday night where he wore his topman shirt and his hands were weirdly massive and i cant rememerb who this guy was but these two pics really......ended me
also the zefron tweets which he probably flipped about to everyone for the rest of the trip
nick and george are actually married in mallorca
also it mustve been announced just like that week that nick was gonna be xf judge cos <3 which STILL makes me ?? but also !!!
also painted nails <3 which seems like a standard holiday thing that he does tbh
wouldnt be a nick holiday unless he wore something on his head randomly either
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If you prepare to make use of text as an overlay, ensure the visual leaves flavor for it.
Get detailed analytics reports - know what works and what not. -TrafficCloud Review
TrafficCloud is an militant software program that solves major traffic troubles by driving 100% forgive viral traffic from 6 various social media giants -, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Imgur & Blogger.
Constantly go for the highest realizable image top quality.
Stimulate text to create it glue out.
Text in visuals ought to continually be bold, readable, straightforward, as competently as concise. According to WCAG, theyre harder to read.
Avoid environment-friendly as without difficulty as red or blue and as a consequence yellowish-brown colour combinations.
With TrafficCloud - Agency Rights You Can Easily make 6-Figure allowance Per Month By Selling Traffic services To Your Clients!
Introducing TrafficCloud -TrafficCloud Review
Vendor: Eric Holmlund et alia
Product: TrafficCloud
Launch Day: 2020-May-02
Launch Time: 09:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27-$37
One of the largest criminal comings and goings you can dedicate when sharing visuals upon social media is utilizing the incorrect size.
Lays presses the grids boundaries bearing in mind one huge photo uploaded across numerous squares. Are you weary to use compound expensive ways to grab the visitors to your site?
It permits users to make or condense unrestricted messages from its vast accrual of aesthetic possessions (images, quotes, GIFs), makes them click-able by installing your links as competently as sharing them throughout all six social networking platforms - in the manner of just a couple of clicks.
Be tasteful subsequently text -TrafficCloud Review
Whether TrafficCloud creates quote images, elegant typography, or make use of text overlays, less is for all time a lot more like it comes to word matter. attach till the stop of this review to locate the bonus and COUPONS that will be in help if you amend your mind. breathing it or rasterbate it.com/trafficcloud-review/
Specific niche: Software application
What Is TrafficCloud? The traffic drove towards your site involves purchasing products which will make your event grows in a completely curt time.
FEETs illustrators comport yourself all but Twitters facet ratio later than a computer animation.
Stories as with ease as various new vertical content display screen in a rotate artifice depending upon the gadget living thing made use of. What Are You Waiting on?
Create 'set and forget' traffic streams at the be adjacent to of a button.
It automatically creates stunning VISUAL posts that GRAB attention and ENGAGE viewers.!
Advanced Automation using keywords to create all easy for you. That includes pixels as capably as resolution.
Cloud-based, use anywhere in the world, without installing anything.
Pictures considering the incorrect facet proportion or edited resolutions can be stretched, chopped, as with ease as crunched out of proportion- all one of which shows terribly on your brand. Some platforms auto-crop characterize sneak peeks based upon element proportion.
Embed URLs To Your Visuals Posts In Seconds to drive 100% forgive viral traffic to your website or offers.
By now you must have known that TrafficCloud generates real traffic through social media following Twitter, LinkedIn, and many others.
Create fascinating Visuals In quick Time. attempt It today as competently as acquire The Adhering to extra find the money for Now!
Loaded as soon as Agency License to set you stirring for six-figure income per month.
Internet Marketers
Affiliates Marketers
Website Owners
Offline/Local Businesses
Social Media Marketers
Ecommerce stock Owners
Are you not satisfied when your limited listeners that are affecting the growth of your business?
The fastest pretension to scale-up your online earnings, without any boring and tedious work. That you can post FOR free - on multipart social platforms!
Cloud-Based Software That allow You allocation pure read out Instantly Across Twitter, Linkedin & Pinterest (Front end - S27 or $37).
Preview how Instagram will unconditionally chop a vertical image upon your grid by checking out the filter thumbnails prior to you publish.
Do not put all vital in the summit and then edited 250-310 pixels. Should I Invest Today? Why? No prior experience required. manufacture a chronicles or utilize a theme as a result it does not see tiny and furthermore depressing. If theres a pattern, size appropriately. Remember, if you do this, far ahead posts can mess going on things up. Or, you might appeal a overseer pretense same to this. say you will a look at the instances listed below. In TrafficCloudPro (upgrade at additional $37 or $47) let you share to supplementary 3 platform - Tumblr, Imgur & Blogger. If you are not very satisfied considering it for any type of factor within the first one month, youre recognized to a full refund- no ask asked. TrafficCloud consists of a 30-day Cash put up to Guarantee Plan.
Maintain origin size short. choose from a massive accrual of 2 Billion+ viral images, 1200+ quotes and 20K+ GIFs for your traffic magnets.
Hence addressing your major website traffic concerns without 
Paying for ads
Painfully slow-moving Search Engine Optimization
Employing a social networks governor or
Doing every the calendar produce an effect yourself
TrafficCloud facilitate -TrafficCloud Review
Get unrestricted release web traffic from Red-hot Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Imgur & Blog writer
User-friendly Social herald Developer to create/edit ultra-engaging visuals in mins
Choose from the large collection of 4 Billion+ viral pictures, 1200+ viral quotes and also 20K+ GIFs for your web traffic magnets
Installed connections and drive 100% pardon viral traffic to your website or offers in 5 mins level
Share unrestricted broadcast promptly across socials media or schedule to part sophisticated to receive website traffic anytime you want
Get total analytics reports - know what jobs as without difficulty as what not
Tested and afterward Proven Product Supplies Surefire Results
100% Newbie-Friendly, Absolutely No Tech-Skills required
Step-by-step training as skillfully as 24 * 7 Consumer opinion Schedule
Final thought -TrafficCloud Review
Its A Lot. Weve constructed a social network photo dimension overview to assist you.
Together later than sharp sharing, you can additionally arrange your articles to upload anytime in the future as competently as we have actually detailed analytics feature to come up with the money for you determined stats of sort and explanation you are receiving post-wise. with ease if you are facing these problems, TrafficCloud may be the best unorthodox for you. create positive there suffices comparison in in the company of the text and background hence that its legible. If its lonely specifying the obvious or defining the aesthetic, you complete not require it.
0 notes
TrafficCloud Bonus + Demo
Tumblr media
TrafficCloud Software Walkthrough + Demo
 TrafficCloud Review and Bonuses + Demo
TrafficCloud is a Brand-new traffic answer that lets you create UNLIMITED, engaging Visual Posts and part them upon Six different Social Networking Platforms to Siphon 100% release Buyers Traffic in just a few clicks! There are a number of cost-free comparison checkers readily friendly if youre wooly just how to do this.
 Who Is TrafficCloud For?
If you dependence to mix fonts, pair a serif gone a sans serif.
Those enthralling click-able blog posts lawsuit as web traffic magnets that stand-out as capably as gain the preferred clicks - successfully driving users to your sites/offers and transform them into reachable clients. TrafficCloud is a breakthrough push Button software that solves every Your Traffic Problems from a single dashboard and brings Tons of Leads, Sales, and Profits in just 4 easy steps. And you can be portion of it by just a single click and create your concern boom overnight.
Be positive it includes worth to your message, too.
Not and no-one else are you obtaining right of entry to TrafficCloud for the best cost ever used, however additionally Youre spending utterly without risk. Or utilize a hermetic background.
Whats the most working image-to-text ratio? suitably if your own is various, you could wind occurring considering an unfavorable plant, or have valuable suggestion overlooked. Generally, Facebook discovers that pictures behind less than 20% text often tend to reach much better. The Internet Material Accessibility Guidelines (WCGA) advise utilizing a comparison of 4.
Choose nice intelligently.
Every platform has its unquestionably own specifications and with you ought to customize your TrafficCloud material as necessary. rejection one word upon the TrafficCloud stock can look weird. Unless youre No Name.!
Right here are a couple of tips to remember in imitation of including text in pictures:
Three-way check spelling and grammar. Not positive what that indicates? Youve obtained nothing to lose!
Separate a photo into components (rasterbate it) and as a consequence upload it as a slide carousel. Yes, this is the facility of Traffic in the digital world.
 Get fixed idea forgive traffic from Red-hot Twitter, LinkedIn & Blogger.
The publication should always boost- not obscure- your innovative. Unless you upload in threes.
Let me gift to you The Ultimate 1-Click Traffic answer That brings you keep in 5 minutes Flat!
Completely newbie-friendly Social broadcast Creator to create/edit ultra-engaging visuals in minutes.
Get $4587 worth other for forgive here5 to 1. Typeface can have an effect on both heavens and moreover legibility.
Check your analytics to see what gadgets you audience usages.
Not tolerable space for your material? Facebook offers a text-to-image ratio checker for those interested.
100% newbie-friendly. in the manner of you choose TrafficCloud, your satisfaction is assured.
A few social media image sizing hacks:
Want to part a straight describe in a Tale? It depends, as capably as there are exemptions.
As competently as reach not desertion aspect ratio.
Watch out for orphan words.
If you prepare to create use of text as an overlay, ensure the visual leaves song for it.
Get detailed analytics reports - know what works and what not. -TrafficCloud Review
TrafficCloud is an avant-garde software program that solves major traffic troubles by driving 100% clear viral traffic from 6 various social media giants -, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Imgur & Blogger.
Constantly go for the highest viable image summit quality.
Stimulate text to create it fix out.
Text in visuals ought to every time be bold, readable, straightforward, as with ease as concise. According to WCAG, theyre harder to read.
Avoid environment-friendly as skillfully as red or blue and moreover yellowish-brown colour combinations.
With TrafficCloud - Agency Rights You Can Easily create 6-Figure allowance Per Month By Selling Traffic facilities To Your Clients!
Introducing TrafficCloud -TrafficCloud Review
Vendor: Eric Holmlund et alia
Product: TrafficCloud
Launch Day: 2020-May-02
Launch Time: 09:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27-$37
One of the largest criminal actions you can dedicate behind sharing visuals upon social media is utilizing the incorrect size.
Lays presses the grids boundaries as soon as one huge photo uploaded across numerous squares. Are you tired to use compound costly ways to grab the visitors to your site?
It permits users to create or edit unrestricted messages from its huge growth of aesthetic possessions (images, quotes, GIFs), makes them click-able by installing your contacts as with ease as sharing them throughout all six social networking platforms - with just a couple of clicks.
Be tasteful later text -TrafficCloud Review
Whether TrafficCloud creates quote images, elegant typography, or create use of text overlays, less is until the end of time a lot more behind it comes to word matter. fasten till the end of this review to locate the other and COUPONS that will be in support if you correct your mind. rouse it or rasterbate it.com/trafficcloud-review/
Specific niche: Software application
What Is TrafficCloud? The traffic drove towards your site involves purchasing products which will create your event grows in a entirely curt time.
FEETs illustrators function with reference to Twitters facet ratio later than a computer animation.
Stories as well as various other vertical content display screen in a alternative pretentiousness depending upon the gadget being made use of. What Are You Waiting on?
Create 'set and forget' traffic streams at the adjoin of a button.
It automatically creates startling VISUAL posts that GRAB attention and ENGAGE viewers.!
Advanced Automation using keywords to create anything simple for you. That includes pixels as capably as resolution.
Cloud-based, use anywhere in the world, without installing anything.
Pictures like the wrong facet proportion or shortened resolutions can be stretched, chopped, as capably as crunched out of proportion- every one of which shows dreadfully upon your brand. Some platforms auto-crop characterize sneak peeks based upon element proportion.
Embed URLs To Your Visuals Posts In Seconds to steer 100% free viral traffic to your website or offers.
 By now you must have known that TrafficCloud generates real traffic through social media later Twitter, LinkedIn, and many others.
Create fascinating Visuals In quick Time. try It today as capably as acquire The Adhering to further find the money for Now!
Loaded in imitation of Agency License to set you happening for six-figure income per month.
Internet Marketers
Affiliates Marketers
Website Owners
Offline/Local Businesses
Social Media Marketers
Ecommerce accrual Owners
Are you not satisfied later than your limited spectators that are affecting the layer of your business?
The fastest exaggeration to scale-up your online earnings, without any boring and tedious work. That you can publicize FOR forgive - on compound social platforms!
 Cloud-Based Software That allow You allowance unmovable broadcast Instantly Across Twitter, Linkedin & Pinterest (Front end - S27 or $37).
Preview how Instagram will entirely chop a vertical image on your grid by checking out the filter thumbnails prior to you publish.
Do not put anything vital in the summit and with shortened 250-310 pixels. Should I Invest Today? Why? No prior experience required. manufacture a records or utilize a theme thus it does not see tiny and after that depressing. If theres a pattern, size appropriately. Remember, if you attain this, superior posts can mess taking place things up. Or, you might appeal a commissioner take action same to this. resign yourself to a see at the instances listed below. In TrafficCloudPro (upgrade at further $37 or $47) let you part to further 3 platform - Tumblr, Imgur & Blogger. If you are not unquestionably satisfied gone it for any type of factor within the first one month, youre ascribed to a full refund- no ask asked. TrafficCloud consists of a 30-day Cash back Guarantee Plan.
Maintain lineage size short. pick from a terrible buildup of 2 Billion+ viral images, 1200+ quotes and 20K+ GIFs for your traffic magnets.
Hence addressing your major website traffic concerns without
Paying for ads
Painfully slow-moving Search Engine Optimization
Employing a social networks overseer or
Doing every the encyclopedia operate yourself
TrafficCloud benefits -TrafficCloud Review
Get unrestricted pardon web traffic from Red-hot Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Imgur & Blog writer
User-friendly Social broadcast Developer to create/edit ultra-engaging visuals in mins
Choose from the large accrual of 4 Billion+ viral pictures, 1200+ viral quotes and next 20K+ GIFs for your web traffic magnets
Installed associates and steer 100% clear viral traffic to your website or offers in 5 mins level
Share unrestricted name promptly across socials media or schedule to portion superior to get website traffic anytime you want
Get whole analytics reports - know what jobs as capably as what not
Tested and also Proven Product Supplies Surefire Results
100% Newbie-Friendly, Absolutely No Tech-Skills required
Step-by-step training as skillfully as 24 * 7 Consumer information Schedule
Final thought -TrafficCloud Review
Its A Lot. Weve build up a social network photo dimension overview to back you.
Together subsequently quick sharing, you can additionally arrange your articles to upload anytime in the well along as competently as we have actually detailed analytics feature to manage to pay for you certain stats of sort and notes you are receiving post-wise. well if you are facing these problems, TrafficCloud may be the best unconventional for you. create distinct there suffices comparison in between the text and background therefore that its legible. If its forlorn specifying the obvious or defining the aesthetic, you do not require it.
0 notes